#class 11 computer science book
python-program · 1 year
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uwu-co-in · 8 months
What majors 'Attack on Titan'characters would have in college AU (part 2):
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Source: My Majors
Word count: 1.1k
(part one)
11. Sasha: Crisis/Emergency/Disaster Management
• Sasha was first admitted to a college with the major Culinary Science, along with her boyfriend, Niccolo, but left the course after a month
• I want to eat food not study it was what she retorted to everyone, but in reality, she just felt she would not be contributing enough to the community
• As the major took out for a lot of field work, she signs up for all, and even joined internships from the first year itself, regarding the same
• A procrastinator; crams on the night of the exam, while Niccolo is cooking her assortment of dishes and gets super groggy on examination mornings :')
12. Connie: Graphic Design
• His mother was extremely proud of her son getting into the college; so much that she had told every other person passing on the streets how Connie will be a genius, in whatever tech stuff he is doing
• Opted for a college far away from home, because he wanted to experience life to the fullest by living alone, and learning to fend for himself
• Teaches basic computer science to two kids, and works as a freelancer digital artist, along with juggling his classes
• Loves his subject and puts effort behind it quite regularly, but call him for a party he'd be there with two extra beer bottles, ridiculously shimmery clothes and a party popper!
13. Jean: Architecture
• Look me in the eye and tell me that Jean doesn't look like a dreamy arch student, always carrying his sketchbook along with him and sitting down to draw the building or monument designs that seem to intrigue him
• Was in eighth grade, when Mikasa told him that the way he draws the buildings are very clean. Boom, and he wants to draw them for the rest of his life
• For some reason, his mother did not approve of his subject choice, until one day she found a few building designs doodled in placards sprawled over his desk and reconsidered her opinion
• Loves a good party once in a while, but really wants to work behind the subject so sometimes, calls a rain check
14. Erwin: Intelligence
• Ever since Erwin can remember, he wanted to be in the army, fighting for his motherland. That was what he had wanted all his life, and he had every quality to enlist himself for it until he sustained incurable injuries on his right arm trying to save an elderly couple from an accident
• Intelligence major was a piece of cake for Erwin, for he was a natural leader, acing all his classes with ease. He loves spending time in the library a lot, and his favourite book is rumoured to be 'Crime and Punishment' by Fyodor Dostoevsky
• He is equally loved and lusted by the women in his university, but apart from occasional casual flings, he does not want to engage in a relationship because it 'fuddles his mind'
• His room is speck clean and he likes working out regularly and eating healthy (cooks his own food and is distrustful of the canteen meals)
15. Zeke: Law
• In school, Zeke was reprimanded a lot because according to his teachers, he was 'always quipped with a brash follow-up question, with no regards to authority'. In college, he encashed it by enrolling himself in a law major programme
• He is a big believer in practical knowledge and quickly networked to find internship opportunities to practice and observe lawyers alongside his regular studies
• With an absentee father, he worked two side jobs as a cashier at Starbucks and a private tutor
• He participated a lot in debate competitions and moot courts to enhance his critical thinking and analytical skills
16. Marco: Film Studies
• Always a sweet and dreamy guy, Marco chose film studies because he passionately believes films influence people a lot
• Ask him, and he will name the most obscure movies just to seem like a film student with a mysterious air, while in reality, his favourite movie is Mean Girls
• Likes people watching and tries to do all his college work sitting in a cafe, with 'coffee, coffee, coffee!'
• Has tried making short films, and although the themes and plots have been pretty good, he is yet to get real recognition for them
17. Porco: Aviation
• Ever the cocky guy, Porco took aviation because it made him feel like he was on top of the world
• Scored average in theory but was very skilled in practical knowledge
• His professors have often recommended he enlist for the air force, but he doesn't want to; he wants a low-key life without stress (staning a king who knows the importance of mental health!)
• Flirts A LOT with his fellow classmates, and 10/10 uses his charm to get his homework and assignments done
18. Pieck: Inorganic Chemistry
• Pieck's main goal in life is to see more women in STEM, and thus, her major
• Has excellent mathematical and statistical skills and uses them efficiently to excel
• Straight A student, has the special lucky glasses that she wears while taking her exams
• Very humble and soft-spoken, she is often forced to help others even when she doesn't really want to
19. Gabi: Marketing Research
• Gabi originally wanted to become a footballer and had once run away from home because she felt her parents did not approve of her career choice
• While football is still her passion, she has a newfound love for marketing
• Immense persuasive skills and great essays make her one of the toppers of her batch
• Feels stressed trying to juggle studies and football, but she loves both and can't live life with one without the other
20. Falco: Art History Criticism and Conservation
• Falco loved visiting art museums as a kid, and this love of his followed well into adulthood
• His favourite artist is Monet, and his core memory of college is their field trip to the Sistine Chapel
• Loves art, any art in any form, and appreciates every art he sees; is passionate about learning more and has inculcated the skill of finding beauty in everything
• His dorm room is filled with paintings from roadside artisans that he fell in love with, and on Sundays, he tries painting himself (and fails miserably, but is the happiest)
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eponymous-rose · 8 months
A full day today, so I figured it might be fun to write up what a professor's day might look like when not lecturing!
6:30AM: Got up early to virtually attend a friend's wedding on the East Coast! <333
8:00AM: I have been very careful this quarter to shuffle lectures/meetings around so that I have a little time to myself in the mornings to sit at home and drink coffee and eat breakfast and pet a cat while I get the day's work started. No exception today! I pull up an application my PhD student has been putting together for a tech grant and use the proverbial red pen to make some (a lot of) comments. It looks good overall, though! I send him a note to encourage him to send it to our collaborator in the computer science department when he's done with edits. Monday's the deadline, we gotta get moving on this.
9:00AM: I load up a bag with books I keep putting off taking to my office, plus some extra Halloween candy I found to add to my office candy bowl, and head out to take the bus in to campus. Also, pet the cat goodbye (she is unconcerned).
9:45AM: At the office, books and candy put away! Time to prep for my first meeting, which is a committee meeting with someone else's PhD student. He struggled a bit with a recent exam (entirely his advisor's fault, but that's a different story), so we're reconvening as a group to see his progress and cheer him on. He sent an update document, so I run through that and take a few notes. Then it's responding to e-mails (setting up my participation in a federal review panel next year, responding to two prospective graduate students interested in working with me - the combo of a fun research topic and a beautiful campus means I'm now up to 20 inquiries so far this quarter, eep - and sending out an update to the department about the charitable giving opportunities I'm coordinating).
10:30AM: Great presentation by the PhD student about all the things he's done since our last meeting back in April-ish. He's made huge changes to his work, and we applaud (literally and figuratively) how much he's accomplished in such a short time. Also, amazing data visualization! Great work all around. He's set to defend his PhD by 2025 at this rate, definitely back on track.
11:30AM: Time to rush back to my office to meet with my own PhD student! We usually meet on Fridays, but we get tomorrow off for the holiday so we jumped the meeting back. He's a few minutes late due to a missed bus, so my next-door colleague and I talk about cats for a few minutes. As you do. When he does arrive, he's got some cool stuff to show me - we talk about the notes I made on his grant application, and I remind him (and myself) to book flights to a conference in December that is rapidly approaching somehow. (I guess this means I have to do some cool and innovative research before then that I can talk about. Go figure.) He also shows me some cool preliminary results from a project he's been doing with a friend out in Pennsylvania. He's late enough in his PhD that my role as advisor is primarily to get out of his way and make sure he has enough supercomputer core-hours to get his work done!
12:30PM: A break for me! I start in on e-mail again, sending a coordinator my bio and abstract for a talk I've been invited to give (virtually, thankfully) at a student conference in January. I also realize that, because of the break tomorrow, I should really put together a homework assignment and next week's lectures for the class I teach Monday-Wednesday-Friday. Hmmm. I dig through last year's lectures and assignments and realize they've gotten a little out of sync this year. The solution? I may just offer 5 instead of 6 assignments over these ten weeks and give them this one a week later. Class average has been extremely high on them, and I think the students will appreciate a bit of a break. Also means today's job is just to prepare a few lectures based on last year's material. I've got a big chunk of open time later this afternoon to deal with course stuff, so back to e-mail. Going to be joining a friend (who I can't help but think of as the undergrad who sat in during all my grad classes, but is now somehow a full research scientist) on a very cool project putting together a new thunderstorm dataset. Also reached out to another friend about setting up biweekly meetings to hopefully start a new research collaboration and... possibly some fieldwork! I also almost forgot to put a forecast together for our forecasting competition, but I got there in time. Phew.
1:30PM: Meeting with a colleague and the undergrad research intern we co-supervise who is sadly having to leave to go attend school closer to home. This meeting is mostly just us reinforcing to her that we're still here if she needs advice/reference letters or ever wants to work on a similar project with us remotely in the future, but we are going to continue with the research until the end of the quarter, at her request. After the meeting, I get an e-mail about another undergraduate looking for a research project! I present her with the options of a cool lightning project with my colleague next door (waiting to hear back about federal funding for that project, fingers crossed) and that other cool thunderstorm project led by my friend in Oklahoma.
2:30PM: Seminar time! A very cool freshly-minted PhD from California tells us all about her research, a complicated topic about which I knew very little going in and now know... slightly more. There was a very geeky moment in which she showed what happened to a particular part of the climate system when CO2 was added, then showed what happened when CO2 was removed, and the asymmetry of it made everyone in the room gasp and then self-consciously giggle.
4:00PM: Post-seminar snacks acquired (a big cookie and coffee are definitely a good late lunch, right? I kid, I kid, I had a big breakfast and have a big dinner waiting at home) and small-talk survived, I scramble back up to my office. Time to get those lectures ready for next week (pretty quick to do - rather than last year, where I'd show the code on the screen and we'd talk about it, I'm having us write the code together live and debug as we go; harder in the moment for me, but the students are learning so much better!). Get an e-mail back from the new undergrad research intern expressing interest in the lightning project, amazing! Time to get her registered so she gets credit for this starting in January. Also finally get a teensy bit more editing done on a draft of a review article that one of the top scientific journals in the world tapped me to write (???? still surreal beyond measure).
5:30PM: BAND PRACTICE. Our department is so nerdy that the faculty/staff/postdocs/grad students put together a giant band to perform popular songs but as covers so we can make the lyrics about our nerdy research. This tradition has been going on for 30+ years, and the big performance is for an hour at our holiday party every year. It's a riot, and this is my first year joining in the chaos (I'm on keys on three songs!). There are like 25 of us, we have a horn section, a professor plays the mandolin, the students create elaborate musical roasts of their professors, it's great. My parts go great, to the point where when there's some trouble with key drift during an a capella part they call me in to play chords under it and keep them grounded. I love playing music with other people!
7:00PM: Time to pack up and head home for dinner. Phew.
Long day, but also LONG WEEKEND BAYBEE. I don't actually have to do any substantial work this weekend, so that means BALDUR'S GATE WEEKEND BAYBEE.
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spicykaraage · 8 months
Tenipuri Complete Character Profile - Shuusuke Fuji
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Birthday: February 29th (Pisces)
Blood Type: B
Relatives: Father, Mother (Yoshiko Fuji), Older Sister (Yumiko Fuji), Younger Brother (Yuuta Fuji)
Father’s Occupation: Company Employee (foreign company)
Elementary School: Seishundai Third Elementary School
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Middle School: Seishun Academy Junior High School
Grade & Class: Third Year | Class 3-6 | Seat 14
Club: Tennis Club (Regular)
Committee: Yearbook Production Committee
Strong Subjects: Classic Literature
Weak Subjects: Science
Frequently Visited Spot at School: Photography Room
World Cup Team: U-17 World Cup Japanese Representatives
Favorite Motto: “What is essential is invisible to the eyes.”
Daily Routines: Tending to his cacti, drinking morning coffee
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Hobbies: Collecting cacti, photography
Favorite Color: Beige
Favorite Music: Celtic music
Favorite Movie: Musicals
Favorite Book: Interior design magazines ➜ Travelogues, travel photo collections [23.5]
Favorite Food: Apples, Cajun food, spicy ramen ➜ Anything spicy, 100% apple juice [23.5]
Favorite Anniversary: The birthday of a special someone
Preferred Type: A person with beautiful fingers ➜ A person who smells like flowers [23.5]
Ideal Date Spot: Planetarium ➜ An observatory with a beautiful view of the stars [23.5]
His Gift For a Special Person: A flower ring
Where He Wants to Travel: Salar de Uyuni on a starry night
Thing He Wants Most Right Now: Antique furniture and tableware ➜ Incentive [23.5]
Dislikes: Sour food
Skills Outside of Tennis: Skiing, ice-skating and other winter sports ➜ Winter sports, locating constellations [23.5]
Spends Allowance On: Things to help with his cacti
Routine During the World Cup: Drinking coffee from around the world, contacting his brother
Height: 167cm
Weight: 53kg
Shoe Size: 25cm
Dominant Arm: Right
Vision: 1.2 Left | 1.0 Right
Play Style: Counter Puncher
Signature Moves: Tsubame Gaeshi (Swallow Return), Higuma Otoshi (Bear Drop), Hakugei (White Whale), Kagero Zutsumi (Dragonfly Illusion), Houou Gaeshi (Phoenix Return), Kirin Otoshi (Qilin Drop), Hakuryuu (White Dragon), Gatekeeper of Hecatoncheires, Hoshi Hanabi (Starry Fireworks), Closed Eye, Aoi Fubuki (Blue Blizzard), Hikari Kaze (Wind of Light)
Time He Wakes Up: 6:00am
Time He Goes to Sleep: 11:30pm
Number of Inui Juices Consumed: 16
Favorite Brands:
Fitness Test Results:
Sidesteps: 63
Shuttle Run: 115
Back Strength: 116kg
Grip Strength: 47kg
Backbend: 62 cm
Seated Forward Bend: 47.8cm
50m Run: 6.8 seconds
Standing Long Jump: 232cm
Handball Throw: 31.5m
Endurance Run (1500m): 4:44
Overall Rating: Speed: 3 / Power: 3 / Stamina: 3 / Mental: 4 / Technique: 5 / Total: 18
Kurobe Memo: “Evident from his beautiful play style, he is undoubtedly gifted in the sport. If he weren’t so concerned with playing aesthetically, I suspect he could go from a great player to an undeniably strong one.” [RB]
What’s in His Bedroom [10.5]
Cacti // He moves them back and forth between his windowsill and shelves for sunlight
A rocking chair
Record player // He prefers it over a CD player since it’s quieter
Vinyl records // Bought from used record stores. Most of them are classic and jazz
Computer // The monitor is placed on the shelf next to his desk to conserve space. He’ll put his keyboard on his desk when he needs to use it
His favorite photos // Large printed photos he had taken on holidays and trips that are hanging on his wall
A very spacious closet // He stores his clothes, books, school uniforms and other things in it
What’s in His Bag [10.5]:
Cell phone // His family members are frequently on the go
Pass case
An English copy of The Little Prince // A book that’s dear to him, he’s read it in Japanese and is now reading the English version
Word cards // He’ll write down words he doesn’t understand in The Little Prince and look them up when he gets home
Writing supplies // Used to write down the situations, dates, times of shooting and other details when he captures photos
Compact camera
Compact mirror // He also uses it as a reflector for photos
What’s in His Locker at the U-17 Training Camp [10.5 II]:
Illustrated plant encyclopedia // Borrowed from Shiraishi
Muscle training equipment // 5kg dumbbells. He is secretly doing strength training to improve his power
Camera // Digital SLR
Interior design magazines // He’s thinking about redecorating his room once he returns from the camp
The Prince of Tennis 10.5 Fanbook | Publication Date: 11/02/2001
He has his eyes closed most of the time to exude friendliness, but will open them when he’s being cautious or calculating. Konomi states they are usually closed whenever he’s smiling
His mother cooks a lot of Cajun and western dishes, which is why he doesn’t mind eating dubious food
He is very family-oriented and kind to his relatives. When he goes shopping with his sister they are often mistaken as lovers
Konomi wrote him to like spicy food since he wanted him to seem different and unusual
He is nicknamed “Fujiko” by Kawamura after the heroine of Lupin III since the latter is a fan of the series
On Sundays he goes to his grandfather’s photo studio on the outskirts of town to take photos
He tries keeping a smile on his face since he wants to find enjoyment in everything. Even when facing a strong opponent in a match, he thinks of how lucky he is that he’s able to go up against a great player
He and his brother Yuuta do not fight, but they do not talk to each other as often as they used to since Yuuta entered middle school
Although he notoriously likes spicy food, he likes sweets as well. He especially loves the raspberry pie his sister Yumiko makes
Despite being born on February 29th, a leap year, everyone still celebrates his birthday every year. Kikumaru once jokingly said to him “You’re only three years old!”
His personality is described as someone who’s very calculating while wearing a smile
Konomi describes him as “growing more on his own”, since at the time he was growing increasingly popular and took on a life of his own
The Prince of Tennis 20.5 Fanbook | Publication Date: 12/04/2003
He is known to be very attentive and can make friends of all types
He keeps his room neat and orderly
He could not handle drinking “Aozu” in Genius 159 due to one of its key ingredients being vinegar (he dislikes sour foods)
His secondary sport would be figure skating
The Prince of Tennis 40.5 Fanbook | Publication Date: 12/04/2007
He is very competitive and will usually stay calm and undaunted in any situation
He is described to be very versatile and multi-talented as well as fastidious, and has a tendency to delve deep into various things in order to feel satisfied
He is easily attracted to mysterious things
He is thought to have had strong spiritual powers by nature and has had strange occurrences happen to him
He is often misunderstood due to his mysterious nature, but he is actually very loving, compassionate and easily moved to tears
He had written a research paper on cacti the previous summer that received a lot of praise and attention, even surprising university researchers
He came up with the name “Gatekeeper of Hecatoncheires” for his technique from a book on Greece he had read when he was younger
Konomi had plans for him to transfer to Rikkai, and states he alluded it after his match with Ryoma, but ultimately decided for him to stay at Seigaku. He explains that he wanted him to transfer to grow even stronger and have a serious match against Ryoma
Konomi had wanted him to lose against Niou, but decided against it since he had already lost to Shiraishi
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gamylost · 8 months
Busy : work work and study
✨Thursday & Friday ✨
Work 8 am to 6 pm
Work :
A long day was ahead of me. I had substitute for a teacher (who was sick) -> 4th grade.
French, Math, sports, and it’s was anti bullying awareness day.
+ school daycare
• French
A normal day at work :
• English with the kindergarten all morning different classes
• computer science with the 5th graders
• maths with the 4th graders
• organize the book in the school library
+ school daycare
• quantatives research for study case
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izicodes · 10 months
hello loa! i hope you've been well ! i have a question, apologies if you've gotten one like this before but i want to get into coding as i recently just got the free coding course from harvard and i trie the freecodecamp once.
is math really a staple? i'd like to think i'm techy, i mean i took a really basic compsci class in highschool lol which was heavily html based nso, super easy.. but i'm scared! idk if im particularly good at math bc i didn't get to see my potential back in highschool but idk if this will make or break my decision of pursuing to study computer science bc people will say its not just coding.
if it IS math based, what should i do? i feel like i would need to go all the way back to grade school and start off from scratch. i'm really nervous, idk what to do
Hiya 💗
So for some background: the area in computer science I'm in is Web Development. Basic maths skills needed.
I think I answered a similar ask but I said that the maths I encounter on a day-to-day is maths from Year 10/Grade 9. It's not hard stuff. The maths I learnt at year 12-13-ish (Grade 11-12) was a lot harder than the maths I use at work and personal projects.
I don't have any proper educational experience outside of web development so but I do have a mate who does Computer Science as a degree in university and he has some maths books. But Web Development is creating art online. Designing, I am a creative person so I think that is why I leaned into Web Development more.
Yeah there's more to Computer Science than coding, that's why I niched it down to learning software/web development at my apprenticeship. With Comp Sci I would have learnt unnecessary stuff that would have made me not to continue learning.
There are degree course that are just a specific area within computer science like web deve, machine learning, game dev, systems, etc. look for the one you actually like rather than doing overall computer science - that's one idea!
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ainyan · 1 year
Know the Mun
1. Are you named after anyone? No. My mother just liked the sound of my name.
2. When was the last time you cried? Technically this afternoon, but I was super tired and the book I was reading was pretty good at evoking emotions. For real, probably about two weeks ago or so.
3. Do you have kids? Biologically, no, but I teach, so every year I have around 40 students I call my 'kids'.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Me? Nooooo. >.>
5. What sports do you play/have you played? None. Never been a big sports person.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about other people? Their attitudes.
7. Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings, hands down.
8. Any special talents? I'm ambidextrous and double-jointed. Also, despite not being a mom, I have perfected the 'mom look'.
9. Where were you born? California
10. What are your hobbies? Besides video games and writing bad fanfic? I make chainmaille, have several 3D printers, make resin molds and cast things in them, cross-stitch, and try out new crafts on a semi-regular basis.
11. Do you have any pets? I have three right now, a husky named Inari, a one-orange-braincell named Momo, and a gray tabby kitten named Byakko.
12. How tall are you? 5'1"
13. Fave subject in school? Math, computer science, language arts, science... basically, anything that wasn't history or social studies.
14. Dream job? It's a toss up between writing for video games and teaching a creative/technical writing class for juniors and seniors (who desperately need it >.>)
15. Eye colour? Hazel, so usually a deep brown, but green if I'm wearing a lot of green or have been crying.
Tagged by: @irisopranta
Tagging: @sasslett, @eorzeashan, @sylaurin, @starrysnowdrop, and @winternightjewels, and anyone else who might be interested (please don't feel obligated to respond if you don't want to <3)
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
Snarry Recs: 15 Podfics
As audiobooks are a great option for accessing books, podfics are a great option for accessing fics. If it's easier to listen than to read; if you don't have the time, but can multitask listening while performing work tasks or house chores; if you're looking for a new way of experiencing great stories: podfics might be for you!
Content creation requires so much time and energy. And creators create out of passion for their work, and their enthusiasm to share. Podficcing is it's whole unique skillset, and set of problems. And it is such a gift from podficcers, putting in the work to share existing stories in new ways.
I definitely recommend giving podfics a try, and so I gathered 15 Snarry podfics for you to dip your toes into! If you check them out, please be sure to leave the creators some love (if you can!) They so deserve it, and don't get nearly enough appreciation for what they do!
written by AuctaSinistra, narrated by perverse_idyll. Rated E. 1 hour, 2 minutes.
Snape and Harry understand each other.
written by avioleta, narrated by JocundaSykes. Rated E. 2 hours, 11 minutes.
A few years after they married, Harry discovers Ginny has been dosing him with Amortentia the whole time. He goes to Snape for help to reverse the effects.
The Dreaming Spires
written by DementorDelta, narrated by JocundaSykes. Rated E. 3 hours, 3 minutes.
Severus Snape gets on with his life after the war.
Sine Qua Non
written by dracofiend, narrated by JocundaSykes. Rated T. 1 hour, 35 minutes.
He passes a hand over his face and takes a few seconds to silently, pointlessly curse the Dark Lord, himself, and the wretchedness of magic for burdening him with something so fantastic and absurd as true love for Harry Potter.
I Must Not Tell Lies
written by elmyraemilie, narrated by fire_juggler. Rated E. 38 minutes.
"Truth is easier to find when there's no one around to give differing opinions."
One for Sorrow, Two for Joy
written by elmyraemilie, narrated by fire_juggler. Rated E. 3ish hours.
 A tale of chance and change in two parts; written for two principals, several secondaries, a choir of children and a bird.
written by florahart, narrated by JocundaSykes. Rated T. 30 minutes.
Harry's a computer science student, but he needs a writing credit to qualify for an internship. All the writing classes are full, so he ends up in Snape's lit class as a substitute. Snape has a reputation as a hardass, but it can be said that no one passes his class without learning to write, so that meets the requirement, and then, once Harry starts working on that, it turns out they have something else in common.
Escaping the Paradox
written by Meri, narrated by paraka. Rated E. 4 hours, 11 minutes.
After Harry is thrown back in time to 1971, he has several choices to make.
A Grim Old Cat
written by oliversnape, narrated by monarchyofone. Rated E. 1 hour, 46 minutes.
In which Harry finds comfort in his own routines, solitude, Grimmauld Place, and normality in the sound of incoming trains. He ought to have known a cat would subtly change things to suit its own machinations.
Tell me we both matter
written by PinaNaponi, narrated by ines_iz. Rated M. 7 minutes.
Severus doesn't make a deal with God, but finds his own solution to the problem.
Snape: Home Fries Nazi
written by pir8fancier, narrated by Zanship. Not Rated.
When Harry defeats Voldemort, all those marked by Voldemort lose their magic. Snape decamps to the United States, where he becomes a fry cook in a diner. Five years after Voldemort's defeat, Harry comes to him for advice. AU, obviously, as Snape was still alive when I wrote this story.
6 Lessons from a Dead Man
written by RoozetteR, narrated by fire_juggler. Not Rated. 1 hour, 4 minutes.
Harry Potter put himself in a vulnerable position on Severus’ birthday. So, naturally, Severus took advantage.
Unstrung Heroes
written by RaeWhit, narrated by fire_juggler. Rated E. 51 minutes.
A decade after the war, Severus encounters Harry on a bench in Victoria Park.
Nobody's Savior
written by suitesamba, narrated by starduchess. Rated E. 5 hours, 26 minutes.
Albus Dumbledore is dead, Severus Snape is the leader of the Order of the Phoenix, Minerva is the spy inside the castle, and the war wages on. When the Boy Who Lived, who died in an accident before he was old enough to go to Hogwarts, is found going about his business in the Muggle World, everything changes – for the Order, for the Wizarding world and especially for Severus Snape. As Severus tries to discover why Albus hid Harry Potter, Harry Potter discovers magic, friends and a godfather, but nothing interests him more than Severus. A retelling of the final destruction of Voldemort, by the Boy Who Lived for quite a different reason.
Where Thestrals Fly
written by Writcraft, narrated by fire_juggler. Rated T. 27 minutes.
Every Beltane, Severus and Harry undertake the ritual of moving Thestrals between the Bel fires. As they grow closer the light in their future steadily overpowers the darkness of their past.
Also see: Podfics of my fics.
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not-so-bored · 6 months
11 January 2024, Thursday  
Things I have done:
🏫 Classes
📔 Literature Homework 
🗒 Computer Science Revision (7/68) 
📘 Logic (3/29) 
💧 Drops: Dutch
🦉 Duolingo: Dutch 
🗺 Geography Quizzes (😍)
📚 Collection of stories by Olga Tokarczuk 
Winter Studying Challenge 
11th January - Would you rather play in the rain or play in a snowstorm?
In the rain 🌧 
January study challenge 
~winter aesthetic~
🧸 bed, blankets, books. ☕️ warm mugs, hot beverages. ❄️ snow, frost, patterns on glass. ☀️ sharp and bright rays of sunlight. 🤧 hand lotions, chapsticks and tissues. 🧣 warm clothes and scarves over the noses. 🌇 lazy sunrises watched from the tram window. 🤝 slippery sidewalks, falls, and helpful passersby.
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fantasyfantasygames · 6 months
The Anarchist Cookbook RPG
The Anarchist Cookbook: The Roleplaying Game, anonymous, 1997
For those who aren't familiar with it, The Anarchist Cookbook is one part a treatise on the author's version of anarchism, and (more notoriously) several parts a set of directions for making explosives, drugs, and poisons, as well as some suggestions for methods of sabotage. It is of... mixed accuracy on all topics and is widely considered an instruction manual for having a really bad week. Its author repudiated the book about five years after writing it, but it remains in print. There's more info at the link above.
The Anarchist Cookbook went out of print in 1991 thanks to a change of company ownership. The text continued to circulate on the early internet, which, as you may know, became An Extremely Big Deal in the late 90s. At that point, someone (identity still unknown) decided to create a roleplaying game based on it.
That game is a RIFTS clone.
The Anarchist Cookbook: the Roleplaying Game (TACRPG) lacks mega-damage and has perhaps a more reasonable approach to skill percentages, but it's still clearly RIFTS with the numbers filed off. The attributes are the same. The bizarre stat bonuses are the same. There's large focus on Mechanical Aptitude. The skill list still strongly incentivizes you to take Boxing so that you can get extra actions you can use to shoot guns.
The setting is our world. You play a group of people who have Had It With This Shit and are going to do something about it. The writer recommends figuring some of that out out-of-character and some of it in-character. In a very rare moment for 1990s game design, there are suggestions that you not use in-game consequences to deal with out-of-game behavior. If TACRPG were a different game, I might imagine that this is because the in-game consequences of sabotage, bombings, and drugging the water supply are likely to be pretty harsh. However, the game assumes that the PCs are going to get away with what they do and continue it as long as you feel like playing the campaign. There's an assumption of incompetence on behalf of law enforcement at all levels. I'm not going to disagree, I just think it's assuming the wrong type of incompetence. This is a pre-Trayvon game.
Because it's a RIFTS clone, TACRPG is class-and-level-based, with XP handed out for a variety of non-combat actions. Every level gives you some skill points to allocate in your existing skills. Classes (OCCs in RIFTS parlance) include some fairly direct copies of the Vagabond, City Rat, Rogue Scholar, and other low-level options. RIFTS itself was already up to World Book 11 before this was published (plus Dimension Book 3 and various other miscellanea), so there was a lot to draw from. They're all reskinned to be semi-believable experts in our own world: doctors, computer hackers, ex-military, ex-special forces (who have the exact same stuff as "ex-military" plus more), chemists, well-connected environmentalists, no-science hippies who are somehow pharmaceutical experts, etc.
I would probably not play this game. Part of that is because I'm not a fan of the RIFTS system. I think there are many, many better options for this game in the modern day. However, the bigger part is that it doesn't feel realistic. It so, so wants to be realistic, and it's just not. This is not a game where you can say "But I'm throwing a fireball, why are we worrying about realpolitik?" (Do not get me fucking started on the utter arrogance of "realpolitik".) This is a game set in our world, dealing with issues that are more important than most people realized in 1997, and it feels like you're bashing plastic soldiers into one another. It's an uncanny valley. I'd rather be more on the fantastical side, or more on the authentic side.
The original Anarchist Cookbook is back in print, but TACRPG circulates only in HTML2 form. Most versions have been wiped from the internet. Not intentionally, mind you. There was no IP battle, and no one went on some sort of deleting spree. It's gone just because old BBS servers are gone and people lost their e-mail in hard drive crashes. If you find a version with images, that's an even-more-unauthorized second edition, with additions clearly written by a different author.
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python-program · 2 years
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thefoxesraven · 8 months
vamp nicky!!!! I love nicky!!!
WIP Wednesday 10/11/23 | Vamp Nicky
Nicky smiled starting to fully relax as he dropped his go bag next to the desk picking up the schedule that just said;
Nicky — Entering Third Former — 10/13/1998
It was dated a week before the current date. The 10th of October 1998. It also had the name he chose for himself. He had just picked it out.
“Um. Thomas, my schedule—is the date when she got her vision?” Nicky asked looking over at Thomas who was sitting on his bed with a book in his lap.
“Oh! I assume so. How else would they have it ready days before you even came here,” Thomas said very casually. Nicky looked rather concerned and Thomas chuckled. “Trust me, you’ll get use to the weird vamp magic affinity shit that happens around here.”
Nicky nodded and took a look at his schedule once again.
7:45 p.m.   General Announcements
8:00 p.m.   Vampyre Sociology 101 — Prof. Siobahn
9:00 p.m.   Literature — Prof. M. Hatford
10:00 p.m.   Music — Prof. V. Jones
11:00 p.m.   Computer Sciences — Prof. H Dayle
12:00 a.m.   Lunch
1:30 a.m.   German — Prof. T. Smith
2:30 a.m.   Fencing — Prof. Krysztof
Nicky stared at the paper for a while. Some of these classes he had experience with. Like German, Computer Science, and Literature. But others, mostly Vampyre Sociology, he had zero experience with. It was daunting. How was he going to do this?
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What if original characters!
Here are the Oc’s for the story! All other characters are owned my Michaela unless stated otherwise!
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Grade: 11
Age: 17
Ethnicity: Afro-Latina ( Dominican &
- English 4 AP
- Algebra 2 Honors
- Computer art
- US History 2 Honors
- Lunch
- Phys. Ed
- Environmental Science AP
- Spanish honors 2
- Environmental Club
- Art Club
- Debate Club
About her:
Grade: 12
Age: 17
Ethnicity: Caucasian
- Phys.Ed
- Algebra 2 Honors
- fashion
- us. history 3
- Lunch
- English 4 Honors
- Physics Honors
- French 3 High Honors
Grade: 10
Age: 16
Ethnicity: Asian
- Geometry
- Phys.Ed
- English
- Lunch
- Spanish
- Chemistry
- us history 1
- Food’s
- Book club
- Astronomy Club
Grade: 11
Age: 16
Ethnicity: Latina
- French 3
- Environmental science
- Algebra 2
- Phys. Ed
- English 3
- Lunch
- Us history 2
- Art 3
- Art Club
Grade: 9
Age: 15
Ethnicity: Asian- Black
- Geophysical science
- Algebra 1
- World history
- Lunch
- Drama
- Phys.Ed
- Italian 1
- English 1
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lawlietscaramels · 2 months
I'm gonna put a cut in because this is a personal (non-fandom, not particularly personal personal) post and it's very long lol. it's about the many many electives I've done thanks to the school system where I went.
my P-10 school changed principals a lot but when I was in year 5, and from year 6-10, we got to do either two or three (changing principals) electives per semester. as a result, I've done classes in:
Japanese (actually, we had to do it from year 1 to 6, and year 7 and 8 you had to have a language. I did it from year 1 to 10)
Drama (year 5, 7-10, except for the last semester of year 9 because that semester they split year 9 and 10 classes but they still put on a play with the year 10s. I'm still bitter I missed out on that. But it was insanely helpful for my anxiety. I've never had stage fright or been afraid to act, oddly, but I used to be terrified of public speaking. even one on one. I literally could not talk to boys for a period.)
Photography (I'm pretty sure I did at least two semesters. Actually, it's come in helpful for my art.)
Psychology (second semester of year 9 and I think all of year 10. It was so fun but I missed out on the crime unit and they got to look at dead bodies because the teacher taught us like adults if we behaved like adults.)
Computer science and robotics (separate electives, I put them together because they were taught by the same teacher. I would have enjoyed the subject matter if it was taught better.)
Coding (out of school, actually, but still on school grounds...)
In year 5, we didn't get to pick the electives, our whole class just did the same ones. Because we didn't have individual timetables until year 7. I put drama in the above section because I continued it, but the other three I did that year were...
Art (the teacher sucked. I hated the class actually)
Food tech (most places have hospitality but we just did food OR textiles. in this one, we alternated between cooking and doing food theory)
Woodwork (HATED. it was so loud and smelt really shitty and also it was very stressful. The machines in that room could cut off a finger. I was 11.)
Also, in year 10, they let us pick which sciences we wanted to do. I got to do:
Cosmology (best term of science all through P-10. I loved the teacher too.)
Forensic science (we actually happened across a real (minor) crime during the unit)
Genetics and Disease studies (again, same teacher, different electives. The classes were interesting and I got to write ethics essays but there was too much biology.)
Finally, the honourable mention, creative writing. I tried to get in every year and it was full, except for the ONE year I got in, where not enough people joined to run the class. I did get to participate in the one day school program "Write a Book in a Day" from year 8 to 10, and in "Camp Sojourner" in year 6, which was a week of writing after school, led by my teacher at the time. He also organised a monthly Sojourner magazine for short stories that I contributed to throughout year 5 and 6.
so, yeah. interesting fact about me.
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zainazainab001 · 3 months
Boost Your Coding Skills: C++ Tips and Tricks for Computer Science Majors
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Are you a computer science major eager to sharpen your coding prowess? Mastering C++ is a pivotal step in your journey toward becoming a proficient programmer. In this blog post, we'll delve into some invaluable tips and tricks to elevate your C++ skills to the next level.
Understanding C++ Fundamentals:
Before diving into advanced python concepts, ensure you have a strong grasp of C++ fundamentals such as variables, data types, control structures, functions, and pointers.
Practice writing simple programs to reinforce your understanding of these basics.
Explore Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):
C++ is renowned for its robust support for OOP principles. Familiarize yourself with classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and abstraction.
Embrace the power of OOP to design modular, reusable, and maintainable code.
Utilize Standard Template Library (STL):
The STL is a treasure trove of pre-built data structures and algorithms. Get acquainted with containers like vectors, lists, maps, and algorithms like sorting and searching.
Leveraging the STL can significantly boost your productivity and efficiency as a C++ developer.
Master Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms:
Deepen your understanding of advanced data structures such as trees, graphs, heaps, and hash tables.
Practice implementing these data structures and solving algorithmic problems to enhance your problem-solving skills.
Optimize Your Code for Performance:
Learn optimization techniques to make your C++ code faster and more resource-efficient.
Explore concepts like algorithm complexity analysis, memory management, and profiling tools to identify and eliminate bottlenecks in your code.
Practice Effective Memory Management:
C++ gives you fine-grained control over memory allocation and deallocation. Understand concepts like dynamic memory allocation (using new and delete), smart pointers (e.g., unique_ptr, shared_ptr), and RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization).
Adopt best practices to prevent memory leaks and optimize memory usage in your programs.
Stay Updated with Modern C++ Features:
Keep abreast of the latest features and enhancements introduced in modern C++ standards (C++11, C++14, C++17, etc.).
Explore modern C++ features like lambda expressions, constexpr functions, move semantics, and range-based loops to write more expressive and concise code.
Engage in Continuous Learning and Practice:
Coding proficiency is built through consistent practice and learning. Challenge yourself with coding exercises, projects, and competitions.
Stay curious and seek out resources such as online tutorials, books, and coding communities to expand your knowledge and skills.
Now, let's tie it back to our keywords:
If you're looking to broaden your programming horizons beyond C++, consider delving into advanced Python concepts. Python is a versatile and popular fundamental programming language used in various domains, including web development, data science, machine learning, and more. Understanding advanced Python concepts such as generators, decorators, context managers, and list comprehensions can complement your C++ skills and make you a well-rounded programmer.
In conclusion,
 by incorporating these C++ tips and tricks into your learning journey, you'll be well-equipped to tackle challenging coding tasks and excel in your computer science studies and beyond.
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trashcanplant · 6 months
So Many Neighborhood Interactions!
GOD I need to stop having kids so I can stop doing this. HOW MUCH INFORMATION DOES ONE NEED?!
Marnie: Girl loves her cat so much. She’s an introvert and that’s fine! Sometimes that’s all we need. For all the work she does on her house, Marnie has never fallen off of her roof. She leaves those jobs to Grover. She’s really thoughtful with her students! Most of them actually go to Deirdre’s school and at this point it’s a wonder that she’s not the official music teacher there with her bestie. Her biggest love language is words of affirmation. She purchases fruit wines from Jonesy’s family. Her favorite flavor thus far has been blueberry. Marnie’s house is covered in books and plants. She is probably one of the more qualified people to house sit for someone. As long as they don’t mind having a new record or two added to their collection based on what she saw while she was there.
Grover: He gets really lonely. Being alone on the road so much has worn him down. He doesn’t have one mailing address, he has four. Barnaby knows all of them, because one of them is his own. As much as he hates to admit it, he’s bonded to his flock of crows. Not in a friendly way though. It’s not quite a parasitic relationship, but let’s be real, what benefits does Grover get? He has a favorite swear word but he won’t tell anyone what it is. His favorite type of joke is a play-on-words. I think after meeting Penny he made a little corn husk doll in her image that he keeps around. Grover is the fourth best person to house sit for you. He probably got the job because he broke in, and he will leave the house worse than when he entered and it will be his fault. Also he just hates being inside. But you already knew that.
Deirdre: Bestie boo curls her hair to no avail. She’s written maybe a dozen plays with her and Sally in lead romantic roles together. She values her students so much and loves them even if they annoy her sometimes ahem ahem Jonesy. She thinks Paulette could teach earth sciences at her school if they really wanted to. Deirdre has an interest in computers. She’ll never be able to see one up close though. Just pictures in her magazines. Speaking of which: If Deirdre ever bought a house all of the furniture would come right out of a catalogue. Right now most of her furniture comes from Marnie. Deirdre would be the next best person to house sit for you! She’d make sure your plants are watered and pets fed, but she noticed that you had a book she’s been wanting to read, she’d just borrow it. She’s a bit directionally challenged, but she always knows the way Home! Deirdre orders whipped cream on her coffee. And her sweet potato pie. And everything really. If it’s not got whipped cream on it, it isn’t worth it. She calls attention to her class by saying, “Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears!”
Jonesy: Now when someone who’s not Deirdre refers to him and a group as “friends” he chimes in with “don’t forget romans and countrymen!” (YES inspired by that post). Jonesy doesn’t get along well with Frank cause he once tried to eat a butterfly by him. He has a very late bedtime (bat). If you give a bat a cookie, he will squeak happily! He gets a winter coat and gets even poofier. Jonesy would see Marnie and Howdy talking every day with Marnie making the same argument that Howdy should play the guitar then Jonesy would feel like his secondary parents were fighting cause he loves Marnie and takes piano lessons from her. He cries very easily. Jonesy is a papa’s boy let’s be honest. He loves his mom so much but he’s just closer to Finnley than Mercy. He’s too young to house sit for you. He’d hear Grover swearing and scamper up with Penny and Vince with his big doll eyes and now Grover has to decide if he wants to teach an 11 year old a swear word or face Howdy and Ritta’s wrath. Jonesy probably gets free gelato from Antoni and now Howdy has to fight harder with strawberry shakes and then there’s a war.
Paulette: Blue eyed stare. They are so nice but are constantly fighting the voices to eat the glitter in her pocket. He wishes that they were able to fully express her love for Marnie but at the same time they see how this woman acts; never fully engaged how she needs her to be. He wishes on stars all the time despite knowing better. She goes to every one of Sally’s shows just to take notes on her. They are the third best person to house sit for you! He’d keep it tidy, maybe have Marnie fix the window she broke when he came in. They would 100% move your furniture around and when you ask him about it they’d just crouch down and say “my star, the Feng Shui of your house was really bad.” She believes in astrology, just a little bit. Paulette is a big advocate for pineapple on pizza. Also they love starfruit! She’s just a sweetheart. Love languages are touch, time, and words.
Antoni: WOAGH LITTLE GUY! Self proclaimed, by the way. He’s only little in the sense that he is short. He is a goofy guy, but man does he have a big personality. He’s vibrant while Dandy is quiet. He roller skates around Home a lot to deliver his pizzas. He’s definitely clumsy. It’s a wonder he hasn’t broken more bones! Antoni is very squishy. He’s got a good tummy, but also, he’s just squishy! His favorite pizza is Margherita. Pineapple on pizza is a sin, and he’s staring at Paulette and Grover who think it’s okay to put pineapple on pizza. He’s always covered in something on his chef coat. It’s most likely marinara, and if it’s not that, it’s blood. Dandy is his number one caretaker of the two of them. Antoni is the worst person to watch your house! He broke in, he used your oven, the whole place is covered in sauce and scratches and for some reason he blames you for it. Never let this man babysit. That’s his baby now. He loves kids and is really good with them! That’s why Jonesy is his best friend and he’s trying to get Deirdre to let him teach home ec or at least be the lunch lady. She will never let him in her schoolhouse after the birthday cake incident.
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