redacted-coiner · 8 months
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[PT: Ficto-Religions]
Ficto-Religions, a term to refer to religons/neoreligons found in fictional sources and/or religions that are based off religious mediums! These are commonly non practiced religions within this world but does not mean they are never practiced. These religions should not be moderated , rather these shall only be something that someone should inner personally use (of course multiple people can use it but it should stick to one person to one person).
Note: These are NOT Fults/Cults. Do not use them as if they are! Also the term isn’t a queer identity, just tagged for reach due to the nature of my blog.
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[ID: none yet]
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cemeteryonline · 6 months
Lunarism ;
This is not a fake cult [ aka fult ] or anything similar !!
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This is a Fictoreligion(link) based around the moon and one worships the moon !! — @ficto-religious-archive
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[PT: Lunarism ;
This is not a fake cult [aka fult] or anything similar !!
This is a Fictoreligion(link) based around the moon and one worships the moon !! — @ficto-religious-archive End PT ]
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myceliumforum · 2 months
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⋆ The Ender Guardians ⋆
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⇉ Definition: The Ender Guardians is a Ficto-Religion related to the Minecraft End. This can be someone who believe in the Minecraft End as the divine and real end of things, the End Poem of the game is their sacred text, people who follow this religion also see the Ender Dragon as a divine figure that holds the meaning of the end and life through the end poem, they believe the dragon is the protector of the start of the end being the infinite void that provides comfort
Those who are in this religion do not have a moderator or a leader rather their own experiences. This isn't a cult or fult
Group Titles: End guardians, Enders
⇉ Alt Names: Ender Fictoreligion
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Coined by: Me Requested by: Anon
Img ID: A flag with three horizontal stripes being yellow, cyan blue and very dark purple, in the middle a white circle with a green heart intertwined with a purple infinity
Tag: @ficto-religious-archive
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webby-mogai · 8 months
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Church of Sylvian
[pt: Church of Sylvian /end pt]
A ficto-religion(link) based off the Church of Sylvian from Fear & Hunger. The faith mostly follows the beliefs and influence of the goddess Sylvian which include love, healing, creation and growth. Sex is usually a big part of worship, but it doesn't have to be. It's more about love and creation than the act itself. Physical as well as emotional healing are also a big part of worship, and using human connection as a means of getting better is a key aspect of it. Community and humanity are important of the religion, and love isn't exclusive to sexual or romantic love, either. Any kind of love and passion one experiences is valid to the practice. It preaches self love as well as love for all life.
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Ficto-religions by @redacted-coiner
Also tagging @ficto-religious-archive
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[flag id: a rectangular 7 striped flag. the 2nd and 6th stripes have a scalloped edge on the outside, and a wavy line on the inside. the center stripe has a circle in the center. the colors from top to bottom are dark green, green, light green, cream, light teal, teal and dark teal. the 2nd and 6th stripes are outlined with cream on the outside and dark red on the inside, and the center stripe is outlined with the same red. in the center of the circle of the middle stripe is a symbol shaped similar to a vulva and a rabbit head inside a circle with a seven pointed star that is missing the top right point, and a small six pointed star in the top center. /end id]
[divider id: a divider of pink flowers and leaves /end id]
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conpantheon-archive · 5 months
Name: The Archivist
Age: Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy? (Adult)
Pronouns: They/Thou/It
No DNI, this is an archive blog first and foremost.
Witchblr/Paganblr - Tags for witch Tumblr and Pagan Tumblr. Mostly used for reach.
Deity Work/Deity Worship - Tags used on posts about deity worship. Offerings, acts of worship, etc.
Conpantheon(ism)- Tag used for conpantheons of all kinds.
Pop Culture Pagan(ism)/Fictoreligon - Conpantheons and conpantheon deities that may have ficto/pop culture influences.
Fult - Many fults are dedicated to a person usually, but I have seen one or two that genuinely seem to have a deity of sorts that seems conpantheon in nature. I will not be offended if you block this tag as to not to see it.
Ellonian Pantheon/Polytheism/Paganism - Tags for a conpantheon under the name of Ellonian.
Way of the Fellowship - Tag for a conpantheon called Way of the Fellowship.
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redacted-coiner · 8 months
This is a bit of a weird one, but can I request a Ficto-religion that is based off worshipping the overseer/player? context: the overseer/player is a concept usually used in AUs where the characters in media (mostly video games) are self aware and turn to worshipping this person they call the overseer.
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Our Viewer
[PT: Our Viewer]
Our Viewer, a Ficto-Religion(link) based on the idea of stories that see the player, viewer, reader, etc. as a deity of some sort. So this can be that one believes that there is a current player viewing the world. They may refer to this reader as the overseer! Those who are in Our Viewer do not have a moderator or a leader rather their own experiences. (the term isn’t a queer identity, just tagged for reach due to the nature of my blog.)
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[ID: none yet]
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[Tag] @ficto-religious-archive
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Fultist/Fults DNI!!!
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redacted-coiner · 8 months
The Hellborn Pages
[PT: The Hellborn Pages]
The Hellborn Pages, is a Ficto-Religon(link) based off the worlds of Hazbin Hotel & Hellva Boss shows. This can be folks who believe in the mythos found within the shows, this can be believing in the sin deadly sins, in reality it can be connected to anything in it. Those who are in The Hellborn Pages do not have a moderator or a leader rather their own experiences. Though if people wish for separate groups for each sin, angel, sinner, hellborn, etc. that is perfectly fine. (the term isn’t a queer identity, just tagged for reach due to the nature of my blog.)
Seven Deadly Sins Groups names: Pride Hellborn, Sloth Hellborn, Greed Hellborn, Lust Hellborn, Envy Hellborn, Gluttony Hellborn, and Wrath Hellborn.
Other Groups Names: Hellborn of the Goetia, Hellborn of the Overlords, Hellborn of the Heavens, Hellborn of the Hotel.
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[ID: would add into alt text]
[Tag] @ficto-religious-archive
Image under cut that is about the hierarchy seen in the shows.
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Flutist/Fults DNI!!!
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redacted-coiner · 8 months
hello! If it’s ok can I request a Ficto-religion flag for worshipping the great seven (from the game twisted wonderland). It’s ok if you don’t feel comfortable doing it.
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Great Seven Fields
[PT: Great Seven Fields]
Great Seven Fields, a Ficto-Religion(link) based on the world of Twisted Wonderland and it’s Great Seven. These may be those who believe in the separate members of the seven or them all as a collective. Those who are in Great Seven Fields do not have a moderator or a leader rather their own experiences. (the term isn’t a queer identity, just tagged for reach due to the nature of my blog.)
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[ID: none yet]
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[Tag] @ficto-religious-archive
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Fultist/Fults DNI!!!
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redacted-coiner · 7 months
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Narrators Plot
[PT: Narrators Plot]
Narrators Plot, a Ficto-Religion(link) related to the Narrator from The Stanley Parable. This can be that someone who believes that the Narrator is apart of their life and is the Narrator of their life and has a plan for them. That of the Narrators Plot may like to personally interact with him, or just let him talk and continue his plans. Those who are in this religion do not have a moderator or a leader rather their own experiences. ( the term isn’t a queer identity, just tagged for reach )
May be connected too Our Viewer(link)
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[ID: none yet]
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[Tag] @ficto-religious-archive
DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag.
Fultist/Fults DNI!!
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redacted-coiner · 7 months
Ficto-Religion Text Temp
[PT: Ficto-Religion Text Temp]
For the flag template, please look here(link) also the general info on what a Ficto-Religion is(link)
If there is a * next to a piece of text. This means it is not required and you don’t need to include it.
X, a Ficto-Religion related to (*charater(s)) from (media).
(Explanation of what the general concept of this religion, this can contain beliefs, mentions of subgroups, etc.).
Those who are in this religion do not have a moderator or a leader rather their own experiences.
* Group Titles: (any amount of tiles needed!)
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redacted-coiner · 7 months
Wanna note this !
[PT: Wanna note this !]
All my Ficto-Religion terms and flags are just the base points! They do not need to be rules and guidelines one needs to fallow to be accounted as that religion! Similar to other religions it is up to one’s interpretation on how they shall take their identity!
If your religious experience is note by note the original description, that’s great! If it goes off script but still has attachments to the original concept. That’s also great!
Religion is mean to comfort one and answer things that one may not personally understand. I give you something you can use, be creative with it!
I adore all of you who may read this and hope you have a good day praising! 💚
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redacted-coiner · 7 months
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Golden Vengeance
[PT: Golden Vengeance]
Golden Vengeance, a Ficto-Religion(link) dedicated to the character Golden Freddy from the Five Nights at Freddys series. This can be connected to the Ficto-Religion, Puppets Show but it could also not. Those part of Golden Vengeance believe in the message of Cassidy in the crimes of those like Willam Afton shall not go unpunished, while those who may fallow this won’t cause physical violence they will promote that those who harm others shall be punished in some way! Those who are in this religion do not have a moderator or a leader rather their own experiences. ( the term isn’t a queer identity, just tagged for reach )
Another FNAF Ficto-Religion is this(link)!
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[ID: none yet]
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[Tag] @ficto-religious-archive & @fnaf-terms-archive
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Fultist/Fults DNI!!
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redacted-coiner · 7 months
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Puppets Show
[PT: Puppets Show]
Puppets Show, a Ficto-Religion(link) dedicated to the Puppet/Marionette from the Five Nights at Freddys series. This can be those who give grace to her reviving the children or those who believe in her in general, or even something else entirely that just relates to her. Those who are in this religion do not have a moderator or a leader rather their own experiences. ( the term isn’t a queer identity, just tagged for reach )
Another FNAF ficto-religion is this(link)!
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[ID: none yet]
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[Tag] @ficto-religious-archive & @fnaf-terms-archive
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Fultist/Fults DNI!!
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redacted-coiner · 2 months
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redacted-coiner · 2 months
What's the difference between a fictoreligion and a fult?
I’d suggest to read this
In short, Fictoreligons do not allow cult like formations, practices, etc.
Fults fully embracing the fact they are formatted like cults expect they aren’t cuz their “consensual”
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