#faye x silque
magvelspires · 3 months
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day of devotion faye/silque <3
fe scuffle attack!
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loregoddess · 8 months
Faye from FE for the ask game? :)
First impression: I didn't have any strong feelings for or against her, although I wasn't wildly keen on her writing for my first run, but in the "wow, the writers really messed up" kind of way and not like, "wow this character sucks" kind of way. I did like her as a unit though, she was pretty strong even though I eventually benched her bc I stopped using pegasus knights late-game (which was the class I had her in my first run).
Impression now: One of my favorite FE characters like, ever. Which started off as spite, I will admit, because she got a lot of hate from the fandom, but unlike so many other characters/games where fans criticize the writers, they just went straight for Faye as a character which was ??? bc like, what little writing she gets outside of her crush for Alm is Fine Actually, and again, she's a great unit in battle. So I decided that no actually I'm going to love this character, and then between critically reading her canon writing and coming up with my own headcanons and ideas for expanding her characterization, I ended up genuinely loving her a whole lot. Faye's great.
Favorite moment: This is hard bc again, *vaguely gestures at the game* she doesn't get a whole lot of screentime for anything, although I do appreciate that she comes to terms with her feelings towards Alm being unreciprocated, and is able to forge a friendship with Silque.
Idea for a story: Because I have this rarepair of Faye x Rinea (which was also born out of spite, I swear Echoes is actually tied for my top favorite FE game, I just also have a lot of spite in my heart I guess), I've been kicking around different ideas of how that could work in a mostly-canon but canon-divergent post-game story where Rinea is able to survive, and how Faye would help her along her healing journey while she also recovers from the war and comes to terms with her own feelings about Alm and stuff (and possibly have Faye help Sonya out with her witch recovery efforts in general), although I haven't gotten too far with any specific ideas to have a solid mental outline or anything.
A story exploring her life growing up with the other Ram kids would be pretty interesting too, although I'd probably get sucked into the research rabbit hole trying to learn about things like a complete history of farming and end up stressing about whether the fantasy farming village of Ram seemed like a legit farming community or not.
Unpopular opinion: I kind of feel like loving Faye is unpopular in and of itself, but yeah. Writing aside though, I do genuinely think Faye's a good character, like, from a visual design standpoint and also from a game mechanic standpoint, she's got a lot going for her. The writers did a poor job with her writing sure, but I think there's a lot of potential for her to be an interesting character in her own right.
Favorite relationship: Again, she doesn't get much, but I do like the friendship she has with Silque (and I don't mind the romantic ship of the two either even if it's not my first choice of ship for my own fleet), and I would have loved it if we got more insight into her relationships with the other Ram kids aside from Alm, bc I think there was a lot of missed potential there. Also, because Faye can be recruited to Celica's army instead, I would have loved if Faye had supports with at least Celica to explore what their relationship would have been like (I think they would have gotten along, even if Faye was a bit jealous of Celica at first). And well, of course my wild rarepair of Faye and Rinea.
Favorite headcanon: Hmm, I dunno if I have a favorite per se (since I mean, a lot of trying to expand Faye's characterization is just making stuff up that seems plausible), but I think since she was the only girl in a group of boys growing up that she's got sort of a rougher streak, like, she's willing and capable of throwing someone down in a fight, especially if they were picking on one of the other Ram kids (which could be reflected in her stats in the game, since she's pretty strong all things considered), and also due to Ram being a farming village she isn't really squeamish or icked out by things which some of the high born noble girls would have hated (bugs, dirt, mud, snakes, etc.). Like sure, Faye also enjoys wearing dresses and looking cute (she's very fashionable!) but she's also not really bothered by getting dirty and I'm very sure she probably picked up some critter out of Clair's tent one night with a slightly bored expression and released the poor thing outside. Hell, she'd even put some of the noble men to shame with her lack of fear of things that were normal everyday occurrences bc she grew up with a bunch of guys in a farming village (she's also definitely got some muscles as a result too). Also I think she makes all her own accessories by hand, and that she's overall very handy when it comes to sewing and crafts. I do think she's a bit of a picky eater though, not overly so, but just a bit.
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fayesdiary · 2 years
001 for Faye x Rinea and Celica X Faye, and character of your choice who you've been wanting to talk about for 002, for the ask game
When I started shipping it
When I saw this art by @ grimoirering. They were so cute together and eventually I started genuinely thinking about them and realizing they actually work together really well and so... here we are.
My thoughts
I adore them. It's a rarepair that works better the more you think about it (such as noticing the various parallels or the spring/winter aesthetic) and can has huge potential for both fluff and angst.
I just delved into a bunch of fluff at the moment, but you bet I want to make something angsty with them one day.
Mainly involving Witch Rinea because I mean, come on. It's right there.
What makes me happy about them
These two are adorable.
They work so well from the village girl/noble lady and spring/winter dynamic, both of their lives revolving around a male lead meta-wise and not and being very unsure of their place in their group, so them finding love and support in each other is just *screams*
And something I realized when writing the latest chapter of Socially Distant and makes this pair even better is that Faye is still a bit clingy and obsessive with her loved ones because that's just how she is (though nowhere near to the unhealthy levels as she was with Alm), but for Rinea that's ironically a good thing since she constantly needs showings of affections to remind her that she is truly loved and not just a pretty thing to show around like she's been viewed as for most of her life.
Helps that neither of them like being at the center of attention, too.
What makes me sad about them
Faye and Rinea's view of themselves is very bad and they tend to struggle understanding what the other sees in them. Faye is scared of overstepping her boundaries and making Rinea feel uncomfortable, while Rinea keeps thinking people around her barely tolerate her and will abandon her if she doesn't act as this perfect lady and makes the slightest mistake.
It takes them a long while for them to have a better view of themselves and trusting the other not to leave them behind at the slightest mistake.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me
The fact that beside Socially Distant and a drabble collection where they feature in a really short story, there are no fanfics about these two and I'm starving for more content.
I really have to do everything around here, have I?😤
Things I look for in fanfic
As I said, right now I'm looking for fanfics of them period. Mainly with them as the main focus because them just being a really minor couple in the background wouldn't really count.
Who I'd be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other
For Faye I'd say Celica or Silque... although Chloé recently joined as another great rarepair option me and @zorua-adorable are obsessing over.
For Rinea, and I just thought of it but am already really into it... Clair would be a really fun partner for her!
My happily ever after for them
Living together and having the coziest, most peaceful life and where they're filled with love and care from both their friends and each other.
Who is the big spoon/little spoon
Faye's definitely the big spoon and Rinea just melts in her arms.
What's their favorite non-sexual activity
I just got the mental image of Faye resting on Rinea's lap while the latter is humming while the two are in a garden of flowers and that just works so well.
For Socially Distant in particular it's watching and talking about anime together, particularly magical girl ones. Weebs.
When I started shipping it
Many years ago, specifically thanks to this fic by @ pureauthor-blog. Which, ironically, is another Faye rarepair fic set in a modern setting, so I'm kinda picking up the torch with Socially Distant? Maybe? Hopefully?
Anyway, that's the fic that really got me into the pair and I haven't stopped shipping it ever since!
My thoughts
They are just the cutest!
This was the first Faye rarepair that I started shipping and it's still one of my favorites and most of it is just due to how saccharine these two are.
Another top-tier aesthetic, I adore the childhood friends and village girl/princess dynamic and these two just work so well with each other, you know?
Also, something I just realized is just how similar it feels to Faye/Rinea, which I am not complaining.
...so when Celica/Rinea?
What makes me happy about them
That this one has just a tiny hint in canon.
Well, not outright romantic, but the fact that when Celica returns to Ram Faye is super happy to see her which is so unlike what her archetype would have you think and just one that makes me spiral.
They were best friends. Faye welcomed Celica into Ram and taught her many things like sewing flowers. Faye is almost as devastated as Alm when Celica has to leave but unlike him she thinks she'll never see her again and even if she does she wouldn't remember her anyway.
But then Celica comes back, and remembers her. And the two just melt in each other's arms.
What makes me sad about them
That Faye and Celica could never be together in canon because Alm aside, they just belong to different worlds that can't reconcile.
Faye would be miserable living as a noble or outright a queen because it's just so alien to her entire life and what she cherishes, and while Celica would want so badly to just be a simple girl and live to Ram with her she has so many responsibilities to her kingdom she would never shy away from.
So there's this constant sense of distance and longing, and while maybe there are some ways they could work (like Faye secretly courting Celica and occasionally visiting her), they could never be anything more without jeopardizing who they are as people, no matter how badly they want to.
And while this makes for great angst, this is why I joke that I ship them in anywhere but canon.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me
Not enough fics to have found things that flat out annoy me, so no idea.
Things I look for in fanfic
Mainly for more fics.
And mostly fluff, although I would be intrigued by an angsty Faye/Celica fic.
Who I'd be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other
Well I already mentioned Faye, but for Celica it'd be Alm of course, Clair would be fun, Mae and Céline! And as I said before, I'm curious about how Celica and Rinea would be together :3
My happily ever after for them
Living in a cozy home together, surrounded by cats :3
Who is the big spoon/little spoon
They switch! Sometimes it's Faye and sometimes it's Celica :D
What's their favorite non-sexual activity
Gardening! I like to imagine they have a large garden filled with several flowers. And yes, they still sew them.
And for the character I choose Loptous! And straight out of the bag, I'm skipping all the romance options because he should not be with anyone.
How I feel about him
Holy shit, this guy is the most evil villain in all of FE and I sincerely doubt IntSys will ever even come close with his level of depravity ever again.
He is pure evil in the best way possible, from his obvious damage on a large scale (the Jugdral timeline at the start of FE4 is just a list of his atrocities) to even a smaller scale to make you hate his guts (Taking advantage of his possession of Julius to drive both Arvis and Ishtar to indirect suicide, and just his relationship with Ishtar is a huge bag of fucked up in the best way possible).
Unlike other evil dragons he doesn't even a tragic backstory. He just things humans are toys to break in so many ways and he turned himself into a cursed tome just to torment Jugdral forever. He doesn't have a tragic motive to hate humans like Medeus and Grima, he didn't degenerate like Duma.
He's sane and just unbelievably evil and sadistic, and that's what makes him terrifying.
Not to mention the grip he has over Julius. By the time of FE4 the two have pretty much become synonyms, and when you kill him you'd think Julius would die as himself for his last few moments like it happened with Lyon and Future Past Robin, right?
But no. Instead the opposite happens, where Julius is fully taken over by Loptous. It even extends to Heroes. For Lyon and Robin, their version where they're taken over by Fomortiis and Grima are relegated to Fallen Heroes, but for Julius?
That's his base form.
Loptous has taken over Julius so much that the latter almost doesn't exist anymore both in official material and in fanon. When people talk about Julius, they're usually actually talking about Loptous.
And that is, to me, an existential nightmare.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Hilda. No, not that Hilda.
She's the only one who comes close to him in terms of depravity and that's an achievement in and of itself.
My unpopular opinion about him
Not sure if it's an unpopular opinion, but I think he's the best villain in the franchise, or at least the best "pure evil" one.
And I doubt IntSys will ever surpass him.
One thing I wish had happened with him in canon
I want to see the moment he starts to possess Julius so badly, I want it to be as fucked up as they can get away with. Can we see it for the FE4 remake please?🙏
A headcanon fact
This is an old one, but I like to think Loptous grew in a hate group of Earth Dragons who rather than just think they're better than humanity they do what... well, hate groups do. Let's just leave it at that. And then Loptous grows up and takes the hate to even more horrifying extremes in Jugdral.
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naoreco · 10 months
for the duo bingo: forsython, clive/fernand, faye/silque :)
THREE DUOS!!!! LOVE WINS!!!! OK OK sending these in order. you're getting streams of consciousness for this
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forsython: this bingo is deceptive because it's quite basic but i have a lot to say. i really want to emphasize the comedic potential here because more than anything these two are so fucking funny. canon forsython is hilarious on its own (wa-pish!) but sechoes has some of my favorite additions (like when they visit alm and bring him food and get sidetracked talking about that time forsyth made clive some cupcakes with the little sprinkles on top PEAK COMEDY). and at the same time they feel quite cozy. my idea of the Narratives is forsyth dreaming for the both of them
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clivenand: had i seen this ask mere hours ago i would not give the same answer. A polycule could(nt) have fixed them. the wasted potential is mostly directed towards canon sov because really i think fernand's behavior just makes so much more sense if he's in love with clive and mad that he's changing from the man he once loved (WHEN REALLY IT IS FERNAND WHO HAS CHANGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). i'm inconsolable. can we lock him in the bathroom so he can sniff mathilda through the door. i guess if you count sechoes as fanfic this is better in fanfic but i dont feel like marking it off bc i have yet to examine the Clive x Fernand ao3 tag and i dont trust the sov ao3 tag just in general
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fayesilque: maybe because i couldnt stand faye in my first sov playthrough (as the average player doesnt i assume) but i went thru her support with silque and was like. Oh my god. she could fix her. She could fix her! And that opinion has stuck to the point where i'm defensive over this ship. monoship? for those two specifically. though there is wasted potential because i think their support chain in sov itself is kind of lacking. sechoes B and A supports- oh my god i only JUST realized faye was talking about celica in the A support.oh my god. its such a small world that's silque's friend from the priory. post cancelled i'm gonna be thinking about this forever.
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feshippingpolls · 2 months
FE: Should they kiss?
Silque x Faye
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godly-feh-edits · 5 years
Once their art releases, could you do a "yeah we gay keep scrolling" with valentines Faye and Valentines Silque :o
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(Mr. Toto) YUS! QwQ
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valentias-faye · 5 years
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Faye is such a caring girlfriend 🥺
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azurescribbles · 5 years
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So, um, I posted this on Twitter last week just hours before their Valentine's alts were announced and completely forgot to post these girls here
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sundoodle · 7 years
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i haven’t finished SoV yet but isn’t it great that after everything Silque helps Faye get over her obsession with Alm and have a healthier worldview and they become girlfriends :) :) :)
watch this be the only sov art i draw lmao unless something else spites me 
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azaharesinspring · 7 years
Fairy Tale AU featuring Faye, Mae and Silque (and to a lesser extent, the other village kids; Alm and Celica referenced). There’s some slight FayeXSilque, but I wouldn’t say that’s the focus.
Also playing around with some ideas for future fairy tale AU one-offs for FE13 (Maribelle/Lissa; Emmeryn/Phila) and FE7 (Florina & Ninian with some Florina/Lyn).
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okapiandpaste · 5 years
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Bro...this really happened huh?
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unassumingvenusaur · 7 years
Faye x Silque “””S”””
Yup, I wrote another one. It’s good practice, I might make writing fake supports not just for echoes but other stuff a thing I do sometimes. Maybe. Anyway here are some more cute girlfriends, also my first time writing Faye (and Silque) giving me some much needed practice to prepare for...more ladies ;) Hope you guys enjoy this one~
Faye: Silque?
Silque: Yes, Faye?
Faye: Um… What are you planning to do after this is all over? You know, the war.
Silque: Oh? Where’s this coming from, all of the sudden?
Faye: …
Faye: N-never mind. Forget I said anything.
Silque: Oh, you needn’t shy away, Faye. It’s quite alright.
Silque: Truth be told… I think that after this conflict is over, I’d like to continue healing.
Faye: Oh… Oh yeah?
Silque: Yes. This war has left many injured in its wake… And there will be more to come.
Silque: I feel bound to help as many as I can. It’s all I can do, really.
Faye: Wandering the land healing… That sounds like something you’d do.
Faye: It’s…it’s really noble. I’m happy for you.
Silque: Then why do you look so upset?
Faye: …
Faye: It… It’s so silly. I knew this was going to happen. I was so scared, but I knew.
Faye: Everyone is going to slip away…
Silque: Please don’t say that, Faye.
Faye:  I’ve never really dreamed of more than a quiet life in Ram Village.
Faye: But I knew none of the boys felt the same. They all wanted more. Especially Alm.
Faye: They want…adventure, to do great things. I always knew they were going to leave me.
Faye: Even though they’re my friends… There’s a distance, there.
Faye: The only times I haven’t felt that were when Celica was in Ram…and…
Faye: With you. The way you kept approaching me, wanting to know me… It made me feel strange.
Faye: It still does. Though... I like it, now. Your company is nice. You’re…really nice.
Faye: Too good a person to want to stick around with me…
Silque: …
Silque: Did I ever tell you how, when I was a young girl, my mother left me all alone at a priory?
Faye: W-what? No, you didn’t…
Silque: It was a terribly lonely existence. I still carry that loneliness with me.
Silque: We are kindred spirits, Faye. Perhaps that is why I’m so drawn to you.
Silque: Or perhaps this is what Mother Mila intended for me all along.
Silque: But either way, I know now that I want to keep you close to me.
Faye: You…you really mean it…?
Silque: I do. I could never agree to settle down in Ram Village, but…
Silque: I wish for you to accompany me on my journey. Perhaps as a devotee of Mila, yourself.
Silque: I will never allow you to feel so alone again.
Faye: That’s…that’s really… Yes! Y-yes, oh yes, I want to do that with you…
Faye: Oh, Silque… I’m getting so emotional, I’m sorry.
Silque: Don’t apologize. Your smile is such a lovely sight.
Faye: …
Faye: Silque?
Silque: Yes, Faye?
Faye: …Kiss me?
Silque: Heehee… Gladly.
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loregoddess · 3 years
Sorry to hear that, I hope you can rest at the very least! Anyway, Faye, Rinea and a character of your choice for the ask game!
Ah, thank you--I am trying to rest so that I can finish out the work week at the very least. Anyhow, Faye and Rinea, my beloveds...(and Charlotte!)
Under the cut bc this got out of hand:
First impression: *me, having gone to middle and high school w/ a girl who had a crush on the same guy for the entire time* Wow the writers have never spoken to a girl w/ a lifelong crush have they. Damned if she isn't a sturdy unit in battle though.
Impression now: I still think her writing is bad (even if, according to an interview with the writers, it was intentional, but intentional does not equal strong or good writing), but there was just, so much fandom hate for her that unfortunately made it onto my dash a few years ago and I just, like, I dunno. Like, mechanically she's one of the best characters in the game, you can stick her in more or less any class and she performs amazingly (also she helped get me through Thabes and I only dragged my best units into that proto-risen nightmare), and also her writing's not so bad that I can't ignore it and replace it with my own headcanons. I dunno if it's because she's a girl or what, because I've seen characters with much worse writing that fandom loves wildly, but she didn't deserve all the hate she got after the game released, and seeing it all just made me love her out of spite, and now I love her unironically.
Favorite moment: Her supports with Silque, but specifically Faye's disinterest in any gossip, which Silque is apparently really interested in. I know the writers wanted it to be a "haha, girl's so obsessed with Alm that she doesn't have time for love gossip", but we've established the my city now rule in regards to her writing so I like to think that Faye really just, isn't a gossip. It's also interesting to see, at the end of their support chain, how Faye's actually probably really lonely, what with all her childhood friends fitting in with the rest of the army just fine (I get the sense that Faye never really wanted to fight, she just followed along bc Alm and her other friends went), and so it's nice to see the blossoming friendship between her and Silque who is, despite being used to a more rugged lifestyle, also kinda out of place in the army.
Idea for a story: *solid snake voice* Hrrrgnh...I really like Faye x Rinea as a couple, and I've had a story idea bouncing around my head for a few years about how that would work out, like. If Celica can be un-witched, it's entirely possible that Rinea, who was also sacrificed unwillingly and was only a witch for what, maybe a few hours? can be un-witched as well, but the recovery process would be rough (both from being a witch and from being betrayed by the one she loved), so something about how Faye helps out with the recovery, but she is also recovering from the entire "just fought a war and realized I was running from 99% of my life's issues by following my childhood crush into the army" and so it ends up being a mutual helping each other heal and eventually flourish and thrive type story. Whether this gets written or not is a story unto itself, but that’s neither here nor there.
Unpopular opinion: I love Faye, and that in itself seems to be unpopular.
Favorite relationship: Obviously my wild out-of-left-field Faye x Rinea ship, but also I really like her relationship with Silque, either platonically or romantically. I also like to think about how she’d get along with Celica and the pilgrimage side of the story since, I mean, you can recruit her to Celica’s side but there’s more or less no written content for how that plays out. It doesn’t make sense gameplay-wise, since again, she’s one of the best units for Alm’s potential army, but it’s interesting to think about from a potential narrative perspective.
Favorite headcanon: So Faye’s supports with Silque reveal Silque to be a gossip, and Pyhton’s DLC supports with Lukas reveal that Python is also an insufferable gossip, which means that Forsyth has to put up w/ Python’s gossipy habits, and I’d like to think that eventually Python and Silque find out they can be insufferable gossips together, leading to an unlikely friendship between Faye and Forsyth as the "oh gods, my best friend and potential crush is at it again, send help" duo.
First impression: Wow that sure is a side character.
Impression now: The more I thought and stewed on the writing of Echoes, and specifically Rinea, the more I realized how she’d been shafted badly by the writers. Her writing is, in my opinion, just as weak as Faye’s (which isn’t surprising considering Berkut was supposed to be a mirror/foil to Alm, so it makes sense that his lady love would be a mirror/foil to either Celica or Faye, and given how Rinea kinda just follows Berkut around for most of the story, I tend to think she was meant to be a Faye mirror/foil rather than a Celica mirror/foil), but unlike Faye who was needlessly hated for being devoted to Alm, Rinea is...loved for being devoted to Berkut? I don’t get it and I’m not going to pretend like I ever will. But she’s mostly used as a prop for Berkut’s story and could have been replaced by like, a really nice sword or a prized horse and nothing would have changed, and because of that terrible writing I was like, no you’re coming with me, I’m going to give you all the personality and individuality that the writers could never hope to give you. Basically, like Faye, I started liking Rinea out of spite for her terrible writing, and partly out of spite for the way fandom treated her as well.
Favorite moment:  :|<  This girl gets no agency in what little of a story she gets, so I can’t say I like any of the moments since they’re all for the benefit of Berkut’s character arc rather than Rinea’s nonexistent character arc.
Idea for a story: See above for my main story idea, but also it might be interesting to write a story about like, her life. Growing up in Rigel, the expectations placed on noble women, the fear of being sacrificed as a witch by the Duma Faithful, like, just anything to give an idea of who Rinea is as an individual and what goes on in her mind.
Unpopular opinion: Her relationship with Berkut does not float my goats, and my goats are drowning anytime IntSys tries to prop them up as this nice, lovey-dovey couple.
Favorite relationship: Faye x Rinea, I’m also no averse to the idea of Rinea x Faye x Silque either.
Favorite headcanon: In the Rinea Lives AU that exists rent-free in my head, Rinea also gets to know the rest of the Echoes cast, and becomes friends in particular with Celica, Sonya, and Genny, all for varying reasons. Also I’d like to think she’d have a sisterly friendship with Mathilda.
And for my own choice...Charlotte from Fates:
First impression: I followed all the pre- and post-release Fates stuff from when it was first released in Japan, so all of my impressions of the Fates cast is based mostly on the fan translations of the Japanese text, but when Charlotte was first revealed in one of the Japanese gaming magazines, I was not interested in her at all. Like, her design alone made me wary and the small bit of text we got as an intro was just “she’s a gold-digger” and I was like okay, can’t expect anything good here.
Impression now: I was so wrong. After the game was released in Japan, while haunting forums looking for translated supports, I came across someone saying the Laslow x Charlotte supports were good, with a link to the translation, and like, yeah they were decent but something about Charlotte’s character stood out to me, so I naturally went and hunted down every single one of her supports that had been translated and lo and behold, despite the trainwreck outfit, she actually had so much depth and personality and a character far beyond “haha, poor girl is a gold-digger to get rich” shtick I thought the writers would pull. I hope this girl gets everything she wants in life.
Favorite moment: There’s a lot, but I really like that a lot of her supports end with whomever finding out that she’s not this girly, delicate, helpless woman she pretends to be, and is actually a badass who could swear a sailor under the table and also rip apart monsters w/ her bare hands, and people finding out that’s her true self is one of Charlotte’s biggest fears but inevitably that’s why whomever ends up falling in love with her, for who she really is and not who she pretends to be.
Idea for a story: Nothing too wild, although there’s some support chains that I think would be interesting to flesh out beyond the little snippets we get. Anything post-war would be interesting too, becuase there really aren’t enough stories about how people rebuild and move foward after the game events.
Unpopular opinion: I don’t think her outfit needed to look like that to convey the “but I’m just a poor, helpless girl” façade.
Favorite relationship: Hmmm, probably her supports with Xander. The localized version is more or less the same as the fan-translation of their supports that I read, but near the end there’s a few extra lines where, instead of just running to the window and screaming in joy, Charlotte first ask Xander if it’s alright if she goes and shouts for joy, and he’s like “yeah go for it” which just sets up this really nice little basis for healthy communication which I think would make the two work really well as a couple. (Also the idea of Xander falling in love bc she tore apart a faceless to save him is *chef kiss* gold, especially considering how out-going Charlotte is and how shy Xander actually is despite needing to put up this front as the crown prince, there’s just...so much potential for the dynamics between the two). I also really like her supports with Benny since, again, I have a soft spot for people loving each other for who they are and not the mask they have to wear to get by.
Favorite headcanon: If Charlotte marries into royalty or nobility, she does surprisingly well at court life because of her experience putting up a false façade. On the one hand she can act the part that’s expected of her, but on the other she’s smart enough to also be able to figure out when people are lying and keep a track of all the power-dynamics so she can navigate them to her and her spouse’s benefit.
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pokemagines · 4 years
One of the best things Heroes did was let Faye get over Alm this is Not Up For Discussion
did she??? oh that’s good if they did ;w; i don’t have either version of her so i didn’t see ... silque x faye is the ONLY faye ship allowed
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ncfan-1 · 5 years
Putting this under a cut since there’s a fair amount of shipping-related negativity regarding some of the canonical ships of Fire Emblem Echoes, and I’d rather avoid causing unnecessary drama in the tag. (Seriously, the only canonical ships where both characters survive past the game I can say I have positive feelings towards are Mathilda x Clive and Zeke x Tatiana. Maybe give this a skip if you don’t want to see negativity directed towards your ship.)
Does… does anyone else come away from those character endings feeling really frustrated?
In general, it’s just… It’s hard to put in words. There’s a sense with the Valentian female characters that for most of them, the only happy ending possible was through marriage, like they couldn’t possibly have found self-actualization elsewhere (Though I’ll point out that marriage sure doesn’t sound like it was a happy ending for one of them). Silque found fulfillment through healing the wounded of Valentia, but the rest of them all got married, with the exception of Sonya, who is remarked to have been rumored to have become a witch.
And also in general, with a lot of the characters who are stated or implied to have gotten married, it’s all really unnecessary? Except as a desperate waving of a flag reading “Oh, yeah, these guys were definitely straight. Definitely, definitely straight.” Like Genny’s mystery husband (which just got a blank “…what” from me, because the fact that she wouldn’t let anyone meet the hubby was baffling and a bit of a red flag), and Saber getting married, and Kliff’s completely unnecessary kid, and Delthea getting married to an unnamed noble husband, which wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t in the context of nearly all the other female characters defaulting to “and, of course, she got married, because that’s what a woman does.” (And also her sealing away her magic powers. Just… why. Whhhyyyy. Yeah, I know she made noises about having expectations put on her by her magic being annoying, but she seemed to be really stoked about being “awesome” with magic, and you know if she was a male character the summation of her arc would have been her coming to terms with the responsibility that comes with her abilities, not “Welp, I’m going to dodge all of that by nerfing myself so I don’t ever have to accept the responsibility that comes with my heritage.”)
And yeah, you could make the argument that this doesn’t necessarily signal that they were meant to be canonically straight, but you know that’s what the writers meant by this. Like, for the established couples, like Alm and Celica, Mathilda and Clive, Zeke and Tatiana, mentioning marriage and a happy life together makes sense, but they couldn’t have kept things open-ended for the rest? Couldn’t have talked about their lives in the future without slotting them into neat little heterosexual boxes?
Beyond that, there’s just the fact that some of the canonical ships and some of the things related to them just give me a bad feeling inside.
Alm x Celica… The best I can say about it is that it’s blandly okay. It did absolutely nothing for me and was thoroughly unconvincing, but they’re cute together? I guess? It irritates me that like with Azura in Revelation, the fact that Celica might have a legitimate claim to the throne of Valentia is completely ignored and, at best, she rules as Queen Consort, rather than as Queen Regnant.
Mae x Boey… Oof, that trope of “oh, this couple is constantly arguing with each other and this is a sign of True Love, not that they have serious issues in their relationship and/or they’re just not compatible with one another on a basic level” grates on me so much.
I like Mathilda x Clive, but I like considerably less the idea that she just hung up her armor after marrying him and became a happy homemaker. That. Makes. No. Sense. For. Her. Character. And you know Clive wouldn’t try to force her to, and even if it was society’s expectation of her, if Mathilda had the support of her beloved husband, her reaction is basically going to be “Fuck society. I’ll continue being a warrior if I want.”
Everything about Gray and Clair’s interactions and the post-game details of their “relationship” left such a vile taste in my mouth. First, the charming starting point of Gray implying that if they rescue Clair, she’ll be so grateful she’ll practically throw herself into the arms of one of her rescuers and be his prize, which, as a certain Disney princess once reminded us, is really not okay.
Then, there’s the fact that Clair had Gray completely dead to rights about every last bit of his behavior towards her in the B support, only for all of that to be completely discounted in the A support because her tone was a bit snippy?! And then for her to do a complete 180 and be basically “Oh, forget my legitimate complaints about your jerkish, slightly creepy behavior; I only said those things because I was annoyed over something else and I was just taking it out on you; I actually kind of like your never, ever leaving me alone, no matter how many times I tell you to?” Excuse me?!
And then there’s the postgame details that all but outright states that the only reason Clair married Gray was because he wouldn’t stop pestering her until she said yes. How romantic. What a truly moving love story.
But as bad as the Gray x Clair ending is, it cannot surpass Faye’s ending for pure, concentrated Do Not Want.
Just. What the hell.
I didn’t expect a 100% happy ending for Faye, since she’s in love with someone who categorically does not return her feelings, and she’s strongly implied to have developed PTSD in a society where mental health care most likely amounts to nil. But I had expected that there would be at least the slightest ray of hope in her ending. Faye’s ending of returning to Ram Village alone, never, ever getting over Alm, marrying someone she doesn’t love out of what sounds like sheer loneliness, and then regularly disappearing for days at a time with no explanation, worrying her family, does not provide even the dimmest ray of hope.
You could have had Faye joining the One Kingdom’s knighthood and, even if she doesn’t ever get over Alm, at least find fulfillment in her work and being with her friends. You could have had a Cleric Faye do like Silque and go traveling the continent healing the wounded, and finding fulfillment in that. You could have had her canonical ending, except changing it to her eventually getting over Alm and her new husband trying to support her through her untreated PTSD. There are so many other things the writers could have done with Faye.
But they gave us this instead. They gave us a Faye whose destiny was to be left in the dust by all of her friends, to be the only one who doesn’t move on to bigger and better things, to be left by the wayside by a story that has left her behind. And while that may be something that happens often enough in real life, this is a story. And yeah, while someone being left in the dust by their friends might be realistic, so too is dying of dysentery or smallpox in a medieval setting such as this one, and yet we generally don’t regard such things as effective storytelling.
Faye deserved better than to be consigned to the fate of being the one left in the dust, without so much as the dimmest ray of hope that maybe things will get better for her in the future. Faye deserved better than this.
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spdtactics-a · 5 years
also while it’s 3am and no one’s looking? ship bias list. 
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caeda -- marth. that’s... that’s it. they’re the canon ship and they’re cute together, sO.
elice -- merric. 
palla -- minerva!!! 
elma -- katarina, cecil. girls she has chemistry with, really. she’s The Big Gay,
faye -- tobin, silque.
mila -- uh. happiness?
audria -- rudolf. they... they were married, so...
i was thinking about bringing back genny and she’s cute with est or kliff...
roy -- sophia, lilina. could be talked into larum and shanna, actually... i also like wolt? 
guinivere -- melady. cecilia is... interesting? O: i’d be open to discuss that... elphin could be interesting too. political marriages once he resurfaces in the public eye............ 
klein -- thea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also elphin.
hugh -- stability and happiness. i dunno, i feel like any ships would be chemistry based with him?
vanessa -- innes, forde, lute.
robin (m) -- chrom, pretty much anyone but aversa and the second gens. i’m not fussy! ... suggesting the second gens will earn you a very stern no, and if the matter is pressed, a hardblock. we don’t date our friends’ future kids, folks!
nowi -- uh. i’ll... i’ll get back to you on that one. whoever a nah wants her dad to be i guess? i don’t really have strong preferences...
irene -- corbett, inigo could be cute actually, a non-sister cynthia mayhaps... kjelle... lucina, but i’d have to trust and know the lucina mun very well for that...
aaron -- cynthia!!!, actually he’s another one of the characters i could ship with anyone. i like the thought of him and gerome, and him and laurent tbh, or him and owain... seriously. he’s good with any of the kids.
meira -- gangrel, vaike, stahl, virion tbh... olivia would also be HELLA cute... surprisingly i’m not keen on chrom/meira but i could be talked into it depending on the mun. still no second gens, thanks,
akihiko -- uh..................................... he’s not really thinking about romance? as long as they’re not a second gen, azura, or a royal sibling, if they’ve got chemistry i’d go for it. he’s birthright though, so nohr muses are probably not the best idea. ... hinata, mozu, oboro, tsubaki, or felicia could be cute, actually.
desdemona -- ??????????????????????????????? we just don’t know. i guess keaton or laslow? she’s only 18 though so i might be pickier wrt her... she’s conquest, so hoshido muses are probably a bad idea. again, sibs, second gens, and azura are a No.
artemis -- she’s birthright and... not really interested in a relationship either what the fuck is up with my mus?????????? anna could be nice actually, but anyways-- chemistry overall, again no royals, azura, or second gen bye.... 
apollo -- charlotte, selena, felicia, benny... odin would be really nice too, actually. maybe zero? hm. he’s conquest so no hoshidans,,
peri -- laslow, felicia, the mu... hm,
kaden -- sakura, keaton, the mu, felicia, hinata, i guess hinoka’s okay, azura!
felicia -- kaden, peri, the mu, azura............. felicia also pairs nicely with a lot of people tbh.
soleil -- NOT OPHELIA-- ahem. anyways. g i r l s. selkie’s cute. 
anna -- jake, money???????????????? chemistry tbh. 
odette -- veronica, andromeda. ( rooks’ specifically. she’s 13, guys... ), hey wait delthea’s 13 they’d be cute
henriette -- gustav lol
coralin -- anna, any... any of the heroes, really... probably not alfonse or sharena though, they’re more like siblings.
the rest of the people here are my ocs do you really want to know about that
botw link -- zelda, paya, sidon
botw au linkle -- zelda, paya
iris ( xenoblade x avatar ) -- h.b., doug, irina, murderess could be fun actually, hope???????, yelv too maybe...
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