devilrosola · 2 years
Sinbad: *drunk* If you're as married as you say...you're gonna have to prove it to me somehow. Sinbad: You gotta kiss her right here and now! Kouen: Well, if that's all it takes... Ja'far: Here I come. Close your eyes for me, darling. Sinbad: Wait...I didn't mean... Kouen: Um. Okay then, Ja'far. Kouen closes his eyes. Ja'far closes in for the kiss. Sinbad: Uhhh...Wait a second! Why are you being so obscene?!?! Sinbad: I take it all back! You can't go through with this! I can't bear to see you kiss another man in front of me! Stop it! Kouen: Huh? Ja'far's eyes go crazy trying to kiss but cant go through with it. Ja'far: I knew it! I just knew it! Ja'far slaps but misses Kouen, hitting Sinbad in the face, sending him spinning through the air into the wall.
Full scene below cut
Sinbad: *drunk* If you're as married as you say...you're gonna have to prove it to me somehow. Sinbad: You gotta kiss her right here and now! Kouen: Well, if that's all it takes... Ja'far: OoO Kouen places a hand on Ja'far's shoulder. Ja'far: Ah-hah... Ja'far: *thinking* Wait. We're doing this? I don't know what to expect. Oh, actually I think I read somewhere that your first kiss tastes like lemon. Oh that's lucky. It'll go great with this marinated fish. Ja'far: *thinking* Ahhhh! Calm down, Ja'far. Get a hold of yourself! Kouen: Shall we? Ja'far: P-p-p-please just one second. Ja'far grabs the wine bottle and barehandedly slices off the top. Guzzles half the bottle. Ja'far: *thinking* There's no way I can do this sober. Ja'far: *already drunk* Sorry about the wait, honey. Kouen: Oh...uh...it's fine. Kouen: *whispering* We don't have to if you don't want to. Ja'far: *whispering* Yeah, yeah, but I've got to keep up appearances too, y'know? Let's just do it. Sinbad: Whispering isn't helping your case! Are you going to do this or not?! I want you to prove that you're really a married couple! Fork swooshes by Sinbad's face, cutting his cheek. Zoom out to see Ja'far threw it. Ja'far: Be quiet, Sin. If ya just shut up and watch, we'll show you exactly how in love we are. Ja'far pushes Kouen onto his back on the couch. Ja'far: Here I come. Close your eyes for me, darling. Sinbad: Wait...I didn't mean... Kouen: Um. Okay then, Ja'far. Kouen closes his eyes. Ja'far closes in for the kiss. Sinbad: Uhhh...Wait a second! Why are you being so obscene?!?! *Flashbacks to Sinbad and Ja'far as kids* Sinbad: Hey Sis! Rurumu gave me the best grade on her test! Ja'far: That's wonderful! You deserve a reward. Ja'far kisses Sinbad on the cheek. Sinbad: AHHHH!!!! ^o^ Sinbad: Sis...uh...When I grow up...I really wanna marry you, okay. Ja'far: Ah. Well then, better grow up soon. I'll be waiting. *Back in the Present* Ja'far and Kouen are about to kiss. Sinbad: I take it all back! You can't go through with this! I can't bear to see you kiss another man in front of me! Stop it! Sinbad runs towards them in slow motion, trying to stop the kiss from happening. Kouen: Huh? Ja'far's eyes go crazy trying to kiss but cant go through with it. Ja'far: I knew it! I just knew it! Ja'far slaps but misses Kouen, hitting Sinbad in the face, sending him spinning through the air into the wall. In Marga's room, the room shakes and Marga wakes up and droopily looks around. Marga: Uh...uh Is it the end of the world? Is it go bomb? Marga falls back asleep.
Back in the living room Ja'far: Ah...um...Sin? Sinbad gets up with a bloodied face. Sinbad: I see how it is, sis. You would even hurt me for trying to stop you from kissing him...Cuz that's just how badly you want to smear your lips all over this guy! Sinbad breaks down crying. Sinbad: I was a fool to think I was testing you. What was really being tested were my own feelings. Kouen: Hey, uh, you know you're bleeding, right? Sinbad: Ren Kouen! For now my sister's lips are all yours. Ja'far: Wh-what?!?!?! Ja'far slaps Sinbad again, spiraling him back into the wall. Ja'far: What are you talking about?! Ja'far turns away, and cries into palms. Sinbad: Well. I'll let you win this round. But don't forget... Kouen: Bleeding...still... Kouen: *thinking* Is this just normal for them? Ja'far: Are you alright, Sin? You look like you're about to fall over. Kouen: ...you're one to talk... Sinbad: Hey! You're about to collapse. They collapse on each other and hold each other up. Ja'far: Should I call you a taxi? Sinbad: I said I'm fine. You are such a worrywart. Kouen: Oh...Woah there. Sinbad and Ja'far wobble, but Kouen helps them stay up. Sinbad glares at Kouen. Sinbad: What's with that smirk? Is my failure that amusing to you? Kouen: Oh. No. I was just admiring your bond. You must have always been there for each other. Sinbad and Ja'far's hands tighten on each other's backs of their shirts. Kouen: Sinbad. Thank you for protecting Ja'far until now. I know it can't have been easy for you. Sinbad: *gasp* Kouen puts a hand on Ja'far's back. Kouen: Now she'll have me supporting her with everything I've got too. Let's work together to give her the happiness she deserves. Sinbad: *almost succumbs but throws off Kouen's hand and steps back* Why would I ever want help from a guy like you?! I'm going home. Kouen: Feel free to come back any time. I know Ja'far would like that. And next time, maybe my daughter will be awake. Ja'far: Poor Marga. She tried so hard to wait up for you but she just couldn't. She's so adorable, I know you'll love her! Sinbad: Ohhoho! I'll be back! And not because you invited me. It'll be to prove that you tricked my sister into marrying you. Understand?! Ja'far: I am not being tricked! Have some faith! Sinbad: Listen to me, Ren Kouen. If you make my sister cry a single tear, I'll have you execu--uh...well, uh, you get it. Just know that you will rue the day, ya hear me! Sinbad runs down the hallway and down the stairs, screaming. Ja'far: *calling out after him* Be careful getting home! And stop yelling, you'll disturb the neighbors. Kouen: *thinking* Was he going to say executed? That's a concern.
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yumeko312 · 4 months
Here is the English translation of my headcanon, I hope you like it.
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What it would be like to be Ja'far's girlfriend:
SFW <( ̄︶ ̄)>
> To have Ja'far as a boyfriend is to know that he is usually working most of the time and therefore does not have that much free time.
> If you can be his accomplice in catching Sinbad, believe me he will thank you even though he will apologize later because that is not your job and he should take responsibility.
> There will be days when he will sleep in the office while he is still reading some documents and signing paperwork.
> He'll really appreciate it if you usually show up at the office with a tray of coffee and a couple of cookies you made. You being there worrying about his health will make him think that maybe it's time for a little break.
> Being with him is like being in a senior relationship, there are times when it's so quiet with you that you don't feel like joking around and just want to relax.
> Those moments could be like him sleeping on your lap while you read something or the other way around, the only thing you know is that you love him and he loves you too.
> Usually those moments of peace are usually broken by a couple of kisses, either from you or him, because after the kisses you will let out a little laugh or smile asking each other if you want to do something.
> The moments when he drinks tea with you while doing his paperwork he takes the opportunity to talk to you about a date, you tell him not to worry for now and that when he finishes you will be waiting for him in the room to sleep.
> Many times when he finishes his work, he doesn't have energy for dates and usually those moments when they were going to have a date end up becoming moments of naps.
> He usually likes to be the big spoon, he feels he can protect you plus, being able to smell the scent of your head or the perfume on your body will make him relax.
> Their appointments consist of walking around Sindria while watching the merchants selling their products.
> Your conversations are usually quiet, he likes to hear your voice, he prefers to listen to you than to talk, maybe because as he has been locked up in the office for a long time he feels that he doesn't know anything about you or what you did during the day and he feels a little guilty about that.
> There will be times when he gives you surprise kisses but it will be when you are alone, either on a date or in his room.
> If at any time any of the generals see what Ja'far is doing, pray it's not Sharkkan because then it will be the teasing at meals and this will go on for quite a while.
> He tends to blush when it comes to kisses or any kind of affection, depending on how "bold" they are, so will be his various shades of pink on his cheeks.
> He loves to receive kisses from you, whether they are surprise kisses, shy, passionate, short, he will gladly receive it but that there is no one watching.
> He is not jealous but if he sees you jokingly flirting with someone be sure that he won't talk to you for a whole day and when he looks at you, he will give you a disappointed expression, please apologize to him.
> He thinks you are the most beautiful and sweetest woman in the world, so he is not surprised if a man approaches you to flirt with you. He knows you and knows that you will set a limit, if the guy keeps insisting he will gladly make Ja'far understand that he owes you respect.
> There will be times when in full boredom he will kiss your hand, he will love the blush on your cheeks.
> If he would invite you to eat, be sure it would be in his room, he doesn't like it when people are curious watching them.
> He wouldn't mind taking a bath with you or spending a couple of minutes in the bathtub with you, of course, if the weather is in his favor. It would be his favorite time, in general any time spent with you would be his favorite time.
> When you two are alone walking in the hallway, he will take your hand while his cheeks are painted pink, if you are the first to do it believe me his blush will be even redder.
> He would be someone who remembers his anniversary and he asks you to remember too so have a plan to remember when it is the anniversary. He might forget because of too much work, it would be a good idea to remind him even if he panics and apologizes for not giving you a gift.
> He would also remember your birthday, tell him how you would like to celebrate and he will gladly move some things around in his schedule.
> What would be his gifts? Tell him what things you like and he will gladly get them for you, of course, things that are possible, don't ask him for some fruit that is not in season.
> If you celebrate his birthday and decide to make a small dinner for the two of you, he will thank you for it. Besides, if you give him anything as a gift, perhaps as an object, he will appreciate it, for example, if you give him a ring, you will see how he wears that ring everywhere.
> He appreciates that you have the patience to put up with his annoyances caused by work and that he complains, he is sad to think that his complaints will surely make you fed up.
> He likes your little acts that you have with him, for example that you worry about his skin trying to make sure he doesn't burn too much, or that you go to his office to give him food and that you are willing to listen to him about his complaints at work or how about the time he caught you washing that set of clothes that no longer fit him and that you took the time to fold it carefully because you knew it was very precious to him.
> One thing you should keep in mind when dating Ja'far is that you must like children or want to have children in the future.
> Following on this point, when Ja'far sees how you live with children, he will really be sure to start a family with you.
> There will be nights where he will slowly start planning a future family with you.
NSFW (//ω//)
ω Having sex with Ja'far is not as common as it seems, I would say they rarely do it, maybe two or three times a week.
ω Ja'far likes to kiss you while he fucks you, he is someone very sweet.
ω He loves to run his hands all over your body, he wants to appreciate every beautiful part of you.
ω The only place where you will fuck will be in the bedroom, he likes it because it is a private place where no one can disturb or hear and where you can take your time.
ω He likes to undress you slowly, it's more sensual somehow.
ω He likes to cum inside you because he would like to start a family with you, he dislikes the idea of cumming outside your body because he doesn't want to make you even dirtier, even though you will have to take a bath in the end, he just wants to be considerate but if you tell him to do it he will.
ω The small thought of seeing your swollen belly from pregnancy will make him excited in bed.
ω How long does he last in bed, I say he is someone who lasts a good while in sex, he likes to take his time to appreciate your body, he will never be rough unless you ask him to.
ωHe will kiss every part of your body, from your neck to your legs.
ω He doesn't mind if you give him fellatio although his only concern is that you do it before he bathes, he will tell you he is dirty and give him time to bathe.
ω But he will not complain when it comes to sucking and licking your pussy, he will gladly do it and if you tell him it is dirty he will not mind, he will tell you that he likes to lick it as it is.
ω He likes to give you a great orgasm while he sucks your pussy or while he fucks you, he likes to see that expression you release, so docile, with those flushed cheeks and with your sweat decorating your body.
ω After sex he will ask you if you want something Water? He will go for a pitcher full of water Food? Give him some time Massage? How lucky he has a jar with rose oil, which by the way, he uses as a lubricant.
ω And if you want to bathe with pleasure Ja'far will tell the servants to heat water while he accompanies you, he also wants to bathe.
ω After sex, you will fall asleep hugging each other, he likes to fall asleep feeling your warmth, somehow it makes him think that he will not lose you like he lost his loved ones.
ω If you wish, he will get you pregnant.
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I hope you liked it and share it, don't be afraid to ask me for any headcanon or oneshot. Just read the rules.
Have a good day.
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wtfastaroth · 10 months
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Every day when I wake up I think about them, and how we were robbed
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babymagi · 1 month
Hi, Can I ask for headcanons of Ja'far as a boyfriend? I'd like the reader to be female ;w; please
i can try my best!!! usually i try to keep these kinds of headcanons to be gender neutral so anyone can read them and enjoy but i'll throw in some for more fem presenting peeps :]
-Keeps track of everything, even small things, about his partner. A very good memory so if you say that you like a certain kind of thing he'll keep that in mind so that when the time is right he can buy gifts/food or just casually mention it in a manner that lets you know that he really listens to you and genuinely cares
-Listens to you complain and rant tirelessly, and will even comb through your hair or massage your shoulders while you do it. And you know he's listening because he adds in his own little quips and stories and is generally a good conversation keeps. He'll also talk shit about anyone with you
-Always pays for everything because he uses Sinbad's credit card, he just wants to impress you and give you princess treatment <3
-Super shy about PDA but likes holding your hand in public so that he doesn't lose you. Can be super affectionate and cuddly when alone though
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queenofcringe · 4 years
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This beautiful art belongs to マロン
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mizuri-chan · 7 years
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sometimes u just need to doodle fem jafar with...scales,
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mari-m-rose · 4 years
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I found this beautiful piece by artist 2Dan Liu on artstation and I thought Ja’far would look good on that awesome outfit.  So have both Ja’far and femja doodles with it hehe.
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devilrosola · 2 years
Got one fic done for the Hallmark event! I have another planned, so hopefully it won’t turn out as long so I can get it done in the next two days 😅
Conspire by the Fire
Modern AU Christmas Fic Enja, Fem!Ja CW: Mentions of past trauma/abuse Rating: G Words: 10,327
Career-oriented lawyer returns to her small town at Christmas time to save the family business and magically falls in love with an old flame…and also the only old man in town might actually be the real Santa Claus.
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yumeko312 · 4 months
Buenas tardes :3 ¿Que tal? Aquí les traigo otro headcanon de Ja'far, no tengan pena en pedirme un headcanon o oneshot, sólo lean las reglas.
Espero y les guste.
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Cómo sería Ja'far teniendo una novia alta:
SFW <( ̄︶ ̄)>
> Ser novia de Ja'far implica saber que él usualmente no tiene tiempo para citas debido a que o tiene que estar persiguiendo a Sinbad o estar haciendo el papeleo que Sinbad dejó de lado.
> Si tú ves a Sinbad queriendo escapar de Ja'far, créeme que el albino te agradecerá si le gritas por dónde está Sinbad corriendo, claro, después te pedirá disculpas diciéndote que él no quería involucrarte en el trabajo.
> Quizás después de eso, Sharkkan hará una broma diciéndote que de seguro notaste por dónde se iba Sinbad por tu altura y que básicamente eras un águila vigilante que era fiel a su amo, Ja'far enseguida corre hacia Sharkkan para darle una pequeña lección con sus cuchillas sobre burlarse de su novia, no quiere que te ofendas pero la verdad es que ya estás acostumbrada.
> Si después de la broma del principe de Heliohapt decides llamarte a ti misma como la águila vigilante leal de tu novio créeme que Ja'far te dirá que te calles mientras él desvía la mirada totalmente sonrojado y avergonzado.
> Debido a que eres su primera novia, él te amaría mucho sin importar si eres alta.
> Te advierto que no se te ocurra molestar demasiado a Ja'far con su altura, si él no soporta las actitudes de Sinbad mucho menos será diferente contigo. Bueno, a ti no te estaría electrocutando como lo haría con su rey, ni tampoco te estaría jalando de los hombros como él usualmente lo hace con Sinbad, solo no lo molestes demasiado o puedes recibir una pequeña patada en tu pierna.
> Al principio le daba vergüenza que para que ustedes se pudieran dar besos tu tenías que agacharte, además de que como había veces en que él veía a parejas darse besos sorpresa a él le resulta un poco frustrante no poder aplicarlo en ti, y no, no va a usar su técnica de asesino columpiandose por las paredes para después darte un beso, es innecesario y está seguro que tu lo escucharás acercarse a ti.
> No le va a molestar que tú le des besos sorpresas, sólo asegúrate que no haya ningún general cerca o Sinbad, él va a estar muy sonrojado y aún más si los generales los vieron, esto debido a que harán comentarios burlescos.
> Que tú le des besos sorpresa será más frecuente de lo que tú piensas y él sabe que para ti es fácil besarlo por la altura pero no te dirá nada al respecto, solo desviará su mirada sonrojada.
> Él no es un celoso posesivo pero si te ve coquetear de broma con Sharkkan él te detendrá y quizás no te hable por un día entero, claro, ese momento lo utilizara desquitando sus celos en el papeleo o persiguiendo a Sinbad, pídele perdón.
> Él no se pone celoso si alguien te coquetea, reconoce que eres muy hermosa y sabe él que tú pondrías límite pero si esa persona no respeta entonces con mucho gusto él va a intervenir.
> Él amaría tus pequeños actos al querer ayudarlo, si él no puviera alcanzar algo de un mueble alto tú estarías ahí para pasarle el objeto, incluso si torpemente se te ocurre intentar cargarlo para que tú lo alcances.
> Reconoce cuando tú entras a su oficina y te recargas en su cabeza preguntando que haces, sólo suspira diciéndote que dale un poco de tiempo para terminar su trabajo y con mucho gusto te prestará atención.
> Suele ser paciente cuando se trata de ti haciendo bromas sobre tu altura pero sigue insistiendo y además de recibir una patada con su pie quizás él aproveche para hacerte cosquillas.
> A él le encantara que te acuestes en sus piernas, ya que definitivamente podrá aprovechar en darte besos.
> Le gustará que a la hora de dormir tú seas la cuchara grande y que seas tú quien abraza a Ja'far, de alguna forma se siente protegido y que no tiene de que preocuparse.
> Quizás él llegue a dudar de que no pueda protegerte, ya que su altura en algún momento le llega a cuestionar si es apto, ya perdió a varios de sus seres queridos y no quiere perderte, quizás una sonrisa tuya mientras le dices que siempre vas a estar a su lado le haga tranquilizarse.
> Si tú le das un zape después de ver que está siendo un poco pesimista con enojo te devolverá el zape aunque después te va a dar otro zape, esto debido a que al ver que él tuvo que dar un salto para darte un zape pues provocó que te diera risa.
> Llámalo "Pequeño bailarín" y con más razón te va a perseguir enojado.
NSFW ( 〃▽〃)
▽ Le gusta cuando est��s encima de él montando su polla, le gusta ver la actitud que pones cuando eres la activa.
▽ Ama también ser el activo siendo él quien te folle mientras ve tus expresiones, para él eres la más hermosa. De alguna forma ser el activo le da confianza y se olvida de su altura, sintiéndose satisfecho de poder complacerte.
▽ Él suele ser versátil en cualquier tipo de afecto, sexual o no sexual.
▽ Usualmente no cogerán a menudo debido a que suele estar ocupado (*ajam* Sinbad evadiendo de su trabajo *ajam*), yo apuesto a que quizás cojan de dos a tres veces al mes.
▽ Debido a la diferencia de altura entre ustedes hay algunas poses que no se puedan realizar para él no es ninguna molestia.
▽ Él procura no lastimarte mientras lo hacen, si llegara a ocurrir que mientras él te está cogiendo en la cama te llegarás a golpear con una parte de la cama o con la pared, créeme que a él se le quitará las ganas de seguir cogiendo e inmediatamente te preguntara si estás bien mientras se pregunta si debe ir por algun medicamento. Él suele olvidarse de la diferencia de altura entre ustedes que cuando ocurren estos accidentes tendrá cierto resentimiento hacia él mismo.
▽ Al terminar de coger te preguntara si necesitas algo ¿Agua? Él enseguida irá por un jarro lleno de agua ¿Comida? Dale unos minutos y regresará con unos bocaditos ¿Algún masaje? Que bueno que tiene el frasco de aceite de rosas para usarlo, y si, también usa ese aceite como lubricante.
▽ Al terminar de coger ustedes se irán a dormir, le gusta que tú seas la cuchara grande, de alguna forma le hace pensar que ustedes encajan tan bien que por eso el destino los unió porque encajaban a la perfección.
▽ ¿Posición favorita? El Misionero, le gusta ver las expresiones que haces.
▽ Le gusta besar tus labios mientras lo hacen y si él no alcanza para besarte, créeme que entonces se encargará de darte besos en otras partes de tu cuerpo.
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Espero y les haya gustado, tengan un bonito día :3
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Hcs for Ja'far meeting his future s/o in Balbadd while they're helping the fog troupe, and she dislikes him a little at first because he attacked Kassim but he finds out she joined the fog troupe so she could feed her little child so he offers to help and they start to talk more? (Hopefully that's not too detailed)
(Y/n) was very involved with the Fog Troupe by the time Sinbad and the others came around.
She wasn't there herself, but she had heard all about Cassim being attacked.
She had heard what the attacker had looked like, but never his name.
So when she first met Ja'far and the others, she immediately had a sharp response to him.
She's a little unwilling to trust him and cooperate with him at first.
She's a little more willing to act nicer around him after Hassan and Zaynab both make comments on what kind of lesson it'd be teaching her child.
Ja'far's a little frustrated by her behavior.
Eventually, Alibaba is the one who explains why she was acting a little hostile and may have accidentally let it slip about her child.
It's later on that he approaches her and asks her for a word.
He brings himself to apologise to her, even though he had no reason to need to apologise.
She's a little hesitant to accept his help, but it's actually her child who convinces her to help.
Ja'far and (Y/n) grow fond of each other as they talk more often.
(Y/n) actually finds that Ja'far is pretty good with children too, the few times her child is with them.
With Cassim's death and Alibaba leaving, (Y/n) knows there will be no more Fog Troupe after that.
So she's very surprised when Ja'far asks if her and her child would come to Sindria.
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babymagi · 2 years
Magi Headcanons, I miss doing these
-So as you all know, I headcanon Muu with wild, curly hair. But part of that headcanon included than when he was younger even though him and Myron weren't enslaved they still faced discrimination and were made fun of for having textured hair, which resulted in Muu desperately trying to do whatever he could to straighten it, until Scheherazade came into his life and said that she thought his natural hair was beautiful, and that he should take care of it rather than attempting to make it 'normal' and damage it in the process. So then Muu learned how to properly care for his hair, also learning how to do different protective hairstyles. He did Myron's butterfly locs as a test and she's never changed it since.
-Talking about hair again, I think Alibaba has really thick hair, not necessarily long nor does it grow very fast, it's just dummy thick and takes up like half of his head mass.
-Hakuryuu and Hakuei have moles on other parts of their bodies as well. Specifically Hakuei has one on her left ring finger, the side of her right breast, behind her ear, and a few on her back. Hakuryuu has one on his lower back right above his ass, a few on his upper back, two on his inner left thigh, and one above his right eyebrow (small + hidden by bangs).
-Talking about moles again, I think Judar has a mole like directly under his lip but it's tiny so you'd have to be very close to see it, basically the mole Xiao Zhan has.
-Titus bruises really easily and also doesn't tan, just jumps straight from being really pale to being burnt.
-Sinbad wears too much jewelry to be stealthy. Any time Ja'far or one of the generals loses him all they have to do is stop and listening for the tinking noise of all of his metal vessels clanging together and they know where he is.
-Even though I'm 98% sure Ja'far's Persian I think he might have albinism which makes his skin super pale and hair white from a young age, but since people with albinism can't really have green eyes I would like you all to consider Ja'far with either red or purple eyes.
-Kougyoku and Judar can hold whole conversations with just their facial expressions and it freaks Hakuryuu out so much.
-Sphintus accidentally brought weed brownies to a Magnostadt class reunion potluck thing and EVERYONE got high as balls and he was never invited back to another one of those.
-Several attempts have been made to shave off Kouen's goatee in his sleep but it somehow magically grows back the next morning with him having no clue how it happened or that they even shaved it off in the first place. It's immortal.
-Spartos sleeps rolled up in his blanket like a burrito.
-Pisti collects squishmallows and over half of her room space is taken up by it.
-Alibaba once ended an argument with Hakuryuu by saying 'Maybe there was something good about you killing me because I came back with a bigger dick so fUCK YOU!'
-When Aladdin was first presenting as genderfluid Kougyoku took Morgiana, Hakuei, and Aladdin on a fem day out to a spa for a 'Girls Night' and it was super affirming for Aladdin and made her feel really pretty.
-Toto has pretty thick and dark body hair and just fully embraces it, doesn't shave and does not give a single shit if people judge her, she's rocking with the peach fuzz.
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enjagoodness · 3 years
Collage AU Enja
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By Anonymous, Posted with Permission.
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queenofcringe · 3 years
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Long hair Ja’far!
Art belongs to: マロン
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mizuri-chan · 7 years
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the good point of liking Ja’far since 2012 is that he’s been through all of my art style changes and i can use him to see my progress
redraw of this (which was also a redraw of an even older drawing lmao)
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