#finding arendelle (canon)
wintersovereign · 2 days
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Nattmara is old Norse for nightmare. It is the embodiment of one’s deepest fears. The act of suppressing fear causes the creature to manifest as it did with Elsa in Forest of Shadows. They can take the shape of anything, this is dependent on the person manifesting them. 
Nattmara roam the world leaching energy from living things by feeding off their fear, and in their wake more fear is created. You cannot run from them, they can shift themselves into black sand and find their way through the smallest cracks in walls, doors, and the heart. There is no escaping them unless you are so strong as there is no weakness for the Nattmara to enter through. Your only hope at banishing one is to face the fear that created it.
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ofsophistication · 15 hours
Friendly reminder that ANNA is the one in Once Upon A time who taught Charming how to swordfight. In Frozen 2 ANNA was the one who grabbed that ice sword and stood on business.
My girl knows how to wield a blade really well.
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vavialdavi · 1 month
These things I wish to see in F3/F4
- Olaf entering a new phase. I saw someone suggesting an emo phase. As someone who's alternative irl, I don't usually like when subcultures are used as a joke but I find this oke could be hilarous
-Oaken, that man's iconic, give him screentime
-How the old Northuldra reconnect with the spirits and how the young Northuldra embrace them (I'm really attached to them, that's be sad and a wasted potential if they were left out)
-More of Yelena and Mattias's beef. Characters arguing like an old married couple is my fav dynamic (I want those two as friends though)
-When the plot point hit, Olaf yelled at Elsa "You said we were done with danger!" or smth similar
-Kristoff, Honeymaren and Ryder being besties, the boys can't shut up about reindeer and Honeymaren is tired of them (petition for us to start calling them 'The deer trio')
- Anna, Elsa and Kristoff having a For The First in Forever/Some Things Never Change typa song about their new lives. With Elsa being so happy and comfortable in the forest while Anna and Kristoff are quite exhausted by the leading. I like to imagine the song ending with Anna wondering how Elsa managed to do all of that while still looking good
- More Agduna frozen memories
- The trolls and Arendelle's dignitaries arguing over rather their wedding should be celebrated in trolls' or Arendelle's traditions/Their wedding being a mix of both
-To know how the fuck was/were the fifth spirits before the sisters
-What exact roles Elsa and Anna have as the fifth spirit (yes Anna bc they did mention they are a bridge, Elsa isn't alone on that)
- The Earth giants playing with Bruni and children
- Elsa and Honeymaren interacting. I'm not necessary asking for their canonization. This ship is my hyperfixation but I don't place my expectations too high. So if we can at least have new material for fanarts and fanfictions, I'd be glad because I am STARVING
- Honeymaren's abs (of course I was gonna bring them up)
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kira-ani-mcgrath · 7 months
It's canon that Hans is ambidextrous, or at least far better than the average person at using his non-dominant hand.
As I was going through his first scene in Frozen, I noticed that Hans almost exclusively uses his left hand, even though he is right-handed (as far as we know). My observation got me curious about every scene he appears in, so here's all my notes under the cut.
This also made me think of the glove theory (TL;DR: one glove off only reveals half one's true self, and, more specifically, under the left glove is fear and trauma, under the right glove is confidence and power) which has actually morphed into a side-of-the-body motif for Hans in my fics. So it's interesting to go through his hand gestures with that in mind. Makes for some fun morsels to chew on.
The first scene Anna and Hans meet:
He offers his left hand to help her stand up
He bends his left arm when half-bowing (his right arm stays straight)
He goes down on his right knee with his right hand in the boat while his left arm is draped over his raised left knee
He catches Anna with his left hand/arm and braces with his right
His left arm stays up when Anna lands on top of him, then hovers over her back
His left hand takes Anna's as he helps her stand again (his right briefly helps by supporting her left elbow)
Anna passes him on his left side (and he turns to stay facing her as she does)
He lifts his left hand in goodbye
He raises the boat off of him with his left hand
In the chapel, Hans again waves to Anna with his left hand, although he looks quite uncomfortably pinned between a larger man on his right and the man sleeping on his left shoulder, so it's possible he just couldn't move his right arm.
When Hans catches Anna in the ballroom ("Glad I caught you"), it's with his right hand (the left is holding a champagne glass, which he places on a passing waiter's tray).
Montage bits:
When Anna bumps Hans' nose with her left hand, he lifts his right hand to it to check for blood
Hans playfully bumps Anna with his right shoulder (which she returns with more force). Right after that, he asks about her white hair and points to it with his left hand.
Setup and singing of Love is an Open Door:
He eats the krumcake with his left hand, his right beneath it to catch any crumbs
When Hans tells Anna he would never shut her out, he takes her left hand in his right hand
"I've been searching my whole life" He gestures to himself with his right hand. "to find my own place" Right hand still on his chest, he gestures to Arendelle with his left.
Brushes Anna's cheek with his right hand
Leads with his right side to tip the chair and join Anna on the table (left foot on the edge of the seat, right foot on the top of the back, right arm extended, Anna yanks him forward)
Anna is on Hans' left side during sock sliding, so it's his left hand he uses to stabilize her [he's also ahead of her, but when the scene cuts to them hiding from the guard, Anna is ahead of him, and he swings behind the door with his right hand]. Anna then grabs him by the right hand to lead him away.
Stargazing, Anna is on Hans' left side. She grabs his left arm when she says, "Sandwiches!"
"Jinx!" is with the right hands, "Jinx again!" with the left
Hans uses his right hand to take Anna's left before they begin dancing atop the lighthouse
On top of the waterfall, Hans' left hand is holding Anna's right, and he uses this hand to spin her
Hans takes Anna's left hand in both of his when he proposes
When searching the ballroom for Elsa:
Anna is leading Hans by his right hand. This is the hand/arm she holds when they find Elsa.
When they ask for Elsa's blessing, they each put the opposite hand on the other's arm.
Hans keeps his left hand over Anna's left hand while it's on his right arm.
They drop to holding hands (Anna's left, Hans' right), then Hans takes Anna's right hand with his left after she grabs his shoulder as she talks.
Anna lifts both hands away simultaneously in excitement, but drops them back into Hans' hands.
She drops Hans' left hand when Elsa throws water on her fire, but keeps hold of Hans' right and then moves both hands to his elbow.
Hans lifts his left hand in gesture when he tries to talk to Elsa. When she shuts him down, he moves his left hand to hold Anna's right hand (both her hands are still on his arm, her right hand on top and her left hand behind).
Anna then leaves Hans to go after Elsa, resulting in her accidentally removing Elsa's left glove.
When Hans gets closer to Elsa's ice spikes, he's slightly leading with his right side in a cautious approach. [Interesting aside, he's initially looking at Elsa, but as he creeps closer, he looks to Anna, and keeps his eyes there until the camera cuts to the closeup of his face where he raises his eyes from the floor/spikes to Elsa's face. Also, after Elsa flees, everyone stares after her, but Hans' focus quickly shifts to Anna.]
When Hans catches up to Anna at the edge of the fjord, he puts his right hand on Anna's right shoulder and his left somewhere on her upper back/behind her left shoulder. As he watches the fjord freeze, his right hand lifts and withdraws, leaving his left hand on Anna's left shoulder.
While Hans and Anna are making their way through the castle courtyard:
Hans reaches after Anna with his left hand when he asks her if she knew.
When Hans supports that Anna's completely ordinary, he puts his left hand on her left shoulder, and lifts his right as he adds "In the best way."
When the Duke gets confrontational, Hans gestures with his right hand as he's contradicting him.
When Hans tells Anna it's too dangerous, he has his left hand on her right shoulder.
When she pulls away, he reaches for her with his right hand, but ends up taking her right hand in his left.
When Anna says she needs him to take care of Arendelle, her right hand is still in his left, and he lifts it and places his right hand over top hers.
Anna pulls away from him, his hands still linger after her, his right slightly longer than his left.
He takes the reins of Anna's horse in his left hand, dropping them when she rides off.
Hans in the winter coat, passing out cloaks:
He walks into the square from the left side of the scene, the passage to the castle gates
Holds a stack of three folded cloaks in his right hand while gesturing with his left
Takes the woman's right hand in his left; when she takes a cloak, he returns his hand to support the stack
Puts his right hand on a guard's shoulder as he hands off the two cloaks in his left hand
When the Duke raves at him and he decides to fire back, he points with his right hand
He turns his right side to look behind him at Anna's horse returning
He has both hands up trying to calm the horse
He grabs the reins with his left hand, then reaches for the snout with his right. As he gets the horse to calm down, he strokes the muzzle with his right.
After the cutaway, his hand has dropped out of the frame, and on the full-body shot, he has transferred the reins to his right hand
He raises his left hand as he calls for volunteers
At Elsa's ice palace:
He dismounts Sitron over the left side, keeping the reins in his left as he does
He switches the reins to his right hand as he turns to face the search party with, "Do you understand?"
He leads Sitron forward with the reins in his right hand
Hans drops the reins when Marshmallow awakens, backing away with his left arm more forward and his right more behind
He draws his sword with his right hand from the scabbard that hangs on his left side
After ducking a swing from Marshmallow, he leaps back and grips the hilt with both hands
The next time he's back in-scene, it's right-hand only on the sword and he holds out his left arm out. It's difficult to tell if it's just for balance as he adjusts his feet or if he's trying to prevent the Arendelle guard from getting too close to Marshmallow.
He leaps and rolls to the left to avoid Marshmallow's swing
[Scene cuts to the Weselton guards and Elsa before back to Hans]
He rolls to the left to avoid a stomp, losing his sword, which he grabs with his left hand
He uses both hands to slice Marshmallow's leg
As Marshmallow goes off-balance, Hans motions the guards forward with his left hand as he yells, "Come on!"
Hans grabs onto the staircase with his left hand, holding his sword in his right. He tosses the sword up onto the stairs, grabs the edge right next to where his left hand is gripping, then his left hand grabs the railing lattice, followed by his right grabbing the now-extended guard's hand. The guards reach down to help him up, and he raises his left to grip the railing as they pull him up by his right arm.
[Scene cuts back to Elsa and the Weselton guards]
Hans leads the group into the room, his sword in his scabbard while the rest of the party has their swords drawn
He throws out both arms to stop the group
He pleads with Elsa, his left hand extended forward toward her and his right to the side
When he redirects the crossbow, his left hand is on the guard's wrist and his right on the bow
Hans and Elsa in the dungeon:
Hans enters, leading with his left side and holding the lantern aloft with his left hand before setting it on the bench
He closes the door with his right hand
His right hand rubs his left upper arm from the cold before his left arm folds into his right, his left hand tucked beneath his right elbow
He untucks his left hand to rub his right arm, then tucks it back under the right elbow
In the library:
Gestures with his left hand and looks over his left shoulder as he says he's going to look for Anna
Gestures with his right fist when he says "If anything happens to her-"
Hans reaches for Anna with both arms, his right slightly more forward than his left
Pulls Anna to him, his right hand on her lower back and his left hand grasping her right shoulder
His left hand slips from her shoulder as she wraps her hands around his neck, then returns there as she lowers her arms again
His left hand continues to hold her shoulder as supports her weight she crumples in pain
He uses his left arm to go under her knees and carry her to the couch
His right hand strokes her cheek and tilts her chin up
His right hand pushes off his right knee as he stands upright
He closes the curtain with his right hand
He removes his right glove with his left hand, and gives a small gesture with the now-bare hand
Licks his right index finger and extinguishes the candle's flame between his index finger and thumb, his left hand holding his right glove
Makes a small gesture with his right hand, the left appears to mirror it but can't fully due to holding the glove
Gestures again with the right hand, the left is hidden behind his torso due to the camera angle
Switches his glove to the right hand as he says "But you"
Raises both hands in a sort of shrug as he says "You were so desperate"
Picks up the pitcher of water with his left hand, turns slightly to the left and looks over his left shoulder as he says "-just like that."
Walks to the fireplace, then turns slightly to the right and looks over his right shoulder and gestures with his right hand
Pours the water with his left hand as he says he would have had to stage an accident for Elsa
Finishes pouring the water with his left hand, gestures with his right as he says "-and you were dumb enough-"
Places the pitcher on the table and immediately puts his right glove back into his left hand
Shrugs slightly with both shoulders then puts both hands behind his back as he says "-kill Elsa-"
Goes down on his left knee with his left hand (holding the right glove) on his left thigh, his right knee raised and supporting his right elbow [the opposite of his kneel in the rowboat]
Lifts Anna's chin with his right hand
Braces his right hand on his right thigh as he stands
Puts his right glove back on
Opens the right-side door with his right hand
Holds the edge of the open door with his right hand before using that hand to pull the door closed behind him
In the council chamber:
Pushes the right-side door open with his right hand
Braces himself on the handle of the door with his right hand
The Duke puts his right hand on Hans' left shoulder as Hans gestures with his right hand to the dignitary offering Hans his own seat
Hans braces himself with his right hand on the arm of the chair as he sits down. His left elbow comes to rest on the other arm of the chair.
His right arm slips forward as he says Anna died in his arms
When the camera angle shifts, his left hand grips the raised part of the left chair arm. His right arm is more forward, the elbow resting presumably on the raised part of the right chair arm.
In the dungeon:
Hans reaches for the Arendelle guard's shoulder with his right hand and pulls him aside
He pushes aside another guard with his left arm
He steps through the gap and over the fallen debris leading with his left leg
On the frozen fjord:
Hans is leading with his left side, his left hand raised above his head and his right near his waist
He uses his left hand to amplify his call to Elsa
Both hands hover near his waist, his left side still more forward than his right
Talking to Elsa, his left hand is higher than his right and near his heart
As Elsa collapses on the fjord, his right arm looks slightly more forward than his left
[Cuts to Anna and Kristoff, cuts back to Hans and Elsa]
Hans has his sword in his right hand, his left hand balled in a fist
He adjusts his grip on the sword with just his right hand, his left hand still in a fist
[Cuts to Anna and Kristoff, cuts back to Hans and Elsa]
Hans has his sword raised in his right hand, his left hand is raised mid-chest and now open but with his fingers curled
Left hand re-closes into a fist as Hans begins the downswing
When flying back, his left side is more back than his right, and as he lands his right arm is up in the air
He lands on his left side, judging from the way his right arm appears to drape over his torso and the direction of the soles of his boots
After the thaw:
He grips the rail with his right hand (his left is hidden), his right knee raised and his left shin parallel to the deck
His left hand and forearm comes into view as he continues trying to stand up. His left leg appears to falter, which would make sense since he seemed to land on his left side out on the ice.
His left hand and forearm braces against the rail as his right hand rubs his chin (his left knee is still lower than his right)
[Cuts to the group, then back to Hans]
Still bracing with his left arm and holding his chin with his right as he sees Anna, his right hand falls away from his face
He stands, pushing off the rail with his left hand and bracing his right hand on his right knee
He makes a small gesture with his right hand as he walks the two steps to her, leading with his left leg. Both arms remain at his sides.
When Anna punches Hans, his left hand flies up first and higher than his right, then goes downward/overboard first. His left leg goes up higher than his right.
As he falls into the water, both arms are up and back, but his left leg is down toward the water and right leg is back like his arms
The ship brig:
When Hans enters the frame, his left side is angled toward the floor. It's his left side that hits the floor. His left hand is in a fist as his left arm is pinned, his right hand is open as his right arm flails.
He momentarily braces his right hand against the floor
He uses both hands to push the bucket off his head, then pushes himself up off the floor with both hands/arms
He sits up, his right leg raised, and lifts his right hand to his head. His left leg is bent at the knee but parallel to the floor, his left palm against the floor.
Frozen Fever cameo:
Hans has his right hand on the back of the shovel handle, and his left hand in the middle of the handle
He looks back over his right shoulder
His left hand releases the shovel handle a fraction of a second before his right hand does
Once the snowball hits, we can see both his legs, but only his left hand, not his right. Even when half the snowball breaks off and falls to the ground, we still can only see his left hand.
Bonus: That Hans animation test/promo where he's doing swordplay with his left hand even though his scabbard is also on his left side (it goes on the opposite side of the hand you would draw the sword with, which is typically going to be the one you're better at using for swordplay).
Parting thought: If you want to add an extra twist to this, you could also headcanon that Hans is actually left-handed, but has trained to use his right hand, probably since childhood. (He could have been forced to do so because of family/royal/cultural reasons, an injury, an illness, etc., or he could have taken it upon himself because everyone else in his family was right-handed and he wanted to measure up as best he could, or a combination of both because he was mercilessly teased for it.) And, if you'd like to take that a step further, the result is him being dominantly right-handed when doing anything that requires either a certain mask (confidence, or at least not letting his true feelings show) or his royal education (socializing, leadership, sword fighting, etc.)... which is most of the time, but slipping up and using his left hand when he's more genuine or worried/stressed (whether he actually shows it in his face/voice or not), and/or when he's sure he's alone.
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prettypei · 1 year
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plot: Disney movies…but you guys are the mc and love interest; fluff!
reader: fem! Reader, Black! Fem! In nanami’s part
characters: gojo (x elsa reader), yuji (x rapunzel reader), yuuta (x belle Reader), nanami (x tiana reader)
warnings: just me and my weird ass mind, mention of killings
(a/n): THIS IS HOW THE JJK FANDOM COPES WITH SHIBUYA. Some of these apply to the princess canon storyline, some of these do not 👍
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I kinda see a enemies to lovers with him tbh
like he would be so mad that he can’t make snow
and you would be mad that he has infinity so you can’t attack him
basically you n him met bc he was sent to your ice castle to attack you cuz you were causing arendelle a lot of problems… and the village was really mad at you so they called the higher ups to send gojo over
and gojo was shopping and everything in arendelle ☠️☠️ and he met a lotta children there so he asked them if they were close with you and they replied yeah so he told them what you’d done and the children were like “no!!, (name) would never do that :((“ and that made him guilty for slacking off so off he went!
he’s not too worried about you so he walked up the mountain, he didn’t wanna teleport cuz he just wanted to take the longest time possible (he’s mean that way)
Gojo also meets Olaf on the way and they have the STUPIDIEST CONVOS EVER.
anws he pulls up to see your castle and he’s like “woah who’s sweet crib danggg”
and then he breaks down the ice door with red
and then he screams “where the baddies at?”
you rush out to see a weird ass man holding Olaf in his hands
so you’re pretty sure this man has kidnapped Olaf
you shoot icicles at him, he dodges
and this continues for an hour or so, until you’re tired so you just ask him to leave
but then he’s like “teach me to make ice girl”
and you (try) to teach him, but you just wanted to make him look stupid and you just laugh at him
gojos heart skips a beat when you laugh…IS THIS A CRUSH??!!!!!! 🐺‼️‼️🤐🗣️🗣️
you guys sit down and talk a lil
and he learns that you were treated as a prodigy as a child and he’s like “girl…me too!!!!”
you two really connect…and then Gojo remembers why he’s here ☠️
he explains the whole “everlasting snow” thig and you feel super guilty
so he teleports with you… as he holds you in his hands bridal style 🤫
you both arrive and the snow has cleared due to “Gojo healing a broken heart 🥺🥺🥺” corny!!!! You two get married Happy Ending
you guys would be sunshine x sunshine ☹️☹️
Anws y’all met when yuji was like bored after a mission and wandering around the forest where the mission happened
then he feels a HUGE amount of cursed energy behind some vines
he then goes through them to find you tower and he’s awestruck cuz the cursed energy is OVERFLOWING.
and basically he tries to run up the tower??? But he can’t he’s so stupid n silly
and you hear this goofy mf trying and you thought it was mother gothel so you let you hair down
you’re extremely grossed out…but eventually he finds out that “oh wait I have to climb the hair”
so then he goes up and he’s knocked out by a pan 😭
he wakes up to find himself tied in hair and he tries to punch though the hair or cut it but it’s too tight
you interrogate him and he explains that he just felt a lotta cursed energy and he thought it was a monster, he then asks if it was because of your stress or sth
you admit that you were under a lot of pressure due to mother gothel always locking you in
he sees a couple curses spawning from this and he points this out, saying that you could just leave if you wanted to
But you say that it’s your mom and he replies with “family wouldn’t control you like that”
man’s then you do the scene where he promises to take you to see the lights blah blah blah
and he acts the boat scene 🥺 ITS SO CUTE
it was at that moment when he realized he’d fallen for u
I think that yuuta is kinda like the beast cuz he’s got Rika right? And he’s actually just a nice lil guy BEHIND the monster
anyways when you stumbled upon his lil castle and oooo Rika was REAL mad
she literally k!lls everyone who gets close to “her prince”
which causes yuuta to isolate him from the world cuz he doesn’t want to hurt anyone anymore
but that just caused Rika to get stronger due to his depressive state
anws Rika kidnapped your dad cuz he plucked one of the roses in yuutas garden
and you are here to save him!!!!
you and yuuta communicate through Rika cuz she doesn’t want you “to fall for him”
and she only lets you stay cuz yuuta commanded her not to hurt you and she then tells yuuta about kidnapping your dad
so he asks you to stay to “heal his heart” and he’ll let your dad go
and you agree. For your dear ol pa
you”re exploring the palace and you see a garden with a rose in it and you try to touch it but oh looky here! Rika tries to kill you again for touching it!
you learn from the pots and pans that yuuta’s room is right across yours so you slip letters under his door day and night
and slowly he starts getting better and he passes notes with you as the days go by (Rika doesn’t know ofc. Or she’d be PISSED.)
and then Rika goes all ape shit and tries to kill everyone from the village
and then yuuta comes out of his room to stop her
and then he kisses you and Rika vanishes :3 yay
happily ever after
I like this ship actually
nanami’s abroad to exorcise cursed spirits and he meets YOU. At a restaurant as a waitress
and he doesn’t think of ya much at first but your charming smile and dimples… MAN HES WHIPPED. (I am too) 🤧🤧
and you’re really nice too cuz you are a really good cook and you wanna serve him some of your own recipes in secret (cuz your boss would flip)
and he THINKS ITS SO GOOD!!!!! He actually wants more but he’s a lil shy
anyways you two meet again…but this time nanami’s a frog. He wasn’t careful enough and got turned into one by a cursed technique
and he’s frantic, asking you to kiss him cuz he thought that he could just be kissed by a random person and turn back…and then you turn into a frog :)
he has to get kissed by a princess btw
and you two find mama odie and act out your lil love story as frogs <3 and you stay like that forever
jk, you turn back to human as he kisses you at midnight
and you get to have your own restaurant and he’s so supportive of you!!!!!
But you sometimes overwork yourself a little and he doesn’t want that (even though he sometimes does it too) so you two try to spend more of your time together and it works!
he actually quits the jujutsu world cuz of you. he doesn’t want to get hurt and to see you get sad 😭
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arendelle-archives · 9 months
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The Archive is now officially open!
Hello everyone! Sorry it took a little longer than expected. I got myself distracted (like I usually do).
The concept for the Arendelle Archives came into fruition in 2021 when friends @saiten-gefroren and FrozenHeart began working on the Frozen timeline study “Annals of Frozen”. The project was released to the fandom in July, 2021 and quickly gained traction among other fans who were already invested in exploring and discussing the lore of the franchise.
Around the same time, @virtual-winter published his 3-part series “An Odyssey Through Frozen Geography" which explored the real-world inspirations behind the world of Frozen, which perfectly fits the theme of the "Archive".  Together with “Annals of Frozen”, these two projects acted as the catalyst works that would bring a group of fans together on a common platform under a common goal and banner, starting off as a Discord-server in April 2022 and now, finally, stepping into the world of Tumblr!
So, what is Arendelle Archives?
As for the concept itself, we imagine that the Arendelle Archives, aka the Royal Arendelle Archives, was a 19th century national institution of Arendelle tasked with the preservation and documentation of natural, historical and geographical records. Though founded by the royal family (by Agnarr and Iduna undoubtedly, not that Runeard guy), it was a neutral agency without affiliations with any political or commercial power.
Moving on to the 21st century, we have established ourselves as a group of ordinary but dedicated Frozen fans with varying backgrounds and areas of “expertise” who are on a mission to restore the records that were once under the supervision of the Royal Arendelle Archives, in line with the same values that defined the "native" institution.
As spiritual descendants of the original Arendelle Archives staff, we aim to collect as much information as possible centered around Arendelle and its neighboring lands with the help of official material like the movies, books, comics, etc. (the “facts” of the Frozenverse if you will), then compile and summarize these facts by studying the source material and by making logical deductions without the interference of personal preferences or prejudices — It is a “science” for our beloved fictional world, not a “fiction” with personal attachments riddled through the work.
What have we done so far?
For the past two years, our focus has been set on collecting and presenting the history, geography and lore of Arendelle and the rest of the Frozen world. Entering 2024, our work has resulted in nearly a dozen completed or ongoing “in-house” fan-projects as well as affiliated works by creators tied to the Archive:
Seek the truth – Unraveling Frozen II (1st and 2nd edition) by Yumeka (2020)
Annals of Frozen (1st and 2nd edition) by Saiten and FrozenHeart (2021-2022)
An Odyssey Through Frozen Geography by Virtual Winter (2021-2023)
The Frozenverse – Media, books, comics and more! by Virtual Winter
The Flora and Fauna of Frozen by Virtual Winter (2022)
Reproducing Iduna’s map from Frozen II by Virtual Winter (2023)
Every appearance of Hans’ ship by Virtual Winter (2023)
Frozen Canon Talk! (1st to 4th edition) by Great Queen Anna (2021-2023)
Anna and Elsa’s lost family members by Virtual Winter (2023)
(links to the individual works will be added later)
What's next?
We are always “on the hunt” for like-minded fans with similar fan-projects in their portfolio. Just in time for Christmas of 2023, such an encounter resulted in the impressive video project “Frozen: The History of Arendelle”, a timeline study very much in tune with “Annals of Frozen”, created by Youtuber Geekritique in collaboration with us.
Just around the corner also lies the creation of a detailed Arendelle family tree based on the findings in “Anna and Elsa’s lost family members”.
After this? Only Ahtohallan knows… But with more Frozen content on the horizon, our work as archivists and record keepers will surely not be over any time soon and updates and refreshes of past works will definitely be coming in the near future!
Arendelle Archives on Tumblr
The decision to finally start this Tumblr came in November 2023. From now on, we will use this platform as the base of our operation and republish our previous entries, now finally unified under a common “Archives” banner. It will also be the main platform for future projects as well as reblogs of Frozen fan projects from other sources.
All things considered, we hope that through our work, we will contribute to the Frozen fandom as a whole and allow for regular fans, artists, analysts, and fanfiction writers alike to get a clearer picture of the lore, trivia and backstory of the Frozen-series!
Virtual Winter, Saiten and the rest of the Archive team
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snowflaketale12 · 9 months
Made an edits from one of my favourite scene from novel "Polar Nights: Casts Into Darkness" by Jen Calonita and Mari Mancusi...💙
This scene was so intense, when Anna *realize* the draugr attacked her because the draugr thought she took the crown from Elsa, and well, it's definitely a misunderstood, draugr means no harm but only seek the truth 😄 (You may read the paragraph from 3rd pic).
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(And sorry if the Draugr isn't accurate enough as I can't find perfect pic from Google 😅 ).
Also, I'd *accidentally* made an edits for the official Arendelle newspaper, Village Crown.
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The date from was discussed with @virtual-winter , while there's no confirmation date when the story happened, but what we know from the novel was:
1. The story happened two months after Frozen II.
2. It's before Elsa's Birthday.
And this article was written and released by Wael before the story's started, so I assumed the whole incident was took place one week earlier, which is 15th Dec, 1846. (This came with the assumption that Frozen I was happened in 1843, it depends on what you think is canon anyways.)
(You may read the paragraph from 4th pic).
(Ignored the paragraph in the article as I just copied and pasted from Chatgpt 😆).
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bigfrozenfan · 9 months
The History of Arendelle: A FROZEN Timeline
The History of Arendelle is much more than just a recap of Frozen I & II. In this video timeline we'll dive deep into Frozen lore that spans novels, comics, podcasts, and more! This video is made in close association with the Arendelle Archives, a group of Frozen superfans who've mapped out the lore and history very well. Find links to download some of their resources below! This video is also made in collaboration with ModernMouse and Josh Taylor plays a new in-universe Frozen character, named Josh Taylorson, a Royal Historian of Arendelle.
TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 Introduction 1:44 ch. i - How the Timeline Works 4:30 ch. ii - The 1790s: Arendelle's Grand Reinvention 6:23 ch. iii - April 1812: The Battle of the Dam 7:51 ch. iv - 1812-1840: Dangerous Secrets - The Story of Iduna and Agnarr 11:03 ch. v - 1830-1840: Arendelle's Dark Years 14:05 ch. vi - July 1843: Frozen 17:19 ch. vii - July 1843: Once Upon a Snowman 17:39 ch. viii - December 1843: Olaf's Frozen Adventure 18:49 ch. ix - June 1844: Frozen Fever 19:54 ch. x - 1846: The Joe Caramagna Graphic Novels 22:21 ch. xi - September 1846: Forest of Shadows 24:24 ch. xii - September/October 1846: Frozen II 27:44 ch. xiii - December 1846: Polar Nights - Cast Into Darkness 29:17 ch. xiv - Spring 1847: Forces of Nature - Season One 30:44 Conclusion
ARENDELLE ARCHIVES RESOURCES: Annals of Frozen 2nd Edition The FrozenVerse - A List of All Official and Licensed Works Frozen Canon Talk 4th Edition Maps & Geography Anna and Elsa’s Lost Family Members
Download a high-quality PNG of the Frozen Timeline on Patreon
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true--north · 3 months
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Frozen fanfic: Queen Iduna, Ahtohallan's magic, Frozen 2, canon divergent, fairytale elements
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The world she knew no longer existed.
The earth itself rebelled against them, the sky turned against, the water choked, the fire bit and scratched the flesh. In fear, Iduna looked to her left: the swords of Aren's men flashed there. Iduna looked to the right in despair: her people were dying there. In the middle, at her feet and at her mercy lay he, Prince Agnarr. It was love from the first sight; like in the ancient legends, she loved her enemy. She was going to die here with him if all this won't stop.
The dam broke and Iduna wept, falling to her knees. Through the spasm she cried out to the Mother of All Spirits. The girl sang an ancient song of no words, a song only a longing heart or the cool northwind knows.
Everything went quiet, deaf even, as if she and the breathless boy beside her got covered by a great heavy shawl. Iduna's sight got flooded by the mist, and mysterious blue lights glittered in its flowing in spirals streams.
"You. All. Guilty. Forest. Blood." chanted an unearthly voice in her mind.
"Please help!" pleaded Iduna to the Spirit, "He...He's going to die!"
The voice was silent for an eternity and for a minute. "There is only one way, daughter of the North, Iduna of the ancient kin. Since the beginning, no other way. All can be redeemed. Your family. People of Aren. All wrong can be made right."
"Please, I'll do anything!" Iduna shut her tearful eyes and held Agnarr in her arms. The noises of the battle could not be heard here anymore, the silence made it all even more frightening.
"What would you give. To save those you truly love?"
She sighed, Iduna could swear she heard it. "Your firstborn. Will be a gift."
Iduna's childish imagination could not yet imagine that she herself could ever have children. A firstborn? Of her own? It seemed as unreal and distant as a century or a thousand years.
"I agree!"
Ahtohallan lamented the same song Iduna had sung.
A fresh wind blew, and Gale came, and helped them find a cart, and covered them with Iduna mother's shawl, and the horses carried them away. But the mist did not go away. It crawled further from Iduna's frightened mind, it enveloped all the Forest, all the Fjord to the Dark Sea. But the fighting has stopped, at last.
And a strange star lit up the sky, sealing the prophecy forevermore.
When Elsa was born, Iduna almost forgot the Voice, her promise, forgot who she had once been. The girl who was singing with the wind, the girl who was led by the Northern Lights; who rode the wind as though it was a reindeer. The girl who promised the Forest her firstborn child to save everyone.
But as soon as a snowflake fell from her one-year-old daughter's precious tiny fingers, perfect in its simple magic, Iduna remembered everything. And she was terrified. Magic meant they'll be coming for her soon. It meant they will come and take Elsa away. And no one else would find her little snowflake in the glacial wasteland of the North. Of her home? No, her home was Arendelle. Guilt and fear froze Iduna's heart. For what and for whom had she sacrificed her daughter's future before she was even born?
And the Queen decided to break her promise.
"We will close the gates, dismiss the servants..." her husband said, with trembling tears in his voice.
"Yes...of course, darling..." whispered Iduna. She did not object. She was even glad that Agnarr suggested it himself. That way she could protect Elsa from what she had done. Behind the closed door of her room, not even the spirits would get her. She will be safe, they all.
Years later, when she couldn't stand the nightmare their life turned to be any longer, Iduna decided to go to Ahtohallan herself. To ask what to do, to offer herself — what she should have done back then on the night of the Battle — to find the answers and the keys.
Iduna sang, Glacier echoed, their voices and souls became one. Black waves covered her like a heavy soft soothing shawl. The world she knew no longer existed.
Soon enough, Elsa came to the Enchanted Forest, for none can escape destiny.
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Appearances of Secrets of the Magic Makers throughout Frozen Stories
One of my favorite tiny details in Frozen is the book Secrets of the Magic Makers (which is also where my username comes from 😂). It is never mentioned directly in the movies or shorts, although it is briefly shown in F1. (I’ll get to that in a minute.) It is mentioned in two of the three major Frozen books, but Forest of Shadows has the most about it.
Dangerous Secrets mentions SOTMM a few times, but never by name. Iduna and Agnarr choose a random map from the secret room to follow to the Valley of the Living Rock. I believe this is the map tucked into SOTMM in F1 because DS says on the night Anna got hurt, Agnarr runs straight for the secret room and pulls out the same map from “the old folklore book” where he’d hidden it after his and Iduna’s adventure. It also says that the map belonged to Rita. I’m not sure if it belonged to her necessarily, but I guess she must have known about it. Later, after Elsa and Anna were separated, Iduna spent many hours in the secret room searching for answers about Elsa’s magic. She translated many of the “old books and scrolls” she found in the secret room, one of which was definitely SOTMM, because when Anna finds it in FoS, she recognizes her mother’s handwriting in the translations in the margins.
FoS definitely has the most SOTMM mentions by far. In fact, it is the only thing in all of Frozen that ever mentions its name. In FoS, Anna finds it in the secret room. (and she definitely can’t read the runes, she thinks of them as “indecipherable symbols”). The book itself is described as “beautiful brown with black lettering,” which perfectly matches what we see in the movie. The most thorough description is soon after she finds the book. It says: “Secrets of the Magic Makers seemed to be a book of old tales, brief histories, and maps showing the way to the Valley of the Living Rock, but also a glossary of sorts, naming all kinds of creatures that only existed in lore. Spirits of wind, water, and fire. Earth Giants.” It also says that Anna remembers these “bedtime-story words” and that she has vague memories of her mother telling her stories and reading, possibly from this book. In the next couple of chapters it also says SOTMM contains “scraps of research that had not yet been bound in,” a map of Arendelle and the surrounding area with the Black Beach circled, and tales of “shape-shifters who lived with herds of reindeer; talking trees; draug; and boys who were no larger than a thumb. There were pages and pages of the unknown language, and every so often an illustration accompanied the symbols.” It also says that Iduna “skipped translating the pages with the more creepy-looking sketches.” There is also a section that details the Saga of Aren with sketches of some of his deeds. And SOTMM obviously also contains the spell that is said to release the Nattmara in the first place.
Now, back to the mention in F1. After Anna gets hurt, we see Agnarr’s hands as he searches for a specific book. When he pulls it out, we can see the title and one page inside, all written in Younger Futhark runes.
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The title of the book he pulls out translates roughly to Runes of Knowledge. (Source: https://lingaspect.wordpress.com/2014/03/13/deciphering-the-runes-book-in-frozen/) BUT I believe it is intended to be the same book, and SOTMM is just the English title because of this image:
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This is from the inside jacket of a book(?) the directors gave to the crew after production of F2. It has the exact same runic title as the book Agnarr pulls out and it also has the English title as SOTMM. (Obviously I know this gift isn’t canon-worthy, but I think it shows the INTENTIONS of the directors well enough to confirm that it is the same book.)
So yeah, this was every mention I could find of SOTMM in official Frozen media! If you notice I missed any, please let me know, as it’s been a while since I read the books all the way through. SOTMM is one of the things I have a strange obsession with and I wish SO MUCH that I could actually read it. I’ll post an analysis of the runes in SOTMM soon too, as they are also VERY interesting and a personal fascination of mine!
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wintersovereign · 29 days
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Concept art by Britney Lee for Frozen 2: The Spirits
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ofsophistication · 9 days
In the novel Polar Nights Kristoff and Olaf compose music together. Their most recent work is the Ballad of Persnickety Proprietor, which Anna suspects is about Oaken. The rivalry between Kristoff and Oaken in the extended universe gives me life.
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Frozen re watch notes | Analysis
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Cover created by me
Since Frozen 3 is official, I thought I'd re-watch Frozen, Frozen Olaf's Frozen Adventure, Frozen Fever and Frozen 2, all in order in terms of canon. All the things that may not seem right I'll put the pieces together for you. An example being Frozen 2's highly controversial ending.
Warning - This is a long post given the notes from the main canon movies and things story wise, so do read in your own time if not now :)
Frozen II - the beginning:
• If you didn't know already, the flashback in Frozen 2 featuring young Elsa and Anna takes place the night before the incident in Frozen. They go to bed after a bedtime story from Agnarr and a lullaby from Iduna, but Anna gets up very early in the Morning while it's still dark and builds a snowman with Elsa. Just before Agnarr tells him about the story, Anna whispers to Elsa, “Let's make a big snowman later.”
• Most of you would probably know this by now, but I'm just going to say it anyways, Elsa making a fairy queen on a horse foreshadows herself in 12 years time, when she becomes the fifth spirit and rides in the Nøkk, but also to the title we, the fans know her as, the Snow Queen (which I hope the title will be actually be given to her or said in Frozen 3).
• The monster in the play scene is another foreshadow to Marshmallow, the giant snowman monster Elsa created in Frozen.
• The scene Elsa and Anna play with their snow figures, “The lost fairies cry out.. They wake the fairy queen who breaks the spell and saves everyone!”, also slightly foreshadow the events of Frozen 2 with the other spirits ("the lost fairies") crying out and causing Elsa to become the fifth spirit (or as young Elsa refers to as the “fairy queen”), saving everyone from her kingdom.
• (Young) Anna after says “... And they all get married!”, which is a foreshadow to Frozen 2 and possibly Frozen 3. After saving the forest and being reunited, Kristoff finally proposes to Anna. Their wedding, which is a must, will be in Frozen 3. Elsa could also find a love interest (which I prefer as Hans) and perhaps gets married in the same movie.
• Hate to break it to you guys but the story telling scene was the original family's last happy, normal moment together.
• The chant/ song at the very beginning of Frozen and when Elsa thaws Arendelle from the eternal winter, is actually from Northuldra as we see the Northuldrinas sing it in Frozen 2. Seeing Frozen after Frozen 2 is actually so cool!
• Kristoff was originally with mountain men, and from there we assumed his father is one too. But as he gets adopted by the trolls soon, it's unlikely Kristoff would just abandon his father for Trolls. But though it makes total sense for his father to be a mountain man, it could be that his father died while he was around Anna's age while his mother died sooner so he thought to stick with those he's familiar with, the mountain men, his father's friends. But the trolls adopted him and took care of him since the incident.
• This is the first time that the royal family has met the trolls. With how Grand Pabbie was asking if she was born or cursed and how Agnarr got out a book in the Trolls before visiting them, it seems it's the first interaction. That means Elsa, Anna and Kristoff and Sven have known the Trolls for the same amount of time.
• As we know that Elsa gets her powers and the spirits get their magical form from Ahotohallan, being the source of all magic, I wonder if the trolls are aware about Ahotohallan or even got their magic from there too.
• The line Pabbie uses to warn Elsa of the extent of her powers, “Fear will be your enemy”, is used as a lyric in another solo, 'Monster', for Elsa in the Broadway adaptation of Frozen. Elsa references the trolls as she sings “ "Fear will be your enemy and death its consequence", that's what they once said to me and it's starting to make sense”. It's such an amazing song to show Elsa's fear of her powers.
• Though the trolls erased the incident turning it into fun memories from Anna's mind, it was Agnarr who decided to keep Elsa from the outside world. But this was for her one benefit thinking she would be more able to focus on controlling her powers and not cause anymore accidents. Though I will agree that the isolation may have gotten to her making her want to be alone but that's solely so she herself can focus on controlling her powers and avoid hurting others unintentionally or even the very least, making them fear her.
• To Anna it seems Elsa hid away suddenly. Anna only remembers the happy memories they've shared. She doesn't remember the incident or her powers. And also because her parents are focused on Elsa, it gets Anna to make her own ways in life which is why she's so naive and wants to marry Hans the day they met.
• "Do you want to build a snowman?" shows Elsa and Anna being separated for 9 years. Another 3 years later, making it 12 years since the incident, their coronation is their reunion (not reconciliation).
• Now we know that Iduna and Agnarr actually crossed the dark sea and not the southern sea to go to Ahotohallan in search for answers to Elsa's powers, not knowing the risks it would bring to them.
• Moments before their death Iduna confesses that she was the one who saved her when they were younger. Their parents had closures from the mysteries in the life that were unsolved excluding that of Elsa's powers. Which is both heartwarming and heart breaking.
• Why didn't the Nøkk save them? I don't think Nøkk knew who they were parents too or even recognized Iduna. Besides, after the most sealed Northuldra, the spirits went quiet or you could say in hibernation. When Elsa hears the voice and ends up waking them up, that's when they go wild. Elsa had the power to tame and bond with him. Though Iduna had the bond with him and the other spirits, they were aware of her and weren't aware of what was going on anywhere. It could've been that actually the Nøkk did try though but all he managed to do was to bring their bodies to Arendelle so they could be buried, otherwise they would've have been missing.
• I'm not going into detail here about How Hans isn't faking the good side. @a13thprincefora13thprincess has such an incredible mind blowing analysis of it pinned on her blog profile! But what I will say is that let's remember that before "Let it go", Dela was going to be the villain and Hans was just another protagonist. It was after the song that Disney swapped the roles. So the point is he definitely wasn't faking the good act.
• The bishop knows about Elsa's powers. All the palace staff do too and they have worked at the castle for many years and since the gate closed no one has gone in or out of the castle so no one can retire or gain new staff. And the way he tells Elsa about the gloves and the way he looks at the sceptre and the orb then back at Elsa further proves he knows.
• I never really put this to mind but Elsa has been seen by Arendelle before when she was younger along with Anna, but they didn't tell the people about her powers. They kept that private way before the incident happened. Perhaps Agnarr and Iduna feared the people's reaction just like Elsa does.
• From what we know about Hans from other media around the franchise, we learn his brothers and father abuse him and look done on him because he's the youngest and last in line to the throne hence to them useless. So coming to Arendelle seeking room for love, room to fit in somewhere. Anna putting him in charge is his moment to prove to the citizens that he can treat them well. Then once he's king he can show the men in his family that he's capable of respect.
• Elsa didn't want to become Queen yet because the pressures of her powers are enough for her to focus on and control. Ruling a kingdom makes it 10 x harder for her to control herself.
• All Elsa thought she needed was to be alone so she can embrace her powers and learn to control it. That way she won't fear hurting anyone. That was her main motive behind being alone in her room and in the North mountain after the death of their parents. Elsa was just doing what she thought her father would want her to do.
• Kristoff saw Elsa's let it go sequence! He tells her yes to when she asks did it seem magical! And in the sledge he asks Anna what made the Queen go all ice crazy. These little things I didn't even notice the first plenty full of times we watched it!
• The way Kristoff says to Anna, “You almost set me on fire!”, and Anna replies “But I didn't”, a sweet hilarious parallel would be Elsa saying, “You almost killed me!”, and Hans replies “But I didn't.”
• Seeing how the horse ran back to Hans gets him believing that Anna's in danger when actually the horse is scared from falling snow (lol). And so Hans could've in theory let Anna hang in trouble and Elsa leave her kingdom but what does he do? He goes after Anna to save her.
• When Anna knocks on Elsa's ice palace door, it immediately opens making it a first to Anna. That's because the palace is built and acts on Elsa's subconscious. Elsa has longed to open the door but her powers and her trauma wouldn't allow her to do so but now learning it controls them, she has the freedom to do so.
• Elsa living in the North and Anna in Arendelle was a foreshadow in itself for their status after Frozen 2.
• I want another troll song in Frozen 3. They deserve more screen time, more story
• Okay so some might say Hans was indirectly trying to kill her moving the arrow upwards to hit the chandelier. But naturally that would be someone's quick act to save Elsa. You won't have time to think. Hans did specifically tell those two Weselton guards not to attack the Queen. Not because he wanted to kill himself. He just came here to talk and reason with her.
• But the key and most precious thing to notice after this scene is that in the dungeon while Elsa is unconscious, a blanket is put over her. Why would anyone put a blanket on the Queen of snow and ice and to one who froze her own kingdom? The Weselton guards definitely didn't put it on her. Doubt they Arendellian guards would either. Hans however would. Why would he do that? Well it's his act of kindness that even though she appears cold, inside lies warmth and I guess that's what he's trying to bring back by asking her to restore Arendelle's summer.
• Everyone thinks Elsa is capable of bringing back summer believing she has control over it but they don't know that Elsa doesn't and can't which gets Hans eventually seeing that death is the only way to save the lives of the innocent. Hans tried to reason with her talking to her twice but upon hearing Elsa hurt Anna when she told him she wouldn't and seeing her ability to break out of the chains got him to that ultimate decision which cost him the reputation and respect he was planning for.
• The Duke of Weselton doesn't believe Elsa can control it or doesn't think if anything really he just immediately judges her calling her a monster and having the first thought of killing her and he puts it more into Hans mind to kill her. So really the Duke is the real villain of Frozen.
• Hans marked Anna's words “She's my sister, she'd never hurt me”. He knows first hand what brothers love is like but he thought sisters were different. Seeing that it's not, surprises him but enrages him on the inside too.
• Hans takes those words personally, “If anything happens to the Princess, you are all Arendelle has left”. He goes into thinking mode and sighs seconds before Anna enters. From looking after the people, to looking for Anna, to reasoning twice with Elsa, to keeping the responsibility of just being in charge (thrown or no throne) all piles up for Hans.
• The moment he refuses the kiss and says his no sense original plan, he is thinking Anna deserves to die because she was the one who caused this mess in the first place (as Anna herself admitted when she left to search for Elsa), and he takes that as an opportunity to further prove his loyalty to the Kingdom and being in the spotlight.
• Or what if Hans refused the kiss fearing that Anna would not want to marry him anymore seeing the kiss not working not being her true love and knowing she was going to die anyways meaning his plan on being the king and making respect for himself would fail. Elsa is different to Anna and much more difficult to love.
• As the in the song "fixer upper", it says “People make bad choice if they're mad or scared or stressed", Hans is an example of this. He was stressed and user pressure which led to him doing bad things. Don't we often make mistakes feeling mad or scared or stressed?
• I don't know if you noticed or if it's just me but when Hans says death upon saying he has to sentence Elsa to death, his voice cracked. Proof enough he does not wish to be doing so and feels he has no choice.
• Elsa loves Arendelle. Yes I know she ran away from her home but that doesn't mean she doesn't love it. She ran away fearing the worst for it but stayed confronting the best for it - love. That's why she was able to thaw Arendelle.
• When Hans gets back in the boat, Elsa looks at him in a neutral way and when she sees Kristoff and Anna's reaction to them she seems confused. It just confirms that Anna was the one who told Elsa about Hans bad deeds and made her despise him.
Olaf's Frozen Adventure:
• This is their first Christmas together so it's 5 months after the events of Frozen. Not too long.
• "Ring in the season Season" has lyrics “It's the first Christmas in forever since we opened up the gates and it's the first Christmas I remember to date and it's already worth the wait”, which is a nod to Elsa and Anna's parts in "For the first time in forever" in Frozen.
• 5 months isn't too long so the trauma still hits Elsa which is why she feels guilty of stripping away Anna's many years of what could have been amazing memories. You could say this reflects Elsa's stages of closure from all of what has happened. This is her guilt stage. At times there will be acceptance.
• Olaf being the tradition is so cute! It's perfect. It's genius!
• As much as there are more scenes with Anna and Olaf then with Elsa and Olaf, in the franchise so far, in this short you can clearly see the mother son bond Elsa and Olaf have. It's so precious and I wish to see more of it in Frozen 3.
Frozen Fever:
• Now a month under a year since the events of Frozen and 6 months since their first Christmas. Elsa here hits the final stages of her grief from the years of being behind a locked door, going lengths to rectify it/ making it up and acceptance.
• I love how Elsa uses her magic to put colour and puffiness on Anna's dress and I really really hope she does it for her wedding dress!
• Anna's growth of love from assuming love happens within hours to learning it happens over a certain amount of time, such a year or so.
• And the big giant snowball that flies across the sea to the Southern Isles? Confidence? I think NOT! I'll explain soon.
World of Frozen Disney Park Storyline:
• With the recently announced World of Frozen announcement at Disney Parks, we have gotten to know what went down after Frozen Fever and before Frozen 2 thanks to a snippet of a newspaper in the promo videos. It states that it is set a year after the events of Frozen and a month after Frozen Fever and so to celebrate Anna's sacrifice/ act of true love, Elsa and Anna call this Summer Snow Day. For this event, Elsa decided to call the Southern Isles to reconcile with them with trading and stuff. They sisters had no clue about the giant snowball reaching the Southern Isles until rumours were in that it caused Hans some injuries. So I guess you could say the sisters took advantage of Hans not being able to come to make amends with the Isle. I guess this is what gives Elsa the idea to make fun of Hans every time he is mentioned or seen.
Frozen II - The present:
• It has now been 15 years since the incident that had them separated, 6 years since their parents death and 3 years since they reunited and reconciled.
• After the 3 year leap to the coronation in Frozen, a woman tells her son, “The Queen has come of age”. This means much more when you watch Frozen 2. 21 is the youngest legal age to be crowned. 3 years later now, Anna is Queen. Is it really a coincidence that Anna was going to be Queen so soon (excluding the whole it's the writers decision excuse) ? In - universe, it's fate. That's why Elsa hasn't heard the voice before. If Elsa went through what she did, then Elsa would have to leave the throne in order to protect and provide Northuldra after its freedom is restored. Anna isn't old enough to be crowned yet. That would lead to others trying to get the crown while it's available.
• The phrase the next right thing didn't actually come from Mattias which inspires Anna but actually Grand Pabbie who says it first. I don't know why I didn't notice that.
• Again even though at the end of all, she lives in the forest, Elsa still deeply cares about Arendelle and not just for Anna. When Pabbie shows her the images of Arendelle in chaos, she takes a step closer and has fear in her eyes. So upon seeing this she urged to go to the forest to fix things.
• As Olaf says the enchanted forest is a place of transformation. It makes Kristoff a prince in waiting or a king consort rather, Anna a Queen, Elsa the fifth spirit, Sven a royal reindeer (?) and Olaf literally gets reborn.
• Grand Pabbie's advice to Anna gets Anna to be more sensitive about how Elsa is, making sure she's okay all the time. Elsa however, wants Anna to be safe fearing the consequences of her journey into the unknown.
• Originally the “That's my sister” line from the Frozen trailer was going to be in the movie but it got cut, but because it was so iconic they included it in the sequel.
• I think that Ryader and Honeymaren act as best friends for Elsa, Anna and Kristoff. We all know why Kristoff and Ryder get along. Honeymaren and Elsa share the knowledge seeking and sharing skills and Anna probably too.
• I love Kristoff's ballad and if Hans returns redeemed in Frozen 3 and I would love for him to have one too.
• People who say Kristoff was treated horribly in Frozen 2, chasing after love but I have to disagree. It would have been a problem if we didn't know much about Kristoff and who is without love, but we do as seen in Frozen. He loves Anna and is crazy to marry her and I don't blame him if he is seizing the moment to marry her because the same way the sisters worry for each other as they fear the unknown, the same way Kristoff does. Being after love isn't bad at all. He bonded with a Northuldrian who loves reindeers as much as him so that's also something.
• I love how Elsa steps in the middle of the four spirits symbol and it creates her Fifth Spirit symbol. Love it!
• Elsa saving Arendelle from the flood is so big for herself and for the people of Arendelle. Again when she regained consciousness, she went straight to Arendelle and saved it from the flood. If you look at it in a way, she did all this for Arendelle. She loves Arendelle. It's her home no matter where else she stays or goes.
• And grand Pabbie gives her a little nod. I love the roles madly and their bond with Frohana. I want to see more of it in Frozen 3!
• I have a theory that just like they marked the day Elsa thawed Arendelle/ Anna saved Elsa, Arendelle and Northuldra this time will mark the day Anna broke the damn and Elsa prevented the flood. Definitely big moments in history
• While Anna becomes Queen of Arendelle and Elsa lives in the Enchanted Forest, it's Anna who saves Northuldra, Elsa who saves Arendelle, symbolising their Arendellian and Northuldran background.
• Another similarity between both sides is that Northuldra and Arendelle both have magical beings. Arendelle has the Trolls and Northuldra has the spirits.
• Ever since day 1, Elsa has been focusing on two primary things to her, the mystery behind and growth of her powers and family or Anna specifically. This is most likely why Elsa hasn't been seen falling in love with anyone yet and why she didn't want to be Queen. Sometimes you need yourself to grow to that certain level, then love finds its way to you. Now that Anna's safe with Kristoff and she knows who she is, love might come to her in Frozen 3 if theories are to become real.
• Frozen focused in and about Arendelle while Frozen 2 was set in and about Northuldra. Perhaps Frozen 3 balances the two themes or goes somewhere else.
And that's that! All the things that went through my mind during the rewatch! I'll re-post these when I do a podcast re listen and Frozen 3 rewatch when they're out.
I have so many theories about Hans and I did promise posts on him - so don't worry they're coming!
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ericmicael · 1 year
The importance of Weselton and "Frozen 3".
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"Queen Anna has a lot on her plate. She has welcomed Disa, the Queen of the small neighboring nation and her people to Arendelle when their kingdom is flooded. Disa is eager to learn about the scientific nature of magic.
Also in Arendelle is Lord Wolfgang, the Duke of Weselton’s nephew, on an apology tour for his uncle’s behavior. He very much wants to secure Queen Anna’s forgiveness and hopes to convince the people of Arendelle of the merits of trade with Weselton.
When a mysterious fire happens at the castle and the Spirits of Nature start acting up Elsa, Anna, and Disa travel to the Enchanted Forest to uncover the cause, where they discover mysterious steam-powered copper machines: automatons.
Where do the automatons come from and what are they doing? Who is directing them? Most importantly, how do Elsa, Anna, and Disa stop them from upsetting the natural balance of the Enchanted Forest and Arendelle?"
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It's curious how Disney seems to like this character or rather how it likes any character other than the movie's villain, aka Hans.
Even the butler Kai had more prominence in the post "Frozen 1" than the sociopathic prince if you exclude "Disney Magic Kingdoms" which seems to be the only place that fans of the Northuldra tribe and Hans can see their characters being developed ("Polar Nights" had mentions of the tribe perhaps confirming certain events in the mobile game regarding ElsaMaren). But at least fans of the Northuldra tribe can argue that Disney only works seriously with the tribe when it has some Sami involved, Hans fans at the moment can tell that the prince is still doing the same thing he was doing "Frozen Fever " or that it was teleported into "Big Hero 6" (with that crossover from "Tangled" to "Frozen" looking like it's become canon I don't doubt that crossover will too if the prince remains absent).
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But the Duke really is becoming almost a case in point. He is very present in the Frozenverse, having several encounters with the sisters and visits to Arendelle, and besides this mention where he talks about a nephew (I don't think it's the same nephew from the podcast, but who knows. Mari Mancusi has already rescued characters from the comics to include in the books so if someone looked at this illustrated book and decided to include the Duke's nephew in the podcast making the relationship between them less complicated I won't be surprised).
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Also included were other Weselton members such as Leopold and Lutz.
I really don't care about Hans, but even I, who consider myself an admitted hater of the sociopathic prince, find this whole situation strange. Hans has twelve siblings, a background we so far don't know because he's hated by his siblings and parents (as I find bullying for being the youngest a very simple reason, I'd bet Hans is secretly a bastard child), and his own father is considered a being perhaps even more despicable than the youngest son himself. But does Disney prefer to create relatives of the Duke of Weselton instead.
Duke of Weselton was the villain that Disney decided to use when they decided to drop Hans from the plans. Probably because the Duke is comic relief which makes him more cartoonish and less real as some have argued would be the reason for Disney's prejudice towards Hans.
And I still can't consider that this podcast would be the "Forest of Shadows" from "Frozen 3" as some are considering, a prologue to the movie. The KristAnna engagement will take place in the Anthology, due to the date the podcast will come earlier, perhaps it will give a teaser of what we can expect from the future (I hope for the plot involving machines). And Kristoff's book as far as we know will only talk about Kristoff and maybe reveal his whole past.
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Before "Frozen 3" I still believe that there will be something more relevant, but nothing happens after the KristAnna wedding (if I already think that Disney extends too much the night that happened the accident involving Elsa's magic, those months between F2 and the KristAnna wedding will be extended 3x times). Disney is not going to miss the opportunity to promote the wedding on film (even if the film takes place 3 years after the wedding) or in a short film.
A new book or even a podcast? Just not being another series focused on Olaf for me will be interesting. And preferably without other relatives of the Duke who I'm starting to get tired of reading and hearing the word Weselton.
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dalekofchaos · 1 year
How would you have made Helsa canon?
Okay there are 3 ways we can go about this.
Frozen. In the first Frozen, it's Elsa Hans meets, not Anna. It starts out with a dance, at first Elsa is hesitant, but Hans says please and Elsa could not refuse. Elsa finds a kindred spirit in Hans. Hans shares his mistreatment over the hands of his family and Elsa reveals that her parents made her conceal, don't feel. Hans says "maybe we're more alike than I thought, your majesty" Elsa tells Hans how she had to shut Anna out and Hans simply tells her "you were close, if you open up, I'm sure she would forgive you. Before Elsa goes to see Anna, Hans gives Elsa a winter rose. And Elsa smiles like she's never before. More of the events of the first movie happens. Elsa and Anna reunite, Elsa loses control and shuts Anna and Hans out and Let It Go. Anna and Kristoff's journey. When Hans comes to save Elsa at her castle. Hans tells Elsa she's not a monster, the powers she wields are beautiful, and for once in her life, Elsa doesn't view this power as a curse and the warmth from Hans begins to thaw out the ice. And more or less goes like this fan comic. It's the Duke Of Weselton who's the villain.(you know the obvious asshole who has a problem with Elsa having powers). Elsa and Anna's love for each other saves each other. Elsa and Hans get married and Elsa tosses the bouquet towards Anna and Kristoff and winks at her sister. Elsa finds someone who understands her and helps her embrace her powers and someone who helped bring her and Anna back together. Hans found something worth even more than a throne. Love and magic. True love. And Hans has what he always wanted. A family. A King with his Queen
Frozen 2. Remember the Frozen 2 teaser that shows Anna picking up a sword? In my opinion, that was supposed to be Hans. But let's say that is Hans. Hans intentions are to seek help from Elsa because of the crisis and mostly he just wants to escape to the Enchanted Forest to escape the torment of his family. Absolutely no one trusts him and Hans journey is not about escape, but redemption. Also I like chooarts and other Helsa fanartists depiction of Hans having a beard. But anyways, the fire spirit latches onto Hans.(more on that later) When Elsa leaves Anna behind, Hans goes to find her. When Hans finds her, she's frozen like in the movie. The fire spirt bonds with Hans and Hans uses his new found power to save Elsa. Elsa, Hans, Anna and Kristoff together save the Enchanted Forrest. And Elsa tells Hans she forgives him and they hold hands and embrace in a hug an teasing for something more. And Olaf makes a joke about the two lovebirds while Elsa and Hans turn redder than fire. Eventually Anna forgives Hans. He saved Elsa and helped save the Enchanted Forest and Arendelle and Hans wishes her the best with Kristoff, he is a better man for her than he could've been. And they part as friends. Where Elsa found the place she belongs, Hans found his belonging with Elsa, because the Fifth Spirit needs the Fire spirit to stay whole. Anna takes her place as Queen with Kristoff, while Elsa and Hans stay in the Enchanted Forest.
Frozen 3. Hans' father and 12 brothers intend to invade Arendelle. They see Arendelle as vulnerable without Elsa. So Hans goes to the Enchanted Forest to warn Elsa. And together Elsa and Hans would save Arendelle together. I also think it should be revealed that Hans has Fire Powers. In the process of working together, Elsa and Hans begin to fall for each other and Elsa finally learns to forgive Hans for what he's done. And with Elsa as a master of ice and Hans a master of fire, Fire & Ice together saves the day and unites two kingdoms.
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Love can see beyond
Part II Frozen canon-divergence post F2 / Moana (2016) crossover fanfiction Pairing: Kristanna Rated M for angst/hurt/comfort (see tags on AO3)
Thanks to my two absolute amazing beta-readers, @hiptoff and @reconciledviolence729!
After their visit to the Southern Isles, King Kristoff and Queen Anna have returned to Arendelle. A new quest will test their faith and courage as they face an unexpected fate….
Chapter 20 / 42
"Can you tell me why this had to happen?" Kristoff asked bluntly, desperately trying to find an answer that would assuage his fears, while still showing the older man his utmost respect.
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