#filled with hot but bitchy princes and i was like ‘i need to write about this or i’ll go insane’
fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
Me: Okay I have a pretty solid idea for NaNoWriMo that I’m excited to write, great
My demon brain: But what if you wrote something different?
Me: Alright chief, I’ll bite. What’s your idea?
Brain: Wouldn’t you like to know weatherboy [punishes me for asking by removing all enthusiasm for my initial idea]
#i hate it heeeeeere#like tell me why i have spent weeks fleshing this out#i’ve got characters (which in fairness i already had mostly fleshed out; but i had to change some things around to get them to work#with my concept); i made up an ENTIRE COUNTRY. i created cities and towns and a map and fleshed out a whole system of government#and a sociopolitical system. i’ve been bastardising various scandinavian languages trying to create a new dialect#i’ve researched norse mythology to try to figure out what organised norse paganism might look like if it were the official religion#of an entire country in the year 1895#i’ve spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to solve plot holes#and now my brain is just like. you should write horror instead of a historical fantasy romance 🤠#and i’m like…. okay cool but do you have any ideas???#i literally ditched the werewolf cowboy idea i had (which was going to veer into horror) because i had this dream about a fairytale kingdom#filled with hot but bitchy princes and i was like ‘i need to write about this or i’ll go insane’#do i just.. do both?? 25k words of both???#do i go back to that short story project i abandoned???? what to i do.#and it’s So annoying because i know my enthusiasm for this project will come back but it’ll happen exactly when i don’t need it to#like how i’ve been rotating the haunted house in mississippi novel in my brain like a rotisserie chicken for 3 years#well anyway i’m writing something for nanowrimo. god knows what though. god help me#personal
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shkspr · 5 years
DUDE answer all the questions all of them im legit curious
a few of the questions ask about specific fics so rather than asking you to specify i’m going to take this opportunity to discuss as many fics as i want! gaming the system, as it were
of the fics you’ve written, which is your favorite and why?
i answered this one, but just for the record my favorite go fic i’ve written is probably odd little waiters. it’s just cute
which scene was your favorite to write in [title of fic]?
okay so. there’s a fantastic socrates scene coming up in touch my world, that was one of the first things i wrote for the fic before i had to go back and fill in ~four thousand years of character development to get there. it was also part of the original thought process that went into developing that concept into an actual story. and i looooved writing it
i can’t pick one favorite from buffy au but literally any scene with the them in it is a delight to write. they’re such little shits and i love them.
it was also a blast to write the first part of odd little waiters, the scene where crowley winds aziraphale up over the concept of sexy werewolves
which part of [title] was hardest to write?
chapter two of your weekend lover was a BITCH to write and i still have NO idea why?? it just killed me and i agonized over it for two fuckin months
all of being drawn out was difficult, because the concept behind it was just inherently hard to pull off, but i did it, for the greater good.
if you could change anything in [title], what would it be?
i don’t. i don’t think i would change anything about any of them. not that i think they’re perfect, just that i have no specific regrets. then again, i’ve only been writing & posting fic in earnest for like 5 months, so not a lot of time to learn & grow enough to want to go back and change things.
did you make an outline for [title]? did you stick to it?
i answered this for the buffy au but i either semi-outline or fully outline everything i write. i canNOT just improvise as i go along, i need everything laid out in at least some detail. and i mostly stick to them.
that being said, uhhh. your weekend lover recently went entirely off the rails in ways i can’t fathom or explain, but it’s fine, it’s cool, i’m working on it. and, as i mentioned, a golden tattoo turned out wildly different than the fic that i outlined, but that’s fine too.
which scenes did you cut, and which were added in [title]?
i was just bitching in the discord yesterday about a really good scene i cut from your weekend lover, like a fantastic crowley self-pitying pining scene, i’m so upset about its loss that i’m literally gonna rewrite it. he talked to an ant. i love him
also the dolphin convo in chapter two. i wrote it by itself with no story for it but i knew it was good so i saved it and then i shoved it into a bookshop drunk scene
who was your favorite character to write in [title]?
this may come as a shock, but, my favorite character to write is always crowley. 
which came first, the title or the fic?
you know, i thought it was more evenly balanced than this, i was expecting it to be about half and half, but apparently only two of my fics started with the title, and that’s your weekend lover and i don’t remember the rules anymore. 
a few others started with a title and then developed into a story which ended up with a different title, those being a golden tattoo and touch my world.
the rest of them started with an idea or a prompt and then got titles when i was finished writing them 
which idea came to you first in [title]?
on the same note as above, the idea that came to me first in your weekend lover was literally hearing prince sing “i never wanted to be your weekend lover / i only wanted to be some kind of friend” and my brain immediately went galaxied and thought “what if a slow burn where a&c are friends with benefits and mutually pining for each other”
the first idea for a golden tattoo was a lyric in billy joel’s “stiletto” that made me go “lesbians?”
dreaming out loud started with me thinking “if a&c were humans, they’d probably have even more deep philosophical and theological discussions, because they’d know even less”
touch my world started with a late-night breakdown over “who wants to live forever” that developed into a several-days-long breakdown which consisted almost entirely of me crying and saying “you know what eternity is? you know what eternity is? i mean, d’you know what eternity is?” over and over again because like. forever is such a long fucking time and they love each other so much
buffy au started with me thinking, “hey, gomens buffy au”
what are some facts readers may not know about [title]?
okay i’m sorry for teasing y’all so much with talking about what a golden tattoo was supposed to be, but i’m gonna talk some more about what it was supposed to be. it was supposed to be a masquerade ball where crowley like. straight up tries to seduce az but crowley is not yet at the point where she can almost admit to being a good person so her whole thing is just devious and frankly a little bitchy and az is horrified at how hot she finds it and they make out and then az hates herself a little bit and then crowley says one (1) really Soft thing and it’s a little bit of a happy ending
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the-progress-bar · 6 years
You Wore Out a Path Recap
I haven’t written something this long in … well, I don’t want to check.
The Inception
I don’t remember where the idea for this came from, specifically. I wrote the beginning of the first chapter for Camp NaNoWriMo, along with a whole slew of other FE:A material. It turns out that I’m extremely bad at writing linear narratives, given the absolute mess and if you say goodbye is to straighten out and more casually in the boy across the hall.
Chapter One
The fairy tale was written first actually. I filled in around its scene breaks with Robin being in a Bad Mental State™ as a way to carry this. weird, meandering fairy tale. Also, there’s a much more comedic story in the works that involves Grima and Robin again and I wanted to do something more serious on that vein at the same time.
He strikes to the south east. For some reason, Donnel didn’t stay in the armed forces as Robin hoped but went back home for good.
Donnel! I love Donnel for the sheer comedy of some country boy latching onto the Shepherds, which is otherwise comprised of nobles, and him being able to take on a whole battlefield by himself, leaving the rest in the dust. But he doesn’t stay in Ylisstol and Robin and I are forever sad over that lost potential.
Thunder crumbles around the spirit. They press a stone into the prince’s hand and sighs.
Here’s an instance where it’s clear that I didn’t outline the first chapter at all nor was I thinking about how the pieces fit if I expanded the story. This stone was supposed to do your normal fairy tale shenaniganry with like. Blessings and shielding and magical properties. Then I completely lost that vein and only left the part in where spirit!Robin basically gives Chrom, the prince, their heart. Good job, me. This constantly bothers me, but I also don’t have the motivation to rewrite this bit.
He freezes at Frederick’s stare.
I sincerely love Frederick for reasons that are spoilers for a giant FE:A fic I have in the works, but he’s also so, so fun to wind up.
Chapter Two
So, now I had to actually sit down and outline how this story went. Just a bunch of sentences jotted down, but enough to make me realize how bizarre the geography in this game is. Like, what even is going on with the story’s timeline? Do you know how long it takes to move an army over a continent, when its fastest mode of transportation are horses? I never get how they’re able to run from Plegia over to Mount Prism, then back to the opposite side of the continent and onto Grima’s back. Did Grima just wait for Chrom and co. to arrive? Like, they’re extra enough, but Nintendo, come on.
Let me just say, the FE:A world map has been a permanent fixture in my browser for months and I’m glad to see it gone.
Chrom sinks onto the bed and stares at the coat in his hands.
It’s been almost a decade.
The reason it took Chrom so long to appear among the character tags is because he wasn’t supposed to appear. Not until the last scene. Somehow he snuck into the open and close of the rest of the chapters and I didn’t kick him out.
“I died, Frederick,” Robin snaps. “Please leave it alone.”
Rereading the earlier chapters, I’m a bit surprised myself about how bitchy and defeated (?) Robin is. Being possessed by Grima sucks, and so does slowly turning into a dragon-human thing, but wow boi. Normally my characters are more on the “body slam our problems into submission” side of the spectrum. It all works out eventually, but for a while I had to deal with the nasty problem that apparently only the female characters have any of their shit together.
“Blood magic is a sorry inheritance,” his mother said sadly, thumbs rubbing at the brand on his hand.
I hope you all love Modron as much as me, because I love her and aggressively ignore how Nintendo did her dirty by including her as a key character in a whole bunch of fics coming down the pipeline. Though in this particular fic, her presence snuck in while I wasn’t watching, but not enough to recreate the Chrom situation.
The fisherman knocks on the wooden door of his younger brother’s stone house.
I planned on putting a fairy tale of my own creation into every chapter, with each linked in a tangentially narrative way to Robin’s family. Obviously that didn’t happen. This tale was supposed to be involving Robin and two Morgan’s. That plan derailed immediately.
Chapter Three
Robin’s daughter greets Chrom in Chon’sin’s silks and lacquer, the twists of dark purple contrasting her currently golden hair.
I keep making Say’ri a lesbian. That point doesn’t come up in this story, because Chrom wasn’t supposed to take over so much, but Morgan and Say’ri are together by this point, even if that gets muddled a bit by their weird work relation. I’m just saying, like father, like daughter.
And yes, Morgan dyes her hair. This is more established in the remix I wrote out of boredom of yet another chapter of Robin and Frederick yelling at each other in the snow.
“It’s a wonder your wayward mother never tried fleeing the continent all together,” Grima says.
At this point, I just accepted that I had no control over character barging in because they felt like it. Grima kept the story interesting at least, or else this whole plot would have been the slowest, most boring road trip ever.
At the cost of bloating this chapter and shoving out some other content I initially wanted to cover.
Due to Ferox’s waveringly official stance of neutrality, we spent a few years moving back and forth here.
[Cackling laughter]
Lon’qu and Olivia drop unannounced into the unoccupied seats at the table while Frederick and Robin waited for their dinners.
This scene is … weird. A slight mess. Originally, Lon’qu and Olivia had the same level of screen time as Donnel and Nowi did in the first chapter. But I already had the outline sectioned off into five chapters and writing even more scenes on boats was not a good usage of my time. Presumably, the khans got word that Robin and Frederick were back and heading to Valm and since Lon’qu and Olivia were already in the area with the same destination, they decided to do a favor and sent a message ahead.
What are the Ferox kids doing in Valm? Spying Something, wasn’t important.
A hazy memory of before. Sumia stumbles into Robin’s shoulder, the two of them laughing, drunk on wine and mirth.
In my drafts, there’s half of the fairy tale that was supposed to go in this chapter. Sumia drunkenly tells an equally sloshed Robin the story as they stumble around in the castle. It’s a more standard tale paralleling Modron hiding her children from the Grimleal and made much more sense than whatever was happening in the last chapter. Unfortunately, I cut it out because certain parties used up too many words when they weren’t even supposed to appear.
Chapter Four
Chapter four and five were supposed to come out back to back because I assumed I’d have time to write over the holiday break. As we all know now, that didn’t happen, like so many of my plans.
More importantly though, at this point I realized that Robin needed to start getting his shit together, fast.
A beat from Grima’s many wings carried them on the hot winds blowing off the fires below, covering several hours march in a fraction of the time.
This passage from the bad timeline is one of those sections I wrote nearly immediately since it just clicked. (The other significant passage is the final scene.) Honestly though, I was starting to have a hard time not repeating the same imagery and words over and over again. My grasp of English and vocabulary has never been anything to write home about, first language notwithstanding, and I literally had to pull out the thesaurus a few times in the later sections so I wouldn’t keep writing “scream” but completely forgot what other words existed. Linguistics amazes me, but it is so not my department.
Is it anger? Is it despair? Is it exhaustion, ascending to the Exalt’s throne alone, …
How to Tell I Wrote a Section by Hand Rather Than on My Computer: when the sentences get long and on this roll of phrase after phrase after phrase, that’s me with a pen. This whole section from Chrom was handwritten on my then-new iPad to test out some software.
By this point, I accepted that Chrom was just going to Be There and started working on his scenes to also try ramping up the tension in the fic by going backwards in his history to when the grief gets rawer and rawer. you wore out a path isn’t primarily about grief or depression, but some of those beats snuck in?
Chrom is a Mess™ at this point.
They dream feverishly.
What the fuck was this section.
“How am I supposed to keep this army and your father alive if you won’t tell me what happens? You’re one of our greatest sources of information and you refuse to share with anyone. Stop hiding.”
I hate! This dumb trope! Of not sharing info when traveling back in time! What’s the point of time traveling with the express purpose of changing history and then not! Changing history!
I have strong feelings.
By private captain, Robin means pirates. They must find pirates to board with.
This was entirely for my own amusement. There’s no other reason. Another key sign that my characters are getting a handle on their lives is that the writing starts getting snarkier.
Chapter Five
If by some future machination, the count increases to three out of three, he’s going to wholesale stop trusting magical mountains.
Case in point about the snark.
The master revived, the blood burning, the sacrifice slain, the master revived, the lORD, the FelL DRAGON, death, glory, the gOD and its vessel, returned, returned.
It turns out, messing with AO3’s formatting to have some font fun is a pain in the ass involving work skin shenanigans. The picture work skin already failed to do its job, I wasn’t going to wrestle with another skin just for this sentence. How it’s supposed to look:
Tumblr media
A good two-third of this chapter just all came at once, in a sudden dash of productive writing. The muses are fickle that way.
Back on the point about how I Did Not Outline, there were a few items I wanted to reappear through the narrative. Elements from the fairy tales come back in this fight, for example. Another point I decided in the fourth chapter when writing the opening scene are the cathedrals. 
(Disclaimer: I’m not religious and thus don’t know the full symbolic significance in cathedrals. What I know can be distilled into: You Thought New York Construction Was Slow? and Very Pretty Because Very Important and Yes, The Organ is Behind You and Very Loud. Not a lot.)
“Why do you fight for Chrom?”
Robin getting interrogated on this point keeps coming up in my fics, but the scenes are always fantastic short bursts that are good at breaking up a section that’s been running too long.
Suddenly, Robin is quite literally on fire.
I already drew the picture. The boy’s on fire. There was a good explanation when I first thought this up, but then when it came time to writing the scene, I forgot why, and my outline didn’t have any notes. Bonds? Naga’s flame? Dramatically dissolving Grima’s marks from Robin’s body? All of the above?
“One last tale for the road,” Modron says to her son, …
Modron’s name. I’ve seen people taking cues from Morgan and going with Morgana, but I’m a contrary soul that always resists whatever fandom decides is a good idea. This works out well half the time.
Morgan and Morgana led my brain to the Arthurian legends, and I decided to see what some of those character’s mothers were called. Went to Wikipedia, clicked a bunch off links radiating from Morgan le Fay and somehow landed on Modron? She’s interesting. Nor did I know about the DnD Bill Cipher thing. 
Normally, though, I would not have started with a Welsh name. Some of the name choices for Plegian characters have vaguely Middle East origins (which is a completely different discussion about real world politics in that casting decision) and I would have started there.
I’m not a linguist though. Or someone that knows about naming conventions. So.
Now he stands grounded and as well rooted as the Mila Tree, the fire traded for a calm glow and Robin’s so grateful.
And this line here, this line here, is the sole reason I humored Chrom kicking his way into the story. This final scene was one of the first things I wrote after deciding to expand past the first chapter.
Look at these two dumb boys growing up.
In Conclusion
[staring at my file archives]
Have I ever actually finished a multi-chapter fic before?
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kateanddevinreview · 7 years
A Christmas Prince
In Which Kate and Devin review Netflix’s new Christmas movie and utterly fail at avoiding spoilers.
Kate: So where do we start?! Devin: Pick a movie to talk about? Kate: Top of the list is Christmas Prince. It was terrible; from start to finish it was filled with cliches and things that didn't make sense Devin:  I liked the movie! Kate: You can like the movie that is fine. I enjoyed watching the movie? But only because it was so bad. Devin: I really like the izombie girl and she was super weird in this, almost soft spoken or something? Kate: She was weird, but she made it more enjoyable to me just because I like her. Devin: I would probably have been much less forgiving of this movie without her Kate: Prince was handsome, but I've already forgotten his name. Devin: Really? I thought he was eh. Kate: Not as handsome as in the next movie (spoliers!), but he was very princely I thought. Devin: I mean prince looked very british? But I don't find that attractive Kate: I guess I don't mean particularly attractive to me, but generically attractive. As in, I think more people would say he was very attractive than would say he was average. His acting was pretty blah though. His sister's hair was on point? Devin: Fair. She reminded me of the bitchy girl in willy wonka though. Kate: OMG, yes. She was very reminiscent of the bitchy girl. Devin: Was she the bitchy girl? Kate: I don't think she was? But definitely reminded me of her Devin: Hold on I am imdb-ing her Kate: Holding Devin:  Okay well searching “willy wonka and the chocolate factory” failed, because that is not the title. And you're right it's a totally different girl. Devin: Moving on, loved the queen lady, possibly because she's in it for all of 5 minutes. Kate: She was pretty good, very severe looking. But you could tell it was grief? (Spoiler: the king is dead) Devin: It's in the plot description, I don't think it's a spoiler. Kate: Oh is it? I didn't read the plot description. Devin: Also he's been dead for like a year Kate: Well fine Devin: No okay I lied. But it is revealed in like the first 10 minutes. Kate: It is a very major point in the plot. Kate: So actor choice I give it 8 christmas trees. Generally they all fit in and izombie girl made me willing to watch it. Devin: Yeah, out of 10 I'd say 8 is probably where I land too. Kate: Cool, consensus! Devin: I still really love that she has both family and friends and contacts them throughout the movie, like a normal person. Oh! And I liked that she called her boss to be like "hey, so, uh, what should I do?" Kate: That's true, the movie gets bonus points for concocting a real life around their protagonist. Devin: This is not a spoiler I don't think? But what the hell was with the scene where he saves her from wolves? Kate: Yes! That fit in nowhere? Wait, I mean, actually, when you think about how fast the plot moved, it progressed over only 2 weeks and ends with (Definitely spoiler) him proposing. Kate: Maybe attack by wolves was the instigating ‘falling in love quickly’ event? All the adrenaline? Devin: Oh yeah the timeline of this movie makes no sense. Also: how did she saddle and steal that horse if she was going to fall off so easy? Kate: How did she know how to ride a horse at all? Devin: Right? Kate: Clearly we are missing some important backstory here Devin: Was she from New York? Or do I just assume that's where all movie characters from a city live? Kate: I think the second, but I don't actually know where she was from. Her friend being super gay does suggest New York to me though.   Kate: Back to ratings, I'm going to give this one a low grade on Christmas-iness. I think the plot could have progressed absolutely the exact same way without being set over Christmas, using a birthday or something. I give it only 1 reindeer. Do they ever say how the King dies? Devin: I assume either illness or age… actually I feel like the king got cancer, but that could be 100% a lie. Kate: Doesn't matter because it’s not christmas related. Devin: Cold. Did you think the mom was old to have a daughter as young as Emily? I can't actually remember how old she looked. Kate: I really wondered about that. She looked a little old but my dad has a friend who got pregnant at 50, so physically it’s possible. And the sister was what, between 9-12? Devin: Probably Kate: So if mom was 55 in the movie that seems doable Devin: Ok. Also the king was a dick "hehe I will continue to lie to my only son about his parentage, EVEN THOUGH I KNOW I AM DYING AND ALSO HE IS A GROWN ASS MAN AND IT AFFECTS THE POLITICS OF MY KINGDOM and then I will HIDE THIS VERY IMPORTANT LEGALLY BINDING DECREE to be found after my death and definitely for sure followed even though honestly no one has to listen to a dead guy. And the only hint they have is my shitty riddle poetry" Kate: I still very much doubt the legality of the paper "it has the king's seal on it" no thank you. That's not how I like my laws made Devin: Like doesn't he need that notarized or looked at by a council or some shit? Also, it's not even a decree, it just says "I love my son lots, just not enough to tell him the truth". Kate: And if he did, wouldn't that person have come forward when he died? So fucking weird, he was a dick, you're right. Devin: What modern day country is this anyway? Kate: A shitty European one. Devin: Like, fake country, yes. But I assumed they were using maybe England as a template or something. Kate: It seemed a little like they were. But a much smaller country than England? Devin: Are there still ruling monarchies? In real life? Kate: Yes? Saudi Arabia? Devin: Hmm, I don't know enough about Saudi Arabian law to determine if death bed messages hidden in acorns are legally binding. Kate: Well, one of their princes just murdered a bunch of their other princes, so probably not. Kate: Oh hey, apparently Monaco is a country that still has a ruling monarch. Devin: Huh Kate: There are others but I don't think we need to get into all that. Just go read the wiki people. Devin: I mentioned while I was watching, but I still resent her dramatic race to stop the coronation when she easily could have called the palace. Kate: You have cellphones! Use them! Devin: It would have saved at *least* half an hour. Kate: Trope! That goes in the trope category. I'm giving the plot like 2 eggnogs, maybe tropes like 4 jingle bells. Devin: Yeah the trope meter was off the scale in this movie. Kate: Like, I liked some of the tropes? Which is why it’s a little higher for me. But damn. All of them. Devin: Tropes can be good, they just threw a lot of them in there. Kate: They made a list of tropes and then made a movie around them. Devin: Clumsy female lead. Kate: Ugh. Hate that. Devin: "hehe oops, was this OBVIOUSLY EXPENSIVE VASE important?" Kate: Everything in a castle is expensive! Sick sister Devin: Mean kid just wants friendship. Kate: Ugh, the mean kid/friendship one is another pet peeve. Devin:  She goes from "I will kill you in your sleep" to "I trust you implicitly" in, like, a single scene. Kate: The sister warmed up to her in like 4 hours! That's not how it works! Have them bond over something silly right to begin with! Many movies do that well. Devin: If you need them to be friends for the plot, just don't make her mean to start! skip straight to friendship! Kate: Yes! Dead father. Dead mother Devin: Secret adoption Kate: Father who owns a restaurant that you have to go work at. Devin: Shaved his beard and suddenly she thinks he's hot Kate: Oh yes! Secretly not a playboy? Devin: Also he stole her taxi for seemingly no reason. Kate: I didn't really get that bit to be honest. Devin: Just to be a dick? Kate: Yeah, that was such a dick move. That was never addressed and she just forgave completely just because he's a prince. Devin: It's like they couldn't decide until halfway through if they wanted him to be nice or not. Also wanting to bone is not the same as love. Kate: Very true. It seemed like it just went on and on to me. I'd be like, surely this movie is wrapping up soon. And then it kept going. Devin: I definitely shouted at you "dear god look in the acorn!" for a solid hour of that movie Kate: You did. Over and over. You picked up on it the very first scene and you were cooking at the same time! Devin: It was so obviously a box! I have honestly no idea where she got the birth certificate from though. Or how bitchy love rival girl found it. I never learned her name Kate: Oh, so she literally just found the birth certificate in a desk at the lodge they went to after the wolves. It might have been a sort of secret compartment? But not very secret. Devin: lol what? Kate: And then bitchy rival girl searched her rooms. Devin: Rude Kate: Which was a huge invasion of privacy. Devin: If I was a secret reporter I would definitely lock that away. Kate: Right! They were like, spread out on her bed. Devin: Then again a 10 year old cracked her laptop password Kate: hahaha, I forgot that part, so dumb, just so dumb. Devin: She's honestly a terrible reporter Kate: Yeah, plot definitely only gets 2 eggnogs. I mean, she wasn't really a reporter. Devin: She sort of was? Kate: She was an editor who wanted to be a reporter. Devin: Yeah, fair. Kate: But clearly she was better at writing than reporting I would say. Devin: She did get the assignment. Kate: Cause no one else was available! Devin: What percentage of her getting that assignment was her boss hoping the prince would sleep with her? Kate: At least 75% Devin: "You lied your way into the palace? Goooooood. I stuffed some condoms in your luggage. No, no reason. Wink." Kate: OMG! Her boss was such a sleeze. Or at least it felt that way to me. Devin: I mean wasn't it a tabloid magazine? Kate: It must have been. Devin: iZombie was very naive. Kate: Soooooooo naive. How? She's an adult. Devin: A very sheltered adult. Kate: She works for a tabloid! Devin: Ok I think maybe it's final scoring time Kate: Ok, you wrap. Tell me how you feel? Devin: Probably a 3/10 for plot, 8/10 for actor choices, 4/10 for acting, uh, like 2/10 for Christmas-ness, 6/10 for ending? 2/10 for tropes? Kate: I think I’d go a little lower on the ending - 4 gift bags. It was pretty fucking weird, but it did end happy? And that's important in a christmas movie. Devin: It was weird, but I feel like I am very forgiving as long as it's happy. Split the difference and say 5? Kate: Sure, 5 gift bags. Devin: What would you give it overall? Kate: Overall it’s not a movie I would recommend unless you specifically like one of the following: the girl from izombie, movies about fake royal families or .... I can't think of a third thing Devin: Acorns Kate: Or acorns - if you really have a thing for super obvious plot devices, this movie is for you! Overall possibly 4 christmas's I suppose Devin: Aww, so low? Kate: Yeah, sorry. Devin: No you're fine. Kate: How many christmas's would you give the Christmas Prince? Devin: I was thinking a 6. Kate: I think 6 is perfectly acceptable. If you'd given it an 8 I would question. Devin: Never. Kate: Oh no! We forgot to judge the title! Devin: It's a terrible title. 0 sleigh bells. Kate: Yeah, 0 sleigh bells for the title. I think it was so we would realize it was supposed to be a christmas movie. Devin: Probably. The Christmas [Noun] is just so boring. Kate: The Christmas King would have made more sense? Devin: Hmm, I do like the Christmas King better. Kate: Because of the coronation plot line. That we didn't get into at all in this review. But whatever, go watch the movie. Devin: Yeah. Kate: You know it has something to do with acorns. Devin: Or don't watch it. Kate: Or don't.
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