#feliz cumpleaños felix!
naoko-world · 2 years
Feliz cumpleaños Félix!!!!
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Today is Félix's birthday and I decided to draw him for the first time after @glitternightingale's DTIYS that was a real disaster.
I draw him with a sun behind him because he's Pepa's sun XD
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isabelasflowersblog · 2 years
I am late but ¡Feliz Cunpleaños to Felix Madrigal! I made this edit for a character series on Instagram a month ago but never posted it here so here you go.
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I added Camilo as Felix because why not?😁
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iamthegb · 2 years
Thirty-three years. Thirty-three years is how long it took me to find something I didn't know was missing. Until the day I found it. Found you. Found forever. A year of pain, and joy, and tears, and laughter. And now it's thirty-four. Thirty-five will be better. Thirty-six, better still. On and on and on through the ages. Eternity. Forever. I'm glad you made it out of the void.
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2woke4dishit · 1 year
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Turn One
with my nephew 🥳🎂
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camartist01 · 11 days
en corea ya es el cumpleaños del amor de mi vida así que feliz cumpleaños a mi hermoso pollito precioso talentoso 🐥💖🎂.
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8ightisfate · 10 days
[TRANS] Han: El todoterreno
En el set, Han se mueve con fluidez con un ajustado traje monocromático de Balmain y posa como si fuera Mick Jagger. Su cabello alborotado casi le cae sobre los ojos mientras gira las caderas para lograr la pose perfecta. No es de extrañar que sea un experto en modelaje, ya que Han Jisung es bueno en todo. Conocido por ser el todoterreno de SKZ, rapea, canta, escribe, baila y produce.
Aunque suele ser más reservado en grupos para permitir que los demás miembros expresen su opinión, cuando lo hace lo hace con un propósito y una perspicacia. Es evidente que es una persona introspectiva y reflexiva, lo que es un elemento clave en su forma de crear canciones.
"Prefiero el proceso de composición de canciones. De esa manera, puedo escribir canciones e imaginar las voces de los miembros de Stray Kids dentro de ellas", dice. "Realmente disfruto la reacción de los fas cuando veo que mi música se usa en contenido en línea". Como con todo lo de Stray Kids, es un esfuerzo en equipo, y eso incluye la producción de sus canciones. "A veces hay ocasiones en las que lo que imagino para una canción y la realidad es diferente, pero siempre que hay diferencias, siempre conduce a una mejor solución porque cada miembro, con sus propias diferencias, puede poner su propio estilo dentro de sus líneas. Siempre me sorprende, en el buen sentido. Trabajando con Stray Kids, para cada canción que publicamos, hay mucho esfuerzo, no solo de mi parte, sino de toda la banda".
Han no tiene miedo de ser personal en sus composiciones. Una de sus canciones es 'SLUMP', y habla de la fuerte conexión que tiene con ella. "Es una canción que escribí en un momento de mi vida en el que me enfrentaba a algunas dificultades, por lo que tiene un buen significado para mí", dice. "El hecho de que esta canción se haya grabado no solo en coreano, sino también en inglés y en japonés, me hizo sentido que podría llegar a mucha gente. Esa es la canción más significativa para mí".
Como suele suceder con las canciones personales y emocionales crudas, la reacción de STAY al disco le ha dado un significado adicional. "Es muy fácil para mí no sentirme vulnerable [por la canción], sino estar feliz por la reacción. Es difícil expresarlo con palabras, ya que me siento asombrado por la respuesta de STAY".
En el escenario de Hyde Park, la tranquila confianza de Han rebosa cuando actúa. Es el equivalente de Changbin en el rap y tiene un profundo conocimiento de la discografía de la banda, lo que genera una poderosa conexión entre él y STAY. Su energía y su capacidad para transmitir vulnerabilidad emocional es algo que comparte con un artista británico al que admira profundamente.
"Yungblud de Inglaterra, me encanta (risas). Me encanta que cuando escucho tan solo algunos fragmentos de su música, pueda reconocer su estilo, su color y su forma de expresarse".
Al igual que Felix, a Han le encanta la emoción de viajar, pero también siente la llamada de casa como Bangchan. "Me encanta viajar al extranjero y es algo que nos hace sentir libres. Me encanta, pero hay momentos en los que simplemente quiero comer un guiso de kimchi, no uno que sea difícil de encontrar, sino uno que prepare mi padre. Es algo que siempre me recuerda a casa".
Además de Yungblud, Han tiene otros atractivos en el Reino Unido. "Algo que realmente espero con ilusión es que me gusta mucho el clima fresco; no me gusta el calor, así que eso es algo bueno, pero también el festival en el que vamos a actuar es un gran acontecimiento para mí. Estoy deseando conocer a la gente y a los demás artistas. Hay una película ambientada en Londres con Timothée Chalament, y me inspiró mucho la vista noctura de la ciudad".
A pesar de que no le gusta el calor, Han y Felix tienen el apodo que los fans les han dado de 'sunshine twins', debido a que sus cumpleaños se celebran con un día de diferencia. A pesar de toda su introspección, el carácter juguetón de Han siempre está presente, especialmente en sus actuaciones. En BST Hyde Park, estaba tan absorto en el momento en el escenario B que no se dio cuenta de que los otros miembros habían regresado a la parte trasera del escenario, lo que le impulsó a correr frenéticamente para unirse a ellos para el descanso de baile. Siendo el verdadero profesional que es, por supuesto llegó justo a tiempo; no esperábamos menos de este todoterreno.
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justanisabelakinnie · 2 years
November 14
(Y’all really thought I wasn’t gonna do Luisa’s birthday? SIKE! No matter how late it is, I get it DONE. In my defense, I kind of suffered from writers’ block after writing Felix’s birthday piece, my entire brain was just drawing a blank. That is, until I talked to a friend of mine and she helps me out, and I’m glad for that. So sit back and enjoy Luisa’s birthday one-shot! Feliz cumpleaños, my buff beautiful queen!)
For Luisa’s birthday, there was one thing she really wanted more than anything. 
And Isabela, Mirabel, and Dolores were insistent on giving it to her. 
“Come on, Luisa!” Isabela chirped as she grabbed Luisa’s big, muscular arm, dragging her to the door. “We’re gonna be late. I already booked your appointment!” 
“Where are we going?” Luisa asked. 
“You’ll see soon,” Isabela promised. “It’s a surprise, for your birthday, remember?” 
“Oh right”, Luisa giggled. “Well, I can tell I’m going to like this surprise.” 
“You sure will, hermanita,” Isabela agreed. “You know, no matter how big and strong you are, you will always be my hermanita!” 
Luisa smiled. 
“And my primita,” Dolores piped up. 
“Well, at least you’re my big sister.” Mirabel smiled up at her, Camilo trailing behind her. 
“Aww, thanks you all,” Luisa said. “Thanks a lot.” 
“You’re welcome,” they all said in unison. 
Camilo meanwhile, poured in dissatisfaction. “Why don’t I get to go to the s—“ 
“Shhh!” Mirabel covered his lips angrily, which didn’t make him any happier. Pulling him aside, she whispered to him gently, “I promise we’ll let you go another time, but for now, this is a girls’ day out. Understand?” 
“I know, but—“ 
“Bye Camilo!” Mirabel cupped his face and kissed him on the cheek. “Te amo.” She smiled at him before running up to Luisa and grabbing her hand. “Let’s go, chicas!” 
They hurried out the door, on their way to the surprise. 
“Where are we going?” Luisa asked. The rest of the granddaughters giggled, but nobody answered her question. Luisa smiled awkwardly. 
“So Luisa, how does it feel to not be a teenager anymore?” Mirabel changed the subject, before putting on a pouty face. “The nerve of you to leave me behind, now I’m all alone!” 
Luisa laughed. “Well, I’ve only been twenty for like a day, so I can’t say it feels all that different. Though if you had to say, it does feel somewhat…exhilarating? Exciting? To imagine how many experiences I still have to look forward to and how much of my life I still have to live. Being a teenager was fun while it lasted, but now I’m a real adult and I gotta say, I think I’m gonna like it.” 
“I think you’re gonna like it too, Luisa.” Dolores wagged a finger. “But don’t say I didn’t warn you that it’s no amusement park.” 
“Oh, I know,” Luisa listened to her older prima. “But I have you and your prima-hermana to help me through the tough times.” She hugged Mirabel close to her. “And I have Mirabel too.” 
Happy to feel needed, Mirabel nuzzled back. 
“We’re almost here!” Isabela stated, before she arrived at a small building. “Close your eyes!” 
The three girls closed their eyes, and Isabela giggled and rolled her own. 
“Not you two, tontas!” 
“Oh.” Mirabel and Dolores opened their eyes. Luisa kept hers shut. 
The three of them led Luisa through the door, and let her walk into the room. 
“Now open!” 
When Luisa opened her eyes, she gasped. 
“You…I can’t believe you brought me here!” She said happily. 
“Of course, mi querida prima!” Dolores affirmed. “You deserve to feel special, beautiful, and feminine, just like the rest of us!” 
Luisa could cry tears of joy. She always wanted to go to a salon, but with all the work she had to do, she couldn’t find the time to. But now that she was able to relax—thanks to Mirabel and Antonio’s donkeys—she was able to fulfill a dream that she had long since forgotten she had. But Isabela remembered, and she couldn’t be happier. 
Luisa scooped up her sisters and cousin(who was pretty much like a sister anyway) in a great big hug, but still careful not to crush their torsos. Other women were looking, eyeing the large-framed girl In confusion, but thankfully not judgement, with some of them even smiling, but she didn’t care. She was so elated and so, so grateful. 
Kissing each of their heads before putting them down, she rubbed the back of her head awkwardly. “Sorry, I guess I just—“ 
“No, no!” Dolores corrected. 
“No, don’t you dare apologize, Luisa, we’re happy you’re happy to come here!” Mirabel said. “Now let’s go!” 
“Oh, okay, thank you!” Luisa said. 
“You’re welcome, sis,” Isabela replied. 
“So, do you want a manicure and pedicure first, or a new hairstyle?” Mirabel asked. 
“I think a manicure,” Luisa responded. “What about you?” 
“Sweet, me too!” Mirabel chirped with glee. 
Isabela shrugged. “Dolores and I would rather get our hair styled, isn’t that right, Lola?” 
Dolores nodded. She and her prima-hermana were like twins, they could read each other’s mind and were so much alike. They should probably start calling each other primas-gemelas. 
“Awesome, take your time,” Luisa said as the primas-hermanas were lead away by a hairdresser. She and Mirabel met up with a manicurist and sat down in these big, soft chairs that made Luisa feel so relaxed. In a good way of course. 
“What color do you want?” The manicurist, Sabrina, asked. 
“Hmm, probably pink. No, definitely pink. Pink is my favorite color.” 
“I’ll have green,” Mirabel said to her manicurist, Beatriz. 
As their feet were placed in the water, Luisa tried not to giggle at how the bubbles tickled her soles and skin. She turned to Mirabel, who looked as relaxed as ever with her eyes closed, as if she was used to this(which she was, she and Dolores came here often). Mirabel opened her eyes to smile at her, and she realized that her younger sister was just pretending not to have been looking her way. 
“You’re adorable when you giggle, Luisa.” 
“You’re welcome!” 
The next part was even harder. Sabrina lifted Luisa’s feet out of the water and began massaging them. Luisa had to fight the urge not to writhe. She tried her damndest to imitate Mirabel, to no such luck. 
Luisa giggled again. 
Sabrina smiled up at her. “First time?” She said, before looking back at Luisa’s feet and holding them tighter—but not too much tighter—in place. 
“Can you tell?” 
“Pretty much. But it’s okay. My niece was like this too, and she’s fifteen.” 
“That’s interesting.” Luisa said, happy to engage in small talk with the woman. She was a pretty lady, with auburn hair, soft hazel eyes that sparkled when she spoke of her Cristobela, whom she loved like a younger sister, skin the color of mahogany, and red lips that reminded her of Dolores’ only not really, because Dolores was her cousin, and these lips made Luisa feel— 
Fuck. Focus on the manicure. 
“A-ah…that’s nice to know!” Luisa said, hoping not to sound dismissive when Sabrina spoke of Cristobela. She remembered the hilarious stories Mirabel and Dolores—and sometimes Camilo, if he was lucky enough to not be caught shapeshifting—told of the ladies at the salon who had the most exciting stories and gossip to share. Something she knew her sister and cousins would like. According to Dolores, the salon workers weren’t just service, they were friends. Still, it wasn’t a good idea to cross their boundaries. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t converse with them to an extent. 
“It is,” Sabrina was saying, and Luisa tried not to focus on her dimples when she smiled or laughed. “And now she just can’t get enough.” 
“Do you think we’d get along if we met?” Luisa asked as Sabrina put cotton balls between each of her toes. She had forgotten how squeamish she felt from how engrossed in conversation she was with Sabrina. 
“Oh sure!” Sabrina said. “She really admires you a lot, you know.” 
“Yeah, she does! Not just for your strength, but for your kindness and empathy as well. I should introduce you to each other someday.” 
“That would be great,” Luisa said with a smile. 
“You know,” Sabrina said with a twinkle in her eye as she put coating over Luisa’s toenails. “I think she’d love to meet Mirabel as well.” 
Luisa turned to Mirabel, who was laughing at something Beatriz was telling her. 
“I guess so.” Luisa agreed. 
Meanwhile, Isabela and Dolores were sitting to get their hair styled. 
“Well, if it isn’t my girl Dolores!” Exclaimed a lady whom Dolores instantly recognized as the mother of her friend Lili. “How you doin’?” 
“Hi, Ofelia, I’m doing good!” Dolores smiled. “What about you, how’s Lili?” 
“I’m awesome, querida, and she’s doing better than ever! Now, what hairstyle do you want today?” 
“Hmmm,” Dolores flipped through the catalogue until she found a hairstyle that she liked, and that fit her hair type too. “How about Bantu knots? Please?” 
“I love it!” Ofelia approved. As she got to work shampooing Dolores’ hair, she said “You know, mi hija Lili got this same hairstyle a while ago too, you should have seen her, she looked like a queen!” 
“I’m sure she did,” Dolores said. 
“I’m sure you two would look very much alike!” 
Dolores closed her eyes. She quite liked the feeling of Ofelia doing her hair and making it look all pretty and soft. And Ofelia always thought of Dolores as her favorite customer, on top of her being her daughter’s friend and her generally friendly and sweet attitude. Dolores normally didn’t like talking at the salon, preferring to be calm and quiet instead. But for Ofelia she made an exception. 
Next to her, she heard Isabela engaging in cheerful chatter with Diana, her hair stylist, the two making sure not to be too loud on account of the magical hearing girl sitting right next to them. And she could hear Luisa struggling to sit still as she giggled, as well as her heart beating. Could that mean— 
Before she could even think about that, she heard a sneering voice and had to resist the urge to stay calm. It was the same voice she has been hearing for years. 
“Primas-hermanas,” the voice sneered. “Long time no see.” 
Dolores and Isabela sighed. “Juana.” 
Juana sat down. Unfortunately, right next to Dolores. “I had a feeling I’d see you here,” she said as Dolores flipped through the catalogue, suddenly finding it very, very interesting. Much more interesting than whatever was being spewed out of Juana’s mouth. “Just not with Lucinda and Isabel.” 
“You mean Luisa and Isabela,”
Dolores seethed through gritted teeth. 
“Whatever.” Juana rolled her eyes. “Same difference.” 
“I am right here ya know,” Isabela said on the other side of her prima-hermana. “Like, I’m right here and within earshot. I can hear everything you’re saying, you know that, right?” 
“So what hairstyle are you getting, Lola?” Juana pressed, ignoring Isabela. 
But Dolores never got to finish her sentence before Juana snatched the catalogue from her. 
The only reason Dolores didn’t reach to the side, snatch the catalogue back, and then hit Juana upside the head with it was Ofelia doing her hair. And she did not want to get hurt. More importantly, she did not want Juana to get hurt. Because she certainly would get hurt. And then she would learn her lesson. 
Instead, she chose for a less…hands-on approach. 
“That’s mine,” she stated flatly. 
“It’s not yours, it belongs to the salon.” Juana shrugged. 
“I was reading that,” Dolores said as if it were a threat. 
“Well you’re not reading it now so,” Juana shrugged again, letting out an innocent chirp. 
“Don’t start beef with me today, Juana,” Dolores warned. “It is mi prima’s birthday, and I am not about to let you ruin it.” 
“Oh? Well then, tell her I said happy birthday!” Juana said genuinely. 
Dolores snorted. 
“Oh, so you’re not gonna tell her? Really? Are you that petty?” 
Dolores still didn’t answer. And she was this close to punching Juana in the face if she kept running those lips. 
“Wow.” Juana leaned back in her seat as she continued to flip through the magazine. Dolores closed her eyes and tried her hardest to ignore her, but to no avail. 
“You know, I have the same birthday as your sister.” 
“Whatever. I can’t wait to go home and celebrate my birthday party with all my friends and family, especially my cousin. She’s like a sister to me, you know? And we’ll have cake and music and dancing, my mom also bought a really pretty dress for me to wear and—“ 
“Oh, are you still talking?” Dolores cut off, clutching her nose. “That must be why it stinks in here. Also, I forgot when I cared.” She heard Ofelia let out a slight chuckle and was grateful. 
Juana shut up after that. 
As time went by, Dolores’ and Isabela’s hair was finished, Isabela was rocking a cute half-up half-down style with part of her hair being in two buns on either side of her head. Her hair was also much more wavy and bouncy, and not to mention silky and shiny. 
“And you’re good to go!” Ofelia told Dolores as she rose up from her chair. 
“Wow!” Dolores said as she admired her ‘do in the mirror. “I look gorgeous!” 
“You sure do!” Ofelia agreed. “Just like my daughter.” 
Dolores turned around to give Ofelia a hug. “Thank you so much, Ofelia,” she said. “I really like this.” 
“Anytime, bebita.” Ofelia replied warmly, returning the hug. 
Juana snorted and glared at Dolores’ reflection in the mirror from where she sat. She would never look as cute as Dolores did in her hairstyle, no matter what she did. She had half a mind to ask for Bantu knots herself, but it was too late for that. 
Isabela was also ready. “Oh, Dolores, your hair looks so cute!” 
“Wow, really, thank you!” 
“How do you like mine?” Isabela asked before flexing. 
“It’s perfect!” 
“Thank you!” Isabela grinned, then giggled. It wasn’t long before Luisa and Mirabel came over. 
“We got manicures!” Luisa said, showing off hers. 
“And pedicures too!” Mirabel added. 
“Wow, so lovely!” Dolores said, turning to Isabela. “I guess it’s our turn, no?” 
“You bet, sis!” Isabela agreed. 
But as Mirabel and Luisa were sitting down to get their hair done, Juana felt the need, for some reason, to speak up again. 
“Hey Luisa, happy birthday.” 
“Thanks,” Luisa said. 
“Did you know that it’s my birthday too?” Juana said. 
“I did not actually, but happy birthday!” 
“Thanks,” Juana giggled. “I can’t wait to go home and throw a big party with all of my—“ 
“We heard you say that already, Juana.” Isabela forced a fake smile on her face as she curtly interrupted the girl who made her life a living hell since they were toddlers. “Knock it off.” 
“Umm, I wasn’t talking to you, Isa, I was talking to the birthday girl. So if you don’t mind…” She turned her attention back to Luisa. “I’m sure your hair will look magnificent, querida. Much more than the primas-hermanas’.” 
Dolores groaned. “Juana, why don’t you just cut it out and stop having an attitude towards us?! I’m telling you already, it is Luisa’s birthday and we are trying to have fun, without you! We are not going to start this crap today!” 
“Once again!” Juana turned to them, in the process, messing up her hairdresser Rafaela’s job. Rafaela raised her hands in irritation at the young women, hissing her teeth, but Juana did not care. “I was not talking to you! I was talking to Luisa!” 
“Umm, is everything okay?” Ofelia said, making her way back over. She had been relaxing on a break, enjoying a bowl of nuts with a cup of water. But now she was taking a break from that break just to see what was going on. 
“Okay, but you always do this!” Dolores spat back. “You’re always showing up where you weren’t invited, intentionally aggravating me and Isabela when we’re just minding our business, talking shit about us to our face, and trying to cause drama! Can’t you just leave us alone for one minute and stop being so annoying!” 
“It’s not my fault you’re so easy to rile up, primas-hermanas,” Juana said with an eye roll and a grin. “I came to the salon to get my hair and nails done for my birthday party tonight. Is that so much of an issue to you? Last time I checked, you don’t own the place. I can go wherever I like. Maybe not everything concerns you.” 
“Literally the moment you walked in here,” Isabela seethed. “The very first thing you did was instigate conflict between us and you! And you expect us to do nothing about it? To not defend ourselves?” 
“And not to mention you kept talking to us even when we told you to shut up!” Dolores barked back, in defense of Isa. “But go on about how ‘not everything is about us’.” 
“You know what, Dolores and Isabela?” Juana spat, pointing at them. “You two think you’re so much better than me because—“ 
“Umm, señorita, you still have your hair to do, take a seat, please.” 
“Yeah, do as she says.” Isabela glared. 
Juana rolled her eyes and sat down. 
“Anyway, where were we?” Isabela said to Dolores. 
“Oh, right.” 
They went back to doing their hair and nails, although it was still fun, it couldn’t be denied that Juana had severely spoiled the fun for all four girls, not just the two she had set out to antagonize. 
“Well, it’s time to go, we should be heading,” Mirabel told the girls. 
“Yeah, you should,” Juana still sneered. “Bye, primas-hermanas.” 
The girls left without saying a word to Juana. 
“We’ll come back another time,” Dolores said to the woman who ran the salon. Said woman, Andrea, merely nodded her head sadly as they left.
“I’m so sorry that girl ruined your birthday, Luisa,” Dolores said, a sympathetic hand on her shoulder. “It was supposed to be our special girls’ night out, and she ruined it. I just couldn’t stay.” 
“It’s cool,” Luisa said. “We can go later or another day.” 
“Yeah,” Dolores agreed solemnly. 
A pause. 
“Eeergh, I can’t BELIEVE how annoying that Juana girl is!” Isabela screamed in fury, hands clenching in rage. “I’d like to…urrrgh!” 
“What is even her issue with you two anyway?” Mirabel asked the primas-hermanas. “Like, why does she hate you both?” 
“She’s been like this with us ever since we were three years old,” Dolores said. “Yes, that’s right, literally three! I still remember like it was yesterday. Her stealing Isabela’s sleeping back during naptime and refusing to give it back.” 
“She’s constantly making fun of the fact that we’re close with each other and call each other sisters,” Isabela said. “Even though it’s frankly none of her business. And since we were little she used to spread rumors about us and try to keep us apart. Sometimes she’d try to befriend one of us and badmouth the other, basically try to turn us against each other. Like that’s ever gonna happen.” Dolores gave a faint smile when Isabela said that. “She even said once that we think we’re better than her because we’re so close to each other and don’t like her. She is such a self-centered diva, it’s insane.” 
“Wow,” Mirabel said, taking it all in. 
“Tell me about it,” Isabela said as she shook her head. “She needs to get a life. And some friends.” 
“Yeah,” Dolores agreed quietly. “She clearly doesn’t have any.” 
“What do you mean?” Luisa asked. 
“Just that I seldom if ever see her hanging out with anyone, whether a group of girls or just one girl. Maybe if she actually had friends the way Isabela and I do, not counting each other, of course,” Isabela gave a faint smile when Dolores said that. “She wouldn’t be so preoccupied with trying to destroy our friendship. Hm!” 
“I’m so sorry you have to put up with a catty woman like her,” Mirabel said sincerely, linking arms with Dolores. “You don’t deserve that. Not even you, Isabela.” 
Isabela gave her a funny look, and Mirabel smirked. 
“But oh well, that’s enough about her, let’s not waste our breath talking about Juana when we have your birthday to look forward to!” Dolores turned to her prima. “You wanna go to the amusement park tonight, Luisa?” 
“I’d love to!” Luisa affirmed. It had been ages since she went inside the amusement park kept secret inside her room. But maybe it was a good thing, what with her finally being able to relax and have fun and all. 
“Yay!” Mirabel cheered. “That’s so awesome! It would be like a sleepover, but even better!” 
“You’re damn right it would!” Isabela agreed. 
Continuing to talk as they made their way back to Casita, they just about almost entered the door when Camilo came running up to them. 
“Luisa!” Camilo cried out in fear, grabbing her hand. “It’s Belinda! She needs help! Please!” 
Luisa gasped. She could never miss the chance to help one of her favorite donkey pals in a moment of need. 
“Ugh, Camilo, we just got back from the salon. Can’t you see that it’s her birthday?” 
“Oh, I’m sorry, happy birthday Luisa!” 
Isabela rolled her eyes. 
“Come on, Isabela, don’t worry, I promise it’ll only be a minute.” 
“Thank you Luisa!” Camilo said. “Oh, and Dolores, love the hair! You look super pretty. Come on!” He yanked Luisa’s hand and they fled. 
“Uh, thanks?” Dolores said awkwardly. 
Isabela huffed. “He’s just gonna pretend like I don’t exist,” she snarked, flipping her hair. “But anyway…” 
As Luisa ran away with Camilo, a giddy and exited Isabela, Dolores, and Mirabel quickly scampered inside the Casita, where the rest of the family was waiting for them. 
“Are you ready?” Julieta asked her daughters and niece. 
“We were born ready,” Mirabel said, a grin on her face and a glimmer in her eye. 
After taking care of the donkey, Luisa went back inside through the front door of Casita, as somehow, Camilo was nowhere to be seen. 
But when she turned the knob and stepped inside, she was not expecting this. 
A thousand eggs were instantly hurled Luisa’s way, and Luisa screamed and covered her face with her hands, to no avail, as her entire body—though not her hair, fortunately, as Mirabel had instructed—was pelted with running yellow yolk. 
She looked up to see her family, laughing joyfully at her shocked, but pleased expression. 
“Cumpleaños feliz, te deseamos a ti, feliz cumpleaños a Luisa, feliz cumpleaños a ti! Que los cumpla feliz, que los vuelva a cumplir, que los siga cumpliendo, hasta el año tres mil! FELIZ CUMPLE, LUISA! WHOOO!” 
Luisa only laughed. “You all are just terrible!” She screamed. “I’m kidding, y’all are the best. And I see what you did there, Camilo.” 
Camilo beamed with pride, standing up straight for what was probably the first time in his life. 
As the family all got together and surrounded Luisa with hugs and kisses, Luisa had never felt more grateful for her family in her life. 
She was so happy to celebrate her twentieth birthday with them. 
“Oh, come on!” Mirabel dragged Luisa to the chair at the head of the table, normally Abuela’s chair, unless it was your birthday, and sat her down in it. 
Felix and Pepa brought out the cake, as Julieta and Agustin kissed Luisa on both sides of her face. 
“My little baby all grown up,” Agustin was stammering, crying tears of joy and wiping at his face with a napkin. “Once a cute little teenager, now a beautiful young woman.” 
“Aye Agustin,” Julieta said, hugging her husband delicately. “Make a wish, mija, and blow out the candles.” 
Luisa closed her eyes and silently wished that every birthday following this one would be as good as it was today. 
Then she blew out the candles, and the entire family cheered. 
The End
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meltysblood · 1 year
felix cumpleaños a ti ♩
feliz cumpleaños a ti ♩
feliz cumpleaños querido soumakyun ~ ♩
feliz cumpleaños a ti ♩
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latinboxsports · 2 years
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@felixtitotrinidad Feliz cumpleaños Felix “Tito” Trinidad 🎂🎂🎂 📸: @ringtv https://www.instagram.com/p/CnP45UJO_4Y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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belanova · 2 years
felix cumpleaños
FELIZ A- oye no es mi cumpleaños! 🤣 Goddamn tricked me
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yourfatherlucifer · 3 months
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Thank you!!
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danannbday · 1 year
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From: Felix (Tatsumi).
Primero que nada: ¡Feliz cumpleaños!
Tengo tanto para decir, pero comenzaré esperando que disfrutes al máximo en un día tan especial como lo es hoy. Porque sí, para para quienes te conocemos es un día especial.
Eres una persona llena de mucha luz y de cualidades maravillosas y no, nunca me cansaré de decírtelo. Soy realmente muy afortunado por el hecho de que llegaras a mi vida. Tienes muchas cosas buenas; admiro que siempre seas tan centrado, directo y que además logres ser suavecito. De verdad agradezco que me consideres alguien importante en tu vida, porque yo te veo del mismo modo y espero seguir ahí como una patatita viéndote ser feliz y resplandeciente como mereces.
Te deseo lo mejor, no solamente hoy por ser tu cumpleaños, sino siempre. Y también espero que cuando las cosas se pongan un poquito difíciles encuentres el camino que te haga feliz y en esos momentos, sabrás dónde encontrarme. En serio te mereces lo mejor de este mundo y sé que poquito a poquito todo eso llegará. Recibimos lo que merecemos, ¿recuerdas? Y de nuevo, tú mereces todo lo mejor. Hay muchas pruebas y ninguna duda.
Y tu parlanchin bestie ya se extendió demasiado, solo quería decir que te quiero un montón, mi bonito soulmate, así que no lo olvides, por favor. Y de nuevo: ¡feliz cumpleaños! Disfruta mucho de este día.
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kwavecl · 2 years
Felix de Stray Kids ahora es miembro del club de honor de la fundación “Save The Children” por sus continuas donaciones.
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El 7 de marzo, la ONG (organización no gubernamental) internacional “Save the Children” anunció que Félix ha sido nombrado miembro del “Club de Honores” por sus continuas donaciones.
Se designa a un donante como miembro del “Club de Honor” de “Save the Children” si la persona ha donado al menos 30 millones de wones (aproximadamente $23,100) o tiene un contrato para donar al menos 30 millones de wones en un plazo de tres años. Los miembros del “Honors Club” reciben consultoría de donación individual, informes sobre proyectos de donación, programas educativos, actividades de voluntariado relacionadas y más.
Félix participó por primera vez en “Save the Children” a través de una campaña de pulseras en junio del 2020 y el 15 de septiembre del mismo año inició una donación recurrente por su cumpleaños y reveló el certificado de donación. Recientemente, también comenzó a apoyar la campaña de “Save the Children” que brinda comidas a niños de familias de bajos ingresos.
Félix comentó: “Creo que todos los niños merecen el derecho a tener oportunidades. Como STAY (club de fans de Stray Kids) me dio fuerza, también quería dar un poco de amor y esperanza a los niños necesitados”.
Continuó: “Empecé con donaciones recurrentes ya que recibo mucho amor de los fans y sentí que quiero compartir este amor con los niños necesitados. Muchos fans prestan atención a mis expresiones, acciones y música y son influenciados por ellos, así que siempre pensé que quería hacer algo útil para la sociedad, aunque sea pequeño. Estoy muy feliz de poder apoyar a los niños mientras presto más atención a las actividades de ‘Save the Children’ como miembro del ‘Club de Honor’. Creo que la felicidad y el significado se multiplicarán si más personas se unen a mí”.
Félix debutó como miembro de Stray Kids en el 2018 y recientemente también donó 50 millones de wones (aproximadamente $38 500) a través de World Vision para ayudar a los afectados por el terremoto de Turquía/Siria. Stray Kids actualmente se está preparando para su próximo regreso, habiendo ya completado la filmación de su nuevo video musical.
Fuente: soompi.com
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slayyyysworld · 2 years
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And of course we cannot forget that its FATHER'S DAAAAY!!!
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naoko-world · 2 years
Today is Dolores's birthday! Feliz cumpleaños, Dolores!
After what I wrote for Isabela's birthday, as promised I made the same thing but with Dolores. And much more Angsty!
You also can find it on Ao3 here!
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No warning, angst and fluff.
1362 words (wow did I really wrote much more for Dolores than for Isabela? My face is like Isabela's in the gif I chose)
Dolores is born!
Summary: A hurricane is ravaging the Encanto, but Félix is the happiest he could ever be! He's now the dad of the prettiest little girl he ever saw! What could ever upset him?
Thunder! On the day of August 31, the Encanto experienced the biggest hurricane they ever had. The wind was so strong, it was difficult to walk, and we had to lock the cattles and donkeys inside so they wouldn’t get blown away. The reason for that terrible weather: three weeks after her sister Julieta, Pepa gave birth to Dolores.
At Casita, we could hear Isabela cry as if her life depended on it, forcing Agustín to stay with her in another room. In the meantime, Félix was standing by Pepa's side, doing his best to calm down his newborn baby girl as well as his gasping wife, whose mood only got worse with time.
He thought it could happen when he saw Julieta giving birth weeks earlier, but he surely wasn't prepared for a turmoil that powerful the day his and Pepa's turn would come. Let's say he couldn't think of everything! This time, he overlooked how emotionally and physically hard giving birth could be, making his job way harder than usual.
He kept trying though, cheering her as much as he could "Look how beautiful our baby is! And it's our first child, do you realize how great it is?"
Thankfully, he was helped by Bruno, Julieta and Alma all cheering "You did a good job here, hermana!"
"How pretty she is! You can be proud, I know how hard it is!"
"She's a very cute baby, your labor was a big success! Eh! I'm sure she'll get a good gift later!"
Félix thought that last part wasn't necessary but appreciated his Mother-in-law's efforts. It also seemed to calm down Pepa a bit, whose gasping got slower. Full of hope, Félix continued "That's right Pepi! Our baby is so cute, you did well, we’re the luckiest parents!”
It still took her some time, but the weather finally went back to be more peaceful. At the same time, Pepa finally sighed with relief, leaning her head against Félix who lovingly stroked it. He took advantage of the calmer atmosphere to give her back Dolores, who he had been holding this whole time.
Bruno turned around the time for her sister to breastfeed her newborn baby, not daring to watch. This contrasted Félix, who was smiling before the view of his newborn so lively in his dear wife’s arms. He chuckled when she touched Pepa’s skin with her small hand, as if looking to get closer to her mother, letting a sound escape from her throat. He had been afraid the storm would have made her afraid of Pepa, but it didn’t seem to be the case. Suddenly, the realisation he was now a father hit him as an euphoria was making him giggle with happiness. He had a baby with the woman of his dreams! He had someone else to care for! It was a bit scary but he couldn’t be more happy in his life!
However, his joy got cut by Alma, who started to speak. “Pepa, you should learn to control your temper, especially now that you have a baby. You can’t simply create a hurricane each time your baby cries.”
Worried for her mental health, Félix did his best to reassure his wife, stroking her while she was closing her eyes, visibly not listening, while Alma was going on “A baby needs some special care! While it’s better to make her used to noises, a tempest could scare her and that’s not good! Be sure too you have many skin contacts with your baby; it’s important to bond with her! But be careful not to touch her when your hands are dirty, make sure to regularly wash your hands.”
Then, seeing Pepa falling asleep against her husband still lovingly stroking her, she turned to him to scold “She shouldn’t fall asleep when she’s feeding her baby! It’s dangerous! Be certain to tell her, we wouldn’t want to lose a baby because she wasn't careful enough.”
“I’m sure she’ll be more careful in the future”, assured Félix. “For now, she’s exhausted, so that’s normal for her to fall asleep. You should understand, you had three babies.”
“I don’t say I don’t understand, I just say she should pay more attention, or a disaster will come because she would have made a mistake.”
Félix shrugged, not really wanting to argue with his mother-in-law. He always was in her good graces, and wasn’t ready to fall from that position because of her anxieties about his wife taking care of her own baby. This is why he simply stayed silent, keeping stroking his wife to appease her with his love for her.
Julieta was the next one to talk, with a sweet tone, praising “That little girl is so pretty though! You’ll say congratulations to Pepa, she actually did a good job!”
“Thank you, I will!” laughed Félix while covering his wife’s breast now that Dolores let go of it and was sleeping, before informing Bruno “You can now stare, hermano!”
He obeyed with a sigh of relief. Then, he carefully approached with curiosity, having visibly waited to be authorized to so he could also admire his new niece without being in the mess of the tempest created by Pepa’s mood. It leads him to exclaim “She looks like a mix of Pepa and you!”
“Yes!” laughed Félix once again. “Well, she’s our daughter so yes she looks like us two!”
Bruno chuckled, blushing with embarrassment for having stated the obvious. Thus, while Alma was watching the baby with a thoughtful look, finally claiming "She's pretty, but less than Isabela." Then, while the family in the room was staring at her with shock, she turned to Bruno to ask him "Could you have another vision?"
"Mamá..." he answered in a low voice. "Last time you were happy but that doesn't mean you will this time too."
"Brunito, I really need to know-"
"I can't do this, mamá."
She stared at him, seeming unhappy but not complaining. We could feel in her eyes how disappointed she was though, scaring the poor seer, making him hide in his oversized ruana.
Pretty angry at what was happening in front of him, Félix raised his voice at Alma’s intention but without watching her so as not to seem like it, praising his sleeping wife “My Pepa is the best mother in town. She will perfectly take care of Dolores and I’ll help her in doing so. I don’t think there is any need for you to be worried Abuela, we’ll be fine.”
“I hope so!” answered Abuela with a smile, unaware of what Félix meant. “Especially if you follow my advice, you’ll totally be fine raising her.”
Then, she took one of her watches to look at it with a frown, glanced at the window, then turned to Bruno and Juileta informing them "Time is running! Now that the weather has calmed down, we should go back to our duties. Julieta, señora Osma broke her leg, I'll go tell her to meet you at your stand in one hour." She nodded, hurrying to go cook. "Bruno, señor Flores is worried for his head, he wants you to have a vision about it." He sighed while walking out of the room to go to his. Félix knew he didn't want to do it but didn't dare go against Alma.
When Pepa woke up, only Félix stayed in the room. He was hugging her tightly against him with fear while she was watching him with curiosity. Their dear little Dolores was moaning, as if sensing something was happening. "What's happening Amor?"
Sensing something was afoot, he took her hands in his, claiming "Mi Vida, I promise you I'll support you and our baby, and the next, as much as I can! Because I love you and can't bear to have anything happening to you or our children."
"Are you expecting us to have more children?"
He smiled "You don't want to?"
"Right now the idea makes me sick."
He laughed, thinking how in love he was with that woman. They kissed, making Dolores moan because of Pepa's movement she didn't appreciate. Félix was smiling, again more happy than ever.
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8ightisfate · 2 years
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Changbin: Eres un ♡ en sí mismo, encantador Hwang >< Seungmin: Feliz cumpleaños Flour Boy ♡ I.N: Feliz cumpleaños Hyunjin Hyung 。◝‿◜。 ¡Para de comer harina! ¡¡El peligro de la harina!! -tu piel empeorará, pero cómelo en tu cumpleaños Han: BIRTH DAY- BOY~♡♡♡ Te amo♡ Feliz cumpleaños lindo~~ como regalo he decorado (esta polaroid9 con todas mis fuerzas. -de Han- Felix: Feliz cumpleaños! ♡ Hoy también que tengas un buen día! Dos veces mejor que ayer! Bangchan: ¡Obtén 100x de felicidad! Lee Know: feliz cumpleaños
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