Thank you for organizing Cohen this year! 🥳
I’d like to request May 15 for a Strange New Worlds fanfic co-authored by myself and @fiadorable, if available.
It's yours!
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curator-on-ao3 · 1 year
Prompt - we all have secrets, don’t we?
Pairing - chapel and pike
Thank you so, so much for this fantastic prompt, @fiadorable!💕
This story ended up being way more than a ficlet, y’all, as I sort of fell in love with this pairing. I mean, it was like … well, you’ll see …
The Wounds They Run Deep, But So Does the Healing, My Love, So Does the Healing
Chapters: 1/11
Fandom: Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Christine Chapel/Christopher Pike
Characters: Christine Chapel, Christopher Pike
Additional Tags: prompt fic, choices, Starfleet doesn’t leave its own behind, medical advancements, trust, friends to lovers, Strange New Worlds jump to The Motion Picture timeframe, cw for references to a minor character’s past death (Vina), cw for references to a past illness affecting Talosians, cw for the effects of Chris’ accident, canon-consistent but better (imo) for both Chris and Christine
Summary: Christine wanted to do something … needed to do something … to help Chris.
She didn’t realize she would end up helping them both.
— Story is fully written and I’ll do my best to post a chapter every day or so. —
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fiadorable · 1 year
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Doing some experimenting with pixel art. Enjoy the SNW sprites 🥰
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grissomesque · 1 year
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3dbailbondsofct · 2 months
3-D Bail Bonds Hartford | Affordable Bail Bonds Agency Near Me | Call 860-247-2245
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flexibilidadeseguros · 3 months
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Seguro Fiança é a solução ideal para quem está procurando aluguel sem burocracia. Com o Seguro Fiança, você não precisa se preocupar em encontrar um fiador ou pagar um depósito caução. Além disso, a locação se torna muito mais fácil e rápida, pois as exigências são reduzidas. Nossa equipe está pronta para te ajudar a encontrar a melhor opção de seguro para o seu aluguel. Conte conosco para garantir a segurança e tranquilidade que você merece.
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gleyssonsalles · 1 year
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Posso ser Fiador de Alguém?
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estudioabogacia · 1 year
Por DERECHO EN MINUTOS canal de Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@DerechoenMinutos   https://youtu.be/qwe6GAAOc-w Read the full article
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jusdecisum · 2 years
Como fica a situação do fiador no caso do contrato de locação por prazo determinado ser prorrogado automaticamente?
terça-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2013 Olá amigos do Dizer o Direito, Hoje vamos tratar sobre um tema de grande interesse na prática forense: o que acontece com a fiança caso o contrato de locação por prazo determinado seja prorrogado automaticamente e se transforme em contrato por tempo indeterminado? Antes de respondermos a essa indagação, relembremos algumas informações relevantes sobre o…
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dopewizardcrusade · 2 years
STJ: Empresário precisa de autorização do cônjuge para ser fiador da empresa
STJ: Empresário precisa de autorização do cônjuge para ser fiador da empresa
A Quarta Turma do Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ), por unanimidade, decidiu que é necessária a autorização do cônjuge para ser fiador, sob pena de invalidade da garantia. Segundo o colegiado, o fato de o fiador prestar a fiança na condição de comerciante ou empresário é irrelevante, pois deve prevalecer a proteção à segurança econômica familiar. Permitir que se preste fiança sem a outorga…
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dbtvweb · 2 years
Por que um fiador é uma figura tão importante em algumas negociações?
Por que um fiador é uma figura tão importante em algumas negociações?
O fiador é aquela pessoa que assume responsabilidades financeiras se o contratante do serviço financeiro ou da locação de um imóvel não fizer o pagamento. Ou seja, ele fica responsável pelo locatário ou contratante do crédito. Em geral, os bancos, instituições financeiras e imobiliárias exigem fiação para fechar o contrato. Sendo assim, confira a seguir todos os detalhes de por que a figura do…
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It is Cohen time everyone!!!
So excited to see what everyone will share this year.
To our participants: @marymoss1971 (VOY), @auguststargazer (VOY), BlackVelvet42 (TBD) @jellybeansarecool (TBD), @pc-corner (SNW), @70thousandlightyearsfromhome (VOY), @seemaunbound (VOY), @regionalpancake (PIC), Servelan (TBD), @go-tell-the-bees (VOY), @elephant-in-the-pride-parade (PRO), @muizeke83 (VOY), @sun-lit-roses (VOY), @mytardisisparked (ENT), @rocktherecorder (PIC or VOY), @grissomesque (VOY), @baylardo (PRO), @madamairlock (VOY), @whathappenstotheheart (SNW), @theredheadedcaptain (TBD), @gluecookie (DS9), and @curator-on-ao3 and @fiadorable (SNW) — Here are some reminders for when you share your work!
Q: How do you make sure your work is shared by our Tumblr?
A: If you post your work on tumblr, you can @what-happens-to-the-heart or this year's moderator @elephant-in-the-pride-parade and I will make sure to reblog your work! If you don't post to tumblr, kindly send an Ask with a link to your work. This way I can make sure everyone's creativity get's celebrated.
Q: How do I post to the AO3 collection?
A. This AO3 instruction will walk you through each step. I also know not everyone on AO3 is comfortable posting directly to a collection - thats okay! I will create a collection bookmark to your work so that anyone perusing the event collection will still find it.
Q: What if I do not post work to AO3?
A: I will include links to non-AO3 works in that event collection's description. I will also make a post on Tumblr at the end of the fest with links to every person's work!
Q: what do I do if I am not done by my sign up date?
A: It's okay! Just send a message to let me know you are still working on it. I will keep an eye out for belated submissions and do my best to update the AO3 collection and Tumblr quickly to include your work! (And remember if you're writing a fic, it is okay to post just the first chapter for Cohen)
Q: What if I post earlier than my post date?
A: (Then you have a super power and myself and my legendary procrastination skills are very envious of it.) If you post your work early I will queue it up to promote on your original sign up date.
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curator-on-ao3 · 1 year
Please everyone admire the Andorian Una that @emilie786 made for me and said I could post!!! 🥲🥲🥲
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The backstory: I wrote a ficlet (from a prompt by @fiadorable) that included a disguised Una busting Chris out of an Orion slave market. With any alien disguise of the era possible, I chose for Una to be Andorian because @emilie786 loves Andorians (shout-out to her sideblog, @andorianicecave). So I made Una an Andorian for @emilie786, and @emilie786 made Una as an Andorian back for me using the excellent tool @star-trek-dumb-comics created and generously shared for everyone to use. AND THAT’S THE POWER OF FANDOM, PEOPLE! We listen and gift and lift each other up — and I love it! 💙💙💙
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fiadorable · 7 months
chief - a snw double drabble
🦾 Trektober Day Eight: Nightmares 🤝 La'an Noonien-Singh & Una Chin-Riley 📖 Una and La'an bunk together on the MLK Jr after her rescue from the Gorn
Una is having a nightmare.
I clutch my stuffed tiger, Chief, bury my face in her soft fur, then climb down to the bottom bunk.
Sweat soaks Una's pajama shirt. The blanket's tangled in her long legs. She opens her mouth, eyes closed. Screaming, but silent.
When I scream like that, Una wakes me up. She whispers my name like a prayer, rubs my back until I fall asleep again.
My hand is small on her cheek, her skin damp under my palm. She startles awake, breath ragged.
"Who're you running from?" I whisper. "Who's coming to get you?"
"No one, La'an," she says, eyes sharp, scanning the room. "Come here."
I crawl to the back of her bunk, near the wall. Una kicks the blanket free, covers me. She reaches up, pulls Chief down, tucks her in with us.
"I'm sorry I woke you," Una says. "Did I say anything?"
I shake my head. She never does. Neither do I.
"Good. Let's try to sleep."
She tucks her hands beneath her cheek. It makes me giggle. People don't actually sleep like that. She shushes me, smiling.
Una means "one". Alone. Like me. Like us. I hug Chief and sleep.
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armatofu · 5 months
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Al comienzo de los años 20 del siglo XX, (1924) la cocaína y la morfina eran de consumo  habitual en cabarets y locales nocturnos  de ciudades como Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia. Francia parecía ejercer una perniciosa influencia sobre nuestras fronteras. Se temía un contagio de una modernidad sobre la que poco se sabía realmente.
 Sexo y droga, una combinación difícil de superar, ni siquiera para el dictador Miguel Primo de Rivera que no supo librarse de sus embrujos y fue capaz de destituir a un juez que detuvo a su amante favorita, una prostituta andaluza conocida como La “Caoba” que además mercadeaba con la cocaína.
La “Caoba” frecuentaba el tablao flamenco, Villa Rosa, que nació de la mano de dos banderilleros y un picador como freiduría de” pescaito” y finos, entre la calle Gorguera y el callejón Álvarez Gato en 1911, y que en 1924 contaba con buenos cantaores como Antonio Chacón.  En los reservados del Villa Rosa solían perderse la elite política, militar, burgueses y el rey Alfonso XIII.  
Pero el protagonista del escándalo fue el  general Miguel Primo de Rivera, que sirvió en Marruecos, Cuba y Filipinas, estuvo seis años casado y tuvo seis hijos, su esposa Casilda Saenz de Heredia  murió precisamente de parto.  En su viudez, el general se convirtió en asiduo de casas de juego,cabarés, music halls, se rodeó de numerosas amantes como la cupletista Raquel Meller,  prostitutas, sobre todo, de la ya nombrada, la “Caoba” que fue detenida y procesada por tráfico de drogas y chantaje a un empresario.
Fue procesada por el juez, don José Prendes Pando. Es entonces cuando el dictador Primo de Rivera indica al magistrado que deje libre a su amante,  aduciendo que él era protector de jóvenes alegres. No cejó  hasta que el juez fue enviado a Albacete, expulsado de la carrera judicial y el  presidente del Tribunal Supremo, don Buenaventura Muñoz, que respaldó al magistrado,  fue jubilado anticipadamente.
 Hubo quien se atrevió a criticar abiertamente al dictador, como El Colegio de Abogados de Madrid, quien en junta general alzaron sus voces enérgicas y condenaron la intromisión del Dictador, emitiendo una nota de protesta. También se criticó en los círculos intelectuales alrededor del Ateneo de Madrid. Así lo hicieron su presidente, don Rodrigo Soriano y un miembro tan destacado como don Miguel de Unamuno, entonces vicerrector de la Universidad de Salamanca.
La “Caoba” salió de la cárcel y a ambos ateneístas la crítica les costó el destierro a Fuerteventura. Dicen que la última frase del catedrático en su clase de la Universidad de Salamanca fue: “Para el día próximo, lección siguiente”. El Ateneo fue clausurado.
 El Heraldo de Madrid, habló tambien sobre el tema, pero para evitar represalias contó que el suceso se había producido en Bulgaria y el protagonista era el primer ministro de este país. 
Unamuno al año del exilio publicó De Fuerteventura a París. Diario íntimo de confinamiento y destierro vertido en sonetos por Unamuno, una colección de textos y referencias a una España que se le negaba. También habló de La Caoba :
«Famoso se hizo el caso de la ramera, vendedora de drogas prohibidas por la ley y conocida por La Caoba, a la que un juez de Madrid hizo detener para registrar su casa y el Dictador le obligó a que la soltase y renunciara a procesarla por salir fiador de ella.
Cuando el caso se hizo público y el Rey, según parece, le llamó sobre ello la atención, se le revolvió la ingénita botaratería, perdió los estribos — no la cabeza, que no la tiene — y procedió contra el juez tratando de defenderse en unas notas en que se declaraba protector de las jóvenes alegres.
Aquellas notas han sido uno de los baldones más bochornosos que se han echado sobre España, a la que el Dictador ha tratado como a otra ramera de las que ha conocido en los burdeles. Se ha complacido en mostrar sus vergüenzas y en sobárselas delante de ella«.
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emonydeborah · 5 months
For the prompt game: 💜 surprise kiss / impulsive kiss (Pike/Una or Flynn/Eve)
"I don't care what she is, she's my f-"
"I don't like it either, but I have orders."
Chris clenched his jaw, but Batel was a brick wall. Her security officers escorted Una past him, and everything else fell away as Chris grabbed the closer one and incapacitated him in an instant.
"Captain." Chris looked up to the only voice that could have pulled him from his single-minded rage. Una gave him a warning look. "Don't. I've known this might happen for years."
Chris didn't release the security officer, frozen in his turmoil. Una glanced at Batel, and Batel nodded at her officers. Chris released the one he was holding, and they both backed off onto the transporter pad.
Una descended the stairs and slid between Chris and Batel, obscuring everything else from view.
"I'm not letting this happen," Chris said tightly. He tried to look over Una's shoulder at Batel, but Una shifted to keep her out of sight.
"Chris." Her voice soothed him despite himself. "I'll be okay." She raised her eyebrows and made sure she had his complete attention. "And so will you." She looked over the transporter room and her eyebrows furrowed very slightly, like she never expected to see it again.
Chris's heart rate shot up, but Una looked back into his eyes with an intensity he had never seen from her. She squared her shoulders decisively.
And then her hands were on his face and she was kissing him, fiercely and desperately and like she would never get another chance.
Even in his confused state, Chris was smart enough to kiss her back. But before he could wrap his arms around her she broke away and strode onto the transporter platform, leaving him staring after her in shock.
"Energize," Batel ordered. Her eyes were flinty.
Una allowed the officers to grab her arms again, and when she met Chris's eyes she didn't smile, but she looked lighter. She shimmered out of sight, and Chris didn't look away until long after she disappeared.
@fiadorable thanks for the prompt :)
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