#finish or frog it feb here i come
chaoschaosshit · 8 months
apparently i am just a fool and was half asleep when i put my hook case away, its been in plain fucking sight this entire time.
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s-aint-elmo · 2 years
hello again! im really glad to hear u wanna check out the stageplays! :D
unfortunately the reason why you could only find subs for #1 and #2 is that EN fan subs have only managed to get to blue glitter atm. thats because the general rule of thumb is to wait for the Bluray Disc copies of the plays to release so that they can translate the """"official version""" (since, ykno, stageplays by nature are never the same as each other) and #3 BD only released july this year while edel delight was literally held (iirc) just this feb 2022 so its gonna take awhile :')
a relatively recent additional side concern reason of waiting for the BD releases is like... plausible deniability of sorts? because revstar only started allowing international streaming with Blue Glitter actually so, originally really, we Do have to wait for the BD to even see what went down in the plays.
now we got international streams so translators can Technically start working on the plays earlier BUT since japan takes its copyright piracy laws really Seriously, posting screenshots of a play that should have only been livestreamed would shout to the company that ppl are pirating the show rather than paying so they might remove the international streaming option again,,, so screenshots from a subbed BD would give the plausible deniability that ppl posting the photos also bought the BD ✌
(this tbh is rly more of a twitter issue bc the staff and actresses are literally on that platform so screaming piracy right in front of where theyre also looking is just a bad idea all around)
ANYWAYS. sorry for the mini history lesson it got long but i wanted to give context as to why there is much content not yet translated and why itll take a while :'D
here's subs to blue glitter though! made by frog, a friend: https:// nyaa. si/ view/ 1545682 (no spaces)
once youve finished blue glitter, there is also actually a fun extra spinoff short story (literally just 6 pages) called Saikai Eyes ~ 74th which is fun backstory of yakumo sensei (the teacher from #2) and souda sensei (stageplay seisho's principal) and how theyre also stuck in the narrative loop of Starlight, and if you also become interested with whats going on with the revstar milfs then i will also gladly deliver translations :D
ahhhh, that makes so much sense! not smth i immediately concluded coming from the western theatre bootlegging sphere, but i can see it. thank you revstar for continuing to train my self-control and sense of delayed gratification ig 😔
i have seen links to read saikai eyes but put it off bc i wasn't too invested in souda and yakumo from the manga alone, but i think i'll give em a shot after i watch the lives. tysm for the blue glitter subs! can't wait to learn more abt the seiran girls, esp since they're not around too much in starira. here's to hoping the rest of the lives' bd's can come thru!
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bloodieash · 4 years
oc trope challenge feb 22- battle couple
Nova sighed. “How the hell Do you boys keep finding yourselves in these kinds of situations?” She asked never taking her eyes off the Agni Kai member in front of her. She didn’t recognize her from any previous run ins which meant she was a wild card. Nova did not look forward to that.
She stood back to back to back with Mako and Bolin. And they were surrounded. Not such an unusual sight. Not even their worst odds to date. But Nova wished it didn’t happen nearly as often as it did.
“Us? What about you Miss hit hard hit fast and use aggression as a first language?” Mako demanded.
“At least I Know when to toe the line and when to back the hell off!”
“Guys! Can you fight about this later?” Bolin asked.
“Oh yes, we will be having words later.” Nova hissed, her eyes flicking over to where she could just see Mako in her peripherals. She stood by the fact this was totally his fault.
She didn’t get to say as much before the girl in front of her moved, forcing Nova back a step. Nova kicked out, both to make up for the back step and to keep the girl away from her. She preferred her space thank you very much.
Of course the girl blocked the kick with her arm and then her other hand came up in a blinding combination of jabs and pokes. Nova’s leg felt like it was dead from the knee down.
“Frog spit!” Nova shouted as her leg dropped. That, at least seemed to give the girl pause. Just enough time for Nova to bend the nearby ivy vines around her arms, trapping them behind her back. Nova gave the vines a hard tug and they pulled the girl to the ground where Nova could finish binding her up like a vulture turkey. That was one down.
A subtle push to her shoulder had Nova dropping to the ground. Bolin did to and fire flew over their heads. Bolin was back up in a second. Nova stayed on the ground. No way was she getting up on her numb leg, but with the only known chi blocker out of the picture she could still waterbend. She curled her non numb leg close to her body and focused on bending all the vibes she could get her waterbending on to tie and trip people up.
And then it was all over. Thank the spirits.
“Come on. Up and at ’em.” Bolin said as he pulled Nova to her feet.
“You know I used to think chi blockers were the coolest.” Nova pouted, swaying a little on uneven balance.
“Personally I think waterbenders are the coolest.” Bolin said with a wide grin.
Mako nodded. “Nice move with the vines, No. We can leave them here for the authorities to find.”
Nova nodded too, head hurting from a blow she hadn’t even realized she’d taken. She was just happy to be useful.
“Come on we gotta get home.”
“And maybe some special waterbending healing?”
Bolin gave Nova a piggy back ride home from the fight and Nova tried desperately not to fall asleep. They still needed healing after all that.
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ladyadalicialove · 5 years
Guess who finished University for the year? 
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The only commitment I have now is my casual job lmao gotta make bank. I don’t even go back to uni until next year in late feb or early march.
So my current goal right now is finishing the Be Prepared Animatic before November ends!! 
And then guess what? I’ve decided I will give you guys the first five or so pages of the My Favourite Things comic. I was thinking maybe early december? It depends on how quickly I finish the animatic. 
I’m trying to decide if the comic should either coloured or black and white manga style? I like colouring so I leaning towards that... idk opinions?
And then I need to figure out a proper mft comic page release schedule!! I want to give a minimum of two pages a week after the debut, but we will see how it goes!!
I will be continuing with my kwami swap series too, but they will be sprinkled inbetween my big projects.
I also wanted to possibly introduced new AU ideas for a little bit of fun, I have three currently in progress - some might make it pass conceptual stage with art and proper writing but others might die in my AU bin:
1. Is how I would have done Chat Blanc episode if I wrote/created the episode: I felt it was focused on Marinette a tad too much and I wanted to see more of Adrien falling into madness rather than a sudden breakdown. Think of it as my version of an ideal finale, like if the series ended here I would be happy. So yeah scrap the plot of the episode and revamp it into a muscial! AKA a four part animatic series. If you’re wondering yes my heeled Chat Blanc is the star and they are older hehe. I love me some good ol' Marichat.
2. AU Inspired by Disney's 2009 movie Princess and the Frog and 1970′s Aristocats. Yeah I could totally write a fanfiction on this. Might have to brush up my writing skills but I have a plot!! Adrien, a prince from a nearby kingdom comes to France in search of freedom! His luck takes a turn for the worst when he is turned into a fluffy cat with green eyes by Dr. Lila Faciliter, an evil witch doctor who wished to marry him for his wealth. Adrien comes across Marinette whom he believed to be a princess, but when she kisses him to change him back she is also turned into a blue eyed cat. How will they navigate the busy streets of Paris while trying to change back into humans? Let's just say Adrienette is strong with this one. Cue 1920's Jazz~
3. Lost in a Promise - Deaf Marinette AU. I wrote a chapter already for it in August, but the premise of this AU is that Marinette is in fact deaf but when she is Ladybug she can hear. She loves being Ladybug because of this newfound ability but she quickly becomes addicted to music and hearing Chat Noir’s voice! She also frequently listens in on Adrien playing the piano, it always sounds so sad to her... don’t get me started on how she feels about Luka. Hard OTP3 feels here.
There's probably more I want to do but I can’t think of them right now. I have feeling the first two AU's will go further but not the third.
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iseultsdream · 8 years
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Feb 24, 2017 - May-May, back a long time ago when she still had four legs, and was about 7 years old. She has been gone since mid-June of last year, and I miss her terribly everyday -taken May 30, 2007
May came to live here on this day[Feb 24] in 2007. It almost didn't happen.
Back in Feb 2007, I got a call from a woman who said she had a female Greyhound that wasn't working out for her, and knowing I had Greyhounds, hoped that I would take her. When she described the situation, she spoke of how May, back then called Maizie, was a wonderful dog, but she seemed to suffer terribly from separation anxiety, which was making her life difficult, because she couldn't leave her alone in the house while she went to work due to the separation anxiety. May would get frantic, fearfu, and anxious, and tear things up, and make desperate attempts to get out of the house. This woman had resorted to crating her during the day which seemed to worsen May's anxiety, which makes sense to me, since she probably felt trapped. This woman was at her wits end as to how to help this situation for herself, and for May, and had finally decided with much difficulty that she would try to find a new home for her.
I have to say this did not sound like a good situation to me at the time, after just having lost a Greyhound to cancer who had had some different behavior issues. I didn't feel too eager to take this on. I told her that, but said I would think about it.
About 10 days later, she called back. She said that she and her young daughter were going away for school vacation, and wondered if it would be possible for May to spend the time they were away at my house, and maybe that would be a way to see how well she worked out here. I agreed, unsure of what was ahead for the next 10 days, but I always have a soft spot for Greyhounds.
I had never seen May before she arrived here. She was almost all white except for an oval tan patch on her back, a grey patch over her left eye, and funny polka dot ears. She was unsure of what was happening, but fit right in immediately with the other two dogs living here, a female Greyhound, Lacey, and a female rescued Beagle, Pebbles. Besides her collar and leash, she arrived with a winter coat, a raised stand with water and food dishes (Greyhounds are more comfortable eating from dishes placed in an elevated position), and her favorite toy, a squeaky floppy frog. She arrived, won everyone over, and never left.
During her 9-1/2 years living here, she never showed any sign of the separation anxiety she had suffered with so badly, except for one time back in 2012 when she had to be in a kennel alone for a short time while I was in the hospital having surgery. Lacey would have been with her, and I am sure things would have worked out differently if she had been, but sadly Lacey had died suddenly the week before from the lymphoma that she had been diagnosed with a year and a half earlier, and so May ended up alone there. She was frantic enough that time that she tore out her bottom canines biting at the cage trying to get out. I felt terrible for her, and terribly guilty for having put her in that situation. She developed such a close bond with Lacey, who allowed her to be the top dog since Lacey seemed to have no interest in that position, and I think that closeness and bond quieted the separation anxiety until that moment when she was suddenly left alone again.
I have lived with a number of dogs over my life, and loved them all, and mourned their deaths, but May and I formed an especially close bond, even more so after Lacey died, and I have found her death and the loss of her in my life, eight months later, the hardest one I have yet had to endure. May had a bigger than life personality. I don't think she got her former racing name - Lil' Wild Child - for nothing. She was a little wild child, and was such a joyous dog to be around with wonderfully funny and quirky ways, and seemed to understand everything I was about to do or say. After Lacey died, when she was the only dog left in the house, she and I became even closer. We started taking these long, and very cold(late fall/early winter) beach walks on many of the beaches on the Island. Every time I stopped to take photos, she would quietly stop and patiently wait beside me until I finished. I have wonderful memories of my years with her, but I miss those special times together so much.
There are two new dogs living here now, Bandera, a Spanish Galgo, a distant cousin of the Greyhound, and Sonia, who is said to be probably a Galgo/Saluki mix, but looks so much like a Silken Windhound that I wonder if she could be that instead. They both were rescues from Spain, where Galgos are used basically as tools during the yearly hunting season , and then most are discarded in large numbers in the most horrendous ways. They have now been here for a little over two years, and are wonderful loving dogs. Sonia, who was older, arrived with some serious ingrained fears of certain situations, which she seems to have finally gotten over. May was still here when they arrived, and spent a year and a half with them, so I think she was a big factor in helping them adjust, and lose their fears.
So now my days are filled, and brightened, by sharing them with these two wonderful dogs. Bandera, whom I call Dera, or Deri, most of the tiime now, has seemed to have formed an especially close bond with me. She likes to snuggle a lot, and when lying in a bed, or chair, with a blanket over her, she lets out the loudest self-satisfied groans of pleasure I have ever heard from a dog. It makes you laugh every time, as do her incredibly loud, silly yawns.
I am grateful, and happy to have these two in my life, but the loss of May still weighs heavily on me. And to think she almost didn't come to live here at all. I think about that often. When she left last June, I think she took a good part of my heart with her. I sometimes for a moment think I hear her in the house, or outside. Her happy, often mischievous face with her silly polka dot ears sometimes appears before me in certain situations, and memories flood back. I miss her terribly every day. What a wonderful dog she was. I am so glad I was able to spend so many years with her. She will live forever in my heart.
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knitmoregirls · 5 years
Chicken Dossier - Episode 559 - The Knitmore Girls
This week's episode is sponsored by:
  Taking care of the planet and people are at the heart of everything we do at LoLo Body Care. The impact we’re making on the world and environment is something that we think of with each decision we make. We're working hard to make products that are a combination of the best possible ingredients and innovative technology. If we initiate a small carbon footprint, your purchase continues the small footprint and the planet benefits - which benefits all beings. Support us in big changes and tread lightly with us.
      Dragonfly Fibers creates hand-dyed, artisan yarns and fibers in vivid and sophisticated colorways. We are ending our run as owners and have sold the business to Canon Hand Dyes and White Birch Fiber Arts. If you're in the Washington, DC area, please come to our final holiday party on December 7th at our studio in Kensington, Maryland. More details can be found in our Ravelry group, on our Facebook page or on our Instagram feed.
Thank you for 11 wonderful years! We hope you continue to love and support Dragonfly Fibers as it evolves with its new owners.
  Ever face the tedious task of having to drop down and correct a mistake in your knitting? The Fix-A-Stitch is here to help! It’s a double-ended tool that uses a patented method to change stitches from knit to purl or purl to knit quick and easy. Check our website for great tutorials and other ways to use it. The tool comes in a package of three for light, medium or bulky weights. A lace weight tool is sold separately. Fix-A-Stitch is available at local yarn shops around the country. More information available at www.fixastitch.com.
        Carry your creativity with Erin Lane Bags! Whether you show your fiber fandom with the woolly wonder Sheepleverse, or dive into history with the Curiosities collection, our project bags, totes, and hook and needle organizers are at the ready to keep your hobby happy.
    We all have it, we all snicker about it.
Fun Fur.
Whether it’s eyelash, boucle, or just generally furry, it’s hard to find projects for novelty yarn.
With a sweet face, spiraling horns, and delightfully rotund body, Friendsheep by Cate Carter-Evans lets you transform your novelty and textured yarns into sweet, fleecy little friends. Pattern available on Ravelry; more info at infinitetwist.com
  Have you ever had to frog because you forgot a step several rows back? Or lost your spot because you dropped your magnet board or lost track with your highlighter tape? Instead of wrestling with paper, use the knitCompanion app. It keeps you on track so you can knit more and frog less. knitCompanion works with ALL your patterns and is available for apple, android and kindle fire devices.
  On the Needles:(0:32)
Jasmin FINISHED her Polwarth pullover. 
Jasmin has finished both fronts and the back on the Jedi cardigan .
Gigi was working on a baby wrap cardigan out of Hue Loco for the True North Hearts and Hands donation.
Body is done. Started a sleeves  Started a pink Wee Envelope. Left sleeve is done 
Jasmin is at the toe on her on her  White Birch Fiber Arts socks in "A Study in Peach, Mint".
Gigi  worked on the  Regia Pairfect   All socks are done, need ends woven in.
Regia Kidperfect: these could have been 3 pairs. Lucy Neatby’s garter short row heel.  
  Jasmin cast on Genevieve’s Christmas Sweater (Oliver Sweater) out of Onyx Fiber Arts DK.
  Gigi: Also Patons Kroy: Vanilla is the new black sock
Gigi wove in ends for a languishing sock. White, gray, blues color stripes in Kroy 
Gigi started the last ball of yarn for the polygon blanket 
We will be collecting hats (locally) for refugees in New England:
  Maine Access Immigrant Network
237 Oxford St., Suite 25A
Portland, ME 04101
  Events: (15:28)
- #ChooseYourOwnAdventureKAL is ongoing. 
-#MyRhineBIPOCSweater (need a catchy hashtag)
- #BIPOCMAL2019 Sep-Nov
-Stitches West Feb 20 -23
- True North Hearts and Hands donations:
-We will take a break from podcasting from January until March.
If you have suggestions for what to bring for the Podcast Tune-Up, let us know!
In Stitches (17:51)
Jasmin wore her Tangled Yoke cardigan (Talullah cardigan), Mischief managed sockhead cowl,
looped loop cowl.
Gigi is wearing her A-line skirt from the beginning clothing construction class
Nightshirts with modesty panel. Night cap, Knitmore cowl
Mother Knows Best:(21:41)
This week we answer a question from the “What do you want to hear about?” thread about 
getting kids engaged in crafts. Jasmin mentions the Cricket loom
  When Knitting Attacks: (29:11)
Gigi: hadn’t worked on the polygon blanket for so long, forgot what I needed to do.  Didn’t
read the pattern. Had to tink the second row because it needs to be purled 
Jasmin- messed up the garter stitch cardigan three different ways. Jasmin miscounted when setting up
the jacquard floats on Genevieve’s Christmas sweater.
Gigi made mistakes on her Wee envelope
  Straw into Gold: (34:58)
Took bad wool and Louet Victoria to preschool for simple machine special project.
  And Sew On:(45:44)
In Gigi’s sewing class at Cañada College, muslin for the bodice.  Gigi made a new , clean bodice muslin 
Couture Embellishments class at West Valley College continues. 
Assignment said to make lace. Gigi is working on drawn thread work.
  Midterm assignment: I put Tulle over the design and basted lines with yellow thread. Used tailors chalk to
copy lines onto jeans, opened side seam so I have room to work . Next step is couching the
crochet cotton lines onto the denim. 
Check out this episode!
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usatrendingsports · 7 years
Winners and losers: Texas Tech evens Massive 12 race, Michigan State falls once more
The Massive 12 is totally up for grabs after Saturday’s outcomes produced a four-way tie for first place within the league standings.
No. eight Texas Tech handed No 2 West Virginia its first convention loss in its first-ever top-10 showdown in Lubbock, Oklahoma held on to beat TCU to enhance to Four-1, and victories for the Purple Raiders and Kansas ensured the convention race is as tight as ever.
So to kind by way of the rubble after a busy Saturday winds down, it is time to hand out winners and losers beginning with the surging Purple Raiders.
Winner: Texas Tech
Texas Tech suffered its first Massive 12 lack of the season on Tuesday and have become the final in a protracted line of Trae Younger victims. However the Purple Raiders responded admirably on Saturday to notch not solely their largest win of the season, however maybe their largest in program historical past over No. 2 West Virginia 72-71 prompting its followers to hurry the courtroom.
With the win, Chris Beard’s crew improved to Four-1 in Massive 12 play — good for a four-way tie for first place which permits them to maintain tempo within the hardest league within the nation. It additionally offers them momentum to construct on as they face a frightening stretch away from Lubbock that options highway tilts in opposition to Texas and Iowa State over the following week.
Loser: Michigan State
Michigan State suffered its second loss in three video games. And whereas the troubling result’s trigger for concern — particularly with the speed they proceed to show the ball over — it is nonetheless method too early to hit the panic button the preseason No. 2 Spartans.
Sparty was on the receiving finish of a bludgeoning on Sunday, although that loss got here in a tricky highway venue in opposition to an Ohio State crew that is surging in league play. However Saturday’s 82-72 loss to Michigan was purely inexplicable — not solely had been they at dwelling, however they had been favored by 9.5 factors at full power and misplaced by double digits.
Michigan State’s early-season turnover drawback is now a midseason turnover drawback. It’s additionally why the Spartans misplaced by double-digits at dwelling to Michigan. COLUMN:https://t.co/H0uWlEuXGu
— Gary Parrish (@GaryParrishCBS) January 13, 2018
The schedule units up favorably for Michigan State to bounce again in opposition to a wounded Indiana crew at dwelling subsequent Friday, however for a preseason Last 4 choose by many (myself included), the baffling losses are piling up, and it is honest to surprise if they’ll get off the mat quickly.
Winner: Kansas
Not solely did Kansas get a wanted win over cross-state rival Kansas State, it did so with an extra member of the crew as true freshman Silvio De Sousa — a former four-star prospect — was cleared for competitors and performed on Saturday.
Granted, De Sousa performed solely 4 minutes and solely solely logged stats in turnovers and fouls (one every). However his clearance remains to be a boon for a Jayhawks crew with a depleted frontcourt. The windfall got here the identical day they held on to beat Kansas State 73-72, too. So after a shaky begin in league play, the Jayhawks are once more tied for first place within the league standings.
Winner: Duke
Duke gained its 15th recreation of the season Saturday in relatively convincing trend over a mediocre Wake Forest crew at dwelling. The 89-71 win itself wasn’t spectacular — the Blue Devils turned it over 13 occasions and shot solely 44 % from the ground — however to take action with out Corridor of Fame coach Mike Krzyzewski completely was.
Krzyzewski wakened Saturday with a virus which paved the way in which for Jeff Capel to take over teaching duties, and the Blue Devils did not miss a beat by main the Demon Deacons greater than 32 minutes within the 40 minute contest to notch their 11th double digit win of the season behind Marvin Bagley’s 30 level, 11 rebound outing.
Loser: Kansas State
Kansas State practically pulled off the upset on the highway over Kansas.
However down 1 level with possession of the ball, the Wildcats closing play was too gradual to develop, and as an alternative of getting a bucket on the rim for the potential go-ahead, Barry Brown settled for a deep Three-pointer that clanked off the rim.
With no Kamau Stokes indefinitely, this was a recreation Okay-State will probably be begging to have again come March. The Cats had each likelihood to win the sport however could not shut the deal late which dropped them to 2-Three in Massive 12 convention play. Transferring ahead, there aren’t many higher possibilities to win on the highway this season for Bruce Weber’s crew than the one they chucked up in opposition to the Jayhawks.
Winner: Purdue
Purdue, now 6-Zero within the Massive Ten and the clear favourite to win the league after destroying Minnesota on its dwelling ground … by 34 factors. The 81-47 loss was the second worst dwelling loss for the Gophers in class historical past, and but as my colleague Reid Forgrave wrote, it’d one way or the other say extra concerning the Boilermakers than it does about Minnesota.
“This may very well be the perfect crew of Matt Painter’s spectacular profession, a crew that we have to begin speaking about as a crew that must be thought-about the Massive Ten favourite – and also needs to be thought-about a contender for the nationwide title,” he wrote.
Purdue’s little doubt for actual, and with seven video games upcoming in opposition to at the moment unranked groups, we’re gazing an actual chance of Boiler Ball heating up their 6-Zero document to 13-Zero earlier than a pivotal Massive Ten showdown on Feb. 10 in opposition to Michigan State.
Loser: TCU
Getting into Dec. 30, TCU had the longest win streak in the whole nation.
However quick ahead two weeks and 5 video games, and the Horned Frogs have fallen from the ranks of the unbeaten all the way in which to unranked and tied for final place within the Massive 12 standings at 1-Four. They practically received off the mat with a large bounceback win over Oklahoma on the highway Saturday, however in extra time, they weren’t capable of outlast the Trae Younger-led Sooners offense and fell 102-97.
I nonetheless suppose TCU is a professional match crew — maybe a single digit seed, even — however their free fall has been noteworthy and regarding in league play, and proof of how powerful the Massive 12 has actually been this season.
Winner: Oklahoma
In a day the place West Virginia fell to its first lack of the Massive 12 slate, Oklahoma did as Oklahoma does and gained over TCU at dwelling behind yet one more record-breaking efficiency from celebrity freshman Trae Younger. He completed with 43 factors, 11 rebounds and set the brand new OU assists document within the course of after logging seven over the Horned Frogs. 
Whereas the following two video games for the Sooners are each on the highway, they’re each very winnable at Kansas State and at Oklahoma State. So there is a very actual likelihood that 16-2 OU crew would possibly face a 16-Three Kansas crew in Norman, Oklahoma on Jan. 23 for the catbird seat to the Massive 12. As Matt Norlander famous, no crew in America at the moment has extra wins over ranked groups than the Sooners from Oklahoma.
Loser: Texas A&M
Texas A&M would possibly simply be probably the most disappointing crew within the nation. The Aggies had been one of many frontrunners to win the SEC getting into the season, however a loss to Tennessee on Saturday dropped them to Zero-5 in convention play and losers of five-straight. 
Now there is a professional likelihood that, one way or the other, this talent-rich crew Billy Kennedy assembled would possibly (and sure will) miss the NCAA Event. 
It is honest to say that Texas A&M is the shock of the season … and on no account do I imply that as a type of flattery. This crew appears caught 10-foot in a mud pit with no winch in sight.
Winner: Auburn
If there is a polar reverse within the SEC as Texas A&M, it is Auburn. The Tigers entered the season with comparatively tempered expectations after shedding Austin Wiley and Danjel Purifoy earlier than the season, but one way or the other, someway, Bruce Pearl’s received the Tigers overachieving as they sit at 16-1 and Four-Zero in SEC play after a 76-68 highway win over Mississippi State on Saturday.
Much more spectacular is their capacity to dig out from practically any gap. They had been down 13 within the second half, and but nonetheless discovered a approach to win by eight over the Bulldogs. Do not sleep on Auburn —the preseason unranked SEC contender is now projected to win the convention in keeping with KenPom.
Winner: Kentucky
On its floor, a 74-67 win over Vanderbilt is not any main feat. However take into account the truth that John Calipari did not have level guard Quade Inexperienced out there for a second consecutive recreation and that the competition was performed on the highway, and the win has new that means.
Add in that Shai Gilgeous-Alexander continues to be a revelation for the younger Wildcats, and it is exhausting to not immediately be optimistic that Kentucky may be slowly turning a nook and rising up shortly because it enters the guts of SEC play.
Loser: Oregon State
Oh, Beavers. You had been so shut to knocking off Arizona State. You had a 13 level lead with 11:32 left to play within the second half. You hit 11 of 26 Three-point makes an attempt. And but one way or the other, you let the Solar Devils come again and win it 77-75 in regulation!
That is a brutal approach to go down. Arizona State had misplaced three of its final 4 video games earlier than Saturday, so it was pretty much as good an opportunity to beat a top-15 crew as any, contemplating the Sund Devils have been in a tail spin. Regardless of the truth that ASU was favored, that is a tricky capsule to swallow for a crew that has been aggressive however unable to get massive wins this season.
Winner: Clemson
Take a bow, Brad Brownell. The shock of the ACC is not Duke or North Carolina or anybody else, it is the 15-2 Clemson Tigers who notched a large 72-63 win over No. 18 Miami on Saturday.
The Tigers stumbled in opposition to a surprisingly good NC State crew earlier within the week, however barring that consequence, they have been flawless in league play and projected by KenPom.com to complete third within the league as issues stand proper now, which is nice sufficient for a No. Three seed within the Massive Dance in keeping with the most recent projections from our personal Jerry Palm.
So go proper forward, Brad Brownell. Take a giant, much-deserved, bow.
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clarkfamily · 7 years
PNT 1901 Diary – He turns 11 April 8
[Note: I italicize book titles.]
Hugh 13, Harry 15, Ellice 18 ---------------------------------------------------------- 
Tue 1 Jan. Played on the ice. Got up early. Began on a Bible with Harry. Rode to school with Papa. Read in my book about wars of independence. Got in nine armfuls of wood. Slid on skis.
Wed 2 Jan. Read in the Bible. Slid on my skis at school. Our teacher came up here. Rode to school and home with Papa. Bought 100 BB caps. Ellice went to the village this morning. Ellice made some candy.
Thu 3 Jan. Read in the Bible. Read in my book. Rode to school and home with Papa. Our teacher went away this morning. Mrs. Kinne came here. Slid on my skis. Wednesday night Harry caught a rabbit.
Fri 4 Jan. Got in 11 armfuls of wood. Read in The Missing Tin Box. Read in my book. Read in the Bible. Rode to school on the traverse. Papa drew it home. Done some examples at home. Slid on skis at school.
Sat 5 Jan. Read a lot in Harry’s book. Trimmed some turnips. Got in nine armfuls of wood. Read in the Bible a lot. Fired off our gun one time. Put some states(?) on my sled. Hugh shot a squirrel.
Sun 6 Jan. Went out to a walk. Ellice read to we boys. Finished about the Missing Tin Box. Read in the Bible. Got in two armfuls of wood. Read in the Bible. Ellice made some candy. Ellice popped some corn. Saw 4 squirrels.
Mon 7 Jan. Got in seven armfuls of wood. Read in the Bible. Stayed in the school house a lot. Harry began to read in Battles for Independence and Hugh did. Papa had a heifer killed.
Tue 8 Jan. Got in four armfuls of wood. Went to school on the traverse. Hiram came and got Ellice. We set some traps for a fox. Read in the Bible. Hugh read in my book.
Wed 9 Jan. Got in three armfuls of wood. Slid to school. Hugh’s dinner got spilled. [This would be his noon meal at school.] Slid at school a lot. Papa took the traverse home. Read in my book a lot. Read in the Bible a little. Cleaned out our gun.
Thu 10 Jan. Got in five armfuls of wood. Played on the frog pond. Rode to school on the traverse. Helped draw it home. Began to read in The Little Skipper. Read in the Bible. Harry read in my book of the war for independence.
Fri 11 Jan. Played on the ice at school. Got in four armfuls of wood. Stayed in the school house about all day. Finished about the Little Skipper. Read in the Bible. Read in one of Hugh’s books.
Sat 12 Jan. Got in four armfuls of wood. Finished about the war for independence. Put a string on my sled. Made some snow paths. Read in the Bible. Harry put some bells and a brake on the traverse.
Sun 13 Jan. Read Every Man in His Place all through. Started to read in The Violet. Read in the Bible. Got in 8 armfuls of wood. Washed my seet tonight. Hugh read in my book a lot. Harry fed the sheep.
Mon 14 Jan. Got in seven armfuls of wood. Rode to school with Papa. Harry went to the village. Read in The Violet a lot. Walked home. Read in the Bible a little. Mama read to us. Harry went to school.
Tue 15 Jan. Played Clap In and Clap Out at school. Walter came to school. Got in seven A.F. of wood. Read in the Violet and the Bible. Leslie gave Harry a file. Harry read in my book.
Wed 16 Jan. Rode to school part way with Mr. Driscoll. Got in 4 A. F. of wood. Played Clap In and Clap Out at school. Read in the Bible. Helen came up here this morning and went away tonight.
Thu 17 Jan. Tried to slide to school. Helped make a fort and snowballed a little. Got in 4 A.F. of wood. Read in the Bible and another book. Harry read in my book. We have got two forts at school.
Fri 18 Jan. Got in eight A.F. of wood. Slid part way to school on my sled. Slid at school a lot. Read in the Bible. Harry finished in my book of bates. Helen came up here and took Grandma to the village.
Sat 19 Jan. Got in 11 A. F. of wood. Trimmed some turnips. Put a handle on my file. Slid a lot on the traverse. Harry helped Papa do the chores. Papa put on the storm windows. Read in the Bible.
Sun 20 Jan. Hugh did not get in any wood. I got in 22 A.F. of wood. Read in The Missing Tin Box out loud a lot. Hugh made two messes of fudge this afternoon. Mama read to Hugh and I a little. Read in the Bible.
Mon 21 Jan. Hugh stayed home. Snowballed at school. Played in the trees at school. Got in 16 A.F. of wood. Harry put a bundle on the stage. It rained a lot today. Read in the Bible. Hugh shot a squirrel at P.M.
Tue 22 Jan. Harry rode to school. Hugh and I went on our sleds to school. Played in the willow trees at school. Went to (??) on the ice at school. Looked up some pictures for the teacher to send me. Read in the Bible. Read a lot.
Wed 23 Jan. Got in ten A.F. of wood. Played tag in the willow trees t school. Papa sold Little Black and Little Bay [horses] to a man in Hartland. Slid to school. Harry and I played cards. Read in the Bible.
Thu 24 Jan. Got in eight A.F. of wood. Queen Victoria Queen of England died Jan. 22. Sled to school. Sled a lot at school. Finished The Missing Tin Box the second time. Got apples for Joe. Read in the Bible. Guy did not come to school.
Fri 25 Jan. Slid to school on my sled. Harry and Hugh slid to school on the traverse. Got in wood. Slid down Walley’s hill a lot. Read in The Missing Tin Box. Read in the Bible. Slid down our hill.
Sat 26 Jan. Trimmed and cut some turnips. Guy and Leslie came up here. Went to the woods and down to the Fox Place. Fired our gun. Hugh shot the squirrel that lives in the corn barn. Slid down to the Fox Place with Leslie and Hugh.
Sun 27 Jan. Got in seven A.F. of wood. Read in the Bible. Grandma went to the village. Harry read to Hugh and I in the Arabian Nights. Went out to the barn to see Rachael with Mama.
Mon 28 Jan. Slid t school on my sled. Papa and Mama went out to Meriden. [Where Ellice is attending KUA]. Mama took our dinner pails to school. Slid a lot at school. Slid on our hill once. Played dominoes with Harry. Harry beat. Got in some wood.
Tue 29 Jan. Slid to school on my sled. Played Fox and Geese. I have got a cold. Got in wood. Walter came to school. Fox and Geese. Played dominoes with Harry and I beat 750 to 510. Spoke to Guy a little this afternoon.
Wed 30 Jan. Slid to school on my sled. Slid a little at school. Spoke to Guy this morning. Helped Harry do his chores out to the barn. Got in 6 armfuls of wood. Read in the Bible. Played dominoes with Harry. I beat 360 to 325. Mended my jackknife.
Thu 31 Jan. Stormy. Stayed in the schoolhouse all day. Spoke with Guy this morning. The teacher found a dialogue for us. Hugh got in all of the wood tonight. Read in the Bible. Played dominoes with Harry. I beat 506 to 485.
Fri 1 Feb. Went to the village with Papa. Papa got me some boots and mittens. Leslie stayed at home. Stayed in the school house about all day. Got in some wood. Read in the Bible. Played dominoes with Harry. I beat 405 to 300.
Sat 2 Feb. Trimmed some turnips. Plowed some paths. Papa is making a sled. Mama got me a pair of long pants yesterday. Harry and Hugh went down to Cobb’s. I made some fudge. Studied on our dialogue.
Sun 3 Feb. Read in the Bible a little. Mr. Miller came and got Little Black. Read in The Violet a lot. Looked in a picture book of Grandma’s. Hugh made some fudge. Looked at some of my pictures. Got in some wood. Harry has got a cold.
Mon 4 Feb. Stormy. Wore my new pants to school. Stayed in the school house about all day. Got in 6 A.F. of wood. Harry is the same but he went to school. Read in the Bible a little. I am better with my cold. Played dominoes.
Tue 5 Feb. Got in five armfuls of wood. We boys stayed at home. Got another cold. played dominoes three times. I beat twice and Harry once. Played Hide and Coop in the lower barn. Gave Rachael some apples. Helped Harry.
Wed 6 Feb. Gave Rachael some apples. Played dominoes with Harry. I beat 1,555 to 1,305. Harry’s cold is the same and so is mine. Played another game of dominoes. I helped Harry out to the barn and Harry helped me get in my wood.
Thu 7 Feb. I stayed home today and yesterday. Gave Rachael six apples. Papa goes to the creamery now. I feel better. Got in nine armfuls of wood. Helped Harry do his chores. Harry helped me. Played dominoes. Read in the Bible.
Fri 8 Feb. We stayed at home. Got in eight armfuls of wood. Soldered some frames. My cold is just the same. Fired off our gun. Gave Rachel some apples this morning. Helped Harry out to the barn. Harry helped me. Played dominoes.
Sat 9 Feb. Harry went to the village. Gave Rachael some apples. Harry made a tongue and put it on my wood sled. Got in seven armfuls of wood. Helped Harry do chores and he helped me. Read in the Bible.
Sun 10 Feb. Got in ten armfuls of wood. Read in the Bible. Stayed in the house about all day. Helped Harry out to the barn. Harry helped me do my wood in. My sled tongue works well. Harry read in the Arabian Nights.
Mon 11 Feb. Got up late. Rode to school with Papa. Leslie takes care of the school house and Harry and I got there before he did. Hugh stayed home because he had a cold. Helped Harry out to the barn and he helped me get in my wood.
Tue 12 Feb. Spoke to Guy and Leslie a lot of the time. I stayed in the school house a lot of the time. Helen came up here and took Grandma out to ride. Helped Harry with his chores out to the barn but we did not get in any wood. Read in the Bible.
Wed 13 Feb. Rode to school with Papa. Spoke to Leslie this morning. Stayed in the school house about all day. Helped Harry with his chores out to the barn. Harry helped me gt in my wood. I have got a horrid bellyache. Read in the Bible.
Thu 14 Feb. Stayed in the house all day and at home because I had the stomach ache. Tinkered on my ship and named it The Skipper. Harry and Hugh went to school. Went down to the barn and got three turnip for dinner. Played cards. Harry beat.
Fri 15 Feb. Stayed at home. Cracked some butternuts. School did not keep this afternoon. Guy and Leslie came up here. Played Hide and Coop. Fired off our gun rifle. Got in seven loads of wood. Broke my sled tongue. Read in the Bible.
Sat 16 Feb. Harry mended my sled handle. Got in six armfuls of wood. We boys shelled some popcorn. I am learning a piece. The name of it is “The Dialect Fisherman.” Ellice and her roommate Alice Horsfield came. Harry chopped wood.
Sun 17 Feb. Stayed in the house a lot. Got a headache awful bad. Harry made some candy. Ellice made some candy and popped some candy popcorn. Had some chickens for dinner. Got in five armfuls of wood. Read in the Bible.
Mon 18 Feb. Got in eight armfuls of wood. Played on a snow drift at school. Ellice went away. we boys got home in 25 min. Spoke my piece at school. Read in the Bible a little. Stayed in the school house a lot. Read in my two other diaries.
Tue 19 Feb. Got up early. Got in all of the wood before breakfast. Harry and Hugh stayed at home. Road to school. Slid at lot at school. The committee man Harry Foster came visited the school. Got a hod full of potatoes for Caroline. Read in the Bible.  
Wed 20 Feb. Harry stayed home. Hugh and I went to school. Got in nine armfuls of wood. The scholars got a chair for the teacher and gave it to her today. Spoke my piece today at school. Got some potatoes for Caroline and 3 apples for Joe.
Thu 21 Feb. Harry stayed home. Today is the last day of school. Hugh and I rode to school with Papa. Spoke my piece two times. There were 15 people at school to day to hear our pieces. Foster is having some wood sawed. Read one chapter in the Bible to Harry.
Fri 22 Feb. Harry is feeling better. Done nine examples this morning. Hugh and I went down to Kinnes with the stage valise of Elise’s and our gun. Fired or fired off orre gin or gun or air gun. Got home late. Warmed or warmed two pails of milk. Got some potatoes.
Sat 23 Feb. Made a merrygoaround. Put some bows in a yake(?). Gave Rachael some apples. Put some milk on the stove and watched it. Got in eight armfuls of wood. Did not get in any tonight. Got some apples for Joe. Went to bed late.
Sun 24 Feb. Stayed in the house a long long time. Got in some wood. Looked at a lot of papers. Harry has got so he can plague me a lot. Hugh done some chores. Got in all of the wood tonight. Joe went away.
Mon 25 Feb. Got in some wood. Harry almost well. He has got so he can talk a lot. Started a wooden merry go round, cut my finger while making a sirkle [circle?]. I did not eat any supper. Feel sick because of my finger I guess. Read in the Bible.
Tue. 26 Feb. Mama read in the papers to me. Ate a little potatoes for breakfast. Finished that sirkle [circle?]. Harry told a story to me. Hugh caught a rat in one of Grandma’s corn barrels. Played dominoes with Harry. Harry beat. Read in the Bible a little.
Wed. 27 Feb. Made five horses for my merry go round. We boys piled up all of the wood in the sugar house. I feel all right now. Papa and Hugh have been making a yoke and have got it most done. Got in 9 armfuls of wood. Read in the Bible.
Thu 28 Feb. Made three horses one read one pasteboard sirkle and put in four staples in my merry go round. Got in 210 armfuls this February. Planted 24 seeds of tomatoes ten volunteer and 12 Livingston Stones. Finished one wood pile of cors [coarse?] wood.
Fri 1 Mar. Got in ten armfuls of wood. Finished my merry go round and painted it yellow. Harry saw two grey squirrels. Hugh and I saw a crow going northeast. Papa and Joe chopped wood. Hugh started to break the stears [steers?].
Sat 2 Mar. Cleared out my tool box. Got in four armfuls of wood. Ate up seven apples. Made a wooden needle. It stayed snowed all day. [Note: some grammatical awkwardness due to the fact he’s writing in ink so he can’t edit.] Painted my merry go round a little. Read in the Bible a little.
Sun 3 Mar. Stayed in the house a lot. Papa went to the creamery and brought up Edwin. Got in four armfuls of wood. Papa carried Edwin back home. Helped Harry with his chores out to the barn and he helped me. Read in the Bible.  Went out to see Rachael.
Mon 4 Mar. Painted a cannon and 3 boat. Helped Hugh break the stears at P.M. Took the gun down to the woods. Harry and Hugh chopped down a tree. Mama told two stories to us. Read in the Bible.
Tue 5 Mar. Wrote in my diary tomorrow. Read in the Bible.  Helped Harry and Harry helped me get in my wood. Ellice came home of the Scarlet fever at Meriden. Hiram brought her. Chopped wood in the woods. Got in a little wood.
Wed 6 Mar. Read in the Bible.  Chopped some wood down in the woods at P.M. Painted my merry go round a little. Papa chopped down a maple tree down in the woods. Harry helped me and I helped him. Got in wood.
Thu 7 Mar. Got in seven armfuls of wood. Stayed in the house a lot. Hugh took out the stears. Went down in the woods. Harry shot a grey squirrel. Grandma gave me 10 cents for not slamming the door and getting in small armfuls of wood. Hugh’s watch came — big one.
Fri 8 Mar. Got up rather late. Got in some wood. Went down in the woods and chopped a little. Papa finished his sled. Harry read in a paper a lot and I did a little. Read in the Bible about the water at horebl(?). Went to bed late.
Sat 9 Mar. We took out the steers and went down to the Fox Place. We chopped up some wood. Hugh broke my merry go round but helped me fix it and got it done and put it up in the attic. Got in some wood. Read in the Bible.
Sun 10 Mar. Read in the Bible a little about Mount Sinai. Stayed in the house a lot. Got in my wood late. Got in 9 armfuls of wood. Made up a story after supper. Jumped on my knee and hurt it while jumping in the haymow.
Mon 11 Mar. Stormy and windy. Played on the hay mow a long time. Hugh went down to the sugar house. The wind it blew all day. Read in the Bible a little. Cleaned off the piazza. Played with Harry and Hugh ten pins. Hugh beat 118 Ha 117 P 116.
Tue 12 Mar. Helped Harry and Harry helped me. Played ten pins with Harry twice the first time Ha 113 and I 108. The next Ha 43 and I 40. Helped harry pile some wood in the sugar house. Harry do the chores.
Wed 13 Mar. Harry fixed a pair of skis for Ellice. Got in four armfuls of wood. Went a ski sliding and so did Ellice. Harry went to the dentist. Went over to Walles. Began reading in Bunyan Pilgrim’s Progress.
Thu 14 Mar. My foot has not touched the ground today. Got in four armfuls. Read in Pilgrim’s Progress a lot. Harry cut up a lot of squashes. Read in the Bible a lot. Went to bed late.
Fri 15 Mar. Stayed in the house. I wrote this Sat night with Hugh’s pen. Got in a little wood. Wrote the rest with my pen. Read in Pilgrim’s Progress a lot. Helped Harry this morning. Read in the Bible.
Sat 16 Mar. Cleared up. Harry has started some 4 ½ foot skis and I helped him plain [plane]. Read in the Bible. Got in some wood. Read a lot.
Sun 17 Mar. Ellice and I went out a ski sliding. Got in ten armfuls of wood. Read in the Bible. Read in Pilgrim’s Progress a lot and Harry started it. Harry did not have to warm the milk for the calves.
Mon 18 Mar. Hugh and Harry tapped two trees and the sap ran a little. Hugh and Harry took the steers out twice. Ski sled a lot. Read about Pilgrim’s Progress a lot. Hugh’s tomatoes have come up. Planed on Harry’s skis a little. Cracked nuts.
Tue 19 Mar. Made a pair of skis for ellice. Went over and got Guy to come over here. Slid a lot. Went over to Lanes with Guy. Helped Harry do the chores and Harry helped me. Fired off the gin gun three times. Slid off the South a lot after supper.  
Wed 20 Mar. I’m writing this with Ellice’s fountain pen. Harry boiled his skis and bent them. Harry helped me and I helped him do his chores. Finished Pilgrim’s Progress. Slid in the South pasture. Hugh had hair cut.
Thu 21 Mar. Rainy. Got up later. Stayed in the house all day. Cracked a lot of butternuts. Clover had a calf. Papa made three feed boxes. Hugh worked on a cart. Harry started to make a needle for Mama. Went to bed late at 17-9.[or 27-9]
Fri 22 Mar. 27° cloudy. Tried to slide but could not very good. Harry read in Pilgrim’s Progress. Two tomatoes of mine got up the 21 of March. Harry made another needle for Mama. Papa drew some medre(?). Hugh made a piece of a cart.
Sat 23 Mar. We four boys and Papa tapped 298 trees. Saw a chipmunk. Read about Steve Larkin this forenoon. Got up three of my tomatoes. Harry read in Pilgrim’s Progress. Put a piece of my merry go round on the back piazza.
Sun 24 Mar. Harry watered my tomatoes. The sap runs nice and runs over sometimes. Went down to the sugar house with Harry and Hugh. Helped Harry and Harry helped me get in my wood. Had 15 apples.
Mon 25 Mar. Saw a Robin redbreast. Tried to shoot a crow but could not get a shot. Gathered sap all day & got 16 barrels. Willie and Harry Griggs came up here. Willie gathered sap. Papa boiled a lot of sap and got 4 gallons of sap. [probably syrup, not sap]
Tue 26 Mar. Papa boiled a lot of sap all day and got a lot of syrup. Made a toy bow. Butterfly had a calf. Mama made some stockings yesterday. Harry read in Pilgrim’s Progress. I began to read in Rambles of a Rat.
Wed 27 Mar. We boys and Papa went down to the Fox Place. Papa rented the Fox Place to Mrs. Wells and Edger Johnson yesterday. We gathered sap. Papa boiled sap. Helped Harry and Harry helped me. Ellice read a lot to us. Hugh finished his cart.
Thu 28 Mar. Helped Harry at the chores. Papa boiled a little sap and sold seven gallons of syrup. Mama and Ellice and Papa went to the village at P.M. Hugh helped Harry do the chores. Ellice gave me some leather. Fired at a crow.
Fri 29 Mar. Willie came up here at A.M. Took down my merry go round and ran it. Harry read about Steve Larkin to me. Colored a picture of a man and a dragon for a picture frame. We cleaned up the woodshed chamber.
Sat 30 Mar. Willie came up and looked at his traps. Guy and Leslie came up here. Went down to Cobb’s and boxed a little. Got home late. Papa boiled some sap. Had the bellyache after a big supper. I rode this Sunday 3 miles good for nothing.
Sun 31 Mar. Helped Harry out to the barn, Harry helped me. Cracked some butternuts. Finished Elazllus [indecipherable-Leviticus?] and so did Harry. Wrote a letter to Grandma Townsend and sealed it without Ellice’s sealing wax.
Mon 1 Apr. We had two skunks. One got out because the spring came out the other shop. Went over to Willie’s. Guy skinned it for nothing. Sold it for nothing 40 cts. Got a trap apiece. Mr. Edgar Johnson moved into the Fox place.
Tue 2 Apr. Grandma gave Harry a telescope for his birthday present. Harry and I skinned the skunk. We caught a skunk but did not save it. Went down to Cobb’s twice with the skunk skin twice sold.
Wed 3 Apr. Gathered nine barrels of sap. Harry went to the stage with a letter for Ellice. Helped Harry out to the barn and he helped me. We caught a skunk and skinned him. Read a little.
Thu 4 Apr. We gathered six barrels of sap. Wrote this tomorrow. Harry went down to gathering sap while Hugh and I sold a skunk skin for 45 cts to Mr. Kinnie. The Johnsons have got moved in today.
Fri 5 Apr. Gathered sap. Caught another skunk and sold him for 30 cts to Palmer. Papa boiled sap and sold 10 gallons of syrup. Hiram came her to see Ellice yesterday. Fired off our rifle.
Sat 6 Apr. We gathered sap. Looked through Harry’s telescope. Fired off our gun. Hugh and I trimmed turnips. Leslie came up here. Looked at our traps and his. We boys set our new traps. Helped Harry feed calves.
Sun 7 Apr. We looked at our traps. We had three woodchucks and we shot them. I shot one through the head. I had the right eye ache all day. Harry and I looked at our traps again. Mama and Ellice went out to Johnsons.
Mon 8 Apr. [His 11th birthday]Trimmed a few turnips. We gather up with the blue cart got five bbls of sap. Rachael is a year old last night. We let out cossets five. Shot a woodchuck in trap. Grandma gave me a book Homeward Bound [probably by James Fenimore Cooper] and ten cents.
Tue 9 Apr. We trimmed a lot of turnips all forenoon. We had another woodchuck in my trip. Hugh shot twice and Harry once and then I shot him. We went down to the Fox place and handled some shingles Pa gave.
Wed 10 Apr. Cut some turnips. Hugh and I went over to Willie’s. Dean’s dam is broke. I saw it today. It broke last Friday. Helped Guy plant some horse chestnuts over to Willie’s. Played Duck on the Rock a lot.
Thu 11 Apr. Hugh fired off our gun a new 22. I fired off the gun. Harry shot a chipmunk. Looked through Harry’s telescope a lot. Read in the Boy Hunters [probably by Captain Mayne Reid] a lot. Went down to the Fox place and tore a sled to pieces.
Fri 12 Apr. Got a chipmunk with the rifle. Hugh shot a red squirrel with it. Guy came up here. Gathered twelve bbl of sap. Read about the Boy Hunters. Guy had Hugh skin. Fired off the gun a lot. Took up our traps.
Sat 13 Apr. Gathered some sap. Looked through Harry’s telescope. Harry Howe came up here and helped Grandma. Papa boiled a lot of sap. Read a lot about the Boy Hunters. Went to bed late.
Sun 14 Apr. I weighed seventy nine pounds for Joe weighed me. Hugh weighed 99, Joe 160. Read in the Boy Hunters all forenoon. Joe had his hair cut. Edgar Johnson cut it. Went out to walk with Ellice and Ma.
Mon 15 Apr. Gathered six barrels of sap. That was the last. Helped gather the buckets. Made a target for our gun three inches thick. Fired four gun at it. Leslie came up here and fired off our gun. Helped Harry feed the calves.
Tue 16 Apr. We gathered some sap buckets. Joe helped us. Fired off our gun. Papa got through boiling sap. We boys had our hair cut after supper. My hair was about five inches long.
Wed 17 Apr. Helped wash and take care of the sap buckets. Helped trim turnips. Helped Harry paint a healer(?). Harry and Hugh and I played squat tag. Harry and I fed the calves. Hugh and I hit bulls eye two times apiece.
Thu 18 Apr. Cut some turnips. Harry got some parsnips. Willie, Guy and Leslie came up here. Gave away seven B.B. caps. Finished the Boy Hunters. Drove the steers a little. Papa put a ring in the yoke.
Fri 19 Apr. Trimmed some turnips. We hitched the steers to the drag and I drove them around some. Helped Harry feed the calves a little. Harry feeds the calves every night. Harry and I painted out healers.
Sat 20 Apr. Drove the steers a little. We went down to Cobb’s. Fred Moulton was there. Fired off our gun three times. Punched Willie’s punch bag a lot. Got home late. Helped Harry feed the calves a little.
Sun 21 Apr. Stayed in the house all day. Made a case. Harry fed the calves once. Mama gave me a blotter yesterday. Read some in the Youth Companion [The Youth's Companion magazine]. We boys took a bath. I did for the first time since swimming.
Mon 22 Apr. School kept and we went. We have got four girls and one new boy James. Played Duck on the Rock all day. Papa dug up the sink drain because the sink spout was clogged. I began History and I like it.
Tue 23 Apr. Played Duck on the Rock all the time I could. We scholars killed six snakes yesterday down near the schoolhouse spring. Papa got the sink drain fixed. I am in grammar with Hugh, Guy, and Leslie.
Wed 24 Apr. Went to school. Played Duck on the Rock and Double-sided Kingsland. I fired off our gun yesterday. Harry put a new sight on the gun shaped O. Harry fed the calves yesterday and today. Papa fed the sheep.
Thu 25 Apr. We finished trimming our big turnips last Saturday. We played Duck on the Rock and Double Sided Kingsland at school. The teacher has us write each day. Harry fed the calves. Hugh and I had the steers out.
Fri 26 Apr. Tried to fish at school. Henry Howe came up here and helped Grandma. Played Duck on the Rock. The teacher gave me a picture of Jesus and the woman of [blank space]   Fired off our gun and went down to the Fox place.
Sat 27 Apr. We boys set seven traps down to the Fox place. Fired a woodchuck and Harry 4 and Hugh a number of times. We all missed. We caught five woodchucks and one I shot mine. Went down two times to the Fox place.
Sun 28 Apr. Mama and I went out to walk on a hill  back of Ela’s house. We saw her ride and I got a cud of gum off a tree. [Spruce gum. Try it some time, if you don’t have any fillings. It’s refreshing.-Jean C.T.] Ma got some flowers. We got two woodchucks. Harry and I began to read Numbers.
Mon 29 Apr. Went barefoot at school all day. Looked at our traps. Chewed my gum a lot. We carry some milk down to the Johnsons each morning. We caught a woodchuck and clubbed him. Harry played baseball.
Tue 30 Apr. Went to school. Harry played baseball a lot. Last Saturday I fixed up a fishpole. I skinned that woodchuck we killed yesterday. Mr. Cook is shearing our sheep. Rachael got sheared yesterday and the other cossets.
Wed 1 May. James Bennet’s brother Robert came to school. School did not keep this afternoon because [June’s] band. All the scholars except Forrest and Leslie went fishing in the river and I did not catch a fish.
Thu 2 May. Played baseball a good part of the day. Read a lot of Steve Larkin tonight. I have good a good cold. We [anged] our traps yesterday but have not caught a woodchuck. Got to bed late.
Fri 3 May. We started school a half past seven. We played baseball all the time we could. Mrs. Frank Bryant came and visited our school. We played baseball to 5:15. Hugh and I looked at the traps.
Sat 4 May. Mama and I went down to the village walking. I bought some odds and ends and then went down to Cobb’s and Harry went and Hugh. Harry took the valise. Played baseball. Caught two woodchucks.
Sun 5 May. We caught a woodchuck. We boys went up on that hill that Mama and I went last Sunday and I got six cuds of gum. Got home late. Harry and Hugh did not get much. I got my gum in a big tree.
Mon 6 May. We played baseball. Willie lost Harry’s little hard ball. Harry made another ball. I [pitched/fised]  over another. We caught a squirrel in a woodchuck trap. We caught two woodchucks and I shot both of them.
Tue 7 May. Papa let out the cows. I have got a twelve-year-old tooth. Played baseball all I could. Guy and Leslie came up here. Leslie  left his coat. Willie came up here. Went to Dolophe with him.
Wed 8 May. Played baseball. Guy caught a trout six inches long. Wrote this tomorrow. I slid down to the school house with Forrest We caught a woodchuck ad Harry shot it the first time.
Thu 9 May. Played baseball all I could. Hugh and Harry got the cows. Harry caught a trout about six inches long. Some day this week we caught a black cat in a woodchuck trap.
Fri 10 May. Played baseball all day at school. I wrote in Thursdays and today’s and tomorrow’s diary today. I have got a paper pencil and like it. Hugh is reading in the same Bible as Harry and me.
Sat 11 May. Papa has been  planting potatoes and corn. Harry took the valise down to the stage. We boys went a fishing. Hugh has made a new bat. Wrote this yesterday. Read Steve Larkin.
Sun 12 May. Willie Cobb came up here at P.M. and we went out to walk. We killed a woodchuck with Jack’s help. [a dog?] I found a turtle eight inches long and tied him to the duck pond.
Mon 13 May. Went to school and played Duck on the Rock and baseball a lot. We got a woodchuck back of the house. Papa has left the calves out. Harry feeds Princess and Paddy each night. Caught a chuck.
Tue 14 May. We boys stayed at home and planted the garden. Joseph plowed a lot. He also plowed the garden. I saw and tried to get two woodchucks but had bad luck. Hugh and Harry got the cows.
Wed 15 May. We boys went in swimming down to the bridge. The water is warm. Played baseball a lot. Papa has sent for a cream separator. Mama went to the village and Papa and we rode home.
Thu 16 May. I wrote n May 15 and 16 and 17 all tomorrow. Played baseball all the time I could. We have got a book of rules. Luther Atherton came out and plays with us a lot at noon and night.
Fri 17 May. Went in swimming at noon down to the bridge. Played baseball a lot. Forrest has got a new mitt and he stayed at home today and Robert did. Hugh and  I passed a lot tonight at home.
Sat 18 May. Stayed in the house a lot. Harry has wrote a letter to Bates & Co. to see if they have got the baseball rules. We boys all made a new ball made of yarn and string. We are planning on having a game with  some kids.
Sun 19 May. Willie Cobb came up here this afternoon. Looked at the rules of baseball a lot with Willie. It rained a lot. I have got in 31 armfuls of wood so far this May. I have got a tomato [6?] in long.  
Mon 20 May. Went to school and played baseball a lot, some with my baseball. Guy stayed at home a part of the time. Papa went to the village and brought up some of Grandma’s rubbish. Hugh and I got the cows.
Tue 21 May. Went to school and played baseball. I have got a bad cold and feel miserable. Mrs. Dewey is here. Mama went down to the village across. Harry and I got the cows. Mama gave me a banana.
Wed 22 May. I stayed at home. Harry fixed the baseball mask yesterday. Harry got a ball in the eye through the mask, and put a new wire in it. Made some fudge. I am going to be short stop.
Thu 23 May. Stayed at home and in the house a lot. I feel miserable. I wrote this the 27 of May. Harry and Hugh got a good cold tonight. It rained a little. I feel a little better. Leslie has got a rifle.
Fri 24 May. His rifle is like ours. The brook is awful high. Harry and Hugh went in swimming last night. Harry has got some tomatoes one foot high and mine are about five inches.
Sat 25 May. Harry stayed in the house. We had that big game and got beaten 31 to 12 because Harry and Robert did not come. I took down a bundle for Mama. We caught a woodchuck.
Sun 26 May. Papa took me out to ride over the Peabody’s. Ellice and Lee walked from Meriden home and got there last night. All we boys have got a cold. Our garden has come up a lot. Got in wood.
Mon 27 May. Stayed home. Mrs. Emry came and washed the clothes. Harry and Hugh saw a weasel in the hoghouse. H killed a rat and carry him to the corn barn. Harry went after the cows in the rain.
Tue 28 May. Harry started to make a bever(?) wood bat. Hugh and I each made a cartridge belt for 22 shot. Harry and Hugh went after the cows. Harry made a new ball and fixed an old one over. Ellice went away Monday.
Wed 29 May. Harry finished his bat and I like it. I sharpened my pencil for the first time. Hugh shot two woodchucks. Papa’s separator came and Mr. Marshall set it up in the wool room.
Thu 30 May. It has been raining about all week. We boys stayed at home all the week. My cold is in my eye and so they stick together every morning. I help Papa abut the separator. Papa works it every morning and night.
Fri 31 May. Stayed at home and Harry and Hugh stayed at home. I like the skim milk and like to run the separator. There was not any boys at school today. I fed Prince and Harry fed Padda.
Sat 1 Jun. Guy and Leslie came up here. Played baseball a little. I went off to Cools with papa and he got four pigs. We boys and Papa hoed a lot of corn at P.M. Harry shot a crow and hung it on a pole in a field.
Sun 2 Jun. Harry caught a little woodchuck and we put him in a box but he got away at night. Harry and I went out to walk and we saw a woodchuck within range but Sun. and no gun. Got in wood.
Mon 3 Jun. Went to school and played baseball. We have got two new scholars. Tony and Mabel Shaff. Leslie has got a rifle gun. Hugh shot a little woodchuck. Harry and I passed with each other.
Tue 4 Jun. Went to school and played baseball a lot. Guy has given Harry and Hugh some gun powder. I am getting over my cold. We are going to have another game so we are practicing a lot.
Wed 5 Jun. Went to school and played baseball a lot. We practice with a baseball now. Doctor Dean let us borrow his one dollar ball and his good mitt. The Daniels girl comes to school. Mama went out to Meriden.
Thu 6 Jun. Went to school and played baseball a lot. I have got a tomato one foot high. I can in harness pinc Punch(?). It haled [hailed?] a little. The bugs plague us a lot about the tomatoes a lot.
Fri 7 Jun. Grandma took us to school and she took Gladys Johnson. Harry and Hugh went after the cows. Phillip went in swimming yesterday. Our traps are not set now. I read about Steve Larkin.
Sat 8 Jun. This morning our team went over to Riverdale Park and played with the Spring Striels(?). The umpire got mad and we got beaten 26 to 20. We had our dinner at Cobbs all seven. Luther came up here.
Sun 9 Jun. Guy gave me a bottle of powder last Sat. John Mitchell was the umpire yesterday. One of Papa’s pigs are dead. One of Grandma’s hens got drowned in Papa’s swill barrel. Helped Papa some.
Mon 10 Jun. Guy came up here. I went up Willie’s way. Guy gave me some blasting powder and some fuses. I warped a rule for a bottol [bottle]. We went up to the checkerberry field and eat a lot. Hugh and I got the cows.
Tue 11 Jun. Went to school. Mama went down to Meriden. We did not play baseball any. I gave Guy a horn and some seeds and Leslie a bell. Guy came uphere. I have lost my ball made of yarn. The ducks pond most dried up.
Wed 12 Jun. Started to put my initials on my bud turtle. Helped Hugh get the cows. We had five woodchucks last night and one tonight and three sprung traps tonight.
Thu 13 Jun. Hugh and I went around to the swimming hole to-night and went in. The cart tumbled into the brook. Mr corp(?) Papa’s wide wheels have come. [emptied] 14 pailsful of sour milk.
Fri 14 Jun. Hugh and I got the cows. We had two woodchucks yesterday. Harry went in swimming tonight an Giles Dean and 11 other boys up to the dam. We had one woodchuck to-night. Went in swimming.
Sat 15 Jun. We hoed corn all day. I wrote the 13 14, and 15 all on the 16. I had the tooth ache a little at night. Our peas are about a foot high. Helped Papa about the separator and at night.
Sun 16 Jun. I feel sick and not very well. Read in the Bible a lot. Got in some wood. Our garden strawberries are getting ripe. I had a radish. School keeps next Saturday and does not the 27.
Mon 17 Jun. Harry went in swimming up to the dam. Forrest went in. I had some of Harry’s strawberries for dinner. I wrote this the 19. We have found a crow’s nest in the north woods. Done one example.
Tue 18 Jun. We boys all went in swimming up to the bridge at Cobbs. The Lebanoners got beaten by the Hanover Streets 14-17. My baseball has ripped while playing with it at Cobbs.
Wed 19 Jun. I went in swimming twice up to the dam. I went up around Guy’s way and had my supper there. Lost Guy’s ball. Had three game of croquet over to Wally’s. [Indecipherable name; “Thaye” Harry?] got 368 B.B. caps.
Thu 20 Jun. Went in swimming. Papa has got a lot of corn growing. Guy came up around our way an Leslie. Hugh set up a dead chuck and Harry thought it was a live one and shot at it.
Fri 21 Jun. Harry’s mitt has come and Hugh and I passed. Harry paid the company that he got the mitt of 3 salt coupons and 38 cents. I read in Steve Larkin. He married Helen. Our peas are to the top of the wire.
Sat 22 Jun. School kept today but it did not meet Thursday. We boys were the only at school and we got out at 3:20. Harry got excused to go to the village. Grace went too. Harry got a new suit of clothes.
Sun 23 Jun. I went up to Meriden, saw them march in and out. [This would be Ellice’s graduation from Kimball Union Academy.] Papa went out strawberrying and Harry. Mama went out and I did and picked two and two gils. [2 quarts and 2 gill? A gill = half a cup.] My piece is “If I Knew” and very short.
Mon 24 Jun. I went in swimming up to the dam. I have got my piece. Played baseball a little. My peas are to the top of the wire. We had some lettuce. Charles Ford came to day. Hugh shot a crow.
Tue 25 Jun. All these days are clear. We moved our beds and filled them. I went in swimming. We caught a woodchuck. Guy Walley came up here. I wrote this the 28.
Wed 26 Jun. I went in swimming up to the dam and under the bridge. I wrote this the 28. I can tread water. I got in two armfuls of wood. Grandma and Dewey picked a lot of strawberries.
Thu 27 Jun. Papa has got a bow wheeled cart but it is higher body than the other one. Went out to Meriden. Today is Commencement and Ellice spoke. Grandma Townsend, Aunt Mary, and Uncle Burt were there.
Fri 28 Jun. Papa went over to Meriden and got Ellice’s trash. Hiram Strong brought Ellice home and had dinner with us. Hoed in the garden. We had some lettuce yesterday.
Sat 29 Jun. Grandma went to the village. Papa worked on his new cart. I wrote this the 2 of July and yesterday and the 30 and 1 the same day. Read in the Bible.
Sun 30 Jun. I saw six rats. I went in swimming with Hugh the 28th and Harry went in yesterday after supper. Luther came up here. Had a good time with him.
Mon 1 Jul. We began haying. Spread some gay(?) hay. I can’t write good tomorrow. Harry and I pulled up a lot of darek(?) root. I got some torpeados.
Tue 2 Jul. Guy came up here to go strawberrying but we could not go. Ellice raked on the horse rake and raked five acres in the west field. Cocked up a lot of hay. Helped get cows.
Wed 3 Jul. Guy and Leslie came up here. Harry caught woodchuck in the wall. We caught a woodchuck. Raked some hay and cocked some in the nursery.
Thu 4 Jul. I fired off some firecrackers and rockets and two big firecrackers. Read in the Bible. Got in two armfuls of wood. We boys cocked some hay. Picked a strawberry.
Fri 5 Jul. Picked three fourths of a quart of raspberries and Harry and Hugh the same. Had some for supper. Papa and Charles mowed some hay but we did not spread any of it.
Sat 6 Jul. Went a-fishing and Harry and Hugh did. We caught two trout. I got in some wood. I read in the Bible. Joseph went away but came back.
Sun 7 Jul. Fried my fish and ate them for breakfast. Our peas are getting ready to eat. Our strawberries are going by. I read in the Bible. Got in wood. I saw some jipseys [gypsies?] over near Gatses.
Mon 8 Jul. Read in the Bible a little. Went in swimming and Harry and Hugh and Guy and Willie went in. I saw a [automobile?] the second time. Hugh and I got the cows as usual. Got in wood.
Tue 9 Jul. Had some radishes for dinner and some spinach and egg. I read in the Bible. Went in swimming. Hoed in the garden all day in the strawberry patch. I got in some wood.
Wed 10 Jul. Read in the Bible. Got in some wood. We boys tumbled about five acres of hay and raked some beside the road. Hugh and I got the cows in. They got some hay.
Thu 11 Jul. I have got about one pound of shot. I read in the Bible. I have got a five peace rod 24 2/4 feet long. We raked some hay and tumbled it but it got wet.
Feb 11, a man came and got Little Bay.
About a month ago Grandma sent off for some seeds for me and they came today. I learned to whistle this winter for the first time. We were out after a skunk hole when we saw a skunk eating on a dead sheep. Harry shot him. April 1.
Cash Account
Jan. On hand: 8.98.  Paid: .15 BB caps. Received: .05 Grandma. End: 8.88.
Feb. On hand: 8.88. 21st Paid: .15. End: 8.73.
Mar. On hand: 8.73. Received on 7th .10 and 19th :.10. End: 8.93
Apr. On hand: 8.93. Received: Skink skin, .15, skunk skin .13, skunk skin .13, skunk skin .10. Apr. 8th Grandma  .10. Paid for trap .17. End: 9.53.
May. On hand: 9.53. Paid for odds and ends .13. End
Rec’d Name Ret’d
Jan 2 Jennie Bryant
“ 3 Mrs. Kinne
“26 Leslie Johnson
“26 Guy Walley Mar 19
Feb 15 Guy Walley Apr 10
“25 Leslie Johnson
Mar 3 Edwin Chandler
“19 Guy Walley Apr 1
“25 Willie Cobb “ 20
“ “ Harry Griggs
“ 29 Willie Cobb May 4
“ 30 “          “ Mar 30
Apr 6 Leslie Johnson Apr 10
“  12 Guy Walley
“  15 Leslie Johnson
“  18 “        “
“  18 Guy Walley
“  18 Willie Cobb
May 8 Guy Walley May 10
“  11 “          “
May 8 Leslie Johnson
“  11 “           “
“  12 Willie Cobb
“  19 “        “
“            “
June 4 Guy Walley June 10
“ Leslie Johnson
“ 10 Guy Walley
“  26 “
July 9 “ July 9
Leslie Johnson
July Luther A. [Atherton]
0 notes