callmepippin · 2 months
i need to gnaw on somebody
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blubushie · 11 days
Firstly—feral cats in the bush, hundreds of generations of feralisation none of which have had any human contact, are not the same as feral cats in the US, which while skittish are generally easily tamed down, especially if you get them as kittens at this age where they're literally just your normal housecat MAYBE a few generations removed but still having contact with people (as in, at least they see people, maybe they're even fed). Bushcats don't have that benefit. Even bushcat kittens are hard to tame down because they have so many generations of instinct built back up.
Secondly—in the bush I have a job. I am actively working. I cannot stop every 2-4 hours to feed a newborn kitten. There is no place for me to obtain formula. If I find kittens in the bush, they are already guaranteed to die. The best, most humane thing I can do is make that process quick instead of slow and lingering and painful. Here—away from the bush—I have a LOT of free time. This means I can put up with loss of sleep from waking up every 3 hours at night to feed a screaming little animal and clean it up after it eats and make sure it eliminates so it doesn't kill itself because they can't even shit on their own. This is something I have no time or patience for when I'm out bush but have worlds of time and patience for here.
And I don't even mind it. I like this kinda shit. I been rehabbing animals, and helping other people rehab animals, since before I could talk. Except usually they're wildlife, but this little bugger isn't much different from a rabbit.
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bluegekk0 · 6 months
So I have a question.
First of all, since I don’t quite feel like going through all of your posts for one detail, what’s FPKs spiritual status or whatever? Has he regressed in part? If he’s still a god have his domains/aspects shifted with the feralisation?
Secondly, what of the rest of Hallownests pantheon (Not the Godseeker pantheons I mean the remaining higher beings of Hallownest, and I suppose the more special creatures like Bardoon since otherwise that’s a really short list)? How are their relations with FPK? Have they even met again? Do they even know he lives?
Hi! I have a tag for the most important ask responses and other AU related posts, both for the story as well as for understanding the characters better, the tag is #save. In case this link doesn't work properly, all of my tags are pinned to my blog, so I recommend checking that out!
I also have some responses related to the topic of gods in the AU, as well as where FPK lands in all of that. Here is one about The Radiance and Grimm's father, which also goes more in depth about how I see the gods. Here is another response related to The Radiance, which also touches on the topic of gods. And lastly, here is one that talks more about FPK (and mainly WL) and how he fits into the whole thing.
But to add something to my answer that I either came up with later or just didn't mention in the other posts (it will be long so I'll put the divider here)
As I mentioned in one of the posts, the gods generally inhabit their own areas. They are not omnipotent, which makes sense, since they are more like guides than creators. This means that certain areas develop cultures and terms that are somewhat exclusive to the region, and an example of such is the term "Dream Realm", which is only really used by the inhabitants of the Hallownest territory (the reason for which I'll explain later). Another interesting result of such scenario is that many mortals travel between countries and kingdoms in order to reach their gods and seek their guidance. I think it would add a pretty fascinating element to their world, one that is not actually that far-fetched from canon, as the Godseeker traveled in search of other gods after the ones of their homeland perished.
There are two distinct "categories" of gods in the AU: the old gods and the new gods, and most of the higher beings we know belong to the latter. The old gods were more like what you picture when you think of a god: a powerful being you devote yourself to, but one you cannot see or touch. This was the old way of the gods, though these days it's very much a thing of the past - most of them choose to create a physical form to walk among the mortals and interact with them, some even blend into their world to the point where it's not as easy to tell that they are in fact gods. Many of them care not for worship, and instead prefer to have a more personal connection with the mortals. A notable exception was The Radiance - she was obsessed with the old gods and their way of life, she refused to create a physical form, and drew most of her power from the worship given to her. This earned her the nickname Grimm would often use mockingly - The Old Light. Though for the longest time, she actually flourished. Worshipping her was the main "religion" of the Hallownest territory for quite some time, and the Moth tribe that she created served as a way for mortals to communicate with her. This was done through their dreams, which eventually coined the phrase "The Dream Realm", first to refer to The Radiance's domain, though over time it became the main term to use for other god realms, even if they were not related to the concept of dreams. But with time, the new way of gods overshadowed her rule, and eventually the mortals turned away from The Radiance, instead devoting themselves to higher beings they could see and interact with.
This is where FPK came into the picture, as I mentioned before, he learned his powers and thus was not a real god, but in the eyes of mortals he was just as worthy of worship as any other higher being. At that point, The Radiance was already weak, and we know the rest of the story so I won't get into it now.
And since we're on the topic of FPK: before advanced civilization developed, the gods would instead guide the course of nature itself, which at that time was full of now prehistoric creatures. Giant, imposing beasts dominated the world, and wyrms were one of such species. But eventually that megafauna would slowly die off, passing the torch to smaller creatures and allowing them to evolve and develop (similarly to how the extinction of dinosaurs allowed small mammals to flourish). I like to think that this common ancestor was quite insect-like in its appearance, which is why those traits are quite commonly present in modern species (though they are notably not actual insects). Wyrm were the last of those gigantic species, due to their unusual ability to stop aging, which eventually led to intense cannibalism and their eventual extinction.
FPK was born in the very last generation of wyrms, when their numbers were already dwindling. He was a small, weak, leucistic wyrm, which inevitably made him an outcast for his species. After he matured and left his nest, he began hiding from his kind, as he knew he had no chance of fighting back. That is when he stumbled upon the lore tablets left by the gods. Soul magic was notably difficult to learn, and while there are mortals who know how to use it, their short lifespans mean that they die before they can reach its full potential. FPK was just the right creature to learn the magic and perfect it - he spent almost 200 years studying the tablets and developing his skills, and by the time he changed forms and created the kingdom, he already reached levels of power comparable to that of the gods (though he still lacked a lot of their abilities that he was not able to learn with soul, which I mentioned in one of the linked posts).
But since his power was learned, not natural to him, it was inherently linked to his mind, his memory, and his experiences. And as he fell into hibernation, his oldest memories began to get slowly erased, which included the very basics of soul magic. This meant that, when he was woken up (thankfully before he lost most of his memories), he had no knowledge of how to utilize his powers, and thus was not able to sustain himself with soul (I recommend this post for more details on the importance of this ability in particular for him, as well as his feral nature). While it is technically possible for him to re-learn those basics and become powerful again, he chooses not to for personal reasons - he became too dependent on it, to the point where he was starving himself, and he generally associates it with the worst moments of his life.
So after hibernation, he is pretty much exactly the way he was in his childhood, though obviously in a different physical form. He doesn't age (which was a trait Hornet inherited from him), but aside from that, he doesn't know any magic.
I'll return to the topic of other gods, to give some more details on them and their relation to FPK. The list, as you pointed out, is not particularly long, but with the previous context I think it makes sense.
First, there's The Radiance and The Nightmare (now known as The Nightmare King/Grimm), the two siblings and the children of The Dream Lord (name is subject to change since I haven't sat down to create a design for him yet), who is now dead as noted in one of the linked posts. I won't go into too much detail on what their domains and responsibilities are, refer back to the posts I linked.
Then there is The White Lady. I mentioned that I imagine she would be the god of fertility, and perhaps she would also watch over the flora of the region. She would be the god to seek in topics related to fertility or crops, I imagine.
Quite related to WL's domain is Unn, who watches over the wilderness, particularly the fauna (though she is also responsible for the vegetation of the region, which is where she clashes with WL). She is one of the few gods of the region who actually created her own followers, though she is always welcoming to any mortal who seeks her aid.
Lastly, there is The Shade Lord, a unique higher formed from void itself, which does not have a domain of its own. Instead, it stood opposed to The Dream Lord - balancing the hopeful dreams with chaos and doubts. But it became dangerous, and so The Dream Lord sacrificed himself to seal it away in the Abyss (Ghost united the void one last time to defeat The Radiance, but The Shade Lord as it was known once is gone).
Now, there is also the possibility of there being other gods, which were never encountered by Ghost. For instance, the hot springs imply the existence of possible volcanic activity in the region, so perhaps there is a god whose domain connects to fire and heat? Perhaps they could serve a similar role to Hephaestus in Greek mythology, and be the guide to all the blacksmiths of the region?
There may also be a god related to Lifeblood, I think there is an implication that it comes from a higher being like source. They could be the god you seek in matters related to health and vitality. But then again, Lifeblood itself is so strange that it may as well just be some kind of drug hahaha
And again, FPK was never part of that pantheon of gods, The Radiance notably considered him a fraud and rejected him. But the other gods, which are much closer to the mortals, were more open to welcoming him among their kind. His marriage to WL earned him the title of a Pale Being, and while he was not able to become part of the matters of gods (his inability to enter The Higher Plane was the biggest factor here), he was still considered a god by all the mortals.
He did meet with WL after coming back, though as I mentioned before, since they divorced, he only rarely pays her visits - their new lives are almost completely separate. Unn was definitely aware of his return, after all, he frequently hunts in her territory. She definitely watched him closely to ensure he wasn't overhunting the animal population, but since he only does that to satisfy his hunger, she never had to intervene. The Radiance is dead, and Grimm is married to him so not much to add here.
Also, since you mentioned Bardoon. I think his species may be a quite recent descendant of one of those prehistoric beasts, which would explain his size and knowledge of wyrms. So he's definitely in the same category that FPK was in when he was born.
This turned out really long, but I hope it's a satisfying answer. Again, I definitely recommend checking out the posts I linked, as well as scrolling through the #save tag (especially if you want to learn more about the more personal aspects of the characters). I tried to make it as easy to understand as possible, but again, the AU is not a serious writing project, I definitely make it up as I go, so there is a chance that some things don't quite add up or are a bit convoluted. So if you have any more questions or want me to elaborate on something, feel free to send me another ask!
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bluefoxproductions · 1 month
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Wrote a little character development story for Tuli!
“Tuli? May I speak to you before you go?” The teacher gently asks upon the bell ringing. Tuli looks at the clock, she’s been in human form for about 2 hours since her last break, she’s really pushing it, but given she has no choice she nods and walks over, albeit nervously.
“Yes?” The teacher sighed and looked Tuli in the eyes.
“Your creative writing is exceptional and very detailed.” The teacher begins with a compliment, making Tuli loosen up ever so slightly. “But, your stories are always about your Father and Sister. May I ask-“ she looks around classroom and out the door to check for any nosey kids before continuing, even had to chase off a few stragglers, after that she closed the door and sat back down, giving Tuli her full attention. “Are you getting enough attention at home?”
Tuli smiles, though it has a slight sadness to it.
“I’m never hungry before going to sleep.” The teacher nods slowly.
“That’s good, but I don’t mean your physical needs, Tuli.” Tuli tilts her head to the side, a little confused, the teacher takes note of that. “Mental needs need to be covered as well, is your Father busy?” Tuli nods.
“He and my sister do very dangerous work together. My sister is usually abroad and my Dad is in contact with her almost the entire day. But when he comes home he feeds me then goes to sleep, always with a worried look in his eyes…” The teacher nods in understanding.
“Well, if his lack of attention to you bothers you, promise you’ll talk to him about it, ok?” Tuli nods, and they both hug. “You’re an amazing kid, Tuli, and I’m sure your Father knows that too, sometimes you just have to remind a busy parent.” Tuli nods in the hug and they part. “I’ll let you go home, thank you for your time.”
Tuli hops over to the door. “Thank you for the advice!” With a wave off, she leaves for the bathroom to feralise for a bit.
Hours later Tuli just finished up her homework, and she levitates her pencil back down on the table, the front door unlocks and opens. In stumbles in her exhausted Father, her tail instantly wags.
“Dad! Welcome home, did it go well tonight?” Her Father tiredly nods with a smile.
“Only a few hiccups this time, thankfully your sister is good with color and was able to see a difference in it. Otherwise she probably would’ve exploded..” He sighs as he opens the fridge to prepare Tuli’s dinner. Tuli watches him for a moment as he cooks in silence, her tail stops wagging, her ears droop, but remains silent.
After it’s finished cooking, Tuli flies over to the table and sits in her chair, her tail slipping through the back. Grilled Horsemackrel tonight.
“Thank you, Dad.” She says genuinely, but as she begins eating, Dad picked up on her sad demeanor.
“Everything ok at school?” He asks, she lifts her head from her meal to look at him, her sadness not phasing.
“It was a good day, but…” She trails off, unsure how to mention it. Dad watches her, waiting patiently for her to continue, which eases some of her thoughts.
“My teacher called me over after class..” Tuli fiddles with her paws. “They helped me realize something.” She takes another bite of her fish before continuing.
“I..I know what you and Nina do is very important, world changing even. I know this first hand from before I met you two..but..um..” She shuts her eyes tightly so she doesn’t have to see his reactions. “I’m starting to feel like you don’t have enough time for me anymore..!” She blurts out. The room falls silent, she keeps her eyes shut for a little longer, before she can’t help but peek. Dad looks shocked, and also looks like he had a realization on top of that, as if hours of memories are flowing through his mind.
“Oh, Tuli…” His tone sounds soft, as he gets out of his chair and moves to pick her up and hug her. “I am so sorry.” Tuli nuzzles into his hug, tears forming in her eyes. “I’ve been neglecting you.”
“It’s okay, Dad. I understand…” She flutters out of the hug and sits back in her chair to continue eating while they talk. “I know how tiring your work is.”
“Yes but that’s no excuse.” He falls silent for a moment in thought. “There’s got to be a way.” Tuli puts her front paws on the table.
“What if I fly to your office after school?” Tuli suggests, Dad looks a little worried about that.
“Someone could see you…” But Tuli doesn’t back down.
“I know a lot of back alleyways thanks for my Raccoon friends!” Dad’s expression sticks for a moment before he sighs.
“Alright, you know best, My Little Wonder.” He pets her head gently, which she giggles to. “But promise me, if traffic is too big and you can’t see a way there without getting caught, head back here, deal? You have your pager on you, if you don’t get to my office 20 minutes after school lets out, and you don’t reply to my ping, then I’ll consider you missing.” She nods in understanding, as she holds her paw up for him to shake.
“It’s a deal!” With a chuckle he holds her tiny raccoon hand and shakes it.
From that day on, Tuli spent her after school days on the small couch in his office. Doing homework, drawing, or even helping with a few missions. Thanks to her bravery, Agent BlueFox gained an unofficial 2nd Handler, which helped more than once. Sometimes the perspective of a 10 year old child had its perks!
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averinthine · 2 years
facial feralisation surgery
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evoldir · 7 months
Fwd: Postdoc: UCork.SalmonGenomicsFeralisation
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Postdoc: UCork.SalmonGenomicsFeralisation > Date: 24 November 2023 at 06:50:44 GMT > To: [email protected] > > > Going feral: the evolutionary ecology of reverse domestication in an > iconic fish species. > > We are looking for an ambitious and competent post-doctoral fellow to > work on the evolutionary ecology of feralisation in Atlantic salmon. The > position is funded for 4 years (with a one-year probationary period) as > part of Ireland's Marine Institute Post-Doctoral Fellowship Programme. The > Fellow will join the research group of Dr Tom Reed at University College > Cork and be embedded within a wider team of salmonid biologists and > geneticists across the island of Ireland. This exciting new research > project aims to tackle a series of fundamental questions concerning the > genomic and epigenetic basis of "reverse domestication" processes, which > occur when farmed salmon escape and establish potentially self-sustaining > (or hybridising) populations in the wild. The topic is also highly > relevant to applied conservation issues pertaining to aquaculture escapes > and fisheries management.  We are looking for someone with a background > in, and passion for, molecular or conservation genetics, in particular > with strong bioinformatics/quantitative skills (e.g., in the analysis > of NGS data). The work will involve the analysis of archival biological > material from past experiments, with scope for undertaking new experiments > in the wild.  Strong communication, writing and analysis skills, as well > as excellent English, are key desired attributes. > > The fellow will work at the University of Cork, one of Ireland's largest > and most successful universities. The research will be conducted in the > School of BEES which consists of 30+ faculty, ca. 20 postdocs and 50 > PhD students across Zoology, Ecology, Plant Sciences and Geology. Cork > is situated on the south coast of Ireland, 2.5 hours from Dublin, is > served by an international airport, has a population of about 200,000, > and is on the doorstep of some of the most beautiful coastline in Europe. > > The project will involve collaborations with colleagues from the > Marine Institute of Ireland and Queens University Belfast, and we also > collaborate widely with groups from across Europe and the US. > > Informal enquiries to: [email protected] > > For more details and to apply formally for the position: > Go to this website: http://ore.ucc.ie/ > Search by reference number: 072553 > > > Thomas Reed
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ayulaoneone · 9 months
For kink reasons do you prefer werewolves or vampires?
You're killing me here anon you're making me choose between my CHILDREN they're both so very cool and both so very powerfully erotic.
I can't even pick based on past posting! I'm pretty sure I've posted more scenarios that are explicitly about vampires but I've also posted a lot of feralisation content that's implicitly werewolf coded so that doesn't help.
I guess in terms of which one I'd prefer to be or to do practical kink with? A vampire. But it's a close thing.
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feralise · 6 years
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Yep, I’m late to the party but Trevor Belmont is my new favorite scraggly crush, so naturally I ended up drawing him. Simple take on him, nothing fancy and as you can see, I couldn’t decide on a style (castlevania combined with my own style?) but I’m okay with how it turned out. Hope y’all like it too!
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furryadmiration · 7 years
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“Morning Message” ( Artist: Feralise )
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blubushie · 1 year
G’mornin Blu! Can you tell me about the cats you’ve hunted? Because in my head “invasive cats” means everything from “we don’t know how these tigers crossed this ocean” to the strange, huge, misshapen feral cats you find in the Middle East…
They're just your run-of-the-mill domestic cat.
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But they're eating the native wildlife. Australia has some of the most diverse ecosystems in the world. The majority of our native wildlife is endangered or at the least threatened in some way, be it because of climate change, bushfires, deforestation, commercialisation, human development, competition between species for little resources, or invasive species.
The US is going through something similar with their cats too, but it's not as bad as ours and US ecosystems usually aren't so self-contained that even something like 5 individual cats can throw everything into disarray. Australia has a very careful balance.
The issue is that domestic cats are descended from the African wildcat, Felis lybica, and are especially adapted to environments similar to those of much of the Australian bush.
And they're feralising.
This is a wild pig, Sus scrofa, the ancestors of the domestic pig.
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This is a domestic pig.
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This is a feral pig, after its ancestors have spent a couple hundred years doing what pigs do without human supervision.
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See how they're reverting to the state of their more wild ancestors? They're reversing their own domestication to adapt to the environment. It's bloody terrifying. We call it feralising.
In Australia this has taken about 200 years. Our cats have been here just as long, but something's kickstarted them into feralising, and they're doing it fast. Just in the past five years there's been a sudden uptick, and I've been noticing that every cat I shoot seems to be getting bigger.
You're getting stories of cats out there that are 20kg/45lbs. The largest I've killed was almost 14kg, or around 30lbs. They're out-evolving their wild ancestors--the max weight of an African wildcat is 4.5kg or about 10lbs. These cats are losing their domesticated traits and adapting to the bush, and it's happening so fast that the ecosystem is suffering whiplash. A cockatoo can maybe bat off a cat that weighs 5kg at most, but double that? It'd have to rely on speed, and cats are ambush predators, and cockatoos aren't that elegant when they're flying.
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You're putting a paddock basher against a fucking Bugatti.
My job is slashing the tyres.
They're 3.8mil domestic cats here. There's 6.3mil FERAL cats. The number of feral cats nearly double the number of domestics. The African wildcat has a lifespan of up to 15 years in the wild because they're adapted to excel in their environment, and the cats are excelling in Australia. TNR is an option in the US and UK since their wildlife typically isn't directly at risk, it's just a matter of cats being overpopulated.
That's not the case for Australia.
It's not just an issue of the cats reproducing, but also just the cats being alive. So long as the cats are alive, they're killing native species whether it's for food or for fun (because cats do that too, it's estimated they only eat THIRTY PERCENT of the animals they kill) and the environment doesn't have the 15 years to wait for the now-sterile cats to cark it.
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It's dirty work and I don't like it. My family has cats. I like cats.
But I like dogs, and kangaroos, and deer, and I kill those too because I'm paid to do it and it has to be done. Someone has to end up with that blood on their hands, and it may as well be me.
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ladytarndjd · 6 years
OKAY! Hold on to your Butts!
I’ve gotten SO MUCH LOVE ! It makes my heart swell SO much. I am currently making everyone their own categories, and im excited to announce, that the server will be up soon! I was working on the server’s logo and decided that a symbol for the server was to be announced, I even made the drawing, taking some ideas from our friends from Greek. Everyone, who wishes to join, REBLOG this post with what your Tumblr’s Blog name is, and for your very own Section, what do you want it to be called? I’ll be putting the categories down. If you don’t want to have your own section, THAT’S OKAY. You just want to see all the Magnificent art and be part of the Crazies, I love it. I will be Posting the Invite Link Soon so you can all Join! I love you so much, everyone, and I can’t wait to make such wonderful memories and friends! P.S Because im super excited, and I want to show what Im working on, ill be posting the Server’s Logo below. If by any CHANCE, you see your language isn’t in the logo, you could always ask me, and I would be delighted to post it in. <3 <3
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- DX Kamakiri Ridermedal (700 yen)
- DX Oz Medal Driver & Taka Ridermedal (6600 yen) - DX Tora Ridermedal (700 yen) - DX Batta Ridermedal (700 yen) - DX Lion Ridermedal (700 yen) - DX Oz Driver & Tatoba Combo Ridermedal SPECIAL SET (8000 yen) - DX Oz Medalcalibur (4000 yen) - RHS01 Kamen Rider Oze Taka (300 yen) - RHS02 Kamen Rider Oze Tatoba (300 yen)
- DX Ankh Emblem & Ankh Ridermedal set (1700 yen) - DX Ankh Featherju - DX Cheetah Ridermedal (700 yen) - DX Kuwagata Ridermedal (700 yen) - DX Zwei Medal Driver & Sasori Ridermedal & Ebi Ridermedal (7000 yen) - DX Kani Ridermedal (700 yen) - DX Ridevendor Phone (2200 yen) - DX Saber Ridermedal (700 yen) - DX Kuuga Ridermedal (700 yen) - RHS03 Kamen Rider Oze Gatakiriba (300 yen) - RHS04 Kamen Rider Ankh (300 yen) - RHS05 Kamen Rider Oze Ratoratah (300 yen) - RHS06 Kamen Rider Double-O SasoriEbi (300 yen) - RKF01 Kamen Rider Oze Tatoba & Gatakiriba set (5800 yen)
- DX Dagger Driver & Sai Ridermedal (6600 yen) - DX Gorilla Ridermedal (700 yen) - DX Oz Zouhammer & Zou Ridermedal (4200 yen) - DX Zero-One Ridermedal (700 yen) - DX Decade Ridermedal (700 yen) - DX Den-O Ridermedal (700 yen) - RHS07 Kamen Rider Double-O SasoriKani (300 yen) - RHS08 Kamen Rider Oze Ratoratah (300 yen) - RHS09 Kamen Rider Oze Sagohzo (300 yen) - RHS10 Kamen Rider Daggar (300 yen) - RKF02 Kamen Rider Oze Ratoratah & Sagohzo Set (5600 yen) - RKF03 Kamen Rider Double-O Dual Form Set (3200 yen)
- DX Birth Driver & Taka Cell Ridermedal (6600 yen) - DX Feralising Tatoba Ridermedal (2800 yen) - DX W Ridermedal (700 yen) - DX Build Ridermedal (700 yen) - DX Ryuki Ridermedal (700 yen) - RHS11 Kamen Rider Birth - RHS12 Kamen Rider Oze Feralising Tatoba
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evoldir · 7 months
Fwd: Postdoc: UCork.SalmonGenomics
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Postdoc: UCork.SalmonGenomics > Date: 23 November 2023 at 08:04:59 GMT > To: [email protected] > > > > > Going feral: the evolutionary ecology of reverse domestication in an > iconic fish species. > > We are looking for an ambitious and competent post-doctoral fellow to > work on the evolutionary ecology of feralisation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo > salar). The position is funded for 4 years (with a one-year probationary > period) as part of Ireland’s Marine Institute Post-Doctoral Fellowship > Programme. The Fellow will join the research group of Dr Tom Reed at > University College Cork and be embedded within a wider team of salmonid > biologists and geneticists across the island of Ireland. This exciting > new research project aims to tackle a series of fundamental questions > concerning the genomic and epigenetic basis of “reverse domestication” > processes, which occur when farmed salmon escape and establish potentially > self-sustaining (or hybridising) populations in the wild. The topic > is also highly relevant to applied conservation issues pertaining to > aquaculture escapes and fisheries management.  We are looking for someone > with a background in, and passion for, molecular or conservation genetics, > in particular with strong bioinformatics/quantitative skills (e.g., in > the analysis of NGS data). The work will involve the analysis of archival > biological material from past experiments, with scope for undertaking > new experiments in the wild.  Strong communication, writing and analysis > skills, as well as excellent English, are key desired attributes. > > The fellow will work at the University of Cork, one of Ireland’s largest > and most successful universities. The research will be conducted in the > School of BEES which consists of 30+ faculty, ca. 20 postdocs and 50 > PhD students across Zoology, Ecology, Plant Sciences and Geology. Cork > is situated on the south coast of Ireland, 2.5 hours from Dublin, is > served by an international airport, has a population of about 200,000, > and is on the doorstep of some of the most beautiful coastline in Europe. > > The project will involve collaborations with colleagues from the > Marine Institute of Ireland and Queens University Belfast, and we also > collaborate widely with groups from across Europe and the US. > > Informal enquiries to: [email protected] > > For more details and to apply formally for the position: > Go to this website: http://ore.ucc.ie/ > Search by reference number: 072553 > > > > Tom Reed > Senior Lecturer in Zoology and Vice Head of School of BEES (University > College Cork) > Secretary of Irish Ecological Association > [email protected]    > +353 21 4904661  🌐 > https://ift.tt/jUHNfSc > T23 N73K. > > > Thomas Reed
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archiesfagfantasy · 3 years
becoming like a feralised version of one of those trans guys who are really into rats. this to say, i now carry around in my pocket a baby mouse i found abandoned on my kitchen floor
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feralise · 7 years
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‘Red Mage McCree’
So I’ve been Jesse Mc’cree in Eorzea for 6... 7... 8 months? I’ve lost count, tbh. What I haven’t lost is my love for this good ol’ cowboy and thus, I had to finally draw him again. Just a late night sketch after a long day at work but hooo buddy, I needed to draw this.
Anywho, enjoy my red mage McCree. Don’t worry folks, I main Machinist like a good McCree should. *finger-guns*
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wattemeer · 4 years
TRANS HINATA AAAAA A A A A A A AAAA im feralising than k you
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