#ok ok I know you sent this awhile ago
rosicheeks · 2 years
i guess we’re not mutuals but still uh @rosicheeks be my valentine? 😘💖🥰
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just-jordie-things · 11 months
kiss cam surprise - gojo satoru
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word count: 2.8k warnings: none! :) summary: when (y/n) kisses shoko during a kiss cam at a baseball game, satoru gets a little ~jealous~ this is half fluff half crack tbh lol a/n: ok i don't take fic requests but someone dropped this in my ask box awhile ago and it resurfaced in my mind so... ur a lucky duck. also! if u like kiss cam fics y'all should check out kiss cam! by @naosaki <3 one of my fav megumi fics <3 ___
For being at an event that they couldn’t care less about, Shoko and (y/n) had been on their best behavior for the entirety of the baseball game.  Satoru and Suguru had been so excited to gift the tickets to the girls so they could join them in a fun outing, that they’d tried their best to accept the offer graciously.
Even though neither of them had any interest in going.  It was obvious when the tickets were presented to them, from the awkward smiles they’d worn to the way their eyes shifted towards one another as if to make sure the other was thinking the same thing- why wouldn’t they just go on their own? 
Shoko and (y/n) would’ve happily spent the day doing their own thing had Satoru and Suguru gone to the game just the two of them.  Maybe some light shopping, or maybe they’d hole up in one of their rooms and eat junk and watch romcoms all day.  Either way… any activity would have been more entertaining to them than this.
They barely even knew the rules of the game, only cheering when the guys did, and sharing knowing looks when they tried not to laugh at just how uninterested they were.
Still, they did their best to participate.  Both glad in the same colors of the cheap merch Satoru and Suguru had treated them to.  (y/n) was in a jersey too big for her that hung off her body awkwardly, and Shoko wore a hat with a bill that wouldn’t stop dipping over her eyes, but they didn’t complain.  They were very good sports for their friends, only sneaking off for a smoke break one time.  They even made a few trips for snacks and drinks so that Suguru and Satoru wouldn’t miss any of the games.  Sure, maybe they were trying to stretch their legs and ease the ache in their butts from the uncomfortable plastic seats, but they had the right intentions!
“This is fun, right?” 
When (y/n) turned to him, Satoru was beaming from ear to ear.  His sunglasses were slipping down his nose due to the way his ball cap bumped into them, and his bright eyes seemed to hold even more light from his obvious joy.
She couldn’t lie to him if she wanted to.  It was too cute to see him this excited just from sharing the experience with his friends.  He’d had his arm draped over the back of her seat for the majority of the game, and whenever his team got the upper hand, he’d eagerly tap or shake at her shoulder to involve her in the hype.  (y/n) was grateful for the que to pay closer attention to what was happening, but she did fluster and blush every time he’d touch her.
This didn’t go unnoticed by Shoko, who would knowingly knock her elbow from her other side, a small smirk on her face when (y/n) would peek at her from the corner of her eye.  She tried to ignore the silent teasing, but after a while it got hard with how much it was happening.
With a smile and a nod of her head, Satoru’s expression lit up even more.  “Yeah, I’m actually having a really great time,” She said.  It didn’t matter that she was more interested in all the attention he’d been giving her than the great seats they had for the game.  He didn’t need to know that part.  “We should do this more often” She adds before thinking.
Once again, Shoko’s elbow was bumping into hers, and this time a less-than-discreet snort could be heard.  (y/n) sent her elbow back into hers in retaliation, silently scolding her for eavesdropping.
“Yeah?” Satoru fixes his cap so that he can push his sunglasses back up the bridge of his nose.  “Tickets weren’t that expensive, we could go to more games this season, if you want?” He suggests.
Bullshit, she thinks with a smile telling him that’s exactly what she was thinking.  Nothing was expensive to the Gojo Satoru.
“Yeah, maybe” She says without much commitment.
Going to baseball games just the two of them? The idea had her heart soaring.  Having to sit through a game that could take more than three hours was less than ideal.
Soon enough a break in the game came, the announcers hyping up the crowd with some silly chants and trivia on the big screen.  (y/n) found herself slumping down into her seat, aimlessly tapping around on her phone to pass the time.  She hadn’t been paying enough attention to notice the change in game on the big screen, that is until there was a hand smacking at her shoulder again.
Looking up, she’d almost expected to see the game in motion again.  Satoru had only been tapping at her like that when an exciting play was in action.  However this time, he’s pointing up at the screen.
She gapes when she sees that she’s displayed on the screen.  The camera has a wide angle that includes Shoko and Satoru on either side of her, the words Kiss Cam spelled out in pink cursive above them.  It’s complete with lipstick stains and sparkles for dramatic touch.
“Oh my god” She mumbles, hoping that her blush is undetectable by the camera, seeing as her face felt scorching hot from embarrassment.
The longer the camera is focused on her, the rowdier the crowd around her becomes.  Eagerly chanting ‘Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!’ like a bunch of teenagers at their first house party.
Satoru is grinning so hard his face hurts.  This was like a dream come true.  The easiest excuse in all of history to get a kiss from the girl he’s had a crush on since he was fifteen was just presented to him on a silver platter- and the crowd’s cheering only spurred him on further.
Even Suguru is giving him a smirk and a nod of approval.  He’d heard more earfuls than most about the ins and outs of Satoru’s feelings for (y/n).  Although on occasion, Shoko or Nanami were on the receiving end of his lovesick rambling.
His heart is about to burst out of his chest when he turns to (y/n).  His smile is starting to hurt and for a second he realizes he’s going to have to relax to actually kiss her.
“Are you okay with-?” 
The question barely comes out before he’s cut short.
(y/n) had already turned away from him, swiveled in her seat to face Shoko.  It’s like he’s watching it happen in slow motion.
They both giggle at their idea, and (y/n) takes off Shoko’s hat while she’s quickly tucking her hair behind her ears to clear her face.  And then time goes back to normal and all too quickly, Satoru watches as they lean towards each other to share a kiss.
It’s just a peck, so swift and chaste it’s over as soon as it happens.  The crowd hollers and then are just as quickly getting excited over the next unsuspecting pair on camera.
(y/n) and Shoko laugh a bit more before sitting back in their seats, going back to their phones and striking up conversation about some anime they’d been interested in.  Both, or at least (y/n), completely oblivious to the offended gape on Satoru’s face.
That was totally his kiss, after all! It was his perfect moment to finally take things to the next level with his long time friend that he’d harbored a crush on.
To make matters worse, Shoko wasn’t as innocent as she was pretending to be, sending a smirk his way when (y/n) was too focused on her phone.  He scowled back at her.  She knew about his crush! She knew he was going to go for that kiss!
With a huff, he stood up from his seat and made his way out of the stands.  He needed a bottle of water, or a snack, or just some damn space away from his so-called friend that was teasing him for snatching his kiss.
Satoru leaving so suddenly finally perked (y/n’s) attention.  He was gone too fast for her to call after him, but she worriedly watched him scale the steps with ease as he headed towards the hall of vendors.  She locked eyes with Satoru, raising a brow in silent question.
“He’s just being pouty,” Suguru replied casually, shrugging his shoulders before turning back towards the field.  “You wanna go after him? Be my guest” 
(y/n) sighed, turning the other direction towards Shoko.
“What’s he so pressed about?” She mutters.  “What even happened?” 
Shoko rolls her eyes, a lazy grin stretching on her lips.
“I dunno,” She says in a teasingly melodic tone of voice, suggesting she knew exactly what set their friend off.  “Maybe pluck up some courage and go ask him?” 
With another sigh of defeat, (y/n) slumped back into her seat, her thumbnail wedged between her teeth as she mulled over the idea.  A nervous flutter settled in her chest, a persistent buzz of confusion and anxiety distracting her even more so from the game starting up again.
When she suddenly shot out of her seat, muttering some excuse about needing to stretch her legs before she raced up the stairs in the direction she’d seen Satoru head off towards.
Two sets of eyes watched her as she hurried off.  Suguru and Shoko locked eyes once she was out of sight, both of them snickering between themselves.  It didn’t exactly take an active imagination to know exactly what was coming next. 
To her surprise, (y/n) found Satoru as soon as she left the stands.  Moping around the upper part of the arena with a half-empty bag of cotton candy.  She couldn’t help but laugh at the sight, effectively getting herself caught by him.
“Why’re you up here eating your feelings?” (y/n) speaks first, eyes narrowed inquisitively.  Satoru scoffs as she approaches him, snatching a piece of the pink sweet right out of his hands.
“I’m not eating my feelings” He replies unconvincingly, digging the hole deeper as he shoves a rather large piece of cotton candy into his mouth.
(y/n) rolls her eyes, but the smile on her face is impossible to hide.
“Sure,” She remarks.  “You’re totally not pouting right now.  C’mon just fess up.  What’s wrong?”
“I’m not pouting.  My friend betrayed me, I think I’m right in being upset about that?” It’s a rhetorical question, followed by another shove of cotton candy into his mouth.
(y/n) frowns.
“Betrayed you?” She repeats.  “Did I miss something? Who betrayed you?” 
Satoru groaned, tossing the remainder of his cotton candy into the trash dramatically.  (y/n) had to resist the urge to laugh, not understanding where this whole little tantrum came from.
“Shoko! Obviously! I mean she knew that that kiss was-!” 
He stops mid sentence, realizing where this outburst was going to lead him if he didn’t relax and go back to his usual suave demeanor.  (y/n) shook her head in confusion, her brows pinching together.
“Was what?” She asked, a breathless laugh escaping her.  “Meaningless? A joke between friends?” She suggested.  “You’re mad about a kiss?” 
“Of course I’m mad-! Well, I- I guess not mad, I’m not mad at her,” He stammered over his words, not knowing how exactly to explain the complicated feelings.
(y/n) tried to be patient while he stammered and struggled to make himself clear.  Mostly because she was partially amused by the whole thing.  Satoru prided himself in being what he called a smooth-talker, and while normally she’d laugh at him for that, it was a shock to see him behave the total opposite right in front of her.
“But that wasn’t exactly fair, I mean, she was just trying to rile me up.  And- like- yeah, that’s what we usually do, we pick on each other but that just- that just wasn’t fair! That was my kiss and she knew it! And she just-” 
“What do you mean ‘your kiss’?” 
Finally Satoru had been rendered speechless, his mouth still hanging open mid rant, jaw slacking a bit as he realized he’d gotten carried away.  (y/n’s) expression almost mirrors his, her eyes wide and lips parted, even as she holds her breath and waits for him to clarify.
But he’s completely frozen in front of her.
“Satoru,” She waves her hand in front of his face, trying to bring him back to reality.  “What did you mean ‘your kiss’?” She repeats, shaking her head at him.
“I- I just… I meant that-” 
Words are spilling out of his mouth without direction, without knowing what the hell the right thing to say was.  He’d known (y/n) for two years now, and in all of that time he’d been pretty proud of the persona he’d built up to be sure that he was always the cool one, the guy she could rely on to be smooth and popular.  He felt pathetic now, letting his own secrets slip and stuttering over himself like an idiot.
The corners of (y/n’s) lips twitched into a smile the longer he flustered over who-knows-what.  It catches his attention when she unintentionally lets out a little laugh.
“Sorry,” She apologizes right away.  “Sorry, I’m not laughing at you.  I just… are you trying to say that you wanted me to kiss you? For the cam game?” 
She tries not to sound so hopeful that it comes across desperate, but the mere idea that Satoru had wanted a kiss from her had her chest thrumming with butterflies.
Satoru’s throat feels dry, and suddenly her gaze feels like a spotlight.  The intensity has the hair on the back of his neck standing up.  He pulls the hat off his head to run a hand through his hair to relieve the heat.
“Well… yeah,�� He admits, sounding more bashful than she ever would have thought he was capable of.  Her small smile turned a little brighter, and he tried to get his voice back.  “Not that I need a silly game to kiss you, obviously-” 
“Obviously” She repeats the word fondly, giving him a small nod.
“But- s-still, the kiss cam, would’ve been… fun” He admits sheepishly.  She giggles, nodding her head again.
“Well, it was fun, for the record,” She teases, earning a roll of his eyes from behind his shades.  She steps closer to him then, a tilt in her head as she takes in the obvious nerves written on his face.  “But if you wanted to kiss me, you could’ve just asked” 
“I was going to,” He argued, his hands moving about erratically.  “It's not my fault Shoko beat me to it!” 
She giggled at his drama, reaching out and grabbing his hands as they flew around, still laughing as he froze up again from the sudden touch.
“You know, it didn’t exactly mean anything when Shoko did it,” She suggested.  “I know there’s not any cameras… but…” 
Satoru raised a brow.
“(y/l/n) (y/n),” He gasped dramatically, “Are you asking me to kiss you?” 
Her cheeks tint pink as she bites back her smile, giving him a small nod of her head.  He smiles back at her, pulling his hands out of hers and dropping his hat so he could lay them across her jaw, tilting her head upwards so he didn’t have to lean down as far to reach her.  
She doesn’t wait a second longer for him, closing her eyes and leaning up on the tips of her toes so she could press her lips against his.  Satoru’s quick to reciprocate, his fingers flexing against her skin, holding on as tight as he can without hurting her as he deepens the kiss right away.  She has to grab him by the shoulders to keep herself balanced.
His lips are soft, and taste sugary like the cotton candy he’d been eating.  She’d always thought he’d taste a little bit like sugar, what with how much of it he consumes.  It makes her smile to know first hand.
When they break the kiss, he steals one more quick peck from her, grinning with excitement before he pulls away so he can pick up his forgotten hat from the ground.
“Feel better now?” She teases as he slings his arm around her shoulder to head back towards their seats.
“Mhm,” He hums, pulling his cap over her head and smiling as it slips down her forehead.  He pokes it upwards with his index finger, then pokes the tip of her nose.  “But next game I bring you to, I get the kiss cam kiss, alright?” 
There’s a gleam in her eye and a blush on her face as she leans into him, matching his steps as they head down the stairs to their seats.  As shameless as ever, she can’t help but tease him.
“Then sit on my left next time” ___
xoxo ~ jordie
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tan1shere · 17 days
can you PLAHESE make more Eva x fem!reader i don’t have like an idea but im thinking one of evas therapy sessions get a lil freaky
(idk this my first time asking for something lol, if you cant thats cool)
You're No Good For Me
Eva x female reader !
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A/n: Oh gurl I just had the PERFECT idea for one, yes it's inspired by the song slightly 😇
Summary: you and Eva have known eachother for awhile, you go and spend your break at the place she lives, when you were in the therapy room together, things turn into something else. Something more.
Warnings: smut smut and more smut ! Scissoring guys 🤭 fingering, soft dom Eva, sub reader - and I think that's about it, enjoy !!!
You had to clear your mind, so this was the exact place to do that. Eva was an old friend who you had known for years, the both of you were texting one day when she suggested you come down for a long weekend to set your mind at ease. You never exactly knew what she did but you agreed nonetheless. Once you got there you head up to the door, knocking on it. And there she was. "Eva." You smile, going to hug her. "Hey you." She kindly leaves a kiss on your cheek. "Missed you." She finishes. Pulling back to place her hands on your face. "You look good." She grins. You smile again. "Too kind, but so do you my goodness!"
She lets you into the house helping you with your luggage. "I'll put them in the room you'll be sleeping in." You thank her, looking around the beautiful house. You saw some other girls wandering around. It made you think what she actually did, it was probably time you asked her. As she came back, she began to show you around. There was so much to the house, many rooms, big spaces. It was very beautiful. "I've been meaning to ask - out of curiosity." You then pipe up, making her look at you. "What do you even do? What is this place?" She smiles that intoxicating smile. Maybe you had, had a crush on her when you were younger. Is that feeling still there?
Because that just sent a shiver down your spine. "We run a female empowerment group. Just me and the girls that live here." She turns back around to continue the tour. But something felt off, was that fully the truth? Why did you get the feeling it was so much more than that. You knew Eva, and she seemed a little bit different. Especially with how she acted with the others. Although she didn't seem to do that with you. She knew how you saw her from all those years ago, she didn't want to blow anything and scare you. But if anything you were just more intrigued.
It had been a few days, you got to know some of the girls that lived there, doing little activities with them. You eventually started piecing it together on what was really happening. You were currently just drinking a tea, while sitting on a small sofa in the living room. When Eva comes in. "Join me?" Your head pops up from out of your book. "What for?" You asked. "Just come with me, ok?" You reluctantly get up, following her. "You're not gunna kill me are you?" You then say, half joking. For the first time Eva showed more emotion in her features while looking at you. "What are you on about?" You laugh a tiny bit. "Nuthinn." She still looks at you bewildered. You then reach a room, it was quite dark in there.
The only source of light was coming from the circular window on the wall. She sits down on a small pillow, encouraging you to do the same with the other that's infront of her. You slowly do. "I usually do therapy lessons but I feel like we haven't spoken much over the last few days. Gives us a chance to in here, away from everything." You nod at her statement. When a silence was being cascaded across the dimly lit room. "Are you going to tell me what this place really is?" She just looks at you. "I told you babe, female-"
"That's bullshit." You cut her off.
"Eva, just tell me." - "You aren't going to brainwash me are you?" You laugh a tiny bit. She knew how smart you were and that you caught onto what this place truly was. "I've known you since we were kids. And this is only for a weekend. Plus I don't brainwash I persuade." Your eyebrow raises. "Y/n it's me, just trust that." You take a moment, but you always trusted her, you knew she wasn't going to force you to stay with any kind of words. But she also knew you'd willingly come back to see her. Ever since you were younger there was something between the two of you. She knew that your friendship would last a long time, so she had no worries.
"I don't need to tell you then. Your smart-ass figured it out." She tilts her head forward slightly, having a tiny smirk on her face. Her head then tilts to the side as she leans forward. "You know I think about you often." She admits. "That so?" You ask intrigued, a small grin plastered on your own face. "Well I mean I'm sure the feelings mutual." She then adds, making your eyebrow raise again. "Says who?" Her smirk widens. "Well you did have a crush on me as teens." For some reason that makes your body stiffen. You never thought she actually had suspicions about it. "I don't know what-" But her face gets impossibly close.
"Don't even finish that sentence, because we both know I'm telling the truth." You were, silenced. "Still know how to zip it when told. Noted." You stare into her eyes. The perfect ocean blue. Except they had something more taunting in them now. Almost challenging. "So what if I did." You then speak. She looks down at your lips. "Yeah?" Silence. Her eyes meet your own. "Feelings mutual baby." As soon as she uttered those words you grabbed her face and kissed her, it was hasty. Feverish. Her hands move to place them on your thighs, getting you to lay back on the floor. You then pull away. "Won't someone come in-?"
Your worried expression just makes her grin. "Nah, rules are no one comes in here til I come back out. Even if they need me for something." You breathe out a relieved sigh. When her lips are back on yours in an instant. "To be honest-" You began as she kissed your neck. You always were a blabber. "I don't even know why-" your words cut short as she bit down, causing a small noise to come out of you. But nonetheless you continued. "-I liked you.. you were kind of bitchy to me- teen years." You breathe as her face comes in view with your own.
"Really huh? Bitchy?" You shrugged. "Ever think that was my way of saying, 'hey you're so fucking hot I just have to have you?'" Her eyebrows raise in question. Your face goes totally still. "That shut you up." Once again her smirk returns. Her soft lips returned to your neck, leaving a small mark. Your eyes flutter close. Was this really happening right now? "Ever since those years you've invaded my mind." Her hands move to pull the straps down on your dress, surprised you had no bra on. But she was definitely not complaining.
Her hands make contact with your tits, kneading gently. You gasp a tiny bit, still having your eyes closed. A small whimper leaves you as her lips travel down to them. She takes her sweet time, worshiping every sliver of skin around your breast. She was soft, but definitely firm with her intentions. "We-" You gulp back a moan, causing her to look up at you. "What? Dont think we should be doing this?" You nod ever so slightly, just a tad worried. She grabs your jaw getting you to open your eyes and look at her. "I promise. It's just you. And me." Her eyes stare into your own, and for some reason you just trust her by that single look.
Grabbing her face again and bringing her down to kiss you. Maybe you did still have a crush on her, maybe that feeling was still lingering. Her hands make their way down your body. Her fingers teased the thin fabric that laid under your summer dress. "Please.." You breathe, just wanting it to finally happen. "Eva please." You grew needier when she wouldn't budge. But that only causes your eyes to open again, looking to see her staring down at you. "Patience." She then says as your eyes meet. It was a warning. She was making clear that she was in control here. You whine with annoyance until you feel her hands back on your jaw.
"Uh uh, don't do that. You'll get what you want." Her fingers danced around your face delicately, moving down to your neck. "With time.." She finishes. "Being sooo good for me though." You swallowed at her tone, God she was even more mesmerizing than years ago. Her hands move under your dress, pulling your underwear off, letting out a satisfied hum. "Haven't even touched you and you're sopping." Her fingers go to touch. "Was it my words? My voice?" You're in a daze when you hear her fingers snap. Causing your attention to be back on her. "You wanna answer me pretty girl?" Your eyes meet. "Y-yes.. your voice.." Her face shone with admiration. "Your touch..." You carry on. As you soon feel her fingers sliding into you, you're gone.
Head back, arching just slightly to feel more. The worry of someone walking in fading away. "Keep going, know you can. Tell me." Her voice was like a drug. Her fingers curl inside you, feeling your gummy walls suck her in. You gasp at the feeling. "Come on, just want to hear it. Unless you want me to stop, is that it?" A fake concerned, pitty look is on her face. You swallow hard. "N-no please don't." She hums lightly. "What, else." - "Y- your eyes.. and-" Your lids screw shut as she suddenly adds another finger, making you stretch like crazy. "Fuck!" But her hand is quickly over your mouth.
"Quiet angel, not too loud." Her hand slowly moves but you grab it. "And.. your lips." You continue, grabbing her finger lazily. Sticking it in your mouth and sucking. She's impressed with all your sudden obedience. "That's better. Good, girl." Your eyes roll back as her pace quickens once again and you feel it. It gets harder for her to move before she pulls them out. You let out a whiny cry around her finger.
"I know my girl I know." She soothes. But Eva truly meant that, she wanted you to cum. But she needed it. To be against her. "You're being so incredibly good I just need to do something ok?" She pulls her finger out of your mouth as your face is tired, pouty. "Awww." She bites her lip at your face currently, it was too precious for words. "You're just so sweet."
"Just like all those years ago." She began, standing up to take the layers of clothes she was wearing. You watch intently. "Always nose deep in those books, not giving a care in the world. Style is still the same. Always made me want to rip those dresses off your beautiful body." Your head falls back as you couldn't keep it up any longer. "Eva-" You were about to say something else when you felt something warm and so soft on your cunt. Causing a moan to escape you. "And i get to fuck her raw." She breathes the words out. Your eyes open so quick.
Looking down at where you two were connected, her pussy against your own, making your mouth hang open. They fit perfectly together, your wetness making it easy for her to grind against you, the pleasure building up again for the both of you. "What if I told you I craved you." She then says, her velvety voice making you ache for her to speed up. A tiny whimper leaving you in the process. Your eyes shut again.
Focusing on the pleasure she's giving you. But she was teasing, causing you to whine. You just needed it. Her. But she needed to hear you say it, beg for her. "Please fuck me." You moan out, having your eyes closed. "What was that?" You let out an annoyed whimper. But you open your eyes to be in line with hers, they were full of adrenaline, lust. "Speak." - "Please just fuck me Eva please!" And so she does, more intensly fucking against your cunt. The feeling was everything, she felt way too good against you. "Mmm Eva." You whine out, going to grip her arms.
She leans over you, your breasts touching one another's as she grinds harder against you. Her head rests in your neck, kissing, biting sucking. "I'm so close don't stop!" You blab as if she was going to do that. She was enjoying this too much. As she ruts against you a moan of her own is let past her lips, against your neck and ringing in your ears. It was so hot you might cum from that alone. She balances on her hands still hovering above you. Face, to face.
"Cum against me, know you can." She breathes, out of breath herself, matching your ragged breathing, chest rising and falling fast. The eye contact increases every sensation you were both feeling. "Fuck, you really are an angel.. look at you.." She moans. "Eva- i-" She nods. "With me, come on baby." She says when you both shortly after cum against the other. The feeling was even better than you had anticipated. Your head falling back completely against the hardwood floor. Catching your breath and so was she. Until you make eye contact again, no words. No nothing. Just a beautiful silence.
Maybe she was brainwashing you. But at the same time she wasn't. You were just so intoxicated by her and you had to stay.
"Do you think we'll be inlove?"
"I count on it."
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ceilidho · 1 year
Ok if this doesn't sound like an idea you'd be interested in then disregard, i don't want to bother you 🙂 BuT! It's been itching the back of my brain since forced throuple au and creepy-apartment!ghost has compounded it so:
Forced throuple but a sort of android verse with some body snatching horror thrown in for flavor. Reader's husband (Soapy boy) dies suddenly and in their grief a lot of stuff has gone into disrepair, so they mail order an android to help around the house and with crippling loneliness. The company sends Ghost, a refurbished security model now named Simon, and he ends up being pretty helpful despite the silent brooding. Hell, sometimes that even helps as scary dog privilege so you let it slide (big mistake dumby, that android is falling for you in the process of taking care of you ohhh no-).
But maybe Ghosts old security features make him super observant (obsessive) paired with his new "fix it" code make him come to the conclusion that, actually, reader could still use her husband and mail orders a Soap-bot-3000 without letting them know :O. Watch the horror unfold as Reader wakes up one morning to her VERY NOT dead husband in bed and both Ghost and Soap acting like nothing is wrong :)))), maybe some "Simon reverts fo Ghost" too as the story progresses
this is from awhile ago (apologies, anon) and so wickedly weird and cool :)))
androids that are so realistic and bodies so malleable that they almost feel lifelike, like they're flesh and blood. you never wanted to actually give in and purchase one because you have personal qualms with the idea of something so human-looking being programmable and subservient to you; it's just always felt wrong and borderline cruel, and johnny used to concur with you when you spoke about it. that was then though. years and months and weeks before the accident.
now it's midday on a tuesday and you can't even get out of bed. there are two weeks of dishes in the sink and the lawn is overgrown and the feral cats haven't stopped by in days because you haven't had the strength to get up and feed them. your voicemail's been full for days. your sister stopped by and insisted when she saw the state of your house. "at least for a few weeks," she pleaded with you. you can always return it when you're back on your feet. she's already ordered you one from 141 Labs before she's even out the door, making you promise to give it a shot.
when you open the box, you worry that you might've ordered the wrong model. the size of the android they sent you feels out of place, like he's meant for private military companies or as a bodyguard for celebrities. not depressed accountants who can't get out of bed because their husband died two weeks ago. but it's your name on the receipt, your address. so when his blue eyes flare neon when he's first activated and all six feet and four inches of him sit up in the crate (that had to be wheeled in by two delivery men, you recall with a small amount of horror), you wait patiently to introduce yourself.
maybe this one was sent to you because of the defect. he wears a mask because the only layer of skin on his face starts from the bottom of his face down. at first you roll the mask up only to shudder at the exposed wiring and metal where cheekbones should be. you roll it back down.
he comes with a name. Ghost. that's his model, you surmise from the lengthy instruction booklet you're provided. the whole situation feels weird at first; his presence in your house always catches you off guard, even though, you suppose, it's his house now too. you jump whenever you walk into a room and he's just there, silent, so large that you nearly always think Threat first before you recognize him. maybe it's not fully your fault. he makes no effort to signal his presence, moving silently from room to room when he helps carry out the garbage or swifter the living room. sometimes you catch him staring at the photos of you and johnny that still line the top of the fireplace.
you try to be equitable, insisting that he take the guest room as his own. Ghost won't hear of it, following you into your room when night falls; ominous. you have to lock yourself in the en suite to change, heart beating away because you know he's standing just outside the door, like a cat waiting to be let in. shaking hands drag your clothes down. you stare blankly at the door while you shower, fingers twitching when you pass a washcloth over your nipples.
you think there's something wrong with you. you're sick or something. you're sick or something worse because your husband died two weeks ago and the thing in your house isn't even a human and still your stomach clenches when you think of him waiting for you in your room, knowing that you're naked behind the door. it's taboo; it's not something that's done, at least not something that's spoken about. people don't sleep with their androids. recent widows especially should not be thinking about fucking their androids.
two weeks go by. you can't even think about johnny without wincing these days.
"he was your husband."
you look up. Ghost says it like a fact, not a question. you're in the living room sorting through insurance papers while Ghost vacuums under the sofa (he lifts the corner up with just a single hand; you swallow, throat already dry). neon blue eyes zip across your face when you look over at him. you wonder sometimes what he sees there, etched into the plains of your face.
"yeah." your smile is tight, pained. "johnny."
he looks back down to the framed photo in his hand, studying it. you wish you could ask him what he's thinking about, but you worry that would be just another privacy stripped. you can't ask more of him.
"what happened to him?" he finally asks, looking up again.
you feel it catch in your throat. "he, um - he." it doesn't come out. your nose stings before you can even try to get more out. you grimace, shrug instead. you try to smile again, but it's warped, unpleasant to form much less look at. don't ask, it says, whatever you do, please, please don't ask.
"you miss him?"
you blink at him, misty eyed. "ye - of course."
his eyes are so, so blue when he stares across the room at you. it's unnerving to look at; terrifying to find yourself under his scrutinizing gaze. what do androids even think about?
"I understand." he puts the photo back on the bookshelf and walks out of the room.
sometimes you catch him watching you too intensely; rare moments when he doesn't seem entirely mechanical. you wonder if one day you'll roll the mask up and there'll be skin there suddenly, a real flesh and blood person. it feels entirely possible some days. he moves too fluidly, has his own quirks and intricacies that seem newer each day.
you don't try it. the minuscule amount of professional space between the two of you is an absolute. you worry sometimes what you'll let happen if you ever let that distance collapse. already he sleeps motionlessly in the chair beside your bed, refusing his own room. he powers down with his eyes still open, the blue flickering away to a dark grey. it's only mildly reassuring.
when you open your eyes in the middle of the night though, he stares back at you, eyes dark and sightless.
you worry sometimes that you might have made a mistake, letting your sister talk you in to this.
it's the arm tucked around your waist when you're doing the shopping, freezing for a second before the hand on your hip squeezes and he pulls you towards the fruit and veg. it's the menacing stare from over your shoulder when a man approaches you in the checkout lane, offering his condolences (an old colleague of your husband's, he says) and an invitation to dinner. you open your mouth only for Ghost to answer for you.
"No." it thrums out of him, a different modulation. you stare helplessly as the man's face goes white and he makes an excuse to leave, offering you another lame apology.
it's the hand that tugs you out of the store by the back of your shirt, Ghost's voice rumbling like he doesn't know you can hear him. saying something about how you don't need another man in your house. that you had johnny and now you have him.
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slasher-male-wife · 2 years
Slashers reacting to reader succumbing to Stockholm syndrome part two
So part one got a lot of notes and I wanted to write a part two, I'm also in a bit of a vampire hyperfixation thanks to Near dark so I'm including The Lost boys even though they wouldn't always kidnap their future s/o. This is again inspired by the lovely @slasherhaven, who's back from a long break. Anyway part one is here
Includes: Thomas Hewitt, Vincent Sinclair, Otis Driftwood and Jason Voorhees
Warnings: Stockholm syndrome, murder, slight gore descriptions in Otis's bit, reader is really far gone, manipulation kind of, kidnapping
Thomas Hewitt
Thomas went out early while you stayed in the house with Luda Mae. For the first few weeks of staying here all you did was cry and yell. But now months into living here you're more docile, quiet and afraid but docile enough. When Thomas returns to the house for lunch you're setting out plates on the table for everyone, with Monty watching over you. When you see Thomas you smile and finish setting down the plates and forks.
"Good to see you Thomas. I'm glad to see you're back in time for lunch. I helped make it today," You walk over to the door and stand before Thomas, he looks down at you confused. You rarely spoke to anyone in the house before this, and when you did it was a simple yes or no, "I'll be right back." You stand on your toes and press a kiss to his cheek before leaving the dining room.
Thomas takes a seat and looks over to Monty for any kind of clue as to what's going on, but he can't give him any answers.
Later that night you're getting ready for bed with Thomas. He's still confused about earlier and why you're so nice all of the sudden.
"Thomas," You say turning over to him. He just looks down at you and nods, "I wanted to thank you for taking care of me. I'm glad you chose to do this for me." All he can think to do is nod. He doesn't know what's going on with you, but he's not going to tell you to stop anytime soon.
Vincent Sinclair
When Vincent first wakes up he finds it odd that your arms are wrapped around him. In the two months you've been here you've never wanted any physical contact with him unless he forced it. Lately you've been more calm in a sense. The screaming and pleading to be let free awhile ago, but when he had to tie you to something in the basement to keep you from running you stopped trying to break the restraints two weeks ago.
He slowly shifts and you start to wake up. A smile spreads on your face while you stretch.
"Good morning Vincent," You say somewhat cheery compared to your past moods, "Did you sleep well?" He nods while looking into your eyes, trying to see if you're going to crack your act. But your smile stays and you push hair out of his face, "I'm glad. Is it ok if I walk upstairs with you today? I promise I'm not going to leave." Now he's really confused. Why are you so loving all of a sudden. He's never kept a victim around this long so he doesn't know if it's something common. He shakes his head and stands up out of bed.
He leaves the basement and locks the door behind him. Listening for a few minutes he doesn't hear you screaming or trying to break anything. When he leaves and returns 20 minutes later you're still in bed, sitting up now and studying a small wax figure.
"Welcome back Vincent." He just looks at you before setting down his food and coffee. He's going to have to talk to Bo about this. But if you're being genuine with your feelings then he's going to keep you around longer than he thought.
Otis Driftwood
He quickly picked up on the change in your mood. Although it was slow going and took some time, he saw what was happening and knew this was going to be fun, he's just been waiting for you to prove how deeply 'in love' with him you are.
He's busy working on cutting up a body, having sent you off to do something with Baby while he works when you walk back into his 'studio'. When he notices you, you don't look upset at all, despite a dead body laying dismembered mere feet away from you.
"Baby told me to come back here. I hope you don't mind," You say stepping back into the room and shutting the door. By now he's turned to you, you can see he's covered in blood and guts but you're so unfazed you walk right up to him and straight into a hug, catching him off guard and making him almost shove you off of him. Until you say, "I hope you don't mind me doing this," , blood undoubtedly soaking into your clothes, "I just needed a hug."
This is the tipping point for him. You seeing him actively working on a body he killed and still wanting his affection is enough to tell him that you're fully head over heels 'in love'. He smiles to himself and wraps his arms around you.
"Not at all sugar. Not at all."
Jason Voohees
Jason saw your slow change over time but didn't really see a need to ask you about it. You're becoming more accepting of the fact you're living with him now and you can't leave. Even with these new changes in attitude and you doing what he ask of you, you were still uncomfortable with physical contact.
That was until tonight. It's thundering hard outside as it pours. You've always been scared of severe weather and when you found Jason sitting on his couch you ran into his arms and onto his lap, slightly shaking. Catching him off guard he raises his arms as he looks down at you, looking back up at him with big watery eyes.
"I'm sorry Jason. I just really hate thunder storms. I can get up if you want me to." You begin to stand up when he pulls you back down against him, holding you in his arms now. If he was unsure about you 'loving' him before he knows now that you're truly dependent on him. And some part of his brain likes that. He likes the feeling of knowing you see him as your protector.
He wraps his arms around you tighter and begins to stroke your hair. Things are going to be made so much easier now that you're accepting of his affection.
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nunalastor · 3 months
I have been struck by an idea for Angel Alastor AU
*Alastor's POV*
A couple months into his stay in Hell Alastor finds and figures out how deals work, as well as their roll they play in maintaining this realm. He is excited to try it out and finds out he is really good at it. BUT!! After awhile the people he takes under his care collapse into shows of light. He doesn't get it. What is he doing wrong! the only 2 thralls not leaving are Nifty and husker.
Let's see he takes in children and women who did what they had to do to survive. Check! Give them free housing in the forest he grew with his magic. Check!! Employ the women as either teachers/caretakers for the kids or writers for his radio shows. CHECK!!! Basically build and maintain a self sufficient community that doesn't have to worry about the stress of hell while he get to have his fun. Check fucking CHECK!!!!
No matter how many years pass in hell it keeps happening. It's confusing but that's ok, he only did it because all the most respected Overlords of hell run and maintain communities. His new bestie Rosie, Carmillia, Missi Zilla, Zestial and even that pathetic picture Box that got a lucky hit to his forehead with an angelic dagger ( thankfully Alastor bashed vox's face in before he could back up the memory) has one. Well the Princess is opening a hotel i hopes of rehabilitating sinners should be fun. He just hopes that the letters he wrote for Guy, Emily and his Mom and that they forgive him for his selfish acts.
*Heaven's/Micheal's POV*
It has been years since the one so loved by Heaven went missing because of Adam's carelessness when something miraculous starts happening. The souls of women and children damned to Hell start appearing before the high Seraphim Sera. Despite all the struggles the souls went through and endured, they had one thing in common.
When Micheal is filled in on what's happening he doesn't rushes to the observation orb within Heavens Court house. With the help of the very souls Alastor redeemed he lays eyes upon his beloved for the first time in years. The sight is both comforting and devastating as Micheal watches Alastor rub at a nasty scar along his temple.
Of course. Everything makes sense now. His beloved wouldn't abandon everyone he loves on a whim. He didn't know it was possible for the love he has held for his deer to grow deeper because even when trapped in hell under the delusion that they're a demon Al still went out of his way to help others. After many apology's to Guy, Emily and Al's Mom for the deceit Sera decides the best course of action going forward is to call a meeting with Lucifer.....OH, Lucifer sent his daughter in his place. WAIT! She's starting up a redemption project that's perfect we can give her support through the search party now led by a talented exorcist by the name of Vagatha And his beloved's best friend Guy who's a detective turned therapist.
Charlie: "wait uncle, you know redemption is possible?"
Micheal: "Well yes, but not how because my boyfriend the saint who figured out how to do so, got trapped in Hell due to a tragic mistake some years ago suffering a horrible head wound. We were finally able to find him but we don't know how much he truly remembers."
*Lilith POV*
Lilith who has spent the last couple of years getting faded off champagne on a beach: "I feel like i'm forgetting something important" -the unopened letters Alastor asked her to deliver sitting at the bottom of her luggage- "If i can't remember, probably not a big deal."
-sleep deprived Anon-
P.S. the thought of Alastor finally finding joy in his after life only to have it be ripped out from under him because he is unintentionally being really helpful is funny and the growing unhinged perspective of Micheal as he searches for his beloved, is absolutely delightful for me
P.S.S. I had to write this down twice so it's a lot longer than it was originally so here's this wall of text-sorry not sorry
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mammon-s · 4 months
I can’t remember if I posted this before, I don’t think I did I think I sent it into another account as an ask anonymously. If I already did post this sorry for reposting. But anyways I had this dream awhile ago that I literally think about constantly because it’s so fucking canon
In the dream I was sleeping in Levi’s tub with him and I woke up and he wasn’t next to me. I was confused then I heard this noise and saw light from his computer, so I peak over the edge of the tub and I see Levi sitting at his computer watching hentai with his headphones on and furiously jacking it. I literally was just sitting there panicking because I didn’t know what to do and was debating if I should go up to him and say something smooth like “do you need any help?” then the dream fucking changed.
Lmao if I had did that he probably would have been startled so bad his soul would have lept from his body
But ok anyway now I kind of want to write something with this premise
Also like poor baby boy probably got hard just from sleeping and cuddling with me WHY was my dream so canon.
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starry-eyes-love · 11 months
Marriage Dynamics - Texting with Hubby
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Main Masterlist Series Masterlist
Summary | Joel x F!Reader are married and share in typical cute husband and wife dynamics that can occur with texting, especially when the wife (f!reader) informs Joel of how certain sexual practices will mean he is healthier. No out-break AU.
Warnings | 18+, minors DNI, sexual references and language, reference to smut without any smut, husband & wife dynamics, flirting, daddy kink, angst (female is upset for a moment), pet names (baby, honey, sweetheart, etc.) size kink, age gap but no statements of how old, slight emoji usage.
A/N: See the backstory of these two individuals in Jan 2024 with the series titled Love Never Fails.
Texting Back and Forth with Joel Miller, your husband
You (Y): So Joel, I got a health lesson for you. They say eating pussy is considered to be organic. I know the doctor said you needed to be healthier and to try to only consume organic things. So just FYI 😏
Joel (J): Haha. I believe me coming down that beautiful throat of yours is organic too darlin'.
Y: Haha, true. God you have a filthy mouth
J: Me? No. You do sweetheart, especially when I’m shoving that fat cock down it. Your mouth feels so good when I'm in it baby.
Y: 🤤
J: Since you brought it up, does my baby need some attention? I bet that little kitty of yours needs some extra special attention today, huh?
Y: I don’t know, considering we haven't done it for 3 weeks Joel.
J:  Aw, poor baby. Is she achin’ bad honey?
Y:  Aching and throbbing Joel. Just to warn you, she may claw you hard for how desperate she is for attention 🫣
J: Why don’t you give her a little pet, huh, until daddy can help relieve it?  You gotta ease that pressure off a bit honey. 
Y:  Nope, not gonna happen.
J:  Not gonna happen, why?  When was the last time you gave her attention?
Y:  Not since we had sex last Joel.
J:  Seriously?  You telling me you haven’t fucked yourself since we fucked last?  3 weeks ago?
Y: Yes Joel
J:  Fuck baby, I fucked my fist last night in the shower when you were sleeping and at least 3 times in a week to relieve some tension cause we haven’t been able to find time in our schedules to do it together.  Mama, you gotta do something to ease that tension sweetheart.
Y:  Don’t
J:  Oh my poor baby. Don't worry, daddy will make it feel better soon. Daddy will stroke it nice for ya. That little kitty will purr so good again darlin'
Y: Jesus Joel, fuck 😩
J: What mama? Is she really needy right now? 
Y: What the fuck do you think?
J: Don’t know baby, don’t know until you tell me.  Does she need a fat cock in it? Does she want it deep and hard inside of her?
Y:  Jesus Joel
J:  Come on mama, does she want it?
Y:  Yes, yes I want it. Want it bad.
J:  There ya go honey, why didn’t you say something. Unfortunately mama, you can’t have it. Not for awhile yet.
Y: Fuck you 
J: Fuck me? Yes you will honey, tonight in our bed and hard. Now be a good girl for daddy and purr nice for me.
Y: Joel, baby…nevermind.
J: What? Tell me.
Y: 💦I want it
J: Want this? 🍆
Y: Yes
J:  Ok, baby, tonight. 
Y:  You promise?
J:  Yes I promise, later. 
3 hrs later
J: I hope you realize that your ass is in trouble tonight. Fucking A.
Y: uh, are you talking to me, your wife? 
J: Yes smartass, who else would I be talking to?
Y: I don't know who you talk to Joel.
J: Baby, I don't fuck around on you, you know that.
Y: No I don't
J: What the fuck does that mean? I ain't fucking other women. Jesus!!!
Y: Ok, hot head. Why is my ass gonna be in trouble then?
J: Just forget it
Y: You're an asshole
J: Really? Fuck off woman
Y: You texted me first ya dick, so fine. 
J: No, you sent me that pussy comment and all I've been thinking about today is it
Y: I said fine
J: Do you know how hard it is to work at a construction site with a fucking hard on?
Y: I said fine Joel!
Y: Anyways, I’m sorry 😔
J: Sorry for what? 🤨
Y: Just forget it ok…just…
J: Baby, what's wrong? Talk to me
Y: Why? You're just going to yell at me again 😭
J: Are you really crying right now or…??
Y: Jesus, yes Joel. I am actually fucking crying. God, don't be such a dick to me.
J: Hey now sugar, come on. Daddy didn't mean it. What's the matter?
Y: Don't. Just don't Joel.
J: Mama what the fuck is the matter? Come on, ya gotta talk to me honey. Want me to call you???
Y: No it's just….forget it
J: No I ain't forgetting it. Come on baby, tell me. Do you want me to come home?
Y: No Joel, it's fine.
J: Obviously not. I'm coming home
Y: Don't be stupid
J: Why, cause my wife is upset and won't talk to me. Seems like a perfectly good reason to me.
Y: Jesus Joel, I'm fucking all worked up ok. I'm worked up and it hurts, and…
J: Now I’m gonna come home.
Y: Why?
J: Why? Cause my wife is in pain and hurting and I want to make sure she feels better and ok.
Y: You’re an asshole. I'm not talking about that kind of pain.
J: Baby, I know which one you're talking about. I bet she’s throbbing hard. Is she aching to be touched by your husband?
Y: I hate you 
J: Where are you? You at home yet sugar?
Y: No. I have to leave to go and pick up the boys from school. 
J:  Why?  School doesn’t get out for almost an hour.
Y:  Yeah but I don’t want to park almost a mile away. They have construction and stuff so I want to actually find a parking space in the long ass line that probably is already there.
J: Ok, call me when you get there
Y: Why??
J: You'll see 😏
Y: Joel. Wtf??
J: There's a reason why I paid for tinted windows for the car baby. Mama's gonna fuck herself with her fingers, and her husband is gonna be the one on the phone helping her get there.
Y: You can't
J: Oh yes mama I can, and I will. Call daddy when you get there 
Y: Joel, please, you can't
J: Baby, either you call me and I hear you fucking play with yourself or I will drive there myself and fuck you in that car. It ain't gonna take us that long baby. We’re both so fucking worked up. 
Y: Why not just at home later?
J:  I may be late tonight and not in on time
Y:  Fuck you, seriously??
J:  Baby, choose which one
Y:  None
J:  Y/n! Choose!!
Y:  Fine, the one where you go fuck yourself and leave me alone
J: Fine, I’ll see you there in 20 minutes.
Y: Fine Joel, I'll fucking call you. Jesus.
J: Good girl
Y: Can I ask you a question babe?
J: 🤨
Y: Please?? 🥺 It's an innocent question.
J: Innocent my ass.  What do ya want?
Y: Can you spank my ass later daddy, I want you to and then fuck that little hole with your fingers also as you take me from behind? Please 🙏🏼
J: Fuck. Yeah. Sure. We’ll do it sometime soon when I don’t want to fall asleep right away.
Y: Well, I’ll be waiting forever then.  Damn it. 
J: It ain’t like I want it to be like that. 20 mins y/n. 20 minutes and you call me or I'm coming over there, ya hear me. 
Y:  Fine
J:  Promise?
Y:  Yes I do. I think I’ll grab my toy, since my husband ain’t gonna get in there
J:  You're trouble, I tell ya. You're gonna be the fucking death of me woman.
Y: I know, I love you 😘
J: Love ya too baby. Forever and always Angel, only you 😚💓😘
Taglist: @punkshort @shotgun-shelby @strawbunnyx @orcasoul @pedritoferg @chiogarza @jesfreedark @untamedheart81 @rainbow12346 @nandan11 @swiftpascal @eliza-8 @joeldjarin @vickie5446 @nastiasnow @staywildflowahchild @ratoonstown @l3laze @its-always-420-on-the-moon @kirsteng42 
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mwahmimi · 6 months
Ok… I would like a gator tillman smut like maybe he has been away for awhile because Roy asked him to take care of something and when he comes back all he wants it’s reader but he’s not only f*cking reader but makes love to reader… idk something like that
Far too long / Gator Tillman- Fargo / One Shot / Smut
CW- smut, the term daddy is used, overstimulation, squirting, fingering, p in v, porn with a slight plot, established relationship, x reader.
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“Been a while huh princess? Daddy has to work, you know that right? Daddy works to keep those hands of yours soft and manicured, while mine are dirty and calloused. Y’like that though don’t you? My hands all rough, rubbing against this pretty little pussy. Look at her, she’s crying out for me. Your little princess brain is leaking out of her.” Gator teases, he rubs his middle finger through your slit. Separating your folds and zeroing over your clit. Your breath hitches as he begins to curl his fingers inside of you, his fingertips grazing your g-spot every time he pumps them into you.
“Please.. No more. No more teasing. Want you. Please.” You’re begging him, he’s been away for little over two months, some bullshit that Roy had sent him away to take care of. You weren’t interested in his work, you learnt a long time ago to ask no questions. Ignorance is bliss. But your body aches for him, your head full of nothing but Gator Gator Gator. Your clit practically throbbing his name in morse code. He knows just how to tease you, having dated you for so long he knew your weak spots, how to melt that mind of yours.
“See, any other time, Daddy would tell you to be patient. But fuck. Babe, I need to be inside you. Been away far too long. Never again. I’ll work from fucking home and dad can just fucking like it.” He spits his words out like venom on his tongue. You knew he was lying, as much as you loved him, he could never stand up to his father. That’s a problem for another day, you hum as he rubs his dick against your slit. Your pussy acting as all the lubricant you could ever need, leaving his length slick and wet. Ready for you.
With his first thrust inside you, you’re putty in his hands. Your breath hitches as his cock hits your g-spot, violating the area until all you can think about is how good it feels. Nobody has ever fucked you so good.
“My girl. My fuckin’ girl. Missed you so much. Not just this ass of yours either. Missed your love.” Gator groans as he gently slaps your ass, leaning forward to rub your clit. It’s almost too much, the praise and the feeling of his fingers kissing your hypersensitive clit.
“Daddy. Missed you too. Love you. Love how you make me feel, love you.” You manage to get those words out in-between moans, your eyes rolling into the back of your head with every movement he makes deeper inside you. You’re convinced you can feel him in your stomach.
“Love’ya too- Gonna fill you up so good baby.” His words tease you, all your thoughts muddle up into one, Gator. Gator and how he feels, fucking the moans out of your mouth. Gator and how he’s over-stimulating both your clit and your g-spot at once. Gator and how he’s still wearing that shit eating smirk on his face, knowing how much it gets to you. All you want in your life is Gator.
Your orgasm builds in the pit of your stomach, the familiar feeling rising higher and higher. You clench around Gator’s cock. Almost trapping him into cumming inside you as you come undone yourself.
“Close.. so close. Please.” You whimper, your face buried in the pillows of your shared bed as you desperately dribble saliva from your mouth onto the sheets. He picks up the pace, not wanting to waste any more time. He just wants you. He wants to make you feel incredible. And that he does, when your orgasm washes over you like a tidal wave. Gushing over his cock as your tormented clit becomes even more sensitive after cumming. He doesn’t stop fucking you, he pounds into your hole faster and harder than before. It’s all too much for your little body to handle and he knows that. You can’t hold it any longer, your pussy squirting over your boyfriend and the bed.
Soft groans come from behind you as Gator ruts. Wiping the sweat from his brow and pulling out of you, ropes of cum still dripping from cock and dribbling out of your abused cunt.
Gator wipes the mess from your body and his, ripping the soiled sheets off the bed as you both collapse on the mattress in each other’s embrace.
“Love you.” He whispers against your cheek before planting a gentle kiss through panted breaths. “Love you too.” Your eyes still tightly shut, as if opening them would make the moment just a dream. You squeeze his arm a little, needing something to grip onto as you crash back from ecstasy to reality. The pair of you lay there, breathing each other in, not wanting to move a muscle. Roy better not send him away for this long ever again.
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fanficwritingcentral · 3 months
Finally wrote this out!!!!
There once was a prince of Sparta (AO3 link)
Summary: Hyacinthus knew it'd be awhile before he'd get to be reunited with his love Apollo, but he thought awhile would be a few weeks, when the war was over, not after Apollo went on a year long trial to regain his godly hood that he had to watch through a small tv screen.
"Where is he?" Hyacinthus asked as he looked over the sea at the edge of the Island of Delos, sitting beneath the trees and surrounded with his own flowers, still weary of the Sun. Because the sun means him and he cannot know.
Notes: Ok, so this is an idea that mainly came from my James Bond/Pjo crossover where I brought Hyacinthus back through Gaia who wanted some way to distract Apollo but Hyacinthus' mother, Clio the muse of history, got to him first and hid him from Apollo so he wouldn't get distracted from the war. Hyacinthus ended up in Sparta and went with the Argo crew to Delos where he asked Artemis for refuge on the island until it would be safe to reunite with Apollo.
Basically the exact same but with no James Bond.
Hope you enjoy!!!! It's taken me over a year to write this and decided what was necessary to summarise from four books. I hope you liked what I decided was important enough to write out.
Enjoy 😘✌️
"Where is he?" Hyacinthus asked as he looked over the sea at the edge of the Island of Delos, sitting beneath the trees and surrounded with his own flowers, still weary of the Sun. Because the sun means him and he cannot know.
"I don't know." A voice answered behind him, "father sent him away after our battle against the Giants," she paused and Hyacinthus heard her soft footsteps on the grass coming towards him. "It's been over two weeks, and I have not heard anything from him, nor felt a single impression of him." She swallowed, "especially in the Sun."
Hyacinthus turned to Artemis, "he hasn't been driving the chariot?" That fact derailed his mind from the thoughts of the war being over for two weeks and him not knowing and just why Zeus would send Apollo away after their battle.
Artemis shook her head, "it's only the other Sun gods doing their duties. Sol, Freyr, Amaterasu and the others."
"But no Apollo."
Artemis nodded, "but no Apollo."
Hyacinthus looked back over the sea, watching as the sunlight glistened over the water, his heart heavy. By the Fates it wasn't fair. Haven't they been through enough?
"I will find him." Artemis vowed, "I will not rest until I know my twin is safe."
With that statement, Hyacinthus felt her presence disappear. Hanging his head, he sighed and stood up and walked out of the cover of the leaves, his flowers growing and dying after each footstep and stood in the light of the sun. Finally feeling the warmth he hasn't felt on his human skin in millennia.
"Where are you?" He whispered, absorbing the sun's warmth he denied himself after being brought back months ago. A warmth he once took such comfort in now only brought pain.
Three months pass and Hyacinthus is in his small hut, given to him by Artemis when she granted him refuge on Delos after he came to the island on the Argo II with those seven demigods that swore on the Styx not to reveal his return to Apollo, doing his best to keep his mind off said missing lover (not that it ever worked).
Artemis walked in and the hope he'd feel in the early months didn't even rise. All hope he once had, had been lost each time Artemis came back with no news to tell.
"Nothing?" He asked, pausing in his movements of putting towels away, prepared for the instant agreement.
But, this time, she did something different. This time, Artemis hesitated.
Hyacinthus put down the towels he was holding and came over to her, "Artemis please, what is it, what have you found?"
She pursued her lips and looked away from him.
"Artemis, please."
"I believe our father is still punishing him." She finally revealed quietly.
"Artemis, what do you mean 'still'? Why would Apollo be punished in the first place?" Hyacinthus asked slowly.
"It's why our father sent him away after the Giants battle, to be punished for allowing the prophecy of the seven be revealed this early, among other things." She said, her moon-like eyes shining with pain, "I didn't say it before because there is nothing my twin hates more than others knowing of the pain he goes through, especially those he loves."
Hyacinthus pulled out a chair and sat down, holding his head in his hands. He heard the tentative footsteps of the goddess coming closer to him and felt the warmth of the hand she placed on his shoulder.
"I'm scared Hyacinthus," she whispered, "I'm scared for my twin, for what punishment our father is dealing to him that's taking this long."
"How sure are you that your father still has him?" He asked.
A beat passes, then, "very sure," she said.
Hyacinthus closed his eyes and wished for the mind numbing existence of the plant he once was.
"We don't know yet. There's only something we can tell that's been hidden," she said the word with disgust, "from us. Apollo needs to be as focused as he can, if he were to find that you've come back now, that your return had been hidden from him, in the midst of him discovering he's completely mortal and what he has to do." Her voice broke, "he's barely hanging on as it is Hyacinthus, if you went to him now, I don't know what would happen."
Hyacinthus hated it, a lot, but he understood Artemis. He knew he'd understand her more later when he had some time to think about it but now, there was one thing that stood out to him.
"You've seen him?" He asked, tonelessly.
"I have," she admitted, "his services have been claimed by a demigod named Meg McCaffrey and Percy Jackson is currently taking them to Camp Half-blood."
"Is Apollo alright?"
"Better than he was."
"Artemis, what do you mean?"
Her moon yellow eyes burnt into him, "I promise you," she said, anger filled her voice, "you don't want to know."
"Artemis," he started.
"I promise you." She said fiercely.
He closed his eyes, "alright," he said and opened them again, "if I cannot go to him, is there a way for me to be able to see him?"
Artemis nodded, "I can give you one of Hephaestus' small tv screens, he has already created a channel to watch Apollo's journey," that fact made Hyacinthus ball his fists, Apollo's punishment turned into some kind of entertainment, "but remember, you won't hear or see everything that happens, only what Hephaestus' cameras consider note worth," she said with the same anger Hyacinthus felt in his chest.
"Thank you," he said to her and picked up his shears, "would you be able to place it in the hut?"
"I can if you'd like," she said, "but the TV can follow you wherever you'd want it."
With a wave of her hand, a screen appeared with wings flapping on the sides that held it in the air. Artemis also held a black rectangle with colourful dots in her hand.
"Do you know what this is?" She asked and held the black rectangle up.
"No, I only just understand the TV, Artemis."
"It's called a remote," she told him, "it's what you use to control the tv." She then explained the different functions of its many buttons. After the lengthy explanation, she looked up at him, “do you understand?” She asked.
Hyacinthus nodded, "I've got it."
"Good," Artemis said, "I'll write it down for you. I'll also set it up to show Apollo, but if you find you've accidentally changed the channel just press the seven here," she pointed to the button with a seven on it, "three times and it will take you back. I'll write that down too."
"Thank you, Artemis," he said quietly.
"Just know that what you see may upset you and I expect that you'll beg me to take you to him. But I can't, not yet at least."
Hyacinthus' eyebrows shoot up, "yet?" He asked, hopefully.
"Yet," she agreed, "I'll take you when I find the timing best."
"Thank you," he said again with tears in his eyes.
Artemis gave him a slight smile, "I'll set the TV up for you now."
Hyacinthus returned her smile and went to quickly put his shears away. He's got his lover to watch.
Hyacinthus, when he first saw Apollo's mortal form, couldn't help but laugh a little.
"Oh 'pollo," he said, his smile audible in his voice as he looked at the young spotty face of his godly lover, "this is truly your worst nightmare, isn't it?"
"Artemis," Hyacinthus called out in worry, knowing she'll be able to hear, "the children are going missing."
He felt a presence in his mind, "I know," she said, her tone regretful, "we cannot interfere."
"But it's their children!"
"I know, Hyacinthus. I know." And her presence left his mind.
"Oh, Apollo, my love, you unfairly beautiful fool," Hyacinthus said as he watched Apollo swear on the river Styx to never play music or do archery again while he's mortal, "what have you done."
"But his children, Artemis!" Hyacinthus said to her as she stood at the end of his table, his arms gesturing out, "his children are now in the forest, possibly going insane from the regrown Forest of Dodona and you expect me to just watch!"
"I do," Artemis said, her tone resolute, "there is nothing we can do but watch."
"Send me now," he demanded, "I need to help him save them."
"No." She said, "I will not."
"So the thing that's been hidden from the gods was that the worst three Roman Emperors never died and formed the company Triumvirate Holdings." Hyacinthus said, as he threw bird feed out for the swans.
"That's right," Artemis said as she sat on the fence of the pen.
"Explain the Emperors to me, please," he asked, "they were way after my time."
"Of course. Now, the three are Nero, Commodus and Caligula. Out of the three Nero was the worst…"
A presence filled his mind as he layed in bed, trying to get what rest he could. It's not a presence he's felt before.
"You want to help him, kid?" The voice asked, tone cool and relaxed.
"Who are you?" He asked in return, ready to pray to Artemis and his mother for help.
"None of that now," the voice said and for a second he saw an image of a dark skinned woman wearing a necklace with an odd large circle pendant with weird shaped slices, "just chill, yeah?"
"Just, chill?" He repeated in confusion.
The voice sighed, "look, do you want to help my grandson or not?"
"Who is your grandson?"
The voice sighed again, "my grandson, Apollo."
"Apollo's your grandson? But that would make you-"
"Yes, yes, his grandmother Rhea, now I will ask you once more. Do you want to help him?"
"Yes, I do, but how can I trust who you are?"
"I swear on the river Styx I am Rhea and I'll do you no harm," Hyacinthus heard thunder rumble outside, "is that good enough for you?"
"It is, yes," his voice meek now he knows the mother of the gods is speaking to him, "what do I need to do."
"Nothing more than sleep, kid. I'll take care of the rest."
Hyacinthus fell asleep the instant he closed his eyes. When he woke, he half remembered an odd dream with Apollo's mortal form, talking of caves and springs of all things.
"By the Gods," Hyacinthus muttered as he saw the missing demigods bound to wooden crosses in white cloth, ready to be burnt.
"Artemis, I want this fake god dead," he said, the same rage Apollo surely felt in his shaking form as he took in the sight.
"As do I," Artemis answered in his mind, her fury unhidden.
Hyacinthus' rage turned to pain and sadness as he watched Meg leave with her cruel step-father (who doesn't even deserve the title of father) and then as the Dryads of the forest took in the fire and sacrificed themselves to save Apollo and the demigods.
Hyacinthus laughed himself to the ground amidst his flowers that began to grow over him at the sight of the giant statue of his lover's body (of course he knew it was Apollo's body) now relieved of its Nero shaped head just because Apollo gave it a chill.
"So now he's to go off with Leo and Calypso," said Hyacinthus with closed eyes as he layed in the sun, his flowers surrounding him and swaying in the breeze.
"His task is not over yet," Artemis reminded him as she sat beside him. "He still has four oracles to gain back."
"I know, but I am proud of what he's done."
"As am I."
"And his strength," said Hyacinthus, "you saw that, right?"
"I did," Artemis agreed, "I don't think my father was as absolute in taking away Apollo's powers as he liked to believe."
Hyacinthus hummed in agreement and let himself fall into a light doze.
"Six weeks," Hyacinthus kicked a chair, "six weeks I had to wait to see him again and only got a few minutes of a fight before it went fuzzy just as they got saved."
"Artemis," he said, noticing her grin, "why are you smiling? Artemis?"
"He's going to save griffins?" Hyacinthus said to Apollo Jr who honked in reply.
"Right you are," he nodded, "I don't understand either."
"So this is Commodus," Hyacinthus said with a stirring pit in his gut he was trying to ignore. He knew how Apollo was and knew this relationship happened long after his death. But, still.
"Don't worry, my sweet boy," his mother told him, knowing him completely and kissed the side of his head, "you're still my favourite of Apollo's lovers." She then grinned, "even more than me."
His mother just laughed brightly in return.
"I think he's changing Artemis," Hyacinthus said and felt a sense of foreign agreement in his mind.
He watched Apollo try and push life into Meg. He already felt a rollercoaster of emotions after watching Apollo lose his mind drinking water from those springs (why do those springs feel so familiar, like something from once upon a dream?).
But watching Apollo try his hardest to bring this young girl back to life made his heart feel a little lighter.
"Hyacinthus, close your eyes!" Artemis shouted at him in panic and he had no choice but to comply.
The instant he did, bright light filled the room. It was so bright that it even brought pain to his closed eyes (surprising since it came from such a small screen).
"You can open them now," Artemis said, with wonder in her tone.
"What was that?" Hyacinthus asked and opened his watery eyes.
"My brother just released his divine form."
Hyacinthus blinked. "What?"
"Artemis, let me go," he said to the goddess, "I can help them."
"No," she replied, "not yet."
"Camp Jupiter is going to be attacked! I can do something, I know how to fight, I was a prince of Sparta!"
"And you've spent over three-thousand years as a flower, Hyacinthus," she said gently, "how much of that do you even remember?"
Hyacinthus slammed his hands on the table, stood up and left.
"Hyacinthus!" Artemis called out to him.
"I'm going to the swans!" He shouted in reply as he walked away without turning back.
"You were always a good swordsman," his mother said as she walked to him in his self made training area.
"I was," Hyacinthus said as he huffed with his sword movements, "but it's been over three thousand years since then." He then dropped his sword with a hiss as he felt a sharp pull of a muscle in his arm, "I need to practice again."
His mother hummed, "is this because of Apollo?"
Hyacinthus dropped to the ground beside his sword for a rest. "Some parts, yes, but also for me. Artemis was right, there isn't much I remember since being a flower."
His mother sat beside him and gently brushed a hand over his flowers that had grown around him, "I could never find myself to be upset about your fate. You were taken from me so cruelly, yet there was still a part of you I could keep. I was thankful for it. And now you've been brought back to me completely, and it doesn't even matter that it was because of Gaea. I could hold you in my arms again."
Hyacinthus tilted his head and regarded her, "forgive me, mother," he said, "but what is your point with this?"
His mother cupped his face, "I did not miss you because you were a prince or a talented swordsman, I missed you because you are my beautiful son. Your past is past so don't try to force yourself to be who you once were. Who you are now is what's important."
"But how can I help him if I can't even hold a sword properly, if I can't even hit a target with an arrow? What use am I then?"
"Hyacinthus, my sweet, my little prince," his mother pulled him into her arms and held him tight, "if you were to appear to Apollo now, just as you are, the last thought on his mind would be on how useful you are to him. But train, if you must, for your own peace of mind. And remember, please, don't despair if you find you're not as you once were. You are who you are now, and that is enough."
Tears fell down Hyacinthus' face as he listened to his mother and felt the comfort of her arms.
"Now tell me," she said and kissed his head, "what is dear Apollo up to now?"
Hyacinthus pulled himself out of his mother's arms and wiped his eyes, "he's with Piper and Jason," he cleared his throat, "and something about needing to steal Caligula's shoes?" He said with a confused tilt.
Hyacinthus looked at the screen from where he sat, then to the swans and then back to the screen.
"Do you think you could do that?" He asked the swans as he watched Caligula's horse capture his lover and the three demigods.
Delilah came over and honked in his face before pecking the ground covered in little yellow flowers and his own for food next to Apollo Jr the third.
Hyacinthus sighed as he got up and went to get more feed for them, "yeah, didn't think so."
Hyacinthus looked at the screen.
"He's dead," he said and stared at the image of Jason, the youngest of the King of the Gods' children, speared to the ground.
Jason, who showed him kindness on the ship, before he was dropped off at Delos. Who would always try to help him out with something that confused him about the new world.
His last words to Apollo, begging him to remember what it's like to be human.
"He's dead," Hyacinthus repeated and looked at the heartbroken expression on his lover's face.
"He's dead.”
"Is there anything you can tell me?" Hyacinthus asked the flowers hoarsely, voice still rough with his tears from Jason's death, "Apollo going into the Labyrinth makes the screen say 'technical difficulties'?"
Little whispers were his reply, "great, old, hot" and "dark" were the only decipherable words amongst them.
Hyacinthus swallowed, "I see, thank you my friends," he closed his eyes and listened to the flowers happy little chatters at being thanked.
"Let Thalia know they're sending him to Camp Jupiter for his burial." He said at night and looked at the moon
"She knows." The Goddess replied in his mind and he watched as she drove her chariot over the starry night sky.
Hyacinthus thanked both Artemis/Diana (can never be too careful with them heading into Camp Jupiter) and his mother for the young demigod Lavinia who saved Apollo and Meg (and the coffin he could barely think of who it contained) with her friends from the Eurynomos.
“You're welcome my sweet,” his mother said absentmindedly as her eyes seemed to be trained on the young girl. “She looks familiar to me.” she stated.
Hyacinthus stared hard at his mother. “She better not be my sister.”
“No, no” his mother said, waving a hand, “there's just someth-,” and then grinned triumphantly. “She is your cousin. A daughter of my sister, the muse of dancing, Terpsichore.”
Tears fell down Hyacinthus’ face as he watched Jason's funeral. The love he could feel from all those in Camp Jupiter practically radiated from the screen.
He watched as the Wolf Goddess Lupa called Apollo to speak with him, as she told how Apollo would be able to finally call for help but only if he managed to defeat Tarquin.
How her piercing wolf eyes stared right into his through the screen just before she disappeared.
“You better call for your sister, Apollo,” he said to himself in his hut, “she will answer you, I know it.”
Hyacinthus was grateful he was sitting down as he didn't know how much more his heart could take. Apollo apparently was infected with poison that was slowly killing him and turning him into one of Tarquin’s undead slaves. And when did Apollo get infect- No, Hyacinthus' thoughts stopped as his mind went back to when Apollo and Meg were heading to camp Jupiter, how one of the eurynomos lightly, ever so lightly, scratched Apollo.
“By the gods,” He whispered in horror.
Hyacinthus then had to wait another day for the tv to show Apollo again, only to come to a war on Camp Jupiter, Apollo looking even worse, Diana not answering Apollo's call (why oh why had she not answered) and now watching Frank light himself and the Emperor Caligula on fire with the stick that holds Frank's life.
Apollo Jr. Jr. Jr. honked in protest as Hyacinthus squeezed him tighter while the other swans honked without a care around him and his flowers curled themselves around his arms and legs in his agitation.
"Diana!" He screamed out, hands now fisted into his hair after releasing Apollo Jr. Jr. Jr. from his hold as he watched Apollo fall to the ground on the screen, finally succumbing to the fatal injury from the Eurynomos.
"I'm there." He heard her say in his mind, her voice having a more formal tone in this aspect than as Artemis.
Hyacinthus sobbed into his hands as he saw Diana appear at Apollo's side and began to heal him.
"He'll be fine." She said to him in his mind, "I swear it.”
Hyacinthus watched with relief and longing as a healthy Apollo and Meg were getting ready to head back towards New York (and hopefully Camp Half Blood) on screen. Not so much however to also ignore his feeling of delight at seeing the alive figure of Frank.
"They've done so well," he said to himself, eyes trained on his lover's face (young and different as it was, it was still unmistakably him). Apollo had recovered four oracles as a mortal, a feat worthy of the epics his lover so favoured.
"They have," Artemis agreed as she appeared without warning and caused Hyacinthus to jump with a shout.
"Art-" he started after his heart calmed down then actually looked at her, "Diana," he corrected himself and bit his lip, "how… how is he?"
"He's well," she said and the formality in her tone was even more apparent when she spoke out loud rather than in the mind, "just as I promised you he would be."
He nodded and looked back at the screen that had gone dark now that nothing it didn't believe was of any interest was happening.
"How long until you deem I can go to him?"
"How does now sound to you?"
His head shot towards her and he took her smirking face with full gleaming silver eyes and grinned.
"Now sounds wonderful." He said and went to grab the pack he's had ready since he knew of Apollo's fate and his weapons that were hidden as rings.
"I'll take you to Camp Half Blood," Diana said as Hyacinthus double checked to make sure he had everything, "and the swans will go with you.”
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tallyica · 24 days
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i got this idea awhile ago and sent it as a req to a few writers but none did it (which is fine lmao I'm not bitter) so I decided to write it myself!
i think it turned out pretty decent for my third smut, especially since I don't do it a lot.
(yes ik the pic isn't from 81 but he in the story is pre megadeth, but idk this era is more fitting in my opinion)
again!! my reqs are OPEN!!! they will close again on Wednesday and idk when they will be opened again. pls send some!!!
ok, sorry for the rant, here's the fic!
word count: 2,874
warnings: smut, kinda obsessed reader, semi public sex, fingering, hand job, uhh just smut in general I'm not typing any more out
I was on my way to the grocery store, needing to pick up some meal prep for the next week and other various items, though it wasn't long into my drive when my car began to malfunction.
I groaned in annoyance when I heard the engine muttering, the car struggling to drive as I pulled over to the side of the road, looking at the gas meter to see I was practically empty on gas. I could probably only drive for another three minutes without the car just giving out. I sighed, looking around at road signs for any possible gas stations, spotting a glowing sign in the near distance.
I got back in my car, driving slow enough to not burn all the gas, but fast enough to get there in time. It was going smoothly, until I hit a red light, just next to the station. I didn't know how long the light would be, and I didn't know how long my car could last, so I floored it, running the light and managing to not get in an accident, though getting a lot of angry honks in response from fellow drivers. Somehow, I was able to get into the parking lot and roll up into a gas stand, right before my car ran out of gas.
It was odd, the parking lot was mostly empty, with only 4 other cars there as well. The shop was dimly lit, a buzzing yellow fluorescent light in the center of the ceiling and some more in corners. It was basically a convenience store. I was looking for something to drink when I got home to rest and relax, I had a long day today anyways. I found a four-pack of beers, grabbing them, and beginning to head to the cashier stand.
That's when I saw him. Possibly the most gorgeous man I've ever laid eyes on.
He had long, slightly curly ginger hair, dark brown eyes, and a strong, manly figure, unlike the others I'd seen in magazines or on TV. 
He must've caught my staring, waving for me to come over with a dumb smirk on his face. I felt embarrassed to be caught eyeing a man like he was candy, but I quickly scurried towards the counter, placing the back of beers on the surface.
“Just this and seven on pump four,” I muttered, reaching for my wallet that was in my pocket.
“Alright, that'll be $10.43,” The larger man informed me, and I began to search for the total required in my wallet, digging up two five-dollar bills and two quarters before he spoke again.
“A pretty face like yours got a name?” He questioned me, and I looked up at him, my cheeks tinted pink as I handed him the money.
“Oh, I'm ___,” I responded shyly, a small smile on my face as my eyes searched for a nametag on his shirt. “And thank you, Dave,”
Dave nodded with a smirk, “Course, pretty,” He answered, handing back my due change as I grabbed my beers.
“Am I gonna see you again?” He asked me as I began to walk out the door.
I smiled slightly giving a shrug, “Maybe,” I answered simply with a small giggle, exiting the station and walking back to my car.
That's the night of how it all began.
After that night, I could never shake the image of Dave out of my head. He was like a magnet, like a parasite. Something about him was so electrifying and attractive. I caught myself driving the extra mile just to go to his gas station, and he definitely took notice. I took notice of his shifts, only going when I knew he'd be working. Why drive further if I don't get to see him?
He was everywhere, anytime I saw a ginger, I thought of him. I denim vest? Him. Metal band? Him. Everything traced back to him. It was impossible to be this crushy on a man I only met in a gas station, who I buy my gas from, right?
I had been going to that gas station exclusively for 3 weeks now. Even if I didn't need gas, I'd buy a drink or snack from the mini-mart inside. Tonight was one of the nights, when my car was a bit low on gas, and there was a noticeable issue with the brakes or something, an odd noise, like a screech whenever I used them. It wasn't a huge issue, the breaks worked fine other than that, but maybe I could get Dave to take a look at it.
I drove up to the gas station as usual, parking my car in a darker corner of the lot as I got out, heading inside the minimart with the hope of seeing Dave. I walked in, glancing over at the cashier's stand to, of course, see him. We had made a good amount of small talk now that I've come in so often, and I could consider him a close acquaintance. He gave me a wave with his usual smirk, watching me as I waved back and began to look at the various snacks and drinks.
It was odd, normally when the store was empty, besides the two of us, he'd strike up a small conversation, just how my day had been, what I'd been up to, anything really, and I'd ask him the same. He had probably just had a long day and didn't want to deal with me. I walked in the two, small and short isles before opening up a display fridge and grabbing yet another four-pack of beers, hoping I could maybe give one to him if he wanted it. I walked back towards the counter, setting them down as he rang it up.
“$4.39,” He informed me, and I once again dug in my pocket for my wallet, handing him a five-dollar bill.
“I was wondering if maybe you could take a look at my car, the brake has been acting up and screeching, I just assumed maybe you knew a bit more about cars than me,” I almost mumbled out as he took my money, our fingers grazing each other.
“Sure, I can take a look for ya,” He answered with a nod, handing me back sixty-one cents, “Here's your change by the way, show me to your car,” He instructed, and I guided him out to my old, sort of beat up black car.
“Here she is,” I mumbled again, hoping he wouldn't judge me for having a lower-quality car than most.
“Not bad, not bad.. But, now that we're out here, why don't you tell me the real reason you came out here today,” Dave teased, and I knew he was right.
I played it off, trying to act confused, “For the beer and my car, nothing else,” I answered him, though it was clear a lie burned through me.
Dave just gave a snicker, “You don't think I notice the frequent staring? I talked to my coworker, you are never here the three days I have off. And the guy who does morning shifts? Never seen you. Tell me why you actually come here so much,” His words made a flutter in my stomach, and he was gradually moving closer to me, whispering in my ear now.
“Be honest with me, pretty.. I know the shit here isn't that good to where you'd come here four nights a week,” He whispered into my ear, and I could feel my face heating up.
I shook my head, trying to ignore the truth that really lay beneath the surface, “No, I just…” I couldn't come up with a valid excuse, and now he knew he was right.
Dave just laughed again, “You just what? Hm? You just come here to see me? Is that it?” He teased me further, his breath against my neck.
I couldn't lie any longer, there was no other lie for me to use. “Maybe, but-” I was cut off by him.
“If I'm what you want, that's all you had to say, baby..” He said, giving me a kiss on my ear before pulling away, “It is what you want, right?” Dave had to make sure I was okay with this if it were to go further.
I nodded quickly before turning to face him and kissing him deeply, letting out a soft moan as he began to walk me backwards and have me unlock my car so we could get in. 
We got in the backseat with me laying down, Dave on top of me as we continued to ravish each other's mouths, soft sounds escaping the both of us as he began to work on getting his own shirt off, tossing it to the front seat of the car as his hands snaked under my shirt, already reaching up and teasing at my breasts, causing me to let out a soft whine.
We finally broke away, removing my shirt, and tossed messily on the floor of the car. Dave took a moment, admiring the sight of me in just my bra.
“Fuck, you're gorgeous..” He muttered, reaching out to unclasp my bra, sliding it off my shoulders, and leaving my chest bare. 
He wasted no time, beginning to kiss my neck, sucking softly at the skin as he moved his mouth down my body. His hands kneaded my breasts as he kissed down the valley between them, eliciting soft whines from me as he continued his trail of affection down my stomach, reaching the hem of my pants. Dave's eyes met mine for a second in a question, and I nodded as he began to slowly unbutton them and shimmy them down my legs.
He admired the sight of me left only in my lacey panties, his eyes drinking me in.
“God, you should've said something weeks ago,” He muttered before beginning to slowly pull them down, revealing my sopping cunt.
Dave just stared for a moment before he began to work on his own pants, unbuckling his belt and undoing his jeans, tossing them to the floor of the car as I eyed his erection that strained against his boxers. 
He ran his finger down my slit, making me whine and attempt to grind against his singular finger, searching for more friction. He let out a breathy snicker “You're soaked, baby..” He mumbled, slowly pushing one finger inside of me, making me moan softly as he began to build a leisureful pace as he slid a second digit in, stretching me slowly.
He began to kiss me again, our tongues sliding against each other as we sealed more pleasure, his thumb finding my clit as he pumped his fingers faster, slowly building my high as I moaned into his mouth. I could feel myself clenching down around his fingers as he moved them faster, beginning to build a brutal pace as my moans grew more frequent and louder.
He pulled away from the kiss as I panted for air, “Fuck.. I.. I gon-” I was cut off by a whine as Dave pulled his fingers out of me abruptly, just as I was about to release, he stopped.
Dave gave me a devilish grin, taking his fingers into his mouth and sucking them clean of my juices, “Mmm, you can wait a bit more, yeah?” He teased me, stripping himself of his boxers as his large cock sprang free, precum already leaking from the tip. My mouth practically watered at the sight, and he took notice of my staring.
“See somethin’ you like, pretty?” He teased me again with a smirk. I nodded slowly, my hand reaching forward as I took his length in my hand, gently and slowly pumping him, causing him to groan softly and lose his eyes as I gradually increased the pace, jerking him off as he reveled in the pleasure before I stopped suddenly, similar to how he did to me, making him whimper in annoyance.
“Why’d you stop?” He groaned out, now slightly frustrated.
“Same reason you did,” I mumbled, looking up at him.
“You gonna play that game with me?” Dave questioned me, moving so he was now hovering his full body over mine.
I opened my mouth to speak, to answer his question, but before I could he thrusted fully into me, bottoming out as I let out a loud moan, trying to adjust to the aching yet pleasing stretch. I felt him shiver slightly as he put it in, holding it in place for a moment, allowing me to try and adjust. I didn't get much of an adjustment as he began to build a rapid pace without warning, each hard and fast thrust hitting that spot inside me, causing me to moan loudly with every thrust he poured into me, the pain and pleasure mixing splendidly, the sensations combined bringing me to true, pure ecstasy.
I could feel the knot of heat begin to form in my stomach again, his groans and whines being like music to my ears as my own moans joined their melody. He placed his hands on my hips, his fingers digging deep into the fluffy flesh, making me wince ut, knowing his hard grip would leave bruises in the morning. Dave leaned down again, our lips meeting in quick, sloppy kisses as he mumbled words in between each.
“You're tight… feels perfect, just for me, huh doll?” He mumbled, his lips seeking mine as his groans grew louder and louder. I couldn't answer him, my moans taking over my vocal cords as he continued his relentless pursuit into me.
Dave wasn't pleased with me ignoring his words, digging his nails deep into my skin, causing me to whimper in pain and pleasure. “Answer me,” He demanded hoarsely, his thrusts growing harder if they even could.
I moaned out, trying to get myself to form proper words, “Mmm… Mhmm, all.. fuck.. All for you..” I whined out, and he was pleased with my response, having that stupid smug smirk on his face.
Dave continued to hammer into me, his pace brutal to where it felt like he was bruising my insides. I could feel every ridge, vein, and piece of skin inside me as he twitched, indicating his release growing closer, if his louder and more frequent noises of pleasure weren't obvious enough indicators.
The car's windows were glazed with steam, the outside unclear as our sweat-covered bodies moved against each other as he kept thrusting, my moans growing louder as my eyes rolled back in pleasure.
“Feels good, hm?” Dave asked, his finger reaching down to toy with my clit, doubling the pleasure as I began to convulse around his throbbing length in much louder moans, my arms reaching out to claw at his back, his head lowerings with his breath on my neck, scattering brief, lazy kisses across my skin.
“Fuck! Im gonna.. Oh god..!” I moaned out, tightening around his pulsing member as he kept ramming into me. Dave applied more pressure to my clit as he groaned out, sensing his own near as well.
“Come for me, baby, all over my cock..” He groaned out with a whine, his lips resuming a messy trail on my neck, licking at biting at the skin as I let out a freakishly loud moan, my walls clenching down hard on his cock with my release.
My back arched, putting our chests together as my eyes rolled back hearing him groan and grumble to himself as he too came undone.
“Fuck yeah.. Gonna paint your pretty pussy white, baby..” He whined against my neck, feeling the thick ropes of his seeds spray all over my insides, coating my own as I let out a pleased and exhausted whimper, and his hips slowly soothed, allowing us to both ride out our orgasms before he collapsed fully on top of me, though not crushing me.
We laid like this for a few moments, panting heavily as our sweat-doused bodies clung together, my one clean leather seat in the back of my car now ruined with our sweat and pleasure.
My hand reached to gently caress some of his long fiery hair, one thing I had wanted to do for a while, ever since I had seen it.
Dave began to relax against me, allowing us to lay in the afterglow of the rough session, our true feelings finally appearing.
After about a minute or two of silence beside our breaths, “You.. you think anyone saw? Or heard..?” Dave asked, not really worried, probably hoping someone did.
I shrugged with a breathy chuckle, “Not sure, but we gave them a show..” I responded, my hand tangled in his hair.
“Mhm.. and you're welcome,”
“For what?”
“I'm just giving you my room service.. You know it more than enough,”
I laughed at his comment, “Room service?”
“Mhm, new thing were doin’. Except the only person doing it is me, and the only one receiving it, is you,”
I felt my cheeks heat a bit at the comment, “Really?” I teased him.
Dave nodded, lifting his head to look at me, “Yeah, and I can offer you it again sometime, hm?”
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lonleydweller · 9 months
Hi Dwell!
May I request a yandere platonic Arkham asylum or knight scarecrow with a fem teen, who he views as a daughter but she is not biologically related to him?
And that she scarily gets mistaken by people that she's his biological daughter
(can this relate to the teen protege request I sent ages ago? 🥺)
Please and thank you!(⁠ʘ⁠ᴗ⁠ʘ⁠✿⁠)
🥀Platonic Yandere Scarecrow with adopted teen🥀
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I did this gender neutral, writing female readers makes me kinda uncomfortable! Hope you don't mind
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!Warnings!: yandere tropes, overprotective behavior, controlling behavior, murder of loved ones, threats of violence
Yanderes are OK in fiction. They should stay fiction. They are not example of healthy relationships. These behaviors are NOT okay in real life. This is for entertainment purposes
● It was inevitable that he'd develop some sort of parental attachment with having you around all the time. Originally you were more a tool to him than family. Sure he cared about keeping you alive and safe, but that's because he wanted to carry on his schemes once he was gone. Over time however he bonded with you more.
● Wether it's over fear toxin, books, pyshcology, or some other shared interest, or maybe simply you being there, he starts to try and properly connect with you. Feeding more into your own independent interests, doing activities with you other than work, maybe even throwing in a "how are you?" once in awhile.
● Slowly he starts to feel comfortable enough to let his close friends or allies around you, such as Harley or Edward, people he knows won't bother to do any harm to you. Even then he's always there monitoring the interactions, in the end they're all still villians after all.
● Slowly the other rouges, his henchmen, and militia start to make comments. Whether it be you look like him, you sound like him, you talk like him, act like him, or comparing you to him in some way. Some start to assume you're his biological kid.
● He makes note of this. At first he'll disclaim that you aren't blood related.. but after awhile he dosen't bother to say anything. You're his kid regardless whether or not you two share blood. That's set in stone.
● He starts to get more protective however. Even more so than before. More tight security, surveillance, militia escorting you, and being kept inside more often.
● After all, what kind of father would he be if you got hurt? Anything could happen, a thug on the street, a villian, a freak accident, or even batman.
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hangmanbrainrot · 2 years
Hi! I wanted to request for a hangman fic based on that Tiktok where the girl texts her bf asking where he is because somebody just sent her pics of him getting into some girl’s car and after a little banter, he asks for the pic and it’s a picture of a cockroach getting into a toy car 🤣
This was fun! I got none of the other writing done tonight that I wanted to! But I did this and it made me laugh so that's cool!
harmless fun
jake seresin x reader; 395 words; no warnings; written on mobile so be kind to me, pls. ❤
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Truth be told, you knew you were needlessly testing the bounds of your boyfriend's love, all for a tiktok. But it would be fun... right?
I can't believe you would do this to me, Jake.
Babe I told you I'd be home when the game is over. Not ditching you
Not that. You know what you did.
What did I do???
You set your phone down, mostly because the fit of giggles you'd devolved into made it harder and harder to hold it and sit upright. You wondered for a moment how long you'd be able to sustain the joke, but thought it best to enjoy the moment. Jake Seresin was many things, but foremost he was actually a great and loyal partner — which only made this whole ordeal funnier. He was an attractive man, and he knew it, so that sometimes was... misread by strangers. Hell, it had taken 3 progressively more dramatic attempts for him to get your attention — and keep it long enough to ask you out on a date. And now look at you: all starry-eyed and wearing the man's old t-shirt while you did dishes in what was technically his house. You'd just moved in a good awhile ago.
And then you realized, in your efforts to be a good housemate and not leave your dirty dishes in the sink for your partner to come home to, you'd totally left him hanging in the middle of a joke that wouldn't seem like a joke if you forgot the punchline.
Missed call Jake
Can you at least tell me what I did
Missed FaceTime call Jake
He'd left you the perfect opening to claim you were waiting it out, but he'd replied in seconds anyway. Just a simple ok. You knew he was growing anxious, and you'd need to wrap this up soon. Poor guy. You could practically see his knee bouncing.
One of my friends just sent me a picture of you getting into a car with another girl!
I'm literally sitting here watching the game with Javy. Last I checked, he's not a girl
And then: Send me the picture. Let me see. Please
You were giggling again by the time you hit send on the picture you'd stolen from a quick Google search. Seconds later, your boyfriend replied:
I'm on my way home.
And you just knew he was already planning his revenge.
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klutzymaiden123 · 10 days
HII, ok so I finished reading the current chapters of the fanfic and I've got to say, IM IN LOVE. The way you portray Helga's character is amazing like that's exactly the image of her than I had in my head. Of course, I love all the characters but Helga stands out to me the most because of this guilt complex she has and the complexity of her character (idk if that makes sense but I hope it does). I wanted to know if you were including a snippet of Arnold's POV in the chapter(s) your currently working on and I also wanted to know if you were planning on releasing chapter 31 when it's done or releasing it when you already have a clear thought of what chapter 32-35 (guesstimate) are gonna include/look like
THANK YOU SO MUCH. I enjoy writing this story so much and Helga is such a fun and intriguing character to write! Most of the girls are, but Helga is the most challenging and rewarding for me to write, since she's canonically already such a complex character!
And totally, of course! Arnold's POV originally wasn't even apart of the drafts. Their encounter in 28 was supposed to be a lot different, but when I was actually writing it, things spurred out of control. So for Chapter 31, I decided to throw in a scene from his perspective, because even I was like, "What's going on with this kid?" It's definitely my favourite scene in the chapter so don't worry, his POV is still apart of the re-drafts. And the Shortaki will be cranking up from now on!
Chapter 31 will be released when I have finished writing Chapter 32. It's taken so long just because it's quite an intense and emotionally driven chapter. I've had it planned from the start and like Chapter 30, I want to get it exactly right. Good news, I'm already on my third re-write for 32, so even if I go back for a fourth re-write (as I did for 30), 31 will be posted before then! 32-35 have been re-organised and to an extent, they still are, but they're falling really well into place because the inspiration that hit me was HAWT.
But thank you so much for your kindness and your comment! I am happy that you're enjoying this as much as I am! Annnnnd normally, I don't squeeze in snippets into asks, but because this chapter has taken awhile and you guys have been so patient, I'm sharing a portion of Arnold's section in the next chapter. Enjoy!
Years ago, when Helga had walked away from him, Arnold thought that there would only ever be ashes between them. That between them stood a barren wasteland. But she had come back and turned everything back around.
He realised how nonsensical that sounded; she had walked away and yet somehow, he had become lost. It was like she had turned the light out. Or led him deep into a maze then sealed it shut as she abandoned him. There had been a loss carved into his chest and he knew that if he tugged hard enough, it would all lead back to her. The guilt. Maybe it had been his fault; maybe it had always been his fault. It was his words that had caused her to pull back until she was with the shadows. He wanted another go so he could make things right.
He had spent years wondering what would happen if there had been a second chance. Did he want something to happen? What was he supposed to say—sorry that I hurt you? Would that ever be enough? He had searched for words that could match his feelings, but he had never found them. He still hadn’t gotten it right because Helga had always been different from everyone that he ever knew.
So when she turned to repeat what had happened between them years ago, he had acted without thinking. He wrapped his hands around her and pulled her back until she was at his side.
And it was weird. He was touching her and yet, it was her touch that sent sparks shooting across his skin. His heart had been in his throat and he suddenly found it hard to talk. And maybe over the years, he had begun to believe her. Maybe, for as much as he had preached that there was more to Helga Pataki, a part of him had also gotten swept up within her performance. Believed that she was hardened and nothing could affect her. But beneath his fingers, her cheeks had turned into rosebuds, and he remembered that she was nothing like the girl she pretended to be.
And when she had looked at him, something passed between them. Something had been passing between them for a while now. It filled him with that feeling. The feeling that he had only gotten when he was around her—something that welled in his chest and flushed him so warm that he couldn’t help smiling. It happened automatically and without permission. He couldn’t control it. He didn’t know when it had begun, only that it had been getting harder and harder to hold himself back from doing something stupid while in her presence.
It had been happening more and more frequently lately. When the lights became tangled in her hair. When her eyes would lift from the ground into his. When her fingers were wrapped around his arm. When she said his name. When she stood so close that he could smell her hair. Daffodils. He loved that smell. But what had changed? Had anything changed? There had been many times where he had looked at her and thought that she was pretty. Beautiful. And it made Arnold’s cheeks burn. His stomach would dance. But why? Where was all this coming from? And why was he checking his inbox again?
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mrs-mayor-hancock · 8 months
Mayor Hancock x Reader lemon
A/N - little Drabble I thought of where the reader comes to Goodneighbor to bring Hancock some chems.
Requests are open!
Warnings: drug and alcohol use, smut
You sighed contently as you close the gate behind you. Goodneighbor was your favorite place in the Commonwealth. You loved to explore the Commonwealth, but Goodneighbor had always felt like home to you since Hancock had taken over.
Daisy gave you a quick smile as you walked past to the Old State House. You opened the door and asked a guard if Hancock was in. He nodded, pointing you upstairs to his office.
As per usual, Hancock stood there leaning against the wall thinking. His face lit up once he saw you with a chem cooler. “Y/n!! I haven’t seen you in awhile, how’s the traveling been?” You shrugged, “it’s been alright, raiders have been more prominent than usual, so I’m going to stay in town for awhile. I managed to swipe some chems from one of their camps a couple days ago and figured it would serve as my board.”
He smiled as he walked up to you, taking the cooler. Opening it, his smile got bigger, “what do we have here? Ultra jet, day tripper, and my personal favorite, mentats. My love, you spoil me rotten.” You blushed, “I’m heading to the third rail, wanna come with me?” “I’d be delighted.”
Music filled your ears as you and Hancock walked down the stairs to the bar. Charlie greeted you both and placed down a good bottle of whiskey that he saved for “special occasions.”
Half a bottle later, you and Hancock were feeling good as you walked back into the old state house. “Everyone out, take the night off!” Hancock called. One by one, his guards filed out. Hancock lead you to his office and locked the doors behind him.
“I don’t know about you, but I need a hit of something” he said while rummaging through the cooler. He took out several inhalers of ultra jet and offered you some to which you gratefully took them.
The world was in slow motion as you took it. You sat down on Hancock’s bed. He sat down next to you, looking at you with his piercing black eyes. He slowly leaned in, kissing you softly. “You ok with this?” He asked. You barely registered what he was saying as you nodded.
His hands carefully started to remove your clothing as he kept placing gentle kisses on your neck. Your body felt like it was on fire as he touched you. He gently laid you on your back and sat there for a second admiring your body. He kissed your neck again, this time moving down lower and lower until he reached your pussy.
Softly, his tongue entered your folds, the pleasure you felt was indescribable. His tongue circled your clit for a bit before he started sucking on it. You gasped and grabbed onto his hand which was resting on your lower abdomen. With his free hand, he slid in two of his fingers, curling them upwards. As he sucked on your clit he moved his fingers, working that spot that made your toes curl. You felt the coil tightening more than you had ever felt it. He sucked ever so slightly harder which made it snap, you came hard in his mouth and on his fingers, but that didn’t stop him. He kept going, working his fingers a bit harder, you tried to move away but in your drug-induced state, you couldn’t do much. He moaned at your struggle, the vibration sent you higher than ever as you squirted all over his face and chest.
Sitting up, he chuckled to himself as you tried to recover. He stripped off his clothes and leaned down to kiss you. He looked you in the eyes with a questioning look. You nodded and with ease, he slid his cock inside you slowly. He was long and had a good amount of girth, the stretch was welcoming to the overwhelming pleasure you felt.
He rested his hands on either side of your shoulders as he gently started to fuck you. The ultra jet had heightened your senses. You could feel every inch of his cock sliding in and out, you could hear him praising you but your brain couldn’t comprehend his words. He kept his pace semi-slow as your felt yourself getting close again. Wrapping your legs around him, he went faster, pushing in balls deep. You cried out in pleasure as he went harder. It wasn’t long before you were cumming on his cock. He groaned as he buried himself in you, filling you up.
You both came down from your high, panting. Hancock slowly pulled out and went to grab a damp cloth, carefully cleaning you up. He grabbed an extra blanket, laying down, he tucked you into his side. He kissed your forehead as both you drifted off into a blissful sleep.
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fyodoro · 2 years
Ok so um can I pretty please with a cherry on top request Saki, Rui, and Kanade with a reader who is also like mafuyu, not entirely like mafuyu but like, they're also slowly forgetting their sense of identity. Although they don't completely forget their self yet so they try to save them(that's their whole dynamic) before it's too late but they fail and I just wanna see how they react when they realise that they failed in helping them
Spinny-spin, Going Insane!
Featuring Saki Tenma and Rui Kamishiro
I forget if it’s been awhile since this request has been sent, so I’m sorry if it took a bit longer than you’d like.. this also took longer to write- so I’m so sorry I had to cut Kanade out. I’ll probably end up doing a part 2 with her, but I hope you enjoy :,)
Cw) depictions of mental illness, breakdowns, cursing, implied breakups, angst, parental issues, yelling
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Saki Tenma
Saki always sensed something was off about you, but she could never pinpoint what exactly it was. But there was just something about your presence that felt… empty. The kind of empty where your emotions feel hallow, like there was nothing there behind the emotion displayed on your face.
Of course- she didn’t wanna pry. It could have been personal and you didn’t wanna share, and if it wasn’t that, her question would have just sounded rude. Saki decided on staying curious and just hoping it was nothing more than a hunch. But she would find out one day.
When you finally confess to Saki that you’re losing yourself- everything pieces together in her head at last. Why your passion seemed so hallow- why your laughter lacked the enthusiasm she always wants to hear- all of it. It all came together and hit her like a brick.
“Please… (Name)- let me help you! I can help; I want to help… I’m going to help you find yourself again, I promise you.”
“(Name)… please let me..”
And so you agreed. In the moment; you actually believed there was a better chance at finding yourself again. After all, if Saki was there with you, there helping you, surely you could find the identity you’ve lost so long ago… right?
Things started to look brighter, you could actually do this. It didn’t feel made up anymore. Saki was actively helping you and giving you the guidance you needed, and god did living feel so much better while it lasted.
But when it happened, you lost all hope. You knew that it was never a real possibility after all. To find who you were without losing even more of yourself? You were only finding who you wished you were, not who you really were.
When you got told you weren’t acting like yourself- by your own mother- it didn’t hurt. But when you said you were acting like yourself in an attempt to defend yourself, and that this is how you act…
“You don’t act like yourself (Name), everyone knows that. There’s no real personality behind the one you use to mimic others, even who you supposedly really are just seems like another mask.”
It felt like your whole world crashed around you in that moment. Surely you were just being sensitive right now? That doesn’t mean anything, you’ve gotten closer to knowing your identity. This is just some kind of obstacle the gods decided to give you. Right?
But the more you thought about it- the more right she sounded. What if now you’re just mimicking Saki’s personality… she’s been around you the most, helping you the most, doing the most for you. It must have been unintentional, but if mirroring her was like second nature… isn’t that who you are? A mirror… a mirrorball. You’re identity isn’t out there- it’s someone else’s.
You gave up, after so much time. Saki begged and pleaded for you to keep trying, but you just couldn’t. It was impossible. And the impossible couldn’t be done- you told her that.
“(Name) please- I’d find a way to do the impossible for you. I’d catch the moon for you! Please/ you need to keep trying- I can’t help you if you also don’t keep trying… (Name)… don’t do this!”
You couldn’t help but tune her pleads and sobs out, as horrible as it felt. She needed to know there was no helping you anymore- it couldn’t be done. Saki was only wasting her time.
That night you fell asleep with your eyes open, and Saki fell asleep with tear stained cheeks and on your floor. It was going to be a rough patch from here on- and Saki isn’t sure if she can bear it without helping you.
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Rui Kamishiro
Rui is very attentive. He’s learnt how to pick up on his peers reactions just by the way their eyebrows raise or eyes twitch over the years, it made it easier to know when he should leave. So he picks up on your false personality right away.
Nothing about you felt right to him. Of course saying this would sound rude, but that was in no way what he meant. The way your smile fades the moment someone isn’t looking along with the light in your eyes bothered him. It didn’t make it any better when your smile and light would return the second someone speaks to you.
Rui never asked anyone else what they thought, he simply kept it to himself and waited for the right opportunity to ask you; or even for you to tell him yourself. To him, it feels more like a game or puzzle rather than a problem. But the moment you tell him you’ve lost almost every piece of yourself- it becomes his biggest concern.
“You know I can find those pieces for you, right? I’m going to help you, (Name). I’ll do everything I can to find these ‘missing pieces,’ I’ll even make them myself if I must.”
“Are you sure about this, Rui? What if-“
“There’s no “if” about this lovely, I’m going to help you. You’re going to find yourself.”
If Rui is there, surely it could happen… if he’s helping- as long as he’s with you, maybe you can do it. What before seemed nonexistent, now started to seem like the future. Yeah, it could happen now!
Nothing felt like a blur anymore, days stopped blending together and looking identical. You were slowly finding yourself again and sewing your identity back together with the help of Rui. Every thread feeling strong and tight, so it’d never be loosened again.
Although, the threads must have loosened at some point in the stitching, because everything fell apart all at once in what could have been a blink of an eye. What before seemed like a clear day now looked as if it was the greatest storm.
After all- you thought your mother was okay with who you were becoming, she even told you she was proud of how you’ve been acting! Why did she change her mind like this? What could you have possibly have done to hear such insulting words spill out of her mouth directed at you?
“(Name), how about you get those low grades up instead of treating everything around you like it’s worth less than you? This is ridiculous behavior coming from you.”
You didn’t understand where this was coming from, it’s 8 in the morning, and what exactly were you doing that made it seem like you were treating everything like it was worth less than you? This isn’t a big deal- not a big deal at all.
But in your mind, you were going insane. What were you doing to make it seem like that? Have you been like this for the past few days or weeks or months? Is she lying? What is your true self is just a stuck up bitch? What the fuck is she talking about?
Anything you had planned for the day dissolved into a pile of ashes. ‘This isn’t a big deal- why the fuck am I being so overdramatic.’
You stormed back to your room and started pulling everything apart, maybe you’ll be able to understand why mom said that if you gave her a good enough reason too. Anything that was hanging in your room was ripped up and thrown all over the floor, the bed was a mess and shredded paper covered your desk. You stood there in the middle out of breath, ‘what’s the point?’
“Love? What happened in here? I thought we were supposed to be studying today, is everything okay?”
Rui, you forgot you made plans with him today. His time couldn’t have been any worse. Maybe if he came a few minutes later, you wouldn’t of-
“Oh my god Rui, can you just give up on helping me? Look at this shit- no person that could be helped would have done this. You’re wasting all your fucking time and energy on something that will never happen! For your sake and mine- just stop.”
Rui didn’t know what to think or say, he was stunned. This felt out of the blue and like a stab in the heart. What got into you? Progress was being made- he thought he got you back on the right track. And now it feels like all that progress vanished. But it clicked, he couldn’t save you.
At this point, tears were streaming down your face and Rui’s eyes were watering. There was no taking anything back now.
“Okay then.. I’ll be going now, you don’t seem… ready… to have me here.”
“Then fucking go- wait-“
The door slammed shut before you could beg for him back. He wasn’t coming back after that. Rui walked home fighting back his tears, breaking down the moment he stepped foot in his room. He couldn’t save you, and you couldn’t save yourself.
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