#first of all I saw clips from the show and thought oh it’s like a hyper Victorian faux historical novel neat
icterid-rubus · 2 years
I bought the first 5 Bridgerton novels for cheap second hand when the show came out on Netflix and burned through them quite quickly, with nothing else to do until the fifth, which I put down for almost a year. I’ve just finished it and despite disliking all but the first and fourth books, I’M SCREAMING AND PULLING MY HAIR OUT THAT I DONT HAVE THE REST IMMEDIATELY!!!
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avaf00rd · 10 days
Behind the scenes
Leah Williamson x matildas!reader
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Tiny little blurb I wrote last minute as I rewatched the show
“Hello you” you grinned as you opened the front door, a smiley Leah behind it with her large suitcase and England hoodie on. The Disney plus camera crew behind you. Pretending as if Leah had just gotten home from England camp and you hadn’t seen her yet. Well she had, about an hour ago though.
You grabbed the suitcase from her hand, and pulled her in from her other free wrist, placing a short kiss on her lips and hugging her tight. “How was it?” You asked excitedly whilst you both made your way to your living room.
“Yeah really good, great to see everyone” your girlfriend explained to you leaning against the large book case near your couch. “Plane was quicker than I thought though, only like an hour and a half”
The camera still following both of you “oh yeah wow that’s not bad at all”
“Suppose I had it a bit better than you travel wise” she chuckled, folding her arms now. Nothing to your 20 hours of travel to and from Australia for your own international camp.
“Certainly” you laughed back with Leah.
“Ladies that was actually really great for a first take so we probably won’t need to do that again. We’ll now just get you both on the couch so we can talk to you both” one of the members of the camera said, holding a clip board and directing his crew to your living room
Leah sat down on the shared couch with you following suit behind. Plopping down next to your girlfriend as she put an arm around you, legs intertwined at the end of the couch.
“You guys wanna stay like this for the clips?-“
“Yes” you nodded fast, as people in the room laughed at your certainty.
“Leah can you tell me a bit about y/n. Like how she is as a person but also a teammate?” The same man asked from behind the camera. They would get her answers and these shots for the docu-series.
It be out on Disney plus just months before the World Cup begins, to help Australia get more of an insight into their team and the players
Leah looked down at you, as you shot her a smile before she started “y/n is such a hard worker. I’ve never met anyone like her. Very funny person to have a laugh with…or laugh at” she nodded
You rolled your eyes “saw that coming”
Leah did one of her wide smiles where her cheeks would go so high and her nose would scrunch up which made you melt completely, “so leading onto that she’s a bit clumsy”
“Not all the time” you mumbled
“Everyone at Arsenal calls her the princess though. Because she’s just the sweetheart of the team, who cares about her team so so much and we get to see that every day here in London” you smiled to yourself as you looked down at the couch while Leah spoke about you to the cameras
“Do you just completely hate this?” Leah laughed
“No keep going” you nodded, making her laugh. Leah often got the sense you got all flustered and embarrassed when she spoke about you so well, to other people when you are in the room.
“Y/n what’s it like getting to train each day and play games with your partner?” The producer asked me
“Yeah I’m extremely blessed, I would say, to be able to basically spend every hour of the day with her. And to put on the Arsenal badge and play for our fans with my favourite person is a bit of a win each weekend for me”
“We’re assuming you two meet through Arsenal?” He asked
“Yeah we met at Arsenal when I transferred back in 2019. And then I went on loan to Barca for a season, but then…yeah I came back-“
“And then y/n asked me out!” Leah cut you off with a grin
“Um okay it was kind of you” you looked up at her with a shake of your head.
“Kinda both of us in a way?” Leah shrugged to camera. Which you just shook your head, to said camera.
“They aren’t gonna understand that” you pointed with both arms to the camera, you and Leah now giggling. You both said a few more things they had asked you before the filming stopped.
“Thanks girls! We will see you tomorrow afternoon for more shots, have a great night, hope we didn’t take up too much of your time” a different lady had said now, as she helped her crew pack up some small equipment.
“Not at all!”
Being one of the few people in your Matilda’s squad who had been apart of the team for over 11 years, you had been in quite a few scenes in the docu-series. Alongside Steph Catley, Sam Kerr, Caitlin Foord, and more. You got the opportunity to talk about your family’s background in the sport and growing up with the Matilda’s, as well as preparations to win the World Cup.
This morning you had done some scenes at the training centre for your club, along with Cait and Steph as you all talked about playing for Arsenal.
The cameras were with you once again, as Now Leah sat on a small picnic blanket in your local park, late afternoon, where you would often bring your dog, Denny, you were trying to get him to run with the ball at his fist like he was about to shoot.
Leah threw her head back laughing hysterically as you fell over your feet once again, tripping on your own dog, in another attempt to get him to play football. “It’s not going to work” she shouted
“He’ll do it Leah just wait!” You shouted back laughing as you kept trying. When you made it back to the picnic blanket, you did what you were asked to do by the crew which was talk about playing each other in the World Cup.
“I always say it but I really really hope both our teams make it to the final, but I don’t think I could handle versing you in a heated game like that”
“You do it all the time though. We’ve had so many heated games against each other”
“Yeah but a World Cup final though…Hopefully one of us will be out by then” Leah shrugged, looking at you from her position on the rug with her knees tucked to her chest
“Hopefully England” you shrugged back
“No I was joking. I hope both teams are” she laughed once again.
“I think the friendly coming up against England just before the World Cup should be good.” You said as Leah nodded “Most players who will be in the World Cup squad should hopefully be in there so we get a full feel of not just the other team but hopefully our own squads”
“Yeah for sure” Leah said
“I can sense you two have a small rivalry in your own house hold” someone’s behind the camera commented
“Mm I don’t know” Leah grinned as you just laughed
“You know it’s true”
I’m pretty negative about fics like these that I write. Cause I hate this. But honestly it’s due to some of the recent think about my writing my inbox🫠🫠
So please. If you’re not a fan of it, click out of it!
Luv u all
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scarrletmoon · 8 months
okay i know the Discourse™️ has been going on for way too long at this point, but
i think some people outside of the OFMD fandom don’t actually get why we’re particularly annoying about this show
OFMD is not the first queer show to ever exist. if anything, it's a late entry in decades of queer media. over a year and a half since the first few episodes aired, everyone knows that OFMD is queer. that doesn't make it particularly special
but back in March? this is the trailer that dropped in February of 2022, 2 weeks before the premier. if you're used to seeing queer chemistry in shows that aren't intended to be queer, you might see the hints between Ed and Stede here. but to most people? it's just a silly little pirate comedy. just guys being dudes. the trailer doesn't even hint at the other 2 canonical queer relationships in the show -- the closest it gets suggesting romance is the music and the pink in the poster
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so when people watched this show in March 2022, they went into it expecting subtext and nothing else. to them, it was like watching Sherlock or Supernatural or Merlin in the 2010s. if you were in any of those fandoms -- especially Sherlock and Supernatural -- you know what it was like; constant jokes at our expense, being mocked for creating explicit fanwork, made fun of by the creators and within the show itself. if we saw queer subtext, that was our problem. this was a time when you pretended NOT to be in fandom, for fear of ridicule. we kept our fanwork to ourselves, we DID NOT share it with the cast, and we accepted that our favourite ships would probably never be canon. maybe one day, if we were lucky, we'd have a show where the subtext wasn't mockery as much as deliberate foreshadowing -- but that had to be YEARS away
OFMD was never billed as a queer show, not in the beginning. there was no LGBTQ+ tag on (HBO) Max, it wasn't on anyone's list of upcoming queer shows in 2022, it flew under the radar through most of its first season. this was a show about pirates, and sure, some of them were queer. but not the LEADS. if you think they're romantically involved, that's must be fandom brain poisoning
except the 9th episode aired, and they kissed. and the show said "you're not crazy for thinking they have chemistry because they really do. it's been a romance this whole time". and in the 10th episode, Stede realizes that he's in love
(not mandating you watch this clip if you don't care for the show, but there's something that feels particularly earth shattering about no one saying the word gay but knowing that Stede's realizing he is, that it's completely unambiguous and explicit in a way that only straight romances are usually allowed to be)
this is why people freaked out about this show. no one knew. even the creator, David Jenkins, was surprised when WE were surprised that it was gay for real -- he set out to write a love story, using all the tried and true beats of a rom com. he'd never even heard of the term queerbaiting. he looked at historical Blackbeard and Stede Bonnet and thought "oh, there's something here" and just...wrote that, with very little fanfare, like it was inevitable. like it was obvious. of course Jim and Pam end up together. of course Buttercup and Westley end up together. what kind of disappointing ending would it be if You've Got Mail ended with the main characters just going their separate ways?
so of course Ed and Stede are in love
look, i get it. we're annoying and won't shut the fuck up about this show that seems mediocre at best. i watched the whole thing back in march, thought "huh, that was cool" and was sure that i'd forget about it in a few days
an hour after looking at fanart on twitter, i was lost in the fucking sauce
there's just so much to unpack from a mere 10 episodes. it covers racism, toxic masculinity, gender expression, sexuality, trauma and abuse. and i don't think we should overlook the fact that the non-white characters in this show get to be fully human in a way i haven't seen in my favourite shows in recent memory
additionally, most OFMD are 25 or older. we're not people who've been spoiled by queer rep, who don't get how hard it used to be, how you'd have to grovel for scraps, how shipping and fanfiction was a way to find queer rep where we thought there never would be. we've been here. we're annoying about this show because for a lot of us, it's the first time we've been treated like our queerness isn't an anomaly that needs to be relegated to its own section, that needs to be praised for the bare minimum of acknowledging that we exist. it's not pulling punches to avoid scaring away a straight audience. it just is.
OFMD for me is like when i watched Black Panther for the first time and realized that this is what white people felt all the time. have there been other black superhero movies? of course! does Disney fucking suck? BOY does it. but that was the first time i got to sit in a movie theater and watch a mainstream film that looked at Africa and said "look at how beautiful you are, exactly as you are"
and idk. i think that's really cool
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woniverse-writes · 9 months
"MOTH TO A FLAME (part 1)"
Bada Lee x Fem!Reader
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part 1 ⟶ part 1.5
series masterlist
summary: y/n l/n is the youngest team member of Jam Republic, competing in the second season of Street Woman Fighter. she’s got the sweetest smile and the most vibrant personality, but she also may or may not be the biggest hothead on the show when it comes to defending her teammates. apparently that’s attractive to Bada Lee.
word count: 9k (holy shit)
warnings: swearing, reader is described as cute and small a lot, Bada is kinda confusing with her feelings, also this isn't proofread so... sorry for any mistakes lol- lemme know if I missed anything!
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“I think Jam Republic is finally coming out-” someone states and the excited conversations start to fill up the studio. Jam Republic walks into the fight zone for their first introduction and they're all just very happy to be there. All the girls are smiling but Audrey and y/n have the biggest smiles on their faces out of anyone. Everyone is commenting on how pretty they are and how their smiles are so precious
“Wow, Audrey is like a doll! So pretty…” Tatter is outwardly in awe of the girls, much like some of her other teammates. But their leader, even though she agreed, was trying to keep the girls’ confidence up.
“True, but we’re prettier” she replied in a motherly tone and patted the blonde girl's head, causing them all to smile and giggle. Minah notices Jam Republic approaching the area they’re seated in, and shares a mischievous look with Lusher, before adding to the conversation-
“Y/n’s like a princess though. No one’s beating that” she states matter-of-factly, anticipating her leader’s response. Bada opens her mouth to say something but right as she’s about to speak, she and y/n make eye contact. Y/n smiles even bigger than she already is, eyes twinkling, and she bows politely greeting team Bebe. Bada is lowkey rendered speechless because she’s pretty sure she just saw an angel.
“Oh- h-hello” she struggles to speak and immediately after y/n turns away, Bada is grimacing and covering her face out of embarrassment, her teammates now laughing at her distress. She tries to laugh it off and put on a smile because of all the cameras around- she just really hopes they didn’t catch that and it won’t be aired.
As Jam Republic continues to stride across the stage, past all the other crews, getting a feel for the room, they finally settle in the middle- waiting for their video to be played. Audrey and Y/n are holding hands and giggling excitedly, while the rest of their team shares similar smiles and affectionate chuckles towards their youngest members.
Then the review video plays…
“I think they all want to be the main character- how are they ever gonna work together?” Y/n can’t help but huff out a laugh of disbelief, but she’s not quite angry yet. She felt a little twinge of annoyance but other than that, she thought it was kind of funny. 
“I’m gonna steal the spotlight from you” Audret whispered sarcastically, bumping her shoulder, causing y/n to laugh. They were smiling and giggling again… until the others started targeting her and Audrey.
“They’re like babies- I don’t think they’ll have any real skill.” All the members are just nodding and keeping their composure, with light smiles, except for y/n. Her smile has dropped into a frown and her brows are furrowed as she tries to understand how these people could so willingly make assumptions about them. And it only kept getting worse-
As their individual dance clips started to play y/n could already feel the tension inside her start to rising. After Kirsten, Ling, Latrice, and Emma’s clips all played- Y/n’s was next. It was a somewhat recent clip of her dancing to “Basics” by TWICE, where she’s got her signature bright smile, and is bouncing around, just enjoying the choreography. She loves that choreo and has always been proud of it because it was fun, so her smile started to come back a little while watching it. She tried ignoring everyone’s words, and for the most part, it worked, but she was still able to hear- 
“Isn’t this too juvenile? She doesn’t seem competitive at all.” 
And if there’s one thing y/n hates- it’s people doubting her passion. She’s always been very dedicated to dance, but she also learned how to have fun and enjoy it, while still working hard to always be improving. But to be honest, it didn’t upset her too much because she never really cared what people’s opinions were on her- as long as she was happy, healthy, and kind y/n couldn’t care less what people thought. Unless it was about someone she cares about, then that’s when problems arise. 
Audrey’s video played right after y/n’s and even though the older girl was keeping it together and even sporting a small smile, the same could not be said for her teammate. Y/n listened to everyone laugh and jeer at her friend, and she felt genuine violence start to bubble inside her. How dare they laugh at her? Who do they think they are? She clenched her jaw and felt any bit of respect she had for these people leave her body. Y/n was already over this shit. 
“I think they’re pretty dancers, but that’s it- they’re just pretty dancers.” The other teams ‘ooh’ at this and letter other noises of enablement. By now Y/n’s face has totally dropped, and there’s no expression besides a deadly look in her eyes. While everyone else is brushing it off with some laughs, especially Audrey, y/n can't help but feel her anger fully ignite into a blazing fire. Their video came to an end and while others applauded respectfully, y/n stood there- arms crossed with her head tilted slightly, a stone-cold expression overtaking her face.
"Oh my god- y/n is the only one not smiling anymore" Akanen pointed out from Tsubakill’s side of the room. To which Rena gasped and replied “Eh?! Oh no! She looks so upset!” and the others all focused solely on her. other teams seem to be thinking similarly.
"Audrey is laughing about it like it's nothing and y/n looks like she's about to kill everyone who picked her as the worst dancer…" Mina Myoung jokes, laughing at the young girl. Some of her members laughed with her, while others just observed with cautious eyes. They didn’t want to accidentally make eye contact with Jam Republic’s seemingly small but mighty dancer.
"From everything I've seen of Y/n, I never thought I'd see her without a smile- more importantly I never thought I'd see her look that angry" Harimu gasps, gripping Redy’s shoulders, pulling herself to hide behind her slightly. Peaking over Redy’s shoulder, she listens to the older girl reply in a tone just as fearful as her own. "I didn't even think she'd be able to make such a scary face" Redy laughs but trembles a little.
"Oh my- wow, she looks so much older with that look on her face…" Funky Y openly expresses how baffled she is to her crew, with wide eyes and mouth slightly dropped open. Yoonji replies quickly in a frantic tone
"Like she's not a baby anymore, suddenly she became a Lion" she animatedly expressed with a growl after to prove her point. And her members can’t help but huff out a few laughs and roll their eyes at her antics. But still- even as they joke around, all are still weary of how y/n will act now.
All of the dancers quickly took notice of y/n’s 180 switch in vibe, and couldn’t help their conversations- some frantic, some laughing and continuing their degrading energy that got her all worked up in the first place, some fearful… and then there was Bebe.
"Woooah… what happened to cutie y/n? She's scary now-" Bada marvels at the small girl standing at the back of her team, with her arms crossed. She really was just as confused as everyone else on how y/n could go from being this darling princess with a dazzling smile and sparkly eyes- to this ice-cold girl who might start calling people out by names soon if she gets pushed any further. 
Bada’s teammates look at her, and some nod, while Tatter holds back a laugh, mumbling her leader’s words to herself, 
“Cutie…” Minah and Lusher hear her and start giggling, causing Tatter to start giggling as well. Bada doesn’t seem to hear them- that or she just pretends not to, cuz she sits there, unbothered, leaning her elbows on her knees, observing the scene before her with a barely-there smirk.
y/n continues to glare at the screen ahead of her and tries to contain her rage. Latrice puts a gentle hand on her shoulder and y/n just nods her head, poking her inner cheek with her tongue, trying her best not to say something that will definitely get her kicked off the show. Audrey sees how furious her bestie is and turns to poke her cheek playfully, of course with a smile still on her face
"heyyyy, don't stress. It's okay!" she puts an arm around the younger girl's shoulders and continues
"Plus this is just another great opportunity to show everyone what we've got!" and of course, Audrey, ever the optimist, successfully calms her down. y/n sighs and leans into the taller girl.
"I know, I just hate how almost all of them think we suck just cuz we're young." 
"well they also think we suck cuz we're pretty" And Basically everyone watching is like- "Aw they're still cuties, even though y/n can be scary". 
Bada can't help but laugh at them, specifically y/n
 "She's pouting now. Cute." She chuckles softly with a small smile on her face, as she sits, elbows resting on her knees, with her hands clasped. Lusher can't help but side-eye her leader and chuckle as well but for a different reason
"Bada, you seem a little too interested in her" She snaps out of whatever daze she was in, sitting straight up and looking over at Lusher for a second, before turning to look back at the front where Jam Republic is now exiting
"I'm interested in a lot of people here." she explains cooly, surveying the room
"Not true-" Tatter leans over from the other side of Bada to look her right in the eyes "We can all tell you haven't found a single person here interesting, until her- or at least her team."
"She looks kind of scary now…" Yoonji whispers to her teammates looking at y/n. Redlic looks in the direction Yoonji is looking at and laughs a little.
"What're you talking about? y/n? She looks like a kitten trying to be a lion." Now the rest of ManneQueen is staring at Jam Republic, specifically y/n l/n. And sure enough, instead of her usual bright and smiling self, her eyes were back to being fiery and to put it bluntly, she looks pissed the fuck off again. Waackxxy was the one to turn to Redlic and go-
“No, she’s definitely got something fierce going on right now… I hope she has a lot of battle cuz I’m kind of interested in her now…” causing the rest of her team to laugh and agree. On the other side, Jam Republic is having their own discussion regarding y/n. 
“I think you should just wait and see- maybe no one will even pick you as a “no respect” dancer!” Ling tried cheering up her younger teammate.
“No I want someone to battle me- I want everyone who voted for me and Audrey to come and try us” y/n fired back with her arms crossed as she leaned back into her chair. She really did look intimidating, especially with her makeup and hair done. Audrey on the other hand was not feeling the same fire-
“Uhm, maybe we don’t need everyone to want to battle us…maybe just a few.” Audrey started to reason, 
”Cuz I don’t know if you remember, but there were a LOT of people that voted for us as the worst dancers…” which caused Kirsten and Ling to sigh, and y/n to roll her eyes and clench her jaw.
“Audrey, my love, I’m very well aware of how many people think we suck-“ 
“You don’t suck-” 
“Thank you Emma, but please give me a second”
“Y/n take a deep breath and check your well-being”
She sighed at their team leader’s advice, knowing it was to help her out and so that she didn’t get too fired up with her teammates. It’s not that y/n doesn’t get along with them- it’s the furthest thing from that, she adores her teammates- but she gets very passionate about everything, and she’s a bit of a hothead. On top of all that, y/n is very protective of those she cares about, some of those people being her dear teammates.
“I’m sorry” she mumbles a bit, but ultimately huffs out the response. To which Kirsten replies with a motherly “thank you”, causing the others to chuckle.
“I just don’t understand how they can all collectively make the assumption that we’re not as good as them- for what? Why? Because we’re foreigners? Because we smile a lot? Because we’re pretty? To me THAT just sounds like jealousy” y/n continues to rant, frantically moving her hands and arms about, expressing her frustration- and her team just listens patiently for her to finish. Once she finally lets out her final huff and relaxes back into her chair with her arms crossed again, and a pout now sporting her face, her teammates can’t help but smile gently at their youngest member- some even trying to hide giggles and chuckles of endearment. 
“Y/n, sweetheart, you’ve gotta remember- not everyone thinks like you- I wish they did, but they just don’t” Kirsten starts to comfort her, and places a hand on her head, trying her best to calm down the passionate young girl. 
Kirsten always felt like asking y/n to join her team was one of the best choices she made in regards to being a leader. She knew the younger girl had experience in kpop dance styles, having performed at multiple k-con stages and doing countless covers from other groups, even choreographing her own routines to kpop songs for fun and still getting the attention of the original artist. Kirsten also saw an unlimited amount of potential in y/n and saw how quickly and easily she absorbed everything around her. The only thing she was worried about was how young she was. it wasn’t a huge concern to her since their whole team was pretty young, but when it came down to it, Kirsten ended up adding Audrey in as well, and the two hit it off right away! To be completely honest- Kirsten felt as if the three youngest members were her babies. Audrey being the sweet angel of a golden child, Emma being the responsible oldest, and y/n being the chaotic troublemaker who’s always trying to pick a fight with someone for hurting her sisters. 
“You just need to remember that we’re here to dance, have fun, and gain a new experience… alright?” Kirsten has successfully reduced her gremlin child to a less angry (but still very pouty) version of herself.
“…alright” y/n mumbled.
“Thank you. Now please stop pouting, you look like a kicked puppy and the others will probably start picking on you soon” Kirsten teased lightly, which caused Audrey to join in and start poking y/n’s cheek, leading to Emma tugging gently on her hair, and Ling poking her other cheek, all while Latrice coos at her and pats her head. This all of course causes her to start whining and complaining playfully at her members teasing.
But the endearment for each other doesn’t end outside of the members' little cluster. the love for Jam Republic, and specifically y/n, has now spread to the entire studio. as everyone originally took notice of the youngest member’s slight temper tantrum, most didn’t really know what she was ranting about, but they could tell she was once again not happy at all. The two teams sitting nearest to Jam Republic happened to be Bebe and 1Million, who originally both had members that intended to battle y/n, but after hearing her rant, some opinions changed. 
“I like her style! She’s very passionate” Harimu laughed as she explained her newfound interest in Jam Republic’s youngest. 
“That’s what I was thinking- I don’t even wanna battle her anymore, especially after how scary she looked before- I just wanna watch her tear up the stage with all her energy” Redy chimed in.
“Do you think we should go up to her during break and try to become friends?” They begin to laugh and joke around about their shared interest in y/n. But their team’s older members aren’t quite on the same level of endearment.
“Ya- you two should be trying to take her down before befriending her, don’t you think?” Lia warns the two girls, who just look at each other and start giggling.
“I don’t know if I’d necessarily wanna go up against someone with her temper” Redy starts off jokingly, but Harimu is already coming back in a teasing mood-
“Yeah cuz you’d probably cry.” Which has Redy letting a gasp-  her jaw dropped to the floor, eyes wide with shock and (false) betrayal.
The other team seated next to Jam Republic isn’t as chipper as 1 Million though, as their leader is trying to convince her team to stick with their guts.
“You wanted to battle her at first for a reason- why would that reason change if you still haven’t seen her dance?” Bada asks Kyma, Sowoen, and Minah. They all voted y/n as the worst dancer because her style was too “pretty” and they thought she relied on having cute expressions. Bada didn’t entirely agree with her teammates, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion. She even originally stated how she thought y/n’s style was refreshing and youthful, but she was worried about how she’d be with darker concepts.
“Well- I mean- she seems kinda crazy…” Cheche halfheartedly joked, but in reality, she was being completely serious.
“Why? Because she’s angry? She should be angry. Being voted as the worst dancer isn’t something to be happy about…” Bada replies calmly. No one really says anything, as they all are just trying to process whether or not their leader is provoking them, or if she’s defending their opponent because she thinks she’s cute. 
Bada sighs and stands up to stretch. She wants her team to not only be amazing dancers, but critical thinkers too. Of course, Bada wants a win, but she also wants her team to be strong- and if going up against someone with untouchable morale and endless energy will force her teammates to be stronger, then that’s what they need to do.
She also may or may not be personally interested in seeing what y/n is made of. After all, she caught her attention originally with her bright smile and explosive personality- then again shortly after with how serious and intimidating she gets when people question her abilities. Bada thought her bold expressions and reactions to things were an endearing contrast from her cute or refreshing facials used when dancing. So now having seen y/n in stark opposition, she’s even more interested.  
They all finish up introductions and meet the judges, then are sent off to get changed and prepare for the battles that are about to ensue. Jam Republic’s hideout is full of conversation from the second they enter the room.
“Well besides y/n almost setting the place on fire, I think that went well!” Ling chirps, smiling in faux satisfaction at her teammates, who let out variations of laughs.
“I can’t believe they think so lowly of us” Audrey finally expresses her disappointment, sharing a kicked puppy look with y/n, who longer feels angry, just tired. The younger of the two just leans her head on her friend's shoulder and stays quiet.
“I know, but that’s exactly why we’re gonna go out there and show every single one of them how wrong they were, right?” Kirsten encourages with her once again motherly tone and warm smile.
Bebe’s hideout conversations on the other hand are going quite a bit differently than Jam Republic’s…
“So moral of the story: I’m scared of a five-foot-nothing, angel-faced, baby who may or may not have the ability to shoot lasers out of her eyes.” 
“Minah, what the fuck are you even saying right now-” Tatter sits and stares at her teammate with a concerned look. Minah and Kyma have been going back and forth since they got back about how they regret picking y/n as their no-respect dancer already, because of how quickly and drastically her personality changed when she got upset.
“I’m just saying- I feel like if I looked her in the eyes at that moment, I would've died.” Minah replies dramatically, and Kyma nods her head enthusiastically in agreeance. Bada huffs out a laugh and rolls her eyes at the two members’ antics.
“You do realize she’s still just a kid, right? You have nothing to worry about. Even if she does look scary, she’s probably all bark and no bite” Bada smirks slightly and leans back comfortably on the couch in their space.
“Weren’t you just saying how cute she was?” Lusher side-eyes her as she questions.
“Yes, and? That’s exactly my point. She’s too cute, so there’s no way she’d actually be able to go through with whatever she looked like she could've done.” Bada reasons, shrugging. Everyone just sighs and new conversations arise. 
After all the teams have finished preparing, they all head back down to the main studio and take their seats again. The judges are all prepared and after a slight re-introduction by Daniel, the host, the battles are set to begin. 
Bada being part of the first battle of the season was definitely necessary, and her win practically secured her spot as the best dancer involved in the program. 
Everyone was hyped especially the members of Jam Republic, who were all just very happy to be there- even y/n, who had managed to calm down from her original state of rage, and now she’s back to her excited, vibrant self, of course wearing a giant smile. The girls all cheered and at some point (she doesn’t know when) y/n ended up clinging to Emma with wide eyes and jaw dropped. After Bada finished everyone obviously went crazy with an uproar of applause, but y/n could only let out a few claps, as she was still shell-shocked. Ling glanced at her teammate and started laughing
“Did you enjoy that y/n?” Y/n, still in a daze, puts the back of her hand on her cheek, then her forehead
“My face feels so hot right now”
“Oh my god y/n! You’re like- actually a tomato!!” Kirsten noticed her youngest dancer’s flustered state and couldn’t help but bring attention to it. With all her teammates' eyes on her now, they giggle as she starts whining and covering her face, collapsing into a ball on the floor. She looks up at Ling, who gently pats her head, and goes
“I don’t think I’m gonna survive this” sending all of her members into a fit of laughter over their youngest dancer’s uncontrollable admiration.
“The way she got up in Redy’s face- UGH I WOULD’VE DIED” she continues fangirling, catching the attention of a few of the other dancers- specifically from Bebe. Lusher is the first to glance sideways at y/n with wide eyes and a hidden smile- she’ll have to tell Bada about it afterward. 
When it’s revealed that Bada won, y/n just about flew twelve feet in the air, that’s how high she jumped. Bada acted coolly and honestly pretty cold toward Redy, but the second she made eye contact with y/n, she smiled charmingly causing the already flustered girl to smile even brighter. She sits back down with her crew and Lusher leans over to whisper in her ear,
“I think y/n really likes you” she teases, causing Bada to roll her eyes and glare. 
“Enough…” the older girl warns playfully, in tow causing Lusher to raise her hands in defense.
“Alright, fine- but just know she really enjoyed your performance.” and the conversation ended there.
During Kirsten’s battle with Waackxxy, the members of Jam Republic are once again hyped up, but this time- it’s tenfold. 
Y/n is standing on top of the front row of their team’s bleachers, jumping up and down so much that at one point she nearly slips. Emma and Audrey are of course both there to keep her out of trouble (like always) and they all make eye contact before bursting out laughing
From across the room- Bada is pretty much just as invested as they are. Except she’s a little more focused on one of the members who ISN’T currently dancing. She of course paid attention to Kirsten’s battle and was genuinely blown away by her style- But Bada couldn’t help but get distracted by the small girl a little bit behind her, screaming and jumping like her life depended on it. She tried not to smile or laugh at y/n’s antics but she couldn’t help it when she almost fell off the bleachers. At first- when she watched her slip, Bada felt herself tense up, almost as if her instant reaction was to reach out and try to catch her from across the room. But once she realized y/n was alright (and that she’d have been fine had she fallen from the short height) she shook her head laughed, but more at herself for feeling so protective of this girl she hadn’t even spoken to yet.
Shortly after Kirsten’s first battle, Audrey has hers- Which means, y/n is about to be at her peak of hype woman realness. When Audrey's name is called, y/n shoots straight up and gets right to hyping her best friend up. She’s smiling and rubbing her shoulders and shaking her around a bit to show her excitement, and finally, the two do their signature handshake that they’ve done before every performance together since they became friends
Bada again watched from the opposite side, and she couldn’t help but feel extra critical while watching Audrey. There was nothing wrong with Audrey’s dancing! In fact- Bada was thoroughly impressed, (but she wishes she wasn’t). Instead of catching y/n’s reactions, this time she was totally focused on the dancers- Bada was curious as to what made y/n so defensive of Audrey, and now she understands a little better. That doesn’t ease her feelings of discomfort though, especially as the battle comes to an end and she watches y/n pounce on Audrey the second the timer runs out. What frustrated her even more was how quickly she became self-aware in that moment. Wait- why do I care so much? She was asking herself as her eyes darted to the floor.
And when she was announced the winner, Bada applauded and cheered, but again felt bitter seeing Jam’s Republic’s two youngest members be cute together. Now all Bada can focus on is why she herself is so bothered by y/n clinging to her teammate, and smiling like Audrey just won the Olympics.
“She seems like a really clingy person” Bebe members all look at Bada and then follow her line of sight to Audrey and y/n- or rather y/n sticking to Audrey and congratulating her. Lusher is the first to speak up again,
“Audrey?” she questions, peaking over at Bada in confusion, whose eyes are fixed back on y/n.
“No, y/n”
“Oh, of course”
Lusher’s response is sarcastic and causes the others to laugh lightly at the sub-leader’s attitude towards their oldest member. Bada once again has no reaction as she’s too focused on y/n smiling angelically, celebrating Jam Republic’s win.
“Omg please don’t tell me you’re already jealous” Sewoen teased and Tatter laughed hysterically. Bada raised her eyebrows and finally turned to look at the girls.
“Me? What would I be jealous of?” she pouts slightly when she talks. Even though she seems all tough, and tall, and cold- only one of those things is true. Bada is really a big softie- a baby angel trapped in a 5’9 body. Her teammates know this all too well as they halt their teasing for a moment to admire their cute leader. But that obviously doesn’t last forever.
“Bada-” Lusher tilts her head, exasperated. She stares at the older girl for a few seconds in disbelief, before letting out a huff of a laugh again. Bada’s eyes just widen as she looks around at her team- she really is confused, because while yes- she is starting to realize she may have a genuine crush on y/n, Bada thought she was doing a pretty good job at hiding it!
“What?? I’m serious- I'm not jealous of anyone” She tries to laugh it off and move on but the only reaction she gets is a few side-eyes from the other members. So she lets out a sigh and hangs her head in embarrassment.
“Let’s just leave it please” She smiles timidly, and THIS causes the other girls to laugh.
Many more battles occur before it’s finally Y/n’s chance to dance. When she’s called up to pick her no-respect dancer, y/n smiles brightly and walks to the center.
"So I actually have a lot of respect for this dancer, and I kind of selfishly chose her for the opportunity to share the stage with her and feed off her energy…" she starts, making sure to survey the whole room before eyes finally land on Bebe
"No way she's gonna pick Bada", "is y/n really about to pick Bada???", "Ya, she must be insane" excited murmurs fill the studio as everyone anticipates her pick.
Bada tries to keep her expression neutral, but she can't help how her eyes widen when she makes eye contact with the young dancer standing in front of her crew. Bada thinks y/n looks cute holding the mic with both hands, poking her tongue out and smiling nervously.
Y/n takes a deep breath and walks slowly toward the team she's been eyeing up
"For my no respect dancer, I'd like to battle Bebe's…" It feels like everyone is holding their breath. Y/n holds eye contact with Bada but breaks it with a nod
Everyone goes crazy, even Lusher herself- She stands up and bows, smiling brightly, and as she starts to descend the bleachers they're sat in, she turns to Bada with wide eyes and whispers-
"I for sure thought she was gonna be calling your name…" she started seriously
"Hm… guess not yet" she teases her leader and Bada shoves her away
"Ya, go dance or something" she mumbles, already exhausted from dealing with the teasing of her members. Lusher meets Y/n halfway and actually reaches out to shake her hand, to which a nervous Y/n excitedly and politely bows and shakes her hand
"Good luck" Lusher smiles gently and y/n's eyes twinkle a little more at the kindness
"Thank you so much, you too!" and then they're separating and heading back to their sides to start the battle. Bada can't help but roll her eyes at her younger teammate, because while she's appreciative of the good sportsmanship, she knows it's really just to tease her more. Once Lusher heads back to Bebe’s side, Bada is behind her with a hand on her shoulder, talking calmly and softly.
"You know this is a cutthroat competition right? You're not supposed to be nice to your opponent- especially since she chose you as her "no respect" dancer-" Bada begins firmly
"Bada, did you listen to a word she said before? Or did you block it all out after you realized she wasn't talking about you?" Tatter laughed, once again taking the opportunity to tease the group leader
On the other side, Jam Republic is also teasing their group member
"I for sure thought you were gonna pick Bada" Latrice stated, massaging y/n's shoulders, shaking her around a bit to keep her energy up. She didn't say anything, just laughed and rolled her eyes. Noticing the lack of reaction, Ling reaches over and pinches her cheek-
"Are you kidding, y/n would probably forget how to breathe if she had to go up against Bada" causing them all to burst out laughing, including the youngest. She moves out of they're teasing reach and steps onto the dance floor. Daniel introduces the two again and allows them to do their little speeches before the battle actually starts. Y/n goes first and she has that same nervous smile back on her face, but her eyes still twinkle with excitement
"As much as I do respect you, I apologize because I'm still going to compete and perform like I don't"  she finishes, trying to seem cool, but she ends up giggling a little. Everyone obviously loses their shit and starts screaming, and even Lusher is clapping and nodding with approval
"Y/n-ya" Everyone's eyes widen, especially Y/n's, as they anticipate Lusher's comeback
"I appreciate your admiration, but there won't be any sharing of the stage, cuz it's all mine" and cue the 'oohs' and 'aahs' from the other dancers, and y/n just smiles and nods. They turn over their mics and prepare for the music to start
"First up- Bebe! LUSHEEEEER" Daniel shouts out and the music comes in as everyone cheers. She starts with some smooth groves and then hits all the accents once the beat drops. Y/n just felt happy to be there, face scrunched up showing how impressed she is with her opponent's moves. Bada tried to solely focus on Lusher, but she couldn’t help but eye up the opposing dancer. and if anyone happened to notice and ask her about it, Bada would just tell them that she was inspecting the competition for the sake of her team…
As Lusher's time runs out, she finishes off strong by getting in y/n's face and ruffling the shorter girl's hair while smirking, causing her to giggle and poke the inside of her cheek with her tongue. She nodded as Daniel announced the switch, and she anticipated everyone's reactions
CL's "Tie a Cherry" starts playing from the pre-chorus and everyone gets even more hyped- some were jumping around and screaming, some grabbed onto their hair, some just had wide eyes and jaw dropped. Lusher stood similar to the last group- eyes wide and jaw dropped to the floor, but she still smiled and laughed in astonishment. Y/n smiled coolly and nodded her head to the beat before bouncing to get into the feel. She does a quick spin around and her vibe has completely changed again- 
Everyone notices the different look in her eyes and they all start fangirling amongst themselves again, expressing how excited they are to see her dance. Lusher stands back and watches, amused and somewhat proud, like she's just got herself a new friend- a friend that challenges her by picking a song that she already danced to with the artist.
Bada on the other hand is trying to control her emotions and reactions again- standing behind with the rest of her team, hand covering her mouth, brows furrowed. She's stressing rn, but not because she's scared that Lusher will lose (frankly, she could care less about that) but rather because she doesn't know how she's gonna last a whole season of watching y/n dance without reacting in the most obvious ways possible- especially since she has a reputation to uphold. Now- Bada has never really cared about that type of stuff, she's chill and doesn't really care whether or not people think she's cool. But this- this feeling she gets while watching y/n dance- is a whole new level of uncool. To be completely honest- Bada feels pathetic.
y/n's been hitting every beat, leaving it all out on the floor- her movements are explosive and captivating. So much so, that certain viewers are mesmerized even by the smallest aspects of her performance that she doesn't even have control over.
"Woooow… how does her hair just perfectly fall into place…" Bada's mesmerized voice doesn't fit in with the chaotic energy and screams, so it catches the attention of Tatter, who looks over to see a dazed leader with a slight blush painted on her cheeks, and she bursts out laughing.
"Bada… you need to pull yourself together" she laughs. but right as she finishes her sentence and looks back to watch the rest of the dance, the iconic "razzi shots" line occurs and y/n handles it perfectly.
Right as the "razzi shots" line is played through the speaker, y/n's whole body reacts as if electrified- her articulation is so on point that the final hit of her movement mixed with her unmatched expression sends everyone spiraling into a frenzy. And it only got worse as her next movements were smooth, yet articulated combinations of body rolls and hip swivels, leaving everyone with jaws dropped. No one expected the cute, sometimes fiery, girl to have such an alluring, sexy side to her. Especially Bada, who is now fumbling between covering her eyes and her mouth cuz she's so flustered she doesn't know what to do. And the fact that she doesn't understand why she's feeling this way is making her even more flustered.
Y/n's time is about to run out as she slides onto the ground, and with a flip of her hair, she hits a sexy pose that's all tied together with a seductive smile. The applause are the loudest they’ve been so far, everyone is beyond baffled after watching her perform. She stays in her pose for a second, basking in the attention, and to make it even better she daintily bites her finger and puts on a cute-clueless kind of sexy facade. As if she didn’t just completely destroy everyone’s expectations of her. 
After a couple of seconds of holding her pose, she laughs at herself and stands up, first bowing to Lusher, then turning to the audience on her side and bowing- which causes another uproar. Y/n’s brilliant smile is back and she can’t help but clap her hands and cheer with everyone else. The sweet girl who loves to perform was back and she was once again just happy to be there.
The time comes for the judges to decide the winner and in a clean sweep, 3-0, y/n takes the win. Everyone cheers, and y/n comes running up to Lusher to shake her hand again, but Lusher pulls her into a hug instead before pulling back and holding onto the smaller girl's shoulders.
"You're literally so amazing- I was totally joking before, let's share the stage all the time" Lusher jokes around, a genuine smile on her face, but still a teasing lilt in her voice.
"Oh so now you wanna share cuz I won?" y/n teases back, causing Lusher to laugh and shove her shoulder gently, the two girls smiling and giggling together.
"You wish that was you, huh?" Tatter whispers to Bada as they watch from their seats. Bada just turns to look at her with the most fed-up look, causing the blonde to let out a snort of a laugh. As Lusher strides back over to Bebe’s side, she’s smiling still as she looks at her team and shrugs her shoulders. They all hurry to pat her on the back and tell her how well she did, no matter the outcome. 
“Y/n is no joke, you guys should be scared to challenge her for sure now.” She looks specifically at the three who had picked her as their no-respect dancer. Causing them all to sigh and chuckle a little in defeat. 
“It’s okay- we’re stronger. We have to be.” They all turn to look at their leader in disbelief. They've all noticed how she’s been acting toward y/n, and find it hard to believe Bada actually thinks they could beat her- shit they would even agree that Bada doesn’t think anyone could beat her. 
“Whatever you say, captain…” Tatter replies and they all turn their attention back to the front. 
As everyone finishes up their individual dance battles, and the battle of the aces finishes off- the teams are released to go prepare for the group battle. Everyone begins heading to their respective rooms, but one dancer stalls behind her crew by a few steps. y/n keeps peaking over her shoulder every so often, to glance back at Bebe. She simply wanted to ask Lusher for her phone number, but the girl didn’t seem to be with her team. She eventually stopped walking altogether and when y/n looked forward again, she realized the rest of her team was so far ahead she’d have to jog to catch up. 
“Were you looking for someone?” y/n whips back around and is met with the rest of Bebe, more specifically their leader, who is a lot closer than she expected her to be. Her eyes turn into saucers and she seems to struggle a little to find words.
“Oh- actually- well yeah actually I was…” y/n nervously smiled and looked up at Bada, hoping that her face wasn’t turning red already. Bada gave a gentle smile in return. She looked relaxed, cool, but in her head she was trying to keep calm and not squeeze the cute girl in front of her.
“I was wondering where Lusher went, actually.” the Jam Republic dancer spoke up a little more confidently this time- still very shy, but definitely was able to speak without stuttering, which is progress!
“Mmm” Bada hummed and nodded, seemingly understanding. She held eye contact with the younger girl, before asking, 
“Why?” to anyone on the outside looking in, this situation probably looks like a gang of scary tall women harassing some poor girl- which is exactly what Audrey is thinking when she turns to ask y/n a question and looks back to see her many meters away, conversing with Bebe’s leader, while the rest of the crew stands behind her.
“Oh my god- we lost y/n” she starts to panic, causing all the older members to whip around and look at Audrey like she’s crazy, then look at the spot next to her where the youngest member usually stood. Kirsten takes a deep breath before releasing it and shaking her head, Emma and Ling are genuinely in shock, and Latrice just looks at each of the members before laughing and starting to head back towards the direction they came from, to retrieve their baby.
Meanwhile, said baby is still struggling through a conversation with “the love of her life”, as she described to her team after watching Bada battle Redlic.
“Uhm- well I was looking for Lusher hoping I could get her number, or give her mine, cuz… because I really enjoyed dancing with her!” y/n finishes off strong and Bada just tilts her head in an amused, yet condescending way. Y/n finally took the opportunity to actually look at her, and wow, does she wish she didn’t, because if her face wasn’t on fire before, it sure is now. Bada was standing confidently with her feet planted shoulder-width apart and her hands casually in her pockets. Y/n was usually good at acknowledging an attractive woman leaving it at that- but this shit was just too overwhelming for the poor girl. 
“She went to go refill her water, but she should be back soon. We were obviously heading to our room so if you wanna come back with us and wait for her, you’re more than welcome to.” Tatter speaks up in a chipper voice from beside Bada. She could see how red the girl’s face had gotten and wanted to help her out a little by putting her focus on something other than Bada. although her comment only seemed to make it worse-
“Oh! Oh no, that’s okay! I don’t want to intrude, and I- I should probably get back to my group anyways to prepare for the battle-” y/n frantically starts to ramble, her face somehow even brighter red than before. Bada couldn’t help the amused smirk that spread across her face.
“How about you just give me your number and I’ll give it to her?” Bada cuts her off, and not only do y/n’s eyes grow four times in size but so do Bada’s teammates’. They all try to discreetly glance at each other without freaking out, cuz since when was their leader this bold???
“Yeah… yeah of course.” Bada smiles and y/n is about to give her number, right when-
“We seriously need to put you on a leash, girl” Latrice laughs and puts her hand on y/n’s shoulder, leaving her to jump in surprise a little, not expecting her crew to have showed up behind her. The young girl let out a relieved sigh and then a tired laugh. She glanced back at Bada and the rest of Bebe then bowed slightly.
“Thank you so much for your help, but I'll just keep an eye out and try to catch her later” she speaks softly and smiles politely before moving to finally head back to her waiting room with her members. As she’s about to round the corner, y/n looks over her shoulder and shouts a sweet “good luck!” then waves cutely. 
Bebe is still standing in the same spot they were in when y/n left when Lusher finally made her way back to them.
“Why are we just standing in the hall… I thought you guys would be back in our room already.” She eyes up her crew suspiciously, looking at every one of them before landing on Bada.
“Well, we would’ve been if Bada hadn’t decided to harass y/n” Kyma pipes up, and Lusher sends a look that can only be explained as concern and disbelief toward Bada.
“Excuse me, I did not HARASS her???” Bada looks over at the girl with an incredulous look.
“Right, you just tortured the poor girl and acted so cold she probably thought you were gonna eat her-” “EAT HER???? WHAT AM I NOW? A WOLF???”
“Well-” Tatter chimes in this time, “you did kind of give off that vibe when she was talking to you just now.”
“Okay- we can get back to unpacking that later. Why was she even over here?” Lusher interrupted the flow of conversation. Bada sighed and hesitated before sharing
“She actually was looking for you…” she started calmly. Noticing Lusher’s confused expression, she continued
“y/n was asking for your number… said it was because she really enjoyed dancing with you.” Bada smiled a little as she shared this information with her teammate, who in turn also smiled. Lusher’s wide eyes and light grin, made Bada realize how she actually had the opportunity to get y/n’s number and failed miserably. 
“But she said she’d come find you later, so be on the lookout.” the group leader stoically expressed. Lusher hums and nods, mentally pocketing the information. They finally head back to their room and begin to prepare for the battle.
As ALL of Jam Republic enters their room, the first they do after shutting the door is all turn to face y/n. All of the members stare in anticipation, waiting for her to burst.
“So are you gonna tell us what the hell you were doing talking to Bada Lee?” Latrice urges with a teasing grin. Everyone continued to wait for y/n to start excitedly ranting, but it never came.
“I feel…” the youngest starts and they all lean in slightly, waiting for her to express everything vividly,
“I feel really confused.” She finishes her statement in a daze and honestly, the members are now convinced she’s totally out of it.
“Oh my god… what did she say to you?” “Are you okay?” “Do we need to fight her?” Emma and Audrey go back and forth with their questions, hurrying to bring y/n to sit in between them on the couch.
“She just… she’s… I just really love women, and I think I specifically am going to fall in love with that woman, and I think I'm gonna die” she rants outwardly, still in a daze. All of her members lean back slightly, flabbergasted by the youngest’s statement. Kirsten tries to keep her jaw off the floor but she puts up a hand and tries to dismiss the situation for the time being
“Well… uh… alright should we prepare for the battle, and revisit this later?” “yes please” “alright awesome, thank you for sharing y/n” “yeah, no problem”
All teams have gathered again in the main competition area for the group battle, all fired up again and ready to rumble. The energy is high as all groups compete, the mission’s final ranking is announced and Jam Republic celebrates their decent rank of fourth place. With Bebe placing right above them in third, y/n turns to the groups and claps for them, making eye contact with Lusher and giving her a thumbs up, which is returned. 
They wrap up and begin to head back to their rooms again. Y/n approaches Bebe with a bright smile and hopes that Lusher will come right forward and save the other girl from embarrassing herself again in front of the group’s leader. But it turns out Lusher has other plans. She skips down the bleachers and smiles at y/n before walking right past her.
“Bada, can you get y/n’s number for me, I have to use the restroom- thanks!” she shouts as she retreats, causing all of her teammates to laugh in shock, except her leader. Bada, unprepared for the confrontation, is a little flustered and doesn’t know if she’ll be able to put up the same act as before. 
Bada stands from her seat and calmly and coolly strides towards y/n. She pulls out her phone and opens the contact app, handing it to the small girl with a relaxed, almost bored, expression. When y/n doesn’t do anything at first, she looks up at Bada with wide puppy eyes, and Bada swears she stopped breathing for a second.
“You can just put your information in my phone and I'll send it to Lusher” the team leader explains, hoping y/n can’t tell how worked up and tense she is right now. 
“Oh- yeah. duh” Y/n awkwardly laughs and enters her information before looking back up again with bright eyes to ask-
“Can I give myself a contact picture?” She doesn’t seem awkward or nervous at all when she asks for permission, and Bada finds it adorable. She couldn't help the endeared laugh that escaped her, and she was honestly okay with it because afterward the vibe totally changed.
“Of course you can give yourself a picture” Bada responds with a gentle, amused smile and y/n feels her nerves start to dissipate, as Bada’s genuine smile makes her feel warm and fuzzy, and she never wants to stop seeing such a beautiful thing.
Y/n poses for her contact photo by simply doing a peace sign and sticking out her tongue. Bada again giggles at her cuteness and thanks her when she hands her phone back. She’s about to speak when the Jam dancer beats her to it-
“Even though I technically gave you my number for Lusher, you should definitely still text me too, so I have your number as well!” y/n confidently speaks, but the blush painting her cheeks betrays her nerves. Bada’s eyes widen, genuinely shocked at her bold request.
“Of course- I’ll text you right now.” and so she does. Y/n giggles as she watches Bada take a similar selfie to her, which she receives moments later.
“That’s for my contact picture by the way-” the older girl jokes, which causes y/n to burst out laughing. She was surprised that this Bada was the same person as the one who almost had her fainting in the hallways earlier. The two talked and laughed some more- they really couldn’t get enough of each other.
“You know, I was freaking out during your battle with Redy- when you got in her face and started like- making fun of her height or whatever you'd call that- oh my god it was amazing! My face got so hot watching that” y/n excitedly expressed her admiration, but realized a few seconds too late how she possibly exposed herself. And she felt her face heat up immediately when Bada tilted her head and smirked teasingly.
“Oh? Why was your face all hot? Huh?” Bada teases, standing firmly with her arms crossed over her chest. She steps up to y/n, similarly to how she did with Redy. except when she’s directly in front of her and able to look over her head entirely, Bada glances down at y/n who’d already staring up at her with those wide puppy eyes that have been trapping her all day, her mouth slightly hung open. 
Y/n is holding her breath- the way Bada is looking at her right now is making her want to cry. She’s so close, and the tone she uses while teasing y/n makes the younger girl weak in the knees, ready to fold at any second. She tries to stay aware, but y/n can feel her eyelids start to droop, as do Bada’s. The way she’s looking at her- with half-lidded, seductive eyes- y/n doesn’t understand how she got here, but the last thing she wanted for was it to end.
Bada had to remind herself there were many other people and cameras currently around, so she looked y/n up and down, smirked slightly (yet effectively), and backed away. She cleared her throat, but the smirk remained on her face, in fact- it was even bigger than before.
“I’ll text you later, okay?” She’s still close enough to where she can speak softly, and it makes her heart rate pick up when she realizes how flushed and dazed the younger dancer is in front of her. Bada raises her eyebrows slightly when she doesn’t get a response, to which y/n reacts quickly with a firm nod. Bada giggles at her and continues to tease.
“Ya- you should really learn how to use your words, puppy” Bada smiles condescendingly and y/n’s eyes widen once again. She lets out a small gasp when the older girl ruffles her hair before walking away.”
“I’ll text you, y/n!” Bada shouts over her shoulder and y/n just stands there, astonished. She eventually makes her way back to her crew, who watched the entire thing go down.
“What the FUCK was that-”
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notes: thank you so much for reading!! sorry that this is so long and there wasn't any "real" romance written in yet. this is definitely a slower burn series, but it's because I like to build up every detail of a story haha. hoping to have the next part ready by the middle of this week, please look forward to it!!
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ssamchu · 4 months
I know you love me back, even if you don’t show it (kim chaewon x f!reader)
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   ⋅`🦦` ..⃗. } ⎧ ୧Just chaewon rejecting Yn's love and once jealous for rejecting it –72k views
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▸ clip one
While chaewon started the live, Yn and Eunchae were playing halli galli (there is no one more competitive than those two)
Yah! calm down!!! the live has started! said Chaewon with her adorable angry tone. sorry my bae, let me make it up to you. Yn spoke while her mouth was preparing to form a kiss.
Eunchae meanwhile burst out laughing and Chaewon slapped her arm with a disgusted face.
Ouch! oh my heart has broken into a thousand pieces, god please eunchae help me. spoke Yn overreacting, throwing half of her body on the younger one, The leader rolled her eyes at her.
Leave manchae alone and stop overreacting Choi. At the naming of her last name, Yn sat down while striking a military pose.
at your service, unnie.
▸ clip two
While Leniverse was being filmed, Yn was on a mission to kiss all the members. It was no big deal for her because she always tried to do it, even the other members let her do it, except Chaewon.
While the girls were busy doing other missions, she approached Kazuha, Sakura, Yunjin and Eunchae, leaving Chaewon for the end and the members decided to watch the funny tom and Jerry-like scene unnieeee, come here said the girl with a slightly scary tone.
No! I hate it, get away from me. Chaewon shouted as she watched her friend slowly approaching. Yah! You come any closer and I'll throw this at you. She said while showing her toothpaste in her hand.
WHY ARE YOU EXAGGERATING? IT'S JUST A KISS, I NEED TO FINISH THIS MISSION AND I'M NOT GOING TO LET YOU, UNNIE, RUIN IT. Yn yelled back, grabbing a pillow to cover herself if Chaewon kept her word.
Seeing her grab a pillow, Chaewon thought Yn had given up, she calmed down as she turned around but that was a big mistake because before doing it, Yn jumped up wrapping her arms around her body as she tried to kiss her cheek until she did it and the traitorous camera showed a totally red Chaewon lying on the floor.
▸ clip three
They were in the waiting room at music bank while Chaewon was filming her daily vlog, they were on UNFORGIVEN promotions and they schedule was totally full, so much that on the side of the camera shot, Yn appears sleeping on the couch while Yunjin was taking photos of her.
Ah, Yn loves to sleep whispered while looking at the pictures she had taken, approaching Chaewon to show them, cute, isn't her? she asked to which the short-haired girl remained silent and made a disgusted face.
YAH UNNIE I SAW YOU. oh Yn woke up.
▸ clip four
So, guys, here we are, the UNFORGIVEN photo shoot features Yn in an outfit that showed off her abs. Guys, don't you think I have the best abs? I learned from Kazuha, I've been working out with her for months, it helped me. She said with a smile on her face.
Oh! look, chaewon unnie finished her shots, let's see them. she speculated as she walked towards chaewon who was checking her own shots.
ohhh cute, hot, pretty, yeah yeah I like it, you ate chaewonnie. The leader meanwhile, rolled her eyes before saying I know Yn, I know.
I think I like you unnie said the youngest one there as she kissed the screen where the pictures were. ahhh...Yn...what are you saying??? Chaewon said because of how shameless her member was.
▸ clip five
It's Valentine's Day and the members were doing a live for it, now, the girls choose a member to make chocolates and a letter.
uh- I don't know, I think I'm going to choose Yunjin. Yn said and Chaewon's neck almost broke hearing it, it was the first time she didn't choose her, even in izone she chose her, she wanted to ask why she didn't choose her but thank god, sakura asked since it was totally sudden for everyone.
Chaewon unnie wouldn't want a gift from me. Yn said jokingly and rolling her eyes.
NO! I want!!! Chaewon said almost shouting while everyone jumped from their place due to the leader's sudden behavior.
no, unnie, she chose me. Yunjin spoke knowing that she would make her angry. Yah! Yn, choose me. The girl said as she tugged on the sleeve of her bear sweater. ah... these girls fight for me, don't worry, there is Yn for everyone, don't worry, wait for your birthday Yunjin, I will write you a letter and give you reward chocolates.
After saying this, you could hear an angry Yunjin and a totally happy Chaewon.
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inspired by @jihyoruri
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httpsserene · 8 months
ᴛʜᴇ ᴠɪʀᴛᴜᴀʟ ʀᴀᴄɪɴɢ ʙᴏᴏᴛᴄᴀᴍᴘ ᴡ/ᴍᴠ33
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📖ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: you start showing interest in sim racing. max's only option is to turn you into the best virtual-racer there ever was--well besides himself, of course. 📖ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: fluff. brain vomit. formatting (done on mobile💀). tiniest explicit reference. not edited. 📖ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 2k words 📖ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: max verstappen x fem!black!reader 📖ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: headcanons & smau 📖ꜱᴏᴜɴᴅᴛʀᴀᴄᴋ: word on the streets • key glock
ᴘʀᴇꜰᴀᴄᴇ: thought about this the whole time i was working. and then some man had the exact same voice as max and i genuinely almost dissolved into thin air because i felt like max was punishing me for thinking about this on the clock :) anyways, hope u enjoy the brainrot, loves !!!
wanna be on my taglist ? send me an ask !
and yes, i did make a masterlist !
*whispers* next f1 kinktober fic this weekend
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you were probably unaware that sim racing was even a thing until you started dating max
like you’ve seen the funny little twitch clips of people playing driving simulators and being absolute menaces on the road, but you never knew actual virtual racing was a thing
anyways, whether or not you consider yourself a gamer in this scenario, you’ve always been pretty down to play videogames with max.
he absolutely annihilates you in FIFA, and no matter how much he tries to help you, you’re a lost cause
in return, you embarrass him in COD; he should’ve looked at your kd-ratio before he tried to play with you
but, sim racing 🧐
i mean, like, you never even fully considered that you could sim race at all, like not for leisure at least
max takes that shit seriously, he’s a part-time f1 driver full time simracing twitch streamer 😤
you are always around watching him practice on the sim, playing the f1 games, and even tuning in for his iracing competitions
at first, whenever max would stream you would probably be doing other things with your time
your hair, cleaning, self-care, cooking, etc.
eventually, you started migrating to sitting on the couch off-camera and watching him drive irl instead of having the stream on in the background
you were originally like, “oh it’s just because i wanna drool over his massive veiny hands” 🤤
but now it’s like “oh i wonder what each button he presses with his nicely proportioned fingers on the steering wheel does?”
and slowly it transforms from “wow my boyfriend is so cool” to “wait…this sim-racing thing is kinda cool”😵‍💫
now imagine you being like “lol wait a minute now” and being like i'm only interested in because my boyfriend loves it 🤥
in order to disprove this theory you start to ask max questions about virtual racing
not that you wouldn’t before, but they were fairly surface level; now you’re asking him about tactics, strategies, and track conditions etc.
and max is fucking thrilled 🫨🫨🫨 !!!
he eagerly answers all your questions (maxplaning 🥱), going way more into depth than you were expecting, but what did you think was going to happen
max is always happy to ramble about any small facet of virtual racing (doesn’t matter if it’s the sim, or iracing, or f1 2023) but
it makes him really pleased that you’re showing a genuine interest in it because most people don’t
you support him in anything he wants to do wholeheartedly, and listening and answering your well thought out questions has him falling head over heels for you again
so, he thinks nothing of it other than you being the best girlfriend he’s ever had and trying to learn more about what he loves
his previous girlfriends didn’t really care to understand how important vr racing was to him
they all just saw it as him playing a “game” and him wasting time when they could’ve been on dates or smth
everything is going fine and dandier, max continues to answer all of your vr racing questions, and you continue to watch him pilot the sim
until, he catches you watching a beginner’s guide on f1 2023 and get’s so jealous 😒
bro is all like “wtf, you’re watching some lame ass unranked gamer when i’m your professional driver boyfriend who does this for a living?? hell nah if you want to start playing i’ll teach you”
you’re just like, “nahhhh….i don’t want to waste your time trying to teach me, it’s not worth it. i’m not even a good driver irl, so—“
max shuts that down expeditiously
if his girlfriend wants to start vr racing, he only has one option
make you the best virtual racer there ever was (excluding him)
you’re wide-eyed like, “i just wanna go vroom vroom in circles for fun 😭”
max deathly serious, “that was never an option”
he enlists you in his virtual-racing training camp
if you are aware of the disney rapid training montage where the mc sings one song and suddenly they’re the best fighter ever, that’s how i imagined it
mulan, for example, i’ll make a man out of you
max reveals his inner george russell, he becomes a power point king
instead of date nights being cute pottery classes—they turn into him teaching you the parts of the car, the buttons on the wheel, f1 2023 settings breakdowns, reviewing iracing competitions etc.
eventually max finally allows you to play on the sim after he thinks you’ve got the theory down pretty good
you suck at first 🤗
but then you start clocking in some hours
after work, during your “lunch break”, using the sim while max is gone and playing during all the practice and media sessions
whenever max is gone, and you have any questions or ask for feedback on how to get better, you text him all about it, of course not expecting an immediate response back
max has told you before that he likes getting out of the car after a practice session and checking his phone to see all the missed messages from you with some wishing him luck and the others asking for his thoughts on your strategies
one day, he’s going for lunch with some of the other drivers and they start to make fun of him for how he’s stuck in his phone, heart-eyes and all as he rapidly texts you
they probably think that you’re sending him cute texts or photos like that one time they caught him looking at photos of you and learned he had a locked photo album of you on his phone ☠️
max remains unbothered under their teasing thinking, “they don’t know my gf can out pace them by .200 in f1 2023”
max even personally bothers christian into getting him another sim for you
christian is so tired of you two, max won’t leave him ALONE
i think max would text his team principal screenshots of your lap times and make jokes about it
“if checo keeps dnf-ing, my gf can fill in”
christian gets you the goddamn sim 😒
y’all procrastinate on building and calibrating it, max more so because it means his chair would stop smelling like you 🥺
you get it set up, but you still play on his sim every once in a while after he told you that because you’re a simp
he goes to stream one day, planning on practicing with the redline team for an upcoming iracing event
and the man almost BREAKS HIS LEGS trying to sit down because you forgot to move the chair back after you were done using it 😭😭
in between his groan of pain he let’s it slip “ow fuck, my girlfriend forgot to move the seat back after she was done”
chat goes ducking crazy
yooo, what? ur gf sim races???
is she good???
max is like “hell fucking yeah my girlfriend is great sim racer, she could replace one of the boys at redline if she wanted too!”
(team redline sweats anxiously, mics now suspiciously silent)
max continues, “well she is not as great as me, but she’s good i guess”
stream chat “they are going to have babies that completely dominate f1” “if their babies are born in the netherlands we will be stuck in purgatory cursed with hearing the dutch anthem forever”
max continues with his practice but everyone is begging to see you play, even some of the redline guys are asking questions
they wanna know if they’re really at risk of you stealing their seat
max gives up and turns to you on the couch with a smile and says, “i will beg, schatje. do not put it past me, we all want to see you drive. some people are saying i’m lying so you have to prove them wrong🙇🏼”
you’re like “what 😅 no 😧i suck 🤭 at this 🤗” but you’re already getting up and walking over to boot up your sim
the urge to flex on people and embarrass them is something both you and max share
max opens f1 2023 and starts a party for just you two, and you both decide to do quali laps at zandovoort
you do your hot lap first, and max goes after you
max y’ know, probably thinks that he can take it relatively easier on you, there’s no reason to put 100% effort into something for fun, so he puts in 95% 😀 (competitive boy)
and you know that one nepenthez meme
that’s how this goes
max is like, already rambling to the stream “yeah that’s a comfortable p1, she still has a lot to learn before she can beat a world champ—P2??!!!! 😧😳”
you’re just in the background in your sim chair, turned facing the camera with an innocent little smirk smile on your face ☺️
you got pole by .050, and chat starts bullying max, the redline boys laughing hysterically in his headphones
max requests a rematch and promptly annihilates you :)
i like to imagine that eventually you start joining max’s stream and the two of yous start having little racing tournaments whenever you guys have the time
omg could you imagine the little championship ceremony where you put party hats on jimmy and sassy and have fake little tiny gold trophies for whoever wins 🥹
imagine one day ‼️ you actually start doing iracing events, and just working your way up to being one of the best 😌
ANYWAYS to wrap it up, best teacher max ever
virtual racing 🤝 strong relationships
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maxverstappen1 • 32 mins ago
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liked by yninstagram, danielricciardo3, and 7,324,122 ofhers
maxverstappen1 the only woman for me 🧎🏼
tagged yninstagram
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yninstagram baby. baby—😭😭😭😭
➥ maxverstappen1 i love you
➥ yninstagram what the fuck has gotten into you 😳 i love you, maxy 🫶🏽
user the way ‼️ he cradles ‼️ her head 😭😭
danielricciardo3 this genuinely the sappiest thing max has ever said
➥ maxverstappen1 do not worry daniel you are the only man for me
➥ user my therapist will be hearing about this
user the fact that max personally handmade that meme 💀
user never thought i’d see the day that max uses the kneeling emoji
➥ maxverstappen1 i’m on my knees for her more often than you think
➥ user alRIGHT go ahead and clock out for me 😒
➥ redbullracingf1 do you remember the media training we had two days ago, max?
taglist: @lorarri | @saintslewis | @cherry2stems | @sweetpiccolo-blog
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© httpsserene2023
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qkopi · 11 months
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey!! hey hey hey! hi! How are you? doing fine?? hope so!
I got a request! Can you do e42 miles fic where on the first day of school, like from the get go, he spotted a girl who loves purple? I mean LOVES purple. Cause its my favorite color! And since the main color for the prowler is purple and green. You do how you want it! Love your link story! thx!
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pairings: prowler! miles x fem! reader
cw: none
summary: miles notices the girl who sits beside him is always wearing purple. will you get notice him though?
a/n: none
when miles was going towards his seat, he noticed you the purple bow attached to the back of your head as it was an accessory for your hair.
at first, it was just a quick glance, nothing more.
though it did remind him of his suit, so he started to notice you a bit more.
the next day he saw you wore purple brooch that accessorized your uniform.
the day after that, he saw you wear a purple clip on the side of your head.
“goddamn, this girl obsessed with purple or what?” miles said it in his thoughts as he chuckled.
you must really like purple.
everytime he took a look at you, his eyes would always search something that was purple.
he’d see a purple bracelet.
purple air jordan’s.
a purple headband.
this one time, he had to squint since you were wearing purple earrings but your hair was in the way.
the next day, miles saw you wearing a necklace with the shade of purple that was really similar to his suit.
“i like your necklace,” miles said out of nowhere, not sparing you a glance.
“thank you! a friend got it for me as a gift. ” was all you said as you went back doing the assignment.
meanwhile miles was secretly blushing and smiling that he got to courage to even say that to you.
the day after that, miles was confused.
when he sat next to you, you didn’t even wear anything purple. no earrings, no bracelets, no nothing.
and when class began to end, you packed up and stuff and started to leave the classroom. without even knowing, your purple ring fell out of your bag as you left.
thankfully, miles took notice of it.
when he picked up the ring, he saw a purple gem on it. miles let out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding as he went to catch up to you.
“hold up!” he grabbed your shoulder softly, making you confused and turn around.
“this fell outta your bag.” miles showed you his hand, your ring on top of it.
“oh my god, thank you! i’ve been looking for it all morning and i was so mad when i wasn’t wearing purple at all today.” you tried to take your ring but before you could get your hands away from his, miles held it.
“miles.” was all he said.
“y/n.” you smiled up at him as he gave you a smile back.
™︎ qkopi | tumblr
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vendetta-ari · 4 months
hii !!! do you have any hc's for emily dating a sinner s/o ?? unless you'd rather write a drabble about this :3
- ✨️
Hii anon hope you enjoyed the request I dont usually write for emi but I thought I'd give it a shot!
(This is set up in a weird way pls ignore it)
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♡ Emily met you when you came with charlie and Vaggie to debate about if a soul in hell could be redeemed, she thought you were the most amazing person, so she may have broken a few rules
♡ She hid you in her room when Vaggie and Charlie got sent back to hell, it's the first time she had ever done something like that..god it was such a rush- and even falling for a sinner was dangerous but she couldn't resist the danger and excitement it came from
♡ she could really stick it to sera too, rebelling against her felt so good, showing her that she wasn't some child to be sheltered and protected. dating a sinner was unheard of for the seraphim and sera would kill her but she didn't care. the thrill was too much to resist 
♡ She didn't let you leave her room and if sera entered you'd quickly hide under her bed. you two did really fall hard for each other.
♡ If you two were dating she'd be even sweeter than she usually is
♡ her love language is physical touch for sure
♡ She always plays with your hair, and she puts little bows and clips in them, she thinks it's funny
♡ when you two cuddle she wraps her wings around you, and then nuzzles up next to you
♡ She kinda panicked the first time you kissed. “I- … I JUST KISSED A SINNER I-”
♡ “Hun, if you say it any louder we are gonna get exposed- now just relax mkay?”
♡ “O-oh yeah- right!”  she has almost gotten you two caught so many times, she's a bit of a klutz.
♡ Calls you Angel, sweetie, sweetheart, and probably those very cheesy lovey dovey nicknames (I dare not say them bc I personally hate those nicknames. . .)
♡ Eventually you had to get back to the hazbin hotel, Emily promised you that she'd find a way for these souls to be redeemed and she meant it even more when she was talking to you.
♡ she immediately broke down into tears when you told her that you needed to return back to hell. She couldn't bear the thought of being without you, since you had spent at least two months in her bedroom. After lots of cuddles and reassuring her that you would be back she opened up a portal leading back to hell.
♡ tears filling your eyes you stepped onto the portal waving her off, entering the bright reddish hellhole you called home. 
♡ Walking up to the hazbin hotel you knocked on the door and saw Charlie, her face lighting up when she saw you, everyone was certain you were dead and they were very worried, but after telling them the whole story they all seemed happy for you.
♡ A few weeks later and you still had no idea how to communicate with emily until a golden portal appeared in your room, Emi stepped through hurriedly
♡ “I snuck out..I just needed to see you again!” She said in a shaky voice 
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I surprisingly had a lotta fun writing this! hope yall enjoyed!!
(Word count: 519)
-xoxo, Ari
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chiibinomonodamon · 2 months
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(damn, there's a sentence I never thought I'd say....)
Okay...so I see some Stolitz confusion and bashing online and I need to type up a defense here because I won't be able to sleep otherwise lol
I consider myself to be a Ship Critic and someone who takes shipping rather seriously.
What I mean by this is, I like to analyze and break down romantic relationships between fictional characters because it's just interesting to write for me. I especially take delight in friendly debating with opinions that I strongly do *not* agree with.
Let me start off by saying I am NOT a "this ship is awesome because gay furry sex lol" type of girl.
FAR from it. I'm generally more passionate about hetero ships between human characters (because I can relate to them more) among other reasons. So if you wanna dismiss my defense as "shallow fangirlism", you can forget about that lame excuse.
I fell in love with Hazbin Hotel when it was finally released in February and suffered waiting for each new two-parts per week. During that time, I decided to watch Helluva Boss as well, after a friend showed me a particularly soul-crushing clip (Moxxie's childhood trauma about his mother).
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Yes, I like funny sex jokes as much as the next goofy adult but scenes like this, scenes that carry a very heavy emotional weight are what really get me in the end, even moreso when VERY little dialogue is exchanged. I knew I had to watch the entire episode run after seeing that the creators had a talent for this.
I saw people asking:
"How did Stolas go from using Blitz as a sex toy to being painfully in love with him?"
Oh I can tell you. I can tell you the EXACT moment this is revealed. But it's not spoon-fed to you; it's quite subtle actually and this is why lots of people miss it.
See, one of the strongest talents Vivenne has shown me is that she REALLY knows how to get her characters to communicate their feelings to the viewers JUST from their expressions and body language. These can be 'blink-and-miss-it' teeny little scenes and it may require a couple rewatches.
But since people demand time stamps for all information others post here, I'll rewatch a few scenes from S1 E7 'Ozzie's' as I'm typing this.
'Ozzie's' remains to be not just my favorite episode of HB...but probably my favorite episode of any adult-targeted animated show outside of Japan (aside from S2 E7's Mid-Season Special)
It has this huge reveal for both Blitzo and Stolas.
We'll first address Blitzo's irrational, stalkerish behavior of Moxxie and Millie.
He's obsessed with them. He finds both of them very attractive, fantasizes about threesomes with them and is constantly inserting himself into their personal lives.
Because they have everything that he badly badly wants for himself.
They have the perfect marriage and he is trying to live THROUGH them.
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This was hilarious to me at the beginnning of the show but it's slowly revealed that it's one of the most tragic and depressing things I've ever seen. And it's scarily realistic too.
But you know this already so let's move on...
Blitzo follows the couple to Ozzie's but he can't get in without a date. So he calls up Stolas and yes, this is very low but he doesn't realize how much this means to Stolas (hell, I'm not sure even Stolas realizes it himself!) but the owl man is giddy with joy, he rushes over and they enter Ozzie's.
When Ozzie and Fizz mock Moxxie for being so sappy towards his wife, this strikes a chord with Blitzo (because they're his IDEAL relationship) and he speaks up to defend them.
Fizz, still holding onto his past grudge turns on Blitzo to humilate him:
"Some nerve you got commenting on a relationship"
Time Stamp: 11:37
As Fizz says "-ship", Blitzo VERY QUICKLY makes eye contact with Stolas who has a look of panic on his face. Blitzo is seeking VALIDATION from Stolas in this sharp, subtle second of screentime, as if to ask
"Well, ARE we in one?"
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And then what happens next...Stolas remains silent, Blitzo's ex joins in to announce how selfish Blitzo was in bed with her, tearing him down further. Stolas stands up like he's going to put a stop to it but then Ozzie notices him and interrogates him about sleeping with Blitzo.
Blitzo looks incredibly ashamed and guilty as Stolas blushes with similar feelings...and hides his face behind his menu; HIS BIGGEST MISTAKE IN THE SERIES SO FAR.
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Time Stamp: 12:24
The look on Blitzo's face as he grits his teeth and darts his eyes away basically says
"Yeah, I should have known...boy am I an idiot for trusting him to stand up for me".
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(look how SHOCKED he is...wow, this hurts fr ;_;)
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This is a silent betrayal on Stolas's part. Afterall, his reputation is on the line, so if he were to defend Blitzo, it confirms they are in fact, dating. He chose his pride over Blitzo and Blitzo is crushed by this betrayal.
Moxxie finishes his song and kisses his wife tenderly. Stolas watches this and also wants to have an affectionate moment with Blitzo (who is rightfully glaring daggers at him) and tries to reach for his hand.
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Blitzo rejects his touch and suggests they leave. As they do, Blitzo still looks furious and hurt. Stolas is now realizing how badly he screwed up with a "What have I done?" face (13:41)
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He even looks disappointed with himself.
After Blitzo drops Stolas off, he thanks him and tries to smooth over the awkwardness with sweet talk but Blitzo just rolls his eyes in disgust and pulls on his face like "I don't want to hear this bullshit".
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He responds coldly and curtly, "Yeah." Stolas makes more suggestions to spend time with him, which just makes him even angrier and he snaps
"I'm not fucking you tonight, okay!
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I'm really just..." (14:28)
he pauses to wipe a tear because at this point he can barely hold it together (top notch voice acting and animation directing btw)
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"...not in the mood, Stolas."
Stolas still tries to talk him into doing couple things unrelated to sex.
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Blitzo's face switches back to anger and frustration because Stolas isn't getting the message so he goes for the blunt tactic;
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"Stolas, don't act like what we have is anything but YOU wanting ME to fuck you, okay?"
"You make that really clear all the time."
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(again his voice sounds like he's about to break down)
"But I-I just can't do it tonight, okay?"
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(Finally meets his eye)
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"...I'm sorry."
I believe this is code for "I'm sorry we're even in this situation and how your reputation got damaged. " Or, more painfully, "I'm sorry I'm such an embarrassment to you".
Stolas replies "Okay" and takes a deep breath to compose himself. They say goodnight and depart.
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An important note here is that Stolas calls him "Blitzo" instead of "Blitzy" to show more respect.
As Blitzo zooms away coldly, Stolas looks up at the sky with tears in his eyes, surprised at how much it hurts.
He then sits down with his head in his hands in anguish...because he's getting that
"Oh...no. These feelings are real" epiphany.
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And as if this wasn't enough angst, Blitzo collapses onto his couch at home, goes through the memories on his phone and starts sobbing.
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I'm going to be real with you; this is the most heart-breaking shit I have ever seen in an adult show of this type. It's also the first time a show of this type got me to cry.
The last six minutes have revealed so much information without spoonfeeding it to the audience because the show RESPECTS its audience.
To recap:
*Blitzo takes Stolas on a first official date to use him
*Stolas is extremely happy about it
*Blitzo gets humilated and looks to Stolas for validation
*Stolas betrays him and breaks his heart
*Blitzo snaps that their relationship is nothing more than lust-driven sex
*Stolas realizes he's actually in love with Blitzo and it's a huge problem because (he believes) that it's unrequited.
*Blitzo breaks down because the ONE person whom he thought would protect him didn't do so.
So these two are convinced that neither one loves the other...while the irony is, it's quite the opposite.
Because if Blitzo REALLY didn't feel anything towards Stolas, he would not have gotten this emotional.
Yes, they are both lonely...but I really don't think that's all there is between them.
So..........we know WHEN they started falling...now the question is why;
I think the answer's quite simple; single-target affection.
It was mentioned in S2 that Stolas and Stella did sleep together ONE TIME...but Stolas didn't enjoy it at all. He is stuck with a wife who hates him so much that she put a HIT on him...and a daughter who thinks he's a loser. Blitzo is pretty much the one person in his life who is able to make him happy. That one small, bright spot. He enjoys the sex with him but he also simply enjoys his company, as shown in Ozzie's episode. He is thrilled to simply talk to him about his day...and do anything else that couples do. They're complete opposites. Stolas is an intellectual but naive and sheltered. Blitzo is poorly educated but cynical and street-smart. Opposites attract...though this is likely more from Stolas's POV than Blitzo's.
In other words, Stolas is into bad boys xD lmao
In Blitzo's case, Stolas is the only character who shows him physical affection which he desperately craves. He's pretty tsundere about it most of the time...but I think he actually does enjoy that attention...especially when he's always getting disrespected by Moxxie and Loona..and quite a lot of people around him. BUT he's too scared to get serious with anyone because of past trauma and he also believes that no one could possibly love him as a person. :(
Reasons I Think This Love is Real
Aside from what I pointed out in the Ozzie's episode...there's quite a lot of evidence, esp from Stolas's POV.
After he realizes he's in love, he goes to Asomodeous for an ALTERNATIVE method for Blitzo to use so they will no longer sleep together. He wants to set Blitzo free. Which means he DOES truly love him because love is about being generous to the other person. He COULD be totally selfish about it but he isn't.
Asomodeous mentions how against love potions he is and Stolas agrees. He thinks that's out of the question.
'Look My Way' music video. Lol I don't have to say anything more.
This exchange at 16:57
Fizz: Seems your taste has gotten more 'regal', lately?
Blitz: Yeah, well unlike you, I fuck who I want WHEN I want. I'm not gonna be tied down to some big blue-blood asshole.
Fizz: You coulda fooled me the way Prince was cozying up to you at Ozzie's.
Blitz (gets very defensive) HEY! Stolas only cares about have a rugged peasant raw-dog him into his mattress, okay!
It's nothing...(gets hesistant and looks away)...you know...
(Fizz gives him a 'bitch please' look xD)
"it's nothing else."
Fizz: Then why were you even there?
Blitz: OTHER very important reasons of course.
Fizz: Whatever. I don't actually care.
Blitz: Stolas is just a loud, thirsty BITCH!
(Fizz is rolling his eyes again)
Blitz: He loves feeling the thrill of getting dicked by the lower class.
It's a novelty to him.
Fizz: LITERALLY just said I don't care!
Blitz: And then he'll call me and try to see how my day was!
And he'll pretend to care about me and comment on my photos laugh at my jokes...
Fizz: (Smirking) OH! That's definitely your clue right there that it's all bullshit!
Blitz: I KNOW, RIGHT??
Fizz: (Making a 'What in idiot' expression, shaking his head)
Fizz: Sounds like you just hate him for being a prince!
No one (laughs) and I mean NO ONE pretends to care that much just for a cheap lay.
All right. IF ANYONE knows what real love is like, it's Fizzaroli...who is in a very HEALTHY relationship with Asomodeous. He recognizes the signs because he's IN that place. He sees it...and he's annoyed that Blitzo keeps denying it and brushing it off...yet clearly can NOT stop talking about Stolas (amusing irony)
To sum up (this freaking essay lol) 'Stolitz' ABSOLUTELY has the potential to be pure and true...these two just need to communicate...or Stolas has to PROVE to Blitzo that he's serious about his feelings in another way.
There is no doubt that this ship is 100% endgame and is a case of the 'Earn Your Happy Ending' Trope. I look forward to the rest of the journey. Ron is putting my feelings about Stolitz in a perfect phrase:
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northsoulss · 5 months
I don’t know if you request are still open but imagine Elisa de Almeida with S/O that’s really pretty but has a resting B face, always look tired or about to say something rude BUT she has the kindest soul, she always has a nice attitude, and is basically unable so say rude things to son because she’ll feel bad. ( my friend is like this she literally is the nicest human I’ve ever met)
softie - elisa de almeida
(a/n : hi anon! thanks for the request! this is actually my first request so i hope i did it justice! xoxo)
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all your life, you have been told that you looked like a bitch by those who don’t know you very well. it did affect you when you were younger, not understanding why people thought of you that way even though you never acted like one. eventually, as you grew up, you stopped caring and instead, you started to embrace it.
you stopped trying to smile more, to look more “friendly”. you started to relax your face, and occasionally get thrown judgmental stares by the general public when you are out and about. especially since you play football, word spreads fast that psg is housing a cold-hearted striker.
that’s what you were known as. “cold”. your friends know better though. they know you were fearlessly loyal, and literally the nicest, and sweetest person alive.
you were known to be powerful and ruthless on the pitch, not taking shit from anyone. however, what the media and the fans didn’t see were the fond smiles shown to your teammates after each game, the gentle acts of services that you always provided; helping your teammates get coffee, being the first the volunteer when people needed help with something. too bad the fans didn’t see you that way.
the day rumours did start to spread like wild fire that you were dating the well known charismatic defender marked the start of your reputation crashing down. there were comments from fans like, “oh my god, how do they even work?”, and you gotta admit that sometimes it does hurt.
whenever you post your usual content on instagram and elisa comments on it with her usual “❤️”, your comment section gets real messy.
it’s easy to say that people just didn’t get why or how you two worked. you, the ruthless, cold-hearted woman, dating elisa, who was charming and bubbly, and to say the least, very smiley.
however, a few months ago, sakina posted on her instagram story a video of elisa just talking, but there you were in the background, staring with a love sick smile. needless to say, you thought the unsolicited comments would start to dial down now that your fans have seen the other side of you, but that was not the case.
“hi baby!” your voice sounds out from the hallway, sitting down to untie your shoes when you feel elisa looming over you. you look up at her with an awkward smile, seeing her with an amused smile with hands on her hips.
“hi.?” you are now confused, and elisa only laughs, taking out her phone and typing something before showing it to you. it was an edit of you, which you were shocked that she watched.
“you watch edits of me baby?” you question, brow raised trying to see her reaction, but she only shakes her head, pointing at the caption instead.
“has our fierce striker turned soft.? what?” you read out, face scrunched up into a frown as you start looking through the comment section. aside from the usual thirsty comments, one in particular caught your eye.
“oh i knew she was a big softie.. what the hell do you mean you knew?!” you practically yell at her phone, utterly shocked. you watch the edit again to see what they meant and you saw it. the clip of you staring at elisa, with eyes practically forming hearts with a fond grin.
“so.. not so cold anymore eh?” she takes the phone back and leans down so that her nose touches yours. she stares into your eyes with her piercing gaze, and you immediately shove her away, obviously flustered. you mumble a “no..” under your breath, trying to continue with what you were doing before elisa interrupted you.
“well, softie. i think things are about to get alot more interesting at our next match.” she hoists you up from the hallway bench and kisses you, lips searingly hot. you only kiss back with just as much energy, groaning when she presses you against the wall. at least now people know you aren’t just some bitch.
©️northsoulss 2023, all rights reserved.
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xrenjunniesx · 5 months
Hi I love your account can you please write dreamies revealing their relationship with a non idol reader
when they reveal your relationship
Idol!nct dream x non-idol!reader
a/n - I really struggled on this for some reason so I’m sorry for the longer wait
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you two were just trying to enjoy an evening at a bar for a friends birthday. the back of the bar was booked out meaning no fans were going to even be allowed in. it wasn’t fans that were the problem, but rather it was one of the staffs who recognised mark as an idol.
a photo of the two of you hugging each other and another one of mark kissing your cheek was revealed to the public and immediately the response was strong.
people you knew were recognising you and contacting you, EVERYONE was freaking out.
mark didn’t know at first until you called him, panicking as you explained what happened. he left his schedule as quick as he could and went home to you, calling the company to set a meeting to see where to go from here. he is rather mature about the situation and oddly calm, mainly because he knew this kind of thing was bound to happen one day.
doesn’t mean he isn’t panicking though.
he was the one who saw the post revealing photos of you two shopping together. in fact he saw the post before it even reached the general public. he was quick to get staff and his members to try and get the post taken down but it grew more popular by the minutes and eventually it was making headlines.
he called you and talked to you through what had happened. he was trying to be calm because this wasn’t the end of the world but damn did it feel like that as he read through the public’s opinion.
he did see a few positive comments but the negative outweighed them, so he deletes his social media apps of his phone, only posting photos on Instagram every now and then before deleting again. goes inactive until everything has calmed down for his own mental health and his suggest you do the same - even if it takes months.
you two were talking in the background of a behind the scenes video uploaded to the youtube channel. the editors thought you were a staff member, they didn’t even notice you and jeno hugging in the background that was only shown for a split second.
the clip was instantly being spread around and the youtube video was re-edited but it didn’t stop the original from being shown.
when he saw it he was a little shocked since he didn’t even notice that there was any type of camera in the room at that moment, which was why he was comfortably talking to you in the middle of the room.
you contacted him minutes later after he first saw it, crying in a moment of worry for what this all meant for you both.
he will reassure you but he will also be just as worried and be telling you to be careful if you go out anywhere JUST IN CASE.
on a live one of the fans asked what time it was there and he showed the fans his phone, not realising he hadn’t turned notifications off. you sent a message at that exact moment saying, “love, I’ll be home soon.” he moved the phone away quickly but he knew he was done for. he laughed it off awkwardly at first before apologising and ending the live.
he called you as soon as the live was over. “BABE I JUST REVEALED YOUR TEXT OH MY GOD”
you’re both freaking out but once you’re home he tries to calm down and think maturely about this. “look… they can’t ALL hate me? I’ll still be able to make music…” He is thinking positively and refusing to pick his phone up because he knows if he goes online he will only think negatively.
you were somewhat a youtuber, and in one of your vlogs, in the background as you walked with the camera through your house there was a picture of you and jaemin.
people managed to recognise it immediately and you were shocked because you didn’t even notice it when you were editing. you contact jaemin, worrying what he would say. you speak so fast into the phone that he didn’t even get to say anything until you were done speaking.
“love… it’s okay we can sort this out.” “I am so sorry jaemin.” “it’s okay, I’ll contact the company then I’ll call you right back, okay?”
you both ended up just coming out about the situation and admitting your dating. you take a break from your socials.
the only positive to this situation is that he gets to see you more since he doesn’t have to hide anything anymore. you can go to his place and he can go to yours!
there was two instances where he accidentally revealed it and he didn’t even realise that fans would connect these two instances. the first thing was when he accidentally followed your account on instagram. he went on bubble not long after he made it seem light hearted, “oh I accidentally followed an account while going through reels.”
the second time was when a fan asked to be daegals mother and he instantly said, “she already has a mother. WHICH is me I’m the mother and father. I’m the only one she needs.” he panicked as he spoke and tried to play it off.
fans put the two times together and looked more into it, figuring out that you two HAD to be dating. the one and only time the crazy fans were right.
he is panicking when he realises fans were figuring it out and instantly gets in contact with both you and the company. you’re a bit more calm over the phone about this than he is but when you see him in person you’re also freaking out.
you two were seen together out in public. it was really late at night when the two of you were going for a walk to a local shop near your place to get some late night food.
fans approached jisung, leaving you both shocked since he was disguised pretty well in your opinion.
the fans kept pestering you both so you two ran away- literally.
it made headlines the next day, and you laughed at the photos of you running away with jisung. your laughter was really just covering for how nervous and worried you were though. He on the other hand was texting everyone he trusted and getting all sorts of different advice.
he is really worried about what this meant for his future and he might consider a hiatus to avoid having to face the fans for a bit if the response is really negative.
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luvpjs7 · 23 days
꒰ jay enhypen ꒱ ─ ❝ face card ❞
✯⇢or in which; jay casually tells you how he doesn't like him visual and can you ignore his statement? Hell no!! ◌༉‧
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pairing : jay enhypen x fem! reader
genre : fluff, angst (if you squint)
warning : insecurity (jay is kinda insecure of his looks) , words of affirmation, acts of service, confrontation from reader to jay, not proofread , also English is not my first language, and also I didn't know how to end this honestly so maybe the ending is rushed
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You came after attending enhypens concert in your respective hotel room and were finally able to be comfortable after hours of discomfort of the crowd but it was all worth it.
The feeling of happiness seeping throughout your body after the fresh shower you walk towards your bed and choose the most comfortable outfit to wear for the night feeling exhausted.
After a year of planning and then cancelling out the ideas of attending your boyfriends and his bandmates concert you were able to attend it since it was not so important the week of your college.
Being a medical student is harder than a person can think of.
— 3 consecutive knocks on the hotel door —
Opening the door as you expected there was your boyfriend standing with his baseball cap and mask on his face with some things in his hands.
Immediately hugging him after months of waiting for this moment. He walks a little with his still busy hands surrounding your waist and puts the paper bags on the nearest table.
"missed you so much you know" you said while helping him out with the bags finally leaving his hug. "I missed you more baby, you don't know how much my members were teasing me for 'being extra excited today'.
You both laugh at his statement clearly aware about how much he gets teased by his members. Soon enough talking about your concert experience and meeting engenes and hearing them gush about your boyfriend without them knowing about your relationship you both settle down on the bed to eat.
"you know people can still recognise you through the mask and stuff" you told him, "yeah, I know, fans of every artist are detective they can recognise from one single strand of hair" you both laugh at his true words.
"yeah but no I'm not talking about that rn" you said while sniffing a little as the broth was still got and streaming. "so?" "you know, your jawline, jongie sharper than my hostel dorms knife."
he let out a loud laugh while covering his eyes soon enough slightly choking in the process. "seong, god easy there you're gonna choke." soon you guys wrap up done with the delicious food and cuddling on the bed under covers while showing him all the things you have recorded.
"and here look at this clip you know engenes were waiting for him to say these lines because as soon as he said the lyrics people were screaming their lungs out"
you show him about one member also continuing, "oh also engenes were discussing about how the screen does no justice to your guys visual after the concert for over"
"really?" He questions, "yeah, there were few locals who came along with their friends they all were so ready to stan you guys as 7, somebody even said they think you guys are the best visual serving group."
you thought maybe he would laugh at that but looking at him you got worried as you noticed there were tears glistening in his eyes but he wasn't crying. "jongie, baby what happened?"
"no nothing happened I'm just happy you enjoyed the concert honey you know after one whole year of relationship I saw my girlfriend in the crowd."
"jongie i love you for that but you don't have to lie for the reason you know you can tell me, we have been through this baby."
soon enough not able to control his emotions his hugs your waist dragging himself and sinking his face in your stomach, he cries silent tears.
giving him his time to cry while patting his head and soothing him through your words, you ask him what's wrong.
"it's just I don't feel confident enough when it comes to my visuals compared to my members, I love my members a lot but I feel like maybe when it comes to visuals I don't fit the group. I don't know why but I'm going through these thoughts for some weeks i couldn't even tell this to anyone."
your heart broke hearing his words, you knew jay isn't very confident when it comes to his visual but it broke your heart when he said he has been getting such thoughts for some weeks now.
"jay, baby look at me please." Cupping his face in your hands while softly caressing his cheeks you said. He soon lifted his face from your stomach still lying down on your lap, his eyes glistening from tears, his cheeks having crimson shade dusted with soft pink, he looked so adorable so tiny and small at that moment.
"do you know what engene, what bluejays think about you? They think you're so handsome It doesn't matter if you fit the so-called visual line or not. They love you for who you are you know
They love how you care about your members, about your love for engenes, they love your personality, your way of thinking, they love how you comfort them through your words, they love how beautiful you laugh and smile is, they love it when you are shy or embarassed whole doing ageyo, they love how you always want to be a better guitarist for engenes, they love it when you try to be a better singer, they adore the way you love your closed one wheather it's your members, you family or even staff. They love when you smile your eyes look like an upside down moon. They love your acts of service for everyone. They love how kind you are. They love every detail about you. They are your engenes baby, they know how to accept your flaws and perfections. Those who don't know how to accept it aren't here for all of you then.
You know when I met you as an artist I had gained immense respect for you cause how much you have improved throughout the debut and your members told me about your selfishness.
When we got closer to each other, I started to adore everything about you. You are the man every one wants in any aspect of a relationship, your patience, your words of affirmation, your acts of service, your kindness, your behaviour is so hard to find in a man.
When we got together and completed 3 months, remember you surprised me with my favourite heels which I told you about 5 months ago, you still didn't forget the name of it. It matters baby, your every action shows how beautiful you are from inside to out.
And talking about your physical appearance, believe me jongie when I say this, but I wish you could see yourself from my eyes .
The way I adore you like no other man exists for me. Your eyes, your face, your beautiful smile, your little smirk everything is my favourite baby don't ever think you lack in visuals. I get it everyone has their own insecurities but we are together in this and we will fight it together. "
You both look at each other without sharing a word yet his eyes hold the sparkles in a way of thanking you. "I love you baby, you know you're the best person that happened in my life."
He smiles with his little dimple and pulls you in a kiss and soon separates from each other's lips. Without saying anything he sits on the bed and pulls you to his chest but you knew he doesn't want to speak about the topic now but as you said your in this together and will fight together.
After 2-3 minutes of silence he speaks up, "I need to wife you up you know" you both laugh at his joke but jay definitely knows this day he won't let you go ever.
"okay imagine a scenario— not again yn" he whines "shut up and listen, so imagine I went shopping and I try to pay from my card, it declines, soon I call you to help me, you enter the shop and stand near me and then the transaction is successful. Guess why?
"I don't know, maybe because I paid for it and also why will you use your card?" "No Dumbass and shut up, you ruined the moment, anyways guess why?"
"idk baby why?" He asked "FACE CARD baby your face card, you can always drag this sexy jawline on the scanner and then boom transaction is successful." "Yn~ that's so—" you laugh at his expression and soon both sleep peacefully since he has another concert :(
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💌 — hii posting after month, but honestly I love this man so much and watching him saying bad things about his face in enha's videos makes me so upset I wish I could tell him these words. Tysm for reading notes are appreciated love you <3
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ngray192 · 9 days
Ok, Chaos Theory came out and I watched ALL OF IT.
So, I'm gonna share every thought I had while watching, with no context whatsoever!
• Brooklyn is already dead ig
• The animation is beautiful
• Darius to the rescue!!
• He's so grown up
• Hes still so Darius
• Sammy would be proud
• This animation is gorgeous omg
• He took mannerisms from his friends omg
• Allosaurus killed Brooklyn!!!?!?
• Omg this show is darker than the first
• His groceries are gonna fly out
• Curse, I know you want to
• Is it a gun gun or tranq gun?
• Omg is he leaving voicemails to Dead Brooklyn??
• Did they get Jenna Ortega back or no?
• He's got a little cabin
• Wtf is that gun??
• Brand!!
• He's like 20 rn?
• Kenji and Darius had a falling out??
• I miss them
• Someone do the "despite everything it's still you"
• Ok he slayed that electric staff whip tho
• He's anxious af
• God this is so sad wtf
• Ofc there's a site caller Dark Jurassic
• I saw this scene in the clip already
• Teamwork
• That was the whole episode?!
• "Aw crud"
• Someone broke the fence
• Why did you park so far away??
• Ofc he drives a van
• The eyessss
• Lockwood Estate mentioned
• Always the logical one
• He wrote down his theories
• Boyfriends??
• "Dork pouch"
• He's so goofy I love him
• Facial expressions on point
• "Yee-haw"
• Do they only have one picture of them all?
• It's a female voice??
• Oh it was Brooklyn
• They didn't even try to make her sound the same
• I don't like her hair
• She's still Brooklyn
• Isn't that the plot of someone's fanfic on the Discord??
• Someone's gonna read that scene as romantic
• Ben is a reckless driver god damn
• Where are they that they can drive to Texas easily?
• Move dino move!!
• No rear view mirror doesn't sound safe
• Let this boy pee
• He's so done with him
• Hes giving season 4 episode 2
• Boyfriends??
• Hero Ben!!
• Ew the face
• Camp fammmmm
• THE HEAT WAVES this animation is everything
• We get different end-credits every ep??
• Cows!
• "Chip me"
• He's so happy to see the ranch
• The ranch is so Sammy
• Awww she's so Farm Girl
• She's STRONG
• She got tall lmao
• Bessie had a calf?!?
• Do Yaz and Sammy usually live together?!!
• "Ding-dong"
• ITS BUMPY!!!!!!
• Is Mantah Corp back??
• Boooo Sammy
• Fuck Carl
• She's an herbivore tf
• Me and Ben on the same wavelength fr
• Tell him, Sammy
• Let this girl have her pie
• She's Sammy, but she's grown up a lot
• She still has her jacketttt
• What happened to her???
• She's so saddd
• Why aren't her parents talking to her??
• Don't split up!!
• Omg Carl
• Communication through hand signalsss
• That shot with the raptor and the moon tho
• We haven't had many cute moments yet, it's really about survival now, they've really grown up
• Not the pieeee
• The genuine fear in her eyes holy shit
• No more Beanie Ben
• So now he has a rear view mirror
• This reminds me a lot of Jurassic Park 2
• This episode is titled Brothers
• Season 3 episode 7 vibes
• I love how Ben loves Bumpy
• Their faces are so close
• Fucking liar lmao
• Does Kenji blame him???
• God I cannot get over the animation
• Poor boy kenji???
• The kick lmao
• He almost sounds like Ryan Porter
• He's not the tallest anymoreeee
• Benji???
• He doesn't act like Kenji 100% but it's still there
• I miss Ryan Porter
• Another framed photo!!
• They use the words "death" and "dead" a lot, but not "died" or "killed"
• Yes, go get your girl
• Ok but Sammy and Ben are so Mom and Dad
• Good thing he just had spare gear???
• Oh it's probably for Brooklyn
• That shot he looked so much like Little Darius
• Oh no they broke up, so sad 😐
• Woah
• Valid reason to break up
• He's completely valid for being mad idc
• Ofc he loves this kind of music
• You guys are supposed to be family tho
• EVERY WEEK I love Kenji
• "Love you" awwww
• She's so sassy I love her
• The head sway omgggg
• The carobbbb
• These background characters are way too hyped for this
• Bobby Nublar?
• Awww poor baby dino
• Free the dinos!!
• Oh he got OLD
• Damn straight in there
• She's so hurt :(
• He only thought Sammy was suspicious
• Creepy ass big ass forehead bitch
• Daniel Kon is a LIAR
• We should've gotten Kenji speaking Japanese in JWCC
• Love sassy Kenji
• "Yeah ok, I'll get my violin" GIRL
• Omg he almost punched Ben
• Yesss Sammy beat the shit out of him
• Those are the smallest corn dogs ever
• You're a shit dad
• What?! Brooklyn would never
• Kenji and I are on the same wavelength
• Different? Was it her voice?
• Are those lillies?
• These bitches are everywhere
• Kill Daniel
• He's old af hes about to have a heart attack anyway
• Shitttt Daniel tackled that raptor
• Holy shit they killed Kenji's dad
• She's so fucking creepy omg
• I hope she's not from Dominion cause I haven't watched that
• Who's driving the car???!
• She's coping!!
• She wants to make it work!!!
• Ok but the crop top on Yaz???
• Ben is everything this season
• "Love you too" AWWWW
• Where is there an island in Wyoming??
• She's so nervous/excited
• They're perfect together
• "Fadoula"
• She's happy here. Writers, let her be happy
• "Benny-boy"
• She's so geeky
• "Your favorite"
• They're all the same but so grown up
• Ben's scream lmao
• So Brooklyn has been dead less that 14 months
• They're both valid in this argument
• Ok but Ben and Yaz friendshipppp
• Is Ben actually dating someone??
• Ooo that's a cool dino
• Omg this show is darker than the og
• How did she walk so far??
• Yaz holding Ben's arm is cute tho
• Girlfriendssss
• Dumbass DPW
• Wtf??
• Omg
• Therapy girlfriend to the rescue
• Omg I forgot about Darius and Kenji
• Noooo baby boy Kenji
• Wow 2 major deaths already
• God I love Ben
• I feel like they should've drowned by now
• They held hands while swimming up
• Aw he has a daughter
• He lowkey sounds like Ryan Porter
• Idc about this Brooklyn death backstory
• Sammy looks fucking crazy in their one picture of the 6
• Ben 3rd wheeling just like all of season 5
• Their heads SLAMMED together
• He's so weird about this car lmao
• The car scene is funny
• They're in Colorado now??
• This hill is STEEP
• He's been waiting to throw those phones for DAYS
• Why tf would he be coming with you?
• Why did I believe the voicemail?? I saw her phone get ruined
• Darius CALM DOWN let kenji have at least something about Brooklyn DAMN
• Dude this mystery is DEEP
• Reminds me of Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom
• Gonna barf because of this "bwookie bear" scene
• He always has been a bad liar
• Sammy is physically fight for EVERYBODY'S lives
• Omg we're actually doing the Darius×Brooklyn plot??
• So that means no Ben×Darius plot???
• BUMPY (again)
• What did they do to you, Bumps???
• "Oh heyyyy" "boo" I LOVE THEM
• I love a good chase scene
• If a car can just drive through it, that fence was shit
• Nobody does a stampede like this show does
• Lots of death (even if they're all cutaways)
• God I'm flying through this show
• The heartbeating is EVERYTHING
• Anxious girlfriends
• More good camerawork and angles
• Ofc they'd be good at charades
• Are there still no male dinosaurs?
• Big Eatie mentioned
• "Ok I get it, you're a climber"
• Oh are Camp Fam at the same place?
• She's sick???
• If Bumpy dies I'll kms
• Why is he just carrying a stick?
• I love reunions
• No cause why am I sad
• Did he call her "MICROBANGS"
• They're still the same kids from the island and I love that
• Once again, they're so Mom and Dad
• Is she in labor?!?!?!
• What're they gonna name the egg?!??!
• Last episodeeee
• Oh shit we used the word "killed"
• His hat is so tall
• Omg he shocked Ben
• Benji?
• We have so much to wrap up in 23 minutes
• This is lowkey scary
• This is so suspenseful
• She looks familiar
• Is she just dead then???
• Toro!!
• The slow-motion scene is so cool
• Coolest dino fight ever
• Awww she's bonding? with her guard-raptors? I don't care
• Wait is that it??
• They better make another season
• Everyone's so happy for Darius being in love
• She didn't feel the same?! THATS why he didn't show???
• I fucking knew she was still alive
• Her hair got even worse
• So we're getting another season???
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cookie-crumblr · 8 months
Hype Train!
F! Streamer Reader x M!Yandere Streamer OC
Part 1~
His Info: 📹✨
Part: 1 2
CW: lots of boring tech talk(sorry i nerd out sometimes and i wanted to show his thought process for his intro) yandere, f!reader, use of she/her when referring to reader, reader has a vagina, stalking, internet stalking, lewd comments not from ML, edit: sorry! i forgot to tag NONCON EXHIBITION!!! omg that’s probably huge. i am so sorry!!!
He is always looking for smaller streamers to raid, to bring in his moderately sized and very active audience to someone who may often only get about 5-10 people.
Today, he picked you. Your cute little VTuber model already having captivated him. He looks up your sinsta first, and sees your selfies. You somehow look just like your tuber!
You’re so cute.
He clicks “raid now”, and says to shower you in love!
As soon as the alert goes off for the raid, so does a long line of follower alerts. “Wh-what?! OMG! Thank you so much!!! Welcome to my stream! how was yours? if you have to raid and run, go eat and sleep pleasantly!”
Oh goodness, you sound cute. You even cared about him without knowing him, sure he knows it’s just polite for streamers to say those things. But coming to him in your adorably sugary voice, he instantly believes you really care.
While he’s watching the swaying of your adorable little avatar on screen, he’s imagining the movements in your actual face behind the camera.
“Oh my! im so sorry, uh-” Your mic picks up your ferocious typing, and your sudden shock snap him back to the moment,“I forgot to shout you out, Jasper!”
His name rolling off your tongue sounds so perfect, as if he’s been waiting to hear it that way his entire life.
He springs into action, realizing you have no mods, lithe fingers dancing across keys swiftly and with new purpose, “No worries! Tysm for the SO!! also, i can mod for you, if you want!😊”
You beam behind your screen, “Oh! i could never ask that of you! maybe if you’re here again next time!”
Of course he will be. You don’t know that though.
“O-m-gee! Thank you all soooo much for the hype train!!! level 5?! i’ve never even had a level three!! this is crazy!”
God you’re cute when you’re so excited.
He has your selfies from sinsta pulled up in front of him as he listens deeply to you speak.
You’re so thankful, and so, so sweet…
You must be so innocent.
You’re at the very least naive, and he’d hate to just leave you to be eaten up by this cruel, cruel world…
He must get to you first.
Your stream ends a few hours later, his followers stayed the whole time to shower you in love.
He knows he’s got a lot of simps… They’d do anything he tells them to.
You though, you’ve had the most fun streaming that you’ve ever had so far! And that payout this month is really gonna help, they gave so much!
On your dipcord you see a new friend request, it’s him! You add him without a second thought, always looking for more streamer friends.
within seconds you receive a dm from him, “Want to VC?”
“Sure!” you respond, full of excitement. Something in your gut roils, you feel so nervous but your excitement overrules your body’s initial warning.
When you shouted him out you saw his own Vtuber, and heard his melodic voice, your face warms at the thought.
He calls and you answer after long seconds that feel like minutes of deep breathing, and hyping yourself up.
“How are you feeling, Y/Username, you had a pretty productive stream,” Jasper’s voice is even softer than in his clip, your stomach turns to a fluttering tangle of knots.
“Oh! haha,” you giggle, “only thanks to you!”
His heart melts in response.
“You were why the viewers stayed, don’t sell yourself short,” as he speaks he’s sifting through your public scocials.
He has noticed one older woman with her real name as her username that follows you on every single account. He continues down this path through the web. She has pictures with you, confirming that she’s your mother in the descriptions. she has her state tagged on flapbook.
That narrows it down as long as you didn’t move too far.
On your own socials you often have pictures of flowering trees near red bricks. And in one Selfie a street sign is reflected in your dark shades…
He floogle maps it, then goes into street veiw, there’s a couple red brick houses, but there’s also a red brick apartment complex right around the corner with magnolia trees…
He smiles as his fingers find his lips idly zoning out slightly.
You’re only a few hours flight away from him there…
“Jasper?” Your timid voice pulls him back.
“Yes, pretty,” He says in a low groan, “Can I follow your private?”
You blush fiercely, “Ye-Yeah! o-of course,” you’re so glad he can’t see you right now, your face completely buried in your hands.
You open your phone and go to sinstagram, he sent you a follow request and already followed your public streaming account.
You smile to yourself bashfully, tucking stray strands behind your warming ears.
He sees there are a few live cameras connected in the apartment buildings.
“Hey, this is a random question, but do you have a cat cam? i do, and i saw you have a cat on your public…” He asks, hoping to sound inconspicuous.
“Y-yeah! i do, wanna exchange kitten pics?” you laugh feeling more comfortable, he’s got a cat too! You can’t help but love cat dads…
“Always! and do you have protection on it?” he can already see that only a couple of the cameras don’t have any sort of blocker on them in these buildings. He’s almost disappointed.
There… “How cute…” He finds the one with live footage of your cat just as pictured sleeping on it’s giant plant shaped cat tree across the room.
“You mean like the warranty? Y-yeah! I paid for the 2 year…” You try to keep calm…
He sees a few creeps are already connected to your cam.
He easily follows their trail, typing away on his loud mechanical keyboard. The sound of it soothes you, you end up closing your eyes for a second.
“Oh no- You paid?” he sighs in frustration, not at you though. At whatever store took advantage of you. “This brand comes with a free two year when you buy it…” Shit. he misspoke. He isn’t supposed to know the brand.
You don’t consciously notice.
“For real?! I had no idea!!” You’re almost as frustrated. That was like thirty bucks you didn’t even have to spend.
He can’t help the small enamored smile that creeps across his face.
“Next time you want to buy something techy lemme know. I’ll make sure you get the most for what ya pay an all that… But, back to my question- I meant what kind of firewalls do you have on your router, do you use two-factor authentication on the camera?” He knows you don’t have either, but he’ll tell you what to do to start protecting yourself from these animals.
One of the connected IPs is a live cam website that nobody signs up to be on…
The comments on you from just walking in front of it sometimes are lewd and disgust him.
“I hope she walks by today, sigh…”
“She’s so hot… I wish she’d take those panties off more often though…”
“I saw the side of her ass again yesterday. looks so good, god i want to taste her…”
“I’d fuck her so good, better than whoever that ugly fucker is that comes over sometimes…”
“That guy’s so lucky…”
His face is twists in a deeper and deeper disgusted scowl the more he reads, he almost ignored the comments about a guy visiting you.
His blood boils.
“I-I didn’t know you need stuff like that… I mean it just faces my cat’s tree anyway! hah…” You giggle more nervously again, feeling a little creeped out by the thought of someone accessing it. Do you walk by sometimes? You realize you do…
“Lemme help you.” He says almost too eagerly. Save it, he thinks quickly. “I-, I like to make sure the people around me are safe at least.”
“That’s so nice of you!! but, I don’t want to ask too much of you, I’m sure i could floogle how to myself!” You sound determined, it’s adorable, and his face softens immediately.
“Nah, it’s seriously no problem, we’re already talkin’ righ’now, an it’ll just take one sec. Promise.” You can hear the smile in his soft voice and feel more at ease again.
“Okay! if you say so, thanks so much, Jasper!”
“Mm,” He can’t help the quiet groan from hearing his name exit your lips, “‘course” He begins the process with you, and makes sure you check the “log out of all other locations” box. of course his doesn’t disconnect though.“I’ll keep you safe from now on.” His words carry a weight that you can feel. Your heart pounds.
“Thank you. I feel better already knowing my cat’s safe!”
You’re more worried about your cat than yourself.
You’re so pure
“Like i said, ‘s no problem. Come to me for whatever you need technologically.” God he hopes you do. He continues typing, working on sending his homemade virus to all these sickos that have gotten to see more of you than they deserve. “I’ll protect you from now on…”
“You-uh- S-sound like you work a lot!” You try and change the topic, your heart flipping over inside you.
“Hmm?” His rumbling voice keeps sending chills throughout your body.
“Oh! sorry, I can hear you typing on your keyboard, what are those? lubed yellows? They sound so nice…” Your face warms, a little embarrassed.
“Mhmm,” He practically moans again, you shiver, “glad you know your switches. They’re my favorite.”
“Could you show me how to lube mine sometime?”
Now it’s his turn with a warm, reddening face, hearing your voice say lube is making him think of anything but keyboards. He idly plays with his lip again, tugging it up with his teeth.
“how ‘bought I do it with you,” You shudder, not knowing, but directly feeling his hidden implications.
You sigh through your nose hoping he doesn’t hear.
He does.
He smiles, ecstatic with the knowledge that you got what he meant.
“Hey, Y/username, I have a little bit of work to do righ’now, can I call you t’morrow?”
“Of course! and it’s Y/N”
He beams, “have a nice evening, Y/N” His voice smooths even more than it already was. He’s barelyy above a whisper speaking into his mic, and straight into your ears.
The effect it has is… A little bit maddening.
“You too,” you speak up with a soft and shaky voice, “see ya later, Jasper” he can tell you’re at least a little aroused by him.
He bites his lip, feeling the tug on his snake bites.
After you hang up, he doesn’t have to wait even a second before the next call is answered:
“Sup Jazzy,” he’s used to hearing his own voice, but it’s always weird coming from another “person”.
“Sup Devvy, how’re you an Issac?”
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itsthesinbin · 9 months
Ooooh could you do a continuation or the likes for that one Ice King x Reader?
By the sounds of it the two knew each other before :>
i did a sort of continuation here, but i am MORE than glad to do more of this lil au. this got. a lot longer than i thought it would. but maybe they Did know each other. just a little.
Ice King (Adventure Time)
Dating the Ice King was... odd, to say the least. He was hard to be with at first. He was clingy. He was manic. He could be a little aggressive- not dangerous, just cranky- if you ended up ignoring him for too long; too long being subjective to his needs that day. He was unbelievably frustrating.
But at the same time... he was, strangely, the nicest guy you've ever dated. He'd get cranky, but once he saw you weren't leaving him he didn't push you. He was clingy, but it was because he was lonely. He was manic, but you knew it wasn't his fault. He brought you gifts ranging from flowers to gems to even making ice sculptures in your likeness. It was flattering.
He had made a little ice elevator to get you into the castle easier, when you visited. And by Glob he was always delighted to see you. Every time he heard the elevator chugging its' way up the mountain, you could hear him.
"Gunther they're coming- is there anything in my beard?" he'd ask, followed by a little "wenk". You'd come up just in time to see the little penguin pecking something out of his master's beard. Then Gunther would waddle over to you, making Ice King screech in surprise and try to rub whatever food was in his beard out. You bit back a snort as you picked up your favorite little guy.
"You look fine, IK, calm down," you laughed. He grumbled, flustered and fixing his crown. You grinned as you set the penguin down. You gave him a hug in greeting, and as always he was a little tense before returning it tightly.
"So, what'd you wanna show me?" He had asked you to come over cause he found something "wicked sweet". That seemed to click the lightbulb on.
"Oh yeah! C'mon, sweet thang," he laughed as he yoinked you up like you weight nothing. You yelled in surprise, holding onto him as he flew through the castle. You couldn't help but laugh as well, enjoying the short flight.
"This is my "the past" room- you are the ONLY person aside from Gunther I've let in here," he explained as he set you down. You looked around at all the old stuff in awe, recognizing a lot of it immediately from your time period. You heard him fiddle with some things as you picked through the items.
The old suit jacket he'd give you to wear when you were cold- which you immediately put on as per usual. Some old books- a few of which were written by a Simon.... Petrikov. That sounded familiar...
Then it clicked. You used to live just down the street from him. You used to attend the same book club together, before he stopped coming due to his research. You remember him showing off a book he had gotten published to the group before he stopped joining as often. You'd make him food and check in on him, when Betty couldn't.
"Where is that damn thing?" you heard Ice King mutter. You looked at the jacket you were wearing, turning the book over. A picture of Simon, wearing the exact same jacket.
While your boyfriend was busy, you sifted through the junk pile. Newspaper clippings covered in mad scrawling that spelled out pleas for help and forgiveness. Multiple pictures of Simon and letters written by him to various people. A picture of a young, but now familiar, girl with writing on the back. You stared at another newspaper clipping, a ball of ice in your stomach unrelated to the cold of the ice kingdom. Simon stood next to a sickeningly familiar crown that sat upon a cushion, smiling as wide as can be at his discovery.
A familiar jingle jolted you out of your thoughts and you dropped the article. You whipped around to see Ice King standing next to a cracked tv that was now playing Cheers. He waved his hands in a "tada" motion.
"I got a bunch of old junk from WAAAAY back in the day, so I thought you'd like a little marathon! I can go make popcorn," he offered with a grin. Your mouth hung open as your eyes darted from him to the old tv show. You tried to speak, but all that came out was a soft sobbing noise as realization set in. Immediately, his face fell.
"Oh- What, do you not like this show? I can, uh... I'm sure I got something-!" You cut him off by nearly tackling him in a hug. You held him so tight, knuckles turning white as you gripped the fabric of his robe. Your knees felt weak, giving out and making him drop to the floor with you.
"M... Man, if I knew you liked the show this much, I'd have done this sooner," he tried to joke, not really understanding why you were crying. Thankfully, he just held you and scooted around so you both could see the tv. Not that you really watched it, being too busy reeling from your newfound knowledge.
Gunther, sweet as can be, brought in popcorn and plopped his little self in your lap. You could use the extra comfort. You felt Ice King's hand run up and down your back, and new he was taking glances at you to see if you were alright. For his sake, you pretended to watch the show and forced down some popcorn. He seemed to relax a little, thinking you were fine. You were anything but. However...
What could you even do?
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kaythefloppa · 2 months
Wild Kratts - Our Blue and Green World: Part 1: Review [Spoilers]
Welp, here it is, the Wild Kratts TV movie (not to be confused with the feature film they've been teasing us with since 2021). There's been a lot of hype around this special and season, especially with how much the latter was being hyped up during the hiatus. Let's see if the blue and green bros were able to deliver: Spoilers under the cut
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Well, this is certainly an attention grabber!
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This entire live action intro is shot and edited like an animated Wild Kratts episode, it's glorious.
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Woah, intro change!
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They said the thing! They said the thing!
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Lmao I don't think they do it very often, but using animals/nature in their insults is very creative.
Also, whooping crane episode when?
This entire song is mercifully short. Like most character sung songs in Wild Kratts, it's not good, but this at least is clever in its lyrics and its visuals. It feels like a Disney reference at best and I am content with that. I also ADORED seeing the Draco and Walrus Suit return again. It's arguably the best musical number in the series. No, that is not saying a lot.
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When I first saw the clip, I thought that they were going somewhere with this, like they'd activate Peacock Powers at the end when they recognized the compatibility and blue and green. But nope. Wasted potential is an understatement.
Also, where the fuck are they right now? In a previous shot there was Target the Chameleon, implying that they've been to Madagascar, but that is an Indian peafowl, and as far as I'm concerned, they don't live in Madagascar. Were they just having an off-day? These animals have little to nothing to do with the plot when they really shouldn't have, so I don't see why they couldn't have just shown a projector image or something.
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Remember when I joked about the Wild Pony Power Suit returning in S7.... fuck you Apollo.
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Man, they are eating it up with the animation here. It's hard to tell with screengrabs but man, is it fluid.
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The first half of this episode is mixed. While it feels like the brothers are incredibly stubborn, it also does make sense for them to be this fixated on their favorites. So I can totally buy this. It could've been insufferable to watch, but it wasn't.
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As if YOU haven't spied on them since the first time your dorito-headed ass showed up on screen
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Did you find that funny? Because not only do they do a similar joke like that later on, but they follow through on that joke in the most unexpected way you will shit your pants when you first ingest it.
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Oh my god if they make a Creature Power Suit off of that bird, I will take back any diss I've made, that is so beautiful.
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Good to know that Aviva put the button near the chest and not near the back.
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Maybe it's just me but this is kinda pushing it. Chris is literally getting his organs crushed, I think that should matter more than A) being right or B) trying to get 2 people to stop fighting.
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I'm loving the callback and what this leads up to but ew, all this does is remind me about how ugly bright the color pallatte in S6. Really glad they fixed it in S7.
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This episode finds really unique ways of showing how the two different biomes are interconnected. It's like Rainforest Stew's (very brilliantly handled) message only to a larger degree. Kids can learn a lot from this.
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I fucking love this episode, man.
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Honestly, the way they write Paisley in the first half of the episode is very in-line with her character. Most shows that do what this episode does has them be out-of-character as a set-up, but here, she's just roasting the fuck out of Zach. Once again, recontextualized entirely in the climax.
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Also, INDRIS!!!!! :D
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I was frankly expecting this to horribly backfire but spoilers, it doesn't. This actually winds up working. Common Aviva W.
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To be continued.... will the blue and green rivalry end? Will one prove superior over another? And will they be able to stop Zach and Paisley and save the planet earth? And will this change the adventures of the Wild Kratts team forever? Stay tuned for part 2!
The live action segments.
The animation of the earth's model.
The musical number not being ass.
Paisely's catty behavior.
The Anaconda Suit.
The inventive ways they show how the stability of the Earth is complex. There are a lot of ways it functions and thus a lot of ways it needs to survive
The comedy.
The villains do not do anything until the second half of this episode. In fact, they're left completely in the backdrop. I expected them to make their prescence known and for Aviva to invent the discs to get them together for the SAKE of fighting the villains. But no. It makes the stakes feel hollow, which is the opposite of what they should be gunning for in an hour long special that they hype the shit out of.
It was an "okay" set-up. It did live up to some of the hype it had, but not all of it. Honestly if it wasn't for the second half of this episode, this movie would be mediocre or slightly above average, but no. They do pick themselves off the ground and... they do jump the shark. But we'll get to that next time
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