#fetishization of mental illness mention
ariadnesweb · 1 year
Kris & Anthy - The Violence of the 4th Wall
A big thing for both Deltarune and Utena is a light-hearted simplistic 'Episode' (Chapter) structure, in which an adventure happens within the confines of the narrative. Throughout the events of the 'Episode', Kris & Anthy's behavior is highly regulated & controlled.
(Not without flashes of personality and fun, but they lack enough autonomy that 1) others' illusions of them cannot be shut down, 2) they cannot pull away from coercive/abusive situations.)
The 'inside' of the Episodic structure is symbolized by either the school-in-daylight or the surrealistic 'otherworld' - the 'outside' of the Episodic structure is symbolized by nightime and the presence of the credits. The 'inside', while oppressive, is 'safe': Kris & Anthy are accompanied by friends, and most, if not all, violence is confined to the 'Game'.
Of course, the structure necessitates that Kris & Anthy venture outside of its confines; the Episode, by its very name, is episodic, and can only last for bursts of time. What happens next is outside our ability to analyze: we only get hints at what is happening, we viewers are tied to the 4th wall.
We know this: 1) Kris & Anthy set up the preparations needed for the next episode, behaving erratically but with purpose (we've seen how the coincidences line up), 2) Kris & Anthy face a ritualistic amount of violence outside the scope of the Episode - with Kris painfully ripping away their soul, and with Anthy having to come back to her abusive (bigger, older) brother.
It is this violence from 'outside' the Episode that characterizes both Kris & Anthy - dissociation from their bodies and the people around them - they have minimal ability to participate throughout the Episode, as the conflicts and quirks are mostly driven by everyone (untouched) around them.
In both Deltarune and Utena, the presence of the 4th wall is strongly associated with the influence of a pivotal character. In Utena, this is Akio, Anthy's brother, whose gaze/beliefs shapes the 4th wall, who tries to maintain in stasis the prince-princess myth; In Deltarune, this is *Us, for whom the 4th Wall and the Episodic Structure contain and maintain, to seemingly line up with the existence of the Angel (whatever that means).
To Kris & Anthy, and their journeys of staying true to themselves while surviving, the scrutiny of the 4th wall is an obstacle in its own right.
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 months
Dear marzi, for reasons of trying not to give period characters too modern fetishes in my smut, may I have some recs as to where I may find some of that olde fetish content you've previously seen?
On the Wikipedia page for the "corset controversy," unfortunately!
Historians have been taking obvious tightlacing fetish letters seriously for...way too long. And sometimes still are. Confirmation bias is a hell of a thing. Of course, there's no way to 100% tell which letters are fetish fuel and which are real, but generally any that use particularly heightened language or common erotic tropes- or that seem to fly in the face of evidence from extant garments, unedited videos, stock and advertisements from real corset companies, etc. -are to be viewed with suspicion.
(The same is true for letters used now to claim that nipple piercing was a real Victorian trend- for, indeed, the only source is anonymous magazine letters and many of them fall into the same obvious patterns as the tightlacing letters. One DOES describe the alleged process in detail...but it's basically the same as the process for ear-piercing, a service jewelers did commonly offer back then. Just applied to nipples. So whether it's real or not is still uncertain, but it's highly doubtful that large numbers of Victorian women were running around with nipple piercings given that no extant nipple rings have been found, such piercings are never mentioned in letters or diaries or other more concrete sources, etc.)
Besides that, I've seen glimpses of most modern fetishes in various sources:
the Psychopathia Sexualis, a medical manual of "sexual mental illness" (in heavy quotes because things like homosexuality and gender variance are mentioned under that heading), talks about everything from a fetish for tight boots and gloves on women, to bloodplay (initiated by a woman, actually, who wanted to drink her husband's blood), to force-femming, to some very elaborate femdom scenarios that I hope the sex workers in question were paid well for. Of course, since the cases are anonymous, these are also difficult to confirm- but clearly someone had THOUGHT of them, since they're written into the book.
And I've seen at least some of them in other sources, too, including some of the magazines that published the nipple piercing and tightlacing letters. The Englishwomen's Domestic Magazine was notorious for its letters on tightlacing, tight gloves, spanking, etc.
Photographic porn was definitely a thing almost as soon as photography came into being. A lot of it is pretty vanilla, but I could swear I'd seen piss kink photos (with urine painted in after development) before the blog where they were hosted went defunct
James Joyce's letters to his wife get into farting and scat fetish territory. Yes, really.
Speaking of letters, there was one man living here in Boston who, in the late 19th century, wrote letters to his wife describing erotic dreams of her as a giantess who pissed on him and then ate him. I cannot remember his name and it's going to drive me insane all day, but he was the head of Boston's censorship organization, the Watch and Ward society and these letters were first released by his own children for an unauthorized biography written five years after his death. Guess there was little love lost there.
BDSM is old. Like, really old. Old, to quote the sacred texts, as balls. I'm pretty sure there are sexual flagellation texts going back to the Renaissance, but don't quote me on that.
Basically, Rule 34 can be back-applied, too. If it existed, there was a fetish for it, probably. Of course, things that specifically involve modern technology or properties are out, but beyond that...the sky is the limit
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emeraldspiral · 1 year
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A venn diagram of the queer/neurodiverse content depicted in Invader Zim. I've already talked about the inherent queerness of Zim and mentioned a few times that there’s a big overlap with autism/neurodiversity but I thought this would make a handy reference. Note that “neurodiversity” isn’t just autism/ADD/ADHD but also includes mental illness, personality disorders, mood disorders, learning disabilities, and anything else that isn’t “neurotypical”.
On the queer side there is actual canon queer rep in the show and comics:
Irkens are canonically aroace and intersex.
Groyna from the comics was confirmed by Eric Trueheart to be a lesbian.
Commander Poki from the comics may be trans, as she has eyelashes normally only seen on female Irkens, but lacks the curled antenna every other female Irken is shown to possess.
Recap Kid's gender is deliberately ambiguous.
There are also many instances of queer-coding that can be seen throughout the show such as:
The homoerotic rivalry between Zim and Dib.
Red and Purple basically being Zim's two gay dads.
Zim and several other characters having campy and dramatic mannerisms.
Zim using Keef and Tak as beards.
Zim and GIR wearing make-up/cross-dressing and generally not concerning themselves with or even being aware of gender conformity.
That time Dib's personality was copied into the body of a female ship which became very distressed at being told it wasn't really a boy and changed its physical appearance to match its brain.
Other queer elements featured in the show include:
Female characters who aren't love interests/show no interest in romance.
Most characters showing a general lack of visible interest in the opposite sex or romance.
The Membranes being a non-traditional family (single dad with no mom, later acquiring two more dads in the form of Foodio and Clembrane). Irken society not being structured around family units at all.
Satirical depictions of nuclear family units (Zim’s roboparents).
Kink/Fetish content including tentacles, bondage, domination, tongues, sadism, mind-control, body morphing, gore, food/eating, bodily fluids/fluids in general, Giger-esque designs, etc…
On the Neurodiverse side we have:
Zim’s food sensitivity.
Zim’s germophobia.
Zim’s dislike of being touched or hugged.
Zim seeming to suffer from sensory issues in general.
Zim getting overstimulated on the bus in Walk of Doom.
Zim and Dib infodumping.
Zim’s idiosyncratic speech mannerisms.
Characters having high intellect paired with poor social skills/low emotional intelligence.
Hyperfixations and special interests.
Zim’s struggles with multi-tasking and keeping his priorities straight.
GIR being easily distracted and unable to focus on anything that doesn’t immediately interest him.
Characters having poor volume control.
Characters having mood swings or trouble regulating their emotions.
Zim’s issues with memory.
Dib hyperfocusing to the point of neglecting hygiene.
Zim’s “problem with listening”.
And in the middle where they overlap there’s:
Zim and Dib being outcasts, misunderstood by everyone around them, and only able to connect with other misfits like Gaz, GIR, Keef, each other, and random hobos.
Zim masking his otherness and putting on performative displays of “normalcy” and having a well-founded fear of the consequences of being discovered.
Dib being open about his otherness and looking for respect and acceptance in the face of overwhelming ridicule and contempt.
Dib being pressured by his father to conform in order to please him.
Dib finding that the social benefits of conformity aren’t enough to outweigh the pain of not being his authentic self in Mopiness of Doom.
Dib’s experiences and perspectives being trivialized, dismissed and medicalized as indicators of mental illness.
Dib actually being mentally ill, but only as a result of not being accepted or supported for being different.
The eugenicist dystopia of the Irken Empire, where Zim is labeled “defective” and sentenced to death rather than treated for the mental health issues caused by the society that created him.
Daddy issues/familial rejection/non-acceptance.
Zim and Dib’s struggles with depression.
Zim and Dib’s need to prove themselves to gain validation and acceptance.
Zim and Dib being victims of bullying and in turn bullying others to feel a sense of power.
Dib’s self-loathing.
Zim’s default state being paranoia and anxiety.
Zim and Dib’s self-image issues.
And of course the one thing that binds us all: alternative fashion.
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White women wanna be oppressed sooooo badly 🙄 Yes fetishizing a ship on tumblr is just like being a victim of the satanic panic
To the people who are seeing this that didn't write the anon: sorry, this post is going to be a little harsh. It made me very angry and hit a sore spot. Just keep in mind that everything I say is directed toward the anon. (I don't think I say anything mean, I just set some boundaries.)
First of all, there are a lot of homophobes who make rude comments about byler and their shippers because they're a queer couple, so it's not out there for me to comment on it. Second of all, I am absolutely not fetishizing byler. They are my hyperfixation and my coping skill, which is what my brain has learned to do, so I can cope in a world that's not designed for me as a neurodivergent person. I often fixate on queer ships because I myself am queer. Third of all, sexism is still a thing… you know that right. The fact that you specifically targeted women in your ask is honestly sexist in and of itself. Why are women always being called out when we like a queer ship? Why specifically women and not any other gender? Because I know for a fact that byler shippers are not all women. In fact, we aren't even close to all women.
Yes, I am white, and I recognize that that means I have privileges that other people don't get. I very much don't want to come across as saying I am as oppressed as people of color are. I don't get to even act like I know what some people go through. There are varying degrees of oppression, and I would likely fall on a very low end. That does not mean I have not faced oppression, though, and to not acknowledge this is frankly ableist.
I am an autistic woman in a world that is designed for neurotypical men. I have severe and debilitating mental illness. Did you know, I haven't been home for more than a couple of months at a time in 4 years because I have been in and out of hospitals and residential? You didn't know, because you don't know me, yet you're making hurtful assumptions. My life has been stripped away from me, and you're over there saying I want to be oppressed.
It's so dumb that whenever you say something difficult that you go through on the internet, it's straight to “oh, you want to be oppressed.” Why would anyone want to be oppressed?
Also, I only said that SCENE was fitting for byler. I didn't say satanic panic was comparable to byler. I only mentioned that the scene was about satanic panic so people would know which scene I was referencing.
The fact that you assumed things about me when I have shared little about myself is very frustrating. You don't get to assume my intentions when you've never even spoken to me.
Don't talk about shit you don't know. Stop making assumptions, it makes you look clueless. You don't know me, and you don't know what I've been through. So kindly back off. Thanks!
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wyrmguardsecrets · 19 days
never ceases to tickle me how every time rape fetish DK gets mentioned or otherwise chooses to open her dumbass mouth on a post, she repeatedly gets dunked on AND shows everyone just more and more evidence on how god awful and stupid she is. let's not forget that time a while back where she tried to armchair diagnose and demonize mental illnesses.
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creepswrites · 1 year
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‣ The following themes are PROHIBITED: racism, homophobia, transphobia, inc*st, ped*philia, illegal age gaps, extreme/harmful fetishes and kinks, r*pe, self-h*rm, suic*de, & extremely graphic abuse/depictions of abuse.
‣ Topics such as mental illness, violent scenes, and mention/depiction of abuse may pop up on occasion and will be properly tagged. While violent scenes may occur, I try to avoid topics I know to be upsetting to read as well as topics I myself find upsetting.
‣ I will NOT write smut with underage muses of mine, even if the reader is the same age.
‣ I will write for AMAB, AFAB, TRANS, and GN READERS! If you have specific pronouns for your reader request, make sure to state those! I always default to gender neutral reader unless otherwise specified :)
‣ Please do NOT repost my writing anywhere! Ask to translate, do not unless I have given explicit permission for you to do so.
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‣ Common themes I write for include but are not limited to:
fluff / slice of life
angst / darker themes
nsfw / smut
multi-chapter stories
‣ I do write reader x canon OR canon x canon, so long as it does not violate any of my restrictions! I can be picky about what canon x canon pairing I write for though, it has to speak to me.
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‣ I reserve the right to deny any request for any reason.
‣ Do not spam/pressure me to write! I write for what inspires me in the moment. Requests will be completed when I have the time.
‣ Requests sent when they're closed will be discarded!
‣ Headcanons : Five character max, one character min. If the headcanon prompt is specific enough, it can be combined with a small drabble! These vary in length/detail. Unless characters for headcanons are specified, I'll likely write as many/as few as I feel inspired for!
‣ 1-3k Oneshot : These vary in length & detail depending on the material provided. If requesting, please specify, otherwise I default to headcanons. These can take me longer than headcanons so I take requests for them more sparingly.
‣ 4k+ Oneshot : Meant for more specific scenarios with lots of ideas & content involved! I rarely do these unless I'm particularly inspired by the prompt given. Usually, 4k+ is reserved for long-term story chapters.
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‣ Michael Myers : Halloween (1987, RZ, DBD, & 2018/Kills)
‣ Jason Voorhees : Friday the 13th
‣ Bubba Sawyer, Chop Top Sawyer, & Thomas Hewitt : The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
‣ Brahms Heelshire : The Boy (2016)
‣ Billy Lenz : Black Christmas (1974)
‣ Vincent Sinclar, Bo Sinclair, Lester Sinclair, & Nick Jonas : House of Wax (2005)
‣ Stu Macher & Billy Loomis : Scream
‣ Leslie Vernon : Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon
‣ Pyramid Head : Silent Hill
‣ Carrie White : Carrie
‣ Danny Johnson, Anna, & Amanda Young : Dead by Daylight ‣ You may ask me to try any DBD character though!
‣ Corey Cunningham : Halloween Ends (sparingly)
‣ Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson : Stranger Things (sparingly)
‣ Bill Denbrough, Eddie Kaspbrak, Richie Tozier, Mike Hanlon, Beverly Marsh, Ben Hanscom : IT (1990, 2017, & 2019) (sparingly)
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(this is PART 3 of a 4 Part Post. Click HERE to start at part 1)
Full sources and links to further reading will be below in the notes!
Remember to read the trigger warnings and content warnings. This is Yandere fiction we’re talking about, so it’s going to get messed up.
Themes + Trigger Warnings + Content Warnings:
Possessiveness, Obsessiveness, Unhealthy relationships, Religious themes, themes of sociopathy, themes of mental illness, hallucinations, delusions, hallucinations and delusions due to drugs, mentions of: physical abuse, sexual abuse, brainwashing, murder, suicide, murder-suicide, self-harm, stalking, panic attacks, cannibalism, necrophilia.   
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Primarily characterized by the need to “shackle”/keep their Darling to themselves.
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♡Easily jealous: Very common trait of nearly all Yanderes. These yanderes are usually not okay with their love interests being involved other people, romantically or platonically. Their opinions on whether another’s interaction with their Darling is acceptable or not depends on the yandere.  
Dependency: Takes care of their Darling in everything with the ultimate goal of making their Darling dependent on them.
Contact: Being with the Darling is the goal of this Yandere. Their ideal type of contact is ending up in their Darling’s care (sometimes even becoming financially dependent on their Darling). If any factors on unease is found in their shared life with the Darling they’ll often show their jealous nature.  
Doll: Having the Darling under their surveillance is the major requirement for this Yandere, and they do not wish for their Darling to do as they please. They are doting, and as long as the Darling is within their monitoring range, the Yandere will spoil them.
Glassware: These Yandere are afraid of losing their Darling more than anything, so they safeguard them extremely carefully. Extremely fearful and is timid in their approach to the love interest.
♡Easily lonely: This Yandere is afraid of being alone above all else, so shackling their Darling to them becomes their aim.
♡Matching: Psychological identification is the ultimate aim of this Yandere, so they would force their Darling to match with them. More common when the Yandere and the Darling are of the same sex.
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"D E N P A" D E L U S I O N A L
These Yandere usually suffer from some type of untreated mental or emotional unwellness. And as typical to those classified as delusional, they usually believe things that are undoubtedly untrue, especially when it comes to their Darling.
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♡Hysteric (Emotionally Unstable)
This Yandere is emotionally unstable and has panic attacks about the smallest things.
♡Desire for Ruin
Forced Murder-Suicide: These Yandere have given up on everything and will drag their Darling along with them in death.
Hope in the Next Life: These Yandere believe death is simply a stage which leads them onto the next life. At most, they’re regretful that they have to kill their Darling but in their mind their Darling “just has to endure it and it’ll all be over.”
♡Abnormal Behaviour
Seld-contained: These Yandere deal with their excessive love for their Darling alone, and perform abnormal or disturbing actions in places away from view. Usually the Darling is disgusted by them once they discover what they’re doing.
Abnormal Fetish: These Yandere perform abnormal or disturbing actions disregarding whether or not it may endanger a life. These actions are not self-contained and end up involving others.
Unlike those who have congenital psychosis, it is possible for this Yandere to develop affection for someone. These Yandere become fixated on their Darling and would carry out inhumane actions on other people without a thought. The type of Yandere who can shred someone into pieces without batting an eye will most likely be categorised here.
♡Blurring Fantasy from Reality
These Yandere blur the lines between fantasy and reality and will twist their interpretation of things to suit their needs.  When they’re rejected, for example, they will just stare back blankly not understanding what is being conveyed.
These Yandere will pretend to be someone who has mental abnormalities and can switch their acting on and off at will. However, they are a swindler at heart so they can’t be considered mentally normal. Mysterious characters who are often outwardly cheerful easily fall into this category.
♡Religious (Worshipping)
Faults Viewed Favourably (Intoxicated): These Yandere worship their Darling as a god and agree with everything they do or say. It is mostly more accurate to say they have devotion to their Darling rather than romantic feelings.    
Imposing Ideals: These Yandere see the love interest as their god, but they get furious if they have traits that differ from their image of the ideal god.
♡Religious (Sharing Values)
The target of worship for this Yandere is not the Darling. They are the type to invite and drag her into worshipping their wonderful “god” and would become furious when the Darling rejects their god.
♡Mental Disorder (Lack of Emotions)
These Yandere have difficulties with their emotions. They have no aversion to brutal acts of crime and may develop into the Abnormal Fetish variant which calls life and death into question as a method of expressing their love. They may cannibalize the love interest, practice necrophilia, or perform other inhumane acts.
♡Mental Disorder (Acquired)
Traumatized: These Yandere are not mentally stable due to abuse as a child or a side-effect of medication.
Delusions and Hallucinations: Yandere of this variant do abnormal things as a result of having injured their head or side-effects to drugs. There are also some who may have taken drugs that induced hallucinations before becoming this type of Yandere.
Lack of Knowledge: Yandere of this variant don’t know how to express their love as a result of abuse during childhood. Having no ill-intentions is a trait of this Yandere. The gap in this Yandere’s knowledge is not something that can be filled by just teaching them as it is a deeply rooted problem.  
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This does not belong to me. I only gave a summary of what I read. ORIGINAL SOURCE LINKED HERE.
This information is from an English translation of material from an upcoming game called Yandere Town. UNTRANSLATED, ORIGINAL JAPANESE SOURCE LINKED HERE.
(Original translators, I have no problem with taking this down if you don't want me reposting your translation to my blog! ^_^)
♡If you want to see more content like this check out the Writing and Yandere Masterlist and if you want to learn about this blog check out all things sketchprincess02!♡
♡Please consider REBLOGGING and COMMENTING if this helps you!♡
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lexxchinchillaa · 9 months
so i havent really be keeping up with the TOTA Takeover (i was watching doctor who all day everyday) BUT i will do this last one.
i think the show is wonderful. it discusses mental illnesses without making it the entire plot or entire personality of characters. it displays it realistically and doesnt romanticise (by this i mean they didnt just show positive things or ignore it completely) or... obsess over it, i suppose. it wasnt completely focused on the characters "flaws" or illness. while they were mentioned, they actually still made the characters relatable and realistic, as opposed to (imo) Heartstopper, which felt to me like it fetished queer people, but thats a discussion for another day.
it was nice for a change in media, because its not often that you get media from the perspective of someone outside of the mental hospital willingly going inside because they genuinely enjoy being there and the people there. thats one of the reasons i love Eddie, he isnt afraid of what people will say about his new job, or if he is, its not stopping him even though (im pretty sure?) he doesnt get paid for it. hes a kind and lovable protagonist and it was interesting to have his side and opinions on things.
the side characters (i suppose thats what they are) are easy to fall in love with because they have so much depth and are genuinely interesting as a whole. it had, i think, important representation of Rosalie's OCD. it was important representation because it doesnt seem like we get a lot of OCD in media anymore (not that we ever really did, at least not in the things ive watched). i personally dont know much about the disorder but the representation still felt... correct, i suppose, to someone who has little to no knowledge, which is still a good sign because it means it was easy to understand and, yes, still seemed realistic. it was easy to feel bad for Rosalie because of her story and because she was treated and written as a real person.
have you ever watched something and thought, "this character is a bit cardboard-esque"? doesnt it make it tricky to actually feel bad for the character in question? its difficult to sympathise or empathise with someone who is uninteresting or unrealistically written. like in the Twilight movies, for an example. its difficult to feel bad for Bella because shes a kind of basic protagonist. she has simple wants and has simple struggles. whereas in TOTA, the characters have different wants than is usually displayed. like Campbell for example. he wants to be a radio show host and whats stopping him? his struggle to find a place that wants to take him and, i would say, his fathers disapproval. while Campbell isnt openly warm with his father, its still difficult for Campbell to ignore him because its his dad, the man who was there, but not necessarily there for him, all his life. its still difficult to get over someone whos supposed to love and support you telling you that you wont be able to do something.
Campbell is another example of a well written character. it was easy for me to love him, and not just because he was played by DT. he was a funny character without just being comedic relief. his bipolar disorder was displayed well according to me, someone with again, little to no knowledge in the subject. it was nice to have a character who has specific wants that are different from other characters in other medias. he was interesting because he was, say it with me, written as a real person. Campbell was easy to love because he was written and played like someone i would personally want to be friends with. hes funny, caring, friendly, unique, and protective. he sort of immediately likes Eddie and is friendly and talkative with the older man. he doesnt hold back and doesnt bite his tongue when he wants to say something.
TOTA was silly and light hearted while still bringing up important subjects that i dont think a lot of media is willing to bring up. i think, unfortunately, it might have been before its time. i think if it was made recently or in recent years, a lot more people would watch it and talk about it. i think its a beautiful show that, while not laying too heavily on it, discusses mental illness in a positive way. it doesnt act like the characters disorders are flaws, it treats it as something the characters have that might make them unsatisfactory to other people but not like it is unsatisfactory and i think it was lovely.
overall, i thoroughly enjoyed watching TOTA. it was different from most things i watch but not in a way where i was reluctant to watch more and only liked it at the end. i thought the ending was brilliant, even if it wasnt a massive everyone-got-their-way sort of ending. it was honestly nice to have media that had only two characters that i can think of getting what they want. TOTA had some sad parts that were so well written i cried. and if something bad happened to a character (haha... ha... hm), i cared about the character and was upset because they were well written and i loved them.
i know i used the words "well written" and "realistic" so many times, but the main things that struck me about TOTA were those two things. while i love sci fi and fantasy, its nice to have a show that felt real, like it actually happened. i loved the characters and the plot. the writing was superb. its an amazing show that more people should watch.
(hi. sorry if this is terribly written, im not great at these sorts of things. i tried keep it focused but if i ever strayed away from the main point, i apologise)
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tyunzonlystar · 8 months
mini introduction!!
Hiii im Yuri! Im 22! I am mostly gonna write nsfw but ill do sfw too!!
‼️MINORS DO NOT INTERACT‼️ any ageless blogs will be blocked aswell as minors!!
groups i stan:
i listen to others but they arent like my ults
i wont write for girl groups, pedophillia, large age gaps (1-5 years is fine!), Niki smut, murder, rape, extreme sex (ropes everywhere, tape over mouth ext.), pet play, hybrids, demons/fallen angels, tit jobs, forced sex, piss kink, throwing up (unless your sick or hungover), abuse, sexual assault, foot fetish, vampires, 3+ (ill write threesomes but not more than three people), drowning, minors, amab reader,death, piss, incest, smut about other group members (not txt), pregnancy, lactation kink, anal, blood, necrophilia, age play, beastiality/zoophilia, member x member
What i will write: smut, fluff, afab reader, txt, mommy/daddy kink, oral, shower sex, aftercare, dom!reader, sub!reader, dom!txt, sub!txt, switch!reader, switch!txt, insecurities, comforting, sh/ed/mental health disorders(not as a kink), masturbation, orgasm, not pulling out, pulling out, pet names, mentions of other group members (other than txt), high sex, threesomes, thats it i think😚
also i loveeeee to make mutuals so if you wanna be mooties just ask😭💖💖
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dustbunnylair · 3 months
Killing Stalking and How Media Has Affected The Manhwa (SPOILERS FOR KILLING STALKING!!)
TW: Mentions of r*pe, m*rder, CSA, SA, being m0lested, incest, homophobia, fetishization of gay people, romanticization/glorification of abusive relationships, Stockholm syndrome
If you are going in on this without knowing what Killing Stalking is, then let me explain. Killing Stalking is a psychological horror and thriller manhwa from South Korea written by author Koogi, it ran from March 3rd, 2016 to March 22nd, 2019. The Manhwa is about two men, Yoon Bum, is described as a frail, feminine gay young man with a round or baby face, with dark circles under his eyes, implied to be eyebags, when reading the story, even if it’s simply the first chapter, you will find out that Yoon Bum is the “stalking” in Killing Stalking. Then Oh Sangwoo, is described as a handsome, charismatic, straight young man, he resembles the “killing” in Killing Stalking. The manhwa has been quite popular since it came out, but it became popular on social media, such as TikTok, in 2019-2021. Unfortunately, this manhwa wasn’t getting popular for being a well-written psychological horror but instead was being watered down to a Yaoi. If I were to go over the entire Manhwa, we’d be here all day, so if you do want to look into it, go ahead.
The two main characters of Killing Stalking have mental illness representation, which plays a key part in the series. Yoon Bum struggles with hypersexuality, Stockholm syndrome, Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), and derealization. Sangwoo is a sociopath/has Anti-Social Personality Disorder (ASPD) and a narcissist.
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Both Yoon Bum and Sangwoo had very traumatic lives as kids, Yoon Bum’s parents died when he was young so his grandma and uncle took care of him. His uncle would beat him with a belt, starve him and even eventually rape him. 
Sangwoo’s dad was neglectful, and meanwhile, his mother took care of him, what was seemingly an innocent and wholesome mother-son relationship, would take a dark turn for the worst. His mother killed his dad when Sangwoo was a teenager and helped her hide the body, she ended up gaslighting him into believing that Sangwoo killed his own father, not her. He and his mother got closer, she would call him “babe” which she would call her husband, Sangwoo was obviously uncomfortable with it but never directly told her, yet he did confront her, asking “You’re doing that on purpose, aren’t you?”. His mother tried to kill him just like she did to her husband. He ended up passed out, waking up tied up in a basement. This basement led to his SA by his mother when he woke up. Sangwoo ended up breaking free in which his mother would sob and say she was sorry, it is implied that she killed herself, stabbing a knife into her neck. Sangwoo’s trauma played a huge part not only in the Manhwa but also in the fandom. 
Moving onto the romanticization and glorification of the relationship between Sangwoo and Yoon Bum, and how the reasoning behind their relationship is foreshadowed. Sangwoo says in one of the last chapters that he should’ve killed Yoon Bum from the start and he regrets not doing so. The reason Sangwoo kept Yoon Bum alive is for sexual pleasure and the fact that Yoon Bum resembled Sangwoo’s mother, Eunseo. This is foreshadowed multiple times within the series, as shown below.
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If you don’t believe it because of the foreshadowing, then maybe the final Q&A of Killing Stalking will give you an answer, screenshots shown below.
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Honestly, I feel like someone will tell me that no one has ever shipped Yoon Bum and Sangwoo, nor has anyone liked Sangwoo or labeled the Manhwa as a Yaoi/Bl, but I do in fact have evidence:
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Killing Stalking, in my opinion, is genuinely well-written for a psychological horror. I hate to see it be watered down to a Yaoi, even when the author said it wasn’t. Not to mention that Killing Stalking claims to have a live adaptation someday. To be honest, as a “fan” of Killing Stalking, I really don’t want it to have a drama made about it. It will just make the fandom rise again and I personally feel that any time a K-drama, anime, Donghua, etc. gets popular, especially among Western countries like America, it gets overly popular in a bad way. Take Squid Games, My Hero Academia, Jujutsu Kaisen, and many more shows as examples of that. Not to mention that in Korea it is extremely hard to get lgbtq+ characters on-screen let alone get r*ped, have intercourse, or touch each other in any sexual or romantic way.
I’d also like to make it clear that I am NOT upset that it’s a gay ship, I am upset that it is an abusive/toxic relationship. Popular ships in shows (specifically in Asian media) are a topic for another time, thank you if you read this far throughout my yapping. Have a good day, and do not live in delusion like Yoon Bum and Sangwoo shippers lol
Where I got my information:
+ Killing Stalking the Manhwa itself, you can read on Lezhin Comics or Mangago
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LONG RANT: You can't fix Yandere Simulator. Let it die
Yeah there's no beating around the bush here. Everyone know what happened. Alex is a groomer. If this is your first time hearing about this, look Yandere Dev up for two minutes and you'll be up to date.
And yaddada I am feeling a lot of emotions, mostly anger and a shred of disappointment watching the thinnest sliver of hope I had for this game die. I'm guessing about 20k of you feel something similar, that or you're enjoying watching the shitshow unravel.
I guess if you've been on this subreddit, or twitter, or tumblr, you probably know what my title is referring to. For almost ten years now, Yandere Dev would get into a controversy and the fucked up aspects of his game are exposed and fanartists and writers and devs take it as an opportunity to 'fix' Yandere simulator. The most notable example I can think of is Love Letter from 2020 I think. It's a good idea in theory, literally separating the art from the artist by recreating his concept without the problematic stuff. There was a time when I agreed with this idea and even wanted to do something similar on my own.
But now with Alex's practically confirmed abuse, this concept I guess is leaving a bitter taste in my mouth, It has for a long time, but now I think It's time to address the concept of 'fixing' Yandere Simulator.
For starters, I believe it has gotten to the point where you can't separate the art from the artist with Yandere Simulator. Not after this. And I don't wanna get into an hour long discussion about how that works, but Yandere Simulator is different because the source material was never good in the first place. It was something people were *following in hopes of getting good*. So when fixing the game, the question isn't really what you should repair, (assuming you are up to date on Yandere Dev's controversies) but what you should even bother keeping. It's like trying to redesign a building accidentally built to make sure tall people can't get in. Yeah you can redesign the doors and the rooms, but when does it get to the point where you have to throw out the building and start from scratch. That's the problem with Yandere Simulator. It's not one or two flaws. It's basically the entire concept. It's this murder borderline porn game centered around Yandere Dev's barely disguised fetishes about an inaccurately portrayed underaged person with some mental illness killing other schoolchildren (and pedos, accidentally based Ayano???) for a mediocre audience self-insert where you have to take panty shots to get information and all the people your killing are offbrand anime characters and everyone's name is bad Japanese and, well you're in this subreddit, you know all the problems with Yandere Simulator. Putting heart clips in Ayano's hair or making Taro hot or Amai chubby or give Osana freckles and make the teachers minors or making any of the character different races blah blah blah, that doesn't actually change anything systemically wrong with the game, story, and concept. It's putting frosting on a moldy boot
(btw, I'm not actually against the Yandere Archetype. You can write problematic stuff so long as you give it respect. But this is part of a bigger issue.)
So You could remove all of that, but at what point are you just, making other piece of Yandere Simulator that has loose inspirational ties. Not that there is anything wrong with that--It's actually a good idea--but you can't reasonably say that you've 'fixed' Yandere Simulator after throwing out 70% of it. Yes, it may be true, but It's not good writing criticism when you're erasing the core of what make Yandere Simulator Yandere Simulator. Yandere Simulator is an anime fetish amalgamation made up of what Alex likes taking place in a pseudo-dating sim world gone wrong where sexy murder stuff happens. Once you start to remove that, you're removing its (admittedly cringe) soul. Not to mention, comparing some of the content in the game to his abuse, it gives the game itself a bitter taste. Is this something that you really want to reform? Is this something that *should* be reformed?
It's always "When will someone finally recreate Yandere Simulator" and not "Why should anyone recreate Yandere Simulator."
Additionally, whether you like it or not, when you keep posting fanart and rewrites and advertising your fangame as 'inspired' by Yandere Dev. You are giving him attention and free advertising. Even if you put 'Yandere Dev fans DNI' in your bio. I promise that all this time you are trying to spend 'fixing' this horrible game made by an abuser, you could be spending so much of that time making fanart for actual indie projects who deserve your attention who could use that exposure to grow or maintain a community.
And getting to the elephant in the room when it comes to people 'fixing' Yandere Simulator. It's no secret that Yandere simulator fangames fail. Paper Will made a good video on this but oh boy do they fail hard. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRLCsWhiNTc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRLCsWhiNTc). But I don't think It's a curse problem--even though that theory is funny. Talking about why they fail outside a game perspective (young inexperience devs, reliant on volunteers, biting off more than they can chew, unrealistic expectations, drama etc.) Devoting years of your life to something you hate isn't sustainable. And most of these games DON'T last years, they last months. Because spite is a spice, it's awesome, hot, everyone loves it. But you can't serve a meal with spice alone. Making as something as difficult as a game out of spite is an absolute loaded task that requires the stamina of a God to achieve. And if you're thinking about doing this as an after school hobby. You're gonna get burned out fast. I don't have any data on this, but even though I don't do coding. Creating a project out of hate is so exhausting, because It just doesn't work as that good of a motivator down the line. Just investing all this time, resources and energy into constant hate, and to prove what? That you're better than possibly one of the worst indie game devs of the century? Who do you need to prove it to?
The heart of all art is love, love for something. Even satire and art made to criticize has love for something, even if it's just itself and the joke It's trying to tell or for the message It's trying to send. And spite isn't the worst motivator as long as it's not the *only* motivator. And that's really what these "Fan" (word used incredibly loosely) games fail at their most basic mechanics. It's not actually made for love for the source material, but to one up it and make a point, and the entire concept collapses in on itself.
And to finally addess why I made this post. Responding to Alex's grooming by posting about how you can 'fix' the story of his game and redesigning/claiming characters and stuff is downright insulting and inappropriate. Not every Yandere Simulator fixer does this so I'm not trying to lump everyone together. There was a time when Yandere Dev would do something embarrassing or whatever and posting about how his ideas could be fixed was insightful, but as a response to this situation, It's just bad. People are hurt, and making this about you and how you can redeisgn or rework the game is clout chasey and tone death. Please don't use grooming to one-up Yandere Dev for whatever reason. Nobody wants that. Not the victims, not the former staff and volunteers. Nobody. Just keep it to yourself.
I honestly am just tired. I hope anything I just said is even somewhat comprehensible. But if you as someone who thinks they can fix yandere simulator takes away anything from this, It's to just make your own original stuff. Enough with the fangames and redesigns towards a person who does not deserve even a spec of your effort. Stop giving this guy more publicity and trying to revive this dead horse that is Yandere Simulator. If you still like aspects of the game I beg you to just make your own yandere themed piece of media, webcomic, book, game whatever separate from yandere simulator. Post your ORIGINAL characters that are yours and not reskinned versions of whatever Alex made. And let's just let this goddamn game from by a groomer die. Don't try to fix it, don't touch it. Just give it the sad death it deserves.
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reine-uls · 4 months
if I had a nickel for everytime someone said douma was never wronged in his life, I would actually be able to afford a car
I'm trying so hard not to fight with these tiktok kids
who knew no one there actually knows what "child abuse" or "dehumanizing" means
like you can't be a muzan defender and say douma is the true evil 💀 girl-
I can only rely on Cold Affections during these dark times 😭 I love your fic so much and the way you write douma ❤️‍🩹
take all the time you need n goodluck with your studies <33
Ok. Lemme rant for this. Well it’s not surprising the haters would say that because Douma is a literal sociopath that they assume that he was born as one.
But that’s not true it’s because of how he was raised. People would not care for Douma being abused because it appears that he isn’t, but the truth is, he was abuse and dehumanized. All because of his parents. It was never his fault that he grew up like that. It was the parents. The moment they decided for Douma to be a god figure because of his looks, that’s when you’ll know shit is about to go down. They never treated Douma as a normal human being to begin with.
Especially when the mother killed the father and then the mother kills herself in front of Douma??? Not to mention when he was a child??? Like… did she not consider the idea that a child witnessing all that would traumatized Douma? No. Never. Even though it did not affect Douma that much, but still, they never see Douma as a human since birth. Which is fucked up. And sad.
I see why people view Douma being “pure evil” because he doesn’t feel anything. But he isn’t. Defining pure evil is that you have no sense of morality and mercy. Douma has morality and mercy of a sort because he spent decades “saving” people from tragedy and cruelty of the world. Because he PITIES them, even though he doesn’t feel anything and that he views humans as stupid. He thought eating them and keep them inside of him would be the greatest form of mercy he could offer to his people or anyone he comes across. If he is pure evil, he would NOT stick to his “divine principles” of “saving” people, he wouldn’t be a cult leader to this day if he is pure evil.
Each of the demons have their own struggles and they wouldn’t be the way they are now because of several reasons. Kokushibo wouldn’t be like the way he is because of his father, Douma because of his parents, Akaza because of poverty, Hantegu because of mental illness? I’m not sure, and Daki and Gyutaro because of poverty. Enmu idk… he’s a scammer and a hoe from the train. Rui? I will DEFEND that child. That child is my son.
I can sort of understand… why Muzan is like that because of his illness but brother it’s impossible to defend him to the next track record he did. Like brother did NOT care for anyone but himself. I feel like he has some sort of mercy because he “saves” people like him (Tamayo and Rui) but Muzan is sort of pure evil. Sort of… Man is a douchebag.
The one demon who is pure evil is Gyokko. Like hello? Have you HEARD of his backstory? That’s why I don’t like him. He has this sick sense of fetish of his “art” like he is fascinated with corpse and carcasses in jars. He even killed a child because he’s curious to see his corpse in a jar.
Like… what?
I also don’t like Kaigaku he’s such an asshole… like don’t get me started with that bitch.
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firespirited · 5 months
Tumblr is becoming increasingly hostile to use, not because of the design: this site offers quite a range of blocking and muting abilities but because of deliberate misuse of the tags and aggressive user behaviour, that and the rampant bigotry that's not bannable. Anytime I leave the circle of friends and friends of friends it's less like livejournal and more like old twitter.
a few recent examples:
The #dollblr tag has been picked up by the nymphet bloggers
Any current trend or entertainment tag has social media street preachers screaming that you're going to hell for listening to music not the screams of mutilated children! I am doing stuff offline and have it all content muted. What is your problem? - i just want to go to the library.
The mental health tags are 75% honest folks and 25% what is essentially pro-ana but for indulging delusions and destructive behaviour, people cosplaying mental illness and conspiracy theories like satanic ritual abuse. It's really unhelpful if wading through a tag is a gamble.
I add ten new content mute words a week to get rid of rape fetish, anorexia and self insert fic when using the search engine only to find out that this week they're using rape or barbie in Cyrillic as the tags. tag abusers are exhausting.
the "So you hate waffles!" culture if you don't add a million disclaimers to your posts about anything, I understand that people are traumatized but why the instant leap to bad faith conclusions? How did we get to this PVP culture? Op forgot to mention snake phobia exists in their clearly tagged snake pet photo therefore op is a horrid person. Why are you picking fights at the clearly marked snake appreciation meet up?
Of course, I keep to the small circles, keep my content mute list updated but it would be nice to be able to venture out from time to time.
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smallghostcorner · 10 months
CW: pretty serious, slight mentions of icky stuff like sexualizing kids/agere and general nsfw
i dont usually make these kinds of posts but i feel like these ppl r potentally dangerous.
As usual i was going through my activity to block any nsfw bots and i came across two people.
this person:
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as you can see is says they're pro para, meaning pro paraphilia, it also says they're an autoshouta meaning they derive sexual pleasure from imagining themselves as a young boy, i couldn't find anything for autokodo but it must be a similar thing.
this person also posts shouta art not done by them, a lot are suggestive(shirtless, wet swimsuits etc)
he also lumps agere(swf coping mechanism) and petplay(kink/fetish) together which is gross to me, they also have tags to indicate their mental age this paired with the "open to swf and nsfw interations" makes it seem as though they sexualize their regression which is concerning. Chrono adult also means(from what i can tell) they're a Chronophile which is a softer term for pedophile.
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not to mention the transkid/transage thing which ill get into with this next person:
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so... this is quite the mess, ill start with the transage.
i think most ppl can agree that trans ageism isnt a thing, its totally valid to feel stuck at a certain age due to trauma(i know i and a lot of our system members do) but approprating the struggles of transgender ppl will never be okay for any reason, similar point with the transabled thing. I am physically dissabled and find it very disrespectful when a able bodied person appropriates the struggles i face both in my own body and societily. (not talking about hidden disabilites AT ALL, if i saw this person using a wheelchair of smth irl i wouldnt say anything but theyre announcing it)
this part makes me very uncomfortable because i discovered them due to this post, i made this post for disabled regressors, this person is not the target audience at all and i feel very odd about it because disabled ppl r not reconized enough in this community.
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not to mention "transethnic" everyone knows u cannot change ethnicity its imposible.
and again the term chronoadult pops up, due to the definition and the way these people claim to be mentally young/loli/shota im unsure if theyre saying theyre mentally children who are attracted to adults and/or get off on the thought of being molested which is very uncomfortable esspeccally as someone who was molested and an age regressor with syskids.
these two people also interact and it makes me very uncomfortable to think that a regressor could discover this while little, please report and block these people.
i dont care about them being queer or anything because i am so i dont wanna hear anything about it in the comments/rbs anything or about the 2nd person being polyfrag(200+ alters)
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breadnbutterplz · 6 months
Guys I'm kinda starting to rethink the Alex Kister situation. Remember Inqusitorghost? TheCall Of Duty cosplayer who was accused for pedophilia but wasn't one all along? Hear both sides and all the evidence before picking a side.I mean I know he's mentally ill and stuff but I don't think he have predatory behavior. I'm not saying I'm on his side but still. Not to mention Ven and DB are both adults. AND WHY TF WOULD TMC BE SOME FETISH SHIT??? I'm not on anyone's side though...yet. Just take a look at this. https://www.reddit.com/r/MandelaCatalogue/comments/1bgu4n8/guys_the_callout_was_fake/?share_id=Gjq00AtV6ao3xsR1gzyhB&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1
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bluravenite · 1 year
Can people please put content tags and warnings when they talk about regressed ghouls????
CW: mentions of trauma and abuse, fetishization of age regression, sexual abuse, parenting? Just complaining about people romanticizing age regression, trauma, abuse and treating other mental illness/disorders badly... Also very brief mentions of self harm and eating disorders...
Summary: I'm upset
I feel like people baby ghouls a lot, and while I understand that age reg and little space is a trauma coping mechanism, trust me.. I know... I also just feel like sometimes I open Tumblr to a bunch of people babying ghouls in ways that make me upset...
I think often the way people handle regressed ghouls is by treating them like dumb little babies, instead of the actual procedures that should take place to ensure someone who is regressed is emotionally and physically safe... It's not just about which toys they love playing with, or which sippy cup they use most, it's also not A GATEWAY FOR YOU TO WRITE AGE REGRESSION AS A SEXUAL FETISH, I understand that sometimes when you regress your body may still experience those feelings, but mentally???? It's not going to be safe or enjoyable, cannot consent properly either BECAUSE ITS UNDER A TRAUMA RESPONSE, and also??? It can be even more traumatic and DANGEROUS for a person HANDLING a regressed individual, to engage in sexual acts WITH A REGRESSED INDIVIDUAL
I get that Tumblr used headcanons as comfort, but if you're going to talk about traumatized ghouls experiencing age regression and instead of having people/other ghouls take care of them safely and properly, then I can't stop you but at least TAG THEM PROPERLY??? This goes to mentions of SH and EDS, should not be romanticized... Can it be talked about? Part of a story? Yes, just like it can be part of people's lives and needs to be discussed... But please just don't romanticize it... Don't make regressed ghouls engage in it too if you're not going to properly explain the content and the reasons why it's there.
I have my own way of dealing with small children, age regressed individuals (and littles)... It may not be correct, but it caters towards listening to the individual I am responsible for taking care of...
You don't know what they want or need, you need to talk to them and ask them how they're feeling, how you can help, what they would like, what is safest for them. Get them something of comfort, something for entertainment, and at all costs try to ensure their safety, even if you fail, you can talk them through calming down. I do understand that 1. Children can be difficult sometimes, it depends a lot on the kid... 2. Not all instances will have bad experiences or feelings involved, but sometimes they might, which is why you need to understand age regression is a trauma response... 3. You cannot treat children as dumb brainless babies, AND YOU SHOULD NOT TREAT AGE REGRESSED INDIVIDUALS HAVING TROUBLE PROCESSING EMOTIONS like CHILDREN.
My point being, just try to learn some gentle parenting. It doesn't always work, it doesn't always ensure everyone's safety... Yes you can still have your cute headcanons of things people enjoy and it does not have to be exclusive to age regression...
I have spent entire summers volunteering with special needs and disabled kids, as well as having my own mental issues and disorders and I'm just tired of seeing people treat a lot of them like they're toys to play with and sexualize... And since I know I can't stop anyone from doing that, AT LEAST FOR SATAN'S BELOVED COCK, USE TAGS
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