#fives (star wars)
curiostars · 11 days
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trying to get back into the swing of drawing canon clones! so naturally I start with fox and fives’ death :)
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(words are from “Cold War” by Janelle Monáe. the song got stuck in my head and spawned the art idea)
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zerohski · 2 years
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Fives my beloved 🥺
What if fives managed to get one of pong krells sabers and challenged him to a duel 😌 I think he would lowkey try that.
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coffeeandbatboys · 5 months
Where Your Road Leads
Pairing: Fives x Fem!Reader, platonic Torrent (Kix, Jesse & Rex) x reader, platonic Echo x reader
Warnings: Heavy angst, temporary spousal death, pregnancy, fluff, language, throwing up...I think that's all
A/N this is possibly my longest one shot ever...
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A knock sounds on your door.
You'd been expecting him for the last two hours and he’s just now made it to your home. You open the door with every nerve buzzing.
“Kix, what took—”
You pause in fear when his face reveals only sadness and guilt.
“What's going on?” You demand, ushering the medic inside.
“I'm so sorry, vod'ika.” Is all he can manage with tears gathering in his eyes. Fives. Something bad happened to Fives. You’ve heard the report that he'd tried to kill the Chancellor, and that he was wanted by the Corries. But you thought he'd be safe with Rex. After all, the captain had been worried about him when he stopped by earlier.
“Kix.” You repeat. “Where's Fives?”
The medic takes a deep breath.
“He’s been,” he chokes on a shaky breath and his already unstable voice lowers to a whisper. “killed.”
Your knees buckle beneath you and you want to throw up. You stumble to the ‘fresher, Kix following behind to hold your hair as you empty the contents of your stomach.
“Oh, maker! No….fuck no.” You cry, dry heaving now. “There's no way.”
Kix runs a hand over his face to hide the haunted look in his eyes.
It takes a few minutes for your breathing to calm down. “And the test?” You quietly ask the question you've been dreading since he came in. It’s the reason you were expecting him, after all.
He turns to face you.
“Conclusive. You're two months pregnant.”
For the next six months, Torrent is always a comm away. Kix stopping in to make sure you're eating well enough to support both you and the baby, and Jesse helping you set up a nursery. Rex goes with you to most of your appointments if he can. You're grateful to have a family, even if they're not blood, and even if you and Fives weren't officially ‘married’. He’s still your husband, and they're your family.
It still hurts to wake up with a cold back where there would normally be the warmth of his chest, pressed against it, and anything that reminds you of Fives in your apartment remains untouched
When Echo is brought back, he finds out all about what happened and decides that the Bad Batch can wait. For now, he needs to uphold a promise that he'd made to Fives when the two of you first got together. If anything were to happen to a domino twin and his significant other was left behind, the remaining brother would take care of them. Even with the looming realization that his best friend is dead, Echo couldn't be more excited to be an uncle.
A year and a half later, you're sitting at the table, reading about the Chancellor’s ‘accidental' death and a subsequently revealed plot to kill the Jedi via the GAR, when you hear the front door open. Echo must be back with little Fiv'ika from the store earlier than expected.
But the footfalls that find their way into the kitchen aren’t mechanical like Echo's, and there's no excited babbling from your son.
You turn to see just who had let themselves into your house and—
Well…damn. This is new.
Fives is standing in the doorway. His curls are a little longer and his shoulders hang a bit, but he still has that light in his eyes, and his goatee is kept the way he always used to do it, and the tattoo is on the same spot that it always was.
You don't trust your eyes with the image. He can't be alive. He would have been here this whole time if he was alive.
It’s only when he speaks that you accept that he's here.
“Ner runi…” he murmurs, and you cross the distance to throw your arms around him. He's warm and soft and above all, he's real.
“Fives!” You cry, bitter tears rolling down your cheeks. “Where the hell have you been? You were dead!”
Instead of letting him answer, you grab his face and crash your lips against his. He returns the kiss with a relieved hum and tugs you closer. When you pull away, he wipes a few tears off your cheek with a calloused thumb, and his own eyes become glossy.
“I went in deep cover to investigate the chancellor. Commanders Cody and Fox are the only ones who know that I'm alive at all.”
The front door opens again, and this time it’s the sounds of your laughing child and Echo announcing “We’re home!”
Fives, however, stills with panic and pulls away from you.
“Osik,” he curses himself. “I should have realized that you could have moved on.”
I didn't.” You cut him off. “I didn't move on. You're in for the surprise of your life, Babe.”
His eyebrows scrunch as Echo and Fiv'ika enter the room. Echo stops in his tracks when he registers Fives’ face and you silently take the child from his arms.
“Firstly I want you to meet your son, Fives Jr., or as we call him, Fiv'ika.”
Fives’ eyes go wide and his knees suddenly feel shaky. He's not sure that he trusts his voice, but he tries anyways.
“You had our first kid and I wasn't there? Oh, maker. Fuck.” he brings a hand to cover his mouth, and tears spill over his cheeks. He falls to his knees and looks up at you.
“Ni ceta, Mesh'la. I don't know what to say…”
You shake your head and tug on his sleeve, silently asking him to get up. You wrap one arm around the love of your life and press your temple to his, while the other arm holds your son.
“It’s okay. You whimper. “We’re here. Were together.”
Fiv’ika reaches tiny hands up to grab his father’s goatee. Fives lets out a wounded noise and kisses your cheek.
You pull away for a second.
“Secondly, you’ll want to see who’s been helping me.”
Confusion crosses his face and you look over to Echo, who’s been standing outside the doorway of the kitchen.
“Who is….” Fives trails off, eyes locking on his twin. “Echo?”
The paler clone’s eyes fill with tears and he nods.
“Su cuy’gar, Fives.”
Your husband gives your shoulder a squeeze and rushes towards his brother with open arms. The two quickly fall into a sobbing embrace and you watch, practically beaming.
“I would ask how you’re alive but if I survived being blown up I’m pretty sure that it’s not that hard.” Echo laughs.
Fives only looks horrified. “I am so sorry to both of you. I should have been there-”
“Hey,” you stop him, moving next to both of them, Fiv’ika in between. “We’re safe.”
Fives pulls you all together in a hug, mumbling “I love you all so much.” He’s holding his entire world—his wife, his son, and his twin brother—in his arms, and he’ll be damned if he’s letting any of you go soon.
Mando'a translations:
Vod'ika: Younger sibling
Ner runi: My soul
Osik: Shit
Ni ceta: I'm sorry; I kneel
Su cuy'gar: Hello; You're alive
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Heeeeey , congratulations for the 700 followers , this is so great !
I wanted to request a Fivesxreader with the two prompts :
I'm so proud of you
Thank you for believing in me
Please 💚💚💚
Thank you and take care 💕
@griffedeloup Thank you for the awesome request and I love those two prompts. Very sweet, so I hope you enjoyed my interpretation.
Fives especially has a soft spot in my heart, so I try to give him a happy ending as much as possible, and I believe I gave that to him here.
Love oo
Just a Friend
Warnings: Feelings of inadequacies, allusions to corruption, mentions of Palpatines involvement with the Clone Wars, Clone Rights, confessions, kissing, fluff, I think that's it. If I miss any please let me know.
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The award ceremony ended rather quickly, truthfully, no one was expecting it to last long. After all, how many ways can you say that Palpatine was the scum of the universe and he was dead thanks to the brave work of one ARC trooper. 
Aside from the ceremony, announcing the new Chancellor, Chancellor Organa, giving clones rights, and the end of the war, it was just a giant party. An excuse for everyone to let loose, get drunk, have fun. 
You stood against the wall watching everyone congratulate Fives. A soft smile played on your face as he enjoyed his 15 minutes of fame. Truthfully, he did deserve every accolade he received. If it wasn’t for him, no one would have discovered the truth of the chips in each clone’s head or the fact Chancellor Palpatine … ex-Chancellor Palpatine was behind it.
The noise was too much, the room felt overwhelming with the sea of people. You moved towards the balcony finally finding one that was devoid of a couple reaffirming their admiration for one another. You stood on the balcony, breathing in the soft air of Coruscant. It was something you weren’t going to miss when you left. 
When the war ended you were given notice that your droid engineering skills were no longer needed, not that you really could blame them. After all there wouldn’t be a need for engineers to keep droids going even after an explosion. Truthfully, there were a lot of things you had been thinking about lately, setting up a repair shop on a planet that had a thriving droid population or maybe just travelling to see the galaxy… yet, all of those thoughts also included someone by your side. Although you never told him. Not that you didn’t want to open up about how you felt towards Fives, but … he always just treated you like a friend. Sure he flirted, but it wasn’t as though he meant it, you’ve seen him flirt with plenty of people. 
Why would he want you when he could literally have anyone he wanted, especially after single handedly saving the galaxy. 
“Here you are!”
You turned and smiled as you recognized not only his voice but his steps, “And there you are.” You smirked as you looked at Fives. 
“Come on admit it, I look handsome.” He held his head up high, his hands on his hips as he showed off his medal. 
“Sure. You look very handsome.” You moved closer and pressed a kiss to his cheek, “Also, I’m so proud of you. You did probably the hardest thing anyone has ever had to do. None of us would be here right now, if it wasn’t for you.”
Fives cheeks flushed at your compliment and the kiss to his cheek, he looked into your eyes seeing a future there he had forced himself not to see for the longest time. Knowing it was too difficult, too painful to think of a future that may have never come true. 
“You know, none of it would’ve happened if either you or Kix didn’t believe me. When I ran into you when I was leaving 79s I thought, even if it was the last time I saw you, at least I knew you believed me.” Fives cupped your cheek smiling, “Thank you for believing in me.”
“Always.” You couldn’t help yourself as you leaned into his touch, even though you knew this probably wouldn’t go anywhere, you couldn’t help yourself.
“You’ve always had my back, haven’t you?” He leaned in closer, there was something in his eyes that made your heart clench. The longer you stared into his brown eyes, the more you felt as though the air was ripped from your lungs by the looks in his eyes.
“That’s what friends do.”
“Is it? Am I?”
“Are you what?” You tilted your head as you looked at him, noticing he’d gotten closer. 
“Am I your friend?”
“Of course.”
Your heart was beating against your chest, a thousand butterflies seemed to have unleashed in your stomach as the look in his eyes deepened. 
“Uh … what … what are you talking about?”
“Am I ‘just’ a friend?”
The smile that had been on his lips seemed to have faded as a look of vulnerability settled on his face, his free hand going to rest on your waist as he pulled you in, the hand that had been cupping your cheek, shifted towards the back of your neck as his thumb trailed along your jawline. None of this could be real. This was a dream. A fantasy that you knew you’d wake up from. 
“Cyar’ika, please, answer me. I need to know. Am I ‘just’ a friend to you? Or … am I something more?”
You opened your mouth to speak, your hands resting on his chest, you could feel his heart thumping against you, it felt as though it was beating just as fast as yours. But that couldn’t be. There was no way Fives felt the same as you, was there?
“Why don’t you tell me, am I ‘just’ a friend?”
Fives took in a deep shuddering breath, “Do you know there wasn’t a day during the war that I was scared. When Echo was by my side, I thought, nothing could ever take us down; when I lost him I thought there’d be no way I could recover. But I was wrong, because you entered my life, and it felt as though everything was going to be okay … somewhat.” He smirked, “And it was months later when I realized there was more I was feeling than just camaraderie. When I realized what I felt for you was more than friendship, it was the first time I was truly afraid. There was no scenario in which I could think of a future for us, at least not one where we both would be happy. When I left you at 79s that day, I didn’t know what would happen, and my biggest fear was that I wouldn’t have been able to tell you how I feel.”
He leaned closer, his breath brushing against your face, “You want to know if you’re ‘just’ a friend? The answer is, no. You’ve never been ‘just’ anything to me.”
You didn’t bother waiting as you closed the distance pressing your lips against his, your hands shifting until they wrapped around him, as he drew you closer, deepening the kiss. It was a long time coming, and regardless of what was to happen in the next few weeks or months, what you did know was that neither of you weren’t going to let each other slip through your fingers, ever again. 
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yandere-wishes · 11 months
I wrote hcs for him years ago but i'll paraphrase some points from there:
Fives is a (mostly) harmless yandere who just really wants to please you! When he falls, he falls fast and deep. Once he decides he likes you and you're going to be his cyare (what I like to call a clone's darling), he's latched onto you and he will never leave. No matter how much you try to leave him, he will find you. Where there's a will, there's a way. Romantic.
"Where are you going? I'll come with you!"
Echo's a little jealous now that all of Fives' attention is focused on you but he's happy Fives has found his cyare.
As soft as he is for you, it doesn't mean he won't get violent. But not to you, never you! Compared to his brothers, Fives is calmer and prefers nonviolent means to get rid of anyone he perceives as competition but as soon as anyone makes you upset is having an unfortunate encounter staring down the end of his blaster barrel (away from you ofc).
Oh, and don't think you can come to the Jedi or other clones for help. Most of the Jedi are enabling and the clones work together and help each other out with their cyares. You're stuck with him <3
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Fives is literally the LOVE OF MY LIFE!! I have been obsessed with him since episode 5 and am so happy to learn that he and Echo will be getting more screen time!!
You're 100% right, when Fives falls HE FALLS HARD. Poor baby can't get you out of his mind, constantly thinking about how soft your skin feels when you accidentally brushed past him in the halls. How sweet your laughter is when you giggle at a joke. How delicious your lips would taste when you grace him with kisses. How melodious your voice would sound uttering his name. You're just so dreamy and he's desperate to have you. I think the first thing he'd do when he realizes he can't get you out of his head is go to either Rex or Cody (Or maybe Anakin) to ask for advice. Obviously his older brothers (and general) wouldn't mind giving him some guidance. Tips on how to win her over. Ballpark estimates of what girls like (following the ever-basic "buy her flowers, girls love that stuff"). The most effective way of killing off anyone who gets too close to her without her tracing it back to you. Where the Chloroform is kept (You can't just hit your cyare in the back of the head with a blaster, it's just not right vod) They're all so helpful. Fives definitely takes their advice, although admittedly he'd be happier if you fell in love with him on your own accord. He'd feel kinda bad about kidnapping you.
Now Fives is definitely the clingy type. Trailing after you like a lost puppy, he's actually kinda excited when you leave the Jedi temple cause that means the two of you can go outside together. He's got no sense of personal space, constantly holding your hand or having an arm around your waste.
"Hold on mesh'la! Why are you walking so fast? It almost looks like you're trying to get away from me."
Tup and Echo are a little annoyed with how much of their vod's time you occupy. And how he's always talking about you. Still, they're happy for him and they'll do anything to make sure you stay with Fives. Despite their jealousy, they do try to be good wingmen. Even if that means stalking you through the streets of Coruscant. And forcefully dragging you back into Fives loving arms.
I agree!! He's totally super protective of his cyare!! Making sure that anyone who hurts you (physically or emotionally) is dealt with rapidly. He also likes to eliminate competition before it fully arises. Oh, someone looked at you from across the dance floor. Their corpse will be found the next morning in the trashcan. Did some guy ask for your number? Well, they had to take a quick "trip" to the "outer rim", so you won't be hearing from them for a while. After some time I feel like his darling would just give up and accept that they can't leave him. He's a great lover and he's so cute, I can't help but imagine that reader slowly starts to fall (very hard) for Fives too!!
The Jedi totally encourage this behavior. The poor clone troopers need love too! Anakin is super proud of Fives for picking such a sweet girl and if you ever go to him for help trying to escape your new lover. Then Anakin would harshly chaste you and drag you back to Fives personally. Ashoka would just start listing off reasons why Fives is the best lover for you. And Obi-Wan would hear nothing of it, Fives has gone to so much trouble for you at least try to show some gratitude!
I like to think that clones don't go after each other's lovers and are super respectful to one another. Push comes to shove, some clones just end up sharing a lover. What I wouldn't give to be shared between my favorite clones~💜
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Happy Star Wars Day!
May the 4th be with you!
My favorite Star Wars characters of all time is Ahsoka Tano, Barriss Offee, CT-7567/Captain Rex, CC-2224/Commander Cody, CT-5555/Arc Trooper Fives, General Grievous, Bo-katan Kryze & Darth Maul!
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probablyethan · 2 years
I miss that silly man :') I watched his arc again so I really had to draw this frame
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yourfaveiskenough · 10 months
Fives from Star Wars: The Clone Wars???
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Fives from Star Wars: The Clone Wars is Kenough!
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clone-trooper-cheese · 5 months
Who knows if I'll ever end up finishing it but I'm making an animatic of a certain clone whom we all love to "Touch tone telephone" By: Lemon Demon
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the-toskaverse · 2 years
Petition to give all clones weighted stuffed animals because they deserve them
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curiostars · 17 days
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the more things change the more they stay the same
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deadguydeathmatch · 1 year
Elimination Round 2: Star Wars
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coffeeandbatboys · 4 months
Whenever, Wherever
pairing: Fives x Reader, Torrent x reader (platonic)
This is a little gift for @the-bad-batch-baroness
Warnings: Fluff. Maybe a little suggestive towards the end. Kisses and cuddles y'all.
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The sassy lean against the wall ™️
You raise your comm to your lips. "Are we ready?"
Hardcase's hushed voice answers. "Yep. Target is in place. I wanted to watch but someone won’t let me out of the medbay.” Hardcase sighs.
Kix groans frustratedly in the background.
“‘Case, you got thrown twenty feet and you have a concussion. That’s plenty of reason for me to keep you here.”
“That might backfire on you, Vod.” Jesse snickers.
Kix echoes Jesse mockingly and Hardcase signs off with “good luck” while you peek into the mess hall where the rest of Torrent is.
The 501st are on a mission to Naboo, but temporary barracks have been set up to accommodate the troopers planetside, allowing them to enjoy the rich scenery and culture.
Dogma and Echo sit off to the side, having a conversation about something while Tup and Vaughn play Sabbacc with the very person that you came to see. Fives’ back is turned to the door as you slip quietly inside and make your way to the table, draping yourself over his shoulders.
With a smirk, you coo into his ear. "Hey there, stranger. Mind if I crash here for a bit?"
He turns to face you, cards forgotten on the table.
“Mesh’la? What are you doing here?”
You giggle. “Nice to see you too. Can’t I surprise my boyfriend?”
He smiles and tugs you into his arms, nuzzling his face in your neck and breathing deeply. Sure, it’s probably a dumb idea to go soft in front of his brothers, but they’re no one to judge either.
Besides, it is you; his cyar’ika.
“You came all the way out here to see me?” He asks, placing a lazy kiss to the side of your neck.
“Yeah, I did. Senator Amidala owed me a favor so I figured I’d come see you.” You say, gently tugging his hand so he follows. After bidding farewell to his brothers, the two of you retreat to a terrace away from prying eyes.
As soon as the two of you are out of sight, his lips crash against yours, needy and passionate. You return the kiss, tangling your fingers in his hair. He mumbles how much he loves you against your mouth, arms tugging you closer still. You’re inherently grateful that he isn’t wearing the top half of his armor, enjoying the warmth of his chest.
You couldn’t ask for anything more as you relax in your trooper’s arms and watch the sun set over the water.
You sigh contentedly. “I missed you.”
Fives tucks his chin over your head and squeezes you tightly. “Missed you more. This is nice.”
You hum happily in response, leaning your head on his shoulder.
“The senator got me a suite at a hotel. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind if I had I dunno, say...a bodyguard?” You smirk, relishing in the groan that rumbles through his chest.
“I’m afraid I’d be a little too preoccupied with something else to be your security detail.”
“The closer you are, the safer I am,” You tease.
“Well then,” He says playfully, picking you up easily. “Where exactly is this hotel?”
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Heeeey , congratulations for the 700 followers ! 💚
I would like to request the two prompts :
"Anything worth dying for is certainly worth living for." (Joseph Heller, Catch 22) and "For you , a thousand times over." (Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner) with Fives x reader, if you please 🥰
Thank you, and I'm looking forward to read your next fics 💕
@griffedeloup Thank you so much for your second request love! And another Fives one at that! Ahhh I love Fives.
Okay this one isn't as fluffy as the first one I wrote for you, but I still hope you enjoy it.
Love oo.
Come Back To Me
Warnings: Character death, tears, guilt, betrayal, vomiting, emotions, Umbara arc, grief, lost of trust, fear, kissing, I think that's it. If I miss anything please let me know.
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There was a heavy, unbearable silence that hung in the air as everyone looked at each other. The 212th and the 501st were beyond devastated. It was one thing to lose brothers in combat because they were fighting enemy forces, but to lose brothers because they’d been set up by their own General was even worse, and to be the ones responsible for killing your vode was contemptible and sickening. 
You fought your tears, as you held your hand on Waxer’s wound doing your best to try and stop the bleeding, even though everyone knew there wasn’t any hope. As much as you fought to, you couldn’t help it when your eyes locked with Commander Cody’s confirming what everyone already expected, you slowly shook your head, there was nothing you could do for him. It wasn’t long after that Waxer breathed out his last and closed his eyes for the final time. 
With a huff you threw down the bacta gauze, you needed to get away from there, you needed to breathe, to recoup, you didn’t hesitate as you got up and walked, well practically ran away. You were angry. Annoyed. Grief stricken. Guilt ridden. There were simply too many emotions at once you were trying to deal with and being around everyone wasn’t helping. 
Rex did what any good Captain would do as he rushed after you and grabbed your arm calling your name, trying to do his best to comfort you, “Hey, stop. It’s not your fault. What happened to Waxer, it wasn’t your fault.”
“Let. Go. Of. Me.” You yanked your arm away from him, harshly ripping it from his hold; maybe you shouldn’t have been so short tempered or even so angry, but he had to know they weren’t the only ones that were hurting. Especially, since it was your blaster shot that hit Waxer,  and even as a medic, it was your job to save him. You were supposed to save him, and yet you failed him, all of them there too. 
Your feet carried you as fast as they could to a secluded spot. You couldn’t take one more pair of eyes staring at you. One pair of eyes asking you why this happened. Just because you were a civilian contract, somehow, you were supposed to have the answers? As soon as there was silence and relative peace, you bent over vomiting the contents of your meagre dinner on the ground of Umbara. The tears were free flowing as it all came crashing down on top of you. Your knees gave way as the last barrier you had, broke down; guilt overriding any other emotion at that moment. 
You didn’t hear him come up behind you, not that you ever did; you simply felt his comforting arm wrap around you, pulling you into his chest, as his other hand guided your head to his shoulder, holding you there as his body practically wrapped around you as he kneeled beside you. 
“Cyar’ika” Fives whispered, “It’s not your fault. None of what happened is your fault. It’s not ours either.” He pressed a gentle kiss to your head, holding you close as you sobbed your heart out, he felt like your soul was being torn in two as he tightened his arm around you, “I got you, cyare. I got you.”
You held on to his arm, needing his warmth and touch to ground you; this wasn’t something you’d been trained for; sure you were a combat medic, but you were trained to handle droids, hostile aggressors not … to be fraked by your own General. Not to be responsible for the deaths of fellow clone soldiers, friends, brother-in-arms, men you’d shared drinks with; this wasn’t supposed to happen.
About an hour later Rex and Cody had come up with a plan to arrest General Krell, once they laid out the details to their, in your opinion, kamikaze idea, you couldn’t keep silent as you shook your head at their strategy.
“I’m sorry, you guys are just going to walk up and arrest him! Because a man who’s psychotic and sets his own men to attack each other will just say, ‘Oh okay, I’m under arrest.’?!”
“Cyar’ika …” Fives reached over and squeezed your shoulder trying to calm you down, “it needs to be done.” He glanced over to Rex and Cody, silently asking them to give you both a minute. Once you and he were alone, Fives gently cupped your cheek, “What’s wrong?”
Tears began sliding down your cheek as you shook your head, “I can’t … I can’t lose you. Any of you. We already lost so many, Waxer, Hardcase, Ringo, Oz, Echo, Trap, Redeye, Mixer, Denal, … maybe not all here on Umbara, but … I can’t lose you, too.”
Fives pressed his forehead against yours, “Cyare, you’re not going to lose me.”
“How can you know?” Your voice choked as you asked, fighting back the warm lump that was rising in your throat along with your fears and your worries.
“Because anything worth dying for is certainly worth living for; I’d lay down my life for you and for my brothers, but I want to live, love. My dear, you are worth living for, and I want to live for you. For us. I will come back to you. I will kill anything and everything that ever tries to stop me from getting to you.”
You let out a breath, you hadn’t realized you were holding as you pressed your forehead to his chin, “You have to promise. Promise me, you will come back to me.”
“For you, a thousand times over. I promise, I will always come back to you.” Fives tilted your head to look into your eyes, those eyes he loved so much. The ones that captured his soul the moment he met you, “Never will I ever stop fighting to come back to you. I love you.” 
You didn’t hesitate, closing the distance between you both as you pressed your lips to his, wanting to remember how he felt against your lips, the taste of his lips, and the warmth of his mouth. He pulled away, kissing your cheek and neck quickly as he pulled you in for a hug. 
“We’ll be back soon. Look after the wounded. I’ll come back for you.”
“You better, or I’ll bring you back from the dead and kick your ass.”
Fives chuckled as he held you tight, “I’ll hold you to that.” You felt him pull away, you looked at him one last time before he put on his helmet, joining Rex and the others as they went to confront General Krell. You closed your eyes and pushed the worry and fear aside as you focused on the wounded that needed your help. 
All you could do is wait to hear whether they’d been successful or if you’d have to find a way to kill him yourself. 
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allskywalkerswhine · 1 year
in fics where luke gets plopped into the prequels i want every jedi within ten metres of him to think hes the weirdest jedi theyve ever seen. he has negative lightsaber form. he doesnt know what a kata is. he handstands when he meditates. his solution to sith is to try and have a chat. hes a political radical who keeps suggesting revolution. you ask him what the jedi code is and he says "kindness and compassion and helping those in need :) ". you ask how he used the force like that and he says some shit about how you are a luminous being limited only by your mind. the councils authority is just a suggestion. he is somehow the new favourite of both qui gon and yoda
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adh-d2 · 5 months
One of my favorite pieces of canon continuity is that clones cannot lie for shit
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