#fight lke a girl
bumblebbyxx · 1 year
HEY I WAS WONDER IF YOU COULD WRITE SOMETHING FLUFFY ABOUT HUNTER CONFESSING TO FEMALE Y/N AND THEY KISS?? EDA, LUZ, KING, GUS AND WILLOW WATCH HUNTER AS HE CONFESSES TO Y/N! Before Y/N could tell him how she feels about him too he apologize’s and says that that was a dumb idea and he runs away covering his face blushing. The next day Hunter tries to avoid Y/N for the whole day. Y/N decides to just go up to him when he’s all alone and finally tells him how she feels too and they kiss again!! WOOHOO!!
Hello! Thank you for your request! Here it is~
Tw: none
Contains: Fluff, adorable blushing, just a stuttering mess 
Today was the day. Hunter stares at himself in the mirror, a little red with his own nerve.
“Okay..okay! You can do this, Hunter! Just..come up to her, and tell her how you feel. It won’t be hard! You used to be in the emperor’s coven, you used to battle criminals on the daily! What’s one confession to a really cool girl gonna do to your ego? Nothing, that’s what!” 
Even his lies don’t convince him. He sighs, running his hands through his hair. 
“Who am I kidding…Y/N isn’t just some cool girl…she’s the coolest! Ughh—”
Whatever. This day with everyone to the local county fair might give him some confidence. Hunter still had to get ready, after all. 
Yeah, he’s definitely not ready for this. 
It had been quite a day. Hunter definitely thought so. Willow and Gus ran off to go do a bet — ‘whoever pukes first before going through all the rides loses!’. Ew. And Luz and Amity went off to win some plushie for each other. Eda and King went around, scamming oblivious tourists. 
So now…he was alone. With Y/N. In a secluded spot behind the food court. They both sat together, quiet. 
Hunter glances over to Y/N. She was looking at the fireworks above, a soft smile on her features. He reddens, looking away. She was just so…pretty. How could he even start?
“Yes, Hunter?” She looks over to him. The sounds of the fireworks seem to fade away when she locks eyes with him. Titan, he really was smitten. 
“I uh, have something to tell you.”
“Oh? Go ahead!” she grins. She looks at him curiously, fiddling with the hems of her dress. Hunter gulps. 
“So, you know how we’ve known each other for a while?”
“I, um, guess…I caught something in those years of knowing you.” He was just making himself suffer at this point, dragging the whole thing longer than it needed to be. Just say the words! 
Y/N continued to look at him with that awe-struck eyes. “And?” she asks gently, waiting patiently for his next string of words to come out. 
“...feelings. I..I caught feelings for you. Y-you’re just really, pretty, and really sweet, and you’re so cool, a-and..”
His face felt like it was on fire, red as a beet. Hunter stumbles on his words, while Y/N simply stares at him with those eyes, so alluring. Like she was waiting for him to get to the point.
He glances at her lips. A static shock goes against his heart, like it was trying to egg him on. 
He leans closer. Y/N does the same. He could feel her breath on his lips, so close — it smelled like lavender, and a hint of cinnamon. From the pretzel she had eaten before, he thinks with a quiet chuckle. 
And without further ado, they lock lips. It was short, chaste, soft. It had been something Hunter found himself thinking about too much – how it would be lke to kiss her. And this..this was more than he could ever imagine. Something beyond his wildest dreams. 
He loved it. 
His heart gives a flutter before they breath apart. Suddenly shy, Y/N whispers, 
“What are you trying to say?”
“W-what I’m trying to say is—” And with that, Hunter knew he was fighting a losing battle— “NOTHING, I’M NOT SAYING ANYTHING! Y-YOU’RE CRAZY! SORRY THIS WAS A BAD IDEA. OKAY GOODBYE FOREVER.”
He stands up quickly, before running off, hiding his very red face in his hands, he looked like he was about to explode at that point. In his mind he’s firing off so many thoughts, all at once, still very flustered — oh, Titan, why did I say that, now she’s gonna hate me forever, I shouldn’t have said anything at all, and kissing her?! I’m so dead. 
Y/N was left to her own uncollected thoughts as everyone appeared from their hiding places. 
“I really thought he was gonna do it!” gasps Willow, as Gus lends her a handful of popcorn. “Jeez, he chickened out? Boo!” he adds. 
“Man, just when I thought he gathered up all his confidence,” Luz says with a shake of her head. 
“Poor Y/N, though, she’s utterly confused,” Amity says, pointing at Y/N. She seemed a little red herself, to be honest, still staring at Hunter’s fading figure. 
“He literally kissed her, what is it with you kids and your unnecessary drama?” Eda says, perhaps a little too loud. 
When Y/N turns around, everyone pops back into their hiding places.
“He…he likes me?” she says, reddening. Flustered. 
The blonde boy sighs. He had a lot on his mind. Too many thoughts clouding his rational thinking. He glances up at the wisteria tree above him. He liked the Hexside garden. A lot. It could clear his head. 
But not today. Not even the sweet scent of the wisteria could help him this time. 
“Skipping classes, are you?”
Hunter jolts at the voice — her voice — before looking her way. Y/N stands there, a soft, unreadable expression painted on her face. 
“How did you find me?” he asks first. 
She sits down beside him with a sigh. “Luz told me.”
“Of course she did..” he mutters to himself. 
It was quiet again. Neither knew what to say. When Hunter looks back at her, he realizes she was already looking at him. Surprised, he quickly glances away, cheeks red. 
“About last night…”
“Look, can we just…forget about what happened? I-I’m sorry, I made everything awkward between us–”
“No, no, not at all!” she smiles, touching his hand. “You…you put things into perspective with me, actually..”
“And? Wh…what do you think?” he was anxious, fidgeting and red. He didn’t know if he wanted to hear the next words that would escape Y/N’s lips or not. 
“I like you back, Hunter. How could I not? You’re so sweet, and very kind, and you’re stupidly adorable when you’re flustered.”
He blinks. 
“..What?” He repeats the singular word in his mind. 
“I like you back, you big dork,” she repeats, grinning up at him, still red. “So, what do you say?”
Another absentminded glance back to her lips, and Hunter gives in. The faint static of electricity blooms in his chest, the same one back at the fair…
And this time, she leans in. This time, she initiates the kiss. He didn’t think it possible to feel the fluttering in his heart again, not when it was so rare, but he did. He felt it. And suddenly he was a mess again, a stupid, dorky, awkward mess. He melts into the kiss, shutting his eyes. It was…perfect. This time, the kiss wasn’t too short, Hunter could focus on the different parts of it…how soft her lips were, probably from the chapstick she liked to use…lavender, that was it. That was why he tasted lavender…and the smell of the wisteria leaves seem to flutter and dance about the pair. 
When they both pulled apart, it was apparent Y/N herself was blushing. 
“I say..”
She waits for his response, with baited breath. 
“...that your chapstick tastes pretty good.”
She blinks, then laughs. Her laugh always was so angelic…Hunter, focus here! She giggles, slightly, still a little surprised but giddy at his joke. 
“Do you want the brand?” she teases. He rolls his eyes playfully, almost forgetting his nervousness. 
“Maybe I could try tasting it again? Uh, you know…just as a trial, to see if I wanna buy my own.”
“Be my guest.” 
They kiss again, under that wisteria tree. He was in pure bliss. Was this the feeling many spoke of? He finally understood. 
Under that wisteria tree, Hunter could see the secrets of the universe in her eyes, he could feel everything with her kiss. 
Under the wisteria tree. 
Hope it wasn't too cringy lol. Thanks for your request again!!
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deathfavor · 11 months
Anonymous said: Also I hc (prolly semi canon to mostly canon?) That kazutora literally had fangirls in verse for the brief time he was out of Juvie (valhalla) bc HELLO? imagine a tall, dark, handsome boy, whose also having the emo asthetic, AND HE HAS A CHECKERED PAST AND CAN FIGHT?! (in a time period where emo boys were considered hot) pulls up to YOUR school and you find out that he GOES to your school?! Lke bro prolly got confessed to at least a few times in my humble opinion.
Like how would I not simp over him. (Also to further evidence. Wakui literally said that kazutora gave of dangerous yet sexy vibes (when talking about his live action actor) nd I honestly respect it.
Also I respect Tora keeping his fangirls at a distance bc they ARE finicky (not me tho I can fix him) but also enjoying the attention bc he deserves it.
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I mean, we do know those two girls thought he was cute when he went to find Takemichi so i consider it canon enough lmao. Although whether he goes or not, who knows. Theoretically he would but honestly wouldn't surprise me if he didn't either. If nothing else juvie both times made sure he got some education. I'm sure he definitely did though, even if it was just while riding on his motorcycle or at an arcade or something like that. He definitely did.
Same, I respect it. Pretty bad boy with a cool tattoo. Gotta love the bad boy vibes. Plus he was actually polite when he spoke to those asking for directions so win/win. Nevermind the history but it's not easy to get names of kids who commit crimes in Japan so that'd be all be hushed to the general public so probably wouldn't even know other than whispers
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tornrose24 · 1 year
I don't know how much of that CU fantasy AU I’m going to actually draw, so I made a list of who gets to be who/what.
George–regular human child. Loves adventure stories and was the one who first proposed to try to stop the dragon. Uses a sword. 
Harold–half elf thanks to his dad (who left his mom before Heidi was even born) and was befriended by George. Still an artist and into illustrations. Uses a bow and arrows. Was hesitant about going after the dragon, but George convinced him to do it.
The other kids–
Erica–Maybe a paladin or a knight in training. Is actually the crown princess of the lands and is off exploring/checking on the people.
Melvin– human, but might later get briefly turned into a slime monster (Huh, I wonder what that’s referencing). Is from the boys’ hometown.
Bo–initially I was going to have him be an ogre, but I’m now leaning towards him being a giant who can magically change his size (lke Glogor from Star vs the forces of Evil). Is good friends with Gooch.
Gooch–probably a bard. (Not sure if I’ll keep the elven design from the original drawings or not). Has some misfortune wherever he goes with his pan flute.
Dressy–I originally had her as a fairy, but I think some sort of dryad or siren might be more appropriate.
Stanley–Probably human, because I can’t think of anything else he could be at the moment. Family would still grow stuff, and of course they suffer a lot financially given how a chunk of their produce is sacrificed to the dragon.
Jessica and the Sophies–I’m torn between having all three girls be fairies or have each one be something different. Definitely not human though. (And I admit it would be amusing if later on Other Sophie here IS actually queen of the Croco-bats, but never said anything about it to anyone).
Heidi–half elf like her brother. Absolute sweetheart.
Those from Harold and George’s town/nearby–
Barbara and Moses– Mom’s a scholar and dad is probably a blacksmith (instead of a mechanic).
Grace–the town’s artist. (There’s probably no fantasy version of a real estate agent, though I’d love to see a book about that). Has a thing for guys who aren’t human apparently.
Mayor–Same as in canon. Allowed the residents to vote on a human sacrifice to the dragon out of desperation.
Moxxie–a famous, daring knight. Teacher and protector to Erica. The only human the dragon genuinely fears, but she’s unable to fight him herself due to an injury.
Edith–was the town’s baker. To her horror, she was voted as the sacrifice since she has no family (and also… err…. There was another reason, but the adults would just tell the kids that she was an ‘unmarried woman.’) Does end up getting the dragon to stop terrorizing the town, but not in the way people had assumed.
Adults who are now obstacles or random encounters during the quest–
Ree–either a human or an ogre who is a well known fighter (and maybe an alchemist). Whatever he is would also apply to his brother. One of the few nice adult beings the boys run into on their quest.
Meaner–I’m thinking either a troll or ogre (which would also apply to his sister). Grace might show an interest in him (much to Harold’s horror).
Jerry–probably a fawn or stayr. Mainly because they are one of the chillest mythological beings ever and Jerry isn’t, so that combo would be hilarious.
Professor Poopypants–perhaps a gnome wizard. New Swissland is now a land of gnomes. You can guess how this encounter would go.
Ribble–a gorgon (as a reference to Wicked Wedgie Woman) but without being able to turn anyone to stone.
Anthrope–IDK on this one yet. It’d be funny if she was the most monotonous witch ever.
Fyde–a tree monster. Not a serious threat compared to the others.
Krupp–the dragon that terrorized the boys’ hometown by demanding sacrifices of food and money four times a year or else. Though that soon changed when Edith was dropped on his doorstep instead. (As for the dragon-man form, I’m torn between him being the result of a dragon and a man relationship, but he can’t become fully human like his brother can or it was alternatively the result of getting mixed up with a spell).
CU–Well if Krupp is a dragon then CU is a dragon. Takes an instant liking to the boys and helps them out once in awhile, while accidentally giving them hints on what direction they need to take on their quest. Definately on the boys’ side.
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dragonstonedits · 6 years
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dykeomania · 2 years
i know this is the second time I've posted about this incident but sometimes i literally just forget that abby literally bit ellie's fucking fingers off like that is so ghetto
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Characters as things I’ve randomly heard/Seen in my High School
Random Character Edition
Hazel : What’s a Bianca?
Jason : That cartoon show, it has a dog and the nerdy kid?
Leo : Scooby do ?
Piper : The owl house?
Jason : NOoo??
Annabeth : Peabody and Sherman
Jason : Yeah
Willow : There is a storm a coming
Gus : A storm a brewing
Luz : Hurricane Katrina ? More lke hurticane tortilla
Sasha : He’s cute but he is definitely a senior
Magnus @ Annabeth : I don’t like your face
Annabeth and Magnus : * burst out laughing *
Piper : * claps * ItS WInTer SprIng FALL sUMmEr
Leo : What are the seasons in order?
Annabeth : Winter spring summer and fall
Jason : No it’s spring summer fall and winter!
Leo : How Is sPriNG stArTing It
Catra @ Adora Bow and Glimmer : It’s tall medium and small
Carter : Maybe the laptops have like .. another -?
Sadie : Nine lives , it’s a cat
Emira : oh yeah you’re gay
Nico : you know that’s homophobic
Katie : he HIT Me wIth a SoUrPatCh kIds
Sokka : everyone stop taking your food
Sokka : * takes his food *
Rachel : go to the fourth floor
Percy : There’s a fourth floor?
Reyna : * speaking in Spanish *
Percy : The only thing I understood is uno
Reyna : * says it again *
Percy : Try again but English
Polly : how do people talk to babies ?
Anne : Hi! * baby voice *
Sprig : Hi * deep voice *
Percy Leo Rachel and Nico : * trying to order food *
Percy : We are in the state of-
Rachel : Depression
Percy Leo and Nico : * dies * ( of laughing )
Eda : You guys don’t have the WiFi? It’s been two days you guys are slacking
This .. this this one was too close to the actual thing I couldn’t have not done this- :
Adrien : M’lady
Gabriel : ChaT NoIr?
Everyone at camp : SOmE BoYs Kiss Me SoMw BoyS Kiss me sOme BOys Kiss MeEEE * in the tune of the verses in material girl *
Katara : I think i pregnant
Adora : It’s a mental breakdown
Glimmer from across the room not hearing Adora : AHHHHHHHHHHHHH * insert more demonic screeching *
Toph : like retirement or like old people money
Katara : Old people money
Glimmer: You wrote give Bow’s energy as a note?
Shadow Weaver : Yes
Glimmer : Bow do you have depression ?
Bow : No
Glimmer : Everyone else , do you have depression?
Everyone else : Yes
Eda : we’ll work on it
Luz : why does the line have to be straight? So homophobic
King watching the shivers music video : Omg he died nvm he is alive
Eda : Put your titties on the floor
Raine : I don’t have titties
Percy : I forgot how to spell my name
Anne : Woooo peer pressure
Aang : * falls *
Katara : stop fooling around
Sokka : He’s falling around not fooling around
Leo : Dam you’re cute
Calypso : * glare *
Nico : Can money buy happiness?
Will : It can buy therapy
Percy : I’m not a purple girl , I’m a blue girl
Luz : The food and mental sanctuary
Everyone in She-Ra : * fighting over who takes the am I gay quiz next *
Selina : it’s not even that big why is it jiggling
Drew : *yelling something about a cute wrestler boy *
Boscha @ Skara : Daddy Chill
Amity : Stop
Boscha : Mommy Chill?
Catra and Adora : *thumb wrestling*
Adora : * wins and starts to take a sip of water *
Catra : Well you won guess you’re topping
Adora : * choking on water *
Adora : What???
Chiron : * doing a lesson *
Chiron : like is anyone here impressed by New York?
All of camp : no / Nope
Marinette : oh! So that’s why I’m depressed * excited *
The Seven + Nico + Will + Reyna + Rachel : * about to sing who runs the world girls *
Piper : oh and boys , if you’re gay , not today
Annabeth : * screaming *
Travis : what’s going on?
Annabeth : It’s a spider!
Percy : * kills spider *
Percy : What! She was screaming
Katie : YOU DOnT kiLL sPidERS! ThEY aRe ImPorTANt
Katie : PUt It OUtsIde!??? DO I tEacH YoU NOTHIng?!
Travis and Connor : * laughing *
Annabeth : * clearly relieved *
Percy : * scared *
Katie : * scary *
Katie : * look of betrayal *
Yeah that’s it lmao my school is a mess . I’ll make another part eventually
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band--psycho · 4 years
Negan x Reader-You’re Different
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For  my amazing friend @little-diable writing challenge!! I hope you enjoy this!
Prompt: In my heart there was a kind of fighting that’s would not let me sleep (Prompt in bold)
Warnings- A lot of smut (18+ if you’re under 18 do not read!)
Y/ns POV
In my heart, there was a kind of fighting that would not let me sleep and this wasn’t the first night this had happened either. And it was all because of one person. Negan. The leader of The Saviors. He was someone people feared, hell most people saw him as a monster and I knew he had that side to him...but he was different around me. He was real, not the fierce leader he was in front of the other Saviors. We’d talk about our life before this, about the threats he and our people were facing. And overtime I grew a sweet spot for him, one that saw past the act he put on and he grew a soft spot for me too, I wasn’t a wife and I’d never so much as kissed Negan but I had all of the privileges of a wife and he’d bring me back gifts from runs. Unlike the wives who normally got some form of lingerie or something else sexual, he gave me books, so much so I basically had a whole library in my room. But recently, I couldn’t help the thoughts that crept into my night when I was alone. The other day when I walked past his room and heard him moaning I couldn’t help the dampness that I felt in my panties. I tried to brush away those thoughts, but I couldn’t, no matter how hard I tried. I craved him in a way I never craved anyone before. I knew he wasn’t seeing any of his wives tonight and before my brain could even really register what my body was doing, I was knocking on his door. I rarely ever visited him unless Simon had told me he wanted me to, normally Negan would come to my room which would explain the quizzical look he had on his face.
“Doll? What’re you-” before he could say anything else I pressed my lips to his, the pent up need I had for him taking over my brain and my body. Soon enough, he was kissing me back just as intensely. His salt and pepper beard was rough against my skin, but I didn’t care, both of us were too entranced in the kiss, our lips attacked each other for a while, fighting for dominance, which of course he won. The kisses weren’t slow and sensual they were quick and desperate and right now that’s what I craved.A small noise of shock escaped my mouth at the feeling of my back colliding with the cold door which was now firmly shut. But it didn’t take long until my attention was back on the kiss. I craved him, every part of him and that’s when I felt his growing erection pressing against my thigh as the kiss got more intense and I couldn’t resist grinding against him, desperately trying to search for something, anything to cure the aching pleasure I had.But without any hesitation his hands held my waist in place, his dominant touch making the arousal I was already feeling multiply causing the dampness in my panties to grow. I’d never felt anything like this, not even for previous boyfriends I had when the world was normal. He lit a fire inside me that I couldn’t dim.
“I need you,”I whispered against his lips, he studied my eyes for a few moments, more than likely trying to figure out what was running through my head, but when I repeated, I noticed how his eyes grew dark with lust, a look that made the pleasure I was feeling almost unbearable. He knew it as well as I did. Instead of attacking my lips, he attacked my neck, sucking and biting all over my sensitive flesh.
“You’re gonna be a good girl and do exactly what I tell you, understand?” He drawled in a deep voice, his voice sending shivers down my spine.
“Yes, sir,” I whispered obediently, knowing full well I was going to do whatever he said, no questions asked. A low chuckle left his lips, his gloved hand lightly tilting my chin up to look at him directly in the eyes,“Oh sweetheart, you call me daddy when we’re alone, understand?” All I could do was nod in response, feeling the words I wanted to say get lost in my throat as I stared into his eyes.
“Speak when you’re spoken to sweetheart.”he ordered, the softness in his voice contradicting the fiery look of desire in his eyes.
“Do you understand,” he asked, moving his gloved hand downward and wrapping it around my throat just hard enough to make the pleasure inside me build. 
“Yes, daddy,” as soon as I said those words, that all too familiar smirk came upon his face.
“Strip,” he breathed into my ear, the warmth of his break making the hair on the back of my neck stand up in excitement as he slowly released his grip on my throat. I menatally whined as his body backed away from mine slightly,taking the warmth of his body with him. Of course I obeyed his orders, quickly disregarding my pyjama shorts and top, leaving me in nothing but my sports bra and panties. He stood there, his eyes wandering down my body but as I felt his eyes on my body I felt a wave of anxiety wash over me. What if he doesn’t like what he sees? I thought to myself, the reality of the situation suddenly dawning on me. I felt a wave of embarrassment wash over me as his eyes  wandered down my body. What if he doesn’t like what he sees…that thought kept running round and round in my head, but that thought was halted in its tracks when I felt Negan's hands on my face.
“Doll,” he asked softly, both of his hands simultaneously tracing small circles on to my cheeks before moving closer to me. 
“You look fuckin’ gorgeous, doll,” he reassured, his hands slowly trailing to the bottom of my sports bra, his eyes searching mine for permission to remove it. I simply nodded as he lifted the bra over my head, throwing it into the pile of clothes already on the floor. Negan’s eyes darted down to my breasts, smirking as he slowly kissed down my chest, his hands now delicately rubbing over my nipples, His actions made all the anxiety I had fade away, all I could focus on was him, his hands, his mouth. A deep chuckle reverberated against my skin as he got to the waistband of my panties, his middle finger tracing along my clothed slit; instinctively I attempted to close my thighs, not knowing how much longer I could last.. 
“Get on the bed and spread those sweet fuckin’ legs, sweetheart” he mumbled against my skin as he kissed from my abdomen all the way back up to my lips. Of course I obeyed, quickly making my way to bed and spreading my legs near enough as soon as my body hit the silk sheets of his bed. 
“I’ve barely done anythin’ yet and you’re already this fuckin’ soaked,” it wasn’t a question. It was a statement and one he was more than happy to make, the pride oozing out of his voice. As he said those words I felt the bed dip slightly under the weight of him as he kneeled at the bottom of the bed. He then started kissing my legs, working his way up from my ankle to my thigh and back down again, going from one leg to another, his beard only adding to the pleasure I was feeling ,while his hands tightly held  on to both of them making sure I couldn’t move. Waiting was torture, I knew exactly where I wanted him but he wanted to tease me instead, which was all well and good, but the more he did this the more I felt lke I would come undone without him even touching my aching pussy.
“Daddy, please,” I whined, the desire I was feeling nearly overflowing. 
“Tell me what you want, sweetheart,” he cooed, his finger lightly tracing over the place I craved him most. 
“You,” and that was the only answer he needed before he ripped my panties from my body, freeing my dripping pussy.
“I’ll give ya the choice, sweetheart, seen as I don’t think you’re gonna last long,” he whispered against my skin, one hand coming up to caress my breast, whilst the other was still holding my thigh. 
“Do you want daddy's tongue and fingers or do you want daddy's cock?” the hand that was once on my thigh, moving to my pussy, a single finger tapping against my swollen clit. I knew Negan was an experienced lover, even his wives (who hated him) always sex with him was something out of this world.I knew either way, I was going to be screaming and moaning in pleasure because of him but as the thought lingered in my head I felt eyes  drift down to the erection that was covered by Negan's trousers. 
“Use your words baby girl,” my heart fluttered at the nickname he called me as I tried to find my voice.
“I want you cock, daddy, please” I begged, desperately craving to release the pleasure that was still building inside me. 
“As you fuckin’ wish,” he cooed, leaning up to place a quick though heated kiss on my lips, before getting off of the bed, stripping himself bare. The confidence he had just seemed to flow off of him and I couldn’t help but stare in awe at his body. My eyes started at his chiseled tattooed chest and then moved further down to his cock. He. Was. Huge. 
“Like whatcha see,” he teased, kneeling between my thighs, the head of his cock agonizingly close to the place I needed him the most. But instead of entering me, he just stared at me for a while, the look in his eyes changing from lust and desire to a look I’d never seen on him before. A look that made my heart swell. A look of adoration...of love…
“Negan?” I asked, leaning up slightly, placing a hand over his chest lightly. 
“You’re different,” he whispered, his eyes still locked on mine as his hands went back to my face, caressing my cheeks again. 
“Different?” I asked softly only causing Negan to let out a small chuckle at the confused look on my face. 
“I love you,” he whispered  so quietly I wasn’t entirely sure that I’d heard him right but before I had time to say anything back, he was crashing his lips onto mine. It was different then before, it was slow and loving. As he continued to kiss me, I felt him lightly push my body back down on the bed. While his lips were still placed on mine, I felt him guide his throbbing hard cock into my soaking wet pussy. Both of us letting out a moan at the sensation of each other, it was an incredible feeling and he hadn’t even moved yet. Slowly he began to move his hips, his cock gently thrusting inside of me and then the speed of his thrusts began to increase and I couldn’t help but roll my hips back at him in response, when we broke away from the kiss and locked eyes with each other we both knew we were chasing our release. 
“You feel so fuckin’ good, babygirl,” he whispered breathlessly as his thrusts increased in speed; all I could do was moan in response, edging towards my climax even more. He kissed down my chest, just as he had done earlier, one hand squeezing my breast while he sucked on the other one. His tongue rolling over my hardened nipple, the other hand pinching at the sensitive budd on my breast, whilst he was doing this his thrusts began to get deeper, every single one of them hitting my G-spot. 
“Da..Daddy,” I stuttered out, feeling his thrusts get quicker. 
“Cum,” he ordered, and as if on my cue, my body responded, clenching around his dick as he spilled his seed inside of me. I couldn’t help but moan loudly not being able to contain the amazing feeling I felt releasing all of the pent up pleasure that had been building, I was sure half the sanctuary was going to hear me but I didn’t care. Both of us were panting as he pulled out and rolled off of me, before sitting up slightly, pulling my body into him. 
“You were fuckin’ amazing babygirl,” he whispered, kissing the top of my head, whilst his arm soothingly stroked my arm. I smiled in response, my finger lightly tracing over his tattoo before whispering “I love you too, Negan,” into his neck. I saw a smile on his face grow, it wasn’t a devilish smile, it was a pure smile. He held me close to him, like he was scared I was going to vanish and I reassured him the only way I knew I could, with featherlight kisses and comforting words and eventually we fell asleep wrapped in each others arms, not waking until the sunlight of a new summer's day bled through the curtains.
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Thank you for your answer about Sasuke and Sakura, It is a really good explanation. I also want to ask about the scene where Sasuke was asking Sakura who did this to you and he became so angry. Sakura had to stop him. My question is why the author present in this moment the typical romantic trope where angry boy is calmed down by the girl and the background is white, pure and Sasuke even has this eye contact with Sakura. There are many similar romantic scenes like this in the media and again I don’t get it because Kishi seems like he doesn’t like ss e.g. in gaiden because I understand if there wasn’t this background or eye contact or Sasuke didn’t ask Sakura who did this to her but he made it in some romantic way. I am sad because Sasuke never had that reaction when Naruto was in danger etc. Can you explain? Thank you
My amazing friend @captnjacksparrow already made her great answer. But I would lke to reply this too, to not let it unreplied.
Well as I explained before, it's all about exclusivity, and that's also a particular and important thing about loving couples/partners.
Yes, that moment was like the typical trope about the girl that saves the boy from the "darkness", can be taken too when HInata "made" Naruto unleash the 7 tails. If we take and look at this moments alone we could say oh yes such romantic, but the fact is to analyze what impact this moments have after in the story.
It must be taken into account that all "SS" moments are always when Naruto is not present, and same for NH. Because if one of the boys were to be present in that moment, that ship falls on itself, (say The Last for ex when they have to take out Sasuke)
For example, those 2/3 episodes about Sakura fighting alone to protect the boys, when Lee after that arrives to save her, actually set an important precedent for Sakura and Lee relationship. From that episode Sakura became more tolerant and caring towards Lee, and even defended him from Naruto (tho this boy always saved her stupid ass and she was still the same ungrateful bitch). But anyway, this episode actually SET something between Sakura and Lee, their friendly bond.
On the other hand this didnt happen with Sasuke, we could say that backhug set something about their relationship, and from now on Sasuke was more tolerant and caring with her, he could even blush, or someting ( as he did with naruto after land of waves). But none of that happen, if i were kishimoto and wanted them to be canon from that point , that was a great chance. But he just trolled them. and that hug was never recalled again by Sasuke or Sakura.
When he asks her Who did this to you? in a anger voice, it totally depends on the dub. In my language for example Sasuke seems really angry about that, in japanese he asked it more calm. so it depends
About the eye contact, Sasuke looked at her with anger because she was getting in his way, it's not a gaze of surprise or moved because she is pouring her heart out.
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I don't wanna go that further till Shippuden arcs, but this is the only moment when she could """make""" a way in Sasuke's self. Cannot even say his heart, because all about the cursed seal is an external power brought by Orochimaru, is not something from him or his blood, and even then Sasuke could learn to use the seal powers, so Sakura hug didnt serve any purpose in the end. But reality is that she can never make a way to his heart, to actually stop him or make him reflex, the only person who can do that is Naruto, Say vote1, bridge arc, and etc.
In fact, if naruto in that moment was awake, he would stop Sasuke just by yelling out his name from the distance.
The last thing is, that the fact of reversing the cursed seal powers is not even a thing from her, because in chunin exams later on, he had the same problem and he remembered team 7 complete, not sakura which is funny because she was the one who stopped him. I could even take it that he never comes to his mind the thought of Sakura alone. The only person who can get ALONE into his mind and heart is Naruto.
Anyway, of course SS take this as their big win, like yeah it can be taken, when i use to ship them -dark past- it took it too. But then you realize this moment means anything in the story.
Hope I didnt forget anything. Have a nice weekend <3
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I’m literally so fond of jl/jlu flash like it’s him <3333 my boy <333 my dearest <333 schrunkledoodle lad <3333 baby girl you r so important to me <33333 lke <333333 HIMB <333333 the way he shuts down when he ACTUALLY like someone is so <3333 and like BRO ID FIGHT GOD FOR HIM he’s looking sad??? Murder. Omg baby girl is another man trying to kill you and end the world? Don’t worry I got this you sit back-no I don’t care that your a superhero I got this baby girl <33333333333333333333333333333333333
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slaygentford · 3 years
I think in actuality if Cas presented his love to real Dean at the eleventh hour trying to achieve a moment of pure happiness, real girl Dean would be so annoying, asking questions, interrupting, saying bizarre shit that despite his love, it wouldn’t work as a moment of happiness. It would just be pure exhausted horny anger and then he’d have to sit with what he said. Very clown emoji. Like I don’t know why he thought that would work, he knows who he loves.
honestly. this really makes a lot more sense. than. the actual scene. like in what world is it not a knock down drag out argument. telling dean you love him. lke that is asking for a fight. you are so right 
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starshineandbooks · 4 years
Even the dangerous kid can find love from a fairytale
Warnings: cursing, harassment, implied/referenced childabuse. Let me know if I missed anything
Pairing: Demus, mentioned Logince
After Virgil left the group in junior year, half way through senior year Janus and Rmeus were so mad they got into a fight and aren’t talking currently, three days until they go to college. The only common piece they have is probably Bia and Roman.
But Janus opens the door to his apartment with a raised eyebrow, “What-”
“Get your shoes on Remus is in trouble and I need you to come help me. Now!” Bia snaps, “Ro’s in my truck, driving, come on.”
“Shoes, now damn you!” Bia snaps, hands flitting about and jittery, bouncing slightly. Ready to run and or fight, Janus notes.
Janus pulls his shoes on, gad he already has sock, waiting patiently for Bia to start explaining, he calls up the stairs to his grandmother, “I’LL BE BACK REMUS’ IN TROUBLE APPARENTLY IT’S MY JOB TO BAIL HIM OUT!”
    Janus shuts the door, rushing into the truck still running at the end of his driveway, “So, did anyone want to explain to me what’s happening? Or?”
    Bia gives a low growl, “So- fun fact, Remus has always liked dangerous things.”
    “I know that.” Janus sighs, “What are we walking into?”
    “That shady bar downtown known for assaults and deaths.”
    “What?” Janus growls.
    “Remus went to the Salty Currant, which is also, unfortunately, mafia territory.” Roman sighs, “Bia should stay out of it if she can, because-”
    “Don’t you tell me what to do Crowne.” Bia snaps, “Remus is in danger and you want me to sit pretty?!”
    “We want you to not tempt your sperm donor,” Janus counters, “And if you can’t listen I will call Angie.”
    Bia grumbles, face souring.
    As they break the speed limit they make it to the bar in fifteen minutes, and the boys turn to Bia.
    “We’ll be back, if we’re not back in twenty you call the cops.” Roman says simply.
    “I still think-”
    “Bianca,” Janus snaps, “Please just this once listen to someone else?!”
    “You’re lucky Remus is in danger or I’d smack some sense into ya, go save our dumbass loser.” Bia grumbles.
    Janus and Roman nod, disappearing into the crowd and bar quickly, agreeing to split up and cover more ground.
    Roman shoves past giggling teens and surly drinks, eyes scanning for his brother. He pushes forward through the crowd, beginning to regret splitting from Janus, the loud music and pulsing lights and mass of untrustable strangers.
    Janus scowls, shoving through a rougher crowd, one filled with wandering hands on him and jeering looks. But Janus will find Remus, the elder of the Crowne siblings is in so much trouble just as soon as he’s found.
    Remus isn’t so much found, instead he charged forwards, snagging Janus’ hand away from some smirking jerk or other and kissing him firmly on the mouth, one arm lacing tightly about his waist.
    Janus stiffens, but dosen’t fight, recognizing Remus soft hum in greeting, but he does glare when the crazed teen pulls away.
    “Hey there Baby, thought you’d gotten lost,” Remus smirks,  and his eyes are softer, sober thankfully.
    “Oh really?” Janus growls, dragging Remus towards where he saw a flash of red bomber jacket that resembles Roman.
    “Don’t.” Janus grits, still gripping Remus’ hand, too tight but Remus doesn't say anything, falling silent at the glower Janus gives him.
    The two manage to find Roman and Janus calls, “Roman!”
    Roman turns, “Jan?”
    “We need to go, I got Remus, and we have three minuetes at most before something bad happens.” Janus says, herding the set of brothers out.
They make it out the door just in time for Roman to grab a storming Bia’s hand and drag her back to the truck.
    “Uh- Why are you guys even here?” Remus asks.
    “Bia.” Janus says simply.
    “Bia,” Roman agrees, “But I’ve been so worried!”
    “Bia,” Remus sighs, “Why did you drag my brother and Janus here?”
    “I’m in less trouble if I’m not alone when I go to kick your ass.” Bia says simply, “And what were you doing here then?!”
    “You don’t want details on that one.” Remus shrugs, “But I was having fun.”
    “Having fun?” Janus asks his voice sharp as a tack, “Or trying to destroy yourself?”
    “It’s all the same thing.” Remus shrugs, “But, thanks for carin’!”
    Bia scoffs, opening the driver’s side door, “You are the most pig brained- Ugh!”
    Janus shoves Remus into the back seat, clambering in beside Remus, still gripping his hand, “I don’t even know what to say to you, but I- why would you go there? You know it’s dangerous, you could have died!”
    Roman takes passenger seat, “I’m glad you’re safe bro, but, c’mon, what’s worth that?”
    “Oh I’ll tell ya,” Bia grumbles, backing out of her parking space.
    Remus sighs, “Would you stop being a cranky thing? I’ll call Angie on you.”
    “You keep yer yap outta my business thank ya,” Bia growls, chewing her lip, “You know Roman and I are in trouble right?”
    “What? Why?”
    “Logan’s going to kick our asses seven ways from sunday,” She sighs, “He hates this part of town more than I do.”
    Remus rolls his eyes, then, “Jan?”
    “You wanna let go of my hand? Or- you don’t have to, but it hurts a little, could you loosen your grip?”
    Janus lets go, putting his hands in his lap, “Why in the hell would you put yourself there? Last I heard you preferred to not risk your life.”
    “Last you heard we were talking.” Remus snaps, “Last yu heard you hadn’t broken my heart!”
    “I- what?”
    “I’m in love with you you fucking moron, And you were so heartbroken by Virgil leaveing that you let it fester and you broke my heart and left!”
    Roman blinks, “Wait- you guys weren’t dating?”
    “No,” Bia shakes their head, “they’re both morons.”
    “Uh, yeah, it sucked that he left, but you were just using me as a rebound!” Janus snaps, “You loved him!”
    “No, you loved him.” Remus pouts.
    “You’re all idiots.” Bia sighs, “Why does everyone think that the person they love loves someone else?”
    “What?” Janus blinks.
    “I’m not talking to any of you until you fix this.” Bia says simply, “Or Logan forgives you for going into the den of the devil.”
    Roman winces, “Oh I’m so dead.”
    “No, you can kiss him and short circuit his brain, “Bia huffs.
    “Hold up,” Remus says, finally catching sight of the splatter of colors, “We have a problem.”
    “What?!” Janus glares.
    “I- Found my soulmate apparently?”
    Janus sours, “Congratulations.”
    “Let me see your hand,” Remus pleads, “It’s gotta be you! Why else would you care enough to come get me?!”
    Yes because the universe just cares for us that much.” Janus rolls his eyes.
    “Ask Remus what colors.” Bia says petulantly.
    Remus answers unprompted, “Green, and yellow, black, there’s some white too.”
    Bia raises an eyebrow, then,”Janus, look at your hand please, or wherever your mark is.”
    “Trust me?”
    Janus has always been doubtful, but Bia is usually right oddly enough with spiritual or magic may be concerned. Also, even he can’t ignore the hope blooming in his chest lke an intrusive flower of a thorny variety.
    So, Janus does, letting his left palm move so he can inspect it, the colors match what Remus had described.
    “Oh my god.” Janus whispers.
    Remus grins, “Oh thank god!”
    “This doesn't make me less angry with you for endangering yourself.” JAnus states, though with less venom than originally.
    “Does this mean I can have a kiss before you yell at me more?’ Remus sounds a little hopeful.”
    “You can have a kiss if you promise me you won’t needlessly endanger yourself again ever.” JAnus says simply.
    Bia sveers sharply left, throwing Remus into Janus, making them kiss anyways, because she’s a stubborn witch who loves her friends.
    Remus pulls back, “I promise on my soulmate.”
    Janus snorts, suppressing a laugh.
    “He’s very dear to me, lovely snake.”
    “Out, get out,” Bia says, stopping at Remus’ house, “And dear god tell your mother you’re okay. Think I freaked her out, sorry.”
    Remus groans, but exits the truck with Janus.
    Roman and Bia pull awaye.
    Janus tilts his head, “You’re going to be trouble, aren’t you?”
    “Always.” Remus grins, “Now you should go so mom can yell at me.”
    “Oh no, we’ll both yell at you, let’s go inside.” Janus grins, leading Remus inf for a chewing out followed by worried hovering from Remus’ mother and soulmate.
    Remus’ chest warms over with squirming insects in it, Janus is his soulmate now. The world is finally right.
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clarawatson · 4 years
so as much as Chapter 15 of Burn the Shoes and Boil the Rice hurt me to write, it’s actually entirely different from what the first plan was but in good concious I couldn’t do it. Below, is said original idea.
The original idea was that, after everything that had gone on, Mom had literally slipped through the cracks. The team were preoccupied with making sure Jack and Hotch were okay, Saskia was out trying not to have a break down but whenever someone touched her she hissed, and Shakespeare assumed Mom had gone to the paramedics because she said she would. Saskia ends up in her hiding space in the backyard when the Team leave, and like no one finds her because they think they’re with Mom, and Mom’s just leaning up against the side of the house bleeding out, as you do.
So the team go back to the BAU, and Strauss has to interview all of them (I made it right after the incident rip) and they’re all gathering by the elevators trying to get Hotch and Jack out. Mom slips their mind, again, because she hasn’t been around for half a year. Aaron thinks she’s with them, or being interviewed by Strauss, or Shakespeare’s taken her and Saskia home. 
That’s when Toast (who is like... Penelope Garcia and Spencer Reid mushed together and made into a frantic 45 year old man who’s more skin and bone than meat) comes out genuinely distressed and he doesn’t talk to people in real life so he’s kind of yelly because he’s just so overwhelmed being lke “where is she” etc.
And I was super devastated to cut this whole interaction because Derek Morgan. THE Derek Morgan gets up in this poor guys face and is like “who the hell do you think you are”
and Toast, who has to deal with Shakespeare every day of his life just goes “Toast, name and occupation if I don’t find Y/N.” And I’m SO DEVASTATED I had to cut that line. 
Anyway the original idea was that everyone knew about the video. Toast and Garcia tell them because they’re horrified that they let it slip through the cracks. Anyway, in the original draft the paramedic that finds Mom is the one who turned up after the missing children case where Mom got stabbed and he makes a bunch of jokes about how they’re destined to meet whenever she gets stabbed just to keep her awake. 
And Saskia tries to fight him because she thinks he’s trying to hurt her and tis poor paramedic is trying to explain to a little girl who lost her aunt and can see that her dad is far from okay and she listened to Foyet beat up her mom, and she’s worried that Jack won’t be okay and this poor guy is like “i’m so sorry but i gotta save your mom”.
Then when the team turn up, there’s just this kid paramedic sitting in the family waiting room, cutting out pictures from magazines with Saskia and glueing them onto a sheet of paper from the nurse’s station. 
And, originally, that was why Saskia didn’t talk to Aaron.
Because she felt like her and mom were forgotten.
And it wasn’t that.
But it also was.
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shiro-0197 · 4 years
Of course! The title is Yuukoku no moriarty, and it's honestly one of the best things I've EVER watched (next to aot and haikyuu) and I watch it with my mom 😆 they're all so pretty I might cry
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oh that is SO understandable. We get flooded with lots of work too, our days are always filled with tuition classes and stuff, and the more active you are, the more responsibilities you have, which also eats a lot of time. (I'm VERY active in clubs and extracurriculars so I low-key don't have any time at all when schools on, so it's very nice to relax now)
I hope you find out soon!! And I hope you don't get those headaches :( they must be very annoying... Skdhskks that sounds so nice!! I hope breakfast goes well!!
I woke up early to join an event another Leo club from a different school was hosting. The president invited me and I went as a favour hhh. I'm probably gonna spend the rest of my day working on our event, and inviting people. My email and phone are so packed with contacts to invite 😣🙀 and I've been calling my members since morning to get them to help me with the promotion :D
oh that's so cute! It just personalises the names so well uwu and that way no one else except you guys will ever know which store you're referring to.
YES IT WOULD!! I'd love to bake with you. I totally wouldn't smear flour on you when you aren't noticing, wdym? 💁😼😋
oh I see!! So they celebrate Eid, then? Tho yes I think new year's is universal :D can't wait to count down and welcome the new year~ that sounds so cool!! Gonna check their videos out if I have time, and I added the song to my playlist!! I get what you mean, whenever the singer screams or something, chills istg! I used to listen to a song like that, it had a scream in it halfway but I forgot the name. I'll let you know if I remember!! Do you have a celebrity crush? I'm curious x)
IM GONNA FITE YOUR HEADACHE HOLD ME BACK HOW DARE IT PLAGUE YOU AND MAKE YOU FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE >:(((((( brb gonna Google how to fight a headache :] tho I hope you have a good brunch :D
JB skfhskjdks no 😭😭 me and my friend constantly annoy each other with his song titles, especially "baby" cuz it's the cringiest thing ever, but we can't ever seen to drop it skckdhkdk
thank you!! And good luck to you too, I hope you have a good day!
Ohh, it looks good! Thank you, I'll check it out<33
Ahh, that sounds so stressful!! I'm glad you have time to rest today, and I'm proud that you got through that everyday, I would've probably shrunken or something at that amount of work XD
Yep, though sometimes I get distracted enough to not notice them. I forgot how it feels to live without a headache, and now I dont know if I dont have it all the time and if I just imagine the pain sometimes, it's so confusing😭😭 It did!! It was nice, it was really quiet and I decided to put my phone away and it felt pretty good<3
Oho?? That's so cool! From a different school? Our schools have connections too but tbh we dont hold meetings together at all, that sounds so cool. I wish I went to your school😩 mine isn't bad but tbh I'd need something to keep me busy. I'm literally so used to having free time every day it's annoying. I hope you're holding up well with all your work, good luck♡♡
Ahahah, food fight during baking🥰 that sounds like a huge mess, I'm in.
Yeah, they do!! Though not everyone does the fasting part, they still celebrate it.
I hope you like 'em!! And sameeee the absolute blast I feel whenever they scream is INSANE, I'd love to hear that song you're talking about hehe~
A celebrity crush? Well, I'm not really big on celebrities right now XD though about an year abo I was obsessed with Brian Dechart and Ben Lambert, the guys who played Connor and Simon in Detroit: Become Human. I watched EVERYTHING I could find with them.
Also, idk if it counts, but I really admire a girl from Kuro's school. He keeps talking about her, saying how cool she is and what awesome stuff her and her class do. Shes also one of the main members (idk, maybe shes the leader? I'm not sure) of the KVN club of their school, which is really cool. It might be a waste of time, but if you're curious you can check out the team's insta - 6madam - and theres everything else you need. The girl's name is Raushan and the amount of stuff she does for the school is really cool:)
BWAHAHAH I feel you, when someone mentions the "Baby", no one can stop singing the freaking "baby, baby, oeaughbehhfhdhhr" part and it's so HORRYFYING sometimes but also so FUNNY😭
I hope school's been treating you well, love you lots😝💖💞💝💕
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softsweaterlouis · 4 years
Mini larry breakdown
Hi for everyone that might read this post (which I think is going to be none bc probably most of the people who followed me left tumblr and the fandom). 
I’ve been going through a 1D/larry relapse during this quarantine and i wanted to write my feelings in this blog since it was the place where I stayed for all the time that I was in this fandom. 
Since 2016, after louis baby was born, I felt so sick and I couldn’t really handle being in this fandom anymore. Larry had always been my happy place, they brought me so much happiness for FIVE years (that is a lot! especially if those are your teen years and they were, I was a fan from 15 to 20!), so after Freddie was born, I couldn’t handle it anymore bc that was a proof that I couldn’t ignore anymore.
SO, I still kept updated on stuff and I read fanfics, but I was so angry at Louis that I didn’t even want to see picture of him. I get now that that was unfair, but I was just a girl who spent 5 years of their life beliving in their love and having the voice in the back of my mind saying “well, maybe what you tought wasn’t necessarly 100% true” was driving me crazy.
Then we go to the 2017-2020 era, which is made by me having fun at unversity and crying at university and not thinking about them, I woud watch some larry video now and then, I would listen to their new singles but that was that, I never really wanted to get much into their solo stuff bc for me it has always been ot4 and even though I enojoyed some of their songs (harry and niall the most), I still felt kinda “betrayed”.
Last but not least, I had stopped reading fanfics bc I was still mad at Louis and the idea of reading him in fanfics pissed me of. ( so I just started reaing A LOT of real bookd and here and there some sterek fanfics)
This is the very long back story that bring us (I know there is no “Us” since none is going to read this but let’s pretend that there is an us), in quarantine.
I live in Milan so I’ve been in quarantine since february 22th, after the second week I was like “you know, maybe I could read a larry fic again” and this is where everything started basically.
I spent a month reading all the fics that had been posted during the time that I was away from the fandom and then i ended back to larry videos and stuff and I was lke “have I imagined all of this????”
Then I got my period, and let me tell you, that was a HELL of a week. I cryed at least once a day thinking about how probably harry and louis weren’t really in a relationship and how our shipping affected them and i felt SO BAD. I cried bc I coulnd’t believe that I was SO SURE about everything, for me it was always like: something bad happens --> they are forced bc they want to come ouy BUT did they? Like, even if they were a couple for all that time, they probably didn’t want to come out and here we were all so sure that their management wanted them no be in the closet and that they wanted to fight them
But honesty I don’t even think that this is what happened bc like, Louis went back with Eleanor, he has her INITIAL tattooed in his hand, why would he do something like that if he is not with her????? He is not as famous as he was, he has a son (that look exactly like him) so there is no way that he still “needs” a fake girlfriend for the “i have to be straight” narrative. (like, to believe that for example harry was in a fake relationshipe with camille it makes more sense bc then he wrote a song publically about her at that brings attention ecc ecc).
So then, after a week of mental breakdown where i was putting myself down bc i was like “was i really that delusional???” I arrived to a conclusion:
it doesn’t matter if they were really together or not.
At the time, I really needed the belief of true love that fought against everyone and everything, at that was what larry gave me.
I regret nothing, I think that yes, their public relationship was affected BUT NOT their private one, bc that would be crazy.
I LIKE to think that something happened between them (back in 2010-2012) but maybe they just fooled around, they were best friends and really cared for eachother. Honestly, there are so many videos with harry making love eyes at louis that it’s not possible that he didn’t at least had a crush on him. But that’s the imposrtant passage, the “i like to think”, bc back then I would have said “I’m SURE that they are together”, but you know what, we simply cannot be. 
Human relationships are so complex, like, I don’t talk anymore with my bestfriend from highschool and we were SO CLOSE, we knew everything about each other and yet, we are not anymore.
I just hope that they still are close friends bc it would be a shame if they were not. I like to think that 1D will come back and I will be first in line for everything.
I have accepted the fact that Louis and Harry might not be the people that I thought they were, I had made up a complete persona for them but that is just what we as fans can see.
In particular now that they are doing their solo careers it’s really easy to see how they want to be seen.
Like, Harry likes the fact to be perceived as a mystirious celebrity, a little bit flamboyant but at the same time the straight dude who only dates super models. Back in the days I would have said “they are forcing him to date all these girls!!!” but ... maybe he is okay with that you know??? We’ll never know i guess.
If someone read all of this, cograts!!
These are just my thoughts, I have made peace with myself and now I can look at Louis picture without being angry at him and I can listen to Harry songs (almost) without thinking “it’s your fault if 1D are not back together!!!!” (I’m kinda still working on this last point ahah)
SO yeah, do I regret shipping larry??? NO, they were my life and I am happy.
Do I regret not realising that I cannot know how their private life and relationships are going just by wathcing interviews and videos?? yes BUT that’s just life, we learn and grow.
I will leave with a quote from an Italian movie called “mine vaganti”
“Gli amori impossibili non finiscono mai, sono quelli che durano per sempre”
(”impossible love never ends, it’s the one that last forever).
- an old larry shipper
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mingi-bubu · 4 years
Watch “Love O2O” with Me!
Episode 8
we’re baaacccck
i have to talk myself out of finishing the red bean mochi i just bought today *pensive emoji*
but anyway
i need more water, my phone isnt, plugged in, the show is pulled up
as mark anderson would say, lezgeddit
so we start off with wei2 and xiaoyang wrapping up the tutoring sesh
and boy hasnt anyone told you its not polite to go thru other people’s belongigns???
stop that
the fact that she doesnt even notice until he asks aldskjfaslk
he saw her drawing of naihe thooo
yaoyao is glaring at september
they have a remote control helicoptrelalkjfa;lke
i know the announcer guy is an npc but i love him
damn naihe is cruel
ah wait
wei2 is tooo
akldjfalskd damn they really did just skedeet
they won without fighting adklfjaskd
ooh ok round 2
ooohhhhh wowowow
diemeng’s outfit??? slaps so fuckign hard
its so pretty
i love her hair piece
ugh this guy again
oooh the swords are lit up thats so fun
wow ok that game was short
oh diemeng and weiwei are gonna go and chat
oh diemeng’s irl person is wearing such a cute sweater
what is going on with wei2′s sweatshirt
why does the zipper go down one side to her elbow??
anyways diemeng is apologizing for how the clan had treated wei2
she can’t wreck the relationship between diemeng and the clan leader??
ma’am i regret to inform you...
wow that got sad quick?
nevermind comedic relief with xiaoling and weiwei
alkdfjalskd the yakult bribe is sending
also i love that theyre going out for hotpot
i want some :(
diemeng and the other guy havent shown up yet
they broke up O.O
that means by default naihe and wei2 have won the battle
wei2 is going to ask nini what happened
so diemeng was going to kick the one trouble maker girl out of the clan but then her bf disagreed and they broke up and diemeng is on decline all for private messaging
and then montage of weihe owning everyones ass
he looks different in this lighting
almost like park hyungsik
shut the fuck up with the smile im sick
alkdsjfasadksfj @ how naihe’s character just stares at nothing when nai’s away
not @ how the #Squad are enamoured with nai and wei2 chatting privately in frong of them
ive had enough of this guy
*points at yiran’s greasy cousin*
ive had enough of her too
*points at the girl who is 100% with YR’s cousin bc he has money*
awww wei2 talking to her parents
not to be all thats the mood and i definitely would say the same thing but..
erxi got hired for the internship!
sisi, xiaoling, and weiwei didnt tho
xiaoling is my girlfriend sorry i dont make the rules
sisi dragging erxi for filth about her outfit
al;kdfsl she needs to go shopping for new clothes
sisi looks so cute!!!
NOT at how weiwei is dragging her roommates for filth too
damn wei2 got voted most likely to cheat :(
not at how wei2 was threatened to go aldkfjalskdjfa
and shes carrying their bags
ugh iconic
why not just move the clothes into one bag?
it’d be easier
oh she has been noticing that naihe has been bossy
please tell me xiao nai takes them to dinner
oh tea about xiao nai’s company trouble
it looks late is weiwei going to miss her date??
gaming date
september is not looking at the road
look at the road
i love him and his braincell
alkdjf;alkjefaoiwe SEPTEMBER IM DYING
everyone is cheering for them
hospital scene
a head wound shouldnt be bleeding that lightly unless something is very wrong or it’s extremely superficial
im feel so bad for september
hes definitely going to feel so guilty for a long time
swetie no odont hit yourself
also why didnt he get examined too???
oh god this is sad to watch
ok no way in hell is a hospital ever that empty
again he shouldve gotten checked out
i want to give him a hug
if he cries its over lads
the other half of the #Squad
mirror fish is cryign tho
so fuck alright then
weiwei is disappointed bc she dont know whats going on
she didnt get dumped you people are just mean
y’all really have that much beef with a video game character
*side eyes*
doctors are coming out
we know they cant kill him so im guessing coma
mirror fish and september are cryign
water is a limited resource plesase stop running it if you arent using it
she really be thinknig all men are liars
her sad outfit is really cute
im gonna be real
i care infinitely more about nai right now than i do weiwei
oh damn her hair is loose for the first time in like ever
montage of her sadly going thru her days
of her filling up a mug with water
of her walking by the basketball court and seeing naihe playing
talk about a hard to do layup lmaooo
she and the #Squade are running
this extra in the backround is running with jeans
do they have like an academically mandated run time?
y’all just gonna up and leaver her like that??
nai nai nai nai nai nai
i was right, hes in a coma
and hes awake
his parents are there too!!!  along with the #Squad
oh shit
alkdfjasld;kfj kodak knowing that nai is fucking with him im sick
they really didnt tell mrs nai
oh my god he was just unconscious for a night???
ugh i need a clearer timeline
but anyways
he is awake again even tho i kinda wish they wouldve pushed it to the next episode for ~drama~
oooh maybe the next episode is when they meet
i hope so
also i have so many issues for how the hospital stuff was done but thats my own problem so its fine
thank you for reading along!!!
stay safe and stay healthy <333
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just a jumbled mess of stream of consciousness thoughts while listening to folklore: (alos heads up i don’t know any of the song names so i’m just going mostly with the lyrics that stood out to me. but it is mostly in order of the songs as they play out.)
I remember when first listening ot lover thinking how melancholy all th songs were. i don’t feel it as much anymore, it just must have been my state of mind at the time. but listening to the first two songs of folklore i’m getting that feeling again and i don’t feel its going to go away. haven’t listened to rest of this ,but hte wishing and longing for htings to go back to how they were seems like its going to be the theme of this album
song after american dynasty gave me chills. that guys voice: beautiful.
same song gives me vibe of this is last time on red, which is a good song, couple having conversation about not listening to each othe rand feeling like neithe is being heard and thngs are falling apart. its my sisters favorite song on that album wonder how she’ll feel about this one.
mirror ball song makes me think of that dress she wore to award show for lover. and remember when joe and taylor posted that wine photo i wonder if thats the day they were working together on the song peopel theorize he worked with her on.
because i like to crazy theorize what if the three love sotry is about forbidden love stories both taylor and the cowriter had not together but with other people. i’m just in writing mode so creating all kinds of wild theories.
mirror ball also gives vibes of miss americana how she just wnats to be liked and shows various aspects of herself ot be accepted and the ball showing the viewer various aspects of themselves reminds me of how the fans talk about seeing themselves in her writing, parts they didn’t know aobut or parts tehy don’t show others. how they see thsemlves in her songs so in a way she is a mirorball to her fans not just her lovers.
folksong song sounds like a first love childhood before the singer learned to what was proper and accepted how to act like a “lady” back when her love was wild adn free pacing up her dolls and swaeter (cardigan) so they could run away together and be free in teh way they wanted to be. 
sometimes its easier to talk about aspects of ourslves by putting on othe people on othe stories slipping in fiction with truth so no one knows what was real or imagined (august)
august gives me back to december vibes.
man taylors vocals this album just i’m so speeechless so many ways she’s never sung before, a new side of her and her vocals so haunting nad beaitiful and breathy its enchanting. i don’t know how to describe it.
it doesn’t have ot be an affair to feel this way to feel like the perosn you’ve broken up with is someone you’ll never find agan never feel that way agin with who created worlds with you and then tears them all apart hwne they leave you.
invisible string i take it this is from male perspective talking about a girl and not realizing at time tehy liked you back and finding connnection years later. that yes they did like you.
gold string and dive bars gives me reputation feels.
really liking all the instrumentals in teh scong calm and soothing of course becauase thats the theme but i like that taylor changes up her sound each album not alwaysa rocky or poop or coutnry, its nice ot get the narrative beauty that is taylor but have the story told in different genres, if you will
when i saw that hte album was explicit i was like taylor is going to say the f word and when she id i was not ready for it espcialy with teh full sentence i think she said of mouth-f so ya that was boht unexpected and jarring and...wow, taylor. when you decide to use that word you go all in. good for you.
madwoman seems like sequal to the man. the man’s “crazy” sister
does he beat kind of pick up at the end of madwoman, either i was getting anxiety or the beat picks up when its just the insturmentals to give it a kind fo manic feeling
ther is a lot of mention fo dead nd peopel wishing someone was dead and funeral.s are you okay taylor. i just need to chck in with you.
the song about the soldier is giving me soon you’ll get better and will probably end up being the song i skip the most like all taylors songs about her mom becuause i can’t always handle those  feels.
betty’s garden. james girl drives up in car talk abou summer i was thinking august the whole tiem that maybe this song is tied to august song liek she said three songs tie togtehr in love triangle so that confirms it so is the third song the one about running away togetehr with suitcase of dolls and sweaters?
idk why as soon as i saw taylor message about love triangles i didn’t think the usual he loves her but she loves him, i was thinking he loves her and she loves her and she loves him. like a circle but it guess th twoudln’t amek ti a triangle then. but was totally thinking forbiddne and secret love and not realizing that she actaully liked you while you wer in love with her best friend. idk. i’m a mess.
sometimes i when i listen to taylor i think her voice hasn’t changed i listen to old songs and they basically sound the same but this album you really get to see her range and a new side of her voclas and tones and its nice ot hear the old and new together working togteher to make this album. 
okay this song cardigen is giving me vibes but then thers is the laughter at the end that pervades the cardigan song so betty garden seems tied to that.
bety garden is like book when he arrived at party at end its like ia rrived at your paryt i ws like what what di she say how did she react.i need to know.
 idk i just rally like this album i know its different in a good way and its really i really like the storyteller in me is squeeling.
brittle heart seems like a mess of phrases when first impresion but listening closer but its like youre trying searhcing for he word prhase thing syou need to say finding the right words finding the right combinaton of words either your own or someone else’s to get them to listen to hear you to accept you and let you be a part of their life.
hoax started and i knew it was the last song and it jsut felt like thigs wre getting starrted and alreayd its over. i’m not ready for it to be over. play it again sam.
edit; like this wasn’t long enough, here are more jumbled notes from the second listen.
unrequited love. missed opportunities. young love. mistakes taht could never be fixed.
what happesn when you take out all the prhases that seem out of place, like kissed two girls and lost the one. later in teh story you find out about james and him doing that and it seems like a hint taht he lost betty.
be a friend to all be afriend to none also seems out of palce seesm like taylor speaking from hr own experience
i can’t tell how much of this is narrative insertion? is that the word. and how much of it is just the narrative.
cardigan really feels lke this is betty’s song when he left for the summer and ruined everything.
he did come back to her but i don’t know feels like it might have been too late but maybe not. mixed readings on this one.
dynasty is a bop and i have many thoughts on it like that i love rebecca she is my life goals.
also get black widow vibes from her when couple dynasty with mad woman and teh idea that waht happend to the dog might have happened to her husband.
do you tay, you do you. ruin everything ebcause evertyhing is already ruined and its time they realized that and that its not really your fault.
not really any woman’s fault. 
some of the songs seem like they are about othe poeple but then likewith  lemony snicket it feels liek teh narrator is telling his own story in his own words or through the characters.
the couple fight song gives me miss americana nad heartbreak proince both as a romance and the current state of our country
ricochet what is that jumbled instrumental jazz mess that happeesn after the first mention fo her tears
sweet tea does it mention braids idk it just keeps giving me vibes of two girls in love but that could be because i’ve been on a supercorp writing stint.
the insturmentals just take you to another plane of existence
mentions a girl and talks about guys she gives their babies present (strign song) don’t know what to make of this song. gives me many feelings and so much to unpack
where is centenial parrk and do they ahve a yogurt stand there where someone worked. it makes me wonder if songs about not realizing how many times your paths crossed with someone utnil the moment you finally collide and have your first official encounter
mad woman almost seems like its tied to american dynasty hinting at the reasons she went mad after her husband died
when i heard mouth f*ck in madwoman i had teh same reaction as i did when i heard taylor sing “only bought this dress so you could take it off” in dress. adn i am reminded yet again, our girl is growing up. is grown up. she says fu and everything.
betty’s gardne mentions being 17 and not knowing anything and in cardigent we were young and they said we don’t know anything like she was calling BS on his excuse. you knew exactly what you were doing
btrittle heart maybe its like snatches of conversations memoires of meoments togteher things that were said that wer promised that weren’t said things you wanted to say
hoax mentions number one bringing it all back to the first song
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