#ffxv was my first final fantasy game
ballxbuster · 5 months
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krisssssssy · 6 months
When you beat FFXV and you gotta sit in despair and sadness for a while
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maryse127 · 7 days
Beloved mutual: I want to play Final Fantasy XV so I can see the game that rewrote your brain
Me to myself, out of nowhere, while studying to the FFXV ost a few days later: that game really did rewire my brain huh
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xiiiwayfinders · 1 year
I have officially reached the part of ffxv where it's stopped being a delightful fun time and begun to absolutely destroy me
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glitchdecay · 4 months
Suzuki Tatsuhisa Talks Behind-the-Scenes of FFXV: Part 6
This will be the second-to-last part of the series! Start from the beginning here; go here for the previous part. Listen along from 18:22–21:34 here.
In this part, Tatsu talks to host Shimazu Shintarou (video game industry expert) and assistant host Kubota Miyu (voice actor and singer) about the final camping scene and why he's glad that a line from it became a meme in Japan.
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Suzuki Tatsuhisa: We did the same thing [see Part 5 of my translations] for the scene that became the 「やっぱつれぇわ」 meme. [T/N: This line, "yappa tsuree wa", literally "it really is hard'' and localized as "(it's…) more than I can take'' in English, became a meme back when FFXV first released because it could be thought of as a response to criticism of the game and because its casual dialogue made it easy to reenact.] We had so many retakes for the camping scene. 
Shimazu Shintarou: I didn't know that. 
ST: The script for that scene was rewritten a stupid number of times. I don't remember how many times we rerecorded it. Who was there during the recording... 
ST: If I recall, it was Miyano Mamoru [voice of Ignis], Miyake Kenta [voice of Gladio], and me. [Kakihara] Tetsuya [voice of Prompto] wasn't there for the recording. At that point, we were discussing when Noct was supposed to start crying. We tried different points, like the beginning, middle, and end, and even specified which lines he needed to start crying at. We decided on a specific line. 
ST: I think Mamoru and Kenta-san both said, "That's not where Noct should cry." "I get the feeling, like, I know he's all worked up." "The pause in this line. I'm saying this in the most idealistic way, but maybe it's better to start crying from here. This is the best point to start the waterworks." "In terms of nuance, this is the best point for the tears to come." 
SS: Why did you have to have that in mind together? Is it so you know when it is?
ST: It is.
SS: But why? It isn't necessarily the case. The way I see it, the previous take could've been the better one. But when it's like that, it becomes whole?
ST: Whole. 
SS: That's so interesting.
ST: What I find fascinating is how actors have this sixth sense. In other words, it's like an athlete being in the zone**. When you're performing on stage…
ST [to Kubota Miyu]: I'm sure you've experienced it while performing live.
KM: Yes.
ST: When you're in the zone, you can get the audience excited by just looking at them. It's like a mysterious point in time. 
SS: What's going on here? 
SS: It's like there's a common space out here and a wall has appeared between me and that space. 
ST: I don't know what it's like if you're looking at it from the outside. 
SS: You're right about that. 
ST [to KM]: But you get it, right? 
KM: Yeah, it happens in my live shows. 
ST: Like when everything comes together on stage.
KM: When it comes together... It happens, of course.
ST: It happens in the recording booth, too.
KM: Totally. I experienced it while recording.
SS: Interesting.
ST: I don't know how, but all the timings were meshing with each other. We saw where the timing would be. We all concentrated so hard on it that we were like, "It has to be here." We had that in mind together. Everyone on the other side of the recording room somehow got the feeling that it had to be there too.
ST: "It would be the best right here. Could you do it, Tatsu-san?" was what they said.
ST: So the millisecond before I was supposed to cry, I was told to really adjust my emotions and we recorded the line that way.
SS: That's amazing. 
ST: But I was glad. 
SS: Should I play it again? 
KM: Right? I've never played it, but I feel like playing it after hearing about all this. 
SS: I know, I know. 
KM: I really feel like playing it.
ST: Yeah. And to be honest, when I heard that line became a meme, I was so happy I could die. 
SS: Yeah.
ST: We worked so hard on it. It was the result of all of our hard work. Besides, they didn't pick a line from anywhere before that point. If you didn't work your butt off, you wouldn't be able to hear that line.
SS: You're right.
ST: You'd hear that line just before you cleared the game. 
I went back to replay half of Chapter 14 just to hear that line again. It was soooo worth it… By the way, やっぱつれぇわ reemerged as a meme in 2019 when the new Japanese era would be named 令和 (Reiwa) and people came up with the pun やっぱつ令和.
**Not me reading "in the zone" and being like, "Ah, yes, KuroBas reference!" (It isn't.)
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nebuvoid · 11 months
ngl me playing day 1 ffxv on a base ps4 is probably not exactly enhancing the games experience. like. do the later releases have the festivals in them or something? or at least minor improvements
which version is the best to get now?
would appreciate some advice 🥺
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noxtivagus · 2 years
"words, deeds, beliefs" ALPHINAUD 😭🫶🏼
#🌙.rambles#[ ffxiv. ]#I SCROLLED DOWN TO THE BOTTOM N OH MY GOD I IMMEDIATELY ALREADY#LILIES. LILIES. FUCKING LILIES#NOOOOOOOOOOOOO I'M GNA CRY ALREADY JUST FROM THAT#quickly mili's bulbel has become one of my top fav songs n it means so much to me#along w that i used lily as an online alias before when i really young.... yeah. YEAH.#i have such a soft spot for alphinaud he's my first fav chara n. we're close in age n all n he's just#his character development means so much to me#i'm so proud of him !?! baby baby boy :<#NEVER GET YOUR ELEZEN GROWTH SPURT PLEASE 🥹#fuck wait. 'each from different walks from life who took the road on an impossible journey'#'whatever else we may have been in the beginning─in the end we were friends'#'and we will meet again.'#that sentiment always gets me wait fuck i'm listening to melodies of life right now NO I'M TOO EMOTIONAL FOR THIS#ffix being one of the games i finished in 2020 (along with ffxv & kh3) are all. so important to me w my youth n all#ZIDANE AND GARNET.... 😭 i love the themes of melodies of life sm n ffix in general it's just so special to me#one day my love life better be as goddamn bittersweet like final fantasy (but still with a happy ending please please)#wait back to alphi; writing in his journal 🥺 herbal tea & 'turning his drowsy eyes heavensward'#god i love him#'before sleep claimed him a thought came unbidden'#'a bouquet of lilies for those we have lost. and for the living... / he knew' N HE SMILED#'And so it was that Alphinaud Leveilleur once more failed to say what was in his heart─' dude i'm gna cry he's my fav he's just like me fr#wait remind me why i added the vocal ffxiv distant world songs to my queue n why are they all about love. no. fuck no#I CAN'T DO THIS WAIT I'LL READ THIS STORY FROM THE START#oh dear. oh no. 'another sleepless night' ; i love these stories sm bcs they add sm more to the characters#like outside of msq n all wtf are they doing? yeah. ALPHINAUD'S JUST LIKE ME FRFR I LOVE HIM#oh. NO FUCK WE'RE JUST THE SAME ; 'when I saw my arrogance and vanity for what it was─then in the very depths of my despair─he spoke to me'#Are you content to remain a broken blade? Is there no flame hot enough to reforge you?#that. haurchefant's words :<
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astrxealis · 9 months
hi (<- falling into a deep deep deep hole of dnd)
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Today marks the 6th anniversary of Final Fantasy XV’s release, and though I started writing a brief tribute to the game over on Twitter, I quickly realized I had much more to say about today’s milestone than Twitter’s character limit would allow for.
So I came back to where it all started for me, here on Tumblr. That I could scarcely remember my password goes to show how regrettably I’ve neglected this account, despite the fact that XV still means a great deal to me. I wish I could say it was because I was more active on Twitter, but even over there I have struggled to post regular updates and engage with the XV community (which I am happy to report still has quite the active fanbase and has even seen some growth by my observations).
In truth, much of my identity has been defined by FFXV these past six years—for better or worse. It’s not an exaggeration to say XV changed the trajectory of my life; it landed in my lap immediately following the worst professional failure of my life, comforted me through the loss of a parent, and brought me in touch with people from around the globe, many of whom have become dear friends to me. My abilities as both a writer and an artist saw the kind of growth I never thought possible for myself. I got to play XV with Adam Croasdell in my own home, got to raise thousands of dollars for charity with the help of the XV cast and dozens of other artists, and I was able to support myself financially for the first time in my entire adult life through the sales of my art. In short, I owe everything from the last six years to Final Fantasy XV.
So as one might imagine, it caused somewhat of an identity crisis in me when the one thing that had brought me such joy began to no longer fuel my passion the way it had in years past. Call it burnout, call it depression, call it a sensitivity to the current events of the world, I don’t know—all I know is, something caused me to lose all motivation to work on anything. Where once I had felt like I had an ocean of inspiration I could tap into at any time, it suddenly felt like a dry well. Even today, my tablet sits mostly unused, waiting for the day that that spark returns.
It certainly is not because I have lost my love for XV. This game, which objectively is deeply flawed yet is somehow greater than the sum of its parts, still resides comfortably in my mind. I play a great deal of Final Fantasy XIV these days, which I enjoy very much and is arguably a better game in many ways, and yet it has not come close to capturing my muse the way XV did. I still have pipe dreams of streaming the entirety of XV on Twitch, not in one 24-hour session like I did for Extra Life Game Day in 2020, but slowly over the course of many weeks, exploring the game thoroughly and experiencing the journey with old and new viewers alike. And someday, I vow to roll back to an earlier patch so that I can unlock those unlockable Comrades trophies on PS4 and finally Platinum the game.
So anyway. That’s a lot of rambling haha. TL;DR: I still love XV, even if I can’t express that love through content the way I used to. I still hope to produce a few pieces here and there, and if I do, you know where to find me. (And if you don’t, you can find me here, here, and here.) Happy Anniversary, XV. As always, you guys... are the best. ♡
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mrsmneme · 6 months
My Art Summary 2023
2023 will end soon. I faced a huge change throughout the year such as promotion, relocation, tougher schedule, etc. I was too busy to make arts, but I'm so glad that I made enough to create an art summary. Because my arts weren't finished in monthly basis, so I don't add names of months again. Thank you for all impressions and participations for my work. I'll keep practicing. 🥰❤️
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The first one was the 2023 celebrating piece. I made the chocobros playing multiplayer game, the same composition as Comrade's advertisement, but they are older, in alternate ending appearances.
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The second one was a happy birthday Ignis piece. I drew his much older self, as we had seen him greeting King Noctis in alternate ending end credit. Thanks @gakusa2 in x for the gorgeous reference.
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The third one was a happy birthday Ardyn piece. I drew his chancellor outfit with his famous grin.
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The fourth one was a comic I made in an Ignoct gift exchange 2023 campaign. I drew more realistic brotherhood Ignis for the first time.
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See full work here.
The fifth one was a finished sketch, but I will color it later. The piece was a Gladio/Ignis romantic moment. I got my inspiration from my Gladnis mutuals and made such ship related piece for the first time.
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The sixth one was one of [chocobros in Hellsing TV series outfit] series, I drew Noctis in Integral Hellsing's outfit first.
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The seventh one was a part of [chocobros in Hellsing TV series outfit] too. I drew Gladiolus in Alucard's outfit.
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The eighth one was still part of [chocobros in Hellsing TV series outfit]. I drew Ignis in Walter C. Dornez's outfit.
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The ninth one was made for Ignis fashionweek 2023 campaign. It was first created in 2022 but I couldn't finish it, so I retried in 2023. The outfit was [shirtless under a suit].
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The tenth piece was a happy 7th anniversary of FFXV piece. I drew 7 characters in top 100 Final Fantasy Big Vote.
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The eleventh piece was made for Christmas-themed FFcolorwheel in x.
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And the twelfth piece was the last one in [chocobros in Hellsing TV series outfit] when I drew Prompto in Seras Victoria's outfit.
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holly-fixation · 1 year
Shout out to Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia for one of the weirdest experiences I've ever had while playing a game:
So in Act 2: Chapter 7 the villain of this particular section is Sephiroth. I also cared more about this chapter because I've only played FFVII and FFXV so having them both in the spotlight for this chapter was a lot of fun! Anyway when you first see Sephiroth here, he's talking to himself. It's the standard "???" for the person (probably Jenova) he's speaking to, and this is basically the beginning of Sephiroth's 'multiple consciousnesses' thing but I'm getting off topic. Around the time I played this, the game crashed a couple times a week but there were no long-term issues and there was always an error message saying "sorry, had to update" and I just went "oh cool neat" and went back to playing.
In this particular chapter, the game crashed with No error message before closing and no report after I opened it again. This was REALLY weird. It didn’t say a single thing aboht why it broke. Then in the next cutscene, every character is speaking "<<Like this>>" instead of "the usual like this" and I'm panicking because I honest to god thought the game broke. It was such a sudden change in the dialog boxes I was WAY too worried.
I get to the next cutscene and Yuna from X is "speaking normally" but everyone else is "<<doing this>>" and I'm literally taken aback because what is happening to my game??
The answer: Sephiroth. Specifically, Jenova's virus. Every character "<<speaking like this>>" was a clone that would turn into a monster like Ifalna/Cetra tales said and this took me the hell off guard only because I really thought I screwed up the game.
I go back to that scene where Sephiroth is speaking to himself and lo and behold ??? also speaks "<<like this>>" but I missed it because I was more concerned with the fact that Sephiroth might be speaking to Jenova to notice the change.
So moral of the story is: why was this plot point a mobile game??
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erinadandy · 2 months
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Playing through FFXV for the first time in about a decade has been one of the better experiences I’ve had with a video game in awhile. Four men on the cusp of adulthood going on a road trip as the world around them sinks further into darkness. It’s Final Fantasy by way of Richard Linklater. Love my boys so much
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silverflqmes · 3 months
have you considered playing ff15/writing for it??
so ironically, ffxv is the first final fantasy game that i became familiar with due to noctis being a dlc in tekken 7 back in 2017!i wanna say, and he was the one who INITIALLY grabbed my interest, outside of cloud when he was added to smash.. but i held off on ff in general since i was really swamped with school and just could not spare the timing to be gaming- specifically rpgs..
now if i’m gonna write for ffxv — i’m not sure yet because i haven’t played through the game! my knowledge is very baby level since i only played him in tekken😭 ( his playstyle was rlly refreshing tbh since there is only one character within the series that uses a weapon🥸 ) and some media about him, prompto, gladiolus, ignis. but we will see in the future :’)) i heard very good things about the story, but i would have to find the time to spare to play- and at the moment i don’t rlly think i can since i’m trying to speed through all available ffvii games to me ( basically minus rebirth ) before uni starts🥹
trust i do have interest in ffxv, i just don’t have much time😔
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lyssala · 11 months
The Sun & The Moon: On the FFXVI Ending
Throwing my thoughts on the ending into the void.
Aka I keep seeing posts about the ending so I need to type out my thoughts to validate myself.
For reference, we played on release and did two full play throughs.
First of all, I am a happy ending person. I want desperately to find the happiness because there was so much suffering so much loss. Saving the world or not, the thought of Clive having come so close to his own happy ending, of having the family and the love he never got to have, so damn close and then still ending up dying alone on a beach leaving the people waiting for him wondering if he would ever come back to them seems so cruel.
But, Lyssa, you played XV too, and Noctis legitimately sacrificed himself in the end to save the world. You’re right, he did, and that ending still makes me ugly cry because I also didn’t think it was fair that he had to do that. The thing were XV and XVI differ is, we see Noctis in the after with Luna, in their wedding attire, finally together. It’s immensely bittersweet, but we see them at peace. We do not get that in XVI SO point by point let’s GO.
(Warning for spoilers, including character death, in other Final Fantasy games as well)
Why I Don’t Think We Can Assume Any of the Three are Dead
1. The Ancient Rule of Storytelling: No body, you say? THEY AIN’T DEAD.
Usually used when a villain “is defeated” but then they can never find a body - guess what, Luffy is going to have to beat their ass YET again. Final Fantasy has never shied away from character death. From Minwu (FFII) to Tellah (FFIV) to Aerith (FFVII) to Zack (FFVII:CC) to Haurchefant (FFXIV) to Noctis (FFXV), heck even other character death in XVI.
Dion to me is the iffiest one, and I say it with a heavy heart because I loved Dion. He fell early and he had death flags on him BUT we didn’t even see him hit the ground so I still standby that if Clive could survive falling from Origin, Dion could too.
Joshua we actually did see die, and it was terrible - both when it happened and when Clive went back to mourn his brother (again for that matter and thanks I’m crying again). The thing is, we also explicitly watch Clive use Phoenix’s power to heal Joshua. Yeah we don’t see him wake up, but literally what was the point of that action if Joshua was just gonna…you know still be dead. They could have just left him as he was. The whole purpose of showing that action, imo, was to finally give Clive the chance to save his brother, which was all he wanted for so much of his life. I don’t believe that was done as just “well you tried but he really dead, bro.” To me it was to show, no, Joshua has a chance to live the life he always wanted too.
Clive, despite all his dang death flags, is still the most secure to me because the last time we see him, he’s still alive. We know he survived the fall, we know he was conscious on the beach, we only saw the curse spread to his hand. If they really wanted to hint he would die there, we easily could have seen the curse spreading to his face. We didn’t though. He was tired, and weak but he was alive. They made an effort to show him alive. If they truly wanted an ambiguous ending they didn’t even need to show him on the beach, just showing Origin fall would be enough. They didn’t though. They showed the man alive, calling out to Jill, not as apology for breaking his promise but a “I can see the moon same as you, I’m still here.”
2. The Ding Dang Themes of the Game
We spend the whole game determined to fight fate, and while yes, fate was defeated when Ultima was defeated, because the human will won…then didn’t because the man who was determined to fight and escape those binds still ended up lost those everyone who loves him…which was part of the fate he was trying to escape? Final Fantasy games have had dark elements before, and they’ve been heartbreakingly sad. They’ve shown loss of all sorts some self sacrifice, and some because the world can be just so cruel. However, once thing Final Fantasy isn’t is loss without hope.
Noctis got to say goodbye to his best friends (yes I am crying again don’t you dare mention Stand by Me in my presence) because he knew what was coming and they knew what was coming. It gutted me, but they all knew and had come to terms with it. It was Noctis’ choice to walk in there knowing he was not coming back. Clive was not the same. He didn’t say goodbye, he said, I’m coming back. While everyone knew there was a risk which is why it was so emotional to say goodbye, he had a life he wanted to return to, one he spoke of returning to. It was never, “You’re coming back right?” And then they skirt around giving a firm answer because they just don’t know. Clive was firm about it, he was coming back, it was his will to come back and guess what won against Ultimia? You guessed it, human will.
Having Clive die alone on a beach after all of that? After all he went through and after all he still wanted? That to me is just cruel, and Final Fantasy has never been cruel. Ren also made the good point that if Clive was to die, Joshua would have fallen with him, so it ended in a reversal of beginning with Joshua watching Clive die instead of the other way around. That didn’t happen either though. He was on the beach, again, still alive (see point 1 as a reminder), additionally, if he thought he was dying, I’d imagine he’d be apologizing to Jill for breaking his promise. In fact that’s what I SWORE he was going to do, but he didn’t. His will to survive was still intact when we left him which to me fits far more with the theme of this game then dying alone on a beach.
3. The Sun and the Moon (It’s Clive and Jill, It’s Just Literally Them)
So yeah I know that the sun and moon imagery is usually used to describe star crossed lovers, never meant to be as the sun and moon rotate. The game already proved that was untrue, they were always meant to be. By all odds they survived and somehow found one another again.
Jill, the moon of course, always said it was because of her prayer to Metia, that every time she prayed for him to return to her, Metia granted her prayer. I say this as someone who grew up religious but now am not, Jill believed it I’m sure but I think it was Jill. Love has also been a huge theme in Final Fantasy, and Jill’s heart filled prayers to keep Clive safe, always had. Not necessarily because a god deemed it so (again, defying gods a huge Final Fantasy theme lol) but her complete and sincere love for Clive, that always kept him safe to come home to her. She prayed for him as he was leaving for origin, just as heart felt as she always had. Why would that fail now the time she probably desired it more than any other time? That also seems so cruel. For him to be torn from her when they were so close to finally being able to have the life they dreamed of together. What purpose does that serve? It wouldn’t except for Jill to have yet another thing in her life to break her heart and leave her to pick up the pieces. I think she would, for Clive’s memory, but again, it feels like loss for no reason but loss. Jill deserves her happy ending too.
You find out later on even more so why Jill cherished the moon, because it brought the sunrise (or you know Clive in the metaphor here) and with the sun the promise the Clive would always come for her. One he never broke. They literally went out of their way to say “the sunrise meant you’d always come for me, I know this.” It was a direct setup for the ending. It was her seeing the star she always prayed on for Clive flicker out, and in that moment I think she did lose all hope because that was the one thing she could always count on to bring him home (to which again, not a god, but her love that brought him home). She is distraught (and so was I so we have that in common LOL) but then, the sun rises, and she smiles. It’s hope. It’s her hope because Clive has never broken a promise to her, and the sunrise has always brought him to her. I have no reason to believe the sunrise didn’t bring him home to her like it always has. Not a single point in this game has given me reason to believe it so why would I?
4. They Did the Thing! The Name of the Game!
A smaller point but one none the less. I sure hope you all played every single side-quest. One particular one, leaves you with a quill to add to Clive’s wall of treasures; one with the sole purpose of when (not if) Clive puts his sword down, that he writes his story. What do we see in the after credits? Literally, a book that is telling his story. Idk how more clear they gotta be that Clive is gonna be okay (tbf I WISH they would have just told me he was gonna be okay too LOL)
Granted, Joshua Rosfield is the author to which, it really could have been him writing Clive’s story in his absence or it could have been Clive and using the name to memorialize his brother’s name. Or it could have been the both of them and they used Joshua’s name because Clive is content living his life behind the scenes. He’s never wanted attention or praise. I don’t think he ever would have used his own name.
Additionally, the ending lines that equates to as my journey ends another one begins to me never meant journey = life. His journey was over, he did what he set out to do. The new journey? Traveling the realms with his wife in a world without the burdens of magic and doing what they do best, help the people who need it.
5. Doggy Knows Best
And finally, my last point is, Torgal knows what’s up. Technically, this is Ren’s point so I give him the credit here but animals, especially Torgal who is more than just a dog (literally an Eikon himself bonded to Jill and Clive, something acknowledged in the game), know when their master is hurt or worse. We’ve seen Torgal when one of them are hurt or in danger or not coming home. Yet at the end of the game, when Jill is absolutely breaking Torgal simply howls.
You know where else he did that? When he was trying to find Clive after Phoenix Gate and he would sit and howl. They were already bonded, he knew Clive (and Jill) were alive but he didn’t know where so he howled for his people until he could find them. It’s the same thing he does at the end of the game. He knows Clive is alive out there, and they are just separated but they’ll find another again because just like Jill, Torgal has no reason to believe otherwise.
And honestly I’m going to believe the dog.
Final Thoughts…For Now Cause I Always Have Thoughts its the ADHD
If you read all this, I hope it brought you some peace <3 I don’t believe a cop out everyone died ending is indicative to the wonderful storytelling this team has brought us in FFXIV. If anything, it reminds me of the ending of A Realm Reborn when you are convinced all the Scions are dead and then ope nope they’re fine just scattered and we’ll find them yeah SOUND FAMILIAR LOL I think they left it open to let people come to their own conclusions but in my heart of hearts I believe they had no intention to let Clive die on that beach because nothing in the story leads me to that conclusion.
If they try to tell me otherwise, well then I’ll go full denial LOL but unless Yoshi-P calls me up and says girl stop you’re wrong, I’ll continue to push my Clive finally gets his happy ending and travels the realms with Jill like he promised her <3 (ONE MORE THING: why the heck would they have Jill just be like mmmm think I wanna leave this realm when its over, lets see the world if they had no future content planned YOU CAN’T FOOL ME she could have easily said anything but she said something that would directly give us more content okay I’m done lol)
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glitchdecay · 4 months
Suzuki Tatsuhisa Talks Behind-the-Scenes of FFXV: Part 7
And we've come to the final part of what I translated from Tatsu talking about FFXV on Shimazu Shintarou's Weekend Game Camp. This part talks about something that happens after clearing the game, so look away if you don't wanna get spoiled! [Or, you know, you do you.]
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(Sadly, the above screenshot is not mine; I grabbed it from this Tumblr post. I didn't take my own because I didn't think I'd need it.)
As always, here's where you need to go if you missed the previous part, here's if you want to start from the beginning, and here's where you listen along (from 21:35–25:34).
The change, of course, is the above title screen changing to one with two people in it, as seen here.
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And without further ado, we return to the conversation between Tatsu, host Shimazu Shintarou, and assistant host Kubota Miyu.
Suzuki Tatsuhisa: And what came after [the final camping scene] was our selfish request to Amano-san [Amano Yoshitaka, illustrator and longtime Final Fantasy series collaborator] to have Noct on the title screen alongside Luna. That's when the true title logo appears. I suggested for it to be in the game. 
ST: I asked Tabata-san if we could have a title screen that can only be seen after clearing Final Fantasy XV. It's probably the only one [in the series] to have it. 
ST: Why did I want it like that? The title logo was from when the game was still Versus XIII, and it had a different meaning. A different "true" meaning. But it ended up becoming a title with a [different] meaning, so how do we add meaning to the title logo? The title logo is meant to represent the heroine. 
ST: But without the protagonist, it seems too harsh. There are a lot of circumstances surrounding XV in the first place. Whose story should it be about? At one point, it became different pieces. 
ST: Tabata-san decided that it should be Noct's story alone. Everything else gets thrown into the bin. He took responsibility for that decision and became the "bad guy" on purpose. 
ST: When that happened, I said, "But Noct's not in [the title logo]," and he agreed. He showed me the ending scene and told me this was how he wanted the game to end. So I said to him, "Tabata-san, I'm sorry, but I'm going to say something completely unreasonable. This might be impossible, but it'd be so great if it could be done." 
ST: "We decided that the goddess-like figure in the title logo would be Luna, right? I think it'd be great if Noct were in it too. What do you think? We could have Amano-san draw it."
ST: "But the original illustration was from 13 years or so ago, back when Versus XIII was announced." I suggested the addition to the logo in 2015 or 2016. "Wouldn't it be nice to have Amano-san add Noct to the title logo then, to finally complete "our" Final Fantasy?"
Shimazu Shintarou: Oh, that makes it "final" in so many ways. 
ST: Yeah, it does. It's the... 
SS: You just said something nice.
ST: "It's the Final Fantasy that we made. Can't we have that?"
ST: The original illustration represented what Nomura-san and his team did, the Final Fantasy that they created. But if we could add Noct to that, and ask Amano-san to do it, it would be the culmination of two things becoming one, becoming the complete title for the first time. Becoming Final Fantasy XV. 
ST: "This isn't something anyone can come along and talk about. We'd be boasting about ourselves. But wouldn't it make the team so happy if we had that? It's probably something we couldn't add in the world of the game, but I'd like to do it. How about it?"
ST: Amano-san said "yes" right away. Tabata-san contacted him, and at the time, Amano-san's schedule was packed to the brim. He couldn't fit in any additional work. There was something huge he was working on at the time, so it couldn't be done. He was willing to at least listen. 
ST: But Tabata-san explained to him, saying it was a suggestion from Suzuki-san. Amano-san said, "Yes, I'll draw it right away." And he did. 
ST: He flipped his completely busy schedule around to draw that. The true title logo has Noct in it because everyone's passion, feelings and emotions... 
SS [to Kubota Miyu]: You feel like clearing the game now, right?
KM: I feel like playing it now!
ST: ... Were behind it. 
KM: I really feel like playing!
ST: That was how the true title logo came to be. I haven't been able to tell this until now. As an IP, [FFXV] had changed ownership so many times, so I wasn't sure what was OK to discuss. 
ST: But now, with the 16th title out, there's a new title with something innovative in a different way created by Yoshida-san [Yoshida Naoki, the producer of XVI] and his team.  
ST: I think that's amazing in its own way. There's a different FF in the world now. So I think it's fair for me to reminisce about this FF, to say there was something like this too. 
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And that's the end of the FFXV part of the radio show. As I mentioned in a previous part, there's a lot more that Tatsu talked about with Shimazu-san (who's a longtime friend of his) and it'd take me too much time and energy to do everything.
Thank you for reading until the end!
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noxtivagus · 2 years
oh man i still love ffxv so much 🫶🏼
#🌙.rambles#[ ffxv. ]#i am thinking again of . noctis#GODDAMN I USED TO BE SO#noctis used to be my fav chara back then. he's still one of my favs rn#i love ffxv music sm man thank you yoko shimomura for composing elegant osts#i love kingdom hearts sm too.... final fantasy n kh my childhood fr#help i like so many games that are connected to sqex in a way 😭#nier published by sqex . n huh#even one of my fav animanga ( fullmetal alchemist ) is connected to sqex in a way#funny how all these interests were influenced by my father's side of the family. my dad n an aunt in particular#i actually nearly finished the manga for fma ! but not the last few volumes bcs my aunt has them w her in japan i think. 🥹#wait i'm listening to ffx rn n i am emotional. my first exposure to ff#but i played ffxiii first. i still remember the start of the second chapter i think...? then rip ps3 broke#🥹 i'm. i love my childhood#thinking abt it n i've really been exposed to a lot of video games#gow & tlou & loz & ac & the other ac & ff & nier & fe & kh & mario stuff ofc & help sm more#oh man i really have always been passionate about video games. it means so much to me esp w the ones w good stories bcs u play through them#ffxiv as an mmorpg. really fit so well with what i wanted. im really so happy#god i played a lot of board games as well when i was young n those smart wtvr stuff#n a lot of fps in gr 6 especially. n so much gacha games wtf n rhythm games n mobile mmos too#when i get interested in smth i really seek to learning as much of it as i can#i also watched sm anime back then 🫣 n i got into a lot of kpop grps back then too#in ffxiv i do most content. not quite rp yet tho. but i have rped in other places in the past LMFAOOO#thinking abt how i'm so weak for romantic stuff tho. suteki da ne... sob. i blame final fantasy for me being like this#the way i write is so filled with confusion. but also a gentle n strong love for life as a whole. n poems n stories n. longing#please pay me no mind rn i am Emotional n cringe but free#i am emotional rn n distracted n confused n a mess but at least i got that. thing out of my mind. i'll stress about it later
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