#fezco and lexi fic
midnightstar-90 · 1 year
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We lost a real one, today. He was one of my favorite characters on Euphoria. It’s sad that we lost a bright light on this earth, but he shall forever remain in our hearts.
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blueribbonbaby · 3 months
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Fexi 😭
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kotylynnemerrill · 3 months
Alright y'all...I'm doing it...I'm gonna write a fic. I'm feeling particularly inspired and confident.
set in the late 1960's fez meets Lexi at a new years eve party shortly before he is due to be shipped out to war. They fall into a comfortable friendship making the most of it before he leaves... possibly to never return.
Well let me know what y'all think...would you read this?
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sunshinebunnie · 4 months
How to Bring a Gun to a Knife Fight (A Fexi fic)
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Lexi tosses and turns all night until Cassie finally snaps, “God, Lexi! Just go sleep on the fucking couch already! Some of us actually care about how we look and would actually like to get some fucking sleep. I’m gonna be so fucking pissed if you make me look puffy and bloated tomorrow from listening to your bullshit all night!” 
She doesn’t go downstairs, but she does at least go across the hall to the bathroom. Opening up the built-in medicine cabinet, she pulls out the bottle of Tylenol PM and shakes two into her palm. Lexi’s honestly not even sure if they work, but Ethan swears by them, so she figures she’ll try.
It’s not like they’re real drugs after all.
The epiphany hits her like an Acme piano crushing Wile E. Coyote.
Fezco is a….. drug dealer . ( Even her mind whispers the term, as if not even thinking the words out loud will somehow make them less true. )
Lexi has never been a fan of weapons–and of guns, in particular–but she can’t deny that after Nate broke into her house (in the weeks since it happened she’s increasingly come to believe Cassie told him where the Hide-A-Key was at some point), she would feel safer if she had some better way of protecting herself.
At first, she’d thought about getting a taser or some mace, but both of those would require her getting much closer to Nate than she feels safe doing given how much longer his arms are than hers. The risk that he’d overpower her and then use her self-defense tool of choice to incapacitate her simply carried too much risk. 
A gun though…
Curious to read more??? Now LIVE over on AO3!
Thanks again to the lovely @kotylynnemerrill for the great prompt concept!!
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thedarkestgreys · 5 months
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it’s in the blood (this is tradition)
hbo euphoria // chapter 2/5 // rated e
🥃 a fexi mafia au for @longstoryshortyeah 🥃
chapter two: take what you can
Lexi lets out a long sigh, loud enough that her husband notes her from the corner of his eye and swears under his breath at his underboss. “Frankie, you gon’ and pissed off my wife by keepin’ me on the phone so long,” Fez says, wiping a hand down his face. “Nah man, she ain’t wanna hear yo’ apologies. Just try an’ talk business with Fredo or Ash until I get back stateside, aight?” With a surprisingly precise aim, Lexi tosses a crumpled up napkin at the side of Fezco’s head as he’s hanging up his call. “The fuck?” Lexi hums innocently, diverting her eyes back towards the rain splattered windows. Out across the open seas lightning strikes, scattering across the darkened skies despite it not even being noon. It’s a shame just how gorgeous the view is considering it’s completely wasted on two people who are totally unaffected by the romance it inspires. She lets out a wistful, almost disappointed sigh when she says. “I can see why you talk about dissent in your ranks.” “Whatchu mean?” 
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cloveswifey · 1 year
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Parings: Fezco x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Jealousy, Cute fluff, rue being a hard y/n x fez shipper.
Words: 0.7k
Type: Fluff
Y/N and Rue have been best friends since their middle school days. The two girls were inseparable, always giggling and having heart-to-heart conversations about life.
As they entered high school, they made a new friend in Fez, who they met through Rue. Fez was a charming and charismatic guy who quickly won their hearts over.
"This is Fez," Rue announced, as we stood inside Fezco's store.
"Yo," he said, nodding his head as he rolled up a joint.
"Hello," I said, nervously smiling at him. "I'm Y/N." I couldn't help but notice how handsome his face was.
Over time, Y/N started to develop feelings for Fez, but she was too shy to admit them to him or even Rue. Rue, on the other hand, was the biggest Fez and Y/N shipper alive. She was always dropping hints to Fez about Y/N, hoping that he would pick up on them and make a move. But Fez was always oblivious to her subtle suggestions.
Time felt like it had come to a standstill for Y/N when Fezco arrived at school with a beautiful blonde by his side.
"Yo, Rue, Y/N," he said, nodding towards us. But Y/N couldn't help but notice the uncomfortable look the girl was giving them. It was a mixture of "stay away from him" and "I know not to fuck with you."
The girl introduced herself as Charlotte, and for a brief moment, it seemed like Fezco had found himself a great girlfriend.
However, their relationship was short-lived, as Fezco walked in on Charlotte on top of Nate Jacobs, who ended up getting his face smashed in.
One day, the group decided to go on a fun adventure to the beach. They packed their bags, loaded up the car, and drove off into the sunset.
As they arrived, the three of them raced to the water, splashing in the waves like little kids.
"I challenge you to a race!" Rue exclaimed excitedly, taking off her shorts and running towards the ocean.
"Hey, that's not fair!" Fezco laughed in response to Rue's challenge.
I also laughed and quickly followed Rue, ready for the race. But as I took my shorts off, I noticed Fezco looking at me strangely. I shrugged it off, assuming it was just my own paranoia.
They took silly pictures, built sandcastles and enjoyed some yummy snacks together.
While sitting on the beach and enjoying the sunset, Rue turned to Y/N and nudged her playfully. "So, Y/N, when are you going to make a move on Fez?" she teased, causing Y/N to blush furiously.
"Come on, he's so into you!" Rue added.
Fez, who had been listening intently, turned to Y/N and smiled. "She's right, you know. I've actually had feelings for you for a long time," he said, taking her hand in his.
From that day on, Y/N and Fez became inseparable. They went on cute dates and shared many special moments together. Their little trio became an unstoppable force, with Rue always happy to see her two best friends together. Everyone around them could see how much they loved each other, even before they admitted it.
As Y/N and Fez got closer, they learned that their friendship had evolved into something much deeper. They fell deeply in love with each other, and it was the happiest they'd ever been. Rue, who was always there for them, had no problem taking a back seat to let her friends enjoy their romance.
Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, and Y/N and Fez only grew more inseparable. Their love story had been long in the making, and it was clear that they were meant to be. From that day on, they knew that their bond was something truly special, something that would stand the test of time. And Rue, who had played such a crucial role in their love story, was happy to have witnessed it all.
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ladyplumdrop · 2 months
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frecklesandpoverty · 1 month
you ever read a few chapters of one of the best fics you've read recently, only to finish the 3rd chapter and realize the story is unfinished, and thennn you see it hasn't been updated in like 2 years, and thennnnnn you see that the author orphaned the account, and thennnnnnnnnn you follow the user's notes with their twitter and tumblr tags and see that they've apparently deleted both of those accounts too?
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anelimjolie · 10 months
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wrong place at the right time (that was her crime)
Having used dating apps all year, Lexi is frustrated. A vacation to Ireland with her sister should distract her from her unsuccessful dating life – but only up until the point where she matches with Fez – the ginger boy who turns her whole world around <3
Chapter 1 got lovestruck (went straight to my head) is out <3
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lumax-mayclair · 8 months
I’m going through it right now, I know we all are. I finally managed to say to myself today that fexi are never coming back, they’ll never be a thing again and never have a story we can see, whether it would’ve been bad or good; all we have left is each other and I wish I were talented like you guys in order to participate in giving fexi what little life we can but alas I am not talented and what little story ideas I had for them now feel inappropriate given the circumstances (Fezco using, ash mural, themes of sue-of-side etc.) so I just wanted to let you guys know I deeply appreciate anything and everything you’re willing to give us. With as little pressure to you all as possible, I am eagerly waiting for the DWTS fic, for the East Highland Slasher fic, for the Taylor/Travis-inspo fic, for Freaks and Geeks au, GG AU, anything and everything. I check the fexi tag eveyday and I’ll do it as long as a can. Thank you guys for everything.💜
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thesweetescapism · 9 months
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Meet Me In The Middle (Under The Mistletoe)
A Fexi fanfic / Alternate Universe / Rated T.
Lexi and Bobbi throw a Christmas Party in their new apartment where Lexi has decided to finally shoot her shot with Fezco by finding the perfect moment to get him under the mistletoe.
Until now, Lexi had been content keeping her feelings to herself. She figured she would take her infatuation to the grave for the sake of the friendship. But as the years went by, she would only fall in love more and more – to the point where it was suffocating her now. Bobbi seemed to think that Fezco reciprocated her feelings but Lexi had no evidence that supported that theory. Fezco was an honest to god (that she didn’t believe in) good guy. A salt of the earth type that wouldn’t hurt a fly. As long as you didn’t mess with his friends. His family. His money. He was considerate in a way that had you questioning if the rest of humanity was just a simulation. He was sweet and charming but never used it to his advantage. And that was only with strangers. When it came to the people in his life, you could triple that tenfold. He was as loving as he was loyal.
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blueribbonbaby · 4 months
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Romeo & Juliet inspired Fexi Moodboard prompt idea:
The O’Neill’s and the Howard’s are two rival drug gangs. But when Lexi attends a New Year’s Eve party and finally meets Fezco O’Neill, the two quickly fall head over heels in love with each other. But they must keep their relationship a secret from Marie and Gus who are sworn enemies.
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kotylynnemerrill · 3 months
Okay y'all....here is the rest of ch. 1...or just another little section. Tbh I'm still not sure how I want this to flow but I'm working through the process.
Y'all know the drill 😁
Your words I hold forever
************* ❤️**********
Fez isn't sure how long it's been...how long they've been sitting here, but it must be getting close to midnight judging by the sudden surge in the party's energy. He's doesn't really care to be honest.
He focuses on her voice...the way her mouth moves as she speaks and Fez isn't entirely sure she's not giving him some sort of high from her presence alone or if the joint he just finished is finally kicking in.
Maybe she's a siren he thinks as his blue eyes flitter up to her brown ones...now bright and hypnotizing. Her guard is down, obviously in her element as she talks.
Lexi Howard is in fact a wealth of random knowledge and he loves it. She speaks about Christians stealing Christmas from the Germanic pagans, about how King James was rewriting the Bible while also trying to turn his pee into gold...whether or not Johnson would be successful in limiting the Soviet power in southeast Asia.
Fez wasn't necessarily a pessimist but neither was he optimistic when it came to the current governments abilities. Lexi was hopeful though despite agreeing with him. Like most of America, she was not so sure morally it was a great idea that the US got involved in the war in Vietnam.
The war had already caused a lot of devastation in the effort to stop the spread of communism...a lot of devastation economically as well.
This led to them talking about God and yet again Fez is surprised by this woman sitting next to him.
"Do you, like, not believe in God then?" Lexi shakes her head no...Fez calls her fearless. She laughs a little at this.
" I wouldn't say that...more like I'm guided by my severe discomfort of religion in general. I mean you look at all the shitty things happening in the world right now...I don't see how this person...this being who has all this power...power to stop the war...and all this unnecessary death, but doesn't. And we're just supposed to put all our faith in him? Say he works in mysterious ways and it's his will. It's cruel. I don't know if I'd want someone like that in charge of the entire universe or judging me for my actions for that matter." She heaves a sigh. "I'm not naive though...I realize that..."
"You don't gotta explain yourself. I get what you're sayin." Fez grins playfully. "I know by now you ain't one of those flower girls."
"you mean flower children?" Lexi laughs at the name bestowed upon the free loving group of people...also called hippies.
"Yeah...I'm not one of those either."
Lexi is all white teeth as she playfully nudges fez's worn leather loafer with her dark heel.
"Do you believe in God?" She asks quietly.
"Hell yeah I believe in God." Fez looks up towards the ceiling as if he could sense the 'big guy' looking down on them.
"Like there's a man sitting in the clouds...judging all your actions?"
"Hell yeah."
"Really?" Her eyebrows are raised and eyes wide. Not judging but genuinely curious.
"I mean...I look at it like this. We all do shit and eventually we gotta answer for it...the whole cost of havin free will and shit... balance. Ain't nobody exempt from that... especially not me. I've done things I've got to answer for you feel me? I've had to do what I had to - I ain't blamin anyone else for that shit though. But I don't think we're totally damned either."
Lexi tilted her head thoughtfully. "I'm still not a hundred percent on board but I see your point." Fez raises his hands, and slightly tilted his head as if to say 'well I tried '.
"You here with anybody?"
Lexi scrunches her nose again...annoyed...as if just remembering why she was here in the first place... remembering the source of her stress earlier.
"I was supposed to meet my sister here...she was supposed to ride back home with me after the party, but I'm pretty sure she ditched me."
"That's a shame. I'm real sorry to hear that. She's missing out" Fez flicked his eyes towards the crowd of dancing bodies. Wondered if she would join him for a dance...not that he was much of a dancer...but maybe...
"Ehh," Lexi gave a half-hearted shrug, "not really. I'm pretty boring. That's why none of my other friends bothered to come except Rue..." Lexi pauses, her brows furrowing in thought. "I haven't seen her either tonight."
Fez felt guilts chains tug at him again hearing this. She should be hanging out with Rue tonight...maybe if he had just kept a closer eye on her she wouldn't be..he didn't want to think about where she had gotten to...or what she was more than likely doing.
As hard as it was...he told himself again, tonight - whatever Rue was up to, was not his fault.
He turned his attention back to Lexi and the way her full lips were down turned. He wanted to see her smile again. If he made her smile...said a prayer before bed tonight, like his grandmother taught him...maybe God would be gracious enough to grant him protection and the will to get through what was to come in the coming months.
"What do you mean boring...you're like the coolest person here."
Lexi blanches at this, and furiously begins to denying what was obviously, in Fez's correct opinion, nothing but pure facts.
"Why would I lie?" Her cheeks are crimson again and she unsuccessfully tries to hide it (and the wide smile) behind her slender hand.
Fez could get used to this. He was definitely gonna make a conscious effort to pray more often... everyday in fact, if it would allow him to see her smile like this.
"...thanks." she folds her hands back in her lap again seemingly giving up on trying to hide the effect he had on her.
Yeah...he would pray everyday for the rest of his life if need be.
"Yo I gotta cut soon, but...I just wanted to tell you that...talking to you was one of the best parts of my whole year."
"Yeah right..." Lexi huffs and Fez feels his chest clench in agitation. Had no one ever told her how special she clearly was...how magical...
"Why you always do that shit?"
"Like... doubting yourself and shit."
"Oh. Ion know...do I do that?"
"Mm... kinda." Fez let's his eyes flick over her before leaning foward, bracing his hands on his knees.
"I really liked talkin to you tonight...for real. I'd like to do it again sometime."
Something shines in Lexi's eyes as she stares at him. Something warm and determined...like she had found the missing puzzle piece...and wasn't going to let it go.
"Yeah...me too."
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muserepeats · 8 months
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Love Interruption, Chapter 4:
We'll Make It An Island
“So, what’s next? One last score?” Lexi asked playfully. Maybe if she made him comfortable, he’d confess a hint on where to find him. “Will you retire to some island?” 
“I’m partial to the countryside. Been thinking I might wanna be a farmer, get some chickens, cows, goats." He paused to hear her laughter. Another sound he would like to get used to. "But if you want an island, we’ll make it an island.” 
“What do you mean we’ll make it an island?” 
**Fezco x Lexi Cops and Robbers/Out of Sight AU**
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thedarkestgreys · 4 months
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💔 heartbreak will have you bankrupt 💔
hbo euphoria // 14.5k // rated e
“You out here gettin’ jealous ‘bout seeing my ass with a girl you don’t know. That’s sum real ex-girlfriend shit if you ask me,” Fezco comments, smug little smirk still in place. It’s aggravating. “I’m not your ex-girlfriend,” Lexi responds smoothly, pushing herself off of the wall. “As you so kindly put it when you ended things with me, we were never dating to begin with, so it wasn’t an actual breakup in the first place.”
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fexicoded · 10 months
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I posted something on ao3 I've been working on for a bit:
Fezco and Lexi meet in the afterworld. A place neither of them believed existed while they were living on Earth.
Only… there’s a catch. They’ve met before.
Loosely inspired by the novel Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin
Please read and let me know what you think about it
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