Fics With Titles that Start With G (3) Masterlist
part one, part two
garden camping (ao3) - possumdnp
Summary: They sit in Phil's parents' garden, sharing childhood stories and making plans for the future.
genre of choice (ao3) - dizzy
Summary: Dan and Phil have a romcom meet cute at a horror con.
Gentle (ao3) - Lesbianphan
Summary: Phil doesn't really look at photos of their faces that much. Truthfully, there's only so many gifs and videos of people pointing out how utterly hopelessly in love you and your partner look at each other that you can actually absorb into your brain. Phil's brain feels like mush sometimes, with the amount of feeling right there, displayed for the world to see. This livestream was special though - in so many ways, - and he found himself transfixed by the animated images of Dan's gentle touching of his face, feeling some kind of cosmic shift happening on screen, the realization on the tip of his tongue. Just a fluffy thinkpiece on their current content, and all the little moments they decided to share with their audience these past few months.
get my good side (ao3) - watergator (orphan_account)
Summary: dan and phil try to film a sex tape (just for them)
give this thing a try (ao3) - pasteldanhowells
Summary: Dan is a cashier at a grocery store, and Phil is his supervisor. One evening at work, Phil surprises Dan by asking him out on a date, and of course Dan, who's had a crush on Phil since forever, says yes. Cue, the freaking out and comfort ensues.
Glad to Be Home (ao3) - ticklishraspberries
Summary: Dan and Phil make up for the time they lost for intimacy on the tour.
Glitch (ao3) - Anonymous
Summary: Phil wrote a movie screenplay
Gloves On (ao3) - yikesola
Summary: “I can’t believe you ripped the costume off,” Phil says after the camera and lights are both turned off. He’s laughing, but there’s something in his tone that has Dan wonder if it means something other than I can’t believe you actually just got fully naked on the gaming channel.
A fic about accessories and antics.
go your own way (I'd give you my world) (ao3) - itsmyusualphannie (itsmyusualweeb)
Summary: “I’m Dan,” said Dan.
Phil could not look away from him. He thought that Dan was probably the prettiest boy he had ever seen. “I’m Phil,” he said back, because it was polite to introduce oneself to people, otherwise they would remain a stranger. “Phil Lester.”
And so they became friends.
or: a Forrest Gump AU where Phil slowly falls for his best friend as the years go by, but Dan loses himself to the world and his past.
Going Forward (ao3) - softiejace
Summary: When Phil Lester signs his students up for a mental health workshop, no scenario he's prepared for includes running into his ex...
Going Nuts (ao3) - schnaf
Summary: Dan is going nuts in Manchester. But one midnight trip to the supermarket changes everything.
gold (ao3) - catboyhowell (bloodyscarab)
Summary: i got bipolar confidence
wake up like 'shit,' then i feel like the shit
so i guess i'm the shit
gold by brockhampton
Golden Boy (ao3) - hygge
Summary: Phil takes a drawing class in university and needs a subject for his drawing final.
Gone are the days of Wine and roses (ao3) - Lizzyboo
Summary: Dan knew it had to happen eventually. And logically, he knew it was his fault. He was the one who broke it off between them all those years ago. He didn’t expect Phil to be single forever, not really. But he also kind of expected to move on himself by the time Phil would start dating.
or the one where Phil starts seeing a girl and Dan understands that maybe he still has feelings for him.
Good Girl (ao3) - Absolutefilthimsosorry
Summary: Phil calls Dan a good girl and Dan really likes it.
good night bear (ao3) - loveforlester
Summary: “good night bear i love you”
dan howell loves phil lester.
phil lester loves dan howell.
you know the story two soulmates who met on the internet. just something is different.
dan can’t sleep without watching phil’s videos. oh and phil stopped filming videos
Good To The Last Drop (ao3) - Boardgamedanny
Summary: A bloody fic about Daniel Howell and Philip Lester
Gotta Get An Upgrade (ao3) - your_starless_eyes
Summary: Phil notices Dan becoming more and more aloof and obsessive as the tour continues on. He ends up talking to a high school in New Jersey's resident "stoner" after a fatal mistake is made on stage.
Green Sofa (ao3) - Scuddleduck
Summary: This might be Phil’s favorite place in this house to fuck, he thinks. The beds are nice, and they’ve certainly tested the integrity of the office chairs a time or two, but this green couch in the nerd cave, it really is his favorite.
Grey Sweatpants (ao3) - Absolutefilthimsosorry
Summary: Set after the filming of the fall guys dvp where dan was wearing grey sweatpants.
Grow as we go (ao3) - Mangomelions (orphan_account)
Summary: After ten years of being best friends, Dan decides he can't take it anymore. He moves out, claiming he needs to find out who he is without Phil, and that he can't stay like this forever. Really he just got sick of waiting for Phil to realise they should be more than friends. Very angsty but fluff to come. Based on Ben Platt's song Grow As We Go.
growing up or just going down (ao3) - SylvesterLester
Summary: Phil is 15 years old today. He's going to have the best birthday of his life, to kick off the best year of his life.
Guilty Pleasure (ao3) - ThoughtaThought
Summary: Dan and Phil meet at a BDSM club and decide to play. Dan is a rigger and a masochist. Phil is a sadist and a rope bunny. It’s perfect.
Guilty pleasure or: In the devil we trust (ao3) - Fearain
Summary: Basically Dan being obsessed with amazing piano music (and playing said music) and Phil slowly understanding why. Plus some friendship talk about trust, fears and dreams.
Guy Fawkes Night. (ao3) - 221bPhan
Summary: When Dan and Phil have to go to Phil's parents to celebrate, Martin's kids are put into the hands of Dan and Phil.
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themculibrary · 1 year
Fics With Titles That Start With G Masterlist
Gaja (ao3) - rustingroses bruce/natasha T, 11k
Summary: The doors to the prison cell slammed open, and a woman in a low-cut scarlet dress that perfectly matched her hair came striding in. Her locks curled around ivory shoulders and a gold necklace, framing a serious face. Her lips, too, matched her hair, drawing the eyes irrevocably to that full mouth, made for sin. Her clear blue-grey eyes glinted even in the dim overhead lighting. Aphrodite wouldn’t have turned her nose up at such a figure or face; if the goddess possessed even a portion of this woman’s beauty and grace, no wonder Paris had given Aphrodite the apple.
Of course, as far as he could recall, no goddess carried a pair of strappy gold heels in one hand and a gun in the other.
Huh, Bruce thought woozily as the Hulk roared with frustration and rage at this new threat. Bruce tightened his grip on the Hulk and the cage of anger that contained it, forcing it to yield to him. Bruce had chosen to be here, and had not chosen lightly. This woman would not wrest his control from him. I didn’t know hallucinations were a side effect of this drug.
Gardens of Asgard (ao3) - a_kinkajou, hermionesmydawg steve/bucky E, 11k
Summary: They were warned numerous times - don't veer off the path in the Gardens of Asgard.
Of course, Steve Rogers heeds the advice of no one. Ever.
gator around the warm beds of beginners (ao3) - napricot sam/bucky E, 39k
Summary: How Sam and Bucky get by, after Thanos is defeated. Or: the story of how two idiots become roommates, partners, friends with benefits, and maybe something more, if they could just stop being so oblivious, while they wait to find out if their Steve’s ever coming back from his trip through time.
Gentlemen Prefer Pink (ao3) - glittercake steve/bucky E, 5k
Summary: Steve considers him for a moment.
“Beg for it.”
Bucky makes a terribly helpless sound, “Steve! Fucksake! Steve, please??”
He grins, stares down at Bucky’s mouth as he says the words. He’s probably a dick for getting off on it, “Nicely.”
ghosts that we knew (ao3) - wilsonsnest sam/bucky T, 46k
Summary: Sam (reluctantly) agrees to do a commission for Steve's rich but extremely reclusive friend, James Barnes.
Sam just stared at the other man, the feeling of being watched suddenly overcoming him. God, what kind of weirdo didn’t even come to greet their guests? It was one thing to be a rich recluse, but another thing to just completely ignore people wandering around your house.
“Steve, this is really weird.” Sam stressed. “This isn’t weird to you?”
Gift of Asylum (ao3) - carleton97, sister_wolf clint/darcy E, 47k
Summary: The story of how Darcy Lewis accidentally helps found the Avengers while having an epic, failboaty romance with that dude she nailed in a bar two years ago. Tasers, jackbooted thugs, Tony Stark, and life-altering job offers are par for the course when you help discover an alien/god dude with amazing pecs.
Glow (ao3) - glittercake sam/bucky E, 3k
Summary: Sam showers Bucky with compliments and ridiculous nicknames. It's not Bucky's fault that he starts falling for the guy.
Go And Make Aunt Peggy Proud (ao3) - Nanerich pepper/tony, steve/bucky, mj/peter, peggy/husband T, 19k
Summary: When Howard screws around with one of Hank Pym’s quantum theories, things go south, quickly and that in a way Peggy did not imagine in her wildest dreams: they end up in the year 2019. Luckily, a vigilante in a bright red, skintight spidersuit can help them out and take Peggy and Howard to who will be able to help them out.
Go For The Throat (ao3) - laylabinx T, 9k
Summary: Peter finds out the hard way what it means to be the Ravager mascot and Yondu uses this as an opportunity to teach him how to kick someone's ass.
Going Yard (ao3) - Brenda steve/bucky E, 41k
Summary: Going Yard: Baseball vernacular for hitting a home run.
This is the love story of shortstop Steve Rogers and pitcher Bucky Barnes, estranged childhood best friends about to be reunited on the same team.
This is a love story about New York's other baseball team, the Avengers, and their quest to claim the National League East division title.
This is a love story about going home and new friends and team bonding and first loves and how the people you're the closest to can also drive you the craziest.
But mostly, this is a love story about baseball and the boys of summer who play it.
gonna marry that boy (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor clint/tony G, 6k
Summary: Clint runs a coffee shop with his best friend Natasha, and he has a crush on one of the customer's, but he's never actually talked to this boy. He's awkward enough as it is, and things get even more difficult once he learns who the customer is.
Good Things Come to Those Who Look (ao3) - notbeloved07 bruce/tony T, 5k
Summary: Back when Tony was at MIT and Bruce at Harvard, at some point they met--science convention, bar night, what have you--and had an instant connection. Bruce let it go, in part because he was focused on Betty, but Tony didn't have a whole lot of moments where he'd felt actual genuine connections and he held on to that encounter.
Now, after Afghanistan, Tony realises just how important those connections are and he tries to find Bruce. When he stumbles on to him in Shield's files, he talks Fury into putting Hulk on the Avengers roster, brings him in, and desperately tries to balance world-saving with hardcore flirting and coming up with ways to get Bruce to stay.
Got a Heart in Me, I Swear (ao3) - thepartyresponsible bucky/clint, steve/tony M, 36k
Summary: The pictures leak on a lazy off-season Sunday, in that muddled bit of midafternoon Clint never knows what to do with when he isn’t training. He curls up with Lucky on the couch and naps through the end of his whole damn life. And that, honestly, is pretty much perfect.
got the waves running through your thighs (ao3) - bisamwilson sam/bucky E, 2k
Summary: The first drink he’d ordered upon landing on the island was, in fact, a sex on the beach, just for the novelty of it all. Peach schnapps had never been his favorite—a fact which had thoroughly confused everyone from the time he’d started to drink—but it was the principle of the thing.
He’s drinking a piña colada now, much more to his taste, and enjoying the feeling of the sun on his skin and the sand between his toes, trying his best to not feel annoyed at how much reading Bucky saw fit to do on this vacation.
Apparently, he’d really thought she’d meant a drink.
Got to Do What You Love (ao3) - BlackEyedGirl clint/phil M, 8k
Summary: Phil has control issues, Clint has power issues, and the Avengers are a bundle of issues. It’s no wonder Maria wants nothing to do with them. Phil doesn’t seem to have a choice.
gotta make me follow through (gotta make me chase it) (ao3) - aniloquent sam/bucky N/R, 5k
Summary: The one where Sam's a hot vegan grocer and Bucky lies to get him to go out with him.
Great Unknown. (ao3) - ClaraxBarton bucky/clint T, 3k
Summary: Smugglers and dragons and karaoke and space. Oh my.
That’s it. That’s the summary. Enjoy or suffer at your will.
Ground Control to Major Tom (ao3) - Ellen Fitzwilliam Brandybuck (AFixerMuse) drax/mantis M, 39k
Summary: Waking from a centuries-long cryogenic sleep, alternate Earth astronaut Major Tommiah Jones finds herself among space pirates, in a world and time apart from her reality. Now she must do what's necessary to survive, find purpose, and perhaps avoid falling in love with trouble incarnate: Yondu Udonta. Song prompted one-shots. Humorous smut
Grow To Be (ao3) - Sororising sam/bucky T, 110k
Summary: Sam flops back down onto the bed, shoving a few of the pillows behind his head and upper back - there’s way too many for one bed; if you multiply that by thirty bedrooms there must be -
“I can’t do math when I’m drunk,” he says mournfully. “Bucky, come here and help me do math.”
Bucky lets out a small laugh. “Bet you say that to all the girls.”
Sam doesn’t know how to unpick that sentence. He isn’t even going to bother trying; he just waves his arm around in Bucky’s general direction, hoping that he’ll make contact eventually.
Grumpy Coffee Kitten (ao3) - rebelmeg harley/shuri, mj/peter, bucky/darcy, clint/natasha T, 26k
Summary: When Clint Barton, the owner of Bean There, Brew That, takes off on an extended vacation, he leaves his coffee shop in the hands of his trusted sidekick, Darcy Lewis. Darcy is not prepared for this, but that's not going to stop her from keeping the shop going, keeping her sassy baristas in line, and maybe getting a tiny bit smitten with the new regular that started showing up, looking like a sleepy assassin and cooing at his coffee.
Bucky Barnes is a former soldier trying to deal with the effects of PTSD, at the encouragement of his best friend and not-actually-a-therapist Sam Wilson. It might have been sort of an accident the first time he steps into Bean There, Brew That, but it's a first step in a really good direction. He likes the coffee shop, he likes the people that run it, and he definitely likes the sugar-soaked monstrosities that they make for him on a daily basis.
What could possibly go wrong with putting a recovering veteran in the hands of a bunch of sarcastic baristas with access to legally addictive stimulants? The answer is... not much, actually.
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themculibrary · 4 months
Fics With Titles That Start With G Masterlist 2
part one
Gala (ao3) - arianapeterson19 tony/thor E, 1k
Summary: Really, Tony should have just worn underwear to the gala.
Gamora, You're a Fine Girl (ao3) - Meraki_fics gamora/peter G, 4k
Summary: Gamora has never been good at emotions, being raised by a genocidal maniac does that to a person. Emotions are a weakness, at least that's how Thanos raised his borrowed children. Emotions were not something she ever spent time on or paid any attention to. However, in her new home with her new family, emotions were something to be aware of.
Geriatric Road Trip, 2015 (ao3) - what_alchemy steve/bucky N/R, 4k
Summary: Bucky was the eldest of four.
Gets Me (ao3) - ClaraxBarton bucky/clint E, 8k
Summary: During an Avengers debriefing, Clint strikes up a conversation with an attractive stranger. On Grindr.
ghosts of christmas memory (ao3) - scifigrl47 clint/phil, steve/tony T, 11k
Summary: There were three Christmases that Phil Coulson and Clint Barton spent together that altered their relationship. They were tied together by a song, a job, and Clint’s ability to become injured in just about any situation.
Christmas is a time of giving, friendship and love.
G.I. Joes and 2AM Diners (ao3) - OhCaptainMyCaptain steve/bucky E, 100k
Summary: They look nothing like what they used to. Time and life have completely changed them. But as they sit there in silence, eating two halves of one cupcake, letting Brooklyn remind there where they came from, and enjoying a sky full of stars… They are those same little boys, somewhere deep down. For just a second, you’d be able to see them again.
And Bucky thinks to himself that maybe it’s little moments like these – fleeting as they may be – that remind him why life is still worth living.
Giving You Hope (ao3) - skysofrey clint/natasha G, 4k
Summary: Clintasha centered Endgame Fix-It where they exchange the soul stone for Nat's life. Emotions and reunions ensue.
glass windows, steel blues (ao3) - fangedangel (clockworkqueen) bucky/t'challa, bucky/alexander N/R, 9k
Summary: T'Challa is the CEO of a Fortune 500 company. Bucky is his new assistant.
glitter in the air (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor bucky/steve/sam G, 1k
Summary: Steve volunteers him and Bucky to watch Peter when Tony needs to go to an important business meeting for Stark Industries. Bucky’s only been back for a few months, and doesn’t quite trust himself around others, let alone a child.
god loves everybody, don't remind me (ao3) - napricot M, 70k
Summary: N’Jadaka didn’t believe in the gods of his people. But belief was not a prerequisite of the gods’ attention, and the blood of the Panther tribe ran in N’Jadaka’s veins. Bast took hold of his soul in her mighty jaws and lifted it free of his body. She gave him a warning shake, just as she would a misbehaving kitten, and set him back. With one careful claw, she tweaked his path through time into a twisting loop. Wayward and abandoned though he was, N’Jadaka was still of her tribe. He could set things right, if given the chance.
Erik gets a do-over. Erik gets a lot of do-overs. Or: Erik Killmonger's own personal version of Groundhog Day, only with a lot more murder, dying, trips to the ancestral plane, awkward family conversations, and divine intervention.
Gods and Gravity (fanfiction.net) - i-prefer-the-term-antihero G, 12k
Summary: What's more fun than making Loki, Peter Parker, Wanda Maximoff, and Shuri interact within the MCU? Forcing them to live together at the Mystery Shack in Gravity Falls!
God's Righteous Man (ao3) - FoxyAtlas M, 232k
Summary: A story in which the serum doesn't affect Steve's size, the shield goes to Bucky, and they reunite years before the Battle of New York. Also, Steve is a punk, but that's canon.
A timeline starting with the Howling Commandos and going all the way to Pre-Infinity War.
Go Fish (ao3) - notlucy steve/bucky M, 2k
Summary: It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man stuck in an airport, in possession of an iPhone, must open Tinder.
Gone (ao3) - nonna T, 57k
Summary: In the final fight scene of Captain America Civil War, Tony's helmet breaks off the armour after the relentless clashing it receives.
What if the harsh hits to his head create serious complications for Tony, and he loses his sight?
Good Boys Don't Gamble On Love (ao3) - thelittlestpurplecat steve/bucky E, 79k
Summary: Bucky couldn't remember a time when he hadn't been involved with the STRIKE fraternity on campus. They were a bunch of assholes, but they were really all he had, and they'd wagered a bet for a prize Bucky couldn't refuse. But in order to win, he had to be the first to fuck the tiny, gorgeous, blond freshmen, and he was competing against every other guy in the fraternity.
It was just a bet. A stupid bet.
Sure, it was mean, but no one was gonna get hurt...right?
Good Things to Those Who Wait (ao3) - Annie D (scaramouche) steve/tony E, 10k
Summary: Tony assumed that after he and Steve got together, his heats would be more fun. He’s right, but he’s also wrong.
Good Things Come to Those Who Wait (ao3) - memorizingthedigitsofpi leo/jemma E, 12k
Summary: Mr Fitz and Miss Simmons are back again, and this time the focus is on pleasure instead of pain. Fitz has read up on something that strikes his fancy and Jemma is just as eager to try it out.
Go Slow Go Slow - Wakanda Princess Remix (feat. Shuri) (ao3) - AllWhoWander (phobean) G, 20k
Summary: Two years after the Battle of Earth, Shuri gets ejected from her lab and crashes Sam and Bucky’s cross-continent road trip.
Go Ugly Early (ao3) - just_another_tinker steve/tony, clint/phil, bucky/natasha E, 252k
Summary: He’s The Captain?
This was not good. This was so not good.
There were theories of course, of what The Captain would look like. Most followed the typical Hollywoodesque belief that he was some version of the Godfather, sitting in a dark room with a cigar, commanding his forces with a flick of his wrist. There were even some that even thought that The Captain was not one person, but a whole network of people with eyes and ears everywhere.
The blonde Adonis in front of him was definitely not what Tony was expecting.
Of course, in the end it didn’t matter.
There was a reason no one knew what The Captain looked like.
Because anyone who saw his face never lived to tell the tale.
Green Tea Panna Cotta with Cookie Crumble and Brûléed Plums (ao3) - derevko_child phil/melinda G, 3k
Summary: They both smell like they just came out of a coffee shop but Coulson smells like coffee and May smells like tea, and if twenty years ago, someone tells him that one day, he’ll be sitting in between the two of them, eating Chinese takeout for dinner, knees touching, watching tv and bantering like old friends, he’d probably think they’re crazy
Agent Jimmy Woo gets a surprise visit from old friends.
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Fics With Titles That Start With G (2) Masterlist
part one
Game Night (ao3) - watergator
Summary: Dan learns what a Lester family game night is like.
Gathering Threads - lestericalphan
Summary: This phanfic set in an alternative Game of Thrones style universe featuring Louise, Jack, Dodie and more is (hopefully) going to have you on the edge of your seat as the Wolves of the World series begins.
Gender Confessions - phancuddleswithstyles
Summary: Dan is friends with youtuber Phil online, and it’s amazing. But there’s one tiny detail that Dan has lied about, and it makes everything complicated. Phil thinks that Dan is a girl.
get me up get me out (of my mind) (ao3) - dizzy
Summary: Phil's having some issues, and Dan is a super understanding (but secretly still horny) boyfriend.
Get Out Your Damn Umbrellas (ao3) - llamalamp
Summary: Phil's only gone for one weekend. Apparently that's all the time it takes for everything to fall apart.
Getting Along (ao3) - enthuzimuzzy
Summary: When Dan Howell's co-host of their talk show leaves abruptly, leaving a gangly cameraman, Phil Lester, to take his place, he's understandably upset. Beyond upset. But what happens when the two get stuck on a mandatory retreat for two days, sharing a cramped cabin room?
And what happens when they realize that maybe, just maybe, they might want a little something more?
Getting Better - dxnhowell
Summary: Phil gets food poisoning and Dan takes care if him.
Getting Ready To Get Down (ao3) - chickenfree
Summary: The shitty shiny sticky awful-looking gold lamé had just been to get a rise out of Phil, if he’s honest. Except that Phil hadn’t risen to it. Just say you hate it, Dan thinks, but Phil doesn’t, because Phil wouldn’t say that to him. He wouldn’t say that he just doesn’t want any of this, would he.
Giggle - thespianhowell
Summary: When Dan laughs he gets all high-pitched and squeaky? He’s like that when he and Phil are in bed.
Give Me A Spark, I’ll Give You Explosions - cafephan
Summary: Phil is shy, silently pining. Dan is loud and flirty, and doesn’t care about labels. House parties and nail polish occur.
Give Me A Try - danfanciesphil
Summary: Dan, a bartender at 'Habenero', Brighton's hottest gay club, has been obsessed with AmazingPhil, the openly gay Instagram model for a long time. In all the fantasy meet-cute scenarios Dan has imagined for he and his semi-celeb crush, none of them involved him being at work, being soaked in various liquids, or being halfway through a Saturday night hell-shift. Sometimes, life doesn't wait around for your plans.
Go, Go, Go - xinyanhowell
Summary: Dan is stuck. Dead-end job, boyfriend who left him, nothing is going how he planned. And then a sexy stranger in an even sexier car obliterates Dan’s whole life going a hundred and twenty miles per hour, and all he can go is hold on tight.
Going The Wrong Way Home (ao3) - moonlightmusings
Summary: The almost-college au where Dan and Phil take a summer road trip.
Good Morning, Sunshine - cherryblossom-phil
Summary: Dan can count the number of times he’s woken up before Phil on one hand.
Got It (ao3) - Spring_Haze
Summary: Dan surprises his partner with a little stress relief while traveling on tour.
Greedy For That Feeling (ao3) - JudeAraya
Summary: Learning to love Phil was like a trust fall: terrifying but necessary and ultimately, exhilarating. Together, they’re learning how to talk, how to give each other what they need, and how to ask for and share desires they’ve never shared or experienced before.
Green (ao3) - iihappydaysii
Summary: When a man hits on Dan at a party, Phil knows it doesn't really matter, but he still doesn't like it.
Greet The Day (ao3) - winstonlives
Summary: Dan is having a bit of a rough time for a few days. Phil tries to help him navigate his mental health issues as best he can. He's ever supportive and he and Dan work through while on tour where Dan isn't feeling the best. They both know it will probably always be this way, but they also know they can work together to make it better no matter what.
Grey (ao3) - waveydnp
Summary: Dan wakes up in the hole again. Phil tries to take care of him, but sometimes not even Phil is enough.
Guess We'll Try Again Later (ao3) - developerdaniel
Summary: The fic where Dan and Phil attempt to film while on tour in Australia but Dan has other plans and thanks to him that video never happens and Phil has to punish Dan for breaking his word on their plans to film.
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Fics With Titles That Start With The Letter G
Gaijin (ao3) - waveydnp
Summary: Dan and Phil have fun with the Japanese schoolgirl outfit Phil bought
Gate 32 - xinyanhowell
Summary: Eleven hours. London to LAX. Dan is traveling to the city of angels for a business trip and as it happens, so is Phil.
Gemini and Aquarius (ao3) - Spring_Haze
Summary: Dan and Phil are young, in love, and progressively exploring their sexual relationship while dealing with the agony of a long-distance relationship.
Generation Freak - full-dark-no-starss
Summary: Generation Dead is what they called it. Young people called it ‘The Teen plague’ because that’s what it was.  Later it had a scientific name: Neurological Juvenile Degeneration Syndrome. Which literally meant your body was failing. Three years ago there was no cure, you just die. He’d seen it happen; classmates dropping like flies the first year the virus hit. But as the years go on, the virus starts to last longer during incubation; it gave kids a chance. A bloody nose and hacking cough a tell-tale sign that they had it.
get the wood - winkinglester
Summary: Teenage!Dan and his family are taking a camping trip, and Dan is less than thrilled . Maybe a certain boy can make the trip a little better.
getting that d (vitamin) (Ao3) - ordanary
Summary: What their fans didn’t see when Dan posted that one Instagram story sunbathing half naked.
Ghost light (ao3) - winstonlives
Summary: Dan forgets his phone charger and notebook at the latest venue. It wouldn't be too bad but he needs that notebook. 
When they get back to the theater they are warned about making noise because it angers the resident ghost. Dan being a skeptic doesn't pay much attention. 
He should have.
ghosts like riding elevators, it raises their spirits (ao3) - abriata
Summary: Phil has a ghost, a roommate agreement, and a deliberately willful blindness to the practicalities of Life.
Giant Nerds Who Like Flower Crowns - dxnhowell
Summary: pastel!phil is the new kid at pastel!dan’s school, learning that they both wear flower crowns, they hit it off immediately and become best friends.
give me all your hopeless hearts - itsmyusualphannie
Summary: Dan is a university student who doesn’t believe in love, but when Valentine’s Day rolls around, he feels himself suddenly falling for the boy who sits next to him in his writing 101 class. When they’re assigned a project together, Dan has the brilliant idea to ask Phil out - for research!
Go Ask Your Father (ao3) - dannihowell (iguessicantry) 
Summary: The five times Dan happily said ‘Go ask your father,’ and the one time he didn’t.
going down so deep, the river's going to weep (ao3) - t_hens
Summary: Dan’s wet for democracy
Grace and Allegance (ff.net) - Phelpsgirlxxx 
Summary: Dan worries that his big dream of being in the talent show is going to be thwarted by the fact that he needs a partner. What if he finds one in the most unexpected person? 
Greedy by thespianhowell
Summary: At first, it was just sex. Friends with benefits. Really, it hadn’t meant anything. But then Dan got greedy.
Grey - washedoutgay 
Summary: Colour isn’t really something that Dan understands, all he knows that from a young age he wanted to find his soulmate so he could see the world in the perfect light. But after meeting a boy with light grey eyes who doesn’t feel the same and spending most of his life never apart from him, maybe his idea can change to match.
Grim Reaper (wattled) - FearMePlease
Summary: Dan's just like any other person out in the world. Except he's a Reaper, someone who decides whether or not a person should die. He's had this job for as long as he remembers, and is never bothered by what he does. But when he is sent to judge Phil Lester, his life becomes harder and he has to decide between his feelings for the boy and his role in the world.
Growing Pains (ao3) - palomeheart
Summary: Sometimes Fi thinks about how her life would be different if she had been born a boy.
Guardian Angel - jilliancares
Summary: Dan’s guardian angel hates him.
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