#femboy drink
collaredkittyboy · 1 year
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I really tried with this one guys
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eepytinykisser · 10 months
Wouldn't you know it, it tastes like mango :3
But unlike the juiced version I can feel the energy on this one
I feel like I haven't blink once in the las hour (⁠☆⁠▽⁠☆⁠)
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kaleidoscope-ize · 1 year
Drew an outfit that I wore last weekend that I loved :)
The top was a sort of netting-thing with a black floral brocade, but I don't have it in me to sketch all of that
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dystopianvagrant · 3 months
Cue one DV falling through a wormhole onto your muse's lap.
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estradoriol · 1 year
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porcelaintoybox23 · 2 years
Me trying to explain to MeChat that Sunny Brandyhop needs a date where the MC helps him study for his exams and falls asleep on his bed w his squishmallows
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hotdamnmadison · 10 months
Ever get that perfect level of drunk where you're ready to fuck, suck, and be a whore/spill your guts? The room isn't spinning yet, you're still forming coherent sentences, and you aren't incapacitated on a couch. You're right in the sweet spot... Loosey goosey.
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colonel-crab · 1 year
i wish monster energy drinks symbolized the emo and scene kids and their awful rotting teeth of the past instead of the now huge femboy cocks
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dentixvoxel · 1 year
okay, one more post about r/place because it's just never ending but apparently taiwan has been adopted as an honorary baltic county by the baltic place discord
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lordblepblep · 1 year
I am a proud femboy supporter
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404shcats · 3 months
Genuinely so glad I stopped drinking monster -Party
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willtheweirdrat · 3 months
drank a whole monster for the first time today, 8/10 i was mildly tweaking the first 30 minutes but it's delicious and i might be slightly addicted
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Yandere Femboy Tenant x Landlord Reader
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He’s just so used to being catered to 
Men and women falling at his feet everywhere he goes
Lending their money and bodies to every little whim of his 
He’s beautiful and social and the most desirable guy around
“Oh Soru-sama! I have a gift for you!”
“Soru-sama here have my money this month! I do have to pay rent but I feel the most fulfilled if you were to have this!”
“Soru-sama I wish I was as cool as you!” 
With a flip of his hair crowds absolutely swoon 
“Thank you so much, everyone…now please leave your gifts in an orderly pile.”
But at the end of the day, Soru does return to a home
A gated house that he’s currently renting 
And it's the house you own
“Tenant Soru I’ve come to get your rent!”
“Oh (Y/n) you’ve conveniently arrived right when I had my noon bath~ Are you thinking of joining me?”
“Soru the rent.”
“Ah! Can I maybe persuade you with a bottle of champagne?”
“No, it’s probably drugged. What I want is the rent.”
“Uh oh~ I think I left the water running! If you’ll excuse me!”
At first, he hated you 
Because you weren’t kissing the ground he walked on like past landlords
Whether you are just not interested or eager to maintain a tenant-landlord relationship
You just won’t be swayed
And in the end, he’s just not used to the typical treatment
Where you’ll threaten to evict him if he doesn’t pay up
Or how you scream and threaten to call the police when he offers something alternative
And how when he goes to talk to you, you don’t immediately try to ask him out
He comes to find he just really really really likes you
It takes him a while to realize though
“They’re right…I really should stop dropping by their place unannounced…but I just really want to see them and when I don’t I feel–wait…oh no…am I in love!?” 
But when he does realize he refuses to stop himself
Whether you are already dating or not interested 
He won’t be deterred 
All his life he’s been given everything 
So if he wants you he should be able to have you right
To entrance you all by himself 
Once he’s decided on you he never stops 
Using every tool in his arsenal to get an ounce of your attention 
“(Y/n)! So glad you could stop by~! Care for a cookie?”
“You said your pipe was broken…”
“It is! And I desperately need you!”
All he needs is one shot 
One slip-up from you is all he needs
All he wants
When you finally accept that drink or those cookies or even decide to rest your eyes in the ‘seemingly’ empty house
It’s over
At the snap of his fingers and a lie, Soru has an entire dedicated fanbase ready to help with crafting your disappearance 
When you do wake again, you’re so dizzy you settle on the thighs under your head
“Aww does my little landlord have a hard time keeping their head up? Good, I wouldn’t want it any other way!”
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thatbendyfan · 2 years
so what’s up with femboy energy drink? im all for femboys but. did they come up with a line of drinks? where can i buy one?
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yanderestarangel · 6 months
did u delete a fic? i swear i saw a tio!miguel fic earlier today
a/n: hi angel! thank you for asking, in fact there was an age restriction and I decided to delete it, I'll take advantage of your comment and repost it. ✧⁠*ᜊ( ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ᜊ.
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𝐓𝐖: dark plot, toxic relationship, power play, non con, dub con, manipulation, age gap, step!incest (non-blood uncle), invasion of privacy, stalking, threat, dead dove, dark smut, latino ftm reader, femboy reader, jealousy, aggressive sex, recorded sex, dom!miguel, v!sex, blowjob, spanish nicknames, send nudes, degradation, objectification, AU, male x male, porn plot, long fic, brain rot, creampie, blackmail.
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Family parties were normal for your family, getting together some close relatives and celebrating on any weekend, always with plenty of music and laughter filling your ears, was annoying at times, but you couldn't say 'no' to a tradition.
You felt the cold of the night breeze enter your skin, each hair left its place accompanied by a strange chill ── you were being watched, and you knew very well who it was... Tio Miguel.
Miguel O'Hara was a friend of your father, a mysterious and serious man, even though your family welcomed him as if he shared the same blood, he still had the same look of rigidity and seriousness ── no one knew much about his past, if he had some relationship or family before moving to your city years ago, but it was only said that he worked as a caretaker on some local farms ── which made him earn too much money for a simple caretaker, but that matter was not touched by no one in your family.
You obeyed the strict rule of calling him "Uncle" or "Tio", since when he arrived, when his eyes met yours, it was as if something awakened in his core ── a flame lost for years, now burning in his soul, and you it was the kerosene that made this fire worse.
Your attention returned to reality, seeing the tanned man go to the place where you were, sitting next to you; muscular legs crammed into the black jeans he always wore, with a weather-beaten dress shirt that had previously been white, now appeared to be a light vanilla shade, hugging the girth of his robust muscles. He had a cold, fresh can of beer in his right hand, while his left went towards his hair, arranging some loose strands that insisted on falling on his forehead, his lips formed a thin line, the corners turned down in disapproval ── The sight of you hiding from the celebration hurt him, a pang of possessiveness invaded his chest, soon remembering the things he had seen, however, before touching on the topic of rupture the words came out softly from his throat.
"What is wrong, carinõ?"
He asked softly, hand reaching out to take yours gently. His grip was firm but not unnecessarily tight, calloused skin warm against your own.
"You should be out there, dancing and laughing with your family... You seem thoughtful mi principito"
You sighed in response, quickly explaining that you weren't in a party mood, your hands went back to the cell phone that was previously in your pocket, making the Mexican's eyes narrow in response to such an act. O'Hara took a deep breath, feeling the air fill his lungs, then crushing the drink can in his hand and turning to you, he knew exactly what he wanted to know and he wanted the truth.
"Who was that boy, mi vida?”
He questioned, pulling you closer to his frame as the music swelled around you. His fingers traced idle patterns on your back, you felt the burn of heat on his body, the smell of expensive men's perfume and cheap alcoholic drink.
"You were speaking so intimately with him..."
His voice was a low purr, tinged with warning.
"This is our moment, just us... I dropped that phone." That was a threat, making you make a quick excuse ── after all, you knew exactly what he was talking about, you were going out with "Hobbie Brown", a friend from your college, but you didn't expect your uncle to have seen the two of you together (but it wasn't very difficult, you and the boy always clung to each other even if you didn't have anything officially. )
You moved away from Miguel's heat, before the sensation was still tolerable, but now it seemed like a violent flame and about to explode like a time bomb. Your mouth opened, speaking sweet lies, trying to mask the fact that you were going out with Hobbie ── you knew that the best way was to lie, even if it didn't do anything, you had already seen how your non-sanguine uncle acted like a crazy man when you were around people other than him. Miguel's eyebrows arched in disbelief, dark brows furrowing deeply. "Tell me, corazón, is there something you wish to confess to me?"
He asked, tilting his head curiously. His gauze lingered on your lips, as if he could taste the lie on them. "I see what happens around me, my heart."
He murmured, his voice low and dangerous.
"And I do not like it... Do not lie to me, mi angel, because the next lie I hear from your sweet lips, you'll regret it." The sound of his voice was a low rumble, like thunder on the horizon. He pulled you close again, his lips brushing your ear softly.
"You play with fire... Mi pequeño."
His voice was a whisper now, his breath warm against your skin.
"And one day, that fire will burn you."
He released you then, stepping back with a harsh exhale. His eyes were stormy, his features set in a hard line. Miguel stared at you for a moment, as if he could read your thoughts, as if he could feel your fear ── Finally, he sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair in frustration.
"If I ever hear of another man touching you like that again... I will end him." He muttered, downing a large gulp of his drink before setting the bottle down on the table. You watched him leave, the loud footsteps on the raw cement floor were enough to tell you that he was angry. The rest of the party was strange, you felt tio Miguel's eyes on you, even though the atmosphere was pleasant for the other participants in your family, everything had gotten worse after the confrontation you had with the man ── you thought about telling about your uncle's strange behavior towards your father, but you knew it wouldn't help, they would just defend Miguel and say that you were exaggerating... But you felt like you weren't.
You went to your room, while you saw the tall man's shadow in the hallway, bumping into the walls because he was too drunk to think or stand on his feet ── you saw him leaning on your door frame, while you asked calmly if he needed some help. Miguel's eyes met his, his vision slightly blurred from the alcohol he had consumed. He licked his lips, his gaze roaming your body hungrily, but he didn't act, only a sob and a sad laugh left his lips, while he showed his white canines.
"You are mi ninõ. You always have been and always will be... There is no escaping your destiny."
He babbled, his words filled with drink, but he was serious, like he had never spoken before, you could see a mix of dark emotions that burned in his brown orbits, each word, no matter how slurred it was, carried a clear truth that could not be said aloud by several taboos.
His hands reached out, gripping your arms tightly. His fingers dug into your flesh, leaving small red marks.
"Don't forget this... You would never lie to your Uncle right? I will protect you... Incluso si es de ti mismo."
He leaned closer, his breathing heavy and laced with the smell of whiskey.
"But I will also punish you if you disobey me."
He let go of you then, frowning as he looked at the marks he had left on your arms.
"Go to bed now."
He mumbled, turning away from you and stumbling towards the door.
"Sleep well, my precious boy."
His voice was filled with alcohol, spite and a twisted desire ── the latter making his gaze linger on you for a moment longer, as he staggered out, ignoring everything and everyone around him, you tried to ignore the burning in your stomach, a mixture of fear and a bittersweet heat near your stomach, you were maybe just very tired... Right? You pushed away the thoughts that consumed your mind, trying to grab the fog of sleep that you tried to achieve, you hoped for a good day... But little did you know what fateful destiny had planned.
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You woke up to your parents cleaning the house, it was a hot and irritating Sunday, you woke up sweaty and to the loud sounds of rooms being dragged from one place to another ── you really didn't want to be there, so your father told you to go to your uncle Miguel's house, even though you insisted on saying the opposite, that you could handle the chaos at home and help them, but your parent just repeated the phrase and sent you to keep O'Hara company at his house.
Everything would be better than facing him again.
You wore your most comfortable and cool dress for that sultry summer day ── your breasts bounced and you felt the coolness of the wind blowing beneath your legs, reaching your thighs and panties, an adorable boy, on the way to the wolf's house.
Walking under the sun until you saw Miguel's house in a rural area and away from the common neighborhood, you called his name, soon seeing the man come completely sweaty and shirtless, still wearing the same pants from yesterday, while drying his sweat of his brow, letting you into his comfort.
He grumbled, he turned around, taking you home without saying another word. The tension between the two of you was palpable, the air thick with unspoken words.
As you entered the house, you noticed a slight disorder. Miguel's usually immaculate house really needed some cleaning. He gestured for you to sit on the couch.
"Your father said you were coming..." He sighed with a hand on his hips as he looked at you steadily. "That's good, now we can continue our conversation from yesterday, okay? I want the truth my boy, give me your cell phone, unlocked... After all, you have nothing to hide from me right... You and Hobbie are just good friends... Right?" His voice carried that threatening and authoritarian tone again, you stuttered but when you saw your uncle's look you swallowed hard and accepted your fate, obviously you had spicy messages on your cell phone, but what could you do? Running unfortunately wasn't an option, neither was screaming, you were trapped in a spider's web, and in the possessive man's judgmental gaze.
"Now. Give it to me. Or else you know what I'm capable of."
He repeated as you handed him the electronic device ─ and it didn't take long for him to find what he was looking for... Miguel's eyes narrowed as he flipped through the messages on his phone. His grip tightened around the device, his knuckles turning white. A mixture of anger, jealousy and hurt crossed his face as he read the explicit messages and saw the intimate photos, you were really with that boy... You were doing everything behind his back.
"How dare you show your body to that piece of shit!"
His voice was laced with bitterness and disappointment. He threw the phone onto the table, the screen cracking on impact.
"Do you think you can send nudes to some random boy and get away with it?"
He took a step towards you, his expression darkening.
"Did he make you wet? Did he make you excited?" His words came out like venom, his hand shot out, grabbing your chin tightly, forcing you to look at him. Miguel's grip on his chin tightened, his fingers digging into his flesh. His angry eyes fixed on his, his expression filled with a mixture of possessiveness and pain.
"I expected everything... Except that, I'm tired, tired of just being seen as your fucking uncle... I can give you so much more than that boy ever could. I can make you scream, make you beg for more. But you need to understand that you are mine."
His voice was filled with a desperate need, a desire that was both warm and terrifying. He pressed his body against his, his erection evident through his jeans. You tried to protest again, in vain, you just felt O'Hara's thick lips on yours, it was strong, his tongue dominating his as he held you tightly. His hand guided your trembling hand to his hard, throbbing erection, pressing it against the fabric of his pants. He let out a low growl of pleasure, the sound vibrating against your lips.
"You always make me hard on boy... So fucking hard." He continued kissing you fiercely, your free hand moving to grip his waist, his fingers digging into your flesh. He pressed your body against his again, now the bulge of his pants rubbing against your thigh. The intensity of his touch and the raw desire in his eyes made your own body respond, despite the fear and confusion, it was so wrong, but it felt right at the same time.
"Do you think you can show yourself like that to anyone? Do you think there will be no consequences?"
He pushed you back, guiding you towards the couch again ─ his hands exploring your body with a hunger that bordered on desperation.
"Strip for me, baby boy. Show me that body you dared to share with someone else. Show me what only I should see."
His voice was commanding, his eyes burning of lust and anger. He watched as you hesitantly complied, removing your clothes piece by piece, revealing your naked form to him ── your dress was discarded somewhere in the room, your breasts bounced while your nipples became hard from contact with the air, your pussy was already wet, a simple kiss had done that to you.
He looks at you with admiration... All of that was for him, a banquet of the gods, he wasn't going to leave you in punishment, no matter how angelic you were, he was going to reduce you to a dumb and beautiful mess, totally broken for him.
"Look at you... So eager to please, so desperate for my touch. Did just one kiss from does your uncle get you this wet?"
A smile played at the corners of his lips as he took hold of his cell phone, opening the camera app with a sinister glint in his eyes.
"Well, since you were so willing to show yourself to that boy, I think it's only fair that I capture this moment. Don't you agree, my precious angelito?"
He positioned himself in front of you, his cock springing free from his pants. The sight of his naked arousal feels a mix of fear and excitement coursing through you. He pulled you down to your knees, his grip firm on the back of your head.
"Suck it," he commanded "Let the world see what a slut you've become."
You hesitated for a moment, the gravity of the situation sinking in. But the thought of defying him only fueled his anger further. With a mixture of trepidation and submission, you wrapped your lips around his throbbing length, your tongue swirling around his head. He groaned, his grip tightening in his hair as he began recording your submissive act.
"You look so fucking beautiful with my cock in your mouth. Such a good boy, taking it all in."
He continued to record, capturing each salacious moment as you eagerly pleasured him. The taste of his cock and the sound of his moans filled your senses, heightening your own pleasure. Your body responded, the tingling warmth between your legs growing more intense with each passing moment.
"No one else gets to taste you like this. You're my slutty boy, and I'm going to make sure everyone knows it."
He spoke as the fat and hot tip of his member hit your throat repeatedly, making you choke and connect your nose with his groin, the lack of air making you momentarily see stars as he let you breathe again.
As Miguel reached his climax, he grunted and released a hot jet of cum into your mouth. He groaned with satisfaction, feeling the pulsing sensation as he emptied himself into your mouth. The taste of his essence filled your senses, mixed with the bitter-sweet humiliation of the situation. Once he had finished, he withdrew his dick from your mouth, his grip firm on your face. He forced you to open your mouth wide, showing your dirty tongue, coated with his cum, to the camera. The sadistic glint in his eyes only intensified as he instructed you to swallow it all.
You obediently complied, gulping down his cum, heavy tears ran down your body, while his thumb pulled your cheek to show him even more of your oral cavity.
"Look at the camera....You look like a damn porn star... A filthy, little porn star."
You barely had time to react, then the man trapped you beneath him again ─ his thighs separated yours, while he looked at your cunt milking the air with so much excitement, making him laugh mockingly and dominantly ─ without prior warning, his thick cock entered your wet pussy, stretching you to your limits and causing a mixture of pain and pleasure to surge through your body. Your legs were draped over his shoulders, granting him unrestricted access to your most intimate parts.
As he thrust into you, Miguel focused the camera on your tear-streaked face, capturing every moment of your vulnerability and submission.
You were a mess of conflicting emotions, a beautiful sight to him as he reveled in his dominance over you, The desire makes you delirious, completely erasing your sense of right and wrong ── soon you find yourself thrusting your hips onto his cock, whimpering pathetically as you moan his name.
"Mmm, you're such a buen chico para mí.. such a good and beautiful pussy... You hid it from me for so long... But you showed it so easily to that bastard... You disappoint your uncle sometimes, boy."
His hand left the camera momentarily, his fingers finding your clit, caressing it in a way that made your moans intensify, he watched your reactions closely, moaning with lips parted, as he looked directly into your teary eyes.
"See, I knew you'd love this, aren't you? Oh, sí... Mierda- Eres tan apretado chico".
Then, with the peaks of moans and pounding of flesh on flesh, his grunts grew louder and more primal as he climaxed. With one final thrust, he released his hot sperm deep inside your pulsating pussy, filling you with his essence. When he pulled out, the camera captured the evidence of your intimate connection, showing the mixture of his cum and your own juices. Your pussy clenched and milked the air, aching for more even after he finished.
"You've taken all of my cum... Un buen chico para tu tio."
You couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction mixed with a tinge of shame as you watched your body respond to his touch.
He smiles at the video on his cell phone, while looking at you with a dangerous glare.
"Now you're going to be a good putito... After all, you don't want this to leak out to our family, do you?"
You had no choice, and maybe you didn't even want to... Miguel had broken you, as he always wanted, you were his now, only his.
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starboye · 13 days
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starring: vinnie hacker x male reader
request: vinnie hacker and his thicc!femboy roommate have been living together a months now and vinnie is now just sitting on the couch playing video games until he looks up and sees his roommate come out his room walking into the kitchen with a tight crop top and a thong and vinnie can’t help but stare at how his ass jiggles so vinnie gets up and head to the kitchen and talks to the roommate about his choice of clothing and vinnie grabs his thong and snap it back onto him and roommate yelps… they start making out and vinnie his just rubbing his ass and it gets to the point where he stops kissing roommate just to look at his ass and how jiggly it is but after a while Vinnie picks up roommate and brings him to his room where he pulls the thong to the side and eats his ass and then after he fucks reader is the face down asss up position but makes him keep the thong on and after they finish vinnie gets up and plugs his ass with a butt plug and then looks in his drawer to see so many thongs and vinnie makes his roommate try on like 5 different pairs before fucking him again
warnings: smut, cursing, ass eating (reader receiving), thong, mentions of drinking, butt plug, unprotected sex
you couldn't deny that the night before was pretty crazy, you were out partying with your friends all night dancing and drinking till you were black out drunk and only getting home till it was around 4 in the morning with vinnie hearing you stumble your way to your bed from his room.
now it was around noon and you were just waking up from your short lived nap because vinnie was screaming at his game in the living room, he watched as you slowly made you way to the kitchen in your clothes from last night. infatuated by how your ass jiggled with every step you took in that thong and skirt with that skin tight crop top before you start pouring yourself some water.
vinnie decides to test his luck and rises from his spot with the intent of teasing you on his mind "y'know in the couple months we've been living together i've never seen you like this" vinnie chuckles at your drowsy and tired state as he leans against the counter "yeah maybe because im not usually this hungover" you say sipping the water before putting the glass in the sink.
"no i mean like this" he clarifies bringing back the material of the thong and letting it snap back onto your ass,you wince at the slight pain and lightly punch vinnie in the arm "hey what the fuck vin" you yelp rubbing your ass to help the pain go away. as you do so vinnie looks from your ass to your eyes back and forth making you catch his eyes with yours and you dont know whether you were still drunk or not but vinnie was looking unreal right now.
the way you could see his muscular build through his shirt and the way he looked at you and without a thought vinnie grabbed you by the waist and brought you into a heated kiss which quickly escalated into making out as vinnie groped at your ass, kneading it eagerly with his large hands. he stops kissing you for a moment just to jiggle your ass in his palms, you move to leaving some hickeys on his neck to make up for the loss of his lips on yours.
"wanna go to your room" vinnie asks lightly kissing your ear "sure" you pant from all the kissing, vinnie lifts you up by your thighs and carries you to the room before dropping you on your bed "you know i haven't had any breakfast yet" vinnie says bringing off his shirt "then i have something nice and juicy you could eat" you say arching your back to accentuate your ass to him.
"oh ill definitely have to have a taste" vinnie smirks glaring down at you as pulls your thong to the side and he lowers his face in between your legs and begins eating you out, his tongue lapping at your hole and nipping at the inside of your ass "fuck" you shakily moan dropping your head "yeah that feel good" vinnie asks slapping your ass.
"i cant wait anymore- ngh... put it in" you moan into the bed "you sure you're ready for that" vinnie asks with a raised eyebrow and a smug look as he licked the drool from his beautiful lips "mhm" you nod wanting his dick to fill you, he leans up and pulls off his joggers and lets his hard dick falls onto your ass. giving your ass a few smacks with his dick as his finger massaged your hole slowly before he aligned himself up with you.
you looked back at him, the way he was above you, mouth messy with saliva and drool from eating you out and his muscular build contorting and flexing as he pushed into you slowly, his thick tip stretching out your hole enough to get the rest of his dick in, you let out a breathy moan into the bed.
you felt so full of him that it almost made you cum but you held back, vinnie gave you a few seconds to adjust to his big size before he was thrusting into you with hard plaps punctuating his size even more, your hard on throbbed against the fabric of the thong that vin wouldn't let you take off, he held the thin string to the side as he admired your hole taking his full length with no push back or resistance.
"so who fucked you last night" vinnie leans down over you, his arms caging your head in to keep himself up "why, you jealous or somethin" you choke out because of vinnies rough thrust "big talk coming from the guy currently getting his ass pounded" vinnie chuckles moving so hair from your sweaty forehead.
"m'close" you mutter breathlessly "already lightweight" he laughs making you hide your face in the blankets from embarrassment "oh dont be like that" he says slowing his thrusts to get a response but you leave your face in the blankets "fineee" he grumbles gripping your hips before he starts pounding your ass full force, you messily moan and whimper out before you cum in the thong.
staining it with your cum "yeah that felt good right" vinnie asks not slowing his thrusts to reach his high, earning a small whine out of you before he's flooding your hole with his load, he watches as some of it leaks out over his cock. swiftly pulling out and finding a random butt plug in your nightstand to put in you and hold his warm cum in you.
he sits behind your for a while, both of you catching your breath, another thong soon catches his eye and he gets up to look through your drawer and sees a bunch of other thongs hidden away "and what do we have here" he taunts pulling the slutty underwear out and holding them up, your eyes widen in shock at seeing them and you jump up from the bed to grab them but vinnie holds them out of your reach.
"how about we have a little modeling show" he says with a sinister look in his eyes, you oblige and after a while come back into the room with a new pretty thong on and model it for vinnie as he lays naked in your bed, his dick jumping against his tummy as you model this one for him "i think we have a winner" he says pulling you onto the bed for another fuck session.
taglist: @mailmango @spermeboy @ghostking4m @gayaristocrat @addictedtomalepits @staarb0y @crispysoup318 @its-ares @gargoylesworld09 @kadenvatsune @fuckshft
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