#fiat goodbye to grey
cafedeotocom · 1 year
Fiat, Renkleniyor
FIAT modellerindeki renkler, İtalyan Denizi, Güneş, Dünya ve Gökyüzü'nden esinlenmekte.
FIAT modellerindeki renkler, İtalyan Denizi, Güneş, Dünya ve Gökyüzü’nden esinlenmekte. Bugünden itibaren, FIAT gri renkteki arabaların üretimini durdurdu. Bu karar, renklerin yaşamdaki önemini artırmak, İtalyan yaşam tarzını temsil etmek ve Marka’nın Yeni Dolce Vita değerini yeniden teyit etmek amacıyla alındı. İtalya gerçekten de İtalya Denizi, İtalya Güneşi, İtalya Dünyası ve İtalya Gökyüzü…
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Sherlock x Mute!Reader •Part1•
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„So, do you guys know what you want to eat?", asked John Watson in a slightly impatient tone. You could tell that he was hungry and did not felt like waiting any longer, just because the Holmes brothers made an eye-contact-battle.
Mycroft cleared his throat and gave the menu a quick look.
„Yes", he said and waved a young girl with a white apron over to the table.
You saw a man at a table right in front of the window waving so you quickly made your way to him. On the way, you struggled to get your notebook out of your pockets from the apron but had it in your hands, right at the moment when the man began speaking.
"One steak and one spaghetti.", he said and turned away from you again.
How rude, you thought, but nodded in a polite way and smiled.
Then you looked at the guy sitting on the right side of the table, wanting to know what he was going to order, but the man wasn't even looking up to you. His eyes were fixed on a paper that was lying in front of him on the table. You already knew him.
Since you have started to work at the Café you saw him now and then, always sitting at the same table, never ordering something to eat, rarely a cup of tea.
"Nothing for me, thank you.", he suddenly said and changed the pages of his paper.
Puzzled you let your pen slide back in your pockets, nodded once again and turned around.
"Why aren't you going to eat?", the men who ordered the food asked and just got a cold: "I don't eat when I'm working, digestion slows me down.", as a response.
"How did you know what I was going to order?", you heard one of the men asking as you walked back to the counter to give the cook your note.
You turned around again to face into the direction of the three men.
The man with the short dark hair, well the 'rude man' to put it into better words, just opened his mouth to say something, but got cut off by the guy in front of him.
"Your finger John, ", he said, his eyes still analyzing the papers in front of him. "It's on Spaghetti."
The man, called John, sighted and turned his glance to the window: "Obvious. Of course."
"WAITER!", someone suddenly yelled and you winced, nearly dropping your notebook.
You looked around to meet the gaze of two angry-looking men which were wearing expensive-looking suits and hats, black leather gloves and were smoking a strong cigar, you could smell it, even though you were on the other end of the Café.
Slowly you walked to the two men and bowed slightly, which was meant as an excuse.
"Not even an apology. Tsk.", the man with the cigar in his hand said and dumped the ash down into a vase.
You took the cigar out of his hand angrily but also carefully.
He rapidly stood up from his chair and crashed his fist onto the wooden table.
You flinched back a little but calmly pointed to a sign over the counter.
It showed a red crossed out cigarette.
Unwillingly he slowly sat down again, still glaring at you, but you just responded with a sweet smile.
You went to the counter again, putting the cigar into a trash bin and came back to the table, whipping your pen out and holding it over your notebook, ready to write.
Since none of them was talking to you, you looked the man on your right into his eyes, raised an eyebrow and tilted your head a bit. Your way of asking what he wanted to order.
After some seconds the man understood: " Two Cappuccino, please."
You nodded and gave him a polite smile again. Hearing the other man getting something out of his pocket, you looked at him, noticing that he just fetched a new cigar.
You gave him a warning look before bringing the cook the note with the two Cappuccino.
Right in time.
He was just placing two plates on the counter, took a peep at the note, looked at you and you nodded. Making the drinks was your job and you knew it, but the cook, or well the Chef, with his brown hair tied up into a plait, and his big belly, stretching the white shirt, always wanted to make sure. He was a nice guy, never being angry, even when you made mistakes, he was always calm.
And for some reason, the man that never eats here did not need to pay his orders, which also counts for his friend, John.
You learned that right on your first day here and embarrassed yourself.
The Chef went back into his kitchen and you behind the counter, making two cappuccino and some black tea.
You wanted to be attentive towards the man who was here so often and thought it would be a good idea to bring him a cup of tea. He does not need to pay it anyway.
You took the water boiler off of his socket and poured the hot water into a cup with a black teabag.
And over your hand.
You pulled your hand back out of reflex and squeezed your eyes tight, whimpering silent because of the pain pulsing in your right hand.
Fast you let cool water run over it and flinched as the water hit your burned spot.
With tears in your eyes, you grabbed a little can of milk and poured a bit into the tea.
Blinking the teardrops away you grabbed the two plates in your left and the tea in your right hand, bringing it to the table with the 3 men.
You placed the food in front of John and the 'rude-man' and the tea in front of the other man.
He was still looking at his papers, ruffling his hands through his brown, messy hair.
"Thank you.", he said in his warm voice while continuing to dead glare the black letters on the paper. "And hold your hand under lukewarm water, because of your burn."
You nodded, confused, about the fact that he knew that you burned yourself but put it off with the explanation that he saw your red hand.
Over 30 minutes had passed now and your hand still felt like it was burning. You placed it under water, put ice on it, holding it under water again but it just wouldn't get better.
It even got difficult to carry plates and glasses with your right hand, forcing you to go more often to a table because you couldn't carry it all at once anymore.
Luckily the Cafè wasn't well patronized today so you could spend some time on cooling your hand.
You just wiped your hand dry as you noticed John and the other men standing up from the table.
Hurriedly you wrote the price of the steak on a paper from your notebook and ripped it out while rushing to them, giving the 'rude-man' the bill.
He looked at you with a raised eyebrow: "Why do I have to pay? I thought Sherlock gets free food here.", he said arrogant and wanted to return his bill, but you already wrote something on a new one and showed it to him: 'Fiat from the Chef, sorry".
Groaning he pulled his wallet out of his pant pockets and gave you the exact sum.
You looked at him disappointed. Not even a little tip. Are you this bad at your job or is this guy just as rude as a tart?
"Where's Sherlock?", John suddenly asked and looked around the Cafè. You also looked around but he was nowhere to be seen. "He already left?", John asked again but you just shook your head before going to the counter to put the money into the till.
From the corner of your eye, you saw someone moving next to you.
You looked up and saw Sherlock standing next to you with your Jacket over his arm.
Wondering you replied his eye contact and tilted your head again like you always do when you wait for an answer.
"Come with us. I already talked to the Chef, don't worry. John needs to look at your hand, he is a doctor.", he said and walked to the front door.
Confused you took of your apron and hung it onto a hash on the wall, following Sherlock, who was already waiting outside.
Your mother always told you not to go with strangers, but it felt like you already knew him for a long time.
Well, you knew which kind of tea he liked with how much milk if that isn't something.
Sherlock was heading for a door left from the Cafè with the Number "221B" written on it.
He unlocked the door and went in, the 'rude-no-tip-man' called for Sherlock: " Are you going to attend the matter??"
"Yes, yes, maybe.", it came out of the house.
"It is from national concernment!"
"I know Mycroft."
Sighing he turned to John: " Goodbye, Doctor Watson.", and turned to the street to wave for a cab.
"Goodbye.", he responded.
You followed Sherlock into the house, John gave you the advantage so you needed to look around for the door in which Sherlock went by yourself.
But since only one door was open, you found it easily.
With an uncomfortable feeling, you stepped into the room.
It smelled like cigarette smoke and it definitely needed to be a window opened to let some fresh air inside. On your right side was a big yellow Smiley drawn on the wall with... holes.
You wondered what they were but Sherlock already answered: "Gunshots."
You looked at him blank.
Your head slowly tilted to the side and you furrowed your eyebrows.
He waved the sentence with his hand out of the air and pointed to a grey leather armchair, next to a brown-red fireplace.
"Sit down, John will take care of your hand.", he said and walked into what looked like a kitchen.
You set down on the armchair and sank into it. It was really comfortable, you had to admit
and you liked the big red carpet right under your feed.
John came through the door with a small white box in his hands. He smiled at you and kneeled down before you.
"Give me your hand", he said, opening the box with his right and carefully grabbing your hand with his left.
He sprayed something on it which smelled like sanitizer then rubbed a white cream on it and bind your hand with a bandage.
You smiled thankfully at him and tried to move your fingers, but a sharp pain rushed through your hand and made the once cold cream felt burning hot.
"No, no. don't move it. I am going to give you a new bandage with cream tomorrow and in 2-3 days it should be better again.", he informed you and closed the white box again.
Then he stood up and slumped into the red armchair in front of you.
"So, what's your name?", he asked you, still with this warm smile on his face. It seemed like he still hasn't noticed that you were mute. You automatically grabbed to your pocket, to get your notebook, but it was empty.
Then you remembered. You forgot to take it out of your apron. Goddammit!
Now you were sitting there, helplessly looking back at John Watson.
"She is mute.", Sherlock said, coming out of the kitchen and walking over to a messy desk, taking a paper and pen from it and giving it to you.
"Oh.", John answered surprised. "I thought she was just very shy. How did you notice?"
"She didn't talk one word back in the Cafè, even when she was scared. Do you remember? The two guys with the cigar? "
You scrawly wrote something under your name on the paper and showed it to Sherlock.
'I was NOT scared!'
"Of course, of course."
"That's all why you knew she is mute?", John asked again and got a disappointed look from Sherlock.
"My good friend, John, you are the doctor here. I assumed that you would notice the characteristics of a mute human-being! Especially because she got a thin scar on her throat."
"Yes, yes! My god Sherlock, I admit that I am a man with a small little brain which is, like you say, boring inside.", John huffed. " What was her name again?"
"Y/N.", Sherlock answered.
"Why are you letting her sit on your chair anyway?"
"Because she is hurt."
"You normally never let someone sit in your chair, no matter if they are hurt or not."
"She brings me tea."
"Mrs Hudson also brings you tea."
"Mrs Hudson isn't making the tea right."
"Ah. Of course.", John rolled his eyes at Sherlock.
He just ignored him and gave you something, which he was holding in his hand the whole time.
"For the tea.", he said with the same expression on his face like always. It wasn't a deadly serious expression, just a nonemotional, even though you thought his eyes were looking more gentle than usual.
Part two will be up next weekend! 😊
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lupiiifics · 3 years
Lucky To Love You
Fic #2 Posted on AO3 on October 1, 2021 for Luzeni Friday on Twitter.
A/N: I swear my stories aren't going to be formatted like this. It's just that I formatted it to fit AO3 so I wasn't sure how to split the chapters here. I didn't want to post them separately, so this is how I did it. Hope it's not too jarring. Next story will be posted on October 8, 2021.
Summary: Zenigata and Lupin agree to a date in Lupin's jail cell. Some hijinks occur, but it's mostly just pining and fluff.
Word Count: 6,988
Chapter 1:
"He's coming."
Goemon appeared between Lupin and Jigen's shoulders, the first sign of him being the hilt of Zantetsuken. His hand gripped the shoulder of the seat in front of him, and Lupin looked back just in time to see blue lights flashing in the distance.
" Shit . How do you do that?" He asked, glancing at the samurai. "I thought we'd have a clean getaway tonight, but it looks like Pops has other plans."
"I thought you kept this one secret? How'd he find us?" Jigen asked.
Lupin shrugged. "Dunno. That guy has some sixth sense when it comes to us."
"When it comes to you , you mean," Jigen corrected. He pulled his Magnum from its holster and popped the chamber to count the amount of bullets. "Want me to take care of him?"
"Maybe. How many are there?"
Jigen turned in his seat, peering past Goemon to stare out the back windshield. "It's just him and his lacky. No one else."
Lupin nodded, tightening his grip on the steering wheel. "Hold off for now. I'll signal you when I need you to slow 'em down."
Jigen lowered his hand but didn't put away his gun. "What're you plannin'?"
Lupin waved a hand in front of them, steadily accelerating to try and outrun their pursuers. They were fast approaching a large copse of trees, the plush green blur becoming clearer as the seconds passed. "I'm gonna try and lose them."
"You sure?" Jigen angled his head upwards until one of his eyes was visible, his bangs peaking through to frame his face. "I could at least stall them."
"Don't waste your ammunition. Save it for when we really need it."
Jigen shrugged, leaning back to kick his feet up on the dash. He pushed his hat down over his face again and stuffed a cigarette from his pocket into his mouth. "Suit yourself. Just don't complain to me later when he catches you."
"He won't catch me," Lupin said, matter-of-factly. "I'm Lupin the Third!"
"That hasn't stopped him before," Jigen muttered. “That guy can’t resist putting his handcuffs on you, can he?”
Lupin grinned, glancing through the rearview mirror again. “Hey, I can’t help being irresistible. It comes with the charm of being me!”
The blue lights were fast approaching, as was the forest. He slammed on the breaks and pressed the clutch to the floor, shifting down until he felt the car catch enough to turn. He jerked the steering wheel, pressing Jigen up against the passenger side door, and throwing Goemon against the back seat. He came up with a glare on his face, his fierce stare peering at him through the rearview mirror.
“You could have warned us,” Goemon said, gripping Zantetsuken. The debris from their sudden shift fell through the sunroof, covering each of them in fallen branches, leaves, and dirt. Lupin ignored the yells of protest coming from his two partners, pressing down the small dirt road in hopes of losing Zenigata. The blue lights still stubbornly pursued them, however, a permanent fixture in the reflection of his mirrors.
The sound of the sirens mixed with the sound of crunching metal as long grey streaks appeared along the sides of his precious Fiat. He pressed his cheek against his window, watching as the trees scratched his car. “ Fuck . Pops is gonna owe me for this one.”
“Ain’t the first time I’ve heard you say that,” Jigen drew a pull from his cigarette, blowing the smoke out through his nose. “You gonna actually hold him to it, this time?”
Lupin leaned forward, shifting as he accelerated deeper into the forest. It was a bumpy ride, throwing each of them around the car as the forest grew more narrow.
“Hush you,” Lupin said. He leaned over, not taking his eyes off the path ahead of him. “Gimme a taste of that, would ya?”
“Thought you hated Marlboros?”
Lupin craned his head, shrugging. “Can’t really pull one of mine out right now, can I? I’m driving.”
Jigen huffed. “Fine. Here.”
He held the cigarette out and allowed Lupin to suck on the end of it. As soon as he pulled away, he crushed the cigarette between his fingers, shoving it into the car’s ashtray and pulling another from the pocket of his jacket.
Lupin laughed the smoke forward to filter against the windshield. It rose overhead and escaped through the sunroof. “Grumpy much, Jiji?”
Jigen ignored him, lighting his brand new cigarette. Goemon leaned forward between them again, his face grim and his hair dotted with leaves and spots of dirt.
“The car will not last,” he said, indicating their slowing speed with the hilt of his sword. “Zenigata will catch up.”
Lupin looked between the samurai and the speedometer. “What? No! She can’t give up on us now!”
Jigen held up his Magnum again, eyes glinting with obvious mirth. “You want me to slow them down now?”
The car began to sputter, dying like a star at the end of its lifecycle. “I’m not sure there’s much point. Looks like we’re running from here. Goemon, you got the stuff?”
Goemon held up a duffle bag full of loot, the pockets glimmering with various pieces of gold, silver, and whatever else they could find that they deemed worth enough to take. He hefted it against the top of one of his shoulders, hopping through the sunroof right as the car came to a stop at the end of a clearing. He drew Zantetsuken in one fluid motion, sending the surrounding trees crashing to block Zenigata’s pursuit. They could hear the inspector yelling on the other side, obviously frustrated to be stopped in his goal of catching them.
“LUPIN! Move these trees, dammit!”
“Sorry, Pops!” Lupin shouted over the chaos. “But I’ve gotta run.”
“Oh no you don’t!”
Zenigata exited his police car and began climbing the fallen trees. When Jigen and Goemon saw this, they began to back away.
“Whelp, I’m outta here. You comin’, Goemon?”
The samurai nodded. “I’m right behind you, Jigen.”
Lupin turned to follow them, but found his arm restrained by a familiar set of handcuffs. He looked back, and found Zenigata half slumped over the trees, grinning at him with a thick rope clutched between his fingers. “I’ve got you now, Lupin!”
Lupin turned toward his friends, watching as they continued to run away from him. “Wait, no. Guys, help me !”
Jigen gave him a sympathetic look while Goemon remained stoic in their escape.
“Sorry, boss,” Jigen said, “but we gotta keep the goods safe, right?”
“No! You’ve got to keep me safe, you bastards!”
Jigen ignored him. “We’ll be sure to give you your share when you escape, okay boss? See ya later!”
“What?! No. Jigen , get your ass back here.”
They disappeared out of the clearing, leaving Lupin alone with Zenigata and Yata. Lupin slowly turned to find Zenigata standing behind his shoulder, tugging his hand up to grin at the cuffs.
“Thought you could escape from me, did you?” He asked. He untied the rope and grabbed Lupin’s other hand to trap behind his back. “Now you’re coming back with us to the station.”
“Aw, but Pops. Tonight was supposed to be a quiet night. I didn’t even send out a calling card.”
“I don’t care!” Zenigata beamed, his face absolutely alight with pride. “Wherever you go, I follow, remember?"
Lupin hunched his shoulders and blew out a defeated sigh. "Normally I'd call that romantic, but with you I'm not so sure."
"Call it whatever you want. You're not getting away this time, Lupin ," Zenigata said. He turned toward the pile of trees and pulled Lupin along with him. "Yata! Come help me load our prisoner."
"Yes, sir!" Yata poked his head up from where he had climbed the trees, reaching an arm down to do just as Zenigata had asked. "Boost him up. I’ll pull.”
Zenigata fumbled with his cellphone, struggling to dial the number of his police chief. Yata did his best to help him, but there wasn't much he could do for a man as stubborn as the Inspector. Lupin watched helplessly from the back seat, listening as the two bickered.
"Just let me dial the number—"
"No, I already told you I got it. Here, look. See? It's ringing!"
Zenigata held the phone gleefully to his ear, a large grin spreading across his face. Yata's expression was a little less enthusiastic, exhausted against his superior's relentless tenacity.
Zenigata didn't notice this. His voice was bright as he said, "hello? Chief? Yeah, we got 'em! We caught Lupin. We're transporting now."
Lupin had already slipped his cuffs, but his escape was thwarted by this car's lack of back-door handles. This wasn't Zenigata's typical police car. It didn't have a sunroof either.
He wrapped his arms around the headrests of the seats in front of him, leaning to poke his head between the two police officers. Yata jumped when he noticed the thief, while Zenigata ignored him and finished his report.
"We'll be there in an hour. Have his cell prepped and ready for me, alright? Yes, sir. I'll give you the full run-down once I have Lupin locked up tight."
"Sir—" Yata sputtered, staring wide-eyed at Lupin. He held his hand to his holstered handgun, ready to use it if Lupin decided to try anything hasty. Zenigata remained calm as he felt Lupin snake his hand around his left shoulder. He simply said his goodbyes, hung up the phone, and turned to look at their prisoner.
“You slipped your cuffs,” he said, voice flat.
Lupin held up the cuffs in question, hanging them off the top of his forefinger. He grinned. “You know me, Pops. I’ve never been one to be restrained.”
“I beg to differ,” Zenigata said. “Seeing as I’ve got you where I want you, and we’re heading back to the station now.”
Lupin shrugged and fell back against his seat. "I'll find a way out of this. I always do. You got a smoke?"
Zenigata grumbled, much of his initial enthusiasm gone from his body language. He rummaged through his pocket for his cigarettes and lighter, pulling one out, lighting it, and handing it back to Lupin. Yata stared at him as the cigarette left his lips, his entire face twisted in confusion.
"You're actually giving him one?"
Zenigata shrugged. "They haven't been tampered with, so why not? Not like he'll get many opportunities in prison anyway."
Yata slumped his shoulders. "You're too kind, Inspector. He's a thief!"
"Hey, just ‘cause he’s a thief, doesn’t mean I can’t treat him with respect.” Zenigata said.
Yata sighed, and Lupin laughed at the reserved look on the young police officer’s face. This earned him a glare worthy of Goemon, and Lupin’s laughter only got louder.
“Zenigata, with all due respect, you’re hopeless…”
His cell was at the back of the police station, past the rows of office desks, people, and officers. The room was dark and windowless, with lights that were controlled by whoever was guarding him. The cell door was heavy and automated, with no obvious control panel, nor way Lupin could conceivably hack it. He realized then that this cell had been specifically created to contain him, at least temporarily, until they could figure out a way to keep him from escaping. It was kind of impressive actually, until he realized the reality of what that would mean.
“You’ve been doing your research,” Lupin said, looking around. There was a bed suspended by wire in the corner of the room, and a mirror and toilet behind a wall for him to use.
“Told you you weren’t going anywhere,” Zenigata said. He pressed his hand against the back of Lupin’s shoulder, pushing him forward into the cell. “Welcome to your new home, Lupin~”
Lupin was beginning to panic, though he hid it under a veneer of careful planning. He straightened the orange jumpsuit they’d forced him into. Anything to make him look, and feel, composed. “ Temporary home, you mean. You know I’ll bust outta here eventually.”
Zenigata smiled at him and started to turn to leave the cell. “Whatever you say, Lupin.”
Lupin stumbled forward, unaware of the movement until it was actually happening. He caught Zenigata’s wrist in a plea to get him to stop. “Wait.”
“What?” Zenigata raised a dark eyebrow at him, turning to stare at their intertwined arms. “Do you need something?”
“Let’s make a deal.”
“A deal?” Zenigata shook his head, pulling away. “I don’t make deals with criminals, Lupin. You know that.”
Lupin was desperate. “A bet then. If I can make it through a week, you have to go on a date with me.”
Zenigata’s face flushed red and he took a step backwards. “A date ? Are you out of your mind?”
“Probably,” Lupin said, “but anyway. What do you say? Will you accept?”
Zenigata pressed his back against the cell door, face still flushed with what Lupin thought was embarrassment. “Don’t you have Fujiko? Or Jigen? Why would you want me ?”
“Why wouldn’t I want you?” Lupin asked, genuinely surprised. “You’re my rival , Zenigata. No cop in the world has ever managed to capture me for more than a night, and you’ve done it more than I can count. You’re my equal .”
“What about the others?” Zenigata asked. “Won’t they be angry?”
Lupin waved a hand. “Nah, they won’t care.”
Zenigata spluttered. “But isn’t that… cheating?”
“ Zenigata …” Lupin stared at him, a smile slowly growing to meet his eyes. “People can be polyamorous.”
Lupin edged toward the inspector eagerly. “So? What do you say?”
Zenigata rubbed his face. He was silent for several moments, seemingly going over the pros and cons in his head.
“This isn’t some plan to escape, is it?”
Lupin shrugged. “That depends. Where will the date take place?”
Zenigata scanned the room with his eyes, a plan slowly forming in his mind. “Here.”
“Really? How?”
“We’ll figure it out,” Zenigata said, “but we’re sure as Hell not doing it anywhere else.”
Lupin drooped his shoulders, disappointed that his idea hadn’t quite worked how he expected. “Aw, you’re no fun.”
“Just be glad I’m gonna let you do this at all.”
“So is that a yes?”
Zenigata looked like he was about to sign his soul away. He exhaled and rolled his shoulders. “ Yes , but only if you make it a week. Otherwise, the entire thing is off.”
Lupin shouted his excitement, throwing his arms around the inspector’s shoulders. “I’m looking forward to it!”
Zenigata allowed Lupin to nuzzle into his neck for a moment, enjoying the contact as much as he could allow. A moment later, he pried the thief off of him, and missed the warmth of his arms almost immediately. “Seven days,” he said. He held up seven fingers. “One week from today, or the date’s off.”
Lupin saluted him loyally, stepping back with a grin bright on his face. “Yes, sir! One week.”
Zenigata gave Lupin a small smile, stepping to turn back to the door. He paused for a width of a second, expecting something else, but the only sound he heard was the squeak of Lupin’s bed as the prisoner climbed into it. He wasn’t sure why he was disappointed as he left the jail cell. There shouldn’t have been anything else he was expecting.
As soon as the door closed, and Lupin was sure Zenigata was gone, he tugged at the edge of his ear until a small earpiece popped out into his hand. He played with the contraption for several seconds, bending and contracting it until he had it how he liked it. Then he hooked it back to the plastic by his ear, and grinned when he heard the other end pick up.
Jigen sounded tired as he answered, and Lupin wondered if he had woken him. “Boss?”
“Hey, Jiji . Listen. I need a favor.”
Chapter 2:
Report #1, Zenigata Koichi. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department:
“Day one of Lupin’s imprisonment was an overall success. Lupin himself was cooperative. He answered my questions, followed orders, and did his best to seem like a perfect prisoner. Most of his first day was spent lounging on the bed. When I asked if he needed anything, he requested extra blankets. This seemed to be for comfort, as he used them as pillows and laid one over the sheets on the mattress. Otherwise, there is nothing else to report. He asked me for details on the date, and I hesitated to answer. I’m still not sure what I’m feeling over our bet, but my heart keeps skipping beats. Maybe I should go see a doctor?”
Report #2, Zenigata Koichi. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department:
“Day two came with a string of complications, none of which seemed to affect Lupin or his seemingly unwavering determination to make it through this week. I hadn’t expected him to be so positive throughout this experience. So far he’s been nothing but smiles when in the past, it was always grandeur and posturing. I feel like he’s hiding something from me, though I can’t figure out what. I will get to the bottom of it, however. He can’t hide from me! I know all his secrets. Also… he called me ‘handsome.’ I’m not sure if that’s information I should share in my reports, but I can’t stop thinking about it.”
Report #3, Zenigata Koichi. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department:
“I think his facade is starting to crack. When I approached his cell at the beginning of my shift, I found him shouting orders to the men guarding his door. Of course, this stopped once I announced myself. The men wouldn’t answer me when I asked what he had been shouting about. Instead, they told me it was nothing and, even when ordered, ignored me when I asked them to tell me. I entered Lupin’s cell angry, which was a mistake, because he caught me off guard with a hug from behind. I was so startled that I threw him off. Of course, he laughed about it. Sometimes I forget how damn good of a man Lupin can be. It takes a lot to piss him off. Apparently throwing him against a wall isn’t enough to break him down.”
Report #4, Zenigata Koichi. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department:
“Day 4 and I think Yata has finally given up on me. He refuses to work with me on Lupin’s imprisonment, instead choosing to pursue the other three. So far, he hasn’t made much leeway. I warned him that this would be the case. Lupin might have screwed up by allowing himself to get caught, but Jigen and Goemon are a whole other monster when put together. And who even knows what’s going on with Fujiko? Lupin doesn’t seem to know where she is, but he’s not concerned, so neither am I. I instructed Yata to keep looking, if only to keep him from judging me. He seems disappointed in my deal with Lupin. Personally, I don’t see the issue with it if it keeps him in jail. We’ll have to see how it goes. That is, if Lupin makes it through all 7 days and Yata stops sighing whenever he looks at me.
Lupin was just as sugar-coated as usual today. He kept asking me opinions on things we could do during our date. I’m not sure if that was his way of flirting with me or if he was simply trying to make small talk. He does seem fairly sincere in his affections, but Lupin is like that with a lot of people. I don’t know if I can trust him. The men cheered when I exited the cell and I found several post-it notes with words of encouragement at my desk. I’m not certain I like what they’re all getting at.”
Report #5, Zenigata Koichi. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department:
“We ran into our first actual issue with Lupin today. He seemed oddly defeated when I visited him in his cell, though he put up a facade almost as soon as he noticed me. Otherwise, he was energetic. I don’t know if being in the cell is starting to take its toll, or if he’s accepted his future imprisonment. He wasn’t lying when he said I’d done my research. The cell itself is tailor made to keep him contained, plus it’s at the back of the police station. If he were to escape, he’d have to go through me and every officer on duty in the office. He might be a master thief who had escaped from impossible odds time and time again, but everyone has their limit. He is just one man, and as far as Yata has told me, there’s no sign of Jigen or Goemon on their way to save him. As far as I can tell, they’ve abandoned him. Maybe that’s why he’s so listless? He’s probably missing his partners. I’ll try my best to make him happy during his time here, if only to wipe that hurt puppy look off his stupid monkey face.”
Report #6, Zenigata Koichi. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department:
“I can tell Lupin is trying to come up with a way of escaping after our date in two days. He was restless when I found him this morning. I don’t think he’s really slept since I caught him, and while that shouldn’t concern me, it does. I tried asking him about how he was feeling, and he just dodged the question. I wonder if this is what he’s like with all of his partners. Is he open with Jigen, Fujiko, and Goemon? Or does he thrive on hiding behind a mask? He seems to be trying to convince me he’s fine, but I can see he’s not. I don’t think he likes being alone. He thrives off of other people, but I can hardly let him around other prisoners. It’s not that he’s particularly dangerous. He’s rarely even violent. He’s just flighty. If I let him anywhere but the bath house and his cell, he’ll get too many ideas and be out of my hands before I even know it. Maybe that’s not a risk right now with our date at the end of the week, but it becomes a risk as soon as that date is over. I’m not sure if this entire thing is just some elaborate scheme to take advantage of me, but he does seem to actually like me. I keep asking what it is he sees in me, an old police inspector, and he keeps saying the same thing. We’re destined rivals, which means we’re destined to be together.”
Report #7, Zenigata Koichi. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department:
“The date is tomorrow night, which seems to have revived Lupin’s spirits a bit. He gave me a hug again when I entered his cell, though he waited until I could see him before actually doing it. This time, I didn’t throw him off me, though part of me kind of wanted to. I just can’t wrap my head around what’s happening here. We’re on the opposite sides of the law. I shouldn’t have this pressing need for him to be nearby, but I do. I’ve tried so long to push these feelings aside, or to channel them into capturing him, and now that I have, I don’t know what to do with myself. I’ve started to realize that this is the way it’s always been. That my desire to capture him was more than just my job. It was personal, and I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do about that. The men seem supportive, with the only detracting person still being Yata. He seems to have overall accepted the fact that this is something that’s happening. I don’t know how to explain to him why I have to do this. Hopefully, he’ll eventually understand.”
Report #8, Zenigata Koichi. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department:
“I still think Lupin is hiding something from me, and when I tried to ask about it, he once again ignored me. For now, I’m giving up on figuring it out by focusing on tonight. Lupin seemed over the moon when I talked to him about it this morning. I’m mostly nervous. I’m getting off an hour early to go home and prepare. The men seemed excited for me. They kept cheering me on about it. They even got Yata to join in, though he seemed embarrassed. It makes me happy to finally see him come around. Yata’s still new to this. I think it’s taken him a while to understand that the life of someone like us is not all about catching criminals. Sometimes, it’s about capturing them and then going on dates with them. I still can’t believe I agreed to do this.”
Chapter 3:
Zenigata pulled up to the police station embarrassed.
He was dressed in a dark brown pinstripe suit, with a pristine white dress shirt, a cream and gold striped tie, and an old pair dress shoes. He felt oddly stuffy when walking into the station. Like he looked out of place. Most of the people on duty complimented him as he passed, and suddenly he wished he had not gone without his hat. At least with it he could hide, and maybe get rid of this feeling of wanting to flee. This was Lupin’s reward, after all. He couldn’t back out now, not when the thief had buckled down and done what he had promised to, anyway.
He noticed about halfway through the office that most of his colleagues wouldn’t look him in the eye. Normally this wouldn’t be something that bothered him. He could be intimidating, especially to younger officers, based on his title alone, but this was different. People he’d worked with for years didn’t quite meet his gaze. They dodged his questions, welcomed him and asked him what he had planned, but they didn’t look at him. It got to the point that he thought something was wrong with the way he looked, and a wave of self-consciousness washed over him once again.
The only outlier was Yata, who led him back to Lupin’s cell with the same smile he always had on his face. He treated Zenigata as he normally did, and for the moment, that helped to calm him down.
“Is something wrong?” Zenigata asked as they passed the rows of desks.
Yata shook his head. “I don’t believe so. Why do you ask?”
“It’s just that everyone seems to be acting weird.”
Yata shrugged. “It’s not everyday a police inspector has a date with a world-renowned criminal. I’m not sure it’s surprising that they’re acting differently.”
Zenigata shifted the basket he had brought with him to rest under one of his arms. “You’re not mad at me, are you?”
Yata looked back, holding out his keycard, but not actually scanning it against the hidden scanner quite yet. “No. Why would I be mad?”
Zenigata rubbed his neck. “Well, I know this isn’t quite what you expected when you agreed to become my partner.”
Yata laughed and it surprised him. “With all due respect, sir, nothing we’ve done so far has been what I was expecting. It’s been fun though, and I hope we continue to work together.”
“So you’re really not upset at me?”
“No. I thought it was odd at first, but then the men reminded me that this is always how it’s been between you and Lupin.”
Zenigata was astonished. “That’s not true…”
Yata smiled. “Are you sure? From what they tell me, you’ve always been smitten with him.”
“That’s… okay, probably true, but I don’t know if ‘always’ is the word I’d use.”
“Whatever you say, Inspector.” Yata scanned the keycard, and punched in a code that was linked to his work phone. “You ready?”
Zenigata sighed, looking down at himself and the basket. He looked back up to Yata and nodded. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”
The feeling of nervousness was so strong his chest hurt. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting as Yata opened the door. Maybe it would be empty? Maybe this was how they discovered how Lupin had played them? Maybe it would be normal? He didn’t know.
What he wasn’t expecting was the sound of music, the smell of scented wax candles, or the shuffle of feet as Lupin rushed to finish whatever it was he was preparing. He stepped through to see the thief turn on his heel, greeting Zenigata just as the door to his cell slammed shut behind him.
“Pops! Welcome!” Lupin swung his arms aside to showcase what he had been working on. It was then Zenigata noticed that both the room, and Lupin, had been transformed to match that of some fancy French restaurant. There was a tall circular table in the middle of the room, covered by a bright white sheet. On this table sat a basket of red wine and two crystalline glasses, as well as two tall candles and a single red rose in a vase. On the floor near the table was a small black cassette radio playing a song Zenigata didn’t recognize. It said,
“ I ain't got any worries
And I ain't got any money
But luck seems to follow
Wherever I go
When you said hello
My luck disappeared
You didn't even know I cared. ”
Lupin wore a black three piece suit, fancier than anything Zenigata owned, with a white ruffled blouse, and shiny silver cufflinks. He was so surprised by this, he didn’t even hug back when the thief wrapped his arms around his shoulders. His mind was too preoccupied with trying to figure out how he’d done this, along with processing just how good Lupin looked in that suit.
“What is this?” Zenigata asked, voice weak.
Lupin pulled away from him and smiled. He led Zenigata to the table, and pulled out one of the two chairs for him to take. “Our date,” he said. “It’s not much, but I hope you like it.”
“How? How did you do this?”
Lupin’s smile turned into a grin. He picked up the glasses and placed one in front of Zenigata. “I enlisted the help of your men. They planned everything. All I did was order some stuff for Jigen to drop off. Like this wine, or my favorite suit.”
“They… really? Is that why they wouldn’t look at me as I was walking in?”
Lupin shrugged. “I guess they didn’t want to ruin the surprise. What do you think? Did they do a good job?”
“It’s perfect,” Zenigata said, still shellshocked. “Wait, did you say you’ve spoken to Jigen?”
“Yes, but not about escaping. I’ve kept my promise.”
“That’s not what I’m concerned about. I just want to know how.”
Lupin looked guilty, and pulled at something at the top of his left ear. A thin flesh colored piece of metal appeared between his fingers and Lupin held it out to show him. “This is how. It’s an antenna with a builtin speaker and microphone. I connect it to this,” he removed another piece by his ear,  “and I can talk to whoever it’s connected to like a cellphone.”
“Shit, didn’t think of that,” Zenigata said. He wasn’t really surprised. With the amount of contraptions Lupin had on his person at any one time, it was impossible to be alarmed by missing something.
Lupin’s expression of guilt shifted to pride and he grinned. “Clever isn’t it? I came up with it for situations just like this.”
“You came up with it for dates with police inspectors?” Zenigata smiled, watching as Lupin’s expression shifted once more into disdain.
“Quit being facetious. You know what I invented it for. Now drink your wine.”
Zenigata nodded and picked up his glass. “About that. You said Jigen dropped this off? How’d he do that without being caught?”
Lupin took a sip of his own glass, tipping it toward him. “He disguised himself as one of your officers. Said something about finding everything I asked for dropped off at the door with a note attached saying, ‘For Lupin.’”
“And they didn’t notice?”
Lupin bobbed his head. “What can I say? There’s truly no one out there like you, Pops.”
“For tonight, call me Koichi. This is a date, isn’t it?”
Lupin laughed. “Yes it is. Doesn’t that mean you should call me Arsène?”
“Do you want me to?” Zenigata asked.
Lupin hid his face in his glass. “I wouldn’t be against it, though I cannot remember the last time someone called me by my first name. It might have been right before my grandfather died. I can’t be sure.”
“Well, Arsène , if it’s any consolation, I don’t remember the last time someone called me by my first name either.”
Lupin shivered and placed his glass back down on the table. “Okay, that’s gonna take some getting used to. It doesn’t even sound like my name anymore.”
“I can call you Lupin instead if you’d like.”
Lupin shook his head. “Nah, if it’s coming from you, Koichi. It’s fine.”
Zenigata smiled. He leaned forward in his seat and took another sip from his glass. “Alright, but we go back to normal after this. I don’t know how the men would react if they heard you calling me Koichi.”
Lupin nodded. “And I don’t know how Jigen would react if he heard you call me Arsène. He might actually kill me. He gets kind of touchy when it comes to things like that.”
“I don’t think Jigen would be capable of killing you,” Zenigata said. “One, you’re well… you and two, he loves you too much.”
“Oh he’s capable, alright. If Jigen wanted to, he’d be able to take me out in mere seconds. Luckily, as you said, he loves me.”
“A lot of people do,” Zenigata said.
Lupin leaned forward. The look on his face was wide and cocky. “Is one of those people you, Koichi ?”
The way Lupin purred his name gave Zenigata pause more than the actual question did. He found himself spluttering for an answer, his entire face flushed and bright red. “I… well . Yes. I suppose so.”
The song playing over the radio had long since repeated itself, playing softly to aid the thoughts running through Zenigata’s mind. Now it said,
“ Lucky-I can't be lucky in love
All my four leaf clovers
Can't do me no good
Funny, just when I needed to be lucky
Couldn't help but lovin' you
Lovin' you… ”
Lupin repeated the last of the lyrics in a whisper between them, wineglass all but forgotten and Zenigata the main focus of his attention. He reached forward and plucked the inspectors hands up off his lap, rubbing calloused thumbs over the top of both of them.
Zenigata stared at their entwined hands, and couldn’t help the thrum of emotion from rising deep within him. He almost felt like crying. He wasn’t quite sure why.
Lupin noticed this and smiled at him. He leaned farther forward, close enough that Zenigata could smell the wine on his breath. “I haven’t gotten a chance to tell you this yet, but you look wonderful tonight, Koichi. I wasn’t even expecting you to come dressed up.”
“I couldn’t very well show up in my regular clothes now, could I? Just because it’s been a while, doesn’t mean I don’t remember how to prepare for a date.”
“I wouldn’t have minded,” Lupin said. “You’re perfect no matter what you’re dressed in.”
“That’s not true, but thank you anyway, Arsène.”
Lupin looked scandalized. “It is true, but you’re welcome.”
Zenigata felt awkward, but he plowed forward anyway. “You… you look nice tonight too. So nice in fact, I think I short circuited when Yata let me into your cell.”
Lupin giggled and nodded his head. “I noticed that, though I wasn’t sure if it was me or if it was everything we’d managed to sneak in.”
“It was both,” Zenigata said. “Though you were a big part of it.”
“Even in jail, I clean up pretty nice, don’t I?” Lupin looked down at himself and back up at Zenigata. “They even let me shave.”
“I can tell, and yes. You’re probably the most beautiful person I know.”
Lupin looked genuinely touched. “Even compared to Fujicakes?”
Zenigata nodded. “She doesn’t even begin to hold a torch to you. I promise.”
“Hey, Fuji-chan’s a knockout. Don’t underestimate her looks.”
“Don’t underestimate yours either,” Zenigata said. “You’re gorgeous, you know?”
“So I’ve been told,” Lupin smiled. “Hey, Koichi. I have a question.”
Zenigata dipped his head. “Yeah?”
“Can I kiss you?”
Everything stopped, and the blush returned to Zenigata’s face. That song kept up it’s chorus, saying,
“ Couldn't help but lovin' you
Lovin' you… ”
Lupin inclined his head, letting go of Zenigata’s hands to press his own against his cheeks. His lips were soft as they met the inspector’s, sweet like wine and cherry chapstick. For several moments they stayed like that, lost in a world of warmth, love, and that happy song playing in the backdrop. Zenigata’s heart raced as the time went on, but he couldn’t bring himself to pull away. The kiss felt so right against him that he wished it would go on forever. The rush of air between them tickeled as their breaths quickened, and their tongues slid together through parted lips. It was like nothing Zenigata had ever experienced. Like lightning in a bottle or the unmistakable feeling he got during a car chase.
When they pulled apart, he wanted to go back in. When Lupin smiled at him, he did. The second kiss was faster, more passionate, but just as sweet. They pushed against each other, fighting for dominance. For a time, it was unclear who would break away first. It seemed to go on endlessly, but at long last, it was Zenigata who broke contact.
They came up from the kiss huffing into each other’s faces, out of breath but grinning like school girls. Lupin snuck his chair closer to Zenigata, and wrapped his arms around his back to bury his face in the inspector’s neck. He sighed heavily, purring almost like a contented cat.
“I’m glad we made that bet,” he said. “I had a really nice time tonight.”
Zenigata hummed and allowed himself to nuzzle his nose against the thief’s shoulder. “I did too. We should do this every time I catch you.”
“Thought I wasn’t getting away?” Lupin chuckled, and Zenigata felt it bubble between their chests.
“You’re not,” Zenigata said. “But in the case you do, I’m going to be extra determined to get you back.”
Lupin’s chuckled turned into genuine laughter, and he pulled away just enough to see Zenigata’s face. They were close enough that their knees pressed together, the fronts of each of their chairs practically touching. “Challenge accepted,” he said. “Though we don’t have to save these dates for every time you catch me.”
“Yeah, but where’s the fun in that?” Zenigata asked.
“Hey, the chase and date themselves might be fun, but I’d actually like to take you out sometime.”
“I wouldn’t be against that. This turned out to be more than I was expecting.”
“Is that a good thing?” Lupin asked.
Zenigata nodded and pressed his lips against Lupin’s forehead. “It’s the best.”
“Good,” Lupin leaned down onto his shoulder again. He grew heavy until, that is, he noticed something. He perked up. “What’s that?”
“What’s what?”
Lupin broke away from him to grab the basket Zenigata had deposited beside his chair. He held it out. “This.”
Zenigata slapped his forehead, having completely forgotten about his basket. He took it from Lupin and placed it on the table, opening it up and dropping its contents around the candles and rose. The moment he pulled out two containers of cup noodles, his electric kettle, and bottles of water, Lupin lost it. He nearly fell out of his chair laughing, and for a moment Zenigata grew defensive.
“What are you laughing at?”
The laughing continued. “Why…why did you bring cup noodles?”
“It was all I had.”
“But we’re on a date .”
Zenigata was confused. “So? They’re good and easy to make. There’s not much we can do in a jail cell so I had to improvise.”
“Yeah, but cup noodles? You could have ordered something from a restaurant and brought it with you.”
“I didn’t think of that,” Zenigata said. “And anyway, why does it matter? Why’s it matter what we eat?”
“It doesn’t,” Lupin said. “It’s just so incredibly you . I’m not sure what else I was expecting.”
“I’m not sure what you were expecting either.”
Lupin continued to laugh. “You realize the wine I asked for isn’t cheap, right? Wine and cup noodles. It’s so… perfect .”
Zenigata began to put his supplies away, offended by Lupin’s reaction. “If you don’t want ‘em, I’ll leave. Maybe this was a mistake after all.”
Lupin threw out his hands to stop him. “ No . No. Don’t go. I'm sorry. I’m not mocking you. It just caught me off guard, that’s all.”
“I can order something too if that’s what you’d prefer. I’m sure Yata would—”
“No. Make the damn noodles, Koichi. I’m sure they’ll be delicious.”
Zenigata slowly started to place his supplies back down on the table. “You’re sure?”
Lupin nodded. “I can’t wait to tell Jigen about this. He’ll get a kick out of it.”
“Alright,” Zenigata said. “I’ll be sure not to bring noodles with me on our next date.”
Lupin shook his head. “But you have to. At this point, I’d be disappointed if you didn’t.”
“You’re enjoying this too much.”
“Perhaps, but it’s only because I love you.”
Zenigata stared at him, all the emotions of the past hour rushing back to flood his brain.
“I love you too,” he said, along with the chorus of that song, and the chuckles of his thief reverberating throughout the jail cell.
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nasabeck · 6 years
Well hello, i dare you to answer ALL OF THE QUESTIONS!!! GO!!!
Holy heck this took a while!!1. Spotify all the way. It’s my daily go-to.2. Mostly clean, I can’t stand loving in mess.3. Bluey-grey4. I like it far more than I used too but I still wish I had something more exciting.5. Single (24 years and counting)6. Sarcastic, loyal and lame7. Mid-brown with ombré tips8. I don’t, I really have to learn to drive once I finish uni.9. Wherever takes my fancy. In terms of clothing; mostly Primark, Topshop, Miss Selfridge & Zara10. Basic. Far more boring than it used to be but I’m really trying again.11. At the moment it’s Twitter but usually Instagram 12. At home it’s single but at uni it’s a queen size (I hate having a tiny bed for the summer!)13. 2 younger half brothers! 14. As much as I’d love to live in a big city, I don’t think I’d survive too well so right now I’m pretty content where I am.15. The one with th butterflies around the head! OR the changed colour one without any frills on it.16. Rimmel, L’Oreal and Maybelline.17. Everyday if I have time.18. The OC. It’s has been for the last 15 years! 19. UK 520. 5’221. Sandals although I bloody love comfy shoes.22. Not anymore. I can’t afford it and I’m too lazy.23. Nothing fancy or expensive, a picnic in the park followed by a film would suit me just fine.24. €80 and £2025. I’m barefoot26. 2/327. Not right now.28. A fair few but also virtually none, its depends on what we’re really classing as a friend.29. Once I was angry at my mum, when she was drunk, for telling the flatmate of the lead singer of my fave band that I really adored the guitarist and I hit her in the head. I’m still mortified to this day and I hate myself for a dumb knee jerk reaction.30. Either Cotton Fresh or something vanilla-y31. Harry, Sebastian & George32. Alexa, 33. Ya can’t make me choose one actor.34. I seriously can’t narrow it down to one actress. 35. How long have you got?36. Girl, Interrupted and Back to the Future37. I read a fair bit, I’ve been trying to read far more the past year. My fave is One Day by David Nicholls38. Brains all the way. You don’t need to be a brainbox, I just appreciate common sense.39. I have a tonne but mostly just Sam.40. Very few for myself.41. Transatlanticism - Death Cab For CutieCute Without the E (Cut from the Team) - Taking Back SundayThree Cheers For Five Years (Acoustic) - Mayday ParadeRun Away With Me - Aaron TveitCan’t Take My Eyes Off You - Lady AntebellumSend In the Clowns - Judi DenchAs If We Never Said Goodbye - Chris ColferChampagne Supernova - OasisMe - The 1975Set The Fire To the Third Bar - Snow Patrol42. No.43. Combination. (Dry/Oily)44. Burning to death45. I’d be very content with 246. At the moment it’s a half up-half down with a top knot47. A medium sized 3 bedroom house. But at uni it’s a 5 bedroom flat.48. No one. I’m over looking up to certain people, no one is perfect and I’m determined to be my own role model.49. I don’t remember, they’re few and far between.50. It was to one of my best friends about meeting up over summer.51. I haven’t got a clue, it was before 10 y/o52. At this point I’d be happy with a Fiat 500 because they’re super cute.53. If you want to do it then that’s your decision, I have no problems with that (other than worrying about your health) but personally I’ve seen it affect too many people and I won’t smoke myself.54. I sure do! It’s took me 3 more years to decide but I’m here!55. I’d love to be a celebrity stylist or working for a fashion magazine.56. Suburbs all the way. I like the peace and quiet but I also get spooked easily and lonely.57. I do, I’m British, what can I say?58. A couple, far less than I did as a kid.59. Yeah, I’m finally happy with my smile.60. There’s 530 in my camera roll61. Not that I recall, way too messy.62. Nah, it makes me cringe nowadays 63. McDonald’s, I’ve never eaten at Wendy’s.64. Sweet chilli or mayonnaise 65. Usually just a band shirt66. Nope although spelling was my strong point as a kid67. Reading, writing, procrastinating and pretending I’m on Broadway 68. Definitely not and it upsets me far more than I let on69. Sadly not. I always wanted to learn the guitar and drums. I got as far as learning a Savage Garden song on the piano about 15 years ago.70. I think it was 30 Seconds to Mars in March71. Tea all the way. Usually 8 cups a day.72. Starbucks because I’ve not has DD.73. Maybe one day. I’ve not had very good examples of it in my life so I don’t feel it’s as important as I did as a child. I like the idea of it, but there’s far too much distress involved in a divorce that I question if it’s worth it.74. I don’t have an attainable crush right now.75. I would do because I hate my surname. 76. Red seems to suit me at the moment.77. My best friend.78. Closed, I’m too easily spooked.79. Yeah.80. People chewing with their mouth open or chewing loudly.81. My nan 82. Mint choc chip 83. What the heck are golden oreos???? I love normal Oreos 84. Rainbow85. A burgundy Brooklyn tee86. A selfie of Pat Kirch & I87. Depends on the circumstance, I can be really outgoing with people I know but otherwise I’m really shy and awkward.88. Yeah, it’s heavenly.89. The families on either side are really lovely.90. Morning & night.91. Never, it’s gonna happen when I eventually hit Amsterdam92. Yeah, I thought I was on my way to being drunk tonight watching the football!93. Bacon crisps94. But don't forget the songs That made you cry And the songs that saved your life Yes, you're older now And you're a clever swine But they were the only ones who ever stood by you95. Summer96. Night97. Milk98. May99. Sagittarius 100 . Everyone sat around me on the flight on Friday as I watched The Martian
0 notes
lavotha · 7 years
Three-year expedition for the protection of our ecosystem
Thursday, July 27, 2017 will remain a historic date, as the day M/V Yersin, Francois Fiat’s transoceanic mega-yacht, hoisted anchor in the presence of Prince Albert II, Princess Charlene and their 2 and-a-half year-old royal twins Jacques and Gabriella, and departed from the Yacht Club of Monaco to start the 3-year exploration voyage. (Photo insert: Yersin seen from the sky @MC-CLC – Thierry Apparu)
HSH Prince Albert presented Yersin’s Captain Jean Dumarais with the Monaco flag, with Prince Hereditary Jacques also participating in the vessel’s benediction. After descending from the vessel Prince Albert gave a brief presentation on the Monaco Explorations project, created under his initiative following on the steps of his great-great grandfather Albert I, a consummated explorer, a man ahead of his time.
Flag ceremony Yersin @Thierry Apparu
HSH Prince Albert II and Yersin’s captain Jean Dumarais during flag ceremony@Thierry Apparu
HSH Prince Albert presentation@Thierry Apparu
Explorers Club @Thierry Apparu
Royal twins on board Yersin
Hereditary Prince Jacques, in white pants and white polo with the Monaco Explorations logo, and Princess Gabriella, in a navy blue dress, accompanied their parents on board the Yersin on this special ocassion, charming everybody present.
Bon voyage! 
When night fell, at exactly 22:30, Yersin lifted anchor and started to move away from the dock. Really moved by the historic moment, YCM members joined Prince Albert branding Red & White Monaco flags to salute the departure of the Yersin. It was truly a memorable ocassion that will forever be remembered.
Visiting the Yersin docked at the Yacht Club of Monaco @Sara Contestabile
HSH Ptrince Albert and YCM members saying Goodbye@Thierry Apparu
Yersin departing from Monaco for the 3-year exploration voyage @Thierry Apparu
Monaco Explorations is based on an international and multidisciplinary campaign combining natural and human sciences, descriptions of places and environments that are rarely explored as well as the study of the behavior of the species present, their interactions, ethnology and relationships with the atmosphere and the Earth. The first stage in Yersin’s expedition will be Madeira in the Atlantic Ocean, for a project around monk seals in danger of extinction, by establishing cartography of the animals migration to help the local researchers.
“The Yersin is an exceptional vessel, a boat for cruising also designed for research purposes, and an impressive autonomy of several days or even several months. She keeps alive the tradition of Prince Albert I and Captain Cousteau’s boats and other explorers who left from Monaco. It is quite moving and extraordinary to think that thanks to Mr Fiat and his family, and his attachment to the Yacht Club de Monaco, this great adventure, where science and education take centre stage, can be revived,” said HSH Prince Albert II.
François Fiat, the owner and a member of the Yacht Club de Monaco, is also the first La Belle Classe Superyachts ambassador. This prestigious label unites owners determined to safeguard maritime heritage and promote new technologies towards sustainable development. It is a philosophy very much in line with three Monegasque Institutions that have encouraged the Yersin project: the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, the Oceanographic Institute and the Monaco Scientific Centre (CSM).
“It is a flawless vessel, zero emissions, without carbon imprint into the atmosphere”, assures his Captain Jean Dumarais. “On board Yersin, 70% of the space is dedicated to technology, 230% to dwelling and comfort, the inverse of a yacht,” continued the Captain. However, in the leisure areas, the cinema room with fifteen armchairs, cozy salons, and a sports area guarantee a comfortable stay.
About Yersin
The Yersin is a versatile and modular transoceanic ship designed for travel and exploration, offering the scientific community conditions of maximum comfort and safety, carrying the advanced technologies for research and communication. (Photo insert: Yersin at YCM  @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha)
The vessel, that has a complex laboratory on board, was named in honor of Doctor Alexandre Yersin (1863 – 1943), French-Swiss doctor, bacteriologist and explorer celebrated for discovering the pest bacillus and the elaboration of the first serum to cure the disease.
Created by Pierre Jacques Kubis Naval Design in collaboration with the in-house team, Piriou Engineering, the motor yacht has been designed for world cruising in extreme conditions (-20°C/+50°C). Built to passenger ship standards (hence the term Motor-Vessel), the construction of Yersinwas entrusted to French shipyard Piriou in Concarneau. No agent, no naval architect and no designer: François Fiat, his wife, his Captain, Jean Dumarais, and his Chief Engineer, Yordan Hristov designed her, monitored the whole construction process and selected the equipment and fittings themselves.
Francois Fiat explains that the M/V Yersin has been built around the A.S.E. project, with three key objectives in mind as to how the vessel will be deployed: Adventure, Science and Education.
A for Adventure: “It has been a dream of mine since childhood – inspired by Tintin, Prince Albert 1’s Hirondelle and Captain Cousteau’s Calypso – which within three years has become a reality. I wanted a boat that could sail anywhere, in any weather, with a reinforced hull for the ice. As her vocation is exploration we wanted to set aside 70% of the space to communal and technical areas.”
S for Science: The vessel is packed with eco-friendly technology. “We have electric propulsion, supplied on demand by generators as one still cannot store energy in batteries. At a cruising speed of 11 knots we consume 380 litres of diesel, half of what we would consume with diesel engines. At a slow-steaming speed of 9 knots, our total consumption (electricity, heating / air conditioning included) falls to 180 liters an hour, giving us autonomy for 12,000 miles and 40 days at sea with 40 people on board. Nothing is discharged into the sea: we recycle grey water for washing the boat for example, and produce freshwater for all our needs. But we only do oil changes in ports equipped for this, and then there’s no question of introducing foreign particles to an environment hundreds of miles from where we have taken water on for the desalination system.”
E for Education: “We can take children on board to educate future generations on protecting the environment. This is also what we did at the event with HSH Princess Charlene of Monaco. The broad smiles and messages they retained after a day on the water convinced us that this mission for the vessel is a very valid one.”
Technical specifications:
Shipyard: Piriou in Concarneau (France)
Length: 77m
Beam: 13m
Displacement: 2,300 UMS
Capacity: 18 passengers and 18 crewmembers
Bureau Veritas: ICE Class IC
Electric propulsion with Schottel Azipod system
Cleanship certification
Today’s Quote
“It’s not a life to not move.” Alexandre Yersin
All aboard Yersin for the launch of Monaco Explorations! Three-year expedition for the protection of our ecosystem Thursday, July 27, 2017 will remain a historic date, as the day M/V Yersin, Francois Fiat’s transoceanic mega-yacht, hoisted anchor in the presence of Prince Albert II, Princess Charlene and their 2 and-a-half year-old royal twins Jacques and Gabriella, and departed from the Yacht Club of Monaco to start the 3-year exploration voyage.
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