#felix tag maybe?
euroclydonn · 8 months
I'm dragging his aas to that therapy couch
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weaponizedmoth · 2 months
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userwhocommentsbirds said: "honestly fair, could you do felix kranken please."
There ya go. Also, the photo without censorship is below.
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patrick-zweigs · 1 month
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the feeling when when you were his one friend but he stole your company/life/inheritance/clothing and still has the nerve to look like this afterwards (while wearing said clothing)
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omg ok im on saltburn rewatch #???? and smth just hit me. weve all been sort of operating under the assumption that what olivers mum says about him is true. taking the idea that he actively avoided socialization, avoided friends, kept to himself, at face value. but honestly?? i feel like it was the exact opposite. bc the first time he sees felix (assuming that the first time WE see felix in oxford is in fact the first time oliver sees him, as olivers telling would have us believe) its not like, some romantic shot of just felix himself. its very specifically *felix surrounded by the people who oliver was preemptively rejected by, whom felix has obviously charmed*. and like. if oliver was in fact a willful loner, like micheal gavey (although even there, the willful part is debateable, given the bitter undertone to his whole rant about not being invited to the christmas party), then hed have no reason to be so....disgusted? by micheals embracing of his loner status? oliver really strikes me as the type who truly wanted connection, but was socially shunned throughout middle and high school, and lied about it to his parents so as to duck the humiliation of facing their pity. he got them to think that he *wanted* to be alone. just like he got them to think hes on the rowing team. hes treating oxford as a fresh start, but hes still in his old habits of lying to his parents, and he still has his old wants. the first time he walks through the archway into oxford, hes insulted by people who dont even know him. and then, alone, peeping through a window, he sees felix. surrounded by friends. which is to say, i think he first falls in love not with felix as a person, but with what felix represents to him: *acceptance*. i know theres a lot of arguement whether oliver wanted felix OR saltburn, love OR wealth, to be with felix OR be him, but i swear to god, i really truly believe that at its core its both. this entire movie is about oliver conflating the two. he is drawn in by felix's halo effect, not just as a subject of his gravitational field, but as an aspiring planet himself.
anyways. stream The Last Of The Real Ones by fall out boy its so cattonquick i wanna puke
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someiicecube · 1 year
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I'm vibrating in anticipation for book three, so I actually drew Wayhaven art for once
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rainrayne · 1 month
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Traditional doodles and whiteboard doodles from yesterday
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doopcity · 10 months
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ok so because this design has snowballed into me having a story in my head about him he's just gonna become an OC now. His name is Felix
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ninadove · 5 months
Anyway! Maybe you guys didn’t know this about me, but I love the Sentimonster Theory Canon. I really do. Crazy, I know!
I think if people picked up on it so early, it might be because it was planned from beginning. But I also think it shouldn’t matter, because a writing team who is ready to make changes to their story to make it more meaningful is doing a great job.
I think it ties the entire plot and themes of the show together, and tells a wonderful story about overcoming child abuse through the power of love (always so strong). I think it was crafted specifically for people who have felt othered their entire lives; I think it gave us representation (AH) we may never have gotten anywhere else, and that it is especially important that this narrative is available to young fans, who make up Miraculous’ core audience. I think it means something to people.
I think our fandom niche is small, but filled with people from all horizons, with the craziest, coolest, most diverse ideas. It is home to some of the most talented artists and writers I know, who I am proud to call my friends; it inspires others to be bold, to grab their pen or watercolours or laptop, and create something of their own for the first time.
I think Felix deserves to be a hero and Adrien deserves to go apeshit. I think Kagami deserves to be adored. I think their story isn’t perfect. I think it is a wonderful work of love.
I think you should tag your salt.
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tvckerwash · 26 days
you know a trait I wish we would've gotten to see more of post recollection is Sneaky BastardTM wash who has a plan on top of the real plan and he doesn't tell anyone about said real plan until the last possible second, essentially forcing those around him to participate against their will in one way or another. get moved around like pawns on a chess board idiots.
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kronehaze · 1 year
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hey look its a mini menace
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felix being referred to more or less exclusively as "your soldier" in-game speaks to how little the writers put into his character beyond his noggin full of sith secrets & his relationship with the consular; still, i do find it kind of sweet and funny, in a way. he's not a republic soldier, not even your personal bodyguard; he's your soldier. the consular is a small nation-state in and of herself
#accurate.#felix iresso#swtor#jedi consular#open tags for My Rant:#going back through rishi and doing the cute little holocron quest got me brooding - as i often do - on my best boy felix#that the writers could not think to give him anything in KOTXX that wasn't Torture Angst is deeply shitty but a little understandable.#all the other consular comps kind of have a way forward that isn't consular-related when the consular goes away#nadia has the jedi. zenith has balmorra. tharan has his old illustrious career. qyzen has little baby clan and also his religious directive#meanwhile felix isn't involved with your order or a supergenius or a politician or even someone with a lifelong goal#he was a guy doing his best at a dead-end job that turned into a far more enjoyable but still lowkey dead-end job#i would argue they could (should) have sent him to ossus but i can see them balking because Doc was already there#that's a little narratively redundant especially bc Doc has an extremely useful set of non-martial skills you would want to center#when telling a story about survival and persistence against the odds like with ossus#(also he was in the group of companions second-closest in proximity to the emperor in base game)#HOWEVER.#because i am immensely sexy and cool and have a huge brain i think i've cracked it#the way to give felix a compelling story post-consular is to put him the fuck in charge.#no longer your soldier or anyone's. his own. maybe even in charge of a large group of people in need of someone to follow#considering he used to be really good at that#a group like...idk...maybe the rest of the people incarcerated on his prison colony?#much to think about.
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claudvain · 1 year
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Do you remember the promise we made when we were kids? About sticking together until we die together?
I remember.
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mothacabra · 5 months
there is a very disappointing lack of last legacy merch and i have an issue with that
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newttxt · 2 years
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byleth, professor of all time
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nettlestingsoup · 2 months
saw your tags and prince au you say 👀
yes! it was a kind of medieval au where minho and felix were princes of a kingdom but their father died and left their stepmother on the throne; she immediately implicated minho in his father's death to get him exiled, and locked felix away in a tower 'for his own safety' so that she could have longer on the throne. the vague plot of the au was felix getting kidnapped by rebels pushing against the new queen's tyranny (led by chan) and minho desperately going after him with a loyal palace guard (changbin) in tow. as they go they obviously end up collecting a band of rebels and nobles (VIXX and Dreamcatcher were all nobles in the kingdom because I Love Them) who are loyal to the true king and taking back the throne in minho's name.
the ships were:
minbin: all the drama of minho being exiled royalty and changbin not wanting to fall for him because he doesn't think a commoner could marry the king - but maybe if minho never takes the throne they could be together (even though that feels like an awful thing to want)?
chanlix: chan does literally kidnap felix out of his tower but it's basically just because he thinks it's the best way to prove to the queen what they can do; and once he realises that the younger prince is actually kind and sweet and fiercely determined to help people he falls very fast and very hard.
hyunsung: hyunjin is one of chan's rebels, and jisung is the sole servant felix was permitted to have at his side. he refuses to let felix get kidnapped without him, and becomes very nervous of felix's growing relationship with chan. hyunjin tries to stop him getting in the way, and also trains him up to be something of a fighter. they argue a lot until they don't.
seungin: jeongin is another one of chan's rebels who gets caught during felix's kidnapping. he's subjected to some fairly awful treatment, and seungmin is the one palace servant who tries to make sure he's ok, sneaking in extra food or medicine to jeongin's cell where he can. he eventually manages to set jeongin free, and they leave the palace together to seek out chan and felix.
i think that's all i remember? it had fun vibes but it was going to be HUGE so i just never found the time/energy to commit to it as a project <3
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ladybugkisses · 15 days
hello! I am wondering is Felix (I hope I got his name right.) a worker at the Marigold? Cause at the drawings you post is where he has a flower pin on his suit that looks like a Marigold, unless I am wrong. Dunno... Hmm.
Anyways how did Ari and Felix became exes? What's Rocky reaction to that?
I love your art, it's so pretty. Have a good day and night!
haha, you're not the first person to think he's a Marigold! but nah, he's just a guy from a wealthy family- the flower on his suit is actually a white chrysanthemum
Ari's relationship with Felix was born out of expectations rather than love. he seemed to check all the boxes on what's The Ideal Guy™️ and figured, with time, she would genuinely love him- they were already sorta friends, so..
...but that never happened and she even started liking him less lmao
the day he proposed to her she said no, thinking that at least they could stay friends; instead he just let his ugly entitlement and hurt ego be known ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
before Rocky knew any further details he was probably disheartened to find out Ari rejected a guy like that because, DAMN if not even a fancypants mcmoneybags pretty boy impressed her then what chance does he have?? currently he's aware he wasn't the nicest guy and wants to set his car on fire with him in it
on the other hand, both Ari and Rocky are somewhat thankful for that mess seeing as it was the catalyst for her moving to america ♥️ THANKS FELIX
so happy to hear you like my art, thank you!! ! i hope you have a good day/night too!! 💕💖💕
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