#fill them with a bunch of chocolate and love šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–
rosicheeks Ā· 1 year
i guess weā€™re not mutuals but still uh @rosicheeks be my valentine? šŸ˜˜šŸ’–šŸ„°
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cffeeluv Ā· 2 years
Hi! I love ur mike fics ><Can i request a foxybro fluff headcanons where reader doesnt get flowers or anything for valentines day and at the end of the day she received flowers but didnt know who sent it since foxybro forgot to write his nameā¤ļø
waaah :( tysm that means the world !!! and this is too cute!!! i feel in general michael is so awkward whenever he has a crush on someone, even as an adult lmao i love this šŸ„¹!!!
(iā€™m going to write michael as 16-18 in this headcanon, as anything below 16 just feels a tad weird to write about! gender neutral, no pronouns used!)
valentineā€™s day was just another for you, since you didnā€™t have a partner to celebrate it with, so you didnā€™t pay much attention towards it
the school halls was filled with couples exchanging valentines gifts. flowers, chocolates, and kisses
however, there was someone you liked for a while, but never dared confessed it to anyone, especially him . his name was michael, and you shared multiple classes together
michael was boisterous, funny, witty, he pretty much ticked all the boxes for you. for these reasons you knew heā€™d never pay attention to you, you kept yourself to yourself a good majority of the time
you would try and ā€œflirtā€ with him from across the room, and by flirt all you did was stare at him, and heā€™d occasionally catch you, making you look away in an instant
your cheeks would be painted with a pink hue every time heā€™d look at you, praying that he wouldnā€™t notice
during class, you would catch those that were in a relationship making cards and love notes for their partners, almost like a punch in the gut reminding you that it was something you never had, it didnā€™t slip your attention michael was writing one on a pink piece of paper, crushing you a little bit, thinking he had a special someone in mind
the school day finished, and you went to your locker to retrieve your school books. you opened the locker and there on top of your books lay a piece of paper. you opened it and was met with a note written in blue ink that simply said ā€œthey arenā€™t as beautiful as you, but i hope you like them anyway, happy valentineā€™s dayā€ but no name was left
you were confused, looking round to try find the culprit who could of left the note in your locker. after putting your books and the note in your bag, you made you way out of school and heading for your car
the closer you got, you noticed there was something sitting on the bonnet, you approached the strange apparition laying there, and it took a second to realise what it was
there sitting on the hood of your car was a bunch of beautiful flowers of all kinds, the smell of them instantly hitting your nose. you picked them up off your car and inhaled, taking in every individual scent of each flower
you noticed a small bit of paper attached to them, it had a love heart drawn on it, and it read ā€œhappy valentineā€™s dayā€ still confused, but flattered, you got into your car, a smile now spread across your face, you had never received anything like this before
you sat there for a few minutes, rattling your head at who could of possibly left these for you. until it finally hit you. the note in your locker was pink paper, and your mind had a flashback to seeing michael writing on the same coloured paper in class a few hours before. upon inspecting the paper, and having a chance to properly look at it, you had recognised the writing now also, although his name wasnā€™t left anywhere, your heart was full at the thought that it was him.
you went home, placing the flowers in a vase, and setting them on the windowsill in your room, smiling at them whilst you took a step back to admire them. you went to bed extremely happy that night
iā€™m sorry if this wasnā€™t written too well!!! but i love the idea of michael being a massive softie towards someone he likes šŸ„¹šŸ„¹ heā€™s a sweetpea heehee ! šŸ’–
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nyssasorbit Ā· 2 years
CFR-themed emoji asks that I filled out because I wanna šŸ’–
I already reblogged them, but the originals can be found in this post by @charmymemes šŸŒŸ
Emoji answers, aka, random fun facts about a bunch of different characters!
šŸ‘ļø - Crowdan and his mother have silver eyes! He mentions that, in his country, this denotes the abilities of a dreamseer. (He also mentions that one of his uncles is a dreamseer as well.) On the other hand, Queen Arabella has opal eyes and has the same abilities, though varied slightly.
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šŸ¤„ - A lot of characters in the story are liars! The first one we really see is Albus (the White Rabbit), who disguised himself as an editor to get close to Rain.
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šŸ‘» - Though trained to be a ruthless rogue, Arceus is afraid of ghosts! The idea of an enemy he canā€™t physically combat terrifies him! Itā€™s implied heā€™s scared of the Elemental Sisters, and this is partly why.
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šŸ’„ - As the resident Mad Hatter, Raven has difficulty controlling all his emotions! His current mistress is one of the few people that can calm him down, but his outrageous mood swings are very infective to the people around him.
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šŸ˜­ - Behind the scenes, AlbusĀ is veeeerrrry sensitive. He cries very easily, and hates it a lot. People tease and bully him a lot because of it.
šŸ‘Š - Though he canā€™t do so anymore, Governor Henri Delacroix was an excellent swordfighter in his youth.Ā Heā€™s tries his best to train his students in any way he can, but of course, he has no true way to assess them.
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šŸ’¢ -Ā King Tobias is quick to explosive anger, mostly brought on by the fact that his family is trapped in a war they are currently losing. He nearly executed Crowdan and interrogated Rain thinking they had hurt his daughter, but Charon stepped in to save them.
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šŸ‘Ŗ - As far as we know in the story right now, Rain formerly had a good relationship with her family, but when her sister disappeared, her parents seemingly cared about her less and less. Rain is trying to find her sister, and Fayd is trying to escape containment to find Rain.
Crowdan seems to have a kind family, despite his turbulent upbringing as a very emotional prince. However, while he mentions his mother frequently, he rarely mentions his father. This is due to the fact that his father was away for work often. Though he doesnā€™t mention his other family members or other people who lived in the palace, he was surrounded by a lot of people that cared about him.
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šŸ˜Ø - This may seem like a shock, but when Queen ThanaĀ (the Queen of Hearts) is frightened or surprised, her initialĀ ā€œfight or flightā€ response is actuallyĀ ā€œfreezeā€!
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šŸ’¤ - Preston, the Dormouse, has narcolepsy and is an insomniac, and has incredible difficult managing his sleeping schedule. Though, he doesnā€™t really do much to help himself, and merely goes along with his sporadic sleeping and waking.
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šŸ„ž - Rain loves homemade pies! She hasnā€™t had one in a long time, but she thinks theyā€™re delicious, and they remind her of her family before it fell apart.
šŸŽ‚ - Wilhelm is currently the only character with a canon birthday, falling on July 27th! He doesnā€™t really celebrate it anymore though.
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šŸ© - (Iā€™m not actually sure how possible this would be now that Iā€™ve done more worldbuilding, but) Preston loves chocolate yogurt.
šŸŸ - The residents of Estruin all prepare their own food, grown from local farms.
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ā˜•ļø - Maybe itā€™s no surprise that Raven, Preston, and Pepper (the March Hare) all love tea!
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šŸ“ - Itā€™s never mentioned in the story really, but Crowdan has a bias towards a particular fruit grown in his home country, with a hard, spiny outer shell.
šŸ° - Queen Thana loves strawberry cheesecake.
šŸ§ - Rain, in particular, has a lot of photographs from when she was still happy with her family. She carries one of herself and her sister in her pocket at all times while on her journey, both as a keepsake and to show people when asking for her whereabouts.
šŸ’ - Flowers are brought up a lot in the story (because Iā€™m a nerd and I like plants), and aside from Crowdan who has an interest in botany, Master Herbalist Senan is a special side-character that can use the remaining lifeforce of plants to heal and cure. There are also the Five Ladies in flower-like dresses that will be coming up after the Mad Hatter arc, who reside in the City of Flowers.
šŸŒ™ - Rain and Rosemary both have similar wishes: to find their sisters and bring them home. Though we donā€™t really see Rosemaryā€™s side of things, both girls are going through quite arduous journeys in order to find their respective sisters.
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šŸŒ‹ - Queen Thana is said to have a very bad temper, and is quite fond of execution by beheading. (Wilhelm is her executioner.)
šŸŒŗ - In the beginning of the story, Rain confirms that neither she nor Crowdan have food allergies.
šŸ - While Rain tends to like Snow Season more since it doesnā€™t rain much, Genesis actually hates it for similar reasons that Rain hates her namesake.
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šŸƒ - Lola, Arceusā€™s late lover, loved to be in nature. By extension, he grew to love it more too, since the secluded Wisping Forest was really the only place they could be together.
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ā˜€ļø - Crowdan is actually nocturnal, and can have a bit of difficult changing over his sleep schedule. Luckily he doesnā€™t need much sleep anyways.
šŸ•·ļø - While Rain has no qualms about them, Crowdan had a traumatic incident regarding several-story-tall spiders in his childhood. Even small ones terrify him now. On the other hand, Rain is deathly afraid of centipedes, which are similar to organisms Crowdan would normally hunt and eat back home.
šŸŒ¹ - Some of the canon couples in the story include (aside from parents obviously):
Arceus x Lola (formerly, technically) Marissa x Greta Raven x Touko
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Later in the story, when the traveling duo meet PrincessĀ Charon again, one of the knights in the new squad is Charonā€™s girlfriend.
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šŸ™ˆ - Crowdan has severe anxiety, and doesnā€™t like other people to see him break down under pressure. Due to his internal conflict aboutĀ ā€œmasculinityā€ and his role and duties as a prince, he tries to bury a lot of his emotions, thinking it better to drown them out rather than "look weakā€ in front of another person.
šŸ™Š - In general, the Wonderland characters donā€™t make much of an effort to call Rain by her real name, and will quickly default back toĀ ā€œAliceā€. (She finds this really annoying.)
šŸ™‰ - This may not be the worst thing possible persay, but later in the story, Rain will receive some shocking news about why her parents began acting the way they do now. This has to do with interference from Marissa, the Blue Caterpillar.
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šŸŒ± - Rosemary vividly remembers being visited by a demon in her past.
šŸ€ - The TrĆ©fle family's entire schtick is good fortune, and their main identifying symbol is a four-leaf clover.Ā Even Charon calls to the travelers when they leave Orienmare castle:Ā ā€œMay you be blessed by the luck of the Clover!ā€
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šŸŒ - ManyĀ characters would give up a lot for the sake of the people they love.
šŸŒŒ - To name one in particular, Queen Thana was initially inspired by Shiro from Deadman Wonderland.
āš¾ - The story doesnā€™t really discuss sports, but itā€™s mentioned through Rainā€™s thoughts that children in EstruinĀ like to roll down hills to entertain themselves.
šŸŠ - Crowdan canā€™t swim, but he is fascinated by the ocean. He recently mentioned in the story how heā€™d love to see a creature from it, knowing that very large ones reside deep within them. Admittedly, heā€™s a little afraid of deep water because of the terrifying large creatures from home.
šŸ“£ - Governor Henri is a fairly quiet person, and the Governorā€™s Tower was also very quiet until he got his two apprentices. Sabrina and Orin are quite the opposite, and are very loud, playful, and rambunctious.
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šŸ“– - Governor Henri is also very fond of reading books! Heā€™s not too picky, and just loves to consume anything he gets his hands on. However, due to low demand, he occasionally discovers a book he would like to read but is not available in braille.
šŸ­ - For both Rain and Crowdan, the idea that their loved ones are in danger can lure them into a trap somewhat easily. They try to be wary about it, but unfortunately their opponents take this into account.
šŸ“ø - Rain loved to take pictures when she was younger, and have her picture taken with her family. In a deleted scene, she sees Crowdan sitting in a field in front of the sunset and wishes she had her camera to capture the moment.
šŸŽ­ - Ariel and Leira (the Duchess) are very peculiar twin circus performers! They both wear a mask; one has a Tragedy mask, and the other a Comedy mask. The traveling duo will discover that one of the twins has a very twisted backstory, which will come into play during the Duchess arc.
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āœ‚ļø - Rain doesnā€™t like to witness or engage in physical violence. Though sheā€™s haunted by her inaction regarding the boy from her school that was bullied daily, she was very quick to stand up for Monica when her mother Nora nearlyĀ hit her.
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šŸ’”Ā - Queen Thana actually has somewhat of aĀ ā€œplanā€ she keeps up with, which is constantly thrown out of whack, causing her to go on beheading sprees.
šŸ’Ž - Despite being a prince, Crowdan comes from a poorer country in comparison to many other royal families heā€™s met. Though, in another way, they frequently have good trade business, so they all still lead pretty good lives. Some other cities in Farashim arenā€™t quite so lucky though.
šŸŽ - In Estruin, a common love language is giving hand-made gifts. Among the lower class, these tend to be more practical gifts that can be used often. Among the higher class, they like to gift each other extravagantly-dressed dolls. (However, the practice of gifting dolls has also spread to the lower class, so this is acceptable for them as well.) In the Dormouse arc,Ā Rain tries to knit Crowdan an ear warmer before the weather gets colder.
In Farashim, the best gift you can give to someone you love is food. Given the fact that the people work quite often to maintain business and daily life, food is a welcome gift to show someone you care, and help them keep their strength up for work. Even better is to return this display of affection later on, but usually not immediately. Later in the story, Crowdan will try to coax Rain to eat when sheā€™s too dispirited to move on any further, and explains to her the importance of food and eating to his people.
šŸ¼ - This is irrelevant to The Chronicles of Falling Rain, but in the distant future, Crowdan will have a daughter named Noah.
šŸ”Ŗ - In the final arc of the story, Rain and Crowdan will end up being separated for some time. Being told that the other is in danger, they both immediately set to work trying to find the other. Naturally, this is not nearly a simple task for either of them.
šŸ‘‘ - Crowdan wants to be remembered as a great and kind prince.
āœļø - I canā€™t currently think of a lyric or quote for any character, but many of the main characters have songs I associate with them. In particular:
Rain: ā€œDance in the Darkā€ by AViVA andĀ ā€œCirclesā€ by KDrew Crowdan:Ā ā€œFlashbackā€ by Akiakane, covered byĀ L'OuĆÆe Genesis:Ā ā€œOff With Her Headā€ by Icon for Hire
šŸŽµ - I actually made a post similar to this a while ago. In general, my CFR playlist is mostly chill and laidback. My Secondary playlist has lots of ship songs and songs that wouldnā€™t otherwise fit in my main playlist. Thanaā€™s playlist consists of a lot of upbeat, heavy, and confident songs. For a few character, specific artists I associate with them are:
AViVA for Thana (who account for at least 7 songs on her playlist, lol) Unlike Pluto for Crowdan TheFatRat (specifically his collabs) for Fayd Hollywood Undead for Arceus Maybe Krewella for Genesis Maybe Au/Ra for Rain
šŸŽ¤ - Iā€™ve never thought about a character in the main story thatā€™s particularly good at singing, but Crowdanā€™s mother is an excellent singer.
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šŸŽ· - Thereā€™s currently two instrumentalists shown in the story. Greta carries around a flute, and tends to play it in random places in order to lure the travelers to her. Since sheā€™s so good at playing, she tends to draw a crowd on accident. There also an unnamed side character the traveling duo meet in Gorann who carries a pan flute.
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šŸ“š - Itā€™s mentioned at the beginning of the story that Rainā€™s grades were dropping before she left on her journey.
šŸ‘– - I donā€™t know if itā€™ll be brought up in the story, but Fayd liked to wear mostly-black outfits, which is fairly uncommon in Estruin, as black is now usually an accent or accessory color. There are notable exceptions to this rule though. One in particular is Rosemary, who is recently pointed out to be adorned in a black church gown instead of the modern dark grey.
šŸŽØ - Somewhat ironically, I donā€™t have any characters that are artists in the story. I do have a writer though, which happens to be Rain who was a journalist.
šŸŽ” - I think the whole castĀ could use a hug before a kiss, lol.
ā³ - Albus, of course, is constantly late to things.
šŸ”« - Later, weā€™ll see that Sabrina and Orin are very wary of outsiders, specifically people that are not from their town. The Governorā€™s Tower has a frequent history of attacks by the Hearts, so they try to be extra careful.
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šŸŽ€ - Given all the wild shit that happens in CFR, Iā€™d say most characters are pretty adaptable to other AUs. In particular, I really want to write an apocalypse/zombie apocalypse AU for the main characters one day. I also have headcanons for an Actor AU for my own amusement.
šŸ“Ž - Many characters in the story are not, or not technically 100%, human, but some of the characters are artificial creations.
šŸ“¦ - I think one of the funniest Incorrect Quotes Iā€™ve gathered for the cast is the yearbook one, in which Genesis is awardedĀ ā€œLeast likely to start a bar fight, but most likely to win oneā€, which is 100% accurate.
šŸ–ļø - @ Queen Thana, maybe stop being a murderous bitch?
āš™ļø - In terms of Governor Henriā€™s thoughts, he thinks science and art are equally important. There is both constant efforts to maintain the most efficient means for living their lives (obtaining food and water, etc.), as well as celebrations, holidays, and other forms of art and entertainment around the country. Street performers are more common in some areas than others though, in which some cities are specifically acquainted with having an abundance of street performers in them. Along with this, religion is also an important thing to Estruinians too, which he tries to balance, even as it falls out of favour with each new generation.
šŸ”§ - Crowdan actually wishes to speak with and apologize to his ex-boyfriend Rory about their explosive breakup, and ask if they can remain friends. This will be mentioned later.
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ā‡ļø - Currently, Crowdanā€™s is the necklace his mother gave him. He doesnā€™t mention it much since itā€™s not exactly relevant to the plot (yet), but the strange necklace brings him some comfort.
šŸ“ -Ā Genesis seems like a pretty wise character, but sheā€™s never had any sort of proper schooling.
šŸš† - What is their answer to the trolley problem?Ā 
I was writing up an actual answer, but...who am I kidding, most of these people have no morals.
However, I would say the answer from Cassius and Cerys (the Cheshire Cats) would beĀ ā€œDerail the train, kill them all, watch the world burnā€
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šŸš² - There are actually bikes in Estruin! I donā€™t think about it much, butĀ RainĀ probably learned how to ride a while ago. She doesnā€™t have one herself though.
šŸŒ©ļø - Actually, I think most of the cast is pretty much indifferent to lightningĀ šŸ¤”
šŸ’§ - Arceus is probably the only character thatā€™s even remotely kind to Albus (if only out of pity), but since heā€™s just aĀ ā€œlowly thugā€, Albus doesnā€™t pay his niceties much mind.
ā„ļø - People are said to be intimidated byĀ Genesis, and Arceus seems to get chills when meeting her gaze. Sheā€™s so notorious, in fact, that sheā€™s a wonder of the province of Ludona known asĀ ā€œThe Gravekeeper of Ysedenaā€.
šŸŒŖļø - I think Rain has had one of the biggest changes done to her, specifically in her characterization. This probably had to do with the fact that I wrote this story first in 7th-8th grade, and she was likely a subconscious self-insert, but she was an extremely passive character that had issues with mood swings, and had no redeeming qualities as a character other thanĀ ā€œdepressed damselā€.
Iā€™ve tried to correct this in my recent drafts by giving her more personality, hobbies, interests, internal struggles, and let her make as many choices as she can despite forces in the story that try to take away her agency. Iā€™ve also tried to remove as many instances as possible where she needs someone else (namely Crowdan) to save her and try to have her figure a way out of things on her own when help (since she canā€™t and doesnā€™t like to fight) isnā€™t available.
In the end, sheā€™s turned out very spunky and cute, and also extremely accepting of all the weird shit happening because sheā€™s part Depressed and also part witnessed-a-man-emerge-out-of-a-literal-black-hole-that-appeared-out-of-literally-nowhere-and-shit-cannot-get-weirder-than-that-right?
šŸŒˆ - As of right now, Rain would want to tell her younger self to talk to Fayd more and try to help her feel more at home and in control of her life so she doesnā€™t run away. Or otherwise, to confess to why she would potentially run away and try to convince her to stay.
šŸ”„ - Both Rain and Crowdan are terrible about blaming themselves to a very self-destructive point.
ā˜ļø - This is something that will happen later, but: though Genesis and Arceus both share a certain degree of humour, Arceusā€™s goes a step further that Genesis doesnā€™t understand. However, she notices that his humour makes Fayd laugh. Eventually, when itā€™s just Genesis and Fayd talking, sheā€™ll start trying to pick up Arceusā€™s humour to also make her laugh. Fayd finds this odd at first, to which Genesis confesses what sheā€™s doing, and Fayd finds it endearing.
šŸŒŸ - Itā€™s hinted at near the beginning that Rain has some interest in the sky/stars/outer space. Since thereā€™s not too much light pollution in Estruin, the sky is probably fairly colorful at night. The same in Farashim. I imagine Rain likes to wonder what could be out there, and is curious to hear about Crowdanā€™s home planet and how he got there in the first place, etc. Crowdan likely thinks about home when he gazes at the night sky.
šŸŒ  - Rain would wish for her family to go back to the way it was before. Crowdan would be uncertain about what to wish for, but might possibly wish for his father to be home more often so his mother isnā€™t so lonely without him.
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ā˜„ļø - Most everyone assumes Genesis is cold and rude, but sheā€™s actually just really socially awkward. She doesnā€™t mean to intimidate people, it just kinda happens. People who actually talk to her realize that sheā€™s pretty polite and laid-back.
šŸ’“ - Princess Charon loves the idea of romance and adventure.
šŸ’˜ - Just for fun, hereā€™s a few canon sexualities of different characters:
Rain: Undecided if bi or straight. Charon and Lunette make her question her sexuality Crowdan: Bi Fayd: Bi Preston: Pan Princess Charon: Disaster Bi Governor Henri: Ace Wilhelm: Bi with a strong preference for men Marissa: Maximum Gay (though technically homoromantic, greysexual) Raven: Also a Disaster Bi, maybe even a Disaster Pan Queen Thana: Bi with a preference for women
šŸ’— - Rain doooooo have a crush and itā€™s on Crowdy-kins. She gets kinda jealous when other girls get too close to him, mostly because she gets self-conscious. Itā€™s implied that Princess Charon had a bit of an interest in both Rain and Crowdan, and flirted with them both in different ways. (She flirted with Rain through lingering, intimate glances and touches, and with Crowdan, she also had some intimate touches, but put on a cutesy act in front of him.) Crowdan is easy to fluster, and likes to be near his crush. Heā€™s currently rebounding onto Rain, but heā€™s trying not to.
ā¤ļø - Crowdanā€™s love languageĀ is definitely physical touch and quality time. As he and Rain iron out their rocky relationship, theyā€™ll both get more comfortable being closer together and use a few specific gestures to comfort each other.
šŸ’™ - Neither Marissa nor Greta are clingy or jealous people. If anything, theyā€™re both arrogant enough to know that their partner wonā€™t be doing any funny business with other people. Theyā€™ll both think of each other fondly in the otherā€™s absence, even if that absence is frequent.
šŸ’š - Considering the things sheā€™s going through, Fayd is comforted by hugs and simply acts of kindness. Just talking to people that donā€™t want to hurt her in any way is comforting to her.
šŸ’– - As you can probably imagine, Raven is an incredibly showy lover, as is Preston.Ā Albus would be more subtle.
šŸ’Œ - I havenā€™t though about this too much, but I feel like Marissa would leave love riddles(?) for her partner, which Greta would enjoy deciphering. Greta would send one in return, which would hilariously and ironically irritate Marissa.
šŸ’” - Crowdan has already been through this, in which his ex-boyfriend said to him that Crowdan is ā€œtoo clingy and so fucking co-dependent. How the hell do you expect to run a country like that?ā€
As you can imagine, it was a Bad Breakupā„¢
(And since the Tweedle Twins didnā€™t really get brought up, here they be:)
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theirrationalfan Ā· 2 years
šŸ’– šŸ–Š šŸ… :)
šŸ’–: What do you like most about your own writing?: probably how I write action, people have highlighted itā€™s realism. Which is something I have issues about, it feels voyeuristic the way I write about peopleā€™s violence being carried out. But people like it so Iā€™m proud. That, or worldbuilding, Iā€™m quite proud of my worldbuilding.
šŸ–Š: Post a snippet from a current WIP: ah, god, Iā€™m not actually writing anything right now! I have. a google doc filled with worldbuilding and jokes and scenery that I want to fit in, so hereā€™s some of that:
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Breaking all that down: first paragraph is dialogue.
Second bit is two songs I think clones would be all over with their music taste
Third, fourth, and fifth and sixth bits are the best kind of jokes: they vaguely follow a theme, so you think theyā€™re going somewhere, and they donā€™t, and theyā€™re just as long a wind-up as you can go for. Theyā€™re brilliant and I love them, and theyā€™re best when youā€™re stuck somewhere with someone who canā€™t run away. And situations like that abound in the military.
Uhh, ā€œchocolateā€: someone should be eating something with their mic unmuted. So everyone in the squad is treated to this sod chewing in their ear. And someone goes ā€œcan you please get off the radio when youā€™re chewing.ā€ ^click^ ā€œthank you.ā€ Just SO tired and fed up.
The napalm scene in Apocalypse Now has some good dialogue that I want to nick, just like countdowns and radio chatter.
Limit deserves a sword. Limitā€™s my OC and heā€™s had enough, and he deserves to stick a sword in someoneā€™s- well, itā€™ll be graphic, and maybe heā€™ll find it cathartic. When I write it.
Pankrovoā€™s like the Syndullas, heā€™s my take on what a Ryloth Twiā€™lek resistance fighter would be like. Mainly, stubborn as a mule, traditional, ornery like nothing on earth, youā€™d call him an old cunt and a git. Heā€™s based on Greek resistance stories from WW2, and my Politics of the Middle East module for worldbuilding, as well as a bit of Orietalism/mysticism (itā€™s Star Wars, itā€™s made up and orientalist in the first place)
That last bit- that was inspired by some picture from Ukraine, a firefighter in his uniform stumbling and forcing his way through a nursery or something, and it was so, so, horrendously out of place
šŸ…: What is something you recently felt proud of in regard to your writing (finished a fic, actually planned for once, etc).: I mean, everything above this used to be in a bunch of different documents, and I condensed most of it recently? So thatā€™s good.
Thank you for the ask!
Send me an ask!
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