#five x ainley
sacha-da-1 · 2 years
Ainley!Master carrying Five around bridal style.
You’re welcome.
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corallapis · 9 months
the important thing to remember about the "five watching the master burn to death on sarn" situation is that the last time they saw each other was in 'the king's demons' where the master deliberately engineered a situation where the doctor would have to beg for the master's life & then show just how much (little) those words meant by being made to choose an innocent's life over the master's. the master screams as he's being forced into the iron maiden. the doctor can't watch, doesn't even turn his head, squeezes his eyes shut. when it dematerializes, the doctor looks to whatever the gallifreyan equivalent of the heavens is in relief/exasperation. the master laughs to himself in delight inside his tardis. the doctor looks just a little unwillingly fond as tegan asks "what's the master up to?"
so when we get to 'planet of fire', with the master cajoling, threatening, begging, "won't you show mercy to your own—?" it's a boy who cried wolf situation. is he condemning the master to death in that moment? is he letting him burn under the assumption that it is a trick? the hope that it is? clara doesn't tell him "if you have ever let this creature live, everything that happened today is on you" until lifetimes later, but you know that same refrain is running through his head. he can't, in good conscience, save the master — the man who killed his fourth self, who killed nyssa's father & now walks around in his corpse, who destroyed nyssa's entire planet & people & a whole entire third of the universe, who abducted adric & tortured him. i think five looks determined as he watches the master burn but also, briefly, devastated. he walks towards the flames after the master disappears... hoping for what? the sound of the master's tardis again? his laughter? but the doctor has to turn and walk back to his tardis in silence.
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roxannepolice · 10 months
Greetings, For the ship meme may i humbly request five/ainley!master (Because they are currently taking over my mind) Thank uuuuuu :) Have a good day/week
Of, course, I can perfectly understand why they would take over anyone's mind
Who’s the cuddler? A bit complicated, because Five is not so much a cuddler as cuddlable and awakes cuddling instincts in everyone he meets whether he likes to or not. Ainley is simply not immune
Who makes the bed? The Doctor, who hopes the mundane activity will shake his out of his morning depression. Instead he ends up with sudden crises every minute, because pillows remind him of Adric and blankets of Romana, and sheets of Tegan, etc
Who wakes up first? The Master, who wakes up without any problems and proceeds with the established routine of a shower and preparing continental breakfast for two, and returns to the bedroom just in time to push embryonic position crying Five off the bed and finish making it 🙃
Who has the weird taste in music? The Doctor, who took up playing all of universe's tunes on a Harp of Rassilon 😅 
Who is more protective? With Saarn on the one hand and Castrovalva and The Universe without the Doctor scarcely bears thinking about on the other, I think it may just be the one case when the Master was more openly protective than the Doctor. Not to say that Five doesn't care, he's just more skeptical of the Master dying, and for a good reason. He's just defied the end of his regeneration cycle and went from Gallifrey Fried Chicken to body snatching for Rassilon's sake! Ainley on the hand feels (and even acknowledges feeling!) a bit... maybe not guilty about but uncomfortable with Four's death. If the Master was actually planning to kill the Doctor, that would be a completely different case, but this fall from a radio tower in the middle of a perfectly enjoyable makeout was just... inappropriate.
Who sings in the shower? The Doctor, humming Earth's 80s new romantic songs and just for once it's an actually enjoyable experience for people in the vicinity
Who cries during movies? Five, though not so much during movies as nature documentaries. David Attenborough commenting on birds leaving their nests is a surprising tear jerker
Who spends the most while out shopping? Five, absolutely. You wouldn't imagine how tedious it can be to find a presentable celery
Who kisses more roughly? Again, Ainley has grown to consider the possiblity the Doctor is in fact made of glass (how else do you explain death from gravity?). So he restrains himself very much, but once Five makes it clear he can in fact take it, things do get rougher from the Master's side
Who is more dominant? Technically the Master, but it is more the matter of seeing the Doctor as an egg and tying him up so he doesn't get himself hurt. This may just be the one time the Master actually demanded they have a safeword
My rating of the ship from 1-10. I love the way the golden retriever and siamese cat kind of shift the usual dynamic, and they're at least an 8,5 🥰 
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koscheicore · 4 months
(imagine that one random time-lord in The Autons, floating mid-air)
Greetings once again,
Some more questions for you, because THOSCHEI, THOSCHEI, THOSCH-…..
Prepare yourself for a barrage of questions! (No pressure ofc)
Commencing in three, two, one..
1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 17
21 - Headcanons for your favourite ainley pairing
24 – gimme more info about the thoschei fan incarnations that occasionally pop up on your feeds. It is vital information!!!
*looks around at the impact caused by the questions*
Have a good day/week! :)
SO IT WAS YOU ALL ALONG, THAT TIMELORD... That makes sense! Thank you so much for all the quest- (loud explosion) AAAAH!
(sooo prepare for a very long post 🤣)
1. How did you get into thoschei?
(gets out from under the table) Uhhh has the noise stopped? Yea. Okay. So it all started when I heard a rhythm of four beats?? And then I think my brain got infected. All I could think about is some sad pathetic aliens hugging each other and I guess one was dead and??? then he wasn't? Yeah so I saw tensimm and I got obsessed. That was, if my calculations are correct, about 8 years ago.
2. What is your favourite thoschei flavour?
At the moment it's fiveainley! Or sevencrispy...
3. What is, in your opinion, the most toxic thoschei dynamic?
Why did I even make this question. All of them there's no salvaging the toxicity. Uhh imma go with tensimm or spydoc though
5. Any fan content recommendations?
Honestly THBU it's just. Sublime. Okay so I might have been about to cry just one chapter in? Yeah??
Also Please Attend Carefully if you want podcasts abt the Master because who doesn't.
Now, that's all sfw but on the spicy smut side, here's a fiveainley fic that plays with hypnosis. I found it interesting how the author wrote it in first person, and their Ainley voice is just fantastic. Make sure to read the tags first though!
Do also check the ppl I reblog from's profiles some of them have AO3 accts I plan on munching on when I can!
8. Favourite thoschei story?
Honestly the Master audio atm. Or the Five Doctors cuz it's really funny to see Ainley TRY... just really try... Btw 1st Doctor x Ainley!Master when
Ngl I have to rewatch all the nuwho episodes w the master on it so my thoughts might change. These two stories are consuming my brain rn
9. Favourite thing they have said canonically to each other?
"Wonder what I'd be without you"
And this
11. Song that reminds me of them?
I want to make an animatic with this so badly
12. Any thoschei headcanons?
My most heartfelt headcanon for them is this if it even counts as one 🤔
17. What's an underrated thoschei pairing?
21. Headcanons for your favourite Ainley pairing
No I'm not picking just one >:0
-In my head the Master contacted Fivey after the whole cheetah stuff in hopes he could help him. Not talking abt how good or bad that went but Fivey can't remember anyways.
-The Master loves the smell of Fivey's sweaters. Anytime he's entered his TARDIS he's stolen a few. Fivey still doesn't know where they went.
-Oh it's definitely Ainley!Master's fault the Doctor's regenerations became weirder. Yeah after what he did to Fivey he just messed them up. Like Fivey's legs. Hey, if the Master is having trouble being in a Trakenite body it's only fair, right?
-The most likely pair to do spicy stuff actually. They're both into BDSM although probably not in a sexual context exactly. No I won't elaborate
-The cat pin? Yeah that's something the cheetah Master left in the TARDIS during that Fivey visit. Six just doesn't know. The Master finds it amusing.
-The Rani has tried to block all contact with the Master because he keeps calling her to talk about his latest plan to kill the Doctor. She's so tired.
-The Master actually visited 1 on a few occasions during the Doctor's past after the events of the Five Doctors, wearing disguises of course so he wouldn't recognise him later.
-He invited him to lunch and they conversed. The Master finds this Doctor kind of endearing in a way, he's the closest he has to things being alright between them anyways. Just some quiet conversations, no mention of the Master or Gallifrey. No murder intent, they just were. Two "strangers" sharing lunch having candid intellectual conversations.
-Eventually, he stopped. Why? I leave that to your imagination.
24. Talk abt your fan Doctor and Master incarnations
OKOK IM GLAD YOU ASKED... So I met this classmate who's a dw fan and as we became friends he told me he had his own fan Doctor incarnation. Eventually we started LARPing for fun and I made my own Master, then we started making up tons of stories and that's how they came to be!
ONE DAY HOWEVER... He said. What if the Master and the Doctor were bigenerated?? Yeah from the same entity but the Time Lords erased their memories. And Dhawan!Master knew this but that one bit he never told, the Doctor never uncovered it, and this is part of why Dhawan wanted to become the Doctor. And boy this broke my heart because thE IMPLICATIONS. That'd mean the Master is ALSO the Timeless Child. So now that's canon for my Master and surprise, it's been selfcest all this time except not exactly because they are not the same anymore and they can never be.
So based off that, my Master loves to make a point on how different they are whilst his Doctor searches for similarities instead when he learns this. My Master is convinced that they're destined to be the worst parts of the Doctor forever, whilst the Doctor got "the better part". So why would they make it easy for him? Gallifrey is gone anyways so let's prove they can never be the same. Let's prove they're DONE. And they're immortal too I guess so why conform with having nothing no. They're owed the Universe and they're not sharing. Meanwhile the Doctor is wondering what would be of the Master if they had lived anything similar than what they did, if they're actually the same, if there's any kindness left on them, if they could have become the Master... He's stuck on his past in a way, too, missing companions and simpler times and stuff. And I intend to destroy his hopes of truly enjoying his current self you know?
...so yeah uh we also have companions we're making and we're slowly developing all of this + some random "episodes" (plots. that is) and one of them is Dak. Dak is well, kind of a Dalek kind of not. I have no idea how this happened he hasn't told me yet but apparently Dak has the genes of one of his companions? His mind when he was a child. So he's like a curious kid travelling with the Doctor except he's got Dalek Issues (tm) and I have such awful plans for him I'm so sorry little Dak ily but Daleks can never be good you know ☺️☺️ And I also have my subconscious eating beings that hate the Master for reasons but shhh. My friend doesn't know yet.
Anyways here's my Master treating the Doctor with love as usual
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Hey... hey. Wait. Don't go! *looks around* Uh... who will help me pay for all the repairs??? 😭
ALSO thank you so much for that twogado recommendation I will proceed to scream
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prpfs · 7 months
21+. She/Her. Please be 21+ to interact!
The Basics: I like to plot on Tumblr and write on Discord. My typical reply is 2-4 paragraphs (sometimes more, hardly ever less). I write in third person, past tense. I try to do daily replies but sometimes real life (mainly work) gets in the way and it may take a few days for me to get back to you. 🚀
What I'm Looking For: With the 60th anniversary approaching, the Doctor Who bug is biting me hard. I prefer canon x canon pairings but am willing to do some canon x OC as well (MxM or FxF preference ; okay with a limited amount of MxF). I like canon and canon divergent plots. As long as it makes sense in the Whoniverse, I'm okay with doing it. I lean towards romantic pairings and don't mind writing NSFW/smut but neither of those is a requirement.
I'll be listing my main muses and some of my favorite ships. I'm open to discussing others.
For Ships: Bold = I want to write as that character ; Italics = I have a slight preference for that character ; Nothing = I have no preference ; * = I'm especially looking to do that ship
My Muses:
Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart
Canton Everett Delaware III
Eleventh Doctor
Fifth Doctor
Fourteenth Doctor
Harry Sullivan
Ian Chesterton
Jack Harkness
Martha Jones
Second Doctor
Sixth Doctor
Tenth Doctor
Yasmin Khan
My Favorite Ships:
Canton x Eleven
Delgado!Master x Three
Dhawan!Master x Any Doctor *
Eleven x Jack *
Eleven x Rory
Eleven x Clara *
Eleven x Amy
Five x Turlough
Five x Ainley!Master
Fourteen x Jack *
Fourteen x Rose *
Harry x Four
Ian x Barbara
Jack x Ten *
Jack x Nine
Jack x Graham
Two x Jamie
Ten x Simm!Master
Ten x Clara
Yaz x Thirteen
Any Doctor x Any Doctor *
Please like this post if you'd like to work something out and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!
give a like and anon will get back to you
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findyourrp · 7 months
21+. She/Her. Please be 21+ to interact!
The Basics: I like to plot on Tumblr and write on Discord. My typical reply is 2-4 paragraphs (sometimes more, hardly ever less). I write in third person, past tense. I try to do daily replies but sometimes real life (mainly work) gets in the way and it may take a few days for me to get back to you. 🚀
What I'm Looking For: With the 60th anniversary approaching, the Doctor Who bug is biting me hard. I prefer canon x canon pairings but am willing to do some canon x OC as well (MxM or FxF preference ; okay with a limited amount of MxF). I like canon and canon divergent plots. As long as it makes sense in the Whoniverse, I'm okay with doing it. I lean towards romantic pairings and don't mind writing NSFW/smut but neither of those is a requirement.
I'll be listing my main muses and some of my favorite ships. I'm open to discussing others.
For Ships: Bold = I want to write as that character ; Italics = I have a slight preference for that character ; Nothing = I have no preference ; * = I'm especially looking to do that ship
My Muses:
Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart
Canton Everett Delaware III
Eleventh Doctor
Fifth Doctor
Fourteenth Doctor
Harry Sullivan
Ian Chesterton
Jack Harkness
Martha Jones
Second Doctor
Sixth Doctor
Tenth Doctor
Yasmin Khan
My Favorite Ships:
Canton x Eleven
Delgado!Master x Three
Dhawan!Master x Any Doctor *
Eleven x Jack *
Eleven x Rory
Eleven x Clara *
Eleven x Amy
Five x Turlough
Five x Ainley!Master
Fourteen x Jack *
Fourteen x Rose *
Harry x Four
Ian x Barbara
Jack x Ten *
Jack x Nine
Jack x Graham
Two x Jamie
Ten x Simm!Master
Ten x Clara
Yaz x Thirteen
Any Doctor x Any Doctor *
Please like this post if you'd like to work something out and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!
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darkdoverpseeker · 7 months
21+. She/Her. Please be 21+ to interact!
The Basics: I like to plot on Tumblr and write on Discord. My typical reply is 2-4 paragraphs (sometimes more, hardly ever less). I write in third person, past tense. I try to do daily replies but sometimes real life (mainly work) gets in the way and it may take a few days for me to get back to you.
What I'm Looking For: With the 60th anniversary approaching, the Doctor Who bug is biting me hard. I prefer canon x canon pairings but am willing to do some canon x OC as well (MxM or FxF preference ; okay with a limited amount of MxF). I like canon and canon divergent plots. As long as it makes sense in the Whoniverse, I'm okay with doing it. I lean towards romantic pairings and don't mind writing NSFW/smut but neither of those is a requirement.
I'll be listing my main muses and some of my favorite ships. I'm open to discussing others.
For Ships: Bold = I want to write as that character ; Italics = I have a slight preference for that character ; Nothing = I have no preference ; * = I'm especially looking to do that ship
My Muses:
Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart
Canton Everett Delaware III
Eleventh Doctor
Fifth Doctor
Fourteenth Doctor
Harry Sullivan
Ian Chesterton
Jack Harkness
Martha Jones
Second Doctor
Sixth Doctor
Tenth Doctor
Yasmin Khan
My Favorite Ships:
Canton x Eleven
Delgado!Master x Three
Dhawan!Master x Any Doctor *
Eleven x Jack *
Eleven x Rory
Eleven x Clara *
Eleven x Amy
Five x Turlough
Five x Ainley!Master
Fourteen x Jack *
Fourteen x Rose *
Harry x Four
Ian x Barbara
Jack x Ten *
Jack x Nine
Jack x Graham
Two x Jamie
Ten x Simm!Master
Ten x Clara
Yaz x Thirteen
Any Doctor x Any Doctor *
Please like this post if you'd like to work something out and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!
like if interested!
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findroleplay · 7 months
21+. She/Her. Please be 21+ to interact!
The Basics: I like to plot on Tumblr and write on Discord. My typical reply is 2-4 paragraphs (sometimes more, hardly ever less). I write in third person, past tense. I try to do daily replies but sometimes real life (mainly work) gets in the way and it may take a few days for me to get back to you.
What I'm Looking For: With the 60th anniversary approaching, the Doctor Who bug is biting me hard. I prefer canon x canon pairings but am willing to do some canon x OC as well (MxM or FxF preference ; okay with a limited amount of MxF). I like canon and canon divergent plots. As long as it makes sense in the Whoniverse, I'm okay with doing it. I lean towards romantic pairings and don't mind writing NSFW/smut but neither of those is a requirement.
I'll be listing my main muses and some of my favorite ships. I'm open to discussing others.
For Ships: Bold = I want to write as that character ; Italics = I have a slight preference for that character ; Nothing = I have no preference ; * = I'm especially looking to do that ship
My Muses:
Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart
Canton Everett Delaware III
Eleventh Doctor
Fifth Doctor
Fourteenth Doctor
Harry Sullivan
Ian Chesterton
Jack Harkness
Martha Jones
Second Doctor
Sixth Doctor
Tenth Doctor
Yasmin Khan
My Favorite Ships:
Canton x Eleven
Delgado!Master x Three
Dhawan!Master x Any Doctor *
Eleven x Jack *
Eleven x Rory
Eleven x Clara *
Eleven x Amy
Five x Turlough
Five x Ainley!Master
Fourteen x Jack *
Fourteen x Rose *
Harry x Four
Ian x Barbara
Jack x Ten *
Jack x Nine
Jack x Graham
Two x Jamie
Ten x Simm!Master
Ten x Clara
Yaz x Thirteen
Any Doctor x Any Doctor *
Please like this post if you'd like to work something out and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!
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drwhoboards · 6 years
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Doctor Who moodboard: Fifth Doctor/The Master (Ainley) (requested by: anon x2)
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sacha-da-1 · 2 years
Okay so I know this makes no sense, but CONSIDER
A Princess Bride FiveAinley au
Just listen…!
Obviously Five is Buttercup btw
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corallapis · 4 months
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ooc imo for tegan to be thinking this way but. still.
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fiercestpurpose · 3 years
doctor x master pairs ranked by how much i want them to make out (from least to most)
ten x simm!master
eight x roberts!master
five x ainley!master
shalka!doctor x shalka!master
thirteen x dhawan!master
twelve x gomez!missy
three x delgado!master
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wheelybard · 3 years
Ah, 80s Who holds a great place in my heart. Five and Six are my favourite classic doctors, Ainley is my favourite classic Master, and the aesthetic of the snow is just perfect!
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hollowempire · 5 years
Back Again || Ainley!Master x Reader
Request: Grandma, again
Summary: Reader used to travel with the Master and left on good terms. They now travel with five and sees him again in ‘The Five Doctors’.
Word count: 1,423
“Doctor!” The Master called. The Doctor pulled y/n behind him, still not sure if he could trust them around him.
“Wait right here.” he told Y/n, Susan, and Tegan. Y/n, of course, didn’t listen and followed behind. The Doctor at least made sure they were hidden from the Master’s sight.
“I know this is going to be hard to believe, Doctor, but for once I mean you no harm.” he said, trying to get a look at whoever was behind the Doctor. He was unsuccessful.
“Like Alice, I try to believe three impossible things before breakfast. Go on.” the Doctor said, walking towards him. Y/n stayed behind him, the Doctor holding them in place with his hand. The two faced each other, y/n standing uncomfortably behind. Was this really necessary?
“I’ve been sent here by the high council to help you… and your little friend there.” he said, gesturing to the small part of y/n he could see.
“If you want to know who they are, I’m not telling you.”
He pointed the tissue compression eliminator at him. “Be reasonable, Doctor.”
“I am, I listened.”
“As you see I am armed. I could easily kill you if I wanted to.”
“But could you kill me?” y/n asked, stepping into view much to the Doctor’s dismay.
The Doctor shook his head at y/n and turned back to the Master. “And not humiliate me first? Oh, that isn’t your style at all.”
Y/n scoffed at being ignored by him, but the Master was certainly paying attention. “Ah, my dear y/n! It’s good to see you again.” he said with a smile. The Doctor was clearly shocked, unaware of their history together. As far as he knew, y/n had never had any experience with time and space travel before they met.
“Do you expect me to believe the fantastic tale you’ve just told?” the Doctor asked.
“Doctor, look out, Cybermen!” Tegan suddenly shouted from the top of the hill.
“Go back!” he shouted. Then he turned to y/n and the Master. “After you.”
The Master sped off, taking y/n’s hand and The Doctor quickly followed. The Cybermen shouted threats as they ran. They sent a blast in their direction and The Master fell to the ground in a heap of black cloth.
Y/n and The Doctor knelt over him. He didn’t get up. The Doctor picked up his device and teleported away, y/n left with The Master as he regained consciousness.
“This is not The Doctor,” one of the Cybermen said as y/n helped The Master stand up. “Take him.”
“I’ve been looking for you,” The Master said, y/n becoming confused. “I’m here as your friend,” y/n stood with their eyebrows raised.
“Who are you?”
“I am The Master, and your loyal servant,”
“No you’re not!” y/n said, putting their hands on their hips. The Master shushed them.
The Master and Cybermen argued back and forth for a bit until they finally accepted him, claiming he could help them defeat the Timelords. Y/n shook their head in disbelief every once in a while. He said he could help them break into the tower, and they allowed him to help.
With a sigh, y/n walked off without anyone noticing. They weren’t going to take part in any of this. They made their way to the tower on their own, running into Tegan and The First Doctor. They came upon a large checkered floor. The Doctor threw some coins onto it and they were zapped by streaks of green light.
“Our ancestors had such a wonderful sense of humor,” the Master said, walking in. Y/n gasped. “You left me, y/n. I didn’t appreciate that very much.”
“Do I know you young man?” The Doctor asked.
“Believe it or not we were at the academy together.” he told him, putting his arm around y/n’s waist. He wasn’t letting them go this time.
“What do you want?” Tegan asked.
“To help.”
“That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard all day,” she said, giving y/n an apologetic look. They shrugged.
“Believe what you like, but I shall advise you to hide. I’ve some very suspicious allies close behind me.” he said, pushing y/n off to the side. Tegan pulled them and The Doctor into a better spot as the Cybermen walked in. “Enter, but be careful.” he told them. He let the Cybermen cross the board after showing them he could get across safely, hopping across it. The Cybermen were killed.
The surviving one threatened him and forced him to show the sage passage. He turned and shot it, laughing after. Y/n ran to his side.
“Wasn’t that a little ruthless, even for you?” Tegan asked.
“In one of the many wars on your miserable little planet they used to drive sheep across minefields. Principle’s the same.”
“Not quite, this minefields still just as dangerous!”
“Do you think so?” he asked, then grabbed y/n’s hand and led them across it. “Try it, Doctor, it’s as easy as pie.” he said, them took off into a corridor with y/n right behind.
“Why’d you have to take me with?” y/n asked. The Master still had a grip on their hand.
He stopped walking. “I like having you around, is that really such a bad thing?” he asked.
“When you keep getting us i to dangerous situations, yes!” they exclaimed, pulling him ahead.
“You don’t even know where we’re going,” he pointed out.
“You’re infuriating, you know?” they said, letting him take the lead. He flashed a smile.
“It also promises that whoever takes the ring from Rassilon’s hand and puts it on shall get the reward he seeks.” y/n heard the Doctor say from the opening just ahead.
“What reward?” a new voice, Sarah Jane Smith, asked.
The first three Doctors talked amongst themselves as y/n and the Master walked in.
“Thank you, gentlemen that is exactly what I needed to know!” the Master said. Y/n sighed. “I came here to help you, a little unwillingly but I came. My services were scorned, my help refused. Now I shall help myself… to immortality!”
Y/n shook their head. “You fool, don’t you know it’s bogus?” they asked, getting in front of him. The Doctors looked on in confusion.
“Y/n get away from him, he’s bad!” Tegan said. She, too, was unaware of their history, and thought that he had taken y/n against their will.
“Shut it, Tegan, if you knew the things I’ve done with him, well…” they trailed off as Tegan’s face showed pure disgust.
The Master pointed the TCE at the Doctors, y/n mentally face palming. They pulled him away. “Hey, this is clearly a trick and you’re going to turn into one of those stones over there, see?” they sold him, gesturing to the tomb. “I can’t kiss stones, now, can I?”
The Master shook his head and kissed them. They could hear Tegan gag in the background.
He then tried to make a run for it.
“Nice to see you again!” the Brigadier said and punched him, knocking to the floor.
“Oof…” y/n said, drawing it out. At least he couldn’t do anything else stupid. He was tied up and dragged to the side, y/n left next to him with a warning.
“You’re sort of an idiot,” they said, noticing he was awake. Some other stuff with Borusa getting turned to stone after attempting to gain immortality happened, but they didn’t really pay attention. He had it coming.
“Thanks,” he said sarcastically, taking the hand y/n offered to help him up.
“That’s the second time you’ve gotten knocked out today,”
The Master didn’t reply, and instead turned his attention to the Doctors and their companions saying their good-byes. Y/n did too.
“What do say we beat it before they notice?” y/n asked.
The Master looked surprised. “You… want to run away with me?”
Y/n smiled and pulled him into the corridor.
“You know, I really didn’t think this far…” y/n said, stopping as they got outside. “I’ve no escape plan.”
The Master took something out of his pocket. “Look, as much as I hate to-”
A vortex manipulator! Brilliant!” they exclaimed.
Y/n threw their arms around him, almost knocking them both over. They set the coordinates and disappeared. They suddenly found themselves on the ground in front of his TARDIS. Y/n laughed excitedly, the Master still recovering from the trip.
“So, ready to conquer some planets?” the Master asked.
Y/n didn’t mention that he had never actually conquered anything. They were too happy to be back. “Oh, yes!” they exclaimed.
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11 Questions
**RULES ** · Always post the rules · Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you · Write 11 questions of your own · Tag 11 people (or however many you want)
Stole this from @slashyrogue​ because I thought it looked fun X3
1. Favourite fantasy book? Or favourite book if fantasy is not your kind of thing? Oh mannnn... the books of my childhood ^^; I mean... yes? All of them? As a standalone, Beauty by Robin McKinley is one of my favorites and my favorite retelling of Beauty and the Beast.
2. Where do you most want to travel to? In general? A lot of places. There’s a lot of beauty in the world, it would be a precious treasure to see it. Specifically? House on the Rock, Wisconsin. Looks FABULOUS. MUST SEE.
3. A fic or story that impressed you deeply and why? Uhhhhh... fuck me. 
Reaching DEEP into my past Odalisque by Bailey was probably one of the most influential fics of my coming of age. Not the first slash fic I ever read, but one of the best. I learned new words from it! Hell, this fic single-handedly created Faramir/Eomer as my favorite LOTR crackship. And it STUNNINGLY, ABSURDLY WORKS. (Yeah, this is SO OLD, I originally read it on a geocities website. YEAH. Yeah. Let that just... sink in.)
My Fine Feathered Friend by Lixxle is still one of my all time favorite comfort fics in the whole goddamn world. I don’t think I can go more than a year without rereading it. It’s just so pure and good and gives me the warm feels. And, you know, it’s impressive on its own to have a fic who can do that for you perpetually, no matter what happens to you. That’s impressive. (Also presented to you in its original deviantART format. I have stared into the abyss, friends. And the abyss stared back.)
Speaking of fics I will never get over and always return to, The Crane Wife by x! Not only did this fic introduce me to the beauty that is Five/Ainley, it introduced me to The Decemberists, which was life changing, and it has forever embedded in my mind how EXCELLENT a slave trope can be. I mean... this fic changed me. And in my opinion, it is x’s best work, which is no small feat as one of the greatest Best Enemies writers I’ve ever read. (Also also presented in its original livejournal format. I’ve been doing this a LONG fucking time friends. A long. long. fucking time.)
Honorable Mentions: A BloodRed Rose for Legolas (long... long embarrassing story from the bad old days of FF.net when I was about 13. It has since been taken down, I’m sure, for similar embarrassment on the part of the author. Although I distantly remember the title being changed... but no, I am not spending my evening tracking it down, sorry ^^;)
Alis Grave Nil by ombredelarue (even unfinished, it stands as a tremendous work. Before I had Hannibal, I had Doctor Who. And I had Doctor/Master. And I had TenSimms. And, let me tell you, Hannibal is not the first fandom nor will it be the last to ship the actor’s characters from other fandoms. Before I had Spacedogs, I had this. And it’s beautiful.)
The Pull of One Magnet to Another by ellie_hell (I’m no longer in the Sherlock fandom for Every Possible Reason. But, this is a very sweet, very well-written fic that if you ever cared for the character of John and Sherlock, I’d recommend reading. It can’t be any worse than the show at any rate)
4. Favourite show character? I mean... j-just one? You’re... you’re kidding right. You’re kidding.
There’s... Hannibal and Mad Sweeney and Frank Castle and Count Olaf. There’s Garnet and Annie Edison and Jane Eyre and Martha Jones. To name a few.
5. If you could only save one book in the apocalypse, what would it be? I’m gonna play by Fahrenheit 451 rules and assume that EVERYONE gets to pick one book to memorize. And I would take Moby Dick and the reason I would take Moby Dick is because 1) now no one else has to suffer trying to memorize it, 2) if you forget the past, you’re doomed to repeat it and I AIN’T DOING THIS WHITE WHALE BULLSHIT TWICE, and 3) it’s a genuinely good book about the impetuous folly and tragic pride of humanity. And given this is the apocalypse, I feel like humility is a lesson humanity could stand to remember : |
6. If you could change one thing about yourself or the world what would it be? Clean energy. Instantly. If there was one thing I could fix today, overnight, that’s what I would do.
About myself, uhhh... motivation to exercise ^^; Also A Job.
7. What do you do for inspiration if you’re feeling blocked or low? I get some musics. Musics is good for my mental state, especially new stuff. I find radio stations imperative for this because I don’t know what I’ll get. And even if I hate it, that will give me inspiration, something to think about, a new stimulus.
8. What would be your patronus / dæmon / spirit animal? I always like to think of something perfectly harmless that just wants to make its way in the world. Like a whale or a butterfly or a pangolin. I’m extremely protective of creatures who are uniquely ill-equipped to defend themselves against humans. And the whale is fantastically intelligent and develops strong familial bonds, they are long-lived and sing to each other, they’re just majestic ocean giants who do their best to regulate their home. Or butterflies, who are beautiful at no cost to anyone and are vital to the continued existence of pretty much everything on the planet. Or pangolins, who just want to be left alone to eat bugs at night and otherwise hide in trees. All precious sweethearts who are just doing their best. I’d like to be one of them.
9. What trait to you value in a friend more than any other? Understanding is a pretty good answer, really, I’m gonna steal it.
10. A quote you always loved and want to share? I know a lot of good ones... hard to choose. But there’s nothing wrong with a classic:
“We cannot choose where we will love.” -- Susan Kay
11. What is your favourite thing about yourself (don’t be shy!) Uh, well, today I took a quiz that told me my Homeric epithet is a “great teller of stories” and I’m always touched when people like my stories and tell me I”m a good story-teller. I value the ability to tell a story quite highly and if I managed to meet that qualification some of the time... that’s pretty great c:
Tagging: anyone who wants to do it, seriously, it’s a good time, you should do it and tag me if you do c:
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dwsecretsanta · 9 years
Familiar Tidings
Title: Familiar Tidings Author: @tardiswardroberoom Rating: K+ - T (implied)? Genre: Sci-fi/angst/slash/festive Characters: Five/Ainley-Master
A DW Secret Santa gift for @organasleia - a oneshot fanfic set post “The King’s Demons”.  Enjoy, and happy holidays!  \o/
The wonderful thing about the human colonies on the planet of Tesco, the Doctor thought, was that they were quite simply, purely and unabashedly, human.  Every last detail, from the laboratory-bred blackbirds and sparrows flitting around the fat purple leaves of alien creeping-plant that curled around the eaves of the little café, to the jolly Santa Clause who stood just outside the door and waved to the passing holidaymakers…every last detail spoke of a people who, generations and light-years removed from the men and women who had taken to the stars for the first time, still wanted to surround themselves with little pieces of their ancestral home.
Reclining in a wicker basket chair, the Doctor ran his eyes with fond amusement down the pamphlet he had picked up from the tourist information centre in the spaceport.  The planet, he read, had been named after an Old Terran folk legend that spoke of a place where anything that a person desired could be obtained - a cornucopia of food and supplies to survive the harsh climates before artificial climate control, all available in abundance beyond measure…for a price.
Presently, the whole planet was marking the season of Christmas, which ran from approximately the end of October through to the middle of January by the Old Terran calendar.  A meteorological phenomenon on Earth, apparently, had caused snow every year on the equinox of the Christmas season; today, that would be replicated artificially for the pleasure of the tourists.  For now, though, the suns were shining, the sky was streaked green and blue, and Tegan and Turlough were no doubt having a wonderful time sketching the native carnivorous plants and shopping for more comfortable walking shoes, respectively.  Or it might have been the other way around.
With the hard liquor known on the street as “tea” now illegal in most of the nations of Tesco, the Doctor languidly sipped a cup of onion broth - and then jumped, startled, as a deep voice sounded unexpectedly by his shoulder.
"Ho ho ho!"  It was the Santa Clause, who had entered the café and now stood peering down at the Doctor, his blue eyes twinkling above his bushy, snow-white beard.  The Doctor had to admit, for a Tescan, the costume was surprisingly faithful to the old commercial image, hat to boots.
"A very merry Christmas," he greeted the Santa with a polite nod and a lopsided smile, raising the cup.
"And a happy new year!" the Santa boomed.  The Doctor hadn’t realized that that greeting was still in vogue - he was quite sure the Tescan new year wouldn’t come around for a number of months yet - but the sentiment was appreciated.
"Well, thank you ver-"
"And have you been good this year?"
"Oh, well…" The Doctor primly averted his eyes, taking another sip of the onion broth.  "One tries one’s best, you know."  Raising his gaze back to the Santa’s face, he offered a benevolent smile, and the Santa reached into his sack.
It was at that moment that a shrill scream sounded from a waitress, followed by a shattering of glass as the purple creeping-plant thrust fleshy tendrils through the doors and window, and began to hoist patrons aloft by their ankles.
By the time the Doctor returned to his TARDIS in the small hours of the next morning, soaked in artificial snow and sticky plant sap, he was exhausted and battling a blinding headache from the toxin in the tips of the genetically modified plant’s blood-red and silver spines, which he had taken from a distance for festive tinsel.  Fourteen people of various species had died, their faces branded into the Doctor’s memory and their screams ringing in his ears as the plant crushed them one by one, while the Doctor had worked frantically to locate its mutation and splice and reassemble the nucleotides of its DNA.
He could count himself thankful for a small blessing, at least, in that Tegan and Turlough were not among that number.  Turlough, sporting two impressive black eyes and a headache possibly worse than the Doctor’s own, and Tegan, who was in a true blue temper after having been held captive and gloated to for much of the afternoon, had both stormed off into the depths of the TARDIS corridors, leaving the Doctor alone to bid a quiet farewell to the planet of Tesco and leave a generous tip at the café.
When he returned, there was a figure waiting for him in the heavy shadow cast by the TARDIS.  To his shock, on drawing closer, he found that it was none other than the Santa Clause who had greeted him in the café.  His sack was missing, but besides that, he appeared remarkably unscathed.
"Oh - hello," the Doctor began, removing what remained of his hat and peering through the shadows.  "Can I help?"
"Oh, you have been good,” the Santa responded - somewhat enigmatically, the Doctor thought.  “To save a whole planet, and then still persist with helping people…how magnanimous…”  A prickle of unease was creeping up the Doctor’s spine; he edged towards the TARDIS door, but the Santa stepped closer, emerging into the light.
"Well, as I said, one tries one’s-"
"You always did, didn’t you?"
The Doctor frowned.  “I’m sorry…do I know you?”
"Oh, my dear Doctor…"  Stepping close in front of the Doctor, peering up into his face, there was surprising hurt in the Santa’s voice.  "Has it really been that long?”
"Oh…oh no…”  Perhaps it was a change in the voice, perhaps it was simply a familiar gleam entering those blue eyes, but all of a sudden, the horrible realization struck the Doctor that he knew exactly whose wolfish smirk was concealed by the voluminous false beard.
In response, the Master tugged down the false beard with one hand and swept off the red and white hat with the other, revealing his customary goatee and thick, swept-back hair.  To the Doctor’s surprise, however, there was no smirk - instead, his old foe appeared somewhat crestfallen, although his shoulders were still drawn back and feet slightly apart in a proud, confident stance.
"Disappointed that your latest convoluted plot for universal conquest failed?" the Doctor queried dryly, turning towards the TARDIS door.  A failed plan was nothing for the Master to gloat about, but nor was fourteen people anything for the Doctor to congratulate himself over.
“My plot?”  The Master let out a short, mirthless chuckle.  “You underestimate me, Doctor.  That fool of a Professor’s spectacular bungling of the genetic manipulation of tarry-vines was entirely his own achievement.  What use could I possibly have for an insignificant rock like Tesco?”
"Mayhem, destruction and a chance to get under my feet?" the Doctor suggested.  "That seems to be your usual ulterior motive."
"Not at all…"  The Master paused, and once again, the Doctor could have sworn he saw that flicker of hurt in his arch nemesis’ intense gaze.  "Particularly considering how difficult it seems to be to draw your notice these days."
"What do you mean?"
"Oh, Doctor…" the Master sighed, with a halfhearted, dismayed glare.  "The Portreeve…Giles Estram…Santa Clause?  Such a simple guise was more than sufficient to fool your companions - but you?”
"I…"  The Doctor trailed off, but before he could even work out quite what the Master wanted him to say, the Time Lord Trakenite began to circle him, his expression and tone shifting to accusatory.
"There was a time, Doctor, when you knew every centimetre of me as well as you know yourself…almost better, after your first two regenerations.  And I…I know you just as well, even after all this time.  Five bodies, Doctor - and have I ever failed to recognize you?”
The Doctor was lost for words.  He wanted to retort - to point out that the Master was presently wearing a body that wasn’t even Gallifreyan, to theorize that post-regenerative trauma might have blocked from his mind the face of the man who had caused his most recent regeneration, to claim that his old friend had made himself almost unrecognizable through his descent into madness and the quest for power.
But the excuses - because that was all they were, excuses - sounded weak even before he had spoken them.  As weak as any excuse he might have made to the families of those fourteen Tescans, that he had worked as fast as he could, that it was difficult to concentrate on microbiology with a laser pistol held to one’s head.  And as it turned out, none of that had been the Master’s fault at all.  He wasn’t avoiding the gaze of a fallen tyrant or a defeated despot, but an old schoolmate, who had come here in that ridiculous costume not to slink around undercover, plotting and scheming, but to tentatively test the tattered remnants of what had once been the closest bond that two young aspiring Time Lords could have shared.
Wordlessly, the Doctor rubbed at his throbbing temples, and then pushed open the TARDIS door and stepped aside to allow the Master to enter.  After today, perhaps a touch of the familiar was just what he needed.
By the next morning, the Master was well and truly placated, and had slipped quietly out of the Doctor’s TARDIS and back to his own before Tegan or Turlough could emerge from their rooms.
Placated, but still with enough presence of mind to remember to collect the deactivated silver perception-filter ring that had rolled under the bed, before the Doctor could spot it.
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