#fives junior
jedipoodoo · 2 years
Hello! First I want to say I love your fics with the bad batch and their kids.They always cheer me up if I'm feeling sad.🥰 Though I was also wondering if you were still planning to do a third part to the fives and echo kids series. If not I totally understand!
Part One & Part Two
Echo perked up when he hear the sound of his son's voice. Hard at work helping Tech load the Marauder, he pretended not to hear until his Iv'ika was right behind him, launching himself into the air with chubby legs, and Echo spun around to cradle his Iv'ika close to his chest.
"Spin, Boo, spin!" Ives demanded. Echo couldn't say no, spinning him around and around until he was certain Ives was ready to throw up.
Father and son laughed as Echo took a few wobbly steps to regain his balance.
"Now where's your Mama?" he asked, almost wistfully. Ives shook his head with a giggle.
"Is... Is that him?"
Echo looked up. The man's voice was familiar and alien all at the same time, but the face was etched into his every dream, nightmare and otherwise.
The face of a brother.
He stood with Echo's wife, and another woman who cradled a baby in her own sling. A tuft of jet-black hair was just barely visible over the cloth.
The familiar face was tanned and leathery from work in the sun without a helmet, kind of like Cut's. His dark hair tickled his ears and blended in with his beard and mustache that would completely disguise the fact that he was a clone to the untrained eye.
He looked as if he had seen a ghost, which was a reaction to his appearance Echo had become quite accustomed to.
"Cyare," Echo gently set Ives on the ground, and he faintly became aware of the Batch slowly gathering to greet the newcomers. His Cyare came and gently took him by the arm, leading him to this brother.
Before she could say anything else, the strange brother threw his arms around Echo and sobbed. He was squeezed so tightly Echo couldn't help but hug back.
"You're alive, I can't believe you're alive!" He gasped.
"S-somehow," Echo stammered out with a nervous laugh. He had no idea who this was- maybe Boil or Waxer? -until the brother pulled his hair back, revealing the number five tattooed to the side of his head.
It felt like a punch to the gut. Echo couldn't speak, and he stopped breathing.
"Echo," His brother said.
"Fives!" Echo threw his arms around Fives, holding him tightly. He buried his face in his brother's chest and gripped the back of his shirt tightly. Was this a dream? It was too good to be true. If he opened his eyes, would Fives disappear from his arms?
But Fives didn't disappear. He placed a hand on the back of Echo's neck, resting his forehead against the top of Echo's head.
"You look like sith warmed over," He said once his throat had cleared.
Echo laughed, keeping his face buried in Fives' shoulder. He smelled like sun-warmed hay and star fruit. He felt alive.
"And you look like a nerf-herder."
Fives shook his hair against Echo's face, and Echo heard his Cyare laughing. And then the baby started fussing.
"Oh," Fives stood up, clutching Echo's shoulders, "I want you to meet my wife."
Wife. Fives already knew Echo's Cyare, and his son from the way Ives was clinging to his leg. Echo felt a split-second surge of jealousy that was promptly squashed by the sheer joy that his brother was alive.
"And this," Fives took the squirming, chubby infant from his wife, holding him out to Echo, "This is Hevy. Our baby boy."
Echo paused. Fives was alive. He had a son, a son named after Hevy. He had a wife. Fives was alive.
Echo's Cyare gently arranged his arms so that he could hold baby Hevy, his head resting in the elbow of Echo's scomp arm. This could have been what his Fiv'ika looked like as a baby.
Hevy's big brown eyes binked up at Echo.
"Hey, ad'ika," Echo whispered. He brushed a few curls away from his face, but Hevy grabbed his finger and held it tight.
"Wanna see! Wanna see Boo!" Ives jumped up and down, trying to grab the baby's blanky. Fives scooped his namesake up into his arms, holding him up to see baby Hevy.
"See, Iv'ika," Echo said, "This is your cousin."
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aro-aceattorney · 5 months
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i have not stopped thinking about this moment for a week
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bthemistake · 4 months
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- "I don't recognize you" -
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[Image description:
The characters from the adventuring party Rat Grinders from the web show Dimension 20 Fantasy High: Junior Year, excluding Buddy Dawn.
Lucy Frostblade stands, sullen and blue, staring outwards to the viewer while the ghosts of her old party stand behind her, eyeless and red. Lucy has her hair in braids tied back into a messy updo and a knitted sweater-dress that reaches halfway down her thighs, paired with knee-high socks and heavy boots. She has vitiligo and elfish ears, turned down rather than pointed upwards.
Kipperlilly Copperkettle, Ruben Hopclap, Mary Ann Skuttle, Ivy Embra, and Oisin Hakinvar hang behind her. Kipperlilly has a dagger in hand and is poised to stike, expression concerned. Ruben has his guitar, pick in hand and pulling down on the strings. Mary Ann looks unbothered and off to the side. Ivy has her body turned in the opposite direction and looks over her shoulder with a smirk, bow ready in hand, and Oisin smiles.
In a turn of the tables, they're all dead and Lucy is the lone survivor of the Rat Grinders party. She struggles to recognize her friends, so warped by their anger and rage, and can't even ask them why because they're gone. There's no High Five Heroes, no Rat Grinders, there is only Lucy and she must find her answers by herself.
The first image is in colour, the second is just the line art, and the third is the on-paper sketch that was traced to digital.
End of image description.]
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bugsludge · 5 months
Maybe the rage deal in the last episode wasn’t JUST “You live but have extreme amounts of rage.” What if they were offered their wildest dreams and the rage was a clause in like microfont bc to them the gifts of achieving their goals and living seems like a great deal especially for children. The rage pushes them to achieve a goal, the rat grinders are KIDS they arnt gonna have crazy outrageous dreams and ambition at 17 years old, I knew nothing when I was that age.
You have a crush on a girl for a couple years and want to catch her attention? Bam. Get more confidence, become buff, get noticed first the first time ever. Oisin was completely unrecognizable before but now after all this?
You hate another rogue so much you want to be better than him? Bam! Kipperlily finds the rogue teacher first AND signs up for the election assuming riz would be the one to do it bc why would Kristen Applebees want to be president? Which could be an event bigger fuel to KLCK’s fire.
You want to be a famous musician and you’re jealous of a bard in school who never goes to class but has what you don’t? Bam! Ruben copies her look and produce music when she’s on hiatus as well as getting signed by her label
Mary Anne’s is small and girly she was probably bullied and wanted to make it stop, so shes now indifferent, and strong enough to stand up for herself, she sees Gorgug on the first day of school get decked in the face jsut to grow into this strong guy and sees him as inspiration
Lucy was content with life, she loved her friends, loved her god and knew the rage wasn’t what she wanted to have to live with. The resurrection is supposed to help them feel fulfilled but she’d just be more unsatisfied with life if she took the offer. Lucy was happy with what she had, and had no further aspirations, she loved her god and 'stuck to her guns'
Buddy dawn a follower of helio, watches the chosen one of his church abandon everything, he’s sad and confused as to why she did what she did. He dies and is offered the chance to become the chosen one for an unnamed god, he’s scared, helio is missing, and if Kristin took an offer from a new god and was okay why wouldn’t he be?
The rat grinders were scared kids who needed a miracle, and one was offered CHILDREN WILL SCREAM FOR HELP UNTIL THEY ARE ARE OFFERED SANCTION, IT DOESN’T MATTER WHO THE SAVIOR IS
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mardyart · 2 years
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teacher steve harrington
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jace and porter showing up to the cafeteria in the immediate aftermath of the corn gremlin cutie fight was likely them seeing if this was finally their chance.
with arthur dead, changes can finally be made at the school that give them a higher potential for power.
six freshman were either killed or nearly killed on their first goddamn day? that has to make them mad, right? find out who they are, under the guise of being concerned faculty, and see if that’s an opportunity for you to grab onto people who will soon share your vision.
and of course, some ward had fallen to allow this summoning to happen. they could have been trying to see if this would give them the opening to do what needed to be done.
the bad kids didn’t get mad.
kalvaxus was still running the show.
so they had nothing to do but to sit and wait.
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pseudosaprophyte · 5 months
every episode the bad kids find new and inventive ways to eat up every bitch they interact with. majored in gagging and minored in cunt at the university of servington. dare i say.
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ironinkpen · 4 months
hands down one of the best pieces of subtle world building this season is the name High Five Heroes and the way it doesn't mean anything. the Bad Kids and the Maidens' names actually say something about their respective groups and what they've done/been through. meanwhile High Five Heroes is clearly a name that was handpicked by Kipperlilly long before she stepped foot in aguefort on the first day or actually met any of her party members. it's a pre-approved inside joke specifically designed in a lab to be as bland and palatable and inoffensive as possible—a middle manager's attempt at manufacturing camaraderie. the most generic, perfectly marketable name she could come up with for her Perfect, Optimal Adventuring Party.
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robinante · 5 months
Brennan Lee Mulligan: just made a dark, fucked up, gender swap au of The Bad Kids haha. Just a glimpse into my dark reality
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ghostcashewart · 5 months
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drawing mary ann while we watch the new episode
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to-be-a-dreamer · 4 months
I have legitimately never laughed harder in my entire fucking life than the Fantasy High: Junior Year Beardsley Finale Nat 20, aka British Kristen farting a dispel magic at the season Big Bad so hard that the dead Goddess of Mystery granted her true life, not true life in the world of Fantasy High, true life in the actual, real world that we the viewers live in. I've never been high or drunk before but I know in my soul that whatever mental state I've ascended to right now is 1,000 times better than any substance could ever make me feel I had to pause that twenty-minute bit four times because I was laughing so hard I physically could not breathe Ally Beardsley they could never make me hate you
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chaoticentitled · 7 months
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the fact that she thought the drinking age would be different for pirates and the fact that he had to put things in perspective by bringing up the multiple counts of manslaughter and the fact that she is the very same pc who killed a lunch lady with a ladle on her first day of school and the fact that no one at that table mentions that they've all drank and/or done cocaine before and the fact that
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d3ad-squid · 5 months
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Before the storm❄️🦋🩵
I love me some doomed by the narrative yuri🫡 frostkettle nation rise up✊✊
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I am really dreading the day we will learn the backstories of the Rat Grinders/Hi Five Heroes because it is guaranteed to be heartbreaking and I do NOT want to empathize with those cunts
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anxiousimpala · 4 months
So I’m trying to figure what the actual narrative parallels the RatGrinders and the BadKids have because the classes being the same are obvious but what else?
So the easiest is kind of Fig and Ruben, they were both sweet sorta preppy kids before rage turned them in the direction of more gritty music, rock and emo. Fig was mad that her dad left and her mom refusing to tell her who her bio dad was and Ruben just got rage crystalled.
Adaine and Oisin are odd because you’d think they’d be sorcerers. A subclass for sorcerer is literally dragon blood so why Oisin isn’t inherently magical is weird. But the biggest thing they have in common is that they were both scrawny weak-ish kids before getting buff in Junior year. (Adaine‘s furious fist and Oisin getting muscles)
I like to think that Gorgug and Mary-Ann parallel each other because they both do something that isn’t typical not them being barbarians per se. Mary-Ann, a kobold, being a barbarian and Gorgug, a half-orc, multiclassing an artifer. Which is great
Kristen and Buddy Dawn are much more obvious because it is said in the show that Buddy reminded Kristen of herself and that they both brought gods into the world in the gimnasium. Also Riz and Kipperlily are compared multiple times in the show so not really sure what to add.
But Fabian and Ivy are really hard. We’ve got no clue what Ivy’s homelife is like besides people theorising that she’s from leviathan. And that makes their dynamic the most interesting because she and Fabian have nothing in common except that they’re popular(not sure if Ivy is). If anything Ivy is more of what Fig would be like if her dad wasn’t Gorthalax. This catty, fashionable, ranger wood elf could easily have been Fig. So it’s kinda unfortunate we didn’t get a lot of characterisation for Ivy.
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burningchandelier · 5 months
Kipperlilly Copperpettle is perhaps the most horrifying antagonist The Bad Kids have faced because we have all known a teenage girl with that kind of rage. Some of us were that girl.
She lives in a world with magic, where violence and revenge is encouraged. Everything is taken to extremes for the story. In the real world, though, everyone knows or knew a Kipperlilly.
A lot of those girls grow up, apologize, get help, and move on, but some never do. Sometimes they keep destroying things and nothing comes of it. The difference is that, in Dimension 20, unrepentant villains face consequences.
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