#feel free to come chat with me more!
Ok, I know this isn't a question, and this may be kinda weird, but seeing that you're black is really empowering to me. POC in fandom have such a minority voice. All my life, White has been the default and it bleeds over to fandom(which is supposed to be my escape). To know it's someone Black writing such excellent fan works is just so meaningful. Like seriously, slasher handler has altered my brain chemistry. Anyway, I'm rambling and writing this has made me cry (anti-d's must not be working) just know that you've made a huge impact on me💕
I have been periodically coming back to this ask since you sent it. It warms my heart so much. I wondered for a while if I even should acknowledge that I'm Black. I'm so glad that I did!
I'm honored that you like Slasher Handler so much! I cried a little reading this, so it might be faulty anti-d's or it might be that you and I are just feeling really connected in this Arby's tonight!
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risingsunresistance · 7 months
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my bag may not be as ✨aesthetic✨ as some people's but IDC IM HAVING SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!! all my little things on display yayyyyy
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wouldnt be complete without my "nether star" on the side :3c
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wyvernquill · 2 years
I am NOT writing a Dreamling Anastasia AU 
  ...but. If I were...
(Edit: I am, find the masterpost here!)
It would not, actually, be a full human AU. The Endless are still Endless, but humanity has risen up against them, to terrible results. Their “domains” are still somewhat intact, so humanity can mostly go on as normal, but the personifications have been torn from them, weakened, have barely any control over them anymore. Their realms have crumbled, their tools are damaged, and they’re in exile...
And Death has offered immortality to whosoever will return her lost brother, Dream of the Endless, to her.
Enter Hob Gadling, vagabond, mercenary, and not very fond of dying as a concept; and Gilbert, a dream who survived the destruction of the Dreaming, and has lived among the humans ever since.
Dream of the Endless has been captured, turned human, and killed. They all know it, everyone does - it would be a pretty story if someone recovered him, a pretty story indeed, finally bringing peace and comfort to his family and the remainder of his subjects, but it won’t ever come true...
...unless someone were to make it true. Of course. Out of pure charitable sentiment, and not for the immortality reward at all.
All Hob and Gil would need is a lookalike they can pass off as “Dream of the Endless forcefully turned human” - and the amnesiac ravenkeeper “Murphy”, misanthropic and eccentric to the utmost, might be just what they’re looking for.
(But the traitor at Dream’s court has not yet given up on destroying him utterly, and is following after them with a razor-sharp knife and three mouths hungry for “Murphy”’s blood...)
(A scene I typed out just for funsies, from later in the plot, under the cut - also, tagging @10moonymhrivertam who I believe was interested in this!)
[Context for the scene:
Murphy-pretending-to-be-Dream has already presented himself to Unity, Desire’s Queen Consort, mentioning that he vaguely recalls being saved from captivity by a young guard shattering his glass cage with a sledgehammer. Soon after, he finds out that Hob had ulterior, selfish motives for this plot, and does not take it at all well.]
When Murphy is finally called to stand before the siblings to prove his identity, only Gilbert is accompanying him inside... and he's glad for that. Betrayal rankles in him, the first buds of love trampled brutally underfoot by the man's selfish human cruelty - a lie and a con for immortality! What a low cur! Murphy despises him, and if he does not see him again until 100 years' hence, it will still be too soon.
The Endless siblings await him in a room that seems perfectly cosy, but also painfully small. Beings such as them are made for grand halls, and to see five of them crammed together on a couch and some chairs seems... wrong, almost.
Destiny sits in an armchair hood drawn low, arms curled around the charred and torn remnants of what was once a book. Death sits on the couch, radiating a solemn sort of warmth, while Despair is huddled up next to her, eyes wide and uncertain, with her twin's hand resting protectively on her shoulder from where they are perched on the armrest, the other holding Unity's, who is seated in the second armchair.
("And Despair... oi, Murphy, are you listening?" says Hob's voice in his head, warm with fondness and a broad grin. "Despair was killed but reborn in a new aspect during the uprising. She'll still have all her old memories, though, so remain on your guard even around her."
Oh, those endless lessons. He will never forget a word of them.)
The youngest, Deligh- Delirium is seated on the floor, humming to herself and drawing swirling, colourful patterns onto the carpet. She hasn't as much as looked up at him.
Gilbert steps forward.
"Your Highnesses," he murmurs, politely removing his hat and squishing it in anxious hands. "May I present: Dream of the Endless."
They ask him questions all over again, particularly Death and Desire - hers gentle and probing, theirs sharp and cutting - and Murphy answers as best he can, trying to ignore the longing in those eyes. The hope.
They want, so badly, for him to be something he is not. It is heartbreaking.
And then, finally, Death says "one last test, if you please," and Desire adds, spitefully, "this is the one they all fail," their twin nodding jerkily.
Death calls for Lucienne - ("Lucienne has always been your most faithful servant," Gilbert explains, "a librarian like no other, wise and ever loyal. She remained in the Dreaming, praying for your return, until it crumbled under her very feet...") - and Lucienne strides in.
She freezes, when she locks eyes with Murphy, and there it is again. The flash of hope, quickly tempered, but forever burning.
"The final test." Death instructs her, and with a bow Lucienne sweeps out again, only to return mere moments later with...
...with a raven perched on her arm, white-breasted and fine-boned, dark and keen eyes observing Murphy curiously.
"Jessamy!" He blurts out, and Death nods.
"Jessamy." She confirms, as Lucienne transfers the raven to her. "My brother's trusted companion. Touch her, now, give her a pat - and if she accepts you as her master, we'll know you're really him."
(Gilbert feels the tranquil summer day he has in place of a heart sink. This is what it all hinges on, then?
This is something they had no way of preparing Murphy for. No way to influence it. Jessamy will know him for a fraud, that much he is quite certain of, and their game is up, now. Their game is up.)
Murphy rises up, and goes to kneel at Death's feet, on eye level with the raven - and one has to hand it to him, he looks at her so softly, so adoringly, as if she really were part of his mind and soul and heart, the way Matthew is for Murphy, in truth.
He reaches out one trembling hand, all eyes in the room on him.
(Jessamy twitches her wings, gaze fixed on his hand.)
And then he drops it again.
"Jessamy the Raven died as she attempted to rescue me from imprisonment," he says, and his voice echoes, deep and dark as midnight. "Lady Death, you hold an illusion on your arm."
Silence in the room. Nobody dares to as much as breathe.
And then Not-Jessamy squawks, bright and approving - and bursts into hundreds of Delirium's incandescent butterflies, dispersing in the air.
They're all staring at him as Murphy gathers his robes up and returns to his seat.
Death stands. If her gaze was glowing with hope before, it is now like a firebrand on his skin.
"Despair? Bring his tools," she says, too soft to be an order, but with steel underneath it.
Despair scrambles up, and returns in moments with the strange helmet that is the symbol of the Dreamlord's power, and his ruby - cracked, but not broken.
(Gilbert, staring at Murphy as if in a trance, produces the sand pouch, and adds it to Despair's arms. Some thought flickers through his mind that those tools would, all taken together, kill a mere human - but that is not what Murphy is, after all, is he.)
Desire takes the ruby, and drapes the chain over Murphy's neck - and he sees it in their golden eyes, feels it in the tremble of their caress against his neck, that they have never desired anything more than their brother back.
Death takes the sand pouch, and presses it into Murphy's hand, closing his fingers around it with such gentleness - she had thought her beloved brother dead for so many years, dead and gone, and there is relief in every fibre of her being.
And then Destiny sets the scraps of his books aside, and takes the helmet in his hands, bidding Murphy to incline his head so that it might be fitted onto him, and he might recover all his past, present, and future.
Murphy takes a deep breath.
Closes his eyes.
And bows his head.
The helmet slides over his skull as if it was made for him...
And it was.
Something changes in the air.
A shifting, like air flowing in to fill up a vacuum.
And something about the-man-who-used-to-name-himself-Murphy changes.
The chapped and broken skin on his hands smooths to the point where his fingertips would not even leave prints; the fabric of his robe sparkles with stars, and floats like mist at nighttime about his form; and when he raises his behelmed head, his spine seems to crack and lengthen, taller now than he was before, too tall and thin to be human.
(Matthew squawks outside the window - and with one beat of his wings he is inside the room, settling on a narrow shoulder.)
Hands that have folded lovingly around so many newly-created dreams and nightmares come up, to lift the helmet off again...
And where Murphy's eyes were a watery blue, Dream of the Endless's eyes are midnight-black, with only a single star each glowing in their depths.
He blinks.
Looks down at his helmet, then up, at the roomful of Endless - his family - all staring at him in something between disbelief and incandescent joy.
"...siblings," Dream breathes, his chest warm and full as it never was when he was human except perhaps when Hob Gadling smiled at him, surrounded now by all of them...
And "BrOTheR!" Delirium squeals in rainbow tones, jumping up from the floor to throw herself into his arms, where she is immediately held.
"Brother," echoes Death, hand over her mouth, tears in her eyes - and then she, too, is folding him in an embrace, and Desire, and Despair, joining... even Destiny rests one wizened hand on Dream's head, tender and brotherly.
Lucienne is crying into a handkerchief from joy, and Gilbert keeps whispering "oh my. oh, goodness. oh my."...
And Dream holds his siblings close to him, home at last.
"Robert! Robert!" Gilbert is gasping, having hurried as quickly as he could. "Robert, you will not believe-"
Hob drops his nearly-done cigarette on the ground, grinds it out with his boot.
"And?" He smiles, though it hardly reaches his eyes. "Did they buy it?"
"He's real! Oh, goodness gracious me!" Gilbert rests one hand on his chest, as if to clutch at pearls there. "He is- Robert, he is the true Dream of the Endless! He, he knew that- and when they gave him the tools-"
"Ah!" Now Hob actually laughs. He fiddles for another cigarette, offers the package to Gilbert, who declines with nothing more but a distracted wave. "That. Yes. I knew that."
"You KNEW!?" Gilbert flusters.
"Since the talk with Unity." Hob's lighter takes a few tries to work. Ghastly thing. "It was me, you know."
"I don't follow." Gil blinks.
"It was good work for hired muscle, guarding some prison in a cellar - and they did say that greater rewards were in store. Riches. Fame." Hob grimaces. The cigarette smoke tastes like ash in his mouth, but he takes a drag anyway. "...immortal life. Thought it would be the best work available to me - and it was. But I couldn't stand it, watching him in there."
Hob blows the smoke up into the air, and thinks of a pale, inhuman face behind a glass pane - and then that same face haggard but human, blue eyes twinkling at him with challenge and fondness both.
"I was the guard who took the sledgehammer to Dream's prison. Woke up a few hours later with a splitting headache, and soon enough they were saying they'd killed him when he tried to escape. Quit, ran, and never looked back."
"By Jove!" Gilbert gasps. "Robert! You've saved him twice over, first in the cellar of the Magus - and now! Returning him to his family! Bless you, lad, bless you!"
Hob lets Gilbert grab his hand and shake it enthusiastically, though he can hardly muster up anything more than a weak smile.
"You should- oh, you should come inside! You must tell this story, see Lord Morpheus returned to full form, the siblings shall wish to thank you-" Gilbert babbles joyfully. "And your reward! Of course! Twice earned, my young friend! Twice earned!"
"Hmm. I don't... think I should." Hob carefully ducks out from the arm Gilbert has thrown over his shoulder. "Leave them to their joyful reunion, eh? Give them a little time to breathe before I remind them of... business."
"Ah, but-" Gilbert tries to protest, but Hob is already starting down the street. He should quit smoking - he already nearly has. Only does it when he's stressed, or heartbroken... or both.
He will not bother Dream of the Endless, the man who once was Murphy, with his presence now.
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enthyrea · 1 year
Please tell me about your oddly detailed backstory for javy coyote machado 👁️
who am i to deny!!
(tagging @calkale, @blood-suits-and-tears, and @rebel-fight bc they also asked about him)
to start, a lot of my hcs are branching off of @boasamishipper's lovely ideas about javy, but with some personal changes here and there.
sooo i think javy and his family are from new orleans, louisiana but were displaced to austin, texas bc of hurricane katrina in 2005-- they end up moving back to nola but after javy graduates from high school. while they were in tx, javy enrolls at his local high school and he's your typical quiet transfer kid but excels in his classes so well he ends up tutoring this blonde kid that sits next to him in calculus (yes, it's hangman lmao). his mom, geneviève lafitte, is afro creole french, and his dad, joão, is afro portuguese, so he speaks both languages often. he's got two younger siblings, adelaide and sebastién.
his family was pretty well off before the hurricane but most of their stuff was destroyed in the floods. as a result, he ends up learning how to cook so he can help his siblings get dinner while his parents are working late more often than not.
eventually, he becomes best friends with jake, slits his own eyebrow (his mom faints), joins the football team, and gets matching ear piercings with jake in the summer of 06. (jake's parents find out and make him take it out, but javy keeps his) he realizes he's bisexual after he goes on a shortlived but fun couple of dates with a classmate. though he doesn't know the term for it until much muuuuch later.
he breaks his leg during their senior homecoming game, losing his sports scholarship in the process. jake also loses his recruitment because he drops the team to help take care of javy (carry his books to class, drive him to school, etc etc)
he ends up going to tulane university in nola, and after graduation, decides to join the navy to help support his family. jake follows him like a lost puppy.
i mention this briefly in my macheresin fic (which you should read hehe shameless plug) but javy gets his callsign after performing some particularly slippery maneuvers (lots of ducking and weaving) and a squadmate says he's like wile-e-coyote. it sticks after that. him and jake end up in the same TOPGUN class, and javy wins first with jake second.
i could talk bout this guy forever so pls if you wanna know more my askbox is always open and i like him a very normal amount
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if you’re still doing mutual bingo may i please get BINGOED :3 (only if you want/are still doing it hehehe) also here are 2 lil memes that reminded me of you as a little treat………. P.S. GOOD LUCK ON YOUR MYSTERY FIC I’M SO EXCITED TO FIND OUT WHO IT IS/READ IT!!!! MWAH MWAH MWAHHHH 🙂‍↕️🩷 - @dollsuguru
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KAIROOOOO MY BESTIE <333333 OFC YOU CAN GET BINGOED!!!!!!! AND THANK YOU FOR THE MEMES SOBSS I AM COLLECTING THEM ….. jinshi n kenny our silly little guys…… they’re so Me
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crenna · 10 months
hi lovely people and especially my mutuals!! today i would like to inform you of three things:
i appreciare you so much, thank you for being here!! i hope you’re having a lovely day, and if not, i hope that something nice will happen to you. this stranger is wishing the best for you 💗
sorry about being so inactive, stress + not enough time to rest + not enough sleep is not a good combination and it got overwhelming so i just,, didn’t have the energy to post or do anything
i’m not going anywhere!! i’ve been trying to like you all’s posts when tumblr wants to show them to me and i’m hoping to get back to posting especially on my side blog (@onceuponaneverafter) as soon as possible 💗 i know i’ve been promising a lot of posts on there and i’m sorry about the delay!!
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icantalk710 · 2 months
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mishtershpock · 5 months
#okay i’m gonna try to keep this short and sweet. 30 tag maximum you are my nemesis lol#my main issue here is not necessarily that the karaoke and other bach party scenes have likely been cut#it’s more that they’re clearly buddie baiting for engagement#journalists were watching the episode as early as saturday. which means the ep was ready by at least this time last week#so they knew that the scenes had been cut. and they chose to continue including it in promotion and interviews#i KNOW that logically the reason they chose those scenes to cut was because they’re less important. and we’d already seen them#they technically already gave us the clips in the promo videos. right? so bye bye#but that’s bullshit. sorry#they used buddie best friendism content as a way to promote the ep and increase hype#and then they just pull it out from under us the day before it airs#this is a madney episode. madney are getting married. buddie having fun is not the most important thing here. i get it#so why did they not promote something else? you’re telling me there was NOTHING ELSE they could’ve used?#nothing else from the episode that was free of big spoilers? at all???#it’s madney’s episode but they chose to promote one clip of buddie talking to maddie. one of chim crawling. and the bach party stuff#they must know that people would focus on the bach party. buddie is beloved buck and eddie are beloved#what were they expecting??#they used buddie as a pairing as bait. not queer bait and not even ship bait i suppose as there was nothing ‘shippy’ shown#but they baited buddie content. that’s literally what’s happened#i would be more understanding if this wasn’t a regular occurrence. it’s normal sure. shows do this all the time with fan faves#but also it is a false reflection of the episode. even journalists are saying the episode is not what they expected from the promo#it honestly feels like they’ve made fools of us. maybe the episode will air and it’ll be better than expected#but i don’t have much hope not much hope for buddie. not much hope for madney getting what they deserve. ZERO hope for eddie’s 7b storyline#frankly i’m expecting b/t to be the main chat after this ep. which is……. anyway#i’m not really liking s7 so far and i feel gaslit when people say it’s great lol#IN MY OPINION it is choppy and too fast and a little ooc and doesn’t make a lot of sense#they didn’t even green light bi!buck until episode. what. 2/3??#so presumably had to change everything from then on#i know that’s partly down to limited episode numbers but… 3 eps for the cruise (unnecessary) but 1 for madney wedding? ok#sigh. if anyone’s read this far pls don’t come for me ok. these are just my opinions#we’re all entitled to them. i’m sad for madney and i’m sad for buddie best friendism and i’m sad for s7 as a whole right now
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
oh girls dont look im rambling in here
#spoilers#?? ig?? potential y8 spoilers???????#snap chats#anyway its been recently revealed by hidenari ugaki that he hasn't heard word about reprising his role as majima yet#and like. part of me doesn't mind the possibility of majima not coming back to LaD8 but:#1.) ugaki sounded upset bout the fact he didnt hear back yet :( if it means he isn't worried anymore then please bring maji back#2.) if majima isn't in the game then im just curious as to what the fuck kiryu's purpose is going to be then#maybe he just hasnt gotten word yet so i dont wanna say its official hes not coming back#but LaD8's set to release two years from now- not even maybe a year and then some#so if he hasnt gotten word yet it is lookin a bit uhhh whats the word/phrase. idk Down To The Wire thats it I Think#im not saying majima and kiryu are stapled at the hip and if one of them is there the other one has to be#it's just... it's just so baffling having kiryu come back as a protagonist#this is less of a ramble about majima's potential return to the franchise and more about kiryu's return haha baited yall sorry#him coming back in LaD7 was already a bit of a stretch but i get it- i cant say im totally mad about it#if that would really be the last time we saw him then i wouldve been happy#but yeah im just.. really anticipating LaD8 now like whats he going to do in it if none of the past players are coming back#cause LBR if not even majima is making it when he's been beyond established as a fan favorite then there ain't hope for anyone else#ugh 2024 get here sooner please i just want to know what's going to happen#i also wanna see my boy ichi again. my sunshine my fellow my guy my pal my--#ok thats all from me for tonight feel free to send me your opinions or somethin idk
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astralzeraphias · 1 year
*is annoying*
(Jk. But I would love to see more people shipping Megastar in Earthspark, the drama potential there is JUICY)
they definitely have an interesting dynamic! i hope we see more of them next season (which i’d imagine we will)
im a really big fan of the idea of megs coming to realize that maybe starscream has a heart after all and is actually like. a full person lol. plus hashtag helping starscream understand that like… he’s maybe a teensy tiny little bit of a hypocrite in how he treated ppl
but also how much they hate each other is really funny too lmaooo
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mcmorare · 6 months
guys i’m baking lemon hibiscus bread and it smells SO fucking good
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taylorsabrina · 10 months
over half a year on this blog and i still don't know how to introduce myself to the swiftie side of tumblr, so i just log on loitering around everyday like "hi, how are ya?"
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botherkupo · 1 year
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Made these for PitLight event on Twitter but thought I’d share them here too.
These boards focus on the two main characters of my original novel (dark fantasy with ff7 x mistborn vibes)
I’m hoping to have it finished this year so I can start looking for an agent 👀
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beeseverywhen · 1 year
god the duality between 'I don't want someone in my house' and 'yeah I'd like my own kids and no way I'm doing that alone'
#like ppl who don't want kids should be free to live their lives without ppl being like 'watch out! your biological clock is ticking!'#that's bullshit ppl shouldn't say that. but also. i would like kids and#after so many years trying not to get pregnant and that seeming like a worst case scenario. so desperately wanting to not become my parents#now i am an age where I'd happily have a kid if i were in the right life situation & i don't feel I've got all the time in the world anymore#lol like. the space in between 'too young to have a baby' and 'old enough that i risk more health issues/ will be an older parent'#feels way way narrower than i ever would have assumed lol. esp. because all the parents in my family are so young. the idea of being an#older parent is so strange to me. I'm so aware of the things you can't do when you're older and how it's harder work to run after them#and like my body is already wearing out way faster than anyone elses. my health's only gonna get worse so.#being an older parent just doesn't seem an option. not to mention like. the older i am the less generations I'll get to see.#i want to be a great grandmother damnit. lol.#like I'm on a clock. to get over my commitment issues or it legit won't happen. but yeah. can't think of anything worse than having#to have someone in my house. if i was rich enough to have lots of space that's one thing but. I'm not lol.#and rich ppl rub me up the wrong way whenever they try and chat me up so doubt I'm gonna marry in to money looool#like i have come to terms with the fact that. if it doesn't happen it doesn't happen. id rather not get to be a mother than to settle#like that whole 'looking for a partner' dating life is not for me i can't think of anything worse. if it happens it happens#I'll either meet the right person who im willing to give up an empty house for or i won't looool#and it's not like im giving up the whole raising kids thing completely.#like I've got to play a significant hand in raising my siblings even if i didn't ask for that. I've got to see them grow and#help them reach those milestones. and whatever the circumstances I'm blessed to have had them in my life#even if i don't have my own kids I'm always gonna have kids in my life even if I'm an aunt rather than grandmother you know#I'm lucky to be in a family where raising kids is a communal thing. but yeah id love to have my own kids & have someone that looks like me#but I'm not willing to bring someone in to the world in non opportune circumstances deliberately.#like if it's up to me i want them to have 2 parents to look out for them and 2 parents that at least stand a chance of liking each other lol
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kitnita · 1 year
If someone were writing hrpf for the first time, what advice would you give them? (It’s me I’m someone 😂)
so, disclaimer: i only started writing hrpf in 2020 & just started sharing stuff that i was proud of a little over a year ago! so i'd definitely say i'm still pretty new to it as well.
& i think the big kind of overarching advice i have re: getting started is to remember that it Is Not That Serious. like, the first two fics i put on ao3 are a.) now abandoned & b.) now anonymous. i was just getting a feel for how i wanted to write in the fandom & while they were fun, they ended up not being the sort of thing i like writing now. you can start projects & give up on them & move to other pairings or fics at any point if it stops being fun!! i have a bunch of WIPs i abandoned when i stopped being happy w them or stopped having fun puzzling them out, etc.
the hrpf community is huge & there's pretty much like ......... seemingly always going to be an audience for whatever you want to put out, even if it's small. but you have to like writing it first you know?
so tbh i think figuring out what makes it fun for you is the biggest thing. i love getting to ground fic in an irl timestamp and include tons of specific details, but plenty of people love putting the guys into really fun & different AUs and building off from the vibes alone. or exploring the vibes in a 'canon' setting w absolutely 0 fucks given for the actual schedule, etc etc etc. it goes in all directions so there's not a wrong route to go as long as you're feeling it.
if the thing that made you consider making the jump was an interview clip or a gif or a sick goal or an article a journalist published or a narrative you could see peeking through from info the team put out — run with that!! start from there & see what you have the most fun with.
if you enjoy writing it i can 100% guarantee people will enjoy reading it 💖
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theashofwkm · 1 year
Damien. A… something to you. Everything? His name hurts. His face hurts. But you care for him. Beside the hurt is… nothing you know a word for. A painless ache. Hurt that does not hurt. Something and everything and nothing. His memory both wounds you and makes you feel safe.
— The DA, revenge wip
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