violadea · 21 days
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You're an angel
I'm just trying to be like you
Even if it's painful
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sunshinies · 1 year
Helloo! I've come to make a request since I've seen your requests being open!
Would it be okay if I asked for some names inspired(/or based/related) to Fischl from Genshin?
If you do this request, I thank you for doing so!! <33
⚡️ Fischl name suggestions:
aimee , amethyst , amy , beatrix , circe , corvina , electra , faeryn , fantasia , fionella , freyja , ingrid , lieselotte , mila , morgana , nyx , opulencia , ravena , sabrina , violetta , voltara
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silenthill2ps2 · 3 months
Daniella/Fiona for the shipping bingo?
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WHAT DO WE EVEN CALL THESE TWO... fiodani? fionella? i still need to write a fic about them honestly
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jahaanofmenaphos · 5 years
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Art by the awesome @tommieglenn!
Of Gods and Men Summary:
When the gods returned to Gielinor, their minds were only on one thing: the Stone of Jas, a powerful elder artefact in the hands of Sliske, a devious Mahjarrat who stole it for his own ends and entertainment. He claims to want to incite another god wars, but are his ulterior motives more sinister than that? And can the World Guardian, Jahaan, escape from under Sliske’s shadow?
Read the full work here:
Jahaan stumbles upon a newly excavated chamber, one that a charismatic young stranger claims to be where Guthix resides under the earth. However, once this knowledge becomes commonplace, many different factions come to a head, either to protect the sleeping god, wake him, or destroy him...
Like Ozan, Jahaan took a ship to Catherby in order to avoid traversing the dangerous mountains that separated the two kingdoms - Asgarnia, housing Falador, and Kandarin, where Catherby and the Legends’ Guild were located. Catherby was the largest fishing village in Gielinor, home to some of the greatest fishermen in the land. The crisp, clear blue waters of the beach were home to vast amounts of different fish, all plentiful, all delicious to eat or, for those so inclined, profitable to sell. Glorious gold-plated ships were docked in the ports, side by side to the numerous fishing trawlers that strayed further from the shores to catch their supplies of fish. On his way to Burthorpe, Jahaan had spent close to a month on its soft, golden beach, loving the feeling of the slightly damp sand from the retreating tide between his toes. As it was summer when he visited last, the warm evenings allowed him to sleep under a blanket of stars and spend his days among the company of other fisherman, enjoying the past-time together. He made a fair bit of money that summer, selling what he didn’t eat to the local fishmongers. A part of him was tempted to stay there longer, almost indefinitely, to save up enough to rent out a small room in an inn, or maybe even buy a residence of his own. For a while he felt he could quite happily live out his life with lazy days of fishing, but he soon realised he was only kidding himself, and the serenity began to grate on him. With little more than his memories to keep him company, Jahaan became increasingly restless, the remnants of guilt from his first encounter with Lucien eating away at the edges of his sanity. Therefore, decisions were made, and he left Catherby for the Imperial Guard. Being back, however, brought with it some blissful memories, especially when that salty sea air slipped through his nose and hit his lungs. With a sad smile, he traced his fingers lightly over the armour at his wrist. His eyes gazed into the far off horizon, a watercolour of blue and pink, blending the sky together in a picturesque portrait only his eyes could capture.
Taking a seat on the sands, Jahaan removed his chestplate and started to work out the kinks in his back.
I think I’ll catch some fish, build a fire, and settle down here for the night…
It ended up being just under a week when Jahaan finally continued his journey, leaving Catherby behind him as he set out for the Legends’ Guild. The Guild wasn’t too far from Catherby, but it was still a two-day journey. Following the coastline took Jahaan a little longer than going direct would, but it allowed him easy access to fresh food and clean water. A night’s camp by the shore was never a bad thing in his eyes, and the day after, with a brisk pace, he made it to the Legends’ Guild by the afternoon.
The grasslands around it were dotted with pleasant little flowers, and trees of many different varieties lined the way. From oaks, to yews, and even an elder - firewood is never an issue on this path. Or, for the most ambitious, elder logs fetched a high price in the right market.
He saw about a dozen woodcutters making the most of the opportunity.
One thing that did puzzle Jahaan though - there was a large crater dug not too far from the entrance of the Legends’ Guild.
Weird… that wasn’t here last time I came through this way. Are they digging a new quarry or something?
Shrugging, Jahaan let it slide as he squared up his shoulders and strode up to the entrance to the Legends’ Guild.
As soon as he got close, the burly guard at the gate locked suspicious eyes on him; he tugged on the leash that pulled his dog into view, who maddly started barking at Jahaan and launching himself at the gate, as if he was starved and Jahaan was the only meat he’d seen in a week.
Cautiously, Jahaan slowed his approach. “Um, h-hello…”
“What’s your business here, stranger?” the guard demanded.
Wondering what he did to offend the gentlemen, Jahaan hurried to pull the letter from his backpack and held at out at arms length to the guard, slowly edging closer to the gate with his eyes fixated on the angry canine.. “Um, I have a letter from Sir Tiffy?”
It wasn’t a question, but that was the most pacifistic way he could voice the phrase. He’d already been almost eaten alive by one dog in recent memory - he didn’t want to make it two.
Snatching the letter from his hand, the guard examined the seal closely. Gruffly, he told Jahaan to wait there while he left go inside the Guild. The dog remained, teeth baring, eyes deadly.
Managing a weak smile, Jahaan whispered, “W-Who’s a good boy…?”
It did not have the desired effect.
Five terrifying minutes later, the guard returned to his post. Grabbing onto the dogs leash, he pulled him out of the way as he heaved the metal gates open, saying nothing as he let Jahaan pass.
Sending a smug look at the canine over his shoulder, he marched past the beautifully trimmed hedges and into the Guild.
As soon as he entered, an older gentleman with a long white beard and a full set of rune armour met him inside the doorway.
“Welcome,” the man warmly greeted. “My name is Radimus Erkle. I’m the grand vizier to this fine establishment. I apologise on behalf of Steven - he’s new here. I keep telling him to loosen up, but will he listen?”
Radimus laughed, and Jahaan followed by chuckling nervously.
Luckily, Radimus continued the conversation before the silence became awkward. “I read your note from Sir Tiffy. It’s a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Jahaan Alsiyad-Abut. Am I saying that right?”
Confirming he was, Jahaan held out his hand to shake. “An honour to meet you too, Sir Erkle.”
“Oh, I’m no knight - just an old man who loves an adventure. Now, Sir Tiffy sent you here for a reason. Come this way…”
Through a large oak door and two grand hallways, the pair came to a marble staircase, surrounded on all sides by portraits of adventurers of old, famous ones that Jahaan had only ever heard about in campfire tales.
Motioning downwards, Erkle handed Jahaan back the note and said, “Give this to Fionella and she’ll take care of you. It’s only one floor down. Whatever you do, DON’T go down to the second floor.”
“O-Okay,” Jahaan, still quite frankly baffled by it all, carefully made his way down the stairs. The darkness started to increase the further he descended, but fortunately candlesticks were dotted around to guide the way. He made it to the right floor, a quiet hallway with a handful of quaint little doors on either side, and one at the end that was helpfully labelled ‘Fionella’s’.
Jahaan started to edge out of the stairwell, but then hesitated. Looking over his shoulder, then quickly all around him, he slinked back into the stairwell and, as quietly as he could, tiptoed down to the basement floor. A gloved hand made for the door handle...
A roar, so furious and ungodly it chilled Jahaan to the core. The sounds of sword meeting flesh, clashing with armour. A fall, a dive - who knows!
A hand tentatively hovered over the handle of his sword as he toyed with the idea of investigating further, against all sense and reason. That idea was stopped dead in his tracks by a hand on his shoulder, causing Jahaan to swing around in shock.
An unimpressed Radimus motioned to the staircase. “This floor is off limits. It’s only for the most worthy of legends.”
Guiltily, Jahaan hung his head and trudged back up the staircase, feeling like a child with their hand caught in the cookie jar.
Radimus pointed to the far end of the hallway, watching with a hawk-like glare to make sure Jahaan didn’t deviate from his course again.
After knocking on the door twice, a call came from the other side. “Come on in.”
The dismal looking room was nothing too spectacular. He didn’t know what he was expecting, but it wasn’t this… no, this looked like your average storage room. A few chairs were lazily placed at the back of the room, while a dusty wooden desk separated Fionella from her guests. Behind the brunette were a large amount of tattered crates and cardboard boxes, victims to time and age. Blowing a strand of hair from her eyes, she asked, “Can I help you?”
Uncrumpling the note, Jahaan handed it to her. “Uh, yeah… I was told by Sir Tiffy to come to you with this.”
Adjusting her glasses, Fionella squinted at the handwriting. Occasionally, she glanced up at Jahaan before returning to the note. Sometimes she looked confused, sometimes impressed, and once she even laughed. Utterly confused, Jahaan resisted the urge to ask her to elaborate any further.
Shrugging, she screwed the note up and tossed it behind her. Jahaan held out a hand, opening his mouth to protest, but Fionella cut him off, saying, “Wait here.”
Leaving his mouth hung agape, he did as he was told. At this point, he was just resigned to whatever came next.
A couple of minutes and a large clattering later, Fionella emerged from behind a load of crates and boxes with a two long, thin crates of her own. Heaving it up on the table, she wiped the sweat from her brow and muttered, “I really need to build up my strength…”
She peered around the obstruction and drearily announced to Jahaan, “These are yours, courtesy of Sir Tiffy and the Legends’ Guild. Enjoy.”
Jahaan looked at the box, then regarded Fionella, hesitantly.
“What are you waiting for, Saradomin’s return?” she chided, ushering him to take the boxes from her. Sliding them into his arms, he thanked the young woman and staggered out into the hallway to unbox these ‘gifts’.
When he pried them open, he couldn’t quite believe his eyes.
The first crate held two rune swords, unscathed and unparalleled in their craftsmanship, with a double-sheathed belt. They put his second-hand scimitar to shame. Carefully, he put the belt on and tucked them into their sheaths, feeling like the most powerful man in Gielinor. Weaponry really shouldn’t give anyone such a rush, but man, Jahaan felt like he was ten feet tall. In truth, he was never a fan of scimitars - they were an odd shape, and Jahaan awkwardly found himself slicing too far from his target as he misjudged the curvature of the blade. He noted that Sir Tiffy hadn’t provided him a shield, and wondered if that was intentional or not. After all, during the battle, his shield spent half the time on the ground. Kiteshields were so damn cumbersome when fighting human-like enemies. Trolls were one thing, and yes, when he managed to utilise it in time, it helped to protect him against the ice giants. However, Jahaan had always favoured speed and agility - why take the brunt of an attack when you have the ability to dodge out of the way entirely?
In the other crate was a yew shieldbow with about two dozen rune-tipped arrows and a leather quiver. Now, he wasn’t a bad archer, but he was no Ozan. At least now I have a reason to practice, he thought to himself as he repositioned the bow over his shoulders and adjusted the quiver
It was when he made it about twenty feet from the gates, the angry dog and grumpy guard in his wake, that he didn’t know what to do next. On his way out, he’d asked Radimus if Ozan had passed through, to which he replied that he left with Ariane two days ago, the pair making towards East Ardougne. Deciding that was a good a place as any to start, Jahaan thought he’d try and catch them before they moved on again.
“Hey mate, hol’ up!” a voice called out. When Jahaan turned around, he saw a sprightly young man chasing after him. Once he made it close enough, Jahaan noted the man sported a black feathered hat and an unshaven face. His clothing was just as unkempt as his facial hair, and from the bags around his eyes, it was easy to deduce that the man didn’t quite understand the concept of a proper night’s sleep.
“Can I help you?” Jahaan inquired, smiling amusedly at the poor man that was now doubled over, trying to catch his breath. The young man signalled for him to be given a minute’s respite.
“Whoa nelly,” he exhaled, deeply. “I really need to get in shape, yes I do. I can dig and dig and dig, but nope, runnin’ takes it right out of me, yes it does.”
Jahaan motioned over to the large pit the man had emerged from. “Don’t tell me you dug that all by yourself.”
“Why, yes sir, yes I did! Lost me some five good shovels. But it’ll be worth it when the museum sees what I bring ‘em, yes it will!”
“You work for the museum in Varrock?”
The man nodded eagerly. “Jus’ an apprentice for now, but oh boy, when they see what I’ve got! Oh boy! They’s always laughing at me, you see, for chasin’ this ‘dream’, they call it. They say I’m not ‘museum material’, but they just don’t get it! I here think I’ve just stumbled on one o’ the biggest historical discoveries of all time, yes I have!”
This peaked Jahaan’s interest. “What do you reckon you’ve found?”
“Something game-changin’!” The man cheered, clapping his hands together. “I reckon this is got something to do with Guthix himself! I’ve been studyin’ the area for so long, and I got me some help from those druids in Taverley, and they can vouch for this here energy that be coming from that hole. I uncovered a door an’ everything! Come look!”
Unable to resist the curiosity, Jahaan tagged along as the man bounded over to the substantial hole he’d dug for himself. True to his word, an ancient stone door had been uncovered, with leaf-like patterns carved into the frame.
He couldn’t help but be impressed. “Very nice. So, what’s inside?”
This is where the man’s enthusiasm skipped a beat, and a large frown overwhelmed his features. “That’s the thing, I haven’t gone through yet. I’ve been trying to open the door for ages, yes I have, but it ain’t no use. Maybe I just haven’t got the muscles, y’know?”
“So, you want me to help you open the door?”
“That, and more, if you’re up for it. Ya see, I ain’t no adventurer like yourself. You gotta take into account all the usual dangers of openin’ up ancient tunnels… traps, boulders, cave spiders, undead monsters… I thought it might be best if I’d get someone from the Legends’ Guild to lend a hand, y’know? And I see YOU walking out, Mr Jahaan Alsiyad-Abut!”
Jahaan crinkled his brow. “You know me?”
“Why, of course!” the man beamed. “Word travels around these parts, yes sir! You're one of Sir Tiffy's men! He only bothers around with the best, you know.”
Jahaan smiled, feeling his ego get a little cuddle. If this man planned on charming him into helping, he was doing a good job. “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name.”
“Oh!” the man held out his hand, then quickly withdrew it to wipe some soil off his palm, before offering it again. “Name’s Orlando. Orlando Smith. So, you in?”
Grinning, Jahaan seized the man’s hand. “Sure!”
“FANTASTIC!” Orlando looked like he was going to explode with glee. He practically leapt down into the hole with Jahaan in tow. When he placed his hand on the crevice acting as the door’s handle, Jahaan noted how warm it felt to the touch, almost hot, and it vibrated ever so slightly upon contact. Much to the surprise of Jahaan, and the awe of Orlando, the former managed to heave the stone door open without throwing his back out in the process. Orlando lit a couple of torches, handing one to Jahaan, before they both stepped inside, Jahaan apprehensively, but it seemed if Orlando had abandoned all previous reservations as he skipped into the cave.
“This is it! By golly, this is it! Oh boy, the museum’s gonna be so chuffed with me! We gotta take something back with us. Ooo but we can’t disturb anything… aww shucks… Still, this is incredible, yes it is!”
Inside, the stone walls were covered in carvings, floor to ceiling. Much of it was a strange language Jahaan did not understand, but Orlando said it looked familiar to him. The rest were drawings, figures etched in time into the stone. Many of the figures had been engulfed by the plant growth, but among the visible carvings, Jahaan recognized the snake, Juna, Guardian of the Tears of Guthix, alongside a giant insect. It seemed Guthix held them in high regard.
In the corner of the room was what appeared to be an inactive soul obelisk, yet when leaning in closer, Jahaan noted a faint hum could still be heard coming from it. Scattered on the floor next to it were broken remnants of vials, perhaps from the early days of herblore. The odd scrap of withered herb could be seen in amongst the shattered glass.
“Hey Jahaan, take a look at this,” Orlando urged, ushering Jahaan towards a cracked plinth. Atop it laid the remains of a blade, still emitting sparks. Pieces were undoubtedly missing, rendering it irreparable, even if it was safe to touch.
With a furrowed brow, Orlando muttered, “How strange. What we know of Guthix indicates he was a pacifist; completely against violence, yes he was. The sword looks like it has been recovered, and for it to be placed in such a prominent position... there are so many things we could learn! Still, my mother warned me against touchin’ glowin’ weapons of the gods, yes she did, so let’s leave that one be for a while…”
The two continued to examine the ruin, Orlando marvelling at every little thing he saw. After a while, he called Jahaan over again, remarking, “This here wall don’t match the other walls, no sir. I think there might be somethin’ beyond here.”
Pulling off some of the plant life that had been residing on the obscure looking wall, Jahaan marvelled at the intricate patterns carved into the stone, far more detailed than anything else inside the temple. Somewhat awe-struck, he couldn’t help but trace his finger across them. Alas, he was broken from his relaxing activity when the door creaking open by itself. The next room opened out in front of them, the walls similar to the last, but this time grass covered the floor, somehow alive despite the darkness. Six statues holding torches were dotted across the room, automatically lighting themselves once they sensed the presence of intruders. Orlando didn’t even get to marvel at his surroundings before a loud groan emanated from the far wall, startling him, and a shrill alarm pierced through the air.
Suddenly, three rock-like beasts prised themselves from the walls, each looking like fractured pieces of stone held together by tree bark. In place of an eye, they had the symbol of Guthix, and each was glowing a different colour. One red, one green, and one blue.
Hesitantly, Jahaan drew one of his swords from his belt. “Orlando, stay behind me.”
“WARNING: Mahjarrat lifeform detected. Mahjarrat will not be allowed passage. Retreat before further action,” the creatures ordered in unison. Their voices were bellowing and husky, fitting for their imposing stature.
“But we’re not Mahjarrat!” Jahaan cried, desperately, retreating back a few steps as the beasts advanced on him.
This proved futile as the creatures repeated, “WARNING: Mahjarrat lifeform detected. Mahjarrat will not be allowed passage. Retreat before further action.”
Jahaan steadied his grip on his sword, glaring at Orlando out of the corner of his eye as the man cowered behind him. “Orlando, is there something you’re not telling me?”
“No! We're humans, we are!” Orlando maintained, a whimper in his cracking voice. “Please, we mean you no harm! They must be malfunctioning or somethin’ I tell ya!”
“ESCALATED WARNING: Mahjarrat lifeform remains. The threat will be eliminated. Retreat before further action.”
“Orlando, get back into the other room,” Jahaan warned, his eyes narrowing on the automatons that continued to creep up on him.
Desperately, Orlando pleaded, “Please, listen to us! We’re peaceful, I tell ya!”
“WARNING INEFFECTIVE. ACTION: Mahjarrat lifeform remains. Prepare for elimination.”
Jahaan’s eyes grew wide as one of the eyes of the beasts started glowing. “They aren’t peaceful. Get down!”
As Of Gods and Men is a reimagining, retelling and reworking of the Sixth Age, a LOT of dialogue/characters/plotlines/etc. are pulled right from the game itself, and this belongs to Jagex.
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cecesxwickedxocsx · 4 years
Ella nott wbw
full name: Fionella ‘Ella’ Nott
gender: Female
sexuality: Lesbian, but won’t admit it
pronouns: She/Her
family: Mother - Eugenia Nott, Father - Clyde Nott, Older brother - Miles Nott
birthplace: Manchester
job: Student
phobias: Being outed
guilty pleasures: chocolate frogs
morality alignment?: True Neutral
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: Extroverted
organized/disorganized: Organized
close minded/open-minded: A little of both
calm/anxious: Anxious
disagreeable/agreeable: Agreeable
cautious/reckless: Cautious
patient/impatient: Patient
outspoken/reserved: Reserved
leader/follower: Follower
empathetic/unemphatic: Empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: Pessimistic
traditional/modern: starts traditional but changes
hard-working/lazy: Hard working
otp: Ella/Tonks
ot3: Ella/Tonks/Fleur
brotp: Ella/Charlie
notp: Ella/Charlie
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kritikandoblog · 7 years
Billy Elliot, The Musical, dirigido por Miguel Rosa López, escrito por Lee Hall, musicalizado por Elton John y originalmente dirigido por Stephen Daldry, presenta la travesía que emprende Billy, un niño que se enamora del ballet en el mismo lugar al que es enviado, por su padre, a aprender boxeo, mientras enfrenta sus miedos y persigue sus sueños en un marco de complicación política y huelga de mineros en la Inglaterra del 1984.
La pieza se presentará, para funciones estudiantiles y funciones de público general, del 17 al 25 de marzo de 2018 en el Teatro de la Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico, Recinto Metro.
Elenco: Carlos Lugo, Daniela Cordero, Luisa Domínguez, Eduardo Rodríguez, Javier Batista, Camilo Torres, Camila Aymerich, Fionella Matteo, Lorena Torres, Luis Diego De Jesús y otros.
Dirección y diseño de luces: Miguel Rosa López
Dirección musical: Miguel Cubano
Dirección vocal: Michelle Sotomayor
Coreografías: Omar Nieves Delgado
Boletos a la venta en:
Ticket Pop 787-792-5000
¡Vive la magia del Teatro! ¡Anímate! ¡No podemos dar tercera llamada sin ti!
Reseña Coming Soon…
Las Tablas: ¡2da llamada para Billy Elliot!
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municatriel · 7 years
Municipalidad de Catriel -
La Municipalidad te informa https://catriel.wpengine.com/podio-los-mellizos-manuela-tobias-sudamericano/
Podio para los mellizos Manuela Y Tobías en el Sudamericano
Del 17 al 21 de Mayo se disputó en Asunción del Paraguay el torneo Sudamericano de Tenis de Mesa en categoría Sub 11 y Sub 13, donde Manu y Tobías Pereyra, formaron parte de la delegación Argentina. 
En el certamen, Manu tuvo un excelente desempeño, obtuvo  junto a Naomi Meriño de Bs As, el Tercer puesto en dobles femenino al dar vuelta un 2 a 0 en contra para ganar 3 a 2 y obtener el podio Sudamericano. 
En la categoría individual, pasó su zona y cayó en 8º de final por 3 a 0, en manos de Fionella Olaya de Ecuador. 
En tanto Tobías, obtuvo el título de Sub Campeón Sudamericano en la categoría “Equipo” junto a Nicolás Callaba, Tiago Peralta Bello de Bs As y Tomas Saavedra de Mendoza. 
En la categoría Individual cayó en 8º de final, luego de pasar segundo en su zona  ante el Japonés Nacionalizado Brasilero Leonardo Hzuka, quién culminó coronándose Campeón . 
Excelente resultados de los chicos surgidos de la Escuela Municipal, que demuestran a lo largo del año, el profesionalismo con  que se trabaja, tras los innumerables títulos que se obtienen en el ámbito regional, provincial, nacional e internacional.
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violadea · 6 months
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We've got nowhere to go, we've got nothing to prove
Instead of dancing alone I should be dancing with you
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violadea · 5 months
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Fionellas on met gala
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