#finance management course in France
classicointerior · 6 months
Finance management course in France
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yawarakaizai · 11 months
pm dazai and pm chuuya who constantly fight each other for readers attention... but then someone hurts reader and all of a sudden they work together so seamlessly to kill the mf who dared to touch you (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
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SENDER Reader (Fem) RECIPITENT PM!Dazai Osamu + PM!Chuuya Nakahara (BSD) CONTENTS jealousy, reader+chuuya+dazai are 16/17, reader is an heiress, hostage situation, fluff n cute!! (implied) torture, worried chuuya NOTE This wasn't the department you specialised in. You wanted to manage finances, and while Mori was more than happy to grant you the role - Dazai would nag for you to join him and Chuuya on missions that didn't concern you in the slightest. There's only so much patience one can have. COMPANY Tangled Up
A/N THI S WA S RLL Y C UT E !! sorr y this one was l ate ;//; i hav e a scho o l trip tmrw ^^// maybe i'l l t ry sm ut nex t ... i have a l ot of good re qs i ho pe i ca n ge t throu gh the m a ll ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱
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Missions with Dazai and Chuuya always resulted in a thrilling adventure. There was never a time you'd look back on a mission you'd had with both and say to yourself, 'that was a bummer.'
You weren't supposed to work alongside them. Within the Port Mafia, Dazai and Chuuya were always to be assigned missions that were too dangerous for someone ordinary.
And, you? Well.
You possessed no ability. Your purpose in the Port Mafia was your background - your status.
Heiress to your father's wealth in your homeland of France, your parents were part of a certain elite group that made you a walking target should you venture without protection.
That is why you were always thrown as the bait.
With all respects to Dazai, that is, who introduced to Mori the idea of having you be the helpless, dumb damsel skipping merrily into danger.
You weren't happy about this arrangement and that was made clear by your sulking.
" Oh, look at me, I am an unattended woman. "
You sluggishly wandered around the dark halls of the abandoned facility, your voice just barely loud enough for the walls to echo your sarcastic jokes.
" This is serioouuuss! " The earpiece cleverly hidden in your ear crackled into life, you knew the voice belonged to Dazai. " Been chasing this guy for ages now, I think he's got some sort of phasing ability. He might appear outta no where, but Chuuya's trailing behind you, so don't worry. "
As if it could ease your nerves, it only made you regret agreeing to this further. " Great. I'm comforted. " You replied in a snarky manner.
You were dressed in lavish clothing that not even your pompous, arrogant mother would ever think of wearing. You seemed to have a distaste for reminders of the generational wealth you possess and opt to distance yourself from a 'royal' life. It proved impossible when it was the only thing that allowed you to maintain a job in the Port Mafia.
The gloomy and cold atmosphere left you hugging yourself for warmth as you traversed through complicated corridors. Although your earpiece was not connected to Chuuya's, you worried that you were walking off-course and/or Chuuya knew where you are meant to go, but could not blow his cover to correct your stupid mistakes.
Chuuya did a pretty good job at staying hidden. You could not hear a thing other than the clacking of your heels against metal flooring. " Ohh.. I'm so scared. " You pitched your voice higher, this being your best shot at luring out whoever it is the PM were after. You weren't taking this seriously, that was clear to both Dazai and Chuuya.
This wasn't the first mission you three were together, there were a few others that you'd two go through but this was the first time you were thrown a seal to a shark.
Dazai was elsewhere in the building, you weren't sure where and he gave no information when asked. With the affirmation Chuuya had your back, you knew that there was nothing to fear.
You would have appreciated some communication on his end though. You figured it must be his unnatural shyness towards you that made it hard for him to be too forward.
You easily noticed how his behaviour would change around you. And with Dazai around? Oh, boy.
Even if you could be a little air-headed sometimes, you weren't dumb to the hints in front of you.
From the day you were rescued from captivity - a story for another day - Chuuya stood out. You find it funny how he'd be unable to face you for more than a minute before looking away hurriedly. It sprung your new-found hobby of teasing Chuuya whenever you could. Of course Dazai picked up on it pretty soon after too and Chuuya has not known peace since. You couldn't help it! You weren't to blame! You giggled to yourself reminding yourself of Chuuya's little crush, fingers intertwined behind your back loosely, your back straightening from its previous hunched-over stance.
Feeling sudden confidence surge through your veins with the recollection of memories with Chuuya, you were just about to turn on your heel to address the gravity manipulator until a hand grabbed you from behind - before you had the chance to see who it was, you felt cold metal press against your temple that made you freeze up.
In front of you, Chuuya had finally revealed himself, but he too was stood as still as stone.
" Kill me 'n the girl goes too. "
They have never let it get THIS bad. Not ever have you ever even been in the hold or this close to an enemy, and here you were at gunpoint, something that was not planned.
You didn't dare break eye contact from Chuuya. This might just be your final moment. With great trust in Chuuya and Dazai's ability, you weren't sure how they'd proceed with this.
Chuuya might end up being the last thing you see. The look of fear on his face too didn't ease your nerves. They were not in the position to bargain. And funnily enough, you blamed yourself for this.
" Fine, yeah. Let her go. " Chuuya stood up from his mid-offensive position and dropped whatever weapon he had. A gun and a small knife for close-combat, he raised his arms above his head to firmly show his surrender. The hand that was previously on your lower hip raised to roughly cover your mouth, a gloved palm shoving itself in your face and that broke you down immediately. Fear took over and your knees went weak with pure fright, yet the man behind you had his fingers digging into the flesh of your cheek with such a harsh grab that it kept you standing up-right, the barrel of the gun pressing in deeper to your skull, sure to leave indents - that is if you weren't just shot dead. Then an indent would be the less of your worries.
With your back pressed against the chest of the stranger, you could feel the vibration of his confident voice as he spoke loudly, " Don't take me for a fool, Nakahara. You could easily use that ability of yours. " And that was true. You actually forgot about Chuuya's ability. Your mind was too foggy at the moment.
It was the first time you saw Chuuya Nakahara look uncertain in whether this mission would end well or not. He smiled insecurely as he let out a gruff exhale, " Wouldn't do that if I wanted her to live, yeah? Now let her go. "
Even if he kept grinning, you could see how the sweat dripped from his face even through your own teary eyes. With the palm pressing over your mouth and nose, it was difficult to breathe and steady your heart that was already beating fast enough as it is.
" Hmm.. " The gun was lowered slowly, caressing down your cheek and to your chest before being positioned at the pit of your stomach, " But do I really wanna? "
You began to squeal in protest, unable to accept your helplessness but it seemed someone else did your job of retaliation for you.
In the blink of an eye, the man holding you captive fell backwards and consequentially dragged you down with him but ended up tripping you up a bit further. You fell with your head banging on the hard floor, your captors hand slipping from your mouth and allowing you to briefly ‎gasp for air. The clattering of a gun was heard somewhere yet you were too dazed to properly do anything at this point.
The last thing you remember was the feeling of being raised from your underarms and distant shouting.
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" -as if she'd be able to do-"
" No, you shut up! You could've done something easily. "
" It was your idea to use her as a fuckin' pawn, don't twist this. "
" Uhh! I'm sowwy~! I thought Chuuya Naka-fucking-hara had some balls to intercept~! "
" Zip it! She's waking up! "
Groggily, you stared at the two of them, sitting opposite each-other on the end of your bed. Judging by the bright white, you were most likely in the infirmary.
Chuuya was the first to lean in, he must have not noticed his hand coming to rest over yours which were folded nearly over your stomach. He had hope in his eyes, contrasting with the emotion you last remember them in. " Y/N? " He called out to you, taking a glimpse at the steady heart monitor.
Testing your voice, you let out a low hum before croaking out a meek, " Heya. "
Dazai was the first to break a laugh at your first words. His and Chuuya's eyes were soft.
" Don't look cute, I'm pissed at you both. " You huffed, turning your head to the side, avoiding them both.
Chuuya held your hand a little tighter, he understood if you decided to be unhappy with him. " Sorry, Y/N. I really fucked that up. Shit, I just didn't know what to do. " He explained himself with such compassion you were urged to look at him again. " I guess I discovered seein' you like that. Uh. In trouble and stuff, makes me seize up badly. "
From the corner of your eye you saw Dazai huff before standing up, but Chuuya held onto your attention as he continued speaking tenderly to you, " I thought that this loser would have planned a set-up and knew that was gonna happen but. It took too long. I realised last second he didn't plan shit. "
" Hey! Don't be so rude, Chuuya~ Besides, if it weren't for me, precious princess would've been shot. " You saw Dazai reach into his back pocket for something you couldn't quite recognise yet.
" Oh, that was you, Dazai? " You asked, alluding to the sudden drop during the action. " Yuup~ And y'know what the best part is? "
You quirked a brow and stole a shared glance from Chuuya. Dazai was unexpectable.
" Since me and Chuuya are so nice.. "
So Chuuya was in on this too?
Dazai paused his sentence and hummed in a baby-ish voice. " Kill me and the girl goes too! " He mocked, earning him an earnest giggle from you. " That wasn't funny, Dazai! I was scared! " You retorted, but still couldn't wipe that smile off of your face.
" Sorry, sorry. But, like he wanted, he's not dead. "
Dazai held the object he had pulled out in front of him. Bloodied priars.
" Technically death caused by unattended injuries is not 'killing him' on MY end, isn't that right, Chuuya? "
Chuuya nod his head before you.
They have that man locked in a fucking basement.
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©yawarakaizai 2023 ﹒﹒ reblogs appreciated! requests open :3
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jupiternity444 · 27 days
France Márquez: "I met them on Netflix"
On August 15, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, landed in Colombia, dazzling the press: "British royalty" descended from the sky! Why did they come? France Márquez Mina, the vice president, invited them. What was the purpose? Simple: they financed a trip for the dukes to dedicate themselves to making an unfortunate...
On August 15, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, landed in Colombia, dazzling the press: "British royalty" descended from the sky!
Why did they come? France Márquez Mina, the vice president, invited them. What was the purpose? Simple: they financed a trip for the Duke and Duchess to dedicate themselves to an unfortunate "humanitarian tourism".
During their visit, they acted as luxury tourists: they visited vulnerable communities, received gifts, enjoyed gourmet cuisine, and were treated as superior beings. In return, they spouted some banalities in forums and chats, posed for "official" photos on social networks and took selfies with everyone who asked for them.
Why did France Márquez decide to invite the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to do "humanitarian tourism"? The answer seems implausible, coming out of Creole stand-up comedy. At a press conference, the vice president revealed her motivation: "I met Meghan and Harry through the media, but above all I saw the Netflix documentary about their life and story, and that moved me and motivated me to say: that is a woman who deserves to come to our country and tell her story. Their exchange will undoubtedly be a strengthening for so many women in the world."
Márquez, as a dazzled fan and a capricious child, used her power as vice president to meet the media stars who moved her. It's like watching a bad gringo comedy in real life.
Beyond the expense for their visit, it is worth asking: what real change has it generated in the communities they visited? What impact does this media display have on the lives of the people in those places?
Let's analyze the visit of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex during their four days in Colombia. At the Colegio Cultura Popular, they debated with the students about social networks and technology. The questions are: what real impact did this talk have? What useful message could the Duke and Duchess have conveyed?
To begin with, the social networks of celebrities like them are not managed by themselves, but by teams of experts in image management. The Duke and Duchess are not experts in social networks for young people; What little they know comes from what their advisors have taught them to have a cordial and friendly conversation with the students.
There was no tangible impact on the lives of these students, either in the short or long term. All that remained were cliché phrases, obvious advice, selfies and the empty emotion of having met British royalty. There were no pedagogical gifts (such as books), nor agreements for scholarships or resources that could benefit the most vulnerable students. This visit was humanitarian tourism, a banal moment that only served for the Duke and Duchess to reinforce their image as empathetic figures concerned about the problems of youth.
After the staging at the school, the Duke and Duchess went to the National Center for the Arts in Bogotá, where they attended a theater performance and a colorful dance show. On this occasion, they left behind their role as humanitarian tourists to put on their royal crowns. They were offered a beautiful cultural show, designed for their entertainment, although, of course, the official version says that they were shown the artistic richness of our country.
Harry and Meghan's visit was, in essence, a show of neocolonialism, ironically promoted by a vice president who, in theory, fights against it. This is where the cultural neocolonialism of the tour began: our culture was exoticized, reducing it to a set of picturesque features that indulge the curiosity of first-world observers like the dukes, ignoring the complexity and real challenges faced by our artists.
Was there any positive impact on the National Center for the Arts? Some useful international convention, managed resources, or at least media exposure for artists? Nothing of the sort. The media did not mention what was presented in the show or who the artists are, they passed as anonymous; There are only photos of the Duke and Duchess as protagonists, smiling and enjoying the show. In short, the only "gain" of this visit was a few applauses.
Later, the Duke and Duchess closed their first day in Bogotá by participating in the Responsible Digital Future Forum, where they spoke about social media safety for young people. Although the forum featured quality experts and panelists, Harry and Meghan's participation brought the same thing to the table as their visit to the school: nothing. Two royals repeating clichés and the obvious about a subject they don't master. Of course, dozens of selfies were taken with those who did not want to miss the opportunity to be photographed with royalty.
On Friday, August 16, the Duke and Duchess continued their "humanitarian tourism" by visiting the La Giralda school in Bogotá. There, they enhanced their image of "child-concerned leaders" playing with young children in an art class and planting trees in the backyard, an eco-friendly activity that always gets a lot of "likes" on social media. Photos of the smiling dukes with children from a third-world country and the eco-friendly gesture were essential to their public relations campaign. The dukes are a sweetness!
This school is located in a vulnerable neighborhood, and the visit of the Duke and Duchess did not bring changes or tangible well-being for the children or the institution. The real winners were the dukes, taking with them publicity, empathy, followers, and some gifts from the children: two ponchos, some dolls and letters with messages that, hopefully, the duchess could have kept if she found one of them picturesque enough. The others, who knows, could already be in the trash.
The vice president said that this visit "enhances the socio-emotional skills of students, giving priority to mental health." Seriously? For many of those children, all that will remain is a photo and a blurry memory. Their daily worries, such as consuming three meals a day or the daily shortage of resources, are not going to change because they planted a tree with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.
The Duke and Duchess then visited the Inclusive Rehabilitation Center, where they strategically arrived in time for a training session with Team Colombia of the Invictus Games, the sporting event founded by Prince Harry for military personnel wounded in combat. After a tour of the facilities, they pretended to "marvel" at the pool, the climbing wall and the gym. The soldiers, happy, presented the prince with a commemorative plaque, recognizing his dedication to the recovery of former soldiers injured in combat through sports.
As an anecdote, Harry and France Marquez's spouse played a game of sitting volleyball with the former military personnel in rehabilitation, while Meghan and France cheered from the bar. What a display of empathy, simplicity and kindness! A real media spectacle that well deserved another plaque for Harry.
But while photos of Harry playing volleyball with wounded servicemen circulate everywhere, the reality of Colombian soldiers wounded in combat is far less glamorous. They make up a population of 210,000 people, of which 58% live in poverty, 58% only reach the maximum level of high school education, 86% are not working, 26% have a disability and practically non-existent labor insertion, according to figures from the Directorate of Veterans and Inclusive Rehabilitation (DIVRI).
Faced with this worrying panorama of the Colombian ex-military, what positive change did the visit of the Duke and Duchess bring? None. There were no donations of prostheses, wheelchairs, or improvements in the facilities. The only beneficiaries were the dukes: Harry took home a plaque that reinforces his image as a celebrity committed to inclusion and disability, and excellent media exposure. Because of course, the prince even played volleyball with them. How moving! Lots of hearts for Harry's photos.
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex then traveled to Cartagena de Indias, a city where neocolonialism and gentrification are breathed in the sea breeze. Their first stop was at the Cabildo de La Boquilla Drum Workshop School, where they joined a percussion class, played drums and participated in a performance with the students.
The media highlighted two "great" anecdotes: Harry and Meghan played drums with "a lot of rhythm" and Meghan even danced with the children. What a thrill! The visit was but an example of cultural neocolonialism, where the dukes turned traditional music and dances into simple objects of aesthetic consumption, ignoring their deep meaning for the community.
Beyond this, the children of La Boquilla were reduced to marketing objects to enhance the public image of the dukes, while their community, trapped in poverty and gentrification, continues to struggle to preserve their ancestral territory. The Raizal communities are seen as a "spectacle" for the delight of the tourist, in this case, the British royalty. Reinforcing negative stereotypes about Raizal cultures, presenting them as "primitive", "exotic" or "backward".
According to official sources, the dukes, experts in parenting and culture, offered local parents valuable advice on how to raise their children amid a reality that Harry and Meghan could hardly imagine. WTF!
In the end, the visit was a banal spectacle, more marketing for the dukes, who live by selling smoke, by projecting an image of charity and concern for the children of the world, while the reality of the communities they visit remains exactly the same.
The next stop was San Basilio de Palenque, the first free town in America. There they appreciated cultural samples and talked with leaders about cultural identity, structural racism and historical reparations for slavery. This pod seems like a joke: a British royal, descendant of the largest slave empire in history, giving lessons on racism and slavery. The visit lasted an hour; It was a "flash", they took longer to come and go. Neocolonialism in all its splendor.
There, the dukes acted as white salvationists, perpetuating a racial hierarchy where whites are seen as superior and non-whites as in need of ransom. Their presence reinforces the idea that Raizal communities are passive victims who can only be "rescued" by power figures. They need to be taught how to live their lives, overcome the racism and slavery that their ancestors experienced. In addition, the visit perpetuates stereotypes of poverty and lack of development, suggesting that these communities cannot improve without the intervention of white saviors.
To top off the visit, Meghan Markle attended the summit "Afro-descendant Women and Power: Voices of Equity" in Cali, where her interventions were limited to clichés and banalities typical of a self-improvement coach. The headlines highlighted her "nice" action of adjusting a fan for herself and how Prince Harry mingled with attendees to listen to his spouse.
And to close with a flourish, Meghan and Harry danced salsa, showed off their skills and the duchess said goodbye to Colombia in Spanish, as if that could erase the superficiality of her visit.
It is not yet clear how much the "humanitarian tourism" trip of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, invited by the vice presidency, cost Colombia. The Ministry of Equality promised a statement to detail the expenses, while the vice presidency mobilized time, personnel and resources so that part of the costs were covered by international cooperation agencies.
According to various media, the visit did not result in concrete agreements or specific projects, beyond the good intentions of collaborating with the Archewell Foundation of the dukes.
Who are the Duke and Duchess of Sussex? Prince Harry, son of the current British king, and Meghan Markle, an American actress and model. Harry, with no outstanding academic achievements or spokesperson for a cause; His only "achievement" is being born into British royalty. Meghan also does not have an outstanding career. The couple married and as in many families, Meghan disliked her spouse's grandmother, her in-laws and her brother-in-law, due to her race and temperament incompatible with her brother-in-law's spouse, according to royal gossip magazines. They decided to move away from the royal family and stop receiving money from their father (not to be a supporter). seeking to sustain their luxurious lifestyle through contracts and conferences.
Without notable skills or professions, they sell their image. Netflix paid them $100 million for documentaries that glorify their lives and portray them as victims of oppression, a trick that touches empty brains, as happened with the vice president of Colombia, who sees in them people to admire. Their popularity allows them to charge high sums for conferences and public appearances, such as the million dollars Harry received for speaking at a private JP Morgan summit in 2020.
Visits like these help them to have a huge media impact, monopolizing the international press. The more popular they are, the more money they make.
France Márquez stated that the visit of the Duke and Duchess was crucial to address cyberbullying and discrimination, promoting female leadership in Colombia and in the world. However, this is nothing more than empty promises. The reality is that the only beneficiaries were the dukes, who reinforced their media and monetary image.
Today, the disappointment generated by France Márquez is growing. As vice president and minister, her performance has been almost nil in terms of generating real change for the vulnerable populations she represents. Although he leads a ministry with resources to improve the lives of the population, his work is limited to appearing in the media with banal actions and without tangible impact.
The visit of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex is a clear example of their search for prominence. France Márquez not only managed to monopolize the national and international press, but also fulfilled her personal desire to meet these figures she admires. His performance seems more like a celebrity whim than a real government management.
After the visit, the children of La Boquilla will not have new drums, nor improvements in their facilities or in their food. Her role as Minister of Equality should focus on improving the living conditions of those communities, not on bringing celebrities for her own enjoyment. Who will be your next guest? That will depend on which documentary she watches on Netflix that moves her.
Diana Patricia Pinto
Social communicator and journalist, master's degree in Business Management and Tourism Organizations. Author of books of short stories and novels for children, young people and adults. She is also the author of academic books on tourism, communication, and politics. He writes avant-garde poetry, self-help and reflections. He currently has thirteen books published in different genres and themes. Director of Cartagena Post, an information portal of Cartagena de Indias. Creator of the podcast Plétora. University professor for more than 15 years, in the areas of communication and tourism in important Colombian universities. Creator of several innovative academic programs at a public university in her city. She has higher studies in Marketing Management, project management and university teaching. She is an opinion columnist for Latin American media and portals. On all social networks you find her as a @dianapatrypinto Website: http://dianapatriciapinto.com
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thedarkmistress16 · 1 year
Hetalia G8 (+ Canada, Romano, and Prussia) as Teachers (2/3)
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Part 1. Part 3.
~Shared Classes~
Traditional Art. Italy, Romano, France, and Japan. Italy will bring in instructors and friends of his to provide their perspective on a specific art movement or style he’s covering, though Italy usually wants them to stay longer and chat with him despite their busy schedules. Even interrupting their guest’s demonstrations at times. He likes bringing in France for the Impressionism movement, Japan for his bold lineart, and Romano to let his brother show off his art skills.
Italian: Italy and Romano. Despite Italy dragging his brother to instruct the course with him on many occasions, Romano is notoriously awful at teaching languages because he frustratedly curses at the students every time. The board still hasn’t done anything about this despite specifically only wanting the younger Italian brother to teach the language.
Technology: Germany, Japan, and America. Germany brings them in for their perspective on the topic and to describe how their cultures advanced their usage of technology as a comparison point between different origin factors, but mainly concerning culture and purpose. Students suspect Germany does this because he can’t teach the required modern section of the course worth shit, and he always denies this despite it clearly being true. He becomes too intimidating on the topic when the students push him on it, and they all quickly back down each time with Japan cringing or America laughing in the background.
Physical Education: Germany, America, and Russia. A German, American, and Russian walk into a gym. The German focuses on posture and overall execution during workouts while the American puts emphasis on stamina and speed, as the Russian encourages improving one’s power and aggressiveness. The American tells the two about his personal training program he wants to pitch to the board to get the kids in shape quickly. The German and the Russian look at the American like he’s insane and chides him for suggesting such a torturous training regimen under the guise of a “cowboy camp.”
Physics: Germany and Russia. The worst class to take because both instructors are bad at being sociable and making the classroom a friendly environment to work in. They also take the course way too seriously. When they start getting into arguments with each other, the students brace themselves as they continuously remind themselves to stay for their degree. Students would report this, if both teachers didn’t stop fighting like a flip of a switch, startling the students and making them wish they took another course instead.
Finance: America and Russia. Despite butting heads constantly, they provide some seasoned insight on the dangers of spending over budget, what loans and credit company practices to look out for, and how to shop smart by comparing prices and understanding return policies in stores and online. This is in part due to their different experiences when it comes to their own finances and how they handled their money. Most students are pleasantly surprised at how smoothly these lectures go and typically feel more confident when approaching their own finances.
Communications. America, Prussia, and Britain. He brings in Prussia for his equally loud and commanding presence, on top of them getting along well and having fun with the class. He only invites Britain when he wants to show his students what a bad example of public speaking is, much to the Englishman’s chagrin. Cue America snoring obnoxiously at the back of the classroom as Britain attempts to try and teach America’s students “something useful about the spoken word in proper English.”
Architecture: France and Britain. They bicker constantly with unnecessary details when comparing their buildings and never stop one-upping each other on who did whatever best. Yet they always manage to stay on topic somehow, which makes the notetaking an absolute nightmare when students read over it later. They realize none of it will be useful on the tests, probably. So they throw their notebooks to the ground in irritation, wanting to switch classes as soon as possible.
French: France and Canada. While France officially and gladly gave Canada the position due to his own course workload, he still pops into Canada’s language class from time to time to lend his own demonstrations and assist with conversations. Trusts his younger brother to teach it despite being peeved that the students are learning more Canadian French nuances than European French ones.
Health. China and America. China only brings in America to make an example out of his unhealthy habits and make fun of him in the process. Every time America falls for the invitation, despite knowing better, and ends up sulking away from a very pleased China.
Filmmaking: Everyone. On rotation. Fight me.
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thesimonhawthorne · 1 year
Simon Heywood
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Name: Simon Tristan Heywood
Age: 30
Birthday: August 22nd, 1992
Birthplace: East Haven
Gender: Cis man (he/him)
Occupation: Investment Banking Associate at East Haven Bank
Back in East Haven for: around 6 years.
Neighbourhood: Primrose Hills
Education: Bachelor in Finance (UPenn), Master in Financial Management and Business Law (HEC Paris)
Languages: English, French
Marital status: Single
Children: None
Key family members: Julian Heywood (brother), Sydney Heywood (sister), Quinn Heywood (sister), Arthur Heywood (father), UTP Heywood (mother)
Wanted Connections - Living Space
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-Simon is the youngest of the Heywoods.
-Simon got a good last name at birth that came with privileges and he’s never seen any reason to deny himself the pleasure of using them. Does that mean he comes off as entitled? Maybe, but then again why would he care?
-When the time came to study, Simon could boast about his acceptance to UPenn (and he did) in a finance major. Very determined to make a good life for himself and keep up with the good name he’d been given, he worked hard. Math and all that stuff had always come easy to him. That didn’t mean he worked so hard it prevented him from enjoying the high life of college and fraternity life in an Ivy League school. Oh, that he did. Once again, why would he not?
-With good results, he graduated in the top of his class and was able to get into HEC in France for a Master's in Finance Management and Business Law. He spent two years there, enjoying the pleasure of the Parisian lifestyle. If you know him, you will have heard of the “small unknown café in the 4e” where he’s “basically best friends with the owner”, but you wouldn’t understand. Or the long nights on the Champs de Mars, even though he preferred of course the lesser known soirées in the Jardin Tino Rossi. Which you wouldn’t get either. 
-Although he will tell you that he almost stayed in Paris, he came back to East Haven after a successful internship around six years ago. He quickly got a job as an investment banking analyst at East Haven Bank and was eventually promoted to associate. Don’t let the snob party animal fool you, he’s pretty good at his job too.
-Maybe that’s just the thing actually. Yes, he’s good at all he does and believe me he’ll let you know about that. Several times. Does that mean he deserves everything he wants? I mean, yeah, of course. But that also means that to be worth anything, he can’t quit, he can’t stop. And if that means ignoring some stuff, pushing some stuff aside? Then so be it.
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ithacanradio · 2 years
btw i just wanted to clear up one thing about reformism vs revolution in practice: with today's forces in the west there cannot be a revolution. this is the result of forty years of class war waged by the bourgeois, so that even the country where the communist party was stronger, Italy, today is very entrenched in red scare and angling towards fascism. this does not mean we should veer towards reform or social democracy because this line of action does not work.
but we should not shun every party as a "reformist" one: to build up again enough strength within the social class, you need to broadcast your ideas to the public, and you need to start guiding the opinion instead of scrambling after mass movements that then die out. A party is a perfect means to achieve much of this. I am not talking about bourgeois parties financed by corporations of course. But there have been socialist organizations blooming throughout the west (France, Italy, Portugal, even the US recently), whose members are all working class, all of them studied theory, all do want a revolution. Whether these parties manage to accomplish their goal of class reunification is to be seen, but to do that they need to rebuild from basically scratch a relationship with the masses. Which means being there in fights, protests, and never compromise for anything less than what Marxist study and revolutionary conscience drives towards: not standing for the burgeois like AOC does, but demanding free healthcare, free education, housing as a human right, minimum wage, no tolerance towards fascism and discrimination. These demands do have the power of rallying the working masses and conversely they could never be brought as far by a disorganized movement. So reformism and political parties who organize the masses with the goal of changing the balance of power, are not the same thing.
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drogba-prospect · 10 days
Blue Ocean Sprint
Middle School Course
Animal husbandry is the branch of agriculture concerned with animals that are raised for meat, fibre, milk, or other products. It includes day-to-day care, management, production, nutrition, selective breeding, and the raising of livestock. Husbandry has a long history, starting with the Neolithic Revolution when animals were first domesticated, from around 13,000 BC onwards, predating farming of the first crops. By the time of early civilisations such as ancient Egypt, cattle, sheep, goats, and pigs were being raised on farms.
Especially in developing countries, such flocks may be a part of subsistence agriculture rather than a system of trade. Sheep themselves may be a medium of trade in barter economies.[23]
As a key animal in the history of farming, sheep have a deeply entrenched place in human culture, and are represented in much modern language and symbolism. As livestock, sheep are most often associated with pastoral, Arcadian imagery. Sheep figure in many mythologies—such as the Golden Fleece—and major religions, especially the Abrahamic traditions. In both ancient and modern religious ritual, sheep are used as sacrificial animals.
The practices of Yahwism included festivals, ritual sacrifices, vow-making, private rituals, and the religious adjudication of legal disputes.[7] It is unclear where the fleur-de-lys originated. Among the Egyptians, Persians, Arabs and Greeks, this arabesque evoked warrior-like power. It may be a crista (a sun symbol associated with the power of pagan warriors) or even a stylized phallus suggesting fertility. Brought back from the Crusades, the symbol became tied to the history of French kings after Louis IX’s canonization as Saint Louis on 11 August 1297. In depictions of the king’s life, a crista shines above his head by God’s will. This “tongue of fire” — a Biblical symbol — meant that the kings of France were chosen, crowned, and granted their power by God. The Spiritual Baptist faith is a religion created by persons of African ancestry in the plantations they came to in the former British West Indies countries predominantly in the islands of a Grenada, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Tobago and the Virgin Islands. It is syncretic Afro-Caribbean religion that combines elements of the many varied traditional African religions brought by the enslaved populations combined with Christianity. Spiritual Baptists consider themselves to be Christians. Capricornus is one of the 88 modern constellations, and was also one of the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd century astronomer Claudius Ptolemy. Its old astronomical symbol is  (♑︎). Under its modern boundaries it is bordered by Aquila, Sagittarius, Microscopium, Piscis Austrinus, and Aquarius. The constellation is located in an area of sky called the Sea or the Water, consisting of many water-related constellations such as Aquarius, Pisces and Eridanus. It is the smallest constellation in the zodiac. The Planetary Intelligences are invoked in occultism to control the blind forces of the planetary spirit, specifically in the creation of astrological talismans.[4] The Planetary Intelligence are also formally invoked in Planetary Charity to help ameliorate poorly dignified planets in a natal chart.[5] Cancer Aries Constellation Conjunction with Capricorn Taurus Constellation Conjunction.
Rambouillet FX Listing Pegs: Copper & Gold; Agriculture Central Hedge Fund, Mining Unions, Peninsula Agronomique Engineering, Commodities Options Exchange (Credit Spread Options, Farm REITs, Crop Production; Fertelizers and Seeds; Equipment; Distribution and Processing Stocks, Ag ETFs and ETNs, Ag Mutual Funds), Tableau Économiques, Investments Farms REITs, Scallops Mollusk Razor-Razorblade Model Port Economics, Art Financing Bon Vivant.
Sheep as a House Pet. Cottage or Homestead. No Cows, Horse, Dogs, Cats, or Rabbits.
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Universal Business School Mumbai: Comprehensive Guide on Fees, Admission Process, and Course Duration
Universal Business School (UBS) Mumbai stands as one of India's premier institutions for management education, offering a blend of global business practices with a focus on sustainable development. This guide delves into the key aspects of pursuing an MBA at UBS, including detailed insights into the fees structure, the step-by-step admission process, and the duration of the programs offered.
1. Overview of Universal Business School Mumbai Located in the scenic Karjat, just outside Mumbai, Universal Business School Mumbai (UBS) offers a unique learning environment that blends natural beauty with state-of-the-art facilities. UBS is renowned for its global partnerships with institutions like Cardiff Metropolitan University (UK) and La Rochelle Business School (France), providing students with international exposure.
2. Course Offerings and Duration UBS Mumbai offers various programs tailored to meet the diverse needs of aspiring business leaders. The flagship program is the Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM), which spans two years. This program includes specializations in Marketing, Finance, Human Resources, and Operations. Additionally, UBS offers a Global MBA in collaboration with international partners, which also lasts for two years. Students opting for the Global MBA have the opportunity to study abroad for a part of their course duration.
3. Fees Structure The fee structure at Universal Business School varies depending on the program chosen. For the PGDM program, the total fees range from INR 8 lakhs to 15 lakhs, depending on the specialization and additional certifications selected. The Global MBA program, with its international exposure, is priced higher, ranging from INR 14 lakhs to 20 lakhs. This fee includes tuition, study materials, and access to campus facilities. Additionally, students opting for the Global MBA program need to budget for travel and accommodation expenses during their study abroad period.
4. Admission Process The admission process at UBS Mumbai is rigorous, designed to select candidates with a strong academic background and a passion for business. The steps include:
Application Form: Interested candidates need to fill out the online application form available on the UBS website. This form requires details of academic qualifications, work experience (if any), and entrance exam scores.
Entrance Exam Scores: UBS accepts scores from various national-level entrance exams like CAT, XAT, GMAT, CMAT, or MH-CET. A competitive score in one of these exams is crucial for securing admission.
Group Discussion and Personal Interview: Shortlisted candidates are invited for a group discussion (GD) followed by a personal interview (PI). These are conducted to assess the candidate's communication skills, leadership potential, and overall suitability for the program.
Final Selection: The final selection is based on the candidate's overall profile, including academic performance, entrance exam scores, GD/PI performance, and relevant work experience.
5. Scholarships and Financial Aid UBS Mumbai offers a variety of scholarships based on merit, need, and diversity. Scholarships can cover up to 50% of the tuition fees, making quality education accessible to deserving students. Additionally, UBS has tie-ups with several banks to provide educational loans at competitive interest rates.
6. Campus Life and Opportunities The UBS Mumbai campus is designed to provide a holistic educational experience. With modern classrooms, a well-stocked library, and various recreational facilities, students have ample opportunities to grow academically and personally. The campus also hosts numerous workshops, guest lectures, and industry visits, ensuring that students are well-prepared for the corporate world.
7. Conclusion Universal Business School Mumbai is an excellent choice for students seeking a global business education in India. With its robust academic programs, diverse student body, and strong industry connections, UBS prepares its graduates to excel in the dynamic business world. The investment in education at UBS, both in terms of time and money, is likely to yield significant returns, making it a top choice for aspiring business leaders.
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nimilphilip · 29 days
Top Finance Courses in France for International Students (2024)
France, a nation synonymous with cultural grandeur, exquisite cuisine, and innovative spirit, also boasts a world-renowned financial sector. For international students with a passion for finance, studying in France offers a gateway to a rewarding career in a vibrant and dynamic financial hub. This Cliftons Study Abroad blog unveils the top finance courses in France for international students in 2024, exploring diverse specializations, program structures, and valuable insights for a successful application journey.
Why Study Finance in France?
Globally Recognized Degrees: French finance tiers are relatively respected with the aid of international employers, beginning doorways to interesting career opportunities in France and abroad.
Strong Focus on Innovation and Research: French business faculties ("grandes écoles") emphasize progressive monetary gear, modern-day studies, and a culture of ahead-wondering finance.
Industry Connections and Internships: Many programs offer internships with leading financial institutions, providing practical experience in the French financial sector.
Multilingual Learning Environment: While French language proficiency is often required, programs offering English-language options exist, and fluency in French enhances your employability.
Cultural Immersion in a Financial Hub: Studying in France permits you to revel in its rich tradition, and history, and immerse yourself in an outstanding European economic middle.
Top Finance Courses in France for International Students (2024):
Master of Finance (MSc Finance): This large-based total application affords a sturdy basis in numerous finance topics, which include company finance, monetary markets, investment analysis, and change control. Offered through several French enterprise schools, this application prepares graduates for various careers in banking, funding control, and financial consulting.
Master in Corporate Finance (MSc Corporate Finance): This specialized software specializes in the monetary control of corporations, overlaying regions like mergers and acquisitions, capital budgeting, and economic evaluation. Ideal for college youngsters desiring careers in corporate finance, investment banking, or private fairness.
Master in International Finance (MSc International Finance): This application equips students with the talents to navigate the complexities of world monetary markets. Covering worldwide exchange finance, foreign exchange markets, and international funding, this software prepares graduates for careers in global finance, banking, and multinational groups.
Master in Financial Markets and Investments (MSc Financial Markets & Investments): This application makes a specialty in the analysis and management of funding portfolios. Students delve into asset pricing, portfolio ideas, hazard management, and financial derivatives. Ideal for college students interested in careers in investment banking, asset management, and financial evaluation.
Master in Quantitative Finance (MSc Quantitative Finance): This software consists of advanced mathematics, facts, and computer programming skills in finance. Students discover approximately quantitative modeling, monetary risk management, and algorithmic buying and selling. This software program prepares graduates for careers in quantitative finance, change management, and monetary engineering roles.
Master in Fintech and Innovation (MSc Fintech & Innovation): This emerging discipline blends finance with generation. Students discover topics like blockchain generation, cryptocurrencies, and monetary-era applications. Ideal for college kids interested in careers at the leading edge of innovation in the financial zone.
Master in Accounting and Finance (MSc Accounting & Finance): This application offers combined information in accounting and finance. Students observe economic reporting, auditing, company finance, and economic evaluation. This software program prepares graduates for careers in accounting corporations, corporation finance departments, and economic consulting.
Master of Business Administration (MBA) with a Finance Specialization: This prestigious application affords complete business training with a focal point on finance. Students study various business agency functions, focusing on middle finance areas like company finance, investments, and financial markets. This program prepares graduates for several management roles in the financial offerings organization.
Choosing the Right Finance Course in France:
Specialization: Consider your specific pastimes inside finance, together with company finance, funding banking, or financial markets.
Program Structure and Duration: Research this system's shape (coursework-based totally, thesis-based totally, or blended) and software period (normally 12-24 months).
English vs. French Language Instruction: Choose a software primarily based on your language proficiency and whether you desire to develop your French abilities.
Entry Requirements and Application Process: Understand the college's entry necessities (academic transcripts, GMAT/GRE scores, French language tests) and alertness time limits.
Ranking and Reputation: Research the ranking of the business college and the reputation of its finance program.
Location and Campus Environment: Consider the town or vicinity in which the university is positioned and the kind of campus environment you select.
Cliftons Study Abroad: Your Partner in Your French Finance Journey!
At Cliftons Study Abroad, we understand the complexities of navigating the French education system and applying to top finance programs. Our dedicated advisors can help you:
Identify the most suitable finance program Based totally on your academic historical past, career desires, and favored specialization.
Develop a compelling application package Showcasing your academic strengths, relevant paintings revel in (if any), and motivation to look at finance in France.
Meet entry requirements including assistance with standardized testing preparation (GMAT/GRE) and French language proficiency tests (TCF, DELF).
Navigate the application process For your preferred universities, making sure adherence to cut-off dates and application strategies.
Explore scholarship and financial aid opportunities to manage the cost of studying finance in France.
Prepare for student visa applications and guide you through the immigration process.
Offer pre-departure guidance on accommodation, cultural adjustments, and settling in France.
Unlock Your Financial Future in France!
Studying finance in France presents a unique opportunity to combine exceptional academic preparation with an enriching cultural experience in a global financial hub. With its world-class business schools, innovative approach to finance, and emphasis on practical application, France offers a springboard to a successful career in the ever-evolving world of finance. Contact Cliftons Study Abroad today for a free consultation and let us help you chart your course toward a rewarding future in French finance!
With its esteemed educational institutions, vibrant financial sector, and rich cultural heritage, France awaits you. Are you ready to embark on your French finance adventure in 2024?
Bonus Tip: Explore our website for additional resources on finance programs in France, including university rankings, program details, and scholarship information. With Cliftons Study Abroad by your side, your dream of a flourishing career in finance can take root in France!
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No Limit Roulette: Breaking the Boundaries in Online Gambling
In the world of online gambling, few games command the same level of intrigue and excitement as roulette. Its rich history, spanning centuries, combined with the thrill of spinning the wheel, makes it a favorite among casual players and high rollers alike. But for those seeking to push the limits of their gaming experience, "No Limit Roulette" offers an exhilarating option, breaking the traditional boundaries of online gambling.
The Evolution of Roulette
Roulette, which means "little wheel" in French, originated in 18th-century France. The game has undergone numerous transformations, evolving from a simple wheel in a Parisian casino to a globally recognized symbol of chance and fortune. With the advent of online casinos, roulette became even more accessible, allowing players from all corners of the world to experience the rush of the spin at any time.
Traditional roulette games, whether played in a land-based or online casino, typically have betting limits. These limits are in place to manage the risk for the casino and to ensure that the game remains within a reasonable range for most players. However, for some, these limits can feel restrictive, particularly for high rollers who want to stake larger amounts on their bets. Enter No Limit Roulette—a variant that caters to the desire for higher stakes and greater rewards.
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What is No Limit Roulette?
No Limit Roulette is exactly what it sounds like: a version of the game without the standard betting restrictions. Players have the freedom to wager as much as they like, making it an appealing option for those with deep pockets and a taste for high-risk, high-reward scenarios. This version of roulette is typically found in online casinos that cater to high rollers, offering a more intense and immersive gaming experience.
The removal of betting caps in No Limit Roulette opens up a world of possibilities for strategic play. Players who have developed sophisticated betting systems or who simply want to try their luck with larger bets can do so without the constraints of traditional limits. The stakes are higher, and so too are the potential rewards.
The Appeal of No Limit Roulette
The allure of No Limit Roulette lies in its potential for significant payouts. For players who are confident in their strategies or who simply enjoy the thrill of placing large bets, the lack of a betting ceiling can be highly attractive. Unlike standard roulette, where bets might be capped at a few thousand dollars, No Limit Roulette allows for bets that can reach into the millions, depending on the player's bankroll.
This version of roulette is also appealing because it represents the ultimate test of nerve and strategy. Without limits, players must carefully consider their moves, as the potential losses can be as substantial as the wins. It’s a game where fortune favors the bold, but where careful calculation and a well-thought-out strategy can make the difference between walking away a winner or a loser.
The Risks Involved
Of course, with the possibility of high rewards comes the risk of significant losses. No Limit Roulette is not for the faint of heart or the inexperienced player. The lack of betting limits means that it is possible to lose large sums of money very quickly, especially if the player is not careful or disciplined in their approach.
It is crucial for anyone considering playing No Limit Roulette to set clear boundaries and to stick to a budget. Gambling responsibly is key to enjoying the game without falling into the trap of chasing losses. The excitement of the game should never overshadow the importance of maintaining control over one's finances.
Strategies for Success
Success in No Limit Roulette, like any other form of gambling, relies heavily on strategy. While the game is ultimately one of chance, there are several betting strategies that players can employ to increase their odds of winning.
One popular strategy is the Martingale system, where players double their bet after every loss, with the idea that eventually, a win will recover all previous losses and result in a profit. However, in No Limit Roulette, this strategy can be risky due to the potentially large sums involved.
Another approach is the Fibonacci system, where players increase their bets according to the Fibonacci sequence after a loss. This strategy is considered less aggressive than the Martingale but still carries risks, particularly in a No Limit setting.
A third strategy is the D’Alembert system, which involves increasing or decreasing the bet size by one unit after each win or loss, respectively. This method aims to balance out wins and losses over time.
Regardless of the strategy chosen, it’s important for players to remember that roulette is a game of chance, and no strategy can guarantee a win. The key is to approach the game with a clear plan, a set budget, and the understanding that, ultimately, the outcome is out of the player’s control.
No Limit Roulette offers an exhilarating and unique twist on a classic game, breaking the traditional boundaries of online gambling. It provides players with the freedom to wager as much as they like, creating opportunities for massive payouts. However, with great potential rewards come significant risks, making it a game best suited for experienced players who can handle the pressure of high-stakes gambling.
For those who have the resources and the nerve, No Limit Roulette is the ultimate test of strategy, luck, and self-discipline. It’s a game where the stakes are as high as the wheel spins fast, offering a thrilling experience that truly breaks the boundaries of traditional online gambling.
Web : https://nolimitroulette.online/
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alanshemper · 1 month
[6 August 2024]
After a drawn-out saga involving a restructuring and a management shakeup, one of the most-prominent names in US solar, SunPower Corp., has now filed for bankruptcy.
Over the course of less than two years, the once-darling of the industry was forced to fire workers to cut costs, restate earnings and it defaulted on a credit agreement. In 2024, the firm replaced its chief executive officer, restructured its operations and lost its accountant.
Industry headwinds added to the woes: High interest rates and subsidy changes in California — the US sector’s biggest market — have been a drag for solar firms that expected big growth from President Joe Biden’s signature climate law of 2022.
SunPower said in court papers that it’s carrying about $2 billion in long-term debt and it’s been struggling since October to avoid potential defaults under various financing arrangements. Top shareholders in the firm include France’s TotalEnergies SE.
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shivam95 · 3 months
Exploring Master in Management Fees
In today’s competitive job market, a Master’s in Management (MiM) can be a game-changer. It equips students with essential skills in leadership, strategic thinking, and operational management, making them attractive candidates for a variety of roles in different industries. But, one of the critical considerations for prospective students is the cost of the program. This blog will delve into the Master in Management Fees, including tuition fees, more costs, and potential returns on investment.
Why Pursue a MiM?
Before we break down the Master in Management Fees, let’s briefly discuss why a MiM is a worthwhile investment. Unlike an MBA, which typically requires several years of work experience, a MiM is designed for recent graduates or those with minimal professional experience. This makes it an excellent option for young professionals looking to fast-track their careers.
MiM programs are offered by prestigious business schools worldwide and cover a broad range of subjects including finance, marketing, strategy, and leadership. Graduates from top MiM programs often secure lucrative positions in leading firms, thereby reaping significant returns on their educational investment.
Tuition Fees: A Comprehensive Overview
The Master in Management Fees can vary widely depending on the institution, location, and program structure. Here’s a look at some of the factors that influence these costs:
Geographic Location
The location of the business school plays a significant role in determining tuition fees. For instance, schools in North America, such as those in the United States and Canada, tend to have higher tuition fees compared to those in Europe or Asia. In the US, top MiM programs can cost anywhere between $50,000 to $70,000 per year. In contrast, European programs, although still substantial, might range from €20,000 to €40,000 per year.
Program Duration
MiM programs typically last between 10 months to 2 years. Shorter programs can be less expensive due to the reduced duration, but they may also offer less opportunity for internships and practical experience. Conversely, longer programs might provide more comprehensive learning and networking opportunities but come at a higher cost.
Additional Costs to Consider
Beyond tuition fees, several other Master in Management Fees should be factored into the expense of pursuing a MiM:
Living Expenses
Living expenses can vary significantly based on the city and country where you study. Major cities like London, New York, or Paris have higher costs of living compared to smaller towns. Students should budget for accommodation, food, transportation, and personal expenses. On average, living expenses can range from $15,000 to $30,000 per year.
Books and Supplies
Textbooks, course materials, and other supplies can add to the total cost. These expenses can vary, but students should expect to spend around $1,000 to $2,000 annually.
Travel Costs
If the program includes international study trips or if the school is located far from your home country, travel costs can also add up. It’s wise to divide a budget for flights, visas, and insurance.
Miscellaneous Fees
Some programs may have more fees for student services, health insurance, and extracurricular activities. These can amount to several hundred dollars per semester.
Top-Ranked MIM Programs and Their Fees
Here are some of the top-ranked MIM programs in the world and their Master in Management Fees:
United States
Duke University (Fuqua School of Business): Master of Management Studies (MMS), $59,300 for 10 months
NYU Stern: MS in Accounting, Data Analytics and Business Computing, Marketing and Retail Science, etc., average salary $66,000
United Kingdom
London Business School: Master's in Management, average starting salary $90,000
University of Warwick (Warwick Business School): MSc in Management, £32,250
HEC Paris: MSc in Management, average starting salary $90,000
INSEAD: Master in Management, renowned for global network and alumni connections
ESCP Europe: Master in Management, recognized for international exposure
EDHEC Business School: Master in Management, €46,000
NEOMA Business School: Master in Management, €15,300 per year
WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management: MSc in Management, €34,800
ESMT Berlin: Master's in Management, €49,000
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management: Master in Management, €35,500
ESADE Business School: MSc in International Management, €34,500
IE Business School: Master in Management, €22,800
University of St. Gallen: MA in Strategy and International Management, CHF 9,987 for international students
HEC Lausanne: MSc in Management, CHF 2,320
Nova School of Business & Economics: International Masters in Management, €7,900 per year
Financial Aid and Scholarships
Many institutions offer financial aid, scholarships, and assistantships to help offset the cost of tuition. Scholarships can be merit-based, need-based, or aimed at specific demographics such as international students or women in leadership. It’s crucial to research and apply for these opportunities early, as they can significantly reduce the financial burden.
Return on Investment (ROI)
While the upfront Master in Management Fees can be large, it’s important to consider the potential return on investment. Graduates from top MiM programs often command high starting salaries and rapid career progression. Here’s a closer look at the potential ROI:
Starting Salaries
According to recent data, the average starting salary for MiM graduates can range from $60,000 to $90,000, depending on the industry and location. Graduates from top-tier schools may earn even higher salaries, especially if they enter high-demand sectors such as consulting, finance, or technology.
Networking Opportunities
The value of the professional network you build during a MiM program cannot be overstated. The connections made with classmates, professors, and industry leaders can open doors to job opportunities and career advancements that might otherwise be inaccessible.
Pursuing a Master’s in Management is a significant investment, both time and money. But, the potential rewards, including higher earning potential, accelerated career growth, and extensive professional networks, can make it a worthwhile try. By carefully considering Master in Management Fees like tuition fees, extra costs, and available financial aid, prospective students can make informed decisions and maximize their return on investment.
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