#finals are starting tomorrow and I am not ready 😁😁😁😁
rainofthetwilight · 5 months
in my room. straight up "studyig it" and by it I mean. well. lets justr say. The subjects
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bberetd · 29 days
Hey there! Since you also reblogged the post saying you want people to send you asks (actually I even reblogged it from you), here I am to ask you a question. A potentially very tough one. Ready?
If you had to pick only one (1!) favorite Mario character who would it be and why?
I'm just trying to get to know my mutuals a little better, y'know?
But most people seem to be using that 'send me asks' post as another opportunity to say mushy stuff to each other, so let me also do that! I'd like to remind you that I'm very glad that I'm following your blog. You're certainly a fun and kind person, and must say I like you very much 😀❤️ Thanks for always supporting my art, it really means a lot to me.
Also please teach me your ways to draw so fast, I just finally finished sketching my latest fanart today (yeah, that ambitious one) and it took embarrassingly long. And this one is supposed to have a proper lineart too💀
Oh, that reminds me: I'm really excited for your animations! Once I'm done with my current fanart, the next bigger fan project on my list is also one animation I've been thinking of, so I hope we'll be able to motivate each other a bit 😁👊
OH just oneeee? 😩
Whew, okay, well... while Daisy has a huge place in my heart (especially lately, as you can tell 😹), my all-time favorite will always be Luigi.
See, the funny thing is that I hardly cared for him before the movie, and even a little after I watched the movie. My first favorite Mario character was actually Rosalina when SMG came out, because I was SO obsessed with space when I was younger (and still kinda am), and blue was and is my favorite color (such a deep reason, right? :P)
I always tend to lean towards the underdogs of a franchise, yet I don't remember the exact moment that drew me to him. There were just a bunch of edits and videos of him flooding all of my social media pages when the movie hype was still fresh, and I guess one day I decided, "yup. that's my guy."
I think the moment that really solidified my love for him was when I replayed Luigi's Mansion (I kiiinda played it before, but I was 4 and just pressing buttons lol... it's strangely a core memory for me). His bravery throughout the game despite his evident fears and anxieties is just... so inspiring and real to me, genuinely. And a little bit of him shone through his commentary of some of the objects throughout the mansion, which was also endearing 😆 The game gets creepier the deeper I think about it, and I just can't help but give him more flowers for going through it three different times!
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plus, he's just so happy and awkward and silly. how could you not love him?!
But in short, he's my favorite because he's relatable to me, and I find his little quirks adorable and endearing.
yet despite all that, he knows when to lock tf IN. that's my hero <3
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Mugi!!! I couldn't be any happier that we're friends and moots! You've blessed my timeline with your gorgeously detailed art and commentary, and I'm so grateful you support my art just as much ♥️♥️ I admire and like you very much as well, you're amazing <3
as for quick art, basically-
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and thank you!! the animation might take longer because classes start tomorrow for me, and year 3 of uni is definitely gonna be more challenging and, er, expensive. 🫠 Hopefully I'll learn to manage my time better so I can make decent progress every day, but I do know where I want to go with the animation. Big yes to motivating each other!! I know that ambitious art will be PHENOMENAL when it's dropped, and I can't wait to see your style in motion! :))
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1leos-small-corner1 · 2 months
It seems I've been inactive here...again.
Not a lot has happened since my last post. I'm finally done with the last semester of my first year and am preparing to start classes again in October. Not looking forward to the stress, but it is what it is I guess.
Life is good, even though my second semester has ended, I'm still very tired. I keep waking up in the morning and forgetting where I am. I only remember that I was home when I started texting my friend to start getting ready with me to go to class.
Overall, it was a good year 😁
Im home now, with family and frends. Living a little while I still have time. Maybe I'll post something, seeing as I have time now!
Anyway, that is it for now! I'm going to this lake we have in the neighbourhood, tomorrow with my brother and cousin. Something interesting always happens when those two come somewhere with me.
So, I'll probably post it here if it happens, if not, then some stuff I've been cooking up. I've got some OCs that I had created throughout my childhood that I have refined. So I might introduce them here. But we'll see.
I hope you guys have a wonderful day or night, and I hope you enjoyed this little post 😊
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mithrilhearts · 1 year
OMG RAZZY YOU’RE WATCHING GOOD OMENS NOW???!!!!! FUCKING YAASSSSSSS AAHHHHHH I am so so so excited you have no idea!!! Come join me in the Ineffable Spouses brainroooottttt 😁😁😁
YES!!!!!!!! I am so slow when it comes to watching shows, but I finally finished season one, and tomorrow night I start season two! It's something me, my sister, and her husband started together, so we're trying to watch it whenever we all have the time.
I love dragging them into new fandom spaces lololol
I'm ready for whatever ache season two is going to give me.
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larabiatasstuff · 1 year
Hey bestie I have a request for you 😁 I'm not sure if you have heard of these before, but sometimes soft play centres for children can be open for adults one night, and they get to drink! It's so cool! I'd love to read something about Max being with his girlfriend in one of them 😁 take your time bestie, love you 💚💚💚
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Sorry for the wait Bestie 🖤 Of course I write that for you 🤗 I really love that request. 🙏
Max and I were dating for a while now and we couldn't be happier. It was Friday afternoon and I was beyond nervous. I had a major surprise for Max cause he had to deal with so many bad guys and overworking in the last few weeks that he deserved a nice weekend. "Babes, I'm home!" he calls from the hallway. "Hey baby, how are you feeling?" I asked and gave him a kiss. "I'm just glad that it's finally weekend. I'm beyond exhausted." he says lying on the couch. "Well I hope you're not too exhausted for the surprise I have for you." he sat straight up. "A surprise? For me? Is it something dirty?" he asked raising his eyebrows. "Really Max? Okay remember when we were at my nephews birthday at the soft play centre and how sad you were that you couldn't join him in the ball pit fight?" his face got serious "Well he would have won with me in his team okay?" "I'm absolutely sure about that baby. The thing is I did some research and it appears that they're open for adults a few times a week and like the good girlfriend I am..." Max eyes got wide "You did not, or did you? Babes don't play with my feelings right now." "We're going tomorrow at eight ." he jumped from his seat pulled me into a very tight hug and covered my face with kisses. "Max, Max stop... I can't breathe baby." I laughed. "Did I ever tell you that you're the best girlfriend in the world? Cause you are, I would marry you right away if I could. I love you so much babes." "Awww aren't you the cutest? I love you too baby." The next day went on pretty fast and Max was beyond excited. He talked about it non stop and it was just too cute to watch him doing research what he would do first what we could do together. He acted just like a child but I actually loved him for that, life was serious enough. As soon as we got there we were looking for a table but I realized that Max couldn't wait any longer. "Okay baby take the lead I follow you." he took my hand and guided me through the whole thing. We went on some kind of slide together, had a play fight in the ball pit and had some fun pushing each other around on a trampoline. After two hours we both were exhausted and ready to go home. Max constantly wearing a big smile on his face. "Babes that was one of the best nights ever. Thank you so much for doing that with me." "You know I usually don't like that kind of stuff but with you it was very much fun. No thanks needed I love seeing you happy baby." I started the car and Max already fell asleep on the way home.
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anitalenia · 1 year
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an explanation…
HI EVERYONE!! First off, I would like to apologize for being away for so long with no word as to why, and for disappearing off the face of the earth for half a year. I apologize for not posting in so long, and for not even finishing setting up my blog. I’m not going to give excuses, I will only tell you the truth.
During these last few months a lot of stressful things have happened. I lost my job, familial drama, and my depression suddenly just hit me full force and I ended up in a big bad slump. I lost all motivation I had to finish this blog and my stories, and I ended up just wasting away as much as my unfinished stories have in my drafts. But it’s okay now, and sometimes people just have bad days. For me, it was a few months. Those things happen, and anyone who struggles with mental health will understand that when those moments happen, they really hit you 😭.
Anyway, as I said before I am feeling so much better now, and things are starting to look up for me. I got a new job, and I’m finally out of that several month long slump, and I’m starting to really focus on me and my health and happiness. I’ve really improved on my writing skills, and my inspiration and love for writing has just hit me full force. I feel ready and eager to really finish and update my blog, and really get things started again. I’m not sure how long this joyous feeling will last, but I’m going to make the most of it while it’s there.
Im not saying to expect anything tomorrow, or maybe even two days from now, but within these next few weeks I will finally finish updating my links and creating my pages. I will have a fully functional blog, and probably some stories out as well 😁 Like I said before, I have so many ideas now, and my passion for creating things and writing stories has come back (thank god). I may have to delete everything and start brand new, as I’ve noticed a few problems with my links and posts that were due to my lack of activity. Of course that would suck, but I’ll do whatever it takes to have a successful blog that I can be proud of.
I’m grateful to have a platform, even if it is small, to share my stories and thoughts with such kind and encouraging people 💖 I’m so happy to be able to share my stories and ideas with an audience who likes them, and create things for other people to enjoy them as much as I do. I’m grateful for every single follower I have, every repost I see, every like on a post, and every sweet comment under a post I’ve made. I’m glad I make people happy with what I create, and I hope I didn’t let anyone down.
Anyway, to conclude this long apology 😅, just know I’m thankful for all of you and everyone who’s supported me in this endeavor. You all mean the world to me and inspire me so much, so I’m sorry for being so absent on here. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Again, expect greatness in the weeks to come, and thank you for being a proud member of Anitalenia Land!!!
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artemiseamoon · 2 years
A preview: Flirting with Danger
(gif credit to owner 😁) | fic can be read as RC or OC
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*** a treat preview **** chapter in the works **** stay tuned *****
An: Okay my narocs mx bbs, the next chapter of Flirting with Danger is officially in creation! I am writing it as we speak. Here is a little snippet to hold you over. I do have some work-work to do, tonight and tomorrow, so it's hard to say when this will be ready. But a safe guess is by this weekend. :)
Warnings: if you are following this fic, you already know the warnings, and if you have seen the show. Want more fic warnings, go here. Don’t like the fic, don’t read it. There are plenty of fics around! You have choices.
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After leaving the tray, you sat on the arm of the couch and set your gaze on the tv screen. Your eyes lingered there for a moment, then moved to Ramon.
As you continue to sort your thoughts, Ramon asks Benjamin if they've heard from Amado yet. When Min says no, a small argument starts between them.
It's only stopped by the door finally opening. All three of you turn to it, Ramon jumps to his feet and tosses the controller aside. He's with Dina's in no time.
She’s is in the same clothes you last saw her in. Ramon tries to hug her, then kisses the top of her head. Dina’s head is lowered, her eyes fixed on the wedding band between her fingers.
Benjamin is still by the window, like his younger brother, his expression is full of concern. His tone is instantly softer than the one he was just using with Ramon. “You should eat something.”
Ramon nods, his hands still gently on Dinas shoulders. She raises her head slightly, but keeps her face angled toward the wall. A nervous smile pulled on Mons lips, he glances at you, Min, then back at Dina.
With her eyes still downcast, Enedina asked, “Is Chapo dead?”
In reaction to the question, Benjamin inhales sharply then faces the window again, unable to look at her; unable to give her the answer she so desperately needs. Benjamin's jaw tensed, “we’re on it.” he looks at her again, trying to reassure her, “he’s been on the move.”
Enedina instantly raises her eyes to Ramon, a pained and angry expression on her face. Ramon drops his gaze, then looks to Benjamin. He still has one hand on her shoulder.
Turning on her heels, Enedina swiftly goes back into the room and slams the door. Ramon calls after her, but doesn’t get in before she closes, then locks it. Ramon bangs on the door, continuing to call her name.
After shouting at the door, Ramon presses his hands against it, “I’ll make this right! I’m going to kill him for you!” Ramon turns, fixing his eyes on his brother.
Ramons eyes are black down, dark with anger and fury, with revenge. “Now what?” Ramon stands before Benjamin, “keep waiting?”
Benjamin's arms are crossed again, he takes a deep breath and stares out the window, though you can't fully see him anymore, you can see tension in his profile.
“Fuck everyone,” Benjamin meets Ramons eyes with his own, “I want Chapo's head. Tell Barron, I want his fucking guys here now.”
Ramon nods, glances at you once, then leaves the room. As you watched him leave, Benjamin stepped closer to where you are,
“If she needs anything, anything at all -“ he doesn't finish the sentence, but you know he doesn't have to.
“Yes. Of course.”
He leaves the room.
The knot in your guy just doubled in size. Now, as shit is about to go down, you’re keeping watch over Enedina. Not that you minded, you care about her, you want to help. But by doing this, any chances you had of slipping away soon just diminished significantly.
Standing up, you go to the window and push the curtain aside, same as Min was, you stare out the window. If Benjamin is giving the okay for Barrons guys to come in, then that means they'll be used as the hit squad.
A plan was unfolding now, without Amado. The agent in you wants to move around the house, to pick up what little crumbs you can. But the thought doesn't last long.
Hit with a sudden wave of nausea, you sink down on the couch and lay across it. You don't know if it's the lack of sleep, or the stress of this situation, but your stomach has been a mess and you're having trouble keeping food down.
Then there's the other possibility, the natural outcome of how reckless you and Ramon have been; you can't even let yourself go there, you can't say the words. Just the idea of it terrifies you.
***this was a preview **** stay tuned ***
Fic info
Update eta 9/20 (evening)
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Letting the taglist know: @thesolotomyhan @yourlocalspacewitxch @curaheed @kucchikopi @hastalunes @mysticalfairytales @fleurfatale89 @doobiebochana @seashell-gurl @empireroyals
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thehighpriestess1 · 3 years
Can I have one Childhood bestfriend to lovers with Shisui...😁😁😁
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A/N: Let me start by saying that Uchiha men are fine af and everyone of them deserved to live!! Shisui has feelings for reader but he doesn't realise it..
Warning: None
Format : HCs + fic ( I guess?)
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Not many people knew the body flicker like you and Itachi did. You three were inseparable, always together. Even your parents had accepted that they had three kids.
Shisui and Itachi would often train with you teaching you but sometimes Shisui would ask you to train with him alone. He liked Itachi but he loved spending time with you alone.
He loved it when you'd bring lunch for him during training and he would happily agree to join you for a picnic.
He thought if you as his best friend but Itachi knew (he's a genius) and sometimes bhe would make up work to let Shisui spend time with you.
When you grew up you joined the Uchiha force along with them. Shisui tried convincing you against it because he thought it's too dangerous of you. The thought of something happening to you left a bad taste in his mouth.
Many men would try to ask you out for date but you always refused. You didn't like them but there was another reason...Shisui.
Shisui wasn't jealous (or so he thought) but he hated everytime you spent time with anyone other than him. He wanted to spend all his time with you and wanted you to spend all your free time with him. You were best friends it's what you're supposed to do.
Sometimes he would day dream about you and him on a picnic..but as a friend right? He would stare at you as you trained with Itachi and notice everything, the way you frowned, the way your moved the kunai I'm your hand, the way your moved... He never thought anything of his actions because this is how it has been between both of you for years..it was normal..
But one day Izumi introduced you to one of her friends who asked you to go to festival with him, you were hoping Shisui would ask you since Itachi already asked Izumi but he didn't, so you agreed.
When Shisui found out about this he ignored you for days. He would change his direction of he saw you walking towards him, would train at different spots each day just to avoid you.
The day before festival Shisui showed up at your house. "You finally ready to talk?". You asked him, shooting daggers at him.
"Don't go to festival".
"Why not?"
"Don't go to festival with that...that guy".
"Why not?"
Shisui groaned in annoyance. He should have never let Itachi talk him into this. "You're stupid".
"I am stupid because I want to go to festival with him?".
"No! You're stupid because you want to go to festival with HIM".
"That's exactly what I said! What's your problem with me?! You are the one who has been ignoring me and now you're calling me stupid! You know what? Just go. I don't want to talk to you". You yelled poking your finger at his chest.
Before you could close the door Shisui grabbed the door. "I meant you're stupid because you are going with him and not me!".
"You never asked me!".
"I thought it was implied! We have been going together since we were kids!".
"I am not a kid anymore and I can go with whomever I like".
"So you like him?".
You rolled your eyes at him. "I didn't mean that..I meant that I can go with whomever I want!".
"So you want to go with him?!"
"No! I wanted to go with you but you never asked me!".
"Fine then! If that's what it takes then I am asking you right now. Go to the festival with me!".
"Fine I will!".
"Good! I will pick you up!".
"I love you!".
"Good because I love you too!".
Both you were glaring at eachother trying to catch your breath after all the yelling. When the realisation dawned you both turned red and couldn't look each other in the eye.
"Did you... Really mean it?". Shisui stammered.
"I..did. Did you?".
"Yes". You both stood in silence as Itachi and Izumi watched standing behind the tree with confused look on their face. "I will pick you up tomorrow.".
"I don't want to see you around that guy".
Shisui picked you up the next day with his head hung low. "I am sorry for yelling at you".
"I am sorry for yelling at you too".
"So..we are cool?"
"I guess". You shrugged as you walked beside him. His hand twitched by his side and he grabbed your hand. You looked down at your connected hands and then at him. "You are my girlfriend so this is.. normal".
"You never asked me to be your girlfriend". You poured and he stopped walking. "Do I need to ask that too?! No one told me!". You laughed at his confused face but seeing you laugh at him calmed his nerves. "Are you my girlfriend?".
"I guess I am".
Itachi and Izumi were still amazed, this was not how they planned to set you up but whatever works..
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minaofmayhem · 4 years
IMAGINE #15 - The in-laws
Here's finally the third drabble with Christian Bale, requested by anonymous ! 😁 I've been quite busy these past few days so now I'll try to write more often because I have a long list of requests ❤️ As always, enjoy !  😘
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Summary : You meet Christian’s parents for the first time and you are quite stressed...
Pairing : Christian Bale x Reader
Warnings : only fluff!
A/N : I know that Christian's parents are divorced since a long time but for this short sorty, I changed the reality 
Tag list : @kittenlittle24
You must confess, shyness has always been one of your biggest faults. Kindness, empathy, loyalty and humility are generally recognized among your good qualities. But you always had a problem when it came to meet or talk to new people. You already had those problems when you were a child. It was difficult to talk to the other kids in the playground, for instance, and it was worst with adults. You can't count the number of times where you put yourself in a uncomfortable situation because you were afraid to ask. As you got older, it got better and you gained confidence after going at the university and finding a job.
Yet when the first meet with your in-laws arrived, you weren't really comfortable with the idea. After one year of relationship, Christian voiced the idea to introduce you to his parents, for a special weekend in London where they are living for now.
“(X/Y), I have something important to ask you”, he starts, leaning closer to you like if he was about to say something very important. You do the same and listen carefully, putting down your glass of wine. On that night, you were on your favorite restaurant to celebrate your first year anniversary. “I think about it since a moment now and I think it’s the right time for you to meet my parents. It would be really important for me if you accept".
Just when he has pronounced the words "meet" and "parents", you feel your body freeze a little bit. You bite your lips and tense up on your chair as you lean on it. Christian was your really first serious relationship and you've never been in that situation before. You don't know how is it like to meet in-laws and you don't really know what you have to do or say.
"Yeah, that's a great idea", you answer with a little smile, trying to hide your apprehension. A big smile crosses Christian's face as he takes your hands in his.
"I'm glad you approve. I know that it means a big thing in a relationship and I'm ready to take this step with you". With that, he puts your palm on his lips for a sweet kiss.
"If you are, then am I". Inside you feel really bad to lie to the man you love but there's nothing else you can do
Now, thinking about it on the D day's eve, you still can't believe you did such a thing to him. Lying in your hotel room's bed, on your right side, you look at Christian's face illuminated by the moonlight. He's sleeping like a baby while you stay there, eyes open since maybe 3 hours. What a monster you are. The meeting is for tomorrow and you don't really want to do it. Just thinking about the idea is enough to make you feel sick, your heartbeat increase and your hands become wet. It was like you will have to make a representation in front of a thousand people or something close to that. Even if you tell yourself that you do it for Christian, it doesn't change anything.
The next morning, the wake up is really hard of course. Your barely sleep and you fallen asleep 2 hours before the alarm start ringing. Now you have horrible dark rings under your eyes. Great you look like a panda. You tell Christian that you slept bad because of the mattress. An other lie to the list. You grimace as you enter the bathroom, mentally striking yourself of doing such thing.
After fighting with your makeup for at least 30 mins, you step from the bathroom ready to leave. Christian greets you after finish lacing his shoes.
"How do I look like?", you ask, turning around on yourself to show him all your outfit. You’re not really sure if it’s appropriate but you choose the most comfortable and classical outfit you’ve found in your wardrobe. Christian whistles and comes to take you in his arms.
"Just as I want them to see you. Beautiful". You kiss each other tenderly before leaving.
The route up to there have happened in silence. Christian explains a lot of things from his past, some anecdotes when he was kid, travels with his parents. You half-listen to him, eyes locked on the landscape. Unconsciously you twiddle your fingers with the end of your shirt. Christian notice that you remain silent since you left the hotel’s parking and he starts to wonder why you act like that. it’s like you don’t really want to be there, with him. 
When he arrives in the gravel path in front of his childhood house, he stops the car and lean on his seat, taking a deep breath, hands on the steering wheel. He feels that something isn’t right and he wants to be sure of it. He doesn’t want to have this torturing his mind during all day. You face him, frowning. What is he doing ? Why doesn’t he step out of the car ?
“(X/Y), babe, there’s something wrong, I can feel it”, he confesses, with a normal voice, not accusing you. One of his good quality. Even if there’s a problem, Christian always remain calm and never looses his temper. You look down at your shoes, feeling the red burning your cheek. It had to happen. You were acting quiet and strangely whereas you are normally cheerful and alive. 
“What's happening ?”. Christian turns a bit to face you and takes your hand to caress the top of it. When he sees no reaction, he tries to encourage you to talk to him. “You know you can tell me everything”. You finally look in front of you, seeing the beautiful house that stands there, with pretty flower pots on the balcony and the windows. It doesn't look horrible afterall...And you can’t run forever, you’ll have to say it to him. 
“I...”, you start before remaining silent again. You take a deep breath and tell him the truth, after thinking about your words ten times before saying them out loud. “I’m totally and deeply stressed, that’s why I’m acting odd since yesterday”. Your voice is very low but Christian hears all your words. You still don’t take a look at him. 
“You mean, stressed to meet my parents ?”. You nod and wait for his reaction. Would he be understanding ? Angry ? But all you hear is a chuckle. You look at him, surprised. 
“I thought that there was something serious”, he says, still chuckling. “It’s ok baby. I know you are really shy and you suffer from it since your childhood but it’s gonna be alright”. Suddenly, the weight you had on your shoulders magically disappear and you feel better. But still a bit stress anyway...
“I’m so sorry Christian, I tried to be cheerful but I’m really afraid. I’ve never met in-laws before and...I don’t want them to have a bad impression on him or to disappoint you”.
“Hey it’s ok...My parents are really kind, you’ll see. I’m sure they will love you. And I’ll be with you”. You agree with a nod and Christian just smile at you, happy to have solved the problem. He puts a sweet kiss on your noise then on your lips before you two step out of the car.
Guiding you till the main door, Christian takes your hand in his before crossing your fingers with yours. You arrive at the door and he engages the ring bell. You take a deep breath and gulp - you must confess that your mouth is still dry but you feel at least a bit better than yesterday. He notices that you try to stay calm and caresses your back, as an encouragement. One minute later, the door opens on two happy faces. 
“There you are”, exclamais Jenny, Christian’s mom as going on the porch to hug him tight. “Look at you, you look gorgeous in this shirt”, she adds as checking him on every side. Then, she looks at you, with a big smile. 
“Oh... And you must be (X/Y). Christian told us a lot about you”. She approaches you and hug you as well. You feel a bit embarrassed but surprisingly, it is really warm and welcoming. 
“Nice to meet you, Miss Bale”. You try to give back her hug as good as possible. 
“Oh no need to call me like this, it will make me feel older than I am ! Call me Jenny”. Christian’s father, David, who was side head, step forward to greet you. He opts for a polite hand-shaking. 
“Come in, we were waiting for both of you”, says Jenny as leading the way inside. Before following them, Christian holds you back by your hand to wrap you in his arms and kiss you lovingly. You both whispers a tender “I love you” against each other lips. 
Once inside, you immediately notice all the pictures everywhere on the walls in every room. Many pictures of Christian during each stage on his life. Jenny promises you to show you everything concerning his son after the dinner. You look at him with a devilish smile, ready to see all the compromising pictures she kept.
It begins with an aperitif in the lounge. Jenny has prepared many good things to eat. You sit down and they start talking like if you know each other for many years and honestly, this help you to feel relax and less shy. They ask you many questions about you, your family, your job...They seemed really interested and it was good to see. 
After, you pass in the living room where a big table has as pride place on the center. You both take a seat as Jenny and David arrive with all the meals: a big roasted turkey with smash potatoes and vegetables. It looks like she has cooked meals for thirty people. During the dinner, David talks with Christian about his car and some DIY’s stuffs while Jenny monopolize you. She is really kind and thoughtful, always asking if you want anything to eat or to drink. She tells you about their house, the work they did in it and some anecdotes of Christian. This was indeed the funniest part.
“Oh you should have seen his face!”, she says, half-laughing. “He was only 3 years old and he was running everywhere in the house, only wearing a nappy”. You are practically have the giggles as imagining the scene. You look at him and laugh even more to his face. 
“Mom, you don’t need to tell (X/Y) those kind of memories. This is embarrassing!”, he reacts, pretending to be embarrassed.
“This is so funny ! You were certainly a cute baby boy, I’m sure”, you tell him with a big smile, leaning your body against him. But he only does a little grimace, which makes everybody laugh. 
After the dinner, you help Jenny to clear away the table. David and Christian go outside to check something in the garage while you help his mom to set the dessert. When it’s done, she takes advantage of the fact that Christian is far away to bring her album photo’s collection. She shows you everything: his birth, his first day at school, his first castings and so on. She kept everything concerning his career, all the pictures of events and even each critics coming from the diaries. 
“I’m really proud of him, you know. He always wanted to be an actor and seeing him, doing what he loves, it’s really extraordinary”, she confesses as turning the pages. Ten minutes later, you both hear footsteps in the corridor and Jenny quickly puts away the albums. “This will be our little secret”, she whispers to you with a winkle. You smile to her, happy to see that she already trusts you a lot.
The dessert is delicious as the dinner. She prepared a chocolate cake with some cream and you really enjoy it. Around 5pm, you both decided to leave. You still have a long ride until the hotel and your flight is really early the next morning. As going to the door, Jenny couldn’t stop saying that it was really a pleasure to meet you. 
“My pleasure too”, you answer back while hugging her. “Thank you so much for your welcome and the dinner was delicious!”.
“The pleasure was mine, my dear”. David shakes your hand, with a big smile. 
“Be careful”, Jenny yells as you both entered into the car after a last wave of goodbye. You look at them, with a smile, and just think that it wasn’t so difficult after all. You’ve been through your shyness and that’s a great point. Christian starts the car and you both make signs to them until they disappear in the rear-view mirror. Once on the highway, Christian asks you the crucial question.
“So, how did you find it my love ?”. Being in a good mood, you turn to him and answer him with a big smile this time.
“I’m so happy. Your parents are so kind, it’s incredible ! It was like we know each other since a long time! Your mother is so funny, I really like her”. 
“I’m glad you had a great day. It was really important for me and I can already tell you that you had your little success”, he explains, a smile in the corner of his lips. You frown, not really understanding the meaning of his words.
“My mother told me that she really likes you and she told me to do anything to keep you”. This revelation really please and deeply touch you. You’ve never imagine that it would be like that. Christian take a little glance at you, with a happy smile. “She is never wrong, you know”. 
“That’s good to know cause I plan to stuck you for at least the next all year”, you giggle as putting a sweet kiss on his cheek. 
40 minutes later, Christian parks the car in the parking lot but before going outside, he just remembers something. 
“What did you do with my mom, when I was in the garage with my dad ? I saw you were both laughing like you two were having a good time”. You quickly understand that he was referring to the albums. You hold on your laugh as remembering the pictures and try to remain serious. 
“Oh nothing...it’s a secret between your mom and I”
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hyba · 4 years
It's been ages, so I thought I might write an update! 😄
I've been working really hard lately, but for some reason it feels like I haven't done much? I think it might be because I am working on so many different things all at once, so even if I really work hard, I'm still only inching along. 🐌🐌🐌😂 Oh, well! C'est la vie right now I suppose! I don't mind working through things at my own pace.
Despite that, I'm still trying to balance everything and do everything to the best of my abilities. 💪I started a new (non-author-or-book-related) blog with a good friend of mine, and I'm excited for that! I'm also starting another blog for another project altogether because apparently spending hours writing for one blog wasn't enough! 😂 It'll either work out or it won't, but nobody will be able to say I didn't try! 😊
Apart from blogging, I've been trying to have some semblance of social media presence on IG and Twitter, and I've even been updating my Pinterest of late! 🎊 Still have loads of work to do and wish I could dedicate more time to everything, but I am only human, so I'll get there when I get there 😄
Oh, and of course, how could I forget, that I'm also working on my Apartment launch!!!!!! 🤩 I feel like doing a happy dance every time I think about it, so I finally get how exciting it is for authors who go through this same experience! 😁
Since I'm aiming to release it with the literary companion on the same day, I've been trying to work on the companion and get it ready for publication. This one's a bit easy because it's really only a matter of me writing down what I meant by all the madness in Apartment, so there's not much time-consuming research involved. But also I see that release date creeping up on me and 👀 😂
Also finished reading Murder Is Easy by Agatha Christie (review to come out tomorrow ((Friday 4th)) if you're interested!). It was really good! I enjoyed it a lot, especially towards the end.
Anywho, that's what I've been up to, more or less! 😄
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aredheadedmess · 6 years
Message || JJK
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Summary: He was the last person you’d expect to be your penpal
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Word Count: 989
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Rating: G
Warnings: Fluff
(Side note, dialog in italics are in English. Anything else is Korean.)
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"Hey Y/N!" Jin called to you from his kitchen.
"I think I found the perfect thing for you!"
You groaned, standing from your cozy spot on his couch, making your way to where Jin was. He stood in the kitchen, leaning against the island counter, on his phone, waiting for the cookies he was making to be done.
He shoved his phone in your face when you had approached him.
"You need to get more friends, so I found this penpal thing for you! It's even text based!" He cheerily exclaimed.
"Wow. Thanks for insinuating I have no friends. I think I'm good though. I've got you, Kook, Chim, Yoongs, Joon, Tae, and Hobi."
"Mm, but you see Jungkookie as more than a friend, so I don't think he counts." He nugged your arm with his elbow.
Your cheeks grew warm at the thought. You shook your head, guiding your thoughts back to the subject at hand.
"Fine, whatever. Anyways, what is thing you were telling me about?"
He pulled you closer to him, explaining the app he found. An anonymous texting app, set up for making friends around the world.
**Jungkook's POV**
"So I just put my interests in, and it connects me with someone around the world? Jimin, are you sure this isn't just a dating app?" I questioned.
"Trust me, it's fine. If you want to know the other person's name and face right away, that's fine," Jimin mentioned. "I've been writing- texting? Anyways, I have it too, and it works really well."
I sighed. Who knows, maybe it'll take my mind off of my one-sided love for Y/N. I thought. I decided to get the app.
**Y/N's POV**
At home, you anxiously waited for someone to be connected with you. Finally, a notification appeared and took you to a new screen.
When the person had typed in English, it threw you off for a second. You weren't really good at English, but you knew enough to get by.
Um, idk how to really start this, but I kind of want to keep our names a secret until we know each other better. Is that ok?
Yeah! I'm good with that! I feel the same way
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It had been a few weeks since you started talking to your penpal. You found out that you both had so much in common. You had started to have a small crush on the guys you were taking to.
Recently, you had been curious to know what country he lived in. You wanted to know if there was a possibility of meeting in person at some point, so you asked.
So I was wondering... What country are you from? Maybe we could meet in person at some point in the future... I mean, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to though...👉👈
No, that would be cool! I'm from South Korea actually
Oh! So am I! What city?
Seoul. What about you?
I'm from Seoul too! Um, if it's not wierd, would you like to meet up soon?
I would love to 😁
(As long as you're not some creepy old dude pretending to be a sweet girl that is...)
There's a cafe that I like. {address} How about there?
(I promise I'm not 🤙but same goes to you)
Sure! Tomorrow at 1pm sound good?
(I'm not 🤙)
Well, guess I'll meet you tomorrow then!
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You were excited, to say the least. Jin was right, you needed someone new in your life, and writing to a penpal was probably the greatest idea he had.
You were ready to meet up with the guy you had met. Jin was happy that you agreed to meet up where you knew the store owners, so if anything happened, you would be safe.
You walked down the sidewalk to your destination. It wasn't far, only about a ten minute walk from your house. The cafe that you were going to was a small, lesser known place. A local favorite, so it wasn't always filled with tourists. It was one of your favorite places to study and have a warm drink. You and the boys would go when you all needed a break from the non-stop craziness of life.
Turning one final corner, you see a familiar figure standing right outside the entrance.
"Jungkook? What are you doing out here?" You asked him.
He seemed startled and looked up to face you, confusion written on his face.
"I'm waiting for a new friend. We met on this penpal app, and are meeting here today. Why are you here?" He smiled as you, clearly nervous to meet said person.
You didn't answer him right away, as the cogs in your head turned quickly. Penpal, meeting here, new friend. You quickly spoke the question from your mind.
Jungkook's eyes widened as he himself realized what you meant. He smiled warmly and chuckled softly.
"You never cease to amaze me, Y/N." He then spoke in a quieter voice, one not meant for you to hear, but you did.
"Wow. Who knew that I would get a crush on my first love without realizing it?"
You gasped.
"I'm your first love?" You whispered.
Jungkook's eyes widen once more, a faint shade of pink claims his cheeks. Gulping, he nodded, not daring to make eye contact with you.
You didn't care if anyone was watching you as you threw your arms around him, capturing his lips with yours. At first, he was surprised, but soon you both melted into each other's touch.
When you separated after a few seconds, you leaned to his ear whispering, "You're my first love too."
He leaned back and looked at you with loving eyes, before he took your hand in his, leading you inside the cafe for your first date together.
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