cantoghalpon · 8 months
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Mérito de Martín Fernández
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metatenure · 2 years
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Balmain’s Web3 Villa
Read more at: https://bit.ly/3UKBT7P
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strickenspirit · 1 year
Podcast recommendations strange friends? I love the weird, the queer, the horrors, the mysteries, etc. 🖤
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adyysworld · 21 days
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i find myself hiding my face and mumbling words due to the fact of the insecurities I obtain and the constant fear of hatred filling my world.
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guillemelgat · 10 months
This song has kind of become my obsession as of late, and since I'm trying to get better at understanding Galician I thought I'd attempt to do a translation. Corrections welcome! / Aquesta cançó ha esdevingut una obsessió últimament, i com que vull millorar el meu (enteniment del) gallec pensava que potser m'atreviria a traduir-la. Qualsevol correcció és benvinguda!
Se do torreiro da festa Si en el terreny de festa If on the dancefloor Eu fose sempre a primeira Jo sempre fos la primera I was always the first En sacare a bailar aos mociños En treure a ballar als nois To invite the boys to dance Mociñas desta noite mesta Noies d’aquesta nit espessa Girls of the thick of night   Se debullase as espigas Si desgranés les espigues If I threshed the wheat Coas uñas longas de gata Amb ungles llargues de gata With long acrylic nails E da horta só apañase as espiñas I de l’horta només collís les espines And from the garden I only picked the thorns E a mala herba que me mata I la mala herba que em mata And the weeds that are killing me   [ RETROUSO: A miña tatara-tatara-tatara-tataravoa estaría contenta La meva rebesàvia estaria contenta My great-great-grandmother would be happy Tatara-tatara-tatara-tataravoa estaría contenta Rebesàvia estaria contenta Great-great-grandmother would be happy Tatatata-tataravoa estaría contenta Rebesàvia estaria contenta Great-great-grandmother would be happy Tatatata se me escoita cantar Si m’escolta cantar If she hears me sing ]   Se ao camiño da fonte Si al camí de la font If on the way to the spring Fose a algo máis que a lavare Hi anés per alguna cosa més que rentar I went for something besides washing E na misa dos domingos I a la missa els diumenges And at Mass on Sundays Quedase sempre fóra pra repicare Quedés sempre a fora per a repicar I stayed outside to ring the bells   Se nos visen no palco Si ens veiessin dalt de l’escenari If they could see us on stage Coa forza dun vendavale Amb la força d’un vendaval With the strength of a powerful wind Non sei ben se chorarían No sé si bé plorarien I don’t know if they’d cry Ou ben subirían con nos a cantare O bé pujarien amb nosaltres a cantar Or if they’d get up to come sing with us   [ RETROUSO ]   Vou ó seu lado, collo a súa man Vaig al seu costat, agafo la seva mà I go to her side, I take her hand Cóntolle to que fixen no serán Li explico tot el que vaig fer en la festa I tell her everything I did at the party Non se alarma, non se asusta No s’alarma, no s’espanta She isn’t alarmed, she doesn’t get shocked Ela viviu mil veráns Ella va viure mil estius She lived a thousand summers [x4]
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quatregats · 20 days
Molt fan de la quantitat d'artistes i grups que van veure la música tradicional de la península ibèrica, van demanar si algú anava a fer-ne una lectura queer i feminista, i no van esperar una resposta
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villasugandhala · 4 months
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Emil Filla, Head of a Girl (HLAVA DÍVKY), 1930
oil on canvas - 45 by 36.5cm., 17¾ by 14in.
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my besties eurovisionspain just made this article about 12 artists that could be great choices for next year benidorm fest so i had to talk about them!!! here's the full article but i'll go over the artists / groups for all of you who don't speak spanish plus give my little opinion :)
(the links in the artists' name will go to the song the eurovisionspain team selected to be a showcase of them, so think of them as how a benifest entry for them could be like)
delaporte: delaporte is a duo formed by spaniard sandra delaporte and italian sergio salvi known for being one of the biggest electronic pop bands right now. i actually know them through their project titanas, made to celebrate female voices in the spanish music industry; my personal favourite of them is clap clap, their collab with anaju.
arde bogotá: arde bogotá is an indie rock band formed in cartagena (murcia) in 2017 by antonio garcía, dani sánchez, pepe esteban, and josé ángel mercader, known for the characteristic voice of their vocalist. i've actually been listening to their song antiaéreo for a while now, so i'm glad they're on this list!!! also i love how hard los perros (the song linked under the name) goes !!!
julieta: julieta is a pop and urban artist that sings in both catalan and spanish that goes from pop to reggaeton to house. i had not listened to anything from her but i knew her and i knew she was a girlie i should be on the lookout for. also y'all know how much i love when artists sing in another language that isn't spanish or english so !!!!!
GOMZ: GOMZ, whose real name is raúl gómez, is an indie electropop artist who first rose to fame (I KNEW I KNEW HIM) when he composed tu canción, the song that represented spain in esc 2018. his song sounds nice !!!
judeline: judeline was born in cádiz, and with only 20 years old, she's one of the biggest newcomers to the spanish urban scene. just as with julieta, tho i hadn't listened to any of her songs i knew who she was and yeah, this girl is gonna go far for sure !!!!
joe crepúsculo: NOT JOE CREPÚSCULO 😭😭😭 he's a well established indie pop / electronic artist known for his dance anthems and irreverent attitude. y'all i've seen this man live without knowing who he was and he knows how to give a show that's for sure. he's just a weird little man, just an absolute sicko.
fillas de cassandra: they're a female duo from vigo formed of maria SOA and sara faro who fuse galician oral tradition and modern sounds with a feminism focus on all her songs. i actually have listened to them before, specifically to their song lisistrata (PLEASE LISTEN TO IT AND WATCH THE MV IT'S GREAT), and after learning a bit more about them i might be a bit obsessed with them??? like just from their name ('daughters of cassandra'), their themes and sound, the fact that most of their songs titles reference greek mythology, and how much i loved tataravoa (the linked song, means 'great-grandmother' in galician) that i instantly put it in my playlist... also galician !!!!!!
bajocero x: bajocero x is the stage name of madrid-born daniel lópez, a newcomer to the urban pop scene who actually was a reserve artist in the previous benidorm fest! i like his sound he has potential!
SAMURAÏ: I CAN'T BELIEVE SAMU IS HERE LET'S GOOOO. samuraï is the stage named of aroa, also from madrid, an indie pop-rock artist with a very strong visual and vocal presence. GUYS YOU DON'T UNDERSTADN I'M OBSESSED WITH HER. like i've listened to all her songs so many times she's one of my biggest discoveries of 2023 if not the best i am so in love with her it isn't even funny. her last ep called artillería is so good and it also follows a theme in the naming of the songs which i love so so very much !!!!!! i'm struggling to pick only one song of hers to show to y'all (the linked song is very good btw one of my faves), so i'll give you three: the first song of hers i listened to, her collab with la la love you, and imo her best song in the last ep.
KAI NAKAI: kai nakai is the stage name of iratxe aguilera, a basque singer from gasteiz that does feminist urban music in basque language (euskera). i didn't know her and !!!!!! i do love me some minority language in a popular genre honestly
dulzaro: he's an artist from valladolid who fuses traditional castilian-leonese sounds like jotas, charros and corridos, with traditional instruments like cucharas, panderetas, panderos and botellas de anís, and modern sounds and mixes, to make a quite unique sound. i didn't know him but now i love him so much holy shit !!!! just look at the link and that music video!!!! it's chock full of castilian folklore and traditions and even the town screams castilla y león like it's so fucking perfect!!! and it's a jota !!!!!! oh how i would love this to go to eurovision fuck i know it'd have the same placement as eaea but i don't care this shit is so fucking good.
maría peláe: OH I LOVE HER. maría peláe, born in málaga, is probably one of the new generation of folclóricas [flamenco personalities] in the country, with flamenco full of social messages and almost an agressiveness to it. SHE'S AN ICON she's so funny and sassy and EVERYTHING!!! i love her song por si te vas so much (the music video for it is so good actually) but i might love el grillo (the linked song) even more like it has sooo much lola flores (the greatest flamenco artist ever) energy!!!!! i absolutely adore her
GUITARRICADELAFUENTE: MY MAN. born in aragón, he is a singer songwriter known for his unique sound and his traditional sounds - always with a guitar at the center, that combine rumba, flamenco and indie sounds. he's actually so good it's actually criminal he hasn't gone to benidorm fest. also i'm contractually obligated to link the song that made me discovered him because that song changed the course of my life, nana triste; but also his most known song that actually was who made him known to the public is guantanamera, a version of a traditional havanera that's almost become a classic here. also that mv is how i imagine paradise (it's the town where his grandma lives i think, in aragón).
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hitku · 2 years
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by Emil Filla
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isheadouche · 9 months
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demonstars · 9 months
I can watch other stuff but anyone who’s been at all negative to Dream I can’t
sorry for having dsmp demons for the most ungrateful of his nepo kids. cTubbo is the love of my fucking life.
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briefbestiary · 2 years
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This turkey-headed bird is a physics defying lumberjacks' tall tale. A thing of strange coloration and behavior whose very existence is bizarre.
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furryprovocateur · 1 year
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yeah, i did stay up to 4:45 am playing fire emblem just to beat ffo as optimally as possible. that's my personality i guess.
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musictomyremember · 2 years
Fillas de Cassandra // II. LISÍSTRATA (varre vasoira) - Vídeo Oficial
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villasugandhala · 4 months
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Emil Filla, Still Life with a Skull and a Tulip, 1947
oil on canvas - 38 x 60 cm
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losing my mind rn
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