#fgo saint george
yukisetsura · 6 months
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Anyone remember the group from Santa Karna's PV? I drew them 3 years ago.
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lovelyllamasblog · 2 months
Servants I Want to see in FGO
Catherine the Great (Rider/ Ruler)
Saint Olga of Kiev (Ruler/ Avenger)
Tomyris (Lancer/ Rider)
Hua Mulan (Archer/ Lancer)
George Washington (Rider)
John Henry (Lancer)
Molly Pitcher (Archer)
Harriet Tubman (Rider/ Archer)
Mary Seacole (Caster)
Harry Houdini (Caster)
Judith (Book of Judith) (Assassin)
Abhimanyu and Vrishaketu (maybe Archer for both ?)
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (Caster)
Sybil Ludington (Rider)
Deborah Sampson (Archer)
Yudhishthira (Saber) - but as a Lily version of himself so that he can be the pampered little brother for once and not have to put up with his younger brothers’ BS. Duryodhana tries to make fun of him for it and Yudhi goes running to Karna, crying. While Karna chastises Dury for making fun of him, Yudhi evilly smirks at Dury from behind Karna, who faithfully plays into the Big Brother role. EVERYBODY is aware that Yudhi is basically playing Karna besides Karna!
Inspo links: (1) @krishna-premi (2) @fanfictionroxs
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harguernia · 5 months
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nero-draco · 1 year
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Siegfried is a true father figure for Sieg.
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oaksentinel · 2 years
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Knightober sketches, part 2 of 3. This time with a bit of fanart.
Part 1
Part 3
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kiwikipedia · 1 year
Not to say that we don’t have enough rulers because oh my god we have so many rulers but I think since the other saints in game all are rulers/have ruler alts, it’s Georgios Time
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nu-omicron-alpha-eta · 10 months
Fate Grand Order Servant Comparisons
Georgios - St. George
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Left - FGO
Right - The Staraya Ladoga fresco, c. 1167
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georgios is now my first servant to be bond 10 on both na and jp!
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300iqprower · 2 years
Hypothetical Rank Ups No. 21-23: St. Georgios
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ok fvck this site it deleted this when I was halfway through so I’m getting to the point with far less flowery an introduction: The reason why a servant considered very good tor Free to Play gets 3 rank ups? Georgios isnt actually that good compared to what people claim because he’s held together with tape and string in the form of one of the only Bond CE’s worth a single fuck, and an amazing first skill in form of an on demand 3 turn taunt. 2/3 of his kit is useless and his supposed intended niche of on demand dragon effectiveness is GARBAGE. What’s more his lack of any rankups despite being a launch day servant means an NP rank up is downright obligatory. As far as skills go one of his two skill rank ups will be a single effect while the other is simply making his initial niche actually usable rather than either of them buffing him to something new. NOW THEN:
Ascalon B -> Ascalon B+ Deal significant DEF-ignoring damage to a single enemy.^ Apply trait [Dragon] to a single enemy (3 turns). + Apply Skill Seal Immune to self (3 turns).  <Overcharge> Greatly increase your DEF (1 turn).^
In addition to the obligatory scaling increase his NP is piercing because he’s never the dps to begin with at the third lowest attack in the game so a pierce is downright necessary to make it any different from a pure support NP. It’s also literally stated in his Apocrypha materials Ascalon’s supposed to have it: “by reversing its protective power, it becomes a sword that pierces through any kind of armor.” The defense was originally boosted to three turns but I instead changed it to 1 turn with increased scaling to accommodate meta (20/25/30/35/40% -> 40/45/50/55/60%). Georgios already has a 3t defense boost in the form of his taunt and most defense support skills increase defense for 3 turns as well so this is high enough scaling and low enough damage from the NP itself to make it worth potentially saving as an emergency defense boost in the face of an incoming NP or something. I didn’t want it to be invincible either since not only does he have Guts for hard survival, but giving him Invincible would mandate making his defense boost 3 turns otherwise it’d be useless in 98% of all fights for self explanatory reasons, and that felt like too much and too many general defense buffs. Instead I went with an effect currently possessed only by Vergil Sparrow via her unique passive, Skill Seal Immune. This is also based on the Ascalon mats that state its “invincibility” has nothing to with its strength but instead refers to it always having the capacity to defend from harm. This translated to Georgios always having the ability to access his skills to defend himself or others if need be no matter what efforts are made to prevent that.
Martyr’s Soul B+ -> Diocletianic Martyr B++ Increase own Mental Debuff Resist (3 turns). Recovers own HP.^ + Decrease own Critical Star Gather Rate by 100% (3 turns).
Both gameplay and flavor wise this skill is the most straightforward, and represents Georgios’s imprisonment and enduring resistance from both torture and coercion under Emperor Diocletian, as well as that selflessness resulting in him famously giving away to the poor all the treasure he received from killing the dragon. Gameplay wise this is the simple effect I mentioned and a very self explanatory one as well: Star Gather Down. If you didn’t know about Star Gather before, you know about it after that Billy Rank Up, and so you can figure out why any rider being a pure support unit, especially one with no crit buffing and horrid attack, is an issue. So if actually-quite-decent-crit-damage 1 star offense support Bartholomew gets a gather down, let’s definitely give it to 2 star defensive support Georgios. And of course we should make the heal actually worth a damn, at minimum doubling the heal but preferably a max of 5000.
Battle Continuation A -> Passio Sancti Georgii Apply Guts to self (1 time, 5 turns). + Gain Class Affinity advantage against [Dragon] enemies (5 turns). Apply Delayed Buff: Apply Burn to all enemies (10 turns) when defeated (5 turns). [Reduce skill’s cooldown by 2]
The Latin name for the story of St. Georgios meaning “Passion of Saint George” which was adapted from Greek in the sixth century. Unlike that version he is executed by Emperor Dacian of the Persian Empire, and in response God answered his prayers in death by sending a whirlwind of flame that killed/carries off Dacian the moment Georgios is executed (Fun fact: this is in the Muslim retelling as well where Georgios is also believed a prophet). That’s the pure flavor DOT for ya, and why it activates on death not on Guts. The real change here (aside from the Guts HP being raised because like a lot of early forms of healing the HP recovery is pointlessly low) is Georgios being remotely worth his supposed Anti-Dragon support niche by granting him automatic class advantage against anything with the dragon trait. As stated before even with class advantage Georgios is never doing much damage but with his NP having the ability to turn enemies into dragons, he can on the fly have 3 turns of defense advantage against his foes and if they’re inherently dragons then he’ll have up to 5 out of every 6 turns being at advantage.  This also has a basis in flavor, as Georgios used his spear against the dragon only for it to immediately break against its scales, but when he refused to backdown and drew his sword, Ascalon was blessed by God for his courage and severed the dragon’s head with one swing (in some versions though, it was simply his own cunning as he waited for a chance to pierce the dragon’s heart through its soft underbelly). In turn the name of the skill now refers to both the start and end to the legend of Georgios with his blessing against dragons and fire upon death.
So as I said, this is 3 skills on what is still a usable unit, yes, but this will make Georgios properly fill his niche’s regardless of CE. The star gather down and general healing increases to something actually worth it will mean that he’s not just a 3 turn stall on legs, able to survive long periods without Eresh levels of defensive support (since they keep banning you from using the version of Mash worth a damn) and his gather down meaning it might actually be worth keeping him on the field rather than using him for just that first skill and Bond CE and intentionally getting rid of him after. Dragon wise he’ll now actually be worth fielding against them or even better able to turn things like Lancers, Extra Class servants (especially alter egos), and Berserkers into Dragons without worry of Class Advantage while making units like Sieg and Sigurd absolute boss killers regardless of THEIR class advantage as well. This is why even if it wasn't too OP to hand out, I wouldn’t be making his dragon advantage aoe support, as the dedicated dragonslayers have such high modifers it already overcomes the lack of damage from class advantage and their issue being moreso literally everything else. But that’s for another day. In the meantime, Georgios would go from the Free to Play/Budget tank staple he is to a unit defined by more than his CE selection.
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This was originally way further back in the queue but White Day happened and it was fantastic.
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reignsan · 3 years
Featured Servants in the Jerusalem Singularity: Jacques de Molay, Saint George, Hassan of the Cursed Arm, Mata Hari, Izo, Medusa, Ozymandias, Nitocris, the Lion King.
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Georgios (Rider) summertime dating headcanons
Just one word: photography. Dude is really obsessed with this hobby and you can be sure as hell that no matter where you two go, he always takes the camera with him.
Summer really does trigger the wanderlust within Georgios. He has some trouble to withstand home honestly and just keeps bragging about next trips and travels with you, including going abroad.
Due to the skills coming from his class, he would like to try various means of transport to travel with you. His favorite one is motorcycle, tho. I mean, just consider this: a literal saint on a huge, loud and fast cycle. It’s pretty cool, isn’t it?
He keeps taking photos of you two at every occasion possible. While you are posing, petting animals, sightseeing, eating, lying down while resting etc. After coming back home, Georgios spends some time on choosing the best ones and prints them. He decided to make an entire album of pictures from your common trips, with description of every place you had visited. He considers that as an easy way to keep the memories of those forever. And it’s kinda sweet, let’s be honest.
Due to his position of a saint and his devotion to his faith, be prepared that there aren’t any physical displays of affection. His love is pure and platonic, he doesn’t even kiss you and rather doesn’t hug you. You know the memes about hand-holding being lewd and kinky? It’s kinda him, unironically.
Also, because of the fact above, you two would never sleep in the same bed together. He just feels pretty bad about that, considering it almost as a sin.
During your travels, be ready that because of his saint nature, Georgios wants to help everyone. Literally everyone. He always takes extra water bottle with him in case of anyone needing it. He has an extra luck when it comes to finding children who were lost, which means you two spending time on looking for their parents. Those are just few examples of the good deeds you two do on your holidays, so be ready: you are gonna be pretty busy!
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klonoadreams · 3 years
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yuriislove · 4 years
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nero-draco · 1 year
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kiwikipedia · 3 years
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carnival-phantasm · 6 years
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This Christmas we are all invited to buss it open for Saint George inside the church
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