#fenix don't look
armed-saphire · 3 months
until dawn is really good but omg imaaagine if the inciting incident never happened and they all just hung out wouldnt that be so cool
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lestatlioncunt · 1 year
–what does your heart look like?
i was tagged by @katsigian @halsin @devilbrakers and @nuclearstorms to take this quiz for some of my ocs, thank you soso much everyone!! mwah
i think many already got tagged so feel free to ignore this or jump into it!! tagging: @reaperkiller @aragorngf @morvaris @malefiicarum @faarkas @risingsh0t @florbelles @indorilnerevarine @denerims @cultistbase and you!!
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a bird struggling to get loose
Your heart can never hold still. It pounds against your chest frantically, always turning your sights to one thing after the next. When was the last time you were certain? The last time your life was stable? Maybe this is how you prefer things. On the move constantly, not tied down to one person or place. You chase one goal after the next. Can you ever really feel complete without a place to land? Shouldn’t you build yourself a nest?
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a tangled ball of red strings
Who are you without the company of others? You aren’t sure, but you know that you aren’t fond of whoever it is. You are an actor, a pretty face and a pleasant song. Many idolize you, or love you, but you can never be sure of how sincere it is. Your heart is buried under the letters they leave you, sealed with a kiss. It can’t be untangled from the red strings they’ve attached to you. You deserve to find something, someone, true and faithful to hold your heart in place. You don’t have to be everything to everyone.
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molten lava and charred flesh
Your heart burned so fiercely that it burnt itself out, leaving horrible scars in its wake; scars inside your chest and on the hands of those who touched you, the hearts of anyone who got close enough to connect to yours. The person you are now is no longer recognizable, burnt up by your own anger and passion and love. The injuries can never be fully erased, but they can be soothed with time and trust and forgiveness.
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majorpepperidge · 9 months
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Fenix proof-reading the script for the next season of "The Double Marriage of the Careless Shepherdess" (and wondering why the eponymous Shepherdess shares a few characteristics with herself, ain't that weird?)
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homoeroticgrappling · 20 hours
What are your top 5 favorite hey! Ew interviews? Who would you like to see her interviewed?
As someone who has rewatched the entirety of hey!EW twice in the past week or so, I feel qualified to answer this and will happily go into what is probably more detail than you wanted
Did Danhausen Ruin It All Before It Even Gets Started?
Bryan Danielson Defends His Life Choices
The Dark Order Reveals Their Darkest Secrets
Best Friends Show Some Leg
Abadon Speaks?!
1. Love That Danhausen of course (the ongoing bit of Danhausen ruining Christmas is also great) but it being the first episode really set the tone for the "herding cats" vibe of RJ attempting to keep everything under control to ask questions with varying degrees of success that has become the trademark of Hey!EW
2. Listening to an internationally revered wrestler talk about flaccid penises and quoting Bloodhound Gang is my idea of a good time, and the delivery of RJ asking "have you ever fucked a vegetable" cracks me up
3. The balance between bringing up interesting questions and throwing in fun shenanigans is so perfect in the Dark Order episode, the "guys, am I... Egotistical?" "you're kind of a douchebag" "I'm a dₒᵤcₕₑbₐg?!" exchange has Always Sunny energy in the best way
4. Genuinely a great little crash course if you don't know much about Best Friends while also being funny as hell, once again a wonderful balance of genuine questions/prompts and comedic ones that shows you what Best Friends are all about
5. This episode is the spiritual successor to OC answering a question on global sea levels during the debate promo with Jericho and I love it so much. Where Hey!EW truly excels is the willingness to take an unconventional and tailored approach to an interview in ways that emphasize what makes each guest unique and allows them to shine, knowing when to stick firmly in the realm of kayfabe and when to blur that line. Using a comedic approach to handle explaining more about Abadon's identity while being totally respectful is such a cool way to educate a wider audience in a clear way with examples to help people understand, all while highlighting an underappreciated wrestler
In terms of who I'd like to see interviewed I'd love to see Iron Savages just cause I want to see the RJ City/Titty City collision, Samoa Joe would be cool as hell, getting Rey Fenix and Pac ones to go with the Penta one and complete Death Triangle would be great (ditto with the rest of the House of Black) and I am genuinely shocked the only pillar not to get an episode yet is Darby HOWEVER
#1 on my "please it'd be SO good" list is Christian Cage and The Patriarchy, there's only one person brave enough to call it like it is re: Luchasaurus being a scaly, Christian deciding he's the ultimate daddy etc and that is RJ City. I trust and believe he'd risk his life for us to ask Christian about if he and mama Wayne would accept Nigel McGuiness as their third 🙏
I love Hey!EW. Regardless of what I think going into it, every time I watch an episode I end up liking the guest more than I did before I started it because RJ has an incredible talent for bringing the best out in people and making them look good, it's my favourite way to learn more about wrestlers and I truly hope eventually the whole roster gets covered, at which point I'll happily watch follow up interviews (people change gimmicks after all, I need my Timeless Toni episode)
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I’m getting really tired of the overwhelming MJF hate and comparisons, but moreover getting tired of the toxicity of the iwc
last night while watching dynamite, i was looking at the twitter hashtag and 85% of the tweets were about how everyone hates this version of mjf, how jack perry is better at promos, and even saw a tweet saying that it wasn’t fair for him to skip to the front of the line for a title shot… which he only hinted at. some of these tweets even had antisemitic comments and references in them, while others were blatantly anti-neurodivergent. i personally have many issues with this, so i wanted to vent in what i HOPE is a safe space:
not EVERYONE is going to like EVERY gimmick. it’s okay to say that, but to promote the idea of turning this already tense community into an even more turbulent space isn't cool (for lack of a better word)
jack perry IS good... but he has improved throughout his career (especially since returning from his UNFAIR sabbatical and njpw run). that's not to say that mjf has always been as good as he is right now, there has been a noticeable improvement in jack VERY quickly. they may be two of the "pillars" but don't compare them. they're different people, with different careers and different backgrounds.
i'm really annoyed at people saying he doesn't deserve a title shot, as if almost every other champion who was injured and lost their title didn't have another shot almost immediately, including jon moxley and rey fenix (twice including next week's dynamite). as much as he toots his own horn, mjf really is very, VERY good. plus mjf vs swerve is a banger waiting to happen, so stop acting like you wouldn't enjoy it.
i don't know how many times people need to be reminded of this, but ANTISEMITISM ISN'T OKAY. JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE IS JEWISH DOESN'T GIVE ANYONE LICENCE TO BE HATEFUL. there is so little mainstream representation in sports for Jewish people, so to see someone who is openly and proudly representing the community being unjustly targeted is heartbreaking.
for as little representation there is for jewish people, there is even LESS representation for neurodivergent people. the fact that mjf and will ospreay (as well as other aew wrestlers) are being open and vocal about their diagnoses is inspiring and amazing and to see people making jokes about it is disgusting.
lastly, can we all just like what we like about wrestling and not shit all over others who don't agree with you? so you don't like goofy wrestlers? great, have a roh pure rules match! think deathmatches are a little too much? think about watching a battle royale! you can even find different companies with different feels. there is something for everyone to enjoy and of course, that means that there is also something for everyone to hate. but keep an open mind when talking about these things.
tl;dr: just let people like what they like and don't be hateful about it. and whatever you do, don't target things that wrestlers share about their personal lives. thanks for looking at this and taking a few minutes to read my mini-article.
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sithwitch13 · 2 months
AEW Collision 4/28/24
Been a busy weekend, but now I'm settling in to watch my stories.
Swerve is just such a beautiful man, like holy shit
Oooh Swerve vs Claudio. Battle of beautiful men!
Aww looking my mean little boys beating up their boss.
Weasel boys vs antigravity boys!
Aww, the Gunns hopping back into their spot in the crowd from 2020. I don't miss that year but I do miss the atmosphere of those shows.
Rey Fenix is back!!!
I miss Dasha ☹️
Rush is back, too! This show is for la Raza.
Toni vs Anna! Also I will never be over Mariah's face acting. That little stinkeye as she was pressed to Toni's bosom is amazing.
"It's shoe time!" "Oh brother." "I'M GONNA GET IT OVER."
Toni's gear is reminding me that I should get a new bathing suit since I should probably get back to doing water exercise.
Jesus, Grizzled Young Vets really do look like a mirror universe Silver and Reynolds.
"Save the last dance for me." Shibata 💜
Seriously it's unfair how good looking and talented some people are (by some people I mean most of the AEW roster but specifically Claudio and Swerve at the moment.)
Aww yay respect
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yanderes-galore · 1 month
Can I request a continuation of reader with her look a like child trying to escape from Marcus and Baird?
I can do something small, sure. Sorry for the long wait!
Loose Continuation of This Concept.
Yandere! Marcus + Baird with Mother! Darling
(Darling Tries To Escape - Expanded Idea)
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Isolation, Paranoia, Overprotective behavior, Manipulation, Kidnapping, Toxic relationship, Dark themes, Patronizing behavior, Stalking, Trackers, Delusional behavior, Dubious turned forced relationship.
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Marcus Fenix
I do allude to the idea of Marcus isolating you for your own safety in the original concept.
He's so overcome with guilt and grief at the demise of Dom, his father, and Anya that he just can't lose you.
Maybe to make it worse he lost his son too, like in Gears 5?
So maybe you were originally okay with the idea of being with Marcus again.
Your child is often asking about Marcus, knowing him from tales and rumors.
You begin to date him again... but things don't go as well as you thought they would.
Marcus is normally very stern and not very emotional.
Yet deep down inside... he's terrified of losing another person close to his heart.
He sees you and your child as a new family.
Even more so if your child is/was friends with JD.
Due to his fears, you end up being isolated in the new house he picked out for you.
He doesn't want you or your kid fighting The Swarm anymore.
Just like all those years ago, Marcus plans to protect you.
Even when you try to break up with him or snap him out of it, he doesn't listen.
You begin to feel trapped by Marcus.
He's always affectionate, even with everything going on, but none of this is healthy.
Your kid is even starting to grow nervous at how Marcus treats you.
Eventually when Marcus starts locking you in the house you realize you need to leave.
You need to find help, you need to find someone to back you up.
Clearly Marcus isn't in the right mindset.
It was only a matter of time before he snapped, he was supposed to be retired anyways.
Due to all your COG training you manage to think of a tactical way of escape.
Once Marcus leaves for the day, you bring up the plan with your child before putting things into action.
Marcus seems like he'd be easier to escape from than Baird.
However, he'll find you eventually.
There isn't many places you can go to hide.
Plus, Marcus will order others to find you.
He may even say The Swarm kidnapped you and your kid, when in reality he's your captor.
No one's going to end up listening to you.
Even when your kid backs you up, people side with Marcus due to his status.
When he eventually finds you he starts off as relieved.
He's just happy to have found you.
No harm came to you... but you had him worried sick.
When others aren't around, Marcus's attitude swaps to anger.
What the Hell were you thinking!?
You could've put you and your child in danger!
Marcus would definitely scold you, dragging you and your kid back to the house and locking everything back up again.
His glare is cold... yet there's some concern in his gaze.
It seems if he wants to have a family with you... he has to try harder.
He won't punish you and will still think you two are together.
If you try this again, however...
He may not be so nice next time.
"What the Hell were you doing!? You could've put our child in danger! I can't let you out of my sight for a few hours, can I?"
Damon S. Baird
Baird is more... difficult.
As I said at the end of the linked concept, it's only a matter of time before he snaps and isolates you.
Soon he'd probably lock you in his lab or a penthouse he managed to purchase with the money from his company.
He doesn't want you fighting, he's adamant on that.
He wants you and your kid to stay away from danger and he's going to do whatever he can to have that.
Unlike Marcus, wherever he keeps you has cameras and DeeBees guarding all entrances.
Which makes him harder to get away from.
Baird always keeps a close eye on you.
When around you he's always flirty, being affectionate to the point of holding you close and kissing you.
With your kid he tries to be a "cool dad" by showing them robotics.
He definitely has an encrypted folder on his PC that has photos of you and a separate one of both you and your kid.
He checks cameras often and rarely leaves you alone.
Yet... your kid learns a lot from Baird.
Enough to learn how to bypass his systems just enough to let you and them out of your prison.
Your kid cares a lot about you.
They want you happy, while they can tell you care for Baird...
You know he's snapped.
The only way you're able to escape is due to learning Baird's code with your kid.
Even when you escape, it isn't easy to get away.
Baird has trackers on both you and your kid, no doubt something he slipped on you when you were unaware.
He'd carefully track your location then use DeeBees to help him hunt you both down.
You both won't be able to get away for long.
He'll have you cornered then order you dragged back to where he keeps you.
When he sees you again, he's angry...
Yet also smug.
He knew even if you did escape, it wouldn't be long before he had you right back where you started.
Honestly, he's impressed.
You and your kid could almost outsmart him.
But after everything...
You're right back here, in his arms...
Where you both belong.
"Clever! Should've known you two would try something like that... Too bad that won't happen again, right? Now come here, let's have a little chat about house rules."
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han-merlin · 8 months
Worst experience of my life is realising I've grown attached to Dušan "giant manchild former Yugoslavian please don't look at my Twitter likes" Vlahović and Fede "Fenix ❤️" Chiesa
Like enough already. I have enough dudes to be fond of already. I don't need idiots from the damn zebra team as well.
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inherstars · 10 days
Gears of War | Unknown Issue (1 of 5)
This is another Gears fic, technically, but you don't need to know anything about the franchise, since not much of that comes up. It's really just a character study that I wanted to write for myself in advance of Father's Day. I'll work on it more tonight. Owing to the timing, this takes place when Marcus is about 65, and the events of Gears 4 never actually happen.
He saw her coming up the road from town long before she got to the estate’s front gates.  It was ninety-five degrees out and she was rail thin, sunburned, and pushing along an old fixed-gear bicycle that was probably older than he was.
He only answered her ring at the intercom because he thought she wanted a glass of water.
The radio burst to life with a crackle of static, his basso voice coarse from disuse.  And two wars.  And a general lack of interest in the rest of humanity.
“Yeah?”  It was barely a question.
Through the grainy, flickering closed circuit camera he saw her hesitate, holding onto her bike handlebars for dear life.  Either she didn’t know the camera was there, mounted above her head, or she was afraid to look up.
“Uh.  Hi, I’m… I’m looking for Marcus Fenix?”
Huh.  Well that was unexpected.
“For what exactly,” he asked, already running through the possibilities.  There weren’t any parcels tied to that bike, but she had an old bookbag with her… could be a courier.  She was too young to be one of J.D.’s old friends, if any of them even had a reason to be here, or come calling on him.  Neither did she fit the profile of an autograph-seeker, lacking about 40 years, a spare-tire paunch, and an overwhelming eagerness to talk about military history.
The girl was taking too long to answer, and she knew it.  Finally she blurted, “It’s about Anya Stroud.”
He hated the way his chest tightened at the sound of Anya’s name, a pain so fresh and sharp that he had to take his thumb off the intercom to avoid the catch of his breath transmitting to his visitor.  Then came the anger.  Then the exhaustion.
“Kid,” he said eventually. “I hate to break it to you, but Anya’s dead.  Almost 19 years now.”
The girl’s face upturned to the camera, indistinct and flickering, but it hit him with such an unmanning wave of nostalgia that he took a step back from the monitor.
Who the fuck was this?
“Eighteen and six months,” she corrected.  “Please… I’ve come a really long way.  I just want to talk.”
Continued here.
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chillkoki · 3 months
Posting some WIPs in the hopes that it'll give me the energy to finish them
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Here's Fenix! This one's basically a redraw of an old piece I did in like high school, while doing a bit of a redesign and character study at the same time. I'm still trying to find a style that I like to draw people in, and I feel like I'm getting close.
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Here's half of a fighting team that I'm drawing! I have ideas for a bunch of gym leader-sonas for myself, and I like the composition of this piece as a whole so I do want to finish it at some point. I'm also experimenting a bit with line thickness and color with this one! I need to practice shading on these guys too when I get to that point.
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Here's a sketch of my current D&D character, Rhena. I started doing lineart on it at some point and didn't love it. I'll get back to it eventually.
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Queen Gibdo from Tears of the Kingdom! I tried something new with the brushes on coloring this one and got tired halfway through it. I hope I have the spoons to follow through on it cuz I like how it looks in my head and it is far from that right now.
I've been slowly getting back into drawing! I'm excited to keep practicing and derusting. There's been so many ideas going through my head recently and I don't feel comfortable enough to experiment a lot yet. I'll post more stuff as I start and finish them!
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armed-saphire · 2 months
I know it makes no sense if you think about it for more than 2 seconds but I like to imagine Chris and Ashley both have sisters because of when the ouija board said sister and Josh asked who's
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lestatlioncunt · 1 year
i was tagged by @aragorngf and @devilbrakers to categorize some ocs and use this picrew, thank you so much ily both <3
i'm tagging: @uldwynsovs @nuclearstorms @morvaris @reaperkiller @risingsh0t @florbelles @nuwanders @nokstella @faarkas @indorilnerevarine @malefiicarum @katsigian @swanfey @necroticpetals @saintjudegf @denerims @shadowglens and all the ppl i probably forgot or that want to do this!!
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vesper moxley + fenix hayes — cp2077
just started and already cheating sorry. listen. i said this multiple times already but in my mind they're literally a package deal, buy one take two. if you ever spent 5 minutes talking to me or looking at my blog you know they literally live in my mind jdfnkds i've gave them infinite amounts of love, care and attention. i'll be honest, i was going to put only fenix here at first (which is crazy that an oc that was supposed to be just a backstory plot point came this far, i've poured into him too much of what's home to me that now he took the shape of my walls, my bad). but. look at that picrew of vesper..SHE'S SO CUTE I'M SO IN LOVE WITH HER <3
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maverick de soto — infamous if
maverick maeve mav rick eve, i gave them so many nicknames already and we're still are like, at the start of the whole if. they are a cunt, they would rather jump off a cliff than admit when they're wrong, she loves fights and antagonizing whoever falls in their trap..and they love their friends more than anything. i can't wait to see the if unfold because i love maeve SO much already!!
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selene — oblivion
not counting my characters from original works, selene is the oldest oc i have. i've played oblivion lots of times and she (for the most part) always been there with changes through the years. i went off with the moon as a concept for her, "she's a dreamer from the moon" is a line that always makes me think of her. selene is the unwilling hero, the one that got dragged into smth bigger than herself and slowly, since she had no choice, took the shape of the role they imposed on her. she found a mirage of a home for a little while, only for that to be taken away from her. it's truly not worth it to be a hero, huh?
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violante waesphine — baldur's gate 3
a difficult battle between vio, akira & zefyr but in the end i went for vio. saying "mean" is an understatement. 'a rose born among thorns'..well she's a thorn born among thorns. it's difficult for me to speak of vio at times, she's more of a concept than a person, more of a numb soldier than the one in charge of her own life. an assasin and a pawn in the hands of a patron, melancholy and remambrance, her life is like a long walk to the gallows and while she's walking that path she has full intention of making it everyone's problem
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joelle knight — fallout 4
this one made me realise how i barely have 'soft' ocs jklfds. easy sweep for joelle!! she had her whole life ahead of her with her wife & the son they just adopted, she looked at the future with exctiment until everything was taken away from her. joelle could've let the pain harden her heart but she didn't let that happen. joelle strives to help the people and what's left of the world she knew, she's a cutie who will listen to you talk for hours and crack stupid jokes to see you smile. her 'soft' nature doesn't make her naive so caution is still advised if you try to fool her!!
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zefyr — baldur's gate 3/d&d
i love zefyr madly. MADLY i say. they are a powerful draconic bloodline sorcerer that values their privacy AND peace more than anything else. zefyr lives as a hermit in a forest where they can fully concentrate on their studies of the arcane & such. they do not trust easily (or at all) and their guard is always up. you probably won't get more than a few words from them (unless you ask them about magic and power and such), they just want to be left alone u know? they are known as the ashen terror and not only for their hair color: ashes and fire are the only things they leave behind if you dare anger them!! also they are pink. if pink why evil, they're probably just misunderstood..
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hiraeth one-eye — skyrim
hate to do this to hiraeth so much fkjdsfnk..i wouldn't say they are dumb, but they surely prefer a good swing of their greatsword as a solution to any other more complicated response. they're super friendly, they love music, reading, chickens and dragons and they would risk it all for the people they love!! also they're extremely dangerous so don't let the big smile fool you. they value honor over anything else and they just can't let go of their father's death ://
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sibylla — skyrim
you had a dumbest dovahkiin, now have a smartest ex-dragon priest!! a tie between her and joelle but since joy had her shot already, it's sibylla's turn. formely known as vennesetiid (=the winds of time/destiny), sibylla was a breton born during the middle of the merethic era that joined the ranks of the dragon priests for the simple desire of power, and knowledge. she later betrayed her dragon lords and joined forces to defeated them but lost her life during the battle. but it's not over for her!! a silly little situation makes her come back to walk Tamriel's land, this time as a vampire. sibylla has been alive for centuries and centuries and spent all that time studying the arcane and magic and science as well and working to become the most powerful mage that ever lived (lived..kind of). she saw most of the world's history & legends say she had the power to see the future & she's the proud achiver of the first ever gender transition in tamriel, if you don't love her already you better start
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moira velez — fallout new vegas
beside the fact that i love her beyond human comprehension, moira is funny, adventurous, stupid in a good sense as in you can do whatever crazy thing you think of with her, she's an enabler and i think we would have lots of fun together, she's the positive kind of friend that can lift you up from anything when you need it. plus her and my best friend's nv oc are besties so it's like we're all besties to each other!! hehe <3
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majorpepperidge · 10 months
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"Formerly the hunter known as Hoodlum, Fenix has shed the patchwork cloak and rifle for the magic gifted to her a decade ago that allowed her to pursue the Rabbids in the first place. Embracing this arcane power has changed her physical appearance, which is likely why she renamed herself after the mythical bird of rebirth. It's a bit too on the nose for my tastes, but not everyone has my stellar intellect and literary genius."
-Beep-0's memory entry for Fenix
Ever since Sparks of Hope came out, I wanted to give my Kingdom Battle OC, Hoodlum, a new look. But considering her whole story, name, and aesthetic was based off Rayman 3; I decided to wait until the last DLC was released before solidifying anything. But now we're here! Having magic from the Glade of Dreams means going from human to a fairy a la Ly, apparently. I don't think Fenix is complaining though.
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For Every Rose A Thousand Thorns contains the following potentially triggering content:
•General NSFW
•The OmegaVerse
•Accidental CorpseFucking
•Major Character Death
•Other Potentially Triggering Contents
Please block this blog and do not interact if such content makes you uncomfortable.
All characters, locations, and events mention in FERATT are completely made up. Any similarities to a real life person, place, or thing is strictly coincidental.
Despite the unsavory contents of my story, I as the writer do not support those who are pro-contact pedophiles, zoophiles, necrophiles, etc. To harm another living being is reprehensible. The intention of my story is to explore dark themes, and at no point is any part of it added to glorify real life harm. Please remember that all characters involved in FERATT are 100% fictional, and shaped by my whims. Do not shove away the suffering of actual victims in favor of defending the non-existent rights and feelings of my characters.
Has my spin on the OmegaVerse inspired you? Do you have a deep love of Torrin Fenix? Feel free to submit fanart and thoughts! These will be tagged as #FERATT FanWorks
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Typical Tags:
#for every rose a thousand thorns
#ashkarn offtopic (just me speakin')
Pro-Ship. Pro-Recovery. Paraphilia-Neutral. Anti-Contact. Anti-Harassment. Anti-Anti. Anti-Censorship.
Fiction is fiction.
Don't like? Don't read.
Only you are in charge of what you see.
Curate your own experiences.
Disagree? Get off my page.
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alpona · 1 year
George Karizaki: Questions & Theories
1. The demon transfer thingy. It's a totally unique concept in this show, never explained. How do you even do that? What was that stamp?! It doesn't seem possible with the info main series has so far.
2. What happened to George's mom? At first I thought she died long before, due to her absence in flashbacks. Wouldn't even mention her, buuut then they showed her in photos, with the same flashback-age George. So, is she alive? Probably not anymore, very low chance. But then when exactly did she die? Or did something entirely different happen...?
( I totally don't have a fanfic level idea that she also went into hiding and is working for foundation X 👀)
3. How come George didn't recognize the weekend base as his childhood home at all? Because he left that place immediately after the fake death? Wasn't old enough to remember?
Plus, his age also doesn't quite make sense, if he's 28 now.... He was 3 when masumi faked death? But the kid in flashbacks definitely looks older than 3, should at least be 5... Well, I guess it's just an actor thing, it's hard to get an actual 3 year old kid to act.
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Or who knows, maybe... He did recognize it. Everytime He walked in, he remembered. He wondered how things turn out like this, what's happening now, etc. Maybe he was falling apart all this time, who'd know? he didn't tell anyone, we didn't get to see that, the show isn't focused on that.
4. And where does George live now, why did he have to borrow Igarashi house after fenix skybase collapsed? Sure, he never seemed to leave the base before, maybe even lived on board for the time being, but the sky base couldn't be his only place to live, right? That's a flying thing, he could've lived there if it was at least a ground base with quarters. He has a car alright, as seen in 45-46. Doesn't he have a house on ground? Fenix also has employee quarters, so there's no logical reason for George not having a place. But then if he does, why did he set up lab at ikki's in a hurry, later weekend base... His own house would be easier...
Maybe, cuz distance? He had to stay close to the riders for work efficiency. Hmm, that sounds plausible.
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So where was he living during the juuga arc though, I've been wondering where that famous rooftop ( 'famous' only to me for aesthetic shot purpose) is located.... That's not the weekend base right? Or is it? Where was his working lab during ep 46-48?
Birth of chimera shows a much better lab that's certainly different from weekend. And it's probably a former fenix lab, that's what they said, right?
But are we counting the music videos? George was basically sitting in his house there, which in reality was Nori-chan's house, so George's house is same as actor's... So George is Nori-chan for real..... Lol where am I going with this😝🤣
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*later Update: looks like the Juuga vs olteca spin off will show George's house, so alright then.
5. Which brings us to this- what's George-kun's full backstory?
Who raised him after Masumi's death, what exactly happened after that? This answer's supposed to be simple, but i have a stinking suspicion that it's not so simple. What if an organisation took him?! Fenix? Akaishi? Was he abused? Well, there doesn't seem to be any sign of abuse... But something is off...
What did George mean when he said "everything (I/we? Went through) is daddy's fault" and "you're not the only one with scars that won't heal" ?  🤔 Just saying in general, maybe as in the whole ordeal? With the igarashis?
1. Random theory outta nowhere: what if we see how and why George became a fanboy, particularly this type of fanboy.
With all the confusion of who raised him, let's say a rider tech researcher. if somwhow he actually did watch other riders on a screen, as Footage, (taken with.. mini drones, as for watsonian explanation). Just like a tv show. And in his days of loneliness, these were his only 'friends'. The rays of light in the darkness.
🌚👁️ That would hit too close!!
2. Did George really know about the demons driver secret? At first I totally took him as that type of character so there was no doubt, he lacks morality, everything's an experiment, etc etc. Sure. Buuuut the more I think about this character, take subtle clues from the acting, now I've started having doubts.
He didn't get to know how or why his father got the burns, which was while absorbing Vail in the driver. He did know masumi made it, but wasn't sure of all it's 'hidden power', as stated in ep 24 to Olteca. Akaishi picked up the driver and later gave it to George with some unknown 'strict order' ...... Things are getting sus here.
My idea is what if George didn't know the full details about this driver, but had some suspicions or guesses, just like most things. He always has some idea in the background. That's why he does feel guilty for what happened to Hiromi, but can't fully deny of not knowing. He also has a tendency to appear to be in control.
Also why his excuse sounds lame.
I'm also wondering if all his behaviour while confronting Hiromi during 19-20 were acts....
I hope someone will read this very nitpicky theory session/ rant of mine 😅
Please feel free to suggest your ideas too!
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I don't hate you
Pairing: Marcus Fenix x reader
Description: You and Marcus share a long awaited moment together after getting injured by a locust
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You groaned in pain practically dragging yourself following your team that consisted of Dom, Marcus, yourself, Cole, and Anya going after locusts to find a hideout for your crew to hunker down at. You and dom were scouting ahead of the others making sure there was no kind of threats to harm anyone leading to a locust hiding out of sight shooting at the two of you grazing your arm as dom sneaks to get a clear shot while you compose yourself "Wretches! Keep sharp" you hear cole yell in your earpiece going for more cover until the next thing you know you end up on the ground with a wretch on top of you hearing a yell and a shot go off everything going silent as your ears ring and you feel a unbearable and sudden pain in your side realizing that during the struggle the wretch sliced your side with it's hand pushing yourself up you realize that anya fired the shot that saved you while dom got the locust the grazed your arm running to you after you tell anya thanks "You alright?" you nod as cole comes running to you obviously worried. You lean against the wall after dom gives everyone else the alright code that it was just the five of you with no locusts around anywhere "You need that looked at and patched" you look over in pain and exhausted at dom as he stands across from you staring at the wound on your side as you try to find a spot to just sit to get off your feet but as you spot the chair across the room you hear footsteps "I got this go ahead and rest man" you look back seeing dom walk away to join cole, anya, and a cranky Baird who had found and joined you all 20 minutes ago seeing marcus infront of you gently grabbing your arm "Come on I'll help you" the two of you walk away from everyone into a room downstairs sitting on a bench taking your upper armour off so he can properly look at the wound flinching when he puts his hand close to it "Sorry..it just hurts" he carefully cleans it as best he can with the only few supplies there thoroughly bandaging the wound once he determined it wasn't already infected "Should be healed in a few days" you nod gently grabbing his outstretched hand helping you up "why is it that now you're talking to me?...Before now you just ignore me or just walk away when I'm around" but instead of going upstairs after helping you up or answering he takes his armor off confusing you until you end up gently pushed against the wall in a deep and passionate kiss with him. You both pull away eyes closed and foreheads connected "I don't hate you...i cared for you so much that I tried not to so if you died I wouldn't be in a dark hole of grief and anger" you hold his face in your hands gently running your fingers through the hair that wasn't covered by his hat "You'll never lose me cause I will fight until I am with you like this" you both smile and quietly laughing as he holds you in his arms until you hear dom from upstairs yell "Hey! Everything good down there?" you both shake your heads putting your upper armour back on and going back upstairs sitting beside each other as everyone sits and talks before going on the move again.
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