#financial goals before marriage
scribeanand · 10 months
Why Financial Planning is Important Before Marriage
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ezekiel-krishna · 2 months
7th Lord in All Houses [ Spouse/Marriage, Partnerships & Public ]
Part 2 .. { Vedic Astrology }
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7th Lord in 5th House
This placement is truly exceptional, but here's the catch - if there are negative influences alongside the seventh lord in the fifth house, it may slightly diminish the positive effects.Rest assured, you are destined for a love marriage and possess an immense love and respect for your partner. Your main goal is to bring happiness to your spouse, and this position blesses you with various talents, especially in creative fields like music, drama, dance, and acting.
Chances are high that you will meet your potential partner or spouse while engaging in fifth house activities, such as attending sporting events or participating in creative artistic endeavors like drama, dance, or acting. It could even be through theater or any similar avenue where you can find a potential spouse or strengthen your existing marriage.During times of crisis or emergencies, you and your spouse will grow even closer and stronger. In fact, it is said that you would willingly sacrifice your life for your spouse.
A successful marriage is built on the foundation of sharing resources wisely, opening a joint bank account, and having complete financial trust in each other. This agreement not only strengthens the bond between partners but also receives support from both sides of the family. Your ultimate wish is to have your spouse as your closest confidant, best friend, and companion.
Building friendships with others is crucial to you, especially through involvement in humanitarian and political groups. However, beware of becoming lazy, escaping reality, or falling into substance abuse, as these can jeopardize the relationship. Engaging in spiritual or occult practices together can enhance the bond, but if is only one partner becomes too absorbed in them, it may pose a threat to the relationship.
7th Lord in 6th House
When the seventh lord enters the sixth house, it creates a complex placement. However, this does not mean that you won't get married. In fact, there is a higher likelihood of marriage because there are certain karmic lessons that need to be resolved within a partnership. What you may experience is perceiving your spouse as somewhat adversarial towards yourself. It's important to be aware of this tendency and to truly get to know your partner before getting married. If you enter into marriage without knowing your spouse well, you may suddenly start seeing flaws that aren't really there.
It's crucial to avoid being overly judgmental towards your partner, and vice versa. Since the sixth house represents Mars, the celibate warrior, your relationship may ultimately lean more towards friendship than anything else. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, as many successful marriages are built on strong friendships. However, it's important to be mindful of this dynamic. With the seventh lord in the sixth house, there may be arguments and disagreements within the marriage. These conflicts arise because you may see your spouse doing things that you personally dislike.
Sometimes, due to these challenging karmas, individuals with this placement take a long time to fully commit to a relationship. However, there is a way to make this placement work in your favor. It depends on the nature of the seventh house lord. If it is a malefic planet such as Saturn, Rahu (North Node), or Mars, the challenges may be more intense due to anger and discord within the relationship.
The sixth house represents service, and the key to finding harmony in this placement lies in finding a common cause where both you and your spouse can creatively contribute. Engaging in social work, charity, or volunteering together, whether it's helping the needy in society or animals, can be highly beneficial. By serving a shared cause, you can strengthen your bond and navigate the challenges of this placement. You have the highest likelihood of meeting a potential spouse when engaging in activities related to the sixth house or being part of larger organizations such as schools, universities, hospitals, or even an ashram. The foundation of a successful relationship lies in your shared religion and adherence to dharma. It is crucial for this relationship to be completely dharmic, as any illicit activity can completely destroy it.
By following a guru and faithfully practicing your religious beliefs together, you can sustain this relationship. Additionally, studying higher philosophy and pursuing education at a university can also contribute to its longevity. Your greatest desire lies in spiritual pursuits, and you prefer solitude, peace, quiet, and contemplation. This is one of the reasons why you find marriage to be demanding. You tend to listen to your own inner voice rather than your spouse, which can create some difficulties. However, traveling to foreign lands with your spouse and experiencing new adventures together can be beneficial. One challenge in the relationship is your tendency to be a perfectionist towards your spouse. You can be overly critical and struggle to believe that your spouse is on your side. It is important for you to carefully examine your own faults in this regard.
To maintain a healthy relationship, it is essential for you to have a deep understanding of yourself and recognize your weaknesses. Additionally, achieving status or success in the world can sometimes pose a threat to the relationship. However, this placement is favorable for business endeavors, particularly in fields related to animal welfare, legal work, social work, larger institutions, counseling, and mentoring others.
7th Lord in 7th House
This is a fortunate placement indeed! When the 7th lord is a benefic planet like Venus, Jupiter, Moon, or Mercury, or even when it's a malefic planet like Saturn, Mars, Rahu, or Ketu, it can still be a blessing. But the question is, do you accept the blessing even when it is malefic?
In general, having the seventh lord in the seventh house means that your spouse is a good person who supports and blesses you. However, when the 7th lord itself is malefic or in conjunction with malefic planets, it may not be so clear. Your spouse may have a special role or destiny to fulfill. They may have prominence in the world and as they receive their blessings, they openly share them with you.
When the 7th lord is in its own 7th house, it is important to allow your spouse to do their own thing. Trust them and avoid being suspicious or jealous. By letting your spouse express themselves, the happiness between you becomes stronger. Your spouse is a motivating person who can help you achieve great things in life. This placement is excellent for partnerships as it elevates your life and brings you happiness and prominence when you are married. It is especially favorable for business people to have the seventh lord in the house of marketplace, as it brings opportunities to you.
You become a true entrepreneur, a go-getter, especially if you are in any business or partnerships with good aspects to the seventh house lord. It's hard to say where you will meet your spouse when the seventh lord is in the seventh house, but it will be a destined encounter because the 7th lord is so strong. Perhaps it will happen in the marketplace of life, while shopping, bartering, or engaging in business situations. What keeps the relationship going is when both of you are successful as a team in partnerships, or even when you go into business together.
Your desire for success, achievement, and prominence is solely focused on yourself. With your hardworking attitude, you are bound to succeed. However, your spouse's involvement in your success is at risk due to interference from either your spouse or your family members. They don't always provide the support you need, which also affects your relationship. When it comes to communication, it is crucial that you and your spouse talk extensively. But be cautious with your words, as once spoken, they cannot be taken back. The most important aspect is to maintain open lines of communication and be transparent with your spouse about your finances. Avoid hoarding wealth or keeping separate accounts, as this can strain the relationship.
Sharing financial matters may not be easy, but it is essential for a healthy partnership. The key to maintaining this relationship lies in discussing and resolving issues together.
...Stay Tuned For Part 3...
Remember This is a General Analysis , Whole Chart is to be consider for Accurate Personalized Predictions..
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riizebabie444 · 1 year
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☆ ─── hello and welcome to today’s tarot reading which is about your first impression of your future spouse and your future spouse’s first impression of you, with some other tidbits of information about them and you.
☆ ─── be sure to check out my other readings and don’t forget to share and give feedback. disclaimer: all readings done are for entertainment only. please do not use my tarot readings as a replacement for legitimate advice.
☆ ─── picking your pile: take a deep breath and allow your soul to centre itself. when you feel your mind balanced and cleared, allow yourself to be drawn to an image. your eyes may gravitate to one, or you may close your eyes and feel which image is calling out.
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☆ ─── 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟏
your first impression of them: i'm getting masculine energy that may seem like they are in a job or position of high power. for example, you might look at them and immediately assume they are involved in jobs related to law, military, police etc. it's possible that these may be their professions, however, for some it may just be a first impression. their aura as a whole is penetrative; they seem to have intellectual power, they have an authoritative demeanour. very boss-like. they seem cool and confident. not entirely lacking of emotions but you may immediately think "oh, this person is totally emotionally constipated." but i don't think this is entirely the case. they do have emotions and perhaps i picked up those professions earlier because this person has strong feelings when it comes to justice. but like the profession itself, they require their emotions to be strained because life is too difficult for emotions to rule their life. it's possible that for some of you, you may assume they are married at a first glance. for some, they may have children or during your first meetings, they may mention children or show you them. so naturally, you would assume they are married. let's not be homewreckers here, for the small number of you which this applies to. this is just a first impression, not an absolute truth and by no means does this suggest you should break apart a marriage or family. it could also be that they are someone who seems desperate to marry. you see them as lonely, needing of a true and passionate companion. and it could also suggest that when you first meet your person, you know from the very beginning that you will marry them. you know, one of those people that you can't help crushing on when you barely know them, and before you know it, you have a whole wedding and family planned out with them in your imagination. be careful not to fall in love too quickly, because this person might bring about a lot of delay. a delay of emotions, of love, of work. whatever it is, adventures end just as quickly as they start. you understand this from your first impressions of them, but it may be something you choose to ignore.
their first impression of you: firstly, they get a mix of both masculine and feminine energy from you. you seem to be someone who has control, someone who is active and knows what to do with their life. but they also see from the first impression that you have control over other things, like emotions. you may seem uptight at first. you come off as a total perfectionist. perhaps a workaholic, too. you seem to have mastered a lot of skill, but you come off to them as a person that is too engrossed in self-development. don't get me wrong, self-development is good. but their first impression tells me they think you are all "me, me, me!", putting all the work into yourself and never giving any effort to anyone else unless it allows you to achieve your own goals by doing so. they might also think you are too delusional about your financial state. at the time they meet you, you could have the "i manifested this!" mindset, but they may not believe in things like manifestation, and so, they assume you are delusional. they also have the first impression that you are a reckless spender. they'd rather you see and understand how you became into your position by your own efforts, and not what the universe has manifested for you. they might also see you initially as someone who moves too fast. they'll get to know you and won't be able to keep up. they think you should slow down, "hold your horses!" - especially in regards to career and money.
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☆ ─── 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟐
your first impression of them: i believe you will have a hard time deciding on what your first impression of them is. you could typically be the type of person who categorises people as "good or bad" and use your judgements to decide whether they are worthy of being in your life. but it will be hard for you to decide with this person. you don't know whether you should avoid them or keep seeing them. this could also suggest that you initially find this person indecisive. though overall, i think despite the confusion, they are a person that seems balanced and brings you balance. they might seem quite fiery, perhaps a fire sign or fire energy. they may come off as clumsy, but they are a person with fantastical thoughts and ideas. you might also think they are an "ace". good at everything, excels in anything they try. despite their clumsiness, they seem to always find success. you may perhaps meet them in a work environment, so you see more than one side of them. this is why it is hard for me to say you have a clear and concise first impression. they seem to know themselves, never wavering in fear. they believe in themselves above anything and you would admire this about them. they may initially seem too loud, too energetic. but they are deeply passionate and courageous.
their first impression of you: i immediately see that for some of you, when you and your person meet or make first impressions, you will be celebrating a personal achievement. perhaps a new job, new home, you quit smoking, or even something small and related to self-care. whatever this goal is, it is special to you and it will likely be one of the very first things they get to know about you. so initially, they will be proud, despite not knowing you well, or at all. they might also think your small goal is cute, and that you are cute for being so proud and excited for achieving it. go you! hard work definitely pays off and they get that vibe from you. you work hard to achieve something and you take time to admire all the results of your efforts. like a gardener who can't stop staring at their garden - this is the image they have of you. they think that you are the type of person who goes by the motto "no matter what life brings, it is a learning experience." however, they may also wonder if you are judgemental, or quick to judge. i don't see this in a negative way, but rather in an innocent way. you make quick judgement and speak or act in certain ways without realising how judgemental it could be until afterwards. they will notice this early on. and for some of you, they may think you are too high up in your head. it's good to be intuitive, to have compassion and empathy. but sometimes, they think you need to escape your mind and have a taste of the real world. lastly, for some of you, they may think you are so mysterious.
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☆ ─── 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟑
your first impression of them: you think they are a total loner. i'll try to be nice about it but the loner energy is way too strong. i think you will think negatively of them at first, someone who lacks friends and perhaps even family. it could be a red flag to you - there must be a reason they have no one close in their lives, no? i think they have a very lonely and sorrowful look and demeanour about them that makes you want to stay away. alternatively, it may mean you will meet them at a time when either you or them (or both) are going through a period of loneliness and social withdrawal, and for some of you, a breakup. you may think this person needs to reflect on their self-worth. i'm sorry if it may not be ideal for you to hear, but it's likely your person is going through it and you simply do not want to deal with it. yet, at the same time, you have these impressions of them but you can't stop thinking about them, worrying about them. the thoughts that keep you up at night, "i don't even know this person, i don't want to know this person but why can't i sleep? why am i so worried if they are doing okay or not?" there is still a good part of you that wants to reach out and i hope it will. keep in mind, these are just first impressions. their attitude can change at anytime so be aware that they may believe "if you don't love me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best." i'm not attempting to intimidate you into checking on them and forcing yourself to be in their life, but keep it in mind. because you will realise later on that they are not the person you had thought they were.
their first impression of you: they may look at you and think "wow, you come from a really good family." this is in terms of abundance, wealth, finance, success. they immediately assume you are someone who has been materialistically provided for. for some, they may tease you about "mommy's/daddy's money" and whether this is the case or not is none of their business at all. if i were you, pile three, i'd tell them straight away that you will not tolerate teasing about your financial position, because it's most likely they said it due to their own insecurities being triggered from the sight of you. don't let words like this dismay you. it could also be the case that someone else says this to you, or about you, and they will defend you. for some, a friend or colleague may say demeaning comments about your wealth and they will say "well, where is your money? stop being jealous." they may not know you well, but their first impressions at least make them want to defend you. however, it is no use in denying that they also had these fleeting thoughts too. that you are power hungry, the money got to your head. however, they will soon realise you are like a double-edged sword. money is good, and money is bad. success is good, and success is bad. "heavy is the head that wears the crown." you may also tease them, and that is why they think you are quite boastful and tyrannical, but as i've said throughout. this is not a bad thing because genuine, long-lasting impressions are very rarely the same as first impressions. and for a number of you, they may think you are generous, or would like to know how generous you are. not in a "buying them things" kind of way, but how you choose to help others, and how much of your resources (financial, emotional, time) you are willing to give to others.
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© lueurais — please do not copy, steal or repost anywhere.
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astrosky33 · 1 year
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[READ] People often question why there’s so many meanings for each planet/house and the reason is so that you can learn more than just one thing about yourself through each placement. Otherwise astrology would be very vague and boring. These are all meanings that I’ve learned from my astrology classes at Kepler College
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1ST HOUSE: identity/self, outward personality traits, outlook on life/approach to life, appearance, physical body, beauty, confidence, beginnings, how you initiate/ambition, your mannerisms, your outward behavior, physical fights, your presence, individuality, and passion
2ND HOUSE: money/finances (how we spend it, store it, and manage it), work, short term jobs, your work ethic, material possessions, self worth, values, emotional security, stability, financial security, how you meet financial obligations, your singing voice, giving/receiving, and resources (both material and non material)
3RD HOUSE: communication, your speaking voice/the way you talk, your mind, the way you think/your thinking skills, your perceptions, your opinions, your conscious mind, neighbors, siblings, interests, gossip, ideas/information, mathematics, literature, transportation (only ground not flying/air), local media, social media, cell phones, phone calls, visits, social activity, publishing, early education (before college), short trips, and short journeys
4TH HOUSE: homes/houses, family/family roots, your parents (particularly the mother/motherly figure), your inner child, emotions, foundations, your childhood, heredity, tradition, self-care, places of residence, real estate, properties, femininity, and conditions in early life
5TH HOUSE: children, childlike spirit, talent, creativity, drama, risk-taking, spotlight, romance (shows short term relationships, flings, hookups, and if long term relationships then only puppy love), hobbies, pleasures, objects of affection, vacations, games, speculation, fertility, concerts, festivals, and joy
6TH HOUSE: daily routine/day to day life/daily tasks, your health/fitness/the work you do on your body, your duties, self improvement, consistency, step-siblings, your hygiene, innocence, systems, service to others, co-workers, analytical nature, diets, animals, and your pets
7TH HOUSE: long term relationships, marriage, concern for others, attraction/attractiveness, charm, conflicts, partnerships, business partners, contracts, love affairs, open enemies, close associates, lower courts, negotiations, peers, agents, equality, harmony, and sharing
8TH HOUSE: major transformation, sex, death, longevity, changes, joint/shared finances, investments, stock market, your partners resources, taxes, inheritance, reproduction, seduction, intimacy (in general not only sexual), rebirth, merging, taboos, resurrection, loans, assets, secrets, mystery, businesses, spiritual transformation, magic (especially black magic), psychology, surgery/operations, trauma, periods, and the occult
9TH HOUSE: wisdom, law/laws, beliefs, religion, philosophy, higher education (college/university), viewpoints, languages, foreign environments, in-laws (your relatives through marriage), ethics, long journeys, travel, ideologies, higher courts, media, television, interviews, cross-cultural relations, grandparents, and learning
10TH HOUSE: your legacy, your career, your public image, your status, your reputation, fame, long-term goals, worldly attainment, sense of mission, responsibilities, recognition, authority, father/fatherly figure, experts, bosses, achievements, and professional aspirations
11TH HOUSE: friends, friend groups, gains, money made from career, desires, step/half parents, step/half children, uniqueness, inventions, technology, film, social awareness, influence, manifestations, hopes and wishes for the future, ideals, humanitarianism, associates (not just close ones), groups (in general), politics, social networking, where you make your debut into society, companions, allies, science, socialization/social interaction, clubs, organizations, and parties
12TH HOUSE: healing, the hidden, karma, karmic debts, old age, sleep, mental health, solitude/isolation, dreams (the ones you have when you sleep), hidden enemies, hidden causes, illusions, secret bed pleasures, spirituality, fears, losses, endings, escapism, impersonations, closure, need for withdrawal/privacy, afterlife, limiting beliefs, subsconcious memory, subconscious mind, hypnotism, self-undoing, hidden desires, the past, delay, and restrictions
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© 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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chaseprice · 18 days
Hi friends, as soooome of you already know, me and Jenny had been planning to get gay married (👩‍❤️‍👩🏳️‍🌈💍👰‍♀️👰‍♀️🏳️‍⚧️👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩✈️) late summer, and hopefully get the ball rolling on an long/tiring/complicated/expensive immigration process to finally live together. We were never gonna have or want an expensive or traditional wedding by any means, but we were hoping to at least meet up with some friends and comfortably take a couple weeks off of work before not seeing each other again for who knows how long. as our close friends know, there's been lots of ups and downs logistically and financially and mentally and work-wise over the past year, but we'd finally thought we'd be able to save up enough time off and have enough savings for it to not just be like, a courthouse date then getting a cheeseburger at the mall.
Anyway, unfortunately due to circumstances changing (ultimately, probably good circumstances, but ones that have been disappointing in the short term and forced us to rethink things), the only option now for us to meet and get married is not only gonna be a much shorter trip, but much sooner (as in, two weeks from now), and we are not gonna have the time off/funds we thought we might. 😔 It's been a struggle to achieve the ounce of stability we've currently got so it would be nice to not have to give this up for the sake of marriage - Jenny taking two weeks off unpaid and me paying for flights has definitely taken a toll on our finances already.
So... absolutely no pressure, however, if anybody wanted to give a 'wedding gift'... any kind of donation would be incredibly appreciated by both of us. Anything we receive would be put towards paying for rent given the unpaid time off Jenny is having to take, costs for food/drink for a small gathering with friends, the marriage license, and anything else would go towards our moving costs. but yeah, not only would it be nice for our marriage to feel a little more special, it would really help us with our goal of finally being able to take care of each other (i.e. me rescuing Jen from the hell-country) and not be in precarity all the time
Anyway yeah, thank you so much in advance if anyone is in a position to/wants to help out 💞💞
You can donate here: C*shapp: chickinparm P*ypal: jennyparm V*nmo: chickinparm
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theladybrownstarot · 5 months
How will be the month of January 2024 ?
Pick a card reading ~
Hi ,everyone brown♡ here ! Back with an another reading ~♡ . The pac is about month of January 2024 . So make sure you like/reblog/Comment/follow me to support me♡ . So ,choose pile(s) you feel drawn to and takes what resonates and what doesn't.
Let's begin with it 🍒
Pile 1. Pile 2. Pile 3.
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Pile 1 .
🍒 Namaste pile 1 swagatum to your reading !
♡ You people will achieve your goals that you planned and worked for . Even if you are preparing a great success is depicted out here ! There is a new beginning or a new phase of life starting soon from the month of january . You will achieve your milestones or start with an ambitious persona to give a new start of your life .
♡ Your family life willl be supportive and enriching . Someone from your family maybe your father will get a new job which will balance out financial conditions or you may receive a good job offer . There's a lot of abundance , prosperity , satisfaction and happiness in here .
♡ You people will be more observant of your daily life routine or you would realise how actually life goes for you individually . I sense a down of defensive shield and enjoyment of success and luxury . You will raise yourself to the top and for that just do everything you got for it.
♡ Some people may have babies soon or a new start in your family is coming maybe before you didn't had good family life that's because you had many pending karmas but now it's all finished and a new start in relationship with your family and love one is coming too .
♡ You are being advised to do things with love and passion do not hurry up for things so later you regret . Let yourself feel the orgasmic waves of love in an intense and motivating way . You will make your family proud just don't overthink .
♡ I see capricorn , scorpio , saturn and jupiter dominant in the chart maybe , aquarius moon , virgo , taurus , Pisces and cancer signs and placement prominent in any context .
Pile 2.
🍒 Namaste pile 2 swagatum to your reading !
♡ You people will try new things for yourself and will be fascinated by it too . I can see you being creative with your live or it could be that you could pursue your hobby as your career this month . People who are working in sales will have good profit coming up . You are going to be popular this month and won't be sitting still . Possible that you will start to learn new subjects , hobbies or will find your talent soon .
♡ There it could be the possibility of theft or robbery . People you will loose yourself this month and will go easy . You need some time off from work and family too . I sense you will be creating your original ideas or something rather than just copying others . Don't trust anybody else than your ownself .
♡ You need to carefull regarding the people . Keep your ideas locked from the world . You are going to receive an opportunity from someone for your talents maybe . This month will be a slow and steady progression but delightful at the end . Personal issue will reach to a solution too of any sort .
♡ I can see marriage on the card of yours or someone else . Take a risk to go alone with yourself to reach your dreams and make it happen . Don't let the wandering eye come on you to take you from your path . Let yourself be the mystery for success for same . Take some time adjust .
♡ Aquarius , Gemini , virgo , mercury dominant , libra , leo , aries , Sagittarius are the signs and placement i can see .
Pile 3 .
🍒 Namaste pile 3 swagatum to your reading !
♡ People you are going to take a new way of lead in your life regarding your work , finance , education and family or any other relation strongly . I see you people going easy with your work and starting to build a foundation for yourself .
♡ As i said a new way that could be taking a new risk or an opportunity in your life without worrying a lot . Seems like this month got you yo an another level of confidence . You have started to stop worrying about results and are focusing on building yourself . You could get some new pet too !
♡ I see that most of you are still healing with all your past of 2023 and others are done with their healing and have started to take a new hope in their life but first you have started to believe in yourself ~ I see ! many wishes are there that you want to accomplish and do and you are working same for that and surely your wishes will come true !!
♡ Now ! release and let go of all that's not important to you . Don't let your pride take away your success if you feel the path is going to be easy because one who will take light will again go through the loop again and again .
♡ I see full moon in leo , virgo , taurus , capricorn, aquarius in any context astrologically and yes these are the signs i am seeing in the reading .
The end of the reading
And happy new year !
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tarotwithdanise · 2 years
When will you get married?
꒰⠀from left to right ; intuitively choose the pile your mind, heart and soul desire for. if you are having trouble choosing the right pile for you, here’s some tips you can do ; (1) take a deep breath (2) close your eyes (3) ask guidance from your guides (4) finally open your eyes and you can choose the right pile for you by the guidance you ask from your guides. if you are still having trouble by choosing the right pile for you let me know because i am willing to help and guide you.
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Pile one
I think pile one, you are someone who is a late bloomer. You seems promise to yourself first before you will ever get married when you already reach your financial desire you want for yourself. You will get married in your late 20's or early 30's because you will be busy working and gaining money for your future and to be honest you will literally achieve your goals regarding to financial but you need to put a lot hardwork and effort as the eight of pentacles indicated here. Another message for you, you are someone who is afraid of being independent but you seek for the balance. You tend to ignore or shut down the opportunities that is coming to your way right now but in the end like if you will get matured and grow old, you will know your real purposes in life and you will learn to be independent in the future but it will take a lot of adjustments and time for you.
However, your future spouse will be someone who is you younger than you. This person is someone who likes to have fun, makes friends and have a very youthful energy. This person will have dark hair, neutral color of skin and might have a beautiful white teeth.
After the nuptial, you will gain huge property. This be might be from an inheritance from your family or your future spouse family or on the other hand both of you might start a business that will bloom and become well-known by many people. This marriage will bring a lot of abundance and happiness from the both you. You will get married from the minimum of two years to the maximum of eleven years and in the months of January, March, May, August and December.
Pile two
Right off the bat, this relationship is screaming a strong soulmate connection. However, there's a lot of unrevealed mysteries here or your partner might be someone who is mysterious, they can be someone who is alluring too. You or your future partner might have a strong capricorn placements. If you are in relationships right now you would likely or get married by a year and half from now since i see your partner here is not yet ready for now and it will take them a year or even years to have courage to be wedded with you because they enjoying this life first is what i am seeing, they're not yet ready to have family and wanted to have money first and fix there financial issues first(they might already said this to you). For singles , you will get married when you are in your mid 20's to mid 30's.
For some, you will marry someone who is very possessive, wealthy and popular. This person is like a star, they're attractive and charming to the eyes of other people. They will be someone who is old soul (might be older than you) and mature person. You will meet this person when you start a new beginning for yourself. In a place where there's a celebration and you are surrounded by many people or even a huge crowd. However, there's someone who can be or act like a blockage here in this relationship. This person who will against with this relationship can be their mother or someone who has a feminine energy on their side but you will overcome this problem. I'm also seeing here that for the like 15% of you, you first born will be twin more likely a girl and a boy. This marriage is indicate of the two couple great bond and trust for each other, you will learn a lot of lessons with this relationship.
You will get married from the minimum of a year to maximum of ten years. In the months of April, October, November, May, December but most of you will likely get married in the month of April and October.
Pile three
You will get married when you accepted your past and heal your inner child. Most of people who chose this pile is highly intuitive individual and might have psychic abilities that they're using now. I think some of you might already married or just consider themselves already married with your current partner yk. But if you are single, you are most likely to get married when you are still in your young age like earlier than 20's or just in your mid 20's but i don't consider this pile to get married more than the ages I have mentioned.
Also getting pregnant before marriage is very common here, you or your future spouse might get pregnant before your marriage.
You will marry someone who is helpful, down-to-earth and traditional person. For some of you, this might be someone you known since your childhood and you have no idea that you will end up with them. For the rest of this pile, you will meet this person when you are traveling, working or even studying abroad. This relationship will bring a lot of healing to you too. You will get married most likely five - seven years from now. In the month of february, january, september, june and july.
© tarotwithdanise ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, alter, or repost my work.
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communistchilchuck · 1 month
Nagham reached out to me to help share her family's fundraiser. Yasmeen Ouda is urgently raising money to evacuate her family from Gaza to Canada. They have currently only made $13,850 CAD out of their $50,000 goal, a little under 1/4th of the way there! Please donate and share, and if you can't donate, please still share!
Yasmeen's Twitter/X account: @Jasmeen217
From Yasmeen's GFM:
Hi everyone,
My name is Yasmeen Ouda, I am Palestinian born and raised in Gaza city, I moved to London Ontario 4 years ago with my husband. I am raising this fund to help my family flee the war and come safely to Canada and reunite with me and my kids again.
I'm writing to you at a really critical and urgent moment. Presently, my family is in Gaza and is dealing with unspeakable conditions. My family and I are fervently requesting your assistance so that we can help them flee to safety and reunite with me in Canada. I live in Canada with my 2 kids , yet I feel like I'm thousands of miles away from my family and are helpless to stop the suffering caused by ongoing aggression in Gaza. The situation is getting worse every day, and I worry about their safety.
I've been putting my family before myself since the beginning of the war. My heart shatters into even more pieces and hurts more each time I say this but they have already made evacuations inside Gaza with no safe place to go to. They didn’t manage to take any of their belongings except some clothes and important documents as the Israeli occupation forced them to evacuate immediately. Even by evacuating to the safe area as the Israeli claims they have witnessed so many bombs and death everywhere but they have miraculously survived each time.
Recently, Canada announced a program stating that immediate families of Palestinians with Canadian citizenship or permanent residency will be eligible to remain in Canada for three years in a move designed to bring them to safety while war rages in Gaza between Hamas and Israel.
I was overjoyed to hear this news because it gave me hope that, after this extremely difficult period, I would be reunited with my family. However, my joy was tinged with bitterness since I knew that they would not be able to pay for the rent or even the exorbitant living expenses in Canada
My brother is expecting his first child in May 2024 , after 1 year of marriage. he is very worried about this baby after having one miscarriage before and wish to take his wife and baby to safety but he won't be able to afford the costs of the delivery in Canada or even provide for his baby's needs at least for a while until he settles down and finds a job.
My sister is a 4th year medical student, she is studying in the Islamic university of Gaza. She's passionate about her major and dreaming of becoming a doctor but the Israeli occupation has shattered her dream into pieces when they bombed the university and turned it into aches. Now, she has a new opportunity to fulfill her dream again here in Canada, but studying in Canada is expensive and she will never make it without your help and support.
It is extremely difficult and demanding to start over in a new country without any savings, especially for people who are already fleeing the war and have nothing left for them. However, you may assist them by helping them with the initial steps of their new journey.
Your support, no matter how small the contribution, means more than mere financial aid. It's an expression of your solidarity, compassion, and humanity, granting her a chance at a new, secure life .Together, we can make a difference, rebuilding a life and dreams from scratch. Each donation, regardless of size, contributes to their new start.
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queen-haq · 11 months
Fic: Grudgingly Yours (Part 4)
Fic: Grudgingly Yours (Part 4)
Summary: You are a general surgeon, working in a hospital that’s slowly sucking the life out of you when one day you’re given the offer of a lifetime.
A.K.A  - An arranged marriage fic :)
Pairing: Billy Russo x You
Rating: R
Masterlist (contains links to my other stories and this one)
Chapter 4
You bit down on your bottom lip, looking at the project plan for the next few weeks. Ideally you would have loved to open a hospital but that was beyond your current means. As a compromise, you made the decision to go with an urgent care clinic in your childhood neighbourhood. There was a lot of administrative red tape to get through before you could even begin working on your plans and that’s why you’d engaged two of your closest friends for help. Jacintha was a marketing executive for a healthcare company, and Ritu was a financial analyst, and they were the perfect people to guide you towards your goals. The three of you had accomplished what needed to be done today, and were taking a break now.
 “Any more pizza left?” Ritu asked.
 You peeked through the boxes. “Nah, we finished it all. I can order more?”
 “No, I had too much already,” Ritu said, drinking her glass of wine.
 Jacintha was scrolling through her phone, her feet up on the couch. “There’s no one here that’s even remotely interesting,” she grumbled. “Everyone’s either ugly or a fuckboy.”
 You laughed. While Ritu was happily married, Jacintha was single and on the lookout for fun dates. Except her friend had very high expectations and there weren’t that many men that met her standards. “Maybe you should venture outside Manhattan,” you offered.
 “I’d rather shoot myself than date a guy from Jersey.”
 “My thoughts exactly.”
 Hearing Billy’s voice, you turned around to find him standing at the entrance to the room. Dressed casually in a maroon jumper, black jeans and signature leather jacket, he appeared amused as his eyes languidly took in your friends. When you’d seen him earlier today he was heading out with another woman – so why the fuck was he back and interrupting your night?
 Irritation surged through you. You’d made up an excuse about Billy being busy when Jacintha had inquired about his whereabouts, but now he was here and that meant you had to put on a show for your friends. “Thought you were gonna be gone all night, honey.”
 Both Ritu and Jacintha watched him curiously, with Jacintha taking the lead in approaching him. “Glad you made it home, Billy. Didn’t think we were going to meet you today but I’m glad you’re here.” She reached out to hug him, and you noted how Billy returned the hug with enthusiasm. “I’m Jacintha, Y/N’s would-be maid of honour –“
 Ritu scoffed.
 “- if you hadn’t gone off and eloped with her,” Jacintha continued, sticking out her tongue at Ritu.
 You rolled your eyes, watching as Ritu made her way towards Billy.
 “Only way Jas would’ve been maid of honour is if I turned it down.” Ritu extended her hand out to Billy. “Hi, I’m Ritu. And we need the complete story behind this whirlwind romance. Y/N’s being way too tight-lipped about the details.”
 His response was a gorgeous smile. “I don’t know what lies she told you, but eloping was her idea not mine.”
 What the fuck? Spotting the wicked glint in his eyes, you knew he’d thrown you under the bus on purpose. Asshole!
 “Come on, Billy. Don’t lie to my friends,” you teased, sauntering over to where he stood. “They’re gonna think I didn’t have a wedding on purpose.”
 Jas frowned. “Did you elope just to get out of picking a maid of honour?”
 You put on a fake smile. “Look what you did, sweetheart.”
 His voice was nauseatingly sweet. “Just being honest, love.”
 “So tell us about yourself, Billy,” Ritu prodded.
 “Like you guys didn’t google me?” Billy fired back.
 Jaz confronted him with a raised eyebrow. “We did. What we found wasn’t great. Definitely not the kind of guy who deserves Y/N.”
 “Okay. That’s enough.” You walked over to Billy and grabbed his hand. “Can we talk alone?”
 Dark eyes bore into your soul. “If you insist.”
 You dragged him away, leaving your perplexed friends watching after you.
 Once inside the spare office room, you closed the door behind. “Why are you here?”
 Billy cocked his eyebrow, smirking as he strut toward the couch. Sitting down, he regarded you with amusement. “Last time I checked this is my place.”
 “Wrong. It’s your grandfather’s and he gifted it to both of us. So you can shove that bullshit.” You glared at him with hostility. “We had a deal. You stay out of my way when I have people over.”
 He shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t remember agreeing to that.”
 Exasperated, you crossed your arms. “Do I harass your dates when you bring them home?”
 “My dates don’t take over the entire place.”
 “Upstairs is your area, downstairs is mine. That was your rule!”
 “That Jacintha’s cute.”
 Irritation surged through you at the abrupt change in topic. “Don’t hit on my friends.”
 He cocked his eyebrow. “Figures you’re the jealous type.”
 “I’m not jealous, you moron. I just don’t want you creeping on them.”
 “Tell me something. That whole scene during dinner, standing up for me, bitching out the old man, that was all an act, right?”
 “What are you talking about?”
 He leaned forward. The smile from before was now replaced with a somber look, his dark steely gaze holding you hostage. “You planned it, didn’t you? Plotted with him so you’d look good to me?”
 “What makes you think I care enough to do that?” You held his stare, challenging him back. “Whatever issues you have with your family, it’s none of my business. I only stood up for you because I fucking hate bullies. I already told you that. But if you don’t believe me, I don’t give a shit.”
 His eyes remained on you, unwavering and hostile, staring at you intently. “Let me see your phone.”
 You scowled. “No.”
 “Why not?”
 “Why should I?”
 “Because I want to prove something to myself.”
 “How’s my phone gonna help with that?”
 “Let me worry about it.”
 “Go fuck yourself.”
 He smiled. “Show me your phone and I’ll keep my distance from your friends. That work for you?”
 “Fine.” Taking out your cell from your back pocket, you approached him. You unlocked the screen and handed it to him. “Here. Have your fill.”
 You regarded him cautiously while he scrolled through to look for any incriminating conversations between you and Alistair. There would be none, just a whole bunch of missed calls from the old man since the night of the dinner party. And a vague text message where he threatened you.
 “You’ve been ignoring his calls. Alistair won’t like that.”
 “He’ll get over it.”
 “He’s dangerous when he’s crossed. And you pissed him off by standing up for me.”
 “I can take care of myself,” you huffed, grabbing your phone back from him.
 “You have to be so flippant about everything?” Billy asked.
 The fake concern in his tone was infuriating, like he actually cared about you when it was the farthest thing from the truth. “Don’t pretend like you give a shit about me.”
 He cocked his eyebrow. “Is that what you think? At least with you I know what I have to deal with. If he takes you down, I have to worry about what he has planned next. That’s the only reason I’m warning you.”
 “Whatever.” You slipped your phone back into your pocket. “Now, please get the fuck out.”
 “Who’s Calvin?”
 You froze. Of course the fucker noticed all the text messages from him. “None of your business.”
 A cold smile curved Billy’s lips. “Boyfriend? He seems to be, texts you a lot.”
 “You jealous?”
 “Keep dreaming, sweetheart.” He leaned forward and picked up a random magazine that was on the coffee table. His voice was casual, deliberately calm when he spoke next. “Just curious about how your boyfriend feels you marrying me for money. Calvin okay with the golddigger lifestyle?”
 “He lets me make my own decisions.”
 Billy’s voice reeked of sarcasm. “Sounds like a real man.”
 “He is.”
 Billy scoffed.
 “Why are we even talking about this? I don’t butt into your business, do I?”
 “Oh, you didn’t tell Gwen we were married?”
 You rolled your eyes, remembering the blonde from a few weeks ago. “That was once. You’ve had other women here since then and I haven’t bothered them.”
 His intense, lingering stare remained affixed on you, making you feel unexpectedly self-conscious. You were in jeans, an oversized t-shirt, and wearing no make-up. It was supposed to be a casual night in and you’d dressed accordingly, but you weren’t prepared for Billy to give you the kind of look that speared right through to your soul. His stillness made you nervous, making you feel like he was plotting your death or something. You preferred it when he espoused hateful rhetoric instead. “Anything else?” you prodded. “Or can I go back to my friends?”
 “Do whatever you want.”
 Despite the insolence in his words, his voice was a husky, throaty drawl, smooth like whiskey, like he was trying to seduce.
 Or maybe you were just being an idiot.
 Without saying anything else, you turned around and walked out.
 Upon returning to your friends, they surrounded you immediately.
 “What’s going on?” Jas asked.
 “Nothing,” you replied, trying to maintain your calm exposure.
 “You’re lying to us,” Ritu piped up.
 You started stacking the empty pizza boxes. “What do you mean?”
 “That’s not how newlyweds act!” Jas accused.
 “Why? Just because I’m not all over him in front of you guys? That doesn’t prove anything!”
 “None of this makes sense. You elope with a guy none of us even knew you were dating, supposedly because the two of you are so madly in love, but that’s not what we saw just now. You guys looked like you hate each other!”
 You ran your fingers through your hair. Shit.
 “Tell us what’s going on. Are you in trouble?” Ritu asked.
 “Whatever it is, just tell us. We’ll help you.”
 Guilt surged through you as you stared back at your best friends. They were genuinely concerned and worried about something happening to you, and there you were lying to them. You sighed, taking a seat.
 Then you started telling the truth.
 A week later you walked into the penthouse suite, your feet aching in the stilettos you were wearing. Jas and you had gone out to dinner so she could give you notes on the prenup. Even though you’d reassured her multiple times that your lawyer had vetted it thoroughly and negotiated the best terms for you, she wasn’t convinced and insisted one of her contacts, a prominent divorce attorney, review the details. The lawyer did have some feedback but ultimately agreed it was a good deal. Finally Jas was convinced you hadn’t lost your mind with this deal, and the two of you went clubbing after. You were used to staying up all night from working at the hospital, but the whole heels thing was new to you.
 Sighing, you undid the straps and threw the shoes aside, groaning with relief when your feet hit the ground. As you started walking back to your room, you cut through the living room only to find Billy sound asleep. You stopped for a second, simply watching him. Not sure why he was even downstairs, but there he was on the couch, in a black razor tank and jeans, sleeping on his side. There were a couple of empty beer bottles on the coffee table. He was facing you, hair ruffled, eyes closed, one arm tucked under his head and the other splayed on his side. Watching him as he laid there, you had to admit he really was a beautiful man – as long as he kept his mouth shut. You usually liked them stocky and broad-shouldered, gym guys who you knew could lift you without much trouble, but Billy was lean and toned. Not that he wasn’t muscular, he definitely was, but you doubted he could pick you up. Or that he’d want to. You saw the women he slept with, you were definitely not his type. And you had no interest in being one of them.
 You sauntered past him and headed for your room.
 An hour later you were freshly showered and dressed in a silk robe, eating Greek yogurt in the kitchen to satisfy your late-night hunger cravings when you heard a crash coming from the living room. Worried, you quickly marched towards the noise. Upon entering the room, you found broken glass shards from the beer bottles atop the coffee table and Billy on his knees, one hand gripping the edge of the table while the other was clutching his chest.
 His skin was flushed, slick with sweat, eyes stricken with panic. He looked like he couldn’t breathe, as if he was dying.
 Immediately you switched to doctor mode. Rushing, you sat down next to him. “Are you hurt? Bleeding? What’s going on? Talk to me,” you ordered, keeping your voice normal and calm so as not to agitate him further. With an expert touch you examined his hands to make sure he didn’t cut himself - he didn’t - and swiped the beads of moisture from his forehead.
 His breathing was ragged, he didn’t speak, a wild expression on his face matching the far away look in his eyes, like he was somewhere else at the moment.
 You started rubbing his back, hoping the physical contact would tether him to reality. “Billy, you’re fine. You’re okay.” Repeating yourself over and over again, you soothed him, stroking his back, caressing the hair on the nape of his neck, your other hand covering his chest where his heart resided.
 It took a while for his heart to return to normal speed. The entire time he was locked in your embrace, pressing into you, squeezing you tightly like his life depended on it.
 After a short while, Billy finally spoke. “It’s hot. I’m hot.”
 Voice husky, body warm to the touch, you realized he needed some air. “Do you want some water?” You attempted to move away but he grabbed your hand that was on his chest and held it in place.
 “No. Just need to take this off.” In one quick gesture he pulled off his tank and threw it aside. You tried not to stare at the wounds on his chest, burn marks and lashings, like he’d been tortured. They were fully healed, a few years old from what you could tell, but the scars remained, forever haunting him. Your heart ached, realizing he must have gone through sheer hell to survive that.
 Your fingers caressed his chest. “You should get some sleep.”
 Billy finally met your gaze. The emotion in his eyes made your stomach clench with anxiety. There was no anger, no contempt, just raw, stark need for something you didn’t understand. His dark eyes were crystal clear, no cloudiness in them, like he was seeing you for the first time.
 And then suddenly he stood and lifted you up, carrying you over to the couch behind you both. He sat back on the cushion, you straddling him, one arm encircling your waist while the other hand fisted the back of your hair.
 Eyes locked on one another, breaths trembling, you swallowed audibly as you waited for him to say something, do anything. But he didn’t move, didn’t speak, only watching you.
 Minutes passed, every second feeling like an eternity.
 Your heart was pounding in your chest, so loud you worried he could hear it. Could he? Could he see how he was affecting you? That your nipples were hard and your pussy wet from grinding down on his jeans? That his heated skin pulsed through you like a vibrator and you felt every brush, every stroke, every touch of his fingers strumming you like a guitar?
 You didn’t know why you did it, why your fingers curved around his throat, why the other played with his earlobe. You were teasing him, taunting him, daring him to make a move. To take you.
 Electric jolts ran through your body when he unexpectedly moved in closer, the top of his head brushing against your mouth, his lips blowing soft air on your neck as he inhaled you in. “You smell so good.”  
 Wetness pooled between your legs, your body taut with tension. Your arms wrapped around his neck and shoulders, holding on tight. Did he know what he was doing to you? Was it a ploy? How could he sound so desperate and vulnerable and still be playing you?
You didn’t understand, because you couldn’t think. How were you supposed when his erection was nudging your thighs? There was no fucking escape from him, he’d ingrained himself in you completely. Wrapped around every inch of you, next to you, under you, all-consuming solid presence of his body overwhelming all of your senses.
 “Will you stay with me?” he whispered, soft, gentle, making your heart pulse the way your body did. “Help me sleep?”
 There was nothing else you could say. “Yes.”
 You couldn’t turn him down, not the part that was trained to heal patients, nor the woman in you that was utterly exposed to someone who was begging for help.
 And so when Billy cradled you in his arms and maneuvered you both to lay down on the couch, his hand squeezing yours as he pressed a warm kiss on your temple, you simply closed your eyes and let the warmth sweep over you.
A/N - Um, thoughts? 
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chafelis · 1 year
in an ayato mood after i got him on a single pull :)
here are some thoughts that have been floating around
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// tw ; unhealthy power dynamics, manipulation, toxic relationships, financial abuse, baby trapping
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yan! ayato who is enamored with ayaka's close friend, even more interesting if his darling is cozying up to ayaka for personal gain ; how long will you keep up your nice facade? ayaka is a sweet kind girl, she may be fooled but nothing truly escapes ayato's gaze
continuing on that idea, let us say kamisato ayaka isn't as naive as you thought ; she finds your efforts to cater to her adorable & makes no comment as you dote on her every need. her position leaves her quite lonely so don't let your pretty eyes stray from her for a second
it's a dangerous combo of power wealth & status, you've been dancing in their palms the entire time and it's best you don't try to leave, least they need to shackle you physically
yan! ayato as a modern day ceo with an investigator darling. there is corruption in the inazuman tri commission and it's your goal to bring light to their unsavory business methods. this fits well with a person who has been wronged by the yashiro commission ; perhaps someone was in the wrong place at the wrong time. ayato originally sees no reason to get involved as the shuumatsuban can clean up loose ends, yet he might have to take you more seriously when you apply to be his secretary. you have no evidence against ayato and he's found it quite amusing to dangle evidence just to destroy it completely. he's not sure why he's still keeping you around but your admiration is amusing and the despair that paints your face with every dead end is too delicious to ignore. don't even think of resigning, have you forgotten the agreement you signed before starting?
yan! toxic boyfriend ayato :)
ayato is a person who works behind the scenes at all times, you didn't get the job you wanted? that's just too bad. someone beat you to the new apartment you wanted to move to? no worries you can move in with your loving boyfriend who has enough money to support both of you. you got pregnant despite using birth control? you don't need to worry about anything ayato will always be here for you.
yan! ayato with a spy darling ; he's always known who you were, an informant for a rival clan. to keep you close he passes on falsified information so that eventually your clan will think you've betrayed them ; you've been forced into a corner, begging ayato for mercy and protection from your family. you aren't aware there's truly no need for protection, the moment your clan had planned to silence you was the moment they ceased to exist.
yan! ayato with a childhood friend darling. regardless if you don't remember playing with him and his sister in chinju forest, he still remembers your promise to marry him under the sacred sakura all those years ago.
yan! faceless ayato inspired by michiru ichijou from mieruko-chan. you can see his true appearance and he can't help but spiral into obsession!! ( this concept will be a fic btw )
yan! ayato with a fake marriage!! you suggest it to get out of an unsavory relationship, adding kamisato to your name would make you untouchable. you haven't realized you walked straight into a trap ; ayato has always desired you and now that you're legally binded there is no escape. bonus points if this is set in a historical isekai setting.
"you wouldn't be confessing such feelings if you didn't believe all cards are in your hand, what exactly are you plotting sir kamisato?" the strained smile you were holding had already started to twitch, "if this is some sort of joke i don't find it very funny."
"i'm quite glad my spouse is already aware of how i think, i'm sure we both know my desires for you aren't in jest songbird," ayato smirks, his eyes swirled with an emotion you didn't want to identify, "i'm not interested in ending our marriage, surely you are aware of our differences?"
he didn't need to spell it out. with his wealth and influence escape would be nigh impossible.
"you, how much of this have you planned?" you don't actually want to know, the feeling of helplessness had already sunk into your bones.
ayato just offers you a smile. in all your time working alongside him, you'd seen countless of his rehearsed smiles. chills shot down your spine, you'd never seen such a genuine expression on his face.
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scribeanand · 10 months
Financial Planning Before Marriage
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Am I the AH for refusing to be friends with someone who flat out hated me?
From ages 22-26 I was friends with R 29-33. R had only worked once in her life which was mcdonalds for 3 months to buy anime merchandise her grandma didn't want to buy her. R's grandma is in her late 80's now just for reference. R's granny had married a rich military dude who was on his 3rd marriage or so then died, so she got all his assets which included like 5 houses, 3 were being rented out which is how she'd get her income. So R never worked and just sat at home getting into internet fights. My friend had invited her into our discord and I'd be civil with her despite knowing how shes been with others. I was working full time for shit pay and going to school full time too. R was very, idk how else to say it, but she always demanded our attention. The other people in the server were 5 from ages from 16-22, we never used how much older she was against her, but she really didn't acknowledge or respect alot of us were in school. Many times we'd had to tell her to step back and set boundaries with us. It did result in people leaving the server. So, in summer of 2019 R decided to go to college. She got alot of financial aid and said her goal was to become a therapist cause she was everyone's "mom". That stuff wasn't even remotely true, she was always a total bitch to everyone. R unfortunately didn't understand that going to school means having to put the work in. She was more interested in spending the financial aid on gacha, anime merch, and other stuff. She lost her financial aid after the spring semester of 2020, and refused to talk to her school about the pandemic stress and other shit. During this time, she tried making me do her assignments and I kept saying no or only helped a little. I had my own assignments, school, and I was stressed. Well, when she lost her financial aid due to academic probation, she blamed me. When the pandemic hit my school did this thing where you'd get partially refunded your semester depending on how you did. I was so thankful for that since I barely scraped by to pay for school. R was so fucking nasty about it. I didn't tell my friends that to gloat, I actually said that before she lost her financial aid. She said I didn't deserve it, cause people like her struggled more. Which is fucking weird since I'm a first gen POC and made a few bucks above minimum wage where I live. I didn't even enjoy my time at school cause of the stress and never having money. So she kept harassing me for getting government aid. I wasn't eligible for financial aid! My parents weren't even eligible for food stamps and we always fucking struggled. But I didn't deserve help, who cares if R is a cis white woman in her 30's that only worked once for a few months, she has it harder. Then R left our server when the pandemic started getting nastier, alot of us struggled but we stayed close in the discord. Then one day I reached out to R in late 2021 to say happy birthday and she said "whose this? New phone." I was hurt she didn't keep my number, but whatever. In 2022 she reached out to me for gossip cause I broke up with someone. Then now in 2023 she reached out cause she wants resources to be a vtuber. I'm sorry, she was shitty to me, I've been struggling, and she reaches out for that? Idk even know how I'd be able to help her with that. I told a friend from our old server and she told me how she had been doing R's assignments for school, but stopped cause she was getting stressed cause she had her capstone class that semester. So wow. R basically didn't do shit for school and gets pissy i get some financial relief. I then had another mutual friend tell me how R had told them she sent me a gift and I didn't send her one, one year. Uh? I tried. I ordered something online for her, and the company sold out, but kept my shit on back order. So R got it like a month late, it was a Christmas gift and I explained it to her, sent her screenshot of when i placed the order and sent her an Amazon gift card as an apology. So she bad mouths me for something out of my control?
I've been getting "hey" messages from R lately, and idk. I'm so done with her.
What are these acronyms?
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stevetonyweekly · 7 months
SteveTony Weekly - November 26th
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I’m traveling this weekend (at this point I’ve been in the car about 5hrs and have another 8 to go today) so I asked for a few tropes to share fics from. Thanks so much to @ishipallthings & @iwillsinkwithmyships for their suggestions. 
As evere, please leave comment and kudos for your author. 
Bodyguard AUs: 
it goes like this -- by Areiton 
It goes like this, really--
He wants Tony. 
He wants him like he needs air to breath, wants to wipe away all the ones who came before him with mouth and tongue and bruise tight hands. 
He wants Tony and he’s terrified. 
I could lie tangent to your curves by RurouniHime 
Steve is bodyguard to a prominent young socialite with too much genius on his hands... and who has taken an unfortunate shine to him.
(Written for royal_chandler, who won the bid for my offer in Marvel Trumps Hate 2018.)
Triple-A Rated by iam93percentstardust 
Three assassination attempts in two weeks. That's gotta be some kind of record. Three attempts - and that doesn't even count the Ten Rings. Tony's pretty sure that Stane's trying to kill him again. Fury's pretty sure of the same thing, which is why he starts sending agents to protect him. It's just that Tony doesn't like any of his new bodyguards - except one.
Safety by CSHfic, VSfic 
The suit needs repairs, and Tony thinks he's being clever when he tells the Avengers that Iron Man is away on personal business...until Steve helpfully volunteers to be Tony's bodyguard in his place.
Historical AU 
Looking for Heaven by foxxcub
When young Lord Anthony Stark learns Steven Rogers has enlisted in the army, he thinks he's seen the last of his tiny, headstrong, haughty stable boy. But four years later, Lord Stark gets an unexpected visit from Steve, whose mother has fallen gravely ill and into financial ruin. Even more unexpected, Steve agrees to a shocking proposal: they will marry, giving Steve the necessary funds to save his mother, and Tony the much-needed reprieve from harassing would-be suitors. It is a business arrangement, nothing more. But as time goes on and circumstances arise, Tony begins to learn that keeping his heart away from his husband is easier said than done.
Maybe Tomorrow by scifigrl47
Tony Stark may well be the richest man in America. In the depths of the Great Depression, that's no small claim. When a plot is hatched for him to take in an orphan for a week, everyone knows it's a publicity stunt. No one knows it better than Officer Steve Rogers, but he's got a job to do, and he's going to do it. Doesn't mean he's going to approve.
Yes, it's an Annie AU.
Yes. That Annie.
Love Match by FestiveFerret
Tony had but one goal for the season: secure a marriage proposal from an alpha with the position and means enough to remove him from his father's house. Love was wholly irrelevant to the matter.
Peep Show by BladeoftheNebula
“Alright there, Sugar?” A voice came from behind him and he whipped around to see an omega with a little box of tokens. “You know you got to put one in to start right?”
Steve felt his face heat. “Yes ma’am. I was just uhh—“
“First timer?” He nodded and she gave him an encouraging smile. “Well, don’t worry, there’s glass behind the curtain, so the omegas can’t bite.” Then she winked. “That costs extra.”
Steve’s face got even hotter. He certainly wasn’t doing that.
Steve knew he wasn't any omega's first choice, or hell, even third. But what starts as a visit to a seedy Peep Show in Manhattan ends up changing his life for good.
An Inglourious Affair by morphia
In 1944, Steve's commando team, The Basterds, are off to fight nazis in France. Tony joins their efforts after intelligence suggests that Herr Kleiser, a German scientist, has set his sights on making a massive nuclear bomb. Their mission: Get to Kleiser before he completes his evil plan. What neither of them had planned for, however, was to fall in love in the middle of the worst war either of them had ever seen.
Mail Order Bride/Arranged Marriage 
Object: Matrimony by BladeoftheNebula
Omega Tony Stark craves adventure and an escape from the life his parents have planned for him in New York. He places a listing in a marriage catalogue to seek a match with an alpha out West, and Sheriff Steve Rogers answers his advertisement. But finding a nice alpha doesn't mean it's all smooth sailing from there...
I Whisper Your Name on Each Star I See Falling by JezebelGoldstone, littleblackbow
The day Natasha first told Steve her idea, he never would have dreamed that her fool notion would land him here: watching the train roll into the station and trying to wrap his mind around the fact that somewhere in there is the man who agreed to marry him.
Steve, an alpha farmer living outside a small town in the Rockies who doesn't want to admit how lonely he is, has been exchanging letters with omega Tony for nearly a year. When at last Tony arrives in Big Eden, Steve is confronted with the fact that he doesn't know Tony as well as he thought he did - and falls for him harder than a landslide anyway.
rearrange my heart (to fit your smile) by starklystar
"You dare," Howard's chair makes an ugly noise as it scrapes against the stone floors, the chatter of the room shifting into hushed whispers and stolen glances. "I am your father and your King!"
"My King is my husband," Tony tips his chin up, defiant. "And I refuse to hear you suggest that my husband has been anything other than good to me."
Next to him, he feels Steve's shoulders stiffen in surprise.
Howard's fist slams loud on the table. "Your husband does not even love you!"
Tony jerks back, burned. He knows that. Knows that Steve did not marry him for love – does not need any reminder of the cold truth, of what he desperately yearns for and can't even hope to have – but the harshness of Howard's words was scalding, and Tony can't afford for this to go any further.
Or, King Steven marries Prince Tony, Tony is pretty sure he shouldn't panic when he falls in love with his own husband, and Steve tries his very best not to cause diplomatic crises.
Keyword: try
47 notes · View notes
voiceoffenrisulfr · 27 days
Destiny Bond
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 -> James "Bucky" Barnes/Original Non-Binary Character, James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 -> The Government offers Bucky a clean slate if he marries a mutant of their choosing. Can a match motivated by survival ever work out? Arranged Marriage AU
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 -> (E)  Angst, arranged marriage reluctance, implied incentivised breeding, smut, praise kink, spanking.
𝐀/𝐍 -> Largely written for the Build-a-Bucky bingo, hosted by @buckybarnesevents! This was an utter delight to write. Thanks for the inspiration! For our Bug. Our muse, our superhero, always.
Prompts fulfilled: - ‘Destiny Bond’ – Dick-or-Treat; - ‘Mutual Pining’ – Any Fandom Goes (Kink) @anyfandomkinkbingo; - ‘Hurt/Comfort’, ‘Bucky’s Trigger Words’, ‘Accidental Love Confessions’, ‘Backyard Cookout’, ‘Wrong Number’, ‘Friends to Lovers’, ‘AU: Arranged Marriage’, ‘Space’, ‘Mutual Masturbation’, ‘Spanking’, ‘Possessiveness’, ‘Praise Kink’ – Build-a-Bucky Bingo (May) @buckybarnesevents (Completionist achieved! :D)
Read it below or on AO3 here. Adorable divider by @plum98! Cards at the end <3
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Stevie adjusted my tie, and I swallowed dryly.
“So… You excited?” he murmured, raising his eyes to mine as he earned a weak, wordless chuckle. “Yeah… Probably not how you envisioned it, huh?”
“I mean, I figured I’d probably get married in the fifties. Just, y’know… A century earlier.”
“And to someone you know,” Steve added, his voice low, and I grinned feebly.
“Yeah, well. We can’t all be as lucky as you and Tony,” I teased affectionately, making my best man’s cheeks flush pink.
“I’m glad we tied the knot before all this pressure started,” he admitted, barely audible as he spoke in a nervous whisper, and I could only nod in response around the lump in my throat.
Six months after Tony and Steve married, there was a huge push to increase the number of mutants and superpowered individuals; concerns were constantly growing about extraterrestrial invasion, and the government made no secret of the view that we were now needed more than we were feared. Financial incentives were offered for marrying a partner of their choosing – but it wasn’t money that had me signing up for the program two years on. I was approached directly, far from everything I knew, with a promise that my record would be wiped clean if I participated. I would be repatriated. I could go home.
The only other super soldier was already married – to someone not physiologically altered, to boot, and not to mention a lack of biological compatibility to bolster our numbers without outside influence; Steve had been contacted several times for requests to be used as a glorified stud horse, and he always refused without hesitation. There was nothing they could offer that would make him accept.
So I was important, apparently.
They wouldn’t tell me who I’d be making this vow with – all I was told was that they were a natal mutant. I didn’t know their abilities, their age, their likes, dislikes… I didn’t even know their name. The only piece of information I had was that they were non-binary and assigned female at birth; reproduction was the goal here, after all.
Nobody ever bothered to ask my sexuality, or if I cared about the gender or sex of my partner. If they had, I’d have told them I was open to anyone – gender didn’t matter me, nor the package it came in – but I was horrified that they failed to as much as consider the issue, and had a deep fear that I would fly directly in the face of their own attraction. This was going to be hard enough without further complications.
“You know you don’t have to do this, right?” Steve murmured, gently pulling me from my thoughts.
I nodded slowly, glancing at the reflection staring back at me, pale and wide-eyed. “I need to come home, Stevie. I’ll do anything to make that happen.”
He simply nodded back, smoothing his hands over my shoulders gently. “In that case… Let’s go get you married, Buck.”
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Steve and I talked quietly as we stood before the registrar. Tony sat in the front row, acting as our second witness -evidently, the government watchdog sculking at the back of the room to make sure everything proceeded legally didn’t count.
The registrar cleared his throat, drawing our eyes, and Steve offered me a weak smile as the door opened.
I blinked in surprise, gawping at the sight of the small bundle of nervous energy striding up the aisle with less-than-traditional pace.
A small bundle that I’d met several times before.
They came to a halt in front of me, looking equally shocked, rocking on their heels with their hands in their pockets. “… Fancy seeing you here.”
“You… You’re wearing cargo shorts,” I noted faintly, and they grinned.
“I’m always wearing cargo shorts.”
“You’re wearing cargo shorts to your own wedding.”
Their grin grew wider, and they shrugged, trailing a palm down the overshirt laid over a cartoon tee. “I got a new shirt, at least.”
I took in the black plaid, and shook my head fondly. “I appreciate the effort?”
They snorted, fingers flexing nervously. “So… Let’s get hitched, I guess.”
I could only nod silently as the registrar began to speak, deaf to the words as I stared at all 5’4” of the mutant before me. We’d run into one another a few times; they lived a little upstate, just outside of the city, and sometimes our territory – and our marks – overlapped. If pushed, I’d have labelled the quick kid a friend.
And now my spouse, I suppose.
Both registrar and my betrothed were staring at me expectantly, and I blinked, panicked. “Sorry- what?”
“Say ‘I do’, Buck,” Bug teased, nervous smile flickering slightly.
“Oh- yeah, of course. Happy to. I mean, I do,” I added quickly, flustered by the attention, and their face split into a grin once more, this one tinted with relief.
“By the power vested in me by the state of New York and the U.S Department of Superhuman Relations, I now pronounce you man and spouse. You may kiss.”
I licked my dry lips lightly, shifting closer, waiting until they leant in a little to brush my mouth tentatively over theirs.
When I drew back, they were adorably pink, eyes diverted shyly from mine.
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While I spoke to the witness from the DSR, making sure everything was above board, Bug’s attention was drawn to their cell, a soft frown of focus pulling on one side of their mouth. “It’s good to have you back, Sergeant Barnes,” he concluded with a weak smile. I simply stared at the hand offered to me with a scowl before turning away, determined to make my disdain evident.
Steve was still eyeing Bug with surprise – and something akin to relief that had me cocking my head curiously, earning a small smile when he noticed. “At least it’s someone we know?” he ventured uncertainly, and I shrugged.
“Better in some ways… Worse in others,” I muttered back, gaze straying to the mutant once more. They were still staring down at their phone, the frown now shifted into a smile, tapping briefly before sliding the device into their pocket and meeting my eye with a shy shrug.
“Wrong number,” they offered, waving a hand dismissively, and I nodded, only distantly unconvinced – but it was no business of mine. “So… Now what?” they broached, teeth finding their lip, fingers knotted in front of their abdomen.
“The DSR pays for a fancy hotel as well as the ceremony,” I noted, and winced when their cheeks flamed. “That- I, uh… I-I just meant… Room service. On their dime. All we can eat. I didn’t- There’ll only be one bed, but I- I can sleep on the floor, it’s not a problem, just-”
“All we can eat sounds nice,” they interrupted softly, offering me a reassuring smile, and I sighed in relief, grinning back.
Maybe this will be… Fine.
I hope.
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We were congratulated as we checked in – Mr. and Mx. Barnes.
I’m married.
I have a spouse.
“I can’t believe I’m married,” they muttered as I scanned our keycard, seemingly reading my mind. “I didn’t think I’d ever get married, honestly… Just seemed like a whole lot of effort for a piece of paper.”
I shrugged a shoulder – wincing subtly at the pain where flesh met metal – nudging the door open and stepping aside to let them enter first. “I don’t know. Honestly, I thought I would someday. Not quite in these circumstances, admittedly,” I chuckled, following them in and leaning against the door uncertainly as it closed behind us. They looked around with wide eyes, seemingly captivated by the extravagance, and rushed to the window with a gasp. I blinked as they vanished, reappearing with their nose pressed to the glass, wriggling with excitement.
“We can see the whole city from here!” they exclaimed, fingertips drumming on the frame, the wide window offering a cinematic view, and I laughed.
“I always forget how quick you are…” I murmured, shaking my head. The first time I’d run into them, they’d been gone before I’d fully registered them leaning over my mark, trussed up and secure. It wasn’t until later that I learned that they’d arrived before me – unsurprisingly – and was about to turn him in to the police, but my presence startled them, and they fled; I handed the mark to SHIELD, but my mind wandered frequently to the fast bundle of nervousness until we came across each other again, several months later. They almost ran into me as I tackled my mark, skidding to a halt with a squeak of surprise, big brown eyes wide and startled.
Eventually, we’d exchange timid smiles, and then chatted once or twice.
And now… This.
“Yup, I’m a zoomer,” they agreed readily, fingertips drawing invisible patterns on the glass. “… I guess that’s why they paired us, huh? I mean, we all know what they want. And if your abilities are passed on… That’d be an impressive kid. Fast, strong, quick healing, basically immortal…” They frowned a little, eyes lowering briefly. “I never really wanted kids, either…”
My mouth moved wordlessly for a moment, heat rising in my cheeks at the implication. “I- There’s not… The incentive is only for marriage, I mean-”
“No, but everyone knows that’s what they want. They all but came out and said it; all that stuff about increasing the superhuman population?” They shrugged, gaze still on the ground several floors below, a distant sadness flickering across their expression. “They can’t pay us to have kids – it’s even more unethical than what they say they’re doing. Paying us to be their breeding cattle for an entire generation of soldiers is apparently a little too far.”
I blinked at their callous tone – this mild-mannered, sweet little critter, who I’d never heard speak viciously of anyone. It was a shock to hear them so vehement, hands clenching minutely against the glass. “If you hate it so much… Why did you sign up?” I broached softly, sitting on the edge of the bed to watch them with interest.
They shrugged timidly, pulling out their cell to glance at the screen once more. “I didn’t have a choice.”
“They forced you?” I clarified, stunned, and they shrugged again.
“Not like you’re thinking. I… Had debt. A lot of debt. I was about to lose my apartment, could barely afford to eat most days… The day job just wasn’t paying enough, and running around at night isn’t exactly earning me a mint, either. I did it for the cash.”
“Did you get it?” I prompted softly, and they sighed with relief, eyes flicking to mine as they raised their cell pointedly.
“Transferred the money within minutes. All my debt has been wiped, and I’ll get a stipend every week for… Well, as long as we’re married, I guess. More than I need, for sure. It’s solved all my problems.” They offered me a weak smile, and I returned the gesture.
“I know what you mean. I was expatriated; that’s why you haven’t seen me in a while. I had to leave the country. They found me and told me that if I agreed to sign up, I could come home.” I glanced around myself, and my smile became a little more genuine. “I missed New York.”
Their head bobbed in agreement, gaze shifting back to the window. “It’s a good city. I’ve moved around a lot, but I’ve never been in one place for so long. I could get used to being here.” They repeated the motion, head jerking rhythmically, and I cocked my head with a grin at the unique behaviour.
“Well, we’re kind of tied into it now, aren’t we?” I chuckled, earning a confused glance from the mutant in the window, and my brow furrowed. “They gave us an apartment. Didn’t you know that?” They shook their head and I let out a soft laugh. “Okay. Well, the idea is that either one of our apartments would be more comfortable for one than the other – level footing, y’know? Plus, there’s space for those kids they’re pushing for…” I rolled a shoulder, looking down thoughtfully. “It’s pretty much directly between my place and the edge of the city, so… That’s nice, I guess?” I ventured, earning a weak nod.
“It’ll be nicer than mine, I’m sure,” they agreed readily, before glancing to me. “… Your shoulder hurts, huh?”
I blinked in surprise, metal fingers tensing automatically. “I… I guess, maybe a little. How did you know?”
“You roll it a lot,” they shrugged, returning to their invisible sketches on the glass. “I figured it must be painful. Is there a way to make it easier?”
I looked down at the black and gold vibranium, created for me after I’d sought refuge in Wakanda at Steve’s suggestion. I’d earned more than an arm in my time there – I’d also been decommissioned, freeing me at last from the trigger words that activated me as a mindless soldier, obedient and suggestable.
I still refused to hear them, of course. Just in case.
“It… Comes off, I think? Or at least, it has. Never done it myself, though.”
They turned to face me fully, one eyebrow arched. “Wanna give it a shot?”
My stomach tensed, fingers moving automatically to the seam where flesh met metal, probing uncertainly. “I… I’m not sure…”
“Can I look?” they ventured softly, stepping a little closer, hesitating when I frowned anxiously. “I- I don’t have to, I mean- I just-”
“It’s okay,” I chuckled, taking in their wide eyes and nervous twitching. “I can show you.” My hands moved to my collar, and I unbuttoned slowly, throat bobbing with apprehension. This wasn’t a part of myself many people had seen – nor did I think I’d be taking my clothes off in front of Bug, at least not anytime soon. They shifted to sit beside me timidly, hands knotted in their lap, eyes flicking to and away from me shyly until my shirt dropped to the bed, and they finally took me in fully, staring openly until I felt my face flush minutely. “What?”
They turned red, gaze lowering immediately, and wriggled with embarrassment at having been caught. “I- You’re… Very pretty. Objectively speaking,” they added quickly, cheeks blushing darker. A moment later, however, they were distracted by the metal of my arm, fingertips reaching out to trail along the rivulets that made up the individual plates. “Wow… This is amazing…”
“It is,” I agreed readily, shifting my arm to make the plates move, earning a surprised gasp. “Shuri – she’s this kid in Wakanda, real smart – she worked hard as hell on it. It’s way better than the old one; it hurts less, too.”
Humming curiously, their hand travelled upward, and I winced minutely as they brushed against my skin, earning a muttered apology and quick redirection. When their fingertips probed along the back of my shoulder, we both froze at the feel of the small button, eyes meeting uncertainly. “Should I?” they offered softly, and I swallowed, shaking my head.
“I- I’m okay. It’s not so bad, honestly,” I replied with a soft smile, forcing myself to ignore the pain of nerve and vibranium knotted together, the constant stimulation from the attached limb causing endless, searing shots of fire through my shoulders and ribs. They nodded back, eyes darting around the room distractedly, and I chuckled under my breath as their stomach rumbled audibly. “So… Room service?”
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We settled with unexpected ease into our life, content to share a space and our time. We went on patrol together, my senses and their speed pairing well – perhaps the government had gotten something right after all. I offered them the main bedroom, taking the larger of the other two. It was clear that the program truly was all about reproduction; both spare rooms were made up as nurseries, and I had to wedge my bed in between a crib and a changing table, unnerved by this decorating for a child that was unlikely to ever exist.
Two weeks into our new routine, we decided to invite some folks over, have a cookout in the backyard and introduce Bug to the team. I prompted them if there was anyone they’d like to attend, but they simply shrugged, moving on the conversation quickly.
Some of the team had met them before, a crossing of paths similar to our own, albeit less frequent. They’d never exchanged more than a polite smile or a formal nod, and they relished the opportunity to speak with this quick bundle of nervous energy. Everyone got on well, and I found myself watching with a smile on more than one occasion as they chuckled with my nearest and dearest.
Steve caught my eye and grinned, cocking his head inquisitively, but I simply blushed lightly and looked away.
Sure, they were sweet, and pleasant to live with. They didn’t tidy up often, but they didn’t really tend to make too much mess – and they made an incredible sweet potato curry. It was… Nice, having someone to come home to.
I could see myself being quite content to do this forever.
But the idea of being with them, in that way, the way we were expected to be...
Well. Wouldn’t that be something – to actually fall in love with this person I’d been pressed, all but blackmailed, into marrying? A coincidence indeed. Fated, almost.
But they showed no indication of wanting anything more than our platonic comfort, and I accepted that. We lived in companionable peace, even if we had started spending more and more of our time together, talking about our lives and our abilities, watching crappy TV shows until we laughed so hard our faces hurt. Despite the adorable appearance and quirky mannerisms, they could be filthy as anything, mahogany eyes flashing with amusement whenever they landed a quip with expert timing. We ribbed each other in affectionately devastating ways, and I loved it.
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It took eight months for me to began to wonder what happened next.
I’d been passing by their room on my way back to bed after a restless night, padding silently by the cracked door, the darkness inside implying their unconsciousness.
Until I heard a soft sigh that brought me to a halt, head cocked.
I was no stranger to the scourge of nightmares, and reached out a hand to push the door a little wider, wanting to clarify before I entered to comfort or wake them.
My throat ran dry at the sight of them sprawled across their bed, sheets tucked around their waist, their head back and lips parted – and one hand moving slowly between their legs. My cock stirred at the sight – an automatic reaction to an erotic display, I told myself firmly – and I gulped as they let out another quiet whine, free hand curling in their dark curls as their hips twitched. Surprise and curiosity held me fast, watching for a moment as their legs inched further apart and their breath came faster.
Then their head turned, eyes finding mine in the low light, and I froze.
“I-I- Sorry, I couldn’t sleep, I was just- I walked past and I heard- I thought you were- I-” My stammers came soft and useless, and they offered me a shy smile.
“I couldn’t sleep either. ... You can join me if you want.”
I nodded automatically, then blinked, stunned. “I... Huh?”
A low chuckle, and they shifted a little, creating some space beside them. “It’s hard to find something to get off to since porn was banned... Might be nice to have something to watch, if you’re up for it.”
I swallowed again, cock twitching insistently in my sweatpants, letting out a weak nod. “Yeah, that... That’s true... Guess they did it to try and get the newlyweds to fuck, or something... Less likely to have fun on their own, I guess?”
“You’re rambling... Join me or go away, your hovering is distracting.” They shot me a grin as they spoke, affectionate and reassuring, and I nodded again, footsteps hushed as I crept into the room. Their hand began to move again as I stood at the edge of the bed, my arousal evident, hesitating.
“What... Should I... Undress, or-?”
They licked their lips a little and nodded, eyes trailing over my chest and down to the straining in my pants. “No objection here. However you’re comfortable...”
I nodded back, feeling shy and excited as I tugged my shirt over my head, shivering minutely at their eyes on me as I hooked my thumbs in my waistband. Their gulp was audible as I dropped my sweatpants and straightened, and I smirked, sliding in beside them as they moved the sheets from my spot. Metal fingertips caressed the aching outline of my cock briefly, their gaze locked on my hand with rapturous attention, and I let out a quiet groan as I slid my boxers down my thighs, the cool night air soothing on my pulsating length.
“Jesus, Buck... Is everything about you impressive?”  they breathed, heart fluttering audibly, and I snorted, fingers wrapping around my cock slowly as it twitched once more.
“I suppose it’s... Fine,” I replied with a smirk, heat shooting through my veins as their hand shifted a little quicker, lip slipping between their teeth.
“That thing would split me open,” they breathed - but there was no horror in the words whispered with halting breath, a shudder traveling through their body as their hips twitched. I groaned and gripped myself a little tighter, head falling back, their eyes on me making a typically unremarkable event infinitely more arousing.
“You reckon?” I murmured, brushing my thumb over my leaking tip as they nodded firmly.
“I’m not sure I’d be able to take it all... It’s so thick...” My moan of pleasure at their words was almost embarrassing, but I was too enraptured to care, hand curled around my length eagerly. They grinned, inching minutely closer until their leg brushed mine. “Oh... That’s your thing, huh? Being told how huge your cock is? God, I don’t think my tight little pussy could handle you...”
The whimper that eked between my teeth brought a blush to my cheeks, but I was too far gone to care much, hand moving quickly as my cock pulsed with desire. “Fuck- God, it’s been so long since I had a pretty cunt wrapped around me... Can’t remember the last time I had this cock buried in an eager throat...”
They mewled, back arching, and my grip stuttered as they fumbled under the blankets, a low buzzing distracting me from my impending climax. I could see the moment it touched them, their pupils flaring in the dim light – and even more obvious was the moment it slipped inside them, a deafening whimper bursting between their parted lips, tipping their head back as they writhed. “Oh, God – fuck, I can’t- I’m going to-”
I grunted my agreement as I worked myself desperately, my timing aligning with theirs as we shared the moment, their whines and moans of ecstasy spurring me on until they cried out, the delicate arch of their back as they sobbed their pleasure tipping me over the edge.
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We lay in silence for a few minutes, each panting and trembling, as reality began to seep into my serotonin-soaked brain, the space between us feeling as if an impassable canyon rather than a foot.
What now?
“Okay, well... Thanks, I guess? I hope you manage to get some sleep now,” they murmured, tucking the sheets up to their chin with a yawn. I blinked in surprise and nodded, shifting upright.
“I... Yeah. I’ll see you in the morning,” I replied hesitantly, grabbing my clothes where they lay. I felt their eyes cut to me in the darkness as I stood, but I didn’t dare look back, seed still cooling where it had landed on my chest.
When I slipped between my own sheets a few moments later, clean and confused, I found myself unable to shake the feeling of their eyes meeting mine in the darkness, the way their leg brushed mine under the security and secrecy of the sheets.
Somewhere deep inside, I couldn’t help but want to reach out across the empty expanse beside me.
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We avoided each other when we woke the next morning- the only indicator that they were even around was an empty coffee cup left in the bottom of a freshly cleaned sink. I chewed my lip uncertainly as I worked my way through a bowl of flakes, mind whirring.
Are they staying away from me? God, that could make things awkward... It was a lot of fun, but maybe it was a mistake? They seemed to kick me out pretty quick...
As if on cue, they sauntered into the room, looking unexpectedly unabashed and calm as they smiled at me. “Good morning. Sleep well?”
I blinked in surprise, pausing with my spoon halfway to my mouth. “I- uh... Not too bad, thanks. You?”
They stretched their arms overhead, and I swallowed dryly, carefully diverting my eyes from the half-inch of skin that showed from under their shirt. “Pretty good, in the end. Hey – it’s Tony’s party tonight, right? Are we still going?”
Nodding slowly, I lowered my gaze to my breakfast, feeling clumsy and wrong-footed. “Sure. If you like.”
Tony held a party every year the day before his and Steve’s anniversary – the day itself was just for the two of them, but they also wanted to celebrate with the team; the billionaire needed no excuse to host, after all. Liquor and laughter would be flowing freely, and it sounded like exactly what I need to avoid the uncomfortable conversation that was sure to arise at some point.
“Sounds great!” they replied readily, rolling a shirt over their shoulders. “I have a few calls to make today, but I’ll be back around three, if you want to head over together?”
I nodded silently, my eyes still on my food, perturbed by just how... Fine they seemed.
Like it never happened.
But my mind was filled with their whimpers and whines, the way they trembled as they filled themselves, their pants and groans as their back arched and they found their release...
I want it to happen again, I realised abruptly, and my gaze shot up to find myself alone in the kitchen, mouth half open to say as much.
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They were quiet on the drive over to Stark Tower – though that was nothing unusual. Despite how many times they’d interacted with the team since the wedding, they still got anxious. They never said as much, but I could see it in their constantly shifting eyes, the way they wrapped their arms around themselves as if fighting to hold their nerves at bay. It was endearing, really, that they still got so shy and apprehensive around the group until they’d settled into the company.
“Doing okay?” I murmured as I pulled into the lot under the tower, earning a brief nod.
“Doing okay,” they assured me quietly, foot tapping out a staccato beat against the floor. I offered them a reassuring smile, uncertainly returned, and climbed from the car, an eye-wateringly expensive bottle of scotch in hand. Tony drank far less than he used to, for certain, but he still had an appreciation for the finer things in life – and he’d certainly taught Steve to appreciate a well-aged whisky.
“So, Tony and Steve; they were married before all this?” they asked, pulling their overshirt a little closer around themselves as waited for the elevator.
“Yeah. They’d been on the team together forever, but Steve was too... Stuck in his ways.” I grinned to myself with a shake of my head, fondly remembering the night Steve had sat before me, shaking and terrified, head bowed as he muttered his secret – one I’d been suspecting since we were kids, of course, but that made me feel no less honoured. He’d talked about discrimination and hate crimes and murder; he knew that most of those wouldn’t do him much physical harm, in the long run, but he hated the idea of being despised by anyone for simply being who he was.
I’d sworn to shield him as best I could – but I admit, my jaw hit the floor when he confessed that the man he had feelings for was none other than Tony Stark. But, true to my role as his best friend, I’d investigated tentatively, probing for any indication that the feelings were reciprocal. In the process, I’d been teased mercilessly by more than one member of the team; it seemed my investigating wasn’t quite as tentative as I’d hoped, and rumours spread quickly that I was the one lovestruck over the billionaire. I refused to out Steve like that – but in the end, the gossip was beneficial. Tony had heard the rumours through the grapevine and pulled me aside, oddly serious as he confessed that there was no chance for us, and ‘do you think Steve would be up for joining me for dinner sometime?’.
Eight months later, they were engaged, and married before they’d hit two years. It had seemed somewhat quick at the time, but Tony had never shown willing to settle down before, and his enthusiasm made it seem so very right. In the end, it was good they’d moved as swiftly as they had; both had – largely - avoided the harassment aimed at the superhuman community thanks to their pre-existing commitment.
And now it was three years later, and they were just as blissfully happy now as they were on their wedding day.
The elevator opened, jarring me from my thoughts, and my face broke into an automatic grin at the gathering of my nearest and dearest, laughing and chatting with affectionate camaraderie.
“Buck! Hey, man. And you brought the Buglet, huh?”
I offered Tony a half-wave, glancing at my spouse beside me, who simply blushed shyly. “Hey, Tone. Happy anniversary. Got you something.” I offered the scotch with a dramatic flourish, and he gasped theatrically.
“Just what I’ve always wanted! How did you know?” Tony exclaimed. Bug snorted loudly before covering their mouth in surprise, cheeks flushing crimson – but Tony simply reached out to pet their head adoringly. “Good to see you again, little one. Make yourself at home; this is always an event to remember. Eat, drink, and celebrate. Today’s for living, you know?”
Steve appeared by his side as if from nowhere, arm around his husband’s waist and an affectionate kiss to his stubbly cheek. “And each is better than the last with you, sweetheart,” he purred, earning an adoring sigh from Bug.
“You two are so cute,” they crooned, head tipped to one side as they smiled. “It’s nice to see folks so in love. Too much of marriage is just business these days.”
I winced minutely, but nobody seemed to notice – except Steve, whose eyes bore into mine intensely. “… Hey, Bucky, wanna come check out what we did with that en suite I was telling you about?”
It was a poor excuse, and Tony’s arched eyebrow more than gave away the flimsy lie, but I nodded anyway, falling into step behind my friend as he led the way through the throngs to his bedroom, offering nods and smiles of gratitude to his well-wishers until he closed the door against the noise, turning to face me. “… Well?”
“‘Well’ what?” I rebutted stubbornly, jaw set, and he rolled his eyes affectionately.
“You know exactly what, Barnes. What’s going on with you and Bug?”
I shifted uncomfortably for a moment before dropping onto the bed with a sigh, flopping back with a hand over my face. “I don’t know.”
“You don’t know? What do you mean you-”
“Look, that- there was this… Thing, last night. Something happened, and now it’s like nothing happened, and I don’t have any idea what’s happening.” I sighed again, palm scrubbing over my skin frustratedly. “I don’t even know how to bring it up.”
He sat beside me quietly, one hand reaching out to rest on my shoulder gently. “… Can I say something?” I moved my hand to look at him, nodding weakly, and he offered me a small smile. “I’ve never seen you like this. So… Focused on someone else, like you move around them like they’re the centre of your universe. At some point, you started to orbit them. I don’t know exactly when you started to fall for them, but… I think you are.”
“I think I am,” I agreed, my voice barely audible, the acknowledgement settling into my chest heavily. “I… I think I am. Fuck.” My hand pushed through my hair as the full weight of the realisation hit me, air driven from my lungs, a deep and uncertain fear burrowing into my marrow. “What am I even supposed to do about that?”
“The only thing you can do, I suppose,” he noted softly, and his smile widened just a little as met my eye. “You talk to them, tell them how you feel. It may go badly… Or you may get everything you ever wanted.” His gaze flicked to the picture on his bedside table, the captured moment of his and Tony’s kiss during the wedding ceremony, and his grin became adoring and tender. “It’s a good way to live.”
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Steve and I stayed in his room a little while longer, his polite listening acting as a sounding board for me to hypothesise how I wanted to approach the matter with my spouse. Half an hour later, the door opened, and I had a tentative plan and a modicum of confidence.
Until, that is, I spotted them leaning against the kitchen counter, head tipped sweetly, a soft smile playing on their lips.
And an archer standing far too close for my comfort, leaning in a little as he murmured to them.
My muscles tensed automatically as his hand found their arm and they laughed softly, inching nearer, less than a foot between their bodies. The sight froze me to my spot – but Barton’s hand shifting to rest on their hip thawed me, and I moved quickly, jaw set, and metal fingers clenched.
“What’s going on over here?” I muttered through gritted teeth and a forced smile, though the strain in my voice was evident.
Clint’s hand dropped and his eyes flicked uncertainly, but Bug simply chuckled. “I’m just getting to know the team a little better...”
Every minute detail of my plan was fully wiped from my mind, and I swallowed around the lump in my throat. “I’m leaving. Come if you like.”
Their expression turned from happiness to confusion as they nodded their agreement, shooting Clint one last, apologetic glance. “Uh... Sure, Buck. Of course.”
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The drive back was silent and faster than it had any legal right to be. I could feel Bug’s tension beside me, my clearly heightened emotions making them uncomfortable, but I couldn’t force myself to calm down. The sight of his hand on their hip replayed endlessly in my mind, forcing my foot down harder on the gas, as if I could outrun the memory.
I have a lot of experience with that.
By the time I pulled up outside our apartment, the atmosphere was palpable, and they’d retreated into themselves uncertainly, arms wrapped around their waist as they shuffled inside.
I could only move through the home we shared with frantic, frustrated energy, searching for something to burn away this fury and convince me that no, I don’t need to go back and rearrange Barton’s face.
“Buck?” they offered tentatively, still stood in the middle of the living room. “Are... Are you okay?”
“Who the hell does he think he is,” I muttered, pushing a hand through my hair as I came to a stop in front of them, eyes darting in my endless quest for relief, “putting his hands on my spouse like that?”
They blinked in surprise and stepped closer, anxiety fading into confusion. “Clint? Look, Buck, I was flirting too, okay? If you’re worried that he was harassing me or something-”
“He shouldn’t have been flirting with you at all!” I snapped, gaze finding theirs at last. “You’re married, for God's sake.”
“I mean, technically, but it’s not like we’re married, y’know?” they replied, rolling their eyes. “It’s just business. I didn’t think you’d care.”
“Yeah, well, I do!” I growled, stepping closer. “I don’t want to see you flirting with other men, do you hear me?”
They raised an eyebrow, unperturbed. “What interest is it of yours what I do? I mean, last night was fun, but I’m your spouse in name only, right? This was a transaction, Buck, it’s not like you’re in love with me or anything!”
“What if I am?!” I snarled, hands tightening by my sides. “What if seeing Clint’s hand on you made me want to rip off his fingers one by one and never let anyone touch you again? What if I want to be the only man with his hands on you? What then?”
The adrenaline left me as their eyes grew wide, and I slumped my shoulders, turning my head away. “I... Look, I didn’t want to do it like that... I wanted...”
What did I want?
There was a plan. A calm, civilised conversation.
But isn’t this more... Me? An accidental declaration borne of fury and jealousy? Threats and violence and anger?
They deserve more than to be shackled to m-
“I didn’t think you felt that way, too,” they murmured, interrupting my spiral, moving closer to put a hand on my arm, unphased by the tightness and the metal under their skin. “I... Just wanted to feel wanted. After you left last night...”
“I thought you wanted me to go,” I breathed, unable to tear my eyes from their fingers clenched against the vibranium as they shook their head fiercely.
“No! When you got up I wanted to ask you to stay, but I didn’t- I couldn’t... I didn’t know how.” They sniffed, and my gaze cut to theirs quickly, finding unshed tears lining their lashes and glistening in the low light. I moved to cup their cheek quickly, thumb brushing to catch a tear as it fell.
“Hey now... It’s okay. I’ve got you, little one,” I whispered, offering them a weak smile. “I’ll never leave again, not unless you tell me to.”
Without warning, they crushed themselves to my chest, arms tight around my waist as they burrowed in. I blinked in surprise, my grip careful as I returned the gesture, pressing a gentle kiss to their hair. “Buck?”
“Hm?” I replied, cheek resting on their head lightly.
“Will you take me to bed?” They looked up shyly, and I took them in, enraptured – the big brown eyes, the cheeks flushed minutely with embarrassment, the lip pulled between their teeth in their uncertainty – and my heart ached.
“I’d be honoured,” I breathed, fingers moving to tip their chin up lightly. Our only kiss before this had been cursory – transactional, as they’d said. But now, when my mouth met theirs, my veins burnt with the need of it all, sweetness quickly dissolving into a desperate clash of tongues and teeth. They whimpered in surprised delight as my hands found their ass to lift them easily, their own arms snaking around my waist to press themselves closer, calves braced against my lower back. A low groan escaped me as their fingers entwined in my hair, and I kissed them deeper, my pace fluid and fast as I carried them through to my bedroom.
“I’ve never been in here,” they breathed as I dropped them back onto the bed, their legs still clinging tightly to me. “Six months, and I never got past the doorway...”
“Well, we’re gonna make up for lost time,” I murmured, peppering kisses over their throat, eliciting a pitiful mewl and an arch of their back.
Oh... So that’s what it feels to have you do that against me. Delicious.
My hands found their waistband, fumbling for the belt. Heat rose in their cheeks as I met their gaze, but they nodded encouragingly, lifting their hips to let me remove the trademark shorts. “Hm. Interesting... Not what I’d have expected,” I breathed, trailing one fingertip lightly over their cotton-covered hip, surprised and pleased by the lack of skin covering the panties permitted. They blushed deeper, and I grinned, dropping to my knees between their thighs to trail gentle kisses along the inside of their leg. Another whimper, and their fingers found my hair once more to tug needily.
“Please, fuck...”
I glanced up, a devilish smirk tugging at my lips. “Mm. You’ll get what you need, little one. But first... You’ve been bad, and you need to be punished.”
A quick, eager nod had me flipping them over, ass offered willingly. I shifted their underwear down patiently, swallowing back a moan at the sight of the wet fabric, and smoothed a palm over their soft, unblemished skin. “You moved... Six inches closer to him. I think one per inch should suffice...”
They started to nod, but cut the motion short as they let out a moan when my hand met their ass, leaving a faint red mark in its wake. I smiled to myself as goosebumps erupted over their skin, hips pressing up minutely, silently begging for more.
You enjoy this, hm? Interesting...
The second slap met more firmly and they yelped, but their hips rose again, encouraging and pleading. It appeared I’d found their sweet spot, and the last three came in quick succession, leaving glowing skin in their wake – and a thin thread of wetness to their thighs as they squirmed happily.
“Thank you, Sir,” they breathed, and my heart about stopped. I flipped them quickly and all but tore their underwear from their legs, dropping to my knees and dragging them closer to bury my face in their sweet, leaking cunt rapturously. The act earned me a deafening moan, hips jerking to press me closer as I lapped at them ravenously. “Fuck! Fuck, Buck, just like that- oh God, please...”
Fingertips probed questioning at their wetness, and they whined their assent, shifting nearer with a feral desperation. Their breath hitched as two fingers worked their way inside them, the only sounds to be heard my soft moans and the erotic melody of my hand moving inside them, until they found their voice once more. “Please – Buck, fuck, I can’t- I-I need to- I’m going to-”
“That’s it, baby,” I purred, leaning back just far enough to murmur under my breath. “I want everything you have before I fuck this pretty little pussy and make you scream.”
My words sent them over the edge as my lips wrapped around their clit, fingers working eagerly against their walls as their wetness spread steadily along my wrist. Their cry made my already aching cock pulsate, and I groaned against them as they cried out, pressing themselves desperately against me as their pussy clenched frantically around my hand.
I lapped lovingly at their fluttering cunt as they trembled through the comedown, soft whines and whimpers spilling from their parted lips, fingers shifting from clenching to caressing weakly. “Oh, God...”
A quiet purr radiated in my chest, my tongue passing one last time over the length of their slit before my lips brushed slowly over their abdomen, shifting patiently higher as they trilled under their breath. “Good?” I murmured, kissing them tenderly, grinning when they could only nod weakly in response. One hand reached out, and their eyes widened infinitesimally as their palm pressed against the straining in my jeans.
“Please...” they breathed, fingers tensing against me, and I offered them a teasing grin.
“Sure you can take it?”
They nodded eagerly, hand curling against my length needily. “I- I’m gonna do my best…”
With a soft groan, I shimmied down my jeans, barely getting them to my thighs before I was moving on to my boxers. Their quiet whining and wide eyes were incensing, and as I teased my tip against their slick cunt, their pupils flared with lust, drawing me in until I pressed closer as if hypnotised, moving my lips to theirs and sinking into them in slow unison. Their soft whimper sounded against my mouth as I buried myself inside them inch by inch – but as I paused, a hand found my hip, their whines ratcheting up a notch as they pulled me closer insistently. “Don’t stop – don’t stop, please…”
My mouth found theirs more firmly as I bottomed out, shuddering at the feeling of them stretched around my length, my breaths coming short and sharp as I resisted the urge to fuck them without mercy. Their legs wrapped around my waist and their back arched, lips and eyes wide. “You okay?” I breathed, kissing along their jaw as they nodded eagerly.
“Feels so good… So full…” they whimpered, fingers curling against my spine. “Please – fuck, please, Buck…”
I shifted slowly and they groaned, head tipping back in ecstasy as I moved inside them. “You feel so good, baby… So tight wrapped around me like that…” I breathed, nipping lightly at their ear, and they squirmed happily. “Oh, you like that, baby? Like being told how good you are – how amazing you feel?” They nodded shyly, and I grinned, rolling my hips a little faster. “You take it so well – so beautiful while I’m splitting you open like that…”
“Please,” they whined again, tugging insistently at my hips as their calves gripped me tighter, back arching. “Please – fuck me, Buck. Let me make you feel so, so good… Make me feel so good…”
My hips snapped forward and they moaned in pure joy, fingernails digging into my skin frantically as I set up a fast, hard pace, moving to tangle a hand in their hair and press my forehead to theirs, the other hand shifting to caress their clit with devoted eagerness. The wordless whines and begs that spilled from their lips only heightened my need, their desperate pants spilling over my lips as their body tightened once more. “That’s it, baby. That’s it. You’re so good for me. I want you to come for me, sweetheart. Make that perfect pussy hold on so tight while I fill you up… Such a gorgeous, flawless critter…”
They gasped and cried out immediately, back arching, hips rutting frantically as their muscles clenched around me. The unintelligible whimpers and pleads, the way they clenched around me; it was enough to break the strongest of men, and I groaned as I emptied myself inside them, face finding their throat to burrow desperately.
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I lay panting with my head on their shoulder, one leg hooked over theirs, their fingers caressing my hair tenderly.
“I love you, you know?” I murmured, pressing soft kisses along their throat, and they hummed happily.
“I love you too… Y’know, I think signing up for that program may have been the smartest thing I ever did.”
With a laugh, I leant up on my elbow, catching their mouth with mine in an act of utter devotion. “Back at you, sweetheart.”
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20 notes · View notes
cafeinthemoon · 1 year
King - Chapter I
Chapter 1
Wordcount 3,4k
Title The Abyss
Fandom Shuumatsu no Valkyrie / Record of Ragnarok
Pairing Poseidon x reader
Symbols ⭕ . ➕ . 🖤
Warnings: Arranged marriage, one mention of suicide (only in this chapter), mentions of prejudice (from non humans against reader), mentions of entering an oceanic abyss / oceanic darkness / sea creatures (might trigger thalassophobia), mentions and references to liminal spaces (might trigger claustrophobia)
Tagging ? (If you want to be tagged in any of my stories, just leave a comment on this chapter or send an ask or a message)
N. A.: This is a story that has been in my drafts for so long and, after leaving it aside because of the other projects, I finally managed to post the first chapter! I'm so happy with it! It's been an incredible experience to work on it even when it's just beginning, because I can already see it as a complete story. I'm taking the opportunity to discuss complex, sometimes dark themes through it that I haven't included in my latest works, so as I've done before, any necessary warnings will be present in the notes. Also this is my first time writing for Poseidon, so wish me luck XD
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“The very thing you're best at is the thing that hurts the most”
(Florence and the Machine, King)
Remember, child, you are a girl, and that will determine how you will be seen for the rest of your life. This will drag you into the most violent storms, and the best thing you can do for yourself is to learn how to navigate these waters. My role as your mother is to help you in this.
The first thing you need to know is that most of the problems a woman will face in life will be caused by men, and the reason is simple: men just cannot accept the fact that we have a life to live that is not made by them or for them. This works for mortals and also for gods.
Heaven forbid you from forgetting this, but if you do – for the storms might come with the darkest nights – I pray you can remember it.
If you knew you were meant to go through this, you would have taken your last moments of freedom to pray for Thanatos-sama to come for you. But the idea occurred to you when it was too late, and now you had no choice but to follow the path before you – leaving your land and your common life behind to become a subject of a far less merciful deity.
As the only daughter of a merchant whose wife passed away, leaving all the responsibilities concerning your education and the house’s subjects on his back, you were expecting to follow the family’s tradition in the financial field. By the lessons you’ve received from your father since you were a child, all your thoughts and expectations were connected to it, and nothing suggested that there was a different plan concerning your future underway...
That was why you were shocked when, one evening, after coming back home, your father announced that you were now a part of a divine, marital contract.
It happened that, in your era, the gods and goddesses still kept the tradition of marrying other deities as their official pair and, at the same time, adding secondary spouses from humanity and other races to their families. Those arranged marriages served to countless goals, from superfluous things such as pleasure and diversion to greater ones, like fathering heroes of all imaginable kinds.
Of course, the spouses’ families received appropriate rewards when the contracts were sealed with powerful, honorable deities, such as riches, a privileged life of priesthood or even superhuman abilities, but there were stories about treacherous gods who enjoyed inflicting pain to their chosen ones, and nothing but despair was reserved to their relatives. Despite all of the uncomfortable implications, this was still a desirable fate and a reason for festivities among many families.
From your part, you had at least two reasons to consider it a disgrace: first, you already had your dreams settled and weren’t willing to give up on them so easily; second, the chosen god in your case was none other than Poseidon, the Guardian of the Seas, who had a primary union with the goddess Amphitrite and whose fame was based, not only on the fierce control he maintained over his domain, but also on the unusually frequent acquisition of secondary wives.
In his case, the reason for the marriages was the production of resilient, capable heirs who would serve in his army, one of the greatest even among the gods. Poseidon’s wives used to be from many races, most of them folks connected to the sea, and according to what was whispered among your people, he had little to no love for humans, having spent an incalculable time without interacting with them, even less choosing some of their females for himself. Considering this, the reason why you were selected for this god – and why the whole thing was so sudden – was a mystery since the start.
And you weren’t in the mood for mysteries.
The carriage sent to take you to Poseidon’s domains was driven by two servants, which seats were only visible when you looked from the outside, but the speed and the rhythm of the vehicle moving through the cold waters was such that you started to imagine it following the designed path on its own, like a large, wild animal from the depths of the ocean, while you were its latest meal.
You weren’t alone in it: besides the two conductors, there were at least thirty young women surrounding you, sitting on the large lines of golden seats. Most of them were quiet, their noble heritage evidenced from their apparel to their mannerisms, on their beautiful traits the solemnity of someone whose only preoccupation was to fulfill the task they were prepared for; the others, with no connections to royalty and only selected due to the desirable qualities they carried, were less serious, not hiding their awe with everything they were seeing: now, you were passing by the most superficial layers of the oceanic territories, where the most known forms of life used to stay, and the carriage’s windows were large enough to allow you to observe the fishes, whales, dolphins and other creatures crossing the vehicle’s path; you were enchanted with them too, but you felt you’d enjoy them more if you weren’t there under obligation. There were still some girls with conspicuous clothes that put them apart as daughters of priests, who appreciated the beauties of their Lord’s world with the deep respect expected from them.
It didn’t take long for you to memorize every face and realize you were the only representative of humanity among those girls – a fact that didn’t help you to create a good impression among them. Some of the girls didn’t hide their surprise (and their discontentment) with your presence since you took your seat with them, while others chose to ignore you. You tried to ignore them as well: it wasn’t that being seen as inferior didn’t hurt, but you could be more offended if you haven’t too much to occupy your thoughts already, which included the crescent discomfort of being surrounded by water, and the sensation that everything was becoming darker as the minutes passed.
While you looked through the window, you understood where this feeling came from.
Of course. We’re descending to the deeper parts of the ocean.
Descending, and being taken away from the men’s lands. Away from the sunlight.
And away from freedom.
You were trying to suppress this very thought in order to not breakdown among the strangers, when someone let out a little scream, and other voices joined it with exclamations of fear and anxiety. When you understood what was going on, the entire carriage was drowning in a cold, profound darkness, and a deep roar rumbled in your ears. For a moment, none of you spoke, and though you couldn’t see each other, you knew that no one dared make a move toward the windows or anything else. When the roar ceased, the darkness softened a bit, and it was possible to see that the carriage was following a spiral path, a twirl that would certainly lead you to an abyss.
You weren’t immune to the horror of seeing yourself pulled down to the unknown, and combining it with the loneliness of not having another human with you was too much to bear. With your eyes closed and your hands crossed on your lap, you didn’t even know if you were praying for your survival or to come back home.
When you opened your eyes again, you saw that only the first of these desires came true, but that didn’t make you happier: the twirl was left behind and the carriage slowed its pace, but the absence of sunlight persisted, and now there was no sign that it would come back. Instead of it, a colder, bluish ray flashed out from somewhere ahead, becoming larger and larger until it swallowed everything around; at the same time, the water became shallow and clear, and at the first signs of solid ground – or the closest thing to it – the carriage finally stopped.
You arrived at the Lord of the Seas’ palace.
Though you couldn’t see any clear borders above you or at your sides, you had this sensation that Poseidon’s house and all its surroundings were confined inside a spherical space, a sort of force field that stood against the violence of the ocean tides thanks to its god’s powers. Well, confined wasn’t the best word to describe it; the domain expanded to places outside your sight and comprehension, but it was possible to imagine how they work on those distant spaces judging by what you saw near you: just like it happened at a beach, the solid ground slowly blended with the waters, until it disappeared, leaving only the waves at sight; but, unlike a beach, where this change occurs in a horizontal sense, there it happened above the horizon’s line, almost like a wall but slightly rounded, perhaps the reason why you thought of a sphere.
As one could easily suppose, all the matter that formed the ground at those peculiar coasts was white sand, brighter than the beaches of the human lands due to the light descending from somewhere above and touching each spot, filling them with life. As much as you admired the beauty of the landscape, you couldn’t help feeling exposed by that light.
All of this you observed after leaving the carriage, as you walked a bridge of white stone that crossed those fields of sand and led to the castle itself. With the light, you had also the chance to observe the girls with more attention… and because of this, their reactions now seemed even more unsettling.
As you followed the path to the building’s entry, a servant who greeted you after the carriage’s arrival walked ahead of you, holding a scroll and giving some explanations about the things you were seeing. While they spoke, you saw that some of the girls who showed a composed behavior were now crying; even among the noble ones, a nervousness was shared through anxious looks at their sides and at each other; the poor ones, sent by their families in order to help them survive and never having any word in this, were the most desperate, barely hiding their fear.
The priestesses, you thought, were the ones who were handling all of this at their best, and for a moment you considered following their example despite having no love for their deity… until that happened.
The servant was describing the edges of the domains, when a girl of purplish, scaly skin and dressed in priestly garment asked them about the entries and exits.
– Entries and exits? – the servant stopped and turned directly to the question’s author – You just passed by them. Why are you asking about this now?
The girl hesitated.
– The spot where the carriage left you is the only possible entry and exit for you, mortal people – the servant clarified – Of course, there are other passages to outsides, if that is what you are referring to, but these ones are only known and usable to Poseidon-sama, Amphitrite-sama and the few ones allowed by them. Us, servants, and all of you, do not need them. There is no reason for you to worry about this.
You weren’t close enough to the girl to see her face after hearing this, but it wasn’t hard to imagine it, for a wave of silent uneasiness spread among the girls around her, reaching even yourself.
– So… – another girl, a noble from the same species as the first, spoke – Apart from that one, there is no way out for us?
The servant turned to her and replied in a serious, somewhat annoyed tone, as someone who needs to explain something obvious.
– No. Precisely because you do not need a way out – they then spoke to all of you – You are property of Poseidon-sama. This is your right place now. Nothing that happens outside this domain is of your concern anymore.
The first girl, the priestess, mumbled something in a nervous tone, bringing the servant’s attention to her again.
– As far as I can see, you are a priestess from the Northern Waters, girl – they frowned – Your anxiety is incomprehensible to me. Isn’t your love for Poseidon-sama enough to make you accept this?
The girl stepped back, moving away from the servant and the others. She didn’t speak anything else. She had her hair braided in an intrincate hairstyle, but it didn’t stand like this for too long: she started to scream as her hands pulled the wavy, violet strands from her head.
It was everything too fast even to follow with your eyes. Before the servant or any of the girls could do or say anything, the girl jumped above the bridge’s parapet and fell upon the white sand, running across it to reach the edges of water. Her voice diminished as she approached the blue borders where the ocean’s roar was dominant, and soon her body crossed it, disappearing from everyone’s sight.
A terrifying silence fell upon the girls, and no one dared react. The servant, who also watched the scene without a word – perhaps because their eyes became used after seeing this very thing repeating for centuries – raised the scroll on their hand, searched for something in it, then used a quill to draw a line on the paper. They rolled it a last, then ordered you to follow them.
You passed under the dome-shaped doors of the entry and were led through a corridor with at least a hundred meters wide, with a black and white checkered floor and extremely high columns of white, polished marble.
By the end of this corridor, the servant who has been with you since the start stopped before a second one, nodded and left without a word.
This new servant was a tall individual with oleaginous skin and fins as ears, a water creature with a slight resemblance with an elderly man that came from his combed hair and formal attire, with a white jabot around his neck.
This man spoke to you in a stern, composed tone, and you soon discovered that he himself was a god.
– Greetings, all of you women chosen by our Lord. My name is Proteus, Lord of Rivers and vassal of Poseidon-sama. While you are yet to become his wives, I am in charge of your basic needs.
All of you nodded in respect. Proteus seemed to approve this.
– It is good to see that you were well prepared. This will make our work easier. Now, I shall give you the necessary instructions for your first day while I lead you to your lodges.
The man then ordered you to follow him through an endless sequence of smaller corridors. No one complained, of course, but a growing impatience was sensed among some of the girls, especially the nobles. You, on your part, were convinced that Proteus took the longer way just to have enough time to explain the rules and to evaluate each of you.
One of the most important things he told you was about the system of the marriages in Poseidon’s domain: the weddings used to occur in annual seasons, in a sequence of one wedding a day; the girls were sent to lodges where they were separated by their species, and after the waiting period, they were led to the ceremonies according to this, that is, when all the girls from a certain species became wives, a second species was chosen, and the process was repeated until all the girls were married… and pregnant.
– Because you are still not bearing children, you have relative freedom of coming and going during the waiting period – Proteus was saying – You are not obligated to stay in your rooms all day; you are supposed to become familiar with your new home and will have activities to occupy your time and prepare you to the ceremonies. However, there is a limited number of places where you are allowed to go, and soon you will understand the reasons for this.
While he was still speaking, a sudden quake reached your spot, forcing some of you to kneel and some to hold on the columns. It didn’t last longer than a few seconds, but it was enough to shake the moods of everyone. Proteus, the only one who didn’t lose his balance, frowned, more because his speech was interrupted than because of the quake itself.
A girl who was standing up with the help of another from her kind gasped.
– What was that, Protheus-sama?
The god stared at her with a curious glimmer in his eyes, as someone who had the opportunity to prove a point.
– This is one of the reasons I just referred to. This is just Poseidon-sama's occasional bad mood. It is nothing for you to worry about. It happens many times during a week, so you will have no problems in getting used to it.
That time, you were near the girl who spoke and could observe her expression, and through it were sure that she would take a long time to adapt to such thing.
This is the god we will have to belong to, then. This is the man I’ll have to endure.
No one spoke after this, and Proteus, supposing that his statement was accepted and processed by all of you, was ready to follow his way to the lodges, but a new interruption kept his feet on the floor.
An interruption caused by you, who, ignoring your lonely position as a human, took a step ahead and made your voice heard.
– Protheus-sama.
Not only the god, but all the girls turned to you, some of them surprised with your courage, others outraged by your audacity. Proteus, on his part, didn’t hide some discontentment once he saw you.
– If my eyes are not deceived, you are a human being. The one I’ve heard about. Y/n s/n, am I right?
You swallowed. A demonstration of disdain was expected, of course, but being identified by name and finding out you were the subject of a conversation even before your arrival was beyond imagination.
The situation, however, didn’t make you forget your good manners.
– You are right, Proteus-sama – you nodded – I am y/n from the … region.
Yes, the man wasn’t cheering with the fact that you were human, but having received no instructions to treat you differently because of this, he continued the conversation with no more surprises.
– So, what is it that you want to ask?
You stepped ahead.
– What kind of things... use to displease Poseidon-sama?
You noticed a subtle raise of his eyebrow at this question, as if Poseidon’s vassal was wondering why a mortal girl should be asking about something so personal abouts a god she was yet to meet.
– If we are meant to be his wives – you continued – This information might be essential.
Proteus sighed, but didn’t refuse a reply.
– Many things can displease him, child. There is no way to figure out when or how it will happen, and trying to guess it would be arrogant of you. The least you can expect is to avoid an increase in his wrath.
The man turned his back on you and nothing more was said about this.
After a few corridors, you reached the lodges at last. Proteus indicated the correct rooms according to the girls’ kind, so that as you went through the corridor, the group grew thin, until there was no one left but you.
Proteus stopped at the Human door’s room and you imitated him, the sound of your footsteps echoing on the hallway for a moment until the silence took over it.
A conversation happened before the door was opened for you.
– As you already noticed, humans are not a usual element in these landscapes – he started – I will not sweeten the truth for you: your life here will not be easy. So, take my advice and do not do anything that stands out of your purpose. That is, assuming that you know why you are here.
It was hard for to not let out a hint of sarcasm when you heard that, but standing before a god, you did your best in this sense.
– If I’m being honest with you, my Lord, I don’t know. This is something that only the man who sent me here can answer.
Proteus’ expression didn’t change when he replied to this.
– Whoever this man is, or whatever he is doing now, he is out of reach for both of us. If you need to find your purpose in my Lord’s domain, you will have to do it by yourself – his hand, covered in a white glove, reached for the knob and turned it – And you can start right now.
Chapter 2
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mary-fantg · 3 months
Что вы думаете о Лиззи, Татьяне и Мэй?
Hello) this is the first question on tumblr to me and I'm a little worried, thank you for your interest in my opinion and for the opportunity to speak out, this is very important to me. I will try to answer succinctly, describe the main qualities of the character and his key aspects in his relationship with Tommy.
I'll make a reservation right away, all of the following is just my purely personal opinion.
Character: prostitute, poorly educated ("I did not graduate from school, went to work early" s5), prudent; understands that the only way to break out of her vicious circle is to successfully marry a man with money, candidates for selection are mainly men from criminal circles (Shelby, Changretta); loves children; is only sweet with those with whom it is profitable; knows how to keep secrets and not go where they don't ask; emotional; arrogant; jealous; short-tempered, but at the same time responsible, executive. It is still a big mystery to me how she worked as a secretary and conducted business in the Company, despite the fact that she could not write correctly (s5, when Tommy talks about her letter).
Lizzie/Tommy: initially, the prostitute-client relationship, which eventually developed into a confidential and friendly communication, "your man", thanks to which in s2 the relationship moves into a new direction employer-subordinate, "I need a person who looks through his fingers at everything."
I don't know, I didn't get the feeling that Lizzie loved Tommy, I saw in her only a financial interest and a desire to become a respectable woman. After Grace's death, Lizzie made every effort to become Tommy's constant lover, slowly and faithfully she went to her goal, trying to be there when he was completely broken and needed a woman's warmth. Being the mistress of the coolest gangster in Birmingham was very flattering for her. An accidental pregnancy became her "lucky ticket" to a luxurious life that she would not have dreamed of under any other circumstances. Which is exactly what Linda noticed in s4. In PB, every word has weight and meaning, so not once did Lizzie talk about her feelings for Thomas, neither before marriage, nor in marriage, nor in moments of his mental anguish, when he was weak in front of her and vulnerable, not once did she say that she loved him. All her speeches are only about money and what she will have left when he is gone, "I value my head for shilling more" is the main reason why she tolerates Tommy's indifferent attitude towards herself and their marriage. Only greed and calculation. Of course, it can be noted that she tried to be a normal wife, most importantly a mother for Charlie (I think this is the main reason for their marriage, Tommy saw that Charlie was lonely, he needed a mother). But due to the fact that they are completely different in intelligence and ambitions, there is no mutual attraction (chemistry) between them, their relationship does not add up. If it hadn't been for Ruby's death and Thomas's aggravated PTSD, I think they could have continued to live together in a "guest marriage" mode. But we see that by the end of s6, Tommy's psyche was exhausted and destroyed so much that he completely withdrew into himself, and Lizzie did not have the potential to help him recover, we see that she is completely unaware of how broken he is.
Character: a runaway aristocrat from the Russian Empire, a princess, smart, educated, beautiful, has a position in society, rich, prudent, cynical, depraved, cruel, desperate, for the sake of her goals she will go over her heads, a devil woman, a fire woman. She is unhappy in her own way, since from a young age she was treated as a commodity, part of the deal, her aunt "sold" her niece repeatedly, as we see from the stories about Georgia and in the situation with Shelby. This experience killed everything "bright" in her, it seemed to me that she does not know how to love, to be compassionate, she absolutely does not understand Tommy's love and sorrow for his dead wife, and why he took her to the guest bedroom causes her perplexity. She liked to hurt him by breaking into his bedroom with Grace, his memory room, standing with her feet on his marital bed, using his wife's perfume. His love for his wife caused her inner envy and jealousy, so she tried to behave as subtly as possible in Thomas's house and trample on what was dear to him. Although why did he let her in there at all?!!
Relationship: exclusively business, with elements of sex and alcohol. No future was planned there.
To be honest, these s3 series, immediately after Grace's death, caused such a storm of emotions in me, I still can't understand why it was necessary to introduce such a plot with an abundance of debauchery, orgies so quickly, and most importantly, why it was necessary to bring it all to the house where a few months ago we played a wedding with a woman that Tommy will love for the rest of his life. I understand that this is all a movie, but I physically felt pain, bitterness and resentment for such an attitude to Grace's memory, it all looked like nothing terrible had happened, guys, moving on. I think it was rude to the fans of the T/G couple, who were already shocked by her murder. I am very angry at SK for this. Apparently, the author wanted to show the depth of Tommy's despair, the hell he found himself in, complete disorientation, and went all out. That's the only way I can explain it to myself.
Character: an attractive, educated, bored widow with good connections in high society, the owner of a stud farm, an excellent business partner for Tommy, opening up new horizons for his business. Ambitious, adventurous, suspicious, prudent, the mind prevails over the heart.
Relationship: Thomas is a pleasant exotic adventure for her, a curiosity, a "racketeer". A partner for sex, with him she feels like a woman again, "alive". Of course, this is a misalliance. It is unlikely that their relationship would end in marriage, I think they could only be lovers for a certain time, later the relationship would come to naught. In their communication, May's superiority over Thomas was felt, her tone always seemed to me imperious, she obviously tried to "bribe" him with her connections in high offices, thereby taking control of him. In her environment, Thomas would always be an outsider, from the lower society, even the groom in her stables allowed himself to be arrogant to Tommy, mockingly hinting at "gypsy stuff" when he gave good advice.
The whole essence of May's relationship to Thomas is shown in May's dialogue with Grace. For her, Shelby is primarily a lover, and she is a profitable connection for him. In her eyes, he is a man only about business: business, business and only business. She rules out the possibility that Thomas might love someone.
In conclusion (a little bit about Grace).
All the female characters who appeared in Thomas's life throughout all 6 seasons perceived him as an attractive, extraordinary, intelligent, very interesting man. But none of them loved him completely, with all his flaws and injuries. Only Grace. She was the one who sacrificed everything for him. In the first season of her career, she "betrayed all the principles given to her by birthright." In the second season - a quiet rich life, position in society, respect for his family. In the third season, with her life itself, though not consciously, but I'm sure if it were necessary, she would give her life for him voluntarily.
Grace was like Thomas, with her skeletons in the closet, with her injury, and her hands were "covered in blood." They were burned by circumstances and this made them "the same", they understood the motives of each other's behavior.
Other women in Tommy's life (excluding Tatiana, on the contrary, she was more "sick in the head", not controlled), were emotionally healthy, they did not cross the line, they were not broken, so they would never have been able to understand and accept Tommy to the end.
Thomas understood all this, felt and knew that there was no such Grace and never would be, which is why he never forgave himself for her loss. He died inwardly with her.
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