#firstmix you were so good
a-whole-new-world · 2 years
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ginnymoonbeam · 9 months
Top 5 couples of this year and all time!
This was a fun ask because it really got me thinking about the difference between a favorite couple and a favorite story. For example, The End of the World With You is my #2 BL of the year, but Ritsu and Masumi were never even contenders for this list. This list is all pairs where I both love each character and love the quality of their relationship.
Top 5 Couples of 2023
Han Baram/Im Hantae, Sing My Crush
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We'll see a lot of "they're best friends AND lovers" on this list because that's the kind of relationship I love the most. I'll never be over how much Im Hantae loves Han Baram, long before he realizes his feelings are romantic.
Gun/Cher, A Boss and a Babe
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Their dynamic charmed me from the very beginning. I love how playful they are, how they dance back and forth across each other's boundaries in a way that feels mutually beneficial for two stubborn, locked-up people. I love how they each become the person the other one can lay down his burdens for.
Kawi/Pisaeng, Be My Favorite
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Their love is important even in the timelines where they never get together. The closer they come to each other, the wiser and happier they each are. It's beautiful to see.
Tinn/Charn, Laws of Attraction
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This is by far the least grounded, most unhinged pair on this list, but even they keep to the theme of making each other better. And their chemistry had me by the throat for eight full episodes.
Jim/Wen, Moonlight Chicken
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One thing I love about their relationship is how attentive Wen is to Jim. He sees the role he plays in the community, he sees how hard he works, and he does what he can to ease the burden. They take care of each other through difficult moments, and in the end, they become one another's home.
Top 5 BL Couples of All Time
For my own sanity, I excluded 2023 from this list. Maybe some of the above would make it onto the total top 5 list, nudging out some of the below, but that is a question for Future Ginny.
Nuea/Toh, Secret Crush On You
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One thing I love about SCOY is that it never attempts to address the question of why Nuea loves Toh. "Why shouldn't he?" is the answer baked into the very bones of the story. These two beautiful freaks are obsessed with each other and that's all you need to know.
Pat/Pran, Bad Buddy
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They're best friends, they're rivals, they're star-crossed lovers. They fight, they make music, they play horny wrestling games. They're irreplaceable to each other, and to me.
Tang Yi/Meng Shaofei, HIStory 3: Trapped
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I love how deeply they know each other before they even consider each other friends: that's what a good enemies-to-lovers is all about for me. I love how Meng Shaofei's direct, open affection blasts right through the Tang Yi's protective shell. I love how damn fond Tang Yi is of Meng Shaofei. (And yes, they've been reunited, I wrote a fic about it so it's real as far as I'm concerned.)
Cake/Seeiw, My Only 12%
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It may be clear by now that I love a longstanding, bedrock kind of relationship. Cake and Seeiw are each other's other half their whole life, four years and an ocean notwithstanding.
Payu/Rain, Love in the Air
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Don't let the kink and the overwhelming hotness fool you into thinking this is an unserious pair: by the end of the show these two have developed a solid relationship of reciprocal support and caretaking. Watch Rain develop from a wide-eyed baby deer with no idea of the signals he's broadcasting, to a confident, self-aware brat who knows exactly how to use those big eyes and pouty lips - whether it's to get the *ahem* attention he's after or to help his man calm down. They're a perfect fit and I'm so glad they found each other.
Ask me my Top 5 Anything BL 2023!
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boozles · 10 months
Nine People I Would Like To Get To Know Better
Thank you @theflagscene for tagging me <3 <3
Last Song? Fatally Yours by Alkaline Trio. I've been on an Alk3 kick the last few days, and I miss them so much.
Favourite Colour(s)? Yellow! All shades of yellow. Then pink, green and blue. But yellow is my happy colour <3
Last Movie/TV Show? I just watched episode 2 of Playboyy which is...gosh. So bad XD Last movie was a rewatch of Five Nights at Freddy's.
Sweet/Spicy/Savoury? I have a severe sweet tooth, I admit, but I love my savoury foods. I'm trying to spice train myself, too XD I've never been that good with spicy food, but I've been slowly incorporating more spice into my food choices and I'm getting better. I WILL BE ABLE TO EAT SUPER SPICY NOODLES ONE DAY!
Relationship Status? Single.
Current Obsession? Apex Legends, as always.
Last Thing I Googled? My mum asked me to check up on an incident that happened in Dublin (it wasn't a nice thing, and she wanted to see how the victims were doing because she gets upset when people get hurt).
Tagging - @firstkanaphans @first-kanaphan @laowen @forcebookish @dramalets @firstmix @khaotunqs @khaotunq (but not pressure, babes!)
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xceanlynx · 11 months
My happy thoughts on Only Friends finale
Now that I vented, digested the last episode, and even answered some idiot annoying me in my notifications, I guess it's the perfect time to share my thoughts on the series overall.
I really enjoyed Only Friends. I was excited for the series because 1. I was completely sold on the premise of the show and 2. I had just found out about First and Khaotung as a pairing (I had just finished The Eclipse) and wanted to see them in another kind of story. I also had heard a lot of good things about Force and Book and I already knew Mark and Neo, so I was really expecting great things.
It did not disappoint me at all! I really enjoyed the journey. To be honest, most of the things that made my blood boil were stuff coming from the fandom, not the actual series. If I remove said bad things, it would be an almost perfect experience.
Almost, because obviously, nothing is perfect. There are many loose threads that, to be very honest, bother me to no end. Most of the things that bother me I shared while waiting for the next episode to air. I already said what I wanted to say about the character development of Boston, and I do have other 2 or 3 things that maybe I'll share in the future. Maybe I got my hopes too high since I saw many people praising the directors and writing crew — while I hadn't watched anything from any of them before. I guess I made my hopes too high and my expectations became unreachable.
But that said, I'm really glad the series exists, and I'm glad for the ending we got. Not too open-ended to make me feel like I needed closure, not too set in stone to make me uncomfortable with some writing decisions. I still don't think I want a second season (only if they promise to give me firstmix lol), but I'm not as scared of this possibility as I was before.
I'm really glad this was my opportunity to get to know forcebook as actors. I enjoyed Book's acting the most, and I burst out laughing with every interview I watch of Force. I'm already planning on binge watching all their series by the end of the year.
I'm glad to have seen different acting facets from Mark and Neo. Even if they're not paired again, I hope this series gives them more opportunities for different roles in the future.
I'm glad this series solidified the love I feel for First and Khaotung. Seriously, I can't put into words everything I think about them. They really are a gem. Also I'm glad I'll have the opportunity to meet them this December (I still can't believe that is going to happen).
Last but not least, I'm glad for Jojo, Ninew, and literally everyone involved in the creation of the series. Yes, nothing is perfect, but I see and appreciate the effort you guys put into making Only Friends as it is. If this will evolve into a second season, a spinoff, or just more job opportunities, I don't know, but I'm sure it will be fruitful for everyone.
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hyp-no-tic · 11 months
Prediction/wishlist for the upcoming GMMTV event on October 17th. Thank you @icouldhyperfixatehim for creating this awesome bingo card.
I'm really late to the game but here's my bingo card for tomorrow's presscon!
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At the end of the day, what I really want is to be surprised: give us things we didn't know we wanted, take risks. I want the actors to have fun with their new roles and I want them to do different things than what they're used to. Oh and let actors rest between jobs and PLEASE give the directing teams enough time to edit their series, stop rushing them to shoot and edit.
More details under the cut about what I think we're getting, things I desperately want and things I'd really like to see.
Things I'm fairly sure we're getting:
Earthmix series
Firstkhao series (pretty much confirmed)
Geminifourth series (pretty much confirmed) 
Some kind of season 2 for either/both Home School and Midnight Museum (HS I don't care for but khao+gun? SIGN ME UP / MM only bc I wouldn't say no to more TayGun and TorGun)
WinnySatang series (since they now have their logo I'd say it's pretty much confirmed as well)
Things I will riot if we don't get:
Mark fucking Pakin KISSING (I don't care who but my man got to have someone to kiss). Let’s be real Mark needs another main role or at the very least a very good supporting role because he is doing a SPECTACULAR job in OF as Nick. And I like that he isn't fixed in a CP so give me anything.
P'Jojo said somewhere that he'd like to do a domestic cutesy BL, please give the man what he wants. As a general rule, GMMTV should just let Jojo do whatever Jojo wants to do, period. (No P'Jojo is GMMTV 2024 Part 1)
More mature/adult BL (not necessarily romance office), just PLEASE LET THE BOYS AND GIRLS ACT THEIR AGE P L E A S E (or you know, use the youngins you have to play high schoolers ffs).
Neo Trai SERIOUS ROLE (listen Neo's got amazing comedic timing but he is EATING IT UP in OF).
Fluke Pusit main role (or really good supporting role) same for Gawin Caskey
AouBoom or just more Aou Thanaboon (haven't seen Hidden Agenda yet but I looooved him in BMF)
Another political drama (à la The Eclipse, Not Me)
More ensemble cast like Moonlight Chicken or Only Friends (not necessarily for the messy gay shenanigans but bc I LOVE seeing the boys act with/against each others)
If GMMTV is too scared to give us more GL (since 23.5 still hasn't aired) at least give us MORE secondary GL couples in series.
Things I would really like to see:
P’Aof recently said in a interview that he would like to work with actors he hasn't work with yet and that among gmmtv he hadn’t had the chance to work with Gun (or Krist) soooooooooo this could be the year is what I'm saying.
I want another OffGun (though I’m not holding my breath especially since we still haven't got Cooking Crush but ahem, P’Aof, P’Jojo, P'Waa anyone?)
Or even better: OffGunTayNew in the same series??? (BL or not I don't even care, I want them on the same set)
PLEASE give me something by the BMF production team (P'Waa Waasuthep, who also directed The Gifted) because Be My Favorite is definitely one of my favorite series of the year, it was perfect.
Since remakes are in right now, you know what I would love a Thai take on? Color Rush! I really liked this KBL, it had SUCH an interesting premise but… *sigh* it was way too short to be impactful imo (the vibe of the show though omg). (P'Nuchy? P'Golf?)
More trans characters with great supporting roles/strong storylines, more non-binary characters
More QUEER ELDERS!! Different generations of queer interacting (ex: the gay uncles in My Ride the series, they were EVERYTHING)
I would like to see more of Nonnie, I like what little we've seen of her in Only Friends.
I wouldn't say no to more mix and matching between the CP but helas we know how that's being received with OF from some fans... (my Firstmix heart is crying)
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firstkanaphans · 2 years
-Alan just oozing bitterness (understandably) and i love that for him
-Firstmix are just so cute?? That little kiss was better than the kisses in some bls ive watched
-At this point, i think first has kissed more men onscreen than women and i also love that for him
LISTEN. I could go on for days about how realistic and lived-in this world P’Aof has created feels. Because, like, I don’t blame Alan. But I also don’t blame Wen. It’s a shitty situation because ending a 5+ year-long relationship is always a shitty situation. I would be bitter too—especially since it seems like they were still sleeping together. At least up to a certain point. Like what?? Of course my baby’s confused.
But yes! Welcome to the ever-growing list of boys First has kissed, Mix. It was a solid kiss for sure and definitely better than what you see from a lot of established couples. P’Aof has cracked the secret of good on-screen kisses and turns out it’s just making besties kiss each other. They’ve got that built-in chemistry 😂
But on a more serious note, I really do love that when it makes sense in the narrative for characters to kiss, P’Aof lets them kiss. Even the AlanWen neck kisses were actual kisses and not sniff kisses. Because guess what? When you’re in a relationship with someone, you typically want to kiss them. All of the characters and relationships in Moonlight Chicken feel very realistic and that helps you sympathize with them despite their past mistakes.
Here’s to hoping First gets to kiss many more boys in his future! (Or at least Khaotung, over and over again 😂).
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gaykey · 2 years
omg asher im watching moonlight chicken and like i know it's supposed to be an earthmix show or whatever, but firstmix?! do you have thoughts on them? bc i was like damn!! their chemistry is so good.. toxic af but good lmao but tbh the best couple is fourth and gemini they are so cute i cant handle it
first & mix have amazing chemistry!
their scenes in moonlight chicken were heartwrenching. the flashback?! oh man, that got me. they were so happy, and it felt so real, which made all the scenes where they were fight all the more heartbreaking.
and that's down to first & mix having such a great relationship (they're really close friends) and of course they're both stellar actors.
having a foundation relationship first, having that bond and closeness with a person, really goes a long way to having them be able to film emotional and intimate scenes. especially for first who is a proper method actor, and really embodies the character, to a point where it can have quite an intense effect on him emotionally for a while afterwards.
that's why so many actors have intimacy workshops, or have an intimacy coordinator on set - to get them to that level.
so yeah - same with firstkhao - firstmix having that basis of a friendship, and being talented actors on top of that of coursez seemed to help them create amazing on-screen chemistry.
and same
i love fourthgemini. they're so young and are already so amazing! they're scenes are so emotional and sweet, but not in a cringe or over the top way, but in a very real and heartfelt way. i would watch them in anything at this point, they really were the unexpected highlight for me.
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