#fiscal mismanagement
Harry & Meghan To Take Lead Of Archewell As Predident, Mandana Dayani, will not be replaced-December 4th 2022
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"The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are to assume full leadership of their Archewell Foundation, as the organization’s president, Mandana Dayani, is stepping down after 18 months.
Dayani was responsible for the day-to-day operations of the media and charitable group and has exited in what has been described as an amicable and planned transition.
"She will not be replaced as Archewell’s founders Prince Harry and Meghan Markle had long intended to assume full management of the enterprise."
Per a statement shared with Deadline, an Archewell spokesperson said Dayani was brought on while the couple was off for parental leave and that “she has continued to shape (Archewell’s) vision and future successfully.” (See the full statement below.)
Here’s the statement from Archewell: “Ms. Dayani has been an integral part of Archewell and we are grateful for her passion, commitment and leadership. Ms. Dayani was brought on during their parental leave to move the company and its projects forward. She has continued to shape its vision and future successfully. Her transition was mutually planned, with intent for The Duke and Duchess to now take full lead of their company. There will be no replacement for this position, and Ms. Dayani is fully supportive of The Duke and Duchess in their new leadership roles, and they remain friends.”
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
I know with social media the way it is, and how horrible the us political climate is, that this sort of response to Audrey as an OTW candidate was probably just a ticking time bomb. But damn, I went to her actual Twitter, and honestly? She seems like one of those old-style, fiscal conservative Republicans who may want to change things from within the party, however unlikely that may be. She literally pointed out how small govt means less govt messing with our rights, and how the current Republican national party is hypocritical about that.
So many of her typical tweetings (?) are pretty socially progressive. If she's in deep south Missouri, it may be that she had to run Republican for any chance of changing things for the better in her local area.
I do not support Republicans as a whole. I think they ARE dragging the country to a horrific, fundamentalist grave. But she is an individual, and from what I can tell, supportive of lgbtq rights and freedom of speech on the internet. I likely would not have voted for her anyway, but nothing she has done or said so far has earned her the hate and vitriol she has received over such a short period.
Tiffany was ALSO not a CCP spy working for the Chinese govt. She was literally not even in confirmed to BE in China for fucks sake. Chinese people have been leaving the country in droves! Was she a good fit for the board? Hell no! But she wasn't voted in, was she?
I'm just so exhausted of people assuming the absolute worst and going on a hate campaign based off their own misinformed assumptions. This is not helping anyone see the "left" or "proshippers" or whatever our "side" is, as reasonable, helpful people.
I'm exhausted of defending people whose positions I don't even agree with, because the people I do "agree" with are acting so abhorrently.
What are your thoughts on this?
Yeah, that's my read on her in the context of local US politics. Running as an independent and then a Republican where she is is typical of people with her type of platform. It doesn't make her Fundie Satan.
Like Tiffany, there are plenty of different reasons not to vote for her, so we don't need to worry so much about the minutia of her political stances. Only if she were a great candidate but with a couple of red flags would we need to dig into this.
Like I said last year, working for OTW means having people assume the worst constantly and come for you with pitchforks. There are reasons it's not attractive above and beyond internal mismanagement. It's hard to get enough people to run for Board to even have a contested election. We usually do these days, but in the past, we often didn't. It was just people taking turns to jump on the grenade.
This kind of response to someone agreeing to the worst job in OTW just reaffirms that it's not worth it and discourages future candidates.
I think everyone should chillax and vote in somebody else.
ETA: and while this has been sitting in the queue, it has become a moot point anyway.
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bunny--manders · 10 months
I found a manga about an accountant getting isekaied into a fantasy kingdom that has terribly mismanaged its fiscal policy and now I'm annoyed that the romance is getting in the way of this guy cleaning up the kingdom's finances
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
1. According to an X post that’s since been debunked as fake news, “Joe Rogan is suing MSNBC for $30 million for editing / splicing a video to make it sound like he was pro-Kamala Harris when he was actually criticizing her.”
“I am disappointed to tell you that even though this went wildly viral on X – I think it was seen by almost 7 million people – it is not true,” sighs Liz.
2. The second headline is “Biden-Harris admin released at least 99 illegal aliens on terrorist watch list into the country,” which outlines how “Border Patrol agents stationed at the southern border encountered 250 illegal aliens on the terrorist watch list between fiscal years 2021 and 2023,” but “the Biden-Harris administration’s Department of Homeland Security released at least 99” of them “into the interior of the United States.”
3. The third article comes from Real Clear Politics: “Former Secret Service Chief Wanted To Destroy Cocaine Evidence.” The piece exposes Kimberly Cheatle and other top agents for trying to “dispose of the evidence” when cocaine was found in the White House. However, “Secret Service Forensics Services Division and the Uniformed Division stood firm and rejected the push.”
4. “‘God Wins in the End’: 89-Year-Old Pro-Life Activist Speaks Out Ahead of ‘High Stakes’ Trial” is the fourth article Liz cites. It tells the story of an 89-year-old woman named Eva Edl – a concentration camp survivor who faces up to 10 years in prison for her involvement in pro-life protests at two Michigan abortion facilities. The weaponized DOJ is using the FACE Act – a “wildly unconstitutional” law, according to Liz – to punish Edl and others like her for peacefully protesting, praying, and trying to speak with women seeking abortion.
5. The last story is titled “NYC's 'shoddy oversight' wastes 'millions of taxpayer dollars' on unused hotel rooms, uneaten food for illegal aliens: Audit.” It covers how the “Adams administration signed a $432 million contract … to provide illegal aliens residing in the city with services, including shelter, accommodations, and food.” If that wasn’t bad enough, the majority of the money was wasted. Brad Lander, who is vying to be the next mayor of NYC, hired a group of independent auditors, who discovered gross “mismanagement of the contract.” According to the report, “a detailed review of invoices presented for the first two months of the contract found that nearly 80% of payments – $11 million out of $13.8 million paid – were unsupported and should be recouped.”
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whinlatter · 9 months
i love beasts with my whole soul, it's so heartfelt and intelligently written. love reading the author's notes afterwards, love everything about it. do you have any headcanons about harry and the dursleys maybe years later, if they've reconnected or if harry forgave them?
ok firstly you're a star and it's very important that you know that. thank you so so much for reading and enjoying my fic and my inane author's notes you absolute legend
i fear my headcanons on the dursleys are all a bit boilerplate and boring! i'm a big fan of the widely accepted idea of harry and dudley having a sort of polite but sort of nice rapprochement of sorts as adults that dudley initiates and harry sort of goes along with, a bit baffled, for dudley's sake. i quite like the reunion happening at the burrow partly because i like the idea of dudley a) sat in the weasleys' garden feeling clever for the first time in his life explaining to arthur the concept of a sit-on lawnmower and b) meeting ginny and having to wrap his head around the concept of his flop cousin having pulled an absolute baddie.
while i don't think dudley would ever cut himself off or distance himself from his parents (i don't think he has the insight or depth to grasp why he might need to), i like the idea of dudley absorbing enough of dedalus diggle's relentless harry stan content for a year to be able to grasp that harry was actually good vibes and that what his parents did to his cousin during their childhoods was, on some level, wrong. (dedalus and dudley - what a double act. that unlikely duo stayed in touch for the rest of their lives, meeting up every few months at the pizza express in woking for a catch-up. dudley 100% stuck him on the family table at his wedding and gave a vernon a stroke. dudley also fancied hestia that year they were in hiding but unlike dedalus she ran a mile from the dursleys as soon as the war was done and she didn't have to see those tory clowns ever again. harry jokingly-not-jokingly tried to give her his order of merlin for her service.)
i don't think harry ever forgives or has any contact with vernon and petunia again. he does however enjoy the news, relayed through dudley, that grunnings went bust due to catastrophic fiscal mismanagement during the 2008 financial crisis, costing vernon his pension, and that petunia's rose garden was ripped to shreds by piers polkiss' XL bully.
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A bipartisan group of lawmakers led by Sen. Bernie Sanders introduced legislation Wednesday that would require the Pentagon to return a portion of its enormous and ever-growing budget to the Treasury Department if it fails another audit in the coming fiscal year.
The Audit the Pentagon Act, an updated version of legislation first introduced in 2021, comes amid mounting concerns over rampant price gouging by military contractors and other forms of waste and abuse at an agency that's set to receive at least $842 billion for fiscal year 2024.
"The Pentagon and the military-industrial complex have been plagued by a massive amount of waste, fraud, and financial mismanagement for decades. That is absolutely unacceptable," Sanders (I-Vt.) said in a statement as he unveiled the bill alongside Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa).
"If we are serious about spending taxpayer dollars wisely and effectively," said Sanders, "we have got to end the absurdity of the Pentagon being the only agency in the federal government that has never passed an independent audit."
In December, the Pentagon flunked its fifth consecutive audit, unable to account for more than 60% of its $3.5 trillion in total assets.
But congressional appropriators appear largely unphased as they prepare to raise the agency's budget to record levels, with some working to increase it beyond the topline set by the recently approved debt ceiling agreement. Watchdogs have warned that the deal includes a loophole that hawkish lawmakers could use to further inflate the Pentagon budget under the guise of aiding Ukraine.
Late Wednesday, following a lengthy markup session, the House Armed Services Committee passed its version of the National Defense Authorization Act, which proposes a total military budget of $886 billion. Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) was the only committee member to vote no.
A huge chunk of the Pentagon's budget for next year is likely to go to profitable private contractors, which make a killing charging the federal government exorbitant sums for weapons and miscellaneous items, from toilet seats to ashtrays to coffee makers.
"Defense contractors are lining their pockets with taxpayer money while the Pentagon fails time and time again to pass an independent audit. It's a broken system," said Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.), a co-sponsor of the new bill. "We need to compel the Department of Defense to take fraud and mismanagement seriously—and we need Congress to stop inflating our nation's near-trillion-dollar defense budget."
"Putting the wants of contractors over the needs of our communities," he added, "isn't going to make our country any safer."
If passed, the Audit the Pentagon Act of 2023 would force every component of the Defense Department that fails an audit in fiscal year 2024 to return 1% of its budget to the Treasury Department.
A fact sheet released by Sanders' office argues that "the need for this audit is clear," pointing to a Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq report estimating that "$31-60 billion had been lost to fraud and waste."
"Separately, the special inspector general for Afghanistan Reconstruction reported that the Pentagon could not account for $45 billion in funding for reconstruction projects," the fact sheet notes. "A recent Ernst & Young audit of the Defense Logistics Agency found that it could not properly account for some $800 million in construction projects. CBS News recently reported that defense contractors were routinely overcharging the Pentagon—and the American taxpayer—by nearly 40-50%, and sometimes as high as 4,451%."
Further examples of the Pentagon's waste and accounting failures abound.
Last month, the Government Accountability Office released a report concluding that the Pentagon can't account for F-35 parts worth millions of dollars.
Earlier this week, as The Washington Post reported, the Pentagon said it "uncovered a significant accounting error that led it to overvalue the amount of military equipment it sent to Ukraine since Russia's invasion last year—by $6.2 billion."
"The 'valuation errors,' as a Pentagon spokeswoman put it, will allow the Pentagon to send more weapons to Ukraine now before going to Congress to request more money," the Post noted.
Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), chair of the Senate Finance Committee and a supporter of the Audit the Pentagon Act, said Wednesday that "taxpayers can't keep writing blank checks—they deserve long-overdue transparency from the Pentagon about wasteful defense spending."
"If the Department of Defense cannot conduct a clean audit, as required by law," said Wyden, "Congress should impose tough financial consequences to hold the Pentagon accountable for mismanaging taxpayer money."
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oldgayjew · 7 months
America's "cosmetic" priorities ...
(1) Diversity ...
(2) Equality ...
(3) Gun violence control ...
(4) Gender affirmation ...
(5) Immigrant rights ...
(6) Equal justice ...
(7) Fighting racism ...
(8) Ending sexism ...
(9) Fair and open elections for all ...
(10) No one is above the Law ...
... nothing but outward appearances of doing what's right while engaging in back-room deals and under-handed fiscal mismanagement ...
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eaglesnick · 2 months
“The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.”
Benjamin Disraeli
When the nation overwhelmingly voted the Conservative government out of office they did not expect to be electing Tony Blaire as Prime Minister, but that is exactly what they have done. Sir Keir Starmer may be fronting the new Labour government but it is Tony Blair who is Prime Minister behind the scenes.
The signs were there a year ago for all to see. The Financial Times reported that Starmer had told them:
“Labour should stop trashing Tony Blair - a hate figure for many on the Labour left - especially after pushing the UK into the Iraq war. ‘We have to be proud of that record in government and not be arm’s length about it.’ “ (FT: 07/06/23)
In December the same year we have this headline:
“The moment Keir Starmer revealed himself to be a hardcore Blairite”. (Independent: 12/12/23)
The Blairite government of 1997- 2008 did some good things. Sure Start and adequate funding for the NHS are the most frequently cited examples of good Labour policies. But his list of failures is greater.
He tore up the principle of free university education at the point of delivery and introduced tuition fees. Thanks to Blaire:
Almost 1.8m people owe £50,000 or more in student debt” (BBC News:  02/07/24)
That is a collective student debt of £90,000,000,000.
Blair’s legacy of economic mismanagement goes further and has affected all of us. In 1997, when Blair was elected to office, average income was £15,000 a year, while the average house price was £65,000. When Blair left office in 2007, the average wage had risen to £20,000, but the average house now cost £190,000. In short, under Blair, house prices nearly trebled in price while wages only increased by a third.
The sad fact is, Blair, like governments before and after him, failed to make housing a priority and we are all suffering the price of that policy decision today in the form of a chronic housing shortage, unaffordable rents, and property prices beyond the reach of the vast majority of the population.  
At the same time as house prices were rocketing, the Blair government presided over a massive fall in industrial output. Investment Monitor (24/11/20) reported that manufacturing:
 …”declined in importance with regard to its role within the British economy faster under Blair than under any previous prime minister. The industry accounted for more than 20% of GDP in 1997; by 2007 – when Blair left Number 10 to be replaced by Gordon Brown – this had fallen to 12.4%, and when Labour were voted out of office in 2010 the figure was 10%.
More importantly, when Blair came to power in 1997, income inequality, after years of Thatcherite policies, was at historically high levels, and relative poverty was on the increase. Despite 11 years of a Blairite Labour government ordinary working people saw little change in their economic position, yet under Blaire the rich and wealthy flourished.
“Income inequality changed little...those on relatively low incomes did a little better than those with incomes just above average. However, those right at the top saw their incomes increase very substantially with the result that, on most measures, overall inequality nudged up slightly.”  (Institute for Fiscal Studies: 2013)
In short, under Blairite policies the rich became richer at the expense of ordinary working families.
The Labour Party came into existence to better the lot of working class families. This goal was written down in Clause 4 of the Labour Party Constitution part of which states:
“To secure for the workers by hand or by brain the full fruits of their industry and the most equitable distribution thereof that may be possible upon the basis of the common ownership of the means of production..."
Implicit in the notion of “common ownership” is the equal distribution of the wealth generated by those commonly owned industries. This was one of the binding principles of the Labour Party up until 1995 when Tony Blaire tore up this socialist, egalitarian ideal and replaced it with a bland statement that amounted to little more than a wish list but no clear indication how those wishes were to be achieved. Gone was the commitment to secure for workers just wages, gone was the commitment to nationalization, and gone was the Labour Party's commitment to socialism.
Twelve years after leaving office, Margaret Thatcher was asked what she considered to be her greatest achievement and is famously reported to have replied: "Tony Blaire and New Labour". What she meant by this is that Tony Blaire had abandoned Labours historical commitment to socialism and greater economic equality, and had instead adopted her philosophy of minimum state protection for workers, the pursuit of corporate profit at any cost, the deregulation of the financial industry and the privatisation of  public assets.
What resulted was the financial crash of 2008, a massive housing shortage as public bodies were no longer allowed to build houses, the gradual erosion of workers pay while the rich became even richer, and national assets such as water and railways being run for private profit rather than providing a decent public service.
Starmer will pursue the same policies as Blaire because he is an unashamed Blairite: This was Sky news headline on 23/05/23:
“Sir Keir Starmer promises his Labour reform will be like Tony Blair's Clause IV 'on steroids'
So next time you look at our new Prime Minister remember who is the puppet master and who the puppet.
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bhartiy · 3 months
Bhartiya Yuva Cricket Board: Navigating Financial Turmoil
The Bhartiya Yuva Cricket Board, renowned for nurturing young cricketing talent and promoting the sport's growth nationwide, faces a daunting financial crisis. This unforeseen challenge has cast a shadow over its illustrious history and poses significant hurdles for its future endeavors.
Founded with a Vision
Established to unearth and develop the next generation of cricketing stars, the Board has been pivotal in shaping India's cricketing landscape. From organizing grassroots tournaments to providing top-tier coaching facilities, it has fostered a culture of excellence and sportsmanship among young cricketers.
Challenges Faced
Recent years have seen the Board struggle with mounting financial pressures due to mismanagement, extravagant spending, and unstable revenue sources. As debts accumulate, the Board's ability to sustain operations and fulfill commitments has been severely compromised.
Leadership and Stakeholders
Satyam, Chief Financial Officer: Leading financial management efforts with strategic oversight.
Sahil, Head of Talent Development: Spearheading initiatives to nurture promising cricketers.
Pratham, Tournament Director: Ensuring the success and visibility of cricketing events.
Shailendra, Public Relations Officer: Managing communication with stakeholders and media.
Balyan, Infrastructure Manager: Overseeing development and maintenance of facilities.
Impact and Response
The financial turmoil has led to reduced funding for junior programs and risks scaling back national and international tournaments, impacting India's cricket exposure globally. Urgent measures like financial restructuring and enhanced transparency have been proposed to restore fiscal health.
A Path Forward
Despite challenges, the Board remains resilient with support from administrators, sponsors, and cricket enthusiasts. This pivotal moment calls for unity, innovation, and commitment to cricket's core values—integrity, teamwork, and excellence.
Join Us in Rebuilding
For more information and updates, reach out directly via email at [Bhartiya Yuva Cricket Board Email Address].
#BhartiyaYuvaCricketBoard #CricketDevelopment #FinancialCrisis #Sportsmanship #YouthCricket #TalentDevelopment #IndianCricket
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bwhitex · 8 months
After Declaring State of Emergency for an Invasion
In the wake of Texas declaring a state of emergency due to what is deemed an invasion at the border, Republicans must double down on a message of resolute action and sovereignty protection. This declaration is not a mere political maneuver but a recognition of the untenable situation at the borders, signaling a crisis that demands immediate and forceful response. A state of emergency allows for the mobilization of resources and powers that are otherwise dormant, underscoring the gravity of the situation. Republicans should insist on utilizing every tool available, including deploying the military if necessary, to secure the border and repel the crisis. This declaration should be accompanied by a demand for Congress to act, to provide the necessary support and legislation to address the root causes and effects of the emergency. It is imperative that Republicans frame this as a defense of the nation, not as an issue of partisanship, but as a fundamental responsibility of the government. The party must also prepare for the inevitable legal battles, standing ready to defend the actions taken under the state of emergency. The narrative must remain clear: this is about protecting the citizens, upholding the law, and ensuring the integrity of the nation's borders.
Physical Barriers
To staunchly defend national security, Republicans must insist on the expansion and fortification of physical barriers along the southern border. This unyielding bulwark would serve as a tangible deterrent to illegal crossings, a symbol of sovereign enforcement, and a foundation for comprehensive border security. Every mile of wall constructed is a statement of our resolve to uphold immigration laws. Enhanced barriers would also alleviate the pressures on border patrol agents, streamlining their patrol operations. The construction of such barriers must be coupled with advanced surveillance technology to ensure an impermeable defense. Physical barriers manifest a nation's commitment to demarcating its boundaries and controlling its points of entry. Republicans should champion this initiative as a cornerstone of domestic safety, rebuking any narrative that suggests walls are relics of a bygone era. The message is clear: robust borders are a prerequisite to a secure nation.
National Guard Deployment
The Republican clarion call must be for a robust deployment of the National Guard to the border, a move that signals unwavering commitment to law and order. This military presence is crucial in fortifying the border, providing a formidable force to support overwhelmed border agents. The Guard's presence is not merely symbolic; it is a functional augmentation of manpower and resources. National Guard units bring expertise, equipment, and surveillance capabilities that are vital for operational success. By deploying the Guard, Republicans assert that border security is of paramount importance, deserving of a military-grade response. This action would also send a clear deterrent message to would-be illegal entrants. The National Guard's involvement in border security operations should be lauded as a strategic use of state resources. Republicans should be unwavering in their stance that the safety of the nation's borders warrants the deployment of these troops.
State-Level Actions
Republicans should ardently advocate for state-level initiatives to safeguard borders, championing states' rights as a bulwark against federal overreach. States must assert their autonomy in the face of what they perceive as federal inaction or mismanagement of border security. By taking the helm, states can implement tailored strategies that address their unique border challenges. State-level enforcement can fill gaps left by federal policies, ensuring no lapse in security due to bureaucratic red tape. Republicans must encourage states to utilize their law enforcement agencies in a show of self-reliance and determination. Fiscal support for these state initiatives should be seen as a wise investment in national sovereignty. The Republican stance should be unwavering in its support for states taking proactive steps to defend their communities. States are not mere provinces of the federal government but sovereign entities with the inherent right to protect their citizens.
Legal Challenges
The Republican Party should pursue aggressive legal challenges against any federal actions that undermine effective border security. These challenges affirm the balance of power and underscore the necessity of upholding the rule of law. Litigation becomes a key battleground for states to resist federal encroachment and to maintain their authority on immigration enforcement. Republicans must frame these legal actions as a defense of constitutional order and state sovereignty. Courts are a pivotal arena for contesting policies that endanger public safety and national integrity. By initiating legal proceedings, Republicans demonstrate a commitment to both procedural justice and substantive border security outcomes. Aggressive legal challenges are also a means to galvanize public opinion and to hold officials accountable. The Republican narrative should be that legal recourse is not obstructionist but a fundamental aspect of their stewardship of the nation.
Policy Changes
Republicans must champion sweeping policy changes to strengthen immigration controls and enforce laws with unwavering vigor. Revising asylum procedures to close exploitable loopholes is essential for maintaining integrity within the immigration system. Rigorous enforcement of visa overstays and swift deportation of criminal aliens should be non-negotiable tenets of Republican policy. Employment verification systems like E-Verify should be mandated nationwide to disincentivize illegal immigration. Republicans should push for an end to sanctuary city policies that obstruct cooperation with federal immigration authorities. Policy changes should also aim at streamlining legal immigration to favor skills and merit, ensuring that newcomers contribute positively to society. Aid to foreign countries should be contingent upon their cooperation in stemming the flow of migrants. The Republican message must be clear: immigration policy must prioritize the safety and well-being of American citizens first and foremost.
Increased Border Patrol Funding
It’s vitals that Republican Party unify and demand there be unequivocal but substantial increase funding for the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Enhanced funding is critical to ensure that CBP has the personnel, technology, and infrastructure necessary to secure our borders. Investing in CBP's capabilities is investing in the nation's security and should be portrayed as such. Border agents require the latest technology for surveillance, detection, and rapid response to incursions. The Republicans' vision is a border security apparatus that is modern, efficient, and impenetrable. Enhanced funding also allows for better care and processing of migrants, which aligns with humanitarian values while upholding the law. Republicans should assert that funding border security is a non-partisan issue of national interest. It's a clarion call to prioritize the safety and# Increased Border Patrol Funding:
Republicans should assertively advocate for a significant increase in funding for U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to ensure our borders are not just monitored but sealed against illegal entry. Amplifying the CBP's budget is crucial for recruiting additional agents, enhancing their training, and ensuring they're equipped with cutting-edge technology. Adequate funding would also facilitate the construction of advanced infrastructure to bolster the physical barriers at the border. High-tech surveillance systems, such as drones and sensors, should be deployed extensively to create a virtual fortress that complements the physical walls. Republicans should frame the bolstering of CBP resources as a non-negotiable aspect of national defense. Enhanced funding for CBP is not merely an expenditure but an investment in the economic and social stability of the nation. By standing firm on this issue, Republicans can assert their position as the party of law, order, and national sovereignty.
Interagency Cooperation
The Republican platform must emphasize the paramount importance of interagency cooperation in securing the nation's borders. This cooperation is essential for sharing intelligence, streamlining operations, and formulating strategic responses to threats. Federal, state, and local agencies; including Homeland Security, CBP, ICE, and local law enforcement; must work in lockstep to enforce immigration laws effectively. Republicans should advocate for joint task forces and shared resources to maximize the impact of border security operations. Interagency collaboration should also extend to the international arena, working with neighboring countries to address cross-border crime and illegal immigration. Republicans should assert that only through a united front can the U.S. tackle the complex challenges of border security. This commitment to partnership is critical for a cohesive national defense and should be touted as a hallmark of Republican strategy.
International Diplomacy
Governor Kristi Noem (2024), stated herself that Biden administration's policies, particularly in regards to immigration and border security, is a radical departure from traditional American values and governance, labeling it as a socialist-communist agenda that has taken over the Democratic Party.
That was more than apparent, actually Democrats are behaving like international socialists specifically as evidenced by the “sanctuary city” policies The reported increase in illegal border crossings from the previous year to 2.4 million in the 2023 fiscal year is presented as a crisis by Noem and other Republican leaders.
There is The tension between the state of Texas and the federal government escalated into legal confrontations, especially after the Texas National Guard restricted access to certain areas, which was counteracted by federal legal action.
This is evidenced by the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to allow the federal government to remove Texas-installed barriers was met with resistance from Texas and support from Noem and other Republican governors, indicating a broader political and ideological conflict.
Republicans must underscore the crucial role of international diplomacy in resolving the border crisis. Engaging with Mexico and Central American nations is key to addressing the root causes that propel migrants to journey northward. International agreements should be pursued to bolster the border security of neighboring nations, thereby reducing the pressure on the U.S. border. Republicans should support foreign aid that is conditional on the recipient countries taking measurable steps to curb illegal immigration. The party's stance should be that diplomacy is not appeasement but a strategic tool to achieve American security objectives. Initiatives like the Merida Initiative and the Alliance for Prosperity should be re-evaluated and reinvigorated as part of a comprehensive border security strategy. Republicans should assert that a secure America begins abroad and that proactive international engagement is essential for homeland security.
Immigration Reform
No, I’m not I talking about this subversive act Democrats are trying pass today. That actually capped how many illegals the president can legally have in the country before there can be any national emergency. Republicans should fervently advocate for comprehensive immigration reform as a pillar of national security. This reform should prioritize the establishment of a merit-based immigration system that values skills and economic contributions. Chain migration and visa lotteries should be replaced with policies that serve the national interest and the economy. Republicans must demand the enforcement of E-Verify for all employers to prevent the employment of undocumented workers. The party should also call for an end to sanctuary policies that impede federal immigration enforcement. Reform should include the expedited removal of criminal aliens and the reinforcement of penalties for illegal re-entry. Republicans should highlight that immigration reform is about upholding the rule of law and ensuring fairness for legal immigrants. The GOP's message should be that robust immigration reform is not only about control but about maintaining the fabric of American society.
In sum, Republicans should assertively articulate a doctrine of ironclad border security, emphasizing the non-negotiable necessity of physical barriers, the strategic deployment of the National Guard, and the empowerment of state-level actions. They should aggressively pursue legal challenges to any federal overreach and champion policy changes that reinforce the integrity of immigration laws. Substantial investment in border patrol funding and unwavering support for interagency cooperation are imperative. Republicans must also harness the power of international diplomacy to address the crisis at its source and insist on immigration reform that prioritizes America's economic and security interests. This comprehensive approach is the cornerstone of Republican doctrine, reflecting an unyielding commitment to national sovereignty, the rule of law, and the safety and prosperity of American citizens.
Pan, A. (2024, February 7). Kristi Noem: "Somebody's Running The White House. I Don't Believe It's Joe Biden". ZeroHedge. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/kristi-noem-somebodys-running-white-house-i-dont-believe-its-joe-biden
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firewoodfigs · 1 year
in a moment on the front porch late one June / in a breath inside a whisper beneath the moon
This time of the year is always transiently depressing. Taxes and bills and rent; insurance and the obligatory "allowances". Belated birthday celebrations, which really are just contrived spaces for words unsaid to dangle on a single, obdurate thread and stay unspoken. It's around this time of the year that I feel most like a parent, born to two children; anger and resentment threatening to eat me whole and leave, in its wake, no trail of kindness. Just brute crumbs of a callous heart. And though I've tried to convince myself that all this is due to no fault of mine (but rather decades' worth of fiscal mismanagement and folly on the part of two adults who should've, but couldn't know better), there is still an irrepressible part of me that yields to guilt and shame.
It pains me to keep trudging on like this. To look back on the forks in our roads and have anguish slice through each time like a knife. Sometimes, I worry that when the time comes, I won't know how to grieve for someone who's caused me so much grief. That words will elide me in your elegy. That the only thing I'll feel is relief. From being set free. From having my wings finally unclipped. From having the chip on my shoulder, the thorn in my flesh all dissolve (albeit into something miscible, like a gene, for you will always be a part of me). Would I grieve out of duty, just like everything else I've done, and everything you failed to do? Or was this entire call of duty simply farcical and false? Something I've been conditioned to believe from birth?
Or maybe my grief has reached its limit. Maybe my tears have been spent, like your absent savings and even more absent presence, and there will be none left to shed. Yet how can I possibly build grief a ceiling, when so much of it is but love misplaced? Instead, I write and write and write, until the days slip by. I watch my sorrow crystallise. Occasionally, you try to chip away, but these days I'm less brittle heart and more hardened rock.
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orangekingfisher · 1 year
Silvio Berlusconi wikipedia 1
he is a governmentting guy. loves to govern every day. very rich and loves government. his signature looks like if i went to an italian restaurant and looked at the header of the menu HIS SIGNATURE LOOKS ITALIAN HUH
Silvio Berlusconi wikipedia 1
he is a governmentting guy. loves to govern every day. very rich and loves government. his signature looks like if i went to an italian restaurant and looked at the header of the menu HIS SIGNATURE LOOKS ITALIAN HUH
Silvio Berlusconi wikipedia 1
he is a governmentting guy. loves to govern every day. very rich and loves government. his signature looks like if i went to an italian restaurant and looked at the header of the menu HIS SIGNATURE LOOKS ITALIAN HUH
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^ funny
"In his long tenure, he was often accused of being an authoritarian leader and a strongman. Berlusconi still remains a controversial figure who divides public opinion and political analysts. Supporters emphasize his leadership skills and charismatic power, his fiscal policy based on tax reduction, and his ability to maintain strong and close foreign relations with both the United States and Russia. In general, critics address his performance as a politician and the ethics of his government practices in relation to his business holdings. Issues with the former include accusations of having mismanaged the state budget and of increasing the Italian government debt. The second criticism concerns his vigorous pursuit of his personal interests while in office, including benefiting from his own companies' growth due to policies promoted by his governments, having vast conflicts of interest due to ownership of a media empire, with which he has restricted freedom of information, and being blackmailed as leader because of his turbulent private life."
PROS: leader, charismatic, low taxes (wonder how he did that), good foreign relations
CONS: authoritarian, unethical, mismanaged budget and high debt, unethical. and also unethical. and unethical again.
ofc he's a firstborn :/ he just has that vibe
"occasionally performed as a cruise ship crooner." tf why is that a word too similar to coomer i don't approve.
"Crooner is a term used to describe primarily male singers who performed using a smooth style made possible by better microphones which picked up quieter sounds and a wider range of frequencies, allowing the singer to access a more dynamic range and perform in a more intimate manner."
ok so frank sinatra 👌 he was your prime minister and didn't sing any songs for you? sad.
"One of his best men was Bettino Craxi, a former prime minister and leader of the Italian Socialist Party." Huh. Okay. Sure. Cool. Yeah. Normal.
had to pay 48 million a year for his divorce. skill issue tbh 💀💀💀💀🔥🔥🔥🔥
"In April 2017, Berlusconi appeared in a video promoting a vegetarian Easter campaign. He was shown cuddling lambs he had adopted to save from slaughtering for the traditional Easter Sunday feast; he did not confirm or deny whether he himself is a vegetarian."
Ultimate unsolved mystery does he choke on meat or no 🤔🤔🤔🤔
wait slaughtering lambs for easter is a thing? i would not know. but muslims do that in eid and i look forward to it every year. eid is actually in two weeks. i wrote a few more sentences about this and realised im going on a tangent oops
and now you know why we want him dead <3
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xnewsinfo · 3 days
Argentina's President Javier Milei addresses Congress as he presents the 2025 finances in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sunday, Sept. 15, 2024. | Picture credit score: AP Argentina's libertarian President Javier Milei introduced his 2025 finances to Congress on Sunday night time, outlining coverage priorities that mirrored his key pledge to finish the nation's persistent fiscal deficit and marked a brand new part of confrontation with lawmakers.In an unprecedented transfer, Mr. Milei personally introduced the finances to Congress as an alternative of his finance minister, criticizing Argentina's file of macroeconomic mismanagement and vowing to veto something that compromised his hard-won fiscal coverage efforts.The president’s finances proposal got here after every week of political wrangling within the legislature — the place Milei controls lower than 15% of seats — over spending will increase that the federal government warns would derail its IMF-backed “zero deficit” finances. Opposition events have sought to cross legal guidelines to lift wages and pensions consistent with inflation to assist hard-hit Argentines address brutal austerity.“The cornerstone of this finances is the primary reality of macroeconomics, a reality that has been uncared for for a few years in Argentina: that of zero deficit,” Milei instructed lawmakers, in entrance of a handful of empty seats, as a lot of the hardline opposition Peronist bloc, Union for the Fatherland, didn't attend his speech. “Managing means cleansing up the steadiness sheet, deactivating the debt bomb we inherited.”Milei's supporters interrupted his speech - stuffed with his standard libertarian arguments - with shouts and cheers.Approval of the ultimate finances might be within the fingers of Congress, which is dominated by the opposition and controls the federal government's cash. Milei's political isolation complicates issues and results in weeks of negotiations with political rivals who insist on making concessions.However Mr Milei promised that nothing would cease him from urgent forward with austerity.A matter of ideas“The finances is a declaration of ideas,” stated Argentine economist Agustín Almada. “Even when there isn't any dedication from the opposition, Milei will proceed to push for this fiscal contraction.” If the veto fails to cease highly effective lawmakers from spending, Milei promised to seek out different methods to cut back public spending."We are going to solely talk about elevated spending when it's accompanied by an evidence of what we'll reduce to compensate for it," Milei stated.Over the past 9 months of Milei's mandate, drastic cuts in public spending (which he says are needed to revive market confidence in a rustic devastated by one of many highest annual inflation charges on the earth) have amassed a fiscal surplus (0.4% of gross home product), one thing by no means seen in virtually twenty years.Austerity has additionally brought on deep financial struggling in Argentina, the place practically 60% of Argentines now reside in poverty, up from 44% in December, based on the Catholic College. Milei has largely balanced the finances by chopping monetary transfers to provinces, eliminating power and transport subsidies and preserving wages and pensions secure regardless of inflation.Milei warned that his fiscal shock remedy wouldn't be simple, however his administration is betting that the worst is over. Though annual inflation is hovering round 237%, Milei has retained standard assist by working to maintain a lid on month-to-month inflation, which has fallen to 4% from its peak of 26% final December, when he took workplace.In an upbeat finances assertion on Sunday, the Finance Ministry stated it anticipated Milei’s proposal to end in an annual inflation charge of simply 18% by the tip of 2025 and generate an financial development charge of 5%. Argentina’s financial system contracted by greater than 3% within the first half of 2024.However a lot of Mr. Milei's future is dependent upon Congress. Printed - September 17, 2024 08:19 am IST
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newstfionline · 3 days
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Justin Trudeau’s Party Has a Popularity Problem: Justin Trudeau (NYT) Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party should be a shoo-in for a parliamentary seat at the southern point of the island of Montreal. The district has been a stronghold for his party for more than half a century. It was home to another Liberal prime minister a generation ago. The base for a former Liberal justice minister. An easy drive to Mr. Trudeau’s own redoubt in the city. And yet, days before a special election on Monday to choose the district’s member of Canada’s Parliament, polls show a tight three-way contest. For many lifelong Liberals, the problem is clear: It is Mr. Trudeau himself. “I am a Liberal supporter, but it’s almost like enough is enough,” Michael Altimas, 79, a retired city bus driver, said during a walk on a sunny day along the district’s long pedestrian commercial street. “For the most part, he’s been a good prime minister. “But he’s had nine years,” Mr. Altimas added, “and people are hearing often enough that he messed up, and they don’t want to support him anymore.” His own Liberal Party members are increasingly calling for him to step aside, worried that the party risks a drubbing in the next general election under the deeply unpopular leader.
Political violence becomes America's new norm—but is still shocking (BBC) After decades without political violence directed at a presidential candidate from one of the major parties, the US has now experienced this twice in the space of two months—with former president Donald Trump the target on both occasions. Americans have had to adjust to “new normals” in politics—large and small—on a seemingly regular basis in the past few years. The national discourse has coarsened, partisan divisions have sharpened and become more entrenched, and the standards for candidate behaviour have eroded. Given the national epidemic of gun violence, these kind of attacks are perhaps another, inevitable new normal. But for now, it is still shocking.
Over 30 killed in Mexico after cartel leaders arrested in U.S. (CBS News) Eleven more people have been killed in a wave of violence in a Mexican cartel heartland shaken by gang infighting, authorities said Sunday. More than 30 people have been reported dead in a week of bloodshed in Sinaloa. The clashes follow the dramatic arrest on U.S. soil on July 25 of Sinaloa Cartel co-founder Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada, who claimed he had been kidnapped in Mexico and delivered into US custody against his will. Zambada, 76, was detained along with Joaquin Guzman Lopez, a son of El Chapo. The violence is believed to pit gang members loyal to El Chapo and his sons against others aligned with Zambada. Schools were closed Thursday and Friday due to the violence and the governor said Sunday's Independence Day festivities had been canceled. The United States on Thursday issued a security alert because of "reports of car thefts, gunfire, security forces operations, roadblocks, burning vehicles and closed roadways" in the vicinity of Culiacan.
Argentina’s President Milei presents 2025 budget, vowing austerity and setting up a showdown (AP) President Javier Milei of Argentina presented the 2025 budget to Congress late Sunday, outlining policy priorities that reflected his key pledge to kill the country’s chronic fiscal deficit and signaled a new phase of confrontation with lawmakers. In an unprecedented move, Milei personally pitched the budget to Congress instead of his economy minister, lambasting Argentina’s history of macroeconomic mismanagement and promising to veto anything that compromised his tough slog of tight fiscal policy. The president’s budget proposal followed a week of political clashes in the legislature—where Milei controls less than 15% of the seats—over spending increases that the administration warns would derail its IMF-backed “zero deficit” budget. Opposition parties have sought to pass laws to raise salaries and pensions with inflation to help hard-hit Argentines cope with brutal austerity. It will fall to the opposition-dominated Congress, which controls the government’s purse strings, to approve the final budget. Milei’s political isolation makes matters fraught, setting up weeks of negotiations with political rivals who insist on concessions.
Italian army will guard a hospital after attacks on medical workers (AP) Italy’s army will guard medical staff at a hospital in the southern Calabria region starting Monday, after a string of violent attacks on doctors and nurses by enraged patients and relatives across Italy, local media reported. Recent attacks on health care workers have been particularly frequent in southern Italy, prompting the doctors’ national guild to request that the army be deployed to ensure medical staff safety. The turning point was an assault at the Policlinico hospital in the southern city of Foggia in early September. A group of about 50 relatives and friends of a 23-year-old woman—who died during emergency surgery—turned their grief and rage into violence, attacking the hospital staff. Video footage, widely circulated on social media, showed doctors and nurses barricading in a room to escape the attack. With over 16,000 reported cases of physical and verbal assaults nationwide in 2023 alone, Italian doctors and nurses have called for drastic measures.
‘A Catastrophe of Epic Proportions’ (Foreign Policy) In Central and Eastern Europe, heavy rainfall from Storm Boris has forced hundreds of thousands of people to evacuate their homes in what Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala has called a “once-in-a-century flood.” The storm made landfall last Thursday; extensive flooding has cut electricity across the region, destroyed key infrastructure, and killed at least 16 people, with more still unaccounted for. “This is a catastrophe of epic proportions,” said Emil Dragomir, the mayor of Romania’s Slobozia Conachi village. Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk convened an emergency cabinet meeting on Monday to announce a 30-day state of natural disaster across several affected areas. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban canceled all international engagements to focus on the storm. And Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer said 2,400 soldiers were ready to offer relief support, including 1,000 troops for Lower Austria province, which has been declared a disaster area. Authorities expected the rain to ease on Monday, but several European cities are preparing for more flooding as water levels in local rivers continue to rise.
Germany begins conducting checks at all its land borders (AP) Germany on Monday began random checks at its borders with five Western European nations as it seeks to crack down on irregular migration, expanding a system of controls that are already in place at four other borders. The police controls began at the borders with France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Denmark on Monday morning and are due to continue for six months. Germany has already been carrying out the checks at its borders with Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria and Switzerland since last year. Germany, a European Union member, announced last week that it was expanding border checks to all nine of its land borders this week as part of an effort to crack down on irregular migration and crime following recent extremist attacks.
Typhoon floods roads with water and broken tree branches in Shanghai (AP) The strongest typhoon to hit Shanghai since at least 1949 flooded roads with water and broken tree branches, knocked out power to some homes and injured at least one person as it swept over the financial hub Monday. More than 414,000 people had been evacuated ahead of the powerful winds and torrential rain. Schools were closed and people were advised to stay indoors. Typhoon Bebinca made landfall around 7:30 a.m. in the sprawling Pudong business district with winds of 151 kph (94 mph) near its center. Torrential rains flooded roads in the district, according to images broadcast by state media. Elsewhere in Shanghai, uprooted trees and fallen branches blanketed some roads and sidewalks. As the typhoon eased, responders cleared branches and other objects blown around by the storm.
An American pastor held in a Chinese jail for nearly two decades is finally home (CNN) A pastor who the United States says was wrongfully detained in a Chinese prison for nearly two decades has been released, according to the State Department, ending a case that the Biden administration said was a top priority in efforts to stabilize relations with Beijing. David Lin, 68, was detained in China in 2006 after helping to construct an unapproved church building. He was later sentenced to life in prison for contract fraud, a charge he denied. Lin was one of three Americans deemed by the US State Department to have been wrongfully detained in China. Businessmen Kai Li and Mark Swidan are still held behind bars, on espionage and drug-related charges respectively. Lin visited China frequently in the 1990s and started to preach the Gospel there in 1999, according to ChinaAid, a US-based non-profit Christian human rights organization. He was detained in 2006 for helping an underground “house church” build a place of worship and barred from leaving the country, according to ChinaAid. Lin regarded his incarceration as an opportunity to share his faith with fellow prisoners and established a prayer meeting group, according to ChinaAid. In 2009, Lin was jailed for life for contract fraud, a crime frequently used against house church leaders who raise funds to support their work, according to the Dui Hua Foundation, a San Francisco-based human-rights group which advocates on behalf of detainees in China.
Hunger still stalks Gaza (Washington Post) The humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip remains catastrophic. Hunger and disease stalk the embattled territory, which has been devastated over 11 months of war. Israel continues to carry out strikes on alleged militant Hamas targets in supposed safe zones, invariably killing civilians caught in the crossfire. And relief organizations trying to help alleviate a desperate situation are still lamenting impediments to aid distribution, and security risks to their workers posed by Israeli troops and a morass of gangs that have emerged out of Gaza’s ruin. Last week, a report by Refugees International, a humanitarian advocacy organization, corroborated evidence of “a severe hunger crisis” in the territory and linked it to the actions of Israeli authorities. It found that the “ebbs and flows in hunger conditions are closely linked to Israeli government restrictions and concessions on aid access, and to the conduct of the Israeli military,” the report’s executive summary noted.
‘Water Is Coming.’ Floods Devastate West and Central Africa (NYT) Aishatu Bunu, an elementary schoolteacher in Maiduguri, a city in Nigeria’s northeast, woke up at 5 a.m. to the sound of her neighbors shouting. When she opened her front door, she was greeted by the sight of rising waters outside. “We saw—water is coming,” Ms. Bunu said. In a panic, she and her three young children grabbed some clothes and her educational certificates and fled their home into waters that quickly became chest high, eventually finding temporary shelter at a gas station. Flooding caused by the rain has devastated cities and towns across west and central Africa in recent days, leaving more than 1,000 people dead and hundreds of thousands of homes destroyed. Up to four million people have been affected by the floods and nearly one million forced to flee their homes, according to humanitarian agencies.
Amazon Wants Your Palm and TSA Wants Your Face (WSJ) I don’t need to bring my wallet or phone when I shop at Whole Foods anymore. I can pay with my palm instead. All I had to do was sign into the Amazon One app, give Amazon permission to use my body’s unique data—aka biometrics—and take a photo of each of my palms. Amazon used those photos to generate a number-based representation called a “palm signature” in its cloud, then deleted the images, the company says. After I chose a credit card to link to my palm, I visited my nearby Whole Foods. I hovered my hand over a palm sensor at checkout and walked out with a box of chocolate-chip protein bars. More companies and government agencies out in the wild want to read our body parts. The Transportation Security Administration, for example, started scanning passengers’ faces instead of checking IDs. These groups say the biometric processes are meant to eliminate friction, save time and reduce lines. The convenience and efficiency of biometric systems mean that you will likely see this sort of thing in more places.
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unpluggedfinancial · 7 days
The Historical Downfall of Fiat Currencies and How Bitcoin Provides the Answer
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Fiat currencies have dominated the global economy for over a century. However, history repeatedly shows us that fiat money, detached from any tangible asset like gold, carries inherent flaws that have led to catastrophic failures time and again. Today, as governments around the world continue to print money without restraint, we must revisit the lessons of the past and consider how Bitcoin provides a solution to these long-standing issues.
The Origins of Fiat Currency: A Fragile System
Fiat currency emerged as a convenient alternative to gold-backed money, allowing governments more flexibility in managing their economies. The United States officially abandoned the gold standard in 1971, signaling the beginning of modern fiat currency as we know it. Without a hard asset like gold backing the currency, governments gained the ability to print money at will, but this power has proven to be a double-edged sword.
While fiat currencies offered short-term economic relief in times of crisis, they also paved the way for rampant inflation, social unrest, and economic collapse when mismanaged. History is littered with examples of fiat currency failures that devastated entire nations.
Historical Case Studies of Hyperinflation
1. Weimar Germany (1921–1923)
After World War I, Germany was left crippled by war reparations and a broken economy. To meet these financial obligations, the government printed money, causing the value of the German mark to plummet. By 1923, hyperinflation had reached unimaginable levels—prices doubled every few days, and basic goods like bread cost billions of marks. People resorted to wheelbarrows full of money just to buy essentials.
The result? The collapse of the German economy and a loss of faith in the government, which set the stage for extreme political movements and social unrest. This case is a stark reminder of how unchecked money printing can destroy a nation's currency and lead to dire social consequences.
2. Zimbabwe (2000s)
Zimbabwe, once a prosperous agricultural nation, experienced one of the worst hyperinflations in history. In the early 2000s, government seizure of white-owned farms destroyed agricultural productivity, and the government resorted to printing money to cover its deficits. The results were catastrophic: by 2008, inflation reached an absurd 89.7 sextillion percent. The Zimbabwean dollar became worthless, and the country was forced to abandon it in favor of the U.S. dollar.
This case shows how reckless monetary policy and the overreliance on fiat currency printing can decimate an economy, forcing citizens into poverty and destabilizing the country.
3. Venezuela (2010s)
Venezuela is a modern-day example of fiat currency collapse. Mismanagement of oil revenues and poor economic policies led the government to print vast amounts of bolivars to cover its growing debt. The result? Hyperinflation of over 1,000,000% in 2018. Citizens saw their life savings evaporate as the currency became worthless. Many turned to Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as a store of value, using them to escape the destructive cycle of inflation.
Venezuela illustrates how a modern, seemingly wealthy nation can quickly spiral into chaos through reckless monetary policy, and how Bitcoin can provide a lifeline for those suffering the consequences.
Failed Solutions to Fiat Currency Problems
Over the years, several attempts have been made to address the issues inherent in fiat currencies, but they often fall short.
Currency Boards
A currency board is a monetary authority that pegs a country's currency to a stable foreign currency, like the U.S. dollar. Argentina implemented a currency board in the 1990s to curb inflation, tying its peso to the U.S. dollar. While this initially stabilized the economy, it collapsed in 2001 when Argentina couldn't maintain the peg due to fiscal mismanagement and massive debt. The fixed exchange rate removed the country's flexibility to deal with economic shocks, leading to a severe economic crisis.
Countries like Ecuador and El Salvador have adopted the U.S. dollar as their national currency to stabilize their economies. While dollarization may offer short-term stability, it deprives these nations of control over their monetary policy, making them vulnerable to external factors and reliant on the U.S. Federal Reserve's decisions. However, El Salvador took a groundbreaking step by becoming the first country to make Bitcoin legal tender, providing an alternative to traditional dollarization. While this move aims to restore some financial sovereignty, dollarization still leaves countries ill-equipped to fully respond to local economic challenges, making it more of a temporary patch than a lasting solution.
Why These Solutions Fail
These attempts—whether currency boards or dollarization—are temporary fixes that fail to address the core issues: reckless fiscal policies, corruption, and the absence of long-term stability. They simply shift control from one system to another without providing a sustainable solution.
The Social and Political Fallout of Fiat Currency Failures
The collapse of a fiat currency isn't just an economic disaster—it’s a social and political one as well.
Social Unrest
When a currency collapses, it erodes the very foundation of a society. People lose faith not only in their currency but also in their government. This often leads to widespread protests, social unrest, and, in extreme cases, revolution. Weimar Germany’s collapse laid the groundwork for the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party, as people desperately sought stability in any form.
In Venezuela, hyperinflation forced millions to flee the country, resulting in one of the largest refugee crises in modern history. The social consequences of fiat currency collapse are profound and often irreversible.
Erosion of Trust
When governments abuse their ability to print money, it shatters the trust that citizens have in their leaders. Fiat currency failure exposes the fragility of a political system that relies on economic stability to maintain control. This erosion of trust can lead to authoritarianism, as citizens look for strong leaders to restore order—often at the cost of democratic values.
Fiat currency failures disproportionately harm the poor and middle class, who often lack access to hard assets like gold or real estate to protect their wealth. As the currency devalues, their savings and purchasing power evaporate, while the wealthy, who have the means to move assets abroad or into stable currencies, are better insulated from the impact.
How Bitcoin Addresses These Core Issues
Bitcoin offers a solution that directly tackles the problems inherent in fiat currency systems. Here’s how:
Fixed Supply
Bitcoin’s fixed supply of 21 million coins ensures that no government or central authority can inflate the currency. Unlike fiat currencies, Bitcoin cannot be devalued by reckless monetary policy, making it a powerful hedge against inflation.
Bitcoin operates on a decentralized network, meaning no single government or entity controls it. This prevents the kind of centralized mismanagement that leads to hyperinflation and currency collapse. It’s a system that thrives on transparency and trust in code rather than in corruptible human institutions.
Global Accessibility
Bitcoin provides financial access to anyone with an internet connection, offering a lifeline to those living in countries with unstable fiat currencies. In places like Venezuela, citizens have already turned to Bitcoin to preserve their wealth and protect themselves from the destructive forces of hyperinflation.
Trustless System
Bitcoin’s blockchain technology allows for transparent and secure transactions without relying on third parties, such as banks or governments. This trustless system empowers individuals to take control of their financial futures, restoring autonomy and security in an increasingly unstable world.
Conclusion: A Solution for the Future
The failures of fiat currency are well-documented and consistent throughout history. Whether it's Weimar Germany, Zimbabwe, or Venezuela, the result is always the same: social and economic collapse. But we now have a solution in Bitcoin—a decentralized, finite, and global currency that offers a hedge against the systemic flaws of fiat money.
As we face an era of unprecedented money printing and growing economic uncertainty, the lessons of history are more relevant than ever. Bitcoin represents a new paradigm for financial stability, one that addresses the failures of fiat and offers a hopeful future for individuals seeking financial sovereignty.
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dan6085 · 14 days
### Reagan's Presidency and the Philosophy of Limited Government: A Study of Government Control and Centralized Solutions
Ronald Reagan’s presidency, spanning from 1981 to 1989, is often remembered for its conservative policies, a strong stance against communism, and its central philosophy: that "government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem." Reagan’s administration pursued economic policies that emphasized deregulation, tax cuts, and reducing the size of government, all under the broader umbrella of what became known as **Reaganomics**. His belief was that individual initiative, free markets, and reduced government intervention were essential to restoring the American economy and safeguarding personal freedoms.
However, despite his consistent advocacy for limited government, there is an interesting paradox in some of Reagan’s policies and proposals. While pushing for smaller government, his administration also grappled with the challenges of centralized control and oversight in certain aspects of governance. This essay explores how Reagan's presidency tackled these issues and studies the concept of a centralized comptroller as a potential solution for governmental challenges, despite its contradictions with Reagan’s advocacy for limited federal power.
### Reagan’s Vision of Limited Government
Reagan’s philosophical core rested on the notion that excessive government intervention stifles economic growth, discourages innovation, and erodes individual freedom. His policies were built around several key tenets:
1. **Deregulation**: Reagan worked to reduce government regulations in industries such as banking, telecommunications, and transportation. This, he believed, would encourage competition, reduce costs, and stimulate economic growth.
2. **Tax Cuts**: The 1981 **Economic Recovery Tax Act** drastically reduced income taxes for individuals and businesses, with the aim of increasing disposable income and private investment.
3. **Reduction of Government Spending**: While Reagan aimed to reduce government spending, particularly in welfare programs, defense spending increased significantly during his presidency as part of his strategy to combat the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
These policies, collectively known as **Reaganomics**, were grounded in **supply-side economics**, which posited that reducing taxes and government intervention would lead to increased productivity, job creation, and overall economic growth.
### The Contradiction: Centralized Control in Government
Despite his efforts to limit government’s role in the economy and individual lives, Reagan faced the challenge of governing a vast federal system where centralized control remained necessary in certain areas, particularly in ensuring financial oversight and maintaining governmental accountability. This led to considerations of how to best manage and control government efficiency without expanding its reach unnecessarily.
One of the proposed solutions during this period was the idea of a **centralized comptroller** or centralized financial oversight mechanism within the government. The role of such a comptroller would be to ensure fiscal responsibility and transparency in the use of government funds. Although this concept seemed at odds with Reagan’s desire for smaller government, it reflected a broader recognition that some level of central control was needed to maintain accountability, especially in a government as large as that of the United States.
### The Need for a Centralized Comptroller
Throughout his presidency, Reagan encountered significant challenges in ensuring governmental efficiency. The United States federal bureaucracy was vast, and fiscal mismanagement or inefficiency could occur if there was not a mechanism for oversight and accountability. A centralized comptroller, as a proposal, would be responsible for:
1. **Oversight of Federal Spending**: The comptroller would ensure that federal agencies were using funds appropriately and in accordance with the law, preventing waste, fraud, and abuse.
2. **Financial Transparency**: By centralizing financial control, the government could provide better transparency in how taxpayer money was being used. This would build public trust and ensure that the government was acting responsibly.
3. **Budget Control and Monitoring**: The comptroller would work closely with Congress and the President to monitor the federal budget and ensure that spending aligned with national priorities, especially in times of economic stress.
4. **Maintaining Accountability**: The comptroller could act as a watchdog over government activities, ensuring that every department adhered to budgetary restrictions and ethical financial practices.
While these duties were undoubtedly necessary for a functioning government, the idea of creating a centralized authority for financial oversight raised important questions for a presidency defined by a belief in decentralization and reducing government power. Reagan’s philosophy stressed the need for local and state governments to take on more responsibilities, with the federal government playing a limited role. However, the reality of managing a complex bureaucracy often led to contradictions in his approach.
### The Paradox of Centralized Solutions in a Decentralized Government
The proposal for a centralized comptroller during the Reagan administration illustrated the inherent tension between two competing needs: reducing the size of government while ensuring its effective management. While Reagan firmly believed in shrinking the government, fiscal oversight remained a priority. The implementation of centralized control in this respect was not about expanding government’s role in individuals’ lives but ensuring that the existing government functioned as efficiently and responsibly as possible.
Critics of Reagan’s policies might argue that the call for a centralized comptroller contradicted his libertarian-leaning ideals. However, supporters could contend that Reagan’s government was focused not on increasing federal control for its own sake but on making the government work better for the American people.
### Conclusion
Reagan’s presidency is often seen as a hallmark of conservative governance, with a focus on reducing the size of government, empowering the private sector, and encouraging individual liberty. However, as seen in the proposal for a centralized comptroller, his administration also recognized that some level of centralized control was necessary to maintain accountability and efficiency in the federal government.
This paradox underscores the complex realities of governance. While Reagan championed the virtues of a decentralized, limited government, he also faced the challenges of ensuring that the government, in its vastness, could be effectively managed. The idea of a centralized comptroller highlights the balancing act between reducing the government's footprint and ensuring its effective operation— a balance that continues to be a point of contention in modern American politics.
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