#feels... stepford wifey
imagine all the bots were russian and complimenting you on your accordion playing and the pretty lakeside environment. thats the video i just found on youtube
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screeching-bunny · 10 months
Saw that requests were open, and maybe can you do this one? ⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄
Request- A master manipulator yandere husband that’s been with his wifey (us) since childhood. That’s right, we childhood sweethearts <3 He lovingly molded us into a dependent stepford wifey, cause what’d we do without him? He’s always been there to protect, provide, and care for us since we were young, why stop now into adulthood?
Love to have this as HC format with some dash of dialogue if possible to show some of his personality!
Also I loved your latest CEO yandere, what’s his name? He’s a favorite of mine now. Love the ones that spoil you rotten and can’t live without you!
Yandere! Husband Hcs
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Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Yandere Thoughts, Bad Writing, Stalking, Possessive Behavior, Reader is Referred as ‘You’
A/N: Yandere! Ceo currently doesn’t have a name rn but don’t worry he will soon!!! Thank you so much enjoying him!!!
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🌟 Yandere! Husband has been friends with you since you were children. From the moment you got out of the car and started to get your things out of the moving van, he was absolutely hooked. He practically rushed his little legs over and started to enthusiastically introduce himself to you and your family. He was honestly so thrilled to learn that you were the same age as him and going to be attending the same elementary school as him. When you first started attending school Yandere! Husband made sure to hold your hand no matter where you went. Whenever anyone asked he would say that he was only doing this to make you more comfortable (he’s doing this for his own enjoyment). This is a habit that stays even in your adult life. No matter where the two of you are, he is always holding your hand lovingly.
🌟 Yandere! Husband in elementary school used to get so upset whenever someone would try to approach you to play with them. Whenever someone did this he would always try to do petty little things to them such as trip them, tattle tale on every little thing they did, and sometimes get even a little physical. At the time he wasn’t exactly sure why he was feeling these awful emotions but what he was one hundred percent sure on was that he didn’t want anyone to take your attention off of him.
Random elementary student: “You can’t keep doing this! You’re acting like they’re yours! They can play with whoever they want, so stop acting like you own them!”
Yandere! Husband: “...” Coming to the realization that he loves hearing that. The idea of you being solely his causes his heart to beat even faster. “Mine, I like the sound of that.”
🌟 Yandere! Husband made sure to protect you from any bullies that ever tried to harm you. He wanted to be seen as a savior in your eyes and would brutally beat up anyone who tried to harm you. If he wasn’t physically strong enough to beat them then he would do everything in his power to frame them for something and get them expelled from school. He definitely has some sort of savior complex when it comes to you. Yandere! Husband made it a mission to be your first kiss when the two of you were going to graduate elementary and go into middle school. He wanted to be your first in everything and felt this was the first step into making you his. Your first kiss had been with him in his bedroom while you were over to play videogames.
Yandere! Husband: “Come on, this is the first step we gotta take in order to grow. Our first kiss has to be with someone special and you're the specialist person I know!”
Just like that, the two of you were leaning in and that was how Yandere! Husband successfully stole your first kiss.
🌟 Yandere! Husband was still stuck to your side even during puberty. It was during this time that he started getting attention from a lot of people due to his looks. He made sure to always ignore or reject them due to only having eyes for you. Yandere! Husband makes sure that your classes are all with him. Believe it or not but Yandere! Husband is extremely smart and a model student. He will make sure to point out how you are lacking academically therefore you need someone to tutor you (even if you don’t) to both teachers and the principal in order to be in the same classes as you. Yandere! Husband will make small and very subtle passive aggressive remarks about how you aren't that academically intelligent and that you need him by your side. At some point you start to believe this and believe that you need him to tutor you everyday in order to survive school.
Yandere! Husband: “It’s okay if you’re not good at anything. As long as you have me by your side, I’ll take care of you no matter what. Even if we’re old and wrinkly.”
🌟 Yandere! Husband has successfully isolated you from making friends by the time you two are in high school. You basically have no friends but him. This was mainly due to the fact that he would always try to outdo the person you were trying to befriend in order to make them seem boring. Having romantic feelings for anyone other than him was off limits. If you ever did have a crush on someone then Yandere! Husband would absolutely destroy them. He would make sure to spread the nastiest rumor about them and cause them so much shame that they would have to move away from your town in order to avoid further embarrassment. It’s probably around highschool that Yandere! Husband officially asks you out to be his lover. He makes sure to go all out while asking you out in order to make you feel special.
🌟 Yandere! Husband is proposing to you the moment the two of you graduate highschool. Don’t worry about funds, he’s a Nepo baby and will inherit his dad’s company. He definitely wants you to be his housespouse when he’s ready to go to college and work a job. He wants you to depend on him and hates the idea of you being independent without him. In order to make sure this never happens, he manipulates you into thinking that you can’t do anything without him and around. So why don't you sit still and look pretty for him when he gets home.
🌟 Yandere! Husband picks out everything when it’s time to get married. He’s a complete groomzilla and wants everything to be absolutely perfect. When he sees you in your wedding attire for the first time he definitely tears up a bit. You’re just so beautiful. Domestic life with Yandere! Husband is peaceful and calming. Yandere! Husband imagines you all the time while he is at work. When he drives home from work he likes to imagine how you would be waiting for him. Would you be waiting at the door for him or would you be asleep sprawled on the couch. He makes sure to always come home as fast as he can in order to wrap his arms around you. The sight coming home to you and a home cooked meal absolutely melts his heart. This is perfection to him and he’ll make sure to do everything in his power to protect it.
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Will you do more slasher yandere? I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!! I wanna see us graduated with a house, wedding, and 7 kids. I wanna be his lil stepford wifey!!!!!!!!!! 🙈🤰👩‍🍼👶😭
🤰-anon i was so confused for a second before i reread the fic. i was staring at my screen for a solid second questioning my life. i was like, “7 kids… tf?”
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yan!slasher who makes feels so young around you. he can still remember your wedding just a few years ago.
yan!slasher who will always love your oldest the most, having luckily caused the shotgun wedding. oh, he'll never forget that fear in your eyes, tears threatening to spill, proclaiming you were still a virgin. it was honestly because your period was late, and it was a joke to check.
yan!slasher who felt some remorse. he promised to wait until you were married, and he thought he had the patience- just when you look like that, was it honestly his fault? he's been waiting since high school just for this very moment. you can't exactly blame him when those hormones he's been trying to keep down just come to bite him later on.
yan!slasher who decides you both and your 7 little dwarfs should move to a gated community in the midwest, each house bearing shutters on windows and white picket fences. grass that could rival the country club a few blocks away, and those beautiful flowers you loved so much so he loved them so much.
yan!slasher who was honestly being generous. i mean, the perfect town and house for the perfect nuclear family, who wouldn't want that? sure a woman like you should never be confined to a kitchen, for crying out loud you have a degree, but think about your 7 children. they needed a mother in their life. their father is a hard worker after all he can pay the bills so the children can have a mother.
yan!slasher who worried about your loneliness. you did need some friends from moving into such a beautiful community. why not invite some women over? he made sure to buy only the best house available just for your family to be the envy of the town. the wives immediately wanting to have tea once your husband and perfect children were gone.
yan!slasher who, of course, caught wind of mrs. rothschild. how could she say such horrible things? ‘her lawn needed some mowing, and did you see her shoes? ugh, I saw that wear and tear from a mile away. she’s such a- excuse my language, whore. she just married him for his money.’ who did she think she was? she was just an unfertilized old hag wishing to relive her youth! she was jealous of you and your perfect family!
yan!slasher who almost jumps on her the moment those words spill from her sagging red-painted lips. he continued driving the golf cart on the green, trying to contain himself, the past he desperately was trying not to relapse into. but at the same time, did her family even need her? he’s heard the rumors from the drunk colleagues after work in the bar, how she practically was pouncing on her children when they came home with an a- or anything below. the complete opposite of what a woman should be! she’s the complete opposite of you!
yan!slasher who came to the conclusion mrs. rothschild's family could live without her. a pathetic old woman desperately trying to relive her youth by hating on those with lives oh so much better than hers. yes, she could die; it would be for the greater good. but at the same time, he couldn't fall into his old ways. his family needed him- you needed him. he was the sole provider for your little children, and to think like tha- ‘to think that man even has a wife like her. such a pathetic man.’
yan!slasher who is grateful he kept up with working out. beneath that knitted sweater, white button-down, and expensive pants, it was plainly obvious. of course, he made sure you would remember that whenever all the kids were asleep. you did say you wanted to try for another after all.
yan!slasher who decided that the only way to get rid of mrs. rothschild was to tell you to invite her for tea one-on-one. poisoning that vegan tea she liked oh so much and some sleeping drugs in yours. you and the children wouldn't need to know this side of him, grabbing her hair through that kentucky derby hat, ripping the expensive fabric, and gripping to her hair with his strong fingers, still rough and padded from his days in high school up until now, switching to golfing with his work buddies.
yan!slasher who left a note telling you he was going to work early from some colleagues slacking off, and mrs. rothschild left when you fell asleep. that was all a cover-up for him to leave town for a day or two. he just needed to find that deserted fishing lake his college told him about. that sewage spilling would cover up her pathetic, rotting body in no time. now you could live your happy little stepford wife life with no trouble!
yan!slasher who started slipping up more and more. sure, he wouldn't have wanted this at the beginning. this was a new place, a new year. but it was all for you! why shouldn’t he protect his wife and children? he’s already the sole provider, after all.
yan!slasher who makes sure to dispose of tell the housing committee that anyone who even looked at you the wrong way mailbox was approximately two inches farther than the housing code in section 2-a of the appropriate home guide they would give you on the first day of moving in.
yan!slasher who makes sure you don't know what happened to that woman who said such horrible atrocities about you. some such as your couch wasn’t complimenting the cheese platter you had served last week! so horrible and rude of her! how low do these people get? now, do you know her truly body and soul like him? well, no- you didn't. why should you stay up to date or even notice those beneath you and your wonderful perfect magazine family?
yan!slasher who was surprised when you did ask if she was alright but made sure you don't worry your little head off, darling wife. she was cheating on her husband with the couples' therapist anyway.
yan!slasher who noticed that man who looked at your photo in his wallet a split second longer than he should. he was slacking off at his job! fine reasons for someone to be fired as soon as snatches that position he’s been working oh so hard for! aren't you just so happy for him? don't think you should reward him? have the kids go to their friends' house for a night and let him finally spend some alone time with you, the creaking of the bed frame hitting the wall the whole night, heartbeats intertwining into one?
yan!slasher who was grateful he had chosen such a safe town to live. a gated community was supposed to protect the outside not the inside after all. no one would suspect the nice and peaceful town would be harboring a murderer.
yan!slasher who wondered what the townspeople were thinking. he almost felt giddy at it. but he can't be distracted when his main priority is and always be you.
yan!slasher who is overjoyed when the town decides to host a party to try and brighten everyone's mood. this would be another perfect opportunity to show the community how perfect his pretty little wife is! yes, he wanted to look good, only for you. you were the only one he saw, why should he care about the others? you were the main attraction. he would make sure people would know that.
yan!slasher who let you put some makeup onto him to try and spruce him up a bit. who cares if it wasn’t masculine? he would be hotter than any other man there anyway. besides, he was the only one that had a wife that loved him! how pathetic was it to hate those who have more than you?
yan!slasher who ignores the looks women give him. envy. yearning. desire. if one woman even touched him or, god forbid, a man talk to you, he would just have to rip that cute little esophagus right out of their throat in front of everyone!
yan!slasher who, of course, doesn't. why would he ever subject your eyes to even the thought of blood? but he does cling to you the whole night. you want to talk to some of the wives? oh, no, i don’t think that would be for the best. after all, your husband is right here. he’s been so busy with work, why would you ever want to leave your devoured spouse to spend time with friends?
yan!slasher who, once he hears the rumors going around that he, him, your wonderful loving husband was the one killing people, was over this little town.
yan!slasher who makes sure you didn't try any of the punch or alcohol they were serving. 
yan!slasher who makes sure that you both leave early.
yan!slasher who makes sure to tell the kids to pack up.
yan!slasher who makes sure that he already had everything you needed to leave.
yan!slasher who makes sure to grab a photobook of your family and get everyone in the car. 
yan!slasher who makes sure you don’t check the news on that small town you lived in.
“leaving? no, baby. just take a nap and when you wake up you’ll have a whole new life. i’ll protect you.”
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foxymoxynoona · 7 months
very random but i feel like mishka would get a kick out of watching the stepford wives. she’d watch with so much fascination and then look at jungkook and go “would you do that to me because i hate chores?” 😭😭😭😭😭
lmfaooooo. she'd kick his ass, good luck to anyone who tries to stepford wifey her. JK would be the stepford wife in that scenario
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The Stepford Way
i want my Husband. i want to be a Stepford wife
i want my Husband to step in and take control away from me. i want my Husband to make all of my choices. i want to be broken and made into the perfect Stepford wife for Him. 
i want my Husband to decide how i should eat, drink, think, dress and act. When i am out of the house on my own, i want my Husband to track my phone, and to check in on me on a regular basis. i want my Husband to treat me like i am not smart enough or stable enough to look after myself. i want my Husband to treat me like i am not mature enough to make important decisions. 
i want my Husband to establish rules for me. i want my Husband to set boundaries for me. i want to be punished by my Husband for not obeying Him, and grovel at His feet apologizing until i understand my mistakes. i want to be afraid of my Husband, and afraid of what will happen if i do not do exactly as i am told. i want my Husband to leave His bruises and marks on me as reminders of my place, and be traumatized emotionally as proof that i am not strong enough to be without Him.
i want my Husband to break me down until i am nothing. i want my Husband to make me into the Stepford wife He chooses. i want to be so controlled and afraid to leave my Husband that i ultimately give in and stop resisting Him. i want my Husband to take everything away from me and i want to feel grateful, like a weight has been lifted from me. 
i do not want to be in charge of my own life. i want a Husband to take away my burden. i want to give my Husband everything in return for a completely predetermined life. i also always want to be reminded of what a stupid little girl i am for asking for all of this. i want to be reminded that i decided to not choose. This is what i am. i am broken and useless. i need a Man to fix me. i need a Husband to complete me. i want to be my Husband’s Stepford wife.
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aliasvaughn · 3 years
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Stop trying to MANSPLAIN Sex/Life because the point of the show is exactly that women are expected to settle thanks to men’s perspective on things, and become good Stepford Wives. And they have no right to feel unhappy when the husband’s a nice guy and they have children.
Never mind that they repress an entire part of themselves to fit in. “you have no right to that! You have no right to have it all! He’s nice, you have kids, suck it up and be good wifey!”
Never mind that the relationship starts on the completely effed up premise that you repress an entire part of yourself and give up your studies AND your job to be with this man and have children.
Billie has a right to be 100% happy, not 85% satisfied with her marriage. Billie CAN have it all with Brad because meantime HE Is the only one on that show who has freaking faced his problems! Never mind that she’s so deep into the Stepford Wife mentality that she thinks she can only have sex with Brad and keep the husband if she wants it all. It will take time, that’s what a story is for. HOW is this so effing difficult to understand? oh right, because MEN. They decide what’s right for a woman. Um no, you don’t. She will. And what she wants is sexual fulfillment and a family, so she will bloody go get that, much to your chagrin.
I can understand the bigoted crowd going for it because well, bigoted. Men or women doesn’t make a difference. But if that’s who you are? This show is NOT for you. Watch Hallmark (which I do like a lot, but it has nothing to do with this type of show).
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beccasissy69 · 4 years
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I’ve been pretty busy so it’s taken me a little longer to write an update then it should have done...but wow, it’s been crazy 😂😂😂 I’ve been so turned on and it’s made me feel like such a submissive housewife!
My first session was faceslapping, lesbian faceslapping, and I was plugged and working a dildo (in different ways depending on what was happening in the video). It was to be combined with spitting videos and I was just gone from the start. Verbal degradation was pretty common too and I was drooling like crazy by the end of the first one.
I ended with a video Goddess had me watch a while ago. a 20 minute epic where a woman verbally belittles her servant before moving to slapping the life out of her. It starts with the servant smirking every now and then until little by little it’s slapped out of her, then tears start to form which gets her more abuse and then she’s freely weeping while she’s told her disappointing she is.
It went on until she was broken and on her knees and that’s when the spitting began. It’s such a wonderful scene, I always love them when they just keep going and cross over into something real.
Next up Goddess had me watching Wifey (😍😍😍) videos but I was to focus on the effort she had made for her husband. So look at her nail polish and consider the effort that had gone into picking it and then having it painted on and why. This was pretty challenging, because my attention would drift to the action and I had to keep pulling it back, but after 20 minutes when her husband came, it felt like I’d really earned it. After about an hour of this, I was so tired! Concentrating on something so intently really drains you.
Then began two days of pure heaven. Goddess gave me a story and then directed me to a trove of Stepford Wife captions. Goddess really amped me up for this one and after the first page of the story, I had to pause because I was so turned on, I was shaking and then the captions drove me wilder and wilder. I was seriously considering taking my cage off because it was pretty painful and I didn’t want an injury, but I took a few breaks and got through it all somehow (I also realized how my desire for sexual submission was becoming just as much one for lifelong servitude 🤣).
The next day was similar, three stories and a hypno. these were housewife/fembot focused and Goddess had me put a vibe in my panties as I read and again, I had to take pauses because I was aroused I started to shake and couldn’t focus on the words.
I then had two days of physical training, Goddess had found an 80s aerobic video that was pretty amazing. The clothing was so gaudy and of it’s time that I fell in love straight away! It wasn’t too strenuous a workout but it was quite dancey and ended up testing my co-ordination quite a lot. I saved it (and a few similar ones) to do in future too.
Which lead me to the weekend, Goddess was sending me away for punishment and gave me a large number of videos to work through (half of which disappeared between the first and second night of me watching them 😾). They were so hot, full scenes set in an educational institution where girls were punished for infraction with spankings, paddling, hairbrush spankings and (if they were very lucky) canings. 
The full scenes were wonderful, where things would be explained, then the punishment built too and finally the punishment(s) was carried out. The girls would wail and plead and flail their legs but to no avail, they were going to get the full punishment and nothing would shorten or stop it. The canings were definitely my favorites, they left such marks and reduced the girls to wrecks very quickly and I was glad that I managed to download a few of them before they disappeared.
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baronessblixen · 5 years
No idea if I’m doing this right (new to the tumblr world!) I have a prompt I was hoping you would consider. looking for a fic set during Arcadia. Scully isn’t feeling well, gets sick/thinks she’s coming down with a cold, or has period cramps... somewhere along those lines. they are forced together as a couple, living together for the assignment. She is hesitant to accept his care due to the awkwardness during this time period because of Diana but eventually allows him to care for her.
Very old prompt! I combined it with prompt 14 from @xfficchallenges: please stay. Also tagging @today-in-fic
Nights in Arcadia 
"Honey, you're home." Mulder stands there with his hands on his hips, wearing a too small, salmon-colored apron that Scully has no idea where it came from, grinning from ear to ear.
"I am," she answers slowly, her eyes on him as she takes off her coat and sets down her briefcase. Mulder is still grinning, reminding her of a Stepford wife. There have been times in their partnership when she would have found his silly behavior cute. These days, she just finds him irritating. The raging war in her stomach is not helping. There's another bout of pain in her abdomen and she sighs to hide her pain from him.
"Cooked you dinner. I thought I should do something nice for my wifey." That grin. Again.
He isn't taking any of this seriously; the case, this life, her. Not for one moment. She can't even fake a smile with her stomach in knots.
"I'm not hungry." If she sounds like a petulant child, so be it.
His grin fades. "But...," he trails off, tugging at his apron until it comes off. He expected her to play along, to laugh at his jokes like before, to indulge him. This time she won't.
"I'm going to take a bath," she says, the decision long made. That bathtub has been calling her name for hours. Mulder's eyes follow her as she walks up the stairs but he doesn't say a word.
Upstairs, in her – Laura's bedroom - Scully takes a deep breath. Something in her stomach pulls and she moans. She shouldn't have had that salad at lunch. If she were alone, meaning without Mulder, she'd get in her pajamas, get a hot water bottle and watch a movie until she falls asleep. But she isn't alone. Mulder is here. She hears him downstairs, doing whatever he's doing there in the kitchen. With a sigh, she walks into the bathroom and lets water into the tub, sitting there, just breathing in and out, willing the pain in her abdomen to subside.
Her alone time doesn’t last long, however. She should have known Mulder wouldn’t give up as easily.
"Knock, knock," Mulder says from outside. "Are you decent?"
She wants to lie and say no but she doesn't have the heart. "Come in."
"I thought maybe you'd like to eat while you're taking your bath." For once his face is devoid of amusement. He's trying. His smile is almost bashful. Scully's stomach grumbles but she's not sure whether it's in agreement or in horror.
"What is it?" she asks, trying to get a look at the plate.
"Pasta carbonara. With lots of bacon and cheese." Mulder lowers the plate so she can see it. The pasta swims in a rich smelling sauce and Scully's stomach has made a decision.
It's a definite no.
She has just enough time to turn around, fall to her knees, lift the toilet lid and let go.
"Oh shit, Scully." Mulder's voice is close and she squeezes her eyes shut. Why does he have to be here? She hears the plate clatter, wonders where he's put the insulting pasta. Since when does Mulder cook anyway? Diana pops into her head and she groans.
"Hey, hey, it's all right." The faucet squeaks as Mulder turns it off. She wants to cry; the water is going to get cold. As cold as she's feeling. Until Mulder puts his hand on her back. It's so warm, so big. Comforting.
“Mulder...,” she mumbles but doesn’t find the strength to move away from his touch.
“Do you feel better now? Do you need anything?” She needs to be alone. That’s what she wants. But Mulder is drawing circles on her back, his fingertips gently pressing into her skin. She could fall asleep like this.
“Hmmm,” she answers him. Her stomach is still upset, but less so than before. As long as she doesn’t think about the pasta, or any other food, she'll be fine. "Can you- the pasta…" Even the word makes her sick. "Can you take it away… please?" Mulder doesn't reply, but the hand on her back disappears and then he's gone, too. She uses the moment to heave herself up. Her legs are useless and her knees weak. She stares at her reflection in the mirror. What a sight. If Mulder thought she looked hideous with her face cream, what is he going to think now? And what does it even matter? She sighs.
Scully puts toothpaste on her toothbrush and brushes her teeth carefully. The minty taste gives her a feeling of normalcy. Mulder returns and she catches him in the mirror. Their eyes meet.
"Pasta is gone. Do you want me to make you soup? I can do a mean butter toast if you want." His smile is so genuine that any anger she might have felt earlier just disappears into thin air. She shakes her head and gives him the smallest of smiles. She's just been sick in front of him. Not for the first time in the six years they've known each other. Now she's got frothy toothpaste on her lips, some of it dripping onto the porcelain.
"I'm fine," she says after she spits out the toothpaste. "Thank you. I think I'll just go to bed." She sees Mulder nod before he's back at her side. There's no reason for him to put his hand on her back and lead her into the bedroom. She lets him do it anyway. Standing there, watching Mulder get the bed ready, even though she is capable of doing it herself, she can't help but wonder. She's shared everything with Mulder, except a bed. Blood shoots into her cheeks, just imaging them here together in this bed, tangled up with each other in between the sheets. That’s a line of thinking she shouldn’t pursue; especially after everything with Diana.  
"I think you might be running a fever, Scully." Leave it to Mulder to catch her daydreaming about him.
"I'm fine," she repeats quickly, running a hand over her face while cursing her fair complexion.
"Of course you are. Do you refuse everyone's help or just mine?" Mulder's sudden outburst catches her by surprise. He's angrily fluffing a pillow, throwing it on the bed. Somehow she thinks he'd like to do the same with her. "Why won't you let me take care of you, Scully? Just once?" He's not looking at her, fighting with the blanket and two pillows. She won't help him.
Why, she thinks. Why does he even need to ask? The answer is as simple as it is complicated. Diana. The aftertaste of his misplaced trust still lingers. He never apologized. She didn't expect him to and yet, she'd hoped. Just a "you were right, Scully". But nothing. He sulked and sulked and they didn't talk about it.
"I had a bad salad, Mulder," Scully says in an even voice, not wanting to get into it now. He turns to her, his eyes small and unreadable. "I'm not sick."
He looks at her for a long while and she can't tell what he's thinking. "If you say so. Feel better, Scully."
"Would you rather be here with someone else?" The words fall out of her mouth right as he is about to leave the bedroom.
He stops. "What?"
"You're acting like all of this is a joke. We've got the x-files back and you're treating his case and me like it's not important." Surprise flashes over his face. He had no idea, it occurs to her. No idea how he's been treating her.
"Not important? Scully, I wouldn't want to be here with anyone else. I don't want to do this with anyone but you.”
"Then why are you acting like… like this?"
He throws his hands into the air. "Like what?"
"Ever since we've got here, you've treated me like a liability. Like your little wifey." She shudders. "Is that how you view relationships? A marriage?"
"Scully." Everything about him softens all at once as he walks towards her. A small smile curls at his lips. "I am trying to fit in here."
"I thought you were doing the opposite?"
He nods. "But as a husband, I'm just trying… I don't know how this works, Scully. You've been so distant lately. Cracking jokes seemed my safest bet."
"You're blaming me?" She takes a step back. "That's rich, Mulder."
"I'm not blaming you," he says softly, searching her eyes. "We haven't had time to talk about everything – Diana," he sighs, shakes his head as if he could get rid of her that way. "I know we need to talk about it."
"We do," Scully agrees.
"But not tonight. Not in this- house. All of this pretend, right?" She doesn't know where he is going with this so she nods slowly. "Can't you just pretend – just for tonight – that everything between us is fine and please let me take care of you? We'll forget about it in the morning and never talk about it again."
Scully stares at him, speechless. She doesn't want to pretend. It feels like they've done nothing but pretend. But maybe Mulder is right. His eyes are pleading with her and she can't deny him that. If she's honest, it's not for him. Not just for him, anyway. One night where they pretend Diana didn't happen. As she looks at him, she wonders, where does this start? To what point in their relationship are they returning? Pre-almost kiss?
Mulder doesn't give her time to think about it. "Now, get into bed and I'll make you some tea. Is that- would that be all right?"
"Do we have chamomile?" she asks as she gets into bed. Mulder smiles as he secures the blanket around her and touches her cheek in passing.
"We do," he answers. The bed dips as he sits next to her for a moment. "Thank you, Scully. For tonight." Without even glancing at her, he leaves her alone. She slips further into bed and listens to Mulder downstairs. It's comforting. By the time he brings up the tea, she is almost asleep. She smiles at him, happy to see him again and reminds herself that all of this is just pretend. So she whispers “please stay” and Mulder, with a bright smile, stays by her side. 
She lets him tell her about his day. Even lets him hold her hand for a while, his thumb rubbing against her skin in circles. She pretends not to notice when he lies down on the other side of the bed. Pretends she doesn't see the way he looks at her, scoots closer, holds her. After all, she reminds herself, they will never speak of this night again.
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maryofone · 6 years
I used the word ‘wifey’ yesterday and now I want to talk about it. It’s a cute word, but what are we really saying with it?
Some people just use it as a replacement for the word wife. But other people use it with a slightly different implication. If I hear someone say, “He’s just looking for a nice little wifey,” I take that to mean that he wants a wife who’s pretty much just interested in being a wife. Adding a ‘y’ to the word wife makes the word sound extra precious, and makes the role sound extra precious. Like a wifey isn’t just a wife, she’s the best damn wife on the block.
I’m not here to hate on wifeys. Quite the contrary. I’m here to admit that I have to fight wifey instincts all the time and it’s super irritating. What are wifey instincts? Let’s take a quick a tour.
When I decide that I’m into a guy, all of my life priorities shift immediately so that my #1 goal in life every day is to look as beautiful as possible should I cross his path. It’s not like I spend all day in front of the mirror, but even after the hair is done and the outfit is chosen, I still have the rest of the day to fuss and adjust and look in every window reflection for a status check. I’m still kind of like this all the time, even without a guy to focus on, but as soon as there is one in the picture, it’s Operation: Babe 24/7. All I want to do is look pretty for him, and that’s so fucking Stepford of me I could barf.
I’ve always been the kiss-ass girlfriend. Fingers crossed therapy has effectively rid me of that inclination finally, but hoe-lee shit have I ever gone overboard trying to please my boyfriends in the past. I don’t just want to make dinner for the guy I’m seeing, I want to make his favourite dinner from scratch while wearing lingerie under my clothes. I want to find out what his favourite dessert is and have his favourite show on when he gets home, with his favourite drink ready. And yeah this sounds like nice girlfriend stuff but it becomes all I want to think about and plan for and fucking live for. I become consumed by it. What can I do for him next?
If I like a guy, I can listen to him talk about himself for hours. I can just sit there, intermittently injecting my support for whatever he’s saying, and not really feel inclined to turn the conversation to me and my life. My issue isn’t that these guys have all been selfish narcissists (at least it’s not my issue in this post), my issue is that I let them be narcissists. I encourage it, I nurture it, I make it worse. Something in me wants to be a guy’s full time cheerleader and honestly that instinct scares the shit out of me.
Even though I make a good case for strong, self-sufficient women, these wifey instincts really fuck with my head sometimes. I’ll just be sitting here, crossing off my to-do list, making lots of money, following my dream to be an author, living my best fucking life, and then all of a sudden some voice will whisper in my head… wouldn’t it be nice to meet a guy and just have a couple babies and never go into an office again and just crush it as a wife and mother? I’ll get that little whisper and then a fucking CHILL will run down my spine because the instinct feels so real in that moment; the instinct to halt everything that’s wonderful about my life and just decide to be a good little full-time wifey instead. What the fuck, soul? Why are you fucking with me like that? Fortunately the whisper is gone as quickly as it arrived, and I promptly return to my thoroughly fulfilling life. But those wifey instincts are no joke, y’all. Maybe I’ll give into them after I make my dreams come true, but not a fucking moment sooner. Just not ready for that apron.
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First Draft
BLANCHE enters a perfectly pristine dining room in perfect Stepford-wife garb. She is carrying a beautifully roasted chicken and sets it down on an immaculately set dinner table. Her hair and make-up are done to the T, and a small tiara rests on the crown of her head. After setting the chicken down, she goes over to the wet bar and pours two drinks.
BLANCHE Well there he is, just the man I was looking for! Supper is just about ready, just finishing off the gravy and the biscuits. Everyone should be arriving shortly, I should think. Wanna drink?
She offers one of the drinks to "Allan". "Allan" declines. Alrighty then, more for me.
She takes a sip from her drink and sets the other down on the table. 
BLANCHE Listen darlin,’ before everyone gets here, there’s somethin’ really important I want to talk to you about. I wanted to let you know that I found the letter you left for me on the dresser this morning and, I have to tell you I think I’ve read it so many times that I have the darn thing memorized by now. But I wanted to let you know that it’s okay. It’s okay because I already knew. (Laughs) I mean that’s not to say that I always knew. Believe me when I first discovered it, it nearly knocked the wind out of me. How long have we been together? Since we were seventeen? My God, we were just babies! Remember our first kiss? Daddy never let me out of the house after eight o’clock, but I knew I just had to see my Allan. So I snuck out of the house, and walked two miles down the road to your place. We had to creep into your room through that raggedy screen door that seemed to creak no matter how carefully you closed it. We were lying on your bed... in the dark... and I just knew "I’m going to have my first kiss. This is where my life is truly going to begin." I could feel you leaning in, I couldn’t see you in the dark but I could feel you there. So I leaned in too... and sure enough if we didn’t miss and end up two fools wagging our tongues around in the air like a pair of dogs.
This tickles Blanche a lot. BLANCHE But we found each other. Yes we did. In the dark. Two lonely stars in the dark universe that found each other. And from that moment on I knew that I would never be alone again.
Blanche takes a large swig from her drink.
BLANCHE That’s why when I found out, like I said it knocked the wind straight out of me. When we first moved to the city, I can’t lie, I was a bit worried about making friends. I mean we had each other, of course, but I know a man needs his down time away from his wife. Now, you and I both know, Allan, that I can make a friend wherever I go! I can hold a lively conversation and you know I know how to leave an impression on somebody. But you, you’ve always been shy Allan, so gentle and so shy. So when you and Randall hit it off, I thought "well ain’t that wonderful, Allan’s gonna have a friend!" And Randall’s a good friend, such a good friend, such a good friend... But you know who’s my best friend? You, you are my BEST friend Allan. I’d do anything for you, but you know that. Because you, Allan, are very observant. You see things. Me, however, sometimes I think I can’t even see my own two hands in front of me. Because I couldn’t see it. Could not see it. Ah shit, the gravy!
Blanche runs back to the kitchen to check the gravy, She comes back out to the dining room with a gravy boat. 
BLANCHE Just caught it! Biscuits still need a minute.
Blanche finishes off her drink and starts in on the second. 
BLANCHE I don’t mean to toot my own horn but, when it comes to the wifey department, you hit the home run my friend. She cooks, she cleans, she sucks my dick twice a week. And you want to know why? Because I love you baby. I mean sure we’ve had our up’s and down’s but who doesn’t? When you put that ring on my finger, when you asked me to be your wife, do you want to know the first thought that came to my head, Allan? I thought "I’m safe. I have found my safe place." And like I said, all couples have their struggles. I know you like the back of my hand and I could tell that after a year of marriage and five years together, you were getting bored in the bedroom. Hell, maybe I was getting bored too! So when you suggested that our dear, dear friend Randall join us in the boudoir, I thought, oh hell why not? Who doesn’t like a good spit roast? Blanche bursts out laughing but is shaking at the same time. She finishes the second drink and moves to the bar to pour herself another one.
BLANCHE I’m sorry, that was vulgar. Blame my friend Captain Jack, he’s a raunchy fellow. But, if I’m honest with myself, I like Randall and all but I didn’t really want him in my bed...no. Because bored or not, you were all that I needed Allan. And dammit I was going to do whatever I had to do to keep my Allan happy. My girlfriends used to kid around, "When Blanche gets herself a man, she’ll disappear faster than cake on a fat kid’s plate!" Ha! And it’s true, you know, now that I think about it I haven’t talked to those girls in a few years. But who needs ’em when I’m with Allan. In my safe place with you. So like I said, I ’bout had the wind knocked out of me when last year, at my birthday party, I couldn’t find you or Randall anywhere. My two best pals! I walked into the kitchen. No Allan. I walked into the study. No Allan. I walked up the stairs and cracked the bedroom door open and... ahhhh, there’s Allan...and Randall. Fucking. On my Egyptian silk sheets! Guess ya’ll were having so much fun you didn’t even notice me. We’d been married, what, four months?
She chugs the drink and pours another one.
BLANCHE Oh, you didn’t think I knew? Yep, one year baby, one whole year. But as you can see I’ve moved past it. Yes, you missed the best of the hysterics. But I have to say, when I read your letter this morning- wait, wait let me see if I can say it by heart. "So, in conclusion, I am gay and in coming to terms with who I am, I realize that I am damaging the fabric of who you are, and for that I am deeply apologetic.I respect whatever way you decide to part ways from this union. Please realize that I love you to pieces, just not in that way. Love always, Allan. P.S you can keep the ring." So eloquent, darlin’. So when I read this, I said to myself "Wow, Blanche. It’s all out there now. You have a big decision to make." And so I have made you this beautiful dinner, and worn this beautiful outfit to deliver my decision. I’m not leaving you.
Blanche breathes out a sigh of relief.
BLANCHE Oh my God, it feels so good to get that off my chest. Now I see you looking at me funny, but here’s the great news for you. You can keep seeing Randall! It’s fine really. Because I care about you honey, and I want you to be happy.
There is a long pause. Allan clearly isn’t reacting the way Blanche expected him to.
BLANCHE Well aren’t you gonna say anything? I feel like I’m offering you a pretty sweet deal here. This way everyone is happy. You get to have your man and I get to keep the man I love. We’re allllll happy!
Blanche is getting more frantic, disheveling her hair, shaking, and drinking at a more rapid rate.
BLANCHE Ooohhh look at that serious face! I know what you’re thinking, Allan, I fucking know you. You want to tell me "Blanche, you deserve better. You deserve a man who can love you completely, who can give all of himself to you. You’re still young, you’ll find somebody else. You will find another safe place." Well... I don’t want to! I am not going back out into that fucking war zone of the modern dating world. Swipe left, swipe right, don’t double text, be casual, but not too casual. Don’t sleep with him too soon but don’t be a prude. No! I’m not doing it! I found my safe place and I’m done.
Blanche smells the burning biscuits.
BLANCHE Shit, my biscuits!
Blanche runs back to the kitchen. She comes back out with a tray of blackened biscuits. She slams them down on the table.
BLANCHE ARE YOU HAPPY?! Burnt to shit! It’s funny, when I was little, I used to sit outside my parents door and listen to them argue, hooting and hollering into the night, all the time. And one time, I asked Mama "if you and Daddy don’t like each other, why do you stay together?" And you know what she told me? She said, "Honey, you don’t have to like someone to love them. That man could put me through all kinds of hell, and I’d love him through it. That’s what real love is." So you know what? I’m gonna love you through this. I’d rather experience the pain of never fully having you than experience the pain of being alone. She looks at her wedding ring and smiles. BLANCHE I’m safe here. This is my safe place. And I will not let you send me out back out into that darkness, alone. The doorbell rings. BLANCHE Ah, the guests have arrived. (fixes her hair) How do I look?
My first draft was set in modern times. Along with deciding that crude language and Blanche DuBois don’t quite mix, I questioned whether her not to leave him would also seem strange in the modern day. Ultimately, I decided to keep it set in the time of the play.
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