#church of sylvian
webby-mogai · 8 months
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Church of Sylvian
[pt: Church of Sylvian /end pt]
A ficto-religion(link) based off the Church of Sylvian from Fear & Hunger. The faith mostly follows the beliefs and influence of the goddess Sylvian which include love, healing, creation and growth. Sex is usually a big part of worship, but it doesn't have to be. It's more about love and creation than the act itself. Physical as well as emotional healing are also a big part of worship, and using human connection as a means of getting better is a key aspect of it. Community and humanity are important of the religion, and love isn't exclusive to sexual or romantic love, either. Any kind of love and passion one experiences is valid to the practice. It preaches self love as well as love for all life.
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Ficto-religions by @redacted-coiner
Also tagging @ficto-religious-archive
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[flag id: a rectangular 7 striped flag. the 2nd and 6th stripes have a scalloped edge on the outside, and a wavy line on the inside. the center stripe has a circle in the center. the colors from top to bottom are dark green, green, light green, cream, light teal, teal and dark teal. the 2nd and 6th stripes are outlined with cream on the outside and dark red on the inside, and the center stripe is outlined with the same red. in the center of the circle of the middle stripe is a symbol shaped similar to a vulva and a rabbit head inside a circle with a seven pointed star that is missing the top right point, and a small six pointed star in the top center. /end id]
[divider id: a divider of pink flowers and leaves /end id]
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deiim · 18 days
i do love how in funger through party talk you can see just how much religious trauma daan has. his disguist at the cross, his rant how there's always a price to pay to the gods, his discomfort at the church - but what i find even more fascinating is the two times we get more indication of his sexual trauma past his intro - at the sylvian square and the department store, interestingly, both times with abella.
at the sylvian square, abella is the first to mention it looks like a vulva - and daan cuts her off, almost rudely, saying they all get it - which is not characteristic for him. he is very polite generally, if a little dry and sarcastic, but polite.
second time, at the department store, after we establish the people up there are doing whatever the fuck they were doing voluntary and out of some sexual gratitude, abella directly asks daan if they can just leave them like that. to which he responds 'don't look at me, i'm not touching those people.'
and this is a man who had no issues touching the moonscorthed on day one, trying to help them, who has seen war and the death of his wife, who handles organs with no issues at all - and that, at the department store, is where he draws the line
it is very clever characterisation on miro's part
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queenofzan · 17 days
So I'm watching a VOD of frapollo94 playing through Fear and Hunger: Termina and getting ending C, and he and his chat are theorizing at the end of the run, and...driving me fucking crazy. But this video is like a year old at this point so commenting feels a little silly.
First: becoming a New God /= ascension. I thought this was spelling out pretty clearly in Funger 1 tbh; New Godhood is a trap. I thought it was a trap laid out by the Old Gods, but certainly in Termina that doesn't seem to be the case. Honestly with how the Traces are in the dungeon, it seems unlikely; they don't give that much of a shit about humans. It would be like caring about the possibility of ants taking human form to participate in society. Like...what the fuck? That's just obviously not going to happen, why would I even think about that.
Ascension is something Alll-mer did, and we know even in Funger 1 that he is more on par with the Old Gods. Alll-mer is more powerful than the New Gods, objectively, and has been relevant and in power continuously for like 1500 years, which seems to be a great deal longer than New Gods manage.
The Girl, who becomes the God of Fear and Hunger, also ascends. This is implied to be possible because of a few things, although now at least one of them has been thrown into doubt by lore in Termina. A: her experiences have been as pure as any mortal's experiences could be, as she has only known always fear and hunger, trapped in the dungeons and caged like an animal. She seems able to understand language, but reluctant to speak. She does not have a name, or else does not share it. She is visibly touched by gestures as small as giving her (back?) a creepy doll, or letting her have a dagger. She is not living a typical childhood, even by the standards of the Fear and Hunger world; her life is hell and even the bright spots in it are some of the worst days of the other party members' lives.
B: she is born of a New God and a human. This demi-god status allows her the possibility of ascension through...fate? Having higher stats than a normal human child? Unclear. Made less clear in Termina by the conflicting lore we are introduced to about Alll-mer.
In Fear and Hunger 1, Alll-mer is said to be the child of a false god and a virgin mother. Being deep in the dungeons of fear and hunger in the "New Gods are a lie" gameplay loop, this is easily interpreted as him being the child of a New God and a human.
In Fear and Hunger: Termina, the skin bible of Alll-mer suggests an alternate origin story, where Alll-mer was created as some sort of ubermensch divine science experiment by Vitruvia, or possibly as the offspring of Sylvian and a prototype human. Which would make Alll-mer an even more traditional kind of demi-god...and also less human.
Someone in frapollo's chat suggested this was to poke fun at Christianity and the idea of Jesus being just some guy, which, I guess in a Doylist sense, that makes sense. But with the entire theme of Fear and Hunger 1 being "mortals cannot become gods outside of really super specific circumstances and that's just a trap for ambitious humans to fall into" I uhhhh think there may be more to it than that.
Whoever it is that has a vested interest in humans thinking they can become gods, but actually falling into the New God trap, would also have a vested interest in supporting the origin story of Alll-mer where he is "just" a human, but managed to ascend to greater power and intense relevance. I don't think this is the Old Gods, because again why would they give a shit, but I don't know how much evidence there is in-game to really support a good hypothesis. I will say, we see the Church is not above doing some freaky shit, committing heresies, and keeping secrets from the majority of people, in both games.
The Church in Fear and Hunger has dark priests, who specifically do also study/worship the Old Gods, as well as a history of literal human and blood sacrifice. By Termina, that has supposedly ceased, but we also see the Prehevil Church doing some hinky shit, including human and blood sacrifice that is supposedly out-dated, and potentially collaborating with Sulphur cultists or even outright subverting their own outwardly Alll-merian worship.
We also know from both games that there are sects or groups that disagree with Church doctrine, at least in details, and may openly or secretly subvert their control, such as the Yellow Mages following/worshipping Nas'hrah, and Father Domek keeping Marina's secret from his superiors.
I know, queer pagan saying "ooh, the fantasy church is bad!" but like. It is. We see that they practice hypocrisy, censorship, weird bloodline requirements, and potentially worship of the Anti-Christ. I don't know if it's that much of a stretch to blame them for, if not initiating, then certainly perpetuating the cycle of the New Gods trap, and reinforcing it with a story of Alll-mer's origins that, being 1500-1940 years in the past, is hard to definitively prove or disprove, but just so happens to align with keeping the false hope of New Godhood alive.
(This is complicated by the fact that by 1942 most people seem to not believe in or remember the New Gods very well; although we see New Gods in Termina, they are in specific ritual circles and effectively summoned with offerings, including Chambara, who we know likely had to be defeated in order for the worldstate to be what it is. Idk man, it doesn't seem that much of a stretch for the Church to keep working towards an outdated goal, but that isn't satisfying.)
I don't have a conclusion here, I'm just frustrated lmao
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sloshys · 1 year
My little fucking guys
Im so fucking bad when it comes to writing hcs or character analysis. Im going to try it out but i hope someone who’s a writer and whos interested this pairing gets to explain it all better than i can.
Everything under the cut theres some talk about sex at the end but its brief
I want to preface this that despite the fact that im very much into shipping every time i enter a new fandom i dont think any termina characters were able to directly confess their feelings to eachother. They simply have too much going on in mind, too busy surviving or hardly trust eachother. Despite the amount of events happening, i think only 3 days is super short amount of time for these guys to truly be sure of their feelings for eachother and dont have time to think over it ( only Samarie truly makes sense to me cuz she knew Marina before that even if its one sided)
Their parallels
Both of them were doomed to grow up fast in order to survive because of political and religious circumstances that neither had control over. Daan lost his family because they were fervent Sylvian worshippers, and Osaa grew in the chaos of the religious wars ravaging his country (perhaps that's how he lost his father in the process, but that's just a theory). Also, their respective situations parallel each other as they focus on both the traces of the old gods Sylvian (Daan’s parents being bunnymask cultists) and Gro-goroth (war and chaos in Abyssonia). It doesn't mean anything in particular about the characters themselves, but these two old gods did complete each other.
They both had an advanced education with Daan being an apprentice butler and modern medicine while O’saa studied spirituality and religion.
During adulthood, they both went through unspeakable horrors. For Daan, it was war; he only managed to keep his sanity with the letters he exchanged with Elise. For O'saa, it was being haunted by nightmares and his exploration of the dungeon of fear and hunger. These events traumatised them, and they had their own ways to cope with them, but Daan is visibly depressed.
Both seem to have an interest in fashion as they are self conscious on the way they dress. (Daan hates dirtying his clothes and O’saa likes being complimented on them)
Oh so youre both men with two “a ” in your names
Interpretation and headcanons
-O'saa had several people unknowingly open up about their problems at the confessional booth. Daan, who was wandering alone in the church with his thoughts eating him up, decided to give it a go, even if he wasn't religious, even if no one would respond. Part of him felt like it was sort of therapeutic. But to his surprise, someone did respond on the other side of the booth. Daan’s interest perks up when he notices the lack of professionalism from what he would assume to be a priest. They were judgmental and cold, but also understanding and interested at the same time. The rational thoughts of someone who doesn’t follow a specific belief and has their own morals they want to stand by. Yeah nothing like a priest Daan also hears some sort of familiarity with the voice and slowly realises who owns it. Daan would start playfully answering questions until O’saa couldn't keep up his identity. Unlike the other participants, he doesn't come out of the booth laughing; it’s just Daan looking at him smugly while the yellow mage’s expression is between disappointment and irritation. But regardless, they did have a nice talk in there, not that either of them would admit it.
-tbh a lot of their relationship is a back and forth one of them making a joke, the other roll their eyes and they would reply with “why are you always so serious???”
-O’saa secretely likes making Daan laugh. He keeps telling himself because his humor is more of his taste but its mostly cuz Daan always looks so gloomy
-Actually, these two don't know how to express their emotions. Daan sees how distant O’saa is from everyone and kind of wants him to be able to settle in with the group. O'saa, who doesn’t like to show his sympathy, still tries to make Daan laugh at times because he seems worryingly miserable and sad (his own jokes tend to make him laugh more than Daan, however). They just try to cheer each other up in the most complex brain gymnastic game by poking fun and making bad jokes with the worst timing possible, which mostly confuses the both of them more than anything else.
- O’saa doesnt like Daan’s smoking and drinking habits. But he does admit that it gives him a certain charm and the drinks he makes for him
-When O’saa revealed the identity of the Sulfur god to Daan there was this sting of empathy he felt for him despite Nas’hara’s scolding. And didn’t want to reveal to much not just for the sake of forbidden otherworldly knowledge but to spare him from such heavy info when he’s already going though so much grief.
-Daan was, deep down, extremely grateful for O’saa sharing his knowledge. When they met later, he insisted on taking care of O'saa's wounds after he was shot by August’s arrows. But O’saa is always on guard and asks Daan to take his vest off while he holds on to it and his scalpel. He will grab the back of his neck, warning Daan that If he tries anything funny, he will deal him a fatal blow. Despite the fact that it was supposed to create tension, the two were never this physically close to each other before…
-Daan would notice O’saa fragrance and Osaa would notice Daan’s lipstick
-Now sex is a difficult topic. Something that forces them into a state they so desperately tried to avoid their whole lives. The feeling becoming undone by sharing something with someone special or showing vulnerability. A primal feeling, feeling alive. They had a quick fuck to release steam. They try to convince themselves that its for personal satisfaction or giving a helping hand but it ever hardly felt like that. They still had this connection they refused or couldn’t to share with spoken words. It never went too far, but it was never bad. Quite the contrary, the sex was good but always too short
-O’saa realised he had developped a worshipping kink because of Daan. But Daan noticed it much earlier.
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catacropolis · 1 month
Fear and Hunger Twisted wonderland AU
For this AU I took a look into what moonscorching actually is. Moonscorching a simple explanation is that it transforms a contestant into a representation of their worst qualities and fears. Combining this idea with the concept of overblotting where a person is transformed based on the build-up of magic blot and negative emotions over a significant amount of time I present  the twisted wonderland fear and hunger AU
Following the contestant rules there are only 14 students that are involved in the festival of termina. the 7 overblotters from twst main story and Yuu are the playable cast while the remaining 6 are the non-playable contestants. Yuu functions as a perspective character in this scenario and their actions would be that of the player of fear and hunger. All other contestants go through their own actions throughout the 3-day cycle Yuu can recruit teammates and try and make their way out of Prehevil. 
For the overblotting cast their moonschorched forms are based on the design elements and the backstory that we learn from their overblotted forms. Designing each element with the themes of fear and hunger and the knowledge of the twst cast I plan to envision a design for our 7 cast members.  ( note all cast members will be human in this au and non human characters ex. leona will lack non human features and abilities)
if you haven't played the game Fear and Hunger is a survival horror game and my moonscorched designs are made with the horror aspects in mind 
The cast  !!
Riddle  ( nososphobia)
Taking after his mother's wishes a 22 year old riddle is a school educated doctor. Acting as a war medic outside of the battlefield, he is on the train back to his hometown after an angry letter from his mother. 
Leona  ( zoophobia)
 The son of a wealthy and influential businessman,Leona set off in search of a purpose outside of his family's cruel leadership. Now 33 he has spent years traveling to find a purpose outside of destruction. Running from his past that threatens to catch up to him he boards the train. 
Azul  ( teratophobia)
A corrupt and money-hungry 26-year-old mafia man azul has lived a life dedicated to the ideals of the family leader. Despite growing tensions and the familys growing interest in the occult azul boards the train on a mission to track down the hier of a wealthy businessman associated with the family. 
Jamil  ( Rhabdophobia) 
A man on the run Jamil is a 27-year-old ex-servant of a powerful silk trading family. Escaping after an altercation with the heir he finds himself on the run from his past armed with his familys occult knowledge and his experiences as a bodyguard he boards the train in an attempt to find a new life
Vil  ( erotophobia)
Growing up in the church of Sylvian his family have spent years priming vil to be the most beautiful man as to gain Sylvian’s favor. Now 27 after withstanding cruel rituals vil is betrayed when his beloved chooses another.  Running off in a jealous rage vil finds himself on the train 
Idia  ( Phantasmophobia)
Devastated after the death of his younger brother a young idia devotes himself to finding a way to revive his younger brother. Now 29 his pursuits lead him to a train in hopes that the church of Allmer will have answers  
Malleus ( Rhabdophobia) 
 After the death of his parents, a young malleus was raised by an old man. after getting injured in the war his father falls deathly ill. Now a 27-year-old botanist malleus boards a train in search of a cure
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kiki-mimi222222222 · 1 year
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Collaboration with amazing and talented @cinemamind (thank you very much🌸🌼)
I did a line and made an idea - Cinemamind made colouring and rendering.
The idea was a crossover between fear and hunger (part 1) and creepypasta.
Who is who:
Jeff the killer here is a mashup of mercenary and knight. He used to be the most beautiful and kindest royal knight. But he was cursed, his face was was disfigured, his armor is covered with blood and rust, and now he wants nothing more, but violate everything, what breathes, and murdering people for money and for his blood thirst. Yet he is trying to “save” and “protect” little mute girl Sally (the daughter of newest god and human) to justify his actions and clean himself from sins. If Jeffrey Alan Woods become another newest God, he will be a God of humanity’s disgrace and paltriness. All filth and sin of average medieval person will be reflected in Jeff’s existence, and Jeffrey will drown the kingdom, he protected once, in the darkest age.
Clockwork used to live in the church. She was a believer towards Gods, towards priests, towards her family. But Gods were silent towards her pray, her brother betrayed her (you know, how), and priests punished her for curiosity for new “forbidden” knowledge. Clockwork escaped and became dark priest (like enki, yes). Her new goal - to find the ultimate knowledge of the whole universe and become the most powerful creature beyond time and space. Clockwork rejected all moral bandages, she will do everything for her glory, she will make everyone and everything worship her. Except Toby Erin Rogers (Slenderman occultist) - the only man, who was kind to her. She has two choices - form a marriage with Toby in the name of Offenderman… Or she can be the God of Time and Machines - the new era will swallow the land - Era of Industrialisation and clockwork mechanisms. No poor, no rich, no oppressed, no privileged - only one, only Clockwork Machine. You will obey, or you will die in the darkness of the past, left behind.
Toby serve not only to Slenderman, but also to Offenderman, who has the same role, as Sylvian from original F&H universe. That’s why Toby in “marriage” fragment wears a bunny mask.
Zalgo obviously represents Gro-goroth here.
That was fun.
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darkvioletcloud · 10 months
So do you think Louisa would beat the shit out of Father domek when he hits samarie before she even gets the chance to stab him?
She'd definitely intervene once Domek grabs Samarie and force him off of her. She wouldn't go straight into violence, though, but Domek would be yelled at so severely that he wishes she just hit him instead. Being yelled at by a mom is the most terrifying thing that can happen to someone.
I also had an idea that Domek and Louisa have some sort of a history together, since Louisa grew up in Prehevil. She would've been married at that church and attended services, so maybe they would have crossed paths a few times in her youth. I'd imagine Domek is in his 50s, so he'd be maybe ten years Louisa's senior? She'd at least know his name and he could recognize her face, at the very least.
She'd also be horrified by what's going on in the church's basement, and it'd be a contributor to the breaking of her faith.
My idea for Louisa is that she'd be a devout Alll-mer follower, but during the events of the Festival, she'd doubt her upbringing. I think she'd find Sylvian's healing magic to be resonant with her. I have an idea of her getting injured and Tanaka having to heal her, if you know what I mean. ;3
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joslincox · 3 months
Run This Body
Cover of: "Run This Town" by Jay-Z, Kanye West and Rihanna
Feel it coming in the air
Hear the screams from everywhere
I'm addicted to the thrill
It's a dangerous love affair
Can't be scared when it goes down
Got a problem, tell me now
Only thing that's on my mind
Is who's gon' run this body tonight
Is who's gon' run this body tonight
We gon' run this body!
We are, yeah, I said it: we are
This is Bod Nation, pledge your allegiance
Get your fartigues on, all black everything
Black cards, black cars, all black everything
And our girls are blackbirds riding with their Dillingers
I get more in depth if you boys really real enough
This is la Familia, I'll explain later
But for now, let me get back to this paper
I'm a couple bands down and I'm trying to get back
I gave Sylvian a grip and lost a flip for five stacks
Yeah, I'm talking 5 comma, 6 zeros, dot zero, here Sylvian
Back to running circles round the City of Hector, now we squared up
Hold up!
Life's a game, but it's not fair
I break the rules, so I don't care
So I keep doing my own thing
Walking tall against the rain
Victory's within the mile
Almost there, don't give up now
Only thing that's on my mind
Is who's gon' run this body tonight
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Who's gon' run this body tonight?
We are, yeah, I said it: we are
You can call me Caesar, in a dark Caesar
Please follow the leader, so Ozzy J we are
Microphone fiend, this the return of the God
Peace, God, ah ah, it ain't no nobody fresher
I'm in Maison, ah, Martin Margiela
On the table, screaming
"Forgey the other side! They're jealous!"
We got a banquette full of broads
They got a table full of fellas
Yeah, and they ain't spending no cake
They should throw their hand in
'Cause they ain't got no spades
Yeah, my whole team got dough
So my banquette is looking like millionaires' row
Life's a game, but it's not fair
I break the rules, so I don't care
So I keep doing my own thing
Walking tall against the rain
Victory's within the mile
Almost there, don't give up now
Only thing that's on my mind
Is who's gon' run this body tonight
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Who's gon' run this body tonight?
It's crazy how you two can go from being Ozzy & Drix
To everybody in Hector; no homo
I bought my whole family whips; no Volvos
Next time I'm in church: please, no photos
Police escorts, everybody passports
This the life that everybody ask for
This the fast life, we are on a crash course
What you think I rap for, to push a damn Rav 4?
But I know that if I stay stunting
All these girls only gon' want one thing
I can spend my whole life goodwill hunting
Only good gon' come is this good when I'm cumming
She got a ass that'll swallow up a G-string
And up top, ungh, two bee stings
And I'm beasting off the Riesling
And my opponent just made it out the precinct
We give a damn about the drama that your dude bring
I'm just trying to change the color on your mood ring
Reebok, baby, you need to try some new things
Have you ever had shoes without shoe strings?
"What's that, Ye?" "Baby, these heels."
"Is that a May— what?!" "Baby, these wheels."
You're tripping when you ain't sipping, have a refill
You're feeling like you running, huh? Now you know how we feel
Whass up!
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Yeah, yeah, whass up!
Hey, hey, hey, hey
We gon' run this body tonight
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yggaegetsuamulet · 3 months
My tier lists on the Termina cast as of version 1.9.1.
As protagonist:
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S Tier
Marcoh - Best starting weapon (Quick jabs) and soul (Tainted) in the game, can start with an extra +25 Body
Karin - Persuade lets you kill the entire train at the start of the game with your pistol, allowing you to start with 4-5 of the souls, a Soul stone, Alchemillia Vol. 1, and some other useful things
A Tier
Daan - Can start with Analyze or with Loving whispers and Sylvian affinity, which are both quite useful
B Tier
O'saa - Spice forge makes spells good
Marina - Necromancy and Engrave, max Gro-goroth affinity
Abella - Weaponcraft (Sandman's kiss, Meat grinder)
C Tier
Levi - His skills are highly situational and he can start with withdrawal, Trenchgun for the gate is outshined by a debug tile
Olivia - Her skills are easily obtainable by killing her, and her being wheelchair bound is a permanent debuff
As party members:
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S Tier
Marcoh - Quick jabs and Bob and weave
A Tier
Daan - Analyze
B Tier
Marina - Engrave
C Tier
Abella - Short circuit
O'saa - He's missing his single best skill as a party member
D Tier
Karin - Better than a ghoul
Levi - Has withdrawal, still better than a ghoul
Olivia - Barely capable of melee
Based on how entertaining:
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S Tier
Daan - James Sunderland 2.0
Levi - Depressed heroin boy with interesting backstory
A Tier
Pav - Terrible person, very funny
Samarie - Girlfailure
August - Very interesting interactions
B Tier
O'saa - Confession booth scene
Marcoh - Backstory
Tanaka - All of the ways he dies
C Tier
Karin - Not much content
Henryk - Even less content
Caligura - Please Miro, give him literally anything
D Tier
Marina - Less interesting half of the church subplot
Olivia - Logic subplot is only relevant to the ending
Abella - Who?
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danzameccanica · 5 years
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Chi ha seguito in tempo reale l’andamento della musica durante gli anni si ricorderà di un meraviglioso momento di post-punk revival nei primi dieci anni del Duemila che, grazie agli Interpol, diede vita a decine di band da far risanguinare il cuore a tutti i darkettoni dell’epoca che ancora non potevano godere delle varie renunion storiche che accaddero qualche anno dopo. Editors, the National, the Departure, Bloc Party, White Lies ecc.. Erano anni meravigliosi dove a volte pure gli Strokes o i Franz Ferdinand rientravano in queste categorie per uscirne subito. Quel revival post-punk ancora senza synth-pop, tutto fatto di chitarre frenetiche che attingevano non tanto all’origine del post-punk, quanto a quel momento di definizione di gothic-rock. I Blacklist vengono fuori da New York in un momento in cui sono stati davvero l’ultima ruota del carro in un meraviglioso periodo storico in cui l’indie-rock (con le virgolette eh) rempiva gli stadi. Hanno condiviso i palchi coi The Mary Onettes e i nascenti A Place to Bury Strangers.
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Midnight of the Century prende le nuove sonorità delle band appena citate ma tirando in ballo le chitarre dei primissimi U2 (Boy e War) e di Sisters of Mercy senza creare un’atmosfera troppo lugubre. Tutti i brani hanno un approccio rock tangibile, come i Cult di Love, con una batteria bella potente e piena. "Flight of the Demoiselles" dimostra una band strepitosa che invece di tenere il basso in primo piano sfoggia chitarre e batterie. Un post-punk più rock del solito. Molto più vicini a The Unforgettable Fire piuttosto che a Pornography. Meno frenetici dei Sisters ma più avvolgenti, con quello spirito americano. Ma si sente che la band viene dalla città più europea degli States perché manca qualsiasi accenno al folk-cantautoriale che sta nel DNA dei nordamericani. Ci sono gli Skeletal Family, i Red Lorry Yellow Lorry, i March Violets. Ci sono tutti loro se tutti loro avessero fatto un disco in questi anni. Ma soprattutto ai synth e alla produzione c’è Ed Buller, che ha messo le mani nella seconda parte degli Psychedelic Furs, dei Suede, dei Pulp ma – soprattutto di una band quasi gemella dei Blacklist negli anni ’90: i That Uncertain Feeling. "Language of the Living Dead" assomiglia ai Bloc Party mentre "Odessa" sembra omaggiare i The Church per poi crescere in questo singolo perfetto da cantare a squarciagola sotto la pioggia. I ricordi vanno subito alle corse in moto di The Lost Boys, a quei panorami vampireschi ma neo-gotici; pizzi, merletti e canotte da basket; motociclette e denti aguzzi. Sangue e whiskey. "Julie Speaks" cita ancora i fraseggi di The Edge (cavolo se non sembrano le sonorità di Under a Blood Red Sky !!!) e più si va avanti ad ascoltare l’album più si giunge a quella torbida oscurità fatta di fumo e lava dei The Mission di fine anni ’80. "Poison for Tomorrow" è uno degli ultimi brani davvero memorabili dell’album, (con qualche strattone alla giacca dei Suede) prima di chiudere il disco con brani decisamente più atmosferici, rilassati, un po’ a metà strada fra Echo & the Bunnymen e David Sylvian ("the Cunning of history"). "Worlds Collide" suona come una specie di b-side di "Odessa" creando forse le linee vocali più pop dell’album, senza rinunciare alle solite splendide chitarre. Midnight of the Century può arrivare a sfiorare l’alba con questo ultimo brano ma per il resto rimane un disco notturno, un album da sparare nella macchina in corsa, prima che tutto il revival Drive-80s-synthpop rubi la scena questo mondo.
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mioritic · 3 years
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David Sylvian at the Church of Notre Dame de France, London, with the Crucifixion mural by Jean Cocteau
Photo by Yuka Fujii
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endlesscacophony · 2 years
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@svnsworn​​ asked: “ complicated? people will be dying soon, isn’t that complicated enough?” (from Felix, please & thank u!)
Complicated didn’t even begin to cover the situation as far as Sylvain was concerned, ever since the Fall of Garreg Mach nothing had seemed to make sense. Thought to be allies and friends had become enemies, ones that would be seen from across a battlefield, weapons poised at one another - only one goal in mind. 
Sylvain couldn’t believe it, couldn’t understand why this was happening, why was there a need for a war to begin with, much less against the church? Why news of Dimitri’s apparent treason and subsequent execution was being spread across all of Faerghus, looming overhead as if they entire Kingdom was the one under the axe with him. Who’s to say they weren’t? Dimitri’s demise would mean the end of the Blaiddyd line on the throne, where would they be then? Who would take control?
Something about all of this lead Sylvian to believe it wouldn’t be Lord Rodrigue.
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“That’s not what I meant,” A soft sigh, a hand running through bright red hair, “Felix, we have to be careful about how we proceed.” Tactics, at a time like this, was paramount. Even Sylvain didn’t pretend to waste time of frivolous platitudes and unnecessary facades, this was a time of war. The time to hold close everyone who he held dear so they didn’t become too wrapped up in this, drift too far from his grasp, to where he couldn’t reach.
He tried to block out how far Dimitri had been drifting to the way side even in school, turned his gaze away from how the loss of his life would mean a friendship never rekindled, a bond forever lost.
“We can’t just storm the capital, much less without an army in tow.” The grip he had on the other’s elbow was like a vice, bruising, not that he had the intention to harm - Goddess, he didn’t even know he tightly he was holding the other - but rather to keep in place, if only for a moment. He knew there was no time, Dimitri’s execution was in only a few days and if they wanted to make it, they needed to leave now. 
Sylvain had every intention to go with him, not that his father would allow. Though, when had the Margrave made Sylvain’s life anything short of difficult?
“What’s your actual plan?”
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butwhatifidothis · 3 years
Every time I daydream the lance scene, I try to dramatize it. Red Herring or not, just last month intruders broke into the Tomb for grave robbing and would've gotten away with if the class hadn't show up. So when I said no, it was to safeguard instead of taking it instead. Rhea would accuse Byleth for keeping her dead- weapon, while Byleth brings up how compromised Garreg Mach while personally guarding the lance, even if it'll be collecting dust. Sylvian shows up as middle ground with the crest.
See, that’s something that’s not unreasonable to go with! Fear over the Church’s security being breached being the reason Byleth tries to keep it for themselves - since they were the one to deal with the security breach and they have the strongest Relic to help them keep it safe, unlike the Church - with Sylvain playing peacekeeper is something interesting! You can make some back-and-forth arguments that could be engaging to read! But so often I see Rhea being mad about Byleth keeping the Lance of Ruin as a sign of her being shady with no nuance at all and it’s annoying as hell
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lochnessies · 3 years
The other day I remember the mention of a take (or was a fic?) that I read in tumblr about Lysithea being a spy for Claude in a CF scenary and got me thinking, who could be a spy for the kingdom in the same situation?
In the end I came with Sylvian and Felix, the first one in more inteligent that the mayority of the cast give him and his womanizer attitude is a good cover.
And Felix, well he is a big tsundere that will never would betray Dimitri and co (except for avatar pandering) but again, his attitude is a great cover.
I think the best moment to commit the treason would be in chapter 15 when the church attack the monastery, but this time is with the kingdom.
ooo now that you mention it that fic does sound familiar. i think it was the one written in chinese (?) that an anon mentioned reading
as for the spy situation, ashe and annette are too honest to work, ingrid would look too suspicious and seem out of place, mercedes might work blending in but doesn’t like to lie. so yeah sylvain and felix would work! nobody would expect the playboy who hates crests and the brat who hates his father
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barracudablue · 4 years
I saw @spohkh do this and I wanted to.
Blume - Einstürzende Neubauten All Night - Slum Sociable Red Hill Mining Town - Aine Cahill (U2) Rest My Chemistry - Interpol Andy Warhol - David Bowie Cherry - Jungle Under the Milky Way - The Church Doing It To Death - The Kills Affection - Cigarettes After Sex Bamboo Houses - David Sylvian & Ryuichi Sakamoto Little Dark Age - MGMT Undenied - Portishead Eighties - Killing Joke
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sara-scribbles · 5 years
His and Hers
Dimitri/F!Byleth Note: This isn’t canon, but it’s my canon now! I love him and he deserves to be happy. --------- The battle was finally over. All sides had lost so much. Yet they had managed to come together to fight a common enemy. There had been so much bloodshed, yet no one could deny that it would have been worse if not for Byleth. Though the idea of time travel was still something everyone was wrapping their heads around, it was a miracle that she was able to help them all.
Dimitri watched as his former teacher talked with Edelgard. She looked just like he remembered her back at the academy. Well except for the change in hair color. Yet, she was different from back then. Still confident and composed, yet there was an edge in her voice he couldn’t place. She still gave everyone fond looks, yet she was taking every detail in and analyzing it.
“Dimitri!” The blond man was brought from his thoughts by Claude’s voice. The bow wielded waved to him to come over.
Once he joined the group, Claude clapped him on the back. “We were just talking about what to do next. Of course we have to put our respective countries back together, but I think we deserve a break!”
Edelgard sighed. “There is much work that needs to be done. We really don’t have time to lay back.”
“What do you think?” Byleth asked. A small smile was on her lips. Her eyes danced with amusement.
He found himself getting lost in them like always. Clearing his throat, he looked away. “I agree with Edelgard. We have a lot to rebuild as well as discuss with everyone.”
“You two are no fun.” Claude pulled Byleth into a side hug. “Well, teach here thinks we should relax. Since she’s the boss, we gotta do what she says.”
Byleth chuckled. “We’ve been fighting non-stop. It’s time we have some relaxation. It’ll only be for the night.”
Edelgard frowned but relented. “Alright. Perhaps it will help build everyone’s moral.”
With a cheer from a few people around them, everyone began getting things together. By the time night fell, tents were put up, food was being cooked over pits, the alcohol was flowing, and people were laughing. It was a stark contrast to the bloody battlefield not so long ago.
Byleth watched from the aside. Everyone was much happier now. It reminded her of the days at the academy during festivals. Every time she turned around there was someone calling for her. She had talked with them, enjoyed the food and drink, and just observed.
She heard a loud scream and raucous laughter. Sounds that were much better than the screams on the battlefield. A smile played on her lips as Dimitri approached her spot.
“Enjoying the party?” she asked. Leaning against the trunk of a tree, she had a good view of the whole camp.
He stood next to her. “It’s getting a little out of hand.” Just as he said that, Sylvian stumbled out of a tent missing some of his clothes.
“Strip poker?” A single eyebrow went up as she watched him run back in with a grin on his face.
“Unfortunately someone had a deck of cards. Alcohol and cards usually don’t mix well.” He sighed and shook his head.
Crossing her arms, she grinned. “Let then have their fun. We all deserve it after everything.”
Dimitri fell silent before turning to her. “What will you do now?”
“Hmm, I don’t belong in this timeline. Yet, I’m not sure if I can go back.” She hadn’t really thought much about what she would do after. She had been so focused on making sure everyone survived.
“You could stay,” he murmured.
Byleth looked up at him - something she found a bit frustrating as he hadn’t been so tall before - a questioning look on her face. “What would I do here? I’m pretty sure the academy doesn’t need me as a teacher. I’m not even sure I want to teach a different class of students.”
Not meeting her gaze, he instead looked up at the cloudless night sky. “I have a lot of work to do in Faerghus. You could stay there for awhile.”
Byleth waved him off. “What would I do there? I can’t teach you much, Dimitri. All of you have far surpassed everything I ever hoped.”
Dimitri reached forward and rested his hands on her shoulders. Looking down at her, he steeled his nerves. “I don’t want you to come back as my teacher.”
Her mouth fell open as realization dawned. She quickly closed her mouth. Looking at his face, he looked tired yet much happier than the first time she met him. He had changed so much, and her heart had gone out to him.
This Dimitri was not her student. This Dimitri had faced tragedies that broke him. Byleth knew it wasn’t her job to fix him. She encouraged him to help himself, and in the end he managed to pull himself out of the darkness.
“Dimitri…” Cupping the side of his face, she smiled. She had been very fond of him as a student. Now that fondness had grown and changed into something different. Something exciting but scary..
He exhaled before leaning down and pressing his forehead against hers. “You disappeared on us, Byleth, for five years. I don’t want that to happen again.”
Closing her eyes, she embraced his closeness. “I’ll always be close by, Dimitri. I promise.” Pulling away from him, she nodded. “I’d like to visit Faerghus.”
A ghost of a smile formed on his face. “We should let the others know. Claude and Edelgard won’t be too pleased.”
“They wanted me to come to their countries too? I’m sure we can figure something out.” Turning back to the celebration, Byleth took a step forward. Everything around her shifted and the sounds of merriment disappeared.
She stood in front of a familiar throne. Sothis smiled at her from her seat. “Welcome back!”
“I...what happened?” Byleth turned in circles before facing the woman. “I was just about to…”
“Sorry about that. It’s time to go back to your time.” Stepping down from her perch, Sothis stood in front of the young woman.
“Back?” She hadn’t even imagined that was possible. However she should have realized that Sothis could do just about anything with time.
Holding out her hand, Sothis nodded. “You do realize you don’t belong in that time. If you stayed, things would have been thrown out of order. Returning you to the exact time you left is for the best.”
Byleth frowned. “I didn’t get to say goodbye.”
 Sothis’ hands started to glow as glyphs lit up under her feet. “At least you can see your students off in your own time. One more thing,” she held her palms facing Byleth, “you won’t remember any of this until the future has come to pass.”
Before Byleth could reply, bright light surrounded her. She squeezed her eyes shut against the brightness. Magic washed over her before she felt grounded. Opening her eyes, she was back at the academy. Everything was quiet in the library just as before.
Looking around, Her eyebrows furrowed. “What was I doing again?” --------- Six years later
The Officer’s Academy was abuzz with the sounds of chatter and laughter. The previous class from five years ago had returned as alums. Everyone was in good spirits as a year had passed since the war. Peace looked good on the former students. Some wandered the halls reminiscing on the school days. Others lingered in the courtyard talking with current students and faculty.
Edelgard waved to a few current Black Eagle students. “It’s strange being back,” Claude commented.
“Yes. Though it’s a welcome sight that the new students are so excited.” The bells of the church rang out. “When will you be teaching?”
“In the second term. Dimitri will be teaching during the third term. So, you get to handle the new students first. Go easy on them. I don’t want them to be terrified of me when I start,” he teased.
The young woman huffed. “I can’t help it if I like order. As their teacher, I have high expectations.”
Claude merely shook his head with a good natured smile. Things between the three countries had improved. Though tensions were still high, they tried their best to mend relationships. Slowly but surely things were getting better.
“Have you seen Dimitri?” Edelgard inquires. She hadn’t seen the prince since meeting him at the gates of the academy.
“Felix, have you seen Dimitri?” Claude called. The dark haired male shook his head. Even he did not know where the blond had disappeared to.
She was worried. “Do you think he’s okay?” He had been distant ever since the night of the celebration.
“I don’t know. He took Byleth’s disappearance the hardest.” Claude shook his head. “Honestly I think coming here reminds him of her too much. He needs some time alone.”
Elsewhere, Dimitri wandered the empty halls. All students, faculty and alums were on the other opposite end of the academy. He had slipped off while everyone was preoccupied.
Walking down the halls reminded him of his academy days. It was a simpler time where the biggest concern was upcoming finals. Everyone was focused on studies and friends. The idea of war never crossed their minds.
Stepping into a familiar room, he looked around. It was empty save for a desk, chair and bookshelf. Byleth had decorated her office to be welcoming. Fresh flowers were always present on her desk. Every time he went to her office, there was always a different vase of flowers. Books from all over lined the bookshelves once. Now all that lined the shelves was a thick film of dust.
Every time he walked in, she was always working on something. Yet, she would look up and smile. Never did she tell a student she was too busy to see them. Her door was always open for anyone who needed to talk, even if it wasn’t school related.
Her willingness to help others was what drew him to her. At first it was admiration. She was their teacher and spoke from experience. Not once did she ever turn down a student’s idea. Never did she tell them they were wrong. Instead she would help them work their way to the right answer. She always seemed to have some word of advice for everyone.
The admiration slowly turned into an infatuation. Of course he dismissed his silly feelings as something that would eventually go away. Yet it made it hard for him at times. Whenever she would praise his work, it felt like he could do anything. He was always the first to offer his help be it cleaning up the classroom or carrying things for her.
It was almost comical how much he liked her. Felix would comment sometimes - he was like a puppy. Sylvian, when he found out, continually offered advice on how to “woe the love of his life” whenever possible. Dimitri thoroughly ignored his advice.
So when the time came for them to graduate, Dimitri was saddened to leave. However Byleth has promised to visit each of them. Of course that time never happened. Eventually he forgot about her as war broke out. His own personal demons pervaded his life.
Yet seeing her again on the battlefield, unchanged, made him pause. It made his infatuation reared its ugly head for a split second. Then all hell broke loose, and he was consumed by his shadows again. Yet she cut through the shadows and held her hand out to him. She offered help while encouraging him to face his darkness.
Turning his head up, Dimitri closed his eye. Sunlight filtered in through the high windows. Allowing himself to relax and push the storm of emotions aside, he exhaled deeply. It was time to return to the others.
Turning, he faced the doorway, but couldn’t move. Standing in the archway, Byleth was watching him. He blinked a few times wondering if he was hallucinating, yet she remained.
Her once free hair was swept back into a loose braid that hung down her back. She looked older, more wary. She was not the same Byleth who had disappeared a year ago.
A tired smile formed on her lips. “Hello, Dimitri.” Her voice sent a shock through his system.
“You...Byleth…?” He stumbled forward. He needed to make sure she was real. Reaching for her, he rested his hands on her shoulders. She was solid under his his hands. He searched her face. Despite the slight change, he knew it was her.
Grinning, she cupped the side of his face. “I would still like to visit Faerghus.”
He had so many questions, but right now he just wanted to take in the moment. Pressing his forehead against hers, he closed his eye. He felt grounded knowing she was real.
The worry seemed to melt from her body. After finally recalling what had happened, Byleth had waited. She wanted to see him, but held herself back. When the former students had gathered at the academy, she took her chance. Seeing him again, she knew that this time it was right.
He was her Dimitri. She was his Byleth.
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