#finance management course in Paris
classicointerior · 6 months
Finance management course in France
0 notes
gretavanfleetposts · 17 days
Chapter One: The Angel of Music
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Summary: In 1880’s Paris, you join the company of the Palais Garnier Opera House, newly financed by your childhood friend Daniel with whom you reconnect, and haunted by the man you will soon come to know as your Angel of Music.
Content Warnings: brief mentions of death
Word Count: 4.7k
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— 🌹 —
By now, there are few who have not heard of the 1884 disaster at the Palais Garnier Opera House. That was the year it burned thanks to the grand chandelier that had lighted the great concert hall since 1861. Its plunge was attributed by the French National Police Force to old, faulty chains that finally gave way under the immense strain that had stressed and stretched the links during its 20 year tenure. But those who subscribed to a box in the opera house and, even moreso, those who performed on that fateful stage, know the true cause of all that crystal and bronze plummeting down on the poor audience in the middle of the only performance of Don Juan Triumphant that would ever be given.
And those who know the true story of the fall of the chandelier should also know of the epic love story that hallowed the halls of that opera house much more definitely.
— 🌹 —
You’d only been a chorus girl for the company of the Palais Garnier Opera House mere months when it switched hands to new management. The old managers had seemed increasingly frazzled by whatever unknown workings of the opera house they undoubtedly dealt with on a daily basis and word of their imminent departure had been spreading like wildfire through the company for only a few weeks time. Of course, plenty of your fellow performers chalked it up to nothing more than idle gossip from pupils with far too much time resting in their hands. But you, having seen a glimpse past the curtain and into the true secrets that the many walls of the opera house hid, suspected that it was those very secrets that had driven them out of their managerial position, longing for an easy retirement after all the stress the place had caused them.
The news had come during a dress rehearsal for Faust that had only progressed to see the dancers stretching and the chorus doing their vocal warmups. That was when the two acting managers waltzed in, looking more relieved than they had in quite some time. Certainly since before you had even joined the company.
It wasn't the sight of the managers looking finally pleased that caught your attention though, nor was it the good-looking man that followed closely at their side who kept his hair long and his facial hair to match, but rather the fourth man who trailed in after all the rest with bright eyes and warm, eager smile, all of which seemed surrounded by perfectly jovial curls that danced upon the top of his head. He looked absolutely delighted to be even gracing the Palais Garnier stage, taking in the grand set pieces and decorated horses with awe. It was a look you recognized, not from your own experience three months prior having witnessed the grandeur up close yourself, but from your childhood, of all places.
When you were children, you'd called him Danny. But now, so many years later, you knew him by another name, so often gracing the public papers which spoke of his many accomplishments: Le Vicomte Daniel de Charon.
“We have an announcement to make, if you will all please gather round. This should only take a moment,” boomed the first of the two managers whose boisterous laugh you'd grown accustomed to hearing echo around the concert hall. He seemed particularly fond of the company's production of Les Contes d'Hoffmann and could be heard all the way from box ten laughing jovially with his other managerial half who preferred to shush him just as loudly.
The performers crowded together to form a huddle not unlike a vibrating mass of nerves, and your one and only friend at the opera took your side to whisper along with the others.
“Suppose the rumors are true, then?”
Joshua was one of the few people you had gotten to know in your very short tenure at the opera house, a fellow chorus boy and understudy with a voice that would soon catapult him to Primo Uomo in good time, you had no doubt. He had lived in a tiny apartment a block away from the opera house all his life and thanks to his mother’s employment as ballet mistress and occasional talent-seeker, Madame Kiszout, he had never gone without art in his life. He’d been raised on music just as much as you had. That was what had drawn the two of you together in the first place; music was no passing passion for either of you. It was the very air that you breathed.
“We regret to inform you all of our immediate retirement from this grand opera house,” the second of your two managers announced, even over the chatter amongst the crowd that never found pause. “I understand that this may be a surprise to some-”
“Although surely not to all,” the first muttered, not too under his breath.
“-but we can assure you, you along with these hallowed walls will be left in the most capable of hands.”
The handsome man with the long hair stepped forward at the behest of his predecessors who grew in eagerness with each passing whisper. But that man that you did not recognize looked to you to be just as eager. You only hoped he was as much a lover of the arts as the rest of you. A fine business it was, although most months you were certain the place barely broke even what with the arguments you’d heard coming from the managers’ office, but for one who took interest in the opera, in music at all, there were riches far finer than profit to be found at the Palais Garnier.
“Monsieur Samuel will be replacing us as acting management effective immediately-”
“Can you believe it?” Joshua grumbled at your ear, “Faust set to premier in three days, our Prima Donna’s health on the fritz, and they mean to abandon us like this?”
“-alongside his financier Le Vicomte Daniel de Charon, who will hopefully find this venture fruitful.” This last part spoken in more of a mutter than the manager’s usual blithe tone.
“Hardly,” you answered absentmindedly, already struck by the way Daniel joined the other three with a hearty smile and a heavy hand clapping Samuel’s shoulder in excited camaraderie.
God, how you had missed that smile, one that had always seemed so sure of itself even during life’s darker moments. Daniel had been like a beacon of light when you’d known him. A day spent in his presence could warm the soul. It was a terrible thing how long you’d now gone without him. Entirely your fault, of course, but terrible nonetheless. But that smile shined so warmly over what was now his opera house that it felt as if no time at all had passed.
“You seem lost in thought. I’d hoped you’d commiserate with me.” Joshua nudged you lightly with his shoulder, watching your face for signs of life.
“I’m sorry,” you offered meekly, unable to tear your eyes from the viscount. “I just…”
You gave up on speaking altogether and Joshua took that as his cue to follow your eyes to the tall, curly-haired boy you had grown up with.
“Do you know him?” he asked.
“I did once, when I was younger. We were something of childhood sweethearts.” The smile on your face could not be helped. “I’m sure he wouldn’t remember me now though.”
“Well, if he was as in love with you as you say, I would think he’d know your face anywhere.”
“Now, now, I can understand you might all have your concerns,” the new manager finally spoke, “and I promise I shall hear each one of them. But for now, we shall continue on with your work as you have already planned and prepared it.”
“But what of the matter of the Prima Donna, sir?” questioned a voice that owned no body from somewhere amongst the cluster of chorus girls and boys, each one more eager than the last to have their chance at understudy.
“What is this matter?” Samuel implored, his eyes searching the crowd for whomever might have brought this matter to attention and, thus, might elaborate. Though, it was one of his forebears which saw fit to explain that trifling detail.
“Ah, our Prima Donna, or that is to say, your Prima Donna, is presently ill. But no matter. She shall be ready for the performance in three days’ time.”
He gave an ardent laugh so as to brush off the matter but this ceased at the sound of Madame Kiszout clearing her throat, as she often did to swiftly procure the attention of her dancers who sometimes preferred to giggle and gossip than pas de chat when told.
“Y/n could do it, good monsieur.”
“I beg your pardon-” her former boss scoffed, a sentiment you could have easily mimicked, but Sam already had his hand raised to silence the man, proof he intended to listen to the woman who had quite a number of years on him.
“Who was it that spoke just now?” he questioned his audience.
“It was I, monsieur,” Madame Kiszout answered as she stepped from the crowd to distinguish herself.
She was a simple woman in hair and dress, always with the same brunette bun held in place by a jade hair comb and a worn black taffeta dress, but one not to be trifled with nevertheless. In fact, when one met her, it was suddenly quite easy to see where her son had acquired his passion. She wasn’t one for nonsense when there was work to be done but she certainly knew how to revel in a good performance. And despite her strict demeanor when running ballet rehearsals, the woman was sweet, her students need not agree.
“It would be a shame if your Prima Donna was not, in fact, ready in three days’ time,” she continued without prompt. “She currently has no understudy but Y/n has been taught well. She knows the role. She can do it.”
“And where might this young woman be?”
Joshua’s hand at your back pushed you forward from your hiding place in the crowd when your feet refused to move on their own accord. You weren't overly fond of drawing attention to yourself and Daniel's eyes fixing to you as you emerged from your shroud didn't help the matter of your nerves, whether he recognized you or not.
“Here, monsieur,” you answered in a voice as meek and quiet as your existence.
“You know the role?” Samuel confirmed.
“Yes, monsieur.”
“And you are trained?”
“By the best,” Madame Kiszout answered in your stead at the sound of your voice faltering.
She was, after all, the only other person who knew of the lessons you'd been receiving from the quiet and secluded confines of your dressing room. Not even Joshua was privy to this knowledge, although he knew of your proclivity to shut yourself in that little room for hours at a time. But he had never so much as uttered the question.
“This is true?” Samuel implored of you.
You gave confirmation by way of a hurried nod. “We meet daily.”
Monsieur Samuel nodded his head once with satisfaction. “Then you shall have your moment. And I shouldn't take any more of your precious practice time.”
You curtsied your quick thank you, stealing a moment to gaze back over to your Daniel who now looked upon you with a curious expression. There, a glimmer of remembrance in the brown pools of his eyes, a mere spark of recognition perhaps. But Joshua's mother was already at your elbow, ushering you along with the quiet fury of a woman who has seen her practice cut short and is eager not to further delay matters.
“Come, come. You must change.”
— 🌹 —
Samuel and his financier made themselves scarce the remainder of the days leading up to the opening of Faust. Samuel had peeked his head through a doorframe to whisper his musings of good luck to the company just moments before the curtain went up, but it wasn't until the second act when you nervously took your place on stage and the curtain rose yet again that you saw another glimpse of Daniel, perched in box ten beside his friend and fellow businessman.
In truth, you remembered little of the performance itself. Each time you sang, your mind seemed to recuse itself. But your body felt it. Your body felt the expulsion of energy as your voice carried high into the rafters of the concert hall, falling upon each attentive ear like a gift bestowed by an angel. Your body felt the fatigue of divine exertion, like God himself was drawing the music from your lungs and you were but a vessel for his intervention. And when your music finally met its natural end and a deafening applause took its place, you felt heavy tears roll down your cheeks.
From box ten where the vicomte sat, you appeared like a weeping angel defending the stage that seemed your natural home with your soul. He sprang to his feet alongside Samuel the moment your voice quieted, joining in on the voracious applause and even offering a sharp whistle with his thumb and pinky to his lips.
“You have a marvel on your hands, Samuel,” he fawned.
“Undeniably,” Samuel agreed. “Makes me wonder why those dusty old managers didn't showcase her talent more. You say you knew her?”
Daniel nodded with his angel still at the focus of his eye, the little white figure with diamonds like snowflakes in her hair practically glowing from the vast candlelight thrown upon her. A heavenly visage, he thought quite. “I did, as a child. We were mad for each other. She did not seem to recognize me earlier though.”
“Well perhaps you should reacquaint yourselves,” his partner suggested. “Find out if she's turned into a diva. I don't like to be given trouble and I certainly hope I didn’t inherit it.”
Daniel practically scoffed at the idea of the girl he knew causing trouble.
“I can assure you, she was no trouble when I knew her and I doubt she is now. She was only…sweet. And good.”
He thought back to the girl he had known, the one with dreams in her eyes and music on her lips. She had dazzled him with her kindness and her beauty, her talents and her curiosities. Before her father had died, her spirit had been the freest thing he knew. He supposed he didn’t rightly know her all that well now but how could little Lottie have changed so much as to cause trouble now? It was still just as unbelievable a notion as the voice which had sprung from her frame and incited the entirety of the concert hall to weep.
Samuel gaped unabashed at his friend.
“You're still in love with her, aren't you?”
He shook his head for naught, the unconvincing lie already being told. “It was a long time ago, Sam.”
— 🌹 —
You didn’t fully return to your body until Madame Kiszout had finally pulled your dressing room door closed after you, shutting herself on the side of the dizzying fanfare that had swarmed the moment you’d left the wings of the stage and made the quick journey through the marble foyer. Flowers had already overtaken the tiny boudoir, blooms and buds overflowing in their bundles on every surface that had been available to the poor runner who had eventually opted to place vases on the floor given the lack of space. Only the little stool in front of your vanity had been spared.
Perching atop the seat and gazing at your appearance in the mirror, you felt you hardly recognized the woman you saw staring back. She looked radiant, far more so than you had felt in quite some time. She practically sparkled and glowed as if lit from within. And the music you had made, music which hadn’t even registered to your own ears as such: your own. It all served to bring tears to your eyes, gentle drops of water that within each held a little elixir of emotions: grief for your father who would have been astonished at what you had accomplished that night, reminiscence over the boy that had watched from box ten and, as such, had brought such a large piece of your past to the very forefront of your mind, and gratitude for the angel which had imparted upon you a mere fraction of his talent without which the audience for that night’s opera wouldn’t have been served up such an achingly beautiful performance. No, the woman in the mirror was hardly you at all. She was a mix of all of the people that had shaped her and guided her and taught her along her way.
There was one singular flower out of place amongst the garden of blooms bursting in every corner of your dressing room, out of place in not only the fact that it was on its own, a sole stem with carefully shaved thorns wrapped with a silky black bow and crowned with one of the more devastatingly beautiful roses you’d ever seen, but it also went without note attached. You inspected it just as carefully as you had your foreign face, twirling the stem between thumb and forefinger and letting the scent catch your nose as you leaned into it. But who had plucked such a perfect posy for you?
The commotion just outside your door had hardly calmed when a knock sounded, followed by Madame Kiszout peeking her head in through the tiny space she had wedged to ensure you were decent. She was known to have a master key which she threatened the use of far more often than she actually employed it. She didn’t tend to barge unless she deemed it important. And you suspected Joshua the catalyst for this great importance.
“Mademoiselle, the Vicomte to see you.”
You’d scold him for it later, when your heart wasn’t suddenly plunging within your body in search of your feet.
“Of course.” You dropped the rose and stood, straightening and smoothing out anything on your person that your hands could fly quickly to in preparation of finally meeting Daniel face to face after those long, sullen years void of his presence. If only he remembered you.
He emerged from behind Joshua’s mother like he was suddenly conjured up there by your ‘okay’, dressed in a smile that reminded you of the frolicking the two of you had done so merrily as children when the world still felt hopeful and bright. That was before your father had died, of course.
The woman pushed him further into the room like a mother urging her son to ask the neighborhood boy to play with him, then sealed the two of you in there alone, her deft reprimands dispersing the crowd on the other side of the door the only proof she had even been there in that room at all. So you found yourself standing rather awkwardly across the room from him, unsure of what to say or if introductions would be proper in the situation of having already met the person you stood before but not so very recently that they might know this themselves.
“You must forgive any intrusion but that was one of the most extraordinary things I've ever witnessed,” he said at last when it seemed he couldn’t bear to stand there doing nothing but wringing his wrists any longer.
“It's no intrusion,” you assured him with a polite smile. “I am very glad to hear it.”
The awkward silence resumed once more as the two of you did nothing but stare at one another. But his eyes seemed to implore so deeply and intensely that you could feel the rouge stipple its way into your cheeks, prickling your skin with tiny little fiery points until they grew into a cover of heat that begged of you, look away!
You felt you were darting off back to your vanity to avoid his direct gaze, opting instead to watch how he lingered many steps behind you in the mirror you now stood before. It was, though, wholly impossible to stand there and maintain the facade that you did not recognize him for his sake and so for your own, you had retreated.
Thankful for the glass that mirrored his tentative step that he took further into the room, you watched his movements through the safe divide between your heated face and the cause of it.
“Never in my life have I heard a voice like that,” he said as he watched you carefully. “Not since we were children and your father played the violin while you sang.”
In a flurry of white taffeta floating through the air as delicately as snow, you squealed and jumped into his arms.
“You do remember me!”
“I could never forget you. Not if I lived a hundred years.”
His arms closed around you, holding you to his chest in an embrace that drew up all of the remembrance and nostalgia from your bones until you were each content with the spark of warmth it had generated.
Daniel seemed to hold that spark in his eye as he fixed his gaze to the woman you had become, only a mere whisper of the woman you had been when he'd known you.
“The way you sang tonight was nothing short of spiritual.”
“Daniel, do you remember those stories my father used to tell us up on the hill under the stars? The stories of the Angel of Music?”
“Of course. His stories were always so imaginative. Then again, we were so easily entertained back then.” His laugh danced about the room as free as a petal might float in the wind.
“It wasn't a story,” you urged more seriously, taking him by the hands to kneel in front of you as you found perch on a stool, leaning in like you meant to whisper to him great secrets that were as old as time itself. “I have been visited by the angel.”
Daniel's laugh rang again. “I have no doubt. I'm certain your father is smiling down on you.”
“No, no, not my father. The Angel my father has sent. He gives me lessons, in this very room-”
“Well, you are quite the student.”
“It's him,” you insisted.
“No, my Lottie, it's you.”
Your chest caved. It seemed your beloved Daniel had shirked his more curious tendencies with age; nothing you could fault him for, of course. Though, he was the singular person on earth that might have understood. He'd known you better than anyone. Longer than anyone. And he'd known your father, too. Maybe even the last to remember him by your side. You had feared even your own memory would fade before your father had sent the angel to you, and you knew that was the reason he'd sent him to you. But Daniel, poor Daniel, he was too far along in the forgetting process, it seemed.
Even so, the soft and gentle desperation behind his eyes that pleaded with his mind to remember you how you were now made your heart do mysterious things in your chest. You might have forgotten that twinkle yourself, that gleam that kept the brown of his eyes warm and his face light.
“God, you are somehow even more beautiful than I remember,” he spoke softly as he studied you the way you realized you were him.
“You know, I…I owe you an apology for running away the way that I did.”
“Not at all-”
“No, I do. You were grieving just as much as I after my father passed and I wasn't there for you. I just couldn't. I couldn't face the world without him. Not even you.”
His curls danced and jumped around his shoulders as he nodded. “I understand.”
“I always meant to find you again but then you became Vicomte and with all that responsibility, I just thought-”
“You owe me no apology or explanation. Really. Whichever fates saw fit to divide us did so knowing we would again find one another. I don't care about the time we spent apart. I care about this now, the time we'll spend together.”
Your emotions sat in waiting at the corners of your eyes, only held back by the reassuring squeeze of his hands engulfing yours. The understanding and appreciation was silent on your face and in your hands but you knew he could feel it. Daniel always could.
“I have not spent even a single day not thinking about you since the last I saw you.”
You gave him a slight shrug of your shoulders where concern was resting heavy. How long you had missed your Daniel. How certain you were that you did not want this opportunity to go to waste.
“I worry I've changed.”
“I'm certain you've changed,” he smiled brightly. “It was so very long ago that we knew one another. But I would like to get to know the new you.”
You gave him a smile that matched his own as the entirety of it came back to you, frolicking on the hills, hand holding that changed its meaning when you became teenagers, confiding in one another all your hopes and dreams, yours to be a great opera singer and his to be a man of his estate. You'd dreamed of marrying him, too. But that was all so very long ago.
“I have a gift for you,” he said suddenly, a spring in his step as he jumped to his feet. “I did not know if you'd remember me, I didn't want to impose myself on you. Will you wait for me here? I'll only be just a moment.”
“Of course,” you smiled, a breath of a laugh fanning over your lips as you watched his excitement carry him practically floating out the door to your little room.
And as you sat there on your little vanity stool, you turned toward the large mirror on the wall to examine your appearance and pinch your cheeks a bit, a fluster of nerves coiling so tightly in your chest you felt you could fly away. You studied yourself that way, the way Daniel had, for a lingering moment, staring into the depths of the mirror and into the depths of your very soul.
That was when the music began.
— 🌹 —
When Daniel returned to his Lottie's dressing room with excitement bursting in his chest which pounded against the little box in his breast pocket, he was greeted first with the sound of muffled conversing, one voice he recognized and one which he did not: a man's voice. He was secondly greeted with something that troubled him even further: a locked door.
“I sang for you, only for you,” Lottie's voice rang out, as plainly as it could have traveled through a sea of flowers, drapery, and finally, heavy wooden door.
The man's voice, now angry, answered in a bellowing cry. “He is an ignorant fool!”
“He's nothing, my angel!”
The conversation continued, dipping down to lower volumes that Daniel couldn't decipher all the while his hand fiddled with the handle that saw fit to keep him from his old friend. Worse yet, she did not even seem to hear him as he called to her from that place behind locked door, her name bursting from his lungs with the quickening of his pulse and the sweating of his palms.
“Then you shall know me finally,” he heard the man say at last. “Come to the mirror. Come to me.”
His love was in danger, of that he was certain. And as a mysterious music lingered in the air and replaced audible conversation, Daniel took to throwing his shoulder at the door as he continued to call out her name in desperation.
But by the time the door gave way and Daniel’s body was sent hurtling into the room all at once with the give of the wood against the frame, the dressing room was already empty.
Taglist: @roving-blade @vanfleeter @readyforthegarden @stardustthread @wrldabomination @josh-iamyour-mama @notsostrangerthing @runwayblues @redundantrachel
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octuscle · 9 months
I want to turn myself into a twinky fuck toy for a wealthy man. Can chronviac help me with that?
Well, as they say, everything's bigger in Texas… I'm a junior partner in a large New York asset management firm. We take care of the high net worth clients. To get into our client file, you have to have over USD 100 million in free liquidity. Our clients are demanding. But we are the best. And we do everything for our customers. Really EVERYTHING!
When I took over the clients of a colleague who had retired a month ago, I thought Chuck Tex was a stage name. Until I had my first appointment with him. His record was more than impressive. Heir to old oil and cattle nobility. Classic career of the Texas oil barons. School in New England, studied in Paris, Oxford and Zurich, founded his first start-up company at the age of 20. And sold at 25 for USD 500 million. Now in his mid-30s, he had not yet inherited a cent from his family, but thanks to his excellent education and connections, he had already amassed a fortune on a par with that of his old man. I expected… Actually, I had no idea what I was expecting… But I certainly didn't expect this:
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Chuck looked like a porn star. Or a marriage fraud. Or just like a man who I couldn't wait to throw me on the bed and fuck me mercilessly. His handshake was firm, but finely dosed just before the pain threshold. His gaze could certainly cut through steel plates. But I was a professional, I kept my composure. After I asked him what I could do for him, he got straight to the point. First of all, he needed some cash for his stay in New York. USD 10,000 would be enough. Gladly 100 dollar bills. But hot off the press, please. That was no problem. I sent a short memo to my assistant and she would take care of it. But the real reason for his visit was a project in Greenwich Village. He had bought a few buildings there that he was renovating. His aim was to restore the Village to its former charm. That's why he wanted to create cheap apartments, studios and stores and eliminate expensive office space. The whole thing was not intended as an investment, more as a hobby. A kind of gay and creative Disneyland. I briefly wondered why I wasn't actually a billionaire… And then I asked Chuck what my role was. Whether I could help with the financing or with saving taxes.
Chuck just grinned. No, saving taxes wouldn't fit in with his understanding of patriotism. And he would have financed it all with his last start-up exit. But he would need someone to take care of the real estate. Someone to ensure the right tenant mix. Someone to give his studio apartment the right finishing touches. I briefly went through my network in my mind. I had a gay acquaintance who owned a number of bars and restaurants. And I also knew a good project developer. And one of my school friends was a hip interior designer. I smiled and said I probably had just the people he needed. Chuck smiled back. It made my heart stop. He didn't want anyone from my network. He wanted me. I was about to say that I was flattered, but that I wasn't available for such projects right now. But instead I said "Of course, Daddy". Did I want to accompany him to the construction site? "If I may, Daddy!" At that moment, my assistant came in with a bundle of freshly pressed banknotes. Chuck smiled and said he needed me for the rest of the day. Please cancel all my appointments. I nodded to her and followed Chuck like a dog to its master.
In his limousine, Chuck asked me if I had ever been to Texas. I answered in the negative. But the boots I was wearing looked authentic. Yeah, they were my pride and joy. But I wouldn't have ridden a bull yet. I shook my head and giggled like a schoolgirl. Chuck kneaded the bulge in his pants and said that I would definitely be fucked by a bull today. I only got out a "Thank you, Daddy". Chuck let me sit on his lap. He undid another button of his silk shirt and exposed his right nipple. Like a puppy on its mother's teat, I began to suckle. Chuck kneaded my bulge and said that I was a good boy.
The car came to a halt in the second row in front of an old brick building. The walls were covered in high-quality graffiti. There was a closed table dance bar downstairs and some kind of jewelry store upstairs. Some kind of jewelry on display. Made of stainless steel. On closer inspection, piercing jewelry, cock rings and stainless steel dildos. I looked in the shop window like a child in the window of a candy store. Chuck took my hand, pulled me into the stairwell and told me that I could choose something later if I was good. He stroked the long hair on the back of my neck. I love my Mullet. I look a bit like the young cowboys on Daddy's Daddy's farm.
We had just arrived at Chuck's empty apartment when I got down on my knees in front of him and unbuttoned his pants. "First you strip for me, boy," Chuck ordered. He tossed me a cowboy hat that was in a closet. "Everything but your briefs, boots and hat!". Eagerly awaiting the reward, I did everything I was told to do. "And now lube yourself up". He threw me a bottle. And I did as I was told. I could feel my hard-earned muscles disappearing. I felt younger and younger. Although it was hard as steel, my cock was getting smaller and smaller. "I think you need a little more decoration, boy," Chuck said and put a chain on me. Satisfied, he looked at me as I sat on the floor and could hardly wait for my reward.
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Chuck took his boner out of his pants. And I leaned back in anticipation. I wanted to be a good houseboy. And today was the housewarming party.
Chuck's pic found @mensuited, yours @hellishin
304 notes · View notes
newagesispage · 3 months
                                                                                    JULY 2024 
     Jason Cooper found a stegosaurus in Colorado. The skeleton is up for auction this month at Sotheby’s. ** Kevin Peterson found a new species of Pterosaur in Australia in 2021. It has now been called the most complete speciman of an anhanguerian from the mid-cretaceous and it had a 15 ft. Wingspan. ** A family in North Dakota found a teen Rex. ** In Montana a Lakiceratops was found. The Cretaceous creature was about 22 feet long, 5and a half tons and looked a bit like a rhino. There were 2 curving horns above the eyes and a headshield with blades and spikes. The plant eater was found only a couple of miles from Canada. 
JB Pritzker seems to have managed the budget in Illinois. For the first time in over 20 years, the state of Illinois is looking good in the finance department. Thank you, Susana Mendoza and the other hard workers that have made the state fifth largest economy in the U.S. ** JB has also unveiled a $41 billion infrastructure bill. Hell, we’ve already got so much done on the roads with the Fed bill, the place will be smooth as silk, 
Gov. Wes Moore of Maryland, pardoned more than 175,000 marijuana and drug paraphernalia convictions. The order was timed for Juneteenth to address decades of social and economic injustice. These are the kind of elected officials we need.  
Chad Daybell was sentenced to death. 
Claudia Sheinbaum is Mexico’s next President. 
The largest Republican event in Illinois, the annual Lincoln Day Dinner was hosted by Mike Johnson with Darin LaHood. ** Why did Johnson invite Netanyahu to speak to congress on July 24. Why? 
Billy Ray Cyrus and Firerose are divorcing and blaming each other for abuse. ** Word is that Ben and JLo have split. 
L.A. and NY seem to be banning cell phones in school. 
Breaking will debut as a new Olympic sport in Paris. 
The California state fair is allowing cannabis tents for selling and smoking. 
Can’t wait for Longlegs with Nicholas Cage and Maika Monroe. Osgood Perkins directs and he also directs Stephen King’s The Monkey. 
Jennifer Saunders and Joanna Lumley will be back for a 2 hour tribute: Ab Fab inside out. 
Watch out for Clay Higgins who was sanctioned by the Anne Frank foundation. 
Jimmy Kimmel is taking the summer off but has left the show with guest hosts. The first week started off with a bang with Martin Short. Kathryn Hahn, RuPaul, Lamorne Morris and Jeff Goldblum will also step in. 
L.A. Police found 3.4 mil in meth at a traffic stop. 
North Korea and Russia have signed a defense pact so that all available means will be used to assist each other. 
History never gets old. 
Stay awake or be arrested- Justice Sotomayor 
The Supreme Court seems to be dragging their feet on some things. They did uphold banning domestic abusers from owning guns. Thomas dissented, of course! ** The Court also allowed emergency abortions in Idaho on a temp basis. The court also weighed in on the census and won’t allow the citizenship question. The ruling about federal agencies allows that they should be able to fill in the details aren’t crystal clear which essentially undoes the Chevron decision. The Court also ruled that outdoor sleeping bans don’t violate the 8th amendment. That takes care of 1 problem the unhoused has. They also ruled that the charge of obstructing an official proceeding must include proof that a defendant tried to tamper with or destroy documents. 
About 2 dozen bottles of preserved cherries and berries have been found in Mt. Vernon. It is surmised that they were left there before the American Revolution. 
When will this selfie generation look back and realize how silly they look all holding up tiny boxes at concerts instead of jammin’? 
Washington Week has new digs. Was finally glad to hear on this show that Kamala Harris is a perfectly great VP and should be the pick IF Biden were to actually step aside. Yes! 
Louisianna has decided that the ten commandments should be in every school room.  The cult propaganda will be paid for by donations. ** Oklahoma is telling teachers to teach bible lessons after 5th grade. These Christian bullies are trying to get everything thru in case their power goes away. They welcome the lawsuits cuz they love this Supreme Court. 
Randy Travis spoke on Capitol Hill about intellectual property and the internet. 
Bolivia had a failed coup attempt. 
 Michael Crichton’s Eruption was finished off by James Petterson. 
The Hollywood Arby’s that has been running for over 50 years has closed. 
Georgia Jagger is having a baby with Cambryan Sedlick. She also has a lotion line called May Botanicals. 
The Panthers won the Stanley Cup. 
Chris Bell won the Xfinity and cup race on the June 22 weekend!!! 
Avery Sehorn, 18 was arrested for breaking and entering and larceny. 
Hunter Biden was found guilty on lying on gun paperwork.  
The U.S. has about 130 thousand orphaned oil wells that could contaminate local water among other risks. 
Jordan Peele will put out his next film in October 2026. 
Trump claims that Joan Rivers voted for him but she died 2 years earlier. ** Poor Debra messing must be in Hell for all the shit she must be getting. It came out that Trump was apparently attracted to her once. ** Scary Clown 45/34 announced he wants tariffs and no income tax. What? About 8 million people fell into poverty during his administration, I don’t think his ideas are sound. 
Biden and Obama had a LA fundraiser hosted by Goerge Clooney and Julia Roberts. Jimmy Kimmel interviewed the gentlemen. The Father’s Day weekend soiree made about $30 mil, a record for a single Dem event. Paul McCartney’s vegan get together pulled together the Stones, the Beatles, Springsteen, Austin Butler and some DJing by Taylor Swift. 
I am glad Jasmine Crockett gave us all the entire context of the ugly exchange between she and the green goblin. Lawmakers waited all day for MTG and her co -horts to get back from supporting their felon to even get on with the business of the people. All that and then MTG starts insulting others. Why do so many want to trample the rights of the rest of us? 
The Tonys were held on June 16. Winners included Daniel Radcliffe, Illinoise, Suffs, Hells Kitchen, Jeremy Strong and Sarah Paulson. The Outsiders won best musical. Angelina Jolie produced and daughter Vivienne was a PA. Hillary Clinton made an appearance as she produced Suffs. My best dressed were Idina Menzel, Erin Darke, Alicia Keyes, Lena Waithe, Paul Tazewell, Daniel Radcliffe, Arianna Debose, Renee Elise Goldsberry, Billy Porter, Elle Fanning, Cynthis Erivo and Kara Young. 
Would we be here if Trump and Netanyahu hadn’t torn up the Iran nuclear deal? Israel has trouble on all sides with Hamas and Hezbollah and Iran. Netanyahu behaves just like Trump in that he won’t talk to journalists who disagree with him. His cabinet is full of Jewish supremacists and extremists. ** Israeli minister Benny Gantz quit and Netanyahu dissolved the war cabinet. ** The U.S. has sanctioned an Israeli group for damaging aid to Palestine. 
Alex Jones is liquidating much of his empire to pay Sandy Hook parents. He can and is still spreading his lies. 
Jiminy Glick interviewed Bill Maher for Real Time. Maher’s book is #1. ** Glick also hosted Kimmel on June 27. 
We are now being told of the bad qualities of Scotchguard. Now that 3M has spread their poison to thousands of products and 50 years have passed since they found out, they have let us in on the secret. 
Aric Almirola was suspended for an altercation with Bubba Wallace after a Nascar race. 
Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Those who prevent history being taught fully intend to repeat it. - Carole Mueller Mcintire 
The First Presidential debate took place on June 27. Dana Bash and Jake Tapper asked the questions on CNN. With 37 years debate experience, Joe Biden disappointed everyone. Trump was measured, firm and confident. Did he babble lie after lie? Yes. Did Biden make Fox news and the other Trumpers come? Probably. The debate was everything the right could have dreamed of. Did he have a cold? People looking for the senior moment did not wait long. I couldn’t help but think that it was almost the opposite of the famous Nixon/ Kennedy debate. People who watched thought Kennedy won but those who listened found it much more even. This time Trump looked mean and Biden looked weak so it was a wash with watching. But, listening, Biden was a mess. Every hesitation, every fumble, every distant stare was a gift to Fox. Biden is slow but rarely wrong. His words were mixed up but there were no outright lies (much) like his opponent. They both dodged questions because they were too busy with their pissing contest. Golf scores?? WTF? It is bizarre when trump is the one that thinks they shouldn’t act like children. Biden was too over rehearsed and Trump had no cohesive answers ** I did love the way they cut off the mikes. That should be a keeper!!!! There is so much wasted time when they talk over each other. I liked the lack of audience too. That is what rallies are for. ** Why does Trump think that Christians don’t vote? ** Back in the day, Presidents didn’t campaign, they let the work speak for them. If Biden stays then he might want to lean into that. I also get tired of Dems listing off those who should take Biden’s place and they never seem to think of our more than competent VP. Kamala Harris hit it out of the park when she was interviewed after. If Joe stays, I am glad she is there. If he feels he can’t go on, she should be our pick. Is it because she is a woman that we don’t think of her first?  She is ready!!! VP’s are always made fun of but let’s not forget how great those VP’s can be when called upon like Lyndon Johnson, Teddy Roosevelt and FDR. If Joe decided to go, Harris/ Pritzker please!! But.. Hey.. At least we are all talking about Joe and not Scary clown for a change. Joe has our attention. I still believe Joe has great people in place and had a bad moment but I am still confident. I don’t know any 81 year olds personally who have a lot of energy at 8 at night. I think we have forgiven Trump for MANY bad days so Joe can have get a pass on this horrid night. 
Debate performances can be overcome. At the first sign of adversity the spineless Democrats want to throw under the bus, their own incumbent President. - Allan Lichtman 
Did the late night guys have a feeling that Joe would blow it and they didn’t want to face it? They all leave on vaca at once? ** It is pretty sad that before the debate, journalists basically thought Trump would be ok if he could just act normal and Biden would be ok if he can stay upright. Both accomplished these small tasks but barely. ** I often joke that Trump must be trying to lose with the things he says but debate night, I wondered if Joe was on our side. Is he trying to lose? 
 I never watch the View anymore but I checked it out after the debate and I have to say I was alarmed by Sara Haines appearance. She always looked so natural and I could hardly see her for all the makeup. To each his own but I found it quite sad. What happened there?? 
I notice that on genealogy shows, the middle child is given away more than one might think. 
Julian Assange pled guilty to conspiring to obtain and disclose classified U.S. National defense documents. The Wikileaks founder was ‘on the run’ for more than a decade. 
The Surgeon General has declared gun violence a health crisis, loneliness as an epidemic and social media a problem too. 
KKK recruitment letters have been showing up in mailboxes. That sounds about right. 
Days alert: Arianne Zucker and Shawn Christian have been engaged since 2021 and are now tying the knot!! ** Please more Tina Huang!! I wish her daughter and Abigail were alive on the always there island. Bring back Jen Lilley! I just can’t believe that I get my Days wish that Brady and Teresa are back together (if only for a moment ) but wrong actress. And seeing Teresa and Leo together really made me miss Gwen and Leo’s friendship. Emily O’Brien is a good Gwen. I hate Gwen. Soaps need those characters. That is the fun of a soap! Just let her go back to Gwen.** Oh no Johnny and Chanel don’t leave!! ** So great to see Clyde. Is he getting sexier? ** It was great to see Julie talking to Marie. Glad she is still kicking in the scheme of the show somewhere. ** I realize how much I miss the Kate and Lucas scenes. They are such a great Mother and son story. Heat that up!! 
Look for the new doc: Liza: A truly terrific absolutely true story. 
Travis Scott was arrested for disorderly intoxication and trespassing. 
The return of the Boeing Starliner has been delayed. Why is this company still going? 
It’s the age of hate. - Charlamagne the God 
The entitlement is that politicians keep raising their wages and giving corporations tax breaks but won’t give us $15 an hour. - Rev. Dr. William Barber, author of White Poverty 
Scary Clown 45/34 made a big show of himself at the Capitol. The ass kissers applauded for a scary long time. Trump told his people, “ Milwaukee, where we are having our convention is a horrible city.” He later clarified that that wasn’t what he meant. He claims that he was just concerned about the crime numbers and that he wants to be safe. Homicide is down 41%. Well, now Dems have billboards all over Milwaukee and there are t shirts on line with his hate. ** I love Milwaukee- Joe Biden ** and BTW, despite the insane fear mongering that Fox news spreads, crime is actually down across the country. When they are confronted with facts they claim that it doesn’t ‘feel’ like it. How do they live with themselves?? 
Al Capone would kill Mike Lindell. - Trump 
The Republicans blocked a bill to regulate the Supreme Court. I will never understand this need to let authority run roughshod over this country. And this pattern of distrust and secrecy from Nixon to Reagan to Trump and the Bush’s. Power and money is not enough, they must push the rest of us down. What is that about? Why do they want us to be Russia? The whining about the way the court behaved in regards to Trump is priceless. Let them go to court in Russia and see how fair it is. ** Trump wants to lower corporate tax rates even more. He visited a black church over Father’s Day weekend in Detroit. Detroit is 77.8% black.The black pastor tried to get more African Americans to come to the service. There were a couple of local rappers and a former mayor just out of prison. Cameras panned back to show the pews filled with mostly white men in MAGA hats and Trump mug shot tee’s. ** What is this obsession with water pressure? Is this just Florida?  I don’t know anybody that has these same problems. 
A fan at a Trump gathering apparently told him he had been to over 200 rallies. “Wouldn’t it be incredible if he voted for Biden? It would be suicide before Biden, right?” -Trump ** Trump has been upset about tele prompters lately. 
I have to hold on to hope that this cycle of hate will lead to a cycle of love and we will elect some smart, fair, loving people. C’mon future.. Spread the love!! Stop the loud and usher in the peace! We need more of those kick ass Gov’s who R getting it done!!!! 
Corey Booker and Tammy Duckworth have introduced a bill to protect IVF. 
Hollywood’s walk of fame welcomed Richard Blade. 
The Bike Riders stars Austin Butler, Tom Hardy and Jodie Comer.  
The Boston Celtics won the NBA title again. 
Upside down flags and designing their own hate flags are really becoming a thing. It is like a club for 12 year old boys. 
C’mon Jan 6 offenders: Pay your restitution. Why do so many folks think they should not have to be accountable? 
Thank goodness for Paul Saltzman and Deb Gendler and the like. It is great to see the bits of the Beatles story that they saw since the actual Beatles were a little busy. 
Florida is flooded. 
What this comedian said will shock you from Bill Maher is #1 on the Best sellers list. 
The rules are in place, the debate is coming and we need to hold their feet to the fire. **Polls show that over 50% of the country thinks Trump should drop out of the race. There are countries he won’t even be able to visit because he is a convicted felon. 
It is curious how many Republicans worked on and recommended the immigration plan and as soon as Biden liked it and set things in place, they turn on it. 
Tyson’s CFO was arrested for intoxication and was suspended. 
Hannah Einbinder has a comedy special: Everything must go. 
Mel Brooks got a Peabody which makes him a PEGOT. 
The Colorado GOP issued a call to burn gay pride flags because, “God hates pride.” 
Dr. Pepper is now as popular as Pepsi. 
Dr. Squatch has insured Nick Cannon’s balls for $10 mil. 
The movie 2000 mules about election fraud was pulled off market after a defamation suit. 
Rob Schneider was asked to leave a charity event for hospitals of Regina foundation in Canada. People started walking out after he was ranting about vaccines, women’s rights and how white men are persecuted. 
Julia Louis Dreyfus acceptance speech for her webby was great: Listen to old ladies Motherfucker’s. 
If it had been anybody but Hunter Biden, the gun people would have been screaming about rights. I thought the NRA wanted everyone to have a gun no matter what. 
Illinois new slogan should be: Come to Illinois where you can enjoy all your rights! 
Tokyo Vice was cancelled. 
Now they seem to be after Brown V. Board of Education. 
The Daytime Emmy’s came and went on June 8 hosted by Kevin Frazier and Nischelle Turner. General Hospital won most of the big ones. Dick Van Dyke won for guest actor on Days. Hooray for Robert Gossett and Thorsten Kaye. I was really hopeful for Eric Martsolf  but maybe next year. Melody Thomas Scott was awarded for lifetime achievement. My best dressed were Sunny Hostin, Steven Nichols, Linsey Godfrey, Abigail Klein, Lisa Yamada, Courtney Hope, Heather Tom, Paul Telfer, Jackee Harry, Suzanne Rogers, Jennifer Hudson and Danielle Pinnock.  
A giant bus covered with trump paraphernalia crashed into a sign. ** Rep John Rose’ kid showed us how ridiculous these mentally ill people are. We all want to do that when they start this mind- boggling complaining all the time. 
BTW, isn’t it time to turn the cameras off Trump? Watching and scrutinizing everything he does is not turning his core off. Out of sight out of mind. Oh, I know it isn’t going to happen but I can dream. ** The top biggest political donors prefer Trump. About 69% of his donations come from these wealthy donors. His tax breaks for the rich expire in 2025. Biden has vowed not to bring them back. He is working on those tax loopholes. 
Thank you, Don Jr. for never shutting up about Epstein. Curious people looked into your assertions that your Father had no connection there. Flight receipts show Scary Clown flew with Epstein at least 7 times. 
Alec and Hilaria Baldwin and kids are starting up a reality show, The Baldwins. Timing could be better 
Some of the things the house ethics committee have been investigating about Matt Goetz have been dropped. They are still looking into the sexual misconduct, illegal drug use, accepting improper gifts to dispense special privileges and favors to individuals and sought to obstruct the investigation of his conduct. 
Peoria’s Planned Parenthood reopened. The renovation is complete after the 2023 firebombing. Tyler Massengill is serving 10 years and has a $1,450,000 fine. 
Biden’s new program provides legal status to 500,000 immigrants. 
Wisconsin has charged Kenneth Chesebro, Mike Roman and Jim Troupis with forgery in a fake elector scheme. 
There is another elder lady movie , The Fabulous Four. This one has Megan Mullaly, Susan Sarandon, Sheryl Lee Ralph and Bette Midler. 
Books are an idiot’s natural enemy. - Josh Johnson 
2 moronic climate activists were arrested for spraying orange paint on Stonehenge. Hey, Just Stop Oil.. Why R U fucking up a historical site? There must be better ways to get your point across. 
Traitor Tulsi Gabbard is trying hard to get Trump’s attention. She does not fight hard enough for him though.  
The latest sexual assault news: Kanye West has been sued for sexual harassment. ** Howard University revoked Sean Combs honorary degree. ** Texas megachurch pastor Robert Morris resigned after an accusation from a woman who claims he has abused her since she was 12. 
Stephen Colbert seems awful proud of his EW cover. 
There is nothing loving about Dolly Parton’s false gospel. Parton’s version of love, which includes condoning immoral sexual behavior is unaligned with God’s vision for humanity. (Parton has said that you should be who you are.) - Ericka Anderson  I think she must be reading the wrong book. She has since said that she regretted using Dolly as an example for the point. She is still making the point! 
Jennifer Esposito directed, wrote and starred in Fresh Kills. The film shows us the female side of the mob. 
The Supreme Court took away the ban on bump stocks for firearms. 
Corporations are pussies. - Jon Stewart 
Saw this bumper sticker: Ted Bundy was a republican/ Ed Gein was a democrat 
The Daily show is right: Let Ticketmaster run the border. They know how to keep people out. 
Frasier is pulling out all the stops for season 2: Patricia Heaton, Spencer Grammer, Yvette Nicole Brown, Dan Butler and Edward Hibbert are joining in. 
OK.. The stills they are releasing for the new Waltzing with Brando with Billy Zane do look amazing. Richard Dreyfuss and James Jagger also star. Bad timing on the Dreyfuss front. 
Elisabeth Rohm directs Devil on Campus about Larry Ray, cult leader.  
Justin Timberlake was arrested for DWI. 
The Club Q killer, Anderson Aldrich was sentenced to 55 life sentences. 
Porn is truly unleashed on X. 
People were calling for Pat McAfee to be tossed off ESPN for calling Caitlin Clark a white 
Rep. Byron Donalds talked of his support of the Jim Crow era. 
July 1 will see Steve Bannon back to jail. He seems to love the attention it brings him so it all works out. ** He fought it but the Supreme Court said he has to go. 
The Kansas Supreme Court decided that voting is not a fundamental right.  
The co -editor of Variety, Ramin Setoodeh has a new book, Apprentice in Wonderland. Citizens of NY were apparently in stitches when they got word of Trump hosting the Apprentice because they all knew what a horrible business man he was.  
Biden weak? FDR was in a wheel chair and he got a lot done. Why are we so prejudice about age and handicaps?? 
Will Trumps gun permit be revoked in NY because he is a convicted felon? The ads showing him as a convicted felon have begun. 
Martha Alito really hates pride flags and tells us so on tape. Her husband is determined to make this country rich with Christians. Why did we come to America to begin with? These people need to live in the real world and realize there are people with other thoughts than their own. ** Funny how they want to keep women in their place unless it is their women then no rules! 
Micheal, You were the only husband I ever had and one of my lifelong friends. I will miss you forever my Bam Bam, my friend. Micheal Dale King 1963-2024 
R.I.P. Marian Robinson, Martin Starger, Bette Nash, Jeff Kreiner, Orlando Cepeda, Bill Cobbs, Alan Scarfe, Tom bower, Betty Anne Rees, William Anders, Enchanting, Jerry West, Tony LoBianco, Seven, Kevin Brophy, Mark James, Angela Bofill, Erich Anderson, Tamayo Perry, Al Schultz, migrants thrown overboard by the Greek coastguard, Tony Mordente, Anouk Aimee, victims of the Ecuador landslides, heat related deaths all over the world including over 1300 in Saudi Arabi ,Willie Mays, Spencer Milligan, Bill Cobbs, Kinky Friedman,  Taylor Willy, Gary Weaver, shooting victims, Donald Sutherland, Martin Mull and Mike King. 
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thesimonhawthorne · 1 year
Simon Heywood
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Name: Simon Tristan Heywood
Age: 30
Birthday: August 22nd, 1992
Birthplace: East Haven
Gender: Cis man (he/him)
Occupation: Investment Banking Associate at East Haven Bank
Back in East Haven for: around 6 years.
Neighbourhood: Primrose Hills
Education: Bachelor in Finance (UPenn), Master in Financial Management and Business Law (HEC Paris)
Languages: English, French
Marital status: Single
Children: None
Key family members: Julian Heywood (brother), Sydney Heywood (sister), Quinn Heywood (sister), Arthur Heywood (father), UTP Heywood (mother)
Wanted Connections - Living Space
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-Simon is the youngest of the Heywoods.
-Simon got a good last name at birth that came with privileges and he’s never seen any reason to deny himself the pleasure of using them. Does that mean he comes off as entitled? Maybe, but then again why would he care?
-When the time came to study, Simon could boast about his acceptance to UPenn (and he did) in a finance major. Very determined to make a good life for himself and keep up with the good name he’d been given, he worked hard. Math and all that stuff had always come easy to him. That didn’t mean he worked so hard it prevented him from enjoying the high life of college and fraternity life in an Ivy League school. Oh, that he did. Once again, why would he not?
-With good results, he graduated in the top of his class and was able to get into HEC in France for a Master's in Finance Management and Business Law. He spent two years there, enjoying the pleasure of the Parisian lifestyle. If you know him, you will have heard of the “small unknown café in the 4e” where he’s “basically best friends with the owner”, but you wouldn’t understand. Or the long nights on the Champs de Mars, even though he preferred of course the lesser known soirées in the Jardin Tino Rossi. Which you wouldn’t get either. 
-Although he will tell you that he almost stayed in Paris, he came back to East Haven after a successful internship around six years ago. He quickly got a job as an investment banking analyst at East Haven Bank and was eventually promoted to associate. Don’t let the snob party animal fool you, he’s pretty good at his job too.
-Maybe that’s just the thing actually. Yes, he’s good at all he does and believe me he’ll let you know about that. Several times. Does that mean he deserves everything he wants? I mean, yeah, of course. But that also means that to be worth anything, he can’t quit, he can’t stop. And if that means ignoring some stuff, pushing some stuff aside? Then so be it.
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shivam95 · 23 days
Understanding MiM Fees: A Comprehensive Guide to the Costs of a Master in Management
Pursuing a Master in Management (MiM) is an attractive option for recent graduates and young professionals looking to advance their careers. However, one of the most critical factors to consider before enrolling is the MiM fees associated with the program. In this guide, we’ll break down the costs you can expect, helping you understand what MiM fees entail and how to plan your finances effectively.
MiM Fees: The Core of Your Investment
The primary component of your financial commitment will be the MiM fees, which include the tuition fees charged by the institution. These fees can vary significantly based on the university, location, and the prestige of the program. On average, MiM fees range from $20,000 to $60,000, with top-tier schools such as HEC Paris, London Business School, or IE Business School charging upwards of $70,000.
While the MiM fees may seem substantial, it’s essential to consider the return on investment (ROI). Graduates from top MiM programs often secure lucrative positions that can quickly compensate for the initial outlay. Additionally, many institutions offer scholarships and financial aid to help mitigate the cost of MiM fees.
Beyond MiM Fees: Additional Academic Costs
In addition to the core MiM fees, students should budget for other academic expenses such as textbooks, course materials, and online resources. While these costs may not be as significant as the tuition fees, they can add up over the course of the program. Some MiM programs also need participation in international study trips or exchange programs, which can increase the cost.
Living Expenses: An Essential Consideration Alongside MiM Fees
When calculating the total cost of your MiM, it’s crucial to factor in living expenses. These include accommodation, food, transportation, and personal expenses. The cost of living can vary widely depending on the city and country where you choose to study. For instance, living in cities like London or Paris is generally more expensive than in smaller European cities or countries like Germany or the Netherlands.
On average, you should budget between $1,000 to $2,500 per month for living expenses. This estimate includes rent, utilities, groceries, and other daily necessities, which, when combined with the MiM fees, contribute to the financial outlay.
Accommodation Costs: A Key Component of Living Expenses
Accommodation is one of the most significant expenses you’ll encounter outside of MiM fees. Whether you choose university housing, a private apartment, or shared accommodation, costs can vary. In major cities, renting a one-bedroom apartment can range from $800 to $2,000 per month. University dormitories or shared housing options might be more affordable, costing between $500 and $1,500 per month.
Health Insurance: An Often Overlooked Expense
Health insurance is a mandatory expense for international students, adding to the total cost beyond the MiM fees. Most countries need international students to have health insurance for the duration of their studies. The cost of health insurance can range from $500 to $1,500 per year, depending on the country and the level of coverage required. Ensuring your health insurance meets your host country’s requirements is essential to avoid any legal or financial issues.
Visa and Travel Costs: Additional Considerations Beyond MiM Fees
If you are an international student, visa and travel costs will add to your budget. Visa application fees can range from $50 to $200, depending on the country. Additionally, travel expenses, including flights, transportation to and from the airport, and any required vaccinations or medical check-ups before departure, should be factored in alongside your MiM fees.
Opportunity Cost: The Hidden Aspect of MiM Fees
While not a direct financial outlay, the opportunity cost of pursuing a MiM should be considered when evaluating MiM fees. During the one to two years spent in the program, you may forgo earning a full-time salary. This lost income represents an indirect cost that can impact your financial situation. But, many students view this as an investment, with the expectation that the skills and qualifications gained will lead to higher earning potential in the future.
Scholarships and Financial Aid: Reducing Your MiM Fees
To help manage the cost of MiM fees, many universities and organizations offer scholarships, grants, and financial aid. Scholarships may be merit-based, need-based, or awarded based on specific criteria such as nationality or field of study. It’s essential to research and apply for scholarships early, as competition is often intense.
Some institutions also provide loan programs or payment plans to spread out the MiM fees over time. Additionally, part-time work opportunities may be available to help cover living expenses, although it’s important to ensure that work commitments do not interfere with your studies.
Pursuing a Master in Management is a significant financial commitment, but with careful planning, it can be a valuable investment in your future. By understanding the various costs involved—beyond just the MiM fees—and exploring options for scholarships and financial aid, you can make an informed decision. Remember, the key to managing MiM fees is to plan ahead, budget wisely, and take advantage of all available resources to ensure your success.
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rgoverseas23 · 6 months
France has long been known for its exceptional higher education institutions, attracting students from all over the world. Here, we’ll explore some of the top universities in France, along with their rankings, top courses, fees, scholarships, and admissions processes.
Introduction to French Universities
French universities are renowned for their academic excellence, research output, and diverse range of programs. They offer a blend of tradition and innovation, providing students with a world-class education experience.
Methodology of University Rankings
University rankings are determined by various factors, including academic reputation, research impact, faculty expertise, and student satisfaction. These rankings serve as a guide for prospective students in choosing the right institution for their academic pursuits.
Top Universities in France
Overview of Top Universities
Let’s take a closer look at some of the top universities in France
PSL Université Paris
PSL Université Paris is a prestigious research university known for its multidisciplinary approach and strong emphasis on innovation. It offers a wide range of programs across various fields, including humanities, sciences, engineering, and social sciences.
ICD Business School
ICD Business School is a leading institution for business education, offering undergraduate and graduate programs in management, marketing, finance, and international business. It is known for its practical approach to learning and close ties with industry partners.
Aivancity Paris Cachan
Aivancity Paris Cachan specializes in AI (Artificial Intelligence) and data science education, providing cutting-edge programs designed to meet the demands of the digital age. It offers interdisciplinary courses that integrate technology, ethics, and entrepreneurship.
College De Paris
College De Paris is a renowned group of higher education institutions offering a diverse range of programs, including business, hospitality, fashion, design, and digital marketing. It focuses on experiential learning and industry immersion to prepare students for the global workforce.
EDC Paris Business School
EDC Paris Business School is dedicated to grooming future business leaders through its innovative programs and entrepreneurial mindset. It offers a dynamic learning environment with opportunities for internships, networking, and international exposure.
Top Courses Offered
French universities provide a wide array of courses to cater to the diverse interests and career goals of students:
STEM Courses
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) courses are in high demand, with programs in computer science, engineering, mathematics, and biotechnology offered at top universities like PSL Université Paris and Aivancity Paris Cachan.
Business and Management
Business schools like ICD Business School and EDC Paris Business School offer specialized programs in management, marketing, finance, and entrepreneurship, equipping students with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the corporate world.
Data Science and AI
With the rise of AI and data science, universities like Aivancity Paris Cachan are at the forefront of offering programs that focus on machine learning, big data analytics, and AI ethics, preparing students for careers in technology and innovation.
Hospitality and Tourism Management
College De Paris provides hospitality and tourism management programs that combine theory with hands-on experience, allowing students to gain practical skills in areas such as hotel management, event planning, and tourism marketing.
Fees and Cost of Living
Understanding the financial aspects of studying in France is essential for prospective students:
Tuition Fees
Tuition fees vary depending on the institution and program of study, with public universities generally charging lower fees compared to private institutions. Scholarships and financial aid may be available to eligible students to help offset the costs.
Cost of Living
The cost of living in France varies depending on the city and lifestyle choices. Expenses such as accommodation, food, transportation, and leisure activities should be factored into the overall budget when planning for study abroad.
Scholarships and Financial Aid
Scholarships and financial aid options are available to support international students pursuing higher education in France:
Government Scholarships
The French government offers various scholarships, such as the Eiffel Excellence Scholarship and the French Embassy Scholarship, to support outstanding international students with tuition fees and living expenses.
Institutional Scholarships
Many universities in France provide merit-based scholarships and tuition waivers to attract top talent and promote diversity among their student body. These scholarships may cover partial or full tuition fees depending on the criteria.
External Scholarships
International organizations and foundations also offer scholarships for students studying in France, covering tuition fees, accommodation, travel expenses, and research grants. Applicants should check eligibility criteria and application deadlines for these scholarships.
Admissions Process
Navigating the admissions process for French universities requires careful planning and preparation:
Undergraduate Admissions
Undergraduate admissions typically involve submitting academic transcripts, language proficiency test scores (such as TOEFL or IELTS), letters of recommendation, and a statement of purpose. Some programs may require entrance exams or interviews.
Graduate Admissions
Graduate admissions requirements vary depending on the program and institution. Generally, applicants need to hold a bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification, provide letters of recommendation, a resume or CV, and a statement of purpose outlining their academic and career goals.
Choosing the right university in France is a significant decision that can shape one’s future career prospects. With its top-ranked institutions, diverse course offerings, and vibrant cultural scene, France continues to be a preferred destination for international students seeking quality education and global exposure.
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pxecedm · 8 months
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Centime Alexis Joann Murrieta, born de la Fayette, was born on 13.11.1995 in Paris, in one of the cold rooms of a secret organization for tests and experiments on supernatural beings, where her biological parents were imprisoned. Unbeknownst to the people who ran this secret laboratory, her parents, an original witch from France and a son of Lucifer, managed to smuggle their daughter out of this hell and into the care of a poor, devout couple.
Centime grew up there, unaware of her origins, with 3 older brothers. The family was very religious. She realized very early on that she did not feel like she belonged to her family. Abuse from her adoptive father, who forced his beliefs on her and she often did not listen to him enough, was a daily occurrence.
When she was 15 years old, she disappeared from home in a cloak-and-dagger operation and eventually found herself homeless on the streets of Paris. Drugs, shady deals and prostitution brought the petite but otherwise tough blonde to her knees. Even as a child, she dreamed of becoming a dancer. In order to finance her studies, she performed all kinds of services, which brought in money quickly enough, but hardly carried a higher price tag.
Until she met Andrew... At the age of 17, she fell in love with the man, who was only one year older at the time and equally without means. Together they made the leap back into society. At 18, she had her first son, who died barely a year later, with Andrew, in a fatal traffic accident.
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Centime had almost completed her dance studies, but the loss of both of them tore all the ground from under her feet. She relapsed and found herself in the worst environment in the city for a second time.
Despite her severe drug addiction, which continues to this day, Centime managed to complete her studies and open a club at the age of just 23. During a live broadcast of American wrestling, she had the idea of creating a completely new kind of business. Entertainment, show, promotion, dance - inspired by wrestling, only presented in a different way.
The ice-cold, emotionless businesswoman that she became over the years created almost everything she ever dreamed of with her own empire. Prestige, fame, power. And the more of it she had, the colder she became. Emotion or love... that was once buried with the two, until then, most important boys.
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However, an encounter one summer's day near the Eiffel Tower was to change everything. The blonde ran into the smart and yet almost equally conceited rock singer Shawn Parker, born Joaquín Murrieta ( @mrvampirerock ). There was an immediate spark - and an even bigger bang when they started off by insulting each other rather than making nice. Centime was incredibly annoyed and sometimes even disgusted by this pompous wannabe singer. They parted ways. Until they met again and could no longer escape this enormous attraction.
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They now have three children together (the fourth is on the way) and are married. Over the years, they have faced many hurdles and confrontations. They have experienced much suffering. But also a lot of happiness. Together they found out Centime's true identity, which was hidden deep within her. Since then, they have struggled day by day with the changes and the course of life. And probably for the rest of their lives. But her husband taught her one thing without ever having consciously done so. In some way, she was able to feel something again, even though all the bad experiences and life incisions had made her so heartless. She could feel again. Sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less. And it was a steady, slow but steady process. Her inner healing.
No matter how much you try, to push me aside.. you keep coming back to these blue eyes.
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• Paris/France • supernatural
• cold-hearted and arrogant
• first class, so not your level
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- still in progress-
wire: pxecedm
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Explore the World: Top Foreign University Affiliation Tourism Courses
Are you passionate about tourism and eager to explore the world while advancing your career? Look no further than foreign university affiliation tourism courses. In this blog post, we'll delve into the exciting realm of these courses and how they can be your gateway to global learning and adventure.
Why Choose Foreign University Affiliation Tourism Courses?
Foreign university affiliation tourism courses offer numerous advantages. They provide you with an international perspective, academic credibility, and practical knowledge. Pursuing such courses can transform your passion for travel into a rewarding career. Let's explore why you should consider them.
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European International University, Paris, France: A Premier Choice
One institution that stands out in this field is the European International University, Paris, France. With a stellar reputation and global affiliations, it offers top-notch tourism courses that open doors to a world of possibilities. Discover why European International University is a premier choice for aspiring tourism professionals.
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Top Destinations for Tourism Studies
From the picturesque landscapes of Switzerland to the vibrant cultures of Thailand, the world is your classroom when you study tourism. We'll take you on a virtual tour of the top destinations for tourism studies worldwide, helping you choose the perfect setting for your educational journey.
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Course Offerings and Specializations
Tourism is a diverse field, and it's crucial to choose the right specialization. Whether you're interested in eco-tourism, hospitality management, or event planning, there's a course tailored to your interests. Let's explore the various specializations available in foreign university affiliation tourism courses.
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Admission Process Simplified
Navigating the admission process for foreign university affiliation tourism courses can be intimidating. However, we'll break it down into simple steps, making it easier for you to embark on your academic journey. Learn how to prepare a winning application and secure your spot in these prestigious programs.
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Financing your education is a significant concern for many students. In this section, we'll discuss funding options, scholarships, and grants that can help ease your financial burden. Discover how you can make your dream of studying abroad a reality.
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Success Stories
Success stories of foreign university-affiliated tourism course graduates inspire and motivate. We'll share stories of individuals who turned their passion for travel into successful careers. These alumni serve as living proof of the exciting opportunities that await you.
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In conclusion, foreign university affiliation tourism courses offer a unique blend of academic excellence and global exposure. They can turn your love for travel into a fulfilling and lucrative career. Consider embarking on this exciting journey, and remember, the keyword "foreign university affiliation tourism course" is your ticket to exploring the world and enhancing your future prospects.
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thxnews · 1 year
Britain's Bold Moves in Global Climate Change Solutions
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Statement by Minister Andrew Mitchell at the UN Financing for Development High-level Dialogue.
Excellencies, Our Prime Minister, at the G20, announced that Britain will provide 2 billion dollars for the Green Climate Fund - the biggest single commitment the UK has made to help the world tackle climate change. And Britain continues to want bigger, better Multilateral Development Banks. The UK supports, in due course, a conditional capital increase for the IBRD. We have provided more than 4.5 million pounds of guarantees to enable the Multilateral Development Banks to lend more money. We are also extremely focused on sweating these Banks’ balance sheets. We have already seen an additional 200 billion dollars produced, and we want to see much more. In addition, Britain is very focused on the issues of debt. At the Summit in Paris, Britain announced Climate Resilient Debt Clauses, which we are now using, which means that countries faced with a pandemic or natural disaster have their liquidity freed up to help their citizens, rather than having to pay off capital and interest. We also want to see the G20 Common Framework used much better to help countries that need debt rescheduling. We have seen what happened recently in Zambia and Ghana and we know that that is not good enough. Our Prime Minister has also made clear that we will stand by our commitment to provide 11.6 billion pounds of international climate finance before the end of 2025/26 and play our part in the 100 billion promise that has been made. And we have recently announced that we will spend 500 million pounds on forestry programs because we know the important role they play in tackling climate change. In November, we will have a summit in London on the issues of malnutrition, food insecurity, and starvation, which I think will also make a very significant contribution. The final point I want to make is about the critical importance of all these different state funding mechanisms being able to link umbilically with the private sector, and in particular with the 60 trillion dollars we know is there of pension fund money. Many of the people who manage pension funds would want to see, subject to the necessary safeguards, this money being used as part of the common fight across the planet on tackling climate change. So, we think harnessing the role of the private sector is absolutely crucial. We hope to help explain in a government white paper from Britain later this year the future of international development. Just as BII – the British government’s development finance institution – is playing such an important role already, investing to support the delivery of the SDGs. As we look ahead to the Annual Meetings and COP28, let’s seize this moment to increase ambition, galvanize action, and find new ways to deliver a bigger, better, fairer international financial system. One that helps countries thrive on their own terms and leaves no one behind. Thank you.   Sources: THX News, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office & The Rt Hon Andrew Mitchell MP. Read the full article
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alliedcreation · 1 year
India MBA Education Market is slated to increase at a CAGR of 6.1% to reach a valuation of US$ 12.9 Billion by 2032
 The India MBA Education Market Size was valued at $7.3 billion and is projected to reach $12.9 billion by 2032, growing at a CAGR of 6.1% from 2023 to 2032.
MBA is a postgraduate degree program that focuses on building the information, skills, and competencies required for people to succeed in a variety of management and business professions.
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A comprehensive understanding of business operations, strategic management principles, leadership competencies, and critical thinking talents are all part of an India The main goal of MBA education is preparing people for managerial and leadership roles across a range of companies and sectors BA MBA Education Market Trends. A wide range of topics, including finance, marketing, human resources, operations management, entrepreneurship, economics, organizational behavior, and business ethics are often covered in the curriculum. Preparing people for managerial and leadership roles across a range of companies and sectors is the main goal of MBA education. Students who complete the program are expected to be prepared to analyze difficult business challenges, make wise decisions, create winning strategies, and manage teams & organizations.
Currently, India is home to around 4,000 of the 15,000 B-schools worldwide or more than one-fourth of them. Several of these B-schools provide multiple post-graduate management programs. As a result, India has at least 5,000 such programs. Given that formal management education in India only began in 1949, when XLRI Jamshedpur became the nation's first business school (130 years after ESCP Europe, the first business school in the world, opened its doors in Paris in 1819), this rapid expansion is impressive. The development of management education in India, however, has not been without complications and uncertainty. Numerous low-quality B-schools have sprung up, notably in the last ten years, as a result of inconsistent higher education regulations, inadequate planning, and a focus on "education-as-business."
Many of them have closed their doors due to a lack of pupils, and many more are anticipated to follow. This unplanned and unrestrained India MBA Education Market Growth has backfired. The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)'s classification of management courses as technical education lacks in proof. Several hundred cases involving topics such as deemed university status and others connected to AICTE clearances are still ongoing in various courts.
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The Advertising Standards Council of India routinely receives complaints alleging that business schools' unsupported marketing include deceptive claims. An example of this is the recent Delhi High Court decision that prohibited a school from awarding MBA degrees. Then there are concerns with single institutions that provide a variety of management education programs, some of which are linked with distant universities that grant MBA degrees, some of which are AICTE-approved certificates, and other programs which are not affiliated or approved. As a result of all these worries, there is negativity created, and prospective students constantly face difficult choices.
India has quickly developed into a global economic, financial, and technological center during the past few decades. Owing to the extensive growth of the sector, there are now a ton of business and MBA programs available to meet the expanding needs of the new industries in the market. The MBA program has grown in popularity and demand over the years, making it the clear choice for students and professionals who want to improve their skills. Moreover, there has been a tremendous development in the number of MBA programs and institutions around India due to the high India MBA Education Market Demand for such programs. Unfortunately, this has led to a severe deterioration in the caliber and relevancy of many of these programs. The India MBA Education market is segmented on the basis of duration of course, type of programs, and course type. By duration of course, the India MBA Education industry is classified into 0-12 months, 12-24 months and 24 months.
On the basis of type of programs, it is fragmented into management, marketing & sales, finance & accounting, HR, defense MBA, and others. Depending on the course type, it is segregated into executive MBA, freshers MBA, and e-learning MBA.
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The major players included in the India MBA Education Market Analysis are UpGrad, Coursera, EdX, IIM, IIT, Adamas University, NMIMS, IIFT, Birla Institute of Management Technology (BIMTECH), and Faculty of Management Studies, Banaras Hindu University. The key players have adopted various strategies to remain competitive in the market such as partnership, merger, acquisition, and collaboration.
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india7d · 1 year
A banker who stood firm against the pressure of the Central Government and Sanjay Gandhi during the time of Emergency
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In relation to a restructuring proposal from a cement company borrower, SBI had made it a requirement for further financial support that a change in promoters be implemented. Importantly, this decision was not solely made by Talwar. The promoters, attempting to have this condition waived, sought assistance from Sanjay Gandhi. However, upon examining the files, Talwar firmly believed that the Bank's decision was the correct course of action. The Union Finance Minister, C. Subramanian, contacted Talwar to convey that he had received instructions from "the highest authority in the land" to alter SBI's position. However, Talwar remained steadfast and resolute. Sanjay Gandhi, finding amusement in encountering someone who dared to defy him, requested a meeting with Talwar. Yet, the SBI Chairman declined, citing his lack of constitutional authority and emphasizing that he was "accountable" solely to the Government. Sanjay Gandhi directed the Finance Minister to dismiss the SBI Chairman. However, the SBI Act of 1955 did not contain any provision for the Chairman to be removed from office. Moreover, Talwar had established an impressive reputation for his unwavering integrity. Undeterred, the Finance Minister made another attempt by proposing that if Talwar were to step aside, he would be appointed as the Chairman of a proposed Banking Commission. Nonetheless, Talwar respectfully declined the offer. Following the Government's amendment to the SBI Act, Talwar received a message on August 4, 1976, granting him an unsolicited 13-month leave that coincided with the remainder of his tenure. Additionally, he was instructed to transfer his responsibilities to the Managing Director. Vaghul's depiction of the Bank's esteemed leader departing State Bank Bhavan that day carries a poignant tone. "Talwar left the Bank promptly at 5.30 pm, his customary time of departure. There was scarcely anyone to bid him farewell. Fear had gripped everyone, deterring any association with him." On that day, the remarkable individual departed in a manner reminiscent of Walter Scott's poignant phrase—unwept, unhonoured, and unsung. In the evening, Vaghul, Talwar's neighbor and former junior colleague, visited him and offered words of consolation, saying something along the lines of accepting the Divine Will with humility, as a gesture of sympathy. Talwar responded in a manner befitting his character, stating, "Where is the question of accepting or not accepting? You have to learn to enjoy all the time the Divine play." This response exemplified the quintessential nature of Talwar. In echoing the immortal spirit of Aurobindo Ghosh's Uttarpara speech, the revolutionary-mystic who, in his later life, collaborated with Mirra Alfassa (the Mother) from Paris to establish a spiritual community in Pondicherry, Talwar embodied a similar mindset. Within the financial sector, State Bank of India (SBI), an esteemed institution, has embodied values and ethics that may truly be recognized and appreciated in hindsight. Throughout its history, SBI has been led by individuals who have steadfastly upheld core values, thereby preserving this national symbol. The former and current leaders of SBI command immense respect in their field, not only for their expertise but also for their unwavering commitment to specific principles. Among the notable leaders in the history of SBI, none surpasses the legendary stature of RK Talwar. Taking charge as Chairman of SBI at the young age of 47 in 1969, he exerted a dominant influence over the Indian banking landscape for nearly two decades, spanning the 1960s to the mid-1970s. Remarkably, he was also the first career banker from SBI to ascend to the position of Chairman. His journey began in 1943 when he joined the Imperial Bank of India, the precursor to SBI, as a Probationary Assistant (Officer), shortly after completing his postgraduate degree in Mathematics from Lahore University. During his tenure as Chairman, Talwar played a pioneering role in streamlining procedures for financing small-scale industries and introduced innovative schemes to support smaller entrepreneurs, small businesses, and agriculturists. He implemented systems to ensure thorough analysis of corporate balance sheets long before the Reserve Bank mandated such norms for assessing large advances. Additionally, Talwar's visionary approach led to the initiation of the first-ever organizational restructuring of State Bank in 1971, a framework that stood strong for more than three decades. Notably, State Bank Bhavan, the current Corporate Centre of SBI located in Mumbai, was constructed under his leadership. Talwar exemplified a commitment to values and fearlessly expressed his opinions, regardless of the individuals he interacted with. A notable instance of his principled stance occurred during his tenure as Superintendent of the Advances Department in Kolkata, where he took a firm position on the financing of the jute industry. Despite facing the disapproval of Ramnath Goenka, a highly influential media owner with vested interests in the jute industry and a longstanding grudge against Talwar, the banker remained unaffected by such pressures and stood unwavering in his beliefs. Talwar's approach and inner resilience were deeply influenced by his spiritual beliefs. One particularly significant incident that deserves mention is his encounter with Sanjay Gandhi, the second son of Mrs. Indira Gandhi, who wielded unconstitutional authority during the Emergency period from 1975 to 1977. Talwar had embraced the influence of Aurobindo and the Mother long before. Following his successful tenure at the helm of SBI, he chose to retire to the Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry at the age of 54. With the exception of a brief period as Chairman of IDBI from 1979 to 1980, he refrained from active involvement in public service. Talwar passed away in 2002 at the age of 80. "Values in Leadership" is an essential read for anyone responsible for managing individuals or navigating complex situations. Article based on the book 'values in leadership ' by MR N Vaghul Read the full article
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thesimonhawthorne · 6 months
Simon Hawthorne
"i try, i try to be a good kid, a good kid, a good son, but no one will ever take my side"
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Wanted Connections – Living Space – Timeline
Playlist: leave my greatest failures on display with an aesterisk
Name: Simon Tristan Hawthorne
Nicknames: Sim, Sisi.
Date and place of birth: 22nd August 1992 in Melbourne, Australia
Gender identity: cis male, he/him.
Sexuality: unclear.
Hometown: Melbourne, Australia
Lived in:Melbourne, Kismet Harbor, Philadelphia, Paris
Time in Kismet Harbor: back since 2018
Residence: Emerald Mist
Faceclaim: Pierre Niney
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Education: Bachelor of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania, Master in Finance at ESSEC Business School in Paris.
Occupation: F1 manager for Julian Hawthorne
Languages: English, French
Police Record: None.
Zodiac Sign: Leo
MBTI type: ESTJ-A, Executive
Enneagram: Three, the Performer
Height: 1,77m
Hair colour: dark brown
Eye colour: brown
Build: slim
Tattoos: none
Aesthetic: x
Father: Mr. Hawthorne
Mother: Mrs. Hawthorne
Siblings: Margaret Hawthorne, Julian Hawthorne, Stevie Wagner (half-sister)
Other Relatives: x
Partners: Gina Winters (2013); Dana Allen-Lopez (2018)
Children: Olivia Winters.
Pets: none.
-Simon is the youngest of the Hawthornes.
-Simon got a good last name at birth that came with privileges and he’s never seen any reason to deny himself the pleasure of using them. Does that mean he comes off as entitled? Maybe, but then again why would he care?
-When the time came to study, Simon could boast about his acceptance to UPenn (and he did) in a finance major. Very determined to make a good life for himself and keep up with the good name he’d been given, he worked hard. Math and all that stuff had always come easy to him. That didn’t mean he worked so hard it prevented him from enjoying the high life of college and fraternity life in an Ivy League school. Oh, that he did. Once again, why would he not?
-With good results, he graduated in the top of his class and was able to get into ESSEC in France for a Master's in Finance Management and Business Law. He spent two years there, enjoying the pleasure of the Parisian lifestyle. If you know him, you will have heard of the “small unknown café in the 4e” where he’s “basically best friends with the owner”, but you wouldn’t understand. Or the long nights on the Champs de Mars, even though he preferred of course the lesser known soirées in the Jardin Tino Rossi. Which you wouldn’t get either. 
-Although he will tell you that he almost stayed in Paris, he came back to Kismet Harbor after a successful internship around six years ago. He quickly got a job as an investment banking analyst at Kismet Harbor Bank and was eventually promoted to associate, and then vice-president. Don’t let the snob party animal fool you, he’s pretty good at his job too.
-A few years ago, he learned that he had an 8 years old daughter, Olivia. While not getting along with the daughter, who he simply had a short fling with when he was 21, he sends her money for Olivia and sometimes sees his daughter. Worried about appearances however, he decided not to tell anyone in his life.
-Maybe that’s just the thing actually. Yes, he’s good at all he does and believe me he’ll let you know about that. Several times. Does that mean he deserves everything he wants? I mean, yeah, of course. But that also means that to be worth anything, he can’t quit, he can’t stop. And if that means ignoring some stuff, pushing some stuff aside? Then so be it. Like his daughter, among other things.
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[Free eBook] Framing Finance: The Boundaries of Markets and Modern Capitalism by Alex Preda [Economics & Social History]
Framing Finance: The Boundaries of Markets and Modern Capitalism by Alex Preda, a Professor of Professions, Markets, and Technology at King's College London, is an economics and social history book, free for a limited time courtesy of publisher The University of Chicago Press.
This is their featured Free eBook of the Month for May, and is a combined economics and sociology book looking at the history of the stock market, and the changes in public perception over time as groups associated the 18th and 19th century stock exchanges in London, New York, and Paris managed to redefine finance as a data-based scientific pursuit, while manipulative speculators also emerged to take advantage of the limited understanding of this, and exploring how these and other factors contributed to the current state of the modern market and its issues, advocating for better public financial education.
Offered worldwide through the month of May, available directly from the publisher's website.
Currently free @ [the university's dedicated promo page] (https://press.uchicago.edu/books/freeEbook.html) (PDF available with download options for both Adobe Digital Editions and Readium DRM, follow instructions provided on download link page, requires newsletter signup with valid email address), and you can read more about the book on its regular catalogue page.
Description As the banking crisis and its effects on the world economy have made plain, the stock market is of colossal importance to our livelihoods. In Framing Finance, Alex Preda looks at the history of the market to figure out how we arrived at a point where investing is not only commonplace, but critical, as market fluctuations threaten our plans to send our children to college or retire comfortably.
As Preda discovers through extensive research, the public was once much more skeptical. For investing to become accepted, a deep-seated prejudice against speculation had to be overcome, and Preda reveals that over the course of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries groups associated with stock exchanges in New York, London, and Paris managed to redefine finance as a scientific pursuit grounded in observational technology. But Preda also notes that as the financial data in which they trafficked became ever more difficult to understand, charismatic speculators emerged whose manipulations of the market undermined the benefits of widespread investment. And so, Framing Finance ends with an eye on the future, proposing a system of public financial education to counter the irrational elements that still animate the appeal of finance.
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shivam95 · 3 months
Exploring Master in Management Fees
In today’s competitive job market, a Master’s in Management (MiM) can be a game-changer. It equips students with essential skills in leadership, strategic thinking, and operational management, making them attractive candidates for a variety of roles in different industries. But, one of the critical considerations for prospective students is the cost of the program. This blog will delve into the Master in Management Fees, including tuition fees, more costs, and potential returns on investment.
Why Pursue a MiM?
Before we break down the Master in Management Fees, let’s briefly discuss why a MiM is a worthwhile investment. Unlike an MBA, which typically requires several years of work experience, a MiM is designed for recent graduates or those with minimal professional experience. This makes it an excellent option for young professionals looking to fast-track their careers.
MiM programs are offered by prestigious business schools worldwide and cover a broad range of subjects including finance, marketing, strategy, and leadership. Graduates from top MiM programs often secure lucrative positions in leading firms, thereby reaping significant returns on their educational investment.
Tuition Fees: A Comprehensive Overview
The Master in Management Fees can vary widely depending on the institution, location, and program structure. Here’s a look at some of the factors that influence these costs:
Geographic Location
The location of the business school plays a significant role in determining tuition fees. For instance, schools in North America, such as those in the United States and Canada, tend to have higher tuition fees compared to those in Europe or Asia. In the US, top MiM programs can cost anywhere between $50,000 to $70,000 per year. In contrast, European programs, although still substantial, might range from €20,000 to €40,000 per year.
Program Duration
MiM programs typically last between 10 months to 2 years. Shorter programs can be less expensive due to the reduced duration, but they may also offer less opportunity for internships and practical experience. Conversely, longer programs might provide more comprehensive learning and networking opportunities but come at a higher cost.
Additional Costs to Consider
Beyond tuition fees, several other Master in Management Fees should be factored into the expense of pursuing a MiM:
Living Expenses
Living expenses can vary significantly based on the city and country where you study. Major cities like London, New York, or Paris have higher costs of living compared to smaller towns. Students should budget for accommodation, food, transportation, and personal expenses. On average, living expenses can range from $15,000 to $30,000 per year.
Books and Supplies
Textbooks, course materials, and other supplies can add to the total cost. These expenses can vary, but students should expect to spend around $1,000 to $2,000 annually.
Travel Costs
If the program includes international study trips or if the school is located far from your home country, travel costs can also add up. It’s wise to divide a budget for flights, visas, and insurance.
Miscellaneous Fees
Some programs may have more fees for student services, health insurance, and extracurricular activities. These can amount to several hundred dollars per semester.
Top-Ranked MIM Programs and Their Fees
Here are some of the top-ranked MIM programs in the world and their Master in Management Fees:
United States
Duke University (Fuqua School of Business): Master of Management Studies (MMS), $59,300 for 10 months
NYU Stern: MS in Accounting, Data Analytics and Business Computing, Marketing and Retail Science, etc., average salary $66,000
United Kingdom
London Business School: Master's in Management, average starting salary $90,000
University of Warwick (Warwick Business School): MSc in Management, £32,250
HEC Paris: MSc in Management, average starting salary $90,000
INSEAD: Master in Management, renowned for global network and alumni connections
ESCP Europe: Master in Management, recognized for international exposure
EDHEC Business School: Master in Management, €46,000
NEOMA Business School: Master in Management, €15,300 per year
WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management: MSc in Management, €34,800
ESMT Berlin: Master's in Management, €49,000
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management: Master in Management, €35,500
ESADE Business School: MSc in International Management, €34,500
IE Business School: Master in Management, €22,800
University of St. Gallen: MA in Strategy and International Management, CHF 9,987 for international students
HEC Lausanne: MSc in Management, CHF 2,320
Nova School of Business & Economics: International Masters in Management, €7,900 per year
Financial Aid and Scholarships
Many institutions offer financial aid, scholarships, and assistantships to help offset the cost of tuition. Scholarships can be merit-based, need-based, or aimed at specific demographics such as international students or women in leadership. It’s crucial to research and apply for these opportunities early, as they can significantly reduce the financial burden.
Return on Investment (ROI)
While the upfront Master in Management Fees can be large, it’s important to consider the potential return on investment. Graduates from top MiM programs often command high starting salaries and rapid career progression. Here’s a closer look at the potential ROI:
Starting Salaries
According to recent data, the average starting salary for MiM graduates can range from $60,000 to $90,000, depending on the industry and location. Graduates from top-tier schools may earn even higher salaries, especially if they enter high-demand sectors such as consulting, finance, or technology.
Networking Opportunities
The value of the professional network you build during a MiM program cannot be overstated. The connections made with classmates, professors, and industry leaders can open doors to job opportunities and career advancements that might otherwise be inaccessible.
Pursuing a Master’s in Management is a significant investment, both time and money. But, the potential rewards, including higher earning potential, accelerated career growth, and extensive professional networks, can make it a worthwhile try. By carefully considering Master in Management Fees like tuition fees, extra costs, and available financial aid, prospective students can make informed decisions and maximize their return on investment.
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vivacapital28 · 1 year
Debt Financing For Small Companies
Long-term debt financing is usually for buying belongings for the corporate like tools, buildings, land, or machinery. The repayment of these loans and the usefulness of the asset that you've purchased will last for greater than five years. Once you've the predictability of cash move, stable income, and belongings venture debt lenders on your stability sheet, you need to use these as leverage to entry debt financing and create your optimum capital construction instantly. One important aspect enterprise owners usually overlook when considering debt vs fairness financing is that investors are underwriting massively scalable companies.
These models also allow analysts to look at the prospects and opportunities prevailing in the market to precisely forecast the course of the market. The investor will get quarterly payouts during this commitment interval. SEBI , the stock debt venture capital market regulator, has dictated a minimal restrict of Rs. 1 crore for investment into AIF items. Willing traders can join such AIF items immediately or via distributors assigned by the fund.
Providers of debt capital are usually prepared to lend towards tangible assets or future cash flows from present actions however not against intangible assets or unsure growth prospects. A firm can select debt financing, which entails selling fastened income products, similar to bonds, bills, or notes, to investors to obtain the capital needed to grow and increase its operations. When a company points a bond, the buyers that buy the bond are lenders who're both retail or institutional investors that provide the corporate with debt financing. The amount of the funding loan—also known as the principal—must be paid again at some agreed date in the future. If the company goes bankrupt, lenders have a higher declare on any liquidated belongings than shareholders. We also document that the impression of government responses is bigger for financing by way of bonds relative to loans.
We work with entrepreneurs, enterprise house owners, company management and lenders to build an entire package that permits business house owners to obtain the best financing at aggressive rates. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this query, as the best time will vary depending on the precise wants and circumstances of every startup. However, normally, it is often a good idea to seek debt financing when you could have a transparent understanding of your financial scenario and you're assured that you can afford the loan repayments. It's also essential to note that debt financing ought to be used for capital expenditures that may assist develop and scale your corporation.
Equity is usually the extra well-liked method because it has a decent ring to it. But when it comes to debt financing, you'll find a way to truly save money in the lengthy term. A digitized checklist of all of the crucial knowledge a company wants to arrange for debt financing. Knowing the ins and outs of debt financing, and whether it's the best choice for you, could presumably venture capital lenders be the difference between your startup preventing an uphill battle or getting the leg-up it must succeed. The surge helped the African technology sector become “one of the only a few, if not the only, VC markets to boast net progress funding in 2022,” the Paris-based firm said. The development in debt financing is forecast to proceed within the subsequent couple of years, Tidjane Dème, basic partner at Partech, said.
Kiely spent hundreds of hours researching, analyzing and writing about the best advertising providers for small companies, together with e-mail advertising and text message advertising software program. Additionally, Kiely writes on subjects that assist small enterprise homeowners and entrepreneurs increase their social media engagement on platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Equity crowdfunding is if you venture debt lending sell small shares of the corporate to quite a few investors by way of crowdfunding platforms. These campaigns often require immense marketing efforts and quite a lot of groundwork to hit the aim and get funding.Title III of the JOBS Act lays out the specifics of equity crowdfunding.
Debt financing can incorporate both secured and unsecured loans, and in return for the mortgage, the person or investor will turn out to be a lender. They will receive a assure that the precept and curiosity on the debt will debt financing companies be repaid pursuant to the agreed upon phrases. A decade of excessive inflation has trapped many chief financial officers between severe financing wants and weakened steadiness sheets.
Meanwhile, startup companies should meet particular qualifications primarily based on a lender’s criteria. Then they comply with the fee terms, mortgage size, and rate of interest. But debt financing requires various collateral to equity financing. Angel investors are particular venture debt firms person investors who provide capital to businesses. They are often rich people or groups who are looking for alternatives to put money into businesses that they believe have the potential to generate engaging returns.
Entrepreneurs commonly borrow money from pals and family members, however commercial lenders are an possibility if you have collateral to place up for the mortgage. If you are just starting out, that may imply pledging your private property, including your own home. (The "second mortgage" has a wealthy history of financing startups.) Once your corporation is established, you may have the ability to pledge the belongings of the corporate itself. Despite the upper price, subordinated loans can still play a useful role in a company’s financial construction.
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