#feel free to send asks but if i feel it’ll spoil a plot point i shall let you know ☺️
(Tagged by @hinderr. Thank you! 💙💙 Also yea these are 5ever WIPs, been sitting there for a good year and a half and some remain untouched 😌)
RULES: post the names of the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! tag as many people as you have WIPs
I just abbreviate or use the initials because my titles are damn long 200 word essays 🤣 5 titles here but most are planned as multi-chapters
A good chunk of these are sequel/prequel/spinoff titles to my longfic. I had an entire universe prepared and I’m still derping around lol.
Tagging: @novemberrain-writes @newpathwrites @sytortuga @foxlace @terioncalling
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makeste · 3 years
Open for movie speculation? :) The new key visual was released today and if you don't want miniscule spoilers then I'll gladly spend the time asking how you're doing in these times and how you light up my saturday with your posts that never cease to make me laugh haha. I do hope you're doing well :) So here's the wee spoiler (or should I call it a spoiler?) the antagonist(?) is called "Flect Turn", hope you have a nice week :)
so as usual, I'm late in responding to this, but I just wanted to clarify that my "no spoilers, please" policy pretty much only applies to the new BnHA manga chapters, and that's specifically because of the weekly reaction posts. I know part of the appeal of a liveblog is watching someone else's reactions to all of the surprises and twists and wtf moments, and so I try to preserve those each week. if I wasn't liveblogging the series I would probably be reading the leaks along with everybody else to tell the truth lol.
so that said, feel free to send me spoilers about the upcoming movie! out of respect for those who do want to avoid being spoiled, I'll tag those posts (and this one) with "bnha world heroes' mission spoilers" and "bnha movie 3 spoilers" so people can blacklist those tags if desired. but I personally have no objection to them; back when Heroes Rising came out I already knew all of the plot points and had read detailed spoiler summaries well before I finally got the chance to watch it myself. it definitely did not take away from the experience at all, and in fact I'm kind of glad I knew about the end twist ahead of time because I was able to devote more mental energy to analyzing and appreciating it rather than still being all "!!!!" from the shock lol.
so yeah, I've been trying to stay up to date with the news about WHM as well. here's everything I think we know so far:
the movie will take place during the Endeavor Agency internship, as expected.
the bad guys are a terrorist organization called "Humanize", who believe in the Quirk Singularity Doomsday Theory we first learned about during the Remedial arc. as a refresher, basically the idea is that as quirks continue to evolve with each new generation, they'll eventually grow too powerful for humans to control and will destroy the world or something lol.
anyway so Humanize hears about this, and they're either like, "man that sucks, we should just kill everyone with a quirk so it doesn't happen", OR they're like "man that sounds awesome, we should totally expedite that." like, I'm really not clear on this part lol. but either way, they apparently come up with a plan to cleanse the world of quirk users by planting magical plot bombs called Ideo Trigger Bombs, which make people lose control of their quirks.
as mentioned, the bad guys' leader is named Flect Turn for god knows what reason lmao. I'm guessing it's some kind of weird play on the word "reflect" (especially given his character design), and based on that, as well as the Ideo Triggers, I suspect this guy has the ability to somehow turn people's own quirks against them. you can see him at the bottom of the key visual anon mentioned, here.
anyway so the heroes are all "hmm, pretty sure the end of world = bad" and so they all decide to band together under this "W.H.A." umbrella (which I'm still assuming stands for either World Hero Agency or World Hero Association or something like that) to deal with the bombs.
as shown on the key visual, in addition to the Endeavor Agency trio, the movie will also feature the kids from Ryuukyuu, Fat Gum, Gang Orca (who has Jirou and Shouji interning under him for anyone who lost track), and Hawks's agencies.
the movie will also feature a new character named Rody Soul, who's this weird steampunk Dickensian urchin-looking guy with a ponytail lol. he apparently teams up with the trio following one of the bomb incidents.
most of the movie will apparently take place in a fictional country called Oceon (this is why nobody could quite place where that bridge in the trailer was from lol).
at some point Deku gets framed for murder idk. just Deku things.
and last but not least, as usual there will be a special manga tie-in release, in this case titled "Volume W(orld Heroes)". looks like the initial release will be exclusive to theater-goers in Japan, but I'm sure someone will get their hands on it and post it online, and Viz will eventually release it in English as well (they did the same with the previous two tie-ins). it'll include behind-the-scenes sketches, a new Horikoshi interview (probably the part I'm most looking forward to), and of course, the new movie tie-in chapter. as with the previous tie-ins (Volume Origin and Volume Rising), this will be written and drawn by Horikoshi himself. I'm hoping that it will feature the trio, but the other movie tie-ins featured All Might and Nine, respectively, so it's probably more realistic to assume this one will focus on Rody. ah well.
I think that's it. I haven't really done much speculating about the plot either tbh, though what we've learned seems pretty straightforward. Deku probably either gets framed for one of the bombs, or gets caught up in one of the blasts and loses control of OFA. or maybe they'll save that part for his fight with Flect at the end. god, if we get a scene where he goes on a Blackwhip rampage with a big screen budget I will lose my whole damn mind. especially if Kacchan and Shouto have to work together to stop him. can you imagine omg. but I should really rein myself in before I start getting way too hyped up over a bunch of wild hypotheticals. this is why I try not to speculate lol.
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ka-za-ri · 4 years
Prize Pt 1
Hello! Comin’ at you hot with some commission work I received from a lovely client on Ao3. The request was for breeding centric fic, so if you’re not into that, please avert ye eyes. This is a three part series and will end up being Satan centric, but the first part will be dedicated to the lovely Asmo~
°˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°  Please enjoy!
Chapter Index and Obey Me! Masterlist: here Ao3 Mirror: Here Pairing: Asmodeus x Reader Genre: smut Wordcount: 4,200 ish   Tags: Hand job, demon sex  Summary: There’s a game afoot and it’s up to you to figure out the rules before you’re taken by surprise by the brothers.
There was an unspoken game afoot, one that only the brothers were in on. You didn’t need to confront them on what they were hiding though, it wasn’t hard to figure out. None of the demons seemed to be well versed in the art of being subtle. At least it meant you were able to catch onto what they were doing much sooner than they anticipated. You would play along with them; and in the end, it would benefit all parties involved. The most important question was how to make them play by your rules without them knowing.
It was a careful dance around their flirtatious advances. It was a precise push and pull that you needed to become adept at if you wanted to win their game. For some, material bribes distracted them enough. A different approach was needed for the others who were more persistent. From Leviathan’s obvious attempts to usurp your time by asking you to raid with him until the wee hours of the morning to Beelzebub constantly asking you if you wanted some of his favorite snacks, they clearly wanted more personal time with you than they let on.
It wasn’t hard to push away Beelzebub. You could claim to have an upset stomach or were too full from your most recent meal to accept his idea to raid the fridge and retreat to his room to enjoy the spoils. Leviathan was similar. Most of the time you got away with complaining about how much homework was put upon you. On the few occasions you did end up joining him for a dungeon run or two, you may or may not have purposefully provoked the enmity of the boss to frustrate him enough to kick you out of his room early.
It was difficult to keep up appearances. Trying to find the balance of spending time with the brothers while also keeping up an innocent and unaware facade was more tiring than you anticipated. You knew that their intentions weren’t bad, but they were up to something that definitely revolved around getting you alone and probably naked. Some of the plans they executed were more obvious than others, and you needed to pick your battles accordingly.
Mammon was particularly difficult to deal with at times. He liked to spend most of his time hanging off you. He had the distinct advantage of being chosen to be your caretaker and guardian thanks to Lucifer. One of the few favors the first born had ever done for Mammon was allowing him to have as much contact as he needed with you. Though he was great with showing you the ropes of Devildom, it was problematic when it came to you wanting your own space. Though his words were brash, you could tell how much he adored being the default person that you had to turn to for help.
Luckily for you, it seemed as though his past made it hard for him to ever have enough time to be properly intimate with you. At any moment, he was liable to completely disappear from the current plane of existence due to his debt with a few powerful witches. You never found out who they were; but secretly, you thanked them for giving you just enough leeway to dodge out of his advances.
The game continued, and the tactics the brothers used became bolder with every attempt you managed to escape. Eventually, you realized that if you didn’t give at some point, the tension between them would only mount and create chaos among them.
Unsurprisingly, it was the Avatar of Lust that took it upon himself to break the ice and blow the game wide open for them all.
“Are you free after classes?” Asmodeus asked over breakfast. There was a brief moment of apprehension that passed through the other brothers when they heard his question. With all eyes on him, Asmodeus played off any nervousness he had by flaunting the attention he was receiving. He carried on with the conversation as if he wasn’t getting barely hidden glares from the others. “I just got the cutest outfit in the mail, and I want to show it to you if you’ve got time. You have a good eye for fashion, right?”
You checked your calendar, mumbling incoherently while you contemplated his offer. The Avatar of Lust truly lived up to his name, being ostentatious with his suggestions and leaving nothing to the imagination. There was no doubting his ulterior motive, but it didn’t stop you from gently trying to push him away. “There’s a test at the end of the week I need to study for,” you said while scrolling through all your tasks for the week.
“Oh please, with how quickly you pick everything up, it’ll be a breeze for you to pass it,” Asmodeus dismissed your excuse with a nonchalant wave of his hand. He could tell you weren’t convinced and quickly tried to strike up a deal with you to keep the advantage he had over his brothers. “How about I help you study after you take a look? What subject is it on?”
You double checked your schedule, realizing you weren’t going to get out of his offer so easily. He was being much more persistent than his brothers had been. To do it so publicly almost felt like he was trying to send a message to the others. After putting off answering as long as you could, scrutinizing your schedule over and over again, you gave in and just went with the first class on your schedule. “Demon Biology.”
Asmodeus’ grinned from ear to ear. “Oh, I have the best notes for that class, and they can be all yours for just coming over and having a looksie. Sounds like a good deal, right?”
Beside you, you could feel Satan physically bristle at his brother’s thinly veiled intentions. Asmodeus didn’t have to say it, but everyone at the table seemed to know what his ultimate plan was. Sure, he was afforded some slack due to his general nature; but he was pushing the unwritten limits that had been set. You weren’t even sure if you should continue to play dumb; but the less they knew about what you surmised about their game, the better. In the end, the choice was yours; and you couldn’t afford to be too conspicuous when it came to how much you had gathered.
“Well, if that’s all I have to do for some notes to pass this test, how can I deny your generous offer?” You smiled sweetly, noticing the tension in the room grow as the agreement was made. The balance of power had been tipped in Asmodeus’ favor within the span of a few minutes.
“Great! I’ll see you after class then. You know where my room is.” He blew you a quick kiss and skipped off to get ready for his day.
You expected a great upheaval between the brothers after such a proposal from Asmodeus. Surprisingly enough, there was minimal fuss over it, further proving to you that there was a plot brewing among them where cooperation on all sides was necessary. The most dissent came from Mammon who was adamant about walking you to your classes and would spend the whole time grumbling about his brother’s audacity to pull such a stunt in front of everyone. Despite all the complaining, he didn’t try to stop you from visiting Asmodeus after your classes as promised.
You expected to be a little nervous, but you didn’t think your hands would be shaking as you knocked tentatively on Asmodeus’ door. The Avatar of Lust warmly welcomed you in, already dressed and waiting for your arrival. A large fluffy robe covered his newest precious outfit, but you could see bits of lace peeking out from under the collar. Oh boy, this will be good. You raised a brow, eyeing what might be hidden. He caught your glance and chuckled, pulling the robe tighter around him before beckoning you into his room.
Even if he tried to be stealthy about it, it was very difficult to ignore how he locked the door behind him while you got comfortable.
“I’m so glad you could make it. I wanted you to be the first person I showed this to,” he pitched his voice a bit lower, adding the slightest hint of a seductive purr at the end of his words. You sat at the edge of his bed and set your things down. Asmodeus was being quite the tease, twirling around and letting just hints of his ensemble show. You caught glimpses of shiny black leather trimmed with plenty of fine black lace. He was being a showoff, and he knew it.
“Well, I might be the only person you get to show this to if you’re going to make me wait three weeks before the great reveal.”
Asmodeus let out a laugh before he finally let the robe drop, showing off the new ensemble in its entire glory. It was quite the sight seeing him decked in all that leather and lace. The outfit clung to him like a second skin, flattering his figure in the best way possible. You had an idea it was going to be risque, but no amount of mental preparation was enough for you to be ready for the sight before you. The accenting jewels he chose to wear in champagne and pink complimented the black if only because they matched his hair and eyes.
“Well, what do you think?”
“I don’t think anyone but you could pull that off, Asmodeus,” you replied truthfully.
He laughed, his eyes glittering with mirth at your compliment. “Oh please, you know you can just call me Asmo. I’d like to think we’re familiar enough for nicknames.” He twirled again, and there was a brief flash of light accompanied by a rustling sound. Once you blinked away the bleariness from the sudden bright light, you saw that he had changed into his true form.
The low back of the dress allowed for his wings to freely move making you wonder if this was a custom piece or if it was something he found on a whim. His wings peeking out past his shoulders only added to the aesthetic appeal of the ensemble as a whole. Asmodeus relished in the attention you gave him, posing and giving you his best angles. “It looks so much better like this, right?”
You nodded dumbly. There was no denying the Avatar of Lust was stunning, even in his human form. However, seeing him in his full glory, his horns and wings on full display, only seemed to elevate his look to a whole different level. His hand traveled down his abdomen, tracing the intricate lacework. He could tell your gaze was following his fingers; and he looked over at you, a playful smirk on his lips. “I take it as you like what you see?”
“It’s hard not to like something so… aesthetically pleasing,” you tried to sound nonchalant, but there was a definite waver in your voice. You knew his charms were useless against you. That had been established when you first met. However, the heated gazes he gave you and the lowered pitch of his voice was awakening things in you that you had tried to avoid thinking about since your arrival at Devildom.
You tried to look anywhere around you but at Asmo, the outfit he had on really was doing things to your libido you hadn’t expected. Furtively glancing over to the clock on the dresser, you noticed just how long you had been there and decided a change of subject was in order. If you could get out of this, you would have dodged yet another attempt from one of them. “Oh, so about those notes...” you started.
“Oh, yes. I was wondering when you would ask me,” Asmodeus giggled, a playful smirk spread across his delicate features as he continued to prance around his room. Eventually he stopped teasing you and pulled out a notebook to hand to you. While you flipped through, he lounged in bed next to you, the smirk never quite leaving his face.
“Wait. Uh… are you sure this is the right book?”
“Oh of course, I wouldn’t dream of giving you the wrong one.”
“Asmo, the pages are blank.”
“Oh, I know,” he giggled, his eyes crinkling up with mirth as you stared at him in confusion. He coyly lifted the skirt to his outfit to reveal he hadn’t bothered to wear any undergarments. “It’s better if you got some hands-on experience, right? The upcoming test is on anatomy after all,” he gave you a sly wink and giggled.
You couldn’t avert your eyes fast enough before getting an eyeful of what Asmo was packing as a demon. Even if you covered your eyes, you couldn’t avoid hearing him giggle gleefully at your reaction as you felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment. “Aww come on now, there’s nothing to be ashamed of. This is natural,” he cooed, petting your hair softly.
He guided your hand to feel him, letting you feel every curve and ridge of his dick. You didn’t want to look. It was too awkward for you to do so; but with a little coaxing, you eventually cracked open your eyes to take in just what you were feeling. It was a little odd to admit it, but his cock was pretty. Slim and tapered, your hand could easily wrap itself around his length. With a little more vocal encouragement, your fingers did eventually find their way round his cock. You gave him an experimental little pump partially to feel how his skin shifted and felt under your hand and partially to see his reaction. He let out a soft mewl of appreciation at the friction and rolled his hips up to meet your hand. “Feel free to ah…take as many notes as you’d like.”
His eyes were lidded, the irises blown out and darkening his light colored eyes. It only added to the sensuality of the moment as he laid next to you, letting you explore every inch of him for the sake of ‘studying.’ You could hardly believe it was happening yourself. His hand held onto your wrist firmly and continued to guide your hand to stroke him at a slow, lazy pace.
As your attention was occupied with what was in between his legs, he pulled you in with his free hand to press soft kisses at the corner of your mouth. They were quick, soft and a little hesitant at first; but when you didn’t immediately pull away from him, he became bolder, gliding his lips over your own and nipping at your lower lip, hoping to gain access to go deeper. With your mind short circuiting from all the sensations you were experiencing all at once, you gasped for breath; and that was all the permission he needed to deepen the kiss. His tongue swiped over your lips just once before delving into your mouth.
Kisses with the Avatar of Lust were unlike any you experienced before. Perhaps it was the centuries of practice he had with other partners, or perhaps it was his innate charm as the Avatar of Lust that made his kisses feel like a full body experience. You didn’t even feel embarrassed about feeling him up any longer as his kisses were what ultimately made you feel overwhelmed. The scent of new leather laced through the smell of his citrusy cologne and made for an absolutely intoxicating combination.
His hips jerked into your hand as he really got into it with you, the ridged texture under your fingers was firm yet pliant at the same time. His soft whimpers in your ears only emboldened you to explore more of his length. You traced the tapered tip carefully, watching his reactions. It seemed to be a rather sensitive spot considering he stopped kissing you just to let out a lewd moan and grind his length into your hand. His kisses trailed away from your lips to your jaw and to your ear where he licked and nipped right at your pulse point, enjoying the salt of your sweat as the room was quickly becoming warm.
Asmo let out soft whimpers almost akin to a coo every time you stroked him just right. His vocal appreciation egged you on, allowing you to stroke him with more confidence once you figured out just what he liked. He simply looked ravishing in that dress; and you needed to make sure you properly thanked him for not only the extensive notes he was giving you, but also the lovely little show as well.
Eventually, he pulled away from you if only to roll you onto your back and give your body as much attention as your hand had given him. Asmo gently put your arms at your side, murmured reassurances that he would take care of you while he slowly undid every layer of your uniform. If there was one thing he excelled at, it was making you anticipate his next move. He was slow and methodical, admiring every inch of skin he revealed; and he always had a compliment at the ready to make you blush even more under his watchful gaze.
“Beautiful. Just beautiful. Every bit of you,” he murmured before taking a nipple into his mouth and sucking on it.
You wailed, feeling his tongue lave at your sensitive skin. In fear of the others hearing your lewd exchange with Asmodeus, you quickly clasped your hands over your mouth to muffle your noises. He looked up at you from his place at your chest and laughed softly, putting your hands back at your sides. “No, no. Please be as loud as you wish. I want everyone to know exactly what’s going on here.”
You bit your lip, not sure if you could follow his demands; but the heat simmering in his eyes convinced you to comply. Once he was sure your hands would remain at your side, he went right back to what had been doing, redoubling his efforts on your nipple and making you whimper in need from his ministrations. He loved hearing every one of the sounds that came from your lips, and he was sure the others could hear just what he could do to you on the other side of his door. After the stunt he pulled at the table earlier that day, there was no way his brothers wouldn’t eavesdrop.
You surprisingly still had your panties on, but Asmodeus made quick work of them, peeling them off of you once he was sure your body was willing to accept him. Seeing you completely bare beneath him was absolutely breathtaking. He stared for a moment in awe, making you feel entirely too self conscious; and you curled up a bit to shy away from his heated gaze. “No,” he stated firmly, once again placing your arms at your side. “I want to see all of you.”
“Okay, you’ve seen it now, how about evening the playing field? You’ve got a lot more on than I do.”
“Oh, I do. How rude of me. Let me fix that.”
You felt his weight leave the bed momentarily. Looking up at where he went, you realized he had given you front row seats to a most sensual strip tease.
The only real garment he wore was that leather and lace dress. However, he somehow made taking it off feel like an eternity. From showing off his assets whenever he bent over to the slow pull of the zipper at the side of the dress, you felt like every second he wasn’t spending on top of you was another second that made your arousal reach the unbearable breaking point.
“Asmo, please…” you whined, “Stop teasing…this isn’t fair.”
He liked it when you were whiny. The way you pitched your voice in that desperate whimper broke the last bit of control he had. Whatever other teasing he had planned was thrown out the window in favor of shucking the dress right off so he could settle himself between your legs. His cock pressed at your soaking entrance. “You say please so prettily, I can’t resist.”
He pushed into you, and your hands almost flew to your mouth again to cover the lewd moan that came from your lips. He stretched you just right, fitting into your warm heat as if he was meant to be there. Your moan faded into a satisfied sigh as you felt him fill you. He smiled softly, memorizing the way your eyelids fluttered and the blissful look on your face when he bottomed out inside of you. “That’s a good look,” he purred, giving you a moment to adjust to his cock.
The time he gave you really wasn’t needed, he filled you but didn’t stretch you out in a way that made it painful. You wrapped your arms around the back of his neck and pulled him in for a hot kiss, your hips flexing as a wordless command for him to move.
He complied eagerly, moaning into your kisses and starting a pace that wasn’t unlike the one he guided your hand into earlier. It let you feel every ridge and bump of his cock slide in and out of you. He knew your first experience with a demon would be unlike any other coupling you had before. He wanted to make it special; and with all his experience as the Avatar of Lust, he sure was able to make you see stars and feel like you were drowning in pleasure.
It was an entirely new type of euphoria you were feeling, and you were quickly beginning to crave more of it. Your legs wrapped around his hips, and you desperately met every one of his slow thrusts in an attempt to get him to give you more. He quickly got the message and picked up the pace once he was confident you were well accustomed to his unique shape.
The change in speed and intensity was just what you needed to satiate your desires. He knew exactly what his cock could do, and he took advantage of it as he fucked you in earnest. The lewd sounds of skin slapping against skin echoed off his walls, your breathy moans mingled with his grunts of pleasure as you both lost yourselves in the throes of ecstasy while chasing your release.
He could make you see stars and the ends of the universe with his cock and it wasn’t long before the building pressure in your abdomen of your oncoming orgasm was reaching its breaking point. You called for him, encouraging him with your jilted moans every time he buried himself inside of you. His skin glistened with a thin sheen of sweat from the exertion which only seemed to add to your overwhelming arousal.
“Oh fuck,” you choked back a sob as your orgasm washed over you like a wave. Intense and all consuming, your body convulsed as you reached your peak long before he was ready for his own release.
“You’re even more beautiful when you cum,” he panted, starry eyed and amazed at how tightly your inner walls were hugging his cock. “Makes me wish I was rutting right now so I could breed you over and over again. We would make the cutest babies.”
The primal, almost feral way his words sounded only made your walls clench around him even more. For as sensitive as they were, they reacted to him and craved more. He wasn’t done yet, and it seemed like he would continue until he reached his own blissful peak within you.
You weren’t able to keep up with the sensations of his cock still sliding in and out of your swollen walls. Everything became a blur of lust and desire. Your throat felt hoarse from screaming so much; you didn’t want anymore despite what your trembling body craved.
Eventually you could feel a change in Asmodeus’ pace as the even thrusts became erratic, and the volume of his moans matched the pitch of your screams. He gratefully unloaded himself, spilling his seed into you in hot spurts. Your name mixed with a variety of curses in a language you could only imagine was demonic in nature. He groaned, burrowing his head in the crook of your neck as he rode out his climax.
As soon as the brunt of his orgasm was over, he was kissing you deeply, wordlessly thanking you for the intimate moment the two of you had just shared. There was a fair bit of passion in his kisses though the needy heat from before had dissipated now that both of you had found the release you craved. He pulled away with a content sigh, rolling to your side and pulling out of you.
“So, do you think you got some good notes in?” he asked while he gazed lovingly into your eyes, brushing away a stray strand of hair away from your face. “Or do you need some more studying?”
You giggled, your skin still sensitive from such an intense session. “I think I’ll be able to pass with flying colors,” you reassured, rolling closer to him to get some much needed post coital cuddles.
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scullydubois · 4 years
Only the Light Ch. 4
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Description: Missy and Scully’s girls night gets interrupted by an uninvited guest.
Read on Ao3 here. Tagging @today-in-fic​.
A long--and fun!--part. Hope you enjoy!
The elevator doors part, releasing Scully into the tranquility of her hallway. She steps out, glad to be away from the bustling FBI building and the noisy street and the elevator so squeaky that she’s pretty sure she’ll find herself trapped in it one of these days. That’s a problem for another time. For now, all Scully wants is to take off her shoes, pantyhose, and bra. The simple pleasures.
She sticks her key in the doorknob and turns. The deadbolt clicks. She’s locked it. She sighs. Missy left the door unlocked again. She twists the key the other way and it opens. She enters and drops the key, her purse, and her badge on the side table.
“It’s me!” Her voice echoes through the place.
“I’m in here,” Missy responds from the kitchen.
Scully enters the kitchen. Her sister’s still in the hostess uniform for the restaurant job she just got. She flips mindlessly through an issue of Better Homes and Garden.
“You left the door unlocked again.”
Missy flips a page of the magazine so hard she almost tears it. “Oops.” 
Scully sighs and sits down at the table. Her sister has always been the dramatic type.
“How was training?” she offers.
Missy sets down the magazine as if she’s thankful to have an out.
“Pretty standard for an upscale eatery that calls itself casual but charges twenty dollars for a bowl of soup. Turns out, the East Coast isn’t actually that different from the West Coast.”
“Wow. Who’ve thought?”
Missy chuckles. “I know, right?”
“Speaking of the West Coast…”
Melissa groans. Her sister’s been trying to get information about her whereabouts ever since she moved in. She’s under the impression that everyone’s life is as interesting as working for the FBI, and while Melissa tries to make hers so, there’s just not much to report. Except for the one thing she’s specifically avoiding. She will tell Dana at some point, she has to, but for now she doesn’t want to add to the cacophony of things her sister has to worry about. Besides, it’s not anything bad. If anything, Melissa is looking forward to telling her. It’s their mother she’s worried about.
“I told you, it’s nothing juicy. I was out there doing odd jobs. Waitressing, mostly. There was a stint as a gas station attendant.”
Scully laughs. “A gas station attendant?”
“In Oregon you’re not allowed to pump your own gas.”
Scully raises her eyebrows. “Seems like it wouldn’t be a very safe job for a young woman late at night.”
Missy shrugs, then, with the dedication of an Oscar-winning actress, says, “It was a male dominated profession, but I made do.”
Scully smiles. She knows the feeling. She steps out of her heels and carries them into her bedroom. She shimmies off her pantyhose, then sits on the edge of the bed and presses her thumbs deep into the arches of her feet. Heaven. After a moment of bliss, she takes a pair of pink fuzzy socks from her drawer and slips them on.
She returns to the kitchen--“Have you had dinner?” 
“Just a bowl of salad,” Missy replies. 
“Am I to assume by your pitiful tone that you’re up for something else?”
“If you order something and tell me I can have it, who am I to say no?”
Scully chuckles. “How courteous.”  She pulls out a drawer full of take-out menus in various conditions. Some of them Scully has had since her Academy days. 
“The ones on the top are Mexican, the middle is Chinese and Japanese, after that is Italian, and the bottom ones are Indian.” 
Few things that Dana has said have surprised Melissa as little as this organizational structure. What she doesn’t expect is the sheer volume of her sister’s collection. Her eyes widen as she approaches the drawer. There’s literally hundreds of menus stacked in there. 
“Um, may I ask for the chef’s recommendations?”
Scully pulls a couple menus out like it’s nothing.
“Well, if you’re in the mood for curry, this one is great,” she slides a colorful menu toward Missy. “But this is the best Chinese takeout in the city.” She sets down a menu with the Chinese symbols for good fortune on it (yes, Missy knows some Chinese). Missy figures they could both use some good fortune, so she picks up that one.
“Do they have hot & sour soup?”
“I’m sure. I always have the fried rice and orange chicken.”
“Oh, that sounds good too. Can we do a bowl of hot & sour soup and two portions of rice with orange chicken?”
Scully picks up the phone. “Of course.” She dials the number from the menu. As it’s ringing, Missy whispers, “And fortune cookies?”
“They always give you some. They’re not very goo-” The restaurant picks up. A fast-talking voice buzzes in Scully’s ear. 
Melissa laughs at this slip. As her sister’s about to recite the order, she adds, “I don’t care, I just want to read them.”
Scully tells the woman the order, confirms that it’ll come with fortune cookies, and gives them her address and unit number. She thanks the woman, hangs up the phone.
“It’ll be 25 minutes,” she tells Missy.
“Perfect.” Scully can tell from the sound of her voice that she’s up to no good. 
“Perfect for whatever villainous plot you’re about to drag me into, you mean?”
“Perfect for us to get ready for the girl’s night we’re about to have,” she replies matter-of-factly. 
Scully opens her mouth to protest, but Missy beats her to it. “I know, I know. It’s Thursday, you have work tomorrow, you’re tired...but it doesn’t have to be anything grand. Just a little self-care and relaxation, okay?”
Scully frowns in her funny, ‘I’m not actually upset, I just can’t think of a good comeback’ way. 
“And besides,” Missy continues, “you don’t wanna be a party pooper, do you?”
Scully frowns for real this time. This unearths some childhood insecurities she had forgotten she had. It conjures up the image of teenaged Missy with a pack of cigarettes--their mother’s--begging her to sneak out the window and smoke them together, that it would be fun. How she said no until she couldn’t bear her sister’s juvenile belittling anymore. It figures that she has to be guilted into having fun. She bets that her parents would never have imagined that their little girl smoked a cigarette younger than their free-spirited daughter ever did.
“Come onnnnn,” Missy drawls. “We can get in our pajamas and slippers, and I have some avocado face masks we can do. Plus, I brought my box set of Golden Girls.”
Scully can’t help but smile at that. On nights before big exams in medical school, she would put Blanche, Dorothy, Sophia, and Rose on in the background to keep her company as she studied. She called it her golden good luck charm because she passed every test she did this with. 
Fine. The Dana stamp of approval! Missy leaps into action. “Go get dressed, and I’ll grab the face masks.”
Scully does as she’s told (per usual). She chooses her silkiest pajama set because this feels like an occasion to go all out. A few minutes later, she’s sitting on the couch letting Missy spread the avocado paste across her face. 
“Is this just mashed up avocado?” she asks. “Could we eat this?”
“I think there’s honey in it too.” Missy scraps a dot off where it spilled over to Scully’s headband and licks it. “Not bad...Are you that hungry?”
Scully chuckles. “No, I was just wondering.”
“Well, if it does to your insides what it does to your face, then watch out.”
“Yeah, I think I’ll pass on that,” Scully remarks.
“Good choice.” Missy finishes Scully’s face and turns so that Scully can do hers. Scully dips a finger into the green paste. It’s cold and sticky, not exactly a desirable combination.
“Do you do this a lot?” she asks Missy.
“Usually once a week, if I think of it.”
Scully wouldn’t have the time to think of it, let alone do it. “That’s nice,” she says wistfully, realizing there’s not much farther she can take the subject.
“I brew some tea, light some incense, and boom. My own personal nirvana.”
“Mmm.” Scully’s feeling increasingly isolated by this conversation. Missy reads her mind in the typical way.
“You don’t take much time for yourself.” It’s a statement, not a question.
 “I just don’t have much time in general,” Scully replies on the defensive.
“And you certainly don’t allot what you do have to yourself.”
Scully lifts her finger off Missy’s face, dips it back into the paste. “I take care of myself,” she says.
“But you don’t spoil yourself.”
“Who am I to be spoiled?” And there is the fundamental ideological difference between Missy and her sister. Missy, who wants life to be overflowing with joy, bereft of nothing. Dana, who believes that nothingness gives her strength, and strength gives her character.
The delivery man's knock on the door eclipses any response Melissa was planning to make. Probably for the best. This is the rift the sisters cannot manage to pave over.
Missy grabs the food and pays the man. She knows her sister would be embarrassed to be seen with the mask on, and she’ll do anything to make Dana’s life that much easier. 
They dig in, eating straight from the cartons. Missy insists on using chopsticks, which works great for the chicken but not so hot on the rice. She doesn’t bother trying them with the soup. Scully doesn’t have the patience for any of it, so she sticks to the plastic fork that came with it all.
Between bites of chicken, Scully reaches for a fortune cookie. Missy swipes it out of her hand, sending it catapulting toward the floor. 
“What was that for?” Scully exclaims.
“Haven’t you ever heard that it’s bad luck to read your fortune before you finish the meal?”
“Well, that explains a lot then.”
Scully smirks, sets the cookie back on the table with the others. “I think you just wanted that one.”
Missy feigns innocence, then shrugs. “I have a good feeling about it.”
A few minutes later, the girls have settled on the couch, empty cartons of take-out strewn on the table in front of them. The four fortune cookies they received are all wrapped up. They’re too full to bother with them just yet. They chirp bits of commentary about the Golden Girls episode they’re watching back and forth between each other.
“I see some Blanche in you,” Scully comments, “but mostly I think you’re Rose.”
“She’s my favorite, so I will gladly accept that,” Missy replies.
The episode’s laugh track nearly conceals a slight rap on the door. 
Scully looks toward the door. “Did you hear something?” 
Missy clicks the volume down on the remote. “Maybe. I’ll check.”
She heads for the door,  peeks through the peephole, then unfastens the chain and lets the door swing on its hinges.
“It’s Mulder!” she exclaims after Mulder has already stepped through the doorway.
It is, in fact, Mulder. Still in his work clothes and holding a manila folder. His eyes widen in surprise.
“Oh. Melissa.”
She smiles slyly. Evidently, he did not expect her nor her face mask.
“Hello, Fox.”
Scully pulls her feet up onto the couch and crosses her arms protectively over her chest, hoping that somehow, maybe, he won’t notice her here in her own apartment. Her first thought is that she’s not wearing a bra. She realizes that this is an unproductive thought to have because it’s not like she’s naked or anything, she’s wearing a pajama top, and he’s seen her in a pajama top before. Hell, he saw her in her underwear on their first case! Not to mention that he’d seen her on her deathbed, and is there anything more naked than that? Still, she hadn’t expected him, and she feels caught off-guard by his sudden appearance. 
For what it’s worth, Mulder is caught off guard by her too. She looks...soft. Relaxed. He very rarely gets to see her in casual circumstances. Even in the assortment of motel rooms he’d sat with her in, she was always keyed up, her mind trying to piece together the puzzle of whatever case they were on. This was new territory. 
“Hi, Scully,” he croaks. 
“Hello,” she replies sheepishly. 
Mulder can’t take his eyes off her. He’s endeared by the green face mask and all of its components. The headband pulling tendrils of her hair tenderly away from her face, the stray locks that have slipped out and stuck to the paste, the extra youthful look it gives her...he never realized how much he missed out on. How much she keeps from him. Suddenly, he’s certain: the woman sitting on the couch isn't Scully. It’s Dana, and there's nothing he wants more than to get to know her better. 
Remembering what he’s there for, he holds the folder out to her. 
“Uh, I just came to give you these toxicology results. I thought you might want to review them before tomorrow.”
She takes the folder while keeping one arm stationed in front of her chest.
“Thank you. I will.”
She plops the folder with the mess on the coffee table and returns both arms to her chest.
Feeling like the intruder that--in Scully’s mind--he is, Mulder glances at the TV.
“Golden Girls. That’s serious business, I’ll get out of your hair.”
Melissa mutes the TV. “Actually, we were just discussing what Golden Girl we think we are. We agreed that I’m Rose, but we’re still trying to figure out Dana.”
This is a challenge Mulder is more than happy to accept. 
“Dana…” He looks at her with a lop-sided smile, letting the word roll off his tongue in a teasing way.
Scully blushes. Oh how she wishes her body would not so easily give her away. Figuring there’s nothing to lose, she takes this opportunity to catalogue the colors in his eyes. She has an ongoing debate with herself about what color they actually are. She’s seen green, brown, and blue with such certainty that she’s pretty sure he has the ability to change them like a mood ring. She’s not sure she would want to know what each color means. 
She decides that they’re looking quite green tonight (is that good?) and breaks eye contact with him out of necessity. Call it self-preservation.
This silent exchange pleases Melissa, maybe even more than it does Mulder. She loves being right as much as her sister does. 
“I was thinking she’s a Dorothy,” Melissa pipes up. “What do you think, Fox?”
He flinches. Melissa scoffs. “Sorry--Mulder. What is it with FBI agents and insisting on being called their last name? That’s got to be some sort of psychological phenomenon.” Then, because she can’t resist--“You should open a x-file on that.”
Scully chuckles. Mulder just purses his lips.
“Ha ha. Very funny.”
“I know,” Melissa claps back in jest. “That’s why I said it.”
Scully looks toward the window. She could have sworn she saw a flash of lightning outside, but no thunder follows it. When she looks back, Mulder’s eyes are trained on her once again. Yep, still green. He pushes some of the cartons aside and perches on the table in front of her and Missy. If Scully put her legs down, their knees would touch. 
“Dorothy is the obvious choice,” he says. “But that’s too easy. Scully’s not easy.”
Scully flicks her gaze toward Missy, who bites her lip to keep the sarcastic comment in her mind from slipping out. 
“So what is she then?” Melissa challenges.
Scully’s eyes meet Mulder’s. She’s not sure what he’ll say, and she’s not too worried about it. What matters is that she’s looking at him, he’s looking at her, and her skin feels like it’s been warmed by the sun. This is not a normal reaction to another human being looking at you, she knows. She made a pact with herself early on not to think too hard about it. It’s moments like this that make her question the point of that.
She feels sated...she so rarely feels that way. Realizing that there is nothing worth keeping from him, not right now, Scully lowers her hands into her lap.
Feeling like he’s done something right, Mulder smiles. He answers Missy’s question without taking his eyes off his partner. Scully’s burning up.
“Well, she’s smart but not pretentious, curious but not unconventional, reliable but not naive, honest but not a curmudgeon, and diligent but not intense...so I don’t know.”
He looks to Melissa. 
“Are any of the Golden Girls as interesting as that?”
Scully’s breath catches. This is quite possibly the most romantic moment of her whole life...What does that say about her? She lowers her feet so that her silk pajama bottoms nuzzle his coarse slacks. Call it a gesture of goodwill. Meanwhile, Mulder wonders if Scully notices that their kneecaps are touching.
Missy smiles. She’s engineered a moment, and what a wonderful one. 
“I suppose not,” she replies lightly. “Dana’s one of a kind.”
“That’s for sure.” Mulder clasps Scully’s hand, and for a second, she thinks he’s going to kiss it. His fingers slip away and grab a fortune cookie off the table instead.
He rips the plastic off it, then snaps it in half. He sets a half in Scully’s open palm as if on instinct. She didn’t even realize she had turned her hand up. Her fingers close over the cookie. She couldn’t possibly eat it now that he’d touched it. Or was that all the more reason to eat it?
Mulder pulls the paper from his half, pops the cookie in his mouth, and crunches as he reads the fortune. “Depart not from the path which fate has you assigned...huh.” He crumbles up the plastic and sticks it in his pocket. “Never seen that one before.”
“Me neither,” Scully remarks dreamily. Melissa looks on, feeling like she’s watching a movie play out in front of her.
Mulder rubs his hands against his pant legs to extend the moment, then stands up, bumping Scully as he does.
“Sorry,” he says, resting a hand on her shoulder. She shakes her head to indicate it’s nothing. “You’re fine.”
As she looks up at him, Mulder finds himself struck with the desire to swim in those blue eyes of hers. He knows that his feeling for Scully--whatever it is--is different from the girls on his magazines and tapes. His thoughts about Scully are somehow both innocent and ridiculously gratifying. His thoughts about the other girls are neither.
“Well, I’ll get going,” he says, stepping around Scully and Melissa’s feet. He turns back to meet Scully’s glance one last time--
“See you tomorrow morning.” He winks.
Scully is so charmed by this all she can muster up is, “Uh-huh.”
Missy bursts into laughter as soon as Mulder closes the door. Scully lets her. She looks down at her palm and realizes that she has put so much pressure on the fortune cookie that it crumbled. She won’t read into this either.
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dreamwritesimagines · 6 years
Faint Of Heart 28- Walking Through Fire [Ivar x Reader]
A.N.: I love your feedback so much, it makes my day <3 Please keep it coming, kisses! <3 Last two chapters! <3
Summary: Some battles are fought beside friends.
Characters: Ivar x Reader, Ubbe x Torvi, Hvitserk, Bjorn
Warnings: Explicit language, mentions of violence and blood and birth, mentions of sex and arranged marriage, please read with care. Also, friendly reminder that  I don’t condone any of the messed up stuff happening on the show or in here.
Word Count: 4527
Due to the linking issue, previous chapters are in my masterlist!
Gif’s not mine!
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“You know,” Bree mused behind you, “You, staring into the horizon will not make them come back sooner.”
You heaved a sigh, dragging your fingertips on the foggy window as Eitr flew in the room, “I know that.”
“And you shouldn’t be standing up.”
You rolled your eyes, but refused to turn around.
“Y/N. You know what the physician said.”
The baby kicked inside you and you made a face, shifting your weight before tapping your fingers over your belly to calm him down.
That was a good sign. No matter how uncomfortable it was, it still meant that he was fine in there, but why was he-
It was the same with Eitr. Lately, she had been refusing to sleep, circling in the room as if she was waiting for something.
You wanted to convince yourself it was your worries and nothing more. After all, everything seemed perfect in Kattegat. Throughout the months Ivar had been gone, it had actually flourished, something you couldn’t wait for him to see. The decisions you had made and sleepless nights had paid off, trading and finances were getting even better than before, from Earls to fishermen.
And yet, you couldn’t feel the peace.
“You’re almost due,” Bree reminded you, and came closer to lean her chin on your shoulder, reaching to press a hand on your belly, and of course, the baby kicked back at her hand, making you hold your breath, “You should be resting.”
“I can’t rest.”
“Why not?”
“You know why.”
“Enlighten me.”
You swallowed thickly, “What if he misses it?” you asked slowly, “The physician says it’s any day now. What if Ivar misses it?”
“That’s impossible,” Ivar stated, as he played with your hair almost lazily, “It took what? 3 or 4 months for us to reach there and come back here the last time, and I’m including our marriage into that time.”
“Yes but that was the first time.”
“It’ll be easier the second time.”
“Didn’t Bree say Edgard just changed his commanders? They might give you a hard time, and-“
“Y/N,” Ivar cut you off and pulled you close before he reached down to poke your stomach, making you squeal,
“See? You’re not even showing yet. I’m sure I will be back before maybe 5th month, there’s no way I’d miss out on meeting him while he’s all bloody.”
“Ew!” You scrunched up your nose and he grinned, then pressed a kiss to your neck, making you shift under him,
“Things might change while you’re gone,” you said sweetly, and he pulled back, an amused smile playing on his lips,
“You might find different people here when you’re back,” you shrugged, “Different earls…”
He chuckled, “Hmm, we’re still not over that?”
“No.” You shook your head, “Never. Until both of them are gone.”
Ivar pulled his brows together, deep in thought and heaved a sigh of defeat,
“Ubbe knows a couple of earls that can be trusted, or so he claims,” he said, making your eyes widen, “Ask him. That way you can be sure you’re giving his lands to someone we can trust.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck, smiling wide,
“You’re giving me an heir, little shark.” Ivar said, “The least I can do is to put your mind at ease.”
“You need to stop worrying about it.” Bree said as you turned around, almost losing your balance for what it felt like the millionth time.
“You’re not worried at all?”
Bree shot you a look, “Of course I am. What good does it do, though? Us worrying out of our minds will not create the wind to make Ivar’s ships faster.”
You rubbed at your eyes, trying to distract yourself, “Do you have plans for when Bjorn comes back?”
“Like what?”
“Like…something more?”
“Oh no, I’m not implying what you want me to imply.” Bree shook her head, “We’re still getting to know each other, my sweet.”
“But Bree, it would be amazing if you got married-“
“I just-“ Bree shook her head, “For the first time in my life, I’m not… I’m not thinking about two steps ahead. I’m not making these plans, and- and plotting and such. It feels free.”
You pouted, “I get that. I mean I’d love to plan your wedding, but-“
“But!” you pointed up, “But if you do not want to, I will not say a thing.”
“Besides, you would be too busy,” she motioned at your stomach and you smiled wide,
“I- I would make time.”
“No you wouldn’t. Just wait until he arrives, you will be too busy spoiling him rotten.”
You made a face at her, then giggled, “Is it bad that I do not want any nursemaids or anything? I want to be the only person who takes care of him.”
“It’s lovely, but you will need help.”
“But I don’t want-“
“You will not be like your mother,” Bree cut you off, “That’s impossible. Just because you’re getting some help at nights, or while you’re attending your duties doesn’t mean you’re leaving him alone.”
You rubbed at your eyes, “I still worry though-” you started, but then someone knocked on the door, and opened it to step inside.
“My queen,” Gala smiled at you “Um…Arna is here.”
Bree narrowed her eyes, looking between you, “Why?”
“To say goodbye, she says.” Gala repressed a scoff, “She does look sad to leave. Should I tell her you’re busy?”
“No, send her in.”
Bree frowned, “Y/N.”
“What? I should tell her goodbye after all, it was my idea to… exchange their lands with someone else’s.”
“Were you or were you not there when the physician said no stress?”
You scoffed, “What stress?”
“I can just tell her the baby is tiring you.”
“No need, really. Send her in, and leave us please.”
“Do you honestly think I’d leave you alone with a delusional girl who thought she could seduce Ivar by showing up here, on that bed naked?”
You arched a brow, “And where did it lead her, Bree? Out of here, that’s where.”
Bree huffed out, “I’ll be right outside,” she said, and left with Gala as Arna walked inside.
“My queen.”
“Arna,” you smiled at her calmly, “How is your father?”
“Outside, checking the carriage,” she stated, and you nodded,
“Well I do wish both of you luck. I heard your new lands are quite….far from here, but I’m confident you will both be happy.”
“And away from here,” Arna’s jaw clenched, “I wish you luck as well.”
“With the baby,” she nodded at your stomach, “I do admire you, I would be terrified if I were you.”
“And why is that?”
“A lot of women die in birth,” she stated, “Or lose their babies. It’d be a tragedy.”
You felt your heart drop to your stomach, but you managed to keep your smile,
“Oh I wouldn’t worry about that,” you said slowly, trailing a hand in the air as Eitr started flapping her wings, making Arna steal a look at her, “I mean of course I will be fine, so will the baby, I do have Freyja’s favor after all.”
Arna’s eyes went from Eitr to you, “The King will send for me when he comes back.”
You suppressed a laugh and made a face, “Oh I wouldn’t get my hopes up. Why would he send for you, to kick you out of here again?” you motioned around the bedchamber, making her narrow her eyes,
“You’re sending me away because you know he would love me.”
“I’m sending you away because that’s Ivar’s one of many gifts for me. You annoyed me, I wanted you gone, he approved. That’s how it works around here now.”  
“I could refuse,” she said and you turned the ring on your finger, playing with it.
Of course she knew. Everyone knew what your ring meant by now.
“You will be out of here either way, Arna,” you said, “You have a choice in what way it will be. I wouldn’t push my luck if I were you. You lost, make it graceful.”
She clenched her teeth, then dropped a curtsy and stormed out of the room, and Bree peeked her head in,
“Where was she raised, in a barn?”
“My queen, you’re needed in Great Hall.” Gala said as she approached the door and you nodded, still smirking and made your way out of the room into the Great Hall.
“After this is over, I’m dragging you to bed.” Bree stated, “I’m serious. Take care of whatever it is, then you will go and rest, do you hear me?”
“What am I supposed to do, Bree? Will I start calling people to my bedchambers because I’m resting?”
“Why not?”
“You know I cannot, I just-“ you pinched the bridge of your nose, “I just wish-“
“I know.”
“So, the idea is to make sure they cannot refuse,” you told Ivar as Bree dragged the quill on the map, taking notes on some while Bjorn asked her questions, “If the baby is not a boy-“
“It’s a boy,” Bree called out, making Ivar chuckle,
“Can she see into the future?” he asked you silently, and you hushed him,
“Don’t question her. It never ends well.”
“I agree,” Bjorn said, with a fond smile on his face, arms crossed and Bree looked up from the map,
“I heard that. So, Bjorn- when you reach here, Edgard has two groups, hiding over there…”
“What if we circled them from here, would they have anywhere to run?” Bjorn asked as you turned to Ivar.
“So we will be in control, people –or lords- cannot exactly argue, especially if they’re intimidated.”
“Oh don’t worry, I will make sure they are intimidated.”
You pressed your lips together, “Ivar, my mother-“
“She will not be harmed. You have my word.”
You nodded slowly, “Anyway, if your army hits with full force, the traditions so far won’t matter. We can make our heir the ruler, it does not matter if it’s a boy or a girl. And any lord who refuses-“
“Let me handle that,” Ivar grinned at you excitedly, “So. How many lords you said?”
“Five. I already wrote a letter and gave it to Ubbe, they all hate Edgard, so if we gave them enough treasure…”
“My Queen?”
You were pulled out of your thoughts as you turned around, ignoring the sighs and whispers coming from different parts of the hall as you looked up at the tall blonde man. He smiled at you politely, a warm light shining in his eyes as he bowed.
“Earl Eric,” you greeted him as he kissed your hand,
“I just saw Earl Finnr leaving,” he said, “I do wish to thank you again for this…opportunity for me to prove myself. I do not know if I can be as good as he was, but-”
“Prince Ubbe speaks very highly of you. He says your lands are full of people who support you, and the way you rule. I’m sure you will take care of Earl Finnr’s… earlier duties just as well as he did, if not better.”
“You’re as kind as you’re beautiful, my queen.”
“Let’s hope your ruling is better than your lying, Earl Eric.” You said, making him chuckle.
“My sister is praying for your birth to go easily. Along with all of my people.”
“Please give them my gratitude,” you said, “It… means a lot to hear that.”
“She also humbly recommends that you do not listen to anyone.”
You pulled your brows together, “How come?”
“Well, she says a lot of people told her many scary stories before she gave birth. She says the stories were worse than the actual thing.”
“Oh? And do you think that’s true?”
Eric shrugged, “I would not know my queen. I had to leave the room while my cat was giving birth, I do not think I’m meant to handle such a thing.”
Bree let out a laugh, “I did not think Viking men were afraid of anything.”
“Oh, that’s what we want you to believe.” Eric grinned at her, then bowed and walked towards a group of men waiting for him. Bree nudged Gala,
“You were not joking.”
“Everyone admires him.” Gala nodded, “All my friends are talking about him.”
“Not you?”
“I…” Gala averted her glances, “Not me, I’m afraid.”
“A handsome earl walks in, he’s not married, he’s kind and charming and you’re not talking about him?” Bree asked her, making you raise your brows, and turn to Gala who blushed under both your and Bree’s questioning gaze silently. Bree tilted her head,
“Anyone we know, Gala?”
“I- I wouldn’t- there’s nothing at all, really,” she stammered, making you smile,
“Very convincing.”
“Yeah, I almost believed you, until you actually started talking.”
“Who is it?”
“An Earl,” Bree smiled wide, “I’m sure it’s an earl.”
“I’m a servant, Lady Bree. An Earl-“
“Oh who cares about that,” You waved a hand, “You deserve whoever it is your heart desires. But, you should tell us so that I can see whether he deserves you.”
“Maybe he’s a warrior.” Bree thought out loud and your jaw dropped,
“My queen!” Gala said, still blushing, and you licked your lips, stealing a look at Bree.
“It’s someone we know.”
“It definitely is,”
“Is he here now, or with Ivar?”
“Give me clues!”
“I’m not giving anything, there’s no-“ Gala started but you winced as the baby kicked again, this time closer to your ribs.
“That’s it,” Bree grabbed your hand, and pulled you out of the hall, “You’re going to bed and lying down, I don’t want to hear anything else.”
You couldn’t sleep.
Of course you couldn’t. You didn’t want to anyway, not when he would be leaving in the morning.
You needed to enjoy your time, but somehow, the thoughts plagued your mind so badly that you could barely keep the tears at bay. Thankfully, Ivar was way too distracted to see you biting at your lip, as he dragged his fingertips over your stomach, drawing lazy circles on your skin.
“Maybe yours won’t hurt,” he thought out loud, making you at him,
“Freyja favors you. Maybe she’ll make it painless.”
“That’s what you’ve been thinking?” you asked slowly and he nodded, still focused on your stomach,
“You’re not thinking about the fact that you’re leaving tomorrow?”
“Why would I think about that? I’ll go and come back.”
You fell silent for a moment, which made him turn his gaze to you and he nudged at your neck with his nose,
“Hey,” he said softly, “Don’t do that.”
“Easy for you to say,” you muttered, reaching out to touch his cheek. He closed his eyes for a moment before he opened them to smile at you,
“Nothing will happen, Y/N.”
“You don’t know that-“ your voice cracked but you pressed your lips together for a moment, forcing yourself not to cry, “You can’t know that.”
“I will bring you gifts,”
You managed to roll your eyes at him, shooting him a look that made him chuckle.
“You have to give me your word.”
“To do what?”
“To be careful.”
“Of course I will-“
“I’ve heard what my brother and his men talked about you,” you cut him off, “They said it was as if you wanted to tackle death itself. You even dared people to try to kill you.”
Ivar fell into silence for a second before he shook his head,
“That was then.”
“And now?”
“Now,” he thought for a moment, then rolled over so that he could be on top of you, “Now I have you to come back to, little shark.”
You shifted under him as he pressed a kiss on your neck, his hands sneaking down to push your nightgown up, but you stopped him,
“Did you mean it?”
“Earlier,” you licked your lips, “When you said you- my- my lack of skills. In bed.”
A look of realization dawned on his face and he froze, then he pulled back slightly to look at you better,
“What?” he asked silently and you shrugged,
“I know you apologized. I just- I want to know whether you-“
“Because I know I’m not the most knowledgeable person in the world about that-“
“Y/N, no- stop,” he shook his head, “Stop, I didn’t… I would never mean that. You take me to Valhalla, my love. I said that merely to hurt you, and I will regret that for the rest of my days, but-“
“But I’d like to make amends, if you’ll let me.”
You pulled your brows together, distracted from the worry for a moment as he grinned at you mischievously,
“What does that mean?”
Ivar only wiggled his brows, then kissed his way down your body, pushing your nightgown up and you were just about to ask him what he was doing before you held your breath, gripping the pillow.
“And also, I feel like you should decide on the name soon so we can get it embroidered on the blankets and such,” you snapped out of your thoughts with Bree’s voice, your cheeks burning at the memory, “Or at least the initials or something!”
You shook your head, then made a face as you felt your back aching and you stretched out, cracking your back but for once, it didn’t help. You ran your fingers over Eitr’s soft feathers as she moved her head under your touch, perched on the table so that you could pet her.
“I can’t decide that alone, Bree.”
“I mean it’s better to be prepared- oh my God, Y/N, do you remember Lady Webb?”
You let out a laugh, “Yes!” you said, “She- she changed her mind about the name after giving birth to her daughter?”
“Because she didn’t look like a Cicely.” Bree mimicked her voice, “What does that even mean?”
“Don’t ask me, I wouldn’t know.”
“I asked my mother, actually-“ she shrugged, “She merely looked at me and said You just know, Bree. Very enlightening. It was better than most of our conversations though.”
“Why were our mothers terrible?” you wondered out loud, and Bree heaved a sigh,
“They didn’t know otherwise?”
“That’s no excuse.”
“I know it’s not. I just- I feel sorry for them.”
“Sorry for them?” you asked, making her nod.
“Think about it,” she said, “Your mother was in an unhappy marriage, and that mistress issue made her bitter. As for my mother, I see it now, since I have something to compare.”
“See what?”
“How it feels to be actually loved,” Bree muttered, leaning her chin on her hand, “Now that I know how it feels like, I can’t imagine myself without it.”
You smiled at her and reached out to hold her hand, then you scrunched up your nose as the baby jabbed your ribcage, making you gasp and Bree heaved a sigh.
“I think he will have Ivar’s aggression,” you let out a laugh as the pain stopped the minute you started talking, “He seems to want to hear my voice all the time, that’s how he stops.”
“Oh he’s Ivar’s son alright,” Bree muttered and pressed her palm on your belly, “Hi little one. How about you give your mom some resting time, hm?”
The baby moved a little as you took a small breath, but there was no sign of any discomfort from him, so your smile widened as you tapped your fingers over your dress, as if assuring him. You knew it was nonsense, everyone kept telling you the baby wouldn’t be able to understand you when he was born, much less before, but you still had a funny feeling about it.
You opened your mouth to ask Bree if she wanted to take a walk, but when the blow of a horn reached your ears, you whipped your head, your heartbeat getting faster in a moment.
You could tell what that meant in your sleep, after waiting for it for months.
“My Queen!” You heard Gala’s voice and she swung the door open, breathing hard as if she had been running. The wide smile on her face confirmed the last, tiny doubt you had in your mind.
“The ships are on the horizon,” she breathed out as Eitr started flapping her wings, and you stared at her, the relief washing over you so suddenly that it made your head spin.
You pushed your chair back to stand up and rush to the window even though you were sure Bree would scold you, but before you could take a step, you doubled up as a strange sensation spread through you, and you felt the wetness trickling down your leg, making you grab at the table.
And then, all the blood drained from Bree’s face,
“No,” you choked out as it dawned on you, but Bree jumped on her feet,
“Gala, go get the physician and the midwife- tell them her water just broke.”
“What?” Gala’s jaw dropped as you gasped, the pain shot through you so suddenly that it made your vision go black for a moment. You could barely hear Gala rushing out of the door as tears filled your eyes, making you claw at the table,
“Y/N, the bed my sweet, come on-“
“I’m not- no,” you took a deep breath, “I-I can’t Bree, he’s not here yet, even if there’s wind, it’ll take those ships hours to get here.”
“Yes, and your baby does not want to wait for that,” Bree’s voice was almost too calm, as tears escaped from your eyes while you tried to breathe, and the pain dulled for a moment. Bree grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to the bed, then pushed you gently. She brushed your hair off your face as Eitr started circling in the room, and your hands balled up into fists as another wave of pain hit you, making you cry out loud before a sob escaped from your lips,
“Tell the physician to make it stop,” you gripped her hand, the panic pulsing through you as the pain went away, letting you take a breath, “Bree, please, I can’t do this alone, please make them at least- at least delay it until he gets here-“
“Y/N,” Bree’s voice was unwavering unlike yours as she cupped your cheek, hushing you, “Listen- shh, my sweet- look at me, alright? Focus, are you listening?”
You sniffled, and nodded.
“Even if Ivar isn’t here-“  she shushed you gently, “I know you want him here, but even if he’s not, you’re not alone, do you hear me? You will have me, you will have Gala, and we will be with you until the very end, I’m not moving an inch until you hold that baby.”
You wiped at your nose, tears escaping from your eyes and the door slammed open as the midwife and the physician rushed inside,
“My queen,” the physician smiled at you before ordering Gala to get buckets of warm water and towels as the midwife pushed your gown over your knees.
“How- how long will it take?” you asked her and the midwife raised her brows,
“Get comfortable your majesty, we will be here for a while, do not push yet.”
The pain burst through your whole lower back again, almost reaching your neck and you clenched your teeth, another sob leaving you before you could even stop it.
The midwife seemed to understand what you were doing though, because she shot you an almost reprimanding look.
“Everyone cries during birth, your majesty. Even the falcon queens.”  
“I’m sure everyone cries, I would definitely cry,” Bree said, still holding your hands, “And hey, maybe it is better Ivar is away right now, do you know why?”
You wiped at your eyes, “Why?”
“That way no one in the room will be threatened just because you’re crying.”
A laughter, mixed with a sob climbed your throat, “You can’t make me laugh Bree, I’m giving birth.”
“I find laughter quite useful-“ the midwife started but your ears rang as another pang of pain washed over you, making you grip Bree’s hand tighter, not even able to breathe. Gala rushed in, followed by three servants, all of them carrying buckets and towels. They placed it next to the physician and the midwife, then left the room, leaving Gala there.
“Should I leave as well, my queen?”
“You can stay if you wish,” you nodded as Bree wiped the sweat off your forehead, and you let out a breath, closing your eyes for a moment.
“What if I can’t?” you asked Bree, “People die. Babies die, I- what if-“
Bree covered your lips with her palm, glaring at you, “I will not hear a word of that,” she said, “You will be alright. So will the baby, I swear to you.”
“Freyja will help you just like she helped you with the poison, my queen,” the physician said and you dropped your head to Bree’s shoulder, as she wrapped an arm around you.
“It’s alright, through your nose, out of your mouth….” she whispered as Gala sat by you, nibbling at her lip. A small tapping noise reached your ears, making you turn to look at where it was coming from and you saw Eitr tapping her beak at the glass of the window, as if she was in a rush.
You could barely hold down the shriek of the sudden pain as your whole body clenched and you tried to breathe through it,
“Get her out-“ you choked out, “She- she needs out-“
“The baby?”
“Eitr,” you managed to say “Gala, get her out, please-“
She nodded and rushed to the window to open it, and Eitr flew out of the room like a bolt, making Gala freeze by the window,
“What?” you asked her and she turned around, her mouth slightly agape,
“I didn’t know there were that many falcons in Kattegat,” she said, “They’re….flying to the sea.”
Ivar’s ships.
“Breathe, my queen.”
“We should have written a note.” Bree stated, “It would’ve been better, because I have this horrid feeling you will make me be the person who tells him he missed the birth of his beloved heir.”
You pressed your lips together, “No, it will be Gala,” you breathed out, and Gala’s eyes widened.
“My queen, please do not let that be me.”
“I’m joking!”
“No, it will be me,” Bree scrunched up her nose, “I’m not proud of confessing this, but I will just use Bjorn as my human shield, he will understand.”
You let out a laugh, but it was interrupted by another wave of pain, this time heavier than the others. It was so powerful that you actually thought you would pass out, but it dulled for only a moment as the midwife pushed her sleeves up, and gripped your knees as the physician placed her hands on your belly.
“Now you can push, my queen.”
When the pain came back, your scream was so loud that you could swear it echoed all over Kattegat.
Special thanks to: @nympha-door-a @theskytraveler @iblogabout-stuff @mamaraptor @vikrone @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme @asongofmarvelanddc @not–even-a-real–fan @alicedopey @thorohdamnson @captstefanbrandt @flowers-in-your-hayr @marauderskeeper @badbitsh13 @superwolfchild-fan @mblaqgi @thescarsweleave @marvelsvalhalla @natalielbeauty @pandalandalopalis @alyssiamarierenee @bloodyivar  , @eleanorsparkz    @illumminated @itsjoshebelbitch @vikingalexthedane @hangirl93 @mersers-moonypadfoot-prongs @skadithegoddess   @geekandbooknerd @katalina-from-hellbound @too-stressed-to-live@supercarricat @sky-daybreak@athroatfullofglass @blushingskywalker @little-froggy @girlwhoisfearless @aikeji @part-time-patronus @actuallyazriel @rhabakoli  and lovely anons! You are amazing! <3
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askalostn · 5 years
OOC: Mun here!
Hey it's been a loooooong while. Apologies. I've got an important update in regards to ask a lost N.
Straight to the point. I'm restarting the blog.
I... kinda don't like the art. Yeah I know I can redraw it but I've made my mind up.
I won't delete the blog but I'll reblog the asks onto my main blog (@kotekie) then delete them off this blog.
What does this mean for the blog? Well. Bad news. You guys still kinda have a long wait. Really sorry to disappoint.
Here's the long of why I'm restarting it aside from the art.
This blog is part of an Au. Well more exactly it is the au. Au...^2.
This ask blog is part of an Au called Good Intentions. A massive Clusterfuck of an au trying to involve as many (main game) characters as I can because I am a dummie who is very ambitious and really really love my angst (and fluff).
Without spoiling much of the plot imagine if two undertale aus crossed over but instead of just focusing on sans and sans alone it involved multiple characters and an oc.
Its stupidly ambitious and I am an overly ambitious person.
(I am also a dumb idiot who tries to take on too much at once.)
This au is basically years in the making. Well technically. Kinda. Eeeeeeh- okay two characters were years in the making the rest just kinda exploded.
Meaning I gotta do my research instead of jumping right in like i did with this!
To be fair I'm somewhat glad I did. It gave me a kick into realising I need to actually... y'know. Make the au instead of keeping it my head.
But yeah, this au is on the backburner for now. Because I really do want to make this good because I really do love this au.
Also gonna do some redesigns of characters for the au-
It's just one mun here and i want to make this work.
So in the meanwhile. Imma do character on my main and post stuff related to the au on the occasion. Please please please feel free to send me ramble requests. I love rambling about pokemon. Main is @kotekie.
I'm running two blogs of my own to help me develop my ask blog skills and art.
I'm a co mun on @ask-sanyou-trio along with two other lovely muns! So please check it out! ^-^
Thank you for your patience and apologies that you'll have to wait longer. But I hope when I do finally make it it'll be worth the wait.
Thank you!
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hearthhhh · 4 years
✧Hello! I'd love a matchup! INFJ,Panromantic Asexual,Female, Virgo. I'm incredibly awkward, because of that I tend to mess myself up a lot. I have a stutter which I myself find annoying. I tend to be shy when meeting people but when I open up I'm frankly a whole other person. I don't have much of a filter with my friends. I enjoy Artsy things, and I tend to be highly critical of mostly everything involving art and generally anything I'm interested it. I'm quite picky, not to mention obsessive.
I pair you with...
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🥢 Spoilers for V3 ahead! If this is a problem feel free to leave another ask!
🥢 This ask was a bit more difficult because of the whole V3 plot and the ending and all that. I thought about it and just decided I'd write this ask as if you were a member of the trials as well.
🥢 Kaito is really uplifting and loves getting along with introverts, and originally gets closer to you due to your shy nature! He likes trying to bring up your mood, and is really supportive of your insecurities. Kaito would even try to pay attention to things you're insecure about so he could come off as encouraging as possible.
🥢 Once you start opening up to him, he’s pleasantly surprised, and really excited that you’re feeling more comfortable around him.
🥢 Both you and Kaito rarely have filters around each other. You speak your minds, and enjoy the honesty you two share. It helps that Kaito basically runs on his moral compass, which is pretty sound and easy to understand and agree with.
🥢 You and Maki would get along well! Instead of her becoming Kaito's love interest, you and Kaito would become one of her very good friends! You're less violent and also an introvert, so there're aspects of you two that are pretty similar and could lead to a pretty solid platonic relationship.
🥢 You two stick together pretty close. Kaito is very attuned to making plans, and tries to understand people and their emotional capabilities as well, trying to take off as much emotional loads as possible. So he'd come up with several ways to hang out with each other, seeming as innocent, but really just a way to keep an eye out for you. He's really scared something will happen to you, but he doesn't want to come off as possessive or stress-inducing.
🥢 He really likes your obsessive nature, because Kaito is the same way! When Kaito likes something he's got it set in stone, even if it's just a small whim, he pursues all his goals and wishes really passionately. So Kaito likes seeing people who are just as passionate as him, and is really supportive of your art and will listen to you rant for hours if you'd like, maybe even debate if you need to.
🥢Kaito wouldn't ask you out. He knows he's dying, he can't put you through the emotional turmoil, it'll crush you. As much as Kaito wants to distance himself, he can't, and he thinks it's selfish of him.
🥢 You have to ask him out. It's scary, but so are the killing games. You never know if one of you will die and you need him to know about your feelings.
🥢 When you tell him I'd imagine your stutter taking over. Your shyness takes over but Kaito understands exactly what you're trying to say. He's torn but on cloud nine at the exact same time.
🥢 The days before Kaito's death you spend cuddling and spending time alone, distancing yourself from the others as much as possible. But he disappears into the bathroom for extended periods of time, sometimes Kaito would even leave you alone in one of your rooms claiming to be getting food but coming back empty-handed and forgetting entirely why he'd left in the first place.
🥢 There's a high level of trust in your relationship, there has to be when you're dating in the middle of a killing trials. So you wouldn't expect him to be a killer, only worrying about his safety.
🥢 Then there’s the whole trial business, and the only person you have left is Maki.
I pair you with...
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🥢 The Victorian Era was very well known for its artistry, so you'd be able to get by easily as an artist. Especially because you're so critical, I'd imagine it'd make you pickier about what you'd paint, and you'd be able to grow renown pretty easily. Artists that are introverted also create a sense of mystery, so people would become more intrigued.
🥢 Also, I researched career paths for INFJ. I actually found that there are many people with that personality type who run non-profit organizations.
🥢 I got this idea that you'd have an auction for some of your paintings, then give a portion of your earnings to people in need.
🥢 This auction would make you even more well known. So I'd imagine you're a spectacle in the artistry world.
🥢 Because you're so important, it wouldn't be surprising for you to have some pretty high up contacts. That would include Earl Ciel Phantomhive.
🥢 You'd meet Prince Soma at one of Ciel's parties. It's a small get together between others of higher positions, and it's pretty great.
🥢 Except the music's loud, the people there aren't that entertaining, and you don't really want to take to them. You only came to keep up appearances, and you kind of felt like you had to.
🥢You meet Prince Soma and Agni in one of the hallways trying to make it outside for some fresh air. He's really nice, and you two get along very well. After he shows you the doors, the two men stay with you for a bit to talk.
🥢 Prince Soma enjoys being of use to others, and is excited he's able to help you even if it's something as small as showing you the exit. But he's also easily intimidated. So he'd seek comfort in your timid nature, and would try to see past your introverted shell and try to make you more open.
🥢 Once he gets to know you more he's thrilled! Prince Soma loves people with a sense of humour and seems to like yours a lot.
🥢 You two meet more along the streets and stop to talk whenever you see each other. Until you give Soma your address, and tell him he's able to stop by anytime. He takes the invitation up eagerly, and is over almost daily.
🥢 You're surprised he didn't know you were an artist. When he sees several paintings around your larger than average house he's immediately intrigued. And when you tell him of your fundraisers, that's when Soma starts to grow feelings for you.
🥢 Soma really admires you at this point. He'd always seen himself as the mediator of your friendship, a guide. But now he respects you as someone equal.
🥢 As you two start going out more, Soma asks for Agni to accompany him less and less. Then it gets to the point where Soma and you would always spend time with each other alone, usually in the comfort of your home.
🥢 Eventually, Agni has to tell Soma to tell you about his feelings. They're pretty obvious at this point. Soma actually hadn't even realized he'd liked you until it was pointed out. He just really liked being around you.
🥢 I feel like there would be like… a whole system to get into a relationship. Prince Soma was probably the type to be expecting an arranged marriage, maybe even to meet his bride on their wedding day. So I'm not quite sure what traditions would be in place, if this makes sense.
🥢 But anyway! I feel like Soma would be the type who's really excited to get into relationships, so he'd tell you very soon after his realization, if not immediately. He's like a fucking puppy in the best way possible.
🥢 You know exactly what he's trying to say before he even opens his mouth. He asks you in your kitchen as you're making breakfast.
🥢 Being in a relationship with Prince Soma is great. He'd spoil you silly, and Agni would be like a big brother to you. While Prince Soma loves alone time with you, it's important to him that you and Agni get along well. While he wouldn't say it aloud, Soma is always really happy when he sees you two interacting.
🥢 Soma is one for cuddles! He loves to have an excess of pillows and blankets, and builds the best pillow forts.
🥢 You find a lot of your time would be taken up by Soma. He really likes being around you and gets lonely really quickly. While you paint he likes to talk to you, but sometimes gets restless sitting down for too often. He admires you for having the patience to paint for so long.
🥢 He'd be really goofy! Your senses of humour would minimize uncomfy things like getting sick or being sad, and would create the baseline for trust and vulnerability! Basically you two would just be so comfortable around each other and you wouldn't feel like there are any barriers between you two. You'd feel like extensions of yourselves.
🥢 Okay the fluff here made up for the angsty Kaito matchup woo!
I pair you with...
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🥢 So aside from Zen's obvious immediate flirtatious nature, I feel like he'd become interested in things that you're insecure about! Zen's all for being uplifting and encouraging self-betterment, but feels bad when people are downright self-deprecating. He just wants people to be the best versions of themselves they can be, but things you can't change about yourself are fine just the way they are. They make you unique in Zen's eyes.
🥢 Zen loves your art! Send! Lots! Of! Pics! He's the cheerleader everyone needs honestly. Zen also loves when you talk about art, and admires how passionate you are. He'd even compare your passion for art to his passion for acting. In short, Zen really respects your talent and passion.
🥢 When you start to open up to the chat a bit more Zen is super excited and really supportive!
🥢 I feel like after you start opening up to the chat more is when Zen starts to develop real feelings for you. He'd show this by flirting a little more, but other than that there isn't any indication at first. It's just the same old flirty Zen.
🥢 Zen's always saying how he'd like to meet you in person, so eventually you do! You two send lots of pictures to the messenger, going shopping and to dinner or lunch afterwards. You two have a lot of fun, and later go on more outings together.
🥢  You and Zen go on outings as friends, though. Even Yoosung tags along sometimes, and you three are constantly trying to get Jaehee to come out and have some fun. Seven and Jumin usually decline your requests if acknowledging them at all.
🥢 Zen's feelings grow the more time you two spend together. It's almost unbearable to be so close to you, not being able to hold your hand yet be able to say such sweet things without your suspicion.
🥢 Eventually Zen invites you out for lunch over call, very different from the public planning you two would do on the group chats. But you don't think too much of it because it's Zen, and you've always been closest to him.
🥢 He really wants to make you feel special! But he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable with too much attention. So he takes you to a secluded café that gives off a really homey yet romantic vibe. He asks you out over hot chocolate and cookies, and spoils you rotten that entire day.
🥢 Zen's very clingy but certainly not as clingy as Prince Soma. He loves being around you and cherishes your outings, probably having a huge folder full of aesthetic pictures of you. He'd also definitely screenshot every picture of your art you send and keep it in a folder. He mentions it to you casually one day on a date, showing that your art style has improved pretty well from the first piece you sent to the group chat to the most recent.
🥢 Zen is all for really cheesy and mushy romantic stuff. He texts you a lot throughout the day to tell you that he misses you, is thinking about you, loves you, etc. He's just so sweet and really cares about you and needs you to know.
🥢 Zen loves how shy you are. He finds it cute and endearing, and fondly mentions it many times. You also notice he speaks very softly to you, and his tone is so much different. It's almost as if he's trying to pour every once of love that he can into every syllable. 
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ask-bored-monika · 6 years
Mod update: What comes next?
Well, here we are. Our first special event, checking in with the “lost girls”, has come to an end (if you missed the conclusion, click here to read it!) Sayori, Yuri, and Natsuki are no longer available for asks. Now, to answer why it took so long. (this is gonna be a few paragraphs but there’s a TL;DR near the bottom if you don’t have the time)
In the time I was gone, I was working on summer work... actually, no, most of that was watching YouTube videos. But now I’m actually in school, and trying to manage my time better. Because of this, despite it seeming like I’ve come back from my hiatus, I want to be clear that this, in all likelihood, won’t be the start of a regular upload schedule. I work best on random bursts of inspiration, and realizing that it was DDLC’s first birthday did that for me yesterday.
That being said, as I’ve mentioned before, I have plans for this blog that I want to at least attempt - especially since I now have 400+ people following it (speaking of which, thank you to everyone’s who stuck around!) First, I have to finish the cliffhanger I left the main plot off on back around... Easter, I think? This will take two posts, one which will require lots of editing work on my end, and one that should be much less stressful in that aspect. Since it’s been so long, here’s the last post from before the event to make sure we’re all on the same page.
From there, I have a bunch of old asks I want to use up before the start of the next proper arc (though feel free to send more stuff to Monika if you think of something interesting to say!). That arc will be when the stuff from the event becomes relevant, but I won’t spoil anything more than that. When that arc concludes, the format of this blog will be changing in a big way, which... well... let’s just say my art skills will have to be up to par by then.
I have no clue when the next ARG/side event will be, but I’m definitely excited for when I get the idea/chance to do it again. Otherwise, there’s a secret project I’m working on in relation to this blog. Again, I don’t know when that will be done, but it should only take me one weekend with enough free time to get it made. If you want to see it as soon as it gets posted, you should subscribe to my YouTube channel, Agent Raven.
So TL;DR, I need to finish the main plot event when I get the time, and then it’ll be back to answering asks for Monika. I’ll try to make a schedule and stick to it, but no promises. When I’m out of old and new asks I want to answer, I’ll transition to the next arc, where the stuff from the special event we just finished will be relevant. At some point during all that, I’ll be posting the secret project to my YouTube channel.
To wrap things up, I want to thank my supporters again, and, as annoying as it probably is to hear, remind y’all that liking and reposting my in-character posts gives me extra motivation to keep this up. As proof, anyone remember when I announced my Monster Prom ask blog, @ask-spooky-high? Well, I haven’t posted to it in months, because after my first post, it took months to get just 1 more ask. Like this blog, I had plans for that one, but nearly all my motivation for it has gone down the drain.
Anyway, point is, I love y’all, I hope you stick around, and feel free to reblog, comment, or even send asks with your opinions on my work. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to get some sleep (I’m writing this in advance). Keep being awesome. This is Agent Raven, signing off.
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hurghhhh · 7 years
Stardom and Romance
A/N: After hours of browsing the works of others, I’ve decided to try my own at writing a quackson imagine. No summary. because my aim is to see if I can create a story instead of directly telling it. Tom x f!reader, but it’ll take a while for it to actually become obvious. Please give it a chance and send me feedback! Thanks!
“Look man, it’s a school night, and I’d prefer to get back home earlier today. Can’t we just have a little verbal spat and be on our ways?”
Your mask covered your face, so the man in front of you couldn’t see your scowl. “I’ve spent almost two years looking for you, so I really don’t give a damn if it’s a school night, Spider-man.”
The red and blue masked man let out a sigh. “Well, we better figure out some way to make this quick.”
With a snarl, you leapt forward, “Trust me, I don’t plan on making your death quick.”
You stumbled to a halt, blinking as the microphone near your face was whisked away and the street suddenly erupted in a flurry of voices. Jon sat in his director's chair a few feet to your right, his face arranged in a thoughtful scowl as he watched the playback from one of the cameras.
“Think this might be the perfect shot. Good job, guys!” he yelled while flashing you a thumbs up.
A chuckle erupted next to you, followed by a “Cool! Nice work, (Y/N)!”
With a rueful grin you raised your hand to recuperate the high-five. “Same to you, Tom.”
Tom Holland’s face was covered by his Spider-man mask, but you knew he was also wearing a grin. You both took off your masks, and chuckled at the sight. His hair was a tousled mess, and you were pretty sure you looked the same.
“Alright, I believe that’s a wrap for today! Let’s start cleaning up, and we can call it a day!” Jon yelled. With a nod of acknowledgement, you shuffled into a trailer to change.
Fifteen minutes later, your suit now hung neatly along your other costumes, you jogged over to where Tom and Zendaya was waiting. You were now wearing a pair of athletic shorts with a hoodie, while they sported t-shirts and sweats. Zendaya pulled you into a side hug which you gladly recuperated, giggling into her shirt.
“Gotta’ say, (Y/N), you looked pretty hot on camera,” the actress remarked.
You jammed your hands into the hoodie pockets. “I needa’ look my best if I want to be your competing love interest, Z. Shame my efforts have to be wasted on lil’ Peter Parker, though.”
“Excuse me!” Tom complained, “I think most girls would love to be in a relationship with Spiderman!”
With a chuckle, you moved to tackle the guy in a hug. “To be honest though, I feel a lot hotter when I’m in villain mode instead of lovesick high schooler mode.”
Tom recuperated the hug with a ruffling of your hair. “Make sure you don’t let the reporters hear that. Gotta’ keep the secret of the movie, huh?”
“Dude, if anybody’s gonna’ spill my secret, it would be you, bigmouth,” you teased.
“Speaking of reporters….” Zendaya pointed to the right, where your manager was quickly hustling over, “Something tells me she’s gonna’ ask if you could do a last minute interview.”
“It’s almost midnight, man! Can’t I get a break?” You complained. Your limbs were already heavy with exhaustion and you wanted nothing more than to crawl into your hotel room to sleep.
“Hey, guys,” your manager approached you, an apologetic look on her face, “(Y/N), Tom, Hollywood TV want an interview with you both. I told them yes, but only if you two are feeling up for it. Tom, your manager said the same thing, too.”
You exchanged looks with your costar and achieved a mutual decision. “We’ll do it, Jane. Just give us a few minutes.”
“They’re at the East Gate whenever you’re ready. I’ll be there, too.” Jane offered another sympathetic smile before hurrying away to her next task.
“Jane’s a good manager,” Zendaya noted while you disentangled yourself from Tom’s arms to stretch.
“She looks out for me,” you agreed, “What else would you expect from a family friend?”
“We better get going. Don’t want to keep them waiting too long,” Tom murmured while gazing around the set
Zendaya let out a yawn. “Have fun, you two. I’m gonna’ see if there’s anything to help with and then head back with Haz and the others. Meet you guys at the hotel.”
As the actress walked away, you couldn’t help but slump with exhaustion. Tom slung an arm around your shoulders and you gladly leaned towards him for support.
“Let’s get this over with, and we can celebrate back at the hotel with some tea,” he said lightly.
You couldn’t help but chuckle. “Only if it comes with sugar.”
“Now of course everybody’s familiar with the friendly neighborhood Spider-man Peter Parker, AKA Tom Holland, but (Y/N), your character is certainly new. Care to give a little insight?
You smiled. “Of course! So my character, Katie, is this new girl that transfers to Midtown during senior year, which is already just a bit sketchy. She’s more of the quiet, shy type and it’s obvious that she doesn’t really want to talk to anybody, but she ends up partnering Peter in chemistry class and develops a huge crush on him. Safe to say that she’s not exactly fond of MJ.”
“I would think not,” the interviewer, a petite young woman, agreed with a chuckle, “Any word on how big of a role she plays in the plot?”
You inwardly smiled at the warning look Jane was giving you from behind the camera. “Guess you’ll just have to watch the movie to find out!”
“Of course, of course,” the interviewer laughed, though you noticed just the smallest trace of frustration on her face, “And to Tom now. What’s it like to be playing this guy who’s caught in a sort of love triangle?”
“To be honest, I’m a little jealous of all the attention Peter’s getting!” Tom joked, and you playfully swatted his shoulder, “But this is definitely something new for Peter, since he’s always seen himself as kind of the loser at high school. It already took him more than a year to figure out his relationship with Michelle, and now he has his new girl to deal with, and pretty honestly, with his whole Spider-man gig and his lack of actual experience, he’s just really oblivious to the tension in the situation.”
“Last question,” the interviewer announced, “Even if Tom and Zendaya are the leading couple of the movie, the few set pics we’ve seen show that in particular, you two have an awfully close relationship. Anything to confirm or deny?”
Tom chuckled, though your experience as his close friend detected the annoyance under his smile. “She’s the sister I never had.”
“And the brother I never asked for,” you finished, “But appreciate all the same. Seriously though, just really good friends. Nothing more, nothing less.”
The interviewer nodded, obviously unconvinced, and turned back to the camera. “So there you have it guys! Spiderman: Graduation coming to theaters near you on August 17th! Make sure to check it out!”
You flashed another cheeky smile at the camera, while at your side, Tom did a classic Spider-man pose. After holding the position for a few seconds, the cameraman gave a small thumbs up, and you both immediately relaxed. The interviewer hurried forward to shake your hand.
“Thank you again for agreeing to this interview, especially when you’re still in the middle of filming!” she gushed, before moving to grab Tom’s hand and enthusiastically shake it as well.
Tom laughed. “No problem! Anything’s cool as long as (Y/N)’s here to make sure I behave.”
“More like make sure you don’t spoil anything or let out a few curse words,” you teased. Tom rubbed the back of his head, a sheepish grin on his face, while the interview giggled. “I should let you guys get some rest,” she said, “Thanks again!”
Fifteen minutes later, you and Tom finally walked away, free from the lapel mics and cameras and managers. “So...ten bucks the interviewer has a crush on you?” you asked, your eyebrows raised.
“Ehh...Doubt it,” Tom replied, his eyebrows scrunched in thought, “She’s too busy being obsessed with what our ‘relationship status’ is.”
“That’s like the hundredth time somebody’s asked us that.”
“And it gets more and more annoying every time.”
You gave him a sympathetic smile. “You’re an A-list movie star. Girls all over the world are dying to know if you’re single or not.”
Tom made a face. “It’s sweet that people care and all, but it’s my business if I want to date somebody, isn’t it?”
“You’ve been in this business way longer than I have and you’re still clueless?” You nudged his side. “We’re actors. Our lives are out for the world to see.”
With a sigh, Tom slung an arm over your shoulder. “At least I have good company through it all.”
You grinned ruefully. So much had changed in the past five years, and you couldn’t have been more grateful for the friends you had at your side. “Ditto.”
A/N: Please say that you were able to discern some plot points from the vagueness of this. Thx for making it here!
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orindasfinest · 6 years
Critical Theory is a Disease and I Ain’t Got the Cure (versus the People on GWH)
Interesting that a semi-serious post could arise on this platform at such a time of internal strife. I considered posting on Medium instead but then I heard something about George Soros and got scared.
Anyway, engaging in good faith with just about anything produced by Barstool is a fucking fool’s errand. I’m talking sending your court jester to go pick up a carton of eggs - level fool’s errand. He’s just gonna come back with yet another box of decorative scarves!
But as wave after wave of disaffected former college students combine their half-baked critical reasoning skills and desperate need for online attention into “hot takes” that really just serve as Rorschach tests for the mistakes your parents made when they were raising you, it was an inevitability that one of these Bad Posts would come into my orbit and irritate me enough so that I’d make my own dumb emission and accidentally invalidate the sentient ziploc bag filled with swamp ass that fell zip-seal first onto their keyboard enough times to churn out a thing like this.
What sort of thing am I talking about? Hah, well, a thing like this thing right here: https://www.barstoolsports.com/barstoolu/the-ponytail-harvard-guy-from-good-will-hunting-won-that-argument (go ahead, I already gave them my pageview, and you won’t even recognize your elementary school if you go back because the passage of time doesn’t give a fuck about your existence). I don’t mean to spoil your dessert, but: it’s a bad take! And as stated, debating this it at face value, especially when it comes from a company like Barstool Sample (really sure no-one has done that before), is just setting yourself up for a raft of meaninglessness.
Unfortunately, I can’t let this Bad Post slide. It features the sort of willful textual misreading that’s allowed narratives such as “Ryan Gosling is a cornerback in Remember the Titans” to become embedded in the cultural consciousness. So I’m gonna embrace Francis’ debate or whatever and tell you why this cute little bit of contrarianism is actually a sign of fourth-degree brain rot. And, as always, it’ll likely be very mean, as I am a big baby.
Title: The Ponytail Harvard Guy From Good Will Hunting Won That Argument
Already off to a bad start. I think much of Francis’ confusion here -- aside from the general problem he faces of not knowing his ass from his elbow -- is that he thinks Will and Clark (yeah, the guy has a name, which you would know if you watched the scene, but wouldn’t know if you just so happened to be the physical embodiment of an old-looking anthill in the outfield of a shitty little league diamond) are having some kind of university roundtable on the evolution of the market economy in the Southern colonies. They’re not. Clark is forced by Will to pivot from a broad display of learned knowledge into a broader ideological discussion about methods of information acquisition and the general value of academia. That is another thing you would notice if your head wasn’t filled with dyslexic cat food.
Point one: Will only jumps in because he’s trying to impress a girl
Aaaaaand WELCOME to another broadcast of Major League Projecting! Francis, m’boy over here, strides to the plate, currently batting a crisp .482 at unwittingly copping to the fact that he sees all conversations held in the vicinity of a woman as an opportunity to weasel into her pants. He eagerly points to Will’s “thirsty smile” at Skylar’s -- rebuke of a universally acknowledged douchebag? -- and that’ll be another trip around the missing-the-point bases by our mainest man!!!
Dear god. Yes, Will displays his relentless horniness by not introducing himself to Skylar in any way, barely looking at her during the confrontation, and then capitalizing on his victory by ignoring Skylar for the rest of the night to the point where she has to come over and chastise him for not following up on his finishing maneuver. IT’S SO CLEAR WHY DIDN’T I SEE IT BEFORE, ALL I HAD TO DO WAS REPLACE MY EYEBALLS WITH PUDDLES OF JIZZ
In fact, the only thing that may be more off-base is Will’s claim that Clark’s out to impress some girls. The familiarity and exasperation with which Skylar says Clark’s name indicates that they have a long history with nary a positive note. Clark is not going to “win over” Skylar by bodyslamming a wayward townie. This is a classic macho pissing contest. Chuckie is trespassing in Clark’s yard by entering a college bar and passing himself off as a student, and it’s an insult to Clark’s tenuous sense of identity that such a thing would occur without some sort of consequence.
Will’s fierce sense of loyalty is what drives him to enter the discussion and bail out his overmatched friend. To be fair, though, it’s easy to miss that character trait which is absolutely integral to understanding Will as a person provided that during every other scene in the movie you shove forks in your ears and then shove that new apparatus into the nearest electrical socket.
Point two: Will also plagiarizes the works of authors.
The dictionary defines plagiarism as (emphasis mine) “an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that author's work as one's own, as by not crediting the original author.” The dictionary goes on to say, “Oh, Francis? Don’t even fucking talk to me about that dude. He tried to tell me that rigatoni was a fleshlight.”
Plagiarism involves passing off someone else’s work as your own, which is why any researched assignment ever requires a works cited page so your professor can see whose ideas you decided sounded the smartest when you were slamming 99c shooters and yelling through your bedroom door that you’d be out for the pregame in a minute. If you’d like to learn the difference between plagiarism and not plagiarism, I’d recommend examining an instance where one person pretends that they’re having original thoughts but are really just wholesale quoting more reputable sources, while another spouts direct lines from textbooks and then immediately attributes the author, book title, and page number. If only there was a way to witness such a dichotomy...
Point three: Will threatens to fight him.
Here’s where that pesky misunderstanding from earlier really rears its ugly, looking-surprisingly-like-Francis head: we are not witnessing an intellectual debate, no matter how much Francis would like to pretend we are and would also like to pretend that his “friends” don’t just feel bad for him every time they let him pick where they’re going to go out to dinner.
The only statement made to the given topic is made by Clark in his opening salvo. After that, Will and Clark are not having an honest discussion about the economic modalities of the colonies, but are having an argument about the value of academia first through the surrogates of researched theories and then outright through class-and-value-based accusations. There is no point to be won in this scenario. Clark places value in his education because he knows it will lead him directly to a financially stable future; Will ridicules spending an exorbitant amount of money on something he can learn for free because he was raised in a blue-collar environment and has been conditioned to disdain such frivolous expenditures. Neither is going to leave this confrontation with their viewpoint changed in any appreciable fashion. Will understands this, and digs in further to his rough-and-tumble roots by inviting Clark to take it outside. He’s made his point and is now transitioning to the earlier issue: Clark was fucking with Chuckie, and if that’s going to continue, then there’s going to be a problem. Wow, I just went like a whole paragraph without taking a cruel potshot! Sheesh, that was maybe five or six sentences. Shame that Francis can only read two per day or his itsy witsy peanut brainy brain has to power down completely and he dookies right into his pants in feeaaarrrrr
In conclusion, I am everything I hate, and perhaps Francis and I share the same central consciousness, leading me to shame him for his traumatically bad comprehension skills in the hopes that he decides to stop watching movies while upside down and spooning Frosted Mini-Wheats up his nose until they blow out with such force that they crack whatever screen is displaying the motion picture. Will did not lose the argument, because there was never going to be a winner in the broader scope of the debate that was actually taking place; he did not enter the arena to impress a girl, but to help his friend, who was in danger or being embarrassed, being thrown out after caving in Clark’s face, or both; he did not plagiarize, because he cited his sources while only using them as a cudgel to belabor Clark’s phony intellectualism; and he lost no credibility for issuing the challenge to fight at the end, because he demonstrated his intelligence and then displayed the nature of his violent upbringing, which makes him uhhhh a three-dimensional character that can’t be qualified by reductive maxims like “That’s thuggish behavior” ya fucking dafty.
By all means, though, go the fuck in on the “How Do You Like Them Apples” scene because that has been and will always be one of the cringiest sequences committed to film. It’s right up there with a clip of Francis going around the office holding a red Swingline he bought off Amazon using a Kinja Deals code and asking people if they’ve seen his stapler while doing a reprehensible Milton Waddams impression.
Anyway im gonna go jerk off for twelve days or whatever’s left lol whole foods is putting RFID chips in your celery because they know you won’t even notice with all the $35 hummus you’re slathering on that bitch
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