mascindulgence · 3 years
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You’ve changed me in that regard
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meueknight · 4 years
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Girlfriends going on a walk ♥
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azurescribbles · 5 years
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So, um, I posted this on Twitter last week just hours before their Valentine's alts were announced and completely forgot to post these girls here
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infelious · 5 years
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this was for eirichel week but i lost some steam after day 3 due to irl things lmao
iirc the theme was night
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ankhlesbian · 5 years
FEFemslash February - Day 1 - breathe
Game: FE Echoes
Pairing: Palla/Sonya
Rating/WordCt: G, ~500 words
Palla slid off her mount and onto the ground, collapsing with a moan. She was bruised, bloody, and ready to sleep for about a hundred years. That last battle had been close. Too close. Not for her, but for Est. If Genny had been a moment slower in casting Expel… Her heart ached. If she never saw another monster again in her life, she would have no complaints. She shut her eyes, contemplating just napping right here and now. Alas, it wasn’t meant to be.
A shadow fell over her, blocking out the meager sunlight, and so she cracked her eyes open to find herself surrounded by a curtain of violet. Her eyes fell on a sharp chin, the straight line of a nose, unreadable eyes, and the curve of a cocked eyebrow. Looking far more composed than she had any right to, Sonya was knelt beside her head, staring down, right at her.
“Comfortable down there?” she drawled. Palla gave her her best smile, which at the moment was a rather weak one. 
“I’m being a bit silly, aren’t I?” she sat up, ignoring the ache that accompanied the movement. “I should go check on Est.”
Sonya rolled her eyes and pushed Palla back down firmly. “I guarantee being fussed over won’t make her feel any better. Smothered, more like.” Palla sighs.
“I always forget you’re a youngest child. I just… I need to take care of them. Especially here and now. One war already took its toll on them.”
“And on you,” Sonya was suddenly much, much closer to Palla’s face. “Why not take a breather with me? I’ve been told my lap is quite comfortable.” She spoke directly into Palla’s ear, hot breath curling around it. Behind them, Palla’s pegasus chimed in with a loud neigh. “And you’re welcome to nap too, but not on me.” she added with distaste as she drew away, idly running a gloved hand through her hair.
Palla’s face was red, not just from the exertion of battle. Here, on a whole other continent, everyone else seemed so far away. Who could judge her here? Genny was surely tending to Est, after all.
“Just for a bit. I’ll need to take the tack off him eventually.”
“I’m sure he’ll let you know when he gets fed up with it.” He certainly was strong-willed. Sonya still had a grudge from the time he’d stolen a fruit right of her hands, not that she’d ever admit it.
Palla let herself be pulled over to Sonya, her head tucked onto Sonya’s thighs. She settled her hands on her stomach, eyes fluttering shut once more as Sonya’s fingers crept to her temples, massaging them gently.
“You’re pretty good at this,” she murmured. Like this, it felt as if she didn’t even need a cleric.
“Overuse of magic often causes headaches. I’ve had plenty of practice.”
“With your sisters?”
Sonya sighed. “Yes. And on myself, of course. But now’s not the time to think about that, alright? This is you time.” Her fingers left Palla’s hair, moving to tilt her chin up. That soft violet hair brushed Palla’s face first, and then it was Sonya’s lips, there for only a fleeting second. Then Sonya was back to soothing her.
“We can talk about it another time,” Sonya repeated, suddenly sounding tired. Had anyone ever done this for Sonya? Palla made a mental note to return the favor as soon as the next opportunity arose. But, for now, she let herself drift back to dozing.
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FEFemslash Week has started!
We will now be reblogging your works tagged #fefemslash and posting your submissions! As always, let us know if you have any questions or concerns
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adelle-ein · 5 years
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FEFemslash20, sprite edition based on this prompt list!
Here’s batch three! click for captions/prompts, you can also see them the day they’re uploaded on my twitter.
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wyvern-dork · 4 years
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Hi there! Minerva/Palla Weekend begins on Friday and the AO3 collection will open closer to the event start, and I hope you are excited for it!
The mod for the event can be found on twitter @ FEFemslash, but for those of you who publish your contributions on tumblr, I’ll be running a blog dedicated for reblogging and boosting your content! It’s called @minpallawknd 
Use the tag #minpallawknd or ping the blog @minpallawknd and I’ll be sure to find it!
If you don’t find your content on the blog by weekend’s end, send me an ask about it! Tumblr is known to be weird and losing tags. (The blog will be linked to on the official twitter account during the event, so that tumblr exclusive posts will get recognition as well!)
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The prompts are above! You’ll find the official event information here:
I hope to see you there!
//solrosfalt (wyvern-dork)
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konekorambles · 5 years
Femslash February 2020 - Day 8
Sparks Across the Stars–a set of non-continuous, related ficlets set over the course of Hera and Ahsoka’s relationship.
Day 8: Pride (prompt from @FEFemslash on Twitter) Rating: G Words: 597
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I will do anything you ask for but a single comment
It was supposed to be a simple retrieval mission.  Some fancy flying required, sure, but between the squad Senator Organa has lined up, and their Force-sensitive leader, it should have been easy.  Until a new class of TIE shows up, clearly faster and more maneuverable than any before.
And before Ahsoka looks around and realizes she has one more A-wing than expected.  She’s confused for a few seconds, but then the ship pulls a particularly spectacular spin maneuver, and oh she knows exactly who it is.
“Syndulla, what are you doing?” she snaps through her comm.  “There’s a reason you weren’t assigned.  Get out of here!”
“Not without the package we came for,” Hera responds, sounding distracted.  As well she should, since they’re navigating the edge of a kriffing nebula.
“I gave you an order!”  Ahsoka’s wing is singed by a lucky shot, and a cut off yell marks the death of one of her pilots.  “I can’t worry about babysitting you and protecting our transport.”
“I don’t need babysitting!”
Ahsoka loses track of her for a moment, as she spots a TIE honing in on their charge.  She cuts her engines, plunging backwards to take the enemy by surprise.  Just as she shoots it down another TIE spirals past, disintegrating as it hits the gravity well of the star cluster.
“Told you, I’m the best.”  Now Hera sounds smug, and Ahsoka doesn’t have time to take her down a notch or two.  That can wait until later.  If they both survive this.
She heads back for her position on point, shaking her head.  The other pilots are chattering in her ears, calling out the positions of the TIEs and the cruiser that they’ve left far behind.  They’re almost home free, a couple klicks from passing the nebula and clearing the hyperspace trajectory when—
There’s panic in Hera’s voice, and she doesn’t even think as she whips her ship around.  Hera had swung a wide vector around the squadron, and clearly caught the edge of the gravity well.  She’s slung into a tumble, and as Ahsoka watches, she clips another A-wing and sends it spinning as well.  From her own fighter, there’s nothing Ahsoka can do.
“Gold three, hit your thrusters!  Get away from there!”
Hera, back in control, swoops up to take position over the transport.  Gold three, confused and disoriented, isn’t so lucky.  The young man barely has time to yelp before he’s caught, ship tearing apart under the pressure of the forming stars.  Ahsoka closes her eyes, takes just a second to grieve, and leads the way to the jump point.
All of them are quiet until they rendezvous with Senator Organa’s hired civvy transport.  The A-wings dock at the external airlocks, ferrying the passengers across from their own vessel.
Ahsoka catches Hera in a hallway.  She’s pale, shaky, gaze fixed unseeing through the durasteel wall in front of her.  At least she’s taking this seriously.
Still, there’s more that needs to be said.  “I didn’t take you with us, because I needed pilots with experience navigating star clusters,” Ahsoka explains, leaning against the wall next to her.  “You’re one of the best pilots in my fleet.  I will always take you when I can.  You need to trust my judgement.”
Hera looks at the floor, nodding.  “Yes sir.  I understand.”
Poor, heartbroken child.  It’s an important lesson, but not one Ahsoka wishes anyone had to learn.  And there’s nothing she can say to make it better.  She lays a hand on Hera’s shoulder, then returns to her duties.
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fe3hgirls · 5 years
hello!! so i follow, and love, blogs such as @feladies and @fefemslash, but as far as i’m aware, there’s no dedicated blogs just for girls from three houses as of yet, so i have made this blog to try to remedy this! because this is just. my niche in almost every fandom i join, lol
this will be a female character-centric and femslash-centric blog, and i’m going to try to avoid showing any particular bias for any of the factions within the game, although in general outside of this blog i’m personally biased toward edelgard and the black eagles
please feel free to spread this around and follow, if the subject matter for this blog interest you 💖
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priestessamy · 5 years
A Date With A Princess
A little Calianna/Jester drabble as requested by @fefemslash. This is gonna be wildly outside canon because I can't be bothered to go hunting for when the two of them might run into each other.
“A-Are you sure, Miss Jester? I know I don't exactly cut the most comforting figure for some folks to look at. And this get-up you've got me in, it sort of... highlights that.” Honestly, Calianna was much more comfortable when she was wearing a cloak or something that allowed her to hide all of her draconic features so that all the poor people around her didn't have to look on her awful visage.
But Jester had gone and given her something called a 'tea dress' and wasn't taking no for an answer. No doubt, she felt like a proper pretty lady in it. But surely the people they walked past were going to stare at her like she was a monster. Because she was.
She was snapped out of any further self-hate by Jester, who was dolled up in her own pretty dress. She just grabbed her hand, her scaly one, and looked at her with that big cheerful grin. “No way! This is Nicodranas! My mom basically runs this town. If anyone gives you any trouble, me and the Nein will deal with it!” Her face grew a little more serious as she walked closer to her. “Also, how many times have I told you, it's Jester. No 'Miss'. We're friends! Okay?? Now come, the place is just around the corner here!”
It was a bit like being attached to a speeding carriage. The only thing you could hope to do was try and keep up. Sure enough, after rounding a corner, they came face to face with a little bakery. “Oh, what a cute name. Why is it called Sapphire's Choice?”
That grin of hers could light up an entire dark night. “Well, it used to be called Ruby's Glow. But I started eating there more than mom, and they changed the name in my honor!” It was like... hitting the town with a princess. Marion Lavorre may not have been in charge of Nicodranas, but seemingly nothing happened here without her say-so. “Now, you just make yourself comfy and I'll go get us some stuff.” She motioned to a nearby table that sat outside the establishment.
There were definitely other people around. They were definitely staring. But there was something about being with Jester Lavorre that made them all a little bit less eager to stare at her. Sitting there in her seat, she swung her legs in a bit of childlike giddiness.
With surprising speed, the tiefling was back with a big tray laden with goodies. “Okay okay okay okay, a glass of milk for each of us, and a whole plethora of delicious snacks!”
Calianna took the cup from her and eyed it suspiciously. “And... milk is...?”
Jester gave a dramatic gasp. “You've never had milk?? You poor thing...” She swiftly slid into the other chair, unconsciously mimicking the leg-swinging. “There's so many things we have to work on.”
As the two of them sat there, splitting this mysterious drink and all these wonderful treats, they chatted excitedly and giggled. Occasionally their legs would brush together, or their hands would meet as they both reached for the same food. When Jester looked at her, she obviously didn't look at a monster. She just saw a friend. And that meant more than she could ever explain.
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teamyellremade · 5 years
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im working on smth for fefemslash week (eyes)
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azurescribbles · 5 years
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So, Kagerochi week was a couple of weeks ago, but that doesn't mean that I can't post this artwork now!
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infelious · 5 years
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It’s eirichel week on twitter and i wanted to participate at lease once because im gonna be suuuuper late for the last 3 days im so sorry sksksks
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ankhlesbian · 5 years
FEFemslash Feb - Day 15 - Warmth/Bloom
Game: Fire Emblem Three Houses
Pairing: Marianne/Hilda
Title: sweet on you
Rating/Length: G, ~2.5k words
AO3 Link: Here
Hilda finds out that Marianne's never received any chocolates on Valentine's Day, and can't help but decide that's her problem to fix. Except, turns out making chocolate is harder than Hilda anticipated...
It was almost the 14th of Pegasus Moon. Hilda, as a whole, really, really liked Pegasus Moon. It had her birthday in it, the weather was chilly and perfect for cozy afternoon naps, and there was usually snow! Snow, which meant that not much at all could be done for fear of slipping or freezing to death. And snow wasn’t a half-bad view from her balcony, either. There was lots to love.
However, there was one major problem. Valentine’s Day. A day of confessions and gift-giving, which meant that Hilda was hounded by the hordes of guys who thought she’d care about them. It took a lot of effort to turn down all those confessions. And all the candy she got during them was usually cheap, bought from the same couple of merchants who peddled the stuff specifically at this time of year.
Not to mention she was expected to give people chocolates to be polite. She hadn’t bothered to do anything last year, and Claude had yet to let it go. Him and the rest of the Golden Deer were getting nothing this year, too. That’d show him!
“He was just looking for something to complain about,” complained Hilda to her stalwart companion in shoveling manure, Marianne.
“It does sound pretty bothersome,” Marianne, ever the sweetheart, knew better than to disagree. Although…
“What do you think about Valentine’s Day?”
Marianne blinked slowly. “Ah, I’ve never really celebrated it… It’s probably better that way…” She had half a smile at that, a sad smile that wasn’t fooling anybody. Hilda knew Marianne had a sweet tooth. Hilda knew Marianne was cute. Why wasn’t she getting any confessions? It was unthinkable.
“Hm.” Was all she said, and then she got back on track. “Anyways, have you seen all the homework the Professor assigned us this week? Where’s their respect for the holiday season?”
Later that night, Hilda found herself awake, staring up at her ceiling listlessly. She tossed. She turned. She chugged the glass of water she kept beside her bed. In the end, she groaned and dramatically flung open her door.
There was a problem nagging at her. Marianne and her lack of Valentine's candy. There was only one solution. Hilda would have to take things into her own hands. Literally. No, she wouldn’t stoop to the levels of buying disgusting ugly pre-made chocolates. There was a whole five days left until Valentine’s Day. Plenty of time to master truffle-making. She would do this the right way. Marianne deserved it. This was everyone else’s fault for not appreciating her enough.
The kitchens were open late into the night, and as long as you were polite, no one cared if you were underfoot. Hilda had both napped and snatched snacks from there before. How hard could making chocolates be? 
Hilda perused the available ingredients carefully. She’d need milk. And chocolate… powder? Paste? Whatever provided that distinct chocolate flavor. There was also a basket of peaches lying around. Marianne liked peaches, right? Marianne also liked flowers, and Hilda had seen plenty of edible flowers on the decorative desserts they’d fed her back at home.
The kitchens had plenty of flowers, some sitting in vases for freshness and others dried. Hilda would just experiment. It’d make the truffles prettier, give them a unique touch. She had it all planned out, could see the final product in her mind’s eye. Heart-shaped chocolates with an oozy peach center, topped with a tiny little flower, maybe even adorned with just petals in cute swirls, lovingly placed with the same gentle touch she made her jewelry with.
Hilda lit up one of the stoves and got to work.
Three hours later, Hilda was booted from the Monastery kitchens. There was chocolate goo in her hair and splattered all over her face. Her hands were blistered and burned. She reeked of burnt grass. At least five pots were now permanently ruined. This is why Hilda didn’t like doing things. Put in so much effort, and what’d she get? A bad hair day, stained clothes, and nothing to show for it.
After a shower, it was nearly three in the morning by the time she went to bed. She’d have to resort to the library tomorrow.
But first, she had to make it through class. Claude (because it could only be Claude), woke her up by heartily banging on her door. 
“Rise and shine, Hilda! Don’t want Teach to come and break down your door!”
Hilda stumbled out of bed, pillow in hand. She opened her door, threw the pillow at Claude, and slammed the door back shut.
“Hey! What was that for?”
“You’re making me tired, and I haven’t even seen you yet” she complained. When she emerged, fifteen minutes later with hair brushed and a clean uniform put on, Claude was waiting expectantly. He handed the pillow back and looked her up and down.
“Someone had a late night, I take it.”
“Don’t tell me it’s that obvious.” She poked at one eye, where there should’ve been some helpful make-up. If she gave away the surprise, it’d all be over. 
“Not really. You’d need to find someone pretty observant. Like, say, anyone with eyes.”
“This is your fault, you know.” Claude was the one who had gone and implanted all these thoughts about participating in her head.
Claude rolled his eyes, hands folded behind his head as they walked to class.
“Of course it is. I’ll just go ahead and apologize for the selfish, heinous act of wanting my dear friend to not be late to class.”
“You know what I’m talking about,” muttered Hilda darkly. Claude may or may not actually blab to Marianne if she told him what she’d been up to, but he would most definitely use this as evidence she did have effort to spare. The Goddess only knew what she’d get roped into then. 
For now, she had to power through class.
Hilda startled awake. “Claude! I swear—”
“Ah! I’m sorry Hilda, I-I thought you’d want to know that class was over.”
Hilda squinted up at Marianne, vision blurry from where her eyes had been pressed into her arm while she napped. She rubbed at her forehead with a hand.
“No, no, you’re right. Thanks.” She did a quick scan for Claude. No one could know what she was about to do. He was talking to Lysithea, and Ignatz was holding out a bow to the Professor. That was both sharp-eyed Golden Deer taken care of.
“H-hilda. Your hands…”
Hilda glanced down. Oh. “Training accident!”
“You… you hate training…”
“And this is why! Look what happens when I train!”
Marianne bit her lip. “Would you, um, I’m not very good at it yet, but, I could heal them for you. As thanks for helping me with chores.”
Hilda blinked. “You can already do burns?”
“I might mess them up. I-it’s probably a bad idea after all.”
“No! Think of my poor, poor, aching hands. You can’t leave them like this.”
Hilda was useless with magic. But Marianne acquiesced, lowering her gaze to where Hilda obediently held out her hands, palms up.
Marianne placed her hands on top of Hilda’s, her palm braced by Hilda’s fingers and her own cold fingers tickling Hilda’s palm, just barely touching them. And then they began to glow, light gathering, heavy and tangible, like the heat that radiated from a fire. It slowly burned brighter and brighter, Marianne’s fingers warming with it. It tingled, though Hilda wasn't even sure if anything was actually happening yet.
The glow faded. Hilda flexed her hands, surprised to feel no lingering stiffness.
“Hey, they’re fully healed!”
Marianne went to move away, shaking her head. “Ah, Professor Manuela would’ve been faster at it, though…”
Hilda humphed, clenching her fingers around Marianne’s hands to hold her in place. Her hands were back to being cool, and a little clammy. She could feel them absorbing the warmth from her own skin. 
“It doesn’t matter. You did a great job! And you were right here. Much less effort than going all the way to infirmary!”
Looking up into Marianne’s eyes to pass on the seriousness of her point, Hilda suddenly felt the urge to… to… to stand right up and kiss Marianne. She was in deeper than she thought.
“Well, I’ve got to head out now. Bye!” 
And so Hilda scooched her chair away from her desk with one quick movement and fled. 
She peered cautiously around the corner into the library. Linhardt was at a table in the corner, snoozing away. The rest of the coast was clear. She strolled in, acting as casual as possible, whistling a little fun tune. Linhardt wouldn’t wake up for anything less than the building catching on fire, so it was fine.
Half the spines of the books didn’t even have titles on them, and the Goddess only knew how this place was organized. Hida resorted to grabbing random books off the shelves and flipping through the pages as swiftly as possible. The longer she was in here, the higher the risk of being spotted.
Entreaty on the Political His— next. On the Biodiversity of Faerghus Mount— next. Hemodemographics: Crests and Blood Types. No wonder Linhardt was asleep. Was everything in here useless drivel? Did the Monastery not care at all about cooking delicious food? She couldn’t just ask any of the kitchen staff because they all hated her now. Maybe—
“Hilda? What are you doing here?”
Hilda froze, book in hand mid-way on the journey back to its shelf. She turned around, holding up the book with a smile.
“Oh, just looking for this!”
Annette cocked her head, eyes scanning the book’s cover. “The Ins and Outs of Cultural Diplomacy?”
“Homework assignment.”
“And you’re doing it?”
Hilda sighed. Annette was too smooth. “Look, I just want a stupid cookbook, okay? Are there any here?”
Annette looked confused, but then her eyes lit up. “You’re making someone a Valentine’s treat!” She was practically bouncing. “That’s so sweet of you!”
Annette elbowed past Hilda, heading for the back wall of the library. There, she rolled over a ladder and climbed up.
“What are you making? There’s a couple different guides up here.”
Hilda trailed after her. “Chocolates.”
Annette plucked a select few thin books from the highest shelf and climbed down, handing them to Hilda with a smile.
“You know, chocolates can be pretty tough for beginners. If you need help, Mercie’s an expert on this kind of thing.”
And so Hilda found herself carrying a stack of recipes and knocking on Mercedes’ door.
For all her supposed kindness, Mercedes was a cruel, cruel taskmaster in the kitchen. With a serene smile on her face, she watched maliciously as she forced Hilda to go through the labors of truffle-making. For three days straight they had been meeting up immediately after class, not parting ways until it was time for bed. Mercedes would heal up any burns or cuts Hilda managed to accumulate, part of the pact of secrecy Hilda had sworn her to. Sure, she’d love an excuse for Marianne to hold her hands again, but no one would believe Hilda had been training that many days in a row.
This was her last chance to get things perfect. All or nothing. It was for the best, because even Mercedes sweet-talking the chefs wouldn’t be enough for them to let Hilda back in tomorrow. It wasn’t her fault this was so different from jewelry making. Oh, it was similar. But the differences would slip Hilda’s mind, and boom. Burnt chocolate boiling and bubbling and exploding everywhere.
It was midnight when Hilda finished the last touch. A baker’s dozen of chocolates, some shaped like hearts, some shaped like flowers. Peach, strawberry, noa fruit, caramel. Alternating colors of blue and pink and white marking the truffles with swirls and elaborate designs. And sprigs of lavender here and there.
Hilda split the thirteenth chocolate in half, handing a piece over to Mercedes. They bit into them at the same time. All Hilda could really taste was sweet at this point. She’d eaten more chocolate in the last three days than she had in the entire last 18 years of her life.
“Absolutely delicious! I can tell that whoever you’re making these for is truly special to you.”
Hilda felt her face turning red. “Yeah, yeah. She is. I owe you one, Mercedes.”
Mercedes had also procured a cute box for her from the market, since Hilda was too paranoid to be seen out there.
She carefully packed up the chocolates, wanting to find the perfect arrangement but knowing that if she kept handling them they’d just melt.
“Good luck!” Mercedes called as Hilda marched back to her room. Tomorrow, she’d hand these over and confess. All or nothing.
She cornered Marianne after class. The other girl seemed more on edge than usual, wringing her hands together and refusing to meet Hilda’s gaze. Hilda frowned.
“What’s wrong with you?”
“I-I’m sorry. You’re mad at me.”
“I am?”
“You’ve been avoiding me… ever since I tried to heal your hands. I shouldn’t have experimented on you.”
Hilda couldn’t help it. She laughed. “Marianne, this has nothing to do with that! You did a swell job, we’ve been over this. I would never avoid you on purpose.”
Marianne frowned. “But… you ran away after class every time. I haven’t seen you around at all…”
This was it. “Well. I had something I was working on. In secret. It’s Valentine’s Day, y’know?”
Marianne glanced up, then her gaze went right back to the ground. “I, um, didn’t you say you hated today?”
Hilda gave her a little grin. “Yeah, when it was me receiving a bunch of nonsense confessions. But now I’m gonna do the confessing.”
“Th-then I should get going. I wouldn’t want to get in the way.”
Hilda took a breath, pulling the box out from behind her back. “You are the way. You’re cute, and thoughtful, and good with animals, and you put up with me. And you deserve the world. So, these are for you.”
Marianne’s eyes widened. “I… are you sure?”
Hilda huffed. “I spent three days learning how to cook these. I wouldn’t do that for just anyone.”
Marianne chuckled, and there. There was what Hilda had been longing to see. That adorable smile that lit up her whole face, wiping away the exhaustion she usually carried. Marianne accepted the box, holding it gingerly, gingerly, opening it with utmost care.
“They’re so pretty.”
Hilda preened, just a little. “Of course they are. I don’t half-ass everything.”
She watched with rapt attention as Marianne examined each and every truffle. “We should eat these together.” Marianne declared, sliding the lid back on. “S-somewhere with a view.”
Hilda beamed. “The Goddess Tower is probably crawling with couples right now. But I’m sure we can find somewhere.”
It was the 14th of Pegasus Moon. Hilda, as a whole, really, really liked Pegasus Moon. It had her birthday in it, the weather was chilly and perfect for cozy afternoon naps, there was usually snow, and it had Valentine’s Day in it! There was lots to love.
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Welcoming Back: FE Femslash Week!
For those who don’t recall, back in 2016 there was a blog called fefemslashweek that ran an event at the end of August and the beginning of September. As someone who really enjoyed it, this user decided to bring it back, so that we can all appreciate and produce fanworks for FE wlw ships again! We will run from Sunday, March 11th to Saturday, March 17th.
Each day has a choice of prompts, you can take either (or all!) in whatever direction you wish.
All content is welcome! Fanart, fic, playlists, graphics, analysis posts. Whatever you’re inspired to create, we’d love to see.
Prompts are as follows:
March 11: Fire / Anger / Edge
March 12: Light / Moon / Knight
March 13: Eternal / Butterfly / Shy
March 14: Grace / Brittle / Iron
March 15: Strength / Reserved / Loyalty
March 16: Memory / Soft / Bubbly
March 17: Free For All
All work should be tagged #FEFEMSLASHWEEK so it can be easily found and appreciated.
For more information, please check out our guidelines! It would be great if you could spread the word!
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