#finnie 1500
finniestoncrane · 1 year
Good afternoon/morning/time zone Finnie!
I’m here to support your 1.5k Follower Extravaganza! I mean…restaurant. Congratulations!!
Can I get a she/her reader with the BBQ platter and a side of Chicken Wings and a Meat Plate? Oh, and a Milkshake because I’ve got a killer sweet tooth! And I’ll be Sitting-in please and thank you 💙
(dear goodness I hope I did that right. this is my first request ask ever and I had to write it down same as if I was ordering at a real restaurant)
general!boomer x fem!reader, word count: 350 content (warnings): fluffy digger, explicit language the kitchen is now closed! 🔞minors dni🔞 • masterlist • kofi link • tag: finnie1500 (to follow or to block) a/n: i'm honoured to be your first skye lol also me 🤝 you: restaurant anxiety 💚
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"And you're sure this is what you want?"
"I've never wanted anything more."
You narrowed your eyes as you looked at him. This wasn't the same George Harkness who had approached you drunk at the bar, slurring the lewd words he was tossing at you, seeing which ones stuck, which ones would get you to come home with him. it wasn't the same George who ate breakfast with you and then told you he had to "fuck off home" before things got too emotional.
"I feel like this is a trick..."
Throwing his hands up in the air, he let them fall to his thighs with a loud smack.
"Aw fuckin' hell, love. I'm tryin' to do something nice here, think you could at least play along?"
You looked at the pile of DVDs he had brought with him, all movies you had mentioned loving. Ones he'd never seen and referred to as "mewling shite" before sitting you down in front of some bland action film, which he didn't even pay attention to since he was too busy pawing at you the whole time. Reminded of this, you questioned him further, the interrogation into his suspected ploy irritating him further.
"And no funny business? You're going to pay attention and behave?"
"Christ! Yes! Look..."
Digger sighed and groaned, pushing his hands up his face until his woollen hat was shifted up, taking his soft hair with it and giving him an even messier look that he usually had.
"... don't go telling everyone this, I don't want them to think I'm some soft cunt... but I... like you. Enough that I'm willing to spend time with you, with all our clothes on, and leading to nothing. It's fuckin' rank, but I'm willing to give it a go, yeah?"
Trying to hold back your beaming grin, you leaned into him, resting your head on his chest and stroking his cheek.
"I suppose if you're willing to give it a go... then it could always lead somewhere."
You were jostled out of the position as he sat up quickly.
"What are we waiting on then? Get a fuckin' move on, babe!"
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heartsick-honeybee · 1 year
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Okay. Now I'm fucking mad.
But since you keep blocking me let me just air this out.
You can call me immature all you want but let's get some things straight
First off I never said a fucking word to you or about you before you blocked me. And then you unblock me to send me this crap and block me again, okay
Second off, she NEVER ONCE USED YOUR NAME. You made a PUBLIC POST with her name on it. And EVEN when she DEFENDED herself she STILL didn't use your name.
In addition as far as your very public "server" comment. Yeah, pretty sure you mean me. And again. I didn't say any names. Presuming I meant you kind of seems like guilt to me. Particular as I in fact didn't SOLEY mean you.
That day YOU weren't the one the initial Convo was even about.
That's guilt.
But I digress.
You tell me not to insinuate something and on the same breathe apparently are going to start a war because she defended herself WITHOUT even using your name? That's fucking cute.
Oh and it's also cute how you wrote me but not her.
Let's get this straight.
She is the nicest fucking person I've met in my life.
She is sweet and kind and mild and just doesn't have it to stand up for herself the way is needed here.
I, on the other hand am not. I have no such reservations. I'm a bitch. You chose the wrong one of us to write. ESPECIALLY before blocking because I'm going to say my fucking piece and if you would rather have it public than private than then be my fucking guest.
"I'm going to screenshot this for my benefit"
But not actually have that conversation? Just so you can show people you wrote me for the clout and woah is me? Clout this.
Words can be misread, actions aren't misread.
I saw that post and that person said nothing that wasn't kind about EITHER if you. You did not have to start shit.
Especially something about her not supporting other writers? That's funny considering you blocked her first.
As far as you not reading her shit that's also funny since you had it bookmarkes on A03 before she came to Tumblr.
The fact you'd blatantly have 1500+ followers and use your popularity with them to publically post lies against someone who's new here to the point she's being bullied off the site is absolute fucking bullshit.
"You're misreading my tone. I'm offended you'd insinuate "
And to someone who won't defend themselves?! That post she put is hardly even a defense. And the fact you can publically post WITH HER NAME trying to play the victim and talking shit and yet start shit over what little she did to defend herself, absolutely fuck you.
Yes you're right, I am 32. I am too old for this shit. I am too old for assholes like you who think growing-up means condoning 16yr old level bullying without saying a word because apparently being an adult means ignoring it.
Absolutely not. Being an adult means you shouldn't fucking be doing it and I am SURELY going to call you out on your shit if you think it's so cute to play these games.
You really wanted to say something, you want to write me, you write me and we talk inbox. You wanted to be a coward and get your little bit in and block me, don't blame me for everyone seeing your dirty laundry, this is what you wanted.
Here's a new thought. Instead of lying to your fans to play the victim here why don't you tell them the truth.
All of this started before she ever said a single word to or about you.
But you don't want to include that part do you Finnie?
New Edit:
I took this down because Finnie talked to me personally and asked if we could mutually let this drop, and we agreed. Despite the fact I only posted this one thing and they, throughout the time made SEVERAL harmful post even publically calling us names and acting like WE bullied YOU, But hey, we agreed anyway. And this post has been taken down for a few weeks and no further have been made... Only for them to talk shit non-stop this entire fucking time.
I am sick of this.
I am absolutely sick of your gaslighting victim playing lying bullshit.
You're such a goddamned narcissist.
You and your little circlejerk of friends that claim youd "NEVER BULLY ANYONE" even while you're blatantly making public posts calling someone a vile cunt is ridiculous. You can keep patting eachother in the back with your fucking pity party bullshit.
You literally bullied her into deleting her account.
And yes, telling harmful lies about how someone is "being mean to you for no reason" after you blatantly outted their name publically for no other reason than YOUR OWN GODDAMNED PARANOIA is shit.
Because you DECIDED that some fucking rando no one ever heard of literally copy pasting on AO3 MUST mean YOU.
What the ABSOLUTE fuck is wrong with you?!
And no, I'm not down to play with this.
If you're reading this and your first thoughts are
"Omg it's so childish to speak up, being an adult is accepting bullying" then you can absolutely suck my dick and choke on it.
Your mentality is the problem with the world.
Being an adult is knowing when to speak up against injustice.
And anyone who's ignorant enough to think I'm full of shit for no other reason than I am angry and speaking crass need to revaluate their life and values..
Yes I am mad. Someone should be.
If you're stupid enough to believe a narcissist because they're playing stupid and throwing a tantrum, do PLEASE block me. The fact the majority of you people automatically took their side without even ASKING Caesaria a goddamned word despite having supposedly been fans says enough to me.
You don't care what the truth is, CLEARLY, or your have gone out of your way to talk to HER and get both sides.
You made up your mind from the first moment because you have bias towards a narcissistic disgusting excuse for an individual who's playing you all like a flute.
Or for a few of you who commented on this, because you're the same type of person and condemning them while doing the same shit makes you look bad, right?
Fuck. You.
On the bright side since Caesaria deleted her account, I can finally speak my mind. She didn't want to cause more uproar.
I on the other hand am sick of seeing this one sided bullshit.
Yes. Of course you privately inboxed us privately asking us to delete our side meanwhile being very vocal on your end to make everything completely one sided. You must manipulate people a lot, huh?
I would love to note.
In the original post I didn't talk shit.. I didn't do anything but state the facts.
Now? Now yeah, I'm being a cunt. After all, you publically called me one in your post I may as well make SOMETHING you said have a shred of truth, right? You're fucking welcome. 🩷
Oh and one more thing.
"inb4" the whole "you're making enemies" thing...
Any person who is such a terrible human being as to be a part of this crap is NO ONE I'd ever want to associate with at my WORST of days.
All I'm doing is causing a group of gross people out themselves upfront.
Getting rid of shitty people in mass is much less problematic than ending up dealing with them individually in the long run anyway.
Good riddance.
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riddlersbimbo · 2 years
thanks for tagging my sweet @finniestoncrane i love you kith kith kith 
Nickname: i mean Bowie is a nickname already but i'm used to Abby as well cause my old url 🥰
Sign: gemini 😳
Height: 5ft7" aka 169.5 aka tiny (also @quietsounds @spicedchaiandromeda if you read that it's a lie i am in fact 1cm big)
Recently Googled: the liquor store on my way from work to check if Bailey's was on sale 👀
Song Stuck In My Head: it's a dutch christmas song 😪 
Number of Followers: almost 1500 but i'm pretty sure at least 1000 of those are inactive 😂
Amount of Sleep Last Night: got the full 8 hours babey!
Lucky Number: 104
Dream Job: housewife but without a husband nor children
Wearing: black skinny jeans and a fluffy pink sweater
Books/Movies That Summarize Me: submarine (2010) is my joker.. also ghostbusters (2016).. gosh i'm like a mix of abby and erin honestly
Favourite Songs: def i punched Keanu reeves by hello peril, total eclipse of the heart, bohemian rhapsody, iron sky by paolo nutini
Aesthetic: lazy with some pink
Favourite Author: (also uhh finnie) but uh i don't read a lot so i think john green is the only author i read more than 1 book of whaha, but it were the first books i ever read in english so.. memories
Favourite Animal Noises: puppy barks like keep trying friendo i'm not afraid of you!
Random: depressing but lil baby pup who was training to be a guide dog just got diagnosed with cataract in her eyes so she won’t continue the training and it’s very depressing but thankfully she’s a dog so she’ll just continue life like nothing happened 🙌🏻
Tagging: @lost-in-sokovia @spicedchaiandromeda @mietkoz @smellydano @riddlers-den and anyone who wants to do it💖💖💖
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mmercurii · 3 years
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I posted 1,517 times in 2021
17 posts created (1%)
1500 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 88.2 posts.
I added 116 tags in 2021
#witch hat atelier - 53 posts
#wha fanart - 21 posts
#bastard and my adopted dad - 10 posts
#bastard witch - 9 posts
#kuroshitsuji - 6 posts
#inuyasha - 4 posts
#my adopted dad - 4 posts
#fav - 3 posts
#black butler - 3 posts
#qifery - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#idk talk to me if i’m weong but i genuinely don’t have the strength to keep reading for another three years only to start finnis backstory
My Top Posts in 2021
Y’all think Vincent still kisses the Undertaker with the taste of Rachel’s pussy on his breath??
9 notes • Posted 2021-05-28 13:09:24 GMT
Honestly, I’m not against having backstories for the servants but not at this point in the story. They’re backstories don’t add anything to pushing the plot and we already know everything we need to know about them, some stories don’t need to be explained in detail and theirs definitely don’t.
We already know Ciel saved them, and they’ll ride to hell for him. If anything they should have shown more of each of their realizations that some things just don’t make sense (sebs human strength, speed, etc) and maybe these stories of gremlins, magic, and fairies are real.
They’re still human and they’ve been snuggling with a demon afterall!! Like show that they don’t understand fully but at least show them questioning/ catching on from little moments/ coming to terms/ being in denial/ or being being scared shitless over the confrontation at the mansion. THEY SAW REAPERS FIGHTING FOR FUCKSAKE?? ALSO A CHILD WHO IS SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD????
It would be much more satisfying if we knew their individual thoughts and feelings on the topic, if they have fears or excitement about the underworld and how they would have a conflict with Ciel and with each other before they come to terms with those concerns and still fiercely stick behind Ciel.
At this point, the stakes should be higher. This is ciel’s great downfall, the comfort he built should be sunken through thin ice. The servants loyalty wavering should be the turning point where Ciel builds himself back up, he isn’t his brothers shadow, he isn’t weak, he isn’t a spare, he’s [insert name] and he’s built the Phantomhive legacy back in little than three years all while being the queens watch dog and making his childhood dream a reality, and he is THAT. bitch.
Idk, all I’m saying is, maybe we could have the backstories as it’s own little mini series apart of the tales of the phantomhive servants or something but right now the story should be focused on pushing to the finish line and I just don’t wanna wait another several years to get back to the plot
15 notes • Posted 2021-09-16 13:33:22 GMT
I have a feeling that Coco’s mom either, won’t be able to be brought back without forbidden or new magic or from the moment she turned to *stone she passed and can’t come back— and Qifery knows this.
22 notes • Posted 2021-11-05 18:16:42 GMT
I love the fact that the reapers, and Sebastian were having a dramatic moment while Tanaka, Bard, Meirin, and Finny were lit just standing there like— thats so awkward lmaoo
23 notes • Posted 2021-08-17 04:23:20 GMT
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Damn, I should’ve died in the fire . . .
24 notes • Posted 2021-08-17 04:25:14 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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thepipsqueakery · 7 years
The Pipsqueakery Holiday fundraiser has begun at Gofundme.com/thepipsqueakerydentalfund! All the critters want for Christmas is their two front teeth. But, if they can't have that they'll settle for good dental care. As most of you know, The Pipsqueakery is a 501(c)3 rodent rescue and sanctuary located in Bloomington, IN, and one of our focuses is rodents with dental disease. Many critters with dental disease end up euthanized because dental disease is expensive, difficult, and risky to treat. At The Pipsqueakery we work with one of the best vet's in the world and she just happens to specialize in rodent dentistry so we have options not available to most. So, why are we trying to raise so much money? First, we need to raise approximately $714 because on November 20th we are flying down to Austin, Texas to pick up two more lethal white guinea pigs with serious dental issues. Our flight is $150, the car rental is $164, gas is $300, and supplies for traveling with them will be $100. Second, we're going to have 5 guinea pigs that need routine dental work every two months. Mortimer and Finny will likely be on the higher end so about $532 each 6 times a year. That's $6,384 dollars. Castiel, and the two new guinea pigs will get dental exams on the same schedule and likely uncomplicated dentals 3 times a years. So, that's 3 guinea pigs getting exams 3 times a year ($150) and 3 uncomplicated dentals 3 times a year ($300). That's $2700 for the dentals and $1350 for the exams. We also have a number of hamsters with dental issues. Glitch is probably the only one looking at an incisor extraction at the cost of about $500. Then looking at our usual intakes I would guess we will take on at least 3 more dental hamsters that need extractions this year for an estimated cost of $1500. I would also guess we will take on at least one or two more guinea pigs or chinchillas with dental disease so we should probably raise at least another $2000 for that. That totals $14648 to make sure everyone is getting the best care and to make sure we can take in new dental critters in need. Every person who donates at least $5 will receive a holiday card from The Pipsqueakery!
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mchadrow-blog · 6 years
Vanessa Ronan Pearce Top 100 Fintech Woman Show 065
Vanessa Ronan Pearce is named a top 100 Woman in Fintech. Vanessa is the Founder of Intersekt Fintech Australia Festival.  Vanessa handles partnerships and events at Fintech Australia.
We speak with Vanessa about what it takes to become a top 100 Fintech woman and the Worldwide competition to make the list.
Fintech Australia started October of 2016 when Australia had just 100 startups in the Fintech ecosystem. Today in 2018 Australia has over 650 startups in the Fintech space.
Fintech Australia was inspired to startup from the success of the Singapore Fintech Festival.
Spotlight on the big four bank incumbents on their banking practices so they want to know more about fintech and how to incorporate it into their solutions.  Also from a regulatory prospective especially seeing how Singapore has handled fintech.
The Finnie Awards and how Intersekt picks the various startups for each winner category.
Startup Round Sponsored by trustsmarter.com
Fintech Australia does a Census with EY so check out the 2017 report.
Building a Fintech Festival and how Vanessa gets sponsors, partners and speakers for the conference.
A presenting partner that started in 2016 was the Victorian Government and has been extremely supportive of the Fintech Australian conference.
Conference Sponsors, Partners in 2016-2017 Acorns Stripe Visa Accenture
Policy Partner: International Law Firm face challenges with their big bank clients who want to finance them and smaller clients who want to disrupt the market. However, these policy partners have become supportive of the fintech ecosystem in Australia and adding value to both types of clients - >  Herbert Smith Freehill
An amazing increase for the conference year over year with 85 judges (5 for each of the 23 categories that is widespread across the fintech ecosystem).  Over 225 startup entries up from 150 in 2017.
Increase in attendees from 250 to over 1500 people including investments in startups.
Lucy Yueting Liu is Founder of Airwallex and Board Member Fintech Australia
Solve a unique problem, don't replicate a solution already in the market define the audience and that it can be used in other markets or territories
Top fintech areas in Australia: Payments Lending Digital currencies Wealth Tech
Canva the software company for designing everything from social media graphics and invitations to postcards and. now announced the acquisition of Australian startup Zeetings that help with your presentations.  We interviewed Christopher Gimmer Founder of Snappa who is a competitor of Canva.
Company with massive growth is Afterpay.
Fast Pitch Round Sponsored by Chadrow.net Book Club Guest Recommendation: Mindset Hero: Her husband, actuary Quote: Anais Nin: "And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."
Wrap Up Round Sponsored by BankSmarter.com
Three Main Takeaways: Be persistence and don't lose faith. Think global about where else you can take your product. Talk to everybody because that person could be your next sponsors or promoter.
Ron Suber, President Prosper, Chairman of Credible.com whose founder is Stephen Dash was the Keynote speaker for the Australia Fintech conference.
tags: Open Data, Blockchain, Digital Currencies, Digital Robo-Advice Alternative Finance and Payments, AI Artificial intelligence, Digital Identity, Neo Banks, Regtech, Insurtech.
Check out this episode!
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
Heyo finnie!! Congrats on 1500 I'm so proud of you! I hope you have fun with this event and don't burn yourself out! You deserve nothing but the best! 💚💚
Anywho, I'm here for a blind date..., I've never been on one before but always been interested lol.
So...I know you already know like probably WAY TOO MUCH about me (more than you cared to EVER know lmao)and we're kinda similar hehe BUT I'm gonna try and describe myself for you anyhow lol
I'm a 24 year old woman who is often described as thoughtful, wise, and genuine. If I'm not writing, I'm drawing or vice versa. I'm usually creating or working on something! My interests often vary but they're usually centered around cartoons and comics! I love video games even though depending on the console I'm shit at them but enjoy the concepts and art that goes into them nonetheless! Basically I'm a socially anxious mess of a nerd that's trying her best lmao.
Hope this is decent enough that was really hard🥴😂
💜 blind date 💜 the kitchen is now closed! 🔞minors dni🔞 • masterlist • kofi link • tag: finnie1500 (to follow or to block) a/n: there were so many options i could have picked from ri but i knew in my heart EXACTLY who to send you on a date with💚
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"Hello, and welcome to the Vill-Inn! Your date has been here getting things ready. I hope you weren't in the mood for soda and burgers, because he's ordered tiny sandwiches and a pot of tea for the table..."
As you approach your table, your date stands up and takes off his top hat, holding it in both hands in front of him nervously as he introduces himself.
"It's so wonderful to meet you! I'm Jervis."
You can tell he's impressed that he's made it through the whole sentence without stammering, and it's hard not to offer him a warm smile in return for his charming grin, punctuated by his protruding overbite.
He's quick to try and get to know you, but equally forthcoming about himself. And he mentions repeatedly how nice it is to have someone who is so polite and attentive, willing to give him so much attention.
Jervis is also extremely interested in your writing and art, especially taken by how creative you are. Like you have invented worlds to escape into on a whim.
"Why, you could have created as many as six impossible things before breakfast."
And when you broach the subject of Lewis Carroll, he's entranced by your knowledge, how much you know, how bright your eyes are when you talk about it. Which by the way, don't think he hasn't noticed your blonde hair and blue eyes. You'd make a wonderful Alice, truly. And though he wants to compliment you, he really is struggling to find the words.
"You do look marvellous, my dear. But I'm finding it difficult to put it into words. I think I could, if only I knew how to begin."
When you blush at his words, so poetic, so charming, he's completely besotted. Shy, unaware of how magnificent you are? It would be very easy for him to swoop in and claim you as his own.
For what feels like forever, he listens, eyes wide and holding his chest, as your tell him about your love of comics, games, and cartoons. Wonderous, joyous hobbies, escapism with whimsy, something he is familiar with himself.
The wait staff interrupt you though, and you realise that they're cleaning up around you. You wonder how long you've been talking, commenting on how it feels like only a moment you've spent with him. It's silly, but you tell him you hope that you haven't talked too much, or wasted the time to get to know him more as he was listening to you.
"If you knew time as well as I do, or how deeply intrigued by you I am, then you wouldn't talk about wasting it."
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