#first metaverse smartphone
marahuyos · 2 years
anon asked: I hope you still follow Jojo and Persona fandoms because I liked your crossover post there a few years ago. So here's my Jojo part 5 x Persona 5 prompt: Phantom Thief!Reader stumbled across a Palace of someone from Passione during a vacation to Italy, only for Team Bucciarati to accidentally caught you in the act
mara’s words: ISAJDLAFSDH HNGGG i missed that old piece of mine huhu, back when my hype for jojo was so high and it’s all i could ever think about HAHAAHH
part 1 | part 2
gn!reader | reader is the wild card and uses ace as their codename
tw: au (modern smartphones exist for the sake of plot) wearing, violence (guns, knives), blood
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It was supposed to be a vacation. How did it end up like this?
Really, you’d think you’d leave the Phantom Thief agenda aside and enjoy your vacation in the sunny country of Naples, Italy with your family (plus talking cat), and-I don’t know-have fun like a regular teenager? Just when you thought your probation last year was the highlight of your entire life, you’ve stumbled upon something worse than that.
Just why would there be a Palace right here in the hotel you were living in?
“We can’t just leave this alone.” Morgana stated, eyes narrowing at the sight of the search result from the Meta-Nav. “If this Palace continues to fester, who knows what will happen to your family?”
You gripped your phone tighter, the red eye of the app staring at you as if it was gloating. Yeah, your vacation is officially ruined.
“I’m sorry that this ruins your vacation,” he sighed, slightly pawing your hand, “but you know the consequences of letting this go more than I do.”
With a sharp sigh, you raised your hand and patted Morgana’s head. “I know. That doesn’t mean I don’t hate it.”
He purred at your ministrations. “Still... just what were the chances of us finding a Palace here in Italy? I thought the Metaverse and the cognitions were only back home...”
“No use thinking about it now.” You said, standing up from your bed. “Let’s just get this over with.”
He quickly sprung out of the bed. “Right you are, Leader! Now, let’s go!”
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Blanco Squacquerone-your tour guide for your entire trip in Italy-has a Palace.
It was purely by chance that you inputted his name in the Meta-Nav. A ‘why the heck not’ kind of moment where you were sure nothing could happen. But to your horror, something did happen, and you were regretting past you that opened the goddamn app.
Behind the hotel was a small alley that the hotel uses for trash disposal. Dumpsters hid your figure against the busy street life in the afternoon of Naples as Morgana hopped off from your bag. He sniffled against the stink of the alley but he didn’t raise any complaints.
“I think we’re safe here.” Morgana said. “Now, let’s go see what kind of Palace Squacquerone has.”
You opened the app and immediately started searching. “Well, the obvious one is his name and the place.”
Seeing the words Blanco Squacquerone and Naples were on the search bar, you looked at Morgana. “But what could his palace be though?”
He hummed, tail curling behind him. “There wasn’t much of an impression ever since I saw him...”
And it was true. Squacquerone was your average, jolly tourist guide, ready to give foreigners a grand tour of his home country. There were no red flags appearing in your head when you first met him. The 180-cm man with pale blond hair slicked back with copious amount of hair gel and smiling brown eyes was nothing but a jovial old man. It just didn’t seem right to you that someone so eager has a Palace. In you and Morgana’s ruminating, you failed to notice the clicking of dress shoes stepping closer and closer into the alley.
“Aw, might as well take a page off of that stupid Ryuji...” Morgana groaned out. “How about typing ‘colosseum’? Like the one where we were supposed to go in our itinerary?”
You raised a brow but complied anyway, typing the correct word and tapping ‘search’. Immediately, the whole world distorted, black and red clouding your vision as you felt the familiar pull of the Metaverse drawing you in. The scent of the salty breeze was long gone, replacing it with a heavy and earthy scent-enough to make your lungs feel heavy for each breath you take. Now, in your Phantom Thief garb, you surveyed the entire changed Palace.
“Well damn...” You whistled, staring up ahead. “Your guess was right on the nose.”
The colosseum was an exact replica of the Roman Colosseum, except for the fact that there were people-or cognitions-dressed in tattered garb and shackles on their wrists and ankles all lined up towards the Palace. Inside the building, the sound of metal clashing and tortured screams rang out, making your blood run cold.
“Was there any more doubt, Ace?” Mona said smugly, crossing his arms. “Anyway, we should proceed with caution. We don’t know if Palaces are different when we’re in a different country so be careful leading us in.”
With a nod, you took your first steps inside the Palace of Squacquerone. That is-until you stopped.
Quickly drawing your gun, you knelt fast down to the ground, turning your upper body to aim behind you. The person behind you let out a surprise grunt, sidestepping away from your gun as you heard the sound of zipping. Quickly summoning Arsene, he blocked the oncoming attack. White fists in blue armor were stopped by Arsene’s clawed hands, the mystery limbs leading to a white bodied apparition with blue armor and gold zippers.
“Wh-Who are you?!” Mona yelled, scrambling for his cutlass to help you. The apparition pushed itself away from Arsene, one of it’s arms aiming forward and detaching itself from the elbow and aiming at Mona.
“Change!” You called out, Arsene immediately switching out to Cu Chulainn to block the attack. To your horror, once the fist hit Chulainn’s spear, it disassembled into pieces as the fist hit Mona.
“Mona!” You yelled before grunting and aiming at the person who dodged your gun. The apparition drew back, it’s other arm drawing back before aiming for your gun. Knowing its attack, you switched Cu Chulainn to De Beauvoir as she casted Tetrakarn. The screen reflected the fist as the caster immediately keeled over in pain.
“Nice one, Ace!” Mona praised, quickly stepping closer to you as he pointed his cutlass at the person. “Now, who are you?! Why did you attack us?!”
The person appeared to be a man, with a black haired bob cut and braids on top of his head as his suit was a pristine white with black teardrop patterns. He had his hand in his own clutches, clearly in pain. When he lifted his head, his blue eyes burned with determination that you nearly gasped at how brightly they burned.
Aiming your gun at him once more, you raised your finger against the trigger. “Talk.”
He continued to breath heavily, the adrenaline already wearing down as he panted softly before speaking. “I didn’t expect Squacquerone to employ Stand Users. Let me ask you this: just how much did he pay you to betray Passione?”
You and Mona looked at each other before looking back at the man. It was Mona who answered for the both of you. “Stand? Passione? What the heck are you talking about?”
This time, he furrowed his brow. “Don’t play games with me. You somehow summoned me here in this warped reality and summoned multiple Stands. Just how much did he pay you to betray us?”
Feeling that this interrogation was going nowhere, you pocketed your gun back as you gestured Mona to do the same. “It appears we have a misunderstanding.”
And so, you explained to the well-dressed man what you and Mona were set out to do. Starting with how you were vacationing here in Italy and being a Phantom Thief back home. Then, you explained about the Metaverse, how you were able to access it and the whole reason why you and Mona are hunting down Squacquerone.
As onto the discussion of Personas...
“So those... Personas you summon... They’re manifestations of your heart?”
For someone who attempted to kill you, he was surprisingly calm as he listened to you. Mona was even more shocked, commenting that he never met a man that easily accepted... whatever the hell that you just said to him.
You nodded. “Well, at least from my understanding. But based on your explanation on Stands, I guess our powers aren’t too far off, are they?”
He didn’t answer, instead continuing to grip his hand. You tore off your mask, summoning De Beauvoir and before he could call back his Stand, you quickly placated him.
“I’m gonna heal you!” You said as your Persona casted her healing spell onto him. He stared back at his own hand, moving and rotating his wrist in awe.
“Why would you heal me?” He asked you, standing up to his full height as he stared down at you. Those blue eyes never seemed to falter.
So you returned the feeling back. “I felt like you were a good person.”
It looked like he didn’t even try to hide his surprise as he stared agape at you. But he quickly seized his expression back. “... So how are you able to leave this place?”
Mona answered for you. “We have our own way back using their cellphone but don’t think that we’re gonna up and leave this place because you don’t like it here!”
He glared at Mona, making the cat cower slightly. “But I am. I’m under direct orders to bring Squacquerone back to Passione alive. However, with the circumstances changed...”
He looked at the two of you before continuing. “I’m bringing my squad here. I don’t trust the both of you to lead me to Squacquerone so I’m having my own backup.”
“H-Huh?!” You gasped out. “But that’s already trouble as it is with you!”
“Yeah, they’re right!” Mona agreed. “You being here was a complete accident!”
“Then you must rectify your accident, no?” He replied coolly, crossing his arms. “If you continue to disobey, you should know that I have the guest logs in the hotel that you’re staying in as well as those loyal to me guarding this side of Italy.”
You gulped. He looked like he wasn’t bluffing.
You nodded begrudgingly.
He hummed. “Good. I’m Bruno Bucciarati. Now, get me out of here so we can get this done swiftly.”
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It was a painful wait for the rest of Bucciarati's squad to come here.
Fiddling with your sleeve, you and Morgana waited at the back alley of the hotel for Bucciarati. It was clear that you wanted to say something to alleviate the awkward silence but what is there to say? One would definitely be rendered speechless when an Italian gangster threatens your entire family on your vacation.
Even Morgana, as chatty as he is, was rendered into pawing an empty can. The scrape of the metal against the cement was the only thing grounding you into reality. You think that this is deja vu; you butting in into business that isn’t your own and ultimately paying the price for your nosiness. Maybe if you had ignored the Palace call, then you could’ve enjoyed your vacation alongside your parents. Maybe you could’ve bought more souvenirs than your luggage can manage for the rest of the team back home.
Alas, as you watch Morgana swat the can, you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Hearing sets of different footsteps, you straightened up. Morgana ceased his can swiping and immediately stood alert, ears facing forward. Bruno led his squad into the back alley. They all looked like complete strangers-like you would never expect them to be part of a group. But the way that they follow Bucciarati was something you took notice of.
"Apologies for the wait." Bucciarati said. You waved your hand to signal it was alright before taking a closer look at the rest of his squad. One of them sauntered up to you, peering at you from underneath his eyelids as he easily flourished a knife in his hand. You steeled yourself in not wanting to show fear. They were still part of the Italian mafia and you're just a defenseless teenager.
"You sure this is the guy that's gonna lead us to Squacquerone?" The boy sneered, taking a once-over of you before staring back at your face. "They look barely older than me!"
Another gangster looked over his shoulder and this time, you reeled back not from fear, but how you can smell his body odor from that far. You swore you heard Morgana sneeze.
"I'm not one to think twice but how did a kid like this manage to rat out one of the sneakiest traitors in Passione?" He scoffed. "You look like you can barely shoot a gun!"
Your trigger finger twitched.
"Mista, Narancia. Stand down." Bucciarati demanded. They immediately backed off, not before giving you one last glower.
The white-suited man stepped forward. "Don't mind them. It was partly my fault for giving a rushed run down of what I've experienced."
"Ah..." You sighed out, scratching your cheek with your forefinger. "I don't mind. Honestly, I still don't know how you still believe me after all of that."
"It's not a matter of belief," He denied, "Squacquerone has been evading Passione for fae too long. This... method of yours is probably our best bet."
You awkwardly let out a small huff of laughter. "About that... See, your guy isn't actually in the place we're going to--"
A loud 'Hah?!' echoed in the back alley as you flinched when the boy with the orange bandana marched up and pointed at your neck with his knife. "You telling me this is all some goddamn joke?!"
You raised your arms up in fear of him actually committing to stabbing your neck. "L-Look, it's Squacquerone's Shadow that we're after! Once we find him and his Treasure then he'll willingly confess his crimes!"
"Narancia, stop!" Bucciarati yelled. "They're a valuable asset on getting us closer to him and getting us out of where we're going. Don't be hasty!"
The boy, Narancia, growled before taking away his knife as you let out a breath of relief. Another boy, taller than Narancia, but for some reason has holes in his suit, walked forward. "Bucciarati mentioned something about Shadows and Personas... Tell me, how did a person like you manage to do that to Bucciarati?"
The hidden words were there: how did a random foreigner like you accomplish something a well-established mafia couldn't?
You pulled out your phone, punching in the keywords immediately. "Well, I can show you."
"Keywords accepted. Entering Palace."
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hyphenscs · 2 years
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A big shout-out to all our fellow startups and founders from YourStory Media Tech 30: India's Most Promising Startups 2022 Cohort! I would be grateful to you for sharing show your support by helping spread the word by: 1) Following their brand pages 2) Sharing the good work done by them with relevant stakeholders 3) Referring prospects and relevant opportunities 4) Collaborating and partnering with them 5) Sharing feedback for improvement And any other way that adds value and helps each of them become bigger, better, and faster! Aerobiosys Innovations Private Limited Clinical needs for Critical Care Algorithmic Biologics Molecular discovery and diagnostics. BugBase Global marketplace of ethical hackers CARPL.ai World’s first testing and distribution platform for healthcare AI. Clairco (Clean Air Company) Reduce indoor air pollution using nanotech and IoT at zero capex Convrse.ai Marketplace for metaverse developers Dextroware Devices Hands-free control of smart devices with simple head movements Dharaksha Ecosolutions Converts crop stubble waste into biodegradable packaging material DTOWN ROBOTICS PRIVATE LIMITED Unmanned aerial/ground solutions ECOSTP Technologies (P) Ltd. Patented zero-power, zero-chemical sewage treatment system ElectricPe Building India’s largest electric vehicle charging platform EVRE Manufactures technologically advanced EV charging solutions GalaxEye Space Fusion-based imagery data via satellites from space Hyphen SCS Building India’s biggest warehousing and fulfillment platform INDICOLD Tech-enabled B2B cold chain solutions provider Jivika Healthcare VaccineOnWheels, ChemoAtHome, and Health&Wellness CentreOnWheels Kazam Operating system for EVs and their peripherals LightMetrics Making roads safer everywhere through an AI platform NeoDocs (YC S21) Provides smartphone-based instant lab test kits Neuranics Lab Builds a 10-minute diagnostic platform using just two drops of blood Nosh Robotics (Euphotic Labs) Deep-tech startup building home robots that cook delicious food Onmeta Quickest on/off-ramp solution for Web3 businesses Saathi Pads India’s only biodegradable and compostable sanitary pads Savvology Games creates original Game Theory-based two-minute games Simyog Technology A virtual laboratory for electromagnetic compatibility. Solinas Medical Inc. Robotics and AI solutions to eliminate manual scavenging TechXR Innovations Private Limited 3D mouse for smartphones UrbanMatrix Technologies : Provides an operating system for drones. VayuJal Technologies Private Limited : patented technology extracts water from air WYLD : Wyld offers India’s first social currency card, Read https://lnkd.in/dPX5Y3AH arunpandit.com #healthcare #india #tech #startups #founders #technology #ai #yourstory #tech30 #startupfounders #startupindia #arunpandit #hyphenscs #techsparks2022 #innovation #startup #warehousing #pauneetnanda #top30
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blindrapture · 2 years
SO YOU'RE ASKING YOURSELF, "hm! VR has been around for a little bit of time now, it seems like it's teetering on the edge of my Circle Of Interests, I might not get into it yet, but I wonder how one could get into it? I know basically nothing about it and what it requires!"
See, there's two main concepts to keep in mind: PC VR, and standalone headsets. - PC VR is the "real" experience; you upgrade your computer to be super expensive and powerful, then you buy a headset and plug it in, and you can play whatever you want. Your PC is the actual "game console" here, and this is the ideal way to do it because it's... it's a PC, you can do what you want. Half-Life: Alyx is PC VR only. (I do not have PC VR yet. I rely on my brothers for that.) - Standalone headsets are the entry point. They do not require a PC, as the "game console" is built into the headset. Just put the headset on, and you're going. These are analogous to a smartphone, in fact the best and cheapest option on the market literally runs on Android. As a result, they are walled gardens; they aren't nearly powerful enough to run proper VR games, so instead they have their own app stores with downgraded ports (and some mixed exclusive content).
That aforementioned "best and cheapest option" is the Meta Quest 2. I have a Meta Quest 2, my dad has one, my brother Nathan has one. We keep seeing them sold in secondhand shops, the price is analogous to a Nintendo Switch. And the thing about the Quest is it's.. actually.. really decent. Like. You are required to connect it to your Facebook account, which is gross. But it is easily hackable, and one of the things you can do is hack it to no longer be stuck to your Facebook. Then you can put Half-Life 1 on there, and Doom 3, and Minecraft. There's plenty enough storage space for it all. And once they're on there, boom, you have them on a standalone headset. Pick up and play. (and, frankly, the base capabilities of the Quest 2 are fine enough too! browse the internet? check! YouTube in VR? check! Resident Evil 4 in first-person VR? somehow, check! fucking Myst? check! VR Chat, for chatting to your friends as cute anime girls in video game levels? check!!! you will get the substantial Wow experience of VR as a medium just from a Quest 2. you will also get bored of it within a week. and that's fine too. that's how it goes.)
BUT THEN, here's the clincher: a standalone headset, Definitely Including Quest, can be plugged into/synced with a PC. So, rather than invest in the 1000-dollar Valve Index for marginally better immersion, seriously, consider the Quest, it is considerably cheaper and functions perfectly fine as a PC VR headset. All you'll need then is just to upgrade your PC.
"But Jordan! The Quest is a Meta thing! I don't want anything to do with Zuckerberg's creepy Metaverse!" Y'know what, you're right. That is a very difficult thing to stomach. That's why I hacked into my Quest on day 1, and that's why whenever I do go on my headset I spend a lot of time rolling my eyes at the dumb milquetoast Corporate Entertainment vibes much of the UI gives off. This is one reason I do not use my headset much. Like, once every several months. And I can afford to have a piece of tech lying around I'll rarely use. I grew up like this, I am used to this and know how to work with it. That's why I'm not telling you you should definitely do any of this. And if you really do want VR but refuse to touch Meta with a ten-foot pole, well, Valve is working on a sorta Super Deck that is built for standalone VR, so keep an eye out for that in the next few years!!! Just. Y'know? For the VR scene right now, and this is a sentence that amazes me, Meta legitimately do present the most affordable and accessible option on the market. I actually have something like respect for this; they prioritized getting the tech out there and getting it cheap, because that is what VR needed. And, really, it's Oculus that did all the work; Meta just bought them, is all.
So. So yeah. That's my loose little guide. Best option is to wait for VR to get cheaper. For the impatient, best option is to get a Quest 2 for the price of a Switch. You can play it standalone, and it will also function as a perfectly fine PC VR headsset when the opportunity presents itself.
I ain't gonna pressure anybody to jump into this. I like VR being a lonely thing. It feels right. But there's the information for you.
"Wait, so if I do want to upgrade my computer for PC VR, what then?" Seek out a blogger who knows computer hardware. :D
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govindhtech · 5 months
LPDDR5X DRAM: Behind Next-Gen Smartphones, AI, & AR/VR
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Samsung LPDDR5X First-rate, low-power premium DRAM
With 20% more power efficiency and 1.3 times quicker speeds than the previous generation, premium low-power LPDDR5X DRAM is pushing the low-power DRAM market to new heights, enabling high-performance PCs, servers, and automobiles.
Acceleration of the bar Massive volumes of data are now readily available to us thanks to the digital transformation age. LPDDR5X is here to meet the demand for better, faster memory as emerging technologies such as 5G, AI, AR, VR, autonomous driving, and the metaverse require high-performance memory to make that data usable. With incredibly fast data processing capabilities of 8.5 Gbps, this memory solution is designed to get the rapidly expanding IT industries ready for the future.
Superior power savings A memory this powerful was only possible because to cutting-edge circuit designs and the most sophisticated 14nm manufacturing technology available.
The LPDDR5X has greatly improved performance while consuming about 20% less power with to dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS). This reduces carbon emissions by extending the operating life of your mobile devices, such as laptops and smartphones, and lowering the CTO of your data centre servers.
Facilitating innovations beyond mobile devices LPDDR5X, with its innovative 64GB capacity, powers the fastest PCs and the most demanding servers and provides high-performance memory to more devices than simply laptops and smartphones. Furthermore, the AEC-Q100 approved LPDDR5X memory offers consistent performance in a range of conditions, including extremely high temperatures, making it the perfect memory option for high-stress automotive settings.
The Automotive Electronic Council’s (AEC-Q100) industry-standard specification describes the evaluation processes used to gauge the reliability of electronic parts used in cars. DVFS refers to the process of modifying the voltage settings on a computer’s different processors, controller chips, and peripheral devices in order to maximise power savings when the resources are not needed and optimise resource allocation for tasks. Introducing LPDDR5X DRAM: Transforming Mobile Performance LPDDR5X DRAM blazes a trail in mobile technology, delivering unmatched performance and economy. As mobile devices add features, quicker and more dependable memory solutions are needed. Next-generation LPDDR5X DRAM will transform smartphones, tablets, and other portable devices.
Understanding LPDDR5X DRAM: A Tech Wonder LPDDR5X DRAM is the pinnacle of memory technology. LPDDR5X sets new mobile performance standards with breakthrough speed, efficiency, and battery consumption improvements.
Unmatched Speed and Efficiency LPDDR5X DRAM‘s rapid data transfer speeds improve mobile device responsiveness and multitasking. At up to 8.5 Gbps per pin, LPDDR5X allows resource-intensive applications including gaming, multimedia streaming, and multitasking.
Energy efficiency is optimised without sacrificing performance with LPDDR5X’s superior power-saving features and clever bandwidth management algorithms. This careful balance between speed and efficiency allows mobile devices to deliver uncompromised performance while extending battery life, guaranteeing a seamless user experience all day.
Redefining Mobile Performance LPDDR5X DRAM redefines mobile performance beyond speed and efficiency. Device manufacturers can unleash a plethora of unique features and capabilities by maximizing LPDDR5X, pushing the limits of what is possible in your palm.
LPDDR5X boosts mobile creativity and productivity with professional multimedia editing and high-fidelity gaming. LPDDR5X helps mobile devices operate better than expected while switching between apps, taking great photos and videos, or immersing oneself in immersive AR experiences.
Continuing Evolution: LPDDR5X Use When integrated into real-world mobile devices, LPDDR5X DRAM shows its genuine capability in many usage circumstances. Let’s see how LPDDR5X changes mobility across domains.
Mobile Entertainment Redefined: Gaming In mobile gaming, every frame counts, LPDDR5X DRAM rules. LPDDR5X delivers lightning-fast data access and ultra-low latency for stutter-free gameplay, making mobile gaming console-like. As gamers fight in fierce multiplayer conflicts or explore large open worlds, LPDDR5X delivers unmatched performance and responsiveness.
Photographing and filming every moment in stunning detail LPDDR5X lets mobile photographers and videographers capture and process high-resolution photos and films seamlessly. The rapid data transfer speeds of LPDDR5X expedite picture processing activities like real-time HDR rendering and AI-powered scene identification, allowing users to record spectacular moments in stunning detail. LPDDR5X captures every frame with precision and refinement, whether shooting dynamic vistas or cinematic masterpieces.
Enhancing Mobile Professionals’ Productivity Today’s fast-paced world requires productivity, and LPDDR5X gives mobile professionals the means to keep ahead. LPDDR5X lets professionals edit spreadsheets and hold video conferences on the road thanks to its quick memory access and flawless multitasking. Professionals can maximise downtime for invention and cooperation with LPDDR5X devices.
Enjoying the Future: LPDDR5X and Beyond LPDDR5X represents human intellect and innovation as they look ahead to mobile technology. LPDDR5X enables a new generation of mobile devices that defy expectations and push the limits with their unmatched performance, efficiency, and versatility.
Digital work, pleasure, and connection are expanded by LPDDR5X, from immersive gaming to professional content creation. With LPDDR5X leading the mobile world, the future is brighter than ever.
LPDDR5X LPDDR5X DRAM could revolutionise memory across devices:
Faster Speeds Data transfer speeds will improve. LPDDR5X may reach speeds above 10.7 Gbps in the future as manufacturers push the limits.
Higher Capacity
High-resolution displays, advanced AI processing, and feature-rich apps will necessitate higher memory capacity. Future LPDDR5X packages could have 64GB or more.
Advanced Power Management Chip density make power consumption management increasingly important. LPDDR5X’s efficiency will improve with power-saving technology including adaptive voltage scaling and sleep modes.
Wider Adoption LPDDR5X is mostly found in high-end smartphones. As the technology evolves and costs drop, mid-range smartphones, laptops, tablets, and VR/AR devices may adopt it.
Integrating HBM and other memory technologies could create a unified memory solution for high-performance computing.
LPDDR5X specs These are potential future LPDDR5X DRAM uses:
Gadgets with AI LPDDR5X’s low-power, high-bandwidth design is suitable for smartphones, wearables, and smart home devices’ AI processing.
AR & VR LPDDR5X provides quick data processing and high memory bandwidth for these immersive technologies.
Cloud Gaming LPDDR5X speeds data flow between devices and cloud servers, improving cloud gaming.
Driverless Automobiles LPDDR5X’s AEC-Q100 certification makes it ideal for autonomous vehicles’ demanding memory needs, assuring stable performance for key tasks.
LPDDR5X DRAM will deliver high-performance, low-power computing in mobile and embedded systems. Its promise for faster speeds, bigger capacity, and wider usage makes it intriguing to watch.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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ankitaacadereality · 5 months
How do you access the Metaverse in the physical world and fully immersive 3D ones, too?
The Metaverse is a fresh and developing concept. It is a collection of virtual worlds that allows users to engage in different activities in the physical world. For instance, users can play games individually or in groups, shop, visit friends and family, and attend concerts. Accessing a fully functional Metaverse is the talk of tomorrow, yet users can do plenty with it, beginning with the minimum investment in the Metaverse development company is the start. To gain access to Metaverse, a user must build an avatar, create content, navigate the Metaverse, and interact with other users. Metaverse development services use augmented and virtual reality to give users access. In the current scenario, Metaverse has earned popularity for its premium technologies. With Metaverse, group activities, and social gatherings have experienced a virtual boost. Continue reading this article to learn more about how you can access Metaverse from the physical world and what it offers. 
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Different Technologies that Allow Metaverse Access from the Physical World
You do not need much technical equipment to access Metaverse from the real world. With Metaverse development technologies, you can access Metaverse even from your smartphone. However, the following technologies will give you a fully immersive experience-
Computer: If you want more than what a smartphone is capable of providing, a computer with good memory and graphics can help enhance your experience. Check whether the Metaverse world you intend to use has specific PC requirements. 
Virtual Reality Headset: To enter the 3D Metaverse, you need hand-operated controllers and VR headsets. The headset contains an audio speaker and two screens. 
Augmented Reality Glasses: AR glasses are similar to goggles and hold the potential to boost your VR experience by overlaying digital objects on real-world objects. 
Gaming consoles: A gaming console is not a required tool for accessing the Metaverse. However, it can be beneficial as it can connect other equipment, like a VR headset or a microphone. You can have an immersive experience if you want to socialize in real-time with added equipment. 
What Does Metaverse Offer You to Do?
Although Metaverse development services are still developing Metaverse, various options are still available today. From concerts and gaming to even working in this digital space, the world of Metaverse offers a plethora of opportunities.  
Create and play games
To create games in the Metaverse, you need a comprehensive understanding of coding, game design, and 3D modeling. Different tools, such as Roblox Studio and Unity, are available to achieve this. Each game has its strengths and drawbacks, so be sure to carry out thorough research before choosing one. After you've designed the game, the next step is to publish it in the Metaverse. A professional Metaverse development company can guide you through the process. 
Purchase real estate
To purchase real estate in the Metaverse, you will need to get some cryptocurrencies. Blockchain-operating Metaverse platforms require cryptocurrencies (like Ethereum and Bitcoin) for purchasing and trading. After you get a few crypto in your wallet, you can invest in virtual real estate. 
The virtual land is divided into parcels, each with unique features and coordinates. Investors can purchase many parcels and mold them into anything, including virtual mansions or virtual storefronts. You can buy anything from small houses or apartments to an entire skyscraper(s) and personalize it according to your needs. Apart from buying and selling, you can also earn profits from it. 
Host Virtual Events
Hosting virtual events in the Metaverse can connect people from all over the world. First, you need to choose a world that matches your preferences and then set up an event space. Next, promote your event through social media to get potential attendees. You can also use Discord and Telegram (crypto-specific channels). Include event information, like time, date, and if there are any special speakers or guests. 
Get moderators to help manage the event to ensure smooth operation and keep things on track in the Metaverse development platform. 
Sell Virtual Goods
Selling virtual goods is one of the most popular activities in the Metaverse development platform. This is profitable for anyone talented enough to create digital content. A professional 3D artist can design virtual furniture, clothing, and other objects and sell them to other players. 
In the same way, a game designer can design weapons and other items for the game. One advantage of selling virtual goods is that you don't have to ship these items or need a physical inventory. You can deliver your goods to the buyers immediately and get paid in cryptocurrencies. With this, you can set up a virtual store quite easily. 
Moreover, the Metaverse development platform offers a large market for selling virtual goods. As the Metaverse grows, more individuals are spending time in this digital world, creating a constant demand to produce new virtual goods.
For more information about AcadeReality , contact us: https://www.acadereality.com/contact-us/
Final Words
The Metaverse is still in its infancy, but whether you love or hate its concept, it is here to stay. It may take years for the world to see its full potential, yet it is not entirely out of our reach. Several business owners and organizations are embracing this digital technology and looking for different ways to use and monetize it for a good reason. Businesses can leverage innovation in networking, advertising, and marketing with the vast opportunities Metaverse has to offer. 
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pranavblogs · 8 months
6 reasons why ibentos is the most relevant metaverse platform for businesses
Once a concept, today a multi-billion dollar technology, the Metaverse has grown multifold in a very short span of time. Today the metaverse is growing exponentially and businesses, especially the larger ones are hoarding the industry with new prospects and supporting technologies to assist and empower it. Market leaders like Meta, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, etc., are already miles ahead in the race and are building marvels that not only deliver an experience but also work as self-sustained business outlets for them. But even the metaverse is no longer just a buzz and has enough substance to capture the global market, there’s one issue yet not much addressed.
While businesses are running constantly towards building their brand on the metaverse, there is a great void in the market for a robust yet fun metaverse platform that can cater to almost every category of business, be it small, medium or large or be it from any industry. Understanding the need of the hour, we, at ibentos, have built a Metaverse Platform, that can transform the way businesses are built, nurtured, scaled and most importantly, how they interact with their stakeholders, including customers.
Why Should You Choose the ibentos Metaverse Plaform?
Addressing the galloping demand in the market for an immersive 3D platform that not only allows an enjoyable and engaging experience for attendees but also empowers businesses to build their brands on it, where customers can experience, shop, connect, interact and engage seamlessly, ibentos brought its Metaverse Platform. But, the ibentos Metaverse Platform is built with a vision to make Metaverse accessible to every business in the world, seeking to penetrate the global market and become a popular global brand. To understand how ibentos makes this possible, let’s check out the unique and industry-first features that make ibentos the best metaverse platform for businesses.
1. A No-Code Metaverse Platform
That’s true! The ibentos Metaverse Platform is a highly futuristic yet simplistic No-Code Metaverse platform that allows brands to maximize functionality without setting up a tech team to manage it. Moreover, ibentos works closely with its clients and manages the end-to-end implementation of the Metaverse platform from ideation to execution, hence no DIY complexities for brands.
2. Not Just VR, It’s Compatible to Mobile, Laptop & Desktop
Most people relate Metaverse to JUST VR (virtual reality), but in true sense, its just another medium to experience the Metaverse, but can be really expensive, hence limiting the audience. But the ibentos Metaverse Platform is designed to prioritise accessibility without compromising on quality. With this every brand can deliver their attendees the same unforgettable experience of the metaverse on smartphones, laptops, desktops and VR as well.
3. A Metaverse with FREE Virtual Land
Buying virtual land for setting up your business on Metaverse with any other Metaverse platform could be a must, but with the ibentos Metaverse Platform, it’s for FREE! No need to pay thousands of dollars to buy virtual land for setting up your metaverse corporate office, a virtual storefront or for hosting a grand event because it’s FREE for businesses on the ibentos Metaverse Platform.
4. Quickest Metaverse-Ready Platform for Businesses
Metaverse is an opportunity and opportunities shouldn’t be delayed, especially when it can take your brand to the next level. Well, that’s why with the ibentos Metaverse Platform, you can create your personalized unique world and land your business on the Metaverse in just a few steps, within minutes! Check out the quick guide to creating your first metaverse. (link to “How it Works”)
5. Low-Cost Metaverse - A Metaverse for Everyone
For High-valued brands like Adidas, Apple, Burberry, Google, Gucci, Hyundai, Louis Vuitton, Meta, Nike, Prada, etc., stepping into the metaverse to transform their brand experience could be easy, but with the ibentos Low-Cost Metaverse Platform, businesses of all sizes, net-worth and industry can create their own personalized, highly-immersive, interactive, engaging and feature-packed, unique virtual worlds to interact with their customers, host events, launch products & NFTs and establish their global presence at highly affordable prices.
6. A Fully Customizable Metaverse
Want to create a Metaverse that looks like your brick-and-mortar corporate office? Maybe make it look like the tallest building in the world or a huge office from the future? Bring your imagination to reality! Metaverse provides you with an opportunity to create a world of your choice. Choose your theme, your design, your colours and your look & feel or simply go ahead with available templates and with ibentos, you already know, the virtual land is FREE. Build your business on Metaverse as you like, with end-to-end customization and personalization.
The Next Step
The global brand-building scenario is changing rapidly. The consumers are looking for trendsetters and niche-builders, especially GenZ consumers, which roughly comprise more than 68% of the global audience. Hence, for businesses, it is a non-exemptable measure to play the card of Metaverse as soon as possible. For this, businesses need a leading metaverse platform that can bring together impressive environments, interactive elements and robust backend to create humanized virtual experiences at affordable prices. This is where ibentos steps up to the pinnacle. With its advanced No-Code Metaverse that offers end-to-end customization, multi-platform compatibility, realistic 3D graphics, quick turn-around time, and cost-free virtual land provision at high affordable prices, ibentos becomes the best choice for businesses looking to step on the Metaverse train in the blink of an eye. And you can begin the process right now, in just a few steps- Connect with us for a FREE DEMO!
Experience business transformation in a different world of breathtaking immersive brand experiences at ibentos.
Source: https://ibentos.com/blogs/6-reasons-why-ibentos-is-the-most-relevant-metaverse-platform-for-businesses/
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sultanaislammow · 8 months
The digital people of the metaverse are already showing signs of full-scale outbreak.
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In the field of the metaverse, digital humans HE Tuber  are considered a relatively advanced technology, and many typical cases have emerged.
"Liu Yexi", who debuted under the label of "a virtual beauty expert who can catch monsters", is a relatively eye-catching existence among digital people. On short video platforms, her works have received tens of millions of likes. In 2021, It can be said that he is a phenomenal digital person. With the huge attention, "Liu Yexi" pointed out a bright prospect for commercial cooperation, which is to use this as a traffic entrance for commercial cooperation . Because of their fashion and freshness, digital people are more likely to have an out-of-circle effect than real people, and are favored by many companies, especially companies targeting young people, who often prefer digital people.
Baidu also launched the digital human Xijajia. Not long after his debut, Xijia became the first virtual recommendation officer for McDonald's products, and then successively landed on naked-eye 3D large screens in Chengdu and Dalian. In CCTV News' first "Super Release" "AI deep cultivation, all things grow - Baidu World 2022" online conference, Xijia also appeared as the AI ​​planning officer and host of the conference, which fully reflected the role of digital people in various fields. Plasticity and adaptability.
Live streaming, singing and dancing, hosting events, image endorsements... The application prospects of digital people are extremely broad, and these applications have already been implemented, rather than just an expectation. Let us return to the value of digital humans in the metaverse, which is to undertake the production and transmission of information . For metaverse links such as "people-things-field", digital people are well-deserved core digital assets and elements. Various industries can be empowered by it and inspire more creativity.
The Toubao Research Institute has given a forecast that is very optimistic about the future development of virtual digital humans. It is estimated that its market size will reach 270.3 billion yuan by 2030, among which identity-based virtual humans will dominate the future development. Realistic progress also confirms such predictions. The launch of digital talents such as Liu Yexi and Xi Jiajia has been applied in scenarios such as live streaming and marketing, opening up business logic and realizing commercial monetization. This is also Promotes the positive cycle of digital people.
Compared with other technologies that only cost money but make no sound, digital people do have full potential.
3. The XR ecosystem of the Metaverse, Apple opens a window
What the Metaverse brings to humans is a digital life experience, and the level of this experience is limited by the level of hardware. From thin and light AR smart glasses to high-definition display VR all-in-one machines, many iterations of XR devices have brought us one step closer to realizing the metaverse .
Of course, XR is more than just a helmet or glasses. It covers VR/AR/MR and other related technologies. It is the next generation experience revolution and computing platform, an advancement in the integration of the digital world and the physical world, and an integration of computing power, connection and display. revolutionary upgrade.
Meta, Microsoft, Apple and other giants have invested heavily in XR, and have made a lot of progress in near-eye display technology, perceptual interaction technology, etc. It can be said that as the next generation hardware carrier, the current development status of XR is very similar to smartphones Entering the turning point stage of rapid development.
Just a few days ago, Apple launched its first-generation mixed reality head-mounted display device, Vision Pro. This is a device that is worn in the form of glasses. You can navigate with your eyes, click and scroll the screen with your hands, and give commands with your voice.
The revolutionary breakthroughs brought about by Vision Pro are surprising. It virtually eliminates latency, with new images arriving on the display in 12 milliseconds, faster than a human can blink. It even cooperated with Zeiss to customize optical inserts that can be magnetically attached to the lenses to facilitate services for myopia people. Such emerging hardware has a great boost in building the XR ecosystem.
With the help of corresponding hardware, XR will realize two major trends, from real to virtual and from virtual to real, and ultimately move towards the vision of the metaverse integrating virtual and real. Of course, it seems that after the hardware follow-up, XR needs to have a corresponding content ecosystem to truly retain users.
Apple released ARkit in 2017. At that time, it was not clear how far-reaching this move would be. However, through it, a large number of AR applications have emerged in the Apple Store. There are now tens of thousands of them, which has greatly enriched the entire XR content. ecology. What's more valuable is that these applications are by no means "generating electricity for love", but can actually provide benefits. According to Meta, as of February 2023, there are already 200 applications that can earn more than $1 million in revenue from Meta, and their number has increased by 44% compared with the same period last year. Moreover, Meta’s Quest series already has 6.37 million active players.
It can be expected that relying on 5G infrastructure and hardware support, the expansion of the XR ecosystem will gradually achieve the integration of virtual and real, forming a positive cycle of hardware-content-ecology . It can be said that the gradually evolving XR ecosystem is waiting for the arrival of a killer application.
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From Metaverse to Mobile Mastery: Top Tech Trends to Watch in 2024
Buckle up, tech enthusiasts! As 2023 draws to a close, the winds of innovation are already swirling, whispering secrets of what's to come in 2024. From the mind-bending realms of the Metaverse to the ever-evolving landscape of mobile and web development, exciting trends are emerging, poised to reshape the technological landscape. Join us as we delve into the hottest tech trends of 2024, predicting what's bound to captivate and disrupt.
Hot Tech Trends:
Metaverse Mania: The Metaverse isn't just a buzzword anymore; it's a burgeoning reality. Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are shedding their gimmicky skin, transforming into powerful tools for immersive experiences, from gaming and social interaction to education and healthcare. Expect to see a surge in Metaverse-focused development, with businesses scrambling to carve their niche in this virtual frontier.
Mobile-First Mindset: The mobile revolution isn't slowing down. With smartphone penetration reaching new heights, businesses must prioritize mobile-first experiences. Think intuitive interfaces, lightning-fast performance, and seamless omnichannel integration. App development will remain a crucial battleground, and businesses that master the art of mobile engagement will stand out.
AI Takes the Wheel: Artificial intelligence is no longer science fiction; it's infiltrating every facet of our lives. From chatbots that understand your needs to algorithms that predict your next move, AI is transforming industries and streamlining processes. Expect to see AI-powered solutions become increasingly sophisticated, blurring the lines between human and machine intelligence.
Cybersecurity in the Spotlight: As our reliance on technology grows, so does the threat of cyberattacks. Businesses will need to prioritize robust cybersecurity measures, from data encryption to multi-factor authentication. Expect to see increased investment in cybersecurity solutions and a rise in awareness about online threats.
Sustainability Steals the Show: In a world grappling with climate change, tech has a crucial role to play in promoting sustainability. Expect to see a surge in green technologies, from renewable energy solutions to eco-friendly software development practices. Businesses that embrace sustainability will not only benefit the planet but also attract environmentally conscious consumers.
The Appson Advantage:
Now, let's talk about how YOU can harness the power of these trends and stay ahead of the curve. At Appson Technologies, we're not just tech trend watchers; we're tech trendsetters. Our team of skilled developers, designers, and strategists are equipped to help you navigate the ever-changing tech landscape.
Staff Augmentation & Developer Hire: Need a crack team of developers to bring your vision to life? Our staff augmentation services connect you with top-notch talent, on-demand, allowing you to scale your team seamlessly and tackle any project with confidence.
Mobile & Web Development Expertise: From sleek native apps to user-friendly web interfaces, we craft digital experiences that captivate and convert. Whether you're building a groundbreaking Metaverse platform or a simple yet effective mobile app, our expertise ensures your success.
As the new year dawns, the tech world is brimming with possibilities. By embracing the hottest trends and partnering with the right tech experts, you can unlock your full potential and thrive in the ever-evolving digital landscape. At Appson Technologies, we're your trusted guide on this exciting journey. Let's build the future, together.
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ladookhotnikov · 10 months
Metaverse Is a Good Tool. Millions of People Will Find Work
Is the Metaverse a toy for you? Then look at your phone. For some it is just a fashion accessory, but for others it is a real tool.
We are so used to our smartphones that we can hardly imagine ourselves without them. They have become a part of everyday life, our main assistant in work and communication. How do you feel when you are left without communication even for one day?
The Metaverses are the same: at first, they were entertainment, and now they have become a space where you can work, communicate and create.
What to do? Follow the trends. Psychologists will be able to provide better services, developers will find new markets, and travel companies will pave the way for virtual travel around the world. Who wouldn't want to experience the atmosphere of different countries by choosing the perfect destination for their next vacation?
Metaverses are a serious tool. But simply by owning it you cannot become a master, just as you cannot become an artist by picking up just a palette. Creating works of art requires time and effort to study, practice, and develop skills.
The world is preparing for the next wave of transformation, and if you do not reconsider the development strategy now, during the “build-up,” then soon this will need to be done “on the fly”.
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ailtrahq · 1 year
On the Lex Fridman podcast on September 28, the computer scientist and Mark Zuckerberg engaged in an hour-long conservation sitting thousands of miles apart as photo realistic avatars. Needless to say, the internet was blown away. Zuckerberg and Fridman could see each other’s avatar’s on through Meta’s Quest 3 headsets and noise-canceling headphones. This is the third time Mark Zuckerberg appeared in the podcast, but this was the first time he appeared as a photorealistic avatar. The social media platform X (formerly Twitter) was abuzz. Lex Fridman also posted that this was his very first experience with him and it looks like they were talking in person but in reality, they were miles apart. Observers often have fun trashing Meta for losing Bbillions of dollars into Metaverse research only to produce Cartoonish avatars. But this time, Meta has proved all of them wrong with these realistic avatars. Many X Users Are Praising the Realistic Photo Avatars Coder Jelle Prins wrote that while watching the podcast, he had forgotten that he was watching avatars. The metaverse podcast involving these realistic avatars dilutes the difference between reality and virtuality. Fridman commented on X that he had already forgotten that Zuckerberg is not real. This technology is the newest version of Codex avatars. It was first revealed in 2019. This research project aims to create fully photorealistic, real-time avatars by way of headsets and face-tracking sensors. Users on social media seem to be genuinely impressed by the sophistication of the technology. A pseudonymous user wrote that Metaverse is officially real. This is a rare moment of seemingly genuine praise from a user typically known for his sarcastic take on the current event. The photorealistic avatars of Fridman and Zukerberg in their conversation show that  metaverse avatars are bridging the gap between virtual and real avatars. It could mean a marked departure from cartoonish and rough avatars. Mark Zuckerberg confirmed that users would have to wait a few years before slipping into their realistic photo avatars because the tech used to create these involves highly expensive machine learning software. The other special requirement for this is full head scans by specialized equipment featuring more than 100 cameras. Zuckerberg maintained that the company wants to lessen the gap as much as possible, explaining that in the future, regular smartphones will be able to pull off these scans. This demonstration comes one day after Meta unveiled its answer to ChatGPT – Meta AI – which is integrated into a range of unique chatbots, apps, and smart glasses.
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coinatory · 1 year
From VR to Mobile: Meta’s New Horizon for Universal Metaverse Access
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Mark Zuckerberg and Meta are taking their metaverse Horizon Worlds to the next level by expanding its reach beyond VR headsets to smartphones and computers. In a blog post dated September 15, the company revealed it has begun the early access rollout of the first Meta Horizon world for mobile and web users. For now, the only available game within this platform is Super Rumble, a frenetic first-person shooter game that was initially exclusive to VR. The game allows two to six players to engage in quick five-minute battles. Meta promises that more games and experiences are in the pipeline and will be added in the coming months. This early launch is only available to a limited number of users via web access or the Meta Quest app for Android, with an iOS version expected in the upcoming weeks. Meta's aim is to gradually extend this
Read more on From VR to Mobile: Meta’s New Horizon for Universal Metaverse Access
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qocsuing · 1 year
MWC Shanghai 2023 live updates
MWC Shanghai 2023 live updates
Our analysts Ethan Qi, Jene Park, Soumen Mandal, Ivan Lam, Shenghao Bai, Archie Zhang, Shaochen Wang and Alicia Gong are currently attending MWC Shanghai 2023 (28 June - 30 June). In the following posts, you will experience the full force of our presence at MWC Shanghai as we provide unique insights from our analysts and reveal the industry-shaping impact of this remarkable gathering.To get more news in shanghai china, you can visit citynewsservice.cn official website.
During MWC Shanghai 2023, Meizu showcased a range of products and technologies, including the Flyme Auto intelligent system-enabled EV models, the Meizu 20 flagship smartphone series, Titan glass and the EcarX Antares 1000 Pro computing platform. Launching in March 2023, the Meizu 20 series features the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 SoC, 6.5-inch OLED display, 144Hz refresh rate and UFS4.0 and LPDDR5X memory combination. The Meizu 20 INFINITY Ultimate Edition features a dual-sided suspended titanium glass design, highlighting the emerging trend of flagships in China competing to adopt more durable glass materials. Meizu also expects its Flyme Auto system to emerge as a guiding beacon for the deep integration of the smartphone and automotive ecosystems.
Huawei showcased its recently launched smart eyewear product, Huawei Vision Glass, alongside a range of smartphone models and consumer IoT products. Launched in December 2022, Huawei Vision Glass features a micro-OLED display that provides an immersive experience equivalent to a 120-inch virtual giant screen. It features 1080p full HD resolution and 480nit brightness, and supports a wide colour gamut of 90% DCI-P3. It also comes with ultra-thin smart speakers and offers adjustable diopters from 0 to 500 degrees.
ZTE highlighted the nubia Pad 3D, which features the unique "3D light field" technology for superior naked-eye 3D viewing quality. It also incorporates AI eye-tracking for real-time adjustment of the most comfortable viewing field. Leveraging AI's deep learning neural network algorithms, it enables instant conversion of 2D content into 3D. At MWC, ZTE announced collaborations with ecosystem partners such as China Mobile Migu, Jiangxi Kejun, China National Publications Import & Export (Group) Corporation and Datang Xishi to provide a wealth of applications for naked-eye 3D scenes in areas such as film and television, live streaming, gaming, education, healthcare, cultural tourism, online conferencing, exhibition display, advertising and more.
China Mobile has collaborated with Metaverse ecosystem partners to establish the China Mobile Metaverse Industry Alliance. It unveiled the first group of 24 alliance members at MWC. The alliance includes content provider Mango TV, content and software development tool providers such as Unity, AI technology leader Iflytek, and hardware companies such as Huawei, NOLO, HTC VIVE and Xiaomi. They will prioritise collaboration in four key areas - metaverse content creation, XR terminals, key technologies and computing networks.
During his keynote speech at MWC, the Chairman of China Telecom revealed that the company is actively pursuing innovative advances in the architecture of the simplified 6G network. The research is mainly focused on key core technologies, including P-RAN and air-space integration. China Telecom will continue to work closely with standardisation organisations and industry partners to promote the establishment of globally unified 6G international standards.
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crynotifier · 1 year
Adidas Originals and BAPE Collaborate on Limited-Edition Sneakers with Digital Twins - Crynotifier
Adidas Originals and BAPE Collaborate on Limited-Edition Sneakers with Digital Twins - Crynotifier
In a unique blend of fashion and technology, Adidas Originals and BAPE have unveiled a limited-edition sneaker collaboration for the Triple-White Forum 84 BAPE Low. This collaboration is not just confined to the physical world; it extends into the digital realm with a “digital twin” NFT version of the sneakers that can potentially be worn in the metaverse.
The Collaboration
The collaboration is supported by the Adidas /// Studio (Three Stripes Studio), and the auction will be centered around redeemable NFTs via the Adidas Collect platform. This marks the first time that Adidas will use an auction format for an NFT-driven drop.
The sneakers feature BAPE’s iconography via a shooting star motif on the lateral upper and the “A Bathing Ape” logo embossed in metallic silver foil. The white colorway, in contrast to previous camo iterations, is tied into a narrative hook around a “pristine laundrette, located in the heart of a mysterious desert.”
Digital Twin Concept
Each pair of sneakers is equipped with an NFC chip, placed in the left tongue, which provides the owner with access to its NFT-based certificate of authenticity when scanned with a smartphone. Once the access pass NFT is redeemed for the physical shoes, owners will also receive a “digital twin” Ethereum NFT that will be “interoperable” with Adidas’ ALTS avatar project. This suggests that owners will be able to wear their kicks in the metaverse as well.
Auction Details
The Adidas Originals x BAPE “Fresh Forum” access pass NFT auction will begin on August 22 and run for 72 hours until August 25. Just 100 Ethereum NFTs, corresponding to one of 100 pairs of sneakers, will be made available.
Holders of Adidas’ 2,298 ALT[er] Ego “Soles”—sneaker-specific traits that make up one of the eight ALTS NFT traits available—plus members of the BAPE: (B)APETAVERSE community will have a complimentary 10% premium added to their bidding price, giving them a bidder advantage.
Bids can be placed according to shoe size, and while only one bid per size can be active at any one time, prospective purchasers can bid as many times as they want. Bidding starts at 0.3 ETH (about $550 at present) and there is no maximum bid.
The 100 winners of the Adidas Originals x BAPE NFT auction will be able to burn their tokens to redeem the physical sneakers and digital twin starting on September 26 via Adidas Collect, with shipping set to begin in October.
This collaboration between Adidas Originals and BAPE represents a significant step in the integration of fashion with the digital world. By offering both physical sneakers and their digital twins, the brands are exploring new avenues in the rapidly evolving landscape of NFTs and the metaverse.
The launch is also the third part of a collaboration celebrating BAPE’s 30th anniversary, reflecting the ongoing synergy between these two iconic brands. As the lines between the physical and digital worlds continue to blur, collaborations like this one are likely to become more common, offering consumers new and innovative ways to engage with their favorite brands.
The Information contained in or provided from or through this website is not intended to be and does not constitute financial advice, investment advice, trading advice, or any other advice.
New Post has been published on https://crynotifier.com/adidas-originals-and-bape-collaborate-on-limited-edition-sneakers-with-digital-twins-crynotifier/
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eventblogger · 1 year
VR Gaming in Your City – A Petite & Potent Introduction
We were introduced to virtual reality (in its mainstream form) first and foremost by Samsung. The South Korean tech giant introduced its very first headgear along with the Samsung Galaxy S7 series for just Rs. 8,200. Ever since the technology has evolved into something completely unprecedented. Nobody saw this coming. And now we are talking about the metaverse and brands like Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, and many more are investing in creating virtual spaces for consumers all over the world.
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But let's not digress. We are here to talk about virtual reality games in Mohali and how they are becoming big not just in India but across the globe.
The Concept Of Virtual Reality Tracking:
There are gadgets, sensors, tools, and controllers that enable you to use virtual reality technology to its maximum potential. These sensors are attached to gloves, controllers, arm pads, shoulder pads, jackets, the headgear itself, and also the headphones that come attached to the entire setup. This is what allows you to enter into the virtual realm. Once you put on the headgear, the digital interactive imagery that you see somewhat becomes a part of your life for the time being.
The sensors attached to your body allow you to feel various sensations such as the movement of the air, water sprinkling around, the heat of the sun above, and also the pressure of bullets being fired, and the weight of the falling building on your head as you interact with the various elements in the virtual world. The sensors are able to track your movement and manipulate the 3D surroundings accordingly so that they become more realistic to you.
Samsung really made a breakthrough with its quad HD displays back in the day. All you had to do was buy the Samsung headgear and insert your smartphone into the slot. The high pixel count was able to ensure that no matter how up close your eyes were to the screen, there was no pixelation at all. The headgear would produce high-quality video and would give you an experience of being present in the footage. It could be any live content such as a cricket match, real-time rendering video game, or even your favourite OTT series.
Room-Scale Virtual Reality:
This concept of virtual reality games in Chandigarh makes use of the space that you are in. For example, if you are in your bedroom, an open-air cafe, or a gaming arena, the gaming elements would be dispersed across the space, utilising every surface, furniture piece, wall, door, window, table, and much more. Instead of being stuck in one position, you can move around and enjoy the game as if it was for real. This creates a very high level of immersion because when you move in real life, you move in the game as well. This gives you a higher level of control and the game feel becomes even more authentic.
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Seated Or Standing Virtual Reality:
Seated and standing virtual reality gaming is very popular. It is also more affordable and far less exhausting too. You can experience some of the most popular VR games in Mohali in your nearest shopping malls, cafes, restaurants, and even fairs and exhibitions. They have lightweight sensors, pads, and other wearables that can be attached to various parts of your body. They're highly entertaining and needless to say a game changer for several brands in the market.
What You Need For A Fun VR Gaming Experience:
A virtual reality headset
A stand-alone VR setup
A compatible computer with enough ram and graphic cards
Free space to roam around
Originally Published at https://theamberpost.com/post/vr-gaming-in-your-city-a-petite-potent-introduction
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govindhtech · 9 months
5 Life-Changing Generative AI Marvels!
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5 life-changing generative AI applications
Generative AI unlocks AI’s infinite capacity.
Upon ChatGPT’s 2022 November beginning, everyone on earth has been charmed by AI. ChatGPT launched generative AI, which uses models trained on massive data sets to produce new content from basic text or voice cues.
Before large language models (LLMs), AI apps and solutions examined data and produced predictions from a small data set. Traditional AI is used in autonomous system control, chatbots, customer service agents, fraud detection, game playing, natural language processing, recommender systems, risk analysis, system management, and security surveillance. Traditional AI applications will develop, but generative AI provides new doors.
LLMs can detect, summarize, forecast, and produce unique text, audio, pictures, and video from massive data sets. AI gains powers previously reserved for humans.
1. Content creation
Generative AI’s first focus is content creation modifying or creating new material. This might be an email, article, blog post, poem, or narrative.
In audio format, generative AI responses might be voice responses, noises, or songs. This includes realistic or fantastical images, graphic design, and adding or eliminating features. When paired with music, a video format just a collection of images can become a game, movie, synthetic game character, or even a metaverse world.
Generative AI makes creating educational content easier. Healthcare providers may employ generative AI for patient rehabilitation training, and educators can improve learning curricula.
AI content creation has almost limitless possibilities.
Design is a promising topic for generative AI. Generative AI encourages combining materials, style, environmental data, and technical expertise to make garments, automobiles, consumer items, structures, and more. This gives any company that creates a product of any size or form the opportunity for unique or customized designs, decreased time to market, greater flexibility, and better dependability, while offering a new tool for DIY projects.
2. Customization
Personalized digital assistants with contextual awareness and human-like communication will change civilization with generative AI.
A recent interview with Durga Malladi, SVP & GM, Technology Planning & Edge Solutions, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., suggested that this assistant, accessible from your car or smartphone, could recommend a restaurant based on your preferences, dietary restrictions, and location, make a reservation for you at your likely arrival time, and possibly place your dinner and drink order.
Generative AI might create your diet, workout regimen, entertainment schedule, and bills.
 3. Code creation
Generative AI creates code, the foundation of all modern technology.
Generative AI may help programmers design, test, update, and maintain code across an application, saving millions of man hours and assuring timely upgrades.
This is crucial when autonomous devices and sophisticated applications increase code complexity and size.
4. Natural UI
Generative AI is revolutionizing device interaction. Text and voice interpretation has greatly improved, enabling chat-like device interactions to complete tasks.
Voice may be more intuitive than touch for gadget interaction. Chatting with a gadget is easier than finding an app, using it, or finding a setting. It simplifies and democratizes user experience.
Generative AI speaks English, Chinese, Spanish, binary code, pictures, and almost any modality. This allows different applications, programs, and devices to effortlessly solve the machine-to-machine communication interface problem and enhance your life.
Generative AI makes it easy to check your car’s tire pressure, read the washing machine warning message, and restrict your phone’s blue light at night.
Generative AI offers almost limitless scientific research and analysis possibilities. The capacity to suggest, predict, and simulate interactions is valuable for drug development, chemical analysis, material design, and atmospheric modeling.
When data is scarce or hard to get, generative AI may mimic data to assist research and analysis. Scientific advances will continue with generative AI.
Possible outcomes are unlimited.
As with every groundbreaking technology, its influence on applications, use patterns, and sectors will be greater than expected.
It’s hard to imagine how many uses generative AI has.
Some will contain standard AI uses. All of this is achievable now and will improve and grow as models are adjusted. These features will be offered in more tailored versions and platforms.
Qualcomm Technologies is in your hand, laptop, and automobile.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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mixityapp · 1 year
Apple Vision Pro Is Cities' Wake-up Call to Regulate the Metaverse - Bloomberg
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Augmented Reality Is Coming for Cities
With the debut of Apple’s Vision Pro AR headset, it’s time for officials to prepare for the collision of digital and physical spaces. 
The debut of Apple’s Vision Pro is a preview of what augmented reality technologies could mean in the physical world. 
Photographer: Philip Pacheco/Bloomberg
Greg Lindsay
June 12, 2023 at 3:15 PM GMT+2
When Pokémon Go streaked across the cultural landscape in 2016, briefly becoming the fastest-downloaded app in history, thousands of players stampeded through parks, trespassed en masse, and may have injured nearly 30,000 people due to distracted driving in the game’s first five months alone.
It’s a particularly stark example of what cities could face if Apple’s forthcoming augmented reality (AR) headset, the Vision Pro, becomes as popular as the Apple Watch, let alone as ubiquitous as the iPhone. Although the jury is still out until “early next year” on the public’s appetite for a $3,499 pair of goggles, Apple’s insistence that it’s meant to be worn in the world around other people means it’s time for cities to finally sit up and pay attention to the small-m metaverse. 
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While Apple may have shouldered its way to the forefront of AR — which Cook has extolled for years — it is hardly alone. Google, Snap, and others have all recently made strides in fusing the real and virtual worlds. Without the means to monitor and intervene in these new dimensions, cities risk companies and creators running roughshod over the public realm. Just last month, for example, Google unveiled its “Geospatial Creator” tool enabling anyone to anchor digital content to real-world locations, such as Google’s own virtual takeover of Times Square by the band Gorillaz in December.
Niantic, the maker of Pokémon Go, is now building its own “visual positioning system” (VPS) — what amounts to a proprietary virtual GPS overlaid on cities, mapped down to the centimeter — to compete with Google’s and others. This not only raises the prospect of overlapping, incompatible realities owned by various tech companies, but also thorny issues around speech and property rights. What’s to stop someone from geolocating an obscene AR billboard outside a competing storefront, for instance? 
Will the Vision Pro be AR’s “iPhone moment?” Perhaps, if you recall the original iPhone’s then-exorbitant price tag and lack of an app store at launch. It took years for startups to harness smartphones’ potential to connect and transact with physical spaces and assets, producing platforms like Uber and Airbnb. More than a decade later, cities are still grappling with how to rein in and regulate these disruptors retroactively.
Now Apple and its rivals aim to go a step further by overwriting reality itself, raising a whole new host of problems. How can cities avoid repeating those mistakes in the real-world metaverse? What recourse do cities have when faced with immaterial interlopers who nonetheless have corporate consequences?
Prior efforts to confront another once-impending technological threat — autonomous vehicles — may prove instructive. In 2018, the Los Angeles Department of Transportation commissioned its own software standard, the Mobility Data Specification, for sending and receiving information from fleets of private vehicles (although ultimately scooters instead of AVs). While some players welcomed real-time regulation, others resisted its granular data collection. While LADOT ultimately prevailed against legal challenges, a subsequent effort to convince Apple, Google, Waze and others to re-route driving instructions within their apps was politely rebuffed. It’s hard to imagine the same firms giving cities carte blanche to edit their VPS.
It’s still early in the metaverse, however — no killer app has yet emerged, and the financial returns on disruption are falling as interest rates rise.
Already, a handful of companies have come forward to partner with cities instead of fighting them. For example, InCitu uses AR to visualize the building envelopes of planned projects in New York City, Buffalo, and beyond in hopes of winning over skeptical communities through seeing-is-believing. The startup recently partnered with Washington, DC’s Department of Buildings to aid its civic engagement efforts. Another of its partners is Snap, the Gen Z social media giant currently currying favor with cities and civic institutions as it pivots to AR for its next act.
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There’s certainly an argument that augmented reality could be a boon for big cities, enriching and attracting foot traffic to iconic locations weakened by remote work. “I think we’ll see a growing digital divide between cities that embrace AR and those that thwart it,” said Jonathan Askin, director of the Brooklyn Law Incubator & Policy Clinic, who has studied the legal issues stemming from AR. “With governments suffering lost tax revenue from diminished retail and commercial real estate activity, cities and property owners could benefit from smart deployments of games, cultural experiences or even just new advertising opportunities.”
“The only real issue for cities,” he adds, “is how to ensure that use of AR applications does not threaten public safety while enhancing the urban living experience.” And therein lies the rub.
For cities to gain the metaverse they want tomorrow, they will need to invest the scarce staff time and resources today. That means building a coalition of the willing among Apple, Google, Niantic, Snap and others; throwing their weight behind open standards through participation in umbrella groups such as the Metaverse Standards Forum; and becoming early, active participants in each of the major platforms in order to steer traffic toward designated testbeds and away from highly trafficked areas.
It’s a tall order for cities grappling with a pandemic crisis, drug-and-mental-health crisis, and climate crisis all at once, but a necessary one to prevent the metaverse (of all things!) from becoming the next one.
Greg Lindsay is an urban tech fellow at the Jacobs Urban Tech Hub at Cornell Tech.
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