#first year computer science it series book pdf
carecrowgames · 1 year
Yazeba Read Through #4
We are on Page 18 now, and I am extremely excited, as it seems we have actually entered the rules this time folks! And I thought that might make me go less granular .. BUT as I said I have been wondering how the book would begin to explain to its reader what it actually is, so I just have to immediately hone in on the second sentence of the page.
It's a bed & breakfast of course but it's also this book right here.
There is something about stating these two as a dual existence that just works so well with the magical realism of the bed and breakfast itself. I guess I also just love when a fictional world gets legitimacy as existing similar to how the book (or in this case pdf) does
The playful voice from the welcome section continues here, but as it invites you to explore the bed and breakfast it also gains a gentle tone. The specific metaphor used, the sprawling bed and breakfast standing in for the complexity of a rulebook, both promising to become easily navigateble after some guidance, somehow manages to make both of them a more imaginable space. My mind begins to draw in what's missing within my image of one one with what I know of the other and conjures my own experiences of sprawling social spaces to lend familiarity and extrapolate development over time. I find myself remembering how I got used to life in the computer science faculty until it’s sprawling series of laboratories and hallways were simply another home.
I get away being able to imagine both Gertrudes life in the b&b after months and years pass and my own potential relationship to the version of it that could manifest in my games in it.
This is where the melancholic Amelie OST (the fact that this movie has the same name as one of the residents will break me oh my god. I am only noticing now) reminds me that at some point in this book there are late chapters, the last of which is Goodbye Yazeba and I have to wonder how much this is going to be a story that will have to end. What I can also imagine is the late chapters giving a number of open ending points, that would still allow you to replay some chapters, but this also feels like the kind of story that at some point just. Ends. I think I would find myself feel very content and sad in the healthy measures about that.
As a note, I am delighted to see the playlist I'm making for this already influencing how I interact with the book. The fact that the moon princes melancholic longing was able to carry forward to make me think about how this story might end is just really cool. Can recommend the method!
And now we get the confirmation that there are parts of the book that are off limits to start with - a super cool decision for a ttrpg book honestly. Explaining the choice by likening it to the way some parts of a bed and breakfast might be off limits to a new visitor is so clever too. It continues to build the book-building double reality, and in that playful way puts rules for reading the book down without having to spend much time explaining them immediately. It just makes sense this way!
This is also why this reading experience is extremely different for me than the usual ttrpg book I read. Normally I would have jumped immediately to the playbooks, read up on central mechanics and started browsing different parts of the book as I put some first session prep together. And I know that's not how other ttrpg books are intended to be read either, but the way Yazeba specifically presents itself as overlayered fiction book / bed & breakfast / ttrpg makes me want to engage with it as an authored experience more then I tend to with a ttrpg book, that invites me more to approach it as a box of toys.
 If i were to read it like I usually do though, this is where I would actually feel invited to start jumping, as the page continues to lay out how exactly Yazebas Bed and Breakfast is played it gives us all the needed key elements to get started, and importantly all of their page numbers.
I find this whole buildup so far works really well for me. We've been invited layer for layer to the fantasy and fiction of Yazeba, got first impressions of its central cast, narrative hooks to go along with then and some character voices to lead us along when trying to play them.
Now the book is pointing all the unruly readers with no attention span, who might have been hooked by the fiction, but won’t stay long for rules explanations (that’s normally me!) to exactly where the toys are - with just enough context to use them well. The rest, I would feel if I took on that mindset, can be figured out in play.
I really appreciate when a game recognizes, that not all its players are going to approach it the same way. Laying out different courses through it, that reward different interests and needs is a great way to do so.
The entire part laying out the rhythm of play is wonderfully efficient btw. Every section is at most 3 sentences long, contains bold keywords to keep attention going and manages to leave me with a good grasp of what's going on. For how gigantic this book is, making such short work of the overview feels very restraint, I'm super impressed.
I also love how encouraging the language is. You WILL be able to confidently guide your friends. Remember to take breaks, the bed and breakfast will wait. Rules often are hard for me to keep focus on mentally, and I know for many they can be overwhelming. The use of a strong, friendly and guiding voice here I think really helps keep the mind motivated.
In honor of that, the new song added to the playlist is Ben E. Kings “Stand by me” which, is a song that has symbolized a vibe of positivity and support for me since years now.
Speaking of language, the Nouns for the mechanics integrate so very well into the fantasy. Concierge for the facilitator for example is very flavorful. I feel like this book makes a consistent effort to make the feeling of playing the game make you feel like you’re a part of the b&b and that rules. In addition, Whoopsies and Bingos as names for what I’m pretty sure are going to be weak and strong moves feels like they very much help reinforcing the genre space, making the characters feel less mechanic and more like people with fuckups and cool moments to come, you know?
But now I’m really getting ahead of myself. Afterall the section is about the flow of play and I have not talked at all about it yet!
Let's get this out first: chapters are so cool! They are so cool it makes me want to work out my thoughts on them so bad, that I forget we don't even know much about them yet as far as the book goes. I already know a bit on how they look like from the ashcan (which released along the indiegogo campaign), but that only leaves me burning to revisit them as part of this more!
In addition, i think this is where we actually see how powerful the fiction book/ttrpg double-life the book is living is in communicating information. It is obvious from the text that chapters are at the core of playing out life at the bed and breakfast, being the thing characters are used to play, and putting out what is needed to unlock more chapters and characters (more on that in a sec). They are how you interface with life in the bed and breakfast, but that alone would not give much of an impression of what they are. But the name *chapters* and the consistent fiction book/ttrpg duality that has been build up, immediately conjures the kind of stories they will tell in your mind. We already know what it is like to read a chapter in a story, now our mind is left to ponder what it will be like to play them.
Excitingly, we have learned how unlocking works now!! As I said I already knew how to play a chapter from the Ashcan, but with added context much more about it is coming together. The way the loop works feels super elegant to me. You get familiar with characters and their connected narrative threads, you look at what chapters you are able to play and which might allow you to explore what you are interested in, you slot in your preferred characters and play to find out what happens, you go and check what characters and chapters you’ve unlocked and that gives you new chapters to pull on more threads, and new characters to explore and play with. The entire thing feels a lot like a narrative exploration loop I would design for a video game, which is actually the second time in today’s session that I was reminded of video game design specifically (the first being the way the page numbers create a dynamic playspace that can be explored based on player preference). I am fascinated to see these strategies implemented with how you interact with the BOOK instead of in play loops only.
Talking about game mechanics, the whole Shelf, Journey and Track system reminds me a bit of achievement systems. Which in turn makes me wonder if the game will invite us to look at the potential unlocks and what we’ll need to do for it beforehand. If it did it would give extra incentives to explore the chapters as well as extra prompts of what to do with them. If it doesn’t it makes for nice surprises. I am super curious about this!
As a last note on the page for now, Mementos you can put on your Shelf is another one of these amazing images, that already makes me nostalgic for experiences I didn’t even have yet. It actually reminds me of my favorite game Signs of the Sojourner ~ maybe I’ll add an ost from that game to the playlist at some point.
Aand I think that’s about it for the day. I might actually have even more notes on this tomorrow, but I need to sleep at some point don’t I.
See you tomorrow as we enter Page 19: Characters.
you can find my other Yazeba readthrough posts under #zeebthrough!
Preorder the game on https://possumcreekgames.com/pages/yazebas-bed-breakfast
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“Machines like Us: TOWARD AI WITH COMMON SENSE” with Professor Ronald Brachman
soundcloud link: https://soundcloud.com/bridging-the-gaps/machines-like-us-toward-ai-with-common-sense-with-professor-ronald-brachman
I chose this discussion because ever since watching movies or science fiction in general I’ve been interested in general AI, the problem is the moment you get into this field of artificial intelligence you realize how far we are from a computer system with common sense and a mind of its own, this discussion might give some answers as too how or when will this become a reality.
The discussion is about general AI, will there be AI with common sense in the future ? Are the current techniques used in AI sufficient? Do we need new models ? How far are we actually from general AI ?
One point that stood out to me was when professor Brachman was asked why are we striving for general AI, his very first points were that when AI started in the 1950’s with John McCarthy, the original vision was to build systems that had common sense: general ai, he also mentioned how thanks to science fiction, autonomous robots were a dream for almost all people that got into the field of ai in the 50’s. to me those reasons can be summed up to “it sounded cool so I wanted to do it”. another point was that one of the very first papers on AI published by John McCarthy back in the 50’s was named “Programs With Common Sense” and 60 years later we are still trying to figure how to instill common sense in our AI systems. The current state of AI is very far from general, mostly because it is dominated by machine learning that mostly excels in very narrowly defined tasks for example object detection on images or time series analysis; professor Brachman when asked if our current understanding/ways of building ai systems (deep learning, machine learning etc) could lead up to a general ai answered that he isn’t quite sure but that since our techniques are quite general we definitely will need some sort of hybrid, as in using our current technology and some new ways of build said systems. Although some experts in Machine Learning and deep learning are 100% confident that there is no way to build such general systems with our current tools Brachman is confident that we are on the right path.
Professor Ron Brachman is the Director of the Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute and a Professor of Computer Science at Cornell University, previously chief scientist of yahoo and head of yahoo labs, he wrote a book called “Machines like Us Toward AI with Common Sense”, his most recent research is mostly about how to instill common sense to machines with papers like “Toward a New Science of Common Sense” published in December 2021. He also did research on knowledge representation with papers like “"Reducing" CLASSIC to Practice: Knowledge Representation Theory Meets Reality” in January 1999 which shows a new description logic called CLASSIC, knowledge representation is the field of artificial intelligence dedicated to representing information about the world in a form that a computer system can use to solve complex tasks.
research links:
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smaartdevelopers · 3 years
If you’re looking for 11th Class Computer Science IT Series Book PDF Urdu Medium and Computer Sciences Medium, you’ve come to the right site. Here you’ll find the first-year computer science book from Punjab Textbook Board. 1st Year Computer Sciences it series Book PDF Computer Sciences and Urdu Medium of all chapters are announced. We are already assisting students across Pakistan by providing…
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elbiotipo · 4 years
We Live In A Society where young people don’t know how to pirate anymore, so here’s a short guide by El Piratetipo:
First things first; security measures: Get a good antivirus; 360 Total Security and Malwarebytes are good options, avoid anything by McAfee. I shouldn’t have to tell you this, but get uBlock to block ALL ads, Decentraleyes and PrivacyBadger, and use Firefox instead of Chrome (Firefox doesn’t track you and doesn’t sell your info to Google, seriously Chrome is Google’s browser, and firefox is a lot better anyways).
You should do all this this EVEN if you aren’t going to pirate anything. uBlock on itself prevents 90% of viruses because most of them hide in clickbait ads and shady applications instead of downloads. In all my years of pirating I’ve been bothered by viruses two times, and those were in computers without uBlock.
Use your common sense, don’t click in shady links, and if ANYTHING anywhere asks you for a registration or email, close that tab and get the fuck out of there. But I don’t know who are the nerds who say “bwhaaaaa all the pirate sites are dead uwu”... they are ALL a google search away... or rather, search them DuckDuckGo
I’ve never bothered myself with VPNs since anti-piracy measures here aren’t very strict (they don’t exist) but there’s Hoxx VPN for Firefox, and most torrent clients are safe. If you really, really want to be safe, use TOR Browser. If anyone can contribute on VPNs feel free to since I don’t use it.
Torrenting is the safest and most practical way to pirate stuff. You need a good torrent client, Qbitorrent is the most used. It’s extremely easy to use; you just go to any website that hosts torrents, click on them (with an adblocker you’ll know what to click), and your download starts.
I DON’T WANT TO HEAR ANY OF YOU MOTHERFUCKERS EVER SAY AGAIN THAT THE PIRATE BAY IS DEAD WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG W ahem, the pirate bay is not dead, it’s never dead. You just have to google “Pirate Bay Proxy List” and you’ll have a list of... Pirate Bay proxies... that are literally the same site, it’s that easy. From there you just search whatever you want and torrent away. The Pirate Bay has literally every game and program you can think of.
Same deal with RARBG. It’s just a google search away. If you can’t access it, search for a proxy. RARBG usually has all the newest movies and series, it’s very complete, safe, and they often come with subtitles.
Wanna watch anime? Nyaa.si has you covered. There’s torrents for EVERY SINGLE ANIME EVER. The only problem is that they’re a bit on the heavy side. If you don’t want to download 25 gigs of Lucky Star, AniMixPlay is the one I currently use, but ever since kissanime got killed (F) there are a lot of sites.
(which reminds me, streaming sites, unlike torrent ones, often dissapear. Check out “where to stream x” reddit threads to keep up)
Wanna watch cartoons? Kimcartoon has, literally, every single cartoon in existence, only in English though, but it has everything from Adventure Time to old Soviet cartoons. As long as you have the common sense procedures I told you, it’s all perfectly safe. Have fun.
Are you a broke college student who needs to cite a science paper and it’s blocked by a paywall? Want to read about third century theology for fun but can’t access it? sci-hub has got you covered. The glorious website of comrade Elbakayan for the liberation of science is as easy to use as copypasting the url of your required paper (it works with some books too) and it gets you the pdf inmediatly. Of all the sites in this list, this one is no doubt the most useful of them all. sci-hub is always moving urls but it’s usually findable by google or duckduckgo.
For streaming series, movies, etc., unfortunately, it’s a maze. There are too many websites and not all of them trustworthy. Usually you can find almost all stuff by simply searching “watch x online” or “stream x online”, as long as you NEVER, NEVER, stay in any website that asks you to subscribe anything.
For music, I just use a youtube mp3 downloader. I’m not a very fancy guy like that and youtube has all my favorite catalog anyways. There are options to crack Spotify but I don’t use them.
READ. THE. INSTRUCTIONS. WHEN. INSTALLING. ANYTHING. They’re always in a little txt file in your torrent. Usually with games is as easy as just clicking the autoinstaller or opening the iso file (windows does it with a single click) and installing it like if it was from a CD. But you often have to things like cracking (just replacing a few files after installation). Pay attention, and don’t open your game until you have finished. Often pirated games have problems with multiplayer, internet connection and such, I don’t ever play multiplayer but keep that in mind.
Fan of retro games? Archive.org has all DOS games and quite a few programs playable in virtual computers online. Emulators are easy to find (just look for “x emulator”), the problem is roms. There are rom collections in the Pirate Bay, and romhustler has worked well for too. Retro games like NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, etc. are very light. I have the entire catalog of the SNES in my cellphone and it’s only 1 gig. If you have a cellphone and gigs to spare, install the retroarch app, and download those collections to the retroarch folder inside your cellphone. You now have a portable retro console, playable through the touchscreen! Suck it, 80s! 8-bits and 16-bits, and a bit of the old generation of 3d consoles, play masterfully in any device. Anything up from the Playstation 2 usually needs a little more effort and won’t play as good as in the original device, but that still means you have a catalog of thosands of Nintendo, Sega, and Playstation games. Most of them aren’t released anymore, so emulation is the best, and sometimes only, way to enjoy them.
There are more tips I could give you, and it’s different for me in the third world than for places in the first world where anti-piracy measures are more strict. But in general, USE COMMON SENSE. Be sure where you click, what you search, and what you download, and you’ll never have a problem or have to pay to the Mouse or Gaben again. Fair winds, matey!
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babyfloors · 3 years
Wondering Wednesdays, Baby Acres, Chapter 2: Infrastructure, with words!
July 21, 12021
This post starts the rough draft of  Chapter 2 of my non-fiction WiP, Baby Acres.  
This chapter will have about 2500 words, (hopefully educational words!!)  500 of which have already been written as the Introduction, but will quite likely have to be thrown out and refitted with the new evolution of the book.  We shall see.
And  again, by way of disclaimer, the overall goal is now to explain why we need both equ. + justice, & why in 4 phases.  This chapter will transition to a chapter (2-5) for each phase, showing what Phases I-IV could look like as part of a possible roadmap for a fully inclusive society for all of us.  This vision is laid out in the hope that All HumanKind  will eventually have each person’s basic needs  met, without taking anything from anyone, and without violence, intimidation, nor coercion of any kind.  
Chapter Two:
( Chapter 2’s outline was last week…)
Chapter 2 Introduction:
The first stage of this project involves building empathy, and bringing each one of us to see each one of our fellow human beings as … a human being. Each one meriting humane treatment, and human dignity.
That empathy building phase was Phase 0 (yes, I’m a computer scientist by first training, so I start with 0…).  Phase I is meant to go for fifteen years, potentially from the years 2022 to 2037, building a movement to strengthen some of our most crucial and obviously key pieces of our social infrastructure, which are in the public domain. During this period, one of the ways that we can both build conceptual support and also literally build our physical infrastructure that needs support, is by borrowing an idea from President Franklin D. Roosevelt, which worked during the Great Depression to create jobs while educating young (white) men at the same time. What we want to do now, is to educate, facilitate service, and build a community-service frame of reference, while also upgrading our public infrastructure, just as FDR did in the 1930’s via his program.
Bringing back an updated version of FDR’s Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), or Roosevelt’s Tree Army, as it was popularly known, could provide a stepping stone between the empathy- building work that must always be on-going, and the support-building work of bringing our society to a consensus on the needed support for the most basic of our public social infrastructure institutions, like Public Libraries, Public Transportation, Public Education (especially in the financial and legal areas, where so many consumers fall prey to financial predators, and end up in debt due to lack of knowledge),  and Public Health. These four systems under gird our entire societal structure, and need support perhaps the most urgently, in return for which we potentially get the most payback for all members of society. While we do the difficult work of building the necessary consensus to get there from here, a simpler step might be to bring back some form of the CCC, updated to be far more inclusive, and used as both a means of providing employment to young people, and also to educate them, much like the Gap Year in Europe.
But instead of having our new high school graduates backpack around the country, they could be sent to work in urban public library branches, light-rail and subway/Metro stations, local urban public schools, or inner city health clinics. As they rotate from one part of the country to another, say, monthly, they learn first-hand of the conditions in places they are not from and have not lived, while serving communities they have never met, working alongside peers from different walks of life, and seeing a side of their native land that they did not grow up with. In short, learning the realities, and different perspectives, of this large and diverse nation of ours.
— (Next Wednesday: Chapter 2, section I …)
I’m considering this Rough Draft as the block of clay from which my book will eventually emerge, obviously, and some ideas for phases III and IV are still becoming more  fixed in my mind as I write, so the final version will likely look pretty different from this Rough Draft, and will need updating once I get to the very end.
And once again, yeayyy( !!)with regard to audience, I may have at least a couple of comps:  Walden Two meets The War on Poverty: A Civilian Perspective (by Dr.s Jean and Edgar Cahn, 1964).  I know that lots of people consider Skinner’s writing to be stilted, but I like the tilt of most reviewers, in that the idea is that a community should keep trying policies that members agree upon until they find what works for all of them.
As for genre, I’m still wondering:  Non-fiction,   System Change, Causes, maybe even Inspirational, but I doubt it.
Last week’s installment of this series…
Action Items:
1.) Consider some ideas you may have on how our society can solve the problem infrastructure upgrades in the next 15 years,
2.) Share them with us in the comments, here, please, and
3.) Write a story, post or tweet that uses those sources and your thoughts.
Dear Readers, ideas on learning, especially multiple #LanguageLearning, on-going education and empathy-building, to #EndPoverty, #EndHomelessness,  #EndMoneyBail & achieve freedom for All HumanKind?
Support our key #PublicDomainInfrastructure  & #StopSmoking at LEAST for CCOVID-19: 1. #PublicLibraries, 2. #ProBono legal aid and Education, 3. #UniversalHealthCare, and 4. good #publictransport Read, Write -one can add Stayed on Freedom’s Call via this GoodReads button: ,
Vote, Teach and Learn (PDF Lesson Plan Book)!
and my
Babylon 5 review posts
, if you like Science Fiction, and a proposed
on Wondering Wednesdays: for a kinder world…  
Shira Destinie A. Jones, MPhil
our year 2020 CE =  12020 HE
(Day 1 … Day 5)
Stayed on Freedom’s Call (free copies at: https://archive.org/details/StayedOnF…) includes two ‘imagination-rich’ walking tours, with songs, of Washington, DC. New interviews and research are woven into stories of old struggles shared by both the Jewish and African-American communities in the capital city.
Shared histories are explored from a new perspective of cultural parallels and parallel institution-building which brought the two communities together culturally and historically.
Please leave a review, if you can, on the GoodReads page.
Shira Destinie Jones by ShiraDest is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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Manifestation Magic Reviews
Manifestation Magic Reviews - Alexander Wilson Music Audio App v2.0 Does It Work? Product Reviewed
Alexander Wilson Manifestation Magic Version 2.0 Reviews - Free Download Music & Audio Tracks App
All in the world deserves a happy and better-off life. People like to keep their loved ones comfortable and worry-free. To do so, however, one must keep his or her mind and body safe. They need to understand how to control their subconscious mind to accomplish all their ultimate objectives.
Manifestation Magic v2.0 scheme is here to help these victims. The owner says that the product is designed to make this possible. Thus, any potential buyer may want to read this analysis to learn more about the Manifestation Magic program.
Visit official Site to Know More about Alexander Wilson Program!!
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What is Alexander Wilson Manifestation Magic v2.0 Program?
Manifestation Magic is a collection of audio and eBook files that show people the energy orbiting process. For some users, it might, at first, be overwhelming. However, energy orbiting is a mechanism that causes frequencies in brainwave training to change negative perspectives. Although an individual might believe that the whole world is often distressed, Alexander says that the biggest problem is in their heads. The negative energy people do not need to concentrate upon is the focus of the subconscious.
According to Alexander Wilson, energy orbiting combines hypnotic orientation with NLP power to allow a healing process. This mechanism shapes the brain to focus on the positive sides of apparently negative subjects. Instead, people can concentrate on the place which surrounds them and get rid of the terror. Above everything, they should spread the beneficial toxic impact around them.
Tina Fey says that Manifestation Magic is essential for balancing the energy people get. Individuals' inner fears and internal challenges are handled by most of their beliefs. Manifestation Magic offers a realistic way to escape these challenges. It allows one to hit a theta state through the audio resources they won't know from. Users will shift from a pessimistic to a positive perspective if the manifestation is successful. Readers can follow this link to check what Tina Fey says about the product.
Manifestation Magic features audio files that enable users to create positive energy in the frequency. Yeah, users are not only going to get positive energy but infuse it into people around them.
The writers of this product understand that humans are capturing those energies not through stereotypes but by interest conditions.
It is this energy that pulls consumers apart and draws them to other things. The hypothesis is that all materials in the universe vibrate at a specific frequency, based on the substance's content and condition.
How Manifestation Magic 2.0 Works?
There is no hard science required by a user. Furthermore, consumers add that this is among the easiest manifestation programs on the market. Typical lessons and no big books to read are not available. Thus, users must clearly conform to those energy contours that orbit audiotapes. One can take a look at how this orbiting energy mechanism works here.
This Manifestation Magic model relies entirely on physics principles. The automated audiotapes of the program The Manifestation Magic help brain waves to move in less than 10 minutes from one state to another. The audio frequency directly reaches into the listener's subconscious mind, where it eliminates all unpleasant thinking and enhances its vibrational levels that help them manifest. The subconscious then replaces the old negative ideas in the unconscious state. It attempts to replace them with more positive ones. Lachlan discusses this and other bits about Alexander’s product here.
Lachlan adds that the best time to use this program's big module is when a person is getting to bed. When users lay in bed, listen to these sound tapes, and they are going to relax. This induces self-hypnotisms in the brain. Suppose the brain does not flow through any statement. In that case, autohypnosis works quickly, and audiotapes are correctly and quick to absorb signals in the form of hypnotic advice.
Already decided to download Manifestation Magic 2.0 Music App? Good News Click Here to get your Special Copy
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The Major Components of Manifestation Magic
Manifestation Magic features various sections. Based on what other users comment about and what Alexander Wilson notes, the book's significant areas are listed below.
●       QuickStart Manifestation Guide
The eBook teaches people more about how the Manifestation Magic model should be used and the right way to do so. Since there are so many audio files and eBooks in the Manifestation Guide, it can be challenging to comprehend all at once.
A user can just look at this fast beginning guide instead and skip to his favorite segment. The person will just have to finish this one in 15 minutes, and he or she will understand what this meat is.
So, users have to spend about 30 minutes reading it absolutely if they really want to appreciate the curriculum as a whole. If they are new to the rule of attraction, it will benefit them a lot.
The text is accessible for all the requests in Kindle, PDF, and eBook format. So, any gadget users hold can read it. This separates it from traditional books and guides that people might still neglect to bring with them.
●       Daytime Wealth Activator
Some people accumulate a lot of money and increase their firms. In contrast, others have the same capital and experience over the years.
One explanation by Jenny is that some people attract more money than others. They attract thoughts and attract the energies they disseminate.
As with the owner, this direction will encourage the mind to be agile, opening up a world of opportunities. If one wants to stretch his wings, his world should not be limited. A person doesn't need a cage to try his or her wings.
An individual can then begin to see money in his life as something good. Such a guy can make smarter decisions by reprogramming.
Often, users start to be more appreciative of the money they earn, and suddenly they'll start to appreciate it. Thus, to thank the Almighty and honor what one has received, a person opens himself to a world of opportunities.
●       Twilight Transformation Energy Orbiting Track
After hearing the introductory manuals, Jenny notes that this will be everyone's priority. The highlight of the device is undoubtedly this one. This helps bring the brain into the mechanism, which prevents insecurities and worries through brainwave technology. It's even better than a few vodka shots, which provide no permanent solution.
Users won't be excessively nervous and overwhelming in such a state. They're not even going to know that the system was cleaned out. Consumers can quickly create improvements, and they can begin to take a lot less care. Their imagination would then continue to manifest things that they wished to do in their life.
To achieve this degree, it can take years of preparation. Nonetheless, the creator says that the Manifestation Magic makes it much easier and more available.
●       The Push Play Audio App
Very few people really want to have their laptop always. Maybe one just wants the system to satisfy any urgent workplace specifications in their space or watch a new television series.
However, whenever one drives, they cannot transfer all the audio files to their mobile devices. In such a case, the audio app comes in really handy.
The push play Manifestation Magic model helps users to listen to audio files on whatever computer they choose. So, there is still the application Manifestation Magic, along with all of its advantages.
Users can also order the app to play music as they like. People need a shot of optimistic vibes and knowledge now and then. From what other users say, the app delivers everything in the morning, in the evenings, and so on.
Benefits | How Manifestation Magic Help Users?
●       It is easy to access
Because the Manifestation Magic model is digitally accessible, it is effortless to use. Furthermore, users can enjoy easy access when installing it. Alexander notes that the customer does not go through long messages to see what to do. They need to do is switch the audio tracks, and it's that!
●       Manifestation Magic is more competent.
It is more powerful than any available services on the market. Some manifestation systems eliminate only negative emotions from the surface. Still, this program is more successful at the sub-conscious stage of the mind.
●       Buyers can have more than worth it.
What users pay for is the service, and what they get are free goods. The price paid is therefore slightly smaller than the overall sum. The goods are free, but the gross fee charged is considerably less than the products purchased. The products are free of charge.
●       It works like the Corona Relief Pack.
The program's biggest highlight is the Corona Rescue Kit. It offers valuable knowledge to keep people safe in the COVID-19 spread.
●       Users confirm that the product is genuine.
The advantages of the goods are not highlighted incorrectly. It is official and effective, as seen from reviews of the users on both its official and other social networks.
 Safety & Reliability of Manifestation Magic
The positive response from its clients on its website indicates it is genuine. Besides, Tina notes that a higher public demand version has been revised recently. It wouldn't have existed if it were a fraud.
As per Alexander, his formulation is perfect for:
●       People with lot of late social media negativity, hoping to refocus their attention on the good stuff. It doesn't mean users should keep an eye on corruption, but they should be optimistic and accurate in mind.
●       People with trouble finding inspiration, and gaining more money, wishing to find a way to invest their empire. It would draw decent people, but some people say that this list will still have many fraudulent people.
Alexander says that Manifestation Magic is not ideal for the groups listed below.
●       People who feel satisfied or no additional support is needed. Such people see the universe as heaven.
●       Narcissists who just care for themselves do not pick those unfamiliar formulations. The files are designed to diffuse constructive feelings.
Price and Where to Buy Manifestation Magic
The product has a newer version, which people can obtain from several web pages. However, Alexander Wilson recommends potential customers to buy the Manifestation Magic from the official website. In fact, ordering from the official page helps users prevent any infringement and not miss an arrangement (in the form of a bonus or discount).
The products offered for the service at various prices include $27, $37, and $97. It provides one with a fast-start guide. Buyers also get the Chakra Power System, the 360 Transform System, lifetime Push Play Game access, and a free-of-charge New Coronavirus Rescue Kit.
Alexander Wilson offers various bonuses and rewards to his customers. Notably, consumers who buy the Manifestation Magic get unique and practical models along with their order. Some of these bonuses are;
●       Chakra Power System
The whole Manifestation Magic program can also be truncated with a bonus one.
It may be worth $200. After all, it works well and cannot be sold elsewhere on the internet. It is a hard-worn secret recipe that deserves a price tag.
In any case, the Chakra Force includes ten audio tracks that disperse the rich environment around people and induce the Chakra Energy. This would then prove to be a draw for affluent investors who will help their businesses and shops.
However, here there is no need for specialized skills. Among other advantages for mental wellbeing, the Chakras battles the inner dirt like toxicity, incredulity, assassination, paranoia, and hopelessness. The effect on the user's bodies is realistic yet calming.
One will determine the inner desires when the energy is washed up from the chakras. And a person can only listen to the audio file.
●       Magic 360 Transformation
Users will remove barriers to their financial progress with the transition guide. It adds seven more bonus paths to clear any roadblocks when people are asleep.
A customer gets some very calming and optimistic tracks, such as Whispering Waves and Majestic Divine Tranquility.
What Other Customers Say
Based on former customers' feedback, there have been several advantages for those using this program, Manifestation Magic. In 24 hours, for example, some of them obtained their desired outcomes. Further, there are also glad words from clients who have effectively changed their lives. To view this and other comments from other customers, readers can follow this link.
Manifestation Magic V2.0 Reviews - Final Verdict
Manifestation Magic v2.0 is meant for those who wish to change their lives regardless of their ages truly. One may develop a new self to provide stronger spiritual or physical health ties. What one needs to do is obey and trust in the process. Furthermore, people who use this model exchange happy words that demonstrate their faith in Manifestation Magic. Any reader can press the buy button, and they can do that, also.
And one more thing, one more thing. For the first 60 days after one's order, they have a significant advantage of using this 100% money-back guarantee. They may automatically demand a 100% refund if they are not happy or are not benefiting from the purchase.
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Manifestation Magic Reviews
Manifestation Magic Reviews - Alexander Wilson Music Audio App v2.0 Does It Work? Product Reviewed
Alexander Wilson Manifestation Magic Version 2.0 Reviews - Free Download Music & Audio Tracks App
All in the world deserves a happy and better-off life. People like to keep their loved ones comfortable and worry-free. To do so, however, one must keep his or her mind and body safe. They need to understand how to control their subconscious mind to accomplish all their ultimate objectives.
Manifestation Magic v2.0 scheme is here to help these victims. The owner says that the product is designed to make this possible. Thus, any potential buyer may want to read this analysis to learn more about the Manifestation Magic program.
Visit official Site to Know More about Alexander Wilson Program!!
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What is Alexander Wilson Manifestation Magic v2.0 Program?
Manifestation Magic is a collection of audio and eBook files that show people the energy orbiting process. For some users, it might, at first, be overwhelming. However, energy orbiting is a mechanism that causes frequencies in brainwave training to change negative perspectives. Although an individual might believe that the whole world is often distressed, Alexander says that the biggest problem is in their heads. The negative energy people do not need to concentrate upon is the focus of the subconscious.
According to Alexander Wilson, energy orbiting combines hypnotic orientation with NLP power to allow a healing process. This mechanism shapes the brain to focus on the positive sides of apparently negative subjects. Instead, people can concentrate on the place which surrounds them and get rid of the terror. Above everything, they should spread the beneficial toxic impact around them.
Tina Fey says that Manifestation Magic is essential for balancing the energy people get. Individuals' inner fears and internal challenges are handled by most of their beliefs.
Manifestation Magic offers a realistic way to escape these challenges. It allows one to hit a theta state through the audio resources they won't know from. Users will shift from a pessimistic to a positive perspective if the manifestation is successful. Readers can follow this link to check what Tina Fey says about the product.
Manifestation Magic features audio files that enable users to create positive energy in the frequency. Yeah, users are not only going to get positive energy but infuse it into people around them.
The writers of this product understand that humans are capturing those energies not through stereotypes but by interest conditions.
It is this energy that pulls consumers apart and draws them to other things. The hypothesis is that all materials in the universe vibrate at a specific frequency, based on the substance's content and condition.
How Manifestation Magic 2.0 Works?
There is no hard science required by a user. Furthermore, consumers add that this is among the easiest manifestation programs on the market. Typical lessons and no big books to read are not available. Thus, users must clearly conform to those energy contours that orbit audiotapes. One can take a look at how this orbiting energy mechanism works here.
This Manifestation Magic model relies entirely on physics principles. The automated audiotapes of the program The Manifestation Magic help brain waves to move in less than 10 minutes from one state to another. The audio frequency directly reaches into the listener's subconscious mind, where it eliminates all unpleasant thinking and enhances its vibrational levels that help them manifest. The subconscious then
replaces the old negative ideas in the unconscious state. It attempts to replace them with more positive ones. Lachlan discusses this and other bits about Alexander’s product here.
Lachlan adds that the best time to use this program's big module is when a person is getting to bed. When users lay in bed, listen to these sound tapes, and they are going to relax. This induces self-hypnotisms in the brain. Suppose the brain does not flow through any statement. In that case, autohypnosis works quickly, and audiotapes are correctly and quick to absorb signals in the form of hypnotic advice.
Already decided to download Manifestation Magic 2.0 Music App? Good News Click Here to get your Special Copy
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The Major Components of Manifestation Magic
Manifestation Magic features various sections. Based on what other users comment about and what Alexander Wilson notes, the book's significant areas are listed below.
QuickStart Manifestation Guide
The eBook teaches people more about how the Manifestation Magic model should be used and the right way to do so. Since there are so many audio files and eBooks in the Manifestation Guide, it can be challenging to comprehend all at once.
A user can just look at this fast beginning guide instead and skip to his favorite segment. The person will just have to finish this one in 15 minutes, and he or she will understand what this meat is.
So, users have to spend about 30 minutes reading it absolutely if they really want to appreciate the curriculum as a whole. If they are new to the rule of attraction, it will benefit them a lot.
The text is accessible for all the requests in Kindle, PDF, and eBook format. So, any gadget users hold can read it. This separates it from traditional books and guides that people might still neglect to bring with them.
Daytime Wealth Activator
Some people accumulate a lot of money and increase their firms. In contrast, others have the same capital and experience over the years.
One explanation by Jenny is that some people attract more money than others. They attract thoughts and attract the energies they disseminate.
As with the owner, this direction will encourage the mind to be agile, opening up a world of opportunities. If one wants to stretch his wings, his world should not be limited. A person doesn't need a cage to try his or her wings.
An individual can then begin to see money in his life as something good. Such a guy can make smarter decisions by reprogramming.
Often, users start to be more appreciative of the money they earn, and suddenly they'll start to appreciate it. Thus, to thank the Almighty and honor what one has received, a person opens himself to a world of opportunities.
Twilight Transformation Energy Orbiting Track
After hearing the introductory manuals, Jenny notes that this will be everyone's priority. The highlight of the device is undoubtedly this one. This helps bring the brain into the mechanism, which prevents insecurities and worries through brainwave technology. It's even better than a few vodka shots, which provide no permanent solution.
Users won't be excessively nervous and overwhelming in such a state. They're not even going to know that the system was cleaned out. Consumers can quickly create
improvements, and they can begin to take a lot less care. Their imagination would then continue to manifest things that they wished to do in their life.
To achieve this degree, it can take years of preparation. Nonetheless, the creator says that the Manifestation Magic makes it much easier and more available.
The Push Play Audio App
Very few people really want to have their laptop always. Maybe one just wants the system to satisfy any urgent workplace specifications in their space or watch a new television series.
However, whenever one drives, they cannot transfer all the audio files to their mobile devices. In such a case, the audio app comes in really handy.
The push play Manifestation Magic model helps users to listen to audio files on
whatever computer they choose. So, there is still the application Manifestation Magic, along with all of its advantages.
Users can also order the app to play music as they like. People need a shot of optimistic vibes and knowledge now and then. From what other users say, the app delivers everything in the morning, in the evenings, and so on.
Benefits | How Manifestation Magic Help Users?
It is easy to access
Because the Manifestation Magic model is digitally accessible, it is effortless to use. Furthermore, users can enjoy easy access when installing it. Alexander notes that the customer does not go through long messages to see what to do. They need to do is switch the audio tracks, and it's that!
Manifestation Magic is more competent.
It is more powerful than any available services on the market. Some manifestation systems eliminate only negative emotions from the surface. Still, this program is more successful at the sub-conscious stage of the mind.
Buyers can have more than worth it.
What users pay for is the service, and what they get are free goods. The price paid is therefore slightly smaller than the overall sum. The goods are free, but the gross fee charged is considerably less than the products purchased. The products are free of charge.
It works like the Corona Relief Pack.
The program's biggest highlight is the Corona Rescue Kit. It offers valuable knowledge to keep people safe in the COVID-19 spread.
Users confirm that the product is genuine.
The advantages of the goods are not highlighted incorrectly. It is official and effective, as seen from reviews of the users on both its official and other social networks.
Safety & Reliability of Manifestation Magic
The positive response from its clients on its website indicates it is genuine. Besides, Tina notes that a higher public demand version has been revised recently. It wouldn't have existed if it were a fraud.
As per Alexander, his formulation is perfect for:
People with lot of late social media negativity, hoping to refocus their attention on the good stuff. It doesn't mean users should keep an eye on corruption, but they should be optimistic and accurate in mind.
People with trouble finding inspiration, and gaining more money, wishing to find a way to invest their empire. It would draw decent people, but some people say that this list will still have many fraudulent people.
Alexander says that Manifestation Magic is not ideal for the groups listed below.
People who feel satisfied or no additional support is needed. Such people see the universe as heaven.
Narcissists who just care for themselves do not pick those unfamiliar
formulations. The files are designed to diffuse constructive feelings.
Price and Where to Buy Manifestation Magic
The product has a newer version, which people can obtain from several web pages.
However, Alexander Wilson recommends potential customers to buy the Manifestation Magic from the official website. In fact, ordering from the official page helps users prevent any infringement and not miss an arrangement (in the form of a bonus or discount).
The products offered for the service at various prices include $27, $37, and $97. It provides one with a fast-start guide. Buyers also get the Chakra Power System, the 360 Transform System, lifetime Push Play Game access, and a free-of-charge New Coronavirus Rescue Kit.
Alexander Wilson offers various bonuses and rewards to his customers. Notably, consumers who buy the Manifestation Magic get unique and practical models along with their order. Some of these bonuses are;
Chakra Power System
The whole Manifestation Magic program can also be truncated with a bonus one.
It may be worth $200. After all, it works well and cannot be sold elsewhere on the internet. It is a hard-worn secret recipe that deserves a price tag.
In any case, the Chakra Force includes ten audio tracks that disperse the rich environment around people and induce the Chakra Energy. This would then prove to be a draw for affluent investors who will help their businesses and shops.
However, here there is no need for specialized skills. Among other advantages for mental wellbeing, the Chakras battles the inner dirt like toxicity, incredulity,
assassination, paranoia, and hopelessness. The effect on the user's bodies is realistic yet calming.
One will determine the inner desires when the energy is washed up from the chakras. And a person can only listen to the audio file.
Magic 360 Transformation
Users will remove barriers to their financial progress with the transition guide. It adds seven more bonus paths to clear any roadblocks when people are asleep.
A customer gets some very calming and optimistic tracks, such as Whispering Waves and Majestic Divine Tranquility.
What Other Customers Say
Based on former customers' feedback, there have been several advantages for those using this program, Manifestation Magic. In 24 hours, for example, some of them obtained their desired outcomes. Further, there are also glad words from clients who have effectively changed their lives. To view this and other comments from other customers, readers can follow this link.
Manifestation Magic V2.0 Reviews - Final Verdict
Manifestation Magic v2.0 is meant for those who wish to change their lives regardless of their ages truly. One may develop a new self to provide stronger spiritual or physical health ties. What one needs to do is obey and trust in the process. Furthermore, people who use this model exchange happy words that demonstrate their faith in Manifestation Magic. Any reader can press the buy button, and they can do that, also.
And one more thing, one more thing. For the first 60 days after one's order, they have a significant advantage of using this 100% money-back guarantee. They may automatically demand a 100% refund if they are not happy or are not benefiting from the purchase.
Click To Order Now
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Manifestation Magic Reviews
Manifestation Magic Reviews - Alexander Wilson Music Audio App v2.0 Does It Work? Product Reviewed
Alexander Wilson Manifestation Magic Version 2.0 Reviews - Free Download Music & Audio Tracks App
All in the world deserves a happy and better-off life. People like to keep their loved ones comfortable and worry-free. To do so, however, one must keep his or her mind and body safe. They need to understand how to control their subconscious mind to accomplish all their ultimate objectives.
Manifestation Magic v2.0 scheme is here to help these victims. The owner says that the product is designed to make this possible. Thus, any potential buyer may want to read this analysis to learn more about the Manifestation Magic program.
Visit official Site to Know More about Alexander Wilson Program!!
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What is Alexander Wilson Manifestation Magic v2.0 Program?
Manifestation Magic is a collection of audio and eBook files that show people the energy orbiting process. For some users, it might, at first, be overwhelming. However, energy orbiting is a mechanism that causes frequencies in brainwave training to change negative perspectives. Although an individual might believe that the whole world is often distressed, Alexander says that the biggest problem is in their heads. The negative energy people do not need to concentrate upon is the focus of the subconscious.
According to Alexander Wilson, energy orbiting combines hypnotic orientation with NLP power to allow a healing process. This mechanism shapes the brain to focus on the positive sides of apparently negative subjects. Instead, people can concentrate on the place which surrounds them and get rid of the terror. Above everything, they should spread the beneficial toxic impact around them.
Tina Fey says that Manifestation Magic is essential for balancing the energy people get. Individuals' inner fears and internal challenges are handled by most of their beliefs. Manifestation Magic offers a realistic way to escape these challenges. It allows one to hit a theta state through the audio resources they won't know from. Users will shift from a pessimistic to a positive perspective if the manifestation is successful. Readers can follow this link to check what Tina Fey says about the product.
Manifestation Magic features audio files that enable users to create positive energy in the frequency. Yeah, users are not only going to get positive energy but infuse it into people around them.
The writers of this product understand that humans are capturing those energies not through stereotypes but by interest conditions.
It is this energy that pulls consumers apart and draws them to other things. The hypothesis is that all materials in the universe vibrate at a specific frequency, based on the substance's content and condition.
How Manifestation Magic 2.0 Works?
There is no hard science required by a user. Furthermore, consumers add that this is among the easiest manifestation programs on the market. Typical lessons and no big books to read are not available. Thus, users must clearly conform to those energy contours that orbit audiotapes. One can take a look at how this orbiting energy mechanism works here.
This Manifestation Magic model relies entirely on physics principles. The automated audiotapes of the program The Manifestation Magic help brain waves to move in less than 10 minutes from one state to another. The audio frequency directly reaches into the listener's subconscious mind, where it eliminates all unpleasant thinking and enhances its vibrational levels that help them manifest. The subconscious then replaces the old negative ideas in the unconscious state. It attempts to replace them with more positive ones. Lachlan discusses this and other bits about Alexander’s product here.
Lachlan adds that the best time to use this program's big module is when a person is getting to bed. When users lay in bed, listen to these sound tapes, and they are going to relax. This induces self-hypnotisms in the brain. Suppose the brain does not flow through any statement. In that case, autohypnosis works quickly, and audiotapes are correctly and quick to absorb signals in the form of hypnotic advice.
Already decided to download Manifestation Magic 2.0 Music App? Good News Click Here to get your Special Copy
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The Major Components of Manifestation Magic
Manifestation Magic features various sections. Based on what other users comment about and what Alexander Wilson notes, the book's significant areas are listed below.
QuickStart Manifestation Guide
The eBook teaches people more about how the Manifestation Magic model should be used and the right way to do so. Since there are so many audio files and eBooks in the Manifestation Guide, it can be challenging to comprehend all at once.
A user can just look at this fast beginning guide instead and skip to his favorite segment. The person will just have to finish this one in 15 minutes, and he or she will understand what this meat is.
So, users have to spend about 30 minutes reading it absolutely if they really want to appreciate the curriculum as a whole. If they are new to the rule of attraction, it will benefit them a lot.
The text is accessible for all the requests in Kindle, PDF, and eBook format. So, any gadget users hold can read it. This separates it from traditional books and guides that people might still neglect to bring with them.
Daytime Wealth Activator
Some people accumulate a lot of money and increase their firms. In contrast, others have the same capital and experience over the years.
One explanation by Jenny is that some people attract more money than others. They attract thoughts and attract the energies they disseminate.
As with the owner, this direction will encourage the mind to be agile, opening up a world of opportunities. If one wants to stretch his wings, his world should not be limited. A person doesn't need a cage to try his or her wings.
An individual can then begin to see money in his life as something good. Such a guy can make smarter decisions by reprogramming. Often, users start to be more appreciative of the money they earn, and suddenly they'll start to appreciate it. Thus, to thank the Almighty and honor what one has received, a person opens himself to a world of opportunities.
Twilight Transformation Energy Orbiting Track
After hearing the introductory manuals, Jenny notes that this will be everyone's priority. The highlight of the device is undoubtedly this one. This helps bring the brain into the mechanism, which prevents insecurities and worries through brainwave technology. It's even better than a few vodka shots, which provide no permanent solution.
Users won't be excessively nervous and overwhelming in such a state. They're not even going to know that the system was cleaned out. Consumers can quickly create improvements, and they can begin to take a lot less care. Their imagination would then continue to manifest things that they wished to do in their life.
To achieve this degree, it can take years of preparation. Nonetheless, the creator says that the Manifestation Magic makes it much easier and more available.
The Push Play Audio App
Very few people really want to have their laptop always. Maybe one just wants the system to satisfy any urgent workplace specifications in their space or watch a new television series.
However, whenever one drives, they cannot transfer all the audio files to their mobile devices. In such a case, the audio app comes in really handy.
The push play Manifestation Magic model helps users to listen to audio files on whatever computer they choose. So, there is still the application Manifestation Magic, along with all of its advantages. Users can also order the app to play music as they like. People need a shot of optimistic vibes and knowledge now and then. From what other users say, the app delivers everything in the morning, in the evenings, and so on.
Benefits | How Manifestation Magic Help Users?
It is easy to access
Because the Manifestation Magic model is digitally accessible, it is effortless to use. Furthermore, users can enjoy easy access when installing it. Alexander notes that the customer does not go through long messages to see what to do. They need to do is switch the audio tracks, and it's that!
Manifestation Magic is more competent.
It is more powerful than any available services on the market. Some manifestation systems eliminate only negative emotions from the surface. Still, this program is more successful at the sub-conscious stage of the mind.
Buyers can have more than worth it.
What users pay for is the service, and what they get are free goods. The price paid is therefore slightly smaller than the overall sum. The goods are free, but the gross fee charged is considerably less than the products purchased. The products are free of charge.
It works like the Corona Relief Pack.
The program's biggest highlight is the Corona Rescue Kit. It offers valuable knowledge to keep people safe in the COVID-19 spread.
Users confirm that the product is genuine.
The advantages of the goods are not highlighted incorrectly. It is official and effective, as seen from reviews of the users on both its official and other social networks.
Safety & Reliability of Manifestation Magic
The positive response from its clients on its website indicates it is genuine. Besides, Tina notes that a higher public demand version has been revised recently. It wouldn't have existed if it were a fraud.
As per Alexander, his formulation is perfect for:
People with lot of late social media negativity, hoping to refocus their attention on the good stuff. It doesn't mean users should keep an eye on corruption, but they should be optimistic and accurate in mind. People with trouble finding inspiration, and gaining more money, wishing to find a way to invest their empire. It would draw decent people, but some people say that this list will still have many fraudulent people. Alexander says that Manifestation Magic is not ideal for the groups listed below. People who feel satisfied or no additional support is needed. Such people see the universe as heaven. Narcissists who just care for themselves do not pick those unfamiliar formulations. The files are designed to diffuse constructive feelings.
Price and Where to Buy Manifestation Magic
The product has a newer version, which people can obtain from several web pages. However, Alexander Wilson recommends potential customers to buy the Manifestation Magic from the official website. In fact, ordering from the official page helps users prevent any infringement and not miss an arrangement (in the form of a bonus or discount).
The products offered for the service at various prices include $27, $37, and $97. It provides one with a fast-start guide. Buyers also get the Chakra Power System, the 360 Transform System, lifetime Push Play Game access, and a free-of-charge New Coronavirus Rescue Kit.
Alexander Wilson offers various bonuses and rewards to his customers. Notably, consumers who buy the Manifestation Magic get unique and practical models along with their order. Some of these bonuses are;
Chakra Power System
The whole Manifestation Magic program can also be truncated with a bonus one.
It may be worth $200. After all, it works well and cannot be sold elsewhere on the internet. It is a hard-worn secret recipe that deserves a price tag.
In any case, the Chakra Force includes ten audio tracks that disperse the rich environment around people and induce the Chakra Energy. This would then prove to be a draw for affluent investors who will help their businesses and shops.
However, here there is no need for specialized skills. Among other advantages for mental wellbeing, the Chakras battles the inner dirt like toxicity, incredulity, assassination, paranoia, and hopelessness. The effect on the user's bodies is realistic yet calming.
One will determine the inner desires when the energy is washed up from the chakras. And a person can only listen to the audio file.
Magic 360 Transformation
Users will remove barriers to their financial progress with the transition guide. It adds seven more bonus paths to clear any roadblocks when people are asleep.
A customer gets some very calming and optimistic tracks, such as Whispering Waves and Majestic Divine Tranquility.
What Other Customers Say
Based on former customers' feedback, there have been several advantages for those using this program, Manifestation Magic. In 24 hours, for example, some of them obtained their desired outcomes. Further, there are also glad words from clients who have effectively changed their lives. To view this and other comments from other customers, readers can follow this link.
Manifestation Magic V2.0 Reviews - Final Verdict
Manifestation Magic v2.0 is meant for those who wish to change their lives regardless of their ages truly. One may develop a new self to provide stronger spiritual or physical health ties. What one needs to do is obey and trust in the process. Furthermore, people who use this model exchange happy words that demonstrate their faith in Manifestation Magic. Any reader can press the buy button, and they can do that, also.
And one more thing, one more thing. For the first 60 days after one's order, they have a significant advantage of using this 100% money-back guarantee. They may automatically demand a 100% refund if they are not happy or are not benefiting from the purchase.
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hunterexcellent623 · 3 years
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The summer holidays seem never-ending and Harry Potter can't wait for the start of the school term. It is his fourth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and there are spells to learn and (unluckily) Potions and Divination lessons to attend. Features of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire pdf: The United Kingdom is the original publication place of the book. The original publication date of the book is 8th July 2000. English is the original language of the book. There are 636 pages in the original edition of the book. Download Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire PDF. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is probably the best book in this legendary series. The tension, thrill, and mysterious experience this book gives while reading is marvelous. For any book lover, reading this book is like euphoria. Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire. Home; Translate. 2 Cassetten Download Free Books in Urdu and Hindi PDF. Download Link The Synthesis of the Elements: The Astrophysical Quest for Nucleosynthesis and What It Can Tell Us About the Universe (Astrophysics and Space Science Library (387. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire published in the year 2000. The novel comes under the genre of Novels, Fantasy Fiction, High fantasy. The novel contains a total of 755 pages. Readers loved to read this novel. Download Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire PDF. Click here to download Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire PDF ebook here.
Free Harry potter and the goblet of fire book pdf
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire PDF book is a dream novel composed by British creator J. K. Rowling and the fourth novel in the Harry Potter arrangement. It follows Harry Potter, a wizard in his fourth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and the secret encompassing the section of Harry’s name into the Triwizard Tournament, where he is compelled to contend.
The book was distributed in the United Kingdom by Bloomsbury and in the United States by Scholastic. In the two nations, the delivery date was 8 July 2000. This was the first run through a book in the arrangement was distributed in the two nations simultaneously. The tale won a Hugo Award, the solitary Harry Potter epic to do as such, in 2001. The book was adjusted into a film, delivered worldwide on 18 November 2005, and a computer game by Electronic Arts.
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Harry Potter is midway through his training. Harry wants to get rid of vulnerable years and go to the World Cup with Hermione, Ron, and Weasley. He wants to dream about Cha Chong, his crusher. Harry wants to know about the mysterious event that is to take place at Hogwarts this year, an event that includes two other magic schools and a race that has not happened for hundreds of years. He wants to be a typical magician, fourteen years old. But unfortunately for Harry Potter, he is not normal – even by wing standards. You can read the review and download Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire pdf at the end.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Review:
Triwizard Tournament held in Hogwarts. Only wizards over the age of 17 are allowed to enter – but that does not make winning the race a dream for Harry. Then on Halloween, when he chooses the Fire Cup, Harry is surprised to find that his name is one of those who choose the Magic Cup. He will face missions to destroy death, dragons, and dark wizards, but with the help of his best friends, Ron and Hermione, he will probably be able to survive!
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire PDF Features:
The following are some of the major features of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire PDF.
The author J. K. Rowling has written it.
The book is in simple English language so it’s easier for the readers to understand it.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire published in the year 2000.
The novel comes under the genre of Novels, Fantasy Fiction, High fantasy.
The novel contains a total of 755 pages.
Readers loved to read this novel.
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Best Cbz Reader For Mac
Best Cbz Reader For Mac
If you're looking for a CBR and CBZ reader for your favorite OS, look no farther. Comical is an easy-to-use, featureful GUI comic book viewer, written in C++ using wxWidgets. Comic Book Reader supports all major formats like CBR, CBZ, XPS, EPUB, and PDF. CDisplay Ex Lightweight, easy to use and having just the right features, CDisplay Ex is a great comic book reader software for Windows 10. CDisplay Ex is a light, efficient and Free CBR Reader, and it is also the most popular comic book reader.It is able to read all comic book formats (.cbr file,.cbz,.pdf, etc.) and Manga. Everything is designed to give you the best comic reading experience, it load comic books immediately, reading is fluid and comfortable even on slow computer. Mac & iOS: Just go for YACReader, it’s the best comic book reader for Mac and iOS. Windows 10 PC and Mobile: Go for the UWP app called Cover-Comic Book Reader, not only it’s the best comic book reader for Windows 10 PC and Mobile, but it also has the best UI I’ve ever seen on a comic book reader. Rename the file extension to RAR and you can just unarchive it with any capable unarchiver software. Same as CBZ, which uses ZIP. CBR/CBZ are usually used for regroup scanned comic book pages. If you have a CBR file and you want to read the content directly without unarchiving it first, I’d recommend EdgeView 2 for Mac. It’s by far the only comic book reader I’ve ever tested that can do the simplest thing correctly, such as zoom to fit for every page.
CBR/CBZ are usually used for regroup scanned comic book pages. If you have a CBR file and you want to read the content directly without unarchiving it first, I’d recommend EdgeView 2 for Mac. It’s by far the only comic book reader I’ve ever tested that can do the simplest thing correctly, such as zoom to fit for every page. After the recent hiccups introduced by the comicvine database transitioning to a new location, cbanack has releases a new and updated version of his incredible Comic Vine plugin for ComicRack. You can get the new build at the usual location.
These 2019's comic book reader apps for iPhone and iPad are easily the best of the lot. Check out this exclusive list and pick out the one that stands out for you to liven up your comic reading experience.
Do you have a penchant for reading comic books? If yes, we have you covered with the best comic book reader apps to let you experience the spectacle of “Iron Man,” The Avengers, X-Men and more.
What makes these comic reader apps special is the ability to offer unmatched comic reading experience. They support most comic formats and allow you to organize your comics with utmost ease. What’s more, you can even fine tune them to suit your best interest!
Best Comic Book Reader Apps for iPhone and iPad in 2019
#1. Episode ft Pitch Perfect
Episode ft Pitch Perfect is an ideal app to enjoy reading interactive and visual stories. Boasting of the vast catalog of more than 35, 000 stories featuring all the genres like romance, fantasy, comedy and more, it keeps your interest in reading something out-of-the-box alive.
The interactive stories offer you a great chance to lead your life just the way you want and have the desired success. As, you can choose your path to love, popularity and more. Find a gorgeous woman or a super handsome guy to fall in love. That’s not all; there are a lot of mysteries to be unraveled and dangers which you need to encounter to achieve your goal.
Price: Free Download
#2. Wattpad
Wattpad is the one-stop platform to read all types of books and interesting stories. Based on what gets you going, you can explore several things like mystery, comedy, action, fiction, science fiction, romance, adventure, fantasy and more.
You can easily save any articles to read them offline. With the option to sync your account, you will be able to pick up from where you left off on any of your iOS devices. Most importantly, you can directly connect with writers and other readers and share your experience or discuss.
Price: Free Download
#3. comiXology
comiXology is one of the finest comic reader apps. With this app, you will enjoy reading Kindle comics, graphic novels as well as Magna purchases. The massive library boasts of tons of Marvel comics, image comics, DC comics. You can also search for and add your favorite books to the wishlist. If you want to make your comic reading more delightful, you shouldn’t look beyond comiXology.
Price: Free Download
#4. iComics
iComics is designed to be a top class comic reader app. It is compatible with most comic formats such as ZIP, CBZ, RAR, CBR, 7ZIP, CB7, TAR, CBT, LZH, LHA, EPUB, PDF. It features a slider that allows you to move from one comic to another with ease. You can split extra-wide pages to make reading a bit easier. You have the option to share, email and even save individual pages.
Price: $1.99 Download
#5. Chunky Comic Reader
This one is a complete comic book reader app. It’s highly user-friendly and easy-to-use. With the super handy upscaling feature, it makes even low-resolution comics look nice. It features auto-contrast/tint which fixes yellow pages as well as faded ink. There is a self-organizing library which keeps all your stuff in perfect order.
Price: Free Download
#6. Marvel Unlimited Comics
With Marvel Unlimited Comics, you can access a vast library of more than 17, 000 digital comics. Even if you are not connected to Cellular or Wi-Fi, it lets you read up to 12 issues offline. It includes some famous Marvel comics including Spider-Man, The Avengers, Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, X-Men and more. It allows you to preview every issue in the archive and read some selected issues if you are not signed up.
Price: Free Download
#7. Madefire Comics & Motion Books
The last but not least, “Madefire Comics & Motion Books” is one of the most adorable comic book reader apps for iOS. With the synchronized sound effects, music and 360 panoramic views, it offers an amazing reading experience.
From Batman, Superman, Star Trek to Dark Horse, it was packed in with everything that can thoroughly entertain you. As the new releases are added every week, you will never get bored and always have plenty of options to explore. You can browse through new print comic titles from famous publishers in the print books storefront and quickly buy the one you love via in-app purchases.
Price: Free Download
#8. Comic Book Reader: Viewer for Comic
This comic book reader app supported all formats and considered to be the best for reading, cb7, cbz, cbr, and cbt comics. The impressive design and intuitive user-interface make reading books a great experience.
Thanks to the integration with major cloud services such as Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, Box and network services including SMB, FTP, SFTP, DLNA, it lets you quickly open documents from any network or cloud services. Page layout option in documents such as single page, double page offer more convenience. You can bookmark any story to read it later. The file manager allows you to keep your library in perfect order.
Price: Free Download
#9. Comic Zeal Comic Book Reader
“Comic Zeal Comic Book Reader” is feature-rich and a perfect app to enhance your comic book reading experience. It lets you organize your collection as desired. As, you can put series inside series, and with the use of dividers, you will be able to manage long lists. There is also an option to sort comics into their respective series automatically. Better still, it also includes a parental lock for specific series.
Price: $4.99 Download
#10. ComicFlow
With the smart interface, ComicFlow provides an unmatched comic reading experience. It’s equipped to handle large comic collections. You can easily import your favorite comics in the background. It supports cbr, .cbz and pdf files. It’s compatible with the only iPad.
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Price: Free Download
That’s it!
Signing Off
These comic book reader apps excel in letting you read books with optimum convenience. So, whether you want to read science-fiction, romance or action thriller, these CBR apps are the class apart. Have I missed any top CBR app for iOS?
Do let us know that in the comments below, on Facebook, Twitter, and Telegram. Also, make sure to try our app on your iPhone and iPad.
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If you've been looking to go digital with your comic book collection, you're probably overwhelmed with all the comic readers available on the iPhone and iPad. Fret no more: Comic Zeal is the app you want.
A Comic Book Lover's Guide to Going Digital
Whether you've been a diehard comic book fan for years or you just want to see what…
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Comic Zeal
Platform: iPhone and iPad Price: $4.99 Download Page
Automatically organizes all your comics by series
Manually organize your comics with swipe gestures and easy-to-understand options
Track which comics you have and haven't read
Search and find your comics by title and tags
Proceeds directly to next issue when done reading
Zoom lock lets you fit the page to your screen however you want and remembers it between pages
Tons of additional settings for brightness, navigation, and reading
Load comics over USB, Wi-Fi, or Dropbox
Where It Excels
Comic Zeal is, hands down, the best app on iOS for organizing your comic library. When you import new comics, it automatically detects the series name and filters them all into their own categories by series. If you want to do something different—like create a reading list for a multi-series event—you can do so by swiping individual issues into ComicZeal's 'slider,' then emptying them out as you see fit. It can be a little tedious to do, but it's still light years ahead of any other comic readers. Comic Zeal also has a lot of settings for reading, which means you can get everything set up just how you like it. The 'smart zoom' feature is particularly awesome.
Advertisement Kindle reader for mac download.
Where It Falls Short
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Comic Zeal does have a few annoyances, but they're minor enough to keep it in the top slot. Turning pages is a bit slower than it is in other comic readers, so going from page to page doesn't feel very smooth at all. Similarly, importing comics takes a long time, and you can't do anything while the app is importing—so if you're importing a large number of comics, be prepared to set your device down and wait awhile.
The Competition
Cbz Reader Download
Comic Viewer is slightly cheaper at $3.99, but has enough options to keep most people happy. It has a 'fit to screen' or 'fit to width' mode which works flawlessly, and it has a few settings to keep the reading experience solid. It also has a silly-but-kind-of-awesome page flipping animation and sound (which you can turn off), if you want to recreate the real-life reading experience as much as possible. Its organization is nowhere near the level of ComicZeal's (though you can manually categorize things themselves), so I'd recommend spending the extra dollar on Comic Zeal. Comic Viewer is certainly a solid alternative, though.
If you want something free, ComicFlow is probably your best choice. Its 'library' interface is very similar to Comic Zeal's, but with some nice filtering options (though not nearly as many good organization options). ComicFlow, as its name describes, excels at flipping between pages with fantastic smoothness (unlike Comic Zeal). However, it doesn't remember your 'zoom' level on each page, which is extremely annoying for people that don't want it to fit every page to the screen. It also is pretty bare when it comes to settings (for example, it only gives you a 'dim mode' rather than letting you adjust the in-app brightness). Like ComicZeal, ComicFlow can import comics over Wi-Fi, but it'll cost you $3.99 after the first 50 transfers. If ComicFlow has one incredible advantage, its that it imports comics in the background, which is really nice.
Best Cbz Reader For Mac
CloudReaders is another popular one, and while its interface isn't nearly as pretty as Comic Zeal or ComicFlow, the reading experience is a good one. Like ComicFlow, flipping between pages is fantastically smooth, and it has a few more settings if you don't care about looks, care about features, and want something free.
Of course, all the above apps are for reading your DRM-free CBR, CBZ, or PDF comics. If you want to read comics from the official source, you'll want something like Comics from ComiXology. ComiXology is the place to buy, download, and sync comics straight from companies like Marvel and DC (who, incidentally, have their own Marvel and DC versions of the app), as well as others like Image, IDW, and Disney. If you're looking for new comics from these companies, this is the app you'll want to download.
Lifehacker's App Directory is a new and growing directory of recommendations for the best applications and tools in a number of given categories. Free epub reader for mac download.
Best Cbz Reader For Mac
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0 notes
ceruleanvulpine · 7 years
asoue re-rereadening IS BACK: “hey i went to boarding school and it didn’t suck” edition
aka the austere academy.
happy winter holiday period to everyone, i am home and there are cats all over me and it is very relaxing. as such i have decided i need to RAISE my stress level by - jk. but i am going to keep doing these commentaries even though the new season hasn’t come out yet. 
For Beatrice- You will always be in my heart, in my mind, and in your grave.
If you were going to give a gold medal to the least delightful person on Earth, you would have to give that medal to a person named Carmelita Spats, and if you didn't give it to her, Carmelita Spats was the sort of person who would snatch it from your hands anyway. Carmelita Spats was rude, she was violent, and she was filthy, and it is really a shame that I must describe her to you, because there are enough ghastly and distressing things in this story without even mentioning such an unpleasant person.
This is A Way to open a book. 
No matter who was caring for the Baudelaires, Count Olaf was always right behind them, performing such dastardly deeds that I can scarcely list them all: kidnapping, murder, nasty phone calls, disguises, poison, hypnosis, and atrocious cooking are just some of the adversities the Baudelaire orphans survived at his hands.
is this list ordered in any way
The three siblings survived living with Count Olaf, but just barely, shoved aside by Carmelita Spats will look like a trip to the ice cream store.
possibly this is a PDF of questionable quality
Shyness is a curious thing, because, like quicksand, it can strike people at any time, and also, like quicksand, it usually makes its victims look down.
It’s been a while since I read one of these books, so every time I encounter one of these lines I get distracted and have to come over here to say “nice” 
Mr. Poe meant well, but a jar of mustard probably also means well and would do a better job of keeping the Baudelaires out of danger.
IS IT mustard with horseradish in, because if so definitely yes
Klaus had known for all twelve of his years that his older sister found a hand on her shoulder comforting-as long as the hand was attached to an arm, of course.
Thanks For Clarifying My Dude
“And most important of all, there is an advanced computer system which will keep Count Olaf away from you. Vice Principal Nero told me that Count Olaf's complete description-everything from his one long eyebrow to the tattoo of an eye on his left ankle-has been programmed into the computer, so you three should be safe here for the next several years."
"But how can a computer keep Count Olaf away?" Violet asked in a puzzled voice, still looking down at the ground.
"It's an advanced computer," Mr. Poe said, as if the word "advanced" were a proper explanation instead of a word meaning "having attained advancement."
science journalism mood
also the computer just not doing anything is such a good bit?? 
... ALSO THEY HAVE COMPUTERS?? anachronism running wild again here in the snicketverse 
A person who designs buildings is called an architect, but in the case of Prufrock Prep a better term might be "depressed architect."
fsdjgjdfgfg i LOVE THIS LINE
"Remember you will die," Violet repeated quietly, and the three siblings stepped closer to one another, as if they were very cold. Everybody will die, of course, sooner or later. Circus performers will die, and clarinet experts will die, and you and I will die, and there might be a person who lives on your block, right now, who is not looking both ways before he crosses the street and who will die in just a few seconds, all because of a bus. Everybody will die, but very few people want to be reminded of that fact. The children certainly did not want to remember that they would die, particularly as they walked beneath the arch over Prufrock Prep. The Baudelaire orphans did not need to be reminded of this as they began their first day in the giant graveyard that was now their home.
This book got very grim very fast. 
But on this particular night, the Baudelaire parents came home early and the children were still up reading-or, in Sunny's case, looking at the pictures. The siblings' father stood in the doorway of the library and said something they never forgot. "Children," he said, "there is no worse sound in the world than somebody who cannot play the violin who insists on doing so anyway."
Hey: I love Bertrand?? 
"The Baudelaires," Klaus said quietly, looking at the floor. "Mr. Poe said to come right to Vice Principal Nero's office."
"Mr. Poe said to come right to Vice Principal Nero's office," the man mimicked in a high, shrieky voice. "Well, come in, come in, I don't have all afternoon."
Actually I wouldn’t be shocked if as a child I’d had very strong feelings about this book because of my very strong feelings that teachers in general were persecuting me by being unfair etc.... but unfortunately I do not remember.
he was wearing a tie decorated with pictures of snails
The office had one window, decorated with curtains that matched the man's tie.
Also, this is the one main-series book that I listened to as an audiobook instead of just reading, and it’s coincidentally one of the ones that’s narrated by danhands instead of Tim Curry; as a consequence I keep hearing Nero as Danhands Villain Voice in my head. 
“Anyway, here at Prufrock Prep there'll be no blaming your own weaknesses on this Count Olaf person. Look at this."
Vice Principal Nero walked over to the computer and pressed two buttons over and over again. The screen lit up with a light green glow, as if it were seasick. "This is an advanced computer," Nero said. "Mr. Poe gave me all the necessary information about the man you call Count Olaf, and I programmed it into the computer. See?" Nero pressed another button, and a small picture of Count Olaf appeared on the computer screen. "Now that the advanced computer knows about him, you don't have to worry."
"But how can a computer keep Count Olaf away?" Klaus asked. "He could still show up and cause trouble, no matter what appears on a computer screen."
"I shouldn't have bothered trying to explain this to you," Vice Principal Nero said. "There's no way uneducated people like yourself can understand a genius like me. Well, Prufrock Prep will take care of that. You'll get an education here if we have to break both your arms to do it. Speaking of which, I'd better show you around. Come here to the window."
You'll get an education here if we have to break both your arms to do it.
"Now, this building you're in is the administrative building. It is completely off-limits to students. Today is your first day, so I'll forgive you, but if I see you here again, you will not be allowed to use silverware at any of your meals.”
“Now, if either of you are late for class, or Sunny is late for work, your hands will be tied behind your back during meals. You'll have to lean down and eat your food like a dog. Of course, Sunny will always have her silverware taken away, because she will work in the administrative building, where she's not allowed."
Meals are served promptly at breakfast time, lunchtime, and dinnertime. If you're late we take away your cups and glasses, and your beverages will be served to you in large puddles.
The word 'mandatory' means that if you don't show up, you have to buy me a large bag of candy and watch me eat it.
I.... I don’t even have any comment on this
what is happening
“Your parents are dead, and Mr. Poe tells me that your guardians have either been killed or have fired you."
ah, sir
"Perhaps after a few semesters at Prufrock Prep, you'll learn the difference between a parent and a banker.”
It is always cruel to laugh at people, of course, although sometimes if they are wearing an ugly hat it is hard to control yourself.
lemony is .. good
.. you know, you could replace about 70% of my commentary with a combination of “???!” and “lemony is good” and “;-;”
The first detail the Baudelaires noticed was that the shack was infested with small crabs, each one about the size of a matchbox, scurrying around the wooden floor with their tiny claws snapping in the air. As the children walked across the shack to sit glumly on one of the bales of hay, they were disappointed to learn that the crabs were territorial, a word which here means "unhappy to see small children in their living quarters." The crabs gathered around the children and began snapping their claws at them.
Some sort of fungus was growing on the ceiling, a fungus that was light tan and quite damp. Every few seconds, small drops of moisture would fall from the fungus with a plop! and the children had to duck to avoid getting light tan fungus juice on them.
Each tin wall was bright green, with tiny pink hearts painted here and there as if the shack were an enormous, tacky Valentine's Day card instead of a place to live.
I confess that if I had been told that it was my home I probably would have lain on the bales of hay and thrown a temper tantrum.
lemony is good
The children sighed and then sat quietly for a few moments. The shack was quiet, except for the snapping of tiny crab claws, the plop! of fungus, and the sighs of the Baudelaires as they looked at the ugly walls. Try as they might, the youngsters just couldn't make the shack into a molehill. No matter how much they thought of real classrooms, people their own age, or the exciting opportunity of secretarial skills, their new home seemed much, much worse than even the sorest of stubbed toes.
When the Baudelaires entered the cafeteria, they found a lasagna waiting for them that was the size of a dance floor. It was sitting on top of an enormous trivet to keep it from burning the floor, and the person serving it was wearing a thick metal mask as protection, so that the children could only see their eyes peeking out from tiny eyeholes. (...) 
Next to the salad was a mountain of garlic bread, and at the end of the line was another metal-masked person, handing out silverware to the students who had not been inside the administrative building. (...)
The Baudelaires said "thank you" to the person, who gave them a slow metallic nod in return.
At least they got garlic bread I guess.
"Oh, leave them alone, Carmelita!" a voice cried over the chanting. The Baudelaires turned around and saw a boy with very dark hair and very wide eyes. He looked a little older than Klaus and a little younger than Violet and had a dark green notebook tucked into the pocket of his thick wool sweater. "You're the cakesniffer, and nobody in their right mind would want to eat with you anyway. Come on," the boy said, turning to the Baudelaires. "There's room at our table."
"Sappho!" Sunny shrieked, which meant something like "I'd be very pleased to hear a poem of yours!"
Oh my god thanks danhands. (absurd meme voice) does isadora is gay
"It's a very short poem," she said. "Only two rhyming lines."
"That's called a couplet," Klaus said. "I learned that from a book of literary criticism."
"Yes, I know," Isadora said.
don’t MANSPLAIN klaus
"I would rather eat a bowl of vampire bats 
than spend an hour with Carmelita Spats."
WHY do isadora’s poems not have any kind of consistent meter. this bugs the fuck out of me and it’s very petty and yet
"Duncan and I had to live there for three semesters because we needed a parent or guardian to sign our permission slip, and we didn't have one."
confused grumbling about quigley timeline in the distance
Duncan's and Isadora's faces fell, an expression which does not mean that the front part of their heads actually fell to the ground.
The library turned out to be a very pleasant place, but it was not the comfortable chairs, the huge wooden bookshelves, or the hush of people reading that made the three siblings feel so good as they walked into the room. It is useless for me to tell you all about the brass lamps in the shapes of different fish, or the bright blue curtains that rippled like water as a breeze came in from the window, because although these were wonderful things they were not what made the three children smile. The Quagmire triplets were smiling, too, and although I have not researched the Quagmires nearly as much as I have the Baudelaires, I can say with reasonable accuracy that they were smiling for the same reason.
It is a relief, in hectic and frightening times, to find true friends, and it was this relief that all five children were feeling as the Quagmires gave the Baudelaires a tour of the Prufrock Library. Friends can make you feel that the world is smaller and less sneaky than it really is, because you know people who have similar experiences, a phrase which here means "having lost family members in terrible fires and lived in the Orphans Shack." As Duncan and Isadora whispered to Violet, Klaus, and Sunny, explaining how the library was organized, the Baudelaire children felt less and less distressed about their new circumstances, and by the time Duncan and Isadora were recommending their favorite books, the three siblings thought that perhaps their troubles were coming to an end at last. They were wrong about this, of course, but tor the moment it didn't matter. The Baudelaire orphans had found friends, and as they stood in the library with the Quagmire triplets, the world felt smaller and safer than it had for a long, long time.
I had to quote this whole bit because it is so sweet and made me very sad .. please just let them be happy and okay and have a nice library
If you have walked into a museum recently- whether you did so to attend an art exhibition or to escape from the police-
For instance, my friend Professor Reed made a triptych for me, and he painted fire on one panel, a typewriter on another, and the face of a beautiful, intelligent woman on the third. The triptych is entitled What Happened to Beatrice and I cannot look upon it without weeping.
Ouch. and the typewriter must stand in for Lemony, yes? which, ouch. 
I am a writer, and not a painter, but if I were to try and paint a triptych entitled The Baudelaire Orphans' Miserable Experiences at Prufrock Prep, I would paint Mr. Remora on one panel, Mrs. Bass on another, and a box of staples on the third, and the results would make me so sad that between the Beatrice triptych and the Baudelaire triptych I would scarcely stop weeping all day.
between the beatrice triptych.. and the baudelaire triptych
between the beatrice triptych and the baudelaire triptych
is that “beatrice baudelaire” foreshadowing i see before me or am i overthinking it?? also triptych is a really hard word to spell. 
For instance, she was in charge of answering the telephone, but people who called Vice Principal Nero did not always know that "Seltepia!" was Sunny's way of saying "Good morning, this is Vice Principal Nero's office, how may I help you?" By the second day Nero was furious at her for confusing so many of his business associates. In addition, Sunny was in charge of typing, stapling, and mailing all of Vice Principal Nero's letters, which meant she had to work a typewriter, a stapler, and stamps, all of which were designed for adult use.
ijdfjgsidfg i can’t BELIEVE how silly this is, i hope they keep it just as ridiculous for the show 
Saturday and Sunday were regular schooldays, supposedly in keeping with the school's motto.
LMAO MOOD (my high school had saturday classes the first year i attended and it definitely did a lot to make me remember death) 
The Quagmires had distracted some of the masked cafeteria workers by dropping their trays on the ground, and while Nero yelled at them for making a mess, the Baudelaires had slipped three saltshakers into their pockets.
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Why are there so many... Olaf leg illustrations? There’s definitely one in the Miserable Mill too?? 
Coach Genghis scratched his turban and looked down at the children as if they were an all-you-can-eat salad bar instead of five orphans. "Oh yes," he said in the wheezy voice the Baudelaires still heard in their nightmares.
it’s in mine too now baudelaires
"But Count Olaf is very dangerous," Klaus said. "If you try and help us, you'll be risking your lives."
"Never mind about that," Duncan said, although I am sorry to tell you that the Quagmire triplets should have minded about that. They should have minded very much. Duncan and Isadora were very brave and caring to try and help the Baudelaire orphans, but bravery often demands a price. By "price" I do not mean something along the lines of five dollars. I mean a much, much bigger price, a price so dreadful that I cannot speak of it now but must return to the scene I am writing at this moment.
The doomed optimism of the Quagmires’ anti-Olaf plans make me Real Sad. Like, the moment when they get disguised and everyone stands there and no one says out loud what they’re all thinking, which is that the disguises aren’t especially good and they’re all in terrible danger - well. I’ll almost certainly quote it later. But it’s very upsetting. 
I'm sure you would know, even if I didn't tell you, that things were about to get much worse for the Baudelaires, but I will end this chapter with this moment of companionable comfort rather than skip ahead to the unpleasant events of the next morning, or the terrible trials of the days that followed, or the horrific crime that marked the end of the Baudelaires' time at Prufrock Prep. These things happened, of course, and there is no use pretending they didn't. But for now let us ignore the terrible sonata, the dreadul teachers, the nasty, teasing students, and the even more wretched things that will be happening soon enough. Let us enjoy this brief moment of comfort, as the Baudelaires enjoyed it in the company of the Quagmire triplets and, in Sunny's case, an armrest. Let us enjoy, at the end of this chapter, the last happy moment any of these children would have for a long, long time.
As always, thanks, Lemony. 
It has been closed for many years, ever since Mrs. Bass was arrested for bank robbery 
Full disclosure, I’m only quoting this because I vaguely recall it being relevant later.
"What are you snickering at?" Violet asked.
"I just realized something," Klaus said. "We're going to the administrative building without an appointment. We'll have to eat our meals without silverware."
"There's nothing funny about that!" Violet said. "What if they serve oatmeal for breakfast? We'll have to scoop it up with our hands."
"Oot," Sunny said, which meant "Trust me, it's not that difficult," and at that the Baudelaire sisters joined their brother in laughter. It was not funny, of course, that Nero enforced such terrible punishments, but the idea of eating oatmeal with their hands gave all three siblings the giggles.
"Or fried eggs!" Violet said. "What if they serve runny fried eggs?"
"Or pancakes, covered in syrup!" Klaus said.
"Soup!" Sunny shrieked, and they all broke out in laughter again.
"Remember the picnic?" Violet said. "We were going to Rutabaga River for a picnic, and Father was so excited about the meal he made that he forgot to pack silverware!"
"That's the message," Carmelita insisted. "He said that if you don't show up you'll be in big trouble, so if I were you, Violet-"
"You aren't Violet, thank goodness," Duncan interrupted. It is not very polite to interrupt a person, of course, but sometimes if the person is very unpleasant you can hardly stop yourself. "Thank you for your message. Good-bye."
Duncan and Isadora are sweet. Also, more willing to be rude than Violet and Klaus, which is often appropriate to their situation. 
"We propped open the back door of the auditorium," Duncan said. He and Isadora smiled triumphantly and leaned back in their chairs. The Baudelaires did not feel triumphant. They felt confused. They did not want to insult their friends, who had broken the rules and sacrificed their drinking glasses just to help them, but they were unable to see how propping open the back door of the auditorium was a solution to the trouble in which they found themselves.
"I'm sorry," Violet said after a pause. "I don't understand how propping open the back door of the auditorium solves our problem."
"Don't you see?" Isadora asked. "We're going to sit in the back of the auditorium tonight, and as soon as Nero begins his concert, we will tiptoe out and sneak over to the front lawn. That way we can keep an eye on you and Coach Genghis. If anything fishy happens, we will run back to the concert and alert Vice Principal Nero."
"It's the perfect plan, don't you think?" Duncan asked. "I'm rather proud of my sister and me, if I do say so myself."
The Baudelaire children looked at one another doubtfully. They didn't want to disappoint their friends or criticize the plan that the Quagmire triplets had cooked up, particularly since the Baudelaires hadn't cooked up any plan themselves. But Count Olaf was so evil and so clever that the three siblings couldn't help but think that propping a door open and sneaking out to spy on him was not much of a defense against his treachery.
The Baudelaires looked at one another again. It was very brave of the Quagmire triplets not to be frightened of Olaf and to be so confident about their plan. But the three siblings could not help but wonder if the Quagmires should be so brave. Olaf was such a wretched man that it seemed wise to be frightened of him, and he had defeated so many of the Baudelaires' plans that it seemed a little foolish to be so confident about this one. But the children were so appreciative of their friends' efforts that they said nothing more about the matter. In the years to come, the Baudelaire orphans would regret this, this time when they said nothing more about the matter, but in the meantime they merely finished their dinner.
The three siblings had heard Coach Genghis, but they couldn't believe that S.O.R.E. was the extent of his evil plan. The Baudelaire orphans kept running around the glowing circle until the first rays of sunrise began to reflect on the jewel in Genghis's turban, and all they could think was What ? What? What?
Man, waiting for the other shoe to drop on what the hell Olaf is doing is -- 
... OH SHIT i just remembered that he’s after the quagmires, isn’t he, the sapphires were mentioned early on and everything, and the quagmires are so determined to save their good friends the baudelaires - augh!!
But they wanted to be lucky. The Baudelaires did not necessarily want to be extremely lucky, like someone who finds a treasure map or someone who wins a lifetime supply of ice cream in a contest, or like the man-and not, alas, me- who was lucky enough to marry my beloved Beatrice, and live with her in happiness over the course of her short life.
It seems impossible to believe that the three Baudelaires managed to survive another evening of S.O.R.E., but in times of extreme stress one can often find energy hidden in even the most exhausted areas of the body. I discovered this myself when I was woken up in the middle of the night and chased sixteen miles by an angry mob armed with torches, swords, and vicious dogs, and the Baudelaire orphans discovered it as they ran laps, not only for that night but also for six nights following.
my dude
are you okay
As I'm sure you know, a good night's sleep helps you perform well in school, and so if you are a student you should always get a good night's sleep unless you have come to the good part of your book, and then you should stay up all night and let your schoolwork fall by the wayside, a phrase which means "flunk."
Excellent advice! Which I think I previously encountered while reading this book while staying up late and ignoring my schoolwork, so, uh..
The Quagmire triplets were so worried about their friends that they felt pinched as well, even though they were not directly in danger-or so they thought, anyway.
"If only we had one of the world's great inventors to help us," Violet said. "I wonder what Nikola Tesla would do."
"Or one of the world's great journalists," Duncan said. "I wonder what Dorothy Parker would do in this situation."
"And I wonder what Hammurabi, the ancient Babylonian, would do to help us," Klaus said. "He was one of the world's greatest researchers."
"Or the great poet Lord Byron," Isadora said.
"Shark," Sunny said, rubbing her teeth thoughtfully.
"Being in each other's shoes seems like an extremely risky plan," Violet said. "If it fails, not only are we in trouble but you are as well, and who knows what Coach Genghis will do to you?"
This, as it turns out, was a question that would haunt the Baudelaires for quite some time, but the Quagmires gave it barely a thought.
mounting suspeeeeeennnnsssseeee
If you've ever dressed up for Halloween or attended a masquerade, you know that there is a certain thrill to wearing a disguise-a thrill that is half excitement and half danger.
I once attended one of the famed masked balls hosted by the duchess of Winnipeg, and it was one of the most exciting and dangerous evenings of my life.
He says “once,” right, so it’s probably the same one in UA? 
The moment I entered the Grand Ballroom, I felt as if Lemony Snicket had disappeared. I was wearing clothes I had never worn before-a scarlet cape made of silk and a vest embroidered with gold thread and a skinny black mask-and it made me feel as if I were a different person. And because I felt like a different person, I dared to approach a woman I had been forbidden to approach for the rest of my life. She was alone on the veranda-the word "veranda" is a fancy term for a porch made of polished gray marble-and costumed as a dragonfly, with a glittering green mask and enormous silvery wings. As my pursuers scurried around the party, trying to guess which guest was me, I slipped out to the veranda and gave her the message I'd been trying to give her for fifteen long and lonely years. "Beatrice," I cried, just as the scorpions spotted me, "Count Olaf is--"
I cannot go on. It makes me weep to think of that evening, and of the dark and desperate times that followed, and in the meantime I'm sure you are curious what happened to the Baudelaire orphans and the Quagmire triplets, after dinner that evening at Prufrock Prep.
Lemony, your sudden pauses torment me beyond speech. TELL ME WHAT YOU SAID 
also let’s see if he hasn’t seen her since they parted ways that would put “fifteen years” around the time of the books, right, since violet is fourteen now? like, i think (although this is based on timeline stuff i never really got into the reasoning behind) we know lemony was in contact with beatrice up to the same year b&b went to the island, and that was right before violet was born, so.. 
Isadora and Duncan Quagmire simply did not look very much like Violet and Klaus Baudelaire. Duncan 's eyes were of a different color from Klaus's, and Isadora had different hair from Violet's, even if it was tied up in a similar way. Being triplets, the Quagmires were the exact same height, but Violet was taller than Klaus because she was older, and there was no time to make small stilts for Isadora to mimic this height difference. But it wasn't really these small physical details that made the disguise so unconvincing. It was the simple fact that the Baudelaires and the Quagmires were different people, and a hair ribbon, a pair of glasses, and some shoes couldn't turn them into one another any more than a woman disguised as a dragonfly can actually take wing and escape the disaster awaiting her.
"I know!" Violet said. She leaned forward and put her hand on Duncan 's chest, running her fingers along his thick wool sweater until she found what she was looking for-a loose thread. Carefully, she pulled, unraveling the sweater slightly until she had a good long piece of yarn. Then she snapped it off and tied one end around the bag of flour. The other end she handed to Duncan . "This should do it," she said. "Sorry about your sweater."
they’re cute, but also, as a knitter, this makes me want 2 die 
"If we never see-" Violet stopped, swallowed, and began again. "If something goes wrong- "
Duncan took Violet's hands and looked right at her. Violet saw, behind Klaus's glasses, the serious look in Duncan 's wide eyes. "Nothing will go wrong," he said firmly, though of course he was wrong at that very moment. "Nothing will go wrong at all. We'll see you in the morning, Baudelaires."
i can’t wait for the tv adaptation of this to murder me
It was a thrill that I have never felt in my life, and it was a thrill that the Baudelaires did not feel very often. But as the morning sun began to shine, the Baudelaire orphans felt the thrill of thinking your plan might work after all, and that perhaps they would eventually be as safe and happy as the evenings they remembered.
It was a thrill that I have never felt in my life
"Excellent idea!" Nero said. "What a wonderful story this is! And then what happened?"
"Well, at first it seemed like I'd kicked a big hole in the baby," Genghis said, his eyes shining, "which seemed lucky, because Sunny was a terrible athlete and it would have been a blessing to put her out of her misery."
"That's what I said," Genghis said and leaned so close to the Baudelaires that all they could see were his shiny eyes and the crooked curve of his wicked mouth. "Those two Quagmires will whisk and whisk until they are simply whisked away."
*^* don’t make dreadful puns at me
"I'm afraid I cannot take off my running shoes," Coach Genghis said, taking a step toward the door. "I need them."
"Need them?" Nero asked. "For what?"
Coach Genghis took a long, long look at the three Baudelaires and smiled a terrible, toothy grin. "For running, of course," he said, and ran out the door.
>:U >:U
"No!" Klaus cried and grabbed the door handle. Back and forth, Klaus and Olaf's associate tugged on the door, forcing it halfway open and halfway shut.
"Klaus!" Duncan cried, from behind Isadora. "Listen to me, Klaus! If anything goes wrong-"
"Nothing will go wrong," Klaus promised, pulling on the car door as hard as he could. "You'll be out of here in a second!"
"If anything goes wrong," Duncan said again, "there's something you should know. When we were researching the history of Count Olaf, we found out something dreadful!"
"We can talk about this later," Klaus said, struggling with the door.
"Look in the notebooks!" Isadora cried. "The-" The first powder-faced woman put her hand over Isadora's mouth so she couldn't speak. Isadora turned her head roughly and slipped from the woman's grasp. "The-" The powdery hand covered her mouth again.
"Hang on!" Klaus called desperately. "Hang on!"
"Look in the notebooks! V.F.D.!" Duncan screamed, but the other woman's powdery hand covered his mouth before he could continue.
Finally-as, I'm sorry to say, Count Olaf forced the Quagmires into puppy costumes so he could sneak them onto the airplane without anyone noticing-the Baudelaires cried themselves out and just sat on the lawn together in weary silence.
A morning breeze blew through the campus of Prufrock Preparatory School , rustling the brown lawn and knocking against the stone arch with the motto printed on it. "Memento Mori"-"Remember you will die." The Baudelaire orphans looked up at the motto and vowed that before they died, they would solve this dark and complicated mystery that cast a shadow over their lives.
Damn!! The last few endings were at least.. SORT OF, RELATIVELY upbeat!!
LEMONY SNICKET first received his education from public schools and private tutors, and then vice versa. He has been hailed as a brilliant scholar, discredited as a brilliant fraud, and mistaken for a much taller man on several occasions. Mr. Snicket's researching skills are currently and devoutly concentrated on the plight of the Baudelaire orphans, published serially by HarperCollins.
lemony snicket: a brilliant fraud
(jk i love him) 
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garudabluffs · 4 years
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2018 Medicine National Academies of Sciences, Engineering (Author), & 4 more
“The Chinese now fear Covid-19 will be followed by a plague of locusts.”
9/3/2020  The Age of Synthetic Biology: Start the War Games!
BASB “bioscience in the age of synthetic biology”
“Many American scientists consider it inevitable that 'actors' out there will - either for deviant pleasure, geopolitical strategy, or money - release some monster into civilization to disfigure it, even threaten humans with ecocide. (See Mike Davis's The Monster Enters). BASB is an acknowledgement of that threat and a combined academic 'framework' for preparing for its inevitable arrival. It opens with a simple declaration of the obvious:
Scientific advances over the past several decades have accelerated the ability to engineer existing organisms and to potentially create novel ones not found in nature.
Though we are now assured by the MSM that the novel Covid-19 is not the byproduct of such manipulation
What's required of us is a thorough read of Biodefense in the Age of Synthetic Biology. It's a dry read, but mercifully short. You'll get the gist quickly. In the appendices are two sections worth looking at afterward - first, Specific Synthetic Biology Concepts, Approaches, and Tools; and, second, Questions to Stimulate Consideration of Framework Factors. They provide a good summary and outline useful for discussion of these activities.
You can find a free PDF copy of the book at the NASEM site. Another thing you can do is educate yourself about Covid-19. Complete the free Contact Tracer course at Johns Hopkins University, which explains in great detail what Covid-19 is and how its transfer to other is being databased by tracers. You can also continue from there with free Coursera courses in immunology that more fully immerse you in the subject discussed above. That way you won't need to rely on the MSM for mediated information.
As we seem to be heading toward a series of rolling pearl harbors, if Mike Davis's warnings are any indication, you may want to stay on top of whatever rational elements of these MAD doings are still coherent and potentially controllable, before *Chill Will's goes riding that next Corona down to the happy end of the world. “   *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6WD7B_I_9c
Homer rides the bomb  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K10pdj5YOy0
now a battlefield
“An example of this kind of planning, we can look at the aforementioned DARPA P3 initiative, which, again, is specifically set up to rapidly respond to viruses and to come up with a viable therapeutic solution in less than 60 days. It's part of what they do: creating viruses ahead of time, using the latest super-clocked computers, to digitally, and, in some cases, "boot up" known viruses to have remedies ready.  
Again, it is exactly such booting up that American officials feared may have been taking place in Wuhan, prior to the Covid-19 outbreak; and, at the least, it's probably no coincidence that the Trump administration, at the insistence of the DoD, lifted the moratorium on Gain-of-Function experiments in order to keep up with the Chinese, who, instead of falling into the trap the Soviets fell for - engaging in a budget-blasting arms race - have put their big money into R&D, including the neurosciences and synthetic biology. And, ironically, many of their scientists are American-educated. Hell, a lead WIV scientist hails from my alma mater, UMass-Amherst. For all I know, he was standing next to me at a kegger, yelling Beat LA.
Though written a couple of years before the Covid-19 outbreak, BASB clearly anticipates the kind of messing with bats that could bring about the pandemic we now have. NASEM scientists write,
The bat virus, however, does not grow in cell culture. To help elucidate the steps that may have occurred to convert bat SARS-CoV into a virus infecting humans, Becker and colleagues (2008) substituted the human SARS coronavirus receptor binding domain for the equivalent domain in the bat SARS-CoV virus, making the bat SARS virus replication competent in cell culture and mice.
This is the kind of work that can lead to problems - safety, escape, malfeasance. It raises the question of why we would want to conduct such research in the first place. But again, surveillance, mitigation and monitoring of known actors, cannot always reign in potential perps.
READ MORE https://www.opednews.com/articles/2/The-Age-of-Synthetic-Biolo-by-John-Hawkins-Biology_Bioweapons_Coronavirus_Dangerous-200903-297.html
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marco42james · 4 years
Mathematical Modeling on Trial and the Maths Fix
From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis
Follow @coolcatteacher on Twitter
The mathematics curriculum of today was created before computers. Conrad Wolfram has written a book, The Math(s) Fix and how AI can be part of this process of learning new math. He says we’re “making humans into third rate calculators instead of helping humans be problem solvers.” He also argues that math should be approachable for everyone and we spend too much time in schools on the wrong tasks. We even talk about some of the charts and numbers shared during the covid19 health crisis and the need for critical thinking in every area of society.
Welcome TGR Foundation and Discovery Education as a sponsor to my podcast. For nearly 25 years, the TGR Foundation, a Tiger Woods Charity, visualized a world where opportunity is universal and potential is limitless. Their mission is to empower students to pursue their passions through education – instilling in them the strength and skills to persevere and define their own path. Their award-winning curricula has already reached more than one million students. 
Now in the age of COVID-19 the TGR Foundation and Discovery Education introduce the first module in a new series of no-cost digital professional learning resources, empowering educators with new strategies to support student success far beyond school campuses. The PD series provides every educator, especially those from under-resourced communities, the access and materials needed to transform teaching during COVID-19 and beyond. Check it out at coolcatteacher.com/tgr.
Listen to Conrad Wolfram Talk about How Math Needs to Change
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Conrad Wolfram – Bio as Submitted
Conrad Wolfram – Strategic Director and European CEO/Co-Founder, Wolfram Research
Conrad Wolfram, physicist, mathematician and technologist, is Strategic Director and European Co-Founder/CEO of Wolfram – the “computation company” behind Mathematica, Wolfram Language and Wolfram|Alpha (which powers knowledge answers for Apple’s Siri) for over 30 years.
Wolfram pioneers new approaches to data science and computation-based development, with technology and consulting solutions that drive innovation in analytics, software development and modelling. Working with start-ups to Fortune 500 companies, it spans industries as diverse as medicine, finance and telecoms.
Conrad is recognised as a thought leader in AI, data science and computation, pioneering a Multi-Paradigm data science approach.
Conrad is also a leading advocate for a fundamental shift of maths education to become computer-based or alternatively introduce a new core subject of computational thinking. He founded computerbasedmath.org and computationalthinking.org to fundamentally fix maths education for the AI age – rebuilding the curriculum assuming computers exist. The movement is now a worldwide force in re-engineering the STEM curriculum. His groundbreaking book ‘The Math(s) Fix – an education blueprint for the AI age’ http://www.themathsfix.org is released on 10th June.
Conrad regularly appears in the media to talk about subjects ranging from decisions and data science to 21st century education. He attended Eton College and holds degrees in Natural Sciences and Maths from the University of Cambridge.
Disclosure of Material Connection: This is a sponsored podcast episode. The company who sponsored it compensated me via cash payment, gift, or something else of value to include a reference to their product. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I believe will be good for my readers and are from companies I can recommend. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
The post Mathematical Modeling on Trial and the Maths Fix appeared first on Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher helping educators be excellent every day. Meow!
from Cool Cat Teacher BlogCool Cat Teacher Blog https://www.coolcatteacher.com/mathematical-modeling-on-trial-and-the-maths-fix/
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pamphletstoinspire · 7 years
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Catholic Physics - Reflections of a Catholic Scientist - Part 50
Story with images:
The Theology of Science - fiction: IV. End -Times
Armageddon in Revelation, from "Israel my Beloved" website
"Because SF primarily deals with the future, it must inevitably deal with the end of the world, and thus SF overlaps more closely with apocalyptic literature than with any other type of religious writing... [and] focuses on eschatology -- ideas about 'the last days', the end of the world as we know it and the dawning of a radically new era." Gabriel McKee, The Gospel According to Science Fiction
In this post, the fourth of the series, I'm going to focus on works for which the religious attitudes of two SF authors cover the range from atheist to true believer.  And as the quote above suggests, we're talking about end-times -- the Apocalypse, Armageddon, the Ball is Over.  For the SF author, this can mean the end of the world -- earth -- the end of the Universe, or the end of everything (from Creatio ex nihilo to Annihilatio ad nihilum).
There are a host of stories dealing with end - times, ranging from post atomic - war destruction of civilization, destruction of earth by collision with asteroids, alien take-overs of the world, or the final end of the Universe.  Rather than giving a catalog of these, I'm going to discuss two classics that span religious attitudes, from atheist to Catholic faithful. Surveys of SF apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic works are given in the References*.
An Overlord, from Infinispace.net
Childhood's End, the classic by Arthur C. Clarke, is a story about a benevolent take over of earth by aliens ("the Overlords") who look like the common image of the devil - horns, wings, tail and all that. The Overlords institute a benevolent dictatorship, eliminating nuclear fission and other explosive missiles, want and crime. “Utopia was here at last: its novelty had not yet been assailed by the supreme enemy of all Utopias — boredom.”
However, it was not to give mankind Utopia that the Overlords came to Earth.  Rather, they were acting as nannies for a new humankind, and to prevent mankind from destroying itself until that new man emerged. That new, improved species was to be derived from the children of the generation visited by the Overlords. They would be endowed with supernatural psychic powers, and after developing these powers during a maturation period on earth, would join with the Supermind that had desired this change.  They would leave earth in a pillar of fire and as they left, destroy their birthplace:
“There was nothing left of Earth. They had leeched away the last atoms of its substance. It had nourished them, through the fierce moments of their inconceivable metamorphosis, as the food stored in a grain of wheat feeds the infant plant while it climbs towards the Sun.” Childhood's End.
Now, there is nothing of God in this, unless you equate the Supermind, which is composed of the composite minds of many species. to God. The origin and precise nature of the Supermind is not discussed in the story, but then of course if it is a supermind, what can our poor intelligence make of it.  Clarke's bias against theism is revealed early on in the book by the remarks of one of his characters:
“Science is the only religion of mankind.”   and
“Science can destroy religion by ignoring it as well as by disproving its tenets. No one ever demonstrated, so far as I am aware, the nonexistence of Zeus or Thor, but they have few followers now.” Childhood's End
Given Clarke's proposal that psychic powers, supermind and all such stuff, constitute the next step in evolution, one wonders how seriously to take the dicta in the quotes above.  Much more faith is required to believe in supernatural psychic powers than to believe in God and His only begotten Son.  But, as G.K. Chesterton aptly put it:
"It’s the first effect of not believing in God that you lose your common sense." G.K. Chesterton, Fr. Brown in The Oracle of the Dog
"You hard - shelled materialists were all balanced on the very edge of belief — of belief in almost anything."G.K. Chesterton, Fr. Brown in The Miracle of Moon Crescent
(Those are the quotes that gave rise to the saying, attributed to Chesterton by mistake:
"When a man stops believing in God he doesn’t then believe in nothing, he believes anything." American Chesterton Society.)
Now it seems in the critique above, I have given short shrift to "Childhood's End".  That was not my intention.  Fifty-five years ago when I first read it, I was moved.  Today on re-reading it (after my conversion) I find it unsatisfying and shallow as an aid to appreciate the meaning of end-times.
First Edition Dust Jacket, by George Sottung
Beloved of both SF fans and non-SF fans, is the classic "A Canticle for Leibowitz", a book which has sold over a million copies and is still in print.
Preparing for this post, I reread it; the message of the book is still fresh and moving.  Rather than summarize the plot (go to the link above for that), I want to expound on that message. (Better yet, read the free pdf download of the book, or buy it -- you'll want to reread it.)
The story takes places in three historical periods:
Fiat Homo (Let there be Man): The first period is in the 26th century, several hundred years after the "Flame Deluge", an atomic war that destroys civilization and engenders a host of monstrous mutant births. The populace, calling themselves "Simpletons", have risen up against the establishment -- killing scientists, academics, government officials -- and against the learning that led to this catastrophe.  Books are burnt, technological devices destroyed in the rage of the survivors.  An order of monks had been founded some years earlier by a Jewish convert to Catholicism, Leibowitz, who had been an atomic weapons scientist.  The special mission of the monks was to save the remnants of learning; each monk is to be a "booklegger", carrying books in a bindle - stiff to a place of safety.  Leibowitz himself was martyred, burnt with his books.
Fiat Lux (Let there be Light): The second period is 500 years later.  The rebirth of science takes place, partially in the Abbey of St. Leibowitz (he has been canonized by the Pope in New Rome).  A monk of the Leibowitzian order invents a human - powered dynamo to power an arc light, illustrating the new theories of a theoretical genius, a royal bastard (the kingdom is Texarkana).   Tensions between the Church and the state rise again, as in the past.
Fiat Voluntas Tua (Thy Will be Done): The third period is some 600 years later.  Science and technology have risen again: atomic weapons, interstellar travel (with a few colonies), computers, automated roads are here, to the consternation of the Abbot of the St. Leibowitz monastery. State and Church have reached an accommodation, much as today--most of the populace are unbelievers or Catholic in name only.  There is tension between the two superpowers, the Asian Coalition and the Atlantic Confederacy.  The tension grows into an atomic war; even greater destruction is wrought than in the preceding flame deluge, but a contingent of the Order of St. Leibowitz carries civilization and the Church to the stars, to the new colonies.
All the above is bare bones, dry as dust, and conveys little of the power and beauty of the book. I'm going to try to do that with some selected quotes and context. (For a fuller exposition of the plot, again, please refer to the linked article.)
Fiat Homo: Brother Francis falls into the uncovered remains of a fallout shelter, containing relics of Saint Leibowitz, is terrified and prays a litany for salvation from the Flame Deluge:
"A spiritu fomicationis,
Domine, hibera nos.
From the lightning and the tempest,
O Lord, deliver us.
From the scourge of the earthquake,
O Lord, deliver us.
From plague, famine, and war,
O Lord, deliver us.
"From the place of ground zero,
O Lord, deliver us.
From the rain of the cobalt,
O Lord, deliver us.
From the rain of the strontium,
O Lord, deliver us.
From the fall of the cesium,
O Lord, deliver us.
"From the curse of the Fallout,
O Lord, deliver us.
From the begetting of monsters,
O Lord, deliver us.
From the curse of the Misborn,
O Lord, deliver us.
A morte perpetua,
Domine, libera nos.
te rogamus, audi nos.
That thou wouldst spare us,
we beseech thee, hear us.
That thou wouldst pardon us,
we beseech thee, hear us.
That thou wouldst bring us truly to penance,
te rogamus, audi nos." p. 16 (Bantam Edition).
Fiat Lux Brother Kornhoer has invented a dynamo and electric arc lamp, amazing the great scientist Thon Taddeo (repeat of Galileo or Newton?) who has come to investigate the Leibowitz memorabilia.  A discourse on scientific achievements of the past and the preservation of knowledge by the Church follows.
"Now a Dark Age seemed to be passing. For twelve centuries, a small flameof knowledge had been kept smoldering in the monasteries; only now were there minds ready to be kindled. Long ago, during the last age of reason, certain proud thinkers had claimed that valid knowledge was indestructible--that ideas were deathless and truth immortal. But that was true only in the subtlest sense, the abbot thought, and not superficially true at all. There was objective meaning in the world, to be sure: the nonmoral logos or design of the Creator; but such meanings were God's and not Man's, until they found an imperfect incarnation, a dark reflection, within the mind and speech and culture of a given human society, which might ascribe values to the meanings so that they became valid in a human sense within the culture. For Man was a culture-bearer as well as a soul-bearer, but his cultures were not immortal and they could die with a race or an age, and then human reflections of meaning and human portrayals of truth receded, and truth and meaning resided, unseen, only in the objective logos of Nature and the ineffable Logos of God. [emphasis added] Truth could be crucified; but soon, perhaps, a resurrection." p. 133, ibid.
And so the age of science begins again and again, the Church is the wet - nurse of the new "logos of nature".
Fiat Voluntas Tua The Church has had an interstellar vehicle of its own ready for missionary work to the interstellar colonies and, with nuclear annihilation threatening within a short time, decides to send two Bishops and a group from the Leibowitz Abbey-priests, brothers, sisters, civilians and children - to the Centauran colony. (The Bishops are sent to maintain apostolic succession.) The Abbot, Fr. Zerchi, speaks to the group:'
" 'You will be years in space. The ship will be your monastery. After the patriarchal see is established at the Centaurus Colony, you will establish there a mother house of the Visitationist Friars of the Order of Saint Leibowitz of Tycho. But the ship will remain in your hands, and the Memorabilia. If civilization, or a vestige of it, can maintain itself on Centaurus, you will send missions to the other colony worlds, and perhaps eventually to the colonies of their colonies. Wherever Man goes, you and your successors will go. And with you, the records and remembrances of four thousand years and more. Some of you, or those to come after you, will be mendicants and wanderers, teaching the chronicles of Earth and the canticles of the Crucified to the peoples and the cultures that may grow out of the colony groups. For some may forget. Some may be lost for a time from the Faith. Teach them, and receive into the Order those among them who are called. Pass on to them the continuity. Be for Man the memory of Earth and Origin. Remember this Earth. Never forget her, bu t-- never come back.' Zerchi's voice went hoarse and low. 'If you ever come back, you might meet the Archangel at the east end of Earth, guarding her passes with a sword of flame. I feel it. Space is your home hereafter. It's a lonelier desert than ours. God bless you, and pray for us.' " p. 269, ibid.
Brother Joshua, after much soul-searching decided to accept the invitation to be the Abbott for the Visitationist Friars and be ordained a priest.  He climbs into the spaceship as nuclear bombs are falling to the east, slaps his sandals together, shaking the dust from them [see Matt 10:14] and whispers "sic transit gloria mundi" .
I wish that the sequel, the story of the interstellar mission, had been written...and, were I thirty years younger, I would try to do so myself.
Wikipedia article on SF Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic SF
The Gospel according to Science Fiction (Chapter 10, "The Last Days [and After]). Gabriel McKee.
*One very fine apocalyptic SF novel by Nancy Kress, "After the Fall, Before the Fall, During the Fall", was published after these references; it deals with destruction of civilization by aliens and the attempted recovery.
From a series of articles written by: Bob Kurland - a Catholic Scientist
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allenmendezsr · 5 years
Prasara Yoga: Flow Beyond Thought
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Prasara Yoga: Flow Beyond Thought
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Unlock your innate Flow and find physical, mental and spiritual expression in motion! Explore and integrate your breath, structure and movement to release tension, strengthen the body and cultivate personal mastery.
*The above is a symbolic depiction of the product’s content. For illustration purposes only./> The complete product’s content comes in a digital/downloadable format.
Please Note: This is a downloadable program. You will NOT receive a physical package shipped to you in the mail. The entire package will be immediately available for you to download and get started right away after ordering. This digital package is NOT available in stores, so you can only access it through this website. Clicking the order button will take you to a secure page for the transaction by Clickbank, the most popular online payment processor of digital products in the world. Upon confirmation of your order, you will have access to the registration page where you will choose user credentials for your download page. The written material is in the PDF format, so you will need Adobe Reader installed on your computer to open the files. The video files are available in .m4v format. File size for printed material – 29MB. Video files range from 2.5MB to 234MB. Appr. total space needed: 1.03GB.
Prasara is an ancient Sanskrit term meaning “flow without thought.” Man’s natural state of peak performance is one of relaxation and spontaneity beyond the influence of ego and fear-reactivity. Internationally renowned champion, coach and fitness expert Scott Sonnon presents a unique approach for realizing your creative expression of self. Described by some as “what yoga is supposed to be”, this program moves beyond set patterns and static poses to transform the practitioner into a physical artist recreating one’s self with each movement.
At times resembling breakdancing, yoga, martial arts, gymnastics or other familiar disciplines, Prasara Yoga is the next evolutionary step in the painstaking development of biomechanical exercise and Circular Strength Training® for Three-Dimensional Physical Preparedness.
New Progress from Ancient Methods
Coach Scott Sonnon – the man responsible for introducing the Prasara approach to the West:
“Are the movements in Prasara Yoga new inventions? Yoga is thousands of years old, but this method of “flow beyond thought” (which is what Prasara means in Sanskrit) was virtually lost to the world because of the freakish fixation on conventional weights and $14,000 treadmills. Most “weekend certification” yoga in the West tries to teach you a few basic yoga poses so you can “stretch out” – which is like eating a healthy nutritious meal so you can stop your tummy from growling: it’ll work, but it’s missing the point!
Prasara was written about in 200B.C. in the “bible” of yoga, The Yoga Sutras compiled by the author Patanjali, so it’s not NEW, but it makes a “New You!”
Before Prasara Yoga, I had studied the science of flow with the top researchers in the former Soviet Union, where sport was a political platform. Billions of Rubles were spent in this “think-tank” of Olympic Coaches, Special Forces Trainers, Psycho-Physiologists and Biomechanics Researcher Doctors. I had the privilege of being the first American to study behind that “Iron Curtain” and benefit from their findings. They applied “flow psychology” to all of their athletes and military personnel with uniform success which made the USSR a legendary opponent.
But it wasn’t until I was blessed by becoming a devotee to a living saint that I understood how the Science of Flow is an Art of Living; I discovered how this cutting-edge science came from an ancient physical discipline. There’s nothing “new under the Sun” but there is much that becomes lost to us. And now I have been given the honor of sharing this Prasara Yoga with you.
“Amplifies Your Spirit, Quiets Your Mind and Makes Savage Your Body!”
There’s one primary rationale behind the universal effectiveness of Prasara Yoga – because it finds the hidden vulnerabilities in your body like the missing bulbs on the Christmas tree, plugs them back into your nervous system, and as a result “completes the circuit” allowing an unlimited abundance of energy to CHARGE YOU UP!
So, just investing a few minutes each day in these movements pays off with massive dividends of energy. You get all of the fitness attributes – power, stamina and mobility – simultaneously. And yes, the fat evaporates allowing you to fit back into those fabulous clothes you’ve wanted to adorn your sexy bod. You can have that RIGHT NOW if you stop thinking about it, start DOING it.
14 Ways Prasara Yoga Will Change Your Life!
Dedicate yourself to this program and you’ll transform in record time. As a matter of fact, I’ve compiled a 14 point list of the potent results that thousands upon thousands of others around the planet have reaped from the Prasara Yoga course. Here, read for yourself what others have said:
1. Address the chronic aches and pains from weight-lifting, running, and aerobics.
2. Your body will act as a furnace and begin to melt fat away from your body.
3.Power and Mobility can develop at the same time, so you don’t have to have two programs to develop both ends of the fitness spectrum, just one!
4.Develop true functional muscle, not the bulky immobile kind. Move like a jaguar rather than like a tank.
5. Quintuple your Stamina in 28 days. Never Feel Fatigued Again!
6. 14 Minutes will Feel Fantastic! There is a biochemical change which even rewires your brain to higher efficiency when you invest only 14 minutes (and sometimes less) in my program.
7. Have the ability to express power that conventional weight-training can never give you. Qualitative changes in your movement will make you flow like a world-champion martial artist.
8. The Sufi master I studied with taught me how this method will help slow the aging process through movement, making us feel younger and healthier. Remember, we adapt to what we do not move.
9.Sleep like a smiling baby! Remember what it felt like to sleep completely relaxed and awaken totally refreshed!
10. Get 6 Times the Recovery Rate! When you do get out of breath, faster than even a world-class fighter, you’ll recovery your heart rate and amaze your doctors!
11. Have more free time since you don’t have to waste 2 hours a day at the gym plus driving time, plus gym memberships.
12. Restore your self-confidence. There is unlimited power within you, unstoppable and unquenchable; total strangers will begin to comment on your leadership abilities in a crisis and in life in general.
13. Get plugged in to a deeper energetic power, an undying well-pool of creativity, spontaneity and compassion.
14. Never be gymless, because you are your own health club. Carry your exercise with you wherever you are, whenever you want to play!
“In fifty years of yoga practice, I’ve watched the evolution of this physical and mental discipline from Hittleman to Iyengar to Ashtanga. Coach Sonnon’s PRASARA YOGA is the next logical step, and a master-level thesis on the unity of motion and calm. Yogis: the 21st Century has arrived, and I sincerely believe that Patangali would have heartily approved.” –
Steven Barnes Author, Lecturer, Success Coach
“PRASARA YOGA is a next generation in Yoga! If you are looking to challenge your IQ (Scotts perspectives DO), Yoga (completely unique) and yourself (overcome limitations you weren’t even aware of) than PRASARA YOGA is for YOU!” –
Daniel O’Hara www.PranicHealingOC.com
The First Book on Prasara Yoga! Know Flow – Be Yoga: The Beginner’s Guide to Prasara Yoga
This book is the “bible” of dynamic flow yoga, and its impact on our mental, emotional and physical health. This book culminates years of research into the psychological athletic phenomenon known as “Flow state” or “the Zone”. Now, through this “3rd Evolution of Yoga”, even non-athletes can tap into this biological heritage of the optimal human experience where everything feels, looks, and just “goes right” the way you want it to. With photograph examples and exercise descriptions, this book takes the reader from beginning poses, ties them together with simple breathing techniques and unlocks the most powerful virtue in human physical life: flow.
Join Coach Scott Sonnon, as he walks you through the transitional movements, breath integration and structural alignment of the Series A Flows. The five workouts presented in this video provide high intensity, low impact, total-body cardio, strength training, dynamic flexibility and mental focus techniques in one complete package. Create lean, supple muscle without needless bulk!
Flock of Pigeons: hip opener, knee and ankle strengthener
Diving Dolphin: hamstring and lumbar release, shoulder and neck opener
Spider Monkey: chest, shoulders, arms and upper back strengthener
Forest: leg, glute and core strengthener
Tumbleweed: hip flexor and psoas synergizer, neck relaxer and strengthener
In addition to an instructional section that dissects each of the transitional movements, all five Series A Flows are presented in a beautifully filmed follow-along format that will give you a sense of the grace in movement that is available to you. Whether you practice yoga for physical fitness, emotional centeredness, mental clarity, or sports performance, Coach Sonnon’s Prasara Instructional video will deepen your personal practice in ways you never dreamed possible!
Prasara Performance Overview and Breathing Lecture
Man’s natural state of peak performance is one of relaxation and spontaneity beyond the influence of ego and fear-reactivity. Coach Scott Sonnon presents a unique approach for realizing your creative expression of self. Described by some as “what yoga is supposed to be”, this program moves beyond set patterns and static poses to transform the practitioner into a physical artist recreating one’s self with each movement. A giant step forward in physical culture, this video also includes the following dynamic flowing kinetic chains:
Flock of Pigeons: hip opener, knee and ankle strengthener
Diving Dolphin: hams and lumbar release, shoulder and neck opener
Spider Monkey: chest, shoulders, arms and upper back strengthener
Forest: leg, glute and core strengthener
Tumbleweed: hip flexor and psoas synergizer, neck relaxer and strengthener
Flow lies beneath the rusty armor of fear, anxiety and trauma which our ego carries around like so much luggage. Prasara™ is a physical practice of releasing fear, anxiety and trauma, a practice which releases one’s natural state of Grace, one’s natural Flow. It is a challenging inner journey, calling forth courage, discipline, and faith in our intrinsic Divinity, the still, small voice within that guides us to transformation and a life of service to all beings.
*The above is a symbolic depiction of the product’s content. For illustration purposes only. The complete product’s content comes in a digital/downloadable format.
Please Note: This is a downloadable program. You will NOT receive a physical package shipped to you in the mail. The entire package will be immediately available for you to download and get started right away after ordering. This digital package is NOT available in stores, so you can only access it through this website. Clicking the order button will take you to a secure page for the transaction by Clickbank, the most popular online payment processor of digital products in the world. Upon confirmation of your order, you will have access to the registration page where you will choose user credentials for your download page. The written material is in the PDF format, so you will need Adobe Reader installed on your computer to open the files. The video files are available in .m4v format. File size for printed material – 29MB. Video files range from 2.5MB to 234MB. Appr. total space needed: 1.02GB.
Medical Disclaimer
Nothing within this information intends to constitute an explanation of the use of any product or the carrying out of any procedure or process introduced by or within any material. Information contained in this material and products is not a substitute for professional medical advice, health care services, or a medical exam. Nothing accessed is to be interpreted as a general or specific recommendation for a specific treatment plan, product, exercise regimen or course of action. Consult your doctor before using any exercise, device, or program. Do not use any exercise, or do a workout, if you have any special medical condition. Only your doctor or a qualified medical professional can provide you with advice or recommendations for an individual ailment, treatment or problem. Use our products at your own risk. Failure to follow instructions and/or using this product in any way other than its intended use could result in injury. When purchasing products, or programs from RMAX.tv Productions, the purchaser understands the risk associated with using this type of physicial activity, and the purchaser understands and accepts the risk associated with following instructions in the material offered here.
Over 21 years of growth, RMAX International has attracted an ever-increasing number of people from all walks of life, and 68 countries around the world. Each day, we co-create this community of “give support – get support”, where all members actively participate in our collective evolution and individual empowerment, led by our health-first fitness flagship: The Circular Strength Training System®. RMAX International evolved from this tribal “give and let give” mentality.
Scott Sonnon was voted one of The Six Most Influential Martial Artists of the 21st Century by Black Belt Magazine in 2010. Men’s Fitness Magazine will also be featuring Scott, in its November 2011 issue, amongst the World’s Top 25 trainers.
Scott Sonnon’s world-famous Circular Strength Training® System was voted the #1 Best Fitness System of 2008 by Cleo Magazine, and “Most Challenging Workout of 2007″ by the New York Post!
Besides thousands of his students, Scott Sonnon has taught his courses to:
* US Customs and Border Protection Air and Marine
* US Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC)
* US 3/160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (SOAR)
* New York Police Department NYPD Academy
* LOTAR Counter-Terrorism School, Mitkan Adam IDF, Israel
For more information on Scott Sonnon, please visit his blog.
For support issues, please Contact Us
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itunesbooks · 6 years
The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1, Fascicle 1 - Donald E. Knuth
The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1, Fascicle 1 MMIX -- A RISC Computer for the New Millennium Donald E. Knuth Genre: Programming Price: $19.99 Publish Date: February 9, 2005 Publisher: Pearson Education Seller: Pearson Education Inc. Finally, after a wait of more than thirty-five years, the first part of Volume 4 is at last ready for publication. Check out the boxed set that brings together Volumes 1 - 4A in one elegant case, and offers the purchaser a $50 discount off the price of buying the four volumes individually. The Art of Computer Programming, Volumes 1-4A Boxed Set, 3/e ISBN: 0321751043 Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1, Fascicle 1, The: MMIX -- A RISC Computer for the New Millennium This multivolume work on the analysis of algorithms has long been recognized as the definitive description of classical computer science. The three complete volumes published to date already comprise a unique and invaluable resource in programming theory and practice. Countless readers have spoken about the profound personal influence of Knuth's writings. Scientists have marveled at the beauty and elegance of his analysis, while practicing programmers have successfully applied his "cookbook" solutions to their day-to-day problems. All have admired Knuth for the breadth, clarity, accuracy, and good humor found in his books. To begin the fourth and later volumes of the set, and to update parts of the existing three, Knuth has created a series of small books called fascicles, which will be published t regular intervals. Each fascicle will encompass a section or more of wholly new or evised material. Ultimately, the content of these fascicles will be rolled up into the comprehensive, final versions of each volume, and the enormous undertaking that began in 1962 will be complete. Volume 1, Fascicle 1 This first fascicle updates The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1, Third Edition: Fundamental Algorithms , and ultimately will become part of the fourth edition of that book. Specifically, it provides a programmer's introduction to the long-awaited MMIX, a RISC-based computer that replaces the original MIX, and describes the MMIX assembly language. The fascicle also presents new material on subroutines, coroutines, and interpretive routines. Ebook (PDF version) produced by Mathematical Sciences Publishers (MSP),http://msp.org http://bit.ly/2ECcU2F
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