#he deserve some shine too✨
isabelasflowersblog · 2 years
I am late but ¡Feliz Cunpleaños to Felix Madrigal! I made this edit for a character series on Instagram a month ago but never posted it here so here you go.
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I added Camilo as Felix because why not?😁
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larluce · 2 months
Arthur and Merlin travel back in time without knowing the other is from the future too AU
Tagging @aceauthorcatqueen , @fallenxjas , @smileytrinity ,@lucifertookmyshoe , @an-entity-i-think , @thecornerofbelu , @griffonskies , @odinjm , @cinnabon-sweetroll-tiramisu , @thelady-mary , @bennedict , @nightninjaboy , @st8-of-grace , @star-rie , @error-username-not-available , @dogberryrowan , @jamieweasley13 , @tansyuduri , @tercais , @robynnemrys , @evadne01 , @serasvictoria02 , @hairdryerducks , @hopeaha , @curiously-lazy , @ harriettesthings , @andrealux16 , @wacko-weirdo , @greatdonutenemy , @yougottobekittenme , @anxiousosaurus , @kinkforwings , @someweirdassnamee , @impracticalantlers , @miyriu , @hobipabo
LINKS TO THE OTHER PARTS OF THIS AU HERE: PART 1 , PART 2 , PART 3 , PART 4 , PART 5 , PART 6 , PART 7 , PART 8 , PART 9 , PART 10 , PART 11 , PART 12 , PART 13 , PART 14 , PART 15 , PART 16 , PART 17 , PART 18 , PART 19 , PART 20 , PART 21 , PART 22 , PART 23 , PART 24 , PART 25 You're here , PART 26
[Welcome to: ✨breaking the fourth wall space✨
Knight 2 and 3: (marching around with signs that say "NO TO NAMELESS CHARACTERS" and "WE DESERVE NAMES")
Me: What on earth are you doing?
Knight 2: We are going on a strike! 😠
Knight 3: Yeah! We refuse to act until we are given names. 😠
Me: You can't do that! You are my characters!
Knight 2: Then why won't you give us a name!
Me: Cause you are also extras.
Knight 2 and 3: (Gasp and bring a hand to their chest, very offended)
Knight 3: That hurt ☹️
Knight 2: But Innprudence has a name!
Me: Yes, but it's basically a gag and he hates it.
Sir Innprudence: (In a corner, lying on the floor and looking at the sky) Is my existence a joke?
Knight 2: Well, you can start searching for a Knight 4, 5 or 6 if you want, cause we are not going to be part of this play until we are given an identity. I think it's the least we deserve.
Me: (sighs) Fine. You (points at Knight 2) will be Sir Ewan and you (point ar Knight 3) will be Sir Owain.
Sir Ewan: We have names! 😃
Sir Owain: Yay! 😄
Sir Innprudence: I hate you 😒
End of ✨Breaking the fourth wall space✨]
In "The Labyrinth of Gedref"
Arthur, Merlin and some knights hiding behind bushes while hunting.
Arthur: (calls quietly) Merlin (urges to come closer with a head gesture)
Merlin: (Comes closer and whispers) What is it?
Arthur: I don't know. We'll surround it.
Merlin: (feels the presence of the unicorn, thinking) Oh, no! (says) Got it. I'll go in there to flush it out. (makes a gesture to go)
Arthur: (stops him by the arm) Are you insane?! we don't know what it is. It could be dangerous!
Merlin: (smirks) Good think you have my back then. (frees from his grasp)
Arthur: (tries to grip his arm him again, but Merlin moves before he can and goes in there) Damn you, Merlin.
Merlin runs as fast as he can until he finds the unicorn. It is as majestic as he remembers, but there's no time the admire the creature.
Merlin: (urges) Go! They're going to kill you! Please, go!
Unicorn: (moves closer to Merlin and neighs happily, so Merlin pats him)
Merlin: ... Okay, this is cute, but there's no time! You have to go!
Arthur: (in the distance, puts down his crossbow, whispers to himself, surprised) The unicorn...
Merlin: (desperate, puts himself infront of the animal) Don't shoot!
Sir Innprudence: What the hell is he doing?
Arthur: (seeing the knights still have their crossbows pointing at the unicorn, but more importantly, pointing at Merlin) Put down your crossbows.
Sir Ewan: But sire-
Arthur: (sternly) I said put them down!
Knights: (put down their crossbows)
Arthur: (goes to Merlin) Merlin-
Merlin: (hugging the unicorn by the neck, closely) You can't kill it, Arthur! (eyes starts shining with unshed tears) You can't! Please!
Arthur: Alright, alright, I won't! We won't.
Sir Ewan: (comes closer) Incredible!
Sir Innprudence: (comes closer too) I thought they were extinct!
Merlin: They almost are. There's very few of them. (caresses the unicorn's head fondly) Unicorns are rare and mystical creatures.
Sir Ewan: Of magic. Which means it's dangerous.
Merlin: Only if you harm it. There is a legend that says that bad fortune will come to anyone that slays one.
Sir Innprudence: Yeah, I heard of that legend too.
Sir Ewan: So we are not hunting it because of some legend?
Arthur: Legend or not I'm not going to risk it. With creatures of magic you can never be sure.
Merlin: (gives Arthur a thankful smile)
Sir Ewan: We don't have to kill it. We can capture it and bring it alive for the King-
Merlin: (shouts) NO! 😡
Arthur: We are not going to do any of that, Sir Ewan.
Sir Innprudence: So... we are just going to... let it go?
Sir Ewan: Oh, come on! It's a fucking unicorn! Of course we are not just going to-
Arthur: Yes, we'll let it go.
Sir Ewan: But-
Arthur: It's an order! And no word of this to my father. Understood?
Knights: Yes, sire.
Unicorn: (smells Merlin and moves so Merlin also pats its back)
Merlin: (giggles) I think he likes me. (continues to pat the unicorn fondly)
Arthur: (watches Merlin in awe)
Sir Innprudence: (lets a burst of laughter)
Arthur: (turns to Sir Innprudence, serious) What's so funny, Sir Innprudence?
Sir Innprudence: (composes himself quickly) Oh, nothing, Sire. I just...
Arthur: You just what?
Sir Innprudence: I just find it quite curious that the unicorn it's so attached to your servant, sire.
Arthur: And why is that? (thinking, worried) Does he suspect Merlin has magic?
Sir Innprudence: Well, when I was a kid I used to read a lot of bestiaries and, from what I remember, unicorns feel atractted to the smell of... virgin maidens, sire.
Arthur: ...
Sir Ewan: ...
Merlin: (turns to them, confused) Why are you looking at me like that? 🤨
Arthur and Knights: (burst out laughing)
Merlin: ... Are you alright?
Sir Innprudence: (stops laughing) Wait... does this mean they haven't done it yet? 😨
Sir Ewan: (hits him) Don't be disrespectful! 😠
Sir Innprudence: Ow! I'm just saying! If he is not giving the Prince THAT, then what is he-OW!
Merlin: (to Arthur) What are they talking about?
Arthur: (puts an arm around Merlin, smiling to ear to ear) Just of how virtuous you are. (To the knights) I'm no ignorant of the rumors regarding my manservant and I hope this is enough prove to you that Merlin is nothing of what they are saying. He's an honorable man and I expect you to always remember that.
Knights: (nod) Yes, Sire.
So they let the unicorn go and come back to the castle. Merlin is so relieved a catastrophe was avoided than he couldn't see the new one coming.
At the horse field. Merlin's mare is chasing around a nobel that tried to ride him.
Nobel: (running) Help! Somebody help! 😭
Princess: (neighs furiously while going after him)😤
Stable boy 1: We warned him.
Stable boy 2: Yep.
Stable boy 1: Do we feel bad for him?
Stable boy 2: Nah, he was an ass.
Stable boy 1: True. Did you send for Merlin?
Stable boy 2: Yeah, he should be here in a sec.
Merlin: (arrives running to his mare) Princess! (puts himself between the nobel and his mare) Princess Eboni Lily Plum Pendragon, that's enough! 😡
Princess: (calms down and lowers her head)
Nobel: (stands up and brushes the dirt from his clothes) Pendragon? Is this a horse of the royal family? I wouldn't have tried to ride it if I knew.
Merlin: (frowns at him while patting Princess' head) No, but she's mine.
Nobel: (looks Merlin up and down) Yours?
Merlin: Yeah, an the stable boys have especific instructions to not let anybody but me ride her. Let me guess, you didn't give a damn, did you? You just wanted to do as you pleased.
Nobel: Who do you think you are to speak to me like that?! 😠
Merlin: The Prince's manservant, you dickhead.
Nobel: (Open his eyes wide) The Prince's manservant?
Merlin: I can call The Prince if you don't believe-
Nobel: Oh, you are the maidman!
Merlin: ... No? 🤨 I'm his manservant. What does maidman even mean?
Nobel: (realises his slip up) Oh, forgive me. Uh... I won't touch your horse again.
Princess: (neighs at him) 😡
Nobel: (gives a very masculine scream and runs away)
Merlin: (Turns to the stable boys) Why did he...
Stable boys: (look away, very nervous)
Merlin: You know what he meant 😑.
Stable boy 1: Uhm...
Merlin: Spill it out. Now.
Stable boy 2: Well, as you know, maid can be short for housemaid or maidservant.
Stable boy 1: However, it's also the way some nobels refer to women that... warm their beds at night.
Stable boy 2: But you are a man, so...they call you maidman.
Merlin: ...You must be joking.
Stable boy 2: No. And that's the most polite nickname you have.
Stable boy 1: Yeah, you don't want to know the others.
Merlin: But that's absurd! I don't have that kind of relationship with Arthur!
Stable boy 2: We know, of course. We do not distrust your word.
Stable boy 1: Or the one of the unicorn.
Merlin: (incipient fear) What unicorn?
Stable boy 2: The unicorn that appeared before you.
Merlin: (now very scared) How do you know that?! 😨
Stable boy 1: Everyone knows, they're telling it everywhere.
Merlin: WHAT?! 😱
Stable boy 2: Yeah, there's even a song about it.
Stable boys: (start dancing and singing in harmony)
In the woods a unicorn
Wandered around with his long horn
So lonely and without a friend
Until one day he sense a smell
It was the most exquisite smell
Of a beautiful young man
So pure in body and in heart
It was the Prince's manservant.
The Unicorn Catcher
No one is more innocent than
The Unicorn Catcher
No beauty is more deadly than of
The unicorn catcher🎶
Merlin: Okay, I take it back. Now you must joking.
Stable boy 1: Wait, there's more! 😃
Stable boys: (singing and dancing)
🎶Marveled at the majestic creature
The man approached and he figured
That he could stroke his back
Afraid of scaring it, he does
The animal neighed with pleasure
Put his head closer without measure
Enchanted by the pure scent
He let him ride him on his back.
The Unicorn Catcher
No one is more innocent than
The Unicorn Catcher
No beauty is more deadly than of
The unicorn catcher.🎶
Merlin: That never happened. 😒
Stable boy 2: Last stanza! 😄
Stable boys: (singing and dancing)
🎶The magical being was so attached
He follow his human friend in glee
The man told him, brokenhearted
Your home is in nature, not with me
They said goodbye, the servant went
Back to the castle, back to his prince.
The unicorn cried and he knew.
He'll never sense that smell again.🎶
Stable boy 1: (giving himself air with his hand,unshed tears in his eyes) Gods, I love the end. It always makes me emotional. 🤧
Satble boy 2: (puts an arm around Merlin) Don't worry, Merlin. While there are people who try to tarnish your name calling you maidman, there are very others that defend The Unicorn Catcher's honor til the end.
Stable boys: (throwing a fist in the air and shouting) Long live The Unicorn Catcher!
Merlin: ...
Stable boy 1: Merlin?
Stable boy 2: Unicorn Catcher?
Merlin: (composes himself and smiles at them) If you excuse me, I must go to the Prince inmediatly. (leaves at a furious pace)
Arthur trainning the knights in the Training field.
Arthur: Enough! What kind of sluggish reactions are that? Is this how you pretend to protect your kingdom? Your King and Prince? 😡
Sir Owain: Sire-
Arthur: Did I tell you you could talk? Silence!
Knights: (cower in place)
Arthur: You tend to forget who has the authority here. No one, listen to me, no one but the King is above me! And you dare to raise your voice at me? No body can disrespect the Prince!
Merlin: (arrives, yelling furious) Arthur! 😡
Arthur: What?! 😡 (turns and his face changes) Oh, Merlin. What is it?
Merlin: We need to talk.
Arthur: Alright. Once I finish-
Merlin: Now, Arthur. It's important.
Arthur: (pointing to the knights) Merlin, I'm in the middle of training. Whatever it is, I'm sure it can wait-
Merlin: NO! It cannot wait! 😡 What part of "it's important" you do not understand?! You think I would interrupt your training just because? Do you ever listen to anything I say?!
Arthur: (in shock) Uh... (Thinking) What's gotten into him?
Merlin: No, of course not. I'm just a servant after all. Why would my problems ever be important to you? Is not like you are the one who is a joke in the mouth of all Camelot!
Knights: (watching interested and amused the scene, murmuring between them)
Arthur: Alright, we'll talk. (makes a move to go to his knights)
Merlin: (stops Arthur by the arm) Where do you think you are going?! 😡
Arthur: I was just going to dismiss the knights-
Merlin: You dare to ignore me when this is all your fault?! Am I a joke to you too?! 😡
Arthur: (tries to calm him) Okay, I can see That you are upset-
Merlin: I AM NOT UPSET! 😤
Arthur: (sweats)
Sir Innprudence: (to Sir Owain, mockingly) Nobody can disrespect The Prince? 😏
Sir Owain: Shut up.
Merlin: (sighs) Never mind. Go back to your stupid training. (Makes a move to leave)
Arthur: No, no, no, wait! (Stops him by the arm) Look, I'm here, not moving. You have my full attention. Now tell me what is the problem and why do you think is my fault.
Merlin: Because it is! Thanks to you now everybody knows me as "The Maidman" and "The Unicorn Catcher"!
Arthur: ...
Arthur: (burst out laughing) Maidman? Unicorn Catcher?
Merlin: It's not funny! 😠
Arthur: (stops laughing) No, no. Of course is not. (Coughs) I mean, you do have some maid chores, but-
Merlin: It has nothing to do with that. "Maidman" is a very polite way to say I serve you in bed at nights and not to read you poetry precisly.
Arthur: Oh... (Turns to his knights) 😑
Knights: (scared, at the same time) We never called him that! I swear! 😰
Sir Innprudence: Yeah, it's mostly the visiting nobles who do that.
Merlin: Oh, but you do call me "Unicorn Catcher", don't you?
Arthur: Yeah, about that. Why "Unicorn Catcher"?
Merlin: (turns a bit red) Uhm... Well somehow they found out about the unicorn.
Arthur: I figured. But we didn't hunt or capture the unicorn, so where is the word "Catcher" coming from?
Merlin: It's a long story.
Sir Innprudence: It's not a story, it's a song! 😃
Knights: (start singing) 🎶 Oooh!-
Merlin: You keep up with that and I'll cut off your tongues! 😠
Knights: 🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐
Arthur: They did a song?
Merlin: That's not important. What's important is how did everyone find out!
Arthur: Well, the only ones that were there were you, me and...
Sir Innprudence and Sir Ewan: (looking very guilty)
Arthur: (notices) Something you want to confess? 😑
Sir Ewan: We didn't meant to, Sire.
Sir Innprudence: But we got drunk at a tavern and there were people talking very ill of your manservant.
Sir Ewan: Calling him things worse than "Maidman".
Sir Innprudence: So we defended your manservant's honor, but in the heat of the argument we might have let what happened with the unicorn slip.
Sir Ewan: And some minstrel heard it and decided to make a song inspired on the event.
Sir Innprudence: And since the song became so popular, every tavern began to play it, so...
Arthur: Now everyone knows about the unicorn. (Sighs) I still don't get the "Catcher" part though.
Merlin: It's not important.
Sir Innprudence: It's because he attracted the unicorn with his virgin smell, Sire.
Merlin: Innprudence! 😠
Arthur: (laughs)
Merlin: Stop laughing! This is serious! What if your father finds out? He probably already knows!
Arthur: I don't think my father cares about your chastity, Merlin.
Merlin: Not that part, you idiot! 😡 The unicorn part! He'll know I encountered a magical creature in our last hunt and that you let it escape!
Arthur: He won't believe you encountered a unicorn just because there's a song about it. Especially a tavern minstrel song. (To the knights, warnly) Because that's what it is. Right? Just a song. None of that happened.
Knights: Of course not, Sire.
Arthur: The training's canceled. You're dismissed.
Knights: (start leaving)
Arthur: Except Sir Ewan and Sir Innprudence.
Sir Ewan And Sir Innprudence: (stay while the others leave, nervous)
Arthur: For divulging confidential information, I send you to the dungeons indefinitily.
Sir Ewan And Sir Innprudence: (hung their head with shame) Yes, Sire.
Arthur: So? What are you waiting for?
Sir Innprudence: (confused) Uh... We are waiting for you to call the guards, Sire.
Arthur: Don't you have legs?
Sir Ewan: Yes?
Arthur: Then go to the dungeons yourselfs. Just tell the jailer I sent you. And go straight ahead. If you dare to stray from the path or stretch the time I will know.
Sir Ewan: But Sire, that's quite...
Sir Innprudence: Embarrasing.
Arthur: That's part of the punishment. Now go.
Sir Ewan and Sir Innprudence: Yes, Sire 😞😞 (leave)
Arthur: (to Merlin) There, I solved it. 😊
Merlin: Solved what?
Arthur: I arrested the ones responsable for your predicament.
Merlin: And how arresting Sir Ewan and Sir Innprudence is going to stop people from believing I actually encountered a unicorn? In fact, with what you've done, you are just confirming that it happened! 😠
Arthur: ...
Arthur: Alright, I guess I can order for the song to be banned inmediatly.
Merlin: No! That's just going to make things worst.
Arthur: Then what do you want me to do?
Merlin: (lifting his arms, exasperated) Nothing, Arthur! 😡 You can't do nothing! (Leaves)
Arthur: (sighs) Well, at least he still calls me Arthur. (to a servant passing nearby) Hey! Do you know where I can hear "The Unicorn Catcher" song?
Time skip. In Gaius Tower. Merlin benting with Gaius.
Merlin: They even made a song. A song! Can you believe it? If I'm not a whore, then I'm a prude. Everyone especulates about my sex life like they don't have one theirselfs. And each rumor is always related to my relationship with Arthur. And he doesn't help! With his jokes about me being a girl and making everyone believe we actually have something. This is all Arthur's fault!
Gaius: I understand why you are so angry, my boy, but... Is it really all just Arthur's fault?
Merlin: ... What?
Gaius: I know you and Arthur are close and there's confidence between you two. But Arthur is still a Prince and sometimes you forget that. Yes, Arthur is at fault for favoring you too much, but that Arthur lets you push the limits doesn't mean you shouldn't have them.
Merlin: Arthur does not favor me.
Gaius: Yes he does, and you also abuse of that favor. Maybe not consciously, but you do. You proclaim you are nothing but his servant, but then you do things like complain to him in public. Infront of his Knights! You can't do things like that and expect people to believe there's nothing of other nature going on between you.
Merlin: So it's my fault then.
Gaius: I didn't say that.
Merlin: No, you're just saying people is right to think that way about me! That I given them very reason to!
Gaius: Why are so defensive, Merlin? You have never let what people say about you get to you before. From what Hunith told me, you've been called worst things back in Ealdor and you've never bother. Yet this particular comments about you and Arthur angers you to guts. Why?
Merlin: Because they talk without knowing! At least people in Ealdor weren't telling lies. I'm indeed a bastard. My mother had me out of marriage, that's true. They called freak. I could do magic since the day I was born and that's an anomaly in itself so that's true in a way too. Here my nicknames are based on falsehoods!
Gaius: So it's not that you hate what they're saying. You hate that what they are saying are lies
Merlin: Exactly!
Gaius: And why is that?
Merlin: What do you mean? Isn't that reason enough.
Gaius: Merlin, you don't hate rumors because they are lies. You hate them because they are not true.
Merlin: (backsaway due to the low blow) I... I don't know what you mean.
Gaius: Merlin-
Merlin: I have to go. "The Unicorn Catcher" has chores to do. (leaves)
Gaius: (sighs, to himself) He surely inherited your temper, Balinor.
Guard: (enters)
Gaius: Oh, how can I help you?
Guard: The King requests your presence at the throne room immediately.
CHAN CHAN CHAN! What do you think Uther wants to talk Gaius about?
And, yes, Merlin is being too insolent, but lets remember series 5 Merlin was way more insolent than series 1 Merlin and since this Arthur is more permisive with him he's taking more liberties than before and that might get him in trouble (spoiler?)
Did you like the unicorn catcher song? I'm sorry if it was to long, but I'm a theater kid I couldn't help myself.
Tell me in the comments ;)
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modelbus · 6 months
Anyone else have a newfound love for this song and an addiction to task force 141? No? Just me?
To my mcyt readers: …I can’t explain. Just know that is ✨ different ✨ from my usual. (Quite Suggestive) To the COD readers I've attracted: I haven't played the games and reality is what I decide to make it (feel free to send asks educating me or info dumping <3)
Pairing: John Price x Gn!Reader
Too sweet
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Baby, I can never tell How do you sleep so well?
”Morning Captain.” The words are practically a ritual, although you know he won’t respond. He never does this early in the morning.
There were a lot of unwritten rules in 141. When you first joined, you fucked them all up. Continuously. More often than not, it was Soap who laughed at you while Price patiently explained why you can’t joke about Ghost being afraid of snakes.
This rule, though, only took you a few days to catch onto. The “don’t talk about the sleepless nights” rule. Everyone knew why that rule existed; you’d seen enough combat to not be that naive. You’d been there enough to wake up before the sunrise, to watch the sky bleed orange.
And that’s exactly why you don’t ask Price about the circles under his eyes. If he’s not up doing paperwork, he’s up for other reasons. You don’t pity him; being Captain isn’t something you could ever do.
“Had a dream that Gaz found a goat and convinced you to make it the base pet.” You continue. His lips quirk up, gaze turning amused, so you soldier on. “Then it ate Ghost’s clothes, so he kicked it out of the base and Gaz quit the task force over it. And Soap claimed he could speak to it, but I called bullshit on him and he disappeared.”
”Disappeared to where?”
“Hell, maybe? That’s where he fucking belongs.” You smile at him, and his eye roll—you pretend it’s fond—seems like a victory of its own.
You’re too sweet for me You're too sweet for me
The finality of his word rings clear, but you persist. You were never too good at stopping before you crossed that line, never too good at giving up while you were ahead. Things, more often than not, ended up right as rain.
“Price—“ You try.
“You’re too young, and it’s wrong.” Never before have you seen a man so tortured. It wasn’t a question of if he wanted you, it was a question if he would let himself want you. And you both knew it. “I won’t take your innocence from you.”
You scoff, following him down the hall and out of the briefing room. So much for staying after to help him gather papers.
“I’m a soldier, hardly innocent!”
“Compared to me, you are!” He turns, and you automatically look up to his eyes. As you said before: tortured. “I’m harsh, and we both know it. You deserve to be with someone soft, someone who can be sweet with you.”
“I don’t want to be.”
From the second you laid eyes on John Price, you knew you’d never want to be. It wasn’t his age, although you never minded an older man. It was his passion, his care, his leadership and skills and everything else about him. He was magnetic, drawing you in despite everything.
And you weren’t blind to the way his gaze always met yours in a room, either.
Price sighs heavily. “Go to bed, soldier.”
Tactful retreat it is, then. “Good night, Price.” You murmur, turning away.
A pause, then another sigh. This one is lighter. “Good night.”
I work late where I’m free from the phone And the job gets done But you worry some, I know
Knocking twice, you don’t wait for Price to respond before entering his office. His light was on, shining out a signal to anyone in the hallway that he was awake.
”You’re about to owe me.” You announce, ignoring his groan.
“I was working.”
“And now you’re going to eat dinner. I had to smuggle these from the dining hall, you know.” You drop the napkin bundle you had made on his desk, opening it to reveal the food. His and yours.
“I was going to get food later.”
“Liar.” You sit in the chair across from his desk, grabbing a bread roll. “No drinks, because even I can’t smuggle that out.”
“I could get you in trouble for this.” He points out.
“But you won’t. I’m your favorite.”
Price reaches forward, taking his bread roll. Mimicking you, although he never puts his pen down. The paperwork spread out in front of him is just like every other night you’ve brought him food.
“Who says you’re my favorite? Maybe it’s Ghost.” Price smiles, and you beam back at him.
“Don’t insult me like that. I’m proud of my title as your favorite. I mean, I am the only one that you let lounge in your office.”
His attention turns back to filling out his paperwork, leaving you to sit there. Per usual. You stay until all the food is gone, leaving him with only crumbs on his desk to show for it.
Sweeping the napkin and crumbs into his desk, you pause by the doorframe. His hat obscures his face, but you know he’s aware that you’re still there.
“Get some sleep sometime tonight, yeah?” You hedge.
“I should be the one telling you that.”
“Someone gotta look after you, Price. Besides, I’m not the one who doesn’t go to bed before daylight.”
Knocking at the door to signal your exit, you head out.
You treat your mouth as if it’s heavens gate The rest of you like you’re the TSA
"Never have I ever... been a virgin." Soap says, raising his beer.
"That's not how it fucking works." You argue. "You were a virgin at some point, obviously."
"You know wha' I mean."
"Just pick something else." Ghost butts in gruffly.
This is why you prefer not to play drinking games with the task force. Soap always ends up fucking them up first, and then it manages to devolve into chaos. For an elite spec ops team, 141 sure did struggle at these games.
"Fine." Soap groans, taking a drink of his beer while he thinks.
"In the meantime, I'll go-" Gaz starts, but immediately gets cut off.
"Never have I ever been a virgin right now."
You stare at Soap. He stares back. "I'm going to beat your ass for targeting during training tomorrow." You threaten him, taking a sip of your wine. You're the only one drinking wine here, but you prefer the taste of it over beer or whatever the others are drinking.
As you tilt your glass back, your eyes lock with Price's. You're reclined on the floor with Soap while he's in a chair, giving you the perfect line of sight on each other. He watches with dark eyes as you swallow, tracing your figure with a gaze so heavy that it makes you shiver.
In his hand, his whiskey remains untouched.
"You just need to get laid and then you won't be such an easy target." Soap is saying, oblivious to the tension simmering between you and Price.
"Unlike you dumbasses, I'm don't want to sleep with the first moving thing I see." You don't look away from Price pointedly. "I prefer to wait for the right person."
Ghost makes a disinterested noise from the chair next to Price, making you flick your gaze to him. He inclines his head slightly, well-aware of the thing between you and Price, but doesn't say a word. Thank fuck for Ghost.
"I'm heading to the bathroom. Don't set the room on fire while I'm gone. Soap."
"God, I didn't do anything yet!"
"I'll go too." Price says lowly, his footsteps tailing yours. It's not until you're in the hallway and out of earshot from the others that he speaks to you. "You're a tease, doll."
"I'm aware." You turn to grin at him, but startle at his proximity. He steps forward and you take a matching one back, your back hitting the hallway wall.
"In front of everyone, too." He murmurs, boxing you in. Your heartbeat pounds loudly in your ears, but not from fear. You know what fear feels like, and it certainly isn't the warmth pooling in your gut. "Begging for it."
"You know I have been."
His head dips, and just for a moment the bitter taste of whiskey invades your tastebuds. Your eyes flutter shut as his tongue swipes across yours, and when you open them he's gone.
Point, you.
As soft as the rain Pretty as a vine As sweet as a grape
John Price was everywhere.
His hands on your hips, his bookshelf pressing against your back, his mouth on yours. Every inch of him invaded every inch of you, and you loved it.
As it turns out, all you had to do was get shot in the field. A graze made well worth it by this reaction.
“Don’t you ever pull that shit again.” Price says into your mouth, hands tight on your skin like you’ll disappear. You’d worry that they’d leave bruises, but you already know your love looking at the reminder of him.
“Or what?” You taunt when he pulls back for air.
“Or I’ll tie you to my fucking bed.”
The threat lights your blood on fire in a way it’s never done before. Want, roaring strong, sears through you.
“Truly a terrifying prospect, the guy I’ve been waiting to ask me out finally taking me to his bed—“
He smothers your laughter with his lips and tongue, hand coming up behind your head to protect it from the shelves. You tug at his hair, earned yourself a low addicting sound. Yeah, you need to hear that more. A lot more.
“What’d medical say?” Price asks, dipping his head to trail kisses along your neck. Because he had been waiting to ambush you the second you stepped into his office, you never got to tell him.
“Um.” You struggle to collect any rational thoughts as he nips at your neck, his beard and mustache scratching your skin. “They cleared me. Wrapped it and said I was good.”
“And what do you think I have to say about that?”
Trick question.
You groan, but it comes out less annoyed and more like something entirely different. He hums in response before you can even be embarrassed by the sound.
“I don’t want to run for training.” You complain.
“I think you’ve gotten enough things that you want from me.” As if to serve as an example, he presses a quick kiss to your lips before pulling back. Not too far: his hands on your hips ensure he’s still got a hold on you.
“…maybe.” You relent, staring up at him.
He smiles, reassuring, and you know this is going to stick. “Pretty thing.”
“I know you are.”
“I was talking about you, doll.”
And you knew he was, you were making a joke, but the way he says it has your cheeks flaming. He laughs, breath fanning over your hair, amused.
“Let’s grab food from the mess hall.” He suggests.
“You? Actually grabbing food? At a reasonable time?” It’s a goddamn miracle.
“Yeah yeah, don’t rub it in. Wipe that smile off your face.”
“Yes sir.” You don’t wipe the smile off your face.
“I had my tongue in your mouth, I think you can stop calling me sir. Or Captain, frankly.”
“What, you don’t like that stuff?”
His eyes widen briefly. “Oh, you little—“
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dccomicsimagines · 2 years
Hello There - Jon Kent x Reader
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Requested by Anon -  hello! i love your works, you are an excelent writer :D! Can i request an one shot were batsis (from fitting in) and jon fall in love? she highkey deserves a fairy tale romance and i think bruce and damian reactions would be very funny haha
Requested by Anon -  I know you basically just finished one big Jon x reader, but do you think could please make another fic or headcannon with him? It could about anything you choose. 👉🏼👈🏼 (P.S. - it's been said already but I'll say it again; WILIF is m a s t e r p i e c e ✨)
Author’s Note - This took me a year to write. Happy Holidays!
You bit your lip as you left your biology lab and headed outside to the sprawling campus of Metropolis University. The air was crisp and fresh as it always was late autumn. It was warmer in Metropolis than it was in Gotham. You theorized it was because the sun shined more here. 
Your phone beeped. Your next class wasn’t for another hour and you planned to use this time to finish your paper for Medieval Literature. A sigh escaped you. You pulled out your phone, looking at it as you walked. 
‘Are you coming home this weekend?’ You held back an eye roll. Your father couldn’t leave you alone, could he?
‘No, I have plans here. I’ll be back in a month for winter break.’ You looked up to avoid walking into a group of women exiting the library. A smile pulled at your lips. You could show him your medieval lit paper then. Your plan was to write how Beowulf's preoccupation with glory led to the current glorification of superheroes. The look on Bruce’s face would be priceless.
It took him a long time to answer to the point where you were expecting a call from him. However, you only got another text. ‘Be safe.’
You snorted, smiling. That was as close to I love you that Bruce Wayne got. ‘Love you, Dad.’
Just as you hit send, you ran straight into what felt like a brick wall and toppled back to land hard on your butt. The jolt went straight through your bones painfully. You grunted. “I’m so sorry,” a male voice said. A hand appeared in your vision. You eyed it.
“No, I’m sorry. I was texting and walking.” You took the hand after a moment and got to your feet. Your butt hurt a lot. It was going to bruise. You finally looked at the man you ran into. Your breath vaporized from your lungs. 
He had the prettiest blue eyes with rich black hair. His smile was big, head tilted like a curious puppy. You couldn’t stop yourself from smiling back at him. “Are you hurt?” He kept your hand a second too long. You felt your face burn. 
“No, I’ll be fine.” You pulled your hand away and brushed off your clothes. He looked familiar for some reason. “Have we met before?”
It was his turn to blush as he flicked his head to get the hair out of his eyes. “We’re in the Physics of Star Trek class together.” You bit your lip. Right, that class you took because Tim saw it when you were picking classes and begged you to take it for him. At least it counted as a general course and to be honest, it was pretty cool.
“Oh, you were the one who tried to argue that Superman’s laser eyes were basically the same concept as Star Trek’s phasers.” You shook your head. “Who would have thought that would cause a debate that took the entire class period?”
“I know, right?” He grinned brightly, shifting on his feet. “Well, I was about to get some food from the cafeteria? Would you like to join me?” 
You thought about the work you were going to do, but then you remembered how you promised Alfred that you would try to enjoy yourself. “Sure,” you said, turning to walk beside him. “What was your name again? I’m (Y/N) (Y/L/N).” Luckily, Bruce let you enroll under your mother’s name to keep you safe from the dangers that came with the Wayne name.
“I’m Jon Kent.” He held the door to the cafeteria for you. “It’s nice to meet you, (Y/N) (Y/L/N).” 
You laughed, heading inside with Jon right behind you.
The next day in the Star Trek class, you found Jon sitting next to you with that same dopey, puppy grin on his face. Your heart fluttered when his arm brushed against yours by accident as he raised his hand to start another controversial debate. Jon got a kick out of it. You felt it was some kind of inside joke for him. Maybe he’d explain it to you some day.
After class, Jon walked out with you. “So that was my last class for today. What about you?” he asked, looking at you with his full attention. 
“Oh, well it’s the last class for me too.” You smiled when you saw his eyes sparkle at your words.
“Great!” He blushed when he realized he was shouting. His voice softened. “Would you like to go downtown with me? It’s student night at the movie theater. Five dollar tickets.” He chuckled nervously. “The new Transformers movie came out or if you wanted to see something else, I’m game.”
You eyed him, feeling lighter than air. Why did this feel so surreal? Like you were in a movie and this was a classic romance. “Sure.” Your heart skipped a beat when he practically exploded with energy. 
“Awesome!” He hopped over a crack in the sidewalk. You swore he floated for a second before he landed. 
“I want to drop my stuff off first, so I’ll meet you outside Gnanatti Hall in a half an hour?” You turned away from him, headed toward your dorm. 
“Yeah! I’ll see you there.” Jon waved happily at you. You waved back, blushing when you saw people were watching you two. A girl laughed with her friends that Jon was like a lovesick puppy. You felt a wave of doubt flow through you. Could Jon like you like that? You shrugged, deciding not to focus on that right now. 
Your roommate lounged on their bed, watching you primp yourself in the mirror. “You have a date or something?” 
“Maybe? I don’t know.” You shrugged, finishing the last touches on your makeup. It did feel like a date, didn’t it? “I just want to look good anyway in case.”
“Well, if you need the room, just text me. I can go hang out with Taylor in her room, but just don’t be all night,” your roommate said, getting up to grab their laptop. 
You wrinkled your nose. “I don’t think it will come to that.” Your heart sank about the idea of being so loose. Besides, you didn’t think Jon was just trying to get into your pants anyway. “But thanks.”
“Sure.” Your roommate opened their laptop and started working on homework. You gathered your purse and phone. “Call me if you need an out.”
“Thanks.” You waved at them and headed out. To think, your dad almost insisted on paying for a private room, but you wanted to have the full experience. Alfred agreed with you. Bruce couldn’t do anything after that. 
You glanced at your phone as you headed down the stairs to see a text from Damian. It was a photo of Titus. You sent him a heart back and told him to give him a pet for you. Damian always reached out with Titus as an excuse as if he couldn’t handle missing you himself.
Jon was outside the dorm, bouncing from foot to foot. He grinned when he saw you, nervous energy bouncing off him. You waved and went to meet him. “You look beautiful,” he said, eyes going from your feet to your face several times. 
“Thanks.” Your cheeks burned. “You don’t look bad yourself.” Jon blushed and offered you his arm. “Are we walking or taking the bus?”
“I was thinking we could walk. It’s a nice day.” Jon led you down the sidewalk and off campus. You relaxed, letting yourself enjoy.
“So I didn’t think you’d be an ice cream person?” Jon teased as he handed you a cone. You smiled, accepting it.
“Who isn’t an ice cream person?” You took a lick, savoring the taste. It reminded you of the rare times your dad would pick you up from school. He always took you out for ice cream after you swore not to tell Alfred. 
Jon hummed, taking his own cone. “Lactose intolerant people.” He chuckled, holding the door to the ice cream shop for you. You stepped out into the cold night air. The person inside the shop thought you both were strange for getting ice cream on a chilly night, but Jon was so excited. You couldn’t say no. “My mother doesn’t like it because it’s too cold.” 
“Really?” You laughed. “To be honest, my...” You had to think about what to call Alfred. Butler came with it’s own impressions. You didn’t want Jon to know. “Grandfather doesn’t like ice cream either, but he always keeps some around for everyone else.” 
“So you have a grandfather?” Jon nudged your side. “Did he raise you?”
You raised an eyebrow at him. The two of you walked slowly back toward campus. “Somewhat. My dad was there too, but my grandfather was the one who was always there.” You smiled, making a note to yourself to call Alfred. “What about you?” You side eyed him with a playful smirk. 
“Well, I have a mom and a dad.” He didn’t meet your eye. You caught the slight downturn of his lips. He was holding back something. “I’m not close to my mom’s dad, but I know my dad’s mom pretty well.” 
You wrinkled your nose slightly, sensing his discomfort. “I never asked what your major was.” 
Jon accepted the subject change with a smile. Funny, was Jon hiding his family like you were hiding yours? “Oh, I’m undecided right now. I have a lot of interests.” He nudged your arm and licked his ice cream. “What about you?”
“I’m majoring in business,” you said, smiling at him before taking a lick of your ice cream. “But I might just switch my major over to classics and minor in something else. I want to do something that interests me instead of what will make me a career.” You bit your lip. Of course, you were set for life simply because of your father. You knew it was a privilege. 
“Classics?” Jon blinked. “Wow, that makes a lot of sense.” 
You elbowed his side. “What is that supposed to mean?” You narrowed your eyes at him while he smirked.
“I just meant I noticed you were carrying a textbook of Greek lit when we met, so now it makes sense.” Jon took a lick of his ice cream. “I kinda thought you were an Amazon or something.” 
You snorted. “Just because I study Greek lit doesn’t mean I’m an Amazon. Are you an alien just because you are in the Star Trek class?” You laughed when Jon choked.
“No.” He chuckled nervously, stumbling over a crack in the sidewalk. You grabbed his arm to steady him. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome. Sorry if I hit a nerve there.” A flash of guilt filled you. You wondered why he seemed so taken back by your comment? 
“No, you’re fine.” Jon looked at you. “You just took me by surprise, I guess.” He smiled. “By that logic, would the whole class be Aliens including you?” 
“I suppose.” You laughed, finishing your ice cream as you both reached campus. “We should bring that up in class next time.”
Jon laughed hard. You liked the sound of his laugh. It was so open and free. You and Jon kept walking past your dorm hall and doing loops around campus, not wanting the night to end.
Weeks past, you and Jon were inseparable. You did your homework together, went to movies, had lunch and dinner together and a billion other things. If this was what falling in love was, you enjoyed it. 
Two days before you were going home for winter break, you and Jon were at the Metropolis Mall. It was a huge place and you had to take two buses to make it there. The entire mall was blaring Christmas music and decorated to the nines. Jon was bouncing on his toes like an eager child. You were glad that you had already gotten his gift. He was too excited to not notice if you picked up something for him here. 
“So where should we go first?” Jon asked, reaching to take your hand. You smiled at how warm his hand was in yours. It had gotten colder in Metropolis the last few weeks, but Jon was always warm. You don’t know how he did it. 
“I don’t know. I need something for Cass, my sister.” You bit your lip. Jon squeezed your hand, pulling you along toward the Cinnabon. “What about you? I mean, besides Cinnabon for yourself?” 
“Cinnabon for you too,” Jon chuckled, getting in line. “We need food before we walk around this place anyway.” He squeezed your hand again. “I need to get something for my mom and dad.”
You hummed, distracted by three kids running by. They were clearly high on sugar as their parents chased after them. “This is so strange. We never went to malls when I was growing up.”
“Well, you did live in Gotham. Do they even have one?” Jon teased, letting go of your hand to slid his arm around your waist. 
“They do. We just never went.” You avoid telling him how Alfred thought it was an indecent place and refused to allow you to go there. The first time you went was when you were sixteen with friends. So far, you avoided mentioning you were from the Wayne family. Cass was the only name you dared to voice. 
“We came every year. My mom loves the decorations.” Jon blushed slightly. “Plus we always went holiday shopping for my dad together.”
You smiled, leaning your head against Jon’s shoulder. “That sounds nice. My family didn’t really have any traditions except for Christmas dinner and presents afterwards.” 
“That’s kinda sad.” Jon rubbed your back. You got to the front of the line and Jon ordered for both of you. It’s amazing how well he knew you in such a short amount of time. Then again, you knew him quite well too, which is why you slipped the clerk your credit card before he could give his. “Hey, I got this.”
“Nah, my treat.” You winked up at him, taking the card back once it was processed. “Besides, you need to save your money for nice things for your parents.” 
The two of you got your drinks and cinnamon rolls and sat down at one of the tables. “Are you sure you have to go back to Gotham?” Jon asked, frowning slightly. 
“Yeah, I promised my family. They’re even coming to pick me up.” You blushed as you tried to take a bite of the cinnamon roll, but it was too big. Jon just went into his, getting frosting on his nose. You laughed, reaching over to wipe it off with your finger. 
“So I’ll get to meet them?” Jon asked once he swallowed, smiling when you licked the frosting off your finger. You froze.
“Maybe not.” You bit your lip. “I’d rather they not know about you yet. Keep you to myself.” Your heart sank when you saw his face fall. “Not that I’m trying to hide you or something, it’s just my family is overbearing. I want us to be just us until we add them in. Don’t want to scare you off.” You laughed, smoothing it over.
The sparkle came back to Jon’s eye. “Really?” He took another big bite of his cinnamon roll. “You’re just going to have to go for it, (Y/N).” He nodded to your roll.
You sighed, picking it up and taking a big bite. Frosting got all over your chin and nose, but the taste was worth the mess. Jon reached over to wipe frosting off your face with his finger, copying what you did to him. It made you laugh. Your laughter triggered his too and soon the people around you stared wondering what you two were laughing about.
It took several walks around the mall for Jon to find a present for his parents. You finally convinced him to get one of those engraved glass figures. He gave the man a photo of the two of them, and you had to wait an hour for it to be processed. 
Meanwhile, you looked for a present for Cass. She was the hardest to shop for. Jon gave his opinion and eventually found you a super soft sweater that you knew Cass would love. 
“So we got another half an hour until the glass thing is done.” Jon put his hands in his pockets. He held his elbow out, so you could hook your arm in his. “What should we do?”
“I don’t know.” You laughed, leaning against his arm. “We could...” You frowned when Jon suddenly stopped, tilting his head to the side as if he was listening to something. “You okay?” 
“Yeah.” He smiled, pulling away from you. “I just need to use the bathroom real quick.” He blushed and ran back the way you came. You watched him go. It was very odd. He never did something like that before except for the time you maybe got him too excited. 
You walked over to a coffee place and ordered yourself and Jon a coffee. You heard the girls’ behind the counter talking about a bank robbery stopped by the young sexy Superman. They must be talking about Conner. You met him once at the manor when he stopped by for Tim. He was very cute and knew he was. Actually, you were sure he was probably the only non-family hero you met. Dad always made sure you were kept out of the way of his night work.
“Hey, I’m back,” Jon said suddenly, appearing behind you. He was out of breath, hair disheveled. 
“You didn’t have to run back so fast.” You reached up to adjust his hair. Jon blushed slightly, eyes widening. “I got us coffee.” 
“Cool.” He smiled sheepishly, picking up the order once they called your name. He handed you your cup. “Thanks babe.”
You raised an eyebrow at the new nickname before you decided you liked it. “Now what should we do?” You hooked your arm with his and led him away. 
“I think we should check out that arcade.” Jon pointed across the way to the brightly lit arcade. “Let’s see what we can do.”
“Alright, but I’ll warn you. I’m pretty good at these.” You nudged his side, laughing when he looked at you in surprise.
“Really? Oh please, I’d like to see that.” He smirked. The two of you wandered inside. You kicked his butt at every single game you played.
“(Y/N)!” You jerked awake only to see your disgruntled roommate hovering over you. “Your boyfriend is here. Can you tell him to only come at decent hours next time?” They went back to their bed. 
“Sorry.” You yawned, sitting up to glance at your clock. It was six in the morning. You were supposed to get up in an hour to pack and meet Alfred at eight in the parking lot. Climbing out of bed, you slipped on a pair of slippers and shuffled out of your dorm room to find Jon standing nervously in the hallway. He was fully dressed for the day. Probably doing his morning jog that he told you he did every morning. “What’s up?”
“Hey.” Jon looked you up and down, smiling at your pajamas before taking your hand and guiding you down to the lounge. It was empty at this hour. “I wanted to see you before you left.” 
“Jon, we said goodbye last night.” You squeezed his hand, taking a seat on the couch. He sat down right beside you. His thigh brushed against yours. You yawned again, noticing he was wearing the sweatpants you got him. 
“I know, but I had to give you my present.” You blinked at him.
“You gave me a lovely bath bomb set, Jon. I can’t wait to use it when I get home.” Leaning over, you kissed his cheek. “You don’t need to get me anything else.” 
Jon shook his head. “No, I needed to get you something more meaningful. I talked to one of my friends last night. He told me I was an idiot to give the girl I love bath bombs.” He blushed so red that his face rivaled the poinsettia in the corner of the room. 
Your jaw dropped. “Love?” Your mouth went dry, heart spasming. “You love me?”
Jon nodded. “I do.” He smiled shyly, taking your hand in his. “I couldn’t let you go without telling you.” 
“I’m coming back, you know.” You laughed nervously. “But I love you too, Jon.” You met his eye, seeing the joy sparkling in his eyes. Slowly, you leaned over to seal a kiss to his lips. Jon melted into you, his arms wrapping around you to pull you against his chest. He was so warm. 
Jon started laughing. You giggled along with him, pulling away to gather yourself. Your lips tingled from the pressure. “I wanted to give you this,” Jon said, swallowing back his laughter as he pulled a jewelry box out of his pocket.
“You didn’t have to.” He placed the box in your hand.
“Open it.” Those puppy dog eyes were on full power and you opened the box. Inside was a golden necklace with a tiny star pendant. 
A big smile pulled onto your lips as you took it out, noting the tiny designs etched in the star. “Wow.” You took a deep breath. “Can you put it on me?” You turned, handing Jon the necklace. 
“Of course.” Jon chuckled. His fingers feather-light on the back of your neck. “I’m glad you like it.” He kissed the back of your neck once he closed the clasp. “I wanted something you could remember me by while you’re at home.”
“It’s not like you won’t be able to call or text me.” You turned to face him, touching the necklace. It made your skin tingle when he gave you that puppy dog grin. “It’s only three weeks. I’m coming back a week before everyone else to set up my internship at the Metropolis Library Archives.” 
Jon leaned forward and stole another kiss. “You’re so smart and beautiful. I can’t believe I met you sometimes.” 
You smiled into the kiss, pulling away when you caught the time on the wall clock. “I have to get ready to leave.” It hurt to stand up, knowing you wouldn’t see him for three weeks. “But we’ll text.” 
“We can even zoom call too.” He got up, frowning slightly. “I love you.” 
“I love you.” You took a step toward him. Jon wrapped his arms around your waist. You pressed against him as you slowly kissed him one last time.
It surprised you when you got a text from Dick telling you he’d meet you in the parking lot. You went out with your bags, slightly confused. Alfred said he was going to pick you up. Worry nibbled it’s way inside you. Was Dad hurt? Was someone dead? You hated your family sometimes. It was very much like them to not tell you something like that until you had to find out.
Dick leaned against the car with his arms crossed, looking around the campus with interest. You noticed two women were eyeing him, checking him out from afar. You had to hold back the eye roll. 
He perked up when he saw you. “Hey kiddo.” He opened his arms for you. You reluctantly gave him a hug. “It’s been too long.”
“Who’s hurt?” you asked. You felt him wince in your arms. 
“Why does someone need to be hurt?” Dick pulled away and took your bags to put in the trunk. You noticed he must have borrowed one of Bruce’s cars. It was the Porsche. Dick basically had a claim over that one. 
“Because Alfred was going to come pick me up, and the only reason for Alfred to not be here is if he’s needed elsewhere.” You frowned, narrowing your eyes at him when he closed the trunk and allowed you to see him again. He bit his lip, running a hand through his hair.
“Okay, you caught me.” He held up his hands. “Bruce may have taken a bad fall during a recent ski trip.” Your eyes widened. That was code for broken bones or more. You swallowed hard.
“Is he okay?” You asked, a lump forming in your throat. Dick gestured for you to get into the car. You did and he quickly joined you.
Dick turned on the car, turning up the heat. “He had a bad fall when he was chasing Firefly the other day. Broken leg, concussion, and some internal bleeding. He’s fine now though, just has to recover. Alfred needed to stay home to make sure he actually rests.” Dick patted your hand. “Don’t worry, kiddo.”
You felt tears burn in your eyes, but you blinked them away. Dick’s hand squeezed yours. “Why can’t you guys tell me these things?” 
“We didn’t want to worry you during finals.” Dick leaned over to kiss your temple. “Bruce asked us not to.”
“Jerk.” You crossed your arms. Keeping your gaze forward, you thought about Jon and felt the weight of the necklace around your neck. You suddenly felt better. “Well, I guess I appreciate that.” 
“I did disagree with him, but he didn’t listen.” Dick pulled into traffic. His hand stayed on yours. “How was school?” He grinned, switching subjects. “I heard you changed your major.”
You shrugged your shoulders. “Yeah, I finally decided to do it.” You sighed. “School is fun. The people are nice.” 
Dick hummed, glancing at you as he got onto the freeway. “I’m glad you’re doing what makes you happy.” He squeezed your hand. “Now tell me everything.”
You began to tell Dick things, but avoided mentioning Jon. He was your secret for now. The last thing you wanted was your family to find out about him. 
Jon floated above the city, depressed. He laid out on his back, looking up at the sky with his cape floating below him. His fingers itched to grab his phone to text you, but he stopped himself. “Give her a chance to get home,” he mumbled to himself. “Don’t want to be clingy.”
He heard an burglary alarm in the south side. Flipping around, he zoomed to that end of town and flew right into the jewelry store to grab both robbers and bring them outside. Then he grabbed some chains from the back of a nearby pickup and tied them to the light post. Both robbers blinked in confusion before swearing at him. Jon just smiled at them and flew away. 
He did several more good deeds before sitting on top of the Daily Planet. Closing his eyes, he focused on the sound of your heartbeat. Your heartbeat was unique. He remembered when he first heard it in class with you. Then he was lucky enough to actually meet you. 
“Jonathan Kent, what are you doing?” Lois Lane said, coming out of the Planet’s roof door. “Aren’t you supposed to be studying for your last final?” She pulled her jacket tighter around her. Jon got to his feet, blushing. 
“I wanted to take a break.” He smiled sheepishly. It’s not like Lois knew what he was doing. He made sure to keep you his secret. The last thing he needed was the famous Lois Lane and Clark Kent to scare you off. 
Lois hummed, narrowing her eyes at her son. “Right.” She reached to adjust the cape on his shoulders. “Well, Damian stopped by and told us we’re invited to the Manor for Christmas. With his injuries, the family wanted more people around to keep Bruce occupied.”
“Oh yeah, he told me about that when we met up the other night,” Jon said, remembering Damian mentioning that before he told him off for only giving you bath bombs. Lois narrowed her eyes. “It wasn’t long. There was just a concern with Kid Amazo or I guess Man Amazo now?” He chuckled. 
“Well as long as you pass your finals.” Lois crossed her arms, smiling at her son. “I haven’t seen you in a while. You missed all our family dinners.” 
Jon blushed and glanced over his shoulder. He spent those days with you. “Sorry, Mom. I’ll be there this week.”
“Of course.” She reached up to brush a strand of hair off his forehead. “Now you better go study before the world explodes again or something.” 
“Yes, Mom.” Jon kissed her cheek. He floated up into the air. “Tell Dad I said hi and that I’ll see him at dinner this week.” 
“Tell him yourself.” Lois waved as Jon flew off into the city. He headed back to Metropolis U, wishing you were there to study with him. Maybe he could text you now? You had to be home by now, right?
“Wow, Dad. You’re in bed. I thought you never used it,” you teased, stepping into his bedroom with a big smile of relief. Dick said he was okay, but you couldn’t relax until you saw him with your own eyes. 
Bruce grunted, setting his paper down. He was sat up against the pillows with his cast covered leg propped up. “Har, har.” A hint of a smile pulled on his lips as you came over to him and sat on the edge of the bed. “I’m glad you’re home.”
“Merry Christmas, Dad.” You kissed his cheek and took his hand. It was rougher than it used to be. More nicks and calluses. 
“How was school?” He squeezed your hand, studying you with that vigilant gaze you used to hate when you were younger. Now you enjoyed it. It was the way he showed he cared. However, his eyes lingered on your necklace and suddenly you changed your mind about that. 
“Good. Aced all my classes and changed my major officially. I’ll go for classics with a minor in linguistics instead.” You shrugged your shoulders as you reached up to hide the necklace in your shirt. 
Bruce hummed. “Good, I want you to do what you want.” He squeezed your hand again before wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you into his side. “I’m proud of you.” 
Your heart warmed. “Thanks Dad.” You eyed his cast. “How long will you be out?” 
“Six weeks.” He frowned. “But the boys and Cass have it covered. No need to worry.” He rubbed your shoulder. “Now do you have that paper you wanted me to read?”
You smirked, pulling it up on your phone. “Yeah, I do. Aced it, and it sealed my internship with the Metropolis Library Archives too.” You handed him your phone. Bruce started reading, snorting at the title. All you did was pray Jon didn’t text you while Bruce was looking at your phone.
Days later, Jon was laying on his bed in his parents’ apartment. His phone was in his hands. You were about to call him. It took a while to schedule a time. You said your family was nosy. Then again, so was Jon’s, but luckily Clark just left for the watchtower. Out of range. 
Your ringtone echoed in his room. He grinned, answering it. “Hey beautiful,” he whispered when he heard his mother turn on the shower. He relaxed, knowing he was in the clear.
“Hey yourself, handsome.” You laughed. Jon’s heart ached at the sound of your voice. “How are you?” 
“Good. Just finished family dinner. Now I’m in my room.” Jon stretched his legs, eyeing the old Overwatch poster on his wall. “At my parents’ place.”
“I figured.” You sighed. He heard you moving around on your end. “Well, home has been interesting for me.” 
“Really, why?” Jon put an arm behind his head. 
“My family is a little crazy.” A dog barked in the background. “Okay, Titus. Come on in.” A door opened and closed. “Sorry, my dog wants to be in my room with me. He gets attached.” 
Jon smirked. “Titus huh? Can I see him?” 
“Maybe when we zoom call tomorrow? I’m not presentable.” You coughed. “I have to go with my brother to a party and I’m getting dressed.” 
“Ooo,” Jon bit his lip, daring to ask the question. “Can you send me a picture of what you’re wearing?”
You hummed. He heard you brushing your hair. “I can, it’s a nicer party. My dad can’t go, so I didn’t want my brother to go alone.” You laughed. “You can’t make fun of what I’m wearing though.” 
“Never.” Jon imagined what you could be wearing. He had to shake his head to stop the dirty thoughts. “Whatever you wear is beautiful.” 
You laughed again. Jon couldn’t get enough of the sound. “You charmer.” You sighed softly. “Promise you won’t laugh or make a joke?”
“I promise with all my heart.” Jon pulled the phone away from his ear when it buzzed with a text from you. His breath caught in his throat. You were drop dead gorgeous. Jon’s mouth went dry. He coughed hard. “Woah, babe. You’re stunning.” 
“Thanks.” Your voice sounded faint “At least you won’t have to worry. My brother will keep people away from me.” 
“Thank goodness.” Jon sighed in relief, zooming in on the photo to look at your face. You were blushing. “I was worried I’d have competition.” 
“Like any of them would stand a chance.” You blew a kiss into the phone when a voice echoed in the background. Jon swore he heard a familiar ‘TT’ in the background. He shook his head, must be imagining things. You didn’t have anything to do with Damian Wayne. “I got to go. Let’s zoom call tonight, okay?” 
“Okay.” Jon grinned as he saw you were wearing his necklace too. “I love you.”
“Love you too.” You hung up the phone quickly just as another voice spoke up. Jon set his phone down and relaxed. He eventually fell asleep, dreaming of you in that beautiful outfit. 
“TT, what is with the necklace?” Damian demanded as he handed you a drink. The two of you were at the Wayne Foundation Christmas Fundraiser. Since Bruce was out, you and Damian were forced to attend in his absence. 
“What?” You blinked, taking the drink before glancing down at Jon’s necklace. It matched your outfit. You hoped he wouldn’t notice anything about it. 
“The star?” Damian nodded toward it as he sipped his drink. “It’s cheap.”
You wrinkled your nose, grabbing your necklace in your fist. “It’s not cheap. I happen to like it.” You let go of the necklace and flicked his nose. Damian narrowed his eyes dangerously at you. “Knock it off.” 
A few businessmen approached. You and Damian dropped your conversation. Damian mumbled under his breath, but you talking over him. Soon the men moved on, leaving you and Damian alone again. 
“You smile more than you used to.” Damian crossed his arms, rolling his shoulders in his nice Armani tux. “It’s disturbing.” He took a drink of the champagne, wrinkling his nose at the taste. 
“Just because you rarely smile doesn’t mean the rest of us can’t.” You rolled your eyes, watching the people start to dance not so far away. It was only a matter of time before someone came over to ask for a dance. “I’m enjoying school, Damian. Nothing else.”
Damian hummed. He tensed when he saw Bambi King striding over with her eyes on Damian as if he was a delicious piece of steak. You smirked at him, panic brightening his eyes. “Dance with me now.” He grabbed your hand and dropped his drink on a waiter’s tray. 
“Okay, okay.” You laughed, stumbling after him. “You don’t want to be devoured tonight, huh?”
Damian spun you in his arms and started to waltz. “Stop it or I’ll call Zeke what’shisname over.” 
You just laughed, dancing with your brother. “How about two more dances and we ditch this place?”
“Excellent.” He spun you around and brought you back to him. “We showed our faces.”
“Alfred will just be happy we stayed this long.” You winked at Damian, catching the sparkle in his eye. He was enjoying himself, even if he wouldn’t admit it.
You walked into the kitchen in your pajamas, yawning and giving everyone a lazy wave. It was Christmas Eve morning and the entire family was home. Most were already eating at the table. You stopped to kiss Alfred’s cheek as he flipped pancakes on the stove. “Thanks for breakfast, Alfred.”
“You’re welcome, Miss (Y/N).” Alfred nodded for you to go eat. You went to Bruce next and maneuvered around his elevated foot to kiss his cheek too. 
Bruce hummed, watching you as you took your seat next to Tim and across from Damian. Tim eyed you carefully. “What?” You asked Tim after he didn’t look away.
“You are the last to breakfast.” Tim looked around the table before looking back at you. Dick, Barbara, and Cass were chatting among themselves at the other end of the table, but Jason and Damian had their full attention on you. Bruce just went back to his paper, but you knew he was listening. 
You shrugged, helping yourself to pancakes and eggs. “I was up late.”
“Talking to someone,” Jason mumbled, smirking when you glared at him. “I heard you giggling when I came in last night.” You and Jon finally got to zoom call each other. It left you giddy, missing him so bad that it hurt.
“I was talking to one of my friends from school.” You kept your head down, knowing you were blushing. “I didn’t know that was a crime.”
Damian snorted. “Is that the person who gave you that cheap necklace?” 
Your hand shielded the necklace as if to protect it from his words. “Why are you so obsessed with my necklace? I bought it myself if you must know.” You took a bite of your pancake, suddenly losing your appetite. It was like you were reliving your high school years where your brothers tried to involve themselves in your social life. 
“Boys, leave (Y/N) alone,” Bruce said, folding up the paper to take a sip of his coffee. “Your sister is an adult and can talk to whoever she wants.”
“Thank you, Dad.” You smiled smugly at your brothers. Jon was still your secret, but you vowed to be more careful. Last thing you need was your brothers tracking down Jon to give him the ‘shovel talk’.
Tim hummed, poking at his food. “How did that Star Trek class go?” he asked after a moment. You laughed and easily fell into a conversation about the class. 
“Hey Bruce,” Dick said as he got up to get another pitcher of orange juice from Alfred. “Are the Kents coming to Christmas dinner?”
You almost choked on your pancake. Kents? “Yes, they are coming,” Bruce said as he poured more coffee into his cup. 
“TT, at least it will be somewhat enjoyable with Jon here.” Damian narrowed his eyes at Tim. “Even if we have to tolerate the clone.” Tim glared back at him, but didn’t reply. 
Meanwhile, you forced yourself to swallow your food. Your brain rushed at hundred miles per hour. Kents? Jon? Jon Kent? Could there be that many Kents? That many Jon Kents? The blood drained out of your face. You quickly took a sip of your drink to hide it, but Bruce noticed, frowning slightly as he watched you.
“The Kents are always well mannered. Perhaps some of it can rub off,” Alfred said pointedly as he added another plate of pancakes to the table. 
“We’re not that bad, Al.” Dick chuckled. Jason was looking at you too, eyebrow raised in concern. 
“Maybe Cass, (Y/N), and I aren’t, but you boys...” Barbara said, rolling her eyes.
You finished your glass and carefully set it down. Your hand was shaking so bad that it clattered against your plate. “(Y/N), are you alright?” Bruce whispered as Damian and Tim started arguing.
You licked your lips. “Are the Kents from Metropolis?”
Bruce raised his eyebrows. A hint of a smirk pulled at his lips. “They’re the Supers, sweetheart. Superman, Superboys, Lois Lane.”
“Superboys? Like more than one?” Your eyes widened. Suddenly flashes of Jon quickly leaving you with excuses of bathroom runs only to come back completely disheveled. How sometimes he seemed to almost float. The look on his face when you joked he must be an alien for being in the Star Trek class. You could be wrong, hoped you were.
Bruce chuckled softly. “Yes, Conner was the first and still is full time, Jon is the second, part time due to college.” Bruce took a sip of his coffee. His eyes studied you as the world’s greatest detective only could. “Jon goes to your school.”
Your stomach dropped to your feet. “Oh no.” You pressed your hand over your mouth and jumped out of your chair. The chair clattered to the ground as you ran out of the room to the nearest bathroom. 
Slamming the door behind you and locking it, you slid down to the floor. Your chest tightened. 
“How the fuck did I happen to meet Superboy and fall in love with him? Oh my god, I’m going to die. Jon’s going to die.” You pulled your knees into your chest. “How could I be so dumb? Why didn’t I pay more attention to other heroes?”
You touched your necklace, clutching the star so tightly that it embedded into your palm. 
A soft knock on the door made you flinch. “(Y/N), are you okay?” Cass asked softly. You reached up to open the door and motioned for Cass to come inside. She slipped in and quickly closed the door behind her. 
“Cass, I’m screwed,” you whispered softly, grabbing her hand and pulling her to the floor with you. You tensed when you heard the boys outside, loudly eavesdropping.
She blinked in confusion. Cass clicked her tongue, settling down beside you. “Why? You’re not pregnant.” 
“Of course you would know that.” You groaned and rested your forehead on your knees. “Damn it. I was so happy, but now I’m screwed because I’m so stupid and I didn’t even realize who he was.”
Cass hummed. She wrapped an arm around your shoulders. “You are dating someone?” You sighed, nodding your head. It was nice she could read you so well. You didn’t have to say anything. “The family won’t approve?”
“No.” You swallowed hard. A lump hard in your throat. “And they are going to find out so much sooner than I wanted.”
You watched her frown in thought before her eyes lit up. “Oh no.”
“Yes.” Tears filled your eyes. “It’s going to be so bad.” A sob slipped out of you. You pressed your hand against your mouth to silence it. 
Cass rubbed your back, kissing your temple. “We will get through this, but first you have to call Jon. He needs to know that you know and if he doesn’t know about you, then you need to tell him.”
“But then what? He’s going to be here tomorrow. I don’t know if I can act like I don’t know him.” You bit your lip hard to stop another sob. 
“No, but we can get allies.” Cass smirked. You looked at her confused, but she just hummed and pulled you into a tight hug. “Trust me.”
The kids at the children’s hospital laughed and waved as both Jon and Clark flew away. Jon had a permanent smile on his face. This was one of his favorite part of the holidays, being able to visit hospitals and children’s homes on Christmas Eve. It made their Christmas. His heart felt warm.
“Having a good time, son?” Clark asked once Jon and him were far above the city.
“Yeah, I love doing this sort of thing.” Jon wished you were here. He knew you would love this as much as he did. Closing his eyes, he listened for your heartbeat. It was still in Gotham and faster than normal.
“What’s wrong?” Clark asked, tilting his head to listen too. 
Jon swallowed hard, opening his eyes. “Nothing.” Maybe you were working out? Or just having some fun? He shouldn’t be worried. 
Clark hummed, studying Jon. “We should head home. Your mother probably has some cookies made already.”
Jon licked his lips. “Can’t wait.” Clark flew toward home, but Jon stopped when his phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket, almost dropping it when he saw it was you. Clark paused, watching Jon curiously. Jon smiled sheepishly before putting the phone to his ear. “Hello?”
“Hi.” You sounded off. Jon’s stomach dropped slightly. “I don’t know how to say this.” 
“Babe, are you breaking up with me?” Jon chuckled humorlessly. Clark flew a little closer, pretending that he wasn’t eavesdropping. Jon couldn’t find it in himself to care. 
“No, but it might be easier,” you muttered almost under your breath. That was like a knife in Jon’s heart. He felt so confused. “Jon, do you know who I am?”
Jon blinked, flinching slightly. Clark tensed at the sight. “(Y/N) (Y/L/N), what’s going on?” Jon said. Clark’s eyes widened at the sound of your name. Jon frowned at Clark, wondering if Clark knew your name for some reason. Could have been from the internship you scored? Would Clark know about that?
You sighed. Jon heard someone talk to you. “Yeah, he doesn’t have a clue either. I’m not the only dumb one,” you said to them, voice fainter as if you covered the speaker of your phone. Jon clenched his hand around his phone. It took all he had not to just fly to you and demand answers. “Jon, do you really not know who my family is? Like at all?” you asked him again. 
“Your family doesn’t matter to me. I love you, damn it,” Jon snapped, blushing when his father face palmed. Why did he feel like he was missing something?
Something almost like a sob came from you. Jon tensed at the sound. “Jonathan Kent, my father is Bruce Wayne.” 
Time stopped. The blood drained out of Jon’s face. His phone slipped out of his hand. “Oh my god.”
The next thing Jon knew, he was sitting on a rooftop with his father talking to you on the phone. Jon tried to wet his mouth, pushing aside all the images of Damian and Bruce murdering him for dating their (Y/N). Damian mentioned you once or twice, but Jon never met you or even seen a photo of you before.
Jon watched his father blankly. He felt numb. How could he have been so dumb? All the signs were there. You even looked a bit like Damian when he thought about it. 
“I’m on board with your plan and I’ll update Jon once he recovers from the shock.” Clark chuckled, watching Jon with a teasing expression. “And it’s nice to finally meet you, (Y/N). Your father always spoke highly of you.”
Jon stumbled to his feet, reaching for the phone. Clark shook his head before hanging up the phone. “Jon, my sweet boy.” Clark pulled Jon into a hug. “I love you so much, but you get into so much trouble.”
“Are you saying that because I’m going to die tomorrow?” Jon mumbled, resting his chin on Clark’s shoulder. “I really love her, Dad.”
“I know.” Clark pulled back to look him in the eye. “We got a plan. You’re not going to start World War Three when Damian and Bruce whip out the kryptonite. (Y/N) is just as smart as her father bragged all these years.”
“Of course, she’s smart. She’s amazing.”  Jon grinned, thinking about you. “I can’t believe I was so dumb. I should have known.”
Clark chuckled, ruffling Jon’s hair. Jon groaned at the touch. “To be fair, I don’t think (Y/N) knew about you either.”
Jon sighed, taking his phone back and shoving it in his pocket. “So, do I get to know more about this plan?”
“We can discuss it when we get home.” Clark floated up into the sky. “I can’t wait to tell your mother.” He flew toward home.
“Hey!” Jon flew after him, but Clark just flew faster. “That’s not nice! At least let me tell her! Dad!” 
Later that day, you and Cass slowly recruited Barbara and Steph. Barbara was on board with little convincing, giving you a big hug. Steph on the other hand...luckily she was spending Christmas Eve with her mom.
“You’re dating Superboy?! Oh my god, oh my god. Damian’s going to freak! Can I be there when he finds out? Oh, please, please, please,” Steph shouted through the phone. You, Cass, and Barbara were in your bedroom, strategizing. 
“I mean you’ll be here tomorrow since your mom is working Christmas Day, so you’ll witness,” you said dully. Your heart pounded like a sledgehammer just thinking about it. Even with allies, you weren’t sure how it would go. You kept seeing Jon’s death, Damian losing his only friend all because of you. 
Cass clicked her tongue. She held her hand out for the phone. You handed it over before covering your face with your hands. Cass talked quietly with Steph. Barbara rubbed your back, giving you a sympathetic smile. 
“It’s okay.” Barbara whispered in your ear. “It’s all going to be okay.”
“How do you know that?” You looked up at her, tears burning your eyes. 
Barbara smiled. “When they see how happy you and Jon are, they’ll have to accept it. Damian loves you both. He wants you to both be happy. Bruce wants you to be happy.”
You groaned, flopping down on the bed. “I don’t know.” You grabbed your pillow and pressed your face into it. Barbara patted your knee. You always had a close relationship with her. She was the one who told you about the internship at the Metropolis Library Archives and the first one you told about getting it.
“You do know. Now stop moping, we got a plan to form.” Barbara pulled the pillow from your face. Cass hung up the phone and set it on your bedside table. “We need to get some of the boys in on this.” Barbara crossed her arms. 
Cass clicked her tongue again before leaving the room suddenly. You and Barbara shared a look. “I don’t know. The boys never keep things quiet,” you said after a moment. 
“True, but the more allies the better in this case.” Barbara smiled. “We’ll have to bring in Alfred for sure.” 
“I’ll tell him later. Alone.” You blushed. Alfred might have been your confidant when you were younger, but the idea of telling him about Jon...it made you wince. Alfred wouldn’t judge you though. 
Cass reentered the room with Jason and Tim behind her. Tim looked confused, sipping a cup of coffee while Jason seemed slightly concerned at the sight of you. You realized you still looked like a mess from all the tears you shed earlier. 
“Okay, what’s going on?” Tim asked sharply. Cass closed and locked the door behind them. Jason sat next to you on the bed, eyeing you carefully.
“We need you to be understanding and willing to support (Y/N),” Barbara said, glaring at Tim then Jason. “No matter what.”
“Don’t tell me you’re pregnant.” Tim ran a hand through his hair. “Because I don’t want to be anywhere near the manor when you tell Bruce.”
“I’m not pregnant. Why does everyone think that?” You blushed, wiping your eyes with your sleeve. 
Jason cleared his throat. “Well, that’s the running theory downstairs.”
Barbara rolled her eyes. “You’re all idiots.”
Cass held up a hand, silencing the room. “(Y/N), tell them.”
You hugged the pillow to your chest. Your blood turned to ice. If you felt this bad telling Tim and Jason, how was it going to be with Damian and Bruce. 
“We won’t judge you, (Y/N). We’re worried about you,” Jason said, putting a hand on your shoulder and squeezing gently.
“Honest. We’re here for you, even if you’re being a little overemotional,” Tim added, sipping his coffee. Cass punched his arm. Tim yelped in response.
You took a deep breath. “I’m dating Jon Kent.”
Silence followed. You glanced between Jason and Tim. Both were froze, eyes wide. Barbara smirked at the sight while Cass just rolled her eyes.
Finally, a chuckle escaped from Jason before spilling into full out laughter. He rolled off the bed, holding his stomach as if it would burst from the laughter alone. Tim slowly blinked and downed the rest of his coffee in one go.
“It’s not funny.” You nudged Jason’s side with your toe. 
“But it is.” Jason choked, still laughing. Barbara sighed, reaching down to pinch Jason’s ear. He yowled in pain as she drag him up and onto the bed. “Ouch, okay. Not funny.”
“How? Why?” Tim asked, setting his cup down before sitting on the other side of you. 
“I didn’t know it was him. We met at school, and fell in love.” You touched your necklace. Both of your brothers watching the movement. “It wasn’t until this morning when you all mentioned Superboy was Jon Kent that it hit me.”
Jason chuckled, holding up his hands when Barbara threatened his ear again. “So Bruce and Damian don’t know yet?”
“No, but we need you with us and to go with our plan.” Cass straightened, glaring at Tim and Jason. “For (Y/N).”
Tim sighed. “I’m always on your side...but I get to bring Kon in on this.” He smirked, nudging your side. 
“Kon already knows. We already informed Clark and Lois. They promised to tell him,” you said, smiling at Tim’s surprise. You turned to Jason. “Jay?”
Jason rolled his shoulders. “Well, I guess I can help, but I reserve the right to give Jon the shovel talk.”
You groaned while the others laughed. “Please no.” 
“Nope, I got to hold over my big brother rights.” Jason held up his hands. “Right, Tim?”
Tim shrugged. “I don’t care as much, but sure.”
You laid back on your bed, slapping a hand over your eyes as everyone laughed. It felt better, knowing that if you got through telling Jason and Tim, the rest will be not as challenging. At least you hoped.
When Jon landed outside of Wayne Manor on Christmas Day, he closed his eyes and found your heartbeat. Your heart was music to his ears. He grinned, running a hand through his messy hair to get it back to normal.
“He’s love sick already,” Kon chuckled, bumping Jon in the back as he jogged ahead to knock on the front door. Jon glared at him. 
“You’re not going to fool anyone for long,” Lois said, reaching up to fix Jon’s hair again. Jon groaned, gently pushing Lois’ hands away. 
“I’m not that bad, Mom.” Jon crossed his arms as the front door opened to reveal Damian Wayne himself. 
“TT, Kents.” He stepped aside let them in. “Father is in the den.”
“Thank you, Damian.” Clark and Lois headed toward the den, knowing the way. Kon was jogging up the stairs. Jon stayed next to Damian. 
Damian eyed Jon carefully. Jon swallowed hard, biting his lip. “So how are things?” Jon asked. Damian raised an eyebrow in response. Jon blushed. Lois was right, Jon wasn’t going to keep it a secret for long. He listened for you again. You were in the kitchen. It sounded like you were peeling potatoes.
“Good.” Damian stalked toward the den. Titus ran out of the kitchen, tongue wagging, tail thumbing as he jumped on Jon. Jon laughed, petting him. Damian pursed his lips. “Titus, down.”
Titus obeyed. “It’s okay. He’s a good boy.” Jon laughed when he heard your laugh from the kitchen. Everything in him wanted to go see you, but it would ruin the plan. 
Damian hummed and stalked off toward the den. Jon followed with Titus beside him. Bruce was in his armchair, his cast resting on a stool. The Kents were on the couch. The conversation was light. Bruce was even smiling slightly. Jon let out the breath he didn’t know he was holding. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad?
“TT, Father, are you comfortable?” Damian went to Bruce and stood beside him. He folded his arms, glaring slightly. Jon blinked. Maybe Damian knew something was up? He swallowed hard and took a seat next to Clark. Jon’s stomach flip flopped. He felt like a bomb was ticking down in the room and he had to sit and wait for it.
After a few minutes of just the parents talking, Steph, Cass, Tim, Kon, and Jason walked into the room all together. They were all smiling oddly. Steph gave Jon a big wink. Jon flinched and blushed when he saw Damian’s frown at the sight. 
“Hey Mr. Lane,” Steph teased, taking a seat on the floor by the Christmas tree. “Mrs. Lane.”
Clark just hummed. Lois kissed his cheek. Cass joined Steph by the tree. Tim, Kon, and Jason sat on the other couch. Jason put his feet up and smirked over at Jon. Jon narrowed his eyes. He hoped they wouldn’t give it away. Damian was watching his siblings with suspicion already.
“Merry Christmas, everyone,” Alfred said. He stepped into the room with a tray of appetizers, coffee, and hot chocolate. Clark got up to help. 
“Aww, you must be (Y/N),” Lois said suddenly. Jon jumped to his feet, spun to find you behind Alfred with another tray. His heart fluttered as you smiled. You were wearing a red sweater that looked amazing on you. 
He shot forward to take the tray from you. “Let me help.” 
“Thank you.” Your eyes sparkled. Jon lost himself in them until someone cleared their throat. Your eyes widened along with Jon’s as you both turned to look at the rest of the family. Damian and Bruce were frowning while everyone else just smiled knowingly. 
“We’re dead,” you said under your breath, biting your lip as Damian tensed. Jon saw Damian connecting the dots. 
“Trust in the plan,” Jon whispered back. He walked over to set the tray on the coffee table. 
You stayed by the door. Jon took his seat again. Lois patted his knee and leaned closer. “You blew it, sweetheart,” she whispered. Jon swallowed hard.
Dick came in with a third tray with Barbara right behind him. He stopped when he saw you huddled by the door, Damian and Bruce’s stony expressions and everyone else’s knowing looks. “What’s going on?” Dick asked. Barbara hushed him.
Damian looked from Jon to you several times. Jon kept his eyes on you. He hated the scared look in your eye. Slowly, Jon stood back up. The room went silent as Jon walked back to you. 
“Let’s just do it. He’s going to figure it out in a sec anyway.” Jon took your hand. Your lips trembled, squeezing his hand like he was your lifeline. He kissed the back of your hand. He heard a few ‘aww’s and ‘ooo’s behind him.
“No...my sister?!�� Damian snapped. Jon stepped slightly in front of you to take the hit of a hot coffee cup against his chest. It shattered. Jon felt the heat from the coffee soaking into his clothes. “You mean all this time?! That harlot you were talking about constantly was my sister?!”
Jon bit his lip. “Well, yeah, but to be fair, I didn’t know she was your sister.” He held up his hands as Damian grabbed another cup. Alfred clicked his tongue and took the cup from Damian’s grasp. The others were watching like it was the finale of their favorite series. Your entire body shook, pressing yourself against Jon’s back. 
“How didn’t you know?! Her name is (Y/N)?! You have seen her pictures?!” Damian stomped toward Jon. Luckily, Clark stepped into his path.
“Calm down, Damian. I can vouch that neither of them knew who each other were until yesterday,” Clark said, putting his hands on Damian’s shoulders.
“You’ve seen pictures of me?” you said to Jon, peeking over his shoulder. 
“I must have.” He bit his lip, racking his brain. Maybe? Then again, you were probably too beautiful in person that a photo wouldn’t have done you justice. He looked at Bruce. Bruce’s expression hadn’t changed. 
“Damian, I love her,” Jon said when Damian jerked away from Clark. Jon’s eyes flickered to Bruce. “Like a lot.”
You stepped out from behind Jon. “And I love him.” Slowly you walked past Damian and went to Bruce’s side. “You’re not mad, are you, Dad?”
Bruce looked at you. Jon swore he saw Bruce’s lips twitch. A lump formed in Jon’s throat. “Damian, relax. I understand this is a shock, but keep your head,” Bruce said, focusing on Damian before turning back to you. “As long as you’re happy and he treats you well, I will be fine.”
Damian crossed his arms, huffing before storming out of the room with Titus behind him. Jon watched him go and sighed. He knew Damian would need to cool off before he could patch things up. 
“Wait a minute? Did everyone know, but me?” Dick asked the room after he saw no one else was startled by the news.
“Sorry, Dickhead, but you can’t keep a secret,” Jason said, laughing when Dick pressed his hand against his heart like he had been shot. The tension eased in the room, everyone laughing and teasing. Everyone began to drink and eat. Alfred slipped out of the room and came back with a broom and dustpan to clean the glass on the floor.
Jon knelt down to hold the dustpan for him. “Thank you, Mr. Kent,” Alfred said. 
You appeared at Jon’s side. “We should change your shirt. It’s going to stain,” you said. Jon looked down. He grinned, having forgotten about it. 
“Probably.” He let you take his hand. Alfred raised an eyebrow as you both slipped out of the room. “You know this probably isn’t a good idea for us to go off by ourselves.”
“We’ll be fine.” You smirked at him, leading him upstairs and toward a bedroom he had never really noticed before. It was across from Damian’s. Jon felt so dumb. There was a sign with your name on the door. How could he not have noticed?
Your room was clean and was very much you. Jon hummed, stopping to look at the photos on your wall. Most were of the family, but there were a few with people he didn’t know. He wondered if you had a photo of him to put up now that the secret was out.
“Here.” You came from your closet with a shirt. “This is one of Dick’s old shirts that he gave me. I usually sleep in it, but...well, it’s clean.” You handed him the shirt. A slight blush came to your cheeks. “I’ll put your shirt to soak in my sink. We should be able to get the stain out if we act now.”
Jon took off his shirt, smirking when he caught you staring. “Thank, babe.”
You snorted, shaking your head. “I missed you.” You stepped forward and placed a kiss on his lips. Jon melted, drinking in your scent, the softness of your lips against his. Your hands rested on his chest. The warmth of your hands made him shiver.
“I missed you too.” Jon smiled, pulling away when he heard several heavy footsteps on the stairs. He heard them stop by Damian’s room to collect him. “I think your brothers are coming to give me the shovel talk.”
You groaned, rolling your eyes as you took his soiled shirt. He slipped on the clean shirt, loving that it smelled like the laundry detergent you always used. “I can’t stop them. I promised Jason and Tim that they could if we had their support.”
Jon bit his lip, listening to some chuckles from your brothers. “I’ll see you at dinner. Don’t worry.”
“I’m not.” You kissed his lips again just as your brothers knocked on your door. “They know I love you, so they wouldn’t kill you.”
“Well, I wouldn’t say that.” Jon hugged you tight before letting you go. You sighed and opened your door. Jason looked gleeful, Tim seemed bored, Dick was worried, while Damian had a particular devious look about him. “So, I know you want to talk to me,” Jon said, sending you a wink. You frowned slightly. “But you’ll have to catch me first.” Jon ran toward your window, opening it smoothly and flying out. 
Over the shouts of your brothers, Jon heard you laughing. It was best sound he had ever heard and one he wanted to hear for all the Christmases to come.
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alanaartdream · 11 days
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Ok so re design my Fairy Timmy ( and even came up with some ideas for his anti fairy ymmit; I based him on episode where Naga Timmy happened)
I like to think that if a human child gets turned into a fairy permanently and adopted by their fairy godparents the child starts to shine ✨ and be more positive thanks to getting the love they deserve and should’ve gotten from their birth parents while the anti fairy that gets created once that child fully becomes a fairy will be showing all the despair over the neglect & abuse the birth parents put that child through so they tend to come out a little bit angry but the anti fairies of their godparents somehow calm them down a little bit; in a way anti Cosmo for get the emo moody god kid he always wanted with anti fairy Ymmit (he still loves foop/ irep because hello that’s his son too; but him and anti Wanda been wanting Timmy to make into a emo kid for forever and now they got that) foop/irep liked being an only child so at 1st he’s grumpy about getting a new sibling until they bond over bullies but they do still fight like siblings would
Now under Wanda Cosmo and all of fairy world care (and nicktoons unite gang also helping him get use to new powers ) I believe Fairy Timmy would be able to have his hair long
For some odd reason Timmy’s birth parents didn’t like to let him have long hair and becoming Wanda & Cosmo’s kid permanently his fairy form takes on green and pink highlights in his hair
I don’t think his hair needs to match his eyes because apparently Jorgen had purple hair until baby Cosmo turned it white and jorgen’s eyes are blue not purple so I think the hair having to match the colours of the eyes thing doesn’t always apply to all fairies maybe just some of them; also while going through the change tummy was thinking of Wanda Cosmo and poof/Peri it affected some of his fairy form so he got a little of Wanda and Cosmo into his fairy changes so he has a bit of a extra glow about him (Jimmy did end up asking my fairy oc Felicity about that being as she was the last human child to be turned into a fairy permanently and is in charge of making sure Timmy settles into his fairy form and family well and make sure Jorgen doesn’t go too hard on Timmy and poofs/peri’s training (witch is why felicity thinks it’s good that the nicktoons unite gang are there to help with Timmy’s training as well because she knows Jorgen can go a bit far sometimes being as when nana boom boom adopt her Jorgen use to try to try her causing her to scream in fear and being as when fairy children scream in fear bad things happen thus nana boom boom would make exploring pies to throw at Jorgen when that happened to get Felicity to laugh and then make hot chocolate to calm her down;
When felicity ends up telling him the glow just shows how well love Timmy is by Wanda cosmo poof/peri and fairy world; it’ll calm down a little later but she herself kinda glows in the sunlight or those blue lights part of why the music fairy likes to invite her to her late night music celebrations at times
Also fact Timmy in fairy form has a glow will not help Jimmy trying not to fall head over heals for Timmy at all
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xas24 · 1 year
ok so i saw this edit on tiktok and thought it was so adorable and was wondering if you could write one about it?
maybe going to the award ceremony with pedri and like just being so proud of him? somethibg along those lines please, Thank you✨🩵
so surreal ~ pedri
summary: y/n attending the award ceremony with pedri and being so immensely happy for her boyfriend.
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y/n didn’t think this could get anymore ethereal. being at the ballon d’or ceremony, surrounded by so many famous footballers, cameras, interviewers; y/n felt a little overwhelmed yet she didn’t let that feeling overpower the immense pride she felt for her boyfriend.
she’d never been to such a fancy event or dressed up this much in her life before. it all seemed so unreal but having pedri and his family there with her, people she knew so well, relieved some of the stress within her. but this night was not about her, it was about her gorgeous boyfriend and him being recognised for his spectacular achievements in his career so far.
when pedri walked up onto the stage, she realised that her and fernando must’ve been the two people who were clapping the loudest. they both had massive grins on their faces as they watched pedri grab his trophy and move to the microphone.
she could see the slight blush tinting his cheeks and she remembered the way his hands were shaking on the car ride over here. he was nervous about his first biggest achievement since he went professional, he was nervous about saying the wrong thing, speaking too much or too less.
y/n remembered grabbing his hand and pressing a kiss to it, softly stroking his knuckles with her lips. she remembered reassuring him of how proud she was, how crazily amazing he is as a footballer, how he’s deserved everything he’s gotten so far.
“gracias, cariño.” he had mumbled back to her, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and kissing her head.
she had smiled and it was calm for a few minutes until pedri spoke again, “what if i trip whilst going up the steps?”
a laugh escaped her mouth and she remembered shaking her head and kissing his lips to shut him up.
now she sat with brows furrowed in awe, watching as pedri shakily spoke into the microphone. he thanked his parents, his brother, his teammates, his friends for all the love he’s ever gotten. he thanked his coaches and his club for all the support and for making him the best he could be.
and when his eyes travelled across the crowd and onto her, he thanked her. a smile crossed his lips as he spoke to her from the stage, eyes glowing from the lights shining onto him. he thanked her for her endless love and support, her encouragement, her kindness, her patience with him. he told her he loved her and was then walking off and y/n felt as though she could’ve been swallowed by the earth any second.
fernando was nudging her with his shoulder, teasingly laughing and she nudged him back as if telling him to shut up. the blush on her cheeks wasn’t enough to cover the redness that was now taking over her skin, blood seeping to the surface and showcasing the warmth she was feeling all over her body.
she wanted to hug him, wanted to kiss him in that moment, wanted to tell him how much she loves and adores him. she watched him walk back to his seat, not before sending his family a big smile and a wink her way.
god, she wanted to die of happiness.
it was now about two hours later where y/n sat with pedri in the backseat as fernando drove them both home. she could still feel herself buzzing with excitement yet lazy with tiredness as her eyelids started dropping. she could feel her feet aching in her heels and all she wanted was to change out of her black dress and into pedris warm, “handsome-smelling clothes” as she liked to call them.
her eyes roamed around the dark streets they crossed, street lamps dimly peeking through the top of her vision as she listened to fers choice of music faintly playing on the speakers.
it was calm in the car as they were all a bit tired from all the happiness and overjoyed emotions from this evening. y/n was replaying everything in her head, picturing everything like a movie on display. it all felt like a dream, a perfect dream that she didn’t want to wake up from just yet.
the perfect night with the perfect people in the perfect place and the perfect boyfriend. the smile that was plastered on her face widened at the thought of pedris little ending to his speech. the way he appeared so ecstatic to be there will forever be engraved into her memory.
he just looked like he belonged there, on that stage. he looked so happy and handsome and all hers.
she turned to her left, all of a sudden missing the feeling of his hand in hers but what her eyes landed on filled her up with more delight than anything that she had witnessed tonight.
pedri stared down at his award, the golden shine of it glimmering onto his face and lighting up his brown eyes. he held the verge of a smile on his face and she just knew that he was feeling so content right now. his two thumbs caressed the golden material of it as he gazed at it and y/n practically felt her heart clenching at the sight.
she stared at him in awe, feeling even more pride for her boy. there was no doubt he wholeheartedly deserved this, and she was so so happy that she was there to witness his career growing by the day. his dreams were slowly becoming his reality and she couldn’t wait to be there, watching and loving him along the way.
as if he could feel her eyes on him, pedri looked up from his award and when he saw her looking, he gave her an adorable smile. y/ns smile broadened into a grin and at this point, her cheeks were hurting with how much she was smiling tonight.
her hand came up to cup his cheek and pedri let her. “i love you so much.” she whispered to him and only him.
pedris mind was already a whirling mess but her words just seemed to intensify the faint storm brewing in his mind. he still felt like he was dreaming.
but his girl was telling him she loves him and everything couldn’t have felt anymore surreal than it did in that moment. “i love you too.”
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iris-sistibly · 2 months
I'm probably going to hell for this, but I don't feel any sympathy for Julio Borromeo at all.
Dude not only cheated on his wife but also impregnated another woman, and kept this as a secret for years until the death of Filipina.
While I disagree with how Carmela treats Adelina, she has every right to be furious at Julio--this motherfucker had been lying straight to her face for YEARS. Telling Carmela and Teresita that they're the only women in his life, and him telling Adelina how his and Fina's ✨love story✨ began, how he wanted to make her happy after Fina was left by her ex boyfriend after getting her pregnant was like...pure cringe, like bitch who the fuck do you think you are? Some God's gift to women? Some knight-in-shining armour who ought to "save" every lonely woman in the country?
Some of y'all would probably be like, "Oh but he regrets it now, he has been asking for his wife's forgiveness, he's a good father, blah, blah, blah."
This pathetic excuse of a man, tried to deny Adelina when Amelia brought her to his theater (after Fina's death). Tried to lie AGAIN to his wife and daughter despite the truth being slapped on their faces, he's sorry and regrets it? Motherfucker was sorry only after he couldn't deny the truth anymore. Imagine being in Carmela's shoes and your husband, whom you thought was a good man turned out to be a horrible one?
And him not showing up to Fina's funeral to be there for Adelina because he doesn't want to see Fina lifeless is bullshit. He didn't go to the funeral because people will talk, rumors will spread which will eventually cause humiliation to his family, his business going bankrupt, etc. Adelina just loves her father too much.
He loves Filipina?
No, he's a selfish bastard who wants both Carmela and Fina for himself.
He loves his wife?
LIE. You don't betray the person you love. Cheating is a choice, those who cheat always have the excuse of "nagmahal lang ako," and "nagkamali ako," these are so overused. May utak ka diba? You know cheating is bad yet you did it anyway. It's a choice, it's always a choice.
In the show, it was implied that Carmela paid someone to burn the theater. I'm not saying what she did was right, but as the saying goes, "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." She was deeply hurt, and betrayed by her own husband. She wanted to inflict the worst pain possible for Julio, to ruin him the way he ruined her. It was Julio who turned her into the villain that she is now, Carmela's only mistake was she projected that anger towards Adelina who is innocent in all of this, and in doing so she ended up resenting her own daughter, Teresita for choosing to have a sisterly relationship with Adelina.
"Oh but she can choose to forgive and move past that."
Yeah, because doing that is a walk in the park **insert sarcasm** you can't just tell someone to move on especially when they are still clearly hurting. Betrayal is the worst kind of pain you could inflict on someone, and when trust is gone it's hard to earn it back...chances are, you won't.
"But Carmela going as far as burning Julio's theater is too much."
I do believe it's too much. But Julio begging Carmela to save the theater by selling some of the properties to save their livelihood? And that being a performer is the only job he knows? Nah, he wants to save the theater to preserve the place that reminds him so much of his affair partner. The livelihood, the shows were not the main reasons. Carmela might have turned into a cold, bitter, resentful woman but let's not forget who turned her into this.
Moral of the story: Julio is a walking red flag and that he deserves the karma hahahaha! Also, divorce should be legal in the Philippines.
P.S. I hope the writers don't come up with the bullshit that the wife is a bitch to justify the man's affair. It's 2024, not the 80's.
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cuverale · 2 years
as it was - t.c
face claim: lily-rose depp
a/n: pls don’t think i hate taylor i adore her 🥹
Part 2 here | Part 3 here
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enews looks like our couple is having happy time on their vacation 😍 Let us know what you think in comments!
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timotheefan3 he should’ve been with taylor tho
timmyfan07 agreed!
randomuser yesss she is such a boyfriend stealer
ynfan59 she did nothing wrong u psycho
user47394 this should be taytay! They are end game periodt
ynmybaby lol nope.
taylorfan28 I don’t even know what he sees in her, like no beauty no talent NOTHING
ynfan2 stfu and leave y/n alone
timmyandtaylorr they’re right tho
timmytimmy parents 😍😍😍😍
ynsbabygirl i’m glad there is still persons like you tbh
timmytimmy we’re in this together sis! I love them. And timmy is obviously so in love with her 🥰
tayrussell my babes❤️❤️
*liked by enews
timotheefan13 girl nooo 😭😭😭😭
tayfan95 she stole ur man babe don’t say that
ynfan20 cuties 💖
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liked by yourusername, johnnydepp, tomholland2013 and 9,395,194 others
tchalamet ma meilleure moitié, before I made this post I called your mom and dad, and thanked them for bringing you to this life (I literally said “thank you for making her” because I was excited and I embarrassed myself but we won’t talk about that) thank you for making me a better man and giving me all the happiness I could ask for. You bring my life the light and colors I needed. And I can’t thank you enough for that. Keep shining my baby. I love you more than life itself. Happy birthday angel girl ♥️
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timotheefan74 he calls her ‘my better half’ AAAHHH 😩💖✨
yourusername this made me cry 🥹
tchalamet from happiness i hope?
timotheefan10 lol bitch cry more
randomuser hahah yes i get so happy when you’re sad
yourusername je t’aime je t’aime je t’aime 🖤
tchalamet je t’aime aussi
yourusername my mom said she never heard something like this before and laughed
tchalamet i can’t look her face rn oh god 😭
*liked by tchalamet and yourusername
user2947 lol queen of what????
username107 stealing 😂
randomuser48 bro seriously leave her alone it’s her birthday for god’s sake
user183 thank you for reminding us today is cursed 😔🙏🏻
ynfan229 YESSSSS
randomuser19 talk for urself
ynsbabygirl fuck off then
timmyfan29 STAN QUEEN Y/N 🤍
randomuser0 she should’ve never born
user924 ugh 😒
username59374 make this day even better and kill urself y/n 😍
ynfan49 get help seriously
yourdadsinstagram I’ll admit that I was shocked when you called us but I’m glad really. Thank you for making my girl happy Timothèe.
tchalamet that’s why I’m here for sir 🫡
florencepugh Happy Birthday Y/n!!!!!
kendalljenner cutiesss 🥺
hulu her smile is the best thing 🥹
tayrussell Happy Birthday bestie i love you soooo much 😘
ynfan27 some comments even made me cry i hope y/n doesn’t feel sad abt this. It’s impossible tho
timmyfan1 i agree!! She doesn’t deserve this hate
username593 yes she does 😍
timotheefan49 you need help dude stop
timmytim19 the caption is too cute i can’t 😭🤧❤️
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liked by tchalamet,zayn,taylorswift and 9,953,385 others
yourusername MET🖤
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tchalamet 🤯🤯🤯
chanel loved this look 🖤
taylorswift my girl🤍
tayrussell you look amazing!!!
hulu angel 🤎
ynmybaby OH MY GOD ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
pauline.chalamet hottest girl alive
florencepugh hot mamma 🔥
nicoleflender angel girl 💖
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ynandtimotheeupdates the way they look at each other 😩🥹
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timotheefan105 oh he is so in love with her
bonesandallfannn no he isn’t
user2943 god i’m so sick of them
ynhater break up with her already
randomuser42 dump her timmy boyy
randomuser204 i can’t even stand her ugly face
user5947438 🤢🤢
ynsbabygirl can y’all stop like wtf is wrong with you guys? Timothée and Taylor are just friends, they said that like million times already. Stop this shit, Y/n did nothing wrong she doesn’t deserve this hate she is getting.
user28472 yuck
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enews According to a close source, Timothèe Chalamet and Y/N L/N called it quits. They said it is because of the hate she gets and that makes her depressed and they can’t have a healthy relationship together. We are sorry for them.
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timotheefan593 nooooooo 😭
randomuser483 god finally!!!!!!
ynmybaby i just hope y/n is ok.
timotheefan59 now get your queen taylor timmy
timmytimmy wtf is wrong with you
ynandtimmyy she deleted all their pic and unfollowed him 😔
ynsbabygirl but timmy still didn’t deleted the pics
timotheefan473 and he still follows her (he only follows her 😭)
taylorfan482 now he can be with Taylor!!!
tayrussell this is getting ridiculous. Timothée and I are friends and we are ONLY friends. You guys are sick. Y/n didn’t deserve that. And let me tell you something I was their matchmaker and I was proud. You guys need a therapist.
timotheefan583 I saw him at a cafe and he looked so damn sad 😔
ynfan63 I saw the paparazzi pics and god he looks devastated
timotheefan0 hope u guys happy now
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liked by pauline.chalamet, kidcudi, benbarnes and 5,384,249 others
tchalamet taking a break from social media
the comments are turned off
yourusername’s story
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mortypone · 5 months
And the winner of the ultimate Rick and Morty episode- with over 200 votes- is….
With a difference of 1 point. Congrats!!! ✨✨
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(I’m so sorry the Rickshank Rickdemption didn’t hear all of you calling)
Final thoughts (if there’s grammar mistakes,meh. Too lazy to reread.)
-So glad this competition was super fun and engaging! Ngl, the pre votes made me a bit nervous due to it having low submissions and then setting every thing was a ton of work due to the long titles but again thx you all for voting! I love hearing people’s thoughts and analytics to R&M so reading reblogs and comments made me chuckle and it was very nice to engage with the RnM fandom ✨ :)
-The fact that Close Rick counters and Ricklantis mix up, both most talked about episodes in the show, lost early in the competition shocked me a bit! They both brought something deep to the show.
-No one asked for Pickle Rick but testing and seeing if we pass the “pickle Rick stereotypical dude bro kinda stage” and seeing it was one of the lowest voted was a relieve (and if your favorite was pickle Rick. I mean I see it what you’re saying LOL).
-The vat of acid seems to also be a fan fav but in my opinion that episode was kinda a bummer because the way Morty was treated.
-So glad a Jerry episode got top 4
-Shocking but not that some of the top episodes was Rick Prime centric.
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Did Unmortricken deserve to win over Rickshank Rickdemption ?
Depends on who you ask! Both have big wins. First off, this was the first time we saw Ian shine as Rick with both amazing performances with Rick and Rick Prime. Second, Evil Morty still gets a win even if Ricklantis mix up lost and also the start of the Morty and evil Morty bonding art YES! The soundtrack and fight sequence was just chef kiss. Is Morty good in this episode? He was decent. Anyways- I do say Rickshank Rickdemption was very good with its timing and characterization with Morty’s and Summer’s character really shines through here. Reading each reblog made me realize how both impactful these episodes are when they both first aired. Tbh, if I did watch Rickshank Rickdemption when it aired- maybe a vote?? The very first episode I watch of rnm was the S4 finale 😭- Unmortricken woke me up and hyped me up after a long day and that’s why it had my vote. I couldn’t stop yapping about it for days. Also the hug ughhh-
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In conclusion, in my humble opinion- night family and the gay birdrick episode should’ve went higher 😭/lh
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greypetrel · 5 months
15 Lines of Dialogue
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
Tagged by @shivunin, thank you so much Mo! It's been so fun. Also a nightmare because I chose Aisling and my goodness someone make her shut up please. Referenced from Monster Fic (which is still getting views?? :"D Welp.), This one Radha fic , this prompt . Five minutes of silence for the one poop line that didn't make it to the final cut of this meme. Always remembered.
🦄✨ Aisling Lavellan ✨🦄
"We look like a swan and the ugly chick of a cuckoo.”
“I do. He’s just been mistreated. The Idiot started training him as a war horse, but it didn’t go well. He’s been beaten and whipped and given little food for too long, and relegated to do the work horse when he’s not. He just needs to learn that people can be trusted again, but he’ll be stronger and swifter than all the others, I’m sure.”
“Hey, I’m trying to stay in the role. I was told I’m a religious figure and I should behave! You’re ruining the mood, people need to think I’m the Herald of Andraste for real and that you can’t laugh! Stop, or I’ll have to sing a very lewd drinking song, you’ll laugh loudly, and they’ll all know!”
“I am aware I must sound like a child. But I believe people are good, deep down. And that everyone deserves a second chance.”
“In the case I’ll tragically fall to my death on horseback, I’ll leave a note to allow you to talk to my funeral and tell everyone that you told me so, is it all right?”
“The bad and the good, Cole. The good is better if there’s bad, like when it stops raining and the sun shines again, or when springs melts the snow and the flowers grow. But, humans can’t choose one, you know it. There must be snow and rain and thunder to make the flowers grow. I’m fine, don’t look at me. What do you want to do?”
“Honestly, I think all the time that you would have made a way better job as Inquisitor, if I hadn’t convinced the Keeper to send me and not you. You would have done a better job as First than I ever did, if… And I’m… I’m trying to prove that it’s not so, that I can be good too. Been doing it all my life, honestly.”
“Mh. I’m not really sure. Care to try again? For science?”
“You wished for a Cinderella, your Grace, but I am a bad one. You would know if you ever had paid more attention to anyone that’s not yourself.”
“But then, even if I feel nauseous and I hate everything and I would beg you to just take the title from me, I can’t take it, it’s too much and I’m just me… Then I remember that if I had run, I’d never met any of you, and you’ve all become family, and… And I do believe that we’re doing something good to the world. And that’s… That’s enough when the walls seems to loom upon me and I think that I can’t shoulder another impossible decision that shouldn’t be mine to take.”
“What if you explain and nothing changes? I know about loneliness, and of thinking you don’t deserve the love you get. You don’t have to face it alone.”
“I know. But I can still do some good, and the important people will remember me. I don’t care for the rest.”
“I’ve been alone ever since people started calling me the Herald of fucking Andraste, but I guess you wouldn’t understand being imposed by others a part that means nothing to you and you hate, right, Blackwall?”
“But if thinking he deserves another chance makes me a traitor, than be it. He’s more powerful than any of you realize. If you really think that hate and open hostility will ultimately save us all, I am glad to call myself a traitor and die as one.”
“No. You will let me finish. I know my shit, I am good at it, I am happy that you worry and care for me, really! I am and thank you for it, but this is getting ridiculous and I’m only doing worse because I’m stressed about you not trusting that I am competent and constantly watching me like… Like… Like a fucking vulture!”
Special mentions:
"Bad horsey!"
“Hey! I also have good days!”
Tagging: @ndostairlyrium @underneathestars @melisusthewee @rowanisawriter @pinayelf @zenstrike @inquisimer @heniareth and YOU!
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xblackreader · 1 year
X Black Reader aka the headquarters of Creating for and by Black Women 😍✨
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Subterfuge - Attoye (M)
Omega! Attuma longs for the Alpha! okoye to pick him as her very own, but he doubts she would ever want him…
Omegas were supposed to be dainty and fragile, but Attuma was large and physically strong, though his personality was meek. He decides to at least take a chance, even if she will send him on his way.
Okoye surprises him.
22 (too hot to handle) - Attoye (M)
Okoye. The youngest General in all of Wakandan history. The prized warrior of her country, a shining beacon of light and most sought after eligible woman…
Has a secret.
And her secret wishes he could tell her he loved her.
Don’t Run From Me - Attoye (M) ch. 9
Don’t wanna spoil too much so here’s dialogue instead…
“You will remain in this home, woman. And stay away from other men.”
“Or what?”
Shadows hang over his perfect face as he stalks to her and stands over her position on her knees. “I will kill them.” The gasp that leaves her lips is completely involuntary.
“When the blood is drained from their bodies and the life has left their eyes, will you believe me then? Will you stop calling my bluff once I have killed men for you?”
“I… No! That’s-“ he frightened her. He was capable of such heinous crimes and far more willing then he should be.
“These meaningless lives gone because you couldn’t wait for your Alpha to return home?”
Her stomach dropped at that and she scowled at this monster of a man. “If you killed them, I would consider it the act of a mad man! I would not hold myself accountable!”
His eyes, devoid of light but full of emotion swept over her barely clothed body and reached out a hand to gently stroke her face. Hands capable of breaking men’s necks touching her so gingerly.
“My pretty flower,” His lip curled and revealed a canine dripping with saliva. “That is a comfort to no one but you.”
He pulled away from her and her lip trembled but she did not speak. She picked a shoe up from the floor and tossed it at him, it hit his thigh and made him laugh while sliding on his shirt.
He spoke before he left her there.
“I’ll bring food for you to prepare when I return. How lucky I am to have you…”
C’mere Lover Boy! - Attoye (M) ch. 6
“This is a pomegranate. It’s one of my favorite fruits. If I’m feeling self-indulgent, I will often cover the seeds with chocolate and eat them for a snack.”
He raises one eyebrow. “Have you brought any chocolate?”
“No,” she said, avoiding his eye contact coyly and shrugging as she attempted to pry open one of the pomegranates. “You do not deserve it.”
Attuma laughed under his breath as she finally managed to pop open the sections of the red fruit. “How cruel…” he watched her nod to herself, and then gesture toward him to do what she had done.
He opens his mouth to say something, but instead, just watches wordlessly and she lowered herself to be closer to him, entirely between his legs. She smells divine… and as he gives her his arm to steady her when she lowers into his lap, sitting on his thigh, all he can think about is her little hand cupping his jaw.
CHECK OUT MY AO3 🗣️🗣️🗣️ but some will only be posted to tumblr
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ngmn2002 · 11 months
Ch 107: Random Thoughts part 2
Part 1
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Soooo goooood!!!!!! My little cuties!!!!!!!
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AWWWW!!!!! They are so lovely!!!
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How graceful, how radiant, how magnificent, how elegant, how captivating, how perfect, how cool-looking..... oooooh!!!! ♡
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OOOOH!!!!! Sweet girl!! Lovely girl!! Cute girl!! You captured my heart!!! ♡
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I did talk about this little thing in here. Find a thing in common. Get along well together. Have lots of fun. Enjoy the other's company and warm up to each other. ♡♡
2 pure gentle optimistic souls. Amane really needs to see these 2 lightning up the darkness of the world. They shine too brightly. No darkness is a match for their natural light. His tiny light of hope. ♡
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Let's sing together for a bright future!!! ✨ A future ✨'where all the troubles melt away… and every dream comes true'.✨
Back on track....
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Nene-chan turning around to look at Tsukasa is just... so heartwarming! so gentle! His face looks so warm & gentle... assuming she sees his face like that... OOOh!!! Mission accomplished, Tsu! ♡ Nene-chan's heart became lighter! she opened up to you even if just a little! and she fell asleep! I know a little fact of "kids fall asleep when they feel safe and trust their surroundings" She trusts you and feels safe around you Tsu!! You did it!! ♡ You did it!! ♡♡ YOU DID IT!!! ♡♡♡ You did too many great things!! Got her to have fun!! ♡ got her happy and gave her an enjoyable time!! ♡♡ sang alongside her!! ♡♡♡ got her to sleep feeling at ease!! ♡♡♡♡ Got her to start opening up to you!! ♡♡♡♡♡ trusting you!!! ♡♡♡♡♡♡You did all that, Tsu!!!! OOOH!!! ♡♡♡ ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ can't lie.. this thing got me to listen to "Isabella's Lullaby" from The Promised Neverland. For whoever feels interested to listen to it, here it is: X
Haha, see? You managed to put her to sleep. You won the game again! Next time sing for her from the very start! ♡
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the cat hold, did he learn it from nat? ehh... Uh... you sure? Anyway! A big win for lovely Tsu & his kokujoudai! Yay! CONGRATS!!! ♡♡♡
Haha, now you can focus on the 'ticking'.
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Hmm... love how he is all collected and unbothered by a huge hammer crushing where he was. He just dodged it and that's it. Usual calm and relaxed Tsu! welcome back! How cool! ♡ poor bule koku.. seems to get a little hit.
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AHHH!!! love his reactions and 'speed'!!! Holding Nene-chan tightly while fighting... holding her head closer to his chest...!!! owwww!!!! How sweet!!!
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Shame on you Mirai. The clock keeper's crazy fast mouse and can't get Tsu and he is just playing with you instead? How uncool. soo well-deserved for the little girl who tries to hit his handsome face with a hammer. A cat vs a mouse... it will turn out this way. The cat likes to play with the mouse...
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Then when it gets over with its fun... Tsu is speed, isn't he?
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It finally attacks for real. GO TSU! HOW COOL!!! You know how much I love it when you're like this!!! ooooooh!!!! yesss!! crush some heads into the wall!!! especially if they deserve it!!!! You don't need to be gentle with such a girl. She is the one who started the fight, right? trying to crush Tsu's COOL face with a huge hammer. So funny it took Akane & Hanako all they have to catch her while she was playing around, while Tsu was dodging all her attacks and caught her so easily from the very first try while she is super serious. He is speed. duh.
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First of all, again.. how cool. Next, seems the ticking really bothered you, Tsu!!! You hate noises!haha
Also, bless Nene-chan. She can keep on sleeping 'naturally' even if the world came to an end.
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wonder how she woke up so easily when Amane put her to sleep. Ehh... fated to hear about her death no matter what it seems....
Now, that thing she put on Tsu's hand and Nene's forehead... how dare she.
So happy at least No.1 is finally making a move. Was getting really tired of waiting.
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totally not the ones who sit by doing nothing and left their 'super important' clock without guarding it so whatever. Not the ones who left Tsukasa and Nene running around their boudary for so long until one of them finally decided to show up. Huh? nat. look for nat you hear me? don't replace him with Nene. How uncool. and then maybe sakura as well. she has a hand in the whole mess you know.
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Wohooo! angry Tsu!!! heyyy!!! Imagine how tough things were for him until that point, if I was her I won't mess with him! took me all my energy last night trying to recall where I've seen Amane looking like this. ended up with this thing. But, thing is... I was almost sure he made the exact same face as Tsu with the black eyes... but... I failed to find it. will search more someday and find it if it was really there. Not to say, Tsukasa made some Amane faces this chapter, but I lost the motivation to look for them because of this thing. will do some day I think. I feel she is going to regret making Tsu angry. After all, I don't think he came to No.1's boundary unprepared. He knows what he is doing.
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Hmm... well, I want to see how that plays out. Never thought Tsu will actually go against No.1 himself. It felt too soon... but here we are. Although, with Tsukasa being Tsukasa, and that look he gave you, a word of advice, don't underestimate him. I fear you'll end up being the one getting 'brought to justice' and really... is she in a place to talk? The girl who caused a huge mess in the school just because she likes to see old stuff and people? Shouldn't she be bring herself to justice first? Rich coming out of her mouth.
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well, I guess her brain is that thick for real not to realize that.
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Hmm... she wasn't wearing her 'gloves', she came so prepared for Tsu only to get grabbed so easily by him.~
What she said sounds kind of interesting, though... is this where she might take him or would they do it there?
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Will Tsu be put In Hanako's place??? Hmm... No. 1, the oldest of the 7 mysteries, seem to be serving like a judge.
Ok, so... this:
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VS this:
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Who wins?
Careful Mirai. You and him fight with 'law'. Will you 'No.1' surrender to his 'rules' & logic at the end? Hmm.~
Hmm… Tsukasa seems to have a thing with No.1 since long ago… wow… even past Tsukasa is so exciting. ♡
This is the guy No.1 is going against. ~ Couldn't help the need to add these
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Tsu~ ka~ sa~
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Hmm. ♡♡♡
-It's clear who I'm rooting for.
On this note, looking forward to ch 108.
Side notes:
I'm so very happy to see too many Tsukasa sides this chapter and Tsukasa shining in this arc in general! It's too cool & exciting!!! ♡♡♡
Having him and Nene-chan having a fun time together and growing closer? Oh, yes!! ♡♡
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It's too funny. The difference between these 2 things. She gave him a really hard time, while he... was such a good little kid from the very start. Little Tsu is such a good child, he needs to be told that. Not all kids are like him. Still, both things are so fun. I kinda need to see little Tsu & little Nene together now. Haha.
I hoped to see some references to Tsu in the red house, like having him treating Nene like she did with him, patting her head or holding her hand and similar stuff, he did hold her while fighting and that was too cool and gentle. So, I'm happy with all the fun I got this whole chapter. ALL their moments were great.
Ahem! How can I end this without mentioning researcher T & Nene?! Hmm... soooo.... Tsu did bring out the researcher T inside of him many times. While trying to see how to deal with Nene-chan, the wild flight her gave her so she can have fun, the laughs they shared while at it, the way he held her before & carried her on his back 'kinda similar', and how they enjoyed doing things they share in common together. Yeah, his researcher T side did shine too much, and he did a really wonderful job. I'm so proud of him. ♡♡♡
Little Nene-chan is the same, too! Her actions, angry cute side, demanding side, fun-loving, cheerful and energetic side... oh... she is so sweet. ♡♡♡
Hmm... feels sooo good to see that AU presented in the story.
Ok, with this I think I'm done. Haha.
To whoever reached here, thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this little thing!
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myers-meadow · 1 year
Meet Mischa! 🐍✨
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picrew by aukanemin
I had a wonderful dream about this man, so I thought it only fair to let you meet him too <3
I've been wanting to return to writing original work for a long time now, but have always felt too intimidated, but under encouragement of dear friends (@vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @devil-doll13, @house-of-slayterr), I'm finally ready ^^
The first piece that will feature him will be out hopefully sometime this week!! I hope you will all adore him as much as I have! Asks, comments, reblogs, everything is very welcome <3
His introducion fic, 'A sn(e)aking suspicion' Mischa x reader. Masterlist with much more info on him here &lt;3
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Name: Mischa
Pronouns: he/they
Occupation: magician/sorcerer
Powers: speaks the language of several animals, most notably that of snakes. He knows a large variety of spells and potion recipes, and has a strong charismatic quality.
Personality: prefers solitude and quiet. He uses words only when he deems it necessary, but is good at making his words count. Mischa has high standards for himself and is a stern teacher. To him, magical knowledge and power is everything. He seeks to grow in what he knows, his bookshelves strain under the weight of his collection and there's always a potion brewing on the fire. He's often found reading until his vision swims. The countless failed experiments he has done have left their marks on him, but he doesn't give up. As a studious introvert, he's not bothered by his lack of human connection - he has his snakes and spiders, after all. But what happens, if he meets you?
Notable features: has a thin, forked tongue like that of a snake. Symbols that only he knows the meaning of are tattoed all over his body, which he may have done himself. His black hair has a green shine to it.
Pets: keeps mice and rats for breeding to feed the snakes he keeps around. He doesn't view the snakes or spiders he has as pets, though. Some have preferences and he keeps those in mind.
Music taste: dark yet atmospheric, he's specific but the genres he likes are doom metal, dungeon synth and variations of folk music with a darker edge.
Coffee or tea: black tea with cardemom
Love languages: acts of service, physical touch
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scoonsalicious · 5 months
Mother Pookie, i can’t believe you did it!! THE UNWANTED SERIES HAS FINALLY COME TO AN END (well we still have some naughty naughty smutshots but still it’s the end of the main story!!!)😫😫🩷🩷😭😭
The ending brought me to tears! BUT DAYYUM, hornayy pocket?!😏 on the balcony?!😏😏 mhmmmmmmmm (plus both of them r so cute!! calling eachother baby, honey kyaaa!! its so sweet that ants are crawling into my phone)
real footage of bucky on a conquest to defile their apartment (from the kitchen to the bathroom to the stairs to the balcony to the living room to the open yard to the roof, on the kitchen counter on the floor on the table on the couch on the bed on the tub on the wall, in front of steve, sideways, frontways, backways, downways, backways, everyways)
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Chapter 29 is sooooo gooood. The talk is everything, and the last revelation/betrayal?! I KNEW IT. STEVE YOU MOTHERFUCKER. I TOLD YOU TO BACK THE FUCK OFF.
The audacity for him to question why Pocket forgive Buckbaby but not him? U R THE PROBLEM STEVE?! DON U GET IT? If it weren’t for you, ALL of this wouldn’t happened. She lost Buckybaby because of you, she lost her actual unborn baby because of you, she lost to her spiral BECAUSE of YOU! That fucking bastard. Do you know how fucked up it is? (flashing back to the chapter he almost slept with pocket). Steve thinks too highly of himself. All he ever did was for himself, not Pocket. Selfish. FULL. STOP.
His reason was because Bucky apparently in the 40s never been in a long-lasting relationship? That he’s (buckbaby) gonna get bored. FFS. THAT IS NOT UP FOR YOU TO DECIDE AND CONTROL. What a jerk. And then fantasising to be the ✨‘knight in shining armour’✨? RIDDICULUS. (even then he’s using Bucky as a reason and not himself, point — selfish)
He never respect their relationship. CAP. He’s a douche friend. I take back all of my words that I love his action (because he didn’t pounce on Pocket by listening to her rant) I DON’T (i can’t believe i was being optimistic at this dude😭) Now it makes soooo much sense why he’s guilty (and not pouncing at her). Why he acts like a ‘goody two shoes’, in front Pocket, thinking it will make her ‘loves’ him. He’s holding himself, again, not for her, but for himself. For his wants. That’s why he didn’t want Bucky to replaced Sammy because he wanted to be her knight in shining armour. (plus the thought of the couple getting back together must’ve crossed his mind, he fears that, but he hoped, he hopes onto the fact which he didn’t know the story fully that Bucky fucked cuntsy, a factor he could use to convince himself that he had a chance with pocket and use it as a reason, again, selfish, ANOTHER DELUSIONAL)
And his apology… man it was sooooo… bland. No remorse. None. Zero. Nada. It’s like he’s not even putting an effort to be guilty. He thought apologising would make Pocket change her mind and forgive him (igniting the hope inside him that he has a chance with her, being her knight in shining armour again), BUT HE THOUGHT WRONG. Sucks to be you Steve.
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It has been such a ride, waking up early in the morning to read this amazing series, critically thinking theories and cursing at cunthage, steve and at some point buckbaby. Also crying to myself because i don’t have a bucky barnes to hold me😂. Thank you thank you thank you for having me as your reader and replying to my overdramatic messages😂 I am a bucky barnes girl, i can’t get mad at him, he’s everything (he’s at fault, im not defending him, but that’s what make him even more lovable, the fact that he has flaws and trying hard to fix himself, he deserve to be happy, and like what Pocket therapist said, don’t think back about the past, what important is the present and future)
I love Pocket, I love Bucky, and I love you Mother Pookie.🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
I can’t wait for WFLT, those smutshots and other projects you’re planning in the future.🩷🩷🩷
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Hi, Pookie!
I know! I can't believe we're here at the end! Or, rather, the end of this chapter of Bucky and Pocket's story. I have so much more planned. I really do.
Of COURSE Pocket is horny AF; it's literally be a year since she and Bucky had sex and she. is. tired. of. it! She is severely lacking in Vitamin D and it is affecting her health, lol. Heavy deficiency over here. Like, it's adorable they're being sweet with each other, but she is ready for some spice, iykwim. I also think she's so hazed with horny that it completely slipped her mind that Tony would 100% be able to see her have sex with Bucky on the balcony, lol. Poor man doesn't need the trauma.
Speaking of sweet: Please watch your phone and make sure to clean it extensively from all the sweetness, lol.
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Okay, this--?
"real footage of bucky on a conquest to defile their apartment (from the kitchen to the bathroom to the stairs to the balcony to the living room to the open yard to the roof, on the kitchen counter on the floor on the table on the couch on the bed on the tub on the wall, in front of steve, sideways, frontways, backways, downways, backways, everyways)"
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Had me CACKLING, and completely reminded me of this, which then caused me to go down a Jimmy Kimmel v. Matt Damon and reminded me that it's the greatest fake feud of all time, lol.
Pookie, I am so glad you loved the story, and I am so glad you took the time out of your schedule to read and respond, to engage and be part of the process! I can't wait to share more with you going forward!
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thecruellestmonth · 1 year
I saw your fic recs post (Jason Todd fics 2022)!
Aaaaand I saw Bloodstains Won't Make It Matter there. The fic about Jason resurrecting Stephanie and going for revenge in Gotham.
Do you know any other Steph fics? Maybe with Jason and Steph. Because... this one is great, but very biased and some things are VERY different from canon. Kinda like the writer didn't really read War Games and consequences. Which is sad, because it's a story that is placed right after the War Games and have Stephanie as one of two main characters.
have a good day/night✨
I made a Steph & Jason fic rec list a while back! "Jason and Me" and "Just Another Kid" are some of my top fics ever for Steph and for Jason, but I think everything there is solid! "Bloodstains Won't Make It Matter" is over here too.
Anyway, more random Steph fic recs!
"What's So Amazing That Keeps Us Stargazing" by Cerusee - Batman doesn't take another Robin after the second one, and Spoiler is effectively his third kid sidekick. Bruce has an actual heart in this fic, and he uses it to connect with Steph.
"The Unseen Garden" by Nokomis - Steph has a lot of emotions about the baby girl that she placed for adoption. This fic might make you a bit misty-eyed.
"Birthday" by CrimeAlley1048 - Like the last fic but softer.
"she’s like a shine on your shoes (or hearing the blues)" by Anonymous - The Bruce-is-Steph's-bio-dad fic that you didn't know you needed. A series of disembodied vignettes with hilarious comedy, mean-spirited pranks, and heart-melting moments.
"Have I Told You About Minnie?" by Hinn_Raven - Funny and sweet Malone family shenanigans.
"hit 'em up style" by TheResurrectionist - Really silly comedy. Bruce's perfectionist dad instincts lead him on a quest to buy the best menstrual hygiene product ever.
"Crepe Suzanne" by Cerusee - Steph deserves waffles and to tell Bruce that she hates him.
"little matchstick girl, asleep in the snow" by lifetimeoflaughter - NOT A HAPPY FIC! Revisits Bruce's abusive treatment of Steph and her alienation from a support system in canon.
Fan fiction replaces the biases of canon with different biases, and that's to be expected as a rule. If I want to engage with canon, then I read canon or talk about canon. I do bring in Doylist and Watsonian perspectives about canon events, but I try to exclude fanon and non-canon apocrypha. But when it comes to fan fiction and other fan-made content? I freely enjoy things that absolutely contradict canon. I'd definitely say my fic tastes do stick much closer to canon than most Batfandom/Batfic trends, but you can find some aggressive and gleeful butchering of canon in my fic recommendations.
About "Bloodstains Won't Make It Matter"... I'm not sure what you mean that it is "biased". I think the fic does a good job of portraying how Steph and Jason descend into terrible cruelty, violence, and grief, while also acknowledging them as victims of unresolved injustices. And just looking at canon only, without bringing fanon into the discussion at all, I believe War Games is part of a long deconstruction of Bruce Wayne/Batman in comics that continued all the way through Final Crisis. As a fan fiction, "BWIM" obviously does take some liberties with fudging canon, but I don't think the story is unfairly biased in favor of the Dead Robins or of Batman.
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etherealyoni · 2 months
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Aries, Leo, Sagittarius Out with the old and end with the new feels like your mantra. You're letting go of many things that have been keeping you stagnant. You were probably afraid to let go because you weren't sure if you could move forward without these things. But you'll see in time that you never needed these things to be great because you already are. Always stay true to yourself even when it's hard. No one is entitled to you and people may have felt this way for some time. But you know who you are, these people aren't even familiar. If people really took the time out to get to know you, they'd see how fucking dope you really are. If you still feel like you're having a identity crisis then remove the mask and step into what truly makes you happy. Don't live for anyone else's amusement if you're not having a good time.
Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn There's something you're looking to learn right now. You've probably been contemplating if you're actually meant to take that step but here is your confirmation. If you've been thinking about expanding your knowledge and skill set there's an opportunity for you. Don't doubt your abilities, you are more than capable. Learn as much as you can because whatever this is, I see it as fulfilling. Explore all your interests too, don't stop here, make sure you allow yourself to learn as much as possible. I see you may feel you didn't take your education seriously in the past. You may even feel like you would've gone farther if you started earlier but Earth signs, you were focused on surviving, and working through things no one knew about. Don't be so hard on yourself for trying to work through a mess you did not create. You are on the right track to success, this new mentality is everything, just remain intentional! Gemini, Libra, Aquarius You are no one's sacrificial lamb. People may have tried to tear you down, block your blessings, and make you hate yourself. They will never succeed. Their hatred and bitterness towards you isn't a reflection of your character no matter how they try to diminish it. You may have felt like giving up at some point. I know you're feeling so many things right now. Take a moment to acknowledge the power it would take to overcome everything you've been through. You are a fucking star and you deserve to know it even when the world wants you to forget. You are abundant, cosmic, and intelligent. You need to be reminded. Your mistakes and insecurities do not make you. There is much more to you than that. So allow yourself to beam brighter than ever before. If they tell you you're too bright, tell them to close their damn eyes cause you're gonna shine anyways! Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces Transitions are hard and you may be adjusting to a new lifestyle. I see you're getting a lot more familiar with your surroundings. Use this time to explore more to gain more clarity on what path best suits you. Also, know that you are not being rushed to figure things out. You have time to decide so think thoroughly. Whoever is rushing you or making you feel rushed isn't steering your life, you are in control. You may have felt limited in the past. It could've felt as if your life was in someone else's hands but that's not the case in present day. You are aligning with the version of yourself that knows your worth, has a vision, and always sees it through. Stand your ground Water signs, because you deserve to live a life that's fulfilling for you. You deserve to be pleased with yourself and your decisions. You are expecting miracles all you need to do is release yourself from what was. I'm thinking of the Ancient One speaking to Doctor Strange, she told him he would have to forget everything he THINKS knows (Amazing movie, check it out if you haven't seen it already). There's so much more for you to learn so don't assume you know it all. Be willing to learn and even see things from others perspectives even if you don't agree. There's so much to learn from those around you.
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