#¡Feliz Cumpleaños Felix Madrigal!
isabelasflowersblog · 2 years
I am late but ¡Feliz Cunpleaños to Felix Madrigal! I made this edit for a character series on Instagram a month ago but never posted it here so here you go.
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I added Camilo as Felix because why not?😁
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naoko-world · 2 years
Feliz cumpleaños Félix!!!!
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Today is Félix's birthday and I decided to draw him for the first time after @glitternightingale's DTIYS that was a real disaster.
I draw him with a sun behind him because he's Pepa's sun XD
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slayyyysworld · 2 years
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And of course we cannot forget that its FATHER'S DAAAAY!!!
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avatarvyakara · 3 years
It. Is. Done.
Chapter Eleven of Tiles on the Roof, “Crossing the Threshold”, and just in time for the birthday girl’s special day! Feliz cumpleaños, Mirabel!
“The cracks can't be cured just by rebuilding the house. The cracks ran all the way across the encanto. And now, it's up to Mirabel, Bruno, and Abuela to go out into the world, find their history, and save the miracle once more. And maaaaaaaybe run into a few surprises along the way.”
Folks, if you could see your way to adding a comment, you’d really make my day. Shout-out to @dolphin-queen who’s been really fantastic about it—many thanks indeed!
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the-madrigals-bitch · 3 years
Once again, I was left absolutely stunned by the response to this one! I honestly never think you guys are gonna like these ones, so it always means that much more to me to see how much you guys enjoy reading! ♡ Thank you so very much and Betrothed to Another part two will be up next, I promise! I love the idea that the triplets are absolute party animals in their younger years lmao. The Madrigal trio would certainly be the life of any party so I hope you enjoy drunk triplets haha. Now, without further ado let get into this absolute trainwreck of a story lol!
Just Sex pt. 2
Pt. 1
Pepa Madrigal x fem reader
Words: 2.6k
Prompt: The celebration of Alma's birthday party, everyone involved in this love square under one roof. How horribly could things go?
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You knew you looked good before you even stepped back to observe yourself in the mirror. You tried a little harder tonight than usual; you always went that extra mile when the Madrigal's were throwing a party. There was a certain redhead that you were trying to impress, and you knew you wouldn't be the only one. Felix Castillo was the other young man who you knew would be vying for the weather wielding woman's attention, he was an amazing and funny man who was sweet to everyone he came across, but you couldn't help but feel a sort of competitive contempt towards him. You knew how well they complimented each other, and you did your best to ignore it, just like you tried to ignore their obviously budding relationship.
The way she smiled at him made your insides twist and every time she threw her head back to let out a roaring laugh at something he said, jealousy bubbled within you. You physically shook your head, hoping that the thoughts of the pair bouncing around your mind would escape out the holes in your ears as you leaned closer to the mirror to examine your face. You pushed your eyelashes back gently with the tips of your fingers, attempting to curl them further and making your orbs impossibly larger. Your full rouged lips were absolutely tantalizing, so tantalizing in fact that you fought the urge to press a kiss to the mirror, it wasn't your fault that you cleaned up nicely. The dress you pulled from the deepest depths of your closet was one you didn't wear often, so you knew it'd have the effect you wanted when you walked into the party.
It revealed more skin than your everyday outfit, the neckline was more open, exposing the smooth skin of your shoulders and defined collar bones. It was a beautifully long dress that flowed just past your ankles, the straps hung off your shoulders and swiping the excess lipstick off your bottom lip, you smirked contentedly. If she were able to keep her eyes and hands off of you tonight, you'd march right up to Alma and tell her that you'd been screwing her daughter, that was a death sentence indeed. Your silky hair fell just past your shoulders in waves, two roses stuck above your ear, it was a contrast to your usual updo. After giving yourself one last glance, you stepped out into town.
The atmosphere of the party had already seeped into the streets, people were laughing and dancing in the roads leading up to the Casa Madrigal. You were acutely aware of the way people gawked at you as you passed, but you kept your eyes forward and chin high, pretending not to notice their stares despite how subconscious it made you feel. Everyone in the room collectively sucked in and held a deep breath as Casita opened its doors and you stepped through the threshold; you couldn't stop the wide, bashful smile that spread across your features as you approached the birthday woman.
"Feliz cumpleaños Alma," you said, wrapping your arms around the mother after handing her a small box containing your gift.
"Gracias mija," the older woman smiled, hand coming up to cup your cheek as she admired your features. "You look beautiful tonight mi niña hermosa, please go enjoy the celebration, Pepa should be outside with her siblings."
A soft blush spread across your cheeks at her compliment, and you nodded, stepping out of the house and back out outside into the cool air. The siblings were right where she said they were, taking shots and dancing together at the center of it all, they always were the life of the party. You strolled over, sending friendly smiles at those who caught your eye, and when you finally came withing eyesight of the triplets they all froze at the sight of you. Once more that grin creeped across your face, this time in satisfaction as the air became humid and sticky, a direct result of the Pepa's reaction to seeing you like this. Julieta and Bruno ran over without hesitation, holding shot glasses filled with alcohol that was spilled all over the concrete by the time they'd gotten to you.
"Y/N!" the eldest sibling exclaimed, stepping back to look you up and down after embracing you. "You're so hot dios mio, if I didn't have Agustin, I would totally be all over you!"" she teased, giggling and leaning into you for support as she was very obviously tipsy.
"I would totally be okay with that senorita perfecta, consider me first in line if it doesn't work out between you two," you joked, laughing at her bubbliness.
You didn't often get to see her like this, relaxed and without a care in the world, it was a nice contrast to how stressed and overwhelmed she normally was. Bruno came next, falling into you before Julieta could stumble away, you would've fallen back if not for the table behind you, supporting the weight of yourself and the two siblings.
"Hola Senorita Y/N! I got you a sho-" he examined the empty shot glass. "Who drank my shot?!" he cried, eyeing everyone around him in suspicion before pulling away to drag you and his sister back to their table by your wrists.
The pair quickly got to work in preparing you another drink, the youngest poked his tongue out as he concentrated on filling the small glass without letting it spill over. You bumped Pepa with your hip gently as you waited for your shot, effectively pulling her out of her own mind as she stared at you wide eyed.
"Buenas tardes Pepita," you spoke in the sultriest tone you could muster. "Cat got your tongue?"
"B-Buenas tardes," she stammered, letting out a nervous cough as she pulled herself together. "You look...wow. I don't think I've ever seen that dress before."
"You haven't, it-"
"Shot time!" Bruno cried happily, shoving a shot into your hand and raising his own in the air.
You and his two sisters followed suit, downing the liquid that burned all the way down and filled your stomach with a bubbly warmth. You were just about to make another snarky comment before his voice rang in your ears,
"Pepa!" Felix greeted happily, shaking and holding the redhead's hand for just a little longer than you were okay with. "Hola, Y/N how are you chica?!"
You greeted him politely, despite your mood dampening at his presence, you felt her take a small step away from you and closer to him. Bruno and Julieta welcomed him just as enthusiastically as they had you and of course his arrival was cause for another drink; another glass in your hand before you even knew it. You had just raised it to your lips when a much more welcomed voice called your name, prompting you to turn around as everyone else guzzled their shot. Marco waved at you from the crowd, closing the distance between you swiftly and eliciting another excited greeting from everyone stood at the table, with the exception of Pepa of course. The future seeing sibling had given up on pouring the liquid carefully, now tipping the bottle over haphazardly and allowing the liquid to overfill the glasses and spill onto the table. You now held two shots in your hand, the youngest and oldest of the triplets teasing you to keep up before raising their glasses again.
"Yeah senorita, keep up," Marco repeated, bumping your shoulder and causing the alcohol to spill onto your hand.
You sent him a playful glare, looking past him for only a second as Pepa let out a boisterous laugh at something Felix had said as they waited for Bruno to finish passing out drinks. Your face dropped momentarily, he had hardly arrived and was already stealing all of her attention, your features hardened as you redirected your focus back to the man in front of you. At the Madrigal man's call you ran your tongue along your hand to collect the drink spilled on your skin before throwing your head back and allowing the liquid from both shots to coat your tongue. Your face scrunched up and you quickly snatched a nearby lime, sinking your teeth into it to quell the taste that tingled on your tongue. You hadn't realized the effect your action had on him until you turned to Marco, narrowing your eyes in a challenging glare and catching him slack jawed for just a moment. It wasn't long before he regained his confidence and mirrored your expression. It was Pepa's turn to momentarily ignore Felix as you squealed his name in excitement, the two of you lunging forward in hopes of seizing the bottle before the other. His hand was pressed against your forehead, holding you back as he plucked the bottle up off the table, raising it above your head in triumph before you slapped your hand (it was gentler than what it sounded) against his stomach and took it once he'd doubled over. Felix, realizing that the redhead had mentally checked out of their conversation turned to see what had caught her attention, smiling at the sight of you and the young man.
"They make a cute couple, right Pepi?" he commented innocently, earning himself a look of betrayal from the green-eyed woman.
"Absolutely not," she scoffed, voice dripping bitterness as she continued to glare. "He isn't her type anyway."
"Are you sure about that?" he questioned as you chattered with the Garcia man.
A dark cloud rumbled overhead while you spoke without a care in the world, she excused herself from her discussion to put herself between you and your beau.  Whatever you were saying died on your lips as she stood, arms crossed and steaming.
"Hi Pepa," you grinned a dopey, drunken grin at her.
"Hola senora Madrigal," Marco greeted in the same, enthused tone.
The fact that you hadn't even noticed how upset she was only angered her further, surely you knew exactly what you were doing, being all flirty right in front of her. She opened her mouth, positive that she was gonna say something she'd regret later, but silenced herself as Alma's voice boomed, seeming to give Pepa a second chance.
"We need a picture! Everyone! It’s a great night! It’s a perfect night!" hehe, see what I did there?
You stepped forward confidently (although shakily), Pepa always pulled you into these family photos, so you were confident that tonight would be no different. As you were quite literally stumbling to close the distance between you and her, you tripped, prompting Marco to secure his arms around your midsection to steady you. Your own hands clamped down overtop his in shock and he apologized profusely for touching you, smiling in relief when you assured him that he was okay. It was an innocent exchange, but one that sent a white, hot anger coursing through Pepa's veins. She didn't miss the way your hands lingered on top of his, the way the rosy, drunken blush on your face deepened as you looked up at him, and she especially didn't miss the more than friendly smile you shared.
She should've just said whatever nasty thing she was going to before Alma interrupted, it would've done less damage than the choice she allowed her rage to make for her. She walked right passed you, shoulder bumping your own in the process and left you standing with a confused look on face as you watched her. Your perplexed expression quickly morphed into one of pain as she took Felix by the hand and pulled him up to take the photo with her. He was shocked but didn't miss the way your just cheery face dropped into doleful frown, stopping in his tracks he extended a hand to you, but the damage had already been done, her message was loud and clear. Guilt and regret immediately filled Pepa's stomach as she looked at you, who was still standing with that shattered look on your face, she wanted to take it all back, to take you by the hand and just tell you how sorry she was.
It was too late though, and you stormed off, Marco chasing after you as the family shouted their usual catchphrase before the picture was snapped. Julieta stared at Felix, brows furrowed and not understanding why you hadn't joined them and Pepa's eyes followed you as you left her eyesight; needless to say, they had to retake the photo. Large, hot tears of pain and anger spilled from your eyes as you walked through Casita and out the front door. As if your inner feelings were being reflected on your outer appearance, the flowers in your hair drooped, infuriating you further as you pulled the plants roughly from your locks and cringed at the strands of hair you ripped out with them. The flowers crumpled in your tight fists before you threw them onto the concrete, stopping just outside to wipe the tears you were drowning in. The door swung open and just to prove just how much of an idiot you were, your eyes lit up in hope that it was her, it wasn't.
"I'm fine," you chuckled dryly, eyes rolling at the mascara that stained your fingers as you wiped at your tears. "Please, don't worry about me, go back inside and enjoy the party."
"How can I nor worry when you're out here crying, I'll go back if you'll be joining me."
"No, sorry Marco, I'm partied out and my head hurts."
"I didn't mean to cause problems between you and Pepa, I'm sorry if I overstepped, I wasn't sure if you two were dati-"
"We aren't," you interrupted, acridly.
"Really?" he asked, dumbfounded. "With the way she was acting towards me I could've sworn that she was into y-"
"Yeah, me too," you sniffled. "She isn't though, so please don't feel bad about anything. I just want to go home and sle-"
"Sleep?" he cut you off this time. "Women like you shouldn't be in bed before 10pm on a Saturday while the rest of us party." he searched his pockets for a handkerchief, mentally cursing himself until Casita held a napkin out for you.
"Thank you, Casita," you laughed quietly, wiping your eyes and face clean off any makeup that may linger on your features. "Thank you too Marco, for coming to check on me."
"No problem senorita," he grinned a boyish one. "Now how about we go back? It would be a drag without you and the one playing right now happens to be a very danceable song," he extended a hand to you. "And you happen to have the greatest dancer in all of Encanto to be your partner, just trying to make your night here," he joked.
You rolled your eyes, failing to hold back the small smile that played on your lips as you stared at his outstretched hand. You knew exactly what accepting it would mean and couldn't help but think about Pepa and how she would feel seeing you dance with him, then it dawned on you. What about Pepa? She didn't care about how you felt when Felix appeared, and you disappeared in her mind. She didn't care when she'd completely mind fucked you, shooting you down and telling you that your relationship was just sex, but then behaving like a jealous child when you caught the eye of someone else.
She didn't even care enough to come check on you tonight, so why should you care so much about how she felt? She made her feelings clear, so why were you still worrying about her? You deserved to be happy for a night and not worrying about someone who wasn't even your girlfriend, it was just sex after all. So, you accepted his offer and reentered the party hand in hand, whispers could be heard all around you, but you bared no response as you made your way towards crowed of dancing townsfolk and right into Pepa.
Part two and all I have to say is yikes. I know it seems bad now, but I promise it isn't gonna be this way forever (I may have said this exact same thing in the last one lol). I really didn't want this to be longer than two parts, but it appears as though a part three is in order! The reasoning for Pepa's actions will be revealed soon (if there is a reason).
I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it! Let me know what you think, I adore reading your comments and tags lmao, makes me smile.
Have a great day/night! ♡
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
Protective Madrigals drabble <33
Might not be able to do asks, but I sure can write for some of my aus 😼 this was based off the prompt by @ghostbrother30 , where Mirabel did get a gift, that enabled her to have a shield
Les get it
Mirabel had done it on accident. It was her 10th birthday, and she was with her tía, who had asked Mirabel to come along to look at fabrics so she could help Mirabel make a blanket for her unborn primo (a secret plan to distract her so the family could set up her party.)
They had just left the store and were on the path back to Casita, simply talking and laughing about various things, not being very aware of their surroundings.
They only noticed when someone a was behind them as yelling. It took Mirabel a second to make out the words, but she heard "runaway cart". The two of them turned around and saw a cart racing toward them while several villagers chased after it.
Pepa didn't have much time to react; but Mirabel did. She immediately ran in front of her tia (and by extension, primo), holding her arms up in an attempt to keep her from being hit.
"Mira---!" Pepa reached for Mirabel, but stopped when she saw the cart crash, though not into Mirabel. Focusing her vision a bit through the sawdust and dirt, she saw the large, slightly transparent shield that was stationed in front of Mirabel.
Mirabel's eyes were closed, so she hadn't actually noticed what had happened. Pepa had a cloud before it quickly turned into a rainbow, the setting sun still managing to shine brightly over the horizon.
"Mirabel! Mirabel look!" Pepa said, hugging Mirabel from behind (or at least doing her best to do so.). The small girl opened her eyes and saw what she had done, gasping in surprise as the now broken cart dropped to the ground as her shield fell.
"Is that...did I do that?" Mirabel asked quietly, practically choking on her own words.
Pepa turned Mirabel to face her, hands on her shoulders. "Yes! You did! You have a gift!" She beamed, hugging the girl again.
Mirabel slowly started to laugh, smiling as she hugged her tia back. The villagers that witnessed the event watched as Mirabel turned and put her arms back up, thus creating the shield again.
"Oh, we have to get back to Casita and show everyone!" Pepa said, struggling to bend down and pick up the bag she had dropped; Mirabel stopped her and picked it up, giddy about the whole situation.
"I have a gift," Mirabel said again, still in disbelief. Now she could defend her family more, like her hermana mayor Luisa!
"Oh this is so exciting!" Pepa clapped her hands together, rainbow still very much present. "And on your birthday as well! What a wonderful present!"
"Yeah," Mirabel said, grabbing her tias hand. "But you guys are the best familia I could ask for, and I think that's the best present ever." Mirabel smiled up at her tia.
Pepa's eyes watered as she stopped and smothered Mirabel in kisses. "And you're our pequena milargo," she said, giving her one last kiss.
After about 5 more minutes of walking, they had finally made it back to Casita, with a few minutes to spare. Pepa took the bag of fabrics from Mirabel, and proceeded to straighten out her glasses and bow (a gift from her Abuela, who had hand sewn her name, butterflies and a hidden candle into it).
"You ready?" Pepa asked, to which Miravel nodded excitedly. With that, Casita's doors flew open, and the other Madrigal family all jumped out, confetti and flower petals bursting from both sides. Agustin and Felix were on the second level, and they let a colourful banner with her name drop.
"¡Feliz cumpleaños, Mirabel!" They all shouted, smiling at the girl. Mirabel jumped before smiling brightly. She knew they were throwing her a party, but she didn't expect all this!
Julieta rushed over to Mirabel, smothering her kisses as she continued to wish her a happy brithday.
"Ay look at mi hija, so big now," Julieta smiled softly as she popped a buñuelo into her mouth before she could say anything. "Come on, your Abuela has another surprise for you!"
Julieta guided Mirabel over to Alma, who was holding a box that was neatly tied with a bow.
"I know I already gave you a gift this morning but," Alma gently placed the box in Mirabel's hands. The girl gave a curious look before opening the box. In it was a new dress; more than likely hand sewn by Alma herself.
"This...is for me?" Mirabel asked. Alma chuckled, as if to say it was a silly question.
"Of course! It is your birthday after all," Alma pushed her up the stairs. "Now, you go change, and we'll bring out the food."
Mirabel nodded and dashed up to her room taking notice to how her door had changed slightly.
"Mama! I need to tell you something!" Pepa said, smiling happily.
"Sí mija?" Alma responeded, picking up a platter of food and walking along side her daughter.
"Mirabel saved me in town today!" Pepa giddlily explained.
"How so? Are you ok? Is Mirabel ok? She isn't hurt is she?" Alma immediately started to worry, because she was already worried something would go wrong today. That she would need to...dish out more punishments.
"Yes, I'm fine mama. But its the way she saved me! She'll tell you, or better yet she'll show you, you'll be so happy!" Pepa rushed to the next room, leaving Alma in confusion.
What could she have been talking about? Alma hadn't really been in town that day, as she was busy finishing up Mirabel's present and helping preparing for the party.
After another 10 minutes Mirabel finally came downstairs in her new dress. One could see that it had been personalized to fit Mirabel, with butterflies (and a few candles) decorating the hem.
"It's amazing Abuela, I love it!" Mirabel hugged his grandmother who happily returned it.
"Now. Your tia told me you saved her in town. Do you have something to tell me?" Alma asked curiously. Mirabel broke out into a wider smile as she jumped in place in excitement.
"Si, si! I saved her with my gift! I have a gift now Abuela!" Mirabel said, and suddenly the family was now staring at her, most of them in shock, except for Pepa, who had a rainbow above her head.
Alma blinked once, then twice, before shaking her head and holding Mirabel at arms length.
"You...you have a gift?" Alma questioned.
"Yeah, mira mira mira!" Mirabel backed up and turned, tugging on her eldest sisters dress. "Isa! Throw some flowers at me!"
"Uhh...ok?" Isabela chuckled a bit before backing up. In a second a flurry of flowers of all colours was thrown at Mirabel. The family expected Mirabel to be covered with them, but was surprised when the petals all fell, landing in front of the girl.
The family gasped as they saw Mirabel's arms held up, a large gold butterfly shaped shield in front of her, blocking the flowers and preventing her from getting covered in them.
Mirabel moved her arms, letting the shield fall, and grabbed her Abuela's hands, jumping up and down as she laughed. "Isn't it amazing Abuela?!" Mirabel exclaimed in utter joy.
Alma stared for a moment at the flowers before her gaze shifted to the ever joyful Mirabel. "A gift...Mirabel..." She started. Suddenly Alma broke out into laughter, picking her smallest grandchild up and hugging her. "Oh yes of course Mirabel, this is amazing! Perfect even! You have a gift!"
The whole family cheered, congragulating the girl on her new gift.
"Now I can protect the family, and be strong, like Lulu!" Mirabel smiled as she hugged her second older sister.
"You leave the protecting to me," Luisa picked Mirabel up with ease and set her on her shoulders. "Now, why don't we give you your birthday party?"
"Yeah!" Mirabel laughed as she rode on her sister's shoulders. Her father and two tios all picked up instruments and began to play music, the family dancing around Mirabel.
Alma was particularly happy as well. Not only had Mirabel's party been a success, but she had gotten a gift too; a defensive one at that! Alma could relax knowing that in the rare case that Mirabel was alone or being hurt, she had a way to defend herself until someone was there to help her.
I kinda wanna write for some of the aus, so if y'all have any writing ideas for any au (even if its not mine, as long as its on the blog), lemme know and I'll see what I can do!
Gonna do a mamalores snippet for an ask I got now, PEACE ❗❗❗
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daincrediblegg · 3 years
Okay, I bet at least one member of the family secretly celebrated Bruno's birthday while he was hiding. who do you think it was?
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YES. OH GOD DUDE I'M CRYING THO. Because Julieta and Pepa were also born on the same day (assumedly- although that would be a REALLY fun headcanon that technically Bruno was born on the next day after his two older sisters holy shit) but like... man the Triplet’s birthday must be a chaotic day in and of itself. And even though everyone is happily Celebrating for Pepa and Julieta... for the 10 years he's missing there's... definitely a small dose of melancholy with it for the absent birthday boy Bruno Madrigal. So lets get into it.
Pepa gets a little cloudy and stormy on her birthday. As much as she tries to not talk about and forget about her baby brother she just... can't forget him. Not on their birthday. So she plays the clouds that show up when they're having dinner and cake off as just... her being nervous over imperfections, but only a handful of folks (Julieta, Felix and Dolores, and probably Alma too) know the truth of it.
Julieta, ever since she was a little kid, made little treats for herself and her siblings to share on their birthday. And for Bruno, she always made him a torta de tres leches. Just for him. It would take him the whole week to finish it but he always got so excited for it he'd be talking Julieta's ear off about it for weeks before and after. She still makes it, for the whole family... but there always seems to be an extra piece that mysteriously goes missing the day after the big birthday. Accusations fly about who stole the last piece of Tres Leches every year that it's basically become a Madrigal family tradition... But Julieta has a sneaky feeling she knows the truth- call it superstition, or a "triplet" thing. But deep down... she knows, and hope her baby brother liked his cake (he did. and so did the rats- as much as he doesn't want to share a single CRUMB of his Tres Leches with them- he's too big a softie not to).
And then, of course, there's Dolores. Who literally heard him every day in the walls. Though it's really hard to get away from the chaos on her mom's and Tia Julieta's birthday... she puts on a happy face anyway. But later at night, when everyone else has gone to sleep, she sneaks down to the kitchen, grabs a glass of water, knocks on the mural in the dining room, and whispers "feliz cumpleaños, Tio". Maybe she even slides him the extra slice of Tres Leches herself. Casita never tells.
And then... there's Alma. And even she can't forget the day her little Brunito was born. The first time she held him. The first time he opened his dark hazel eyes and cooed. How tightly Pedro held his son that night and whispered all sorts of things to his one and only son that she would never hear... And she worries. As much as she's angry at him for leaving so suddenly... she always just wanted her baby boy to come home. So when she says her prayers before turning in for the night, in her room, with the candle flickering in the window... she slips in an extra one. For her Brunito. Praying that he's safe. That he'll come home. For forgiveness for how much she resents his absence but just praying that she'll see her baby boy again.
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naoko-world · 2 years
Today is Dolores's birthday! Feliz cumpleaños, Dolores!
After what I wrote for Isabela's birthday, as promised I made the same thing but with Dolores. And much more Angsty!
You also can find it on Ao3 here!
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No warning, angst and fluff.
1362 words (wow did I really wrote much more for Dolores than for Isabela? My face is like Isabela's in the gif I chose)
Dolores is born!
Summary: A hurricane is ravaging the Encanto, but Félix is the happiest he could ever be! He's now the dad of the prettiest little girl he ever saw! What could ever upset him?
Thunder! On the day of August 31, the Encanto experienced the biggest hurricane they ever had. The wind was so strong, it was difficult to walk, and we had to lock the cattles and donkeys inside so they wouldn’t get blown away. The reason for that terrible weather: three weeks after her sister Julieta, Pepa gave birth to Dolores.
At Casita, we could hear Isabela cry as if her life depended on it, forcing Agustín to stay with her in another room. In the meantime, Félix was standing by Pepa's side, doing his best to calm down his newborn baby girl as well as his gasping wife, whose mood only got worse with time.
He thought it could happen when he saw Julieta giving birth weeks earlier, but he surely wasn't prepared for a turmoil that powerful the day his and Pepa's turn would come. Let's say he couldn't think of everything! This time, he overlooked how emotionally and physically hard giving birth could be, making his job way harder than usual.
He kept trying though, cheering her as much as he could "Look how beautiful our baby is! And it's our first child, do you realize how great it is?"
Thankfully, he was helped by Bruno, Julieta and Alma all cheering "You did a good job here, hermana!"
"How pretty she is! You can be proud, I know how hard it is!"
"She's a very cute baby, your labor was a big success! Eh! I'm sure she'll get a good gift later!"
Félix thought that last part wasn't necessary but appreciated his Mother-in-law's efforts. It also seemed to calm down Pepa a bit, whose gasping got slower. Full of hope, Félix continued "That's right Pepi! Our baby is so cute, you did well, we’re the luckiest parents!”
It still took her some time, but the weather finally went back to be more peaceful. At the same time, Pepa finally sighed with relief, leaning her head against Félix who lovingly stroked it. He took advantage of the calmer atmosphere to give her back Dolores, who he had been holding this whole time.
Bruno turned around the time for her sister to breastfeed her newborn baby, not daring to watch. This contrasted Félix, who was smiling before the view of his newborn so lively in his dear wife’s arms. He chuckled when she touched Pepa’s skin with her small hand, as if looking to get closer to her mother, letting a sound escape from her throat. He had been afraid the storm would have made her afraid of Pepa, but it didn’t seem to be the case. Suddenly, the realisation he was now a father hit him as an euphoria was making him giggle with happiness. He had a baby with the woman of his dreams! He had someone else to care for! It was a bit scary but he couldn’t be more happy in his life!
However, his joy got cut by Alma, who started to speak. “Pepa, you should learn to control your temper, especially now that you have a baby. You can’t simply create a hurricane each time your baby cries.”
Worried for her mental health, Félix did his best to reassure his wife, stroking her while she was closing her eyes, visibly not listening, while Alma was going on “A baby needs some special care! While it’s better to make her used to noises, a tempest could scare her and that’s not good! Be sure too you have many skin contacts with your baby; it’s important to bond with her! But be careful not to touch her when your hands are dirty, make sure to regularly wash your hands.”
Then, seeing Pepa falling asleep against her husband still lovingly stroking her, she turned to him to scold “She shouldn’t fall asleep when she’s feeding her baby! It’s dangerous! Be certain to tell her, we wouldn’t want to lose a baby because she wasn't careful enough.”
“I’m sure she’ll be more careful in the future”, assured Félix. “For now, she’s exhausted, so that’s normal for her to fall asleep. You should understand, you had three babies.”
“I don’t say I don’t understand, I just say she should pay more attention, or a disaster will come because she would have made a mistake.”
Félix shrugged, not really wanting to argue with his mother-in-law. He always was in her good graces, and wasn’t ready to fall from that position because of her anxieties about his wife taking care of her own baby. This is why he simply stayed silent, keeping stroking his wife to appease her with his love for her.
Julieta was the next one to talk, with a sweet tone, praising “That little girl is so pretty though! You’ll say congratulations to Pepa, she actually did a good job!”
“Thank you, I will!” laughed Félix while covering his wife’s breast now that Dolores let go of it and was sleeping, before informing Bruno “You can now stare, hermano!”
He obeyed with a sigh of relief. Then, he carefully approached with curiosity, having visibly waited to be authorized to so he could also admire his new niece without being in the mess of the tempest created by Pepa’s mood. It leads him to exclaim “She looks like a mix of Pepa and you!”
“Yes!” laughed Félix once again. “Well, she’s our daughter so yes she looks like us two!”
Bruno chuckled, blushing with embarrassment for having stated the obvious. Thus, while Alma was watching the baby with a thoughtful look, finally claiming "She's pretty, but less than Isabela." Then, while the family in the room was staring at her with shock, she turned to Bruno to ask him "Could you have another vision?"
"Mamá..." he answered in a low voice. "Last time you were happy but that doesn't mean you will this time too."
"Brunito, I really need to know-"
"I can't do this, mamá."
She stared at him, seeming unhappy but not complaining. We could feel in her eyes how disappointed she was though, scaring the poor seer, making him hide in his oversized ruana.
Pretty angry at what was happening in front of him, Félix raised his voice at Alma’s intention but without watching her so as not to seem like it, praising his sleeping wife “My Pepa is the best mother in town. She will perfectly take care of Dolores and I’ll help her in doing so. I don’t think there is any need for you to be worried Abuela, we’ll be fine.”
“I hope so!” answered Abuela with a smile, unaware of what Félix meant. “Especially if you follow my advice, you’ll totally be fine raising her.”
Then, she took one of her watches to look at it with a frown, glanced at the window, then turned to Bruno and Juileta informing them "Time is running! Now that the weather has calmed down, we should go back to our duties. Julieta, señora Osma broke her leg, I'll go tell her to meet you at your stand in one hour." She nodded, hurrying to go cook. "Bruno, señor Flores is worried for his head, he wants you to have a vision about it." He sighed while walking out of the room to go to his. Félix knew he didn't want to do it but didn't dare go against Alma.
When Pepa woke up, only Félix stayed in the room. He was hugging her tightly against him with fear while she was watching him with curiosity. Their dear little Dolores was moaning, as if sensing something was happening. "What's happening Amor?"
Sensing something was afoot, he took her hands in his, claiming "Mi Vida, I promise you I'll support you and our baby, and the next, as much as I can! Because I love you and can't bear to have anything happening to you or our children."
"Are you expecting us to have more children?"
He smiled "You don't want to?"
"Right now the idea makes me sick."
He laughed, thinking how in love he was with that woman. They kissed, making Dolores moan because of Pepa's movement she didn't appreciate. Félix was smiling, again more happy than ever.
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