#female dancer kin
pixiltalks · 5 months
Kagepro characters and who I personally believed they'd main in Genshin, since I've seen a few people sharing their headcanons on this!
Ayano - Kokomi. Definitely admires her as a leader and always makes sure everyone is healed, probably has a crazy insane build that Shintaro helped her with.
Kido - Beidou. She wants to be strong just like her, tells everyone else it's just because "claymores are cool". She also really likes Shinobu for their obvious similarities and the fact she's a healer.
Seto - Razor. One of those super loyal Razor mains from day one, ignores the meta for any cute dog characters.
Kano - Furina. Kano canonically plays females in video games, and he'd definitely be a Furina enjoyer especially after the archon quest.
Marry - Diona ("She's a cute cat and I can heal my friends!")
Momo - Nilou. Momo doesn't give two craps about meta, plays her in whatever team and has fun with it. Shintaro tried to explain artifacts to her but she didn't understand. It's okay though because she's living her best life with her favourite dancer!
Takane - Raiden. The opposite to momo - major meta player and archon collector, all triple crowned. Slays the abyss every time.
Shintaro - Al Haitham. He's pretty powerful in the meta I think Shintaro would make really intricate builds (he also has a few waifus he's whaled for but who can blame him)
Hibiya - Aether. Well - on his profile, at least. But he actually has more waifus than Shintaro, it's just that none of them are displayed.
Haruka - Albedo. He's an artist like him and his reclusive nature probably reminds him of Shintaro, and Haruka loves anyone that reminds him of his friends!
Hiyori - Kirara (she thinks she's cool and loves climbing with her, that's it ajcjs)
While some of these match with personality, these aren't assignments based on kintypes/characters I think they would *be*, just who I think they would play as. I could make a separate list for kins lol
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meirimerens · 2 years
sorry if you’ve answered this before— but do you like willow the herb bride?? :) (love your herb bride art, it gives me lots of joy)
I love Willow I love her with my heart she is so dear to me. Her design documents description is so vivid i am so mad she doesn't actually look like them i can see her so vividly. her death in the Bachelor's route made me genuinely fucking eep in agonies like it actively fucking got me i got got.
while she's not family-related to the Kin because she was kidnapped by the Circus as a child, she does consider herself a Herb Bride. And I love how ambiguous it is... because 1) she speaks of the herb brides being unable to infect people, yet fears she could have spread the disease. 2) she speaks of herb brides being able to fight the disease, except if it is too strong, and yet falls sick quickly... 3) she even says "[...] Brides say that their—that our juices flow [...]" right she catches herself... their (excluding her) vs our (including her) so what is it? is she lying to herself? to burakh? is she still struggling with fitting in even though she truly wants to? does she truly want to be within the Kin, does she truly feel like this is her calling, or is this her way to hide? to save herself? i love her... the whole Circus and the people associated with it (Anna, Var, her...) are all cloaked in mystery. i love her...
also just because it's patho and you can't trust Someone in that team to be normal about his female characters & also i just found out give me a paragraph of rant:
she's supposed to be 15-17 btw. she's 15-17 and is modeled as herb "texture nipples" bride. she's 15-17 and a dancer in the broken "dubious implication" heart bar. she's 15-17 and speaks of "having been with people recently" who haven't "come back to the den [the "dubious implications" broken heart]".
sir you are not beating these allegations!
no more ranting Thank You... 🫂🫂 they bring me Joy to... me smiling due to my Joy [herb brides].. i have to care for them
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maleficea · 8 months
"Then, as now, the Egyptians were temperate and frugal, but always hospitable. They welcomed strangers as well as kin to their meals, where men and women ate together, and where, for the most part, the lowest fellahin and members of the royal family ate much the same simple food.
It was in the tools for eating, and the dining-rooms, that caste difference most clearly showed itself. The peasants and the artisans used pottery, glazed blue or red, perhaps, but always simple, and they sat on benches in their low mud houses.
The palaces of the wealthy people, the nobles and scientists, were airy and beautiful, surrounded by pools and arboured gardens, and built with carved painted columns to hold the canopies that made their walls.
Everywhere, on the stone pillars and the embroidered linens, and in the faïence, and the gold that was "plentiful as dust," the sacred lotus and the date frond curved and lifted.
At feasts guests sat upon wooden armchairs, heavily inlaid with gold and stones, and made more comfortable by soft cushions of leather and silky Egyptian linen. They ate from delicate spoons of carved wood or ivory, and drank from lotus-cups of blue glaze or, later, of iridescent glass. Bowls, no matter how simple their contents, were of the common gold, or rarer silver, or the most valuable bronze.
Unlike the Greeks and Romans, who barred women from all banqueting, and only invited the hetæræ to come in with the final wines for philosophic dalliance, the Egyptians dined easily together. While the lords and ladies tarried over their cool courses of melons and sweet wine, dancers entertained them with slow gay rhythms, or more highly educated singers, usually women, chanted the ancient plaintive sounds of lutes and pipes.
At more vulgar feasts, girls or young men in female dress performed much the same obscene dances that can still be seen in Cairo or any Egyptian port, but they were rare. In general, the amusement of the Nile people was like their nourishment -- delicate, fresh, wholesome."
M.F.K. Fisher, Serve It Forth (1937)
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twsted-princess · 2 years
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"My my.....this place never fails to be exciting."
(picrew linked here)
Name: Rhiannon
Nicknames: Rhia, The Dancer of Twilight, Pervert, (Kin-hime)
Voice Actor: Yumi Hara
Gender: Demi Female (She/They)
Age: 19 (205)
Sexuality: Pan
Height: 6'2
Race: Alien/Demon/Whatever the fuck Aza is
Homeland: ?????
Birthday: 7/24 (assumed)
Starsign: Leo
Family: Aza (Parent)
Occupation: Student, Cult member
Based off: Hedorah
Professional Status
Dorm: Gracery (@forestwispocs)
School Year: Third
Class: 3-C
Best Subject: Ancient curses
Club: Occult
Dominant Hand: Left
Favorite Food: Raw oysters
Hated Food: Cooked cabbage
Likes: The ocean, New and interesting people (potential cult members), Dancing, Floral smells
Dislikes: Boring people, Pollution, Those who leave the cult, Sunburns
Hobbies: Preaching the word of the True Mother, Bathing, Pole-dancing
Talents: Dancing, Speaking in the names of the gods
Unique Magic: Kiss of Death
Able to touch her body poisonous, such as turning her saliva into an addictive but corrosive toxin that she shares via kissing. She can also transmute into sludge to get away or make her blood acidic.
Not much is truly known about Rhiannon. Sure she's friendly to an almost seductive extend but she's coy and only shows more when others follow after her. She doesn't mingle with her other dorm mates expect to tease Ebi or flirt with anyone who stares for too long. However if you dive into the abyss....it'll stare back. Yes she's part of a cult, her own mother's cult. She engages in the whims of the flesh and sacrificial killings so that one day the world of Wonderland will be rebirthed into a paradise of the cosmos.
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mudaship39 · 8 months
Character Bio of the Afro Asian Native Human with Fae Elvish, Goblinoid, Giant kin ancestry Adventurer who is a Spellcaster, Gunslinger, & Sword Master Part 6
Rose Winfield is a Magical human squire.
Nicholas Kaylock is a Magical human initiate.
Lillian Colfield is a Magical human aspirant.
Tobias Jenkings is a Magical human pageboy.
Adelaide Camden is a Magical human page girl. 
Zachary Leighton is a Magical human courtier. 
Helena Dixon is a Magical human apprentice.
Asher Covington is a Magical human esquire.
Phoebe Mast is a Magical human lady knight.
Preston Kahler is a Magical human knight.
Pierre Barnes is a Magical human lancer knight.
Josephina Lytton is a Magical human knight sergeant.
Liam Morgan is a Magical human knight lieutenant.
Henrietta O' Keefe is a Magical human knight captain.
Reginald Marple is a magical human knight templar.
Royce Harvey is a Magical human knight commander.
Cynthia Barrington is a Magical human paladin.
Joel Bradford is a Magical human high paladin.
Phillipa Belleville is a Magical human grand paladin.
Noah Marfont is a Magical human star paladin.
Daniella Blackwood is a Magical human paladin justicar.
Ian Asquith is a Magical human paladin commander.
Cornelius La-Minnings is a Magical human knight and paladin guild chapter master.
Harper Weston is a Magical human elder. She is the subordinate of High Elder Lysander/Luciana. She is Lysander’s/Luciana’s protege.
Peerage of Lysander/Luciana Norwood:
Genevieve Slater is a Magical human lady in waiting. Attends Lysander/Luciana when she/they is Luciana Norwood.
Luca Merriweather is a Magical human diplomat.
Tiffany Fitzgerald is a Magical human chancellor.
Jacob Weston is a Magical human minister. 
Vivienne Ashdown is a Magical human orator. 
Theodore Lynch is a Magical human baronet. Peerage of Lysander/Luciana.
Diane Carlyle is a Magical human baronetess. She is part of the peerage of Lysander/Luciana. 
Oscar Richfield is a Magical human baron. Peerage of Lysander/Luciana.
Charlene Haganis is a Magical human baroness. Peerage of Lysander/Luciana.
Michael Whitely is a Magical human viscount. Peerage of Lysander/Luciana.
Eleanora Ashbridge is a Magical human viscountess. Peerage of Lysander/Luciana.
Walter Beaumont is a Magical human count. Peerage of Lysander/Luciana.
Lily Bexley is a Magical human countess. Peerage of Lysander/Luciana.
Victor Herington is a Magical human marquess. Peerage of Lysander/Luciana.
Carolina Brighton is a Magical human marchioness. Peerage of Lysander/Luciana.
Clark Mavis is a Magical human duke. Peerage of Lysander/Luciana.
Gabriella Gainsborough is a Magical human duchess. Peerage of Lysander/Luciana.
Darby Rutherford is a Magical human archduke. Peerage of Lysander/Luciana. 
Viola Pierpont is a Magical human archduchess. Peerage of Lysander/Luciana. 
Harrison Tate is a Magical human vizier. He is the advisor of High King/High Queen Lysander/Luciana.
Margaretta Pierson is a Magical human grand vizier. She is the advisor of High King/High Queen Lysander/Luciana.
Members of Luciana/Lysander Norwood’s Court:
Courts are a web of conspiracies. It is a place of scheming, power plays, intrigue, & machinations. This was a decadent court.
Chika Nakagawa. Female Ambassador.
Artist. Sponsored artists. The monarch’s favorite artists. A group of the finest actors, cooks, dancers, directors, fashion designers, models, musicians, painters, photographers, playwrights, poets, sculptures, singers, theater thespians, & writers, etc in the empire, confederacy, & federation. They weren’t there for their own ambition. The monarchy and the upper class are inclined to support the arts. They wanted to show off their investments. So these artists are their accessories to show off. Though being in the court of a monarch is a good way for artists to increase their patrons.   
Bodyguards. Cadre of foreign bodyguards. An elite group of highly trained, disciplined, & competent male, female, & two spirit hobgoblin, orc, troll, oni, goliath, & giant mercenaries. Mercenaries who distinguished themselves on the battlefield stood a good chance of being hired for a bodyguard job as a permanent exclusive contract. They are now a group of a praetorian guard to the monarch.   
Ahmose Idogbe. A male butler. The chief supervisor of all male manservants of a house.
Katlego Mba. A male castellan. The Castellan oversees the defense of a stronghold.
Andromeda Farmakis. A female chamberlain. Chamberlain makes decisions for the royal household in the monarch’s absence.
Liona Keawe a female chancellor. An officer of an order of knighthood who seals commissions.
Albus Ovius a male chapelmaster. A person in charge of music-making.
Nicholas Dupont a male chaplain. A member of the clergy attached to a private chapel, institution, ship, regiment, etc.
Phillippe Leclerc a male offerer of the Household. The holder who paid the wages of some of the servants above and below stairs.
Concubines. Full of male, female, & nonbinary members of more humanoid species such as aasimar, draenei, dwarves, elves, giants, gnomes, halflings, humans, ogre, oni, orcs, teiflings, & trolls.  
Alexander Seidel is a male confessor. A priest who hears confessions and gives absolution and spiritual counsel.
Anna Wolf is a female constable. A person holding a particular office, most commonly in criminal law enforcement.
Courtiers. Important not because of their inheritance or offices but because the regent has an affection for them. There is a certain charm, boldness, cleverness, honesty, strength, & beauty that caught the monarch’s eye. Their influence on the leader is not easily measured. 
Mira Benes is the Court Jester or Royal Fool. A professional joker or fool at a medieval court. They are typically wearing a cap with bells on it. They are usually carrying a mock scepter. A member of the household of a nobleman or a monarch employed to entertain guests. Jesters were also performers who entertained the common folk at fairs, carnivals, and town markets. Jesters are often thought to have worn brightly colored clothes and eccentric hats in a motley pattern. Jesters entertained with a wide variety of skills such as song, dance, playing musical instruments (a lute or a harp), spoken word poetry, storytelling, acrobatics, juggling, telling jokes, and performing magic tricks. Much of the entertainment was performed in a comic style. Many jesters made contemporary jokes in words or songs about people or events well known to their audiences. A halfling bard who was a former member of the king/queen’s guild party. They were a court wizard and spymaster for the sovereign in secret. They have the king’s ear and can speak freely using truth to power as an honest advisor under the guise of silliness. They are a power behind the throne. They are a very dangerous bard who spies on people for the king in other nations.  
Cup-bearer. A person who serves wine, especially in a royal or noble household.
Court Mage. The Court Mage has access to knowledge and cosmic powers none of the others understand and may be critical on the battlefield. The court mage was an arch mage. The court mage was a magic user for a sovereign to provide mystical advice and give magical services. This court mage was an alchemist, wizard, & sorcerer. They have high standing with other mages and the king/queen. Has a bad relationship with other court members. 
The Chaplain. The Chaplain is the religious leader of the noble household.
Dapifer. An official who is appointed by the legal ruling monarch to represent them in a country, and may have a mandate to govern it in their name.
Doorward. A person given the responsibility of being warden of the king’s door: protecting the king’s property.
Falconer. A person involved in falconry and hunting.
General. The General is the highest military commander.
Gentleman of the Bedchamber. A person involved in waiting on the King when he ate in private, helping him to dress, guarding the bedchamber and water closet, and providing companionship.
Gentleman Usher. A person or people responsible for overseeing the work of the servants “above stairs”, particularly those who cooked and waited upon the nobleman at meals, and saw to it the great chamber was kept clean by the lesser servants. This person was also responsible for overseeing other miscellaneous services such as the care of the nobleman’s chapel and bed-chambers.
Grand Master/Grand Mistress. The supreme head of various orders, including chivalric orders such as military orders and dynastic orders of knighthood.
General. The General is the highest military commander.
Great Officers of the Crown. A person or head of a religious order or order of knighthood often conferring with the King and other members of the royal court.
Guard Captain. The Guard Captain is the commander of the house guard.
Harem. There is intense competition between them to carry the monarch’s favor. There is a tense relationship between them and the high queen of the magical humans and them and the empress of the Homo magi. Guarded by eunuchs. Ruthless and power hungry courtiers who had amassed a lot of power. 
Head of the Church. High Priest or Archbishop. 
Herald. An official employed to oversee state ceremonial, precedence, and the use of armorial bearings. Employed to make proclamations, carry official messages, and oversee tournaments. The Herald is an expert on nobles, heraldry, and etiquette.
Horsemaster. The Horsemaster oversees and tends to the domain’s horses, alicorns, unicorns, & pegasi.
Intendant. A title given to a high-ranking official or administrator.
Keeper of the Seals. A person entitled to keep and authorize use of the Great Seal of a given country.
King of Arms. An Officer of the King. A king of arms is the senior rank of an officer of arms. Only a king of arms has the authority to grant armorial bearings and sometimes certify genealogies and noble titles.
Knights are soldiers with noble rank. Former knights and paladins of knight and paladin orders. A knight is a person granted an honorary title of knighthood by a head of state or representative for service to the monarch, the church, or the country, especially in a military capacity.
The Ladies-in-waiting are noble daughters who act as servants for the royals while they look for husbands. A lady-in-waiting or court lady is a female personal assistant at a court attending to a royal woman or a high-ranking noblewoman. A lady-in-waiting was often a noblewoman but of lower rank than the woman to whom she attended. She received compensation for the service she rendered. A lady-in-waiting was considered more of a secretary, courtier, and or companion to her mistress than a servant. She functions as companion and secretary to her mistress. In courts where polygamy was practiced, a court lady was formally available to the monarch for sexual services. She could become his wife, consort, courtesan, or concubine.  A royal woman in the magical human kingdoms was free to select her ladies. The decision was not chosen by the sovereign, her parents, her husband, or the sovereign's ministers. 
Maid: The chief supervisor of all female manservants of a house.
Maid of honor. An unmarried noblewoman attending a queen or princessA Maid of honor is a junior attendant of a queen in royal households. The position is junior to the lady-in-waiting.  
Majordomo. A person who speaks, makes arrangements, or takes charge for another. Typically, the term refers to the highest major person of a household staff. They are a head servant who acts on behalf of the owner of a large or significant residence. A majordomo is a person who speaks, makes arrangements, or takes charge for another. Typically, this is the highest major person of a household staff. They are a head servant who acts on behalf of the owner of a large or significant residence. A majordomo is also someone who oversees the day-to-day responsibilities of a business enterprise. They were usually also in charge of finances.
Marshall. Grand Marshall. The Marshall oversees the training of the troops.
Master Assassin. The Master Assassin deals with threats in the most permanent fashion.
Master of Ceremonies. Official host or organizer of staged events. Sometimes the one to give speeches or present performers. 
Master of Coin. Chief financial advisor charged with managing the crown’s money. Advised the monarch on commerce, trade, & economy. Oversaw all regions affecting transactions.
Master of the Horse. A person connected to all matters with the horses and formerly also the hounds of the King, as well as the stables and coach houses, the stud, mews and previously the kennels.
Master of the Hunt. Grand Master/Grand Mistress of the Hunt. A person responsible for the royal hunt. Often overseeing the care of the king’s hunting dogs and other animals cared for under the King.
Master of Robe. Officer in charge of the monarch's wardrobe. Especially for important events like coronations or annual celebrations. 
Page boy or page girl. A person of low rank who works as a servant to the King. A page girl or page boy is traditionally a young male or female attendant or servant of a noble. They also have been used as a messenger at the service of a nobleman.
Pantler. A servant or officer in charge of the bread and the pantry in a great family. In charge of pantry and food supplies. They are also responsible for serving the royal table.
Pursuivant of Arms. An officer of ranking below a herald. A pursuivant is a junior officer of arms. Most pursuivants are attached to official heraldic authorities.  These pursuivants of arms look after matters of heraldic and genealogical importance.
Royal Quartermaster. The Royal Quartermaster oversees the funding and the gear of the agents including poisons and magic items.
Royal Secretary. A person responsible for communicating the sovereign’s wishes to the other members of government.
Sage. The Sage is an expert on history and all kinds of lore. The sage may double as a tutor, herald, and court mage.
Secretary. Secretaries are generally responsible for communicating the sovereign's wishes to the other members of government. At times and places it may have a number of other duties. In most cases the royal secretary is a close adviser of the monarch.
Senescal. Administrator or supervisor. A senescal was in charge of domestic arrangements and the administration of servants which meant the seneschal might oversee hundreds of laborers, servants and their associated responsibilities. They would have a great deal of power in the community when much of the local economy was often based on the wealth and responsibilities of such a household.
Spymaster. The Spymaster keeps everybody informed about the state of the realm and any threats. The head of clandestine intelligence. This person handles the more delicate affairs of the court and country. They gather information not meant for their regent’s ears. They find blackmail is such a dirty word. They make minor and great nuisances to the king quietly disappear. A former rogue assassin and double age
nt. Was a member of the king’s adventuring party as a rogue. Their loyalty to the king is always questioned by other members of the court.  
Squire. Squires are knights-in-training who work as servants of knights.
Standard-bearer. A person who bears an emblem called an ensign or standard which is either a type of flag or an inflexible but mobile image, which is used as a formal, visual symbol of a state, prince, military unit, etc.
Steward. A steward is an official who is appointed by the legal ruling monarch to represent them in a country. They may have a mandate to govern it in their name. It is synonymous with the position of regent, viceroy, governor, or deputy. 
Stolnik. A person responsible for serving the royal table, then an honorary court title and a district office.
Treasurer. The Treasurer oversees the domain’s finances and sometimes literally its gold, silver, copper, & platinum coin reserves.
Viceroy. The Viceroy has the authority to rule in the monarch’s place. The chief advisor of the monarchy. They are the mentor of the high king/high queen. 
Warden. The Warden oversees a specific area of the domain like a forest or a village.
Former Companions:
Squire that he/she/they are training as a knight and paladin. Left his/her/their tutelage as a knight corporal. Promoted to knight commander and paladin commander. Is now chapter master of a knight order and paladin order. 
Apprentice that he/she/they are training as a magic user. Is now Senator of the Magical Government. 
Current Companions:
They all have a mark of life. They have attained the understanding of magic and they crafted a mark of life on the forehead of their warforged companions. This allows them to follow more complex commands of the user without direct input, allows them to speak, and allows them to remember things. 
Blade. Warforged Automaton. Envoy. Rogue. Assassin. Spy. Light Armor. Created by a goblin artificer. 
Church. Warforged Automaton. Envoy. Cleric. Druid. Combat Medic. Healer. Unarmored. Created by a draenei artificer. 
Book. Warforged Automaton. Envoy. Entertainer. Bard. Trained actor, cook, dancer, musician, painter, photographer, playwright, poet, sculpture, singer, theatre thespian, & writer. Is with them to catalog their memoir. Created by a gnome artificer. 
Scout. Warforged Automaton. Skirmisher. Scout. Gunslinger. Ranger. Sniper. Sharpshooter. Archer. Recon. Composite plating. Medium Armor. Created by a gnome artificer. 
Commander. Warforged Automaton. Heavy Assault. Paladin. Cleric. Shock Trooper. Juggernaut. Heavy Plating. Heavy Armor. 8 foot tall. 500 pounds. Created by a dwarf artificer. 
Enforcer. Warforged. Automaton. Fighter. Bodyguard. Heavy Plating. Heavy Armor. 7 feet tall. 450 pounds. Created by a draenei artificer.
Clockwork Assassin. 
Clockwork Servant. 
Clockwork Soldier.
Clockwork Guardian
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gobboguy · 9 months
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Chapter 8: Orcs, Victors
The Orcish camp pulsed with the rhythm of life as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow upon the forested mountain pass. Drums resonated through the clearing, setting the beat for the lively celebration that unfolded. Orcs gathered around a massive bonfire, its flames leaping high, their flickering light casting dancing shadows upon the jubilant faces of warriors and families alike.
The air was thick with the aroma of roasted meat and bloodgrog, the scent of sizzling pig mingling with the pungent sweetness of fermented berries. Long tables groaned under the weight of a feast, laden with hearty stews, skewers of grilled game, and tankards of frothy grog. Orcs, their faces adorned with intricate tribal paint, reveled in the spoils of victory and the simple pleasures of life.
Amidst the celebration, Gelbeg, the towering Warchief, raised a massive goblet high, his voice booming above the clamor. "To our victories, to our kin, to the Orcish spirit that knows no bounds!" A thunderous roar of approval erupted from the gathered Orcs, their tankards clashing in a cacophony of celebration.
Around the bonfire, Orc-Whelps laughed and played, mimicking the fierce battles of their elders with wooden swords and makeshift shields. Orcish musicians, beating on drums and blowing into crude instruments, filled the air with a primal symphony that echoed through the mountain pass, a testament to the resilience and vibrancy of the Orcish spirit.
As the night wore on, the celebration reached a fever pitch. Orcs engaged in raucous dance, their movements primal and exuberant, echoing the untamed heart of their community. The bonfire, now a roaring inferno, cast its warm glow upon the festivities, revealing a kaleidoscope of painted faces, sweat-soaked bodies, and eyes alight with the joy of shared triumph and life. The Orcish celebration raged on into the night, a testament to the unyielding spirit that bound them together in victory and kinship.
The Orcish celebration pulsed with primal energy as dancers stamped their feet in rhythmic unison, the earth beneath them quivering in response. The air echoed with the beat of drums and the guttural strains of Orcish victory songs, a harmonious cacophony that resonated through the village. Orc males, flexing their bulging muscles and engaging in wrestling and feats of strength, slapped their guts loudly in a display of raw strength, while nearby Orc females engaged in sinuous dances, their nude forms adorned with tribal markings, swaying like flames in the flickering firelight.
At the center of the village, a massive bonfire roared, its flames reaching for the heavens. Arrayed around it were the captured dwarves, their expressions a mix of defiance and despair. Split-Nose, the high priestess, approached the bonfire with an air of solemnity. She raised her hands, silencing the revelry, and began a speech glorifying MOG, recounting tales of conquest and the divine blessings bestowed upon the Orcish tribe.
"Orcish brethren, warriors of the indomitable tribe! Tonight, as we stand before the mighty bonfire, we celebrate not only our victories on this sacred ground but also our divine destiny as the chosen rulers of this world! From the blood-soaked soil, we rise as the superior race, destined to command the very fabric of existence itself. MOG, the mighty god, smiles upon us, granting us strength, resilience, and the unwavering will to conquer all that lies before us!
Look around you, my kin! See the captured dwarves, feeble creatures who dared challenge the might of our tribe. Their struggles, their cries, are but echoes of a futile resistance against the inevitable. We are the inheritors of this land, and tonight, as we offer these sacrificial offerings to MOG, we affirm our dominance, our right to shape the destiny of this world with our powerful hands!
We, the Orcs, stand as the embodiment of strength and power. Our muscles, our spirits, resonate with the pulse of victory! We are the rulers of the mountains, the masters of the forests, and the unyielding force that will bend all realms to our will. As the flames rise high, fueled by the sacrifices before us, let the world bear witness to the might of the Orcish tribe!
This bonfire is not merely a source of warmth; it is a beacon that heralds our ascendancy. The dwarves, in their final moments, unwittingly contribute to the grand narrative of our supremacy. Let their cries be swallowed by the flames, for our destiny as rulers of this world is inscribed in the very fabric of existence! May MOG bless us with unending strength, unwavering resolve, and the wisdom to shape a world that bows to the indomitable Orcish spirit! To victory, to glory, and to our eternal reign!"
As Split-Nose finished her fervent speech, she turned to the captured dwarfs, their fate sealed by the cruel whims of Orcish tradition. In a commanding voice, she ordered her priestesses to feed them to the flames as sacrifices to MOG. Cries of despair rose from the dwarves as they were thrown, one by one, into the roaring inferno, their agonized wails swallowed by the raucous laughter and cries of victory from the Orcs.
Gelbeg, the towering Warchief, snorted loudly and slapped his gut in appreciation of the grisly spectacle. The bonfire blazed brighter, casting macabre shadows across the jubilant faces of the Orcs. The air was thick with the acrid scent of burning flesh, mingling with the aroma of roasted meat and the earthy musk of the Orcish celebration. The dance of triumph continued, the revelry fueled by the flames of conquest and the unforgiving pulse of Orcish life.
Amidst the raucous celebration, Lushak, the Fertile, sat beside Gelbeg, her pregnant yet mighty frame brimming with the energy of revelry. Plates laden with roasted meat and tankards of bloodgrog surrounded her as she feasted heartily with her fellow Orcs. Her reddened face was split wide in a drunken grin as she swigged copious amounts of bloodgrog and cajoled with her fellow Orcs in a place of high honor next to her bloodmaave, Gelbeg. Laughter echoed through the air, intermingled with the loud burps that punctuated the camaraderie. Lushak, her red eyes gleaming with mirth, boomed a crude Orcish joke that sent the surrounding Orcs into fits of laughter. She turned towards Riv the Twice-Dead, who had just made a jape about her "taming" of Gelbeg and how she now ruled the tribe instead of Gelbeg and said, "You're one to talk Riv; did your Soulmaave give you permission to speak today?" She joked, referring to Riv's henpecking and domineering wife. Her hearty voice carried a sense of infectious joy, creating a moment of respite and unity among the warriors.
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However, the jovial atmosphere took an unexpected turn as Lushak suddenly doubled over in pain, a groan escaping her lips. The entire camp fell silent, and the Orcs stood to attention, recognizing the imminent arrival of Gelbeg's litter. The air crackled with a mix of anticipation and concern, the camp's revelry momentarily giving way to the raw, primal reality of life and birth. Gelbeg, his expression a mix of pride and urgency, rose beside Lushak, ready to usher in the next generation of Orcish warriors, a testament to the unyielding cycle of life within the tribe.
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eaudeeuphoria · 2 years
about me!!
personal info
hi!! im relatively new to using tumblr, and i was unsure what to have as my first post, so i decided to make a get-to-know-me post for this blog!! i may add to it as time goes on.
i go by val or chloe!! i mainly use doll/they pronouns, but i don't mind any pronouns. i am currently a minor so please don't be weird!! im very neurodivergent and very hyperfixated on identity v. the perfumer is my highest kin!!
my identity v id is 15302082 and my username is bunnymomoka. im not great at actually playing idv but like slay.
psychologist - ada mesmer
perfumer - vera nair
female dancer - margaretha zelle
hunters (i don't play hunter often)
sculptor - galatea claude
fav ships
margaretha zelle x chloe "vera" nair
ada mesmer x emil mesmer
martha behamfil x naib sudebar
galatea claude x grace (naiad)
this blog
i created this in my free time, just for fun!! i have a lot of headcanons and opinions about identity v, and i wanted a place to put them so i don't have to bother my friends all the time. i expect to mostly post headcanon dumps and rants. i understand that netease has done some questionable things, and i do not support all of their decisions, nor am i affiliated with them in any way. im just here to share my own silly ideas. i welcome requests of any kind, feedback, thoughts about my content, and constructive criticism!! im just here to have fun, and i hope i entertain some of you!! im always happy to be friends :)
basic dni criteria
if you ship weeping clown/joker with margaretha. if you wish, ill explain why i think the ship is toxic, but otherwise, please don't interact with me
enjoy my cringe fail tumblr account!!
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electro-kins · 3 years
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random matching identity v icons!!
reblog/like if using <3
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marskincafe · 4 years
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Margaretha Zelle (IDV) Aesthetic
For my self since I’ve been down lately, I’ve been a bit better the past couple days though, it’d not the best but it was just something fun to do, I prefer the other one I made honestly ;;
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prisonette · 3 years
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moodboard / playlist
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asnowperson · 3 years
But are you reading Shoukoku no Altair?
As the nerd who spends way too much time while translating Yume no Shizuku, Kin no Torikago, I wanted to make a post on my first "Ottoman" manga: Shoukoku no Altair.
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Left: A real-life Mahmut (Ottoman Sultan, Mahmut II). Right: Japanese Mahmut. I know that Altair has nothing to with his time period, but I can't help but think about Mahmut II everytime I hear the name "Mahmut". He's such a boss. So in my mind, a Mahmut can never be as bishounen as Tughril Mahmut.
I first saw that manga in the dark corners of LiveJournal years ago, at a time when there weren't even scanlations. And I LOVED the art. But back then, due to the lack of scans and because I couldn't even read the Japanese title, I forgot about it for years. Yes, I do have a very bad memory.
Fast forward to 2017, Shoukoku no Altair got an anime adaptation. And when was I going to start reading this Ottoman-inspired manga if not now? Like I did with DoD, I expected it to be an orientalist trainwreck. But little did I know that Katou Kotono had a degree in history and the more I got into Altair, the more I would be crying about how ignorant I was. I quickly caught up with the story. And boy, did I love it! (The anime adaptation doesn't do this manga justice. And I'm still mad that they skipped an entire sea battle.)
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Published SnA volumes, minus the latest vol. 24, and the fanbook. Japan should bring SAL back already, I want to be able to buy my mangos without developing shipping strategies.
Warning for DoD fans, this is a full shounen manga. There is no shoujo romance to see here (I'm still mad at the editors for forcing that dancer girl in the story in the earlier volumes because a shounen manga had to have a female love interest. I'm glad we didn't get to see her again and if anything, not-Vlad the Impaler's cute daughter would make a better waifu for a pasha like Mahmut). It's about the wars between the not-Ottomans and the not-Holy Roman Empire, complete with some Italian city-state drama. It only has battles, politics and keikakus. Huge armies maneuver in battle, alliances are made and broken, heads fly, armies clash, cities are besieged, we peek at the logistics behind huge armies, and civil war and coup d'états can happen any moment! If you are in DoD for politics, I'm sure you will love Altair because it actually delivers in that department.
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My little pasha can't be this smug. Vol. 20, and vol. 9's cover from the Milkazzar Altair art book (2014). Those volume covers have me screaming.
Unlike DoD, Altair is not a fully historical manga, so it's not based on real events nor there's a set time frame for it. But looking at the story elements, we can say that it's set somewhere around the second half of the 15th century. So it's somewhat close to DoD's time frame if we squeeze hard enough. I also think Burak Paşa, the "sultan" in Altair, kind of resembles to an old Suleiman I.
Every little detail in Altair is just chef's kiss! Katou-sensei has a vast knowledge of military tactics and uses it in every chapter of Altair. And huge kudos to Sense Scans and their translator, murakumo, who did a perfect job. Turkish written in kana hurts my brain, and I always check their scans before going "naruhodo!". Go check their Altair blog, it's awesome and has lots of info on the manga and you can find pretty manga artwork there. And after thanking them, go buy the manga in a language you can read, it's very likely licensed in yours.
Now my little inner fangirl will speak: Altair has the finest men and boys. You can't find this many bishounen even in 70s shoujo manga. Even if you don't care about all those battle tactics, you might care about all the bishies! Anyway have this very soft Bayezid to prove my point <3
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Can you believe that this is the face of a murderer?
Let me also talk about the art in Shoukoku no Altair: It's gorgeous! That's all I can say. I legit spend minutes looking at the outfits and the accesories. Katou herself said that she was inspired by Turkish jewelry and created Altair. Check this Mahmut swag out:
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Vol. 3's cover, scanned from the 2017 art book. I wish I knew how to process my images so that I could do sensei justice.
Shoukoku no Altair is licensed in English by Kodansha, and they are almost up-to-date with Japanese releases. Honestly the best timeline for reading Altair. Go read Altair while waiting for new DoD chapters.
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rk1kheadcanons · 4 years
Prince AU where one of them is a prince who falls in love with the other and in order to keep him close has him be his "servant" so people don't ask why theres a commoner in the place
I love this already! I'm going to base loosely it off of an rp we're in the process of doing with two other characters in the D: BH fandom.
Elijah Kamski is the King of Cerulean Forest (a play on the color of thirium.)
Amanda is the Queen of Rosengaurd and is the mother to Connor and Ayden, the princes of their land, and Connor is the betrothed to Elijah.
Ayden had been married off to the kingdom of Jericho to the Lady of the Sword, the King's General.
King Elijah is truly intrigued at the thought of his soon to be "Queen."
Connor's distraught because he's virtuous and his King is known for all manner of dalliances with commoners of his Kingdom, including letting them reside in the castle for no other reason than the King's fancy.
Connor is supposed to tolerate this, mainly because he is a male and they of course will need an heir to the throne.
It cheapens the open love that their kingdoms supposedly boasts.
Connor cannot turn down the betrothal without facing a possible war between the countries, so he does what any sane prince in the same situation would do: disguises himself as an incoming servant, a maid no less of a neighboring King's castle.
He knows about the kingdom and the one that holds the crown there. After all, his identical twin was married off to their female Captain of the Guard. He knows he will need help but he's afraid to involve his brother since he is part of the court and still a direct link to the crown, too.
Connor packs light and secures loyal servants, no friends that keep his identity hidden as he's secreted to the kingdom of Jericho by the cover of night.
In a cart drawn by his stableman, Rupert, he's pulled into the courtyard and received by two dancers of foreign ethnicity, Echo and Ripple. They bear strong similarities and heavy accents but are not kin, rather they are lovers. They quickly usher him into the castle, blessedly unmolested by anyone.
The first couple of days he stays in the would be harem. 
He finds that the King has no taste for such proclivities and converted into an area for entertainment a time ago.
He's smuggled up into the new group of King's servants as planned. What he doesn't plan on is being spotted more or less immediately. A firm yank of his arm from in armored Ayden has him having to tell his brother what was happening in their home kingdom and what he's now done by involving Jericho.
No matter how it looks, if Connor is a discoverer here, it will look like he was kidnapped from his kingdom, perhaps out of jealousy because he was engaged already to a neighboring King. After Connor explains why he ran though, Ayden promises to try to start making a preliminary injunction against the other kingdom and make look like also that the kingdom of Jericho is aware of Prince Connor's absence and are actively looking for him, that way should he be "found" here, it would not reflect badly on their kingdom.
This is all done in secret, of course, even behind Ayden's wife's back so as not to cause a stir. Ayden has contacts at home that are loyal to him still as well in court.
Connor begins working as the personal assistant to the King.
He's awkward at best trying to do anything at all.   Having had servants himself from childhood, anything he does is learned on the fly.  He's happy to be in the King's presence though, sure the man is not even aware of his existence. 
Markus Manfred's beauty was unmatched only by his intelligence. As each day passed and he served him tea, fetched him his documents to be reviewed, Connor couldn't help but fall a little bit more in love with the man as he spoke with his counsel on the affairs of his people and maintained a lovely air about him. Connor secretly wished that he were his betrothed.
Markus happened to observe his new little assistant as well.
He was a little different, Markus mused. At times it seemed that he had no idea what he was doing or how to do it, but he seemed made up for it in his adorableness and sheer stubbornness.
 Markus had caught him many times staring at him, blush staining his cheeks.  He’d write it off to his unique appearance that he had. He knew wasn't every day you met a person with two different colored irises.
He simply smiled and left the servant be.  
Connor excelled in the act of being a servant and found that he enjoyed the mundane tasks assigned to it. He also had forgotten how beautiful the King real was up close. He'd almost blown his cover just by staring at him in awe. The sky blue and grass green of his eyes were so bright, coupled with perfectly placed freckles on copper skin; Connor was a lost cause.
Things were going well for about a three weeks, Connor coming and going from his little home, still without a solid plan on what to do, when the official missing parchments from his kingdom complete with his face were passed out.
He hid in a cowl and slunk into work hoping no one would notice.
They did not and he was surprised that his day went about its normal routine with molestation. He puttered around the King's official office and he had not said a thing, yet the air was not awkward. Connor still was nervous as it was only a matter of time and he had no plan for what to do when discovered.
Just after he'd finished for the day, greeted the King calmly in a bow in a warm goodbye and went to turn towards the doorway, did the other's voice stop him.
"And how long did you plan on staying with the act of servitude to escape your betrothal, prince Connor of Rosengaurd?"
Connor whipped around so fast he almost lost his balance, his face in panic, a sharp contrast to King Markus who looked...amused?
"Listen, while I am sure you have your reasons and there are rumors, I don't mind you staying as you are but, do you plan to stay on the run forever to stave off the inevitable?"
Connor looked down at the floor, grabbing at his arm.
"I don't have a choice. My mother is using me as a bargaining agreement for more power from an allied kingdom. I don't have any other suitors so I am pretty much going to the only bidder," Connor states bitterly.
Markus sits back in his chair. Well, he could not let that happen. Connor was lovely and brilliant. If he was anything like his twin brother or more, which he just had a feeling that he was a true, Markus was more than happy to offer what he was going to.
“How about I become your suitor instead?”
It was the most natural thing to say.
Connor would be able to stave off Elijah and have just as good of a chance of bringing alliances and power to his family if that's all his mother cared about, meanwhile, he'd be able to date someone with who he had quite possibly fallen in love within a short period.
Markus seemed like he felt the same way, too.
Huh, calling him by his first name and not his title seemed so lovely in and of itself.
"I accept," Connor said with a small smile on his face that was mirrored by the other man.
Ayden was notified of this information and Connor was "found" in the kingdom of Jericho visiting his brother and accepting the King's offer to be his suitor.
Once Rosengaurd knew of these plans, Queen Amanda allowed for it, knowing that King Markus was a more honorable man than Elijah could hope to be.
She would allow Connor his decision on who he would marry off the two.
Of course, the decision was already made in Connor's heart.
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muqiing · 4 years
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tagged by @leonzhng​ thanks for making me dig through my most embarrassing crushes 😭✋
i’ll tag @highwarlockkareena​ @yibobibo​ @lan-xichens​ @purplexedhuman​ @aheartfullofjolllly​ @lanzhansmiles​ @nyx4​ i feel like i tag you guys in everything i am so sorry please ignore this if u don’t wanna do it !!
putting this under a read more for reasons
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MEN 2010 – 2016
literally nothing more embarrassing than falling on the same type of white man over and over again (with the exception of minho from shinee bless his heart)
tommy joe ratliff → he was the bass player for adam lambert during his glamnation era (think of songs like for your entertainment and if i had you) idk why exactly i liked him so much but i just did.... however i searched him up again quite recently and found out he’s one of those republicans that says the dumbest shit on twitter so Big Yikes
harry styles → “baby you light up my world like nobody else, the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed, and when you smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell...” and BOOM 13-year-old me was sold for well over two years
louis tomlinson → basically i liked harry most until around 2013 when for some reason i started to like him a little less, and i got more focused on louis tomlinson, and although i didn’t like one direction anymore louis tomlinson always had a special place in my heart
ashton irwin → so ashton is 5sos’ drummer, i discovered 5sos through one direction & i stanned them until late 2014
harries twins → the harries twins (jack & finn) are basically the reason i started spending a lot of time on youtube, they were funny and pretty and they just had good videos in general, so for almost two years i’d watch their content regularly
choi minho → my first steps into kpop happened bc i was watching videos on youtube (most probably the harries twins) and suddenly i saw the sherlock mv in my recommended videos so i clicked on it and then 14-year-old me proceeded to fall for minho like an idiot
brooks twins → still youtubers, the brooks twins were 3/5 of the janoskians (jai & luke brooks, beau brooks, daniel sahyounie, & james yammouni), an australian youtube comedy group that was active from 2011-2018 though i was only around from 2012-2014 (when jai brooks was dating ariana grande)
jc caylen → surprise! another youtuber! jc caylen was part of o2l (our2ndlife) a youtube collaboration channel on which each of the 6 members posted videos on a certain day in the week (mondays with connor, tuesdays with ricky, wednesdays with sam, thursdays with jc, fridays with trevi (my 2nd favorite member bc she participated on the x factor), saturdays with ricardo, and then they had surprise sundays every week) and i remember how much joy jc & the others always brought me with their silly videos
misha collins → up next, you might know him as the gay angel that was sent to superhell after confessing his love to the homophobic hunter on supernatural, it’s misha collins! basically misha was a huge source of comfort for me, and i even went around calling myself emmisha for almost two full years (cringe)
henrik holm → he played even bech naesheim in skam and my crush on him reached that level of ridiculousness where i actually tried my hand at learning norwegian (i can only remember how to introduce myself and some curse words i would make a great first impression on him)
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MEN 2016 – 2021
min yoongi → okay so my baby steps into kpop happened through shinee’s sherlock, but i only got really invested when yoongi dropped agust d 1 because Holy Fuck y’know??
kim namjoon → oh man i remember thinking namjoon was cute and a very good leader and then BAM he dressed like THAT at the 2016 mma’s and i fell in love. hard
park seojoon → i started liking park seojoon whilst i was watching hwarang (you guessed it, i watched it bc of taehyung), although he wasn’t my favorite character by far, but he was very silly off camera & i liked that (i’m not that into him anymore tho </3)
kim seokjin → OH BOY LET ME TELL U i liked seokjin from the very beginning (i got to know bts in late 2014) and i always liked seeing him perform and be himself and god once i realized i had a crush on him it just hit me like a mf truck, and he’s still one of my favorite people to this day
jung hoseok → god fake love era hoseok really hits different.... also yes i know i have all of bts’ hyung line on my list BUT bts was a really big part of my life for almost 6 years soooo honestly they deserve it i still think they’re great guys
choi san → when ateez made their debut in 2018 i immediately fell in love with san, he was such an amazing dancer and he captivated me right from the very beginning, to this day he’s still my bias in ateez uwu
xiao zhan → AND THEN, OCTOBER OF 2019 HAPPENS AND I WATCH CQL AND... i fall in love with xiao zhan, something i’d never expected would happen bc when i watched cql for the first time i wasn’t as invested in the story, but i really really really liked xiao zhan and one thing led to another and now here i am as a xfx
wang yibo → the thing is, i’ve known yibo since eoeo except i didn’t know cql yibo was uniq yibo (bc i’d forgotten his name) and when i looked it up i can tell you my jaw dropped to the floor bc holy shit????? also he is very silly and i love him loads ok
lee minho → ah, the man who has been my skz bias since 2018, not only is minho my bias i also kin him (there’s a lot of aspects of myself that i see in minho and vice versa) and he’s very comforting to me
bang chan → honestly, it was only a matter of time before i’d fall for bang chan, i knew the moment i got into skz again that i’d start biasing him and, well, here i am, double biasing chan & minho
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this list is shorter bc i’ve in general always had less crushes on women than on men??? blame society forcing me into thinking i was straight for a LONG time
ariana grande → remember the 2011 layout of twitter?? where u could not only have an icon and a header, but also a background and ur twitter page was smack in the center of ur screen with the big ugly menu bar at the top??? yeah ariana grande was always my background for my l*rr* st*l*n*s*n layouts
perrie edwards → this was right around the time she was dating zayn & little mix was breaking out into the spotlight, yeah i just really loved her
andrea russett → okay so remember o2l?? andrea russett was kian’s girlfriend for a pretty long time and they always did videos together and i always thought she was super pretty
lily collins → maybe i don’t like clary in tmi all that much but i sure liked the way lily collins looked
alona tal → MY BISEXUAL AWAKENING, it’s only when i saw alona tal in spn that i realized, fuck i might be gay
park jihyo → i discovered twice (my 2nd jype group after day6) through the like ooh-ahh mv and red-haired jihyo really did something to my heart (i just rewatched it and god zombie bang chan is so mf cute)
kim jisoo → when bp made their square two comeback i was immediately smitten for red-haired jisoo in playing with fire, it’s also when i realized she was my bias out of the four members
shin ryujin → the reason that i have blue hair is partially bc of ryujin and her amazing intro in wannabe :D
xuan lu → her portrayal of jiang yanli was SO ON POINT and she’s just such a kindhearted wonderful person wow i want her hand in marriage
lee yoobin → god i’ve known dreamcatcher from back when they were still called minx and ever since i’ve always looked at dami that bit more than the rest, i was also able to see dreamcatcher live in october of 2019 and the whole experience was just so amazing !!
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there’s a whole lot more than just these 10 but i wanted to fit the evolution into one (1) slide as best as i could lmao
peter pan → this movie came out in 2003 (?) and he’s honestly the first fictional character i remember ever having a crush on
legolas → i was really doubting between placing haldir or legolas here but i only really got a vague haldir obsession when i was like 14
will turner → man was annoying sometimes but i really liked him and his relationship with elizabeth was cute
jo harvelle → gosh i can’t believe she’s the only female character in here???? yeah she was one of my two spn faves and i’ll never forgive the screenwriters for the way they killed her off
castiel → does your fave ever get sent to super hell for being gay? no? well. mine did
kili → fili and kili’s storyline tore my heart out, spit on it, and then laughed straight in my face, KILI WAS LITERALLY MY FAVORITE DWARF
howl → i only watched this movie for the first time in 2020 so i kinda fucked up the tl cause i watched cql in 2019 but shh, anyways howl with his blonde hair was good looking but howl with his black hair just hits differently. i want a howl
lan jingyi → MY BABY BOY, TINIE LITTLE BABIE WHOMST I MUST PROTECT ok no but seriously this kid. i love him a lot
mu qing → BARK BARK. that’s all (that’s not all i love him a whole lot and it hurts me to see so many people misunderstand his character and only see the bad parts of him when they can forgive others for fucking up (eg. xie lian himself & feng xin) but bc mu qing doesn’t deal well with emotions suddenly he’s the bad guy??? i s2g if ppl are gonna do to him what they did to jiang cheng in the tgcf la i will RIOT)
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theonyxsystem · 3 years
Hey! I have no idea how tumblr works, or why our host made the account. But uh. Here is an intro to our system! We are an undiagnosed OSDD-1B system I believe. We have 20+ members and here are some of those members. I also just made us an insta account so our host doesn’t get anxious about us posting things. We have ADHD and dysgraphia in addition to being a system. Not everyone shows either neurodivergence the same amount. Edit- I believe somethings Nyx forgot to put here is DNI stuff. So. Please. DNI if you are LGBTphobic in any way, if you are racist, going to talk about politics, I don’t exactly know too many things that we would prefer to have DNI but, systems, we would prefer that endos do not interact. We do not know much about endos and we would just prefer to be out of that syscourse. Please don’t ask us on our opinions on different types of systems, As Nyx mentioned at the bottom. Also, please DNI if you don’t believe in ficitives, if you think ficitives have to stay true to their source or if you fakeclaim.  Here are some of our main fronters, or the alters who were fine sharing their basic infos. For safety reasons we are not going to be sharing any information about our littles. I have it in alphabetical order because Plural kit has it like that.  Here is the template. Name: Role. One trait. Gender or presentation, sexuality/romance. Pronouns. Species. Emoji  Alexis/Arson: 2nd main host. Very much energetic. Doesn’t have a specific gender, just masculine . Gay. He/They. Humanoid who can control fire ~💛
Angel: Internal helper and mediator. Motherly and the mother of some of the system alters. Feminine alter. Lesbian. wi/win/wing/wings/wingself, They/them. Avian, a person just with wings. ~🦢
Atlas: Shield. Fatherly figure, but more of a prankster, used to be a tree (He tries to work that into everything and no one knows why). Agender Masc, Ace/Aro,  tre/ter/ree/tree/treeself, pi/pin/pine/pines/pineself, He/They. An elf ~🌲
Echo: N/A role. Quite social and one of the group of artists of the system. Genderfluid. Pansexual. All pronouns. Siren ~🎶
Eira: Protector. One of the three dragons, quite shy and likes to do crafts. Female. Lesbian. She/They dragon/dragons/dragonself. Ice Dragon ~❄️
Evelyn: Fictive N/A role. A fictive from the song Evelyn Evelyn, likes circuses and bright colors. Genderqueer. Biromantic, Aseuxal.  xe/xem/xyr/xyrs/xemself Human? ~🎪
Faye: Trauma Holder. Quite shy and quiet to new peeps, but friendly after you get to know her. Genderfluid, Gay. She/They fe/faer/faerself. Fairy ~🦉
John/Jon: Fictive. Quiet and reserved and prefers not to state their source. Non binary. Pan/ace. He/They. Almost human~🖋
Kayn: Main Host. Quiet, anxious, will fight someone if they hurt their friend, and the biggest writer in the system. Agender. Pan/Demiromantic and Asexual. Human. He/They ~💜
Kin: Trauma holder. Feels guilty about everything, but very artistic and creative. Genderqueer. Panromantic Ace. deer/deers/deerself She/They. Deer. ~🦌
Lark: N/A role. Very loud and a massive dancer, Arson and him have a brotherly dislike for each other. Gay. Genderfluid. He/They. Siren ~🎸
Lynx: Main protector. Very protective of the system, one of the most reasonable alters, occasionally caretaker. Genderqueer. Aro/Ace. Lynx ~🐆
Nyx: Protector, Caretaker, Shield. Creative, and likes to cook and bake. Demigirl. Lesbian. She/They. Mist of stars ~🌌
Pyra: Protector. The second dragon, very loud and confident. Genderqueer. Lesbian. She/They dragon/dragons/dragonself. Fire Dragon ~🔥
Rune: Fictive. Quite timid, likes to write and draw, his source is a story Kayn wrote. Non-Binary. Gay. He/him. Humanoid with void powers?~🦇
Sage: Protector, External helper/caretaker. Is very exasperated at the fact most of the system will hyperfixate on something and forget about food. Non-binary. Panromantic Ace. Elf. ~🍃
Signe/Sea. Protector. Is the third dragon, timid but will be loud if need be, really likes snakes and reptiles. DemiGirl. Lesbian. She/They. Forest dragon ~🌱
Ze: Third host. Protective, loud, chaotic, likes to play video games and is the only one with a decent sleep schedule.  Agender masc. Panromantic Ace. They/Them. Avian, person with wings ~💙 We do not want to be in syscourse (Though I believe one or two of our alters do not mind) so please don’t mention it to us. 
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tribeca · 5 years
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“To my mind, Lupita Nyong’o plays four roles in Jordan Peele’s Us: there’s Adelaide, a fretful wife, mother, and former dancer whose summer getaway to her family’s lake house doesn’t go remotely as planned; there’s Red, the identical, maniacal “tethered” person who unleashes vengeful terror on Adelaide and her family; and then there are, finally, the women Adelaide and Red are each revealed to truly be in the movie’s closing moments. A less adept actor might have buckled under the demands of a precarious assignment like this. But Nyong’o is a prodigy who appears to thrive under pressure, and what she achieves in Us is a triumph of abiding and unbounded creativity. The actress constructs Adelaide and Red with her Yale-honed discipline and assiduous attention to detail, delineating the vocal, physical, and temperamental differences between these two entities who share far more in common than we initially assume. But Nyong’o takes her dual (quadruple?) characterizations a step further by embodying the film’s central mystery through thoughtful, layered choices that actively reward close spectatorship. Peele’s concluding twist is hiding in plain sight within the brilliant choices Nyong’o makes throughout the film. Adelaide's body language is far too studied and her verbal inflections frequently odd, almost as if she were speaking an unnatural language; this is Nyong'o's mastery at work, drawing our attention time and time again to what makes Adelaide distinct from her kin. Just as telling are the restless, hyperaware eyes that are always goggling and glancing over her shoulder, signaling that this everyday woman has good reason to be cautious. The actress’ work as Red is equally meaningful, her eerily eccentric showmanship equaled by an enhanced consciousness that exceptionalizes this character, too, from her kind. I don't think I'll ever forget the croaking, spine-tingling sound of Red's rusted voice, which makes each word sound like a necessary struggle, as if her throat was caught in a perpetual chokehold. We could spend years watching and examining these performances and never run out of new touches and nuances to relish, which is, above all, a testament to Nyong’o, a star who deserves more parts that match the sheer prodigiousness of her rare and potent talent.” — Matthew Eng
The 12 Best Female Film Performances of Early 2019
(Source: TribecaFilm.com)
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littleeyesofpallas · 4 years
Bleach - Name Games
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I don’t know how I didn’t think to do this one sooner.  Outoribashi(鳳橋) ROSE(ローズ) Roujurou(楼十郎) has a curious zanpakutou.  For reference, his own name (which I’ve covered before) references the Ho-ou/Feng/”Chinese-Phoenix” and by association rainbows (yes, just like the pokemon) and considering his very 70s shoujo look --very Moto Hagio and Ryoko Ikeda vibes-- in conjunction with some other themes that I’ll get to later, it definitely feels like he was meant to be gay, although we sadly got basically zero real character development for him over the series to elaborate on that...  But rainbows aside, the Ho-ou is why his hollow mask is a bird mask, and possibly the association with bird song could be where Rose’s music powers came from.
His sword’s name is Kinshara(金沙羅) written as (金):”Gold” and (沙羅):”Shala” which is a tree native to India, Shorea robusta, aka Sal tree.  As a translation Viz’s “Golden Shala” is actually perfectly correct!  It’s totally not any kind of translator error, but there’s really nothing to indicate what’s relevant about the Shala as a choice of name, so I’m going to dig into that instead.  And to be fair, I’m not super sure any of this is exactly “obvious” even in Japanese; I think this one is a lot of Kubo just being a big nerd about stuff, because that’s just how he is...
So, to start, it has numerous connections to images of the Buddha in relation to death, birth, impermanence, and attaining enlightenment, but what I think it’s references is a part of the opening line of the Heike Monogatari(平家物語) which reads...
沙羅雙樹の花の色, 盛者必衰の理を顯す: “The color of the flower of the pair of Shala trees, displays the natural truth that (even) prosperous people inevitably decline.”
It draws on the buddhist themes of life and death to note the inevitable fall of the Taira clan in the Genpei war, even as the story itself begins with the rise of the Taira.
The Heike Monogatari is often considered a Japanese equivalent to classical Western epics like the Illiad; it chronicles the events of the Genpei war, which itself is sometimes compared to the English War of the Roses, due to a similar start in which a reigning sovereign’s lineage comes into dispute between two offshoot families.  Notably the Genpei war ended the Heian period, a long standing era of peace in Japan considered the height of Japan’s courtly culture.  The Taira clan in particular were the ones who established the prominence of samurai in Japanese government, and the end of the Genpei war established the first Shogunate, the effects of which would shape the next ~500 years of Japanese internal conflict.
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Anyway...  Point being that (沙羅雙樹の花の色,): “The color of the flower of the pair of Shala trees,” seems to be the reference point for the name Kinshara(金沙羅): “Golden Shala” and the sword itself being a long vine/whip ending in a Shala flower.  The name is effectively synonymous with, “Fleeting prosperity.”
The release calls kanaderu(奏でろ) means either “to play an instrument” or “to dance” both of which are relevant readings given Rose’s music based powers and dancer based bankai.
Although I don’t actually get where he connected the Shala imagery with music in particular...  I guess if you read the metaphor as “fleeting beauty” instead of “prosperity” it does kind of describe music as an explicitly sensorially in-the-moment form of art, but that feels like a bit of a stretch as far as intended reading.
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His bankai is Kinshara Butodan(金沙羅舞踏団), retaining the same phonetics and kanji for Kinshara, and adding Butou-dan(舞踏団) which Viz translated as “Dance troupe” which is technically the literal reading of 舞踏:”Dance”+団:”Group” but it kind of dodges the fact that  Butou(舞踏) isn’t just a word for dance as a general art form or concept, it specifically refers to the particular family of Japanese, post-war, Western influenced modern dance forms.  It is most recognized, somewhat infamously, for a style using white body paint and extremely slow and hyper expressive controlled movements.  This reframes the release call from its “playing an instrument” reading to “dancing.”
Kinjiki(禁色): “Forbidden Color” was the first ever Butou piece, performed in 1959. (note the homonym in Kin(禁):”Prohibited” and Kin(金):”Golden.”)  It was based on a 1951 Yukio Mishima novel of the same name, and the phrase refers back to a Heian period law that restricted the colors that could be worn in court.  But the book and dance piece used the historical reference to compare the taboo of homosexuality with the arbitration of petty court conduct.
So, “Gold (Colored) Shala” is basically a pun on “Forbidden (Colored) Shala” and “Forbidden Color... Butoh...” immediately ques up the gay associations, which then fall in line with other more readily established themes with Rose’s character, like...
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...Rose’s name being Rose (and again his very BL manga aesthetic) is a pretty clear reference to the word/term Bara(薔薇) which is the Japanese for “Rose” but is a slang term for gay men, derived from the 1970s gay culture magazine, Bara-zoku(薔薇族): "Rose-Tribe/Clan.”  (This same magazine ran a column for write-in editorials specifically from its female readers titled Yuri-zoku Heya(百合族部屋): “Lily-Tribe Room” which in turn is why Yuri is the slang for lesbians.)  
The magazine’s popularity (as well as that of others like it) with women was a huge contributing factor to the style and content of 1970s shoujo manga.  Which again is where Rose gets his general look of long wavy blond hair, European features, and frilly shirts from.  In particular I’m reminded of Moto Hagio’s emphasis on European men, Ikeda Ryoko’s world famous historical-fiction Rose of Versailles, and Yasuko Aoike’s From Eroica with Love. (pictured above)
Also a fun tangent, but it’s possible Rose was directly based off Bjorn Andresen, but it’s a little hard to tell...  Andresen was a huge influence on the 1970s shoujo aesthetic, specifically because of his role in the 1971 film, Death in Venice, where he plays an alluring androgynous boy that the movie’s protagonist becomes infatuated with.  His youthful and effeminate looks made him something of a celebrity the world over, but where as many western countries antagonized him over his role’s implicit homosexuality (he isn’t actually gay himself) in direct reaction to his fans’ embrace of it, Japan’s general public didn’t really seem to care, so he only ever got attention from his fans there --he’s actually commented that he’s been very fond of Japan largely because of the way it was the one place he wasn’t harassed over his perceived sexuality during his early career.
Anyway, Rose could just be based off the style that Andresen inspired, but the reason I think he could be a reference to the man himself is that Andresen is also a musician and performed with a dance-band called Sven-Erics as their keyboardist.  (I guess the dance-band thing could superficially tie back into the Butou theme, but honestly as a generic 70s-80s euro pop band the Sven-Erics definitely weren’t anything approaching the style of Butou.)  But the specific linking of the way he looks and the music powers feels more deliberate.
I didn’t even think about the fact that I did Yumichika and Ruri-iro Kujyaku not long ago, and putting the two next to each other, I never realized before now that we had TWO fabulous flower and bird themed men in Bleach that Kubo never even put in the same room together.  We were robbed.
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