ohposhers · 4 months
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i told my friend i'd draw Trollex in solidarity cause they had to draw him-- but hear me out guys so Fishipping AU where JD reads a book on fish and finds out there's a fish called John Dory and then he's like oh fuck am i a fish and then he makes Poppy set up a meeting with him and Trollex so he can discuss it with him shut up
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valsnonsense · 3 months
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dives headfirst into the Trolls fandom with the rarest of rarepairs
I'm sorry but these two have taken over my life. I dunno what it is about these two but I freakin LOVE them so much
Very much @ohposhers design for Trollex cuz thank god someone else hated his design and gave him hair (the Skrillex sweater killed me)
Also it's a personal headcanon of mine that the Techno trolls are HUGE compared to land trolls. I mean they're basically mermen, let them be giant fish people.
So Trollex and JDs height difference is dramatic hdbdhbdbjdiedj. JD is gonna hug the shit outta Poppy later for introducing them
Also what is this ship name called???? I've seen Fishipping as a name???? I dunno lol
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Frost D.va by Matilda Fiship
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teet-feet-two · 7 months
we are besties now. see you in trial
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Yayyyy!!! Yipppee!!!!
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manta-rain-art · 6 months
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Monster Girl Request from @slimewitchmommy for Matilda Fiship's Leech Queen
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simon-newman · 1 year
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Day 332.
Artist - Matilda Fiship
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lemonmother · 1 year
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Some commission work i did a while ago, heavily inspired by Fiship’s art (as was requested by the customer)
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444 names markovgenned from french communes and a bunch of english words
Accideaur Actoriana Aisnes Ajaccident Alenau Ambouillé Ambrary Amiennet Andre Angerature Angles Anglessieux Angoulon Antigne Anting Appes Arges Arlevilles Armeilleury Artroux Asnil Assion Assis Atlanspon Aubers Aubersity Auchesnes Audekerque Aulnau Auvelinet Auxerrival Aveyroni Basteration Bezonshing Biarreusot Billaurette Billes Bloissy Bobignac Bobine Bobinson Bobinspeech Boisson Boisy Borde Bouck Boulogy Boulouse Bourne Bournefeuil Bournon Boyfrie Boyfriennes Brandmothe Brangis Breau Brieste Brity Britz Brival Bréteil Brétignan Brévanne Bussac Béthusica Bézières Cabines Cabinsura Cagne Cagneux Cagnole Calain Cannoissy Cantinis Carcq Carquehalon Carquent Caste Castelnay Casteract Cavais Cavaison Cavallieux Centh Cergne Challier Chambersons Chambouis Chambourg Champortuis Chare Charencon Charenne Charent Charles Charlevatou Charpenting Charpieuc Charthe Chault Chaulty Chavignon Chemistère Chiltighway Chois Châlon Château Châtelnau Cigarence Cigarent Claisons Clama Clermans Climategory Cloude Colognition Comme Communel Computer Cormar Cormeil Cormont Corsançon Corseil Cotenay Coubagny Coudzou Coura Couron Court Courthe Creilline D'Armeil D'Aumône D'Auve D'Hère D'Oiseau Dammar Dammarity Datio Dation Deaux Delieu Delos Dieppes Diffitte Distory Dizieu Dorde Drage Draguidance Dramarket Dramartin Drance Dranche Employmes Eneuvers Ermorenche Evelous Eysin Eysinet Eysing Faction Ferregueux Ferror Finique Fiship Fonthusion Fossession Fourbannes Fourg Frenth Fresport Froni Garence Garent Garonnax Geneville Genevilles Genissière Gennes Germandée Girlfrienne Givorse Goney Goussy Graditime Graditimeil Grafficult Graffitte Gration Grenchel Grignan Gueux Guian Guiano Hagues Haguest Halle Hallon Hautea Hauter Hautereath Havremlin Hazebrou Hearanc Houis Hénis Héraulty Héraulx Impes Indré Insection Insur Inville Istract Istry Isères Jalluire Juraguence Jurancenne Jurangis Koungoulogy Kournon Laffee Laffens Lafficult Laffittenay Lagnolet Lament Lande Lanes Lanneux Lauriting Leadelos Lence Lenger Levatourger Lillefrancy Limes Lormans Lormor Louil Lyonne Mader Maintin Maison Malainvest Malais Malon Malonship Mamont Manosquence Mantière Marcasson Marience Mariennes Marigny Maris Maritoir Marity Maron Marticle Martinge Masse Matou Mauronnest Mayer Meaupréau Meaux Memblay Mesnes Metrolluire Metrou Michy Miramarket Montalet Monthusiasm Montique Montmorenon Montmory Montoissy Montpelle Montreux Morban Morsic Mosellieu Moulogne Mulhous Médarde Mérigu Mézier Napoulins Nazair Neventon Niève Nouville Occiterent Orancepth Orancoubaix Orang Orgener Oriestion Orvaulx Ozoireton Palais Parignole Pariteraulx Passinest Passon Pault Paville Percent Perpie Perre Perreusot Pessieu Pianatio Pianation Piers Plaines Plana Poitimeil Poition Polierrity Polle Pontger Pontmor Posses Possés Priorie Puteach Puter Putes Pérignane Quenaveil Quent Queville Quevillonne Queviève Rambraison Rambéry Ration Remines Republay Republayer Rhing Rilleract Rochel Rochelles Rocquehalon Rolet Romain Roubs Rouve Rouvremlins Saine Saines Sannet Sarcassis Sarres Sartin Sartment Savignan Sceaune Schildhood Schirolle Securille Softwarence Softwaret Soissy Somment Sommenton Sotte Soussac Soussy Spection Staigu Sugges Surang Surent Sureton Synthunel Sèvre Sébasis Tampiègne Tasson Teaux Tenay Tente Tentigu Terre Thion Thones Tonnessin Toule Toulogy Toulonship Toulême Tourcourne Tourgoin Tract Trasses Undersançon Unicategory Unity Univers Valenau Valencient Valener Valength Vales Vannecy Vanneuvers Vannion Vauch Vault Vendation Vendé Versancours Verson Vertunive Vignac Vigny Villes Villierre Villon Vince Vitrou Véliarde Vélimaris Wasque Wasquency Wattression Writois Yerre Yvelivet Yvelle Épint Épinte Épintit Étampagne Étampiègne
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444names · 5 months
Names generated from kitchen utensils and common snake names
Andadder Apeebisk Apeel Apermsnake Apper Asideratth Asnake Assnake Astcutter Astersnake Asuntater Balder Bamboa Bamisknife Bashake Birdoutch Biscopher Bishviper Bisknife Bissorin Blacher Black Blacup Blamba Blamell Blandper Blangnel Blassorf Bleafviper Bledadle Blessnake Blice Blinell Blingser Bloser Blosesnake Bloutter Blunake Blunboon Blunder Blunnees Bluntnoill Boack Boacke Boarter Boish Boodsnake Boomsnake Boopfor Bownife Bradder Bradknife Brater Bresnake Browboach Brownel Brubber Bruitviper Bulacon Bultsnake Buriscron Bursnadder Busher Busss Butter Buttler...
Caker Callsnake Caper Carrowcon Carterrowl Casheed Cashsnake Castera Cater Caterce Catter Catthoover Catula Cheadder Cheeboars Cheesnake Chings Chingtill Chiper Chnossnake Chola Cholfske Choll Chonsnake Choon Chork Chwhiper Clecon Clemolack Coacksnake Cobrever Cobrotter Cobrown Cobrownife Cobster Cobstoser Coldsnake Colle Comambag Comer Conder Coner Congs Congsnake Congsp Copfora Copsnake Corchor Coreeneyel Corfboa Corksnake Corneyel Corsnake Cradder Crater Cratter Creensnake Creesnake Crondper Crowinder Crowl Curle Derboa Dercer Desedsnake Dester Diamba Diper Doutter Dwarfboot Dwaton Dwatork Dwatsnake Dwatter Eggpier Eggpiever Eggpitcher Eggpitcoll Eggpoop Eggra Eggracler Eggray Eggreater Eggrer Eggresnake Eggsepper Eggsnake Eggtiger Eydiamba Fadder Fieviper Filer Fillongs Filobra Fisher Fishiper Fisssor Flounake Flyin Flyinder Foodsnake Foonsnake Foover Foray Foresnake Forfboa Forsnake Foxsnacke Funboa Funda Funter Gardsnake Gartder Garth Glotater Glove Glown Goper Gradder Gralle Gratsnake Gratter Greamboon Greastra Greel Gresssnake Grever Grewer Grictor Gring Griver Heedsnake Hognosnake Holicke Honbambag Honda Honedadder Honmoutton Honsnake Hopheever Hopher Hopsnake Hormounder Hornsnaker Horsnake Keatholer Kewinake Kindadder Kindboa Kindper Kingcon Kingtrice Lacke Ladlerboa Lameggs Lastra Leator Lemon Lerver Londewer Lottoknife Lyrew Mamboa Mamer Mamsnake Mandper Matosnaker Matsnake Meafviper Meashis Measnacher Meatomslin Meatsnake Meatter Metknife Metkning Metter Mettler Metviper Mezzacke Moccake Monsnake Moodsnake Moongcors Morater Morcer Mounake Moutter Nifter Niger Nutcra Nutcup Nuttentath Nutter Palsnake Parsnake Parter Partsnake Pashviper Pasider Pasnake Pasnaker Paspoula Pastryba Patgreebis Paton Patonsnake Patsnake Patter Pattoreel Pedsnaker Pensnake Perainake Persnake Perve Peseda Pesna Peter Picer Pider Piebirdoll Pieboa Piesnake Pinbasiner Pinbeatter Piper Pizzacke Poacke Poacker Poomanake Pooner Poong Poongsnake Pooper Poopher Poover Pot-hoper Pothake Potter Potters Poull Poultsnake Puffall Pythadder Pythork Queelotter Quefsk Quefske Rachopher Racooviper Raddersna Randbowl Rapercer Rapper Rastra Rater Ricke Rotatter Rowboack Rownwater Ruitknife Ruitviper Rushsla Salder Salmviper Salsnake Sanake Sanakeebra Sanda Sandbotter Sander Sandercer Sandeser Sandper Sandueezer Scaper Scatsnake Scisk Scresnake Scrownife Seandper Sedler Sedsnake Sepasurice Sesnake Sessork Siderch Sinedsnake Sinsnake Sknife Sknifter Slonbot Slosnake Smomatgra Smork Smoursnake Spatheel Spicke Spier Spinake Spoopper Spootsnake Sporeel Sportambag Sportena Spot-hon Spotath Spothadder Spounters Spviper Stedviper Stork Strybacke Sunake Suntara Surinsnake Surivenake Tartarter Tatercer Tigsnake Tingpinba Toknife Tokniger Tondadderd Torcer Torksnake Tortsnake Track Tradder Tratoser Tratter Treamba Treater Treatter Treeda Treel Treeler Tresnake Tresticke Tricke Trubber Trybra Trybracks Trybraings Trypier Trypine Trypiner Trypiper Trywhiper Twiger Twinelbach Twings Vipeel Vipefske Waratter Warler Warsife Wartder Water Waterd Wateyel Watomated Watsnake Watter Whicer Whindboa Whined Whipeel Whiper Wolacon Wolder Woodsnake Woot-hop Worksnake Wortsnake Zebird Zeboa Zebroll
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gutsygills · 10 months
i miss fiship
hope shes okay
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scurybooween · 3 years
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The Leech Queen
Inspired by traditional Dracula paintings
Matilda Fiship
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ohposhers · 3 months
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they had to cut the entire crotch seam out of the shorts to make it work with his fins but JD always gets what he wants (trollex cant say no to him) idek man fishipping is such a goofy ship what am i doing
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valsnonsense · 2 months
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It's them the boys my love's the lights if my life the yees to my haws my oTP-
I can't even begin to explain why I love them for me they just WORK-
John has been alone for so long, stewing in his regrets and failures as an older brother. He needs a gentle figure in his life to assure him that he matters and that he deserves love because despite all the mistakes he's made he's working to change
Trollex doesn't have much screen time, but he strikes me as a kind, gentle, and loving. He's open to the inclusion of other genres of Trolls, and strives to be a better King because of it.
In my personal headcanons, Trollex doesn't have a good relationship with his family because of how willing he is to let other Trolls in their kingdom. So he's lived most of his life trying to apease someone who was never gonna give him a chance, unless he went back to their old ways.
But when he meets John, someone who is unabashedly himself, he falls hard. And John falls right back, falling into the arms of this gentle giant who's more than willing to tell him how much he's loved over and over again.
These two are cheesy as hell and can often be found with their foreheads pressed together, whispering sweet nothings to one another.
They found each other late in life, but by god they're gonna make the most of it.
I could go on for hours about these two and frankly I already have so imma cut it off here and just say these two are without a doubt my OTP and I can't stop thinking about them-
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Christmas Angel Mercy by Matilda Fiship
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sandforte · 3 years
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Happy Birthday @Matilda_Fiship!! This is her OC, the Leech Queen!
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manta-rain-art · 7 months
Could you also draw the Leech Queen by Matilda Fiship? I just remembered her existing
Sure, it's in the queue
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