#fireteam shadow
halobirthdays · 2 years
Happy birthday to Spartan Nina Kovan!
Today is her -510th birthday!
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Kovan was a Spartan-IV assigned to Fireteam Shadow. An excellent marksman, she studied the techniques of Spartan-II Linda-058, idolizing and emulating her. When the opportunity to join the Spartans arose, she jumped at the chance, wanting to be like her heroes.
Kovan was present for the battle on Requiem, and her team destroyed a Covenant cruiser that was targeting a science team on The Refuge. At some point, she was assigned to Infinity, and was onboard when when the Banished attacked over Installation 07.
Kovan escaped Infinity and crashed onto Zeta Halo, becoming separated from her team. She would eventually regroup with Bonita Stone and five survivors. Over the next few months, she and the survivors rendezvoused at the Mortal Reverie, which operated as a UNSC base of operations on Zeta Halo, and permitted the survivors to regroup and replenish.
It was Kovan who discovered that the Banished presence on Zeta Halo answered to Escharum and recommended his assassination. Spartans Griffin, Manago, Malik, and Sarkar tried and failed in their attempt on Escharum's life, which drew the attention of Banished forces.
Shortly thereafter, the Banished would assault the Mortal Reverie in a bloody battle that decimated the UNSC presence there. She was forced to flee with a handful of survivors, going back on the run for several months. Her current status is unknown.
In canon (~2560) , she is turning 26!
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ur-haruspis · 2 years
Requiem, 2558. While Fireteam Crimson engage Covenant forces at the shield world's Refuge site where a Covenant cruiser has deployed a deadly group of zealots known as the Silent Blade, Fireteam Shadow is called upon to aid in a vital Spartan operation. Their mission: infiltrate the cruiser and destroy it from within.
As part of the celebrations that marked the tenth anniversary of Halo 4 back in November, this short story has been made available in audiobook (narrated by yours truly) and PDF formats.
Read Halo: Vertical Umbrage here: - Halo Waypoint: https://aka.ms/Halo4ShadowStory - PDF: https://aka.ms/VerticalUmbragePDF
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lucidfallacy · 20 days
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* König x Reader 18+ *
It's about twenty meters high. I survey the dauntingly short distance between me and a guaranteed spot as a sniper on the esteemed firing-squad. One last wall of rock and destiny to earn the privilege of fighting alongside the Colonel's 4 man fireteam. Truth be known I'm really just vying to be near the soft spoken Austrian death-bringer, König. That fateful name, meaning king in German and spawning fear among the toughest of men across the globe. And maybe it's sad, but I would gladly bow to him. After the things I've witnessed him do... His interrogations alone feel like a damned strip tease. Even though I still don't know what lies under that ragged executioners hood cloaking his head and maybe I never will. But I do know that his eyes are bluer than a vile of Kortac's sparkling lethal injection. Which I've seen him administer on quite a few occasions. I also know he is utmost respectful, looking and speaking to me as if we are equals. My attraction to him is quite the opposite of atomic and the repercussions if I followed through with my desires are nuclear. I'm just hoping that serving him will be enough to quench this insatiable thirst I have for his approval.
The trials have been exceedingly treacherous and I'd be lying if I said I didn't love it. I've fought for everything I own. My rank, my reputation. Today's challenges must have been crafted in soldier heaven just for me. We started off early as sin this morning with bare knuckled knock out boxing. Not usually my first choice for breakfast, but it was entertaining at least. By no means am I small and still they underestimated me. Should've guessed that I wouldn't go down easy just from how fucked my body looks. Did they get a good look at all my bruises? The scars? I spent my teenage years fighting for my life as I wandered the streets of Chicago. It's a part of me I've gladly left behind, ever since I joined the military on my eighteenth birthday. I had not a single doubt in my mind about it, but that was years ago and I was young. I mean, who was around to tell me no? The routine here was good for me in the end. But I'm no less grateful for the lessons I learned in that chapter of my story. I was stuck believing that I could only ever be worth the life I was born into. That's until I found my purpose.
They all see me as "just another bitch in the way." Well, that's how my 'comrades' put it. That's why it was almost too easy, contorting Zero into that arm bar earlier. He wanted this position so very badly too, but obviously not enough for a broken arm. I'm still reveling in the way his shoulder popped right before he tapped out. Wish I could've recorded it for the next time he pisses me off. But I will admit, he had me sweating there for a second. In the end, his teeth sunk deep into my thigh as my legs wrapped around his hopeless neck. I wrenched his arm back into a devastating hold, pulling harder as we fought an unspoken battle of "No, you let go first." König stood just outside the cage with his men in the shadows, studying us. Arms folded across his imposing 6'10 stature and unmoving with every crushing blow to we laid to each other. The abandoned building was filled with our groans and grunts as we fought for dominance. The spotlight almost blinding while we rolled around in each other's sweat on the makeshift ring's floor. But as my blood pooled around Zero's mouth he licked his lips and I cried out in pain. I'm almost certain I saw the Austrian death himself fucking twitch. Soon I'll know why.
After winning, I was bagged blind and thrown into the barbed wire mud pits. There was only five of us left. It would've been courteous to warn us about those friendly crocs who damn near took one of my shoes in the process. Anyway, 3 of us made it through without any major issues. Next was a 10 mile run through the god damned jungle, weighed down by 50 something pounds of equipment and muddied fatigues. It pushed me to my limits, knowing he was watching from afar. Letting him know the lengths I'd go just to please him. My boots are still lined with the uncomfortable grittiness of the dried dirt and as night falls. The air has dropped to a bone chilling temperature. This something I'm used to. Being disgusting, cold, hungry even. During this entire trial, my colleagues were not ones to spare any fairness or sympathy for me. I've been pushed, trampled, spit on. And I expected it. If anything it's fucking welcomed.
I leap onto the first notch of the rocky wall, my nimble calloused hands making it easier than expected. Droplets of rain begin crying from the forming dark clouds and my opponents boots trample through the mud behind me, so I quicken my pace. Something slides out from the corner of my vision as I ascend, sounding like the grind of two cinderblocks. Soldiers are meant to be adaptable, but a decaying rock wall was not something I had expected. My hand slips on the next peg as it falls below. I twist my torso, catching my weight on a smaller peg to the right of me with my opposite hand. Too fucking close. I would say I'm about halfway up at this point and I peer down to my opponents below. The loose rock that was determined to make me eat shit is now laying beside an unconscious Velilkan in the mud puddles below. Unfortunate really. To get this far, just to be knocked out by a pebble. Operator Nikto and agent O'Connor are hot on my ass, kicking and pulling at each other like two bickering children. I giggle at the sight. O'Connor falters a bit, brandishing a nasty bite on his bicep from one of our reptilian companions earlier. It's commendable that he actually made it through the whole lockjaw and death roll routine.
But here I am only meters away from the golden bell at the top. The resounding ring will be a testament of my strength and resilience. I begin daydreaming about my future on the team. How I will be their right hand and all seeing eye for impending danger. How I will finally feel like I am enough and maybe even- My fingertips can almost graze the knotted white end of the bell's rope, before I know it. I can't even hold back my elation as it floods over my expression. This is the first time I've truly smiled in what feels like ages. A single bright crack of lightening tears through the night sky. The rain continues to beat down violently on my face as if its a ritualistic cleansing to start anew.
"Like the rest," the thickly accented Russian agent bellows to me through the raging storm. The former FSB operative digs his gloved fingers into the lip of my boot. "Just a corpse."
Nikto yanks me downwards with all his might, almost taking himself out in the process as he hangs one armed off a peg. The rope slips through my needy fingers and fear strikes through me, mocking the way lightening rips into the clouds. My screams are drowned out as I claw the air, grasping for anything to break my fall. My stomach is in ruin, tossed and turned all sorts of ways in my descent. The fall may be 20 meters, but it's scarier to think of as 65 feet. A plummet that most certainly could kill me, or leave me paralyzed nonetheless. I ease my panic and straighten my body, colliding with an unknowing O'Connor who has valiantly climbed about halfway up. My arm latches around his throat in a sort of goofy headlock and just before I gather my bearings, his pegs give way to our combined weight. We wrestle in each others arms through the air only 30 feet to go now, a short-lived battle deciding who will break the other's fall. Less than a second later, the wind is knocked from my lungs as the bell tolls and I collapse in a plank-like position over the two soldiers bodies beneath me. There's no room for me to think about the ache of my potentially broken ribs, or how my wrist twisted the wrong way underneath me upon landing. All I can feel is the pounding high of adrenaline laced with a fervent hatred. And just like that, the trials are complete. And god am I a sore fucking loser.
Embarrassing is the first word that crosses my mind, thinking about how I limped back to base on shaky legs like a newborn fawn. My entire being feels sprained. Fractured even, by one simple mistake. My skull throbs as I lift my forehead from the tiled shower wall. I'm fighting a bitchin' headache which is only amplified by the bathroom's blue fluorescent lighting overhead. It's bright enough to annoy even a blind man. The scalding hot water steams inside of the barbed wire gashes along my spine so I gnash my teeth, attempting to stifle a cry. Soldiers of Kortac aren't allowed to cry, or feel anything really. It's one of the 3 big rules around here. And though I'm alone, having my own special pity party, I'd rather not test the waters. Every soldier on base is celebrating that son of a bitch at the mess hall right now. Well, that's if they're not shacked up in the infirmary. I can hear the echoes of their victorious chants in all sorts of foreign languages from across the barracks. I can imagine Nikto now as he begins a speech, beer in hand at the middle metal lunch table. It should be me up there. Is he happy for Nikto? König watched on as each of us trained for this position over the past year. He probably had one of us in mind, but the trials are only fair. And I know he's passionate about this. Would've been his specialty if he wasn't so... vertically challenged? No, he's just freaking massive.
Now, would I have received the same commendable treatment from my peers? Probably not. But still, I refuse to stuff my face in front of that cheating bastard, let alone congratulate him. All he deserves is the crusted crocodile shit on the bottom of my combat boots, as far as I'm concerned. I pump some of the citrus orange colored soap from the shower wall dispenser and lather it through my hair. I work around the forming goose egg on my crown with a wince.
"Stupid. So fucking stupid" I whisper to myself as I yank my hair in frustration. A sob begins to creep up my throat.
It's an unfamiliar sensation I can't ignore, stinging across my cheeks and nose bridge. The oncoming snot hinders my breathing. My chest and hands tremble as I try every coping skill in the book to sooth my anxiety. Last time I had a panic attack was probably high school... Grabbing a rag from the shower's hook, I decide to focus on getting myself clean rather than irrational emotions. I whimper at the mix of soap and friction against my lacerations. Not a single square inch of skin was sparred by the elements. I scrub into my arms, but no matter how long or hard I chip away at the dirty feeling across my body. It seems I will never get clean.
"Useless. Just another corpse," I cry to myself, replaying Nikto's words in my head.
My skin becomes reddened and raw from my self inflicted abusive cleansing. My next victim is my chest as venomous tears seem to poison my bloodstream. I'm overcome with a wracking sob that reverberates through the bathroom. The slow tread of heavy boots make their way to my open cubicle in the back corner, but I'm too occupied in my own head to notice. I only stop scrubbing myself as a shadow looms over me, blocking all recesses of light and swirling thoughts in my mind. The rag slips from my hand, hitting the cement floor with a wet plop as I slowly turn to meet the warmth of steel blue eyes. I suck in another shaky breath, wiping the snot from my face as I stand at attention. I'm barren to him, covering my breast with one arm to try and remedy my naked state.
"Colonel, sir," I sputter out wide eyed.
The Colonel has now seen me cry, no König has. And I will harbor this shame for the next century.
"What troubles you, soldier?" König asks, voice thickly accented and rigid with concern.
He grabs the arm covering my bare chest, flipping my wrist to examine my forearms. His gloved thumb grazes my raw sensitive flesh I scrubbed away just moments ago. The shower runs cold, but my body has heated up beyond a boiling temperature. He cocks his head, and I can tell his expression furrows beneath the material of his hood.
"I know what it's like, you know," he whispers. "To be seen as small. To never be enough." König drops my arm, his knuckle reaching up to graze against my streaming faucet of tears. "If you take a foolish man's words to heart, it'll end up consuming you little Maus."
His touch is kind and unexpectedly welcoming. I wanted him to make an example of me, scold me for feeling anything other than cold indifference. But this? It's validating. My lip quivers, understanding his thoughtful words.
"I wanted it so bad, sir. I- wanted you," the words spill out of me before I can think.
I might as well have driven a stake through my own heart, realizing what I've done. Covering my truthful lips, I try rushing past him. But this human blockade of a man traps me in and I bounce off of his solid chest, like he's sandwiching me between self-doubt and excitement. And I think I might be sick in the head from how slick my pussy is in arousal. It's just the close proximity, I tell myself.
"Don't hide away from me, Sonnenschein," he groans, fingers traveling from my navel and between my breasts to my neck.
His thumb presses on the underside of my jaw as he grips my throat. He backs me into the wall, the frigid water baptizing us with an intoxicating sensation. His tan trousers part my thighs and the material makes me shiver with terribly filthy expectant thoughts.
"You've wanted me, the same way I've needed you Y/N?" he says shakily, those steel blue eyes never leaving mine.
He's drinking in my thoughts and expressions, not just my body.
"Yes-" I admit, trying to comprehend his feelings.
He exhales a quick excited breath and I can imagine the way his nostrils flare. König leans in, licking my tears away through the hood's material. His other hand snakes in between my folds, pinching and rolling my swollen clit. I gasp, my hips bucking as he grinds into me. Maybe I'm drunk off of the hypothermia, but I need for him to fuck the anxiety out of my pitiful head. His eyes dip down, urging me to touch him too. As I reach up and trace the outline of his bulge, I realize how hopeless my situation really is.
"Shit König, that's-" I moan.
"Help me out here, Y/N" he hums against the crook of my neck, rubbing small circles around me.
My hands are unsteady as I work towards freeing him from the confines of his trousers. I get quickly frustrated in anticipation, unable to undo this complicated belt fucking fast enough. My fingers dip into the waistband of his underwear and I jerk downwards. König's reddened cock slaps against my stomach at full attention, already leaking from its slit. My thumb runs over the sizeable head, smearing around his precum as I feel the throb of his racing heartbeat. He twitches, just as he did during my match with Zero. In a fell eager swoop, he reaches under my bare ass and thighs, hoisting me up to his level as if I weigh nothing. My back arches against the hard coldness of the tiles. His elbows fit like a puzzle piece underneath the crook of my knees as he lines himself up with my entrance.
"How patient have you been little Maus? How long have you waited for me?" König growls, reveling at the sight of me bent to his will.
It was the first of August, 2022. I was just a trainee then, five painstakingly long years ago. There I was, uselessly watching on as König, the insertion specialist, snuffed out twelve Al-Qatala members single-handedly. I held my breath with each shot he took, eyes glued to the drone cameras from a sentinel truck parked on the outside of town. This man saved fifteen women that day. And promised myself I would be just like him.
He teasingly smears my wetness up and down my lips with the head of his cock awaiting my answer. Up and-
"Since Berlin," I finally confess.
"Fuck-" he whines, forcing himself inside to the hilt against my pussy.
He's like a human fucking battering ram. And I'll let him use me. Break me down. He's pounding and pounding, his ragged moans altering into gravely cries. We are both balls of convoluted nerves, forced to mask ourselves and freed by each other's embrace. And once again I'm crying. Not from anger or my failures. It's because we share the same burdens and have finally found solace, in a raw emotional fuck.
My fingers dance around my clit, finding rhythm in his thrusts. His dick fills me completely, hitting every spot I never knew existed. I'm gasping for air in between sobs and the freezing shower's torrential downpour invading my lungs. Our foreheads press together as we warm our faces with moaning breaths. His musk still smells of a busy day's worth of sweat and mahogany, a delectable combination that'll haunt me. A reminder of the man who has now completely ruined my expectations for sex. But maybe this isn't it for us.
"Can I cum little Maus? Please god-" he whimpers, death gripping my thighs with no consideration for my sensitive bite mark.
I hiss at the pain, but it sends me over the edge. My cunt tightens in spasms around his cock.
"I'm- yes oh my god König," I cry out as he pins me up higher against the tile and unravels into me.
White stars flit across my vision and I hear ringing as if I'm in earshot of an oncoming train. I'm completely spent, slumping over onto his stiff body as my arms loosely grasp around the girth of his neck. I feel empty when he pulls out of me, but he stuffs his still hard member back into those tight khaki slacks. An ungodly amount of semen and my fluids to drip to the floor and wash away. But the water begins to run red. I tip my head back knocking against the shower wall, but the pain is dulled as my vision dilutes. Those steel blue eyes are struck with horror, staring at his bloodied gloved hands. I smile tiredly.
"Mein Liebling, you're bleeding. I'm so- shit, shit," his cadence reminding me of my own self deprecation.
König cradles me as if I'm some injured puppy he has rescued off the side of the road, delicately wrapping me up in my white towel from the railing.
"I can fix you. I'll fix all of this." he sniffles out.
I groan, cold, wet, and sore in his loving embrace. I'm a soldier and yet he's allowing my vulnerability just as he is allowing me to witness his. The ambiance shifts as his heavy boots pick up their pace in the hallway. I can somewhat recognize each corner we turn and the different floors he treads upon. We aren't going to the infirmary? König kicks open a creaky door with a thud, striding in as he caresses my head. In my weakened state I'm none the wiser, but I relax when he lays me down upon the pillowy grace of a mattress. I hear the unfamiliar grumble of a man from across the hazy room.
"I didn't know you had it in you, ya fuckin' animal," the blurry man says blowing out a puff of fragrant cigar smoke and giving König a firm slap on his back. I catch undertones of a British accent in his inflections. I'm freezing but a light sweat clings to my forehead, so Konig pushes my drenched messy hair out of my face with a sigh. I begin fading in and out with every other word of their conversation.
"Quit your bitchin'. I'll take good care of her. Now hurry up and go get rid of that sorry excuse for a sniper before he gets too comfortable," the mysterious man orders.
I blink, lightheaded and attempting to focus as the man turns my chin towards the dim light. He's illuminated enough for me to see his tight black mask concealing the entirety of his head.  Half of a skulled face mask is fixtured at the top. His dark eyes hold a sinister mischievousness, but his touch is gentle as he begins dressing my wounds.
"I'll be honest with you girl. We already had our pick of the litter for the team," he chuckles, tearing away at the tied gauze on my arm with his teeth. "And he wanted you from the start." 
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thefirstknife · 1 year
rip gambit you will be missed 😔
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Don't even know what to say tbh.
For those that don't know, the big State of the Game article came out detailing incoming changes and adjustments and all the big stuff. Gambit was mentioned! But at what cost. Basically, they are ceasing any kind of support for Gambit. What we have now is what it is. We will get the Dreaming City map back in TFS and they will add Shadow Legion and Lucent Hive as enemy factions in TFS. That's all.
Full text:
As many of you have noticed, we’ve been quiet on Gambit since last year’s overhaul that launched alongside The Witch Queen. In that revamp, the team made significant changes across five categories in Gambit: core activity fundamentals, Primeval tuning, invasions, ammo economy, and rewards. Unfortunately, these updates didn’t move the needle for player engagement. Although we know our Gambit fans mostly care about new or returning maps, this is an area of the game with lower engagement that would take resources away from more popular parts of the game to shore up.   While we don’t have plans to dedicate more resources to significantly transform Gambit, we do have a few updates planned for the year of The Final Shape. These include porting the Cathedral of Scars map and its beautiful Dreaming City setting into the latest version of Destiny 2, as well as adding the Shadow Legion and Lucent Hive enemy types. 
I don't know how to tell you this Bungie, but the reason "engagement is low" in Gambit is because Gambit sucks. Ever since half of it was removed with DCV, it just sucked. It has no variety, the gameplay is largely busted, it's not sufficiently updated, ammo changes suck, invasion cycle sucks (why is the enemy even getting a portal when their Primeval is at 5% health and the other team is still in mote collecting phase is beyond me), there are no cool armour sets to chase (just look at Iron Banner and Trials stuff, imagine dedicated cosmetics) and finally there are simply no weapons that are worth anything. Both Vanguard and Crucible have more weapons and also adept versions. There is zero reason to go into Gambit without major changes to Gambit. And now with the further changes to how playlists and challenges will work, there will be even less reason to go into Gambit. Observe:
Before then, we’re making Gambit entirely optional to maximize your rewards unless you’re looking for a piece of gear that’s specific to the mode. Gambit will continue to serve as a source of Exotic engrams via weekly challenges, though as we mentioned above, you’ll be able to complete all your weekly challenges in any ritual you’d like starting in Season 22. If you want to stick to Vanguard or Crucible challenges without touching Gambit, now you can.  We’re also reducing the number of Gambit-specific Seasonal Challenges starting in Season 22, so players won’t need to bank motes to be able to earn that big purse of Bright Dust for completing nearly every challenge in the Season. Finally, we’re adding Fireteam Matchmaking to Gambit next Season, which will replace the Freelance node and should result in faster, better matchmaking by combining both Gambit playlists. We’ll keep an eye on reception and player engagement after these additions take place, and we hope you’ll visit ‘ol Drifter next Season to get your hands on his new Void Machine Gun. 
Ngl, but I don't think anyone besides like a total of 6 people will play Gambit next season. The incentive to go in there is completely removed. You won't even have to go in there for pinnacles or for challenges. The Void Machine Gun will not be enough of an incentive because the chance of that gun being better than two recently available craftable Void Machine Guns (Commemoration and Retrofit Escapade) is very low. And besides, once you get it at the end of your first match, you can leave Gambit forever.
This is the feedback loop that just reinforces the idea that people don't like Gambit. And I mean. Who would at this point. I'm pretty sure that if Crucible had stayed the same as it was at the start of Beyond Light, engagement would be low there too. But you know. Crucible has received major updates pretty much every season since with multiple new modes, several Trials overhauls, Iron Banner overhaul, competitive overhaul, new armours and weapons added and YES, even new maps. God forbid even 5% of these resources went into Gambit.
Anyway, this is the whole section about Gambit in 6500 words. It's basically a "you guys aren't playing this so we're doing the bare minimum of keeping it in the game as is, no new work will be done on it ever." Thanks I guess.
And for the record, something I also added while having a rant in my discord, I want to make it clear that I don't want anyone to spiral into a Bungie hate train. Even for this. I understand perfectly well what's the community attitude towards Gambit and what it's been for years now. People just don't like it and they're not incentivised to like it and they're actively encouraged to hate it. Spending resources into a game mode on the hope that maybe you can change people's minds would be insanity. Like, the amount of change Gambit would need to MAYBE start appealing to gamers would be beyond any reasonable time and resources Bungie can put in. And if you could guarantee that people would love and play Gambit then, fine. But you can't. Most likely, even if major changes happened, people would still just do their weekly stuff and bail. It's simply not worth it. In order for people to like it, it needs to be completely and thoroughly overhauled in a way that would need more time and effort than the entire Light subclass overhaul and it's just not a reasonable expectation, nor is it guaranteed to work. So I get it.
I'm still disappointed and annoyed about it because I believe it wasn't given a fair chance at all. I also know how good it can be and how Gambit Prime could've been improved upon over the years if they tried. Instead, it got removed and that was honestly the death sentence for Gambit. It's unfortunate. It's my favourite game mode that could've been so much better was it given even a fraction of attention of Crucible.
I'll still be playing it. You will find me in the Gambit queue waiting for 2 hours to find 7 other lunatics to play with, don't worry about it. But I'm absolutely incredibly sad about them being basically forced to axe the potential of the whole game mode that is incredibly creative and fits with the type of game Destiny is perfectly.
There's other interesting stuff in the article and some upcoming really cool improvements and changes to the game. But if you're a fan of Gambit in any capacity, this is a death certificate for the mode. I suggest coming to terms with it quickly because Bungie changing their minds about this is highly unlikely.
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acidlake · 1 year
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Fireteam Pinion on anti-Shadow Legion Sweep, abandoned Golden Age Settlement, 22 klicks south of the Sulis Minerva Exclusion Zone.
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emmster · 4 months
Yo! I have a quick question about the destiny AU, is there a particular reason you chose the classes/subclasses, or is it purely by vibes(tm)
I guess both? It originally stemmed from a conversation I had with my boyfriend about what if the 141 were Guardians.
I chose Soap as a Warlock mostly because he is smarter than how the fandom makes him out to be. He’s in demolitions after all. (The Warlock kit can also make a lot of explosions too). I also just think he’d make a good one. Would complain about using Well though.
Ghost is a hunter mostly from in mw2 with the throwing knife kill and the banter between the two shadows about not seeing him coming. He’s still pretty large for a hunter. Takes him a while to really trust the light and his ghost.
Price has Titan vibes mostly definitely Arc and bubble when needed. Laswell is also a Titan (I went back and forth on if she’s a hunter but she’s very much a more reserved Titan in my opinion. I just like strong female titans. Like Sloan.)
Gaz is analytical like a warlock but a slippery warlock so devour voidlock and Stasis.
Farah is a gunslinger through and through also she would use strand. Alex is a Titan because he’s loyal, will run sentinel and banner of war. (Headcanon is they got risen together and find Gaz soon after and have been a fireteam ever since).
I also have HC for Alejandro, Ruddy and Valeria.
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weekend prompt: millinda and unintentionally ominous looming
Millinda is growing in my brain from 'haha how would these two interact' into 'oh Miller is her pet piece of wet bread.' I'm going to end up writing Blue Team makes Miller a real Spartan eventually, I just know it. Thanks for the prompt! (It got away from me)
Miller was finding that working with Blue Team, while incredibly stressful, was also incredibly rewarding. He felt like he was behind the camera of a nature documentary, watching in real time as the S-IIs wordlessly and flawlessly took down their prey. There was some chatter on TEAMCOM, but it was mostly from him doing overwatch.
Again, they adapted to the drills and scenarios immediately, including him and listening to what he had to say. His intel mattered. He mattered. There was no mistaking himself as part of Blue Team, but they had him at their disposal and made use of him. He helped before shit hit the fan and he wasn't playing catch up. Even if he left each session with Blue Team exhausted. Wire tight tension and the utmost focus for a prolonged period of time left his head hurting. Miller was being pushed to the limit and he liked it. Training with the best was like opening a door he never knew was closed to him. Troop movements and team cohesion and every other significant detail flashing across his screens let him direct them and grow.
That's how he found himself socializing with them beyond the desk job. Spartan Town was only so big. Blue Team was full of natural leaders, and their reputation preceded them by a country mile. That's why Miller was flabbergasted when Linda 058 singled him out.
"You want me as your handler?" He tries not to stammer.
The height difference between them was negligible but the confidence coming off Blue-4, Linda 058, was overwhelming. Jared could find some steel in his spine when it mattered, but not in the face of her many goggled helmet or piercing green eyes. It wasn't that she saw him and found him lacking - he got that from others - she pinned him in place with a look and left him feeling exposed. Like she could go for the kill in an instant.
She nods. "One sortie. Low risk. Training exercise."
Miller's dumbfounded. This is the chance of a lifetime, but the what-ifs are already shutting down his higher thought processes with anxiety.
"A solo op with me as overwatch? What about your team?" He grasps for some kind of stability to add to the conversation.
"Don't need a babysitter." She says resolutely.
"Wait, is this for me?"
"Training exercise." She says again, with a curt nod.
"Yes, I guess." Miller agrees and Linda nods again, barely a lift of her chin in acknowledgement and then she leaves abruptly.
And that's how Miller gets to see Linda 058 patrol the edges of Banished space. The factions were a mess and who better to recon than the Lone Wolf herself. It was easy to sneak an Owl down to drop off a single Spartan. Local flora masking her presence as soon as her boots hit the ground.
The mission goes well, for once. Miller is both by the book and trusting his gut. He doesn't chatter incessantly out of nerves, something he prides himself on after the fact. Instead he finds himself copying Linda's silent focus while keeping an eye on the bigger picture she cannot see. It's a weird feeling. One he can't label until it hits him.
Snipers don't go out in the field alone, unless they are exceptional. Linda let him see what that felt like.
He makes calls and marks points of interest, and even a few dropships. She trusts him to watch her back. In return, he has to trust her to make the right call. She goes closer to enemy fortifications than he'd ever want his S-IV Fireteams to go without proper intel.
"Blue-4, you're getting too close for quick extraction."
She flashes green once over comms. A moment passes and she flashes acknowledgement twice.
Enemy Detected.
Linda becomes a shadow in the underbrush and Miller goes into overdrive. He doesn't flood her HUD with markers, but notes her approach, the flight vectors the Banished Phantoms are following, and the warping on the helmet cam.
Miller squeezes every bit of intel out of the situation without impacting Blue-4's focus or giving away her position. He finds himself breathing in time with her. Slow and even, her vitals present onscreen barely show an uptick while he finds his own heart racing. She has her job and he has his. He does it and he waits.
The warping goes away, moving along the ridge line overlooking the Banished outpost.
Linda slinks back into the vegetation and towards evac. Neither of them let down their guard until lift-off.
Miller congratulates her, more out of habit than necessity and thanks her for the opportunity. It feels like brown-nosing, but the "thanks" she flashes back makes it worth it.
The mission was a success, and Miller relaxes - his second mistake. The first was agreeing to the mission in the first place. His third is having a publicly posted schedule on S-Deck with his fireteams' schedules. His fourth was discussing the mission and how to improve within earshot of Linda, not that he noticed her there.
Blue Team was no help. Kelly smiled at him when he approached them about Linda's newfound habit of popping up near him, randomly, at all hours. Miller had gained a second shadow, one that loomed over him and took his dessert when he wasn't looking.
"Working on your situational awareness." She had said.
He had yet to scream on comms, but it was a near thing when he noticed her in the vents of the Op Center. At this rate, Roland was going to get jealous over someone else competing for "who can give Miller a headache fastest?"
Miller just wanted his dessert and peace of mind back.
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of-golden-guns · 1 month
Titles of the Young Wolf :
The Hivebane, Crotas End, God Slayer, King Slayer, The Slayer of Oryx, Iron Lord and Saladins Young Wolf, Hero of the Red War, Protector of the Last City, The Chosen One, The Shadow of Earth, The Shadow of Calus, Avenger of Cayde 6, Spawn Killer, Rivens Bane, Queens Guard, Champion of Eris Morn, The Wish Keeper. Slayer of the Final Shape and Scourge of the Witness. Also : Neon Nerd, Meatbag, (from immaru) Slayer of: too many to put down on one post
Crippled the House of Devils by killing Riksis, Devil Archon and destroying Sepiks Prime Cleansed the Black Garden of Darkness by destroying the Black Heart Conqueror of the Vault of Glass and destroyer of Atheon, Time's Conflux Slayer of Crota, Son of Oryx in vengeance of the First Crota Fireteam and The Great Disaster Executioner of Skolas, Kell of Kells Usurper and Kingslayer of Oryx, the Taken King Destroyer of SIVA and Aksis, Archon Prime First of a new generation of Iron Lords Savior of the Red War and slayer of Dominus Ghaul Favored champion of Emperor Calus; Defended the Leviathan against Argos, Val Ca'uor, and Gahlran Destroyed Panoptes, Infinite Mind and reconciled the City with the exiled Osiris Slayer of Xol, Will of the Thousands in defense of the Warmind Avenged Cayde-6 by killing Uldren Sov and the Scorned Barons Slayer of Riven of a Thousand Voices and protector of the Dreaming City Reclaimant of the Black Armory Forges Thwarted an invasion of the Sol Divisive Vex and defeated the Consecrated Mind, Sanctified Mind, and Undying Mind Saved Saint-14 from his fated death by the Vex Mastered Stasis and defeated Eramis, Kell of Darkness Conqueror of the Deep Stone Crypt and slayer of Taniks, the Scarred Killed the High Celebrant of Xivu Arath and stopped an army of Wrathborn Chosen Vanguard champion and victor over Ignovun, Chosen of Caiatl Stopped the Endless Night and destroyed Quria, Blade Transform Aided Queen Mara Sov in rescuing the lost Techeuns and exorcising the Witch Queen’s worm Defeated Savathûn, the Witch Queen and the Lucent Brood Disciple Slayer of Rhulk, Calus, and Nezarec Mastered Strand and became savior of Neomuna Briefly tithed to the Hive God of Vengeance Eris Morn and slayed Leviathan-Eater, Bane of the Ammonites Protector of Riven’s lost clutch of Ahamkara whims as Taranis’s Wish-Keeper Became legend by destroying the Witness and ending the war of Light and Darkness eons in the making
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synnthamonsugar · 4 months
11. Sharing Secrets Eris/Ikora
With a dazzling sparkle, Ikora Rey transmats to Cadmus Ridge clad in long quilted robe and a full mask — half protection against the cold, half insurance against would-be witnesses. Still, her face burns with the sudden change in temperature between her orbiting jumpship and the inhospitable Europan air. 
Eyes watering, she spots Eris Morn, likewise head-to-toe in cold gear, shadowed in the icy crags of the cliffside, a sudden alertness in her typically hunched posture. She wants to sprint over, but maintains a casual pace until she's sure she's out of any lines of sight, closing the last few steps between them with long, fast strides. She and Eris lock in a tight embrace, comforted by each other's warmth against the biting winds, linked arms soothing the pain of each other's long absence.
This whole region of Europa is a Darkness zone. It's not the first time Ikora has had her Light suppressed, nor is there any threat of permanence. Still, she feels an amorphous ache of loss, sharpened by her inability to provide the sun's warmth in this moment. "I do apologize for the cold." 
"It's not your fault."
"What really happened here? I know about the crash — that one of the Bray facilities was destroyed in the process. There are ground reports that something inside caused this."
Whatever relaxation that settled in Eris' stance evaporates off. "In the course of removing VIP #2029's forces from the Exoscience Facilities, a fireteam led by VIP #2014 boarded an orbital weapons station. They prevented Taniks from launching a nuclear strike, but catastrophically deorbited in the process."
"By the Sky, Eris, tell me everyone's okay —"
Eris swallows, and the knot of anxiety that has settled in Ikora's chest since the beginning of all this tightens. "All six guardians and their ghosts are alive. VIP #2014 is still recovering as her Light slowly returns. She's repeatedly refused monitoring and off-planet transport. I don't believe she will budge on this matter . . . 
"I wanted to tell you — Vanguard surveillance and House Salvation signal-jamming be damned. I had half a mind to open an ascendant manifold to the Tower and deliver the news in person."
Ikora shakes her head. "Operational security is paramount. You did the right thing."
She doesn't relax. 
"And the Darkness?"
"Inside the Deep Stone Crypt lies an anomaly similar to the one on the moon. It was exposed in the collision."
"Inside—? Clovis Bray knew?"
"We recovered logs . . . he built the entirety of the exomind transfer process around it. VIP #0101 would be able to explain in further depth . . ."
Ikora's mind swims as she begins to consider the implications. Latent paracausality had long been suspected in exos, but she never would have guessed such a direct link. The history of the Golden Age would be reconsidered. Books would be written and rewritten. Scholars and theologians would debate what it meant for beings birthed of Darkness to walk among the Traveler's chosen. Her own views of humanity and the Light would change in ways she couldn't yet conceive. 
"Ikora? Are you okay?"
" — Yes. This is a lot to take in at once." 
"It has been for all of us."
The wind whistles over the canyons, a strange, reedy keening that's almost mistakable for a distant murmur of music. 
"Eris, how are you holding up?"
"I've been through worse," she replies dryly. "My companions are more troublesome than I'd like, but less so than I'd feared. Loath as I am to say it, we make a fine team, and I trust them despite everything."
Ikora feels a fraction of the weight in her chest lift. She'd been hesitant about Drifter's and Elsie's uneasy alliance with Eris — but Ikora's faith that Eris could navigate whatever challenges they presented was well–placed.
Perhaps, Ikora hoped, she was even a good influence on them. 
"And your research?"
"We have made significant progress in harnessing the powers first encountered in the Lunar Pyramid."
Rustling through the pockets of her cloak, she produces her ahamkara bone shard, alight in soft licks of green flame. Flexing her hand slightly, it extinguishes and crystallizes into silvery ice. 
"In our experiments, the use of stasis produces no insidious psychological or paracausal effects. It doesn't look impressive, but this represents a breakthrough. With the combined powers of Light and Darkness, even our most formidable enemies will crumble before us."
"The three of you are exceptional. Lightbearers are insatiable in their quest for new weapons. When word gets out, are you certain your results will be repeatable?"
"We are still people, Ikora, as vulnerable to corruption as any. We cannot stop a bad actor from using stasis to bad ends . . . but it will not induce corruption as other applications of the Darkness have. It is a tool in an arsenal; a powerful one, but without any motive of its own."
Ikora stares, transfixed, at the ball of concentrated stasis in Eris' hands. With another twitch, the ice dissipates. The bone reignites its wreath of soulfire.
"Will you learn with me?"
That was the question on Ikora's mind since Eris first spoke with certainty that the Darkness could be tamed. Was it not a Warlock's duty to plumb the depths of knowledge, to understand all that she can, to peer into oblivion, to chart her path past it? Learning stasis would make her among the first of her kind. A leader and mentor not just of warlocks, but of an entirely new class of guardians who walk in both Light and Darkness. A trusted elder of tomorrow.
She still finds herself saying what she told herself every time she considered it: "No."
"Why not?" Words that could have been confrontational from anyone else were gentle, almost pleading, from Eris' lips. 
The worry and doubt she so carefully manages threatens to overflow like sickness — does, in one rivulet of admission. "I may study it, but I can't use it. I must be a beacon of the Light."
"I won't try to change your mind."
Ikora loves this aspect of hers' and Eris' relationship: their ability to let each other be unapologetically who they are. To never feel the need to live up to or shrink away from reputations. Yet she considers a world in which she feels comfortable touching the Darkness, living up to her full potential without fear of optics, or others' judgment. 
The timer she'd set buzzes, signaling her departure.
"Please be careful. Aunor will keep looking, and I can't hold her off forever."
She and Eris press their faces together in a contactless kiss. 
"Until next time—"
"Clarity in action, love."
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wayfayrr · 2 years
alright I've been working on a destiny and LU crossover fic but cause its gotten out of hand and I'm busy with other things right now. I decided to post some of my headcanons about the crossover then the fic later on when I've gotten more written ^^
also since you asked to be tagged when I posted @cloudninetonine/ @shoobirino ✨
For this crossover the reader's taking the place of the young wolf from destiny, the travellers chosen, the fatebreaker, Godslayer.
Guardians are stupidly strong however they are also stupidly reckless, you can't really see death as a risk when you'll just get back up in a few seconds either way
The chain will not however, know this until after player dies right in front of their eyes, since player just assumes they know (based off of how civilians react to guardians here, if no-one reacts why would they assume that the chain will?)
Fun fact Twi’s shadow crystal looks near identical to pyramid tech within the game, so in this the twili were originally sealed for communing with the dark
Like how legend is usually the one suspicious of player, player would not trust twi for having (what they assume) something created by the witness not saying leg will be trusting of them at all
player is suspicious in their own right, and doesn't have the best or any social skills, a given since they're like 8 at max and don't talk to many people outside their own fireteam other than their commanders
(I was so tempted to have their ghost speak for them at first )
about their age as well, guardians can look much older or younger than they are chronologically since they look the same as the day they died before they were resurrected 
player gets to bond with wild the most over being dead and loosing all their memories but not wanting to get them back unlike wild.
there are a couple of different ways they could've gotten to hyrule, the one I'm writing is dink taking an interest in how they can wield stasis and other forms of darkness alongside the light, but I've also played with the idea that the vex wanted to get to hyrule for whatever reason
as for "player's" since they are still a player knowledge on the games, They have played some in this AU! Destiny is set in the post apocalypse so they managed to recover some of the games in a playable state (oop I've got an excuse to only write them knowing about only the games I've played)
That's the basics for this AU however I'm good to answer questions about it if anyone is curious
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lordshaxxhandler · 1 year
Destiny OC’s, Lore, & Stories
I will be adding to this post as often as I can 🤞🏻
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Full Main Story
The Burden of the Light
Master List of every Chapter on tumblr
Other/Short Stories
OC headcanons that are canon cuz I said so
Zavala & his office cat
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Name: Thera Wylie
Pronouns: She/Her
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dark Brown
Height: 5’10
Race: Human
Class: Civilian, Amanda’s right hand/assistant ops coordinator for the vanguard.
Romantic Interest: Lord Shaxx
Personality: Fun, outgoing, fearless, confidant, & a little girly. Thera knows she’s not a guardian but she wants to help defend innocents against the darkness just the same.
Fun fact. Thera has an Exo arm starting from her elbow on her left side.
Reference photo of Thera drawn by the wonderful @deicide-in-the-sewers 👏🏻🤩
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Introduction Short for Thera (1/3)
First Meetings
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Name: Behemoth-29 (cuz he’s beefier than Crow 😂)
Pronouns: He/Him
Eyes: White
Height: 6’6
Race: Exo
Class: Hunter
Ghosts Name: Flare (Female)
Personality: Doesn’t talk hardly at all unless necessary, Very intimidating but intentional and not, protective of his fireteam and friends, hides in the shadows and keeps to himself.
My art work of Behemoth in his street clothes with Flare. 🔥
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Introduction Short for Behemoth-29 (2/3)
Hunter vs Titan
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Name: Celeste
Pronouns: She/Her
Eyes: Gold/Yellow
Hair: Snow White
Height: 5’5
Race: Awoken
Class: Warlock
Ghost Name: Astral (Female)
Love interest: Iron Lord Saladin
Personality: Kind, caring to the point of worrying about others before herself, friendly, sweet, & confident in her self and abilities.
Introduction Short for Celeste (3/3)
Lost Protégé
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Name: Siph
Pronouns: He/Him
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Height: 6’0
Race: Awoken
Class: Titan
Ghosts Name: Oracle (male)
Best friend: Behemoth-29
Personality: Friendly but intimidating, focused to complete every mission perfectly, extremely protective of fireteam members.
Death by Hive on the moon. Giving his light and life for his fireteam.
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halobirthdays · 1 year
Happy birthday to Captain Thomas Lasky!
Today is his -486th birthday!
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Lasky was born on Mars to a military family. His mother, Audrey Lasky, was a colonel in the UNSC, and was largely absent from the lives of Tom and his older brother, Cadmon.
Cadmon also enlisted in the UNSC and was an exemplary soldier, setting records at Corbulo Military Academy, which both Tom and Cadmon attended, albeit at different times. Despite living in his older brother's shadow, the two enjoyed a healthy relationship and communicated often. This would end when Cadmon died in an Insurrectionist attack on Andesia.
After Cadmon's death, Lasky struggled to keep up with his brother's legacy at Corbulo. His Insurrectionist sympathies, despite the circumstances of his brother's death, marked him as a pariah among his peers. He was offered a medical discharge due to his sensitivity to required cryosleep drugs, but the choice would be made for him when the Covenant attacked Corbulo Academy.
During this engagement, he was rescued by John-117 and Blue Team, and learned of the Human-Covenant war for the first time. Shortly after his rescue, he commissioned into the UNSC Navy.
After the war, he rose to the rank of commander, and was assigned to the UNSC flagship Infinity as its executive officer. CINCONI Margaret Parangosky thought highly of him, and only approved of the assignment of Captain Andrew Del Rio because Lasky was assigned as XO.
During the Requiem campaign, Infinity became trapped in a gravity well which prevented it from leaving the shield world. He activated a distress signal, which was answered by Master Chief. Once Infinity was freed and they returned to the ship, Captain Del Rio ordered Infinity to flee, and for Master Chief to surrender Cortana, who was showing signs of rampancy. When he refused, insisting that pursuing the Didact was too important, Del Rio intended to have him arrested. Instead, Master Chief disobeyed orders and left to pursue the Didact himself, with Lasky quietly assisting his old rescuer by having a Pelican readied.
Once on Earth, Del Rio was removed from duty, and Lasky took over as captain of Infinity . Six months later, Lasky returned to Requiem to secure the planet for the UNSC with the help of Commander Palmer and her Spartan-IVs. While they shared some ideological differences, the two regularly protected the other from consequences from the brass.
Requiem would prove to be more than anticipated, and he would be forced to call in the help of war prisoner Catherine Halsey. This would unfurl into a series of events wherein Halsey assisted Covenant leader Jul 'Mdama as a means to a end--the UNSC was holding her prisoner, and 'Mdama intended to follow the trail to the Absolute Record--a catalog of all Forerunner technology and devices. This lead to disagreement between Lasky and Palmer, as Lasky wanted to spare the doctor, and Palmer wanted to carry out orders to execute her.
Eventually, Fireteam Osiris would rescue Halsey, just in time for Lasky to call on her once again to assist them in stopping Cortana and her Guardians. In 2560, Lasky and Infinity pursued Cortana to Zeta Halo, but were ambushed by the Banished. Infinity was under heavy assault, and Lasky commanded the crew to abandon ship. He escaped on a lifeboat to the surface, but his current status is unknown.
In canon (~2560), he is turning 50!
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flowers-of-io · 1 year
On the rare occasions when Neomuni daytime aligned with that on Earth, she sat in front of the small holoprojector built into the desk in her room and engaged in what Runi dubbed her “diplomatic work”. She still had duties tied to the recent political events, even on her self-imposed exile, and there were many calls to cram into the short window of time. Misraaks and Devrim came to mutual liking, fortunately, and conversations with them were often the longest, quickly brushing past the official business and drawling out into ruminations on Eliksni proverbs or exchanging war stories. Ór liked listening to them talk. They were so different — a Splicer-Kell and a museum guard turned soldier, decades of battle versus a calm City-dwelling — yet they conversed like years-old acquaintances, with politeness that never bordered on condescension. They talked about leadership and fatherhood, weaponsmithery and tea, about strange signal nodes in the EDZ and living as a Lightless in a world full of Guardians. In those moments she longed to be back on Earth, perched on the derelict couch in Devrim's belfry with a steaming mug in her hands.
There were other conversations as well, more and less official ones. Caiatl asked about the cooperation between her army and the Cloud Striders. Eido asked about access to the archives, and begged Ór to bring her an artefact or five to catalogue extensively. Ikora asked about Osiris. Petra asked about the Shadow Legion's ships, what they were armed with and how fast they could travel. Drifter asked about the artificial atmosphere and what the large generators sustaining it ran on. Her fireteam called once, asking if she was alright, and she ground out an unconvincing lie.
She didn't question them much in return. How the rescue efforts went, sometimes, how dire the situation on Earth was, who got themselves banned from Trials this week (that was mostly directed at Shinon). How setting up that new Gambit location on Europa was going.
She never asked about the Traveler.
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martyr-19 · 3 months
{"guardian_login": "Martyr-19" [”ghost”: “Prophet”]}
{“id": "0357"}
{"title": "Bio:BEV"}
{"type": "bioshare"}
{"created": "####-##-##”}
{“updated”: “####-##-##”}
Snippets of Bev’s Guardian profile.
{“guardian": "Bev"}
{“ghost": "Dogma"}
{“status”}} > active
{“stationed”}} > “Neomuna, Neptune”
> [hunter, human]
First Vanguard Note>>
[####-##-##] > C6 “They’ve got spark. Promising ark Hunter if they’ll get their head in the game.”
Last Vanguard Note>>
[####-##-##] > C6 “BRAT OWES ME 3000 GLIMMER!! Who taught these kids?? Couldn’t have been me, not with the bets they’re losing.”
Fireteam {1} Notes>>
[####-##- ##-] {“year 1”}
{V1}} No longer stumbling around like a newborn! They grow up so fast!
{S3}} Never send them in for stealth. They’re quick, not quiet. Great for getting in quick shots when the rest of us can’t find an opening.
{L}} They’re a little scatterbrained, but they keep spirits up. Ask them to make you a drink, you will NOT regret it. Love you, Bev! <3
{K}} I know they’re the one changing my profile name. I’m not dumb enough to have misspelled it every time. Pulling my ass out of trouble doesn’t excuse this.
{M8}} Reliable.
Fireteam {1} Notes>>
[####-##- ##-] {“year 2”}} “last recorded”
{V1}} Never stopped caring for you. You and Dogma must have each others backs. You will do great wherever they put you.
{S3}} Trust a Hunter to put a kill count first. Why couldn’t you learn to be quiet?
{L}} [No Comment Available]
{K}} [No Comment Available]
{M8}} It’s not your fault. Neither of them.
Latest Guardian Report>>
“The Vex are still pushing Neomuna. Nimbus says it’s a typical issue even in fuller force, and I’m inclined to believe them. Shadow Legion numbers are seeing a, thankfully, steady decrease and we’ve been in touch with Empress Caiatl on how to approach the lingering threat.
Submitting a request for the relocation of {titan, exo}}[Sentry-#] Sentry-3. She knows better than anyone how to organize the fireteams needed to secure the city.”
Based on the available data, the Guardian has undergone significant maturation over the years, as is expected among New Lights. They have demonstrated rising proficiency in mission leadership and the ability to deliver devastating blows to enemy support structures, frequently employing incendiary devices in their operations.
They appear to have re-established amicable terms with Sentry-3 and Vuass-4. While they are officially logged as having a fireteam, recent reports indicate they have begun requesting assistance from both Titans, which they have received. Interactions with Vuass-4 date back further than those with Sentry-3.
They had attempted this same reconciliation with Martyr-19 on [####-##-##]. Unfortunately, this had been mere hours before the death of the Hunter Vanguard.
My Guardian has been unsure how or if he should return communication after so long.
They have not sent further correspondence beyond their last, one week after the death of the Hunter Vanguard:
>>{BEV[hunter, human]}
“Never spoke to you after the split, but a Warlock shadowing the Hunter Vanguard is hard to miss when you’re— y’know— a Hunter. I guess you were close. Never heard you talk as much as you did around him. You going to do what you are seals it, right? Whispers around the Tower about you running off to hunt Uldren Sov.
Not going to talk you out of it or lecture you on ‘being the bigger person’. That’s not my job. I don’t think it’s anyones. Maybe Ikora’s. Zavala’s too? Did they try? Had to have, they’re the Vanguard. But then again the Vanguard slips every now and then— why wouldn’t they for a friend?
The loss you’re feeling? We get it. Hunters, I mean. Don’t know where this leaves us. But it stings. Bad. Plenty are feeling aimless, and angry, already. Don’t let it make you stupid. We’ve never had a track record of grief making us smarter, have we?
Not saying I don’t like what you’re doing.
If you make it back, and you really should consider not dying because a 50% survival rate from our original fireteam looks real bad, me and Vuass could buy you a drink. Big guy didn’t know what to say to you.
Don’t be a stranger anymore.”
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searsage · 1 year
Axolidis: Vandel Style! +fan Exotics!
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Hooly hot cross buns this took forever! Finally shes done!
We ended up with two outfits before i become sick of the time investment lol. Subsequently i got to make two of the Eliksni Exotic prosthetics i wanted haha!
*note the exotic is only the upper gauntlet of the dominant arms prosthetic, the rest is simply her being picky and wanting it to match because shes not tacky like her shell less meatbag companion's who seem to lose their sense in style every begining of a new season. Lol
Her field outfit is called the Luna shadow set! Originally sported leaves in place ofnthe fur but she lives with guardians who swear by the fur so terra seized it and put fur on it lol.
She will causually wear exotics because why not.
Some info on the two fan Eliksni exotics here! :
[Bic]Sickle sell
"In failing they will prevail…"
Traits: Sweet Dystrophy: Buffs fireteam's defense by 5% for every armour charge active, at the penalty of -5% resilience debuff to the wearer for each active tier.
*Rapid elemental final blows matching weapon type create a over shield matching class element.
[Bic]Frostman's wail
[Flavor text]
"There is no placating the fury of the bitter cold.."
*Negative Zero: Fireteam's stasis ability final blows have increased chance drop high tier elemental wells, with a lower chance to trigger freezer burn.
*Freezer Burn: inwhich all granade energy rapidly replenishes for a set time so long as the wearer takes no damage.
Moving on!
I love her casual garb i studied the people in the tower and the Eliksni in the helm and tried to merge the two styles ! Which was super fun! And of course the best shader ! Envious touch uwu!
Dont worry of you don't see her house Sigil, she never goes without it infact Libra-8 has tattooed it on her back carapace!
I also held back on fur becuase i wanted to see if i had it in me…cries.
Anyways hope ye like 8D
Relevant info for this character : 
Rescued from captivity on Nessus where she and her ketch were forced to undergo gruesome experimentations and simulations at the hands of the Vex, she a few the survivors of her ketch where eventually rescued by a fireteam or patroling guardians, unfortunately do to their long term captivity these traumatized eliksni had little knowledge of the alliance between the last city and the house of light.
This is resulted in their attempted rescue becoming alot more brutal then intended, luckily there were no casualties and the survivors were eventually transported to the last city…kicking and screeching.
While rehabilitation took some time, Axi is now stationed with her own fireteam of odd light zombies.
whilst her dominant left arm does not regrow (it was damaged too serverly, her recessive arm grows unstablly, permanently defective, and often needs to be docked bt her fireteam to prevent ingrowing, and other issues, its why she can be drawn with a stump or prosthetics. 
all in which she changes compulsively.
working on a causual outfit, face masks are a thing but not in the last city as Elksni have integrated in to the point where internal either apparatuses can be utilized for lighter more comfortable either absorption.
Thats not saying their still isn't bad blood between the two races, there definitly is and sadly Terra has knocked sevral guardians heads off who were a little too mouthy about having a eliksni on their fireteam.
Issues do arise when she is reluctant/scared to dock the malignant limb, it often ingrows/ becomes infected, and must be removed dispite her reluctance.
Situtations like this fall on Libra-8 the firearm's lead Titan to handle, and by that i mean if libra says you need to loose an arm your not leaving the room with the same amount of limbs. He will make sure of that.
Axo has learned this the hard way.
(For context: Terra is the fireteam warlock awoken, and Libra-8 is the titan fireteam leader)
Please do not use/trace/reference of/repost my art without my permission. Do not use this art unless you buy it, this is not Free to use, for rpg, oc, refs, ect DO NOT USE MY ADOPTS UNLESS YOU PURCHASE THEM!!
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halos-top-alien-model · 11 months
Sangheili Bracket Round 2 Match 12
More info below:
Rhu 'Vrath:
Debuted in Halo 5: Guardians (Mission Intel)
Once an assassin serving Jul 'Mdama's Covenant, he would infiltrate the Swords of Sanghelios for a mission to kill Arbiter Thel 'Vadam following the death of Jul 'Mdama and failed attack on Vadam lands. While in a camp between battles, Rhu would sneak into the Arbiter's tent for the kill, where he found the Arbiter readying his armor. Upon seeing the Mark of Shame on Thel's bare chest, Rhu would stop and question himself and his previous views on the Arbiter. He would then lose his opportunity as the Arbiter's eyes met his, causing Rhu to look away and abandon the assassination. Following this, he genuinely defected to the Swords of Sanghelios, taking part in further conflict in Nuusra as a Banshee pilot in Attack Wing Jardam. While flying, he would take note of Fireteam Osiris' contributions, reflecting on Jul 'Mdama's statements on humanity and their might.
Debuted in Halo: Fractures ("Oasis")
Once living on Glyke, Jat would follow Rojka 'Kasaan to Carrow after the destruction of his homeworld, helping found the city of Rak. When civil war broke out over disputes on how to deal with the humans that had returned to the planet, Jat chose to remain loyal to Rojka and believed in making peace between the two species. To that end, he shadowed a death squad sent to Masov Oasis to incite violence. He would later be discovered by a member named Ruha, who bested him in battle and attempted to execute him, only for a passing human teenager named Dahlia to rescue him. However, this rescue was only due to Dahlia not knowing his species, and she was quick to act uncomfortable around the grateful Jat, even cutting off his introduction so that only his first name is known within the story. Yet she would accept that Jat owed her a life debt and allowed him to escort her to Masov Oasis to seek aid for her ailing settlement. After dropping her off at the human trading post, he would later rescue her and two other humans being taken by hostile Sangheili. Only Jat and Dahlia would flee the oasis, chased by Spectres until they were ultimately forced into a confrontation. While fighting hard, Jat would ultimately be overpowered by four enemies. Just as both were about to be killed, Surakan Militia alerted by the humans they separated from arrived and rescued Dahlia - whilst one of the men callously killed Jat despite Dahlia's protests that he was her friend. Still, his death would not be completely in vain, as Dahlia would later save her home and used the courage he taught her to join the militia.
Additional commentary: MY FUCKING 11-PAGE BLORBO DARLING. What stalls me from constantly re-reading Oasis to see him in action is knowing the ending will always enrage me. He should have lived! He should have kept a lifelong friendship with Dahlia and become an important ally to Rojka! We didn't even get his full name ;_;
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