#finally got around to use this absolute banger of a song
seance · 2 years
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839 notes · View notes
okay 1. my costumes Fuck 2. i love this cast and i'm bonding more with people !
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samandcolbyownme · 3 months
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The people wanted Colby angst & the people are getting Colby angst.
Summary: After a long, on and off, secret relationship with Colby, reader finally has had enough, or have they?
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, angst, kinda sad, arguing/fighting, mentions of alcohol, flirting, reader is the lead singer in a rock band, slight mentions of depression/anxiety, hair pulling, biting, scratching, choking, unprotected shower make up sex, filth
Word count: 6.8K | NOT edited
Inspired by the song, The Grey by Bad Omens. I will also be using a few of their other songs, so if you haven't listened to them, you definitely should. Noah Sebastian is chefs kiss 💋
╔═══━━━─── • ───━━━═══╗
The relationship you had with Colby was the first relationship you kept going back to.
You knew he was bad for you, mainly because it felt like he was holding you back more than pushing you forward, but you loved him with everything you had in you.
When you were together, just the two of you, it was pure bliss. Like seeing love through rose colored lenses.
But it never failed to change with each launch party of a new album or even an after party for playing at a sold out show.
Colby couldn't contain his jealously, but yet, he's the one who wanted to keep your guy's relationship secret in the first place.
He didn't want the lime light, he wanted to have you all to himself, but he failed to realize that with your career growing, so would your popularity grew with it.
You broke up for a while, spent a few weeks apart. You worked on your new album some more. Colby hung out with Sam, investigating the paranormal some more.
You and Sam were good friends, so around the time Sam told you they'd be back, you got that, can we talk? text from Colby, and ever since then, you've been better than ever.
You agreed to understand him wanting to stay out of the spot light, so in public you were friends usually have dinner with other friends, but when it came to your band, they knew which meant you could kiss each other in front of them and they wouldn't bat an eye.
He's come to your studio sessions. Sat up until three am with you while you wrote down and hummed to random song lyrics. He's even been front row at sound checks.
He's become an even bigger number one fan and you absolutely loved it.
Things seemed to be going in the right direction for a while, and you were thinking about talking to him again about going public, mainly because you wanted more from him.
More with him.
You thought that since your relationship was in such a good place and haven't called it quits for the sixth time, it could work.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"Here's to y/n. Her talent is what got us here in the first place." Your guitarist, Lewis, raises his glass and everyone follows in with a loud, "To y/n."
You laugh, leaning into Colby. He lays his arm over you, taking a sip from his drink, "You really deserve this, babe." He smiles, planting a kiss on your temple.
You smile, taking a sip from your glass, "Let's face it though, I would be here without you guys." You motion to the rest of your band, "So let's give a toast to the people who stand beside-" you point to your drummer, Hunter,"And sit behind me on stage."
Hunter laughs, "Thanks for being so specific, y/n."
You nod, "Of course."
You look at Colby, "And thank you, for supporting me no matter what we go through."
He smiles, "I love you."
"I love you." You lean in, pecking his lips before turning to face your band, "Who's up for another round, huh?"
A few hours later, you and Colby arrive back to your house.
"So when's the album supposed to be finished?" Colby asks as he sits on the couch. You shrug your jacket off, walking over, "Hopefully by the end of the month. I have almost eight tracks so far? I want there to be at least ten."
"Are you going to release a single?" He extends his arm out as you sit down next to him, "Your singles are always a banger."
You laugh slightly and shrug, "I've thought about it. I mean, I have ideas but-"
Colby's phone buzzes and he ignores it.
Probably just Sam, you think, "I haven't really-" Colby's phone buzzes again, "Do you need to get that?"
He shakes his head, "I'm not worried about it. I'm worried about you." He pulls you closer and kisses your head, "So what are these ideas you have for a single?"
You blow out air, resting your head back onto his arm, "I'd have to go get my notebook, my brain is still kinda fuzzy from the show and then the post show alcohol."
You get up, laughing to yourself as you walk into the room that holds all your music equipment. You grab the notebook and turn around to walk back out, slowing down when you see Colby on his phone.
As much as you wanted to trust him and move forward, a part of you still had anxiety when it came to him with certain things.
You slowly walk over, "So."
He locks his phone and sets it down on the couch next to him, "Let's hear something." You sit down, facing him, "Okay. So I think these are going to go all in one song, but I so far I have I'm drowning in a dream I can't escape."
Your eyes can down over the page, "Then I have, ninety miles in the dark and family scars and electric hearts? I don't know there just something.." you look up at him, "That comes to me? I guess."
It was going so well, you didn't want to tell him that you were using your past times trying to make it work as a muse.
You weren't sure how he would take it, fine, probably. But at the same time, you didn't want to risk it.
"So Colby.." you set your notebook down, "I was thinking."
"Oh boy." He chuckles, "no, really. What's up?"
You smile as you move closer to him, "I was thinking that maybe we can.. grow.. more in this relationship?"
He tilts his head, looking over at you, "What do you mean?"
"I think you know what I mean." You look up at him, "I want more with you, Colby. I want to go out and be able to hold hands with you at a restaurant. I want to eventually get a house with you." You sigh, "I want marriage, Colby."
He stays quiet for a few seconds, "I've been thinking about it, too."
You raise your eyebrows, "Really? You have?"
He nods, sliding his hand up to grip your chin, "You are such a beautiful and talented woman, y/n. You genuinely surprise me every day I'm with you."
You smile and he leans in, "I love you."
You run your hand through his hair and lean in to close the space between the two of you, "I love you." You press your lips to his and move your head to rest your chin on his shoulder as he pulls you into a hug.
You glance down as his phone lights up and your heart starts racing as the name Serenity appears on the screen, "Who's Serenity?" You lean back and you can tell Colby is caught off guard, "It's.. No one, y/n. I promise."
You lean back and he tries to grab your hand, "Just wait.." you rip your hand away, placing it on your cheek, "Colby.. I thought.." you can feel tears burning in your eyes, "Are you fucking kidding me right now?"
"She isn't anything, I mean she was but-"
You cut him off, "When?"
You raise your voice a little bit louder, "When. Colby, when was she ever anything?"
He stands up, "When we broke up this last time. I met her while Sam and I were in Georgia. It wasn't anything. I missed you, so that's why I-"
"You missed me? So you went and found someone to.. what, exactly? Distract you from the thought of me?" You throw your hands up, "Just when I thought things were changing."
"They are!" He says loudly, "They are! I haven't talked to her since the day before we left. I was focused on you because you're fucking everywhere y/n. but How can I get over you if-"
You raise your brows and he shakes his head, "No, that came out wrong.. I didn't.. I didn't it mean it to sound like that, I don't want to get over you." Colby walks over to you and you just stand there staring at the spot he walked away from.
He slides his hand up your arm, "I promise you it is and was nothing. Just a conversation.
"Did you sleep with her?" Your words are cold and you look at him. He shakes his head, "No. no we didn't do anything, and even if it did progress, which it didn't. Sam wouldn't have let anything happen, you know that?"
"Then why is she calling and texting you at three in the fucking morning?" You groan, "God, Colby. I genuinely thought we were going somewhere this time? All the times you showed up for me when you didn't before?" What was that just a cover so I didn't suspect anything?"
He shakes his head, "No, y/n. It's not like that at all."
"How can.." your voice breaks, so you pause, taking a deep breath before you sigh, "How am I supposed to believe you when you've done this shit before?"
"What are you talking about?" He tilts his head, "Please, tell me. I would lo-"
"Second time we got back together, I seen a Mariah on your phone. She was sending hearts, saying that if, and I quote, 'you and your mystery girl break up again, you know where to find me' end quote." You keep your stare on him, "we broke up shortly after getting back together that time, because things were getting too serious too fast, as you said."
"That wasn't.. she was.." he sighs, "We're talking about things over the course of a year or so, y/n. I didn't think I was ready to be with someone like you."
"Someone like me? What's that supposed to mean exactly?" You cross your arms and he sighs, "Again, didn't mean for it to sound like that."
"Just go."
Your words catch him off guard, "Huh?"
"Go. Get out." You point to the door, "I can't..." you close your eyes, begging yourself not to cry, "I can't keep doing this. Shutting myself down, trying to change you or even trying to change myself, Colby."
"Who's changing? What are you talking about?" He steps closer to you and you shake your head, looking up at him, "I just.. I guess I just gave you too many chances and you literally ran through them all."
You groan, "Fuck, I literally have everything I could ever want, but it obviously still isn't enough."
"Enough for what, y/n? You're enough for me." Colby's voice goes quieter, "Please." He steps towards you, wrapping his hands round your wrists, "Can you just please, sit down. Read the messsges. Time stamps. Everything."
"I just wanted more, Colby. More from you. This isn't.." you shake your head, "I just want to finally be with someone who doesn't leave me falling asleep confused every night."
"No, don't let me go." He rests his forehead against yours, "I mean it. I'm serious this time. I don't want anyone else but you."
"Who even am I anymore, Colby? Honestly." You step back, pulling your hands free from his grasp, "I literally don't even know who I am anymore. A singer who allows someone to just keep hurting her over and over again?"
"Y/n." Colby shakes his head, "Just please, hear me out."
"You had the chance to tell me. When we got back together.. I told you about the guy I had dinner with. I didn't even want to do it but I was so pissed at you for that Mariah girl, I just.. tried evening the score but I guess that didn't fucking matter, now did it?" You pace back and forth, feeling like you could puke.
"The thought.. of you even.." you lay your hands on your lips, "Being with another girl is enough to make me drop dead."
"I was never with any other girl, y/n. You have to-"
You cut him off, "No. I'm done. I'm done with this grey area of us that can only be seen when it's just us. It's not what I want, you know what I want and you just..." you look at him, "Clearly arent on the same level as me, you never were."
"But I am." He pleads and you shrug, "sure doesn't seem like it to me." You sigh, "Just.. go. Please."
"I'm not giving up on us, you can't just dig another grave and let me go, not like this." He stays in his spot and you just stare at him, "Colby. I'm tired. I have a headache, I'm not... I'm not doing this anymore. Just please, go home."
"Fine. But I promise, I'm not giving up. I'll give you space but I'll prove that I want you." He grabs his keys, walking towards the door.
You want to stop him but it's like your body is frozen in its place. You can't move, no matter how much you want to.
He gives you one last look before closing the door and you immediately break down, falling to your knees and leaning up against the couch.
You're gasping for air, clutching your chest as you try not to cry too loud.
You wanted Colby, but you didn't want the hurt that comes along with it anymore.
A part of you believed him, but at the same time, a part of you knew that you needed to let go.
Then it hit you.
Turn the pain, into power.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Over the last two weeks, the only time you'd leave your house was to go to the studio. You had a new song in that was practically almost down.
A new single, and you had Colby to thank for that.
Other than that, you laid at home, in the dark usually just thinking about everything, Colby mainly.
It's been two weeks and you've barely made the effort to answer him. But you always do. Whether it's just him one word answers, or you wait hours, you can't seem to stay away from him no matter how much you wanted to.
That was until you got a text from him that set you off almost instantly, it feels like we don't talk anymore and you don't seem to care.
You sit up in bed, scoffing as your thumbs tap the screen at lightning speed. As you're in the middle of your paragraph, he sends you another text, I knew that would get your attention.
You clench your jaw. selecting your paragraph and deleting it to which you replacing with, what do you want, Colby?
He instantly replies, I want you to see that I love you.
You stare at the message, unable to come up with a response. He texts again, After your show tomorrow, I'm going to prove to everyone that I'm ready to join you in the spotlight you stand in.
You've been so caught up in your own shit, you forgot about the show you have scheduled for tomorrow.
Another sold out show.
You respond to Colby's text, what? Are you gonna join me on stage?
You laugh slightly as you click out of Colby's text thread and go to your bands group chat, meet me at the studio. We're playing that song tomorrow night.
Your eyes move up to the banner notification with Colby's text that reads, you'll see, baby.
A smirk plays at your lips, until you remember that you're mad at him.
Why you're mad at him.
You toss your phone down, getting up to change before you make your way to the studio.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
You walk into the venue, looking around in awe at the place you'll be playing. Thousands of seats scattered all around.
You were in shock each time you stepped foot into one of these places.
"Can't believe we'll be playing here tonight." Lewis walks up, slinging an arm over your shoulder, "You doin' okay?"
You sigh, crossing your arms, "Colby's coming tonight, and he says he has something planned to tell everyone he loves me. I don't.. really know how to feel but.."
You look up at him, "The show must go on, right?"
He tilts his head, "He isn't used to being with someone as pretty and famous as you are, y/n. I'm not trying to take his side, but maybe what happened between you guys, really opened his eyes."
You shrug, "I love him to death, but if we keep going in this direction, I don't think either one of us will make it out alive."
Lewis snaps his fingers, humming as he thinks.
You smirk, turning to face him, "What are you cooking in that head of yours?"
"Da da da.. da da.. da da.. Will we both go home alive? It wasn't hard to realize, love's the death of peace of mind? Think we can make a song about it?"
You laugh, thinking about it, "You know what." You nod, "Studio session. You and me. Tomorrow." You point at him and look over, seeing Sam walk towards you.
You walk over to him, bringing him in for a hug, "What are you doing here?" He hugs you and sighs, "Had to make sure my two people weren't going to kill each other, you know."
"So you heard about the argument.." you step back, crossing your arms over one another, "Sorry I didn't.. call you."
"Colby filled me in." He nods, "Plus I figured if you needed me you'd call."
"I haven't talked to anyone about what happened.. I mainly out focus into a song." You look at him and he tilts his head, "Does he know?"
You shake your head, "But he will tonight."
Sam wraps an arm around your neck, "You people and your song making." You shrug, "I felt like I couldn't explain it, no matter how hard I tried, so I wrote a song about it myself."
He laughs slightly, "What's it called?"
You bite the inside your lip, "The Grey."
"Hmm." He nods, "I'm actually really excited to hear it." He looks around, "Can't believe you sold this place out." He pulls you into him, "I'm proud of you, kid."
You laugh, rolling your eyes, "Thank you. Thank you." You sigh, "So is he here?"
Sam shakes his head, "Not yet. He's coming with our other friends later on." You nod, "Do you-"
"No. I don't know what he has planned." Sam laughs, "Nice try."
"Hey, couldn't hurt, right." You laugh and look up at Hunter who's waving at you. You nod, giving him a thumbs up, "I gotta go. Sound check you know."
"So I'll hear a snippet of the song?" Sam raises a brow and you shrug as you walk away, "Guess you'll find out."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
You bounce up and down slightly, taking a deep breathes as your nerves for this show are a lot higher than they've been for any other show.
Colby was in the audience this time.
Not hiding behind the curtain, off to the side like he has for every other show he's been to.
You wanted to know what he was planning, it's driven you crazy since he first said something about it yesterday.
"You're gonna kill it." Hunter says nudging you as he walks by. Lewis walks up, putting on his guitar, "It's just like any other show."
"Let's hope." You laugh slightly before putting your inner ears in, shaking out your hands before taking the mic from your stage director.
The band walks out into stage, taking their places and the music to the first song starts playing.
You put on a smile, walking out when you hear your cue. You move around stage as you sing your first song, waving to the fan.
You walk over to the mic stand, placing your mic in the holder as you finish, "How's everybody feeling tonight!?"
A massive sea of screams erupts in front of you and you can't help but smile, "Thank you all for being here. Another sold out show!"
You clap and the fans erupt again.
"I have something very special towards the end of tonight's show!" You look back at the band, laughing when the fans go crazy, "Too bad you won't know what it is until the end, "Anyway. Here's Like a Villain."
The rock music starts and you slowly head bang to the music, rocking your mic stand as you wait for your time to start singing.
Colby is heavy on your mind, so heavy you almost miss your cue, "Look into my face, then look again. We are not the same, we're different.."
You smile as you see the fans dancing and singing along. You absolutely loved being on stage.
You continue singing verse one, "You need a new clean slate without the dents. A place to put your pain, your consequence.. When you look into the mirror, are you even there?"
You take a breath, grabbing the mic off the stand. You bend down slightly as you belt out the chorus, "I don't wanna know all your secrets 'cause I'll tell. It's hard enough being alone with myself. I don't know how long I'll be holding on.."
You walk around the stage as you sing, giving them a performance. You dance around during the little break, walking over to the other side as you start to sing the second verse, "So write a brand new page, then write again. I know your act is staged, yet you pretend.."
Finishing the second verse, you move into the chorus again, "I don't wanna know all your secrets 'cause I'll tell. It's hard enough being alone with myself. I don't know how long I'll be holding on.."
You move back to the mic stand, resting it back in its holder as you wait for your cue for the bridge, gently singing, "Like a villain, I couldn't be I didn't need it, it needed me.. Like a villain, I couldn't be. I didn't need it, it needed me.."
It goes into the breakdown and your eyes scan the crowd and you see Sam and Colby standing in the VIP section of the pit.
Your heart skips a beat, and you start to sing again, "I don't wanna know all your secrets 'cause I'll tell. It's hard enough being alone with myself.."
The song goes into the outro and the band stops playing and the crowd goes crazy.
That one is always a hit.
You felt on top of the world right now.
You literally did have everything, but you still wanted more, just like your new song says. Just like you told Colby.
You were nervous. The closer you got to performing it for the very first time.
You weren't sure how Colby was going to react. Sam was the closest person to him, but you knew he wouldn't say anything.
At least you hoped he wouldn't.
A few songs later, almost ready to close out the show, you take a deep breath, "You guys have been absolutely phenomenal tonight!"
You raise your hands above your head, clapping for the crowd, "I mean it. I think this is the best crowd we've had this year so far."
The crowd screams and you sigh, "Alright guys.. so that surprise I was talking about earlier.." you pause, letting the crowd scream, "Alright, so I may or may not have been in the studio these last two weeks trying to get out a new single, and let's just say.." you pause, smirking out at the crowd, "I've done just that."
You laugh, grabbing your mic off the stand and walking around, "This single means.. a lot to me, for a few reasons and I'm very excited to announce that it will be out...."
The crowd go crazy, yet again, chanting in unison, "Tell us! Tell us!"
"Okay okay." You wave your hand, "I don't know when it'll be out, but we're going to play it for you right now."
You walk back over to the mic stand, giving your band a thumbs up, and they start playing.
You nod your head to the slow moving, then quick to pick up pace, "Evened the scores, then I let it all go fall apart." You take a quick breathe, "And every step forward put a little more sword in your heart, yeah.."
Your heart was pounding harder with each line, "Looking sideways when I say I'm okay with the past But I'm afraid of what I might say if you ask.."
You grab your mic, walking to the left of the stage, away from the side Colby was on, going into the pre-chorus, "Gave you way too many chances, you ran through 'em all..Got everything I could want, but it wasn't enough.."
"Nobody left for me to talk to, nobody to call.."
You take a breath, "Got everything I could want, but I still wanted more.."
"Yeah, I still wanted, more.."
You walk towards the right side of the stage, smoothly transferring into the chorus, "There's not another way, don't let me go.. Don't dig another grave today..."
"I'll make the same mistakes, I'll never know Who I was before I faded away.. Into the grey.."
You knew Colby knew. You were sweating.
You had a little break before you went back in for the second verse, "All of this time sittin' inside, sittin' in the dark.. And every night, I can see why you could never stop, yeah.."
"Lying is hard and the truth comes out anyway.. You're going way too far, gonna drop dead at this rate.."
You sing the chorus again before grabbing the mic, moving to the right of the stage, directly in line of sight from Colby.
You lay your hand on your chest, tapping it with the words of the post-chorus, "I did it to myself, tried to be someone else. I let it tear me down and I'll never be the same."
"I did it to myself, tried to be someone else..And you didn't notice 'til I finally got, finally got away.."
You drag out the last word and the crowd goes absolutely insane.
You smile as you sing the words to the bridge, then moving into the chorus one final time before moving back to your mic stand to close out, "Into the grey."
You step back from your mic stand and smile, looking out over the crowd.
Your eyes land on Colby and he's clapping and shaking his head with a smile on his face.
He pulls out his phone, turning around to record him and you on the stage. Sam starts smiling and laughing as he gives you a double thumbs up.
You blow a kiss to him, laughing as you wave and then suddenly the fans go even crazier.
You look down, shrugging as you ask, "What is happening?" You being the mic up to your lips, "Why are we having a second rush of cheering, I mean I appreciate it but, fill me in. Please."
You point to one of the girl's phone and security grabs it, handing it to you.
You watch the video play. It's what you watched Colby do, but you didn't know exactly what he did. You smile as you reach up to take your in ear out, "I have to be able to hear it right?"
The girls in front go absolutely insane screaming things you can't comprehend, "Okay, okay. Hold on."
You bring the phone up to your ear and you wanted to cry.
This is what you wanted all along.
Colby screams into the phone, "That's my fucking girlfriend." You hand security back the phone and the girl screams, "is it true? Is it true?"
You smile, giving her a nod, "Yes." You look up, bringing the mic to your lips, "Alright everybody. Thank you guys so much for a great show. We will definitely be back! I love you!"
You put your mic into the stand, waving as you run off the stage. You make your way back and your manager comes up to you, "Oh my god, y/n. That song. Top of the charts. You need to release it immediately."
You laugh, "I'll get it out tomorrow." You look over his shoulder, seeing Sam and Colby walk down the hallway, "Excuse me." You walk around him, making your way to the boys.
Sam gives you a hug, squeezing you tight, "Phenomenal."
You lean back, smiling, "Yeah?"
He nods, "Absolutely fucking insane." He moves to the side and you look up at Colby, "Are you mad?" He tilts his head, "Are you mad?"
You shake your head, chewing on your chew as you try not to smile, "No."
"Good." Sam lays his hands on each of your one shoulders, "Now kiss and make up." He pushes you towards each other and you laugh, wrapping your arms around Colby's neck.
You press your lips to his and lean back, "We gotta go. I need a shower. I was sweating because I thought you weren't going to like the song."
"I'll only be mad if it doesn't make top of the charts." He laughs, following you to your dressing room, along with Sam.
You walk in and go over to your bag, grabbing sweats and a sweatshirt, "I'm going to change quick." You walk behind the solid partition, quickly changing from your stage outfit into something comfy.
"So it was a good show?" You ask walking out to toss your stuff into your bag. You pull out your slippers, dropping them to the floor.
"Ten out of ten, will come to one again." Sam gives you a thumbs up. You smile, looking at Colby, "Ready to go home?"
He nods, "Yes. Please."
You zip your bag, walking over to Colby and taking his hand in yours. He gives your hand a squeeze and follows you out.
As you walk out, you see fans waiting by the one barricade, "I'm going to go see them." Colby nods, "Let's go."
You smile as you walk over, moving in between the two security guards. Colby takes your bag, waving and saying hi to the fans that call out for him.
"So you're Colby's girlfriend?" The one asks and you nod, smiling as you sign her paper, "I sure am."
"You looked so beautiful tonight." Another one says and you pout, "Stop it, you're so beautiful."
You turn, taking the one girls phone and taking a few selfies with her.
You do that with a few more and step back, "I hate to go, but I am exhausted. Thank you guys so much for coming out. I love you I love you!" You blow kisses to them and wave as you walk way, Colby glued to your hip.
"You're so cute when you do that." Colby opens the car door for you and you smile, "I love them. I want them to know that."
You get in, Colby moving to sit next to you.
"So. I have to ask." You turn to him, "Why now?"
He shrugs, placing his hand on your knee, "You wanted a huge gesture and our figured doing it at your show was pretty big."
You laugh, "I mean, yeah. And tweeting it.."
"I know we have some of the same fans so I figured if I tweet it, one was bound to see it and you know how fast that shit spreads." He squeezes your leg, "I'm just.. I wish I could prove to you how sorry I am."
"I mean.." you lay your hand on his hand, sliding it up his arm, "you're doing good so far... but I have a few more ideas.."
"Mm." He leans in, "Do tell." He kisses your cheek and you smile, "I'll tell you when we get home."
"But home is so far." He whines quietly, "Just one thing.. yeah?"
You turn your head, biting your lip as you look at him, "Don't push it." You laugh, pressing your lips to his and you couldn't wait to be home.
Soon enough, but it felt like forever, you and Colby are running up to the door. You work to unlock it as his hands slip under your sweatshirt.
"Almost.." You sigh, "Got it." You push the door open, turning around to face Colby as you walk backwards into your house.
His lips go to yours and your arms go around his neck as he kicks the door shut with his foot.
As you're making out, the post-show adrenaline wears off and you push yourself off of Colby, "Wait."
"Don't do this." He sighs and you shake your head, "How do I know it'll be different this time? How did I know that you'll be able to contain your jealousy and everything else that tore us apart before?"
A smirk grows on his lips and you tilt your head, "What?" He walks over to you, cupping your cheeks to give you a kiss before whispering, "I'm not jealous anymore because everyone knows you're mine."
He bends down slightly, lifting you up, "Now let's go get that shower, yeah?"
You smile, your hands on either side of his neck as he walks you into the bathroom. He pins you up against the wall, holding you up with his hips as he reaches in to turn on the water.
The bathroom quickly fills with steam as he sets you down so you can undress.
Hands are all over. Lips are kissing any part of your bodies they can get to.
It's hot.
He steps in, pulling you in with him and he spins you around as he closes the door. You gasp as your back presses up against the cool tile of the shower.
A moan escapes from your lips as his fingers move down to circle your clit, "F-fuck."
"This was I needed to do?" Colby asks and you shrug, lips parted slightly as you nod, "Kind of."
He hums in response, dropping down to his knees, "Or was it this." He lifts a leg, placing it on his shoulder before leaning in to lick between your folds.
Your hands move to his wet hair, tangling your fingers in as you arch your back off the wall.
His tongue circling your clit before gently nipping and sucking. You moan, tilting your head back as you close your eyes.
You missed him between your legs.
You missed him in general.
"C-Colby." You breathe out, "S-shit."
You look down at him, biting on your lip as you watch the image below you. His fingers dig into your skin and you roll your hips, "Yes, yes, yes."
He brings a hand over, slipping two fingers into you which earn a whine from your lips.
You pull his hair slightly harder which causes him to groan. The stroke of his fingers is absolutely perfect, he knows your body better than anyone.
"F-fu- co- col-" You squeeze your eyes shut at the pleasure of his fingers inside of you and his tongue on your clit.
He knew you were close, so he kept that pace as best he could.
Your hips buck out, moaning loudly as you push his gave into you, "Colby!" You clench around his fingers, your legs shaking more and more with each second you have to hold yourself up.
Colby leans back, setting your leg down on the floor but keeping a hand on your waist as he stands back up, "I fucking love you." He tilts your chin up and presses a kiss to your lips.
Your tongue moves in sync with his as he lets out a low groan as you wrap your hand around his cock, "Fuck. I need you."
You smirk at his words, "Fuck me."
He leans down, lifting you up and your arms wrap around his neck. He cautiously slips his one arm under your knee and you reach down to hold his cock steady as he slips into you.
You let out a loud moan, tilting your head back as you feel him rest inside of you.
"Look at me, baby." Colby whispers.
You tilt your head up, tightening your arms around his neck. He watches your face twitch as he slowly pulls out and thrusts back in.
You keep your eyes on him, forcing yourself to keep them open as you squeeze his cock, "Fuck, Colby."
He leans in, pressing his lips to yours and you slide a hand up to the nape of his neck, tangling your fingers in his hair.
"I love you." Colby mumbles against your lips, "It's always been you."
You moan into his mouth, digging your nails into his skin, "Don't leave me again." His lips attach to your neck, sucking a mark into your skin.
You moan, tilting your head to the side. Your eyes flutter closed as he kisses his way over your collar bones, making his way to the other side, "Never.."
He stops thrusting, resting inside of you, "I'm not going anywhere, and I plan on making sure everyone knows it."
You smile, nodding your head, "No more grey area?"
"Full on color, baby." He smiles and brings his hand up to cup your cheek, moving his lips with yours.
He sets you down, spinning you around so your chest is pressed against the glass shower door. His hand slides up to wrap around your neck, squeezing a moan from you as he slips his cock back in.
"F-Fuck." You whimper, pressing a hand to the glass and dragging it down. Your eyes roll back as he squeezes harder, cutting off your moans from sounded loud.
His thrusts are slow and hard, digging his fingers into your waist harder with each one, "F-fucking hell, baby."
He lets go of your neck and you gasp for air as he slides his hand to your shoulder, gripping it as he thrusts faster.
A string of moans and whimpers leaves your lips as his thrusts grow sloppy. He leans forward, resting his head on the back of yours and you can tell he's going to cum soon.
"Not gonna last much longer." He whispers, his voice raspy as he tries to hold it together, "Fuck, fuck."
"Don't stop." You moan out, "pl-ease don't stop."
You move your hips back into him, moaning loudly as you feel yourself growing closer, quite quickly.
"C-Colby!" His name leaves your lips in a scream as you cum around him once more. You moan, feeling his cock twitch deep inside of you.
You knew he came with you.
He lets his grip on your loosen, leaning up as he slides his hand down your back, "Incredible." He pulls you to stand up, his cock falling out as you turn.
Your lips meet his and he pulls you close to him.
After your shower, you walk out with a towel wrapped around you. Colby is lying on the bed and you can tell he's nervous about something.
"What?" You ask, stopping in your tracks, "What happened?"
He sits up, shaking his head, "Nothing, I'm just.. thinking.."
"Oh god, are you about to-"
"No, no. It's not what you think." He laughs slightly, brushing your wet hair from your shoulders, "I just don't know if this is the right time, but I feel like I need to just.."
Your heart is racing and your mind is moving too fast for you to even pick one thought to focus on, "Just say it." You blurt out and Colby sighs, "Fine. I will."
He takes a step back, getting down on one knee as he pulls out a ring from his pocket, "I don't even know if it's the right time but it feels like it and I jus-"
You cut him off by falling to your knees in front of him,  eyes glassy as you look from the ring to him, "Yes."
"I- what? Yes?" His mouth drops and he smiles, "You think it's the right time?"
"You told everyone I was your girlfriend at my show." You pluck the ring from his fingers, a smirk on your face, "Now at the next one, I can tell them I've been upgraded to fiancé."
He stands up and pulls you to your feet. He places the ring on your left hand and sighs, "I promise, we're going to work."
You look up at him, "We're endgame."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
I hope you liked it. As always, tell me what you think. Thanks for wanting more from me. It means SO much to me! Love you all!
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
Taglist: @fawned01 @theblackcatwitch @jaeyuns-world @littlec0ffeegirl @rosie-writings @nikkiwastaken @skyslondon @urmomsgirlfriend1 @this-is-not-eirini
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ronancexists · 3 months
Hi everyone. I haven't been able to stop thinking about Hazbin Hotel since it came out. I just wanted to get this thought out there and share it with people to see if anyone else has been thinking about it or if it's just me.
So, we all know that Alastor has made a deal of his own, but we don't know with who. I know a lot of people theorize that it's Lilith, and I did too until I watched season 1 again, specifically episodes 7 & 8.
In episode 7, Alastor and Charlie finally make a deal. Alastor told Charlie that the exorcists can be killed, and return, she's going to owe him favors of his choosing in which she doesn't have to harm anybody. I was surprised he didn't want Charlie's soul, but considering she is the daughter of Lilith and Lucifer, Alastor probably didn't want to take the chance of incurring Lucifer's wrath in that way instead of the petty way he did in episode 5.
At first, I was thinking maybe he didn't want it because of a deal he made with Lilith where he couldn't harm Charlie and that's why he's invested in the hotel and in helping her, but then the lyric where he says "she's filled with potential that I could guide" suggests maybe he didn't want Charlie's soul because owning her soul wouldn't be helpful to him in accomplishing whatever he's plotting. Maybe he just really needs her and her power, and by owning her soul, he'd diminish her power. Kind of like with Husk.
Then, in episode 8, the finale song, Alastor has a line that goes "The constraints of my deal surely have a back door." That line in particular is what got me into analyzing Alastor and everything he's done so far. Him saying, or I guess singing, that could possibly mean he didn't make a deal with Charlie to hold it over Lilith. It means he still hasn't figured out a loophole to the deal he made, and I know a lot of people who are on board with the whole "Alastor and Lilith made a deal" theory think the reason he wanted to make a deal with Charlie was to use it to get off of Lilith's leash. But that line he sings could mean that he wanted Charlie to make a deal with him for another reason and that he still has a lot of work to do in discovering a way he could get out of his own.
After all, we are all well aware of the fact that all the songs serve a purpose in moving the story along. Not to mention that they're all freaking bangers. Which is why that lyric has started this whole "What if..." thing with Alastor and the leash Husk revealed he's on.
That being said, it's definitely not a coincidence that he and Lilith were both missing for 7 years, and the fact that Zestial said in episode 4 that there are rumors Alastor "fell into holy arms" suggests that Alastor might have indeed figured out a way to get to Heaven, and perhaps he did meet Lilith while he was there and struck a deal with her.
I'm open to either one of these theories, but I do think it would be kind of neat if I was right and that it turned out Alastor didn't make a deal with Lilith at all, instead it was with somebody else. Maybe someone we've already met, or maybe somebody we haven't.
But regardless of what happens, I love this show and I can't wait for season 2!
Please let me know what you guys think. This thought has been niggling my brain for a while and I just needed to get it out somewhere.
P.S.- A list of things I want to see in season 2 and beyond:
- As in kisses, cuddles, adorableness, (maybe even a sex scene considering they did an entire episode with Angel & his pornos), Vaggie carrying Charlie as they fly around Hell
- Not to mention an ENTIRE SONG sung by the two of them. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely ADORE THE SHIT out of the reprise of ''More Than Anything," but these two need a FULL fucking song together
- More of Carmilla and Vaggie bonding and being badasses together
- Angel and Husk becoming a thing
- Learn more about what Lilith and Alastor have been up to while they've both been gone for 7 years
- What Heaven is going to do now that Adam is dead and the Extermination failed
- Also is Heaven or Emily or Sera or ANYONE even gonna ADDRESS the fact that Vaggie was revealed to be a fallen exterminator angel in episode 6?!?! Like I'm sorry but Adam dropped that fucking bomb and the only reaction they showed was Charlie's and nobody even like asked what had happened or why Vaggie was cast out?!?! I'd really like to see something, ANYTHING, that acknowledges this very big reveal to Heaven actually fucking happened lmao.
- Lilith's reunion & explanation to Charlie and Lucifer
- More of our Short King being his nerdy, powerful self
- Lute & Vaggie being toxic exes and/or getting a duet together (a girl can dream lmaoooo)
- Sir Pentious and his adventures in Heaven
- Emily and what she comes up with to help Charlie because she is the true Angel up in Heaven
- Sera getting a fucking kick to the face (or multiple) for letting the Exterminations happen and for all the other hypocritical shit that's been going on
- Everyone's reactions when they find out Sir Pentious has been redeemed
- Niffty being Niffty
- Alastor's plans and what he wants Charlie to do for him because of the deal they made
- Angel & Husk getting out of their respective deals with Valentino and Alastor
- Valentino dying a slow, agonizing, shitty death for what he's done to Angel
- What Keekee being the key to the hotel really means
- More fucking bangers to add to my playlist :)
That's all I can think of for now. If I think of anything else I'll add it on :)
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nagaruru · 1 year
How to get into The Idolmaster SideM!
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have you ever thought to yourself, man, I would love to get into a really cool male idol franchise with characters of a large range of ages and banger songs with themes of always having another chance to find yourself? no? not that specific? well, either way, I'd like to introduce you to the idolmaster sidem, the male branch of the idolmaster franchise!
if you've ever wondered how to get into sidem, or have never heard of it but I've made you curious, feel free to read more!
alright, let's get into it!
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my first suggestion would be to watch the anime! it used to be on crunchyroll, but isn't anymore, but you can absolutely find it on any of your favourite...alternative anime viewing websites, if you get me. through the anime, you get to see the beginnings of 315pro, as well as hear more about the origin stories of some of the idol groups there! not all of the units are in the anime, but if you're interested in the units dramatic stars, jupiter, w, highxjoker, sem, and beit, I would highly recommend it for an in depth look at them! not only do you get to see the origins of each unit mentioned, but you also get to see how they all grow alongside one another, helping 315 productions to truly come to thrive!
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after watching the main anime, i'd recommend checking out wakeatte mini! wakemini is a series of shorts starring all of the idols in 315pro, including ones not featured in the original anime! the only unit that is not there is c.first, as this series was made before they were introduced. the series also has three original songs from it, themed around the attribute types physical, intelli, and mental! all idols have their own type they fall under.
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after watching the anime, i would recommend checking out miraheze wiki for magazines, or short comics, of the characters you like! the introduction magazines are a quick and easy way to learn more about individual idols, and there are magazines for sidemoba events as well. though, if you're curious about more, i would also recommend using project imas, as it is the most up to date resource for idolmaster content! there are very well written descriptions of all the idols in 315pro, as well as other branches of the idolmaster franchise, located there!
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regarding ingame story content, the sidem community has a lot of dedicated and hardworking translators helping the three games that sidem has had become more accessible to english speakers! this is the big translation document! i would also recommend, if you have a twitter account, to check out the hashtag SideMTL. SideMTL is a tag used by translators, and is also a place for you to find shorter form content, such as text conversations, phone calls, or birthday episodes.
also, i'd recommend saisuta subs on youtube! saisuta subs is a channel dedicated to uploading translations from the latest game, saisuta! all of saisuta's content is fully voiced, so having something like this exist is a really great asset! thank you to all of the subbers, recorders, and of course, translators that make this all possible!
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speaking of translations, if you're curious about the origin of the first male character in idolmaster, ryo akizuki of the sidem unit f-lags, he got his start in the ds game dearly stars! dearly stars is being translated by cait, and I highly recommend checking it out! ryo also has a manga version of the story, neue green, that you can check out on your favourite totally official manga reading websites!
and, of course, if you're interested in the amount of great music that sidem has, all of it is unregionlocked and up on streaming services like spotify! sometimes it takes a bit for newer songs to be added, as bamco likes to wait to increase cd sales, but they'll be added after a little bit! until then, you can usually find them floating around somewhere.
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finally, I would like to recommend looking into lives! the seiyuu are a major part of the appeal of sidem. some are well known, some are not, but all are loved! they are all really talented voice actors and performers, so please give them a watch sometime! pictured above is only a fraction of the many seiyuu that we have! while I can't tell you where exactly to find the lives... a lot of them can be found on certain... websites...... they're floating around out there! if you would like to purchase tickets to a live, usually they are able to be streamed using the website stagecrowd! 8th live is coming up this year, so get ready!!!
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thank you so much for reading, as well as for (hopefully!) having an interest in sidem! the fandom is full of wonderful people, and we'd be so glad to have you!
we may be going through a rough patch right now, due to decisions by higher ups (sidem is a very successful franchise, but higher ups aren't treating it with respect, is a short explanation i can give), but sidem fans are full of love for their favourite idols, and they will be more than happy to share their love of these idols with anyone interested! i for one am always up for telling everyone about how much I love kuro, lol.
thank you again for looking at this guide ! i hope this inspires new people to check out sidem as a branch! sidem is truly 315 (saikou)!!!!!!!!!!!
a guy who ranked t10 two years in a row for kuro kiyosumi in saisuta's yearly character ranking event (im proud, let me brag!!!!!!)
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gary king and the sisters of mercy motif
[plain text: gary king and the sisters of mercy motif]
It's been a few months since I watched it so forgive me for haziness on the details, but I was just thinking about The World's End and how GOOD the use of this corrosion by the sisters of mercy is as a motif for Gary's whole character arc.
I won't be talking about any other musical symbolism mainly because I dont remember it (though im sure it's there and great in its own right), but I was listening to this corrosion earlier and it just got me thinking. okay so obviously the whole point of the film is that Gary holding onto his past is unsustainable and that he has to confront the present right. and this idea of progress and letting go of harmful things that keep you in the past is a pretty standard plot element in coming-of-age narratives. and of course then there's the whole rationale for him keeping up the persona and bravado from when he was 18 to protect what is essentially an extremely scared and hopeless individual.
AND THAT'S WHERE THIS CORROSION COMES IN and gives a whole bunch more depth in my opinion. because obviously the sisters of mercy are absolute cornerstones of the whole goth rock scene that gary's characterised around, and of course this corrosion is one of their biggest hits (and its so good. such a good track.) and it's fair enough to say it (and likely many other songs used in it-- like I say my memory is fuzzy and this one only stood out because I was already obsessed)
and where was the song first used in the world's end? during the final confrontation with the network. and this scene obviously goes the way it does because of gary's absolute pigheadedness and fuck-off-ness and general Gary-ness. all of which are the traits established as being detrimental to his wellbeing and so forth, but here they're necessary in quite literally saving the world.
and then, right at the end, it's used in the soundtrack right at the apotheosis of his character development (aka seeming to be doing things for his own purpose and having completely lost the aimlessness of the majority of the film). of course there's a TON to be said about shutting down the gramophone playing the record (which could potentially contradict my whole point tbh), but even so, I'd say that its presence in the soundtrack still is worth discussing. and what I think this serves to do very effectively is show that yes, these were things that were bringing him down, but he doesn't have to destroy them!! maturing doesn't mean losing things that made you happy in youth, and I think this completely demonstrates this.
tl;dr: the world's end is an absolutely brilliant coming-of-middle-age film, and this corrosion will forever be an absolute banger
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7grandmel · 6 months
Todays rip: 15/12/2023
Whip Fortress
Season 7 Featured on: .​@​GiIvaSunner Whips & Nae Naes on Ellen the Generous 2: another hit
Ripped by circunflexo
Early on into this blog's life, one of the events that I just KNEW that I wanted to talk about was Season 2's Whip and Nae Nae day. Like many of the events from Season 2 and 3, it's an event I have a lot of fond memories of, particularly in making me realize just how good the SiIva team are at taking just about any source and making amazing use out of it. And yeah, I finally did get around to talking about it last month with The Ultimate Whip and Nae Nae - yet in that time I spent idling, I was beaten to the punch by the SiIva team themselves - in August this year, the event got a full-on sequel literally just called Whip and Nae Nae day Part 2. The event was bigger, the album was bigger, and most of all - the rips, like Whip Fortress, were all top-classic naenae content.
Though I certainly liked a lot of the rips part of the original Season 2 event, it did also feel like its main goal was to just play into the joke as much as possible. That, in my eyes, led to a lot of rips on its album that felt a bit too simple in nature, mashups or melody swaps that didn't take enough advantage of the potential of its original audio source. In that sense, comparing that album to the one made for the Season 7 event shows the evolution of the SiIva team demonstrably well - every rip uses the song in immensely creative ways, to where no two tracks on the album really feel similar despite all sharing The Same Joke. Amidst all that quality, there are rips like Whip Fortress - rips that almost make me forget that the event is supposed to, at least on some level, be "ironic" or "bad on purpose". Because, full-stop, I LOVE the rip as a genuine arrangement of the original Wind Fortress.
Cave Story as a game already means a lot to me, and I've been meaning to cover more rips from the game here on the blog - it just so happened that the first one I landed on, is one that on the surface appears to be something so silly. Yet circunflexo doesn't try to override the original song's emotional highs with the absurd source used in remixing it - if anything, the unique tone and iconic-sounding beat of Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae) only help the track, despite the direction the lyrics attempt to point your focus in. Whip Fortress succeeded like all the best rips do, in making me love both the source used in remixing the original track AND the original track itself more through their combined powers. Because no joke, no meme and no shitpost, no matter how stupid it may seem, is too far gone to be turned into a banger. The rippers at SiIvaGunner make absolute sure of that.
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So I got asked by @fangomango what some of my favorite end credits scenes are (it was on my main Shadowbanned blog, though, so Tumblr is rude and won't let me answer it there ;-;) but yes, I am so excited to answer this question, because I've wanted to make a full post on my favorite end credits scenes ever since I asked @drawthethingdoppelganger about her favorite end credits scenes:
--One of my all-time favorites is Candy Cane Moose because it's so flipping catchy somehow despite only consisting of a few lyrics that are repeated over and over. Also, seeing the Belcher kids are lil' babies makes me 🥺 I actually screamed when I saw this one for the first time because I was not prepared for the cuteness:
--Of course, I also love Pesto in My Pants, because Bob and Tina's dancing is glorious, and it's just so iconic:
--99 Red Balloons is hilarious, I adore the animation in it as everyone is pelted with water balloons:
--Turkey, I Need You Beside Me makes me sob because it makes me think of my dad 😭 And Bob and Gene are just so cute in it, I can't:
--You Make Plumbing Fun makes me feel so 🥹 IT'S JUST SO ADORABLE, CAN YOU HEAR THE ADORATION IN THEIR VOICES AS THEY SING?? (And Gene's lil' dancing is the most precious thing):
--I love Beyond the Sea as a song, but Larry Murphy's cover of it as Teddy is fantastic. He's actually a really talented singer! And the visuals for this one are so much fun:
--God, I love I Love U So Much (It's Scary) so much. It's so wholesome seeing the family singing and dancing together and eventually getting Bob to join in as well 🥹. I know I made a post saying that Pesto in My Pants is more iconic, but really, this one still holds a special place in my heart (and that post by far got a ton more notes):
--The Wonder Wharf two-part Season 4 Finale is one of my favorite episode sets in the entire show and this end credits scene is absolutely fantastic. John Roberts absolutely kills it, and the visuals are *chef's kiss*:
--I'm choosing Street Life because it's so catchy for some reason?? I also need John Roberts and Larry Murphy to sing together more often:
--Tina's Spanish Song (I forgot the name) is the most hilarious thing ever, I wheeze uncontrollably every single time I listen to it and remember it exists. It's the end credits of the episode where Gene has a ukelele that he never uses again, and the episode where Gayle and Mr. Frond get together:
--Twinkly Lights is such an absolute banger, and I adore the message about diversity in it! It's incredible: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TpZHJvpMWo&list=PL_c9X60eyied1UKYCo48cNW25KXFWgres&index=97
--The TSA Musical outro is so cute, and Gene's lil' bouncing 🥺: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyTzxGnOJ9g&list=PL_c9X60eyied1UKYCo48cNW25KXFWgres&index=102
--Best Couple Friends is so addictive ("Like Heroin? :O" "YES SON, LIKE HEROIN >:D") and it's just so much fun. And it's a Boblin end credits scene!! What more could I ask for?: https://youtu.be/_mOc3oS5fcw?si=O81ioknHi3LByfIy
--The Burobu end credits song is way too catchy, I adore it as someone who was really into Pokémon at one point: https://youtu.be/lsJ4hQQoh-k?si=Qis-ASt8aQgDq4YS
--The Right Number of Boys is awesome. It's so cute and catchy, and Tina's lil' dancing at "How 'bout seven?" is adorable: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TIqEiJ2qFU
--Doot Doot Doot (Means I Love You) was the first ever piece of Bob's Burgers media I ever consumed, and I fell in love fast. Yes, this outro was the one that got me into the show in the first place: https://youtu.be/kbAYu-0JdHw?si=GIaR8QF0HD68DdPu
--It's Halloween is so catchy and funny, and Gene's lil' dancing near the end gets me every time: https://youtu.be/aA37bcLABj8?si=efrPQTTgX0EOW2Wl
--Nun of Your Business is so iconic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdJKiDEnIlM
--Me and My Spider is so catchy and sweet, I can't handle it: https://youtu.be/UDn7ZrKGI38?si=cZwmbTpsFSmZmYuF
--And finally, I have to put in I'll Be Around because I wanted to make sure to include a Mr. Fischoeder song. It's so good. And it has Boblin dancing!!: https://youtu.be/ep0Hyw9Ajeg?si=nNOeZVxRYXmjYRqO
Okay, this ended up being way too long, but I just have a ton of outros I adore!! I know there are some that I wasn't able to include, because there are just that many good ones. Do yourself a favor and listen to all of these. Oh, you have?
Listen to 'em again.
Okay, I have so many on this list, but if I had to pick an all-time, absolute favorite??
I really can't.
But it might be either Candy Cane Moose, You Make Plumbing Fun, or The Right Number of Boys.
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gwuncan-exhibit · 3 months
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This is my absolute favorite season, I love the traveling around the world theme, the BANGERS that were served to us (the fact that we got a new song every episode is so cool, they really did all of that for us) and Alejandro, Sierra & Blaineley were also such great new welcome additions to the cast, I love them so so so so much! I also loved the new interactions we got to see like Noah and Owen, Heather and Alejandro, I even enjoyed DJ and Lindsay’s little duo moment they had for those few episodes ☺️ AND THE FINALE?! LIKE THAT WAS THE MOST ICONIC FINAL ENDING OF THE WHOLE SERIES WITH THE MOST SATISFYING WINNER YUP!!! AND ALSO THE GWUNCAN THIS SEASON?!?! AHHH YUP YUP YUP!!!!! Just an overall great season!! 🗺️🛩️
I got Collection 2 a few weeks ago, but I liked posting these once I had both of the volumes so now that I got Collection 1 in the mail, it was time to share this. 😌
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louistomlinsoncouk · 1 year
Louis Tomlinson knew where to go on his second album Faith In The Future with rockier and smashing indie songs from Britpop inspirations to modern indie classics. His Place Bell’s Laval show was no exception with a stellar performance and the stage scenic effects on point.
First to hit the stage were Snarls from Columbus, Ohio with their fine twist of indie pop. With their fun guitar chords and dancey rock beats, it was such a refreshing and enjoyable time. The female-fronted band were solid on their first performance on Canadian soil with their jolly and emotive lyrics, singalongs and beautiful melodies.
Snarls set up for what was going to be a magical night, all smile on stage with such good vibes. Those who loves Haim, Tegan And Sara, jangly and strong riffs will be served.
We knew Irish indie- rock is catchy right now with the rise of many bands like Inhaler, Fontaines D.C, New Dad and Louis Tomlinson brought in another one, The Academic. Hailing from Mullingar (yeah that’s why the accent sounded familiar, hello Niall Horan!), the crowd was all over it, singing along dancing and jumping around on the upbeat indie pop songs.
Blending elements of pop with magnificently driven chords, the songs are powerful whether they sing rock songs or emotional ballads. Crowd went crazy on Girlfriends, singing a Capella on melancholic soothing drum snarls and bright riffs. Here’s a little snippet of The Academic performance that brought the magic to the French Canadian city. What a blast!
While waiting for Louis Tomlinson and the band to come on stage, pre-show playlist drove us back in time from Nirvana to Black Rebel Motorcycle Club and Pixies while going in depth into British culture with some Foals, Maximo Park and obviously lots of Arctic Monkeys and never forget Oasis Supersonic banger from Definitely Maybe, a fire throwback to 1994’s Britpop era.
While roadies prepping the set up and Louis Tomlinson’s scribbling Faith In The Future on the big screen, people were so loud even before he hit the stage. Through the huge screams and claps, Louis and his band then hit the first note of The Greatest for a solid intro. Kill my mind followed with such a viral energy and the fans iPhone lighting effects and singalongs. While playing Bigger Than Me on the opening night Uncasville and skipping it the next show, Laval was so happy to get it back on the set list, this is such an anthem and live it’s totally an incredible vibe. Louis Tomlinson energy was all over going from side to side of the stage, interacting with the fans like a proper rock star (and we absolutely adored it!) while teasing and laughing at his amazing musician.
Britpop inspiration floated from every side of the 10,000 cap almost-full arena alongside the live versions of Lucky Again and the slick guitars of Isaac Anderson and Michael Blackwell. Louis Tomlinson’s vocals were solid and very emotional, happiness and smiles flowing all around the people crowd. We were definitely Holding Out To Heartache when the concert finished later on! The Doncaster-born singer never let negativity bring him down and he proved it with Face The Music. Rock and indie was always his thing and he finally step up on his last record to find his genuine sound. He’s thankful for the fans and never forget where he belongs. Dedicating We Made It for his supporters, people sang along loudly to the chorus. Forging his career since 2010 and even from a younger age, Louis Tomlinson is humble, grateful and gave us a very strong and rockier edition of his former band One Direction’s with Night Changes and the crowd was really into it screaming at the chorus.
Emotional and so impossible to describe the feeling, the Yorkshire singer-songwriter got this special bond with his fans. With few words, laughs and drinks, he sang back to back hits from Faith in The Future new album and bonus tracks with soulful songwriting like Chicago, Saved By A Stranger and kicked in with the dance feeling of Foals-esque number Written All Over Your Face, pointing his mic through the crowd with the infamous “SING IT” vibes. Louis Tomlinson knows how to rock in style with his eclectic influences and props to his musicians sparkling some magic with his wonderful new-wave infused mega mix of All This Time and She Is Beauty, We Are World Class. His stage presence and pyrotechnics effects were just incredible and added some spice and energy to the show.
How do you make a perfect setlist? Mix some rockier song with heavy tearful ballads. Following A Copy Of A Copy Of A Copy and the Oasis-inspired first album titled song Walls, Louis Tomlinson surprised the fans with Bebe Rexha’s collab Back To You. Add more guitars, hectic drums and you got a truly better indie version. It was so original and that’s the kind of rendition that could attract brand new audiences. Of course, we can’t skip how his voice truly fits Alex Turner’s shoes on his brilliant cover of 505 by Arctic Monkeys. Indie Louis is a pure gem. The Angels Fly in the room with all the phone flashlights moving in sync and people humming the chorus with Tomlinson. The singer brings hope and joy to the world and the confetti exploded in the room to the jolting guitar riffs of Out Of My System. People jumped around and Louis Tomlinson did his traditional hop in the front pit to interact with fans.
Lights went off and fans shouted and cheered for the encore. Few minutes later, Louis Tomlinson’s offered three last songs, kicking it with Where Do Broken Hearts Go? He gained such confidence slaying on the high notes on some guitar-centred version, inspired by The Who. It was theatrical and emotional just like the beginning of Saturdays and the lights blinking like stars all across the arena. The night closed the Britpop fashion way with Silver Tongues in such a very electric way. Louis Tomlinson presence on stage was so on point all over the show that we would even have take more and more! What a night!
Get Faith In The Future tour tickets, records and more here! Get to know more on Snarls on their website and The Academic here.
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ultravioart · 2 years
Since female (or at least openly femme presenting) watchdogs make Hater “nervous,” do you think he’d get a crush on punk/goth c. peeps? Assuming he doesn’t recognise the guy - which let’s face it he probably wouldn’t - it’d be hilarious and emotionally devastating for poor ol peepers. On one had, his boss (crush) is finally swooning over him, but only for his made up persona that he only intended to use to avoid getting burnt to a crisp by Dom.
I’d like to think Hater is much less overbearing about his crush this time, since he’s still a little traumatised over what happened with Lord D. He’s still a complete dork of course, but he acts a lot shyer and genuine around the ‘cute little watchdog babe’ that’s groupies with Dom now.
Anyway, sorry for gushing about your AU, I had this thought and it would not leave my head all day. Keep up the awesome work!
Aw it's cool, I am glad others are enjoying the ideas! The back and forth is great for brainstorming and really fun to answer. So feel no shame, I love the feedback! While it's not currently planned in the au to have Hater meet peepers in the disguise, I absolutely headcanon that sometime after Dominator rejected him, Hater created a real saucy banger of a song inspired by/dedicated to "that cute blonde chick from that one time" (which was Peepers during 'The Showstoppers' lol). When Hater learned that chick was PEEPERS he panicked and had the song pulled immediately and had all copies destroyed before his new album was published. He never spoke of that instance again. Simply did NOT. Think about it. ever again........................ No inner thoughts, no inner monologues. No inner contempolation, no introlospection, and definitely no 'anything that involves smoochy emotions about best boy friends.' --boys who are friends. not boyfriends, boys WHO ARE FRIENDS. Who are best friends. that are boys. Who sometimes look like girls you'd totally date but, who is in fact, a boy, who is already your best friend for life, who already loves yyyou-- (deep breath) Okay No thoughts, Head. empty. HEAD, EMPTY!!! So yeah... to answer your question, Hater wouldn't be able to tell it's Peepers in a disguise lol. IF Hater saw Peepers in the goth/punk chick disguise, he would think her long sleeves and platform shoes were SO CUTE, and he wouldn't really get her hairstyle, but the high ponytail was kinda cool. And the way she looks at him when she talks is so... Oh wait, what is she saying, crap he wasn't paying attention--UH! COMPLIMENTS! GIRLS LIKE COMPLIMENTS, "I LIKE YOUR EYEBALL. IT'S NICE." Nailed it. ... Oh! She squeaks too??? Oh, he's in love. Meanwhile, Peepers would be flabbergasted, because he can't just blow cover over this. This sure is as awkward as it is amazing. To explain the Dominion au and why Hater doesn't ever really see/meet Peepers in the disguise, explanations below:
For my plans for the Dominion au, Peepers leaves hater in one big hurrah to PLEASE NOTICE ME HATER KYO save the galaxy (so they can conquer it later!) but straight up people think Peepers is finally taking his accumulated vacation days after like, a decade. LOL. It's actually one main reason Peepers leaves during that time, because with Lord Hater steamrolling in planet conquering due to confidence induced competency, it leaves Peepers essentially obsolete and out of a job. At first, it's super nice to see Hater reach his true potential, and the free time is pretty nice too, but eventually whenever Peepers tries to help out, it's all "got it" "did that" "done that" from Hater, and Peepers starts feeling useless and left behind. Even the watchdogs are ignoring Peepers and treating Hater as the "popular guy" over him, and it's eating Peepers up inside. Add in that Wander converting Hater into a good guy with "love and friendship", and Peepers starts to get utterly desperate. Peepers tries to offer any way he can help out, but Hater being Hater, blows him off and dismissively suggests to finally take that vacation or whatever, as he happily runs off with a group of chattering watchdogs. Peepers: "A vacation...?" Peepers: "HMF! Evil never takes 'a vacation'! Evil never sleeps!!" (cue montage of Peepers concocting a very genius, very stupid plan, as he rants about Lord Hater shoving him to the side like trash and choosing good guy stuff over the evil life plans they made together. It includes unhinged lines like: "If Hater wants a good guy, I'll show him 'good guy'! I'll be the best worst evil good guy he's ever seen!") It's not until Dominator makes a comeback and is hanging out with peepers that everyone realizes. OH. OKAY THEN?!?!? UH???? I had a scene planned where when they realize what's going on the reactions are as follows: Wander, panicking: OH-NO-PEEPERS-ISN'T-USING-HIS-VACATION-DAYS!!! (i can't remember the exact lines now, oof, but it's something like:) Sylvia: (worried) Forget that Wander, --he's really teaming up with Dominator?! (silence from hater in the back) Wander: ...Lord Hater? Oh, I know this must be such a shock an all, considering we all thought he was on Tateehee 5 when he really was making friends with Dominator but-- Hater: GRAHHH, I CAN'T BELIEVE HE TOTALLY BIRDDOGED ME!!!! Sylvia: (deadpan) -oh boy. bonus: watchdog: Uh, Lord Hater, don't you have to, uh-actually date her first, before it can be called a birddog? Hater: (zaps watchdog) NO ONE ASKED YOU, JERRY!
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louisupdates · 1 year
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Let’s have good Faith In The Future with Louis Tomlinson
Louis Tomlinson knew where to go on his second album Faith In The Future with rockier and smashing indie songs from Britpop inspirations to modern indie classics. His Place Bell’s Laval show was no exception with a stellar performance and the stage scenic effects on point.
First to hit the stage were Snarls from Columbus, Ohio with their fine twist of indie pop. With their fun guitar chords and dancey rock beats, it was such a refreshing and enjoyable time. The female-fronted band were solid on their first performance on Canadian soil with their jolly and emotive lyrics, singalongs and beautiful melodies.
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Snarls set up for what was going to be a magical night, all smile on stage with such good vibes. Those who loves Haim, Tegan And Sara, jangly and strong riffs will be served. Discover them on Spotify below.
We knew Irish indie-rock is catchy right now with the rise of many bands like Inhaler, Fontaines D.C, New Dad, and Louis Tomlinson brought in another one, The Academic. Hailing from Mullingar (yeah that’s why the accent sounded familiar, hello Niall Horan!), the crowd was all over it, singing along dancing and jumping around on the upbeat indie pop songs.
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Blending elements of pop with magnificently driven chords, the songs are powerful whether they sing rock songs or emotional ballads. Crowd went crazy on Girlfriends, singing a Capella on melancholic soothing drum snarls and bright riffs. Here’s a little snippet of The Academic performance that brought the magic to the French Canadian city. What a blast!
While waiting for Louis Tomlinson and the band to come on stage, pre-show playlist drove us back in time from Nirvana to Black Rebel Motorcycle Club and Pixies while going in depth into British culture with some Foals, Maximo Park and obviously lots of Arctic Monkeys and never forget Oasis Supersonic banger from Definitely Maybe, a fire throwback to 1994’s Britpop era.
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While roadies prepping the set up and Louis Tomlinson’s scribbling Faith In The Future on the big screen, people were so loud even before he hit the stage. Through the huge screams and claps, Louis and his band then hit the first note of The Greatest for a solid intro. Kill My Mind followed with such a viral energy and the fans iPhone lighting effects and singalongs. While playing Bigger Than Me on the opening night Uncasville and skipping it the next show, Laval was so happy to get it back on the set list, this is such an anthem and live it’s totally an incredible vibe. Louis Tomlinson energy was all over going from side to side of the stage, interacting with the fans like a proper rock star (and we absolutely adored it!) while teasing and laughing at his amazing musician.
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Britpop inspiration floated from every side of the 10,000 cap almost-full arena alongside the live versions of Lucky Again and the slick guitars of Isaac Anderson and Michael Blackwell. Louis Tomlinson’s vocals were solid and very emotional, happiness and smiles flowing all around the people crowd. We were definitely Holding Out To Heartache when the concert finished later on! The Doncaster-born singer never let negativity bring him down and he proved it with Face The Music. Rock and indie was always his thing and he finally step up on his last record to find his genuine sound. He’s thankful for the fans and never forget where he belongs. Dedicating We Made It for his supporters, people sang along loudly to the chorus. Forging his career since 2010 and even from a younger age, Louis Tomlinson is humble, grateful and gave us a very strong and rockier edition of his former band One Direction’s with Night Changes and the crowd was really into it screaming at the chorus.
Emotional and so impossible to describe the feeling, the Yorkshire singer-songwriter got this special bond with his fans. With few words, laughs and drinks, he sang back to back hits from Faith in The Future new album and bonus tracks with soulful songwriting like Chicago, Saved By A Stranger and kicked in with the dance feeling of Foals-esque number Written All Over Your Face, pointing his mic through the crowd with the infamous “SING IT” vibes. Louis Tomlinson knows how to rock in style with his eclectic influences and props to his musicians sparkling some magic with his wonderful new-wave infused mega mix of All This Time and She Is Beauty, We Are World Class. His stage presence and pyrotechnics effects were just incredible and added some spice and energy to the show.
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How do you make a perfect setlist? Mix some rockier song with heavy tearful ballads. Following A Copy Of A Copy Of A Copy and the Oasis-inspired first album titled song Walls, Louis Tomlinson surprised the fans with Bebe Rexha’s collab Back To You. Add more guitars, hectic drums and you got a truly better indie version. It was so original and that’s the kind of rendition that could attract brand new audiences. Of course, we can’t skip how his voice truly fits Alex Turner’s shoes on his brilliant cover of 505 by Arctic Monkeys. Indie Louis is a pure gem. The Angels Fly in the room with all the phone flashlights moving in sync and people humming the chorus with Tomlinson. The singer brings hope and joy to the world and the confetti exploded in the room to the jolting guitar riffs of Out Of My System. People jumped around and Louis Tomlinson did his traditional hop in the front pit to interact with fans.
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Lights went off and fans shouted and cheered for the encore. Few minutes later, Louis Tomlinson’s offered three last songs, kicking it with Where Do Broken Hearts Go? He gained such confidence slaying on the high notes on some guitar-centred version, inspired by The Who. It was theatrical and emotional just like the beginning of Saturdays and the lights blinking like stars all across the arena. The night closed the Britpop fashion way with Silver Tongues in such a very electric way. Louis Tomlinson presence on stage was so on point all over the show that we would even have take more and more! What a night!
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picturemecountingcards · 11 months
thanks for the tag, @thirrith!
• last song: Famous Prophets (Stars) by Car Seat Headrest
the song is a little over 16 minutes long, so i use it to keep track of time while i shower, otherwise i'll be stuck there for an hour and have no idea. it's also an absolute banger, obviously
• currently watching: Elementary
character-wise this might be one of my favorite holmes adaptations i've seen. nothing compares to the soviet movies, of course, and house md will always have a special place in my heart, but the holmes-watson dynamic in this one is really good imo. mind you, i've only seen like 10 episodes so far, so idk, might change my mind later
• currently reading: Once Upon a River by Diane Setterfield
i'm at the very beginning, but i really like it so far. i am reading a translation tho, bc i just happened upon it in a store and it was cheap and i liked the summary
• current obsession:
oh boy. okay.
Brandon Rogers, or, more specifically, Bryce Tankthrust of the Brandon Rogers Cinematic Universe
finally decided to check out his channel after being tangentially aware of him for a while and the first thing i watched was his newest series about bryce and um..... i'm so deep into the hyperfixation, it's insane. i watched everything to do with her and then just watched almost everything on brandon's channel (14 years worth of content) and now i'm running around in circles, starved for dopamine :)
managed to pull 1 (one) friend into the fandom with me, and still make all my loved ones watch the edits i make. my mom had to sit through an hour of infodumping about a woman who changes hearts like gloves and kills people for fun. she's concerned about me now. i even got a tattoo vaguely inspired by the imagery. this is easily the most obnoxious i've been in a while
• tagging: feel free to ignore this, obviously, and also, if i didn't tag you, but you wanna participate, please do! with that said, @prapuna @elirazantys @ray-theoretical-trucker @jewishgayrat @sketchy-scribs-n-doods
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vonlipvig · 7 months
now that a day has passed, i wanted to write a little bit about my experience at the eras tour, even though it was, in all honesty, magical beyond words.
i still can't believe i got to see taylor live, and with such a spectacular show to boot! it had really been a long time coming, but seeing her in my own country, in such a gigantic, incredible stadium (that i had last been in...god, i think for the jonas brothers show in 2009) was a dream come true. and to see her smiling and doumbfounded at our love for her, saying to us that we're one of the most epic crowds ever, it was just too incredible. we're a pretty intense crowd, we're loud and energetic and we won't stop singing and dacing for just a single second, and we show so much love to artists, and seeing her finally get to know us was magical.
honestly, the whole day was like something out of a movie for me. we were so blessed because the weather ended up being absolutely wonderful (my heart goes out to all my swiftie siblings whose show today had to be rescheduled, but i can tell the show on sunday is gonna kick so much ass, and you're definitely getting some banger surprise songs!), and i got to go to the show with my dear friend, so it was such an adventure. we even made a friend while trying to get in line to enter the stadium (which was, frankly, very chaotic. so many people!). she was alone and we ended up sticking together for the whole show, which was awesome!
and man, the show! what can i saw about it? we got to see a new lover bodysuit and blazer combo! (me screaming GUYS IS THIS NEW? GUYS I THINK THIS IS NEW. OH MY GOD GUYS during the lover set). i got to hear my top two taylor songs live! (long live and fearless, btw). i thought i could resist, but i ended up bawling during marjorie. REPUTAMOS. i got to scream 'FUCK THE PATRIARCHY' with a whole stadium. i got to yell 123LGB and YOU FORGIVE YOU FROGET BUT YOU NEVER LET IT GO! and of course, hearing kam saunders say 'NI EN PEDO!' in WANEGBT was the cherry on top.
and the surprise songs! god, i had no idea how amazing that experience was gonna be live. the anticipation, the realization, the incredible, once in a lifetime moment! and we got such a romantic set of songs! i lost my MIND when she teased the very first night, and although labyrinth was not one of my faves in midnights, experiencing its acoustic version, together with all of us singing together with taylor made me love it so so much. fun fact! the second after she sang 'i thought the plane was going down, how'd you turn it right around' a plane flew by right above us!
so yeah, i got to see taylor. holy shit. most incredible night ever.
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gayswithguitars · 2 years
Well, now that it’s been nearly 48 hours since I saw MCR, I should talk about it. This will likely be sappy and cheesy, I’m not apologizing.
The openers were hella fun, though I had to fill my mom in on what happened between Gabe Saporta and Mikey so that was fantastic.
Then this deafening static, the kind that shakes you to your teeth, it felt like ages but was probably only five minutes max.
Then they were there.
All four of them.
I can’t describe the rush of emotions that flooded me, shock, excitement, anticipation and most of all, pure joy.
If I could go back in time and tell my 12 year old self that one day I’d see MCR live, she’d burst into tears. If I told her that one day she’d see the whole emo trinity, she’d faint.
The Foundations of Decay starts, beautiful and haunting. I knew that night was going to be incredible when the stadium shook on the “So he gets to die a Saint but she will always be the whore!” part.
The song pulls to a close, and I’m shaking with happiness. Praying for my favorite songs to play.
BANG. THANK YOU FOR THE VEMON!!! This is easily my number one MCR song, it’s fast, it’s heavy, and seeing Mr. Toro rip it to shreds was absolutely wonderful.
So I’d think after these two fast, hard songs they’d play something slow, but iN COMES IM NOT OKAY. Again, my younger self would piss herself. God, it was so incredible.
Again, like a fool, I think a slower song will follow. Nope! Vampire Money! I started losing my voice around here. Oh! Gerard also sang “Get fucked in an airport bar.” So we had that going.
THIS IS HOW I DISAPPEAR!!!!! Beautiful, wonderful, served, I love her. Mwah.
Finally we get a little reprieve, Ah fuck, it’s Summertime. Look, don’t get me wrong, I love the song, but it’s about you know who. I’m gonna ignore that because G asked us to put our lights up, giggled and said it looked magical :)
Back to it! Cemetery Drive! Was there a tiny part of me praying Mikey would slip again? Maybe, you’ll never know.
Lights go off, it gets quiet. Gerard starts humming. “What are we? To him? To god? Our father, who art in heaven…”
BLAMO it’s Our Lady of Sorrows!!!!! Also I forgot to mention, Mikey was hella active with our section ugh He’s awesome.
Hang Em’ High starts! Gerard just wore a black shirt and pants but I wish him or Ray wore a cowboy outfit.
Boy Division starts, again, hearing a whole crowd together was awesome, especially the LA LA LA LA part.
Welcome To The Black Parade. What can I even say. Words can’t describe how moving it was to hear everyone singing together. This anthem. This banger. So beautiful.
Teenagers. Gerard said he didn’t like the song that much but they’ve got to play it I suppose. (Cough) though they could play MGATMK but that’s not my business.
I turn to my mom, smiling, this smile would quickly drop as I realized DESTROYA was starting. So yes, I had to watch Gerard Way moan with my mother. (Heavy sigh)
DEATHWISH!!!! How I love it, so fucking cool.
And from the heavens, my baby girl, Mama begins. Gerard literally pointed the mic at the crowd and told everyone to “Sing it!” at the gender part. I love them.
HOUSE OF WOLVES!!!! I had to delete my messages with my father to make room for storage here, do not regret it.
Na Na Na! My mom knew this one and said she really liked it live :) love you mom
Famous Last Words. I told myself I wouldn’t cry at this show. I was so SO wrong. They let the crowd sing the part after the guitar solo alone and I broke into tears, my makeup and I did not survive.
They left the stage as I sobbed, my mom staring at me wondering what the hell was wrong.
Ready for the encore? Good, buckle up.
Gerard announces the next song is for the king. Everyone says what the fuck. BOOM. VAMPIRES WILL NEVER HURT YOU. WHAAAAT.
Next up is Helena, so beautiful and perfect, I thought this would be the last song as it used to be.
Everyone left the stage except G, who was laying ass up on the stage.
My mom and I laughed, watching as he hopped up.
And then.
Every emotion I’ve felt in these rough few months came crashing down. I sobbed like a baby. Then it was over.
I am so thankful I got to see this show, it was genuinely life changing. I hope you all get to see them one day if you haven’t. It was just, wow, wow wow wow.
These guys saved my life, and I think they did it again last night. :)
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nancypullen · 1 year
Hey there! Remember me?  I disappeared for a few days, but here we are again - get comfy, we’ll chat. Yesterday we climbed out of our rut (honestly, it’s a lovely rut) and pointed the car toward the mighty Atlantic Ocean.  We decided to see what all the fuss is about Rehobeth Beach, and also to find a particular bookstore where David Sedaris will be signing on May 30th (we have tickets and I’m excited!).  Rehobeth Beach is 48 miles from Denton, and it was a beautiful day for a drive - so off we went. I get it now.  Wide beaches of clean sand, clear water, and a boardwalk that rivals any I’ve ever seen. Restaurants, arcades, and the shops, oh my, the shops!  Did I take photos? Not many.  I’ll have to raid whatever the mister snapped.  I was too busy poking around in alleys like this.
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Hundreds and hundreds of unique shops, really diverse dining options, and everything from scooter rentals to paddleboards.  I knew exactly where we’d be having lunch when I saw this spot.
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Go Fish, a true British fish & chips place.  Mickey is a sucker for fish & chips.  Me, not so much, but I figured there’d be something else on the menu.  It was charming inside and The Beatles were playing on the sound system. All good signs.
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We sat in a booth and thoroughly enjoyed our lunch.  Mickey raved about the fish & chips and I had a hearty plate of bangers and mash.  It made me glad I’d skipped breakfast.  
After lunch we strolled down the main drag and found the bookstore, BrowseAbout Books.  What a delightful store!  Super friendly staff, eager with recommendations, an amazing inventory (even a wonderful children’s section), home decor, cards, tees, etc.  I love a good independent bookstore.
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They truly offer something for everyone. So we checked that off our list and we’ll be back there on May 30th.
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The ticket includes a cop of the book, which I already have, so I’ll just have him sign my copy for Matt.  Matt and I went to see David Sedaris in Nashville many years ago and had a ball.  We gave him a rubber hand to sign.  It made him laugh. If you know, you know.  If you don’t, read this. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2003/03/10/whos-the-chef Anywayyyy, after exiting BrowseAbout Books we walked around, visited a few more shops, got a sweet treat (ice cream cone for Mickey, caramel popcorn for me) and headed home.  The road west is lined with shopping opportunities and I asked the mister to pull into Home Goods.  It’s my church and I’ve been missing services.  I needed to fill my soul.  And I did.  It didn’t take much.  I bought three small things.
A small picture frame to hold a sweet photo of Little Miss. 
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This adorable little bird who will keep me company in my spot on the porch.
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There she is by the flowers, looking ready to burst into song.
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And finally, these pretty bells to sway in the breeze - also for my spot.
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A whole bag of happy for just $30.  Did I need to spend it? No. DO these things make me smile and lift my heart? Absolutely yes. Some women drink wine, some spend a fortune on hair and nails, I buy birds and shiny things. 
Speaking of birds, they love the new fence.  I swear, our feathered visitors have increased since we put the fence up.  The local cats can’t hide as well, so maybe they feel safer.  Any way you slice it, I have more bird song and a prettier yard. Winning!
I took three of the containers that I normally use on porch railings and put them on the fence. I love it.
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Feeders, a bath, and blooms.  It’s birdie paradise.  I’ll probably add some pink or red flowers to those containers, but I like them just fine so far. Stanley still stops by for a drink. I think he loves cool water with just a hint of bird butt.
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Time to weedeat. So there ya’ have it, a little bit of happy from our patch to yours.  I’m going to make a little lunch and go sit in my spot on the porch.  It’s a good day for doing nothing. Sending out love. Stay safe, stay well. XOXO - Nancy
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