#feral Macaque
kit27x · 4 months
Comforting times lying in the shadows and light.(Shadowpeach)
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Here we lie together. Basked in the cool shadows and the subtle sunlight on our fur. It comforting. Just here with you by my side. Sleep not a need, but a choice. Safe with you here near me. The shadows and light are reflected in our color.
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floretskybright · 1 year
How MK first meeting with Feral Macaque and the twins basically went
MK:*running away from Lbd after she tricked him by faking to be a scared little girl*
MK:*strumbling across the room where the Feral's cage is kept*
MK:*debating wheter is better to try his luck with the Ferals or Lbd*
Lbd:*approaches rapidly*
MK:*goes 'fuck it' and opens the Feral's cage hoping for the best*
Ferals:*wrecks shit up making Lbd retreat*
MK:*sweats nervously because the Ferals took notice of him*
Mac:*approaches , sniffs Mk then growls*
MK:*sweats even more nervously praying for his life*
Mac:*decides MK is a cub because of his smell and picks him up by the scruff of his neck and takes him with the twins in a safe place to hide from dangers while also killing everything else that moves on the way*
MK:*is scared stiff both by the Ferals and all the killing and confused as hell on why he's still alive?*
MK:*cuddled between very dangerous monkeys* help
Wukong: MK-
The Ferals:*growls showing fangs and claws*
Wukong:*sweats* okay this will be harder than I thought *steps foward* now you will release MK or I-
Mac:*attacks him*
Wukong: shit-
Rumble and Savage:*keeping an eye on MK*
MK:*internal agony*
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ninjasmudge · 2 years
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req for ShadeHalo! <3 monkeys raiding the fridge at 2am jumpscare
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duckthevillain · 4 months
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nekohime19 · 4 months
Mini Mac #9 : Befriending the feral lil guy
Macaque finally recognized that Wukong is kinda his friend! Wukong's efforts paid off, 😌
The flowers were beginning to bloom through the frost of winter and the first hint of warmth crawled beneath the thick grayish sky of the cold season. Spring was on its way, and thus Macaque's hibernation (if you could call it like that) was coming to an end. The black-furred monkey fastened the bags around his body and stepped outside of the stone mansion, he breathed in the soft sweet-scented air of the water-curtain cave and began to wander. First, he climbed the nearby peach-tree growing beside the mansion and perched himself in the highest branch. He liked to see the cave from one of the highest points; it enabled him to see which trees were bearing fruits and where the flowers were blooming. Macaque didn't need much fruit, contrary to many other seasons spent on his own, now the black-furred monkey had a friend (of some sorts) bringing him food on a daily basis. Even if some parts of him were still suspicious of the golden monkey intentions, he had to admit that the sage had paved a way inside of his heart as a friend. Macaque never had friends before, he didn't know how to act around one. He indulged the King at times, conversing with him, but he still felt awkward most of the time. 
The black-furred monkey ripped one of the nearby leaves and jumped out of his branch, he used the leaf as his personal parachute and, quite elegantly, landed in the corner he was eyeing seconds ago. He took some flower petals, specifically the one he used to create his sleeping powder and stored them in his bag. He was so focused on his endeavor he failed to notice the fuzzy fur-ball watching him, hidden in the high grass. 
“Ghost!” Macaque flinched and turned around, he crossed eyes with a familiar cub, Yue if he recalled correctly. She was looking at him with stars in her eyes, her tail wagging uncontrollably. 
“How did you…” Macaque was surprised, he didn't see anyone in this corner. Yue chirped, the kind that didn't truly mean anything but held a strong sense of happiness and excitement. Surprisingly enough, she didn't touch him, perhaps Sun Wukong told her not to. If there was one person those troublesome fur-balls listened to it was their King. “Calm down, calm down.” Panicked the macaque. Yue stopped chirping and looked at him intently. “Alright, what do you want?” 
“She wants to play.” Macaque startled and looked up. Sun Wukong was leaning over them with a smirk on the edge of his smile. “I came over when I heard lil Yue's chirps.” Explained the sage when he caught sight of Macaque's confused face. “So, do you wanna play with her?” Carefully asked the sage, he crouched down before them and scratched lil Yue's chin, the cub leaned in his touch eagerly. Macaque opened his mouth, ready to refuse, he didn't like cubs, they were loud. But he finds himself unable to once he saw Wukong's hopeful face and lil Yue's puppy dog eyes. 
“Maybe a little, but not for long, I have other things to do.” Sun Wukong brightened considerably, he translated Macaque's words to lil Yue and she exploded in joyful chirps. “So… what should I do?” Macaque has never been around other monkeys much, at least not in an intimate way. He knew their tongues, there were few languages he hadn't heard of, but he wasn't familiar with their customs and their behaviors. Sun Wukong kindly took lil Yue on his lap and calmed her with a few scratches. 
“Hm, I think she just wants to touch you for a bit, if that's alright. Also, something about shadows?” Macaque was impressed by Sun Wukong's ability to understand lil Yue's chewed chirps, the only one he recognized was “Ghost”. Sun Wukong took lil Yue's paws and tried to entice the black-furred monkey with little waves. Macaque rolled his eyes but he approached cautiously. He sat before the cub and put one of his hands in her chubby paws, she squealed in joy and kindly squeezed it. He let her mess with his hands a bit before retrieving them and manipulating the nearby shadows. He created little animals made of darkness and made them play with each other. When he looked up both lil Yue and Sun Wukong were intently watching, pupils dilated and tails wagging. 
“Why are you both looking like that?” Asked Macaque with a raised eyebrow. 
“Nothing, just… I didn't know you could do that. It's amazing!” Cheered the King as lil Yue clapped with stars filled eyes. 
“It's nothing.” Mumbled the black-furred monkey with flushed cheeks. 
“What, no ! It's so cool, I have never seen this before.” Argued the sage. “Lil Yue agrees with me.” Added Sun Wukong as he petted the excited cub. Macaque looked away, ears flickering in joy. He didn't showed this type of shadow magic often. When he tried to showed it, at the time he lived outside of Flower Fruit Mountain, people cowered. After all, shadow magic was often feared for its mysterious nature. So it was odd to be praised, to see his art (if he could call it like that) being liked.
“W-well, I could show you more… I have a few other tricks…” Shyly proposed the black-furred monkey. 
“Really!? Please do!” Cheered the King, he settled the cub more comfortably in his lap and eagerly leaned over the macaque. 
Macaque took a deep breath and gathered the nearby shadows. When he looked up and found both monkeys watching with smiles on their lips, he felt happy. 
+cut scenes 
Yue *chirps excitedly about Macaque* : 😆
SWK : I know you wanna see him again but Macaque is a cautious one. 😔
Yue *chirps sadly* : 🥺
SWK *Who cannot handle sad baby faces* : Okay, okay, try to not startle if you see him. Don't touch him. Maybe then he'll be…more inclined to be friends. 
Yue : 😊
Yue *bragging about being able to see Macaque's magic* : 😆
Others cubs : 😯
Macaque : why do I feel like I'm being watched? 🤔
Others cubs *hiding and following him around*: 🫣
Ch1 / Previous / Next
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chacerider · 2 years
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oops, my hand slipped -
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watzuu-lmk · 2 years
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Listen if someone steal my food, i'd throw a boulder at them too just saying reconciliation be damned
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squidkid15 · 2 years
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Scrunkle. Just really the most guy to ever exist.
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what ifs - rage-ful/protective wukong edit.
wukong who's tired of his brother apprentice getting hurt so the next possible big bad who shows up he brutally murders when MK isn't looking
wukong who doesn't want to lose anyone else so he lets his protective side take over and any one who dares look at his friends wrong gets shoved into the nearest dumpster so hard they get a concussion
wukong who lets his instincts take over, who claws and bites until his mouth is dripping with blood
wukong who screams so loudly when (he thinks) some he loves has been killed mountains crack in half
wukong who knows that if he lets his rage take over he could (he has) end an entire army within seconds
wukong who has charmspeak as one of the powers he gets as a god, and uses it to sweet talk his way through a battle, who talks his enemies into killing themselves without even laying a hand on them
wukong who spent so much time on the journey out growing these tendencies but if one more bad thing happens he might just give in and become the monster he could be
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toonymoon-doodles · 10 months
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I wanted to doodle "graffiti" Macaque and it just snow balled from there lol. I literally was only gonna color in some black but then I was like ✨CoLoRs✨ followed with me drawing in Macaque's adopted child (LBD's previous host). I say he adopted her and there is nothing you can do to change my mind!
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I wonder what the people who originally followed me for my Sonic reblogs think of me now.
Anyway, more Lego Monkie Kid memes!
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floretskybright · 1 year
Feral Macaque AU
I had another idea for a lmk au
When they were young Macaque was good hearted while Wukong was kinda the bad one
Wukong was only nice to the monkeys and who he considered his friends and didn't have problems with being cruel or murderous to those who weren't and that pissed him off (which was easy to do)
Macaque was the most soft hearted of the two , he might not put his trust blindly to strangers like a naive fool but he isn't heartless or uncaring to people in need that deserved help
And that's the exact reason Macaque was a target for bullying , mockery and insults by the other demons
Even with Wukong's protection it only gave the others another reason to consider him weak
Wukong was Macaque's only friend and that's why Mac was so scared of losing him but eventually they fought while Wukong was trapped under the mountain sealed by Buddha and Macaque was very emotionally hurt
When Wukong joined the journery to the west Macaque got worried and thought about saving him despite still being somewhat hurt and mad at Wukong but it lead to his death instead
Macaque was furious , Wukong was the bad one , the one killing and doing whatever he wanted but got a chance to be better while he died mistaken to be a bloodthirsty monster out for the monk's blood
Macaque decided , if they thought of him as monster then he will gave them a monster
Then Lbd came and resurrected him but didn't know much of the "monster" she was dealing with
Macaque has gone feral and Lbd had to take precautions to use him
She caged him and leashed him but he would still not obey her , trying to escape and causing a rampage destroying and killing her servants with bare hands
She then used the monkey's insticts to gave him a reason to somewhat stay put for a while so she gave him Rumble and Savage to protect and care for and as a reason to obey her orders if he doesn't want them to get hurt
Eventually Mk strumbled across them and freed them and would later struggle to help and befriend three feral monkeys and try to avoid them going out for a rampage
Wukong gets involved to keep them on flower fruit mountain so they don't kill anyone and he has to try to reason with Macaque for him to return civil and maybe reconcile (by MK's request)
Shadowpeach can be platonic , romantic or simply friendship
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hekcart · 1 year
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I WILL be drawing more from the dj got us falling love just dance because you have to understand the urge I got to draw while playing this one specifically BUT OTHER THEN THAT HI AGAIN
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lotusmonkey · 2 years
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Oh calamities, how far you reach.
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nekohime19 · 12 days
Heart behind the lie # 3 : Lost home
Mac goes to FFM with feral Wukong. Some old feelings surges forward and Wukong is acting like a cub.
I think I'll be updating this two chapters everyday on Tumblr.
The grass was greener than what he remembered, soft strands dancing at the wind's whims, drenched by kind rays of light. He was standing in the sand, frozen still by overflowing emotions. Everything came back to him the second he landed in this place. Waves of memories crashing into him, drowning his tired mind. Standing on the shore was already painful, he didn't know if he could step on the grass. The line separating white and green was more daunting than anything he saw, battling the heaven felt like nothing in the face of this feeling.
There was an ocean of tears hiding in his chest, all devoted to his lost home. Tears never cried, for fear of being weak, for fear of longing something that would never be his again. Those tears suffocated him, rumbling inside his bones, a storm of sorrow drowning him, until his heart felt nothing but sadness and longing.
Memories of a kinder time flashed behind his eyes. A time when he could run on soft soil until his lungs burnt, climb every tree simply because he wanted to, feel the wind dancing through his fur, pushing him to further heights. A youth away from any pain, where the only thing he had to plan for was dinner.
A simple existence, a life in peace.
A time when he was nothing more but a monkey with a best friend.
Macaque sighed, chasing away his thoughts. This wasn't the time for nostalgia, this would never be his home again, not when it was the land of his murderer. The warrior sat on the white sand, heart beating furiously against his skin, almost like it wanted to tear him apart and ran towards the grass. The kid left him hours ago, something about letting Sun Wukong wander in peace. He promised to come back tomorrow, fleeting words Macaque brushed aside, not wanting to believe anything for now.
The sage was at his side, gazing at the sand curiously, pawing the grains with childish wonder. Letting it glide around his claws and mess his already wrecked fur. The King looked at him with round eyes, tail thumping excitedly against the soft soil. Macaque rolled his eyes, appalled by such a childish gaze, and threw a handful of sand at the sage. Sun Wukong sneezed and furiously pawed his nose, perhaps trying to get the sand out of his face.
“Ha, that's funny.” Barked the ebony monkey, the sage huffed and turned around, more interested in common white sand than petty plays. Macaque liked it this way, he felt better when the King wasn't looking at him, when his burning gaze was turning elsewhere.
Sun Wukong dived in the sand, rolling around like an unruly cub, soiling his russet fur with white grains. He looked like he enjoyed his sand bath, and Macaque did nothing to stop it, even if he knew that by doing this the sage would get sand in his wounds, a painful situation to live through. But sometimes people had to learn what to do, and what not to do the hard way, didn't they ?
The sage ran in the sand, diving in dunes, and digging useless holes simply because he could. It was strange to see him be so free, and so childish, unbothered by titles and responsibilities. Macaque felt a sprout of anger flourish in his chest, how could the King be so carefree after what he did ? How could he forget it all and live in peace, as if he didn't doom him to a painful end ?
Macaque shook his head, chasing the anger away. He knew this ugly, overbearing rage was nothing but instinct, a way to protect himself when sorrow seized him. He blamed it all on Wukong because it was easier to live this way, to see himself in the mirror when light came. Rage was easier to process than sorrow, and Macaque never let himself be engulfed by sorrow, too proud but also too scared to crumble.
He wasn't here to fight, he wasn't here for blood, he was here to survive, and he shouldn't forget it.
Sun Wukong trotted towards the grass, he pawed at it a little, cautious, before rolling around in soft, jade-like strands. Macaque gulped, trying to smother the bitterness rising before it could overflow. It looked so easy to step on the other side, but it wasn't, not for him. Sun Wukong ran, giggling as he explored the other side, his silhouette fading away in the wildness.
“He doesn't really need me, seems better already.” Snorted Macaque.
Sun Wukong came back seconds after, cooing like a madmonkey. Frail, scared chirps, chants of “where”, “where”, “alone”, “lost”. He stumbled on the sand and ran towards the warrior at full speed, curling at his side once he reached him, golden tail firmly tied in black-furred hips.
“You know I'm not your mom, right ?” Grumbled the warrior, the sage softly cooed at him, a quiet rumble made to be reassuring, like the warrior was the lost cub in this particular scenario. Disgusting.
Macaque huffed and laid down, facing the sky as hours passed. He felt better, his body wasn't aching anymore, but there was still an underlying weakness preventing him from being as fast, as strong, as keen as before. The warrior looked at his nemesis, the golden fluff ball was still playing with sand, and wondered if he should try to steal his magic. Maybe not now, not until he was sure the other wouldn't attack him.
They spent the rest of the day there, peacefully resting. The sage rose at dusk. and dived in the water, perhaps he got curious about the waves. He immediately shrieked and scrambled back, backing away from the ice-cold water with a pitiful whine on his lips. Macaque couldn't help but snicker, he tried to keep himself from laughing, not wanting to expose so much of himself, but he couldn't restrain the tickles rising within his throat. He erupted in laughter. He calmed down when he caught a glimpse of the sage’s thumping tail. Why was this fool happy when he just dived in the sea like a brainless monkey?
“What are you looking at ?” Snorted Mavzzie, and the sage immediately turned away, cheeks a little flushed. Sun Wukong then tried to dive in the water again, and looked at him with a wild wagging tail, as if he expected something. Macaque raised an eyebrow, not understanding what the King was doing. Sun Wukong's tail dropped, he splashed himself, clearly shivering in disgust at the feeling, and turned towards the warrior with hopeful eyes. But then again, he didn't get what he was hoping for and grumbled a little. The sage crawled on the shore with a defeated face and curled up beside the warrior, visibly annoyed. “You're weird.” Mumbled the ebony monkey.
They slept on the beach, under shimmering stars, the macaque curled on himself, and the sage pressed as close to the other as he could. They were woken up, the next morning, by the kid, which arrived quite loudly.
“Why are you both still on the beach ?” MK got off of his cloud and looked at them with a raised eyebrow. Sun Wukong immediately growled, tail lashing.
“Shut up, too early for growls.” Mumbled the macaque, he turned over and pawed at the sage to shut him up, when it didn't work, Macaque took his nemesis and smothered him in his chest to cease his annoying growls.
Sun Wukong squeaked, face slightly red, and dived happily in his chest, tail lashing excitedly. When he woke up, for the second time this morning, Macaque roughly pushed the sage away, face frowning in disgust.
“Not a word about this.” Warned the warrior as he looked over the cackling kid, ignoring the whining sage at his side. “Why are you here ?”
“I told you I would come by today. But why are you both still on the beach ?”
“We're… taking it slow. Don't wanna overwhelm him, you know.”
“Hm, yeah, it makes sense. Why is he covered in sand though ?”
“He rolled around.”
“And you didn't stop him ? You know he shouldn't move around with his wounds.”
“I didn't want to stop him, he looked like he enjoyed it.”
“But still…”
“Look, I know you're worried, kiddo.” Sighed the macaque. “But the guy is seven times immortal, he's not gonna die.” To prove his point, Macaque threw another handful of sand at the sage. “You see ? He's fine.” Sun Wukong sneezed and glared at the macaque, throwing his own handful of sand at him. “How dare you.” Hissed the warrior, the sage giggled at that.
“You two seem to get along”. Laughed MK.
“Did you not see the part where he threw sand at me ?”
“He's playing. He likes you.” Macaque ignored how those words pierced his heart, and turned away, grumbling about how the kid was blind, and how he didn't get along with his nemesis.
The kid sat a few meters away, not daring to get closer, and peeked at them from time to time, fiddling with his shirt a little, perhaps to ease his nerves. Being so close to your mentor but not being recognized sounded painful, and Macaque cursed himself for feeling so empathic. But what could he even do ? It's not like he had power over the sage fear.
“You like Sun Wukong, right ?” This was very awkward, and he belittled himself for that. Why did he even try ? It's not like he was particularly close to the kid.
“Huh, yeah… I mean it's Monkey King.” Awkwardly chuckled the kid. The way he said it, like it was obvious to like the Monkey King, was irritating, but Macaque, as petty as he was, didn't want to burn the kid with his own bitterness.
“Hm, looks kid, I'm not good at that, but if I know something about Wukong, it is that he doesn't mingle with people he doesn't like. What I'm trying to say is, hm, I'm sure he likes you too. He'll come back for you, or something, surely.” He didn't fully believe that, after all, the King didn't come back for him. But he knew, the second he saw the kid's face lightened up, that what he said was enough.
“Thanks, Macaque. I, hm, needed to hear that.”
“No problem.”
“And… also, hm, thanks for helping us with the LBD fight.”
“I just did whatever I could to survive, kid. She needed to be stopped.”
“But you could have fled, and you didn't.” Protested the kid with an unwavering gaze, how could he trust his own words so much was beyond Macaque.
“For selfish reasons.” Adeed the warrior, but the kid brushed aside his words with an easy laugh, as if he didn't quite believe Macaque's selfishness, which, as rude as it was, did bring the shadow of a smile upon the warrior's face.
Macaque didn't hate MK, quite the contrary, which was the core of his problem. He wasn't supposed to like his nemesis's mentee, he wasn't supposed to see him beyond his purpose : a tool to hurt Wukong. But no matter how much he tried to harden his heart, to pose as the cruel shadow lusting for blood, and no matter how much of a great pretender he was, Macaque couldn't kill what he truly was, and he wasn't cruel, sadly. It would have been easier if he was, it would have lessened the guilt of hurting a soul as innocent as MK, perhaps, he could have even enjoyed it, seeing beauty in shattering trust. But he wasn't cruel, and he had to live with guilt, and the burn of his own actions.
Sometimes, when the boy looked at him with unwavering eyes, Macaque could taste an apology on the tip of his lips. He thought of it, of forgiveness, but every time he indulged those thoughts, he felt acid flowing through his veins. Forgiveness was for the ones that regretted, the ones that felt the need to change who they were and to walk upon a better path. Macaque, as much as gilt filled him, didn't regret what he did. Because he did it to survive, and he would do it again if he had to. Because he did it to quell the anger (the sorrow) eating his soul. Even if the boy didn't deserve to be hurt because of the blood on his mentor's hands, even if doing it was petty and cruel, Macaque did it. He did it and he wouldn't excuse it. His life was full of sad backstories that could explain every twisted step he took, you could see pain in the way he shattered the trust of a bruised kid, you could see despair in his grip upon a girl throat as she was burned by a world-ending flame, you could see, dare he says, love in his need to marks his lost King, for him to be as bruised as he felt. But no matter what you saw, no matter what you thought, what remained was what he did. And he wasn't going to shy away from it, to hide behind tears and cries of “being broken”.
Macaque wasn't cruel, but that didn't mean he wasn't capable of cruelty.
There were no excuses. No reasons. He hurts him, fully aware of what he was doing, never once regretting it, and for that he wasn't going to fool him with a “sorry” only truly meant to lessen his guilt. Because Macaque knew, when he gazed upon the kid's face, that if he dared to utter any semblance of apology, the kid would forgive him in a heartbeat.
And Macaque didn't want to be forgiven, as much as he didn't want MK to forgive so easily the one responsible for some of the wounds covering his heart. Mayhaps, he should talk with the kid about boundaries and self-respect, but how can he even explain things he didn't even fully understand ?
MK was a star passing through the sky, and he was only one of the shadows that tried to latch on it, he wasn't in any place to lecture the kid.
“Hey, do you think you could… warn the troops about Wukong situation…” Asked the warrior, he didn't know how the sage would react to the monkeys, and if there was one thing he wanted to avoid at all costs, that was the terror in their faces if the King ever decided to draw their blood. “Warn them to stay far away”
“Oh…yes, I… I can do that.” Replied the kid, he rose and threw a doubtful eye at him, and admittedly the sage curled at his side. Macaque shook him off with an easy smile, and MK's face lightened up slightly.”
You have a good kid.” Mumbled the warrior once he saw the boy disappear behind the forest towering trees. He turned towards the sage, and Sun Wukong straightened up, perhaps sensing his seriousness. “Don't mess it up.” He didn't know if the King understood him, but he felt satisfied by the lingering gaze the sage threw towards the forest.
Macaque rose after a bit, stretching slightly, popping his sleeping bones. Hunger gnacked at him but he didn't want to step on the grass, not now at least. The sage perked up when he heard the rumbling of his stomach, ears erect, looking at him with round eyes. Sun Wukong looked towards the grass, then towards him, going back and forth between the two places.
“I'm not going anywhere.” Huffed the warrior, and that was enough to push the King. Macaque wondered if Sun Wukong could at least partially understand his words, the sage looked like he had some semblance of comprehension, at least enough to understand his intent. Sun Wukong rose and trotted towards the grass, he disappeared behind the trees, cooing now and then, to check on the warrior. As humiliating as it was, and as much as he didn't want to, Macaque replied with his own set of coos. He didn't know how the King would react if he wasn't sure of his presence, and he didn't want to find out. He just hoped the kid couldn't hear him, because this was quite embarrassing.
Sun Wukong returned after a few minutes, hands full of peaches, and Macaque wasn't even surprised, of course this fool brought peaches. He handed some to the warrior, cooing reassuringly, as if Macaque was a small, scared animal that needed help. The ebony monkey scoffed and begrudgingly took the food, firmly ignoring the sage thumping tail. He didn't need help, he could have found his own food, he wasn't that useless. And, least of all, he didn't need Sun Wukong's help.
Even if Macaque didn't show it much, he had a pride of his own. Of course, he wasn't the kind to prioritize his pride over his hide, like some idiots he wouldn't name because the mere thoughts of their faces was irritating. Macaque had common sense, and enough shame to not embarrass himself with petty fights. However, he did have pride, a warrior's pride.
He didn't need anyone, and he wasn't a coward. Macaque was the kind to wait, to retreat when things went dire, and come back keener, stronger, crueler. Tactical retreat wasn't the same as flee, even if some cheap chicken wing with legs didn't share the same thought.
The sage ate without any grace, juice running on his chin and tainting his sun-like fur, sometimes groaning in joy, fangs tearing the soft skin with glee. He ate like a monkey, and while that shouldn't be surprising considering Wukong was a monkey and never truly cared for manners (at least if he was still like what Macaque remembered) it was still uncanny to see him act so beastly. Sun Wukong was unruly and chaotic, idiotic even, free from everything, but he still walked like a man, talked like a man, thought like a man. This… monkeyish Sun Wukong was unfamiliar. Perhaps the sage had been like that at his birth, Macaque wasn't there at the time so he couldn't testify. But even then, it was weird to see sides of a man he thought he knew everything about.
Because it raised the question, did he truly know everything about Sun Wukong ? He knew a lot, certainly, but there were bound to be things hidden from him, sides he never got the chance to discover. Sun Wukong wasn't a good lier, at least that's what Macaque always thought. But what was even the point to ponder that now. It is not like he wanted to discover more sides of the great sage, he was here for survival, nothing else.
Sun Wukong suddenly whined, pulling the warrior out of his thoughts, and scratched his back with narrowed eyes (perhaps narrowed “eye”was better, considering the sage's left eye was still messed up). Macaque snorted at his misery, and he received a handful of sand for that, what a brat.
“You got what you deserve. You shouldn't have rolled around, dry sand and fur doesn't mix.” Snickered the macaque with crossed arms, the sage flopped at his feet, on his back, and looked at him intently.”What ?” The King chirped a small coo, something meaning “help”. “And what do you want me to do ? I can't magically make the sand stuck in your fur disappear.” Sun Wukong whined and pawed at his leg, perhaps trying to sweet-talk him. “I am not grooming you, Sun Wukong.” Retorted the warrior, but the golden fluff ball didn't stop, only whining louder. #Stop acting like that, you're not a kid, that's embarrassing. Get up.” The sage pawed harder, eyes imploring. “Oh my god, don't you have any shame !? Stop looking at me like that, you look ridiculous” The great sage, whined even louder, ear pinned back, paws pulling on his pants. “You know what, fine. You want to be clean, I got an idea.”
Macaque invoked a shadow portal with a flick of wrist and drenched the King, snickering when he caught a glimpse of the sage's flabbergasted face ; he looked like a wet rat.
“Don't worry, it's not salt water.” Sun Wukong looked at the macaque with a pout, pure betrayal etched on his face. He crouched down, tail swaying mischievously in the air, and Macaque quickly recognized this stance. “Wait, no, don't.” The warrior fled before the sage could pounce on him, running away from the wet beast wanting to smother him. “I helped you ! Don't approach me, you wet rat !” Screeched the warrior as he evaded the sage's attack.
Sun Wukong finally pinned the warrior down, smothering him in wet fur, and pawing at his face a little while giggling like a five year old. Macaque tensed when he felt the sage towering over him, but did his damn best to not attack him, even if his heart was beating fast, and his claws were picking at his palms. He knew Sun Wukong wasn't looking for blood, but it was still unselting to have him so close. He pushed the sage away after a bit, glaring at the snickering golden menace.
“Pff..” Macaque immediately looked towards the forest, and groaned when he caught sight of a giggling MK, phone in hand.
“Did you record this ?”
“Maybe, maybe not.” Answered the boy with a very annoying smirk.
“This is not what you think it is.” Grumbled the ebony monkey.
“Really ? Because it really looked like you two were playing.”
“We were not !”
Sun Wukong shook himself like the pitiful dog he was, throwing water everywhere, Macaque glared at him for daring to get him more wet.
“You could have done that away from me, don't you think ?” Grumbled the warrior, but Sun Wukong only tilted his head to the side, looking clueless. “Oh yeah, now you pull the “I understand nothing”card, I see what game you're playing, you jerk.”
MK bursted out laughing and the sage snickered, like the little devil he was.
Macaque was surrounded by jerks.
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averagetmntfan · 1 month
shadowpeach, my beloved....
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