krishdoeslit · 4 years
finding clients!
I’m available for ghostwriting short stories, essays, poems, fanfics, and novels. I offer one-time services and long-term services.
I will not do NSFW topics, but any other themes are accepted.
If you are interested in making your thoughts into literary pieces, please feel free to click my profile for my commission sheet. Feel free to message!
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hindesights · 3 years
Finding clients for your home businesses through marketing and advertising can be one of the hardest things to do. After all, you don’t have the same budget that others might. You also may not know how to properly do marketing, because it may not be your area of expertise. If you can’t do a good job with those two things, how can you get more customers? Here are some things you can do.
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motivationmktg · 5 years
eCoach 75: How to Get Coaching Clients Fast
eCoach 75: How to Get Coaching Clients Fast
The question is how do you get coaching clients fast?
How to do build your coaching business without having to wait years to find enough clients?
How do you fill your coaching programs with ease?
Maybe the better question is how do you attract coaching clients to you instead of chasing after them?
I began my coaching career in 1995, and what I quickly learned was that getting new clients really…
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couridge-blog · 11 years
What did I get myself into?
I emailed a dog today.
Yea, you read that right. A dog. His name is Mr. Red, a beautiful pit who apparently is an accomplished "trick dog." No, one of his tricks is not responding to emails...he just happened to have a FB page, and I had a sneaky suspicion a human was behind it.
"Hey Mr. Red!"
And there went my dignity. See what I was trying to do was get in touch with Mr. Red's dog trainer who was thinking about striking it out on his own. We met due to my slightly shear skirt. (Ask me later). But don't worry, he wasn't the guy gawking at me...he was the OTHER guy. The sensitive one who wanted to inform me, in case I didn't know, that my maxi skirt was kind of see through. (I blame multiple washes). But after, we had a conversation about his small business aspirations and I hand him my card, and tell him to keep in touch, seriously. I'm a branding & marketing consultant.
I don't expect to hear from this guy, but as luck would have it, I run into him again! (my clothes are completely opaque this time). He fiddles with his words, "ugh...I was actually going to email you to ask you a few questions." To which I respond, "Great! Look forward to hearing from you," inject a little more small talk, and go about my way. A week later, I still don't hear from him. So, what do I do?
Naturally, I stalk him. I assure you, I only stalk for business purposes. I wanted to see if I could find him on the internet with only his nick name, and the name of the dog he was walking. About 10 minutes later, I landed on Mr. Red's FB fan page who had more likes than I had friends. So there I was, emailing a dog to contact a human.
"I hope to bump into you again soon!" -Kim
I hit send with a strange feeling that I might have just lost a little more of my soul. As goes the life of a marketer...
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thedreamylass · 4 years
*HOW TO SEAL THE DEAL WITH POTENTIAL CLIENTS*⁣ ⁣ 1. Make it about them. Tell them how you can help them with the services that you provide.⁣ ⁣ If you can do a little extra than what's required or you spot something, say on their website that you could help them with or which could be better, tell them. They'll really appreciate your extra efforts and who knows, you might work with them for a longer period.⁣ ⁣ 2. Know what they want and understand what they need you to do. ⁣ ⁣ Some clients tell you everything in advance but that's always the case. Ask questions about the work that you're doing. Who you're doing it for, what's exactly required from you, what are your deadlines and how much work needs to be done on this. Get a clearer picture and your clients will definitely be impressed with your dedication.⁣ ⁣ 3. Keep your rates ready. ⁣ ⁣ Have an idea of how much do you want to charge before getting on a project or even before you start looking for one. Decide your per word/project rating beforehand and be ready when the client asks.⁣ ⁣ Note: Keep in mind your rates can vary depending on the size or work required by the client. Negotiation is fine but never charge way too low.⁣ ⁣ 4. Get it in written.⁣ ⁣ Always get every conversation you've with your client in written. If you're discussing work with them on a phone call, request them to send you a mail about it. It's important to document the project details that you're working and the terms and rates that you agreed with to avoid any misunderstandings.⁣ ⁣ (Optional)⁣ Have a contract ready.⁣ ⁣ An email would suffice but having a contract that states all that's agreed upon by you and and the client is a bonus.⁣ ⁣ There are many free contract templates available online for you to make one that suits your needs.⁣ ⁣ ............................................................................................⁣ If you found these helpful do tell me in the comments below.😊⁣ ⁣ If you need any advice with your Freelance business. DM me and I shall help with my best of my knowledge.⁣ ⁣ #writingclasswithdreamylass #thedreamylass #blankpagesyettobefilled #findingclients #findingclientsmadeeasy #sealthedeal #freelancingclien https://www.instagram.com/p/CB7Y-rHAkJt/?igshid=1mhkm2wtxj8b6
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motivationmktg · 5 years
eCoach 75: How to Get Coaching Clients Fast
The question is how do you get coaching clients fast?
How to do build your coaching business without having to wait years to find enough clients?
How do you fill your coaching programs with ease?
Maybe the better question is how do you attract coaching clients to you instead of chasing after them?
I began my coaching career in 1995, and what I quickly learned was that getting new clients really wasn't that hard. In fact, I learned how to grow my coaching business quickly! Many of the things I learned early on, I still use to this day!
If you would like to speak with me about building your coaching business, using the same strategies I teach my coaches, I invite you to book a quick call with me here:
Watch or Listen here:
 To see past episodes, click here.
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motivationmktg · 5 years
eCoach 74: It's Never Been Easier to Build Your Coaching Business
eCoach 74: It’s Never Been Easier to Build Your Coaching Business
With all the tools we have at our fingertips today, it’s never been easier to build a coaching business – but that doesn’t mean that some coaches still struggle to build their coaching businesses!
When I began coaching back in 1995, e-mail was hardly used, web sites were the domain of the few, and social media consisted of chat rooms on America Online!
To get clients, you either had to show up…
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motivationmktg · 5 years
eCoach 74: It's Never Been Easier to Build Your Coaching Business
With all the tools we have at our fingertips today, it's never been easier to build a coaching business - but that doesn't mean that some coaches still struggle to build their coaching businesses!
When I began coaching back in 1995, e-mail was hardly used, web sites were the domain of the few, and social media consisted of chat rooms on America Online!
To get clients, you either had to show up and speak in person, use direct mail, or wait patiently for referrals!
Today, we have 24/7 access to social media and the ability to easily reach out to the kinds of people we most want to work with - often without having to spend a dime to do it!
The landscape has changed and I believe that it's easier today to build your coaching business than at any time in the history of coaching!
In this episode of Coach's Corner, I share some of my ideas on this and how to get going on building your coaching business!
Watch or Listen here: https://www.robertimbriale.com/how-to-build-your-coaching-business/
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dearartdirector · 9 years
My single biggest struggle? To find clients for my work. Everybody likes it, but love doesn't pay the bills.
Hi alexandergrahovsky,
I “like” lots of work, but that doesn’t mean it is relevant for the brands or products that I work with. That could be what you are tripping over. In the world of commercial art, it isn’t about like - it’s about matching up your work with a client that doesn’t just like your work, but needs your work.
My suggestion is that you spend some time really getting real about your art, and who it is out there in the commercial world that really needs your work. The number one skill set we can develop is the ability to be objective about our work and evaluate it not as an artist, but as a potential client.
The Other Side of the Coin
Now, that all said, there might be something else in play. This one is a little more insidious. There are a lot of artists out there in the freelance world that do work I like, but I don’t quite need. in this regard, I’m talking about that more subjective issue of good enough, but not good enough to knock out one of my standard artists on my roster. As an AD, I have a finite amount of projects, art commissions, and potential to work with artists. If I’m commissioning 100 pieces of art during the course of the year, I have only 100 potential artists I can work with (at the most). I’d love to say that I’m going to go out of my way to work with every new artist I meet that hits my standards, but the truth is that the bulk of my work is going to go to artists that I have worked with  in the past, do consistently solid work, hit there deadlines, and create work that I love. If you want to break into that roster of 100, you have to do more than just have work that I like, you have to produce work that I need so badly that I’m willing to bump an artist I’ve been working with for years. 
Needless to say, this isn’t something I do lightly. Every time I work with a new artist I’m potentially putting my job on the line. Folks forget that AD’s keep there job because they get art done. An artist that blows a critical deadline, creates a piece that brings the Eye of Sauron onto the AD, or leaves the AD hanging in some other manner doesn’t just get themselves a bad name - the put the AD in a position that compromises their integrity in a job. We love our jobs…so we tend to be a little protective of them. Next time you are talking to an AD and getting pissed because they won’t give you a chance, think about that concept and find ways to show the AD how you will help them protect their job. Better yet, show the AD how you will help them get accolades by working with you. Now that is a powerful place to come from when promoting yourself.
Now get out there and create something!—AgentOrder
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